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TMC1434/TMF1434 Data Structure and Algorithms 1


TMC/TMF1434 Data Structure and Algorithms

Semester 2, 2019/2020
LAB03: Pointers & Arrays

A. Arrays

1. Simple Array

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int sample[10]; // this reserves 10 integer elements
int idx;

// load the array

for(idx =0; idx <10; ++idx)
sample[idx]= idx;

// display the array

for(idx =0; idx <10; ++idx)
cout << sample[idx] << ' ';

return 0;

Exercise :

a) Modify the program above by utilizing a constant variable “SIZE” to define the size of the
array to value “10” and making use of this constant value throughout your program.

b) Create a new array of type integer named as “myZeroArray” with number of element as
many as your constant “SIZE” defined earlier and initial with zero “0” value to all
elements in this array in a single statement. Display this array.

c) Create another new array named as “myOtherArray” and initial with 3 different integer
values in this array. Think of a way to display the content of this array without specify
value “3” as the number of element in this array. (Hint: this array is containing int data
type in each element)
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2. Multidimensional Array
Declaring and Accessing Elements in a Multidimensional Array. Copy the code below
and study how multi-dimensional array is implemented.

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;

int main()
int TwoDArray [3][3] = {{-501, 206, 2011},
{989, 101, 206},
{303, 456, 596}};

cout << "Row 0: " << TwoDArray [0][0] << " "
<< TwoDArray [0][1] << " "
<< TwoDArray [0][2] << endl;

cout << "Row 1: " << TwoDArray [1][0] << " "
<< TwoDArray [1][1] << " "
<< TwoDArray [1][2] << endl;

cout << "Row 2: " << TwoDArray [2][0] << " "
<< TwoDArray [2][1] << " "
<< TwoDArray [2][2] << endl;
return 0;

1. Single pointer (Single indirection)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int balance;
int *balptr;
int value;

balance = 3200;
balptr = &balance;
value = *balptr;

cout << "balance is: " << value << '\n';

return 0;

Exercise :

Modify the program, create a new pointer of type int named it as “newBalance” and copy the
content of balptr to this pointer. Print out the contents of both balptr and newBalance as
well the value of their references.
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2. A Demonstration of Bad Programming Using Invalid Pointers

(CAUTION: Save all your works before trying out this program)

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
// uninitialized pointer (bad)
int* pTemperature;
cout << "Is it sunny (y/n)?" << endl;
char UserInput = 'y';
cin >> UserInput;

if (UserInput == 'y')
pTemperature = new int; //Dynamic memory allocation
*pTemperature = 30;

// pTemperature contains invalid value if user entered ‘n’

cout << "Temperature is: " << *pTemperature;
//delete also being invoked for those cases new wasn’t done
delete pTemperature;
return 0;

3. Passing pointer to function

3a. Passing a pointer to a function. Copy the study the code below.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void f(int *j);
int main()
int i;
int *p;
p = &i; // p now points to i
cout << i; // i is now 100
return 0;

void f(int *j)

*j = 100; // var pointed to by j is assigned 100
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3b. Passing a pointer to a function -- revised version.

//pass a pointer to a function -- revised version.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void f(int *j);

int main()
int i;
cout << i;
return 0;

void f(int *j)

*j = 100; // var pointed to by j is assigned 100

5a. Calling function with array

Run and study how to implement calling function with array.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void display(int num[10]);
int main()
int t[10],i;
for(i=0; i<10; ++i)

display(t); // pass array t to a function

return 0;

// Print some numbers.

void display(int num[10])
int i;
for(i=0; i<10; i++)
cout << num[i] << ' ';
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5b. Calling function with pointers

In the following program, examine the function cube( ), which converts the value of each
element in an array into its cube. To call cube( ), pass the address of the array as the first
argument, and the size of the array as the second.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void cube(int *n, int num);

int main()
int i, nums[10];
for(i=0; i<10; i++) nums[i] = i+1;
cout << "Original contents: ";

for(i=0; i<10; i++) cout << nums[i] << ' ';

cout << '\n';
cube(nums, 10); // compute cubes
cout << "Altered contents: ";

for(i=0; i<10; i++)

cout << nums[i] << ' ';
return 0;

void cube(int *n, int num)

while(num) {
*n = *n * *n * *n;

Here is the output produced by this program:

Original contents: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Altered contents: 1 8 27 64 125 216 343 512 729 1000
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Self-Practice Exercises

A-1: Sample program to access to the content of an array using pointer.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
int number[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
int *pNumbers = number;
cout << "Values - Using the Array";
cout << "\n number[0]: " << number[0];
cout << "\n number[1]: " << number[1];
cout << "\n number[2]: " << number[2];
cout << "\n number[3]: " << number[3];
cout << "\n number[4]: " << number[4];

cout << "\n\nValues - Using the Pointer - No Parentheses";

cout << "\n*pNumbers: " << *pNumbers;
cout << "\n*pNumbers+1: " << *pNumbers+1;
cout << "\n*pNumbers+2: " << *pNumbers+2;
cout << "\n*pNumbers+3: " << *pNumbers+3;
cout << "\n*pNumbers+4: " << *pNumbers+4;

cout << "\n\nValues - Using the Pointer - With Parentheses";

cout << "\n*pNumbers: " << *pNumbers;
cout << "\n*(pNumbers+1): " << *(pNumbers+1);
cout << "\n*(pNumbers+2): " << *(pNumbers+2);
cout << "\n*(pNumbers+3): " << *(pNumbers+3);
cout << "\n*(pNumbers+4): " << *(pNumbers+4);
return 0;
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B-1: One Dimensional Array-Indexing

In the following program, extracts words, separated by spaces, from a string. For example,
given "Hello Tom," the program would extract "Hello" and "Tom." For example, if you enter
This is a test. the program displays the following:

Here is the Array version of the tokenizing program:

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;

int main(){
char str[80];
char token[80];
int i, j;

cout << "Enter a sentence: ";

gets(str); // Read a token at a time from the string.

/* Read characters until either a space or the null terminator is

encountered. */
for(i=0; ; i++) {
for(j=0; str[i]!=' ' && str[i]; j++, i++)
token[j] = str[i];

token[j] = '\0'; // null terminate the token

cout << token << '\n';

if(!str[i]) break;
return 0;
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B-2 Exercise:

This program acts similar way as program B-1 in previous section, here is the pointer
version of the tokenizing program: (You may only use a single array or two arrays as in
program B-1)

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
char str[20] = "This is a test";
cout << "\n\n*Content of str array: \n";

for (int idx = 0; idx <20; idx++){

if(*(str + idx) =='\0')
else {
if (*(str + idx) ==' ' )
cout << "\n";
cout << *(str + idx);
return 0;

B-3: This program acts similar way as program B-1 in previous section, here is the pointer
version of the tokenizing program:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
int main()
char str[80];
char token[80];
char *p, *q;

cout << "Enter a sentence: ";


p = str;

// Read a token at a time from the string.

while(*p) {
q = token; // set q pointing to start of token
/* Read characters until either a space or the
null terminator is encountered. */
while(*p!=' ' && *p) {
*q = *p;
q++; p++;
if(*p) p++; // advance past the space
*q = '\0'; // null terminate the token
cout << token << '\n';
return 0;

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