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Accounting System for J&S

to be built on the oscommerce code, and will have the same look and feel.
Pay a close attention to SECURITY ! Security breaches will not be tolerated !
Error reporting:
all forms and input should be checked by the server however, before sent to server, all inputs to display
errors using javascript.

A) Product Cost Database

Holding an Item Number and its relative Cost Price ( or “Net Price”), This will help calculating the
margin profit for later use in reports.

1. Therefore a product must have a column named “Net Price”.

2. Make sure that file import using excel will have the column name “Net Price” that comes right
after the “List Price” column

3. make sure Export Excel generates the relative file –OK (Pending)
No Right Permission Access Please contact your Web Administrator to request
more access or if you found any problem.

B) Product Status
1. the product status is controlled from admin>orders.php

2. these are the order status allowed:

Pending - when a user places an order, the order is automatically in pending status
When user placed an order: the status of the order did not shown in mail to user, and in the mail
details: Payment Method: section is blank,
When Status change to Processing: mail to user not require to send Invoice to user,in mail.
Delivered - when order is shipped & delivered, to be manually inserted by an admin

3. upon switching status to “Delivered” an Invoice will be automatically e-mailed out to the client
along with a default text.

* About invoices – check section C

C) Invoices view the report format in the end of this document 4 days task
Invoices is a section by itself on the OSC left menu, located under Customers (Catalog, Modules,
Customers, Invoices)
1. On entry, admin will view all invoices : date, invoice#, status, client, EDIT BUTTON,
ARCHIVE BUTTON ( if invoice is paid/voided), EMAIL,PDF
2. Search option on top: by Invoice # OR/AND Client's Name OR/AND date
3. Invoice status is Opened / Paid / Voided / Returned
4. secretary or admin may able to insert the amount and type of payment towards any invoice:
by clicking on the Edit button ( a new line appears – like we do for the images in the real estate
software), the secretary will be able to:
- set invoice status as Returned – Must enter a reason( make sure when status is returned/voide then
Payment method ; Credit Card/cheque not need to show these payment method.
- update the payments made on this invoice I.e – the Secretary enters Amount and a Payment Method –
both field are required(Pls. make sure admin/secretary would not be able to enter 0000 value(non)
values and in text field for amount.)
If Credit Card is used – needs to enter an authorization code ( text field)
if check is used – needs to enter check # (text field)

Please make sure to output the necessary error messages.

An invoice cant be over paid !
As long as the sum of payments made on an invoice dont sum up to the amount of the invoice, the
invoice is OPENED
This entire information of payment made and status change is saved as the Invoice History

5. System Logs any action performed in the Invoice section

date + time , user, action
6. Unless Invoice is paid in full, it is Opened
7. Admin to be able to view all invoices
8. Admin to be able to view a specific invoice history, I.E view all payments dates, methods and
amount that were made on this invoice(after archieved invoice then history unable to view-
history not implemented.)
9. If invoice is closed, Admin may choose to archive it
10. admin/secretary may email any invoice to its client , including its history
11. if invoice is set to Voided/Returned, a reason must be entered. This info will be saved in the
invoice History(currently when set status to return it display error for enter payment method
and complete information.)
12. PDF Button – will open a pdf version of the invoice including all the details and payment
history on it
13. EMAIL Button – opens a text area for the secretary to enter for the email + the PDF format of
the invoice is attached to the email.
14. RETURNED – When Returned , client gets a store credit. This amount is later considered
when calculating statements. More information regrading this will be provided later on.
Note: an opened invoice is an invoice that payment was not made in full on it.
In most of the cases that will be an order that was placed within the system and checked
out using the “TERMS” set by the admin for this client.
If a client orders and pays the order using a credit cards, the system will process the order and
the invoice will generated as PAID ( no balance on it)

D) Secretaries
secretaries have limited permission to use the system
1. have access to catalog, customers, orders and Invoices only !
2. May able to set the order's status from Pending to Delivered
3. May able to set the Invoice status and update Invoices (Pending)
one point in remaining unable to view catelog/product/category Need to test once
Categorie Access:
create Categorie
edit Categorie
move Categorie
delete Categorie
create Product
edit product
move Product
copy Product
delete Product
E) Statements view the report format in the end of this document 2 days task (Implemented but not
completed yet.)
Statements is a section by itself on the OSC left menu, located under Invoices (Catalog, Modules,
Customers, Invoices, Statements)
Statements are grouped-by-client opened invoices, note: client may have some buildings, and therefore
statements per building, for example, lets assume ORAIKO has 2 buildings and here are the open

