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Bahaya akibat tidur dekat handphone

Kini banyak orang yang sudah sangat ketergantungan dengan handphone, sampai-
sampai handphone pun dibawa tidur. Ditaruh di samping kepala, atau malah di
bawah bantal. Namun bahwa tidur dekat handphone itu berbahaya :

Mengurangi kemampuan konsentrasi

Menurut penelitian, handphone jenis apapun mengeluarkan radiasi

elektromagnetik yang mampu mempengaruhi kualitas tidur, yang menyebabkan
aliran darah yang diarahkan ke otot-otot tidak maksimal. Oleh karena itu, di pagi
hari mungkin mengalami kurang konsentrasi, nyeri, dan tidak fokus.

Gangguan sel otak

Menurut World Health Organization (WHO), radiasi handphone bisa memengaruhi

susunan saraf manusia hingga dapat menyebabkan kanker atau tumor.

Seorang ilmuwan kesehatan lingkungan, Dr. Devra Davis, mengatakan bahwa

paparan radiasi dari handphone dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada sel-sel otak.
Sel-sel otak yang rusak membuat risiko terjangkitnya berbagai jenis penyakit
meningkat, karena otak adalah pusat pengendalian tubuh.

Disarankan agar kita semua lebih bijak dalam menggunakan ponsel. Semakin dini
anak mengenal ponsel, semakin besar ketergantungannya pada ponsel saat dewasa
It is recommended that we all be wiser in using handphone. The earlier children get to know
handphone, the greater their dependence on handphone as adult.

More than that we are all wiser in using cellphones. The earlier children get to know cell phones, the
greater their dependence on cell phones as adults
Name : Soffia Maghfiroh

NIM : P07120118114

Danger from sleeping near a handphone

Now many people are already very dependent on handphone, until the handphone brought in to
sleep. Put on the side of the head, or under the pillow. but that sleeping near a handphone is

Reducing the ability of concentration

According to research, any handphone emit electromagnetic radiation which can affect sleep
quality, which causes blood flow directed to the muscles is not optimal. Therefore, in the
morning it may be difficult, concentrated, and unfocused.

Brain cell disorders

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), handphone radiation can affect the human
nervous system to cause cancer or tumors.
An environmental health scientist, Dr. Devra Davis, said that radiation exposure from handphone
can cause damage to brain cells. Damaged brain cells increase the risk of contracting various
diseases, because the brain is the body's control center.
It is recommended that we all be wiser in using handphone. The earlier children get to know
handphone, the greater their dependence on handphone as adult.

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