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Vol 41, No 3
$7. Z5uS $7.25CAN

/! Morc h 2008

o 8 BA lqunrhes
0penskies '"'
C British Airways steps
o into the brave new
world of the Open Skies
i5 arrangements with a brave
=o new trans-Atlantic carrier
l0 Civil .--dr'-
o 8A777 crash at Heathrow.
o Record year of orders for Airbus
and Boeing . Delta in merger
Airorafil talks . Orders, airports, routes
and aircraft
is 40! PLUS! A special report on the
roll-out of the ARJ 21, the
This month marks the 40th
Chinese airliner with high
anniversary of A ircraft lllustrated,
Typhoon airborne . New 22 Presenotion
hopes of major success
the UK's longest-running
missile test-fired from QF-4 Funding b.:':.: ': - ' :-= :3-29.
Yak-30flies - :
. and all the international
monthly aviation magazine.
We've put together a bumper
l6 lhilitory military aviation headlines Starlineric :€'::1. - -l10.and
USAF returns some F-15s other majc'. ':=-: : -::::vation
birthday section ofthis issue,
including Peter R. March's
to flight . First Tranche 2
memories of 40 years of Al
reporting, reflections on 40 years
in military and civil aviation,
preservation and airshows, and
40 of the biggest moments
in aviation over the last four
decades as covered byA/.The
celebrations start on page 51 .

4 Contribufors

6 4oyears oi AI
Starting the magazine in style
this month with 40
Ai rc raft IIIu strated covers
from 40 years

Have your favourite magnzine

delivered direct to you!

A bumper section to mark the 40th anniversary of Aircraft lllustrated,
with special features and archive material

52 40 yeors of... Reporting


Our longest-serving contributor, the only person to have had

something published in every issue, looks back at four decades of
reporting for this magazine

28 Dreonliner deloyed Ihe oges of Conrorde

8EN DUNNELL Exclusive artwork centrespread
Boeing's bosses have had to deliver more bad news
about the 787 programme. What's the way forward for 60 40 yeors of... Civil
the troubled Dreamliner? BRUCE HALES-DUTTON

'Heated debates about airport

32 Eyes of Jopun expansion, the appearance of the
RICHARD COOPER world's largest airliner and calls for
The Japanese Air Self Defence Force's RF-4E Phantom more fuel-efficient engines. Yes, it's
lls and their unique range of recce roles
Air-to-air photography by Katsuhiko Tokunaga

54 40 yeors of... lUlilitury

40 New Yorlg Newurk JON LAKE
'The four decades since 1 968 have
An airport so good they (almost) named it twice. We
been a time of small, unspectacular
report from Continental's hub in New Jersey
incremental progress, rather
than of dramatic step changes in
44 Steolth su((ession performance or capability'

The USAF prepares to make the transition from one

stealth aircraft to another, as the F-1 17 gives way to the
of ... Preservolion
F-22 PLUS! Air-to-air photography by AndyWolfe
- 'ln 2008, it is perhaps difficult to appreciate the extent to which the aircraft
preservation scen€ was still in its relative infancy 40 years ago'

72 40 yeqrs of... Aitshows


is a wonderful thing, todayt shows are more than capable of

'Whilst nostalgia
matching the standards set by their predecessors'

77 40 yedrs of... Aviqlion

I ,BLACKJACK'IS BACK 40 moments from 40 years of aviation history, as covered by
The somewhat chequered story oftheTu-160 Aircraft lllustrated

The resurgence ofthe Channel lslands gateway 98 40 Greolest Airrrsft
A look back at part of A/'s countdown of the greatest aircraft of all time
One of North America's best airlines
ContenE subject to change 99 And finolly...
The lighter side of A/'s 40 years
March 2008

Managing Editor: Allan Burney

Vol4l No3

Ed(or al Contibutions The Edtor is pleased to receive
contribut ons to At.rdFrl//uikdt€d ln the form of a{ cl€s.
Commissioning Editor: Richard Cooper news stor es, letters and photoqraphs {id€ally high
(richard.cooper@ianallanpublishing.co.uk) resolu!on dig til imaqes, colo!r traf sparenci€s or
prinb). llems accepted wrll be retained and pdid for at
Features Editor: Ben Dunnell standard rates on publicat on; s!bm ssion5 that cdnnot

(ben.d unnell@ia na llan publishing.co.uk) beusedwr ber€lurnedif:ccomp.niedbyastamped

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_t_.: AIrcMfi Life begins ot...
Welcome to this very special issue of Aircraft lllustrated
m and thank you for joining us as we celebrate our 40th
anniversary. It is with great pride that we reach this

il milestone, an achievement that confirms our position as the

UK's longest-running monthly aviation magazine, a proud
accolade that all our readers, new and old, have helped make

possible. As is vibrantly illustrated in this month's special
anniversary features (and by the'every cover tells a story'
spread alongside), four decades represents an eternity in
aviation and we hope you find our trip down memory lane
as fasclnating and enjoyable as we found compiling it. So
much of the industry is unrecognisable from the day when

tr' Hifbmft
Aircraftlllustratedfirst hit the shelves back in 1968... but so
much of it is also stillfamiliar. I am privileged to have worked
on the magazine for 30 of those 40 years, and when I first
joined, we were still scribbling out our articles with the Mk1
Biro, liberally assisted with volcanic amounts of Tipp-Ex. The
freedom and flexibility that desk-top publishing offers today

was then an unthinkable nirvana and while we may look back
at some of the past issues with affectionate amusement, we
have to remember that they were magazines of their times.
The future is shaped by the past and magazine publishing is
no exception. Editors have come and gone (and here lwould
like to add a personal note of gratitude to Martin Horseman,
who somehow recognised that a skinny long-haired youth
had a future in publishing), but one name that has been
constant from the very beginning is that of Peter R. March.
Quite simply, Peter's contribution as a writer/photographer/
advisor to Aircraft lllustrated has been immense... and over
40 years he has never missed a single deadline! With this
issue, Peter has decided to hang up his keyboard and bow
out of his monthly'Airview'column, but fear not
- he will
I still be writing regularly for us. Another editoriai name
who is moving on, but of whom we most certainly have not
heard the last, is Richard Cooper. Over the Iast 1 0 years,
Aircraft lllustroted (and more recently Combat Aircraft) has
benefited hugely from Richard's boundless enthusiasm,

T drive, knowledge, humour and photography. Many thanks

to both
- it has been a real
adventure and an honour to
work with such dedicated
tr professionals. That leads us on
to one more announcement
that is appropriate to make
in this anniversary issue, and
that is the appointment of Ben
Dunnell as Editor. A long-time
contributor, over the last four

years, Ben has brought his
considerable knowledge to bear
on Aircraft lllustrated and we
would like to congratulate him

Ut on his new role. Exciting times,

l'm sure you will all agree. Now,
please sit back and enjoy this

special anniversary edition. We
can't wait for the journey to
conti n ue!

Allan Burney
Managing Editor

hat a difference a year makes. ln Air France-KLM, which intends to fly between
March 2007, British Airways was Heathrow and Los Angeles. BA was first to seek
one of the sharpest critics of regulatory approval for its plans.
the Open Skies deal negotiated How will its rivals respond? Analyst Chris
by the EU and US. Yet, within 12 months, Avery pointed out that American Airlines is a
BA was preparing to take full advantage BA partner in the oneworld alliance.'l wonder
of the accord's provisions by launching what American thinks of its European routes
a new airline to fly between the US and being trampled on by its partneri he mused.
continental Europe. But BA seems to have stirred up trouble closer
The new subsidiary, called OpenSkies, will to home. lts 3,000 pilots are concerned that
fly under its own Air Operator's Certificate and, OpenSkies, which is recruiting externally but
subject to regulatory approval, is scheduled is also expected to use some mainline pilots,
to start operations in June. But at the time of will put the BA brand at risk by employing
its announcement in early January, the details less experienced crews. They also fear its pay
were fairly sketchy. BA was unable to say what scales could even drag down those on the BA
fares will be charged, which New York airport mainline.
will be served and whether it will start the Because BA's announcement pre-empted
planned daily flights from Paris or Brussels. talks with the British Airline Pilots'Association
A BA spokeswoman explained that (BALPA), the pilots' representatives were
uncertainty about the New York slot situation apparently taken by surprise. This has done
made it impossible to sort out timings and little to ease their suspicions, but BALPA
decide which of the two European cities should general secretary Jim McAulan said:'The new
be the operation's launch point. Earlier, Robert subsidiary can only fly successfully with the
Boyle, BAs commercial director, said slots had full support of BA's pilot force. We have issues
been secured at Newark but admitted JFK was with BA on how the new services should be
preferred. New York's main airport, however, structuredi A BA spokeswoman told Aircraft
faces problems with congestion, rising delays lllustroted in mid-January that talks with
and creaking infrastructure leading to a review BALPA were'ongoing.'
of the slot position by the airport operator. Some observers thought it ironic that BA
should now be preparing to take advantage
FIRST OFF THE MARK of the (albeit limited) liberalisation resulting
BA is still the first major European carrier from Open Skies, but the BA spokeswoman
to launch an operation aimed at exploiting disclosed that BA had been contemplating
the Open Skies accord, which from March the move for about a year and that planning
gives EU and US airlines access to cities in had actually started before the accord had
Europe or the US. Before BA's announcement, been finalised. She said:'lt presented us with
most of the attention had been focussed on an opportunity we'd not had before: to fly
Heathrow, access to which was seen as the big between points in the US and EU. We have a
words: Bruce Hqles'Dufton prize secured by US negotiators. Airlines like strong brand presence in both.'
Continental and Delta have revealed plans to Until the announcement, BA's new
move into what is already one of the world's initiative had been known internally as Project
most congested airports. so far, though, the Lauren.That, explained the new operation's
only European carrier to do likewise has been managing director, Dale Moss, was because

'Lauren happens to be the name of my first observers agreed that this would make it a
granddaughter'. Previously BA's director of more formidable competitor to rival European
worldwide sales, Moss added:'This airline is operators on their home turf than they might
very much family to me.' be to BA if and when they start flying from
Britain to the US.
OPENSKIES AIRCRAFT At the time, BA's carping about the accordl
OpenSkies will operate initially with one terms was seen as nothing more than an attempt
Boeing 757 transferred from its parent's fleet. to defend its grip on Heathrow. But, to some
A second will be added later in the year to degree, its objection was based on a beliefthat
enable the subsidiary to operate from both the deal was rather one-sided and that the US had
Paris Charles de Gaulle and Brussels. Other EU gained more from Open Skies than it had been
cities under consideration include Frankfurt, prepared to give (see boxed item).
Amsterdam, Milan and Madrid. Possible Perhaps, then, there's a touch of irony in the
additional US destinations include Boston and moniker BA has chosen for its new subsidiary.
Wash ington. 'By naming the airline OpenSkiesi said Walsh,
BA has earmarked two 757-236s from 'we're celebrating the first major step in 60 years
its mainline fleet for the operation. They are towards a liberalised US/EU aviation market
G-BPEJ and G-BPEK, construction numbers which means we can fly between any US and
25807 / 61 0 and 25808/665 respectively. EU destination. lt also signals our determination
According to Dale Moss:'Our plan is to operate to lobby for further liberalisation in this market
six aircraft by the end of 2009, originating in when talks between the EU and US take place
the New York area and flying to a range of later this yearJ
destinations throughout Europe.The'planes Well, perhaps. Only last year Walsh was
will be efficient and proven 757s with a speculating that thls year! US Presidential
redesigned travel ler-friendly cabin configured election, coupled with a change in the European
in three classes: business, premium economy Commission in 2009, could stall progress on the
and economy.' second stage ofthe Open Skies accord, the first
The business class cabin will have 24 seats of which runs until 2010.
that convert into six flat beds.And when we say Meanwhile, opinions are divided on whether
flati Moss emphasised,'we mean completely or not now is a good time to be launching a
horizontali He claimed this will make OpenSkies new airiine. Despite fears of a credit crunch in
one of the only airlines in the market to offer the wake of the collapse of the US sub-prime
this feature. The 28 premium economy seats will mortgage market and a decline in business
boast a 52in pitch which the airline insisted'is travel, BA seems confident. ButVirgin Atlantic,
also unique, redefining the premium economy which last year was talking about starting
classl Added to the 30 economy seats on board, trans-Atlantic operations from European cities,
this means that no more than 82 passengers will seems to be having second thoughts. An airline
be accommodated.'lt's all part of our vision for a spokesman told ABTN, the online travel industry
more personal flying experiencel Moss insisted, newsletter, that Virgin was putting plans for a
adding:'l d like to say that OpenSkies is dedicated premium-only airline bn ice'because, as the
to elevated customer carei BA, however, declined situation stands, it would have to'be wound up'
to say what load factors are expected. in a year and a half.
The new carrier's 757s will display One analyst who asked not to be named
OpenSkies titles in dove grey lettering on told Aircraft lllustrated he thought OpenSkies
the forward fuselage, but its affiliation to BA will'struggle'. Although its aircraft will come
will be clearly evident from the wavy red, from BA's own fleet, he considered the757
white and blue tail stripes. The aircraft will to be inefficient equipment for the type of
also feature retrofitted winglets intended to operation proposed'with fuel the price it isi
improve fuel efficiency, cut CO2 emissions and Observers also fret about the close correlation
increase operating range. between stock-market movements and the
business travel market.'BA is one ofthe first
HOW WIIL IT PERFORM? to start worrying when business travel starts
BA chief executive Willie Walsh hailed the to drop offi said one.
launch of OpenSkies as 'an exciting new Most, however, seem agreed that it may be
venturei and said he was'confident it will be a year or two before OpenSkies can be hailed a
a great success as we build on the strength success or branded a failure in the new world
of BA's brand in the US and Europe'. lndustry of Open Skies.

il-ilrr{clvtt Jomie Hunter

BA 777 crcrsh-ldnds

Air transport safety concerns came a little too following touchdown on the grass, suggesting that it
close to home on 17 January when a British was probably close to stalling speed.
Airways Boeing 777 -236 (G-YMMM) dramatically Capt Peter Burkill paid his tribute to his crew
crash-landed at London Heathrow. The aircraft at a news conference:'Flying is about teamwork
was operating flight 8A038 from Beijing, China, and we had an outstanding team on board. As
and appears to have suffered engine power loss in captain of the aircraft I am glad to say that every
the final moments of the flight, causing it to touch member of my team played their part expertly.
down on the grass short of runway 271, coming to No one more so than my senior first officer, John
rest on the runway threshold. Coward, the handling pilot on the final approach.
AII 1 36 passengers were evacuated on He did the most remarkable jobl
emergency slides and only three suffered minor The main landing gear dug into the soft
ground as it touched down, ripping off the right
- it appears to have been a textbook
operation by the BA cabin crew.The airline was main wheels and forcing the left main gear up
quick to praise all 16 staff members aboard through the wing root. lnspection ofthe engines
the aircraft, and their actions helped prevent suggested that they were stationary or at very low
this incident escalating into a major disaster. power settings upon impact with the ground.
However, many passengers were surprised that The incident is remarkable in nature.The flight
the flight deck crew didn't make even a brief crew clearly ran into the trouble very late into the
announcement to brace, or make them aware approach and had little time to react, only declaring
that an emergency had dramatically developed an emergency late on finals. lf the power loss had
in the final moments of the flight. occurred earlier then the incident could have been
The aircraft was on final approach to 271 under catastrophic. British Airways operates 43 Boeing
the control of senior first officer John Coward when, 777s,and around 667 are in operation around the
according to the initial Air Accident lnvestigation world.The aircraft has an excellent safety record,
Branch (AAIB) report,'the auto-throttle demanded without a single hull loss to date. Experts are still
more thrust from the (two Rolls-Royce Trent 895) trying to assess the reason for the power loss, and
engines, and they failed to respondiThis caused fuel contamination is understood to be one option €lockwise from top left:
airspeed to bleed offand the aircraft progressively being evaluated. Weather or a multiple bird strike
The damaged British Airways Boeing777-236,
adopted an unusually nose-high attitude as it clawed are not understood to be factors being considered. G-YMMM, on the grass short of runway 27L at
for lift to make it to the airfield.The report added that British Airways has praised its staff and indeed Heathrow. PA Photos
that despite further demands for increased thrust the pilots who seem to have done an excellentjob
Firefighters douse the sfticken 777, with the escape
from the auto-throttle, and the flight crew moving in the dire circumstances. Some eyebrows have
thutes visible. PA Photos
the throttle levers, the engines did not respond.The nonetheless been raised that the Boeing 777 fleet has
slowing aircraft limped over the perimeter fence, not been grounded or restricted in operations, given The short distan(e in which the 777 came to a halt
couldn't reach the runway, and touched down on that the accident is probably being attributed to a indicates that its airspeed must have been very low
when the crash-landing was accomplished. lan Black
the grass on the extended centreline of 271. The technical failure. However, we will not truly know the
aircraft only skidded a short distance (about 350m) facts until the full investigation has been completed. The removal operation proceeding at night. PA Photos

Virgin scrops oll-premium plons Euro flight surge

Virgin Atlantic has abandoned immediate plans to launch an The Eurocontrol organisation has revealed that the number offlights in Europe
all-premium trans-Atlantic operation from mainland Europe, claiming surged to approximately 10 million in 2007, an all-time high and an increase of
that the lack offollow-on Open Skies progress has rendered the 5.3 per cent on 2006. Average daily traffic wa s pul al27 ,676 flights compared to
venture too risky. Last summerVirgin, outlined its intention to launch 26,286in 2006.Traffic growth has been strongest in eastern Europe, with several
all-premium services between contlnental Europe and the USA during states seeing growth near 20 per cent, while Finland, Sweden, Azores and the Canary
2008, but CEO Steve Ridgway said that aircraft and product challenges lslands posted results lower than the European average.
made it uncertain whether the carrier would go ahead with the move. The reason for the increase is placed at the door ofthe low-cost carriers (up 25 per
The carrier has now confirmed that it has abandoned the cent) and business aviation (1 0 per cent), which together accounted for nearly all the new
plan, with an airline spokeswoman saying:'Virgin Atlantic can flights. Delays are also on the rise, affecting 1 1 per cent offlights, up from just under 1 0 per
confirm that it has put on hold its plans for a business-only carrier cent in 2006. Most of these delays are attributed to the airlines, with l6 per cent coming
operating between key European cities and New York. With no from airports, 1 2 per cent from en route factors and only 9 per cent from weather. Air
progress being made on the crucial next stage of the Open Skies traffic flow management delays caused by ATC capacity, staffing, weather and aerodrome
talks, it would be too risky to start this new venture with the capacity increased from an average of 1.9 minutes perflight in 2006 to 2.1 minutes in 2007.
likelihood that the first stage of Open Skies could be reversed in Eurocontrol Director General David McMillan warned that air trafflc control is operating at
2010. Our plans will remain on ice until there is clearer progress. capacity in some places with a real risk of significant delays this summer.
Virgin Atlantic would like to see European carriers being allowed to The number of flights in 2008 is expected to rise 4.2 per cent, with major
fly onwards within the USA as soon as possible, as US carriers will growth in the Adriatic coast region and in Poland and the Baltics and low cost
be allowed to fly onwards within Europe from March 2008.' airlines accounting for 20 per cent of all flights.

