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Contrastive Linguistic Error Analysis

Contrasting Between Indonesian & English in Phonological System

( Consonant,Vowels,Difthongs)

Kelompok 1:

 Kusuma Rita Apriyanti 201712500387

 Yulia Adi Puspita Sari 201712500299
 Ain Alfirda 201712500278
 Siti Mariam 201712500336
 Nurul Azimah 201712500279
A. Background
Language is very important in human life. Language is means of communication.
Without a language, a person cannot communicate with others. English is a language in the
world. People call it an international language. In our school, the English language has given
since the fourth grade of the elementary school up to university. Most people in the world
from the different countries and nations speak language. Also, many scientific studies such as
education, science, religion, technology, commerce or politic are written in the language.
Language includes four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Writing is
language activity that needs much cognitive concentration. When writing, a writer is
challenged to use just linguistics code without helping of other codes, take for instance,
gestures. A writer has to arrange some ideas and transform them into his thinking carefully in
writing codes on papers.
In fact, writing is different from writing Indonesian. English as stated above is a
foreign language for Indonesian student. English is a new language that they often have
trouble when they learn it. One of the reason is the characteristics of English itself. For
example, tenses, regular and irregular verb are not found in Indonesian. Other reason,
between Indonesian and English have such differences in pronunciation. Such as, in vowel
and consonants that have differences and similarities in both Indonesian and English.
Things like this that make some people have difficulty in learning a foreign language
and phonology of foreign language that they are learning. Thus, some people say a foreign
with their accent. So it is possible that Indonesian, though it is a school language for most of
them, can be regard as the student’s mother tongue. They use Indonesian more frequently
with the friends and teachers. Moreover, Indonesian is very close to them, to their speaking or
writing habits. This is one thing that invites problem when the student writes the sentences
composition in English.
What is phonology? Phonology is a branch of linguistics concerned with the
systematic organization of sounds in spoken languages and signs in sign languages. It used to
be only the study of the systems of phonemes in spoken languages (and therefore used to be
also called phonemics, or phonematics), but it may also cover any linguistic analysis either at
a level beneath the word (including syllable, onset and rime, articulatory gestures,
articulatory features, mora, etc.) or at all levels of language where sound or signs are
structured to convey linguistic meaning. Sign languages have a phonological system
equivalent to the system of sounds in spoken languages.


A. Definition of Consonants
Consonant is the sounds are produced by blocking the flow of air as it leaves
the mouth. There are many ways of blocking the air and various tongue, lip and jaw
positions required in order to create accurately the consonant of English.

B. Indonesian and English Consonants

1. Indonesian Consonants

Letters Letters
No. Examlples No. Examlples
[Sounds] [Sounds]
1 b [be] bantal 14 r [er] raih, juara, putar
2 c [ce] cakap, becak 15 s [es] suku, asli, lemas
3 d [de] dua, abad 16 t [te] tali, mata, rapat
4 f [ef] fakir, kafan, maaf 17 v [ve] varian, lava
5 g [ge] ganda, tiga, jajag 18 w [we] wanita, hawa
6 h [ha] hari, lihat, tanah 19 x [eks] xenomania, x-ray
7 j [je] jajan, manja 20 y [ye] yakin, payung
8 k [k] kami, paksa, politik 21 z [zed] zeni, lazim
9 l [el] lekas, alas, kesal 22 kh [k] khas, akhir
10 m [em] maka, kami, diam 23 ny [ɲ] nyata, banyak
11 n [en] nama, anak, daun, 24 ng [ŋ] ngilu, angina, pening
12 p [pe] pasang, apa, siap 25 sy [š] syarat, isyarat
13 q [ki] aqiqah, qurban
Phonetic Alphabet Table of Indonesian Consonants

