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This chapter concludes this research study. A summary of the research is

presented, and findings of the study are discussed and interpreted. The

significance of 5s in preventing waste is examined. Recommendations for further

research end this chapter.


The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of 5s methodology in

removing waste in manufacturing companies. It was to answer the problems that

most manufacturing companies have in removing waste. It had identified and

presented the common wastes companies have, the catastrophic effects of these

wastes on the performance not only of the employees, but also of the company, if

not dealt with, and the effectiveness of 5s methodology if, implemented.

The research study relied on manufacturing companies for data gathering.

It contacted Franklin Baker, a company based in San Pablo City, and another

located in Sta. Rosa, TDK. For Franklin Baker, a sample of 50 respondents were

surveyed. For TDK a sample of 150 respondents were surveyed, gaining a total

of 200 respondents for the research study. To get these samples, the research
study used Slovin’s Formula. These companies were chosen, as they have strict

conformity to quality standards, and their competitiveness in their own industry.

Each respondent, coming from each company, answered a series of

questions regarding the effectiveness of 5s methodology in their company. It

uncovered the wastes these companies have, the effects that these waste give-

off, for how long they have been using 5s, the strategies they use to maintain its

practice, the challenges of keeping 5s in practice and the effect 5s gives, when


With many companies seeking to improve their process, a myriad of

different techniques and methodologies are available for use. The most common

way of reducing waste and improving process is lean manufacturing. Though

lean manufacturing offers a broad tool kit to implement and use, one serves as

the foundation and is fundamental in achieving this goal, and that is 5s.

5s is the most basic lean tool, sometimes taken for granted, as it is often

viewed as a housekeeping technique, one must not take for granted the impact it

has on the improvement and streamlining of processes in a manufacturing


The data gathered in this study supports the idea that 5s is an effective

tool in mitigating, and controlling waste in manufacturing companies. It supported

the idea of previous studies, the many benefits of implementing 5s. Furthermore,

it sheds light on the various ways companies maintain their practice of 5s, the

challenges they face when 5s is being implemented, and the effect it has on their


1. What wastes can be found in a manufacturing company?

Based in the results of the research study, it is found out that

defects, is the leading waste companies struggle to remove, comprising of

89%, followed by transportation taking up 82%, 81% came from inventory

and finally 80% were from over-production. This means that companies
top contributors of waste is found, therefore, they can focus their efforts to

improve on this matter.

2. What are the effects of wastes in a company?

According to the data gathered, the general consensus that was

surveyed agreed that wastes decrease the productivity of employees, it

also causes high turnover rate of defects, which in turn incurs high costs

to the company. This concludes that wastes are detrimental for the growth

and competitiveness of the company.

3. How can 5s be an effective tool in eliminating waste?

From the results that are gathered, the respondents agreed that the

implementation of 5s created significant changes in the workplace. It

prevents the top wastes that are addressed in this study, defects,

transportation, inventory and over-production. 5s created a clean working

environment, which contributes to the increase in productivity of

employees, it enhanced the space of the workplace, enabling the

company to maximize its available space. Furthermore, it reduces the total

number of defects significantly. This means that 5s is an effective tool for

preventing waste.

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