Big yecrr for Airbus
crnd Boeing
Moior monufocturers onnounce record 2007

Airbus and Boeing have both announced significant sales successes in 2007. Boeing smashed its previous commercial aircraft sales record in 2007,
Airbus recorded another blockbuster year with deliveries of 453 aircraft, 19 more with 80 customers placing orders for 1,413 aircraft. The manufacturer
than in 2006 and 1 2 more than Boeing. The European manufacturer racked up a topped the 1,000-0rder mark for the third consecutive year after posting
record 1 ,341 net orders worth 51 57.1 billion, slig htly less than Boeing s 1,41 3 net 1,005 orders in 2005 and 1,044in 2006. lt set sales records forthe Boeing
orders.They both now have the sobering challenge ofdelivering these on time. 787 and 737, while rhe747,777 and767 programmes also passed order
Airbus made a stunning recovery from its troubles in 2007, with its 4380 milestones. The 2007 orders take Boeing's backlog close to Airbus at
entering service flawlessly with Singapore Airlines and the A350XWB winning around 3,400.
the prized Emirates order. During the year it delivered 367 A320family fhe737 had a bumper year, setting a third consecutive annual record
aircraft, six 4300 freighters, T9 4330/A340s and one 4380.The firm net orders with net orders for 846, breaking the previous tallies of 729 net orders in 2006
comprised 9'13 4320 family aircraft,405 4330s/A340s/A350s and 23 4380s.The and 569 in 2005. The type (originally launched in 1 965) passed the 7,000 total
A350XWB has really come good and is provlng popular with 292 firm orders. order mark last year, underscoring the longevity ofthe design.The 787 also
The end of 2007 saw Airbus reaching a backlog of 3,421 aircraft, enjoyed a record-setting year despite the delays that have been announced,
representing six years of production and the highest backlog ever in aviation clocking up 369 orders in 2007. Boeing freighters also enjoyed a third
industry. The company expects to deliver more than 470 aircraft this year, with consecutive record sales year, with 83 gross orders for cargo aircraft in 2007 ,
orders'above' that figure. up from 81 in 2006 and 74in2005.

Embrqer sets delivery record

Embraer's 61 fourth-quarter 2007 deliveries boosted its year total to 1 69 aircraft, up
30 per cent on 2006 and a company record. The Brazilian manufacturer delivered some
45 commercial aircraft in the last quarter of 2007, taking the 2007 tally to I30 commercial Ryonoir bose of Bournemouth
aircraftcomprisingsevenEMB-145s, 11E-170s,34E-175s,68E-l90sand10E-195s. ltsfirm
backlogasof3l Decemberwasawhopping518.8billion,with51.1 billionofthishaving Ryanair has chosen Bournemouth Airport as its newest base, with
been announced at the Dubai Air Show in November. ln 2008, the company expects to the airport having won in competition against other airports in
deliver about 195 to 200 aircraft in total and about the same number in 2009. Europe to become the carrier's 24th European base. From April,
Ryanair will base a Boeing 737-800 there to operate to Malaga,
Murcia, Nantes, Palma and Wroclaw as it increases capacity to fly
one million passengers per year from Bournemouth.
However, Ryanair's proposalto establish operations at
Milan Malpensa have been rejected by airports operator SEA,
which is 84.5 per cent controlled by the municipality of Milan.
The carrier unveiled plans in September to set up a base at
Malpensa with up to 12 aircraft operating on 50 European and
domestic routes in response to Alitalia's plan to reduce its
presence at the airport as part of a reorganisation effort.

Flybe fronchise deol with Logonoir

Flybe has announced a franchise agreement with Scottish
airline Loganair that will see the latter take to the skies in
Flybe colours from 26 October. Airline chiefs have said that
the deal will deliver more UK and European flight connections
to passengers in Scotland. Loganair provides services
throughoutthe Highlands and lslands with a fleet of Saab
340s, lslanders and Twin Otters, while Flybe flies from four
Scottish airports.
The new franchise will not affect the 40 per cent core
fares discount given to passengers from Orkney, Shetland, the
Western lsles, lslay, Jura, Caithness and North-West Sutherland.
But, Flybe CEO Jim French said:'This landmark agreement, the
first time a low-cost carrier has entered into such a franchise
arrangement, is an exciting development in the evolution
of the low-cost model and one which Flybe sees as a valid
strategic option for the future. lt is also a win-win for both
airlines. For Flybe, we will see our presence in the key Scottish
market greatly enhanced and will benefit from increased
passenger traffic into our existing network. For Loganair, the
alliance is a major opportunity to bring the recognised brand of
Europe's Iargest regional airline and the benefits of the low-cost
model to hundreds ofthousands of passengersl
Flybe has now announced the launch ofa newthree
times daily service from Aberdeen to Gatwick, the airline
having been in talks with Aberdeen Airport since BA
announced it was axing the service last year. lt will begin
operating the service from 30 March with an Embraer 195.

all 1
Virgin biofuel test
AROUND THE WORTD Virgin Atlantic is planning to fly one of its Boeing 747-4OOs
on a biofuel during a demonstration flight in February. lt will
be the first time that a commercial aircraft has operated with
Delto in merger tolks biofuel in-flight and is part of a major initiative among some
Delta Air Lines is holding talks with both Northwest Airlines and United Airlines about airlines and Boeing to discover sources of sustainable aircraft
a possible merger after the board of directors gave CEO Richard Anderson direction to fuel for the future.
explore options with both carriers. Northwest is shaping up as the most likely option TheVirgin Atlantic Boeing 747 willflyfrom Heathrowto
as Mr Anderson came to Delta from Northwest and knows both companies very well. Amsterdam on a demonstration flight, with no passengers
The two airlines'route maps are considered to be complimentary and Northwest would on board, using a sustainable type of biofuel that doesn't
enhance Delta with its extensive Asian network.The fleet issue is a difficult one compete with food and fresh water resources. The flight, in
- Delta's
mainly Boeing inventory would clash with Northwest's mostly Airbus fleet. lf they were conjunction with Boeing and engine maker GE Aviation, is
to merge, Delta would probably be the surviving name as Northwest is considered too part of Virgin's drive to reduce its environmental impact.
Both carriers have a relationship with the Air France-KLM group, which and may
have the last word on any merger and might already be involved in the negotiations. lt
is possible that AF-KLM would want a portion of the new merged airline and anti-trust
considerations will be considered along with the possible loss of service to small cities.
Any announcement will probably ignite other large mergers as carriers attempt to
reduce costs through consolidation.

Singopore Airlines lotest

The second production Airbus 4380 (c/n 005) was handed over to 5ingapore Airlines on
1 1 January in line with the latest delivery schedule. By the end of 2007, the first SIA 4380 had

accumulated over 1 30 flights and around 950 flight hours.The ajrline had to cancel 4380
after the a problem with the tow bar on the tug that was pushing the 4380 back off its stand.
The 4380 was disconnected and rolled into the grass and mud. When the aircraft came to a
stop, four wheels ended up offthe pavement, but the aircraft was not damaged.

Clickoir slows progress

Clickair may have carried 4.5 million passengers in 2007, in line with its business plan,
but full-year revenue came in lower than forecast according to CEO Alex Cruz. Speaking
rc Aircraft lllustrated, Cruz also confirmed the airline would scale down its planned fleet
expansion this year. Two new A320s are scheduled to be delivered in February and March,
but deliveries beyond that are being put on hold. The carrier ended 2007 with 23 aircraft
and had planned to increase that to 30 bythe end ofthis year.
Cruz says he favours a cautious approach in this difficult environment.'Our contracts
allow us flexibility, which also means we can add more capacity later in the year if the market
conditions improvei he said. However, he remains extremely pleased with the operational
side of the airline's first full calendar year, adding:'We ended the year with the lowest CASK
(cost per seat kilometre) ever achieved by a European low-cost carrier operating to main
airports: Clickair, which is 20 per cent controlled by lberia, will add some 1O routes this year,
including Barcelona to Asturias, Alicante, Brussels and Dubrovnik during February alone.

Londing on ice
Australian airline Skytraders has been awarded route authority from Australia's Civil
Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) to fly between Australia and Antarctica. The company can
now fly passengers from Hobart to the ice runway located at the Wilkins Aerodrome near
the Australian Antarctic Division's Casey Station. lt will carry scientists and other personnel
going to the station.
The flight is about four hours each way for the Airbus 43 1 9-1 1 5LR (VH-VHD, cln 1999,
formerly F-GYAS). The company had to demonstrate the ability to handle the unique flights
and often severe operating conditions. The aircraft must have sufficient fuel capacity to
safely make a return trip (there is no fuel in Antarctica) or be able to turn around in flight
should the weather turn bad. lt must also be able to complete the trip if it loses an engine.
The first historic trip took place on 1 1 January between Hobart and the blue ice runway
at Wilkins. The flight, with 20 passengers, took four-and-a-half hours one-way. The
A546-million ice runway took two years to build and actually drifts about 36 feet a year due
to glacial movement! Flights will not be open to regular passengers.

Passengers waiting to board Airbus A3t9-l 15LR

of Skytraders on the Antarctica ice. PA Photos



ARJ2I rolled out

Chino's AVIC I unveils new oirliner
he Shanghai Aviation lndustrial dates back to State Council approval in 2002. The March) and an intensive flight test programme
Group's Dachang facility was the focus aircraft draws heavily upon Western suppliers, is planned in order to achieve Civil Aviation
of attention for the world airliner with a Rockwell Collins Pro Line 21-based cockpit Administration of China certification in 2009. This
market on 21 December when avionics suite, a Sagem flight deck control system will meet its first delivery commitment to launch
AVIC I officially rolled out its all-new ARJ 21- to interface with the fly-by-wire system and its customer Shandong Airlines in September 2009.
700 commercial aircraft, twin General Electric CF34-1 0A engines. So far, the ARJ 21 has notched up firm orders for
China is looking to tackle the airline industry The design ofthe ARJ 21 has been specifically 35 aircraft, for as well as Shandong the aircraft
head-on. In an effort to streamline production, developed to meet performance parameters has been chosen by Shanghai Airlines and
it is reportedly now seeking to re-merge its required for the diverse and demanding Shenzhen Leasing.
Aviation lndustries of China (AVIC) | and ll plants conditions in China, including the'hot-and-high' AVIC I has teamed up with Canadian
in order to better position itself to become a airports at altitude in the west of the cou nty. The manufacturer Bombardier to develop the new
major player in the sector. ARJ 21 is intended to offer powerful take-off and ARJ 21-900 version, as well as to establish long-
Shanghai-based AVIC l's new ARJ 21-700 is climb performance to best suit it for use at'basic term strategic co-operation for the developmenl
the go-seat first variant of the type, with a Iarger airports with short runwaysi of 90-149-seat commercial aircraft.This latter
1 05-seater -900 series planned to follow. The The first flight of the ARJ 2l is scheduled version could be ready for service entry by 201 l,
ARJ 21 (ARJ standing for Advanced Regional.let) to happen in the next few months (probably in and a further series of developments is likely to
include an extended range version as well as a
freighter variant.
The ARJ 21 marks the start of what are
huge plans for Chinese commercial aviation
manufacturing. The industry has taken a big
step forward with the ARJ 21, but larger aircraft
are very much part of the future picture as
the industry looks to challenge Airbus and
Boeing directly on the world market. Next on
the horlzon could be a I so-seat airliner, and a
formal announcement on thls latest project is
expected soon. Add to this the involvement of
Chinese firms in joint ventures with Western
manufacturers, and it is clear that China intends
to become a major'powerhouse'in this sector.

Top: The first ARJ 21 -700 was rolled out on 21

December with all the ceremony you'd expect for such
an occasion in China, PA Photos

Left: The design of the ARJ 21 has been optimised

for the Chinese market, but Western influenres are
very strong. So too is Western involvement in the
programme. PA Photos


Orders! Orders!
ln brief
Air lronte-Kllll agreed in December to buy VLM Airlines,
the Belgian regional carrier and the biggest operator
at London City Airport. The takeover move, which is
subject to approval, defeated rival interest from British
Airways and was announced on Christmas Eve. This
makes Air France-KLM the dominant carrier at London
City, controlling almost half of all operations there. lt
also makes the French carrier the world's biggest airline
measured by turnover.

Ihe lroubled ATG (Aviation Technology Group) Javelin

light jet programme seems doomed. Most of the
company's employees have been made redundant and
funds appear to have dried up.

Aer Aronn has announced a franchise agreement with

I Air Pacific has ordered three additional become the largest E-Jet operator in Nex Aviation that will add jets to its fleet and four new
Boeing787-9s, making a total of eight. lt is Europe once the jets are delivered. routes its network. The airline will wet-lease two
also taking three purchase rights. I Niki has converted 1 0 options for the BAe 1 46-200s from Nex Aviation to launch new routes
I AWAS, the Dublin-based lessor, gave Airbus 4320 family into firm orders.The to the continent, operating alongside Aer Arann's
Airbus a strong start to the year with an aircraft will be delivered starting in 2010. current fleet of 4 ATR turboprops. New destinations of
I 1

order for 75 A320s plus 25 options. The PrivatAir has converted a Boeing Amsterdam, Bordeaux, Malaga, and Faro are all planned
firm aircraft will bring its Airbus portfolio to 787-8 purchase right into a firm order. from Galway and Waterford Airports from May.
1 45 units, the manufacturer said. The deal The company now has two 787s on firm
is valued at 56.9 billion at list prices. AWAS order plus one remaining purchase right.
Midwest Airlines announced that Skyway Airlines,
currently owns and manages more than According to PrivatAir CEO Greg Thomas,
which provides regional services as Midwest Connect, will
320 aircraft and said it is one of the worldt 'The ever-increasing demand from charter
cease flying before the end of March as operations are
three largest aircraft lessors. customers for long-range, large-cabin
I China Airlines has signed up for 14 transferred to SkyWest Airlines under the terms of a five-
aircraft shows no sign of abating.'
year agreement that took effect last April.The latter will
A350-900s from Airbus and taken another I Brazilian carrier TAM Linhas A6reas has
six on option. China Airlines intends to start firmed up its order for 22 43SOXWBs and use 5o-seat CRJ-200s as opposed to the 32-seat
using the A350XWB from 2015. for four additional 4330-200s. The airline, Dornier 328Jets used by Skyway.
I LOT Polish Airlines has signed a based in 56o Paulo, has furthermore
contract for 12 Embraer 175s plus two added another 20 A320 family aircraft to Howoiiqn Airlines may be forced to cancel its Airbus
options and 10 purchase rights. LOT will the initial order. order for six 305-seat A330-200s and six 322-seat
A350-800XWBS.The airline is facing an Airbus and
Rolls-Royce deadline to finalise the order but pilots
have not agreed to fly the new aircraft. The ALPA-
represented pilots are asking for a new contract that
addresses their concerns involving sick leave, rest
facilities on long-haul flights and other issues. Contract
negotiations have dragged on for over a year. The
company will not be able to move ahead with the new
aircraft without a new contract with the pilots.

Anslerdom Airlines is a new carrier being proposed by

former VLM owner Rosen Jacobson. The prospective low-
cost carrier is planning to lease Airbus A320s, although no
start-up date has been disclosed.

Yeli Airlines has teamed up with Air Arabia to fly low-

cost international flights from Nepal. Since 20 January, the
airline has operated to Sharjah using a Boeing 737-800.
It plans to add Doha, Kuala Lumpur and various cities in
lndia later. lt has received permission to operate to 14
destinations in Asia. This is the second joint venture for
fast-growing Air Arabia which will be a major shareholder
with more than 25 per cent of the stock.

SunExpress, the joint venture between Lufthansa

and Turkish Airlines, will open a third base in Turkey at
lstanbul Sabiha Gokcen this summer. lt will base two
aircraft there starting with the new summer schedule,
operating flights to eastern Anatolia and western
European destinations.

Iollowing lhe withdrawal of Polish airline White

Eagle from Dundee airport on 7 December, the
joint venture with Fly Whoosh ground to a halt,
stranding its passengers. Services to Birmingham and
Belfast ceased after the Polish carrier pulled out on
'commercial groundsl

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Ecrgles bcrck
in the crir
USAF returns mony F-l5s to flight
After over a month of grounding, the USAF returned a portion of its F-l 54 to D
Eagle force to the air on 8.lanuary following a directive from Air Combat Command
(ACC). The'limited return to flight'followed the completion of engineering risk
assessments and data received from fleet-wide inspections, but only about
60 per cent ofthe total Eagle force was cleared to return to flight operations.
ACC chiefGen John Corley received a briefing on the findings ofthe accident
investigation of the 2 November loss of a Missouri ANG F- l 5C that led to the
grounding, and also received feedback from Boeing and USAF structural experts.
A pilot climbs out of an F- l 5A Eagle from the Hawaii ANG's 1 99th Fighter Squadron
ln his announcement, he commented:Aircraft inspection results and counsel
at Hickam AFB on 9 January after flying a training mission for currency. This
from both military and industry experts have made me confident in the safety of followed the return to flight of some F-l 5A to D aircraft. USAF
a portion ofthe fleet. As a result, I have cleared those F-'l 5s to return to flyj
The aircraft that remain grounded do so because they are considered
not to meet'blueprint specificationsi according to ACC. One USAF insider USAF leaders have clearly used the F-1 5 grounding to their advantage
went as far as to say'many of these aircraft may never fly again: However it is in pushing for more F-22A Raptors. One senior USAF officer likened the F-15
believed that most ofthe F-1 5 force will be returned to operations over the grounding to the USAF'having a heart attacki
coming month. Structural experts from Warner Robins AFB have said that
cracks have been found in both the right and left upper cockpit longerons of IThe bad news for the F-1 5 hasn't stopped Boeing securing support
nine aircraft. A thinning ofthe longeron at a key stress point, possibly due to for the type. The Republic of Singapore has now announced a follow-on
a manufacturing defect, may be the root cause ofthe trouble. Replacement order for 24 mo(e F-15S examples, the company emphasising that age ls
longerons can be manufactured at Robins and retrofitted as required, but this the key factor in the USAF troubles and that newer F-1 5Es and derivatives
has a significant lead time. are not affected.

lqtest RAF upgrodes

BAE Systems has announced two key Royal Air Force combat aircraft support
deals over the last month. First up is an f84-million contract for the development
of Hanier GR9 Capability E. This comes as an addition to the costly f 500-million
GR9 baseline upgrade and builds on Capabilities A to D that are already being
implemented across the RAF fleet.
Capability E involves the design, development, integration and clearance of a
number of systems including software functionality for secure communications,
a replacement video recording system, modified Auxiliary Communications
Navigation ldentification Panel (ACNIP), the establishment of a second secure
communications channel and the introduction of Tactical lnformation Exchange
Capability (TIEC). As with the previous phases, Capability E will be introduced
to the Harrier force as part of the Harrier Joint Upgrade and Maintenance
Programme (JUMP) at RAF Cottesmore. Capability C, which includes Paveway ll+
and the Sniper advanced targeting pod, is currently being introduced across the
GR9 fleet, with Capability D bringing in the MBDA Brimstone anti-armour weapon
and Joint Reconnaissance Pod (JRP) by 2009. All remaining Harrier GRTs and T1 0
trainers should have been cycled through the basellne GR9/f12line byJune 2009.
TheTornado GR4/4Ais also in line for new BAE Systems upgrades under
the f200-million CU5(P), this standing for Capability Upgrade Strategy (Pilot).
CUS(P) will involve the design, development and integration of upgraded secure
communications and the introduction of a Tactical Datalink Capability as well as
the integration of Paveway lV. Capability A will provide the new communications
and Paveway lV followed by Capability B's datalink.

