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An A to Z of


To celebrate the publication of the First Volume in The Quotable Doctor
Who quotes series by Blue Eyed Books, co-authors Colin M Jarman and
Catherine A Davies have selected a personal A to Z of Quotations about
the world's favourite time-travelling TV show.

These quotes cover the Doctor himself, actors who have played the Time
Lord, companions, enemies and monsters and other stuff associated with
the ever-expanding Whoniverse.

For more details of The Quotable Doctor Who series,

visit http://www.blue-eyed-books.co.uk/doctor-who-quotes-book

An A to Z of The Quotable Dr Who

"Karen Gillan, as sidekick Amy, was a fine foil ... Gillan, to use the X Factor
argot, 110 per cent nailed it. Ballsy, bewildered, aghast and
simultaneously delighted, she only let the sisterhood down by gambolling
around in a skirt the size of a placemat."
Benji Wilson in The Daily Telegraph (2010)

"Doctor Who's main sidekick for the better part of a decade, the Brigadier
had an upper lip so stiff, it even had a thick moustache as an extra
Charlie Jane Anders on io9.com (2010)

"Everyone’s second favourite bad guys, the Cybermen."

James Whittingham on Kasterborous.com (2010)

"Why do the master race Daleks [in Victory of the Daleks] look like cut-
price Mac Book Pros crossed with embarrassing sex toys?"
Adam Mason on Alltern8.com (2010)

"Ah, yes, the Doctor. He's Christopher Eccleston, of course, casting as

inspired as making Vincent D'Onofrio a cop."
Damien Love in The Sunday Herald (2005)

"I like meeting the fans. They come up and say, 'I wasn't alive when you
were doing it.' "
Frazer Hines

"Mark Gatiss, [as Prof Lazarus in The Lazarus Experiment] who has been
patiently waiting for the call since he was six, doesn’t squander his chance
to chew the scenery in the way that only Doctor Who villains can."
Mark Wright on TheStage.co.uk (2007)
"William Hartnell was the only real Doctor Who. All the rest were just a
way of stretching the programme out."
Roger Jackson on BBC.co.uk (2003)

"Ian Chesterton, a posh buffoon with a penchant for hoofing about and
much 'Oh, Crikey!' derring-do."

"Captain Jack Harkness makes his debut [in The Empty Child], and
becomes one of the great fictitious captains in history."
Seth Moore on GutMunchers.com (2010)

"The robotic pet K-9, the metallic dog that ran around like a demented
Russell Hobbs kettle on wheels rather than a Jack Russell terrier."
Brian Courtis on TheAge.com.au (2003)

"Leela, a scantily clad member of the Sevateem tribe, who provided a

little maribou fringing to the Doctor's cape. Metaphorically speaking."
Laura Barton in The Guardian (2005)

"Martha Jones is many things Billie Piper's Rose was not: educated, black,
middle-class and clear-skinned among them."
Andrew Billen in The Times (2007)

"The Nimon - half bull, half middle-aged extra in Timpsons platforms."

Sarah Dempster in The Guardian (2005)

"I invented the name. It's nice, isn't it? I thought, 'Well, I loved inventing
the Slitheen and Raxacoricofallapatorius; and then I thought, 'Why don't I
just call something the Ood?' I did want them to be a bit odd."
Russell T. Davies in The Radio Times (2006)

"Jon Pertwee's tenancy of the TARDIS from 1970 to 1974 is widely

regarded as the golden era of the series. Tom Baker had a heroic stab at
the role, but no one could quite match the Edwardian self-expression, the
stick-insect stalk."
Serena Mackesy in The Independent (1996)

"This week, Tennant and Piper met Queen Victoria. Whenever anyone else
but Judi Dench plays Queen Victoria (in this case, Pauline Collins), I get the
urge to shout 'Why aren't you Judi Dench?' at the TV, but that turned out to
be the least of my problems."
Tom Cox in The Mail on Sunday (2006)

