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Induction Machine Example Problems http://www.ece.ualberta.ca/~knight/electrical_machines/induction/basic...

Fundamentals Design Aspects Starting Parameters Operation

Introduction Construction Principles of Operation Equivalent Circuit
Power & Torque Torque-Speed Curve Peak Torque & Power Examples
Equivalent Circuit Model Analysis Example
A 480V, 60 Hz, 6-pole, three-phase, delta-connected induction motor has the following parameters:
R1=0.461 Ω, R2=0.258 Ω, X1=0.507 Ω, X2=0.309 Ω, Xm=30.74 Ω
Rotational losses are 2450W. The motor drives a mechanical load at a speed of 1170 rpm. Calculate the
following information:
i. Synchronous speed in rpm
ii. slip
iii. Line Current
iv. Input Power
v. Airgap Power
vi. Torque Developed
vii. Output Power in Hp
viii. Efficiency

This machine has no iron loss resistance, so the equivalent circuit is as follows:

i. Synchronous speed is given by:

ns = 1200 rpm
ii. Slip is given by

Using the rpm equation,

s = (1200-1170)/1200 = 0.025
iii. Now, phase current is given by

where phase impedance is given by

Using the above equation, Zin = 9.57 + j3.84 Ω

And noting that the machine is delta connected, V1 = VLL = 480V
I1 = 43.1 - j17.4 A. |I1| =46.6 A, θ = -21.9°
Therefore IL = √3 × 46.6 = 80.6 A
iv. Input power is given by:

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Induction Machine Example Problems http://www.ece.ualberta.ca/~knight/electrical_machines/induction/basic...

Pin = 62.2 kW
v. To find airgap power, There are two possible approaches:
a. Airgap power is the input power minus stator losses. In this case the core losses are grouped
with rotational loss. Therefore

Pgap = 62.2 kW - 3× 46.62 × 0.461

Pgap = 59.2 kW
b. Airgap Power is given by

This approach requires rotor current to be found. With no core loss resistance:

Giving I2 = 43.7 A. Substituting into the power equation

Pgap = 59.2kW
vi. Torque developed can be found from

where synchronous speed in radians per second is given by

τ = 471 Nm
vii. Output power in horsepower is the output power in Watts divided by 746. (there are 746 W in one


Therefore output power in Watts is:Pout = 55.3kW

Pout = 74.1 Hp
viii. Efficiency is given by

η = 55.3/62.2 = 88.9%
Thevenin Circuit Model Analysis Example
For the machine in the previous example, find:

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Induction Machine Example Problems http://www.ece.ualberta.ca/~knight/electrical_machines/induction/basic...

i. Thevenin circuit parameters and Thevenin voltage

ii. Pullout slip
iii. Pullout Torque
iv. Start Torque
Using Matlab or Excel (or another computer program) plot the torque speed curve for slip in the range 0 to
i. Thevenin circuit parameters and Thevenin voltage:
Thevenin circuit parameters an voltage can be found using the equations provided on the formula
sheet, or from first principles. The Thevenin voltage is the voltage applied to the rotor assuming that
the rotor current is zero. Thevenin impedance is the impedance of the stator part of the circuit, seen
from the rotor, assuming that the stator supply is short circuited.

Substituting the equivalent circuit parameters in to the above equations gives:

VTH = 475.2 V, RTH = 0.452Ω, XTH = 0.313Ω
ii. Pullout slip
The slip at which maximum torque occurs can be found from maximum power transfer theory.
Maximum torque and maximum airgap power occur at the same slip, therefore maximum torque
occurs when

iii. Pullout Torque

Pullout torque can be found by substituting the above pullout slip into the Thevenin torque equation

or from the maximum torque equation directly

Substituting into the above equation:

iv. Start Torque

Start torque can be found by setting s=1 in the above equation for torque.

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Induction Machine Example Problems http://www.ece.ualberta.ca/~knight/electrical_machines/induction/basic...

Either Matlab or Excel can be used to produce a torque speed plot with fairly minimal effort. The file
thevenin_torque_speed.m is a script which may be run to produce the Matlab plot below

The file excel_trq_speed_example.xls contains an example of how to produce an Excel plot of the curve
(shown below). Note that this file uses complex arithmetic, which is part of the Excel "Analysis ToolPak"
add-in. (Select Tools > Add-ins, Analysis ToolPak

© Andy Knight Report an Error 08-Jan-2012 8:49 PM

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