Seo King blqde upgrqde FR supports King Airs BAE receives JSF
completed Hawker Beechcraft has announced that FR
QinetiQ and ATEC (the AircraftTest & Evaluation Aviation at Bournemouth lnternational Airport BAE Systems has received f 25 million
Centre) at Boscombe Down have completed the is a new Authorised Service Centre for the worth of funding for its participation in
t5.25-million Carson blade upgrade programme Beechcraft family of aircraft. This is likely to the build of the first F-35 Low-Rate lnitial
on the Royal Navy Sea King HC4 fleet.The directly relate to a new batch of King Air 350s Production (LRIP) aircraft. The contract
retrofit of the new Carson main rotor blades that the UK MoD has recently purchased for will see the manufacturer delivering the
was completed under an Urgent Operational Urgent Operational Requirements (UOR). Nigel aft fuselage and empennage (vertical and
Requirement (UOR) for the HC4s of 846 NAS Guz, the company's business development horizontal tails) for two F-35A Conventional
deploying to Afghanistan.The new system executive for Special Mission Aircraft, Take-off and Landing (CTOL) variants of the
generates an increase of up to 2,0001b in maximum commented:'FR Aviation is a key provider Lightning ll. JSF production is limited to
hover mass at high altitude plus a significant of special-mission services and we see many annual LRIP'lots' initially as manufacturing
increase in the maximum forward speed. opportunities for closer co-operation.' increases towards full-rate production.

lYphoon Eurofighter Typhoon lPAT (serial 98+07), the first Tranche 2 aircraft, making its
initial flight at Manching on 16 January. Reinhard Bayer

sweeps into
frclnche 2
First flight of lotest stondord Typhoon
mode ot Monching
Eurofighter has notched up the first flight of a Tranche 2 Typhoon, the I Meanwhile, Eurofighter has ended its participation in the fighter
milestone occurring at Manching in Germany on 16 January. Single-seat procurement programmes in Denmark and Norway to replace current
aircraft IPAT (lPA standing for lnstrumented Production Aircraft) from F-1 6 MLUs. The decision leaves the Lockheed Martin F-35 and Saab
EADS Military Air Systems was flown by Chris Worning. lt represents the JAS39C Gripen as the only candidates remaining. Eurofighter is
first fullTranche 2 build standard aircraft and it will be used to gain Type understood to consider the Norwegian competition as being biased
Acceptance for the latest Block 8 standard Typhoon, planned for April. towards the acquisition of J5F, and believes its time is better spent
BAE Systems is operating lPA6 at Warton as a Block 8 aircraft, but this is concentrating on its competitions in Greece, lndia, Japan, Switzerland
a Tranche 1 aircraft that has been upgraded with the Tranche 2 mission and Turkey. Norway is planning to retire its F-16AM/BM force by 2015
computer suite and avionics features. and has now issued a formal request for information (RFl). lt expects to
The EurofighterTranche 2 production contract was signed back decide formally on 48 new aircraft by 2009.
in December 2004, and includes 251 aircraft 93 for the RAF, 75 for
Germany,48 for ltaly and 35 for Spain.The total includes 15 I Luftwaffe wing JG 74 at Neuburg in Bavaria (see last month) started
Tranche 1 aircraft that are planned to be diverted to Austria, with the the transition to an EF2000-equipped QRA commitment on
figure being added toTranche 2 to make up overall partner nation 8 January, with a launch of two aircraft.The unit's F-4Fs will continue
numbers. Tranche 2 deliveries will run through to 2013, and 32 to carry out QRA missions alongside the Eurofighters untilthe middle
aircraft are already in final assembly. of the year.

lndio looks of more

The lndian AF is gaining support over
Morocco looks ot Vipers plans to increase its BAE Systems
Hawk Mkl 32 buy. The IAF is already
Lockheed Martin looks to be close to securing a deal on contract for 66 Hawk advanced jet
to supply F-1 6s to Morocco. The US Congress has been trainers (AJTs) and another 57 could
notified of the possible sale of 24 Block 50/52 F-1 6ClDs be added, comprising 40 for the IAF
as well as 24 T-68 trainers in a deal that could be worth and 1 7 for the lndian Navy.
up to 52.6 billion. Morocco had previously rejected a bid The existing deal for 66 aircraft
by Dassault for the Rafale bid in favour of the'Viperi lf did involve options for follow-on
the sale goes through, it is expected that the F-1 6s will sales and a protracted negotiation
be latest standard examples complete with JHMCs, the period for additional orders is not
newest radar and conformal tanks. expected, unlike the decision for the
initial batch which was years in the
offing. The first two Hawk Mki 32s
Conodo buys C-130J for the IAF left Warton in November
2007 bound for Bidar.
On 1 8 January, Lockheed Martin confirmed that Canada
had signed a $ 1.4-billion contract for 1 7 new C-1 30Js. The
Canadian Forces C-1 30Js will be the stretched C- 1 30J-30
versions (CC-l 30Js) and will be delivered from 2010. Jim Pqkistqn to get
Grant, Lockheed Martin vice president for Air Mobility and
Special Operations Forces, said:'This contract begins the
more F- l6s
process for working with Canadian industry to establish a 20- Lockheed Martin has finalised a
year In-Service Support (lSS) programme for the new fleeti 5498.2-million contract to supply
Canada currently operates 32 CC-1 30E/Hs. The 18 new Block 52F-16s to Pakistan,
C-1 30J was selected over the Airbus A400M in 2006. The which could receive up to 36 new
Canadian AF has already started retiring some older and refurbished examples. Pakistan
CC-1 30Es, and the Js will see this process being ordered a total of 1 1 1 Block 15
accelerated. All 17 CC-130-Js will be delivered by 2012. F-16A/Bs in the 1980s; ofthese, Tl
were embargoed by the US due
to the Pakistan nuclear weapons
programme.23 were actually built
Soudi Arqbiq chooses and stored for many years at Davis-
A33O MRTT Monthan before being distributed
evenly between the USAF test
The Royal Saudi AF has announced plans to buy EADS community and the US Navy
4330 Multi-Role Tanker/Transport (MRTT) aircraft. The adversary force. The USAF has already
Saudi aircraft are planned to feature both the centreline relinquished these airframes, which
Air Refuelling Boom System (ARBS) and underwing hose are finally being prepared to be
and drogue pods. The news came as another blow to the refurbished and delivered to Pakistan
4330 MRTT's Boeing KC-767 competitor in the region, as as part of the latest deal. The US Navy
it also lost out to EADS in the UAE at the end of 2007. examples at Fallon are likely to follow


Gullslreom ir leading
the programme to
enhance self-protection
for the USAF s five C-37As
through installation of
the Northrop Grumman

A USAF QF-4G AN/AAQ-24(V) Nemesis
carrying and firing
DIRCM system.
what appears to be
a ramjet-powered
version ofthe fhe Gernon ministry
AGM-88 HARM. ofdefence has ordered
QF-4G lounches new missile USAF four Bombardier Global
5000 business jets and
two Airbus A319s forVlP
ln a surprising media release from the USAF, it has been mystery. From inspection of the poor quality images that transport and medical
revealed that the 82nd Aerial Targets Squadron has been accompany the release, the missile appears to be a ramjet- evacuation duties.The
called upon to perform test work with an unidentified new powered version of the AGM-88E Advanced Anti-Radiation aircraft are scheduled for
suppression of enemy air defences (SEAD) missile. A QF-4G Guided Missile (AARGM). Maj Markle's comments offer delivery in 201 1 and will
from the squadron's Det 1 at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, a little more indication:'This is a new high-speed, anti- replace the current C1601
launched the missile (as seen here) during a trial over the radiation missile the Navy designed to defeat SAM threatsi Challenger fleet.The new
White Sands test range on 9.lanuary, marking the first time Lt Col Joel Rush, Det 1 commander, further commented: Bombardier aircraft will be
an air-to-ground missile had been fired from a full-scale 'With this successful test, we have pioneered a new venue able to carry an intensive
aerial target (FSAT) drone QF-4. The QF-4G, sporting faint to test forward-firing ordnance without risk to valuable alr care patient transport
tiger stripes that it has worn for some time, was operated assets or crew members.' unit, and Lufthansa
unmanned in remote control mode from a ground station. This airborne live firing trial seems to have revealed a joint venture German
Maj John Markle, the detachment's operations officer, hitherto unseen AGM-88 derivative, possibly developed in Operating Aircraft Leasing
commented:'This test is an important part of our mission secrecy under the US Navy's Higher Speed Anti-radiation
is acting as subcontractor
because it increases survivability of our airmen going against Missile Demonstration (HSAD) programme that has been
for the acquisition of the
(surface-to-air missile) threats. Furthermore, it's the first time running for several years. lt had been thought that the
Global 5000s.
the drone has been able to shoot backl Navy was placing emphasis on the AGM-88E AARGM as its
As well as being remarkable due to the unusual use next SEAD missile to replace the HARM. Whether it is pure
Thoi Avinlion lndustries
of the QF-4 as a launch platform for a missile, the actual coincidence that it is a QF-4G (formerly a'Wild Weasel') that
has awarded Rockwell
missile that was fired has turned out to be a bit of a was performing the test is still open to question.
Collins the second
phase of a contract
to upgrade the Royal
French Alpho Jets Thai AF! fleet ofC-l 30

EUROPE upgroded
Hercules with integrated
The French AF has secured Navigation, Surveillance/
Swiss fighrer updote funding for a long-standing AirTraffic Management
(CNS/ATM). The fi rst phase
requirement to upgrade its
The Swiss Government upgrade (HUG). The 33 Alpha Jets to better suit the called for completing
issued a request for Swiss Hornets are now role as lead-in fighter trainers. the avionics upgrade on
proposals on 7 )anuaryfor moving into'Upgrade 25' A 533.4-million deal with six C-1 30s and Phase 2
a new fighter to replace thanks to a new 5535- Thales and Sabca of Belgium will include the avionics
its remaining F-5ElF Tiger million deal with Boeing includes a modest cockpit system upgradeforthe
lls. The competition will that builds on the original avionics upgrade for 20 Alpha final six aircraft.
be between the Boeing 'Upgrade 21' project. lt Jets, which will serve as direct
F / A-13E/F Super Hornet, includes the procurement lead-in trainers for pilots
Dassault Rafale, Eurofighter of 20 AN/ASQ-228A(V) progressing to the Rafale
Typhoon and Saab JAS39 Advanced Tactical Forward force.The upgrade includes
Gripen. Flight evaluations Looking lnfra-red (ATFLIR) a new head-up display, GPS
are expected this year as pods for a precision strike navigation, and air-to-air and
the aggressive procurement capability, as well as air-to-ground fi re control
works towards the F-5t AN/ALR-67(V)3 Electronic simulation. Prototype testing
retirement by 2012 at latest. Warfare Countermeasures is planned to start in 2009.
Meanwhile, the Swiss Receiving systems and Subsequent serial production
AF is moving ahead with a new Joint Mission upgrades will be supplied in
its F/A-l8C/D Hornet Planning System. kit form.

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and u
described by combatAircrart www.Gombataircraft.net

\\ YV

Cqsuo lties
Iwo US Novy Super
Hornets collided in mid-
air and crashed in the
Northern Arabian Gulf
on 7 January.The VFA-
1 05 F/A-1 8E and VFA-1 1

F/A-1 8F were operating

from theUSS Harry S.
Truman. All three crew
The first two VH-71 helicopters have entered the flight test phase members were rescued.
at Patuxent River. This is TV-5 flying from the Agustawestland
plant at Yeovil before leaving for the USA, US Navy A Polish AI C'29s
(serial 01 9) crashed on
approach to Miroslawiec
VH-71 tesfing moves qheqd on 23 January, killing all
20 on board, including
The first two Lockheed Martin/Agustawestland senior officers. The
VH-71 presidential helicopters for the US Marine aircraft was returning
Corps have entered flight testing at NAS Patuxent personnel to their
River, MD. Test helicopters TV-2 and TV-5 arrived bases after an air safety
at'Pax'in November and December from conference in Warsaw.
AgustaWestland's facility at Yeovil and will be used More next month.
initially for structural and propulsion testing.
'Bones' heqd for upgrode TV-2 and TV-5 are the first of four test aircraft 0n l6 lonuary,a
The USAF has started introduclng the Sniper advanced targeting built for the initial phase of the VH-71 programme, US Navy MH-53E Sea
pod across its B-1 B Lancer force. Testing and integration of Sniper known as lncrement One. Two more lncrement Dragon of HM-15
for the B-1 has been under way for several years, and now the 65- One aircraft, TV-3 and TV-4, will undergo additional crashed and exploded
strong active fleet is being cycled through Davis-Monthan AFB, assembly and mission fitting at Lockheed Martin in a field to the south of
Arizona, for the upgrade. Boeing is leading the programme under Systems lntegration, Owego, New York, prior to being Corpus Christi during
a 53-million initiative that involves uncovering sealed attachment transferred to Patuxent River for testing. TV-1, an a night mission.Three
points originally used for carrying long-range air-launched industry-provided test asset, has been in flight test ofthe four personnel
nuclear cruise missiles. They will now be used for the Sniper pod. since shortly after the contract award. aboard were killed.

C-5 self-defence P-3 novigotion lroq oir strikes increqse

The USAF is expanding its C-5 Galaxy self-protection system upgroded The US military stepped up air strikes across lraq in
programme. Northrop Grumman's Large Aircraft Infra-Red January as it launched Operation'Phantom Phoenix'on
Countermeasures (LAIRCM) system is being fitted to five The US Navy P-3C Orion 8 January, designed to flush out insurgents in their safe
C-5s this year, followed by another three in 2009, to increase force has started receiving havens. ln one day, the Arab Jabour district south-east
protection against heat-seeking surface-to-air missiles. The the latest Communication of Baghdad was targeted and USAF B-1 Bs and F-1 6Cs
USAF has already added LAIRCM to C-17s following Navigation Surveillance/ dropped 40,0001b of explosives in 10 minutes, one of the
non-catastrophic 2004 attacks near Baghdad that saw a C-1 7 AirTraffic Management largest strikes since the 2003 conflict.
and C-5 being hit by missiles. upgrades. Federal Aviation According to a senior US military official, the object
Administration and of the strikes was to'shape the battlefield'and take out
lnternational Civil Aviation 'known threats before our ground troops move in. Our aim
New NVGs Organisation navigation was to neutralise any advantage the enemy could claim
Air test and evaluation squadron VX-31 from NAWS China Lake requirements have lead with the use of lEDs and other weaponsi The latest strategy
has been instrumental in delivering a new NVG capability to to these avionics updates seems to be to employ air strikes supporting coalition
front-line US Marine Corps and Navy units. Deployed in lraq, being introduced across troops as they clear hostile areas before holding and then
VMFA(AW)-225 has become the first unit to receive the new a numberof aircraft rebuilding them as they home in on insurgent strongholds.
NightVision Cueing and Display (NVCD) system, providing fleets, and the P-3Cs are
Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) functionality receiving certification for
integrated into night vision goggles (NVGs) and giving pilots Mode Select and Required
dramatically improved situational awareness. Navigation Performance
The QuadEye system is a follow-on to the JHMCS helmet Area Navigation, using
and incorporates the same symbology including airspeed GPS as a primary means
and altitude, heading, and indications of where the aircraft ofnavigation.The Navy
sensors are looking as JHMC5 into a four-tube night vision has already completed
goggle. The two outer tubes can also be removed to create CNS/ATM installations on
a two-tube version, known as Mini-QuadEye.The US Navy four P-3Cs, and all aircraft
F/A-18 Program Office (PMA-265) has arranged an interim (including EP-3Es) are
flight clearance for VMFA(AW)-225 to fly with Mini-QuadEye expected to be upgraded
pending full clearance ofthe four-tube set-up. by 201 3.

51:e"-' ''
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' li.lHt'Iir i$,inbffi$ffi & s| & ffi

ITil[T(lPRESERVATION Airview o Peter R. Morch

Big chernges for CAF

B-29 engine rebuild funded by Covonqugh flight Museum deol ond Buch6n sole

The long-awaited rebuild of four'custom-built'R-3350 engines for

the Commemorative Air Force's B-29 Superfortress Flfl, grounded for
some years, came a step closer in January with the announcement
of a co-operative agreement between the CAF and the Cavanaugh
FIight Museum (CFM), whose main backer Jim Cavanaugh has pledged
sponsorship worth 51.2 million towards the project.'This sponsorship,
together with additional donations from CAF members, should 9o a
long way towards completing the project of putting Flfl back in the
air againi said Stephan Brown, President and CEO of the CAF. 5o far,
52 million pledged byTexas inventor and industrialist Joe Jamieson in
October 2006 has not been forthcoming.
ln addition, the staffofthe CAF'sB-29/B-24 Squadron voted
unanimously to move its two aircraft, Flfi and recently-refurbished
B-24A Liberator Ol'927, from Midland to the Cavanaugh Flight Museum.
Lyn Fite, the leader of the Squadron, said: 'We will reside in Addison,
Texas, at the CFM, for six months while we perform annual maintenance
and we will tour on behalf of the CAF, with our crews, for the other six
This news followed confirmation that the CAF had sold Hispano
HA1 1 12-M1 L Buchon'Yellow 14'N109ME last December via Courtesy
Aircraft Sales. A CAF spokesperson told A/that it was'part ofthe sale
that we do not disclose the buyeri when we asked about speculation
that the Buch6n has been acquired by an as yet undisclosed UK
customer.The sale price is believed to have been about 5650,000, a
further boost to the B-29 re-engining programme.
Built by Hispano in 1950 for the Spanish AF as C.4K-31, the Merlin-
powered Messerschmitt Bf109 was obtained in 1966, with a number of
others, by Hamish Mahaddie to take part in the Battleof Britain movie.
Operated by Spitfire Productions at Duxford for filming in 1968 and
registered G-AWHE, the Buchon was sold to Connie Edwards at Big
Spring,Texas in February 1969. Now registered N109ME, it emerged
Top:The long-running saga ofthe funding required to re-engine the Commemorative
from storage two years later and joined the then Confederate Air Force Air For(et B-29 Superfortress Fifi, seen here at Midland in Sept€mber, has received a
at Harlingen, Texas. Over the next 35 years, it had a number of landing major boost from the Cavanaugh Flight Museum. David Halford
accidents and rebuilds. After the most recent restoration, it was flown
to the CAF'S HQ at Midland in September 2004, but has been grounded Above: The CAF has sold its HAI 1 1 2-M l L Buch6n (Bfl 09J) N1 09ME, which has not
thereafter due to the lack of suitably type-experienced pilots. flown at Midland since arriving in September 2004. Peter R. March

Stqrliner to fly in 20 I O
Since last month's issue, in which A/ was the first magazine to report the
purchase of Maurice Roundy's three Lockheed L1 6494 Starliners by the
Deutsche Lufthansa Berlin-Stiftung (DLBS), the foundation's parent airline
Lufthansa has released further information about the project.
DLBS has asked Lufthansa Technik AG to restore one of the aircraft to
airworthy condition. A Lockheed 116494 became the first long-haul airliner
operated by Lufthansa capable of crossing the Atlantic without refuelling
in 1958. When it flies again in 2010, the restored Starliner will take its place
alongside Ju52l3m D-CDLH in the DLBS fleet.
An initial technical assessment ofthe aircraft by Lufthansa Technik
confirmed that one of them, N7316C, can be restored to airworthy
condition. Engines and components of the two other Starliners will be used
for the restoration process. ln addition to the three airliners, numerous
spare parts, as well as extensive documentation comprising repair and
overhaul manuals, were obtained at the auction.
Lufthansa Technik plans to have the restoration work carried
out mainly in the USA. Engineers and overhaulspecialists from the
company's Hamburg facility, including former employees who worked
on Starliners in Lufthansa service, will lead the team.The overhaul and
restoration work is to commence immediately, and it was reported in
mid-January that plans have already been made to move N974R, which
saw Lufthansa service as D-ALAN, by road from its current home at the
Fantasy of Flight museum at Polk City to Auburn, Maine, where N7316C
and N8083H are located.