Place Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal


Plosive VL /p/ /k/

pola kilo
VD /b/ /q/
beli qurban
/t/ /d/
tiba dingin
Fricative VL /f/ /s/ /š/ /x/ /h/
figur sama asyik eksklusi hantu
VD f
/v/ /z/
varian zat
Affricative VL /c/
VD /j/
Nasal VD /m/ /n/ /ɲ/ /ɳ/
mati nama nyata bangkit

Lateral VD /l/
Semi- VD /w/ /y/
wajah yakin
2. English Consonants
Letters Letters
No. Examples No. Examples
[Sounds] [Sounds]
1 B [b] baby, absent, number, tub 12 P [p] paper, repair, apple,
keep, top
2 C [s] center, cinema, agency 13 Q [kw] quality, question, equal
[k] cucumber, cry, scratch, [k] require, unique,
panic technique, antique
3 D [d] day, admire, hidden, kind 14 R [r] rain, rise, brief, hurry, car
4 F [f] fast, five, often, cuff 15 S [s] send, lost, kiss, release
[z] cause, advise, always, is,
5 G [g] great, giggle, egg 16 T [t] tell, time, tone, hotel,
student, rest
[j] general, giant, suggest
manage, garage, rouge
6 H [h] hair, help, behind, inherit 17 V[v] vivid, voice, even, active
[-] hour, honor, honest,
7 J [ʤ] jam, jingle, just, June 18 W [w] wall, wind, would, swim,
twenty, twist
8 K [k] kind, kill, sky, blanket, 19 X [ks] exercise, expect, axis, fix
break relax
exam, exact, exert, exit,
xenon, Xerox
9 L [l] late, alone, table, file, all 20 Y [j] yellow, young
10 M [m] make, men, common, 21 Z [z] zoo, puzzle, organize,
summer, team quiz
pizza, Mozart, Nazi, waltz
11 N [n] napkin, never, funny,
student, sun

Phonetic Alphabet Table of English Consonants

Place Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal


Plosive VL /p/ /t/ /k/

pop two cake
VD /b/ /d/ /g/
bus dog good
Fricative VL /f/ /ɵ/ /s/ /ʃ/ /h/
fan think six shoe happy
VD /v/ /ð/ /z/ /ʒ/

very the zoo vision

Affricative VL /ʈʃ/
VD /ʤ/
Nasal VD /m/ /n/ /ɳ/
man nine ring

Lateral VD /l/ /r/

like red
Semi- VD /j/ /w/
yes wind

A. Definition of Vowels
Vowels are sounds which are produced with the vibration of air in the oral cavity.
All vowel sounds are voiced oral. The relationship of the vowels to one another is shown by
the device known as the Vector Triangle.

Vowel articulation is described using FOUR parameters.

• Tongue Height
• Tongue Advancement
• Lip Rounding
• TensenessParameters

There are some differences in vowel phoneme of English and Indonesia. In English
phonemes, there are two types of the vowel that usually used, they are “long monophthong
phonemes” and “short monophthong phonemes”. While in Indonesia, there are no such long
monophthong phonemes. It is the main problem caused English learners to get in trouble to
pronouncing several words. Listed below the explanation of a variety of vowel phonemes in
both language, English and Indonesia.

Picture of Vowel in English

In Bahasa Indonesia, the vowels are more simple. It has limited variation than the English. For
example, the alphabet ‘a’ only symbolized the sound ‘a’ (except in special occasion/new word such
as ‘slang’, it symbolized the [æ]), while in English it has wide variation, such as [æ], [a], or [ei].
Therefore, it becomes really difficult to Indonesian to understand and memorize all of different
variation of sound by a single letter.

Picture of Vowel in Indonesian

It’s clear from the diagram that the english vowel system is very different from the indonesian vowel
system. The most indonesian people, indonesian is a second language, and accordingly the dialects
are influenced by the mother tongue, which is the local language.

Based on the picture of vowel above. Contrastive Analysis deals with english and indonesian vowel
based on their pronounciation and their distribution. The following diagram will make the position of
the vowel clear.

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