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Name _______________________________________________ United States History

US History EOC Review Period ____________

Civil War and Reconstruction

North South

Sectional Issues leading

to the Civil War.

North South

List the Northern and

Southern Advantages
during the Civil War.

What was the Anaconda


 ______________________ – President of the Union


 ___________________________________ – support
Key people / groups rights of freedmen
during Reconstruction  ___________________ Stevens, Wade Davis
 __________________________________ – helped
Freedmen, built schools
 _________________________________ – Union
general, corruption scandal during Presidency

Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan

Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

 _________________________________ – first
African American elected to Congress

 __________________________- Vice President who

Who challenged the succeeds Lincoln, Democrat from the South, against the
Radical Republicans Radical Republicans
during Reconstruction?
 __________________________- terrorist group

 _________________________________ –
Northerners who came to the south for political and
Who were carpetbaggers economic advantages.
and scalawags?  _________________________________ –
Southerners who sided with Northern Republicans and
supported Reconstruction.

How did It ended with the Compromise of 1877- where all ___________
_______________ __________________ were pulled from the _____________ and
end? __________________ becomes president.
13th 14th 15th

What were the 13th, 14th,

and 15th Amendments?

What were Black Codes? Laws that limited the ___________________________________

Jim Crow?
Legalized ____________________________
A system in which a _________________ tended a portion of a
planter’s land in return for a __________________________
What was
sharecropping? Kept many southern whites and blacks in _________________
What was the
Homestead Act?

Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan

Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

Reservation systems?

A law passed in 1887 that ____________________________

What was the Dawes It attempted to take away ____________________________
Act? ______________________and _______________________
Them into white society.
What was the Plessy v It legalized ____________________________________in America
Ferguson case about? until ____________________________________ in 1954.

What was the Civil

Rights Act of 1866?

Practice Question: 1. Which event was the catalyst for the secession of the first seven
Southern states?
A. Passage of a higher protective tariff
B. Issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation
C. The election of Abraham Lincoln
D. the shipment of Union supplies to Ft. Sumter

Practice Question: 2. The Anaconda Plan- “So as to envelope the insurgent States and
bring them to terms, with less bloodshed then by any other plan”.
What was the main objective of the plan described in General Scott’s
A. To attack and bring under control a few key
Southern cities
B. To disrupt Southern supply lines by controlling
and railroad junctions in the South
C. to sign treaties with Britain and France to prevent
them from assisting the South.
D. To suffocate the South by controlling the Mississippi
River and the southern ports
Practice Question: 3. What phrase completes the diagram on the left?
A. Discriminated against African Americans
B. Required racial segregation in all public places
C. Provided American’s of all races equal rights under the law
D. Denied African Americans freedom of movement and basic civil
Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

Practice Question: 4. The excerpt below is from the Supreme Court’s decision in Plessy v.
Ferguson (1896).
Laws permitting, or even requiring, the separation of the races do
not place a badge of inferiority upon one group over another. Thus
it is not a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.
What practice this ruling uphold?
A. Job training for freedom
B. Free public schooling for all races
C. Racial segregation in public places
D. African-American participation in politics

Industrial Revolution
Known as the __________________________________, this
What were the goals of political party formed in 1891 to _______________________
the Populist Party? _______________________________________________
(coinage of “_________________________”), and government
ownership of ____________________________.

What were some 19th

century inventions?

What were the impacts

of industrialization?

Vertical Horizontal

What were vertical and

Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

horizontal integration?

 ___________________________________________-
Provide examples of Break up monopolies, failed, used against labor unions
government regulation.
 ___________________________________________-
Regulated interstate railroads

Describe child labor


 ___________________________- is an organization
Who were political controlled by a boss that gets citizens to vote for its
bosses? candidate on election day
 People worked for the machine in exchange for
What were political ____________________________________________
machines?  Ex. _____________________________ ran
_________________________, NYC

What is Social
What is the government
policy of _________-
business regulation?
A person who favors ____________________________
Americans over __________________________
Who were nativists?
Portrayed ________________, ________________, and
___________________ of new immigrants.
What was the Chinese- A 1882 law that
Exclusion Act?

