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2/5/2020 Finished.

Title: Product Owner Open

Percentage: 100%

Duration: 00:06:27

Date started: Wed 5 Feb 2020 02:27

Date finished: Wed 5 Feb 2020 02:33

Congratulations! Your score on the Product Owner Open assessment demonstrates you know some Product Owner

Scrum on,
Ken Schwaber

Correctly answered Incorrectly answered Missed correct option

All Questions 15 Correct 0 Incorrect

Question 1 of 15

How can a Product Owner use time-boxed Sprints to obtain feedback from users and the market?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: E)
You chose: E)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

A) A business analyst represents the Product Owner to make decisions on his behalf during
the Sprint. This way the Product Owner can accept the work at the Sprint Review without
further involvement.

B) By making sure a Sprint does not stop until all testing is done, and the work is verified by the
Product Owner.

C) Through the assurance that a Development Team finishes all work on the Sprint Backlog.

D) At the end of each Sprint, a detailed report with all test cases and test results is available.

E) Through frequent delivery of Increments of the product into the market.

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The Product Owner manages Product Backlog against the assumption that value will be generated. This
assumption remains invalidated when not checked against users and market. When a Sprint's horizon is too
long, you increase the risk that what is being developed may no longer be desired. Sprints limit risk to one
calendar month or less of work.

Question 2 of 15

When can the Product Backlog be updated?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: A)
You chose: A)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

A) At any time when done by the Product Owner or at the Product Owner's discretion

B) Never, unless agreed to by the change request

C) Only during Product Backlog refinement sessions if the Product Owner is present

D) Only after a Sprint Review if agreed to by the stakeholders

The Product Backlog is dynamic; it constantly changes to identify what the product needs in order to be
appropriate, competitive, and useful. Product Backlog items can be updated at any time by the Product Owner or
at the Product Owner's discretion.

Question 3 of 15

True or False: The value delivered by a product can only be determined by revenue.

Correct answer: B)
You chose: B)

A) True

B) False

Value is likely to vary across products and organizations.

Question 4 of 15

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The Product Owner's authority to change and update the Product Backlog is unlimited, except for:

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: D)
You chose: D)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

A) Work for which impediments exist that the Scrum Master still needs to resolve.

B) Decisions by the chief program manager.

C) Decisions by the CFO, the CEO or the board of directors.

D) Nothing. The entire organization must respect a Product Owner's decisions.

E) High impact changes that have not been approved by the change request board.

F) Technical and architectural work that needs to be done first, as indicated by the chief
enterprise architect.

For the Product Owner to succeed, the entire organization must respect his or her decisions. No one is allowed
to tell the Development Team to work from a different set of requirements, and the Development Team isn't
allowed to act on what anyone else says.

Question 5 of 15

True or False: The Scrum Team should choose at least one high priority process improvement,
identified during the Sprint Retrospective, and place it in the Product Backlog.

Correct answer: B)
You chose: B)

A) True

B) False

False, to ensure continuous improvement, the Sprint Backlog rather than the Product Backlog includes at least
one high priority process improvement identified in the previous Sprint Retrospective meeting.

Question 6 of 15

How does an organization know that a product built through Scrum is successful?

(choose the best answer)

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Correct answer: B)
You chose: B)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

A) By the Product Owner and stakeholders accepting the Increment at the Sprint Review

B) By releasing often, and updating key performance indicators (KPIs) on value after every
release and feeding this information back into work on the Product Backlog

C) By measuring the actual time spent on development versus the time estimated for

D) By measuring that velocity has increased since the last release

Scrum Teams deliver products iteratively and incrementally, maximizing opportunities for feedback. If a product
isn't released, the opportunity to capture user and market feedback is lost.

Question 7 of 15

Learning turns into 'validated learning' when assumptions and goals can be assessed through
results. What is a key way for a Product Owner to apply validated learning?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: A)
You chose: A)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

A) Release an Increment to the market to learn about the business assumptions built into the

B) Accept an Increment at the Sprint review to learn about the forecast of functionality that was

C) Set the Sprint Goal before selecting Product Backlog items at Sprint Planning to learn about
a Development Team's productivity.

The Product Owner manages Product Backlog against the assumption that value will be generated. This
assumption remains invalidated when not checked against users and market.

Question 8 of 15

True or False: The Sprint Review is the only time at which stakeholder feedback is taken into

Correct answer: B)
You chose: B)

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A) True

B) False

A Product Owner engages actively and regularly with stakeholders. However, to limit the disturbance to the
development progress and keep focus high, the stakeholders have a formal role in the process at the Sprint
Review only.

Question 9 of 15

What two phrases best describe the relationship of the Product Owner and the Development Team?

