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By Jim Marrs

What could be weirder than an alien?

How about an alien ghost?

This is the crux of a story told to me recently by several

employees of the New Mexico Rehabilitation Center (NMRC)
located in Roswell, most famous for the controversial crash or
crashes in July, 1947.

But first, some quick history.

According to the legend of the 1947 Roswell crash (see my

book Alien Agenda for more details), alien bodies were initially
taken to the Roswell Army Air Field hospital before being
warehoused in one of the base’s hangers. It is rumored that at
least one of them died while at the hospital. The bodies
reportedly were then transported to other more secret locations.

One of the more credible of the still-living Roswell witnesses is

Glenn Dennis, then a mortician working for Ballard’s Funeral
Home. Dennis said about 1:30 p.m. July 5, 1947, he received a
call from the Roswell base mortuary officer asking if the funeral
home could provide a number of small caskets which could be
hermetically sealed. Dennis said he realized something strange
had occurred when the officer called back and asked how to
prepare a body which had been burned or left out in the
elements for a time. 

Later that day, Dennis drove an ambulance to Roswell Field to

deliver an injured airman. At the base hospital he saw strange
pieces of wreckage in the rear of an ambulance but soon was
chased off by an officer, who told him not to talk or “somebody
will be picking your bones out of the sand.” A few days later,
Dennis said a nurse friend told him she was called in to assist in
the autopsy of three “foreign bodies” that gave off an
overpowering odor. She said the bodies were small with large
heads and hands with four fingers ending in pads which looked
like suction cups.

With the passage of the National Security Act of 1947, the old
Army Air Corp became a separate branch of service and
renamed the United States Air Force. By the early 1950s,
Roswell Army Air Field had become Walker Air Force Base and
the old wooden base hospital was replaced with a new brick

In 1967, Walker AFB was closed and the base hospital sat
empty until it was utilized by the state as the New Mexico
Rehabilitation Center.

This is where I found myself recently taping a television

documentary on, of all things, the Kennedy Assassination. The
reason for filming in Roswell is simple. The people are friendly
and cooperative, the climate is generally dry, costs are much
lower that other parts of the country and the place is a treasure
trove of old items from years past --- clothing, cars, military
equipment, you name it.

Indicative of the cordial nature of the people there was the

warm welcome we received from John Cooper, executive
director of NMRC. But the story really got moving with
comments from his assistant Jacqueline Allen. 

Mrs. Allen told me that the film crew could have free access to
one wing on the second floor as it was being used mostly for
storage. “None of the personnel want to work there,” she

“Why is that?” asked this old reporter. 

“Because of strange and unexplained incidents which have

occurred there,” responded Mrs. Allen. 
My journalist hackles quickly rose and sent me on an
investigation of the strange story of the haunted hallway at what
once had been the Roswell base hospital. 

Emma Duran has been at the NMRC switchboard for 17 years

and she has heard several stories of ghostly figures seen in the
hallway of the second floor in the area where the operating
theaters were once located.

“I used to work the 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. shift,” she said. “We would
hear footsteps up there. But when we called maintenance, they
couldn’t find anyone. The elevators would open and close but
nobody would be there. 

“Several times the lights were on and the maintenance men

went up there and turned them off. But by the time they got
back down the hallway to the elevators, the lights would be
back on again.” 

She said that several patients in the past reported seeing a

strange figure in the upstairs hallway. “They would describe
someone who looked like a pilot, you know, like wearing a
World War II leather flying helmet. They would see his sort of
wave or give a little salute and then disappear. They named him
‘Mr. Scratch’.”

When I asked maintenance man David Rocha about any

apparitions at the facility, he said, “Oh, you want to know about
old Scratch.”

“It’s pretty spooky,” confirmed Rocha, who has worked for the
NMRC for more than 22 years. He recounted an experience
some years back when all employees were sent home for the
Christmas holidays except for himself and a few others who
served as a security detail. 

“We had to make security rounds all through the day and night,”
said Rocha. “It was weird. We heard footsteps, doors slamming
and elevators opening and closing but no one was there. I didn’t
like that.”

He added that most of the time the building was so silent “you
could hear a pin drop,” which made the odd noises all the more

Rocha’s account was supported by Dan Owen, a systems

analyst at NMRC. “I’ve seen doors suddenly open and close but
there was no one there,” said Owen, who agreed that stories
like this have circulated through the facility for many years. “It all
seems to take place on the second floor near the room where
they supposedly did an autopsy on the aliens.”

Mrs. Allen, who has worked at the NMRC for 14 years, said a
nurse technician who worked the night shift once told her of
seeing a small figure standing at the end of the second floor

“It was at the time of the first big Roswell UFO meeting [1997],”
she explained. “A bunch of us were talking about all that and I
commented, ‘I would like to see one of them.’ This nurse then
told me she thought she had seen one in the hallway.

“He was looking at her and then turned and walked off…just
disappeared. I understood from her that it was an alien. It was
not human. But then it went away. I was under the impression
that this happened more than once.”

Mrs. Allen said she too had heard such accounts from many
others over the years that included the elevators mysteriously
opening and closing, lights going on and off and even personnel
encountering areas of intense cold. 

She added that she was born on a ranch at Corona near

Roswell and that she remembers older residents talking about
the 1947 crash and alien bodies. “I believe in all this stuff,” she
said with a small hesitant laugh.
Another believer is Mary Rodden, who now serves as director of
staff development at the NMRC. From 1971 to 1975, she
worked as assistant director of nurses and she too heard the
stories of Mr. Scratch.

I’ve worked a lot of night shifts and you do hear strange

sounds,” she confirmed. 

She also said her father-in-law, Woodrow Jack Rodden, had a

contract with the Roswell base in 1947. He was a photographer
and processed pictures for the base which had no photo lab of
its own.

According to Mrs. Rodden, her father-in-law processed pictures

taken of both the crash debris and bodies for the military. He
was then sworn to secrecy. 

“He never talked about this with us,” she said. “He had a
complete personality change following the events in 1947. But I
do recall the one thing that he told my husband. He said, ‘They
killed it.’” 

I asked Mrs. Rodden if she thought he meant that the

authorities had killed the true story. She smiled and said, “No, I
think he meant they killed one of them.”

Emma Duran said she once met a man who told her that he had
worked at the Roswell base and that aliens from the crash site
were autopsied there. He told her that he had taken a bit of
metal from the crash debris but that government agents had
retrieved it from him and warned both he and his family not to
talk about it.

Owen, who has both seen and heard strange things in the
NMRC, said he had never encountered the alien ghost but
nevertheless added, “I’ve heard people say they have seen
aliens running around.”
It appeared that NMRC employees declined to speak about
these matters openly out of concern for the current patients and
fear of ridicule.

And that’s the story. I did not have time to track down further
accounts although I was assured I could have found them. 

Cold spots, elevators and doors that mysteriously open and

close by themselves and diminutive ghostly apparitions that
appear in the hallway where once stood the Roswell Army Air
Field hospital --- overheated imaginations or alien ghosts?

You decide.