What was the A law limiting

Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

Gentlemen’s Agreement
with Japan?
Old New
__________________ and __________________ and
Compare old and new __________________ __________________
immigrants Europe Europe
Came in ________________ Came in ________________
Both came for ______________________ ______________________
___________________ Mostly ________________ Varying religions including

Worked as Worked as

Immigrants continued Spoke _________________ Few spoke ______________

Easily _________________ Not easily ______________
Who came up with the
term “Gilded Age”?

What does Gilded Age


Who were muckrakers? _____________________________________ of the Gilded Age

*_____________________ – A.A. Writer, anti-lynching
Provide examples. *_____________________ – The Jungle, meat packing
*_____________________ – How The Other Half Lives
*_____________________ – Hull House and Settlement House
 Chief of ________________________________,
Who was Gifford resulted in conservation of forests
Pinchot?  Pres. Taft fired him, launched attacks, resulted in rift
between T. Roosevelt and Taft, split of
Booker T Washington WEB DuBois
______________________ ______________________
change change
Blacks should Blacks should be
Compare Booker T
Washington and WEB
Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

______________________ Founded the
gains rather than _________ _______________
Who built the Florida
East Coast Railroad?
Practice Question: 1. Which group favored the passage of the Chinese Exclusion
Act of 1882?
A. Imperialist in Congress
B. Nativists on the West Coast
C. Progressives from the Midwest
D. Anarchists who immigrated from Europe

Practice Question: 2. The cartoon at the right by Thomas Nast was published in 1871.
Which problem is addressed in the cartoon?
A. New citizens were often unable to exercise voting rights
B. City governments were providing inadequate services to
C. Political machines were profiting from kickbacks on public
D. The deadlock between political parties was costing tax payers
Practice Question: 3. How did the “New Immigrants” differ from the “Old
A. Most of the were protestant
B. Most of the spoke very little English
C. They came seeking new economic opportunities
D. They were generally accepted by native born Americans
Practice Question: 4. The excerpt below is from William Jennings Bryan’s speech
at the Democratic Convention in 1896.
Having behind us the producing masses of this
nation and the world, supported by the
commercial interests, the laboring interests, and
the toilers everywhere, we will answer their
demand for a gold standard by saying to them:
“You shall not press down upon the brow of
labor this crown of thorns; you shall not crucify
mankind upon a cross of gold.”
Based on this speech, what did Bryan demand in his subsequent
campaign for Presidency?
Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

A. The acquisition of colonies to increase employment
B. The creation of a national park system to protect the nations
C. A policy of bimetallism that would help farmers by raising
crop prices
D. Higher tariffs to protect American manufacturers from
foreign competition

World Affairs through World War I

A foreign policy that discouraged
What was the Monroe
A belief that
What was Manifest
America can
What was the Roosevelt

An extension of the ___________________________

Established ______________________________________ in
What was the Open Door ______________ for all nations.
Helped increase ___________________________________
in China
Where were American
imperialistic efforts
focused in the Pacific?

What was yellow


Name examples of yellow

What event led to the The sinking of the _________________________________
Spanish-American War? _____________________ beliefs that _________________
nations should control _____________________ ones
What were the results of America gained:
Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

the Spanish-American War?

What was Roosevelt’s “Big “Speak softly and carry a ______________________.” US

Stick” Policy? sends troops to the ___________________________, known
as “America’s lake”. Resented by _____________________

 US supports Panamanian independence from

______________________; granted _________mile
What hardships did strip of land to build the canal
Americans face when  Mosquitos carried ________________ and __________
building the Panama Canal? ________________
 More than _________ years to complete,
__________________ of lives lost,
and _______________ million

_____________________ agrees not to ________________

_________________________________________ without
What was the Sussex prior warning(1916)
Pledge? British continued to use _________________, groups of
merchant ships traveling together, protected by 1 or more

What were the long term M-

causes of WWI? A

Immediate cause? The assassination of ________________________________

Why did the US enter


 Selective Service Act- _____________________

 ____________________________________________
- committee to coordinate
How was America impacted ____________________________ production
during WWI?  Committee of ______________________- government
agency that encouraged
Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

 __________________________ – Schenk v. United
States, clear and present danger established
What was the experience
soldiers during WWI?
What was the Great

What new technology was

used during WWI?