ORAIKO 63 Main St $150

ORAKO 41 Jamaica Ave $1982
ORAIKO 63 Main St $441

therefore ORAIKO OVERALL statement is:

ORAIKO $2573
ORAIKO per building statements are:
ORAIKO 63 Main St $591
ORAIKO 41 Jamaica Ave $1982
ALWAYS: The building is the SHIPPING ADDRESS

1. On entry, admin will view all OVER ALL statements : date, client, Balance. EMAIL, PDF
2. each statement can be further clicked on and if there is a per building statement, it will be

3. Search option on top: by Shipping address AND/OR Client's Name OR/AND date range
4. Any of the results from the search will have an option to email a pdf format statement using
the same functionality as in point C13 - admin will be able to email a specific statement to
its relative client , either OVERALL or PER Building

Output for a Per Building statement:

transaction date
Client Name (Client Name showing through Drop down , Displaying for selected users.
Shipping Address
Due date (summation of order placed date + terms)
invoice Balance
grand Total of Amount and Invoice Balance
Aging box – Total Past Due, current, 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, 90+
There is same invoice id for the defrnt orders.
Admin will be able to goto the reports section and PDF the following reports

1) Sales Report (view the report format in the end of this document (Done)
− Admin may able to generate reports by Year, Month, Day(default) & by General or specific
− Output for a sales report:
Transaction date,
Item #,
Short Description,
Client Name,
Total Cost(comes from the cost DB), Showing on all filters
Extended Price, Showing on all filters
Total Gross, Showing on all filters, but field name is “Total Gross Profit.”
Margin Showing on all filters
Grand Total calculated for Qty, Total Cost(comes from the cost DB), Extended Price, Total Gross,
− Admin is able to print out the report from a pdf format
− Weekly report does not show all weeks record, just show recent /current running week.
(Done but not complete report and as order above mentioned not followed, total, extended price,
Total gross, margin, grand total and other calculation as given in pending)
2) A/R (Account Receivables Report) view the report format in the end of this document (Implemented but
some tasks remaining for complete and proper work .)
A/R are all opened invoices
− Searchable By Year, Month(default), Day & by General or Specific Client
− Output:
Customer Code ( the Shipping Address),
Customer Name,
credit limit ( to be input in customer account by admin),
Balance ( of all open invoices towards this shipping address and this customer),
Past due – summation of the open invoices that are past due towards the specific transaction Terms
Last Payment – last payment made towards this invoice
− Admin is able to print out the report from a pdf format

3) Aging Report view the report format in the end of this document 1 day task
− Aging report outputs open invoices information relative to date. The reference date to be used
for calculation is the date order status set to “Delivered”
− Outputs:
Shipping Address ( as customer code)
Customer Name
Last Payment
Current (means no terms)
1-30 days
31-60 days
61-90 days
90+ days
Grand Total – Summation of Current,1-30 days,31-60 days,61-90 days,90+ days
− Admin is able to print out the report from a pdf format

G - Quotes
− admin will be able to log in to the system and add products to the cart. On checkout admin ( and
only admin ! ) will have an option to “Save as a Quote”
− Saving as a quote will popup a window to update the client's information or select an existing
− Admin will be able to view all quotes, edit, and email the client the quote.
− Admin will be able to “Covert Quote to an Order” a specific quote, in this case the admin will
open an account for the client (if not opened yet) based on the info entered for the specific
The quote will go through the same process as a regular order

H – User Invoices
1. on login >my account, user may view all his invoices, and print them out.(there is no option \link to
print them directly.)
Aging Report format

Aging Summary Report

J&S Building Supply Report Date: 10/11/2010 1:12:45 PM
641 Amsterdam Ave
New York, NY 10025
T 212-877-0477
F 212-580-1082
Report generated for: All - Up to Date

Shipping Client Phone Last Current 1-30 days 31-60 days 61-90 days 90+ days Total
Address Name Payment