Above left: Two of the L1 649A Starliners that Lufthansa has purchased are still
sitting at former owner Maurice Roundy's premises in Auburn, Maine. ln the
foreground here is N731 6C, which Lufthansa has earmarked for restoration to
airworthiness. Bill Blanchard/AirTeamlmages.com

Left: lt is reported that plans are being made to move Starliner N974R from
:*;*ry{}l* Fantasy of Flight in Polk City, Florida, to join its two stablemates in Maine.
Peter R. March

Yqk-3O flies in R.ussicl
Historic iet troiner offered for sole

Yakovlev Yak-30 jet trainer Bort 80 yellow made its maiden

post-restoration flight from Zhukovsky near Moscow in late
December.The 1 961-vintage aircraft had been acquired
by a private owner after Yakovlev sold off the contents of
its museum following a takeover by the lrkut corporation.
Now, it is being offered for sale by Aeroconcept Trading
in fully airworthy condition after an airframe and engine
overhaul, along with the example of the single-seat
Yak-32 derivative that was also bought from the Yakovlev
museum, and which is also being made airworthy.
Aeroconcept also has various other Yaks for sale, including
examples of the Yak-23UTl, Yak-25 and Yak-28P, all of which
it says could be brought up to airworthy condition.
The swept-wing Yak-30, given the NATO reporting
name'Magnum', first flew in 1960. Despite its excellent
performance, though, the USSR decided to buy the Czech-
built Aero L-29 Delfin as the jet trainer for all Warsaw Pact
air forces.

Spitfi re RR2 32 proqresses

Devon businessman Martin wing cannons, flying display at Bankstown
Phillips has already spent instruments, original seats where it was rolled out
about seven years working and various components. in October 1984.RR232
on the restoration of Built in 1943, Spitfire spent a period at Nowra
Spitfire lX RR232 in a shed HFIXc RR232 was delivered Naval Air Station before
at his home at Langford to the RAF at Kinloss. lt being purchased by British
near Exeter. Talking about was twice damaged and collector Charles Church,
his f 1 million-plus project, repaired before going arriving at Micheldever,
he said recently:'We are to the South African AF Hampshire, on 13 .lanuary
making steady progress, as5632 in May 1949. ln 1 987. Following Church's

but there are lots of January I954, it was sold death, the Spitfire was
engineering problems to to the South African Metal acquired by Jim Pearce
overcome, we are looking & Machinery Co in Cape and was registered as
at another one or two Town and two decades G-BRSF to Sussex Spraying components were stolen. A recent shot of Martin
years before it is finishedi later the hulk went to Services at Shoreham. lt Martin Phillips purchased Phillips' Spitfire lX RR232
He has four Merlin engines, Peter 5ledge in Sydney, was at Worthing for the RR232 in 1 999 and set under restoration near Exeter.
Keith Saunders
a L70,000 four-bladed Australia. Work started on next 12 years, during about its restoration the
propeller, engine parts, its restoration for static which time a number of following year.

Vulcon lqfest companies, some of which

fund the repayment of our
extremely unhelpful: many
companies are tightening
Club's membership is not
only achievable, but would
extremely patient credltors their belts. True to our reflect the sentiment
ln mid-January, Dr Robert on l8 October, we have following first flight. We philosophy of never giving of supporters and also
Pleming, Chief Executive of chosen to avoid the risk of continue to seek major up, we have decided to go provide a proportion of
theVulcan to the SkyTrust, future fiscal embarrassment donations not only of cash where the cash is: the Middle the ongoing revenues now
gave the latest news on by electing to pay for any but of support-in-kind, East. We already have one needed by the Trust. The
progress towards Vulcan major work before it starts. from many different types potential line of significant Club, with the support
XH558 taking part in UK air 'Whilst the largest of companies, groups interest, but,.. it may well of the Trust, is therefore
displays this summer. proportion of the f575,000 and individuals, linked to take some time to carefully embarking on a significant
'The next phase in its pays for the monthly project milestones, through bring these opportunities to membership drive.
new life takes the aircraft f70,000 baseline costs of for example fund-raising fruition. 'We are undertaking
from today up to its first salaries and other vital dinners and events at 'With our migration a detailed review of our
public displayi he said. items, the steepest part of Bruntingthorpe. However, from a major capital project future requirements for our
'ln funding terms, we the new challenge is the we cannot be confident that to an ongoing flow of operating base. Our primary
estimate that it will cost up-front outlay of f85,000 this is a source of revenue commitments, we have been needs are clearly operational
about t575,000 to meet our required now to restart the on which we can rely in the looking for ways to match and maintenance feasibility,
target of returning her to test flight programme. The longer term. our funding streams to the and affordability (including
public display on 1 June, an costs of the display work- 'Gaining commercial profile of our costs. grants), however we also
amount which is consistent up flights and aviation sponsorship remains our 'lt's clear that the need to take into account
with our estimated gross insurance are the other primary objective for the Vulcan to the Sky Club, the location as regards
annual running costs of major elements making up majority of the longer-term which has almost doubled visitor access and catchment
about f 1.6 million. the total. funding of our operation. in membership over the area, timescales and notice
'Following on from the 'This leads me to As we had hoped, the first past year, is home to our periods. Because of the
enormous financial goodwill our revenue-generating flight has proved pervasive strongest, most loyal sensitivity of some of
shown by many companies, activities. Donations are in establishing our credibility and active supporters. the discussions, I can't at
and by Marshall Aerospace continuing, with some with potential sponsors... I have agreed with the this stage tell you more,
in particular, in enabling us significant donations However, the current Club's Committee that a but will do so as soon as
to achieve the first test flight coming from well-known economic conditions are significant growth in the appropriatel


Up rlose with
'big props'
The Coventry-based
Air Atlantique Classic
Flight has announced
its programme of
weekend Open Days for
2008, giving visitors an
opportunity to see some
of its piston-engined
fleet at close quarters.
With an admission
Museum of Flight prolects fee of f1 0, the Open
Days (from 10.00hrs to
Above left: The Museum 16.30hrs) will take place
Steady progress is being The prototype A great deal of effort
going into the long-term of Flight's Vought on 7-8 June, 9-1 0 August,
made in the restoration Lockheed JetStar (N329J), is
XFgU-1 Crusader 1 8-1 9 October and 1 3-
workshop at the Museum which is being restored rebuild of 1942-vintage FM-2
BuNo l38899 is nearing 14 December. Flights
of Flight at Paine Field, to airworthiness, is now Wildcat BuNo 4512. After completion. Jim Goodall
painstaking work over a long (pre-booked at t65 a
Washington on several under cover. Work has
commenced to restore it period, a new windscreen seat) will be available in
significant aircraft. The Above: Lockheed
cockpit of the prototype to Kelly Johnson's'skunk and canopy have been built JetStar prototype the DC-3, Prentice and
vought XFSU-1 (BuNo Works' colour scheme with from scratch and a new N329J, the only twin- Dragon Rapide, and on
1 38899) is nearly finished, a polished metal bottom starboard elevator looks engined Jetstar ever some dates the Twin
and when the work is half, white top, dayglo and better than the original. built, will be a very Pioneer. Another of the
rare airworthy example highlights of each Open
complete it will be fully black five-inch strip along There is still a long way to
indeed when it flies
representative of the the centre line, and a small go before a completion date Day will be engine runs
again. Jim Goodall
Crusader at the time of its skunk emblem on top of can be predicted, however. by the DC-68 G-APSA
first flight in 1955. the tail. JIM GOODALL and Shackleton WR963
at 13.00hrs. ln the winter,
there will be a second
engine run at 16.00hrs
F-22 becomes under arc lights. The
5hackleton also does
museum orece I
engine runs every
Thursday at 1 3.00hrs.
The National Museum ofthe US Air For further information,
Force at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, contact Richard Parr on
unveiled its latest exhibit, a Lockheed 02476 882651.
Martin F-22A Raptor, on 1 7 January.
The museum's aircraft, 91 -4003, was GVIWE bock
one of nine built for engineering, Despite the predictions
manufacture and development that last year's Great
testing in 1 999, and became the first Vintage Flying Weekend
Raptor to launch an AIM-120 air- (GVFWE) could be the
to-air missile at supersonic speeds. F-22A Raptor 91 -4003 on display in the National Museum of the USAF's Modern last of these popular
After completing its test programme, Flight Gallery. USAF events, organiser Terry
the aircraft came to the museum Booker has announced
and was prepared for display by the The 478th Aeronautical Systems contracts and ensuring on-time
deliveries, led the effort to prepare that GVFWE'is flying
restoration team. lt is painted to Wing at Wright-Patterson, which
provides acquisition support to the aircraft to be transferred to the on for another seasoni
represent an F-22A flown by the 1st
museum last year. The venue is once
Fighter Wing at Langley AFB, Virginia. the F-22 programme by managing
again the near-perfect
setting of Hullavington
Airfield, Wiltshire, on
16-1 8 May.'There is so
much goodwill and
enthusiasm surrounding
GVFWE that I couldn't
let it just fade away; says
Terry.'Many interested
organisations and
individuals from within
the vintage aircraft
community are working
hard to secure this, the
UK's biggest event of its
kind, a long-term futurei
The successfulformula
remains unchanged, and
many pilots have already
booked in their aircraft
with Mike Andrews
(telephone 01962
703143; e-mail mf-

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ANI'llIES: Propliner tour! Domodedo\o & otheE. Army, DMZtunnelVGlorious Gloste€,
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- Extensivdextended access etc)i fee days
Day lnt l Aiishow & Air Force Bases 27 Jul - 4 Aug USA: Oshkosh: 6 full 3 - 19 octlNDlA: lndia Aviation 2008
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29 Mav - 5 Jun GERMANY & Lancaste[ B-17 & B-25 Aircraft Canie6: Hornet (S'Fnsco),
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Sycomore swqp
The Helicopter Museum (THM) at Weston-
super-Mare has received Bristol Sycamore
HRl 4 X1829, the last of the type to be
retired from RAF service in December No more Woburn
1971. From 1978 until it closed in October The de Havilland Moth
2006,XL829 was on display at the Bristol Club has confirmed that
lndustrial Museum. Having decided not the lnternational Moth
to include the helicopter in the new Rally is moving awayfrom
'Museum of Bristol', the City Council Woburn, its picturesque
passed it to The Helicopter Museum. venue for many years. lt
The Sycamore was built at Weston- will now be held at RAF
super-Mare by Bristol Helicopters, which Halton on the weekend
subsequently became part of the Westland of 1 4-1 5 June. During
Group, and is therefore'returning homel the same weekend it will
Itwill replace Sycamore HR14 XG547 (on be combined with the
loan toTHM) which is shortly due to go to
annual Charity FIying Day.
Belgium in exchange for an Alouette ll. Sycamore HRt4 XL829 after its move to The Helicopter Museum. Peter R. March
Entry to the aerodrome
will be free of charge.
During the weekend
and Airbus UK to get the on the fourth anniversary
Concordes to go inside aircraft under cover. Land of G-BOAF landing at Filton:
of 1 5-1 7 August when
the Woburn Rally
on which the f 12-million 'We should hear about the normally takes place, a
Manchester Airport has development will also include project will be built has been outline planning permission Vintage AirTour is being
announced that work is to a corporate hospitality suite, left by the late Jack Baylis, in January and, if it is granted,
arranged. Earlier in the
start early in the spring on an education centre, an the millionaire developer of we are committed to opening
year celebrations are
a new f 1-million hangar aviation exhibition and a The Mall shopping centre at the new museum by 26
being held in Scotland
and visitor centre to visitor restaurant with views of Cribbs Causeway adjacent to November 20i 1.To do
to mark the 75th
accommodate Concorde Manchester Airport's runways. Filton airfield. that we need to raise
anniversary of Capt
G-BOAC.The 68m-by-38m The plan to build a new The Concorde has f 12 millionl ln the meantime,
the centenary of Sir George E. E. Fresson's pioneering
glass, steel and high-tech state-of-the-art museum been sitting unprotected
PVC structure is due to be to house Concorde G-BOAF since it flew in to Filton on White establishing the British airline activities around
completed and open to the at Filton has taken a step 26 November 2003 and is and ColonialAeroplane the Highlands and
public this summer. Concorde forward with the publication already showing signs of Company, later the Bristol lslands. All vintage Moths
is the main attraction for of a draft concept statement. deterioration, despite the best Aeroplane Company, will and Dragon/Dragon
the 250,000 visitors to the South Gloucestershire efforts of BAC and Airbus.The be celebrated in 201 O.The Rapide variants are
Aviation Viewing Park at Council is supporting moves chairman of the Concorde first Bristol Boxkite made its encouraged tojoin in the
Manchester Airport.The new by the Bristol Aero Collection Trust, Mike Littleton, said maiden flight on 30 July 1 910. eventsfrom 3-1 1 May.

Good news for RNHF the Centaurus to Vl 2,

attention can then turn to
the fitting of data-gathering
There was encouraging
progress with Swordfish
15326 on 7 January when
by Hornet Aviation using
traditional methods. The
Swordfish is now standing
An answer to the recurring California where Mike Nixon equipment to the Sea the lower set of wings on its undercarriage, and
problems with the Centaurus identified the problem and Fury. This will detect any arrived atYeovilton by when the wings have been
engine of the RN Historic said that V1 2 could overhaul temperature trends in all lorry from BAE Systems painted the final stages of
Flight's Sea Fury FB11 VR930 and repair the damaged 1 8 cylinders on the engine, at Brough. ln rebuilding the rebuild will get under
has hopefully been found unit.This will include the giving early advice of any the wings, new spars were way. All being well, 15326
in the USA.The RNHFs chief manufacture of pistons future problems of this made for the first time for will be airborne in time to
engineer Howard Read went and rings. Once permission nature as well as monitoring 65 years and they have fly with the RNHF in the
to Vintage V1 2 at Tehachapi, has been obtained to send the airframe and systems. been re-covered with linen 2008 season.

The losr'Airvie\rv'...
Museum of Army Texos museum plons As you will read elsewhere in this 40th anniversary
issue, this month sees Peter R. March's 444th
Flying exponsion As efforts mount to try to launch an aviation museum
and last Airview'column for
in Fort Worth, Texas, the OV-1 0 Bronco Association,
Aircraft lllustrated.
The Museum of Army Flying at which operates Fort Worth Veterans Memorial Air
The first, shown here,
Middle Wallop has taken the Park, has signed agreements to take possession of
was featured in 1971,
first step in its major expansion five aircraft with North Texas links. These include a
and from then until
programme to provide an Fort Worth-built F- l 1 1. The Association only started
now it has included
ongoing and comprehensive acquiring aircraft in 2004 and later this year, if all (we estimate) over 1.5
record ofthe achievements ofthe
'Soldiers in the Airi
goes as planned, 14 will be on display at the air park
adjacent to Meacham Airport. ln early January, the
million words and 2,000 ilr'"t*T"itru
photographs. lts content
The extension will add City Council approved appointments to a city-wide
has changed over the
considerably to the Museum! space committee to attempt establishing a major museum. kiut.w-rsw'**#

years, but the hard work
both for new exhibits and a 783- 'l have high hopes for iti said Clyde Picht, president of
square metre venue for private and
corporate activities. The museum
the 8-36 Peacemaker Museum.'This is the first time
that we've had all parties on board, pushing for the
put in by Peter, without ever
missing a deadline, has not. rffiffif$Iffi
still urgently needs f50,000 to meet
the anticipated cost of f650,000.
same goal, and it's the first time we've had any kind
of city backing to do thisl
Nexl month...
Apart from some money that has ln addition to the F-1 1 1, the collection includes From the April issue of Al,our
been donated from the Regimental an RF-8G Crusader built by Chance-Vought in Grand Preservation News pages will
Fund, most ofthe extension has Prairie and flown out of Naval Air Station Dallas, and be taken over by Ben Dunnell.
been paid for by private individuals. a US Navy A-7 Corsair.The group has also signed an AII contributions on preservation iiit!$5'Hd#''s::ffi
Due to open in April, the extension agreement to take an ex-USAF TF-1 02 Delta Dagger, topics should be addressed to
will initially house a new art produced by Consolidated Vultee Aircraft in Fort Worth. him at the e-mail address given
on page 4.
exhibition on the theme of 'Flight: See www.ov-1 0bronco.net for more information.
Bsee IIn@re
/,D l,$.0,,,f ,
,,,t *;*;tljst%

he schedule from roll-out to of 2009. The fact that the 787-8 around which
first flight and service entry thousands swarmed at Seattle in.luly was
of the Boeing 787 was always not then assembled to a flyable standard was
How Boeing" impressively ambitious. known by many, but failed to take the gloss
When the manufacturer off those celebrations. Had the extent of the
bosses must officially launched the
aircraft with an order from
underlying problems been known, things
might have been different.

turn the 787 All Nippon Airlines (ANA) back in 2004, the
Dreamliner was expected to get air under
Now, as its Commercial Airplanes president
and CEO Scott Carson and general manager for
its wings in the late summer of 2007, and to the7B7 programme Pat Shanahan explained to
progromme enter service in 2008. This was still the claim the international media on 15 January, Boeing
when the first 787-8 was rolled out in front says itl going all out to make this delay the last'
oround of an enthusiastic 1 5,000-strong crowd at
the Everett plant on 8 July last year. Since
then, Boeing's timings have been blown The production of no other Boeing airliner has
comprehensively out of the water ever been as dependent on external suppliers
- as the 787. Most of the largely composite
especially with confirmation on 15 January
of the latest delays. airframe is built by industrial partners around
words: Ben Dunnell These will see the long-awaited initial the world and ends up at the Everett plant for
flight ofthe 787-8 slipping from the end ofthe integration and final assembly.
first quarter of 2008 to some time around the However, certain partners tasked with
end of the second quarter, with the resultant building large structures and delivering them
hold-up to airline deliveries meaning that no complete to Boeing for final assembly of the
Dreamliner will reach ANA until the beginning first aircraft (c/n ZA00'l) basically fell down

Left: At the end of 2007, the Boeing 787 production

line at Everett was headed by the first flight test
aircraft, which is being €ompleted structurally and
having systems installed, Behind it are the static test
airframe, soon to receive landing gear, engines and
any required interior installations, and the fatigue
test air(raft. Boeing