What were Wilson’s 14 A list of terms resolving _______________ and future wars.
Points? Included:

What was the League of A world organizations to


_________ never joins!!!

What was the Treaty of A treaty that ended WWI and punished __________________
Versailles? - Germany had to accept _________________________
for the war, pay _____________________________,
and ____________________
Rejected by the ______________________________
Practice Question: 1. Why is the Spanish American war of 1898 often considered
a major turning point in US History?
A. It revealed that the United States had become a
world power
B. It marked the first American victory over a
European power
C. It demonstrated the need for better
communications in war time
D. It showed American support for European economic
Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

interests in East Asia

Practice Question: 2. The diagram below provides details about the United States
involvement in the Philippines during the early 1900’s.
Which phrase completes the diagram?
A. The US Senate refuses to annex the Philippines
B. Filipino leaders invite the US to annex the Philippines
C. American businessmen over through the local ruler of
he Philippines
D. US forces fight a three year war against Filipino rebels
seeking independence.
Practice Question: 3. Why did the United States ultimately fail to ratify the Treaty
of Versailles in 1919?
A. Many Senators opposed the sever sanctions that the treaty
placed on Germany.
B. Many Senators feared the League of Nations would involve
the US in foreign wars.
C. Many Senators felt the League of Nations would interfere
with American plans in the Philippines.
D. Many Senators predicted that the membership in the new
League of Nations would be too expensive.
Practice Question: 4. The excerpt below is from Supreme Court Justice Oliver
Wendell Holmes’ opinion in Schenck vs. the United States, 1919.
The question in every case is whether the words
used are used in such circumstances and are of
such a nature as too create a clear and present
danger that they will bring about the
substantive evils that Congress has a right to
Based on the excerpt, which statement would Oliver Wendell
Holmes have agreed with?
A. Freedom of speech is not absolute
B. Prayer in public schools in unconstitutional
C. Immigration from other countries cannot be permitted
during wartime
D. Criticism of policies of allied countries must be
prohibited in war time.

Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan

Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression

What was the 19 _____________________________________________________
Efforts made by the National ___________________
_________________ Association (NAWSA)
What was the first 1920’s reaction against _____________________ and
Red Scare? _______________________ in America.
Fear of _____________________ after the _____________
What was the Dawes US loans money to _________________________ so they could
Plan? make reparation payments to ____________________ and
____________________, who would repay their debts to


What was agreed upon

at the Washington
Naval Conference?

Describe 1920’s

What were the causes 1. Economic Boom

of the Great 2. Buying on __________________ / Installment Buying
Depression? 3. _____________ Market – a stock market in which stock prices
were steadily increasing as result of ____________________
4. ____________________________ – highest tariff in history
5. Stock Market Crash and bank runs
Federal government (_______________) laws promoting
What was the New ___________________ and providing _________________ to
Deal Americans.

What was the effect Roosevelt’s ________________________________ advised the
Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

of the New Deal on president, but he did not always follow their advice- refused to
African Americans? support the ___________________________ law.
What was the effect Provided _________________________________ and gave them
of the New Deal on more control over ______________________________
What was the effect Provided opportunities to increase their __________________
of the New Deal on influence, but did not end ____________________________
What was the effect Agricultural Adjustment Act-
of the New Deal on
Practice Question: 1. What did African American writers, artists and musicians hope
to achieve during the Harlem Renaissance?
A. To display their ability as conscientious workers in the
B. To show that the pursuit of material success can often lead to
C. To demonstrate that African Americans could produce great
works of literature and art
D. To reveal that conditions for African Americans in the South
were just as bad in the North
Practice Question: 2. This diagram below provides details about the Great Depression.
Which phrase completes the diagram?
A. War in Europe
B. Agricultural Drought
C. Overproduction of Goods
D. Introduction of New Technology
Practice Question: 2. How did the plans of Presidents Herbert Hoover and Franklin D.
Roosevelt compare for dealing with the Great Depression?
A. Hoover gave emergency loans to banks and businesses while
Roosevelt opposed such programs.
B. Both Presidents believed the federal government should provide
direct payments to the unemployed.
C. Hoover increased federal spending on public works projects like
Hoover Dam while Roosevelt opposed such projects.
D. Roosevelt proposed that the federal government provide direct
employment to the needy while Hoover relied more on local
government and private charities

Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan

Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

Practice Question: 4. How did popular attitudes toward the federal government shift
during the Great Depression?
A. Public opinion turned against new federal programs because of
increased taxes.
B. People concluded that state governments were better at
promoting economic growth.
C. Voters grew distrustful of the federal government because they
felt it favored the wealthy.
D. Americans came to expect the federal government to help them
solve their economic problems.

World War II
What was the US foreign
policy between 1936-1941?
1. Neutrality Acts-

How did this foreign policy 2. Cash and Carry-


3. Lend-Lease Acts-

What was the “date that will

live in infamy”?

What happened as a result?

What was the result of  February 19, 1942, President

Korematsu v United States? __________________________ issued
_____________________________, granting the U.S.
military the power to ban tens of thousands of American
_________deni citizens of ____________________________ from
ed!! areas deemed critical to domestic security.

 __________________________________ established

How was Palm Beach county  The U.S. Government issued _____________________
affected during WWII? __________________________________________,
Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

enforced by Civil Defense wardens.
How was the home front  ___________________________________- Draft
impacted during WWII?  ___________________________________-
Government takes over factory production
 __________________________________-
 _______________________
 _______________________

What was the Holocaust?

 ________________________- prejudice against Jews
 ________________________- Decision to exterminate
the Jews in the concentration camps

How did the US react to the


What happened at the

Nuremberg Trials?

What happened at Hiroshima

and Nagasaki?
Practice Question: 1.How did methods of warfare in World War II differ from
those in WWI?
A. Soldiers spend most of their time in trenches to avoid
machine gun fire
B. Because of a shortage of man power, women fought
overseas in combat roles
C. Germans submarines frequently attacked British and
American shipping
D. Airplane, tank, and troop movements were coordinated for
rapid advances.

Practice Question: 2. Which of the following shows the correct sequence of events
in WWII?
A. Pearl Harbor, Battle of Midway, D-Day, V-E
Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

Day, V-J Day
B. Pearl Harbor, Battle of Midway, V-J Day, D-
Day, V-E Day
C. Battle of Midway, D-Day, V-E Day, Pearl
Harbor, V-J Day
D. D-Day, V-E Day, Pearl Harbor, Battle of
Midway, V-J Day
Practice Question: 3. The posters below were created by the U.S government
during WWII.
Which generalization do these posters support?
A. Women refused to volunteer to assist in the war effort
B. The government urged women to fill jobs left vacant by
C. The government tried to recruit women for combat in war.
D. Female military officers commanded both male and female
Practice Question: 4. Which Civil Rights leader helped to draft the United Nations
A. James Doolittle
B. Fred Korematsu
C. A. Philip Randolph
D. Mary McLeod Bethune

What was America’s
foreign policy in the 
1940’s after WWII?

 Containment‐

‐ Discussed the creation of the

What decisions were ‐ ____________________________ divided into _________ occupational zones
made at the Yalta
Conference? ‐ ____________________________ would join the war in Asia against

‐ To address factors that might
Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

What was the ‐ _____________________________________________________ organization
purpose of the ‐ Security Council‐ _____________________________, ________________________,
United Nations? __________________________________, ___________________________________,
‐ _______________ countries are members

What was America’s
foreign policy in the
1940s and after

‐ The term “Iron Curtain” symbolized:
What was Churchill
referring to when he
said Iron Curtain?

Why did the US
begin the Marshall ‐
‐ $_________ billion invested!

