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Secularism Hedonism
Its foundation relies on the separation of It is the ethical theory that pleasure (through
religion and state. the satsfaction of desires) is the highest
It denies belief in God while making the good and proper aim of human life.
roles of faith and religion largely irrelevant Pleasure is the standard of morality.
in the public arena. Happiness can be attained by possessing
Happiness can never be achieved  through the material things or feeling the physical
having a communion with God. exhilaration that this world offers.

Knowledge, truth, and morality exist in

relation to culture, society, or historical It is an ideology that considers material
context, and are not absolute. possessions and physical comfort as more
It magnifies individual liberty. important than any other values.
Happiness depends on the subject or on It values the acquisition of consumer goods.
the person alone because it is the person Happiness comes from material possession,
who is in-charge of his/her own consumption of goods, and success.

Relativism & Individualism Materialism & Consumerism

The Decalogue Authentic happiness is not

found on earth, but on GOD
The Decalogue teaches man's true
humanity. They shed light on man's alone.
essential duties as well as the PERFECT HAPPINESS consists
fundamental rights inherent in the
of the beatific vision of God in
nature of man. They lead us to act
according to our true nature.
“There is a God-shaped vacuum HAPPINESS The Beatitudes
in the heart of each man which
The Beatitudes suggest commitment
cannot be satisfied by any to live out the different attitudes to
created thing but only by God attain the graces promised by God.
They show us that true happpiness
the Creator, made known through cannot be attained in this world
Jesus Christ.” -Blaise Pascal because it eternaly resides in heaven.

After seeking the true hapiness that can only be Human acts are acts that define a person as
found in God, it is important for us to share this human in contrast to the actions of other
joy with other people. This can be done through creatures. These acts should be performed with

Constituents of Human Acts CALLED TO HAPPINESS Sources of Morality

KNOWLEDGE - the intellectual OBJECT - the act of the will
constituent INTENTION - goal of the action
FREEDOM - means to have options
CIRCUMSTANCE - contribute to
or choices
VOLUNTARINESS - the desire or increasing or diminishing the moral
will to do the action goodness or evilness

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