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Joey Speshock



Mr. Hart

Health Care Reform

The American health care system is in serious need of a change. President Obama has

changed the health care system drastically. The problem with the new health care system is that

the majority of the country does not like it. It is costly, and does not help out the average person

with their coverage. Obama believes that this is the way America should go. Unfortunately that

is not the truth, and there are plenty of other options the president can take to make the health

care system better. The Obama health care system is slowly destroying the American way of life,

if the necessary steps are not taken to stop these actions, than the American way of life will be

changed forever.

Obama’s health care plan will have a drastic negative effect on America. The first

negative effect that this new health care plan will have on America is the price. It is not cheap to

cover a whole nation with health care. With the United States already in a huge debt, the last

thing it needs is another costly addition. This new plan will cost almost a trillion dollars. That is

an incomprehensible amount of money that the American people just cannot afford right now.

There are multiple other options that the Republicans have brought up, which would be better for

this country. Obama has ignored these ideas, and instead pushed through a costly bill that most

Americans do not approve of. Another problem with this new health care bill is the total

coverage. The question that cannot be answered yet is how well will this new health care system

cover the average American person? There are some doctors that are saying the new health care

bill will not be able to cover the average person as well as personal health care. Obama care is
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also an invasion of people’s privacy. A lot of people feel that they do not need the government

invading into their personal medical issues. Small government is what has made the United

States the country that it is. With Obama care government will become bigger, and that is not the

answer to the present health care problem.

“A government-run plan is not necessary for health care reform unless it is to use the

government’s power to drive down costs by rationing care, and slashing payments to providers.”

(Rove) If Obama wants to use his power so bad then there are multiple other options for him. At

some point in his term he is going to have to learn how to listen to the other side of the aisle. The

Republicans have many other ideas for him that would work much better for the American

people. The one proposed by Karl Rove is just an example of an idea that Republicans have. If

government could drive down prices of coverage for people, than more people would be able to

afford coverage. Affordable coverage is better for the American people than a full government

run health care. If Obama would listen to other people than he would be much better off, and

maybe he would not have suffered such a costly defeat in the recent midterms. Because he did

force this health care bill through, many people were upset and they acted. These midterms truly

show the distress that the American people have with Obama and his health care plan. Now they

want to see what Republicans can do, which Obama could have done earlier, and would have put

him in a much better position.

The new health care system does not solve the fundamental problems in the former health

care system. First, it does not reduce costs of health care for people. It simply moves from you

personally paying for it to paying for it in your taxes. It will also increase premiums for younger

people which are not good for them because they will already be in a hole. The majorities of

young people are already paying off college, and are often low in money. So how does this help

out everyone? The answer is it doesn’t. Many people who are expecting lower costs in health
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care will just end up paying more in premiums. The new health care system also increases taxes

directly onto the American citizen. This will cause premiums to increase even before the many of

the reforms take place. A major problem with the health care system is the effect it has on

Medicare. “Obama’s health care reform will increase premiums for prescription-drug coverage

on seniors and disabled.” (GOP.gov) How can a person increase costs for people that need it the

most, and feel like he is helping out the whole entire country. It does not make sense to punish

the people for needing prescription drugs because of their age or disabilities. This bill will also

cut around 500 billion dollars from Medicare and 177 billion from Medicare Advantage. There is

no way that Medicare can provide their services to the elderly if Barack Obama and his new

health care system keep cutting them out. This health care is not cheaper, and it does not help

everyone out. In fact it only makes it more difficult for people to get the coverage they need.

Government run health care is not the way to go, and someone needs to step in and tell Obama or

else his losses in the Senate and House will continue to pile up. It may also result in him turning

into a one term president.

There are very few socialist countries right now that are having success with a

government run health care system. Canada and Sweden, both with government run health care

systems, struggle to pay and support the needs of the people. Many people from that country are

upset with their economic woes, some caused by the costly health care that the government runs.

Another way that the government run health care system will affect the economy is job loss.

Currently there is an extremely high amount of people that are jobless in this country. Once

Obama care comes into play many people who work in the private insurance business will lose

their jobs, and companies will go out of business. The effects of a lot of people that are without

jobs are being shown every day. The economy is in a slump and struggling to get out. By cutting

out the private sector you cut out jobs. If more jobs are cut than it is increasingly more difficult
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for the economy to recover. American people like lower taxes and less government, this bill is

exactly the opposite of that. This bill also shatters any hope that Obama had in bipartisanship.

The Republican option is much more cost effective, and would be better for the masses. It

is also very simple, not a 1,990 page report with headers and footers that is just plain confusing.

The Republicans focus on increasing coverage for every one by lowering health care costs which

would increase accessibility for everyone. “The GOP plan creates Universal Access Programs

that expand and reform high risk pools and reinsurance programs that guarantee all Americans,

regardless of preexisting conditions or past illnesses have access to affordable health care, while

lowering costs for all.” (GOP.gov) It also prevents insurance companies form unjustly dropping

a policy. The Republican health care plan will lower costs of health care without destroying jobs.

This will benefit the economy greatly, and make the United States an even better place to live. If

Obama would reach across the aisle and maybe take just a few ideas from the Republicans than

the country would be in a much better place. The majority of the people that live in this country

just want it to be a better place, and the health care bill is not doing that. It is not effective and

will make it more difficult for people to pay for it. Obama needs to learn from his recent losses in

the House, and make some major changes to the new health care system. This is a country for the

people, and the people are expressing their distraught in the president with the recent elections. If

he does not make a change to this horrific health care bill than he will be in hot water come

2012. It is clear that the health care system needs to be reformed and the GOP has the ideas that

are for the people. Obama care is not for the people, and should not be allowed to stand! Steps

have already been taken to help get this terrible bill out of here, and more steps need to be taken

to get rid of it entirely. If the American people continue to show their anger towards this bill than

maybe the president will come to his senses and make a “change” for the betterment of the

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Obama care will not work out, and hopefully the American people do not stand for it. The

Republicans have the correct ideas and can make this health care system much better. American

people just have to put their trust in the GOP. If they do this than the United States will continues

its tradition as a powerful and wonderful country to live in. The right side of the aisle is focused

on the people because this is a country by and for the people. Obama, sadly, is not.

Works Cited

Kuhn, David P. “The Health care Reform Paradox.” www.realclearpolitics.com. 13 Aug. 2009.

Web. 31 Oct. 2010

Clemmitt, Maricia. “Health-care Reform.” www.cqpress.com. Web. 28 Oct. 2010.

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“Health Care Reform: Putting Patients First.” www.GOP.gov. Web. 30 Oct. 2010

Rove, Karl. “How To Stop Socialized Health Care.” www.wsj.com. 11 Jun. 2009. Web. 1 Nov.


Klein, Ezra. "Why Bipartisanship Health Care Reform Has Proven

Impossible."www.washintonpost.com. 12 Nov. 2010. Web. 13 Nov. 2010.

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