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MBA sem-1Set-2

Management Process and Organizational –

Behavior MB0038
Q1 “Halo effect and selective perception are the shortcuts in
judging others”
Halo Effect: The halo error in perception is very similar to stereotyping. In
stereotyping the person is perceived according to a single category whereas under
the halo effect the person is perceived on the basis of one trait.

When we draw a general impression about an individual based on a single characteristic,

such as intelligence, sociability or appearance, a halo effect is operating. The propensity for
the halo effect to operate is not random. Research suggests that it is likely to be most
extreme when the traits to be perceived are ambiguous in behaviour alters, when the traits
have moral overtones, and when the perceiver is judging traits with which he or she has
limited experience. Example of halo effect is the extremely attractive secretary who is
perceived by her male boss as being intelligent, and a good performer, when, in fact, she is a
poor typist.

Selective Perception: Any characteristic that makes a person, object or event stand out
will increase the probability that it will be perceived. It is impossible for an individual to
internalize and assimilate everything that is seen. Only certain stimuli can be taken in
selectively. Selectivity works as a shortcut in judging other people by allowing us to “speed-
read” others, but, not without the risk of drawing an inaccurate picture. The tendency to see what
we want to see can makes us draw unwarranted conclusions from an ambiguous situation.

Q2. Explain “Emotional Intelligence”.


Emotional Intelligence
The importance of both emotion and intelligence in making decisions and
achievingsuccess in life was well-accepted in ancient India. A concept of“Sthitha- prajna”

(emotional stability), similar to the concept of emotional intelligence, can be traced in the
second chapter of ‗Srimad Bhagavad-Gita‟. Bhagavad Gita is a specific conversation
between Lord Krishna andA rjuna (thirdPandava prince) in a specific situation of Kurukshetrabattle f ie
ld. Pandavas were fighting against the Kauravas, the cousin brothers to restore their kingdom
fromKauravas inKurukshetra. Before the battle started,A rjuna, with deep sorrow and pity, found his close
relatives, friends and respected ‗gurus‗ in enemy‘s side. To win the battle he was supposed to kill
thus beloved ones. He got confused about his rightful duty. Due to this hidey-
durbalata(heart-non-strength), herefused to join the battle. In this context, Lord
Krishna whoplayed the role as the driver ofArjuna‟s chariot, enlightened him about the
eternal truth of life. According to Lord Krishna, as mentioned in Bhagavad Gita, Arjuna suffered from
indecisiveness resulting from confusion and a false sense of insecurity. Lor Krishna advisedA
rjuna to become„ Sthi tha- prajna‟ (the steady minded person). He also told that an individual
achieved his/her goal only when the mind became
steady, poised and balanced. Evidently, the concept of ―Sthitha-prajna‖ (the steady-
minded person) talked about a unique interdependence between emotion and intelligencefor
effective decision-making which was most essential in excelling in every sphere oflife. Gita,
as a whole, advises all to balance between intelligence and emotion.

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