What was the ‐
purpose of the
Truman Doctrine?
What was ‐ The search for Communists and their sympathizers by falsely
McCarthyism? accusing people.
‐ Loyalty Review Boards:

‐ The ________________________________ between the _________________ and
Why was there a 2nd _______________________________________
Red Scare in the US ‐ The Soviets developed an ____________________________________________
after WWII? ‐ Fear of _________________ giving or selling secrets to our enemies

What was the ‐ The Soviet Union was ahead of the US in ______________________________
significance of the
Russian launch of ‐
Sputnik I?
‐ US creates ______________________

Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

What was the
outcome of the
Korean War?

What was Indochina

Ho Chi Minh –

‐ Gave President __________________________________ the authority to
What was significant wage war in _______________________________
about the Gulf of
Tonkin Resolution? ‐ Took war powers from __________________________________

‐ 1955‐ _______________________________________ sends advisors

‐ 1961‐ _______________________________________ sends 100 special forces

‐ 1964‐ ______________________________________________________
US involvement in
Vietnam: ‐ 1966‐ 190,000 troops in Vietnam

‐ 1968‐ ______________________________________________________

‐ 1969‐ US bombs __________________________________________

‐ 1970‐ ___________________________________ begins withdrawing troops

‐ 1973‐ All US troops _______________________________________

‐ 1974‐ South Vietnam falls to __________________________________________
What was Vietnamization
Vietnamization? Withdrawing ________________________ and replacing with

What is détente?

Characterized by treaties such as ___________________________ and the
instillation of a _____________________________ between the _______________ and
___________________________ to improve communications.
PRACTICE 1. Which of these conditions was an economic cause of the Cold War
QUESTIONS in Europe?
A. Stalin resented the fact that western allies had delayed invasion
of France during the war
Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

B. Truman failed to share the secrets of the atomic bomb at the
Potsdam Conference
C. The US had a capitalist system while the Soviets had a Communist
system with central planning.
D. Stalin felt the Soviet Union had the right to establish a sphere of
influence in Eastern Europe.

PRACTICE 2. Which statement best summarizes the outcome of the Korean War?
QUESTIONS A. North Korea made minor gains in the South but lost territory in
the North to China
B. A majority of Northern Koreans fled southward causing a
collapse of the Northern Korean government.
C. North and South Korea remained divided at the 38th parallel, just
as they had before the war.
D. Korea was reunited under the coalition government consisting of
both Northerners and Southerners.
PRACTICE 3. Use the following:
QUESTIONS  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was
 National Defense Education Act was passed
 Increased federal money was provided to improve schools,
especially in math and science
 More money was appropriated by the Congress for research and
Which event sparked these changes?
A. The Soviet Union launched its satellite, Sputnik.
B. Mao Zedong led a successful Communist revolution in China.
C. North Korea crossed the 38th Parallel to invade South Korea.
D. Senator Joseph McCarthy announced the discovery of “Reds” in
the State Department.
PRACTICE 4. What was an important consequence of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
QUESTIONS A. The Soviet Union secretly kept nuclear missiles in Cuba pointed
at Florida.
B. United States kept missiles in Turkey and Greece pointed at the
Soviet Union.
C. Fidel Castro was removed from power in Cuba and all nuclear
weapons were taken out of Cuba.
D. Soviet and American leaders established an emergency “hot line”
and negotiated a partial test ban treaty.

‐ Huge surge in _____________________ _______________________ between
What was the baby
boom and its lasting ‐ Need for more _________________________________
Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

‐ Sets _______________________________________ ______________________________

‐ __________________________ ___________________________ problems
beginning in 2011
What were the ‐
benefits of the GI
Bill? ‐ low interest __________________ to start a ____________________________ or farm

How has the _____________________________1956_________________ signed the Federal Aid
Interstate Highway Highway Act in
System shaped
PRACTICE 1. President Franklin Roosevelt signed the Servicemen’s
QUESTIONS Readjustment Act of 1944, better known as the “GI Bill”. What
important benefits did this law provide to veterans returning
from WWII?
A. Free medical care and a special retirement plan.
B. Low interest housing loans and a bonus payment after five years.
C. Low interest housing loans and payment towards high school,
vocational school, or higher education.
D. The promise of a guaranteed jobs and payments towards high
school, vocational school, and higher education.

