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about the Read1
Interview sources2
Access product3

Formal4 Preparing 4. Chronological

an outline Planning a
Informal5 document's
Spatial relations
Non-linear6 Selecting an
organization Physical placement of objects
Most important to least

Task oriented Most frequent to least

Simple to complex
Required to optional
1) Read
Marketing materials, product specifications and data sheets.

2) Interview sources
Prepare questions, use tape or take notes, set up convenient times and follow-up sessions

3) Access product
hands-on learning / evaluation

4) Formal
Detailed outline for reviewers.

5) Informal
Author's use only.

6) Non-linear
Based on systems, analysis, etc. Use or arrange index cards.

7) 4.\rPlanning a\rdocument\'s\rcontent
From Science and Technical Writing: A Manual of Style 2nd Ed. This mind map is 4 of 4 in the series.

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