"Every Doctor needs a companion. For his revival, Doctor Who teams up
with Rose Tyler, a spunky blue-collar Kewpie doll from 21st century
John C. Snider on SciFiDimensions.com (2006)

"Matt Smith is right for the part, isn't he? Look at him. He's got Patrick
Troughton's hair and Jon Pertwee's nose and Tom Baker's eyes. He's also
got a wonderful meerkat perkiness, a way of moving that's just a tiny bit
out of sync with everyone else.
Mark Smith on HeraldScotland.com (2010)

"The TARDIS ... the sci-fi nerd's version of a red convertible."

Ryan Vu on PopMatters.com (2006)

"The cannon fodder in UNIT are creamed again when the Daleks come to
town [in Day of the Daleks (1972)]. What do they put on UNIT recruiting
posters? 'Join UNIT, see aliens and die. Rapidly'? The sight of UNIT corpses
draped over the scenery is a recurring theme that gives this season a very
dark edge."

"The Valeyard is the Kavanagh QC of Time Lords, only really spiteful and
with a wackier cloak."
Ben Marsden on Wired.co.uk (2009)

"By the end of Flesh & Stone, I have to admit I was a bit confused by the
whole blinking / not blinking thing ... Weeping Angels encouraging you to
keep your eyes open feels a bit like the Daleks joining a rainbow alliance or
The Ice Warriors installing central heating."
Paul Kirkley on BehindTheSofa.org.uk (2010)

"The X-terminate Factor: Saturday night entertainment as Davros and

Dalek Caan audition potential allies in their bid to enslave the universe.
The X-terminate Factor: You're Fried! will immediately follow with analysis
of that week's executions, plus behind-the-scenes footage of Davros
reaching near hysteria over relatively trivial matters."
David Brown on RadioTimes.com (2008)

"King Yrcanos played with decibel-raising bluster by Brian Blessed, the

warlord shouted and hissed his way through 1986’s Mindwarp like a Nimon
in a china shop."
Ben Rawson-Jones on DigitalSpy.co.uk (2009)

"Zoe's from the 21st Century with a cute little upturned nose and bob cut.
That, and she's an astrophysicist with a photographic memory and a
genius level intelligence. So, a woman who not only looks good but can do
vector calculus standing on her head? Be still my oscillating waveform!"
Shaun Clayton on ToplessRobot.com (2010)
For more details of The Quotable Doctor Who book series, visit
or visit our Who Said What About Dr Who blog.

VOLUME ONE: 2000 Quotations about the BBC TV Show, The Doctor, The
Leading Actors, all the main companions with sections on: the TARDIS,
Sonic Screwdriver, Regeneration, UNIT, Behind the Sofa, Science Fiction,
Special Effects, Music, Fashion, Sex, Technobabble, Female Doctors, the
movies and TV spin-offs such as K-9 & Company, Torchwood and The
Sarah Jane Adventures. Further sections include comparing Doctor Who to
Star Trek, James Bond, Sherlock Holmes and other Film / TV characters.
Published on 7th December 2010.

VOLUME TWO: 1500 Quotations about The Doctor's main Enemies,

Monsters and Other Characters (not listed in Vol One). The subjects in Vol
Two range from the Abzorbaloff to the Zygons, the Daleks to Cybermen,
Sontarans to Silurians, Smilers to Weeping Angels, Davros to The Master,
Sabalom Glitz to River Song, from King Yrcanos to Liz 10.
To be published in Spring 2011.

VOLUME THREE: Quotations and reviews of the Classic Who episodes

from An Unearthly Child in 1963 to Survival in 1989.
To be published in Autumn 2011.

VOLUME FOUR: Quotations and reviews of the New Series episodes from
Rose in 2005 to the final episode of Series Six in 2011.
To be published in Autumn 2011.

WIN a copy of Volume One at http://bit.ly/eYSUcB


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