PRACTICE 2. What was an important cause of American prosperity during the post‐
A. Most American married couples postponed having children in
order to work longer.
B. American producers faced less competition because of
destruction in Europe and Asia.
C. Women remained in the workforce after the war in order to
increase American production.
D. The elimination of poverty through federal programs increased
demand and stimulated production.
PRACTICE 3. What was an important impact of the Federal Highway Act in 1956?
QUESTIONS A. State control of immigration routes had increased
B. Travel and trade between states became easier and faster than
C. Towns bypassed by the interstate system generally grew just as
fast as those on interstate highways.
D. Increased traffic made it more difficult for the armed forces to
move troops around the country.

What were the main
Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

objectives of the ‐ Equal _____________________________________________________________________
NOW (National
Organization for ‐ End of _____________________________________________________________________
movement? ‐ Legalization of ____________________________________________

What decision was
made in Roe v Wade?
What was the
premise of Betty
Freidan’s argument
in the Feminine
‐ Domestic programs to eliminate
____________________________________________________ and
What was Johnson’s
Great Society? ‐ Addressed _______________________________________,
_______________________________, ___________________________________,

‐ Underfunded due to the ___________________________________ War
What was the
Civil Rights Act of ‐ Outlawed __________________________________________
‐ Ended ______________________________ in the workplace

‐ Signed by _________________________________________ in 1964

What did the Voting
Rights Act of 1965

Who were the
freedom riders?

 Began Montgomery, Alabama ______________________________ by
Who was Rosa Parks ___________________________________________________________________________
 Enter __________________________________________ as a Civil Rights

What court case did
Brown vs. Board of
Education overturn?
Who were the Black 
Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

Panthers  Start in CA

 Became face of black power movement
What were sit‐down 
 Protestors _________________________________________ until served.
 Used earlier by ______________________________________
Why did the
American Indian
Movement (AIM)
seize reservation
land at Wounded
Practice Questions 1. Demonstrators attending the March on Washington are shown in
this photograph. What was the main purpose of this event?
A. To demand an end to racial discrimination by federal contractors.
B. To demand that Congress pass Kennedy’s Civil Rights Bill
C. To demand enforcement of the Supreme Court’s decision to
desegregate schools.
D. To demand reparations for centuries of oppression experienced
by African Americans.
Practice Questions 2. The excerpt below comes from the opinion of the US Supreme Court in
Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas 1954.
We conclude that in the field of public education,
the doctrine of separate but equal has no place.
Separate education facilities are inherently
What does this excerpt demonstrate about the power of the Supreme
A. It can limit the actions of Congress.
B. It can rule state laws unconstitutional
C. It can dictate new laws to state legislators
D. It can provide funding for public education.
Practice Questions The diagram below compares two groups.
Which phrase best completes the diagram?
A. Opposed African‐American participation in elections
B. Expressed pride in being African‐American
C. Ignored racist attitudes in Northern cities
D. Proposed emigration to Africa

What was the issue ‐ President _________________________________ attempted to
with the Watergate ________________________________ White House involvement in the
Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan
Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

Scandal? ________________________________ at the Democratic National
Committee headquarters

What was the case
Gideon v. ‐ Ensured people
Wainwright about? ______________________________________________________________ would be
provided one by the court to represent them

What event led to
the beginning of the
war on terrorism?
al Qaeda Taliban
Political movement in
Formed by _________________________
___________________________________ _______________________________________

Who are al Qaeda Responsible for Condemned for the brutal
and the Taliban? treatment of

Radical ______________________ Overthrown when the ____________
Muslims invaded

What does More countries are now ____________________________________________.
globalization refer Telephone and internet
to? _________________________________________________________________________.

What does the
World Trade
Organization do?

The US History teachers would like congratulate you on a year of hard work and wish you “GOOD LUCK!” on
the US History EOC Exam. We know you are prepared and will do well.

Sincerely, Ms. Gleason, Mrs. Sheridan, Mr. Dickerson, Mr. Osteim, Mr. Pearce, Mrs. Issacs, and Mr. Bennet.

Prepared by Colleen Gleason and Katie Sheridan

Santaluces High School, Lantana, Florida

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