Right: The 787-83 roll-out in July last year was a

triumphant event, but major programme delays were
just around the corner, as the aircraft was far from
being ready to fly, Andreas Spaeth

on the job. Not only did completion of these Adding to this, large parts ofthe 787-8 we're getting the installation work back in
sections have to be handed over to Boeing, which was rolled out in July (especially the sequence. However, as evidenced through our
for which so-called'travelled work'the team wings) were fitted with temporary fasteners. announcement today, we have found through
at Everett was not expecting to have to be At the time, A/ reported Tom Cogan, 787 chief our experience with travelled work and other
prepared, but it turned out that the extent project engineer, as stating:'We need some lessons learned that it's going to take us
of the work done by some of these partner specialised fasteners for lhe 787 and there is longer than we had expected to complete our
companies had not been fully documented. currently a worldwide shortage. Big fastener milestones to first flight. We simply have not
Shanahan says:'The process to reconcile companies such as Alcoa are under stress. lt is a burned through jobs at the rate required to
partner engineering with our production sheer supply issue and has nothing to do with keep our previous schedule.
records and our production process is very our heavy usage of compositesi The extent 'We have a very clear assessment of the
onerous and time-consuming. That has of this, says Scott Carson, was that fastener work that remains to be done and how we will
proven to be the pacing item in completing shortages totalled around 10,000,'but we're do it. From that assessment, we have set this
our structural work in the critical fuselage now down to hundredsi revised schedule for first flight. Building on our
area where we will install the systems and the commitment to first flight, we are also working
wiring to put power on in the airplane. WHAT's BOEING DOING? with our suppliers to assess our schedule on
'We underestimated how long it would Addressing journalists on 1 5 January, Scott the airplanes following number 1, to make
take to complete someone else! work. The Carson summed up the situation thus:'We sure they meet the required condition of
tools, the processes, the flow of material, have seen progress in completing assembly assembly and reduce the amount of travelled
the skills of the personnel are all tailored to of the first airplane. Fasteners are no longer work coming into Everett. This assessment,
perform last-stage high-level integration, pacing airplane number l, and we continue which will also include discussions with our
check-out and test. We thought we could to work closely with our fastener suppliers customers, will determine the details of our
modify that production system and to work these issues through the production flight test and delivery schedules. We expect
accommodate the travelled work from our ramp-up. We're making good progress with to complete this assessment by the end of the
suppliers. We were wrongl parts shortages on airplane number 1, and first quarterJ

The worry must be that this process will from the manufacturer, saying:'We will be
lead to further delays. As recently as the discussing the issue of liquidated damages
very end of 2007, Boeing was finding with Boeing in the coming weeks.'
that its efforts to complete the first The last few months have seen considerable
787-8 were coming up against barriers which changes to the 787 leadership team, former
ate through what had been a two-month programme manager Mike Bair being replaced
cushion in the programme. According to Pat in October 2007 by Pat Shanahan. ln outlining
Shanahan,'We thought that in the month of what Shanahan has done since assuming
December, over the holiday break, that we control, Scott Carson made what amounted
would turn the corner of the completion of to an admission of previous failings.'We have
added strength to the team where neededi
critical structural work
work from our partners
- this was travelled
in the fuselage, so he said,'including experienced executives,
we could start installing the systems racks business managers and planning specialists
and the wiring. We have not been able to from around the company. We are basing them
finish that assembly work.' at our supplier partners, as well as our own final
Asked what makes him more confident assembly facility in Everett, to make sure we get
about meeting the revised timescale set this job doneJ
out in January than previous schedules, Once assembly of the first 7B7 is complete,
Shanahan replied:'lt's a question l've been it will be possible to achieve'power oni the
asked many times by my superiors. October's next milestone. All of the system components
plan was based more on analysis. The case necessary to actuate the aircraft were ready at
is that we have not done our partners' the time of going to press, following extensive
work in our facility before... l'm confident verification testing. Above that, another 20
we'll execute this plan because we have system components were required for taxi
demonstrated performance in the last three trials. Both ofthese stages have been delayed
months. We have more experience and by the supply chain debacle.'Power on'is now
knowledge of the work statement, and we expected to occur at the beginning ofthe
have more of the right skills and resources. second quarter of 2008.
I can see a path forward based on how There have been suggestions that the
much work we have completed. We've made maiden flight could be made on cln 2A002,
significant progress in completing primary the second of the six 7B7s that will perform
structures. When I look at the condition of the type's flight test schedule, such is the
the aircraft, the wings are in good shape, and extent of the work remaining to be done business, the programme and our customers
in a few weeks we'll be routing wires in the on the first airframe. However, these were to take the time to base this on hard, assessed
critical fuselage areas to the airplane.' denied by Pat Shanahan. Major sections and facts, rather than, as Pat described, the
One end result is that, Scott Carson components ofthe second aircraft have now shallower analysis that perhaps we did beforei
stated categorically,'We're not going to have arrived in Everett, and it is believed that there Boeing has always been confident that
1 09 deliveries in 2009i He and Shanahan will be less work for Boeing to do on these certification of the 787 will be eased by the
were unable to go into much more detail on than on the first 787. amount of work done towards this goal prior
this in mid-January, having not yet finished lmportantly, though, Boeing has decided to the first flight. No obstacles are currently
the assessment with customers and suppliers. to concentrate its current efforts on getting foreseen, and Pat Shanahan reports that
Reaction from the airlines that have signed the 787s required for flight-testing ready, Boeing is bn track'in providing the FAA with all
up for the 787 was fairly muted, possibly rather than moving on to those further down the necessary documentation at this stage. The
reflecting the lack of concrete information. the line. Scott Carson put it thus:'We have delays in other areas, while unwelcome, have
Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon has said resisted the temptation this time to make a allowed more time for this, and Rolls-Royce
that the carrier (which has 'l 15 Dreamliners broad and sweeping generalisation about may also not be unhappy to have a longer
on order) will finalise its contingency plans where we are on all the rest of the aircraft period in which to refine the Trent 1000 engine,
to mitigate against the delay once the new until we have completed our assessment notably through improving its fuel efficiency.
delivery schedule is received from Boeing, of the condition of assembly of airplanes 2
this involving'a range of options including through 6, the ones that are critical to our WHAT NOW FOR THE 787?
revised retirement dates for some of our flight test programme, and worked through One irony of the 787's problems is that they
aircraft, re-allocating existing capacity and an assessment with our supplier partners and come at a time when Airbus is considering
potential schedule adjustments'. He also our customers on the ramp-up. We think it outsourcing elements of aircraft production
referred to the possibility of compensation is prudent and the right thing to do for the to US companies in an effort to lessen the

on the next airplane programmes whether we
can accomplish something like thati One of
Bair's reported comments about certain 787
,, :.Uitiiiljtoilrairfpqrt
programme suppliers was no less forthright:
i,: ririaJor 'Some of these guys we won't use again.'
. ,ciinrponenti.The The indications from what Scott Carson
lorward sedlon is
manufaitured by and Pat Shanahan had to say on 1 5 January
Spirit Aerosystems are that Boeing has learned some important
of Wi€hita, Kansas, lessons from the difficulties suffered by the 787
and the two aft
programme. Some semblance of order seems
sections by Vought
Aircraft lndustries to have returned, in contrast to the situatlon
in Charleston, South prior to roll-out when the need to unveil the
Carolina. Boeing
aircraft on a set date took precedence, and
problems with suppliers went unchecked.
Boeing now has a firmer grasp on the whole of
the build process.
Of course, now is the time to resolve
these things, for Boeing and its customer
*ss-.=:F airlines cannot afford recurring supply chain
failings during series production. ln working
more towards getting things right on the first
aircraft and getting it into the air, followed by
the other five test machines, than ramping-
up 787 production, it hopes to minimise the
effects of any changes that have to be made
as a result of flight test experience. As long
as some of the industrial partners raise their
I game in tandem with Boeing's own efforts, the
strategy ought to work. Whether the company
goes down this production route again must
be considered doubtful.
What's more difficult to predict is
impact the strength of the euro against the the reaction of the airline market. Soon,
existing 787 customers will finally get the
dollar is having on its costs
- and to try and
help it win the USAF's KC-X tanker contract. information on production and delivery
ln November, Boeing announced that it was dates for which they have been waiting.
moving work on KC-767 tanker conversions It remains to be seen as to what this
for ltaly and Japan from Aeronavali in ltaly information will hold, and how they will
back to the USA, citing the need to lessen take it. While cancellations seem unlikely, Pol Shonohon,
delays to those programmes. Outsourcing at a time when the competing Airbus A350
programme is proceeding well, Boeing
Boeing 787 programme
does not seem to have worked especially
well for Boeing of late, especially given the will not want to concede an inch unless it ,r:rr::rr ,
::l!€0cg9,:,-, ,1,,, r ,,
rising costs associated with manufacturing absolutely has to. ' i.i:,..,
in the eurozone. The company's Commercial Airplanes
The ex-787 programme manager Mike president and CEO Scott Carson says he knows
Bair, still in a senior role with Boeing as a that Boeing's credibility is being tested by
vice-president for business strategy, has not lhe787. At the same time, he stresses that all
remained silent about outsourcing since the testing done so far'is telling us that this
changing jobs. ln November, the SeattleTimes airplane will indeed deliver breakthroughs for
quoted him as telling a gathering of business our customers and the flying publici Given
leaders and politicians in Snohomish County, all the delays and bad publicity, this is now
Boeing's doorstep:'The right way to do this more important than ever. Can Boeing and its
would be to have all those big parts across the partners deliver? A negative answer to that
street so you could just roll them in... We'll see question simply isn't an option. n

Recce Phontoms of

words & photogrophy:
Richord Cooper
oir-to-oi r photogrophy:
Kqtsuhi ko Toku nqgq/DACT

*4*d€{==#F€:'- "
--;-: :t' t. :r' r
--t: j

RF-4E (foreground) and RF-4EJ Kai Phantom

lls from 501 Hikotai of the Japanese Air Self
Defense Forc€ at Hyakuri AB,
Eyes of Jopon


'Public relations has a vital role to play in getting people to see the Japanese Self Defense
Force in the proper light. The SDF can't exercise power if the people aren't behind itiThese
words spoken by the Japan Air Self Defense Force Chief of Staff, Toshio Tamogami, in
November 2007 represent a whole lot more than PR-speak.
The key to that public support is to continue to operate within its imposed'self defence'
structure, and yet at the same time be seen to be supporting international goals. That is a tall
order. Maintaining a non-combative force and doctrine, whilst successfully contributing (airlift)
assets to lraq in the US-led campaign, all the while underthe steely glare of North Korea, China
and Russia who are looking towards Japan across a body of water that, at times, is no wider
than the English Channel, puts these forces in a unique position.
ln this first part of an exclusive series of articles on the Maritime, Ground and Air Self
Defense Forces of Japan, one of the most intriguing missions of the JASDF is detailed aerial

s I passed overthe post-war fighters whose maiden flight took place

north of our capital at 50 years ago this year, has long included the
1 5,000ft, I could see tactical recce tasking.
Tokyo Bay and Mount 501 Hikotai is different, however.This is a
Fuji quite clearly fast jet reconnaissance force that may never
during the hour-long be sent over a foreign land to collect the first
flight. lt was a great pictures of enemy targets to strike, and one
whose principal mission is the recording of
addition to my 1,200 Phantom hours
- the
visibility was awesome, I could see for over natural disasters to aid the people of its country.
100 miles to my left and right and the Milky This is no fighting force, though should ballistic
Wayabove me,' missiles, enemy fighters, an unfriendly naval
Such was the recent experience of one flotilla or an all-out ground invasion ever
RF-4E Phantom ll pilot from 501 Hikotai at actually take place, then the SDF commanders
Hyakuri AB in Japan's lbaraki Prefecturejust 80km are going to need information quickly.Thats
where 501 Hikotai would come in.
north ofthe capital Tokyo, a recce'Rhino'unit
like few others that have ever existed. Almost The squadron boasts the JASDF s sole
every military air arm in the world has a form of tactical recce capability (and is the only unit
aerial reconnaissance within its ranks, most, if to report directly to Air Defense Command),
not all, of which are employed to gain an insight equipped with RF-4E and upgraded RF-4EJ Kai
into enemy territory to gain intelligence, to Phantom lls. Mean shades of brown and green
seek out targets, to plan (and prevent) attacks. mottle together on the slab-sided fuselages of
Platforms flying high in the atmosphere are there these charismatic jets, clashing with the vibrant
to pinpoint movement and co-ordinate targets splashes of colour bursting from a selection of
whilst humming UAVS enter unafraid into the shark-mouths that now adorn both the typically
most dangerous of Troops ln Contact situations pointed RF-4E variant's Iines as well as the EJ Kai
to call in ground attack assets (or even take out versions with their more traditional radomes.
the threat themselves). At any time, fighters may Then there's the charismatic squadron badge,
streak in over the battle lines at qazy heights and a well-known cartoon woodpecker, sitting
speeds to obtain Battle Damage Assessment after squarely in the middle of that classic tailplane.
a deadly strlke.The recce mission is the battlefield The recce Phantoms tend to operate alone,
commandert biggest ally, and the lengthy service their pilots flying single-ship sorties to hone their
life of the F-4 Phantom ll, that most illustrious of flight profiles for whatever mission they may be

. t4

tasked towards. However, when the unit's slot

time comes up, it's not uncommon for six, seven
or eight of these bent-wing wonders to wind their
way along Hyakuri's famously kinked taxiway all
at once (with one or two more following minutes
later), line up at the last chance check area, and
blast out into crisp, clear skies. After banging
down and dropping their thutes, the jets will
repeat this pattern in the afternoon, and again just
after sunset if night flying is on the roster,

Lt Col Oka is the Tactical Reconnaissance
Group's Chief of Staff. He told Aircraft lllustrated
that the group's primary mission is to'perform
aerial reconnaissance and collect information
over disaster areas, whilst our secondary
mission is to train new crews in the art of
reconnaissancel The camera-carrying brutes
undertake their duties over two training
ranges, land and sea, designed to reflect
the type of terrain that they could be tasked
to cover. The land-based training areas are (though the converted machines retain AIM-9
located close to Hyakuri and encompass much compatibility). Of course, aiding disaster relief sits
mountainous terrain, whilst the over-sea areas atop the list of mission priorities, and for that task
are found to the south-east ofthe base, over the most appropriate of the above profiles would
the Pacific Ocean. still be flown, regardless of whether the outcome
'Today's flight saw me flying over a dam was a photograph of an erupting volcano or
within our training ranges and taking pictures of erupting conflict on Japan's shores.
three briefed pointsi explained one pilot after his Heading up Hyakuri's recce force is the
sortie during A/'s visit.'Each sortie has different Commander of the Reconnaissance Wing,
pre-briefed targets, but today we encountered Col Takagi, a man with the voice of experience
poor visibility so we could not complete all of that comes from having 2,000 Phantom hours.
our tasking. We cannot take pictures through He talked about how his jets undertake that
clouds, of which there can be many throughout all-important disaster relief mission.'Usually we
Japan's mountainous terrain! Our Phantom was operate under a three-hour alert system, with the
configured with the LOROP system and it took us 'phone call for assistance usually coming from
30 minutes to reach our first target. We passed the mayor of the affected area. We have specially-
over it once at 15,000f1 in a hi-hi-lo profile, which assigned people within the squadron to react if
was difficult to achieve due to the low cloud that such a call is received, but we are allwell trained
was present during our 1.2-hour sortie.' to react'automatically'when the call comes.
Three active recce profiles are employed We will usually send one aircraft, plus a spare,
by Hyakuri s Phantom variants: TA (Terrain fitted with theTAC pod. Once the information is
Avoidance), TF (Terrain Following) and TAT (Target collected and downloaded back on the ground
Acquisition Tactics). Facilitated via the jet's own at Hyakuri, we take the photographs to Air
radar, a TA profile will see the aircraft ingress Defense Command where trained specialists will
towards its intended subject at a pre-determined analyse the material. Of course, we also have intel
height, whilst changing track to avoid upcoming specialists within our squadronl
terrain. TF, on the other hand, will keep the 501 Hikotais disaster relief role is, by its
aircraft on the intended track towards the target, very nature, unpredictable and can be called
but the height will be adjusted where necessary upon at any time. The Iast time the RF-4s were
to keep it heading in a constant direction.The thus employed was to cover an earthquake in
third mission profile,TAl, is more complicated and the Niigita area, which saw the well-rehearsed
involves generating tactics in accordance with plan swing into action just a few weeks prior
the type and location of the target. Generally, to A/'s visit. The pilot involved talked through
these are undertaken at low altitude as the the role.'First of all we flew over the whole
aircraft rarely carry any AAMs for self-defence peninsula at around 10-15,000ft to specifically

Eyes of Jopon

The more familiar role attributed to PHANTOM EXPOSURE

recce fightErs is still very much part of 501 It has to come. lt is inevitable that the career
Hikotai's doctrine, too.'A major difference in of the recce Phantom in JASDF service will
our operation of the RF-4 when compared to soon be over. Like so many other classic steeds,
other nations is that we only operate within these recce Phantoms will have to suffer the
our own countryi explained Col Takagi. ultimate indignity of being replaced by a pod
'We cannot deploy them outside of Japan. in this instance, mounted underneath an
But we are ready to act against any form of
F-1 5 Eagle. Just when, and the exact form of
aggression. For example, if a threat were the system, is still up for evaluation.
detected out at sea, our recce Phantoms That said, plans are in place for a single
would be used to take pictures or to gather F-15 to be modified to carry a recce pod (and to
the radar frequencies of any vessel in order be re-designated RF-15 accordingly), with the
to collate as much information as possible for trials likely to be conducted out of the SDF's test
the commanders. ln another case, perhaps centre at Gifu within the next year, for testing
if we were fighting a ground invasion, then over a three-to-four year period. Lockheed
we would be tasked to take pictures of the Martin is expecting to supply its Synthetic
damage that the SDF had inflicted upon Aperture Radar (SAR) system and to work
that enemy. All of this would be under the alongside local industry to design and produce
protection of our co-located F-1 5 Eagle the pod itself and, whilst negotiations are still
squadrons flying escort dutiesl ongoing, the way forward has been set in stone.
The recce mission is undertaken with kit 'The RF-4s will probably continue in service
that remains pretty much the same today as it for another two yearsi said ColTakagi.'We have a
did when it was delivered in the 1970s (RF-4E) rough schedule in place to field a recce pod but,
and 1990 (RF-aEJ Kai). The early variant, with as is the case with so many procurement plans
the lens-housing, tapered Phantom nose profile the world over, there is always a delay, particularly
more regularly associated with the type's recce when budget constraints are involved. lt is very
role, was first imported from the USAF in 1974. difficult to say at this stage if the pod will be a
It has undergone an lnertial Navigation System suitable replacement for the RF-4 fleet. Of course,
upgrade and a modernisation of the optical apart from the obvious pros and cons of such a
cameras, but it remains a workhorse RF-4E drastic change, there is the fact that the RF-'l 5
through and through. proposal involves a single-seat environment,
Sharing the 501 Hikotai ramp is the which will clearly push the pilot s workload higher
RF-4Ej Kai variant, which remains the same than that ofthe two-seat Phantoml
as the'standard'F-4E in terms of its shape, Mirroring world-wide military thinking,
but which has been indigenously modified Japan is also entering the wodd of 'no-seat'flight
to fulfil the recce role to the same standard operations with the evaluation of UAVs to fulfil
as the variant built for the purpose. This is the recce role having started in 2004.Timescales
achieved through the employment of three for this entering the front line have not been
types of pods, selected depending on the finalised, and nor have the exact specifications
mission required of that airframe. Carried on of the two new systems'exact specifications, but
the centreline station are either the TAC the leap in technology will no doubt bring untold
pod (denoting TACtical recce, carrying advantages and fielding a mixed manned and
KS-135A and KS-958 cameras, plus a unmanned system will also bring great flexibility.
D-500UR lR system) or the LOROP (LOng- Even sq the end ofthe photo-Phantom will still
Range Oblique Photography) pod, both take a lot ofgetting used to.
of which have exactly the same system ^
capabilities as do the RF-4Es, only housed
in modified fuel tanks. The third piece of
Check rhisl
wizardry carried by the EJ Kai comes in the lf you would like to see more images of
form of the TACER pod, which stands for Japanese Phantoms, check out'5moke Trails:
check what areas had been affected. Of course, TACtical Electronic Reconnaissance, and the last of the F-4 Phantomsi Also of interest
helicopters can take photographs from low incorporates a KS-146B camera and datalink. will be'F-4 Phantom ll: Production and
altitude and provide details, but no-one can This collects input from radio and audio Operational Datal Both books are published
provide such large images and high-level waves from a ground target and is able to by Midland Publishing and are available
coverage as we can. lt is our duty.' pinpoint its position through triangulation. from wwwianallansuperstore.com