404 River Oraiko Corp 718-654- 07/09/13 $0.00 $787.40 $0.00 $313.00 $0.00 $1,100.40
Dr 4533 for $139

76 Main st Oraiko Corp 718-654- 07/03/10 $0.00 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00

13 Bing Ave Syscraft 646-551- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $87.00 $12.00 $99.00

$1,287.40 $400.00 $12.00 $1,699.40

A/R Report format

A/R Summary Report

J&S Building Supply Report Date: 10/11/2010 1:12:45 PM
641 Amsterdam Ave
New York, NY 10025
T 212-877-0477
F 212-580-1082
Report generated for: All - Up to Date

Shipping Client Name Phone Last Payment Credit Limit Balance Past Due

404 River Dr Oraiko Corp 718-654-4533 07/09/13 $2,500.00 $787.40 $345.00

for $139

404 River Dr Oraiko Corp 718-654-4533 $2,500.00 $415.00 $220.00

13 Bing Ave Syscraft 646-551-5111 $350.00 $33.00 $33.00

515 Main st Oraiko Corp 718-654-4533 07/03/10 $2,500.00 $231.00 $200.00

for $150

$1,466.40 $798.00

Sales Report format (the example shows the sales report for ORAIKO for date range 02/01/20 -

Sales Report
J&S Building Supply Report Date: 10/11/2010 1:12:45 PM
641 Amsterdam Ave
New York, NY 10025
T 212-877-0477
F 212-580-1082
Report generated for: ORAIKO 02/01/10 - 08/01/10

Transaction Client Short Description Item # Qty Total Cost Extended Total Margin
date Name of Goods Price Gross Profit

02/13/10 Oraiko Corp Aspirin ASP 1345 50 $100.00 $313.00 $213.00 68.05%

05/14/10 Oraiko Corp Toilet Paper To - 45 70 $150.00 $377.00 $227.00 60.21%

07/23/10 Oraiko Corp Tooth Brash BB5674 1000 $2,199.00 $3,510.00 $1,311.00 37.35%

1120 $2,499.00 $4,200.00 $1,751.00 $41.69%

Account Statement format

A/R Summary Report

J&S Building Supply Report Date: 10/11/2010 1:12:45 PM
641 Amsterdam Ave
New York, NY 10025 Account: ORAIKO CORP
T 212-877-0477 Terms: 60 Days Net
F 212-580-1082
Statement generated for: ORAIKO Corp

Transaction Date Invoice # Shipping Address Due Date Amount Invoice Balance

07/06/10 345567 145 Main st 09/05/10 $2,500.00 $2,500.00

08/04/10 345588 33 Bing Ave 10/03/10 $2,500.00 $2,000.00

08/07/10 345593 41 Helpert Rd 10/06/10 $350.00 $350.00

09/21/10 345611 145 Main st 11/20/10 $2,500.00 $2,500.00

$7,850.00 $7,350.00

Aging Report By Due Date: TOTAL INVOICES DUE: $7,350.00

PAST DUE: $4,850.00
Current: $3,150.00
1-30 Days: $433.00
31 -60 Days: $500
61-90 Days: $767.00
Over 90 Days: 0.00

Invoice Foramt

Invoice #3324
J&S Building Supply Report Date: 10/11/2010 1:12:45 PM
641 Amsterdam Ave
New York, NY 10025 Account: ORAIKO CORP
T 212-877-0477 Terms: 60 Days Net
F 212-580-1082 Date: 09/31/10

Shipping Address Item # Short Description Qty Price per Unit Total

145 Main st 33455 Toilet Papers 50 $10.00 $500.00

33 Bing Ave 112345 Broom 6” 50 $10.00 $500.00

41 Helpert Rd 456788 Windex Pro 50 $12.00 $600.00

145 Main st 34567 Mr Clean 10 Oz 100 $1.00 $100.00


1) Unable to Edit Shipping address, fields are only readable format.

2) When each time user goes to checkout in the shipping address, State/Provice field unselected
tomd_123@yahoo.in show details 2:59 PM (1 hour ago)
to me
3) - Hide quoted text -
4) Thanks for visiting mysite.com! Here is your free file.
Thanks for visiting. When sending pdf to users,

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