Tag: Michael Jackson

The Sorcerers of Atlantis
by freemantv on Apr.16, 2010, under the Freeman Perspective

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“There is magic in names and the mightiest
among these words of magic is Atlantis…it is as if
this vision of a lost culture touched the most
hidden thoughts of our soul.”
H.G. Wells
In the time beyond history where myth becomes reality,
there is a story that unfolds spanning the ages. Magic and
miracles are tools of the people and history quickly
becomes present as sorcery takes hold of societies’
imagination once again.
Our creative manifestation is infused with beliefs from
unknown sources. They have slogans that state, “Your
world delivered” and “The power of you”. This is their
secret, their power is you!
So, take a trip with me now, through the world of mystery
and see what lies behind the magician’s trickery and see
how love has set their system to fail, because we are the
true power on planet earth. We love and we nurture all
that is cursed, in hope of a future that fulfills the dreams of
our inner child; that part of us that knows peace.
So, who are “They”? And what do they want? Is a tale that
is told through art and myths from before. The concepts
become clear as we release the fear and create the beauty
that we see within our hearts desire
Ceremonial magicis the ancient art of involking and
controlling spirits by scientific application of certain
formulae a magician ;inveloped in sanctitified vestments
and carriying a wand inscribed with hierogliphic
figures,could by the power vested in certain words and
symbols control the invisible inhabitants of the elements
and of the astral world..

The mythoi of our ancestors seem outlandish with tales of

flying vehicles and wars in the heavens. The Bible, both Old
and New Testaments, is filled with accounts of encounters
with divine beings; Abraham and the ‘smoking firepot’ and
a flaming torch that appeared in the sky as a sign of
acceptance of his sacrifice, the ‘pillar of cloud’ by day and
the ‘pillar of fire’ by night that led Moses and the Israelite,
God landing on Mount Sinai in smoke, with a sound of a
trumpet before them, Elijah being ‘carried up to heaven’ in
a ‘chariot of fire’ which created a whirlwind, and of course,
Ezekiel’s famous close encounter. The origins of modern
civilization on planet Earth has always been
According to Zecharia Sitchin’s interpretation of ancient
Sumerian cuneiform tablets, about 430,000 years ago,
Earth was visited by extraterrestrials which came here to
mine gold and other minerals that were needed for their
survival. They became known as the Elohim. The Elohim
had brought with them a worker race they called the
Annunaki. This was a race designed for mining. Eventually
the Annunaki revolted against their lazy masters and
escaped to the deep subterranean world where it seems
they still live today. The gods needed new servants. It was
Enki that suggested genetically altering the hominid species
already inhabiting earth. These became known as the LULU.
Eventually, the lazy masters did not want to manufacture
LULU through their birth wives so, they granted the LULU
reproduction. The story of Adam and Eve begins to take on
a whole new meaning. Certainly they were not the first to
be created; showing up in the second creation myth of
Genesis and their child, Cain, was fearful of the people of
Nod. The Bible then becomes the genealogy of the LULU
that could reproduce.
Ancient murals such as the 17th century fresco of the
crucifixion in Svetishoveli Cathedral depict flying craft or a
14th century fresco of the Madonna and Child with a UFO
hovering in the distance. This artwork by Sebastiano
Mainardi is also called the “ Madonna and Child with the
Infant Saint John.”
The mythoi of our ancestors seem outlandish with tales of
flying vehicles and wars in the heavens. The Bible, both Old
and New Testaments, is filled with accounts of encounters
with divine beings; Abraham and the ‘smoking firepot’ and
a flaming torch that appeared in the sky as a sign of
acceptance of his sacrifice, the ‘pillar of cloud’ by day and
the ‘pillar of fire’ by night that led Moses and the Israelite,
God landing on Mount Sinai in smoke, with a sound of a
trumpet before them, Elijah being ‘carried up to heaven’ in
a ‘chariot of fire’ which created a whirlwind, and of course,
Ezekiel’s famous close encounter. The origins of modern
civilization on planet Earth has always been
According to Zecharia Sitchin’s interpretation of ancient
Sumerian cuneiform tablets, about 430,000 years ago,
Earth was visited by extraterrestrials which came here to
mine gold and other minerals that were needed for their
survival. They became known as the Elohim. The Elohim
had brought with them a worker race they called the
Annunaki. This was a race designed for mining. Eventually
the Annunaki revolted against their lazy masters and
escaped to the deep subterranean world where it seems
they still live today. The gods needed new servants. It was
Enki that suggested genetically altering the hominid species
already inhabiting earth. These became known as the LULU.
Eventually, the lazy masters did not want to manufacture
LULU through their birth wives so, they granted the LULU
reproduction. The story of Adam and Eve begins to take on
a whole new meaning. Certainly they were not the first to
be created; showing up in the second creation myth of
Genesis and their child, Cain, was fearful of the people of
Nod. The Bible then becomes the genealogy of the LULU
that could reproduce.
Ancient murals such as the 17th century fresco of the
crucifixion in Svetishoveli Cathedral depict flying craft or a
14th century fresco of the Madonna and Child with a UFO
hovering in the distance. This artwork by Sebastiano
Mainardi is also called the “ Madonna and Child w
ith the Infant Saint John.”

In ancient times there were numerous sacrifices to the goddess.

Most notable is the rituals to Kali. The victim had to be willing, had
to know what was happening, watch the knife, and not stop it. 200
years ago, a boy was killed every day at a Kali temple in Calcutta. In
secret ceremonies the grizzly practice lives on; the sorcerer always
promising unlimited earthly riches for the act of human mutilation.
King Solomon worshiped Asherah, Chemosh, and Moloch creating
temples in the high places of Jerusalem for ritual sacrifice. In the
Bible Asherah is translated grove. Asherah is also the Biblical version
of Ishtar, who is Isis. The Hebrew letter equated with the Empress is
Dallas or Daleth. She is known as the Eye Goddess and the Hebrew
letter Ayin means eye and is the Devil card in the Tarot. Semiramis,
Ishtar, Anat, Asherah, Isis, Juno, Minerva, Aphrodite, Venus, et al.
are often represented with an owl; a symbol of peering into the
darkness. At Bohemian Grove these sacrifices continue by the
leaders of industry, finance and politics under a 40 ft. owl. This is
known as the Cremation of Care.
The power over the afterlife has always been used by these
sorcerers. They know the power of the mythos and if they can get
you to kill for their purposes then, they have you hooked. For who
will ever say they killed for the wrong reason? Mind controlled
agents are created for the purpose of ritual sacrifice. Currently, we
seem to be experiencing “Project Mayhem” with more and more
“Lone Nut Killers” executing people in the streets and then
themselves. 32 people shot dead and 23 wounded at Virgin-ia Tech,
13 shot dead and 24 wounded at Columbine (Columbia), and the
killers always taking their own lives in the end.
The assassination of John F. Kennedy took place on Friday,
November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. Dallas is the Hebrew letter
equated with the Empress Tarot.
On August 1, 1966, Charles Whitman shot and killed 14 people and
wounded 32 others from the Clock Tower at the University of Texas.
Many deaths have surrounded this 307-foot, owl-like edifice. The
first death associated with the tower came during its construction; a
worker slipped and fell twelve floors in 1935. There was another
accidental death in 1950. There were also suicides in 1945, 1949
and 1961. Since the tower was completed in 1937, nine people have
jumped from the observation deck, which was closed in 1975 due to
the numerous deaths. The goddess Columbia stands with her back to
these atrocities with her angel wings spread. Galveston has its own
pentagram goddess statue and on September 8, 1900 the deadliest
natural disaster that the United States has ever experienced hit
Galveston killing 6,000 to 10,000 men, women and children.
The “New Atlantis” was a place designed long ago to bring about the
fruition of the “Order of the Quest”. The Western continent was not
unknown to the ancients. Treasured maps such as the Piri Reis map,
discovered in 1929, clearly show prehistoric knowledge of earth’s
geography. The map was created by the Turkish seafarer and one-
time pirate Piri Reis or Admiral Reis from 20 maps dating back to the
time of Alexander the Great in 356 BC. The original maps of
Alexandria appeared to be much older, perhaps even 100,000 years
older. They showed Antarctica without ice and the earth’s
circumference was known.  “The evidence presented by ancient
maps appears to suggest the existence in remote times, before the
rise of any known cultures, of a true civilization of an advanced
kind”, says Charles Hapgood. He came to believe that the maps
proved that the lost culture of Atlantis originated on Antarctica.
Templar discoveries of Mandean text directed them towards the
western continent. The Mandeans told of a star to follow, the Star of
the West, Venus. They called this “star” Merica. Templar symbols
have been found in America from before its “discovery” and after.
The Templar were known for their gold and arches. They flew the
flag of Skull and Bones on their ships as they dispersed from the holy
land to enter England and Scotland to join forces with the
Freemasons. Columbus raised the Templar flag with a red cross on a
white banner as he crossed the ocean blue. Columbus was likely the
Greek Prince, Nikoloas Ypsilantis and was then titled after the
goddess Columbia.  According to Manly P. Hall, his signature is
shown with a Kabalistic cipher. There is much to indicate that
Columbus was influenced by Plato’s account of Atlantis.
People speak of being “Americans” but do they know where that
title comes from or who designed the nation’s flag?
Manly P. Hall tells the tale of a strange man that befriended
Benjamin Franklin in the fall of 1775. The Colonial Congress was in
session and a committee was formed to consider and recommend a
design for a Colonial flag. General Washington joined the committee
in Cambridge and there they met a mysterious stranger that dined
only on raw foods. He was in his seventies but, appeared to be in
the prime of his life. This man was known only as the “Professor”.
Benjamin Franklin recommended that he join the committee and
the new Colonial flag should be left in the hands of his abundantly
honored friend.
The mystery schools came to enchant the land with a mythos; a
story to be believed by the masses. It was said that in America the
streets were paved with gold and that all would find freedom,
“The Sons of Liberty”, a film by Walt Disney, builds this mythos for
our time as it depicts the Boston Tea Party as a righteous event
never mentioning the inner circle of Freemasons that pulled off this
act of prestidigitation, this false-flag event. It is the same method
employed by the ancient Egyptians and the Greeks of creating
archetypal forces to be followed. Liberty, our goddess Columbia, is
Venus/Lucifer and Isis/Sirius.