381 A
0 a.
t/" r-,
I ontinental Airlines and Newark Airport are
inseparable. Together, they represent your New
( I
York equivalent of Delta and Atlanta, Northwest and
Minneapolis, United and Denver,
\ But did I say New York? You are there, but, at the same time,
you are not there! You can see the famous New York skyline
from Newark Liberty Airport, the helicopter shuttle gets you to
downtown Manhattan in eiqht minutes and the shuttle train takes 30 minutes.
Much of Newark s traffic is geared towards New York but it isn't in New York!
JFK and La Guardia are in New York, but Newark is different, located on the
western side ofthe Hudson River. And ifyou are not confused enough already,
Newark is operated by the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey (PANYNJ).
There is no disputing the important influence and association with the'Big
Applel Opened on 1 October 1928, the Port Authority has operated Newark
under a lease with the City of Newark since 22 March 1948. Continental Airlines




* lrF
r" L

is a relative newcomer, having joined the table with Braniff, United and American to spread its Continental to Newark. This wasn't planned, being
almost by accident. At present, Continental, route tendrils as far at St Louis in the easl, San more of a process of evolution. Following a series
with its Continental Express affiliate, accounts Francisco in the west and Seattle in the north- of mergers and acquisitions, Lorenzo acquired
for 68 per cent ofthe airport's passengers.The west. New York or Newark were definitely not on a controlling interest in Continental in 1981,
Continental-Newark'marriage' is inextricably its radar, being as they were the scene of bltter merging itwith hisTexas International. In i980,
linked to the post-deregulation era in U5 air fare wars and competition between U5 north-east Texas Air Corporation formed New York Air, flying
transport, the demise of carriers, the mergers of rivals Eastern Air Lines, Delta Air Lines, Capital, initially from La Guardia but then Newark, and
others and the ascendancy of a 'survivorl National and Northeast, and thus best avoided. by November 1981 Texas Air had acquired more
ln the 1960s and '70s, Los Angeles than 50 per cent of Continental s stock. On 1 3 July
GROWTH OF A MA.'OR lnternational Airport on the US west coast, about 1982, Continental and Texas Air merged. lt was a
Continental Airlines, traditionally a secondary and as far away as you can get from New York, was match made in hell and, financially, was a disaster.
regional airline in the US mid-west and Texas, had where Continental developed its presence, more Lorenzo shut down the whole of Continentall
a limited route structure in the early 1950s linking long haul routes being part of the managements domestic operation on 24 September 1983
manyTexas cities plus Kansas City, Denver and mantra. Hawaii was one of its new'stars; as it shed and the airline entered Chapter 1 1 bankruptcy
Tulsa. lt commenced an interchange agreement some of its iocal service routes and expanded its protection amid bitter union negotiations.
outlook. On 15 July 1963, Continental formally By 1984, though, Continental's 5Oth
moved its headquarters to Los Angeles, but not anniversary, the airline was slowly rebuilding
until the 1970s did the focus switch eastwards, as itself under Lorenzo's ownership, becoming
the carrier became preoccupied with developing profitable again by 1985. Next on Lorenzo's
trans Pacific routes. acquisition 'shopping list'was Eastern Air Lines,
October i 978 s Airline Dereg ulation Act saw at one time one of the'big three'U5 carriers
Continental start to embrace the'l-tub'airport and which was the largest airline in the world
system, establishing Houston and Denver in the 1 960s measured in annual passenger
as its two primary hubs. But huge financial boardings. With Eastern's network dominating
losses followed in the early 1 980s, not just for the whole ofthe eastern seaboard, and
Continental but for most other US'major'airlines. together with that of the expanding New York
Enter Frank Lorenzo and his Texas Air Air, Texas Air's (for which read Continental's)
Corporation. They were the catalyst that brought domestic services were now set to cover the

Continental hub activity at Newark, with Continental Express ERJ-145s to the left along the
central one of the three piers that make up Terminal C. Geoff .lones

The Manhattan skyline dominates Continental's Newark

operations. Seen taking off here is Boeing737-70ON24736.
AJ/AirTeam lmaqes.com

L' w-- .i{-{

New York, Nework

legacy, was the start of Newark's development as

a primary New York area international gateway for
Europe. Richard Branson's Virgin Atlantic had also
arrived at Newark when this airline inaugurated
its first trans-Atlantic services in June 1 984, and
started to call it NewYork/Newark.
Despite financial and operational traumas
throughout the 1 990s, Continental was noted as
a survivor. Like its main'big six'US airline rivals
it was making money again in the latter part of
the decade. Wanting to realise the potential
of its Newark hub, in 1998 Continental
launched its GlobalGateway Project, an
whole US'lower 48i ln the New York area, 5800-million programme to add 12 wide-body
Continental's market share skyrocketed. and 19 narrow-body gates at its Terminal C and
The final element of the Continental/ to provide a new international arrivals facility,
New York/Newark equation was Texas Air which opened in March 2002. Any trans-Atlantic
Corporation's acquisition of Newark-based air traveller who has used this facility will
PEOPLExpress in 1986. At the same time, it also relish its design and the speed of processing
bought Denver-based Frontier Airlines, which flights. lt was a bumpy ride for all concerned. compared to JFK and several other US east coast
had earlier been acquired by PEOPLExpress. though. gateway'airports.Terminal C is still Continental's
At the time, PEOPlExpress was probably the Back in the US north-east, Eastern, now primary facility at Newark, but the airline also
best-known example of what today wed call under Lorenzo's ownership, was experiencing utilises many gates atTerminals A and B.
the low-fare or low-cost market. Founded by a continuous labour and financial problems. The The statistics of Newark Liberty lnternational
group of formerTexas lnternational executives, shuttle operation linking Boston, New York and Airport statistics are quite daunting. The
its ebullient business plan was to operate high- Washington was sold, aircraft were sold, routes Airports Council lnternational ranked Newark
frequency, low-cost services with a fleet of were sold, staffwere made redundant, salaries in 2006 as the world's 21st busiest airport with
Boeing 737s between Newark and numerous were slashed it was a downward spiral to an 35,494,863 passengers, up 7.4 per cent on
almost certain death. ln August 1 990, Lorenzo its 2005 figure, and a similar total in terms of
other cities, mainly in the US north-east. With
the catchline'Fly Smartl and only two years after handed over the chairmanship of Continental passenger numbers to Minneapolis St Paul and
operating its first services, PEOPLExpress entered Air Holding, lnc (the new name for the Texas Singapore. Continental and Continental Express
the international market, launching a Newark to Air corporation) to Hollis Harris. Eastern was contributed 24,293,210 passengers (68.4 per
London Gatwick daily service on 26 May 1983, surviving, but only by the skin of its teeth. On cent) to this total, carried on 70 per cent ofall
using Boeing 747-238s, these supplementing 1 8 January 1991, the airline, one of the most flights at Newark and representing 408 daily
the rapidly-expanding domestic fleet it had famous names in US air transport history and departures (226 on mainline Continental and
acquired of over 70 Boeing 727 s and 737 s. with its'Great Silver Fleet'that had been around 1 82 on Continental Express).

Both NewYork Air and PEOPLExpress since even before the 1 928 formation of Eastern Continental now flies non-stop from Newark
were soon to lose their identities. They were AirTransport, ceased operations.This was the to more than 150 US destinations, plus frequent
assimilated as part of Continental Airlines on final event that propelled Continental and its international schedules to Europe, Latin America
1 February 1987, whereupon Newark became Newark hub on the road to 21 st century success. and Asia. lts international roster from Newark
a major Continental hub overnight. With 210 includes 24 non-stop flights to European and
daily departures, it rivalled many of the other NEWARK HUB Middle East destinations and further non-stop
burgeoning US hub airports, and while air Continental's first major investment at Newark services to Beijing, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Delhi.
travellers to the New York area had traditionally bore fruit when the'state-of-the-art'Terminal C Since 2002, Newark has been an all-jet hub
used JFK and La Guardia, they now quickly was opened on 22 May 1988, and it moved all but this will change during late 2007 when
'discovered'a third major New York area airport, its operations over from the airport'sTerminal B. Continental Express'Colgan Air introduces
the New Jersey airport at Newark. ln October that year,Texas Air and Scandinavian part of its order for 1 5 Bombardier Q400s on
Continental's presence at Los Angeles and Airlines System (5AS) signed what is claimed its commuter network from Newark. Pinnacle
Denver shrank, but the west coast's loss was to be the first global airline alliance. 5A5'active Airlines, a Northwest Airlines subsidiary, acquired
Houston's gain. The big Continental hub at this North Atlantic traffic started using Newark and Colgan in January (2007) in a S2O-million deal
Texas city was expanding rapidly to complement passengers could now connect with Continental's in order to gain access to Colgan's partners,
Newark. Soon, it would overtake Newark in well-developed US domestic route system from including Continental. A re-arrangement of some
terms ofContinental passenger numbers and here.This, together with the PEOPLExpress of the Newark gates used by these commuters is
New York, Nework

also in prospect, a 50-seat ER.J-1 45 now not being ln fact, unlike most of the other'big six'
considered the most economical use of a gate airlines which either cancelled orders or
that could accommodate a 18O-seat Boeing737- pushed their deliveries back, Continental's fleet
800 or the like. has grown during the postr9/1 1'era. At the
Newark mirrors most large hub airports in the end of 2006, it totalled 366 aircraft, comprising
US, and despite Continental's dominance, it is still 264 Boeing 737s (including -300, 500,700,800
only a tenant. Looking down on its core activity and 900 models), 58 Boeing 757s (-200s and
atTerminal C from Continental's control tower, a 300s),26 Boeing 767s C200ERs and 400ERs)
completely separate facility from the FAA tower and 1B Boeing 777-200ERs. Continental's
at Newark, provides an interesting insight.The average fleet age is still the best,9.1 years at
FAA controls aircraft on approach to land, after the end of 2006. All of these airliner types can
landing or before take-off on taxiways, and during be seen at Newark.
and after take-off But, as soon as these aircraft Fleet investment has also been high
cross the'threshold'of the ramp area adjacent to on Continentalt agenda. The fitting of APB
the terminals, they transfer and come under the blended winglets to some of its Boeing 737s
control of Continental's own controllers in this and757s is helping with cruise economies
tower. This facility is a key part of the whole slick and savings in fuel costs. Continental was one
operation of the airline at Newark. lts controllers of the few airlines to buy the stretched 757,
and staff monitor all the carrier's flights, 24 hours a the 243-seat (two-class layout) Boeing 757-
day, even before they depart en route to Newark, currently occupies 58 gates in Terminal C as well 300. lt continues to champion the cause of a
so that delays are minimised and the transfer of asT2hybrid check-in stations, which combine a 'young'fleet and was an early customer for
passengers and baggage is optimised. touch-screen'eService Centeri the Boeing 787, though the hope that Newark
New Jersey can see some horrendous would welcome the first of the 20 examples of
winter weather as well as stifling heat in RIDING THE TURBUTENCE the type that Continental has ordered during
summer. When bad weather plans are Against the civil engineering and infrastructure 2008 has now gone with the announcement of
mobilised, the Continental controllers go into that the Continental air traveller sees and further programme delays. Continental has also
overdrive, as the whole of the airline's schedule uses at Newark, one has to set the recent and ordered more Boeing 777-200ERs.
has to be re-organised. Continental has a huge hugely turbulent years ofthe 21 st century and One of the best ways to observe all this
fleet of de-icing vehicles and a special de- Continental's survival. lt is allthe more poignant in Continental action at Newark, or ifyou have
icing pan during hot weather, blowers are the memories of many current Newark employees to change terminals there, is from the Port
introduced to circulate fresh air through parked when, looking eastwards towards the Manhattan Authority's AirTrain high-level monorail. lts
aircraft. During thunderstorms and electrical skyline, they see the World Trade Center gap'as route extends from a multi-storey car park
activity, the whole of the ramp operation may a permanent reminder of '9l1 1 iThe un-natural beyond Terminal A through all three main
be closed down for fear of lightning strikes. lt's silence and lack of activity at Newark in the days terminals and to the Amtrack and the New
a never-ending contest with the elements for following'9/1 i'is still strong in the minds of many. JerseyTransit railway station on the other side
which Continental is very well equipped. Continental rode the waves of the following of the airport. lt's a free-use monorail, but does
Many of Continental's business and first class years, strengthened by the tenure at the helm involve a transiting passenger going from the
passengers may be oblivious to all this pre-flight of Gordon Bethune, still losing money but along secure area and then having to be re-screened.
action. With free hospitality, business meeting with American Airlines avoiding the potential However, the AirTrain provides unparalleled
rooms, showers and all the electronic/digital ignominy of an entry to Chapter 1 1 bankruptcy views down on to the ramps and terminals.
links required by modern business people, the protection (it would have been Continental! With Continental employing 11,000 people
'Crown Room'for these customers is a hive of third). Part of this survival was down to a at Newark (as a whole, the airport workforce
activity. There are also special areas for groups managed programme of fleet rationalisation. numbers around 24,000), the symbiosis
or parties travelling together and a large facility Continental had already committed itself to being between airport and airline is as good as
for unaccompanied minors. All the anticipated an all-Boeing airline, like its SkyTeam partner it gets. With the addition of Continental's
concessions for food, drinks and gifts are here, Delta. At the end of 200'1, Continental had a partners Virgin Atlantic, Air Europa, TAP, EVA
plus some that you might not expect. A New main-line fleet of 352 aircraft, all Boeings except Air and the SkyTeam airlines, as well as its
York deli and diner ensure that your'Big Apple' 33 MD-BOs (and even those were now technically Continental Express affiliates, Newark Liberty
experience can continue right up until boarding. a Boeing product after the takeover of McDonnell lnternational is a truly world-class airline hub.
And if you wonder what that huge factory Douglas). These were disposed of, and although Its ambiance and proximity to down-town New
building is over to the north-west of the airport, the average fleet age in 200'1 was the youngest York is also helping it to become the favoured
it's a Budweiser brewery, and it's got a special of all the'big six'at 6.5 years, this youth and fleet airport of access to the city
that it's located in New Jersey!
- despite the fact 6
outlet in Newark's Terminal C. Continental consolidation and steadied Continental.
Lqwrence Spineffo
oi r-to-oir photogrophy:
Andy Wolfe/Lockheed Mqrtin

$teuhh su((esslon
ut with the old and in with the new', says Maj Bret Carter, a pilot
from the 8th Fighter Squadron based at Holloman Air Force Base,
New Mexico. He was referring to the impending retirement of
the F-1 17A Nighthawk as the F-22A Raptor comes into service in
greater numbers. lt's not a'like for like'transition in terms of role
and capabilities, and therein lies a debate.
Many aviation analysts and public officials were shocked when
the US Air Force's 2007 budget request called for the early retirement of the F-'l I7, an aircraft
affectionately known as the'Cockroach'or the'Stinkbugi Both senators from the state of New
Mexico vigorously protested the Air Force's plan.'The Pentagon has not made a credible case
for wanting to retire these stealth fightersi complained Senator Jeff Bingaman.'ln my view, the
F-'l 'l 7s remain an important part of the Air Force's fleet, and there is no good reason to retire
themi Similarly, Senator Pete Domenici remarked,'l am strongly opposed to the retirement of
F-1 17s. They are vital to the overall Air Force mission.'
Despite the surprise and opposition, USAF officials persisted and pushed forward the F-l 17's
retirement date from 201 1 to 2008.


The USAF is not retiring the F-1 17 early because of its poor performance.'lt is still a good
airplane right nowi asserts Gen T. Michael Moseley, the Air Force Chief of Staff. Echoing the
Chief's comments, Maj Carter observes: 'lt is still completely capable of completing the same
mission from the beginning'. The F-1 17 essentially leaves service at the top of its game.
Of course, the jet has a proud combat record. F-117s led the initial strikes against the lraqi
regime during Operation'Desert Storm', on the night of 17 )anuary 'l 991. The first of three F-1 17
waves was 50 miles inside lraq when fourAH-64A Apaches from the US Army's'l 01st Airborne
Division fired shots at an early warning radar on the lraqi border. An official Pentagon report on
the war notes: 'Over the course of the war, the deployed F-'l 'l 7s flew approximately 2 per cent
of the total attack sorties, yet struck about 40 per cent of the strategic targets attacked'.
Lt Gen Buster Glosson, the director of campaign plans for US Central Command, boasted to then
Tactical Air Command chief, General Robert Russ,'Unless we have a mechanical malfunction,
the Iraqis won't put one hole in an F-1 17i The pilots scheduled to fly the first Operation'Desert

Paul Ashenden Mark Sutherland

Steolth succession

The F-22A and F-l 1 74 from the 41 2th Test Wing

shown in the air-to-air photographs accompanying
this article have, respectively, provided
developmental test support to the introduction
to service of the Raptor and (as part of the F-l 1 7
combined Test For(e) upgrades to the Nighthawk,
Steolth succession