(choose the best two answers)

Correct answer: B) C)
You chose: B) C)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

A) They should work apart as much as possible in order to keep the concerns of business and
technology separated.
B) They collaborate often so the Development Team builds Increments keeping end-user and
stakeholder concerns in mind.
C) They collaborate often so the Product Owner can make informed decisions in balancing
effort and value of Product Backlog items.
D) They should share no more than the Sprint Planning and the Sprint Review meeting.
E) The Product Owner should be with the Development Team full-time to grow a deep
understanding of the technology being used.

The Product owner clearly expresses Product Backlog items, ensuring the Development Team understands
items in the Product Backlog to the level needed for developing them and creating the value the Product Owner
envisions. Scope may be re-negotiated if the effort grows much higher than anticipated.

Question 10 of 15

Who creates the definition of "Done"?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: B)
You chose: B)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

A) The Scrum Master as he/she is responsible for the Development Team's productivity

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B) The development organization (or Development Team if none is available from the
development organization)

C) The Product Owner as he/she is responsible for the product's success

D) The Scrum Team, in a collaborative effort where the result is the common denominator of all
members' definitions

If the definition of "done" is part of the conventions, standards or guidelines of the development organization, all
Scrum Teams must follow it as a minimum. The Development Team of the Scrum Team can complement it with
elements specific for the product or context.
If "done" for an increment is not a convention of the development organization, the Development Team of the
Scrum Team must define a definition of "done" appropriate for the product.

Question 11 of 15

A Product Owner is entitled to postpone the start of a new Sprint after the conclusion of a previous
Sprint for the following reason:

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: B)
You chose: B)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

A) The stakeholders are not happy with the value produced in the previous Sprint.

B) There is no acceptable reason. A new Sprint starts immediately after the conclusion of the
previous Sprint.

C) Not enough Product Backlog items are "Ready".

D) The Quality Assurance department needs more time to make the previous Increment

E) The Product Owner has not identified a Sprint Goal.

A new Sprint starts immediately after the conclusion of the previous Sprint.

Question 12 of 15

The Development Team finds out during the Sprint that they aren't likely to build everything they
forecast. What would you expect a Product Owner to do?

(choose the best answer)

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Correct answer: C)
You chose: C)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

A) Skip Product Backlog refinement activities.

B) Inform management that more resources are needed.

C) Re-negotiate the selected Product Backlog items with the Development Team to meet the
Sprint Goal.

D) Change the Sprint Goal.

E) Cancel the Sprint.

During the Sprint scope may be clarified and re-negotiated between the Product Owner and Development Team
as more is learned.

Question 13 of 15

It is mandatory for the Product Owner to monitor and share progress of the Product Backlog by
using which method?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: D)
You chose: D)

A) A Product or Release burn-down chart

B) A Value burn-up chart

C) A Gantt chart

D) Any practice based on trends of work completed and upcoming work

E) A Sprint Review acceptance report

Various practices upon trending have been used to forecast progress, like burn-downs, burn-ups, or cumulative
flows. These have proven useful, but none are mandatory and care should be taken because none can replace
the importance of empiricism. What will happen is unknown, no matter what has happened.

Question 14 of 15

The process of regular inspection and adaptation employs knowledgeable and skilled inspectors.
What are two ways in which the Product Owner takes the lead in the inspection process?

(choose the best two answers)

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Correct answer: B) D)
You chose: B) D)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

A) At the end of Sprint Planning the Product Owner verifies the Sprint Backlog for
completeness in order to allow the Sprint to start.
B) At the Sprint Review the Product Owner shares the current state of Product Backlog, which,
combined with the inspection of the Increment, leads to an updated Product Backlog.
C) At the Daily Scrum the Product Owner inspects the Sprint burn-down for progress towards a
complete Increment and re-planning the team's work.
D) The Product Owner invites stakeholders to the Sprint Review to learn how the current state
of the marketplace influences what is the most valuable thing to do next.

Scrum users must frequently inspect Scrum artifacts and progress to detect undesirable variances. The primary
tool for the Product Owner to uphold transparency is the Product Backlog. Product Backlog is a living artifact that
is actively maintained and updated to reflect reality. At the Sprint Review, attendees collaborate on the next
things that could be done to optimize value, which is processed into an updated Product Backlog.

Question 15 of 15

Must the Product Owner be present at the Sprint Retrospective?

(choose the best answer)

Correct answer: A)
You chose: A)
Note: This question displayed answer options in random order when taking this Test.

A) It is mandatory. The Sprint Retrospective is an opportunity for the Scrum Team to assess its
performance and improve itself.

B) It is optional. Attendance is only required when the Product Owner gets invited by the Scrum

C) It is not allowed. The Sprint Retrospective is an opportunity for the Development Team to
inspect itself.

The Sprint Retrospective is an opportunity for the Scrum Team to inspect itself and create a plan for
improvements to be enacted during the next Sprint.

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