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1 Personal pronouns 4
2 Present simple: to be 6
3 Possessive determiners 14
4 Question words 1 18
5 Present simple: to have got 22
6 Articles: a/an, the; omission of the article 30
7 Plurals (regular and irregular) 35
8 Demonstrative pronouns 40
9 Present simple: there + to be 44
10 Prepositions of place 47
11 Adjectives; How + adjective 51
12 Adjective + preposition 56
13 Possessive case 58
14 Whose 62
15 Possessive pronouns 64
16 Present continuous 66
17 Present simple: like 74
18 Verb + -ing 78
19 Some, any 80
20 Present simple 82
21 Adverbs of frequency 89
22 Prepositions of time 92
23 Present simple / Present continuous 96
24 Question words 2 98
25 Object personal pronouns 100
26 Modal verbs 102
27 Comparatives and superlatives 108
28 Past simple: to be 112
29 Past simple: there + to be 116
30 Past simple – Regular verbs 118
31 Past simple – Irregular verbs 122
32 Reflexive pronouns 126
33 Adverbs of manner 128
34 Future: be going to 130
35 Imperative 134
36 Connectors 137
Answers 140
Irregular Verbs 152

ISBN 978 - 9 8 9 -76 7- 425 - 9


EV Smart Book

BTween Grammar destina-se aos alunos que estão a frequentar o
2.º  Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Foi idealizada para suporte à prática
letiva, ao estudo individual do aluno e à preparação de testes.

Tendo como base os documentos curriculares de referência para

este ciclo de ensino, designadamente o Programa de Inglês, as
Metas Curriculares e as Aprendizagens Essenciais da disciplina, a
gramática está dividida em unidades, identificadas pelo nome do
conteúdo gramatical em estudo.

Cada unidade apresenta a seguinte estrutura:

Nesta fase, recorre-se ao exemplo e, por vezes, à imagem para
maior clareza. Inclui-se, também, uma explicação em português
para facilitar a compreensão.

Prática e Produção
Os diferentes exercícios apresentam um grau de dificuldade
crescente: parte-se dos exercícios mais simples para os mais
difíceis (A1, A2).
Depois de ter exercitado gradualmente o conteúdo gramatical,
pretende-se que o aluno seja capaz de usar os conhecimentos
adquiridos. Nesse sentido, propõe-se a descrição de imagens,
escrita de frases ou parágrafos, completamento de diálogos ou
outro tipo de exercícios.

O aluno pode rever e aprofundar o que aprendeu através da
resolução de exercícios variados.

(ter, possuir)
Present Simple LOOK I have got a brother.

Affirmative (Afirmativa)
☞ = I’ve got a brother.
(Eu tenho um irmão.)
• Atividade
Full form Short form
Verb to have (Forma longa) (Forma contraída)
I have got (Eu tenho) I’ve got
You have got You’ve got
He has got He’s got
She has got She’s got
It has got It’s got
We have got We’ve got
You have got You’ve got
They have got roller skates
They have got They’ve got
= They’ve got roller skates.
(Eles/Elas têm patins.)


A Write the short form. Escreve a forma contraída.

1. He has got He’s got 5. They have got
2. I have got 6. We have got
3. It has got 7. You have got
4. She has got

B Write have got or has got. Escreve have got ou has got.

1 4

1. I a brother.
2. Carla a twin sister.
3. Malcolm and Jane a son.
4. Mr Roberts two grandchildren.
5. We a ball. 6
6. The cat a long tail.


C Fill in the gaps with have got or has got. Preenche os espaços com have got ou has got.
1. I have got two good friends in my class.
2. Jane wavy, brown hair.
3. John short, brown hair.
4. They very modern clothes.
5. We new schoolbags.
6. My schoolbag two pockets.
7. Their schoolbags blue stickers.
8. My friends and I a locker to keep our things in.
9. Our school twenty classrooms.
10. My classroom new computers.

D Put the words in order to make correct sentences.

Põe as palavras por ordem para fazer frases corretas.

1. I / got / sister / a / ’ve / . I’ve got a sister.

2. brother / we / have / a / got / .
3. your / got / sister / has / hair / red / .
4. parents / our / got / flat / have / a / modern / .
5. got / it / has / rooms / six / .
6. living room / got / our / has / balcony / a / .
7. bedroom / my / got / has / a / TV / .
8. got / we / ’ve / goldfish / a / home / at / .
9. dog / a / they / got / have / .
10. dog / their / big / has / ears / got / .

E Read and tick (✓) the correct person. 1 2 3 4 5

Lê e assinala (✓) a pessoa correta.

Who is who?
He has got an oval face. His
hair is short, straight and fair.
He’s got a small nose and a
beautiful smile. He’s a nice
boy and a good friend.


C Look and complete the sentences. Observa e completa as frases.

1. There are some people in the café.

2. There’s an ambulance the vet.
3. The pharmacy is the vet.
4. The zoo is the vet.
5. There are some animals the zoo.
6. The lion is the tiger.
7. The petrol station is of the park.
8. There are two men the petrol station.
9. The park is the petrol station and the farm.
10. There are some children the park.
11. There’s a child sitting a tree.
12. The farm is of the petrol station.
13. There’s a man the truck.
14. There’s something the truck. The man’s going to take it .

D Fill in the gaps with the right preposition.

Preenche os espaços com a preposição correta.

1. They are sitting a bench

an umbrella.
2. The sun is the cloud.
3. The chips are the bag.
4. My house is of the street.


(Adjetivos) LOOK


She’s a nice girl. – singular (Ela é uma rapariga simpática.)
• Atividade
They’re nice girls. – plural (Elas são raparigas simpáticas.) form and

➜ As palavras assinaladas a vermelho são ‘adjetivos’.

Em inglês, os adjetivos são invariáveis em número, isto é,
têm a mesma forma para o singular e plural.

The boy is blonde and young. (O rapaz é louro e novo.)

The girl is blonde and young. (A rapariga é loura e nova.)

➜ Em inglês, os adjetivos são invariáveis em género, isto é,

têm a mesma forma para o feminino e masculino.

Position of adjectives (Posição dos adjetivos)

Adjective + noun

short long wavy, brown curly, red straight,

hair hair hair hair blonde hair

The boy has got short hair. (O rapaz tem cabelo curto.)

➜ Em inglês, os adjetivos colocam-se antes do nome.


Be (am/is/are, etc.) + adjective

Bob is short. (O Bob é baixo.)
His father is tall. (O pai dele é alto.)
His mother is medium-height. (A mãe dele é de altura média.)

➜ Com o verbo ‘to be’ (ser/estar) os adjetivos colocam-se depois do nome.


A Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verb to like. Follow the examples.
Completa as frases com as formas corretas do verbo to like. Segue os exemplos.

1. My cat likes milk very much.

2. I don’t like (not) butter.
3. My dog and my cat meat.
4. My brother spaghetti.
5. My little sister (not) rice.
6. We bread for breakfast.
7. My parents (not) eggs very much.

B Look at the pictures and choose the right form. Olha para as imagens e escolhe a forma correta.

• like • likes • doesn’t like • don’t like

cereals cheese pizza ice cream

Emily ✓ ✗ ✓ ✗
Gary and Julie ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓
Daniel ✗ ✓ ✗ ✓

1. Emily likes cereals and pizza, but she doesn’t like cheese and ice cream.
2. Gary and Julie cereals and ice cream, but they cheese and pizza.
3. Daniel cheese and ice cream, but he cereals and pizza.
4. I


C Look at the pictures again. Ask and answer as in the examples.

Olha para as imagens outra vez. Pergunta e responde como nos exemplos.

1. Emily / cereals ‘Does Emily like cereals?’ ‘Yes, she does.’

2. she / cheese ‘Does she like cheese?’ ‘No, she doesn’t.’
3. Gary and Julie / ice cream
4. they / pizza
5. Daniel / cereals
6. he / cheese
7. you / ice cream
8. you / cheese

D Write about Garfield’s likes and dislikes.

Escreve sobre os gostos e aversões do Garfield.

Garfield likes I’m not overweight... Garfield dislikes

I’m undertall. I hate Mondays.
• Lasagna • Odie the dog
• Sweet foods • Diets
• Salty foods • Exercise
• Fried foods • Mondays
• Sleeping • Work
• Climbing up trees • Climbing down trees
• Pooky the teddy bear • Baby talk

1. Garfield likes lasagna,

2. Garfield doesn’t

E Write four sentences about your likes and dislikes.

Escreve quatro frases sobre os teus gostos e aversões.


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