Storm'sorties were less confident in the jet's for recapitalisation during a time when revenue
unproven stealth abilities. They privately for competing interests is sparse. According to
predicted half of the initial wave of 10 USAF officials, the F-1 17 became too expensive
aircraft would be shot down. Fortunately, and difficult to maintain, and it therefore
their fears about the effectiveness of stealth became an easy target in the budget wars.
technology in combat proved unfounded. Program Budget Decision 720 estimates
Likewise, F-1 17s dropped the opening that retiring the F-117 early will save
salvo of Operation'lraqi Freedom'(OlF). On 20 51.1 billion from procurement accounts
March 2003, at 05.34hrs, Lt Col David Toomey and 55.1 billion from associated manpower
lll and Maj Mark Hoehn delivered four 2,0001b accounts. Furthermore, the directive states that
bombs in the heart of Baghdad in an attempt there are more capable USAF assets that could
to decapitate the lraqi regime. A dozen F-1 17s provide low-observable, precision penetrating
flew more than 100 combat sorties in support weapons capability.
of OIF's major combat operations phase and The USAF has never been satisfied with the
were responsible for striking key strategic Congressional cap onF-22 purchases. Congress
targets. The deployed jets posted an impressive has limited the service's F-22buy to 183 jets.
89.3 per cent mission capable rate, better than The Air Force leadership unanimously thinks
the deployed F-l 5Cs and F-l 5Es. the minimum number of Raptors that the
Only one F-1 17 has been lost in combat, country should purchase is 381.
to a Serbian SA-3'Goa'SAM on 27 March 1999
during Operation Allied Force'(OAF). Gen John NOT A PERFECT REPLACEMENT
Jumper, then USAF Chief of Staff, remarked: fheF-22 Raptor is not a perfect replacement
'We put our stealth assets into the most for the F-1 17. ln fact, the aircraft are wildly
dangerous places night after night and after different in terms of capabilities, mission,
the hundreds of sorties that have been flown armament and weapons. Really, the
in most dangerous situations, the loss of one is commonality between the two jets does not
certainly better than any of us expected.' extend much beyond a shared low-observable
stealth capability.The F-1 17's stealth capability
WHY RETIRE THE F.I I7? is based on 1970s technology.This remains
As late as 2001, Air Combat Command (ACC) effective, but the jet's very angular features
insisted that the F- l 1 7's service life could contrast significantly with more modern stealth
be extended well beyond 30 years and set a platforms like the F-22 and F-35.
tentative retirement date of 2018. ACC officials The F-1 1 7 is a precision strike aircraft
even suggested the airframe could conceivably designed to penetrate high-threat airspace. lts
last until 2030 or later. strength lies in its ability to use laser-guided
Why, then, did the USAF dramatically weapons against critical targets. Recounting
reverse course last year and accelerate the one notable mission during the first Gulf Wat
F-1 17's retirement? The answer is simple MajJoe Salata described how he noticed
mone, money, money. The USAF is facing a car driving across an lraqi bridge he was
a budgetary crisis. lt has been struggling to attacking. The jet's pinpoint laser designator
'recapitalise'a fleet of ageing aircraft while allowed him to avoid killing the civilian
paying for the current costs of the global war driver while still knocking down the bridge.'l
on terror'and receiving an ever-decreasing actually aimed behind him, so he could pass
slice of the defence budget. Moreover, Air Force over the bridgei Salata said.'You can pick
officials face mounting pressure to help offset and choose a little bit in the F-117. ln any
the costs ofthe planned 92,000 troop increase other type of aircraft, I would've never had
for the US Army and Marine Corps. the opportunity to move my spot. I would've
USAF officials realise that this shift to missed everything, and then I wouldn't have
a ground-centric defence budget is short- been able to see what happened anyway.
sighted, particularly since the increases in US Stealth allows us to look longer at the targets
ground force levels will not be available for use before release, as well as after release.'
in lraq or Afghanistan in the short term. The The F-1 17 offers advantages over the
value of this move is questionable since the F-22 in terms of the type of guidance of its
Army and Marine Corps will probably absorb weapons and the size of its bombs. The
the increase at a time when the U5 is looking F-1 17 carries a maximum of two bombs, the
to significantly reduce its presence in lraq. Plus, same number as an F-22. However, the F-l 1 7
the US is not planning on fighting a ground can carry heavier ordnance, in the shape
war to police a failed state any time soon. of 2,0001b bombs versus the 1,0001b bomb
To fund recapitalisation internally, the USAF limit for the Raptor. Additionally, the Raptor
agreed to cut 40,000 troops from its ranks. The currently only'drops on co-ordinates'as it
average age ofthe USAF aircraft inventory is only carries the GBU-32 Joint Direct Attack
24 years. American airmen fly 50-year-old aerial Munition (JDAM), a GPS-guided bomb. Both
refuelling aircraft and long-range bombers. aircraft can penetrate high-threat enemy air
Secretary of the Air Force, Michael Wynne, defences, but the F-I17 is better able to attack
however, recently acknowledged that the fiscal hardened sites such as command bunkers.
austerity plan is not reaping enough savings. ln September 2006, Raptor pilots successfully
'lt's not workingiWynne said. tested the Small Diameter Bomb (SDB), a 2501b
Thus, the USAF decided to hasten the guided weapon designed to strike fixed targets
F-1 17's retirement because it needed to find from a stand-off range while causing little
more ways to maximise the funding available collateral damage. Cunently, the weapon is

Steolth succession

commander at Holloman AFB.'We are The F-22 is a true bird of prey, whereas
only carried on the F-1 5E, but plans are to add
passing the torch to fellow stealth drivers. the F-1 1 7 is strictly a ground attack aircraft.
it to the F-22's arsenal in around 201 4. The SDB
The F-22 will fight in its own unique wayJ The F-1 17 has zero airto-air capability, which
upgrade will provide the jet with a weapons
More than 70 F-117 pilots and maintainers has led many to question the accuracy of its'F'
capability that the F-'1 17 never enjoyed.
came to Langley AFB, Virginia, in August to designation. The'Cockroach' possesses neither
hand off their 25 years of stealth knowledge, an air-to-air radar nor a Radar Warning Receiver
(RWR). Pilots do not have any electronic
Despite the differences in air-to-ground including stealth integration tactics, to the
Raptor community in the st Fighter Wing. Capt
warning that other enemy fighters or ground
ordnance capability, the F-22 is far superior
Raymond Thaler, anF-22 instructor at Langley, threats are targeting them.'Cockroach' pilots
to the F-1 17. 'The F-22 is a much more
remarked:'We will build on the legacy of the often joke that they just'lower their seat'if they
capable fighter than the F-1 1 7i says Col
7's historic accomplishmentsJ think they are in danger.
Jack Forsythe, the 49th Operations Group F-1 1

The F-22's best defence against other fighters environments. Since one of the keys to airto
is usually its offensive potential. lt carries six air success in anti-access environments is the
AllM-120 AMRAAMs, two AIM-9 Sidewinders, ability to destroy enemy surface-to-air threats, I

and an M6142 20mm cannon with 480 want Raptor pilots trained and F-22s equipped
rounds. The Raptor's low radar cross section to conduct the Destruction of Enemy Air
coupled with its superior agility, the ability to Defenses (DEAD) mission as well. If the current
focus of the Raptor programme
supercruise and integrated avionics provides
- including
training syllabi, ready aircrew programme
the F-22 with an advantage oftactical surprise.
The Raptor brings stealth into the day and (RAP) requirements, designated operational
actively searches for a fight, whereas the F-1 17 capability (DOC) statements, modernisation
primarily flies at night and relies on its stealth plans, test plans, or the Weapons School
- isn't
on air-to-air and DEAD, then it is wrong and
characteristics to escape detection. I

Like the F-1 1 7, the F-22 is capable offlying want it fixed, and if we're spending precious
into the most advanced integrated radar Raptor modernisation dollars or training sorties
networks in the world to deliver bombs on target on the core missions of our other aircraft, such
on time. But, the Raptor's primary mission is not as CAS, SEAD or interdiction, that is also wrong
air-to-ground operations. Rather, it will focus on and I want it stoppedl
ensuring air superiority in future conflicts. Given the relatively low numbers being
ln a recent letter to his airmen, staff, and procured, the Raptor cannot entirely replace
war planners, Gen Moseley clearly relayed his the F-15C. Accordingly, the USAF plans to
intent for the future of the Raptor. First and continue flying approximately 1 B0'golden
foremost, the Raptor willfocus on ensuring Eagles' until 2025. The recent mishap involving
air dominance.'The first step in recapitalising a Missouri Air National Guard F-'i 5, however,
our ageing fighter fleet is fielding the F-22 has cast doubt on the Eagle's sustainability.The
to replace the F-1 5C as our front-line air USAF will probably seek additional funding
dominance fighter. Controlling the skies from Congress to purchase more Raptors.
is the first and most fundamental step in
any joint operation. Potential adversaries e&11$€g*&Jstshs
To see more images of the F-l
7, check out continue to develop and field advanced As the Global Strike Task Force points out,
the Specialty Press title'F-1 1 7 Nighthawk: aircraft, cruise missiles and surface-to-air 'the success of any major air-land operation
Stealth Fighter Photo Scrapbooki available missiles in an attempt to project povrer in today and in the future
from www.ianallansuperstore.com -primarily - depends
on the United States'pre-eminent
friendly airspace or deny our forces access to
their airspace. Let there be no doubt about ability to detect and destroy enemy fighters
primary aircraft as well as attack high-value ground targets
The F-1 17's two non-afterburning General
- the F 22 will be the
responsible for countering these threats, with precision weaponsl The F-22 is neither a
Electric F404 engines produce about half of the clearing the skies of bad guys, and ensuring perfect substitute for the F-1 1 7, nor available
thrust of the Raptor's Pratt & Whitney Fl 19-PW- our nation's air, land, and sea forces access in sufficient numbers to replace the F-15C.
100 turbofans, each of which deliver 35,0001b for many decades to come. On my watch Nevertheless, the Raptor will add tremendous
of thrust and permit'supercruisel ln contfast, as the lead airman of this great Air Force I value to coalition war plans.
the F-1 17 is limited to high subsonic speeds will not allow air dominance to be taken for Many, not least US warfighters, will
and a ceiling of45,O00ft. granted. This is a no-fail missionl undoubtedly shed a tear when the last F-l 1 7
The Raptor's thrust-vectoring capabilities 'To ensure air dominance, Raptor pilots makes its final flight to the Tonopah Test Range
and high thrust-to-weight ratio make the must be trained and the F-22 must be for storage, but the cycle of aviation progress
aircraft an unparalleled dogfighter. No other equipped for air-to-air combat in any arena continues. fhe F-22 will define a new era in
modern jet can match its manoeuvrability. from homeland defence to anti-access fighter capability. Il
"' .22 et"
= " u


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words & photogrophy: Peler R. Mqrch t must have been towards the end
of 1 967 when I had a call out of the
blue from Philip J. R. Moyes. l'd met
This 40th anniversary issu e of Aircraft lllustrated Philip when he was the PR officer
marks a significant and, for us, sad event the at Filton at the time Bristol Aircraft
retirement, after 40 uninterrupted years, was producing the Britannia. He
Peter R. March as a monthly contributor. had been really helpful in allowing
Born, educated and working in Bristol, Peter me to photograph the airliners on the
had his first photograph, of an Auster Alpha that production line there and I missed his help
had crashed at Lulsgate Airport, published in after he moved to the SBAC. Suddenly, there
September 1959. He went on to contribute to he was on the'phone, saying that he had
Flight, Air Pictoriol and other magazines and local been asked to edit a new aviation magazine
newspapers quite regularly over the next 1 0 years. for lan Allan, and inviting me to send him
His initial contact with lan Allan Ltd came in 1960 anything of interest, particularly on the civil
Peter R. March with Cessna 172E G-4555. when he provided photographs for CivilAircraft side, for the first edition.
The aircraft was purchased by his very good
Markings by John W R. Taylor. Buyers ofthe 1 961 At Compton Abbas a couple of months
friend Dennis Squires in 1 965, and Peter flew
regularly with him to air events. ln 1971, Peter CAM could see I 3 of Petert photographs, for which previously I had seen a newTipsy Nipper
got his private pilot's licence and later became he received a reproduction fee of37p each! He (G-AVKT) that had been flown in by David
co-owner. The red and white Cessna has some took his first air-to-air photographs in September Shrimpton. I said to him that I would like to
3,500 hours in its logbook and continues to take
1 961, after being invited by the air correspondent photograph it when he departed
him to events around the <ountry,
of the Western Daily Press to go to RAF Colerne and
- he offered
to do a couple of flybys. Characteristically
fly in a Hastings to take photos of another Hastings and Beverley making a para drop. enthusiastic, David proceeded to make some
Now with a taste for aviation photography, he came to the conclusion that you need to very low runs past the clubhouse, to the
write about aircraft to get photos into print. His first major article in 1965 on the training and chagrin of the airfield manager. one of the
operations of Royal Navy fighter crews at Yeovilton enabled Peter to get his first taste of fast photos of him doing this with a little story
jet flying. That involved the first of many Hunter sorties from Yeovilton, taking air-to-airs of Sea appears as my contribution to the very first
Vixens, and a trip in the toal hole'of a Sea Vixen (including a supersonic dive) that afternoon. quarterly edilion of Aircraft lllustrated in March
Since Aircraft lllustrated starled, Peter has been the only contributor to have had 1968.That started the ball rolling, and I have
something in every single issue. He has never missed a deadline, even while he was working never looked back until now.
for A/ alongside his full-time job. 40 years ago, Peter was head of sixth form at a Bristol
I don't recall any particular rationale
comprehensive school, and three years later deputy head of another school. ln 1974, he went being mentioned for the establishment of the
to the new Avon local authority as a principal adviser, to run the careers service and to be an new magazine other than Philip saying that
'inspector'of a group of primary and secondary schools. He was also writing careers books, 'all aviation interests'would be catered for.
and had a weekly slot called Jobline on what was then the HTV evening news. ln the'70s and This has broadly been the policy ever since,
'80s, while also having been made Contributing Editor of A/ (in 1977) by the then editor Martin although I have had to fight (and generally
Horseman, Peter wrote three series of adult education TV programmes to do with choosing a lost) the corner for light aviation. With lan
job, and one about retirement (which he says he hasn't watched recentlyl) Allan producing books and magazines for
It wasnt until 1988 that Peter became a full-time aviation photo-journalist, having decided to 'transport spotters; it was not surprising that
'retire'from education after 28 years. He had been closely involved with the lnternational AirTattoo the new aviation quarterly followed the same
and the RAF Benevolent Fund, producing the show programme since 1973, and when he was invited line. Essentially, my involvement came about
to take over the editorship of the Royal Air ForceYearbookhejumped at the opportunity. lt was also because I was a'spotteri in Philip's eyes, and I

then that Brian Strickland became his assistant, and he has played a large part in all of the work Peter knew about registrations, serials, markings and
has done since, including that for A/. Over the 40 years, Peter has so on. He was a respected aviation historian,
edited more than 50 books and magazines for lan Allan including and wasn't too familiar with the modern scene,
Military Aircraft Markings,the ABC Recognition Series, the A/ particularly on the civil side.
Annual, Air Extrc, Air Disploy lnternationol and several'specialsi Part of my work for Ai was placed on a
iil""'*otu Peter's Airview' colu mn has been a constant feature for more regular footing from the April 1971
1 Nippe
-. n*.u'
almost all of A/'s life. Now providing our Preservation News issue onwards, when the Airview'column
i \
coverage, it has regularly broken major stories in the last few started.The idea in fact came from something
'r s,rm:riff$S,i"ili!!ii4*:!j$*4',"-'5 \ years, often thank to the many contacts Peter has made over ld followed in Air Pictorial, called lournal of
i i!
i@ "^1,*,rr*.:1"",iE
5*1"#,Sl:Iftlg'':f past half-century. This has run alongside his authorship of
the a Roving Spotter'. I thought, and convinced

"*,I{,fi*$tffi,i'o'*ll;:t. \
ijili#":EltSlo many other news and feature articles. lt goes without saying Philip Moyes, that we ought to do something

\1 tif;ti-$u$*ti$$$dl.iiri*ffi \':it':"J.xT,T$::i?""1 l*:i:::l"fi[i:]x;,:"""

1, he willcontinue to contribute on a resular basis his
similar in A/.The idea was to cover as much
as possible of what was happening on the UK

! xffi**o
":';,'.;':,1; . a, I
retirement mark the end of an era forAi.
ttto*,Petertakesupthestoryof howhecameto
- aviation scene that would not otherwise be
reported in the news pages. At that time, the
rest of the magazine was rather more'esoteric',
workfor Aircraft lllustroted, and of some of his most and this was my way of getting something in
memorable assignments for the magazine. BEN DUNNELL for enthusiasts like me. This would typically
include squadron and base changes, airline
P€te13 first contribution to the first issue of Aircraft
lllustrcted, in?Ioducing the Tipsy Nipper. fleet updates, interesting visitors, news from
the growing preservation scene and an events
calendar. The latter continued through in
various forms for the next 35 years.
Airview'included airshow reports right
from the start of the 1 971 season, and that
summer saw the first AirTattoo staged in aid
of RAFA's South-East branch at North Weald. I
was invited to take photographs at the show,
where I met Paul Bowen and Tim Prince. The
following year I helped with the compilation of
the programme and as a member of Paul and
Tim's volunteer team, and by the first Embassy
Air Tattoo held at Greenham Common in 1 973
I was press officer, programme editor and
photographer. I have continued the latter two
tasks ever since, the AirTattoo having been my
first direct involvement in the airshow world.
As a result, there has always been a close
relationship between the event and A/.
1995 saw a major change, when Air Display
lnternational, a sister publication (quarterly, a Sea Vixen. lt didn't exactly work out, because
later bi-monthly) of which I had been the the pair of Phantoms was running short of fuel
founding editor in 'l 987, was incorporated into and they started to dive in towards Yeovilton '40 yeors on A/ hos
A/. This meant that the airshow coverage was before we were half-way up to meet them. lt
removed from'Airview', which from then on has was all very much'hit or missl
concentrated solely on the preservation scene. The first part of one of my early highlights
been o long time, but
lndeed, the section's main title changed to was published in A/ in February 1969. I was
Preservation News in 2004, giving it the same invited by RAF public relations to go on what very enioyoble. lt wos
importance as the magazine's military and was supposed to be the first'fastback'Shorts
civil coverage, though I was insistent that the Belfast two-crew, straight-through trip to the Far o mogozine thot took o
Airview'name should also be retained given its East. The RAF s new strategic transport had been
having performance troubles, caused by what
described in the article as'suction drag on the
while to estoblish itself, but
MEMORABTE ASSIGNMENTS tail and rear fuselagei lt wasn't able to achieve
Following that 5ea Vixen trip in 1965,I the speed and altitude that were desired, since then it's become the
continued to do quite a lot of flying from particularly in hot and high conditions.There
Yeovilton. ln 1 968, just after I started was a modification programme put in hand 'number one' in my eyes,
contributing to A/, the Royal Navy invited me to which produced the'fastbackl Unfortunately, by
take the first photographs of its F-4K Phantoms the date on which I was supposed to go out to ond those of mony others'
arriving in the UK. Again, lflew in a Hunter out Singapore, they still didn't have one available, so
over the south-west of England, together with I flew out on a'Bel-slowi

40 yeors of reporting

time. That was an interesting one, because in the

bar one evening I was chatting to the Station
Commander at Tengah, and he said,'So, you're
going to do a Lightning photograph, are you?'l
replied that I was hoping to.'Right, l'll give you a
challenge. ld like you to get a photograph of me
in the Lightning at low level over a Chinese junk,
to show where we arei I accepted the challenge,
and managed to get the photograph, which
The route went first from Brize Norton to weeks in Singapore to report on and fly with was published subsequently in A/. On another
Luqa in Malta, then on to Akrotiri. From there, the Far East Air Force, and I had a fantastic time. day when I had the Hunter, we heard that the
we had to leave for an overnight trip round the i flew in a Belvedere up into the Malayan jungle air wing was disembarking from HMS Victorious,
CENTO route, which was up through Turkey and to photograph load-lifting and troop insertions so we went up and I took pictures ofthe Sea
down the other side to Bahrain, because you into a small clearing. I was deposited on the Vixens and Buccaneers while they were inbound
couldn't go across Egypt and the Middle East. ground and the Belvedere lifted up to the tree to Tengah. And, of course, I photographed the
When we got to RAF Muharraq in Bahrain, it line. I expected a rope to be lowered and the resident No B1 Squadron Canberra PR7s, and
was morning, and it was already hot.The Belfast soldiers to abseil down. To my surprise, the No 20 Squadron's Hunters themselves, in action.
couldn't depart with its load during the heat helicopter flew away, right out of sightl Before All the while, lwas accommodated in the senior
of the day, so we had to wait until the evening. we landed, they'd advised me,'Be a bit careful officers'mess, had a car and driver allocated to
me, and my own'batmani A tremendous visit
They had advance notice that I was coming, and
the Station Commander asked me to take some
- there are locals in the area who are
rather uncivilised, and there are snakes and wild it was somewhat different to be back in the
photographs for the station Christmas card. animalsl I then saw the faces of quite a few locals
classroom a week later.
They put up a Hunter, Andover and Argosy.The peering out of the trees. I was getting more and I have contributed many features on RAF
crew went offto the Britannia Hotel, but I was more rnrorried, thinking'How do I get back? Has units and stations at home and abroad to
kept busy, and at one point I was arrested on the the Belvedere had a problem?'Of course, it was ,4/, and visited Cyprus, Germany and Hong
apron when I went back over to the Belfast to get all a huge joke. They then returned, lowered the Kong several times. At Akrotiri, I saw the UN
some more film. While I was being held there, the troops in, and landed to pick me up. helicopter operations, the NEAF Vulcans and UK
soles of my shoes got stuck to the tarmac, before I On three of the days, I was allocated a squadrons on Armament Practice Camps. The
was'rescued' by the Station Commanderl HunterTT from No 20 Squadron, firstly to do best was the last Phantom APC when the crews
From Bahrain, we flew to RAF Gan in the photography ofa No 74 Squadron Lightning made some fantastic low-level runs towards
Maldives and out to Singapore. I then had two T5. Both units were based at RAF Tengah at the the cliffs and across the airfield for the benefit
of the photographers. At RAF Wildenrath, stories. There were several such individuals airport to go through briefing with them, the
Germany, I was privileged to see early Harrier at FRADU (the Fleet Requirements and Air aircraft inspection and the walk-round. I then
operations and had another memorable Hunter Direction Unit), whose Scimitars, Meteors, had to dodge back into the terminal, because
flight. This was with No ll(AC) Squadron, and it Hunters and Canberras I covered numerous I was booked in as a passenger and not crew.
was another'challengei from the squadron boss times for A/. On one occasion, I wanted to take On board, I was allocated a seat at the front of
this time. I noticed a twinkle in his eye when pictures of a MeteorTT20 towing its target. the aircraft, which I only used when lwent back
he said,'What I want you to try and do is to get The pilot said that he and a colleague had to from the flightdeck to have my meal. Otherwise,
a photograph of one of our Hunter FRl 0s at go out and provide targets for the gunners I was on the Concorde flightdeck from start-up
low level. We're going to put a target out, and off Portsmouth, which involved flying round at JFK to shut-down at Heathrow, and it was
I d like you to get a shot of the Hunter taking in a racetrack pattern for half an hour or so. I probably the most fantastic trip of my life.
its picture of the target belowi What I didn't thought it a bit strange when I saw him stuffing Of course, one ofthe saddest occasions in
realise was that it was going to be hidden in a a paperback into his flying suit. When we were my aviation career was the arrival of Concorde
pub car park at the end of a winding German in the racetrack, he said,'l want to have a read G-BOAF at Filton on its last flight in November
roadlWe were at low level, doing violent turns of my book. Will you fly it round?'The TT20 had 2003. To see it now, as I do very often. sitting
left and right, as we followed this FR10. With rudimentary controls in the back, so there I was forlornly at Filton, I think it's such a tragedy
the g-suit pumping in and out all the time, it flying a Meteor while the pilot had a read. that it wasn't able to continue flying. The Bristol
was very difficult to get any photographs at all, Concorde has been an almost constant Aero Collection needs all the help it can get to
let alone over the target. I failed the challenge feature of my time working forAf starting when get AF into the planned new museum building
and felt very unwell as I walked into the crew I witnessed the maiden flight of the'British' to protect it from the elements.
room. I was lucky enough to visit Hong Kong prototype 002 at Filton on 9 April 1 969. I then saw The Vulcan has played a significant part
before it was handed over to China and fly with several production aircraft making their initial in my A/ reporting in more recent times, and I

the Wessex on No 28 Squadron. This gave me test flights from Filton, but naturally I wanted was really delighted when XH558 took off from
the opportunity to photograph the new airport the chance to go on board. Th anksto Aircraft Bruntingthorpe last October. When the RAF was
and contrast it with KaiTak in an additional lllustrated, it happened on 2B August 1984 when I looking at grounding it in the early 1990s, I was
article. I also found the time to fly a Cessna 172 flew on G-BOAA from New York to London. invited by the Ministry of Defence to represent
from the Hong Kong Flying Club out ofand I managed to persuade British Airways aviation journalism at two meetings of all the
back into Kai Tak an amazing experience. to let me do a feature on 'a day in the life of a interested parties, discussing whether there was
With a lot of these things, it's not only the Concorde piloti I met Capt David Leney at an a viable, cost-effective case for keeping XH558
aeroplanes that have been special, but also the hotel in New York, and he told me about what flying in military hands. Those of us who spoke
people I have met and who have gone out of I was going to see the next day. I joined the in favour of this lost the day, but it was a rational
their way to help me to get photographs and crew at breakfast, drove out with them to JFK decision in the end. lt would perhaps have flown

40 yeors of reporting

-r f

aircraft, with Frank in the second one and

i others trailing behind. While we were on long
; finals, the storm was flashing away, and a
,s, Southwest Airlines 737 scurried off. We had
to slow down our approach, but proceeded
to land in stream. We'd touched down and
;; t.
.rP. 1 were going along on our mainwheels, slowing
;;a ,; r J;;J down, when suddenly the aircraft turned left.
nl The next thing I could see over my shoulder
was the second T-6 coming quickly towards
- us. We swung round further, and the pilot
opened up the throttle to get out ofthe way,
but the engine coughed. The wing of Frank's
aeroplane hit our tail, and the wingtip ended
up almost immediately behind my head.
Another foot, and it would have hit me; more
likely, the propeller would have made contact
with us.
By contrast, going to the Middle East in the
for two or three more years at the most before has been a friend and inspiration over many immediate aftermath of the first Gulf War had
funding ran out, and there were competing years. I have enjoyed flying with him in P- been less dangerous. I went as A/'s representative
claims for the money. 51 Mustang Gunfighterand admired him to Kuwait, while the oil well fires started by
On the warbird front, the Confederate Air displaying it on countless occasions. Reg retreating lraqi forces were still burning. lwill
Force (now, of course, the Commemorative was also the first to assist a very shaken always remember flying through the smoke in an
Air Force) has been very important to me photographer to climb out of a tailless Harvard RAF Hercules. We went into various desert strips,
since the early 1 980s. Lloyd Nolen, the key after my first (and, I hope, last) aircraft accident. some containing lines and lines of US military
founder, encouraged me to visit Harlingen and The incident happened at the 1 997 CAF helicopters, and to Kuwait City itself where the
subsequently Midland to report on the annual Airsho and involved another long-standing A/ remalns of the British Airways 747 deslroyed
Airsho. With the help of volunteer press officer contributor, my good friend Frank B. Mormillo. on the ground during the war were still sitting,
Russ Anderson and colleagues I was fortunate We were off on a post-show photo sortie along with those of several other aircraft. The
to fly in and photograph most of the types involving fourT-6s going out to photograph devastation in Kuwait left quite an impression on
in the CAF inventory, ranging from the B-23 some warbirds. lt had been a really hot day me.Then, we went into Bahrain where we saw
Dragon in 1 980 to Catalina, B-24, B-25, A-26, and there were thunderstorms around. Then the RAF Tornados and Jaguars, now with their
B-29 and CASA 2.1 1 1B more recently. Two there was a radio call to say that there was an nose art and mission markings.
sorties in Air Atlantique's Shackleton from ominous storm moving towards the airfield, I never imagined during the Cold War
Midland will also be long remembered. One and that we should get back. We weren't too years that I would end up going to Russia,
CAF colonel, former USAF Gen Reg Urschler, far away to the south and lwas in the lead and especially to its main test airfield, but
frlrrn llll rfrr llr lmnl'-rt[r[rtilrrlrlf rtr

it happened in October 1993 Without this understanding, lwould not

- at a very
interesting time. I went there with Richard
us. The Sukhoi man said to the driver,'Keep
going, don't stop!; and to Richard and l,'Get have had these incredible experiences.
Goode, for whom l'd been taking photos since your heads down!'We just drove straight past
his early days as a competition aerobatic this group, who thankfully stepped aside for us, iltoT SutTE Tt{E Hr.{8.."
pilot. The plan was to do air-to-airs of the went over the bridge
new Sukhoi Su-31 aerobatic machine over
- the White House is on
one side of the river, and the hotel on the other
Now, 40 years since,4/ started and since I made
my first contribution to it, I feel it's time to
Zhukovsky from a Yak-1 BT, as Richard (who had and were stopped by a British television relinquish the responsibility of providing a full
bought and displayed the first Su-26 in the UK)
-crew, I think from Sky, who asked us: 'What the news section every month. To some extent, it
was purchasing one. hell are you doing? You're in the middle of a has ruled my life, because l've had to arrange
My arrival coincided with a major crisis revolution!'Those people had been marching holidays and so on around the deadlines. It will
following President Boris Yeltsin's decision towards the television centre, to take it over. be a bit of a relief when that changes. However,
to rule by decree and his dissolution of the That evening, we went to a restaurant, and at l'm certainly not going to finish contributing to
existing Russian legislative system, including about 10 o'clock the owner came up to us and A/, whether in the form of preservation items,
the parliament. lt looked as though civil said:'l think you'd better go now, because there show reports or feature articles. I don't intend
war could erupt at any time, and there were are tanks moving in on the cityl Overnight, and to suddenly give everything up!
uprisings on the streets of Moscow. These were especially first thing the next morning, we all As far as the changes over these 40 years
put down by force, and tanks shelled the White heard the sound of gunfire. are concerned, the most significant has been
House in which members of the legislature The next day, a friend Richard had brought the method of supplying material to the
lvere holed up.This happened on a Sunday, but out with him was going to fly in a two-seat editorial office. lt's not really that long ago that
largely without us knowing, as we were staying 'Frogfootl somebody else was going up a we all stopped posting typewritten copy to
just outside the city. MiG-29U8, and we were due to do the air-to-airs the office and began sending files on disk and,
We had a Sukhoi representative with us, of the 5u-31 . We went to Zhukovsky and were soon after, e-mailing them as attachments. The
and Richard wanted to go to a large hotel near told that all airfields in Russia were closed, but other huge change has been the development
rne White House as he was setting up the first by midday they said that all the flying could go of digital photography, meaning that the
'.,isits to Zhukovsky by Westerners
paying to fly ahead. This gave me just enough time to get magazine isn't reliant on receiving prints or
in MiGs, Sukhois and so on A/ was the first the Sukhoi photos, and some'sneaky'shots of transparencies in time and always at the mercy
Western magazine to report on this and the dispersals at Zhukovsky. I went straight back of postal services. lt all means that items can
rvanted to find a decent hotel to put them in. to the UK the following morning, because I was be added or altered at the last minute, and that
Driving towards it, we came to a roadblock, flying to Midland for the CAF Airsho. When I got the immediacy and topicality of the finished
and a policeman told us: 'You can't go down there, it was rather amusing to be able to say,'l've product is that much greater.
there, there's troublei Our driver said, 'No, we've just come straight from the Russian revolution!'lt 40 years on A/ has been a long time, but
got to get to that hotel:The policeman replied was a whole different world. very enjoyable. lt was a magazine that took
something llke,'On your heads be itl and we Those are just a few of many marvellous a while to establish itself, but since then it's
drove down this dual carriageway. We went memories from four decades of ,4/ reporting! become the'number one'in my eyes, and those
round a bend, and in front of us the road was I have seldom referred to my family, and of many others. There is no other aviation
biocked, there was a bus burning and there in particular to my wife Chris who has magazine that's so all-embracing, and long
were people waving banners coming towards patiently put up with my preoccupation. may it stay that way. fr



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eated debates about passengers the freedom to make their own the late 1970s, while the de Havilland, later
airport expansion, the travel arrangements from the comfort of their Hawker Siddeley, Trident formed the backbone
aPpearance of the world's own living rooms. of British Airways'short and medium-haul fleet
largest airliner and calls Governments now play a far less front-line well into the 1 980s, The successful short-haul
for more fuel-efficient role in airline, airport and even air traffic control BAC 1-'1 1 even secured orders from US airlines.
engines. operations. Who in '1968 could have imagined All three did well but could have done
Yes, it's 1 968, the year that London's Heathrow airport, recently better if domestic customers, particularly the
when the UK government appointed a Royal handed over to the newly-formed British state-owned airlines, had demonstrated greater
Commission to recommend a site for the third Airports Authority, would in 2008 be owned and enthusiasm. lnevitably they were up against
London airport, when the Boeing 747,the operated by a Spanish construction company? US-designed products which benefited from a
first of the wide-bodied airliners, was rolled Concorde inevitably captured a lot of large domestic market and sold in thousands
out and when the Rolls-Royce RB21 1, which headlines. Getting it into service was a major rather than tens. When in 2001 British
represented a new breed of efficient turbofan technological feat and the diplomatic trans- Aerospace, or BAE Systems as it had then
engines, was bench-tested for the first time. Atlantic negotiations involved in securing become, stopped building the Avro RJ family
But it was also the time when predictions permission to operate into the US were just as of aircraft, which had developed from the
about atomic-powered hypersonic airliners tricky. Yet by 1976, when the green light was successful 146 regional airliner, Britain stopped
seemed a lot less fantastic than they would today. finally given, it had become obvious that initial manufacturing complete jet airliners.
Aviation's first half-century was characterised by airline enthusiasm for the 5ST had dwindled to Paradoxically, the UK aerospace industry
ever-rising speeds and by 1 968 the first Western- virtually nothing. goes from strength to strength in the 21 st
built supersonic airliner was poised to make its The cost of the aircraft coupled with the century. ln 2006, according to the Society of
maiden flight the following year. increasing environmental opposition to it British Aerospace Companies, it supported
As it turned out, though, lhe747 and and the supersonic booms generated by its 276,000 UK jobs, had a turnover of f.20 billion
the RB21 1 would prove to be more reliable passage through the air meant that only British and exported 63 per cent of all it produced. New
orders increased by 6 per cent to f26.2 billion.
harbingers ofthe future. For it was they, not the Airways and Air France
- whose governments
had underwritten its development with Much of this success results from the
Anglo-French Concorde or the SovietTu-144,
generous helpings of taxpayers'money industry's participation in Airbus, the European
which represented the real instruments
interested in operating it. The introduction
- were consortium which is today one of only two
of change. Economic factors are now
the main determinant of a form of wide-bodied airliners like the 747, the builders of large airliners. Britain's initial approach
of travel which, in 1968, was McDonnell-Douglas DC-10 and the Lockheed to the Airbus concept in the late 1 960s and
still mainly for the well-to-do Tristar had already ushered in an era of mass early 1970s was typically equivocal. But despite
despite the efforts ofthe fast- travel which had opened in 1970 with the a lack of government commitment, Hawker
growing charter sector which arrival of Pan Am's fisl747 at Heathrow. Siddeley which merged with BAC to form the
nationalised British Aerospace in the 1 970s
was helping to transform sleepy The US abandoned its supersonic airliner has
produced the wings for every Airbus airliner ever
Spanish fishing villages into playgrounds for project in the 1970s, leaving a few Concordes
:lorthern European holidaymakers. to continue conveying the super-rich across built. A blind alley Concorde may have been, but
Today's low-cost carriers have helped to the North Atlantic until July 2000 when the it did help to pioneer a cross-border approach
complete the revolution begun by the inclusive loss of an Air France example signalled the to aircraft manufacture which even Boeing has
tour holiday operators in the 1 960s. They may end of the supersonic era. Whether or not this adopted with the Dreamliner.
have started with cast-off Constellations but they will have been the first such era remains to The technologically-advanced, twin-engined,
soon acquired modern aircraft and set standards be seen. Airbus and Boeing conducted a joint twin-aisle 43008 of 1972 was followed by the
for efficiency which their scheduled and usually study in the early 1990s but nothing came of
state-owned rivals found hard to match. it. There are plans for supersonic executive jets
We may not have colonised Mars, but much but critical issues remain emissions at very high
:hat's commonplace in 2008 would have made altitude and noise. Dr Dieter Schmitt, former 'Air trovel hos become
.yes pop in 1968. Mobile 'phones and the internet Airbus vice-president of future projects and
3re just two examples. Electronic technology has new technologies, said recently that no new
cheoper ond sofer over
:,ven aviation things like secondary surveillance 5ST can be expected for at least 1 5 years. the lost 40 yeors. The
':dar which enables air traffic controllers to Boeing's Sonic Cruiser, which would have
-andle ever-rising volumes of traffic with ever- sold on the basis of travel at high subsonic chollenge for the next
-creasing safety standards. The technology which speeds and which might have brought a new
:;i transponders into aircraft to enable controllers shape to the world's major airports, failed to 40 ond beyond is not
:r direct radar beams to interrogate them and attract support from airlines more interested in
':ceive vital information has made possible the operating economics promised by the 787
only to mointoin those
:irborne collision avoidance systems. Dreamliner. Boeing has talked about a blended trends but to demonstrote
Satellite navigation gives pilots the ability wing design, and although this may promise
:o pinpoint their location anywhere on the economic and environmental advantages there thot qviotion is copoble
;iobe to within a few metres and now looks are knotty issues to be resolved such as the
set to take air traffic management to the next emergency evacuation of passengers.
of toking o responsible
jeneration. And the technology which has ln 1968 Britain was still able to build opprooch to climote
3ut undreamed-of computing power into the airliners of indigenous design. The Vickers, later
'rands of aircraft designers, airline managers British Aircraft Corporation, VC10 was to prove chonge'
:nd air traffic controllers has also given air its popularity with long-haul passengers until

Js.I -b

even more advanced A310. But it is the single-aisle Today, Southwest carries 100 million Another problem facing the industry is the
4320, whose design represented a true distillation passengers on more than 500 aircraft (the world's web of government-negotiated agreements
of British and European ideas, which has been the fourth largest fleet) and is now the USA's biggest which govern most international air services
biggest success so far; with over 5,300 sold and domestic airline. lt also has a unique record of and restrict market access. But here, again,
more than 3,000 in service. At the other end ofthe consistent profitability since '1973. Among the some changes can be expected. From the end
scale, the A380, the biggest airliner yet built, has first to absorb the lessons was Dublin accountant- of March, the Open Skies deal negotiated by
recently gone into service with launch customer turned-airline boss Michael O'Leary who used the EU and US will enable any EU or US airline
Singapore Airlines. This event was delayed by them to transform the family-owned Ryanair to fly services to any EU or U5 city. Nowhere
manufacturing difficulties which have led to a into Europe's biggest low-cost airline, carrying 52 will this be more keenly watched than at
major restructuring operation by Airbus. million passengers on 605 routes to 26 countries. Heathrow, access to which has since '1977 been
Further difficulties for the Toulouse-based ln 1995, Greek-born shipping magnate's son restricted to two UK and two U5 carriers by the
assembler have been posed by the continuing low Stelios Haji-loannou launched scheduled fl ights Bermuda ll agreement.
value ofthe US dollar relative to other currencies. between Luton and Edinburgh and Glasgow The lnternational Air Transport Association
As a result of this, Airbus managers have talked using two leased Boeing 737s. By the end of has said it expected its members to be paying
about setting up plants within the dollar area. 2007, easyJet was operating 1 07 Airbus A31 9s an average of 578 a barrel for oil in 2008, but
Whether this represents a serious proposition or and 30 737s. lt had also carried over 38 million the recent breach ofthe 5100 per barrel barrier
is just talk aimed at raising government support passengers, and HajiJoannou is now Sir Stelios. has already made that seem out of date. This
remains to be seen. Meanwhile, a new assembly Liberalisation of the EU aviation market in continual upward trend will place additional
plant opens this year in China, which will take total 1993 created the institutional climate within pressure on engine and aircraft manufacturers
A320 production up to 40 units a month. which such carriers could flourish. Part of the to find further operating efficiencies. Both CFM
Once the province of European key to success has been a rigorous approach and Rolls-Royce are predicting that advanced
manufacturers, regional jet manufacture in to cost control, high aircraft utilisation and turbofans will burn 1 5 per cent less fuel than
the Western world is now