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Name- Shishir Gupta

Registration Number- 2019PGP058


What are OD interventions?

These are the interventions that are comprehensive in the terms of extent to
which total organization is involved and/or the depth of cultural change

Getting the whole system in the room

Getting all the key actors of a complex organization or system together in a team
building for future planning kind of session.

Search Conferences and Future Search Conference

There are 3 phases in Search Conferences-

 Environmental Appreciation
 System Analysis
 Integration of System and Environment

Future Search Conference (Steps)-:

1. Consultants meet with voluntary committee

2. Participants involved
3. Making groups and assigning tasks
4. Generating and analyzing information, along with drawing conclusion for
5. Focus on Past
6. Focus on Present
7. Focus on Future

Beckhard’s Confrontation Meeting

One-day meeting of the entire management of the organization in which they

take a reading of their own organizational health
1. Climate Setting (45-60 minutes)
2. Information Collection (1 hour)
3. Information Sharing (1 hour)
4. Priority Setting and group action planning (1 hour and 15 minutes)
5. Immediate follow-up by top team (1 to 3 hours)
6. Progress Review (2 hours)

Beckhard’s confrontation meeting is appropriate to use where
 There is a need for the total management group to examine its own
 Very limited time is available for the activity
 Top management wishes to improve the conditions quickly
 There is enough cohesion in the top team to ensure follow-up
 There is enough real commitment to resolving the issue on the part of top
 The organization is experiencing or has recently experienced some major

Strategic Management Activities

Activities involved in the development and implementation of overall

organizational strategy for relating to its current and future environmental

Process Steps-
1. Goal formulation
2. Environmental analysis
3. Strategy development
4. Strategy evaluation
5. Strategy implementation
6. Strategic control

Open System Planning (OSP)

It’s a technique developed by Charles Krone, G. K. Jayaram and others to assess

the environment in a systematic way.
It includes three scenarios:
 Present Scenario
 Realistic Scenario
 Idealistic Future Scenario

Real Time Strategic Change

Real time strategic change refers to the simultaneous planning and

implementation of individual, groups or organization wide changes.

Following are some of the assumptions underlying the real time strategic
 The leadership team has decided that organization needs a new strategic
 A draft strategy has been developed prior to the event by leadership team
 The leadership team is open to feedback on the strategy by participants
and revising it based on the feedback.
 The participants in the event comprise the entire management

Key Steps-
• Identifying the basic issues
• Agreeing on an overall common purpose for the change
• Deciding people to be involved
• Extent to the people influence the strategy development
• Clarifying the information to do quality work
• Exploring the people supportive methods and approaches to make RTSC

Stream Analysis

It’s a system for graphically displaying the problems of an organization,

examining the interconnections between the problems, identifying core
problems and graphically tracking the corrective actions taken to solve the

 Categorizing the important features of organizational work setting in to
four streams.
1. Organizational arrangements
2. Social factors
3. Technology
4. Physical setting
 Diagnosing the problems and barriers to effectiveness
 Classifying the problems into four streams
 Identifying the core problems by noting the interconnections between the

Survey Feedback

It’s a process of systematically collecting data about the system and feeding back
the data for individuals and groups at all levels of the organization to analyze,
interpret and design corrective action steps

1. Top management involvement in planning
2. Data to be collected from the whole organization
3. Sharing of feedback information from top to low management
4. Meeting with subordinates
5. Consultant must be present in meetings

Appreciative Inquiry

Intervention that is based on the assertion that organization “is a miracle to be

embraced” rather than “a problem to be solved”

Grid Organizational Theory

It’s a six-phase program lasting about three to five years, an organization can
move systematically from the stage of examining managerial behaviour and
style to the development and implementation of “an ideal strategic corporate

• Phase 1: The Managerial Grid
• Phase 2: Teamwork Development
• Phase 3: Intergroup Development
• Phase 4: Developing an Ideal Strategic Corporate Model
• Phase 5: Implementing the ideal strategic model
• Phase 6: Systematic Critique
Scheins Cultural Analysis

 Edgar Schein’s cultural analysis is especially valuable for dealing with

aspects of organizations that seem irrational, frustrating, and intractable
 A tool to help transformation leaders better understand the
organisation’s culture as a basis for planning the transformation

Levels of Culture

Edgar Schein’s Cultural Analysis tool focuses on looking at organisational culture

at three levels:
 Artifacts: visible organisational structures and processes – what you see,
hear and feel.
 Espoused values: the organisation’s strategies, goals, priorities,
 Basic underlying assumptions: unconscious, taken for granted beliefs,
perceptions, thoughts and feelings

Transorganisational Development

Transorganizational development aimed at assisting organizations in forming

and developing alliances for the development of appropriate structures for the
communications and decision making

There are three phases in TD practices
• Phase 1: Potential members organization are identified
• Phase 2: Member organizations are convened
• Phase 3: The TS is organized

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