In the ritual of the first degree of Freemasonry, the candidate is told

by the Worshipful Master. “My brother, I have now the pleasure of
presenting you with a lambskin, or white leather apron. It is the
emblem of innocence and the badge of a Mason. It is more ancient
than the Golden Fleece or Roman Eagle, more honorable than the
Star and Garter, or any other order that could be conferred upon
you at this, or any future period, by king, prince, potentate or any
other person, except he be a Mason.
Within the rituals of occult orders, such as the Freemasons, it is
required that the candidate circle the altar of the lodge in a
particular manner. It is called circumambulation. Circumambulation
is the practice of “…making a circuit about a thing or in an area of
reverence…” In Masonry, circumambulation involves the making of a
circuit around the Lodge, while keeping the right hand toward the
altar. “The rite is symbolic of the apparent daily course of the sun,
and was undoubtedly derived from the ancient sun-worship.”
Further, the Entered Apprentice during initiation shall proceed to
the northeast corner of the Lodge three times during the
circumambulation, the Fellowcraft during “passing” shall proceed
there four times, and the Master being “raised” shall proceed there
five times.
The 47th Proposition of Euclid is known as “that amazing
Proposition which is the foundation of all Masonry.” It is also known
as the Pythagorean Theorem. The Pythagorean Theorem is
important in building, and one of its uses is to square a room.
Builders use the theorem to square the corners of rooms by using
the ratio of the numbers three, four and five. The Egyptians several
thousand years ago considered this the standard and symbol of
perfection and they made it also the basis of all their
measurements. They looked on it as the symbol of Universal Nature,
the side 4 being  the male principle Osiris, 3 the female principle
Isis, and 5 the son Horus. Therefore, the canted square represents
this solar son. It is for this reason that the Nazis canted the solar
symbol known as a swastika.
Any Mason, after having been “raised”, has reproduced by
circumambulation the numbers three, four and five in the most
significant corner of the Lodge, the Northeast, and thereby has
unknowingly recited, with his feet, the formula which is contained
in the 47th problem, and thereby has “squared the Lodge”.

The history of Christmas is obscure. The ancient celebration was a

mushroom ritual using the Amanita Muscaria which is colored red
and white. The shamans of the North Pole would collect these
mushrooms and place them in the evergreen trees to dry. This is
where we get the idea of ornaments. The reindeer would seek the
mushroom under the tree and then dash, dance and prance around
while high on the mushroom. A Vixen or witch would prepare the
brew which brought upon an euphoric feeling equated with Cupid
and then the participant would receive a message symbolized by the
Comet. What brought the mushroom is the rain. Donner and Blitzen
are German for thunder and lightning. In the original version of “A
Visit from St. Nicholas.” the Dutch names Dunder and Blixem were
used. The author of this poem is still a mystery. It could be either
Clement Clark Moore or Henry Livingston that penned the 1823
It should be known that Christmas is not the birthday of Jesus
Christ. It is an ancient pagan ritual to the Sun. The sun stops in its
course at the Winter Solstice and “dies” for 3 days. “Solstice” is
derived from two Latin words: “sol” meaning sun, and “sistere,” to
cause to stand still. Then, the sun continues its trip into the New
Year and is considered to be “resurrected”.
The Winter Solstice is called Alban Arthuan by the ancient Druids. It
is the end of month of the Elder Tree and the start of the month of
the Birch. The three days before Yule is a magical time. This is the
time of the Serpent Days or transformation…The Elder and Birch
stand at the entrance to Annwn or Celtic underworld where all life
was formed. Like several other myths they guard the entrance to
the underworld. This is the time the Sun God journeys through the
underworld to learn the secrets of death and life and to bring out
those souls to be reincarnated.
The Holly Wood is the Druidic symbol of death and resurrection. The
Druids regarded holly as a symbol of fertility and eternal life,
thought to have magical powers. In Druid lore, cutting down a holly
tree would bring bad luck. In contrast, hanging the plant in homes
was believed to bring good luck and protection. Holly was also
thought to protect homes against lightning strikes. Romans
associated holly with Saturn, the god of agriculture and harvest, and
decked the halls with its boughs during the festival of Saturnalia.
The Pope is certainly aware of this history.
In the Galaxy of notables in early American history, one finds these
distinguished Masons: George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Paul
Revere, Alexander Hamilton, and Patrick Henry. It is authentically
reported that all but two of the generals in the Revolutionary War
were Masons. As the history of this nation continued and advanced
along the lines of freedom and brotherhood, many of the leaders in
national affairs, including the Presidents, were illustrious Masons.
Over two hundred years, the destiny of this country has been
determined largely by men who were members of the Masonic
Masonic Presidents of Our Country Holy Bible Master Reference
On January 5, 2007, House Resolution 33 was submitted to the
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform in the 110th
Congress. It established Freemason Day on June 24th, St. John’s
Day, to honor the Founding Fathers of this great Nation and signers
of the Constitution, most of whom were Freemasons and members
of the Masonic Fraternity, both individually and as an organization
who continue to make invaluable charitable contributions of service
to the United States. But, who are they?
The official story is that “Freemasonry is a science—a philosophy—a
system of doctrines which is taught, in a manner peculiar to itself,
by allegories and symbols. This is its internal character.”
Albert Mackey’s “Symbolism of Freemasonry”.
Freemasonry’s roots are from an ancient Hebrew form of magic
known as Kabbalism. Albert Pike, Grand Sovereign Commander of
the Southern Jurisdiction also known as the Temple of the 33rd,
states over 70 times that Freemasonry is associated with Kabbalism
in his seminal work, Morals and Dogma. Pike clearly believed that
virtually all important Masonic symbolism derived from the Kabalah.
The Freemasonic rituals are based upon the building of Solomon’s
Temple. Each candidate that enters for initiation is lead through a
death and resurrection ritual starring the initiate as the first Master
Mason, Hiram Abif.
Where did the first Mason come from? Evidence suggests an
extraterrestrial source. It is not noticed by many that one of the
characters known to have left the planet, like Enoch, is King Hiram
of Tyre. This is the very King that King Solomon enlisted to build his
temple to house the Ark of the Covenant.
When looked at another way, the Ark of the Covenant is a weapon
of mass destruction given to the Lord’s special people. Consider that
Moses followed a UFO to a mountain and received direction to build
an ark of very specific dimensions. His is told by the Lord of the
Mountain to construct stones in a particular fashion and place them
in this gold embossed, acacia wood conductor and use it to destroy
any opposing army that came their way. The stones that Moses first
brought down had no effect and he smashes them and returns to the
mountain top and is told that he must create the stones on his own.
This time Moses comes down and the stones radiate. From this point
on Moses must wear a veil to hide his face. The ark was stolen for a
time and each king that would open it died of a mysterious
withering disease that made their hair fall out and sores opened on
their flesh.
The Ark of the Covenant is currently lost. Some believe it may be
with the “Black Jews” of Ethiopia known as the Falashas. I know for
certain that a replica of the Ark is in Benjamin Franklin’s lodge in
Philadelphia being used in the Masonic rituals performed in the
Templar room.
The esoteric arts deal with more than calling on entities to do your
bidding; it is also the use of technologies that the people of the
Common Era do not understand.

Let’s consider the extraterrestrial roots of Freemasonry. First,

notably, is the origins of Freemasonry; There are three. The first
being that of Atlantis and the wise philosopher kings that sank their
own continent in a power struggle with the Lemurians, or so it is
told. Numerous books have been written by Freemasons on Atlantis
and the lost continent of Mu or Lemuria. La Plongeon, Churchward,
and Leadbeater are all imminent scholars of anthropology and have
written on the subject of advanced ancient civilizations. Leadbeater
is quoted in the Glossary of Morals and Dogma which is a dictionary
compiled by the Supreme Council of the 33rd in an attempt to
understand Albert Pike’s work.
The history of Atlantis is, of course, shrouded in mystery. The most
exoteric explanation we have comes from Plato and his knowledge
comes second-hand. Critias had been told of the Pillars of Atlantis by
Solon; a man whom found himself torn between the people and the
rulers. He sought the ancient mysteries of Egypt to help discover a
societal cure. It is said that the ancient Egyptians were the happiest
people on the planet. Certainly, everyone ruling planet earth
wanted to be like the Egyptians.
Solon having no ideas to reconcile the differences between ruler
and ruled, set out to Giza to find a master. It took him many years
to be accepted and conditioned enough to go down to the
subterranean realms that were the remnants of Atlantis. He was
ferried underground to a place where two columns stood, made of
metal not of this earth, on which were the guidelines for societal
happiness. I’m really not sure if this helped Solon or not but, Critias
was impressed and told his master the tale and now we know.
These two columns are known as Jachin and Boaz in Freemasonry.
They are known as the pillar of Mildness and Strength, respectively.
Pike considered these “unabashedly phallic”; the power of dark and
light, creation and destruction, the vagina and the penis.
Genetics has long run through this story. Actually, it is a story of
The second creation myth of Freemasonry is Solomon’s Temple
which also sported two columns. The entrance ritual of Freemasonry
is a re-enactment of the building of Solomon’s Temple.

It is for each individual Mason to discover the secret of Masonry, by

reflection upon its symbols and a wise consideration and analysis of
what is said and done in the work. Masonry does not inculcate her
truths. She states them, once and briefly; or hints them, perhaps
darkly; or interposes a cloud between them and eyes that would be
dazzled by them. “Seek, and ye shall find,” knowledge and truth.”
“Morals and Dogma”, Albert Pike on the lessons of the Grand Elect,
Perfect, and Sublime Mason
The signs and symbols that we see everyday are a method of
showing allegiance to the lodge. With a discerning eye, one can
extrapolate the hidden meaning of these corporate logos. Some, like
Endemol, seem simple enough being a reptilian eye; others are more
covert and require knowledge of the inner workings of the Masonic
lodge rituals.
Consider the pentagram or five-pointed star. After the candidate is
struck on the forehead with a “fatal” blow of the Worshipful
Master’s gavel, he is lowered straight back so that he lays onto a
funeral shroud placed on the floor behind him. Immediately he is
draped in this shroud leaving only his eyes uncovered. Attempts to
resurrect the candidate ceremoniously fail because the knowledge
of the Secret Grip of the Lion’s Paw is not known in the first
degrees. Only the Worshipful Master can raise the candidate from
his mortal status. The candidate is then embraced in the Five Points
of Fellowship. In this position the “resurrected cadaver” receives an
incantation of the Lost Word, Mah-Ha-Bone, in his ear. He is shown
the black grave just behind him with a human skull and cross bones
to represent the mortal character of the candidate. The Worshipful
Master then directs the candidate’s attention towards the east
where he can see a five-pointed star shining in the darkness
between the Twin Pillars of Jachin and Boaz. He is told this star is
“the bright star of the morning”, Venus rising before the Sun.
Could Mars be the origin of Atlantis? The pyramid and face on Mars
fly in the face of common reasoning. As a part of the long range plan
of the Freemasons, the street plan of Washington D.C. has the same
geometrical layout as the Cydonia region of Mars.
Mars has been in the collective consciousness as a symbol of
aggression and wars. NASA is coupling with Space Command and the
new space program is known as the Ares Project. Ares is Mars.
Boeing deemed it creditable to show Sumerian architecture on the
Martian landscape in their promotional poster for the Prometheus
Mars Mission. Prometheus, in Greek mythology, was the son of
Iapetus (also a moon of Saturn). He stole the “sacred fire” or
technology from the gods to give to mankind. The Hebrew letter,
Heh or H means window, and is the letter assigned to the Emperor.
He is a representation of Aries/Mars. The color red is obviously a
sign of Mars and the square is a symbol of man. The History
Channel’s logo is a red square with the letter H or
Emperor of Mars.
The Greek letters X and P are Chi and Rho respectively. Cairo Egypt
was originally known as El Kahir which means Mars. Therefore,
Windows XP means Emperor of Mars.
Mars’ moons Deimos and Phobos were not seen by mankind until
1877 even though telescopes have existed since 1608. Their names
are taken from the 15th book of Homer’s Iliad. Deimos means fear
and Phobos fright.
In 1988, Phobos One, and its companion spacecraft Phobos Two
were launched to conduct surface and atmospheric studies of Mars
and its Martian moon Phobos. Phobos One disappeared en route to
the moon while Phobos Two established a geosynchronous orbit
around Mars. The satellite photographed anomalous structures and a
network of rectangular shapes and straight lines before a fifteen-
mile-long UFO appeared and Phobos Two went dead.
“It must be pointed out that the flying saucer version is not ours.
Actually, at first we were saying there was no flying saucer. That
surely, all that we saw could be explained in understandable,
natural and physical terms.” V. D. Harlamov Soviet Space Agency.
No further explanation has been released.
Terra-forming of Mars seems to be occurring. HW and W both pushed
for nuclear manned missions to Mars. The CIA are near the head of
the extraterrestrial beast along with the CFR, the Tri-Lateral
Commission and, the Bilderberg Group. As we move into the
Aries/Orion missions this seems that that is exactly what we’re
talking about. A war of combined forces of Grey aliens from Orion
with Aryan races of Earth.
Goetic evocation is the basest form of magick, catering to the
magician’s most carnal desires. This shadowy practice is for the
“intentional conjuration of spiritual beings who are, by definition,
Fallen Angels, Evil Spirits and Demons!” Even the Beast Aleister
Crowley was reluctant to perform such rituals but our government
isn’t. Crowley was aware of the possibility of opening the spatial
gateways and of admitting an extraterrestrial Current into the
human life-wave.
The Bicentennial Capital Mall in Nashville, Tennessee is shaped as
the final seal of King Solomon. This seal of Solomon’s was designed
to bind the spirits he had conjured to help build his temple.
Solomon the king also desecrated the high places that were east of
Jerusalem on the south of the Hill of Corruption—the ones Solomon
king of Israel had built for Ashtoreth the vile goddess of the
Sidonians, for Chemosh the vile god of Moab, and for Molech the
detestable god of the people of Ammon.
This is the Form of the Secret Seal of Solomon, wherewith he did
bind and seal up the aforesaid Spirits with their legions in the Vessel
of Brass.
This seal is to be made by one that is clean both inwardly and
outwardly, and that hath not defiled himself by any woman in the
space of a month, but hath in prayer and fasting desired of God to
forgive him all his sins, etc.
It is to be made on the day of Mars or Saturn (Tuesday or Saturday)
at night at 12 o’clock, and written upon virgin parchment with the
blood of a black cock that never trode hen. Note that on this night
the moon must be increasing in light (i.e., going from new to full)
and in the Zodiacal Sign of Virgo. And when the seal is so made thou
shalt perfume it with alum, raisins dried in the sun, dates, cedar and
lignum aloes.
Also, by this seal King Solomon did command all the aforesaid Spirits
in the Vessel of Brass, and did seal it up with this same seal. He by it
gained the love of all manner of persons, and overcame in battle,
for neither weapons, nor fire, nor water could hurt him. And this
privy seal was made to cover the vessel at the top withal, and your
government used you r money to build it on top of a Native
American burial mound.
Are you seeking the truth or are you seeking justification for your
instilled belief system?
Belief systems are handed generationally through societal
programming. Architecture has been the prime form of astectic
terrorism through out civilizations existence.
The first civilization was ruled by the gods. Their edifices were the
largest features of the landscape and therefore, the mindscape. The
pyramids and temples of Egypt have left a lasting impression but,
soon were surpassed by the Church. When religion reigned the
steeple towered above the city. The churches of the gothic and
renaissance periods staggered the imagination; seeming to defy
gravity. The same sacred geometry was employed as in the temples
of Imhotep only now they were built by the Templar priestcraft.
Soon, this power shifted to money. This faith based system
surpassed all prior systems of control and brought the people under
its spell. The banks soared above any known building. The spell
stripped the masses of their wealth and replaced it with a sigil; a
spell. This spell funneled gold to the hands of the priestcraft and
they stored it away for a later use.
Now, that the resources of this planet have been taken by the few,
a new order of control is rising. If you look around you now, you will
see that it is the telephone companies that tower above the banks.
This could mean only one thing. The Radio Frequency Identification
Chip is the coming global control mechanism.
The Veri-Chip is already in people, the scanners are waiting and the
Masons are promoting it. All that is needed now is a reason. Being
that this is coming through the medical industry a plague is not
outside of our ruler’s morality. There certainly seems to be a need
for agreement from the people. Perhaps free will is our true power.
Do we really need to follow the game plan? Who is your next lord,
your next El?
Alan Moore’s League of Extraordinary Gentlemen highlights the use
of advanced technology before its time. Of course, Moore’s choice
of characters is Masonic. Sean Connery’s appearance as Alan
Quatermain dtermines this films character bieng that Sir Connery
only works on Masonic oriented films. He took this role after missing
the esoteric significance of the Matrix. He had turned down the role
as the Great Architect of the Universe which is the name given to
God in Masonic temples.
Moore’s fiction is based on fact. These Sorcerers has always used
their technical prowess to control the masses. Heron of Ptolemaic
Egypt, is a Greek known to have crafted a primitive steam engine.
He called it an aeolipile, or “wind ball”. His “programmable”
automated devices in particular, represent some of the first formal
research into cybernetics. He used these devices to lure people into
temples. The priest would light the fire and start the mechanism
and lo and behold the mighty god of this temple opened the massive
doors. Heron’s acts of prestidigitation guided many beliefs in
Soon, the anti-gravity craft of today will be revealed to the masses
but, for what purpose?
The Nazis came to America through Project Paperclip to work with
the budding space agency now known as NASA. Adolf Hitler’s
Luftwaffe is reported to have manufactured flying saucers. The New
York Times reported that a “Floating Mystery ball is New German
Weapon. Airmen of the American Air Force report that they are
encountering silver coloured spheres in the air over German
territory. The spheres are encountered either singly or in clusters.
Sometimes they are semi-translucent.” These objects were named
‘Foo Fighters’. The Germans were developing craft that could be
mistaken for what would nowadays be considered UFOs. One person
who made claims regarding the development of ‘flying saucers’ in
Nazi Germany is former Luftwaffe Flight Captain and aircraft
designer Rudolph Schriever. He claimed in 1950 that he and a small
team had worked at facilities near Prague developing a saucer-type
vehicle. Claims have also been made that the Nazi ’Vril Society’
were allegedly ‘channeling’ messages from an alien civilization in
the Aldebaran solar system and planned to develop a craft that
could make physical contact with the civilization there. Whatever
the truth of this, by 1934 the Vril Society had apparently developed
its first UFO shaped aircraft, known as the Vril 1, which was
propelled by an anti-gravity effect.

Most people identify Lucifer as Satan from three passages in the

Bible. Isaiah 14:12 is the first and only place that the word Lucifer is
used and only in the King James Version of the Bible. This passage
speaks of a Babylonian king whose “relentless aggression” cause
nations to rise up and “make captives of their captors”.
The Bible states, “you will take up this taunt against the king of
Babylon. The oppressor has come to an end!” This oppressor is
typically thought of as Nebuchadnezzar, the morning star, son of the
dawn; Lucifer.
Now, the definition of Lucifer is a wholly different matter.
Noun: Lucifer-si-fu(r)
1. Lighter consisting of a thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped
with combustible chemical; ignites with friction
“as long you’ve a lucifer to light your fag” – match, friction match
I find it curious that Phoenix Pictures uses a friction match as their
icon which becomes a sun, low on the horizon then, boils up into a
fiery phoenix. This film company just happens to make films on
genetic manipulation with The 6th Day starring Arnold
Shwarzenegger as Johnny Phoenix and Nazi worship with Apt Pupil
written by Steven King. Phoenix Pictures joined with Disney to make
a film about
child labor camps; Holes, starring Sigourney Weaver.
2. A planet (usually Venus) seen just before sunrise in the eastern
sky – morning star, daystar, Phosphorus
Is it not curious that Jesus is called the daystar? If we are pulling
together a composite of Biblical passages to create a character, how
is it that Jesus slipped the noose?
The story of Lucifer as Satan became prominent due to the writings
of Dante’s Divine Comedy, written during the fall of the Templar
and Milton’s Paradise Lost written just an hundred years before the
colonialization of America.
America was founded with a goddess. Her symbols are the star and
the shell. These are the symbols of Venus. This is the image of
Lucifer; America’s goddess, Columbia.
In Greek mythology, Hermaphroditus was the child of Aphrodite and
Hermes. Born a remarkably handsome boy, he was transformed into
an androgynous being by union with the nymph Salmacis. His name
is the basis for the word hermaphrodite.
Hermaphroditic symbols are used by many occult orders. The
Masonic Compass and Square is a symbol of the sexual act.
Corporate logos such as Target employ the hermaphroditic sun
symbol. This is very much like the hand gesture of inserting a finger
into a hole.
Within the world of Rock and Roll we find many representations of
the hermaphrodite. Prince attempted to make his symbol his name.
This symbol is a cross of the symbol for Mars with the symbol of
Venus coupled with a
hyper dimensional spiral. Prince and Madonna make the union of
he/she pop stars.
Kiss’ front man Paul Stanley stands as the Bacchus/Dionysus
character with his pentagram eye and feminine features. The
mythos of the Kiss costumes is curious when you note that the
hermaphrodite stands next to Ace Frehley
an ancient astronaut or star man which was replaced by an Egyptian.
They have the familiar of the witch, the cat who was replaced by a
fox (666) and the whole group is led by a fire-breathing, blood
drinking dragon lord.
“…this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified, and
has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding
vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of
volition.” V
This is no vacuous vacation from veracity; the V’s value is no vamp
in the vision of the votaries which vilipend the virtuous; those viral
visitants vacant of virtue..
Could it be that what we are witnessing in our top pop stars recently
is the result of trauma-based mind control? Have the Monarch mind-
controlled slaves gone wild? Anna Nicole mysteriously dies, Britney
shamelessly shaves herself bald, Astronaut Lisa Nowak sets off on a
mission of doom in diapers; what is going on!?
There is a program so grim; its aspects are difficult to talk about. I
am referring to Satanic Ritual Abuse. It is widespread and goes to
the upper echelons of the world’s rulers. Most Americans won’t
believe that mind control is going on in the “homeland.” Well, it is.
Many of the rituals and methods employed in the mind control
projects are inspired by the ancient mystery schools; blood and sex
rituals to the god and goddess. From ancient Babylon to Nazi
Germany and on into America, trauma-based mind control has been
the modus operandi of the Illuminati.
Child prostitute rings, human slavery, and bloody ritual sacrifice are
used everyday by those in power. Few have escaped the grasp of
this dark force to bring forth this knowledge; the Mother Goddesses
themselves, Cathy O’Brien and Arizona Wilder are two made popular
through the works of Fritz Springmeier, Cisco Wheeler and David
Icke. They tell us that, most victims of Monarch programming come
from broken homes that usually involve sexual abuse. The Illuminati
seek parents that are pedophiles. They want fathers that will abuse
baby girls. The handlers program the children with the expectation
that they will be “thrown from the freedom train” when they reach
the age of 30. They own you, and when they are done, they kill you.
Could our leading stars be part of an Illuminati Satanic Ritual Cult
that eats babies for Moloch? The idea is not as far out as it seems.
The truth is, this is the more likely reality.
Most of the bloodlines of the elite are kept hidden, such as Hitler’s
connections with the Rothchilds, Bush’s connection to Crowley and
Walt Disney, the Dark Prince. “Uncle” Walt was a bastard child that
grew up in an abusing home. Much like Hitler’s mother and the
Rothchilds, Walt’s probable mother, Isabelle, was brought to work at
the Disney home as a maid in 1905. Then, Walt Disney became an
FBI asset through 33rd degree Freemason, J. Edgar Hoover.
Disneyland and Disney World have both been reported as being used
in what Springmeier calls “Princess Programming” to create high
level sex slaves.
The symbols of the Dogon tribe in Mali Africa have been shown to
incorporate knowledge of the creation of the universe and more
specifically focus on the star, Sirius. The Dogon are descendants of
the Egyptians. After an examination of their creation myth one can
believe that they were given knowledge of atomic structure and
It was discovered that the Dogon knew of a second star orbiting
Sirius. They called this star, Po and indicated that it was the
heaviest object in the universe. These aboriginal Bushmen said that
Po orbits Sirius every 50 years in an elliptical orbit. This companion
star was not known about by astronomers until 1862. The Dogon
myths go back for thousands of years. It is believed that Siruius B is
a white dwarf star. Its dense matter created a gravitational flux that
suggested its existence. It is now known that the orbit of Sirius B
around Sirius A is 50 years. When asked how the Dogon knew this,
they replied that a creature, half fish and half man, taught them
their secrets. They say these gods will return and they will be
known as the Nommos.
When I was 10 years old, I drew a picture that must have been a
form of Remote Viewing. I kept this picture all of my life. In time, I
began to realize the validity of my drawing. It shows the US Space
Shuttles in battle with a winged serpent. On each of the shuttles I
drew a symbol to show their allegiance. Not knowing it at the time, I
had drawn the exact symbol the Dogon use to represent Sirius. The
craft that I had drawn in-between the shuttles and serpent was
filmed by the Space Shuttle Columbia mission STS-75 which
launched in February of 1996. I had created my artwork in 1977.
The Dogon perform rituals to remember this knowledge as the
Egyptians and Masons have always done. It requires blood sacrifice
to idols. Robert Anton Wilson, after performing a Crowley ritual
made contact with Sirius and discovered its connection with the Eye
in the Pyramid symbolism. Aleister Crowley’s Order of the Silver
Star is thus the Order of the Eye of Set, “the Sun behind the Sun,”
and the Silver Star is Known to be Sirius.
Sirius is the luminary of the constellation Canis Major, the Greater
Dog, which represents Orion’s larger hunting dog, and as such is
commonly referred to as the “Dog Star.”
According to Exopolitics the Reptilians from Alpha Draconis are
known for controlling human elites, institutions and financial
systems. They create militarism and a climate of scarcity. It is this
group that is considered to be harvesting humans and controlling the
Earth reptilians and grey alien workers. The Sirians participate in
technology exchanges supplying their superior technology to either
side of a conflict and remaining neutral themselves. The cultures
around Sirius B have a very controlling vibration. Some of the
humans are red, beige and black-skinned. The planets around Sirius
B are very arid and generally occupied by reptilian and aquatic-type
It is not curious that the ruling classes of Earth use these same
symbols to designate their city states? It can be quickly deduced
that the M0narchy of London have kept people in a state of scarcity
that has fomented wars all over the planet. The secret library under
the Vatican has been the topic of many conspiracy researchers.
They suggest knowledge of high technology from the ancient past.
The Pope’s astronomer, José Gabriel Funes, a Jesuit priest insists
alien life ‘would be part of God’s creation’ and most likely did not
suffer “Original Sin”.
Reverence is the key to mankind’s survival. Remembrance of those
that came before us leads a course to righteousness. The Mayans
understand that it is necessary to give gratitude to the life giving
forces and to share earthly wealth with those that have past.
They say that reverent ceremony could save the ozone and heal the
afflictions that plague planet earth. This is a time for upset. The old
age is passing and there will be a tumultuous transition that could
be quelled some by thankfulness and forgiveness.
The Mayans are not shy in sharing their truth of a coming cataclysm.
According to their ancestors, a place is set for them in the
subterranean realms of earth.
It has been recently noticed that the magnetosphere has developed
a hole four times the size of earth. Solar eruptions are occurring on
an unprecedented scale culminating with the largest solar flare
storm in 2012. We are to expect extreme weather conditions with
earthquakes and floods.
Along with this upset comes a great gift. It has been recognized by
Russian scientists that the depletion of electromagnetic frequencies
increases humanity’s psychic potential. Our collective intuitive
nature will expand and potential DNA mutations could occur due to
the new frequencies of light radiation from the sun.
On December 21st 2007, the Mayan foundation Kakulhaa acted on
the prophecy that a “Tribe of Nations” would gather for the first
ever all night Winter Solstice ceremony at the pyramids in Tikal. A
miraculous group formed representing nearly every nation on earth
and the ceremony was performed by all.
The Mayan’s said, “Those that discovery the mystery will survive.”
The Mayans have always been conscious of the synchronistic realms.
The unification of humanity into one heart is not only possible, it is
inevitable. When pressed for some good news the Mayans said,
“Patience, guidance will come.”
It is easy to see what the Freemasons would consider an ideal
situation, just examine Disney World. Disney is funded and operated
by Military Industrial corporations. Sponsored by RCA, Space
Mountain was the first roller coaster to open in Walt Disney World,
when it opened on January 15, 1975. It uses basic mind control
techniques of trauma followed by predictive programming. Once the
victim concluded the ride, he is led down a path showing him what
the future will hold. This became the basis of children’s dreams of
the future and the World of Freemasonic fascism was instilled. The
monorail trains were designed in California, but built in Orlando by
the Martin Marietta Corporation. This company designs nuclear
devices and rockets. Other sponsors include General Electric, Pepsi,
General Motors, Ford, Fed Ex, Bank of America, Mattel and UNICEF.
Once the tourist has made it through Disney’s gauntlet of checking
your papers, getting your fingerprints and data-basing your facial
recognition with your home town he is ready to enjoy the ride.
Within the Experimental Prototype Civilization of Tomorrow or
EPCOT is Seimen’s Spaceship Earth. On this ride the candidate of
Disney initiation is told of the magnificent achievements the
magicians have so graciously created for you. This is no different
than the reverence derived for the pledge of allegiance in grade
school. It’s all propaganda.
CEO Michael Eisner, Frank Wells, Rich Frank, and Jeffrey
Katzenberg and some others made the modern Walt Disney
Corporation. Walt Disney Studios Chairman Joe Roth is in charge of
Walt Disney as well as subsidiaries Touchtone, Miramax, and
Hollywood Pictures, which were all created to camouflage the
Disney production of adult films. Disney is the epitome of Illuminati
abilities to create images.
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with
Guide reproduction wisely- Improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living language.
Rule passion-faith-tradition and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth-beauty-love seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on this earth.
Leave room for nature.
Leave room for nature.
Hollywood Blockbusters are used for predictive programming. As we
moved into the Age of Horus, the dark, avenging hero, so too did
Hollywood’s heroes become the Anti-Hero.
Star Wars Revenge of the Sith was a not-so-veiled depiction of
American Politics. In this film we find the “Cast of Characters” set
up to fulfill the Sorcerer’s agenda. The Jedi are the Serpent Cult
tracking a certain blood type that has magical properties. The are
opposed by the same bloodline that has “turned to the dark side”.
In between we find the people oblivious to their plight; believing
that their struggle is due to people’s fallibility. The banking clan
directions the motion of the spell by funding both sides to create a
dialectic situation. The politician’s are used as chess pieces to
obscure the true agenda of the coming global super-state. The arch
villain in this film is General Grievous, an asthmatic cyborg terrorist.
It seems obvious that George Lucas was characterizing Osama Bin
Laden’s medical condition with a coughing robot. In a final attempt
to win the “War on Terror”, the Senator demands actions be taken
that set the stage for total dictatorial powers for the Chancellor to
“save the republic”.
The long laid plans go into action. The Senator sends out the
message to “execute order 66.” 66 is a Kabalistic symbol for the
Dark Side or sorcery and transliterates to “W”. “W” uses the mind-
controlled, clone army to wipe out the other faction of Good/Rebel
Are you a Princess or a Rebel Warrior? Your masters give you these
two options and none other. The Age of the Dark Hero is upon us.
Will we follow our programming and kill on command or can we
believe in a higher calling that takes the narrow road to peace?
What do Madonna, Alanis Morisette, Celine Dion, and Angelina Jolie
all have in common? They are al related to Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton. Brad Pitt, Gerald Ford, Lyndon B. Johnson, and George W.
Bush are all related to President Barack Obama. John McCain is
related to both Laura Bush and Britney Spears. George W. Bush is
also related to Marilyn Monroe and possibly Aleister Crowley.
Thomas Percy is the not-so-famous instigator of the “Gun Powder
Plot” of 1605. Even now, few understand that plot. Guy Fawkes
took the fall for this false-flag event. This is where we get the term,
“Fall Guy”. His remembrance is continued through an annual
bonfire celebration on the evening of the 5th of November. Guy was
no fox but a dupe ensnared by the chief minister himself in a
madcap scheme to blow up King and Parliament. The real plot was
royally successful: to invent a pretext for war with Spain. This fraud
was the foundation of the British Empire.. Percy set out to blow up
the British Parliament with King James inside. In shame, the Percy
bloodline concealed themselves behind the name Pierce and soon
rose to the presidency of America in the form of Franklin Pierce the
14th United States president. Pierce who is depicted with the sign of
the “Hidden Hand”, lost favor over wanting to keep slavery alive
and was replaced by James Buchanan, a Freemason, who is a
descendant of King James I, the recipient of the gun powder.
Eventually, the Pierce bloodline generated Pauline Pierce, a wild
child of her day. Rumors that Pauline had an affair with Dwight D.
Eisenhower have never been verified. She was introduced to the
infamous practitioner of “sex magick”, Aleister Crowley, whose
motto was “Do What Thou Wilt” and they did. On June 8, 1925 after
he Allison with Crowley, Pauline gave birth to a girl named Barbara.
Barbara then married the head of the CIA and “Bonesman”, George
H. W. Bush and together they generated George W. Bush. Ex-
President Bush may be a son of “The Beast”.
These bloodlines act like vampires on society and they should
because they stem from the vampire of vampires, Vlad the Impaler
who became known as the Count Dracula.
Barack Obama’s origins are still being debated he said, “I was
actually born on Krypton and, sent here by my father Jor-El to save
the planet Earth.”
V or Vav in Hebrew equals 6. Each letter has a value and a
corresponding Tarot card. V/6 is the card of the Heirophant or Magus
of the Eternal gods which has hermaphroditic connotations showing
the symbol of Mercury and Venus.
Kabalistic signs and ciphers are being used around us at all times. If
one is privy to this information predictions for world events is
possible, if one couples this with global politics. Consider Bill
Clinton’s impeachment; are we to believe that this is the first time a
President has been caught committing adultery? Of course not! This
was psychological warfare on the people of America. It was intended
to lower your ideals of the man, the President and to begin to
defeat your hearts. Here “they” had brought in a saxophone
playing, man of the people and took him down for a crime most have
committed. This is the path to World War III. First you must defeat
the people’s hearts then, you can defeat them in war. The next step
was to force a man into the Office of President. With discernment of
the Kabalistic codes it became easy to predict who would be forced
into office. The letter “W” in the mystical practices of Kabalism is
emblematic of the “Dark Side” of magick. It actually means
excrement. In magical terms, “W” is the sign of the Qlippoth which
are defined as the souls of those who died insane. It is said that
complete understanding these demons could result in the
destruction of the ego and therefore lead to actual madness. Dealing
with the Qlippoth is the psychic equivalent of working with toxic
waste…and it was about to become our President. The event of
forcing “W” into office was the next step in the long term agenda.
People were supposed to know of the voter fraud and link it to Jeb
Bush. Now, the people blame the Bush family and lost sight of the
true sorcerers creating their reality and they have been properly
incensed about losing control of “their” government.
This double V symbolism has been used in the past. Woodrow Wilson
“unwittingly ruined” the country by accepting the Federal Reserve
Act of 1913 which set the stage for the banker take over occurring
today. Hitler’s war machine, Volkswagen expressed this same
meaning and took it a step further. When the two V’s are interlaced
they form another V making 666. You will also notice that Phillip’s
66’s crest has 6 points. It is the same for Highway 66 which was the
first military road to the west to gather the gold.
In 1996 Saddam Hussein was rebuilding the Hanging Gardens of
Queen Semiramis in Iraq, the former Babylon. Saddam commissioned
Kabalistic architecture and began putting up statuary and paintings
depicting himself as the reincarnation of King Nebuchadnezzer. This
was reported in the USA Today by the CIA.
On the Vernal Equinox, March 21st, Operation Rapid Dominance was
enacted. It was known as Shock and Awe. Shock and Awe is a play on
the Hebrew form of the divine feminine, Shekinah. In Masonic
Catch-E-Kisms, the question is asked, “What is the Shekinah?”; the
proper response, “That cloud of brotherhood that surrounds the
Masonic altar.” The power of the Shekinah is said to have hovered
over the Ark of the Covenant in between to the two cherubim. It
was the very voice of God. The Shekinah is sometimes known as the
“Divine Whirlwind”.
The Vernal Equinox is a day within magic that begins a time of
mingling the realms of the dead and the living. On this day, the
Shock and Awe came down and struck Saddam
Hussein/Nebuchadnezzar with the Mother Of All Bombs, known in
military acronym as MOAB. It was the Moabites that defeated King
Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon.
This “Rapid Dominance” came to an end on a following ritual date,
that of Walpurgis Night celebrated by Pagans, Satanists and Catholics
alike. Walpurgisnacht is considered the “Enclosure of the Fallen”
and bonfires were built to keep away the dead and chaotic spirits
that were said to walk among the living this night. Saddam was
finally captured on December 13th 2003 and was hanged at Camp
Justice, a joint Iraqi-American military base, during the “Festival of
Sacrifice” celebrated by Muslims. Many to this day do not believe
the man captured and killed was the actual Hussein. He had many
Soon we will realize that we are not watching nation fight against
nation but, sorcerers ritually destroying life on planet earth.
Around 1996 large Xs began appearing in America’s skies. Soon,
spider web-like substances began falling to the ground. People,
unaware of what this substance was, tried to pick it up. The web-
like substance melted on their hand and they developed flu-like
symptoms. Aching joints, lethargy, breathing problems, headaches,
and nausea were some of the ill effects that seemed to have no root
cause. The news reported that a “flu-like symptom epidemic” was
upon us but, they could find no virus.
Ingesting barium causes all these problems and more. Hyper-
tension, depleted potassium, and heart fluctuations are others.
Barium is a known tracking agent and has been used to locate
terrorists in the Middle East. It was used in the movie, The Running
Man, to track the runners in this game of death. Barium tracing
shows up on X-Band Radar. An X-Band Radar was on its way to Alaska
on an oil rig just as hurricane Katrina was seemingly steered towards
New Orleans redirecting attention from the radar to FEMA’s
excessive foul ups.
In 1970, former National Security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote
in Between Two Ages, that “Technology will make available to the
leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare,
of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be
appraised…..techniques of weather modification could be employed
to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm.”
Aluminum in the atmosphere can be used by radio frequency
technology such as HAARP. HAARP is the largest ionispheric heater
in the world. It uses Extremely Low Frequency radio waves to heat
parts of the atmosphere and move the jet stream to direct storms.
This antennae array in Gakona Alaska can disrupt human mental
processes, jam global communications, change weather patterns
over large areas, interfere with wildlife migration patterns, knock
out electronics. Basically, the High Frequency Active Auroral
Research Program is a ground based solar flare.
Sun cycle 23 hit planet earth with massive Coronal Mass Ejections in
1999. When the solar flare actually struck the planet “super storms”
formed. Strangely, the news reported that these storms were
caused by “El Nino”, an ocean-atmosphere phenomenon.
HAARP-like technology is also used in submarine communications
which many believe is causing whales to beach themselves. The
British submarine, Astute, is now the largest nuclear submarine on
the planet.
A system of control is being set up all around us and in space to
monitor and control the population of Earth. With chemtrails,
HAARP, the neurophone and “the Grid”, we can no longer know
what is natural and what is man-made. God could come out of the
clouds with a loud booming voice heard in you head and sweep a
tornado toward you and everything but the destruction would be

How will human culture change in the next millennium as a result of

conscious evolution? Will we feel it proper to cater to our earth so
that beauty supplants blind ambition? Will our technological
advancements be turned to providing free time for the inhabitants
of earth? Can everyone participate in a giving and receiving
interaction that perpetuates an exchange of information that would
become everyone’s new work, our new economic orientation?
We’d be paid by the people we touched. Our gifts should go to the
people who have brought us spiritual truth. When people come into
our lives at just the right moment to give us the answers we need,
we should give them money. This is how we start to supplement our
incomes and ease ourselves out of the current limiting system.
As more people engage in this spiritual economy we will begin a real
shift into a culture that provides the beauty and potential to lift
mankind’s economic orientation.
As we discover the energy dynamics of the universe, principles
come forth to support that giving creates receiving. This knowledge
will create a critical mass that will push this evolution which will be
a dramatic movement of individuals from one occupation to
Creating the power for others through giving will open those souls to
fulfill their potential and direct the course of reality to heights of
intuition that raises everyone’s abilities accelerating the pace of our
evolution to that divine place we all hold in our hearts.
The lie of limitation creates the very lack that keeps people in
scarcity. Our minds must become aware of our infinite nature. As
we push against the unwanted we add to what we are resisting.
We have been conditioned to limiting thoughts. We are trapped by
our own conscious manifestation of scarcity that has been
programmed into our view of the universe. To break free, we must
realize our infinite potential and live the dreams we contain through
The world is being directed to change. It is our time to be that
change. No longer should we concern ourselves with what we don’t
want. It’s time to turn our attention toward what is beautiful and
vital. In seeking our enemy we become our enemy, forgetting the
true purpose of our existence. It is our reason to be, that must be
evolved. It is you, uplifting others around you that will ignite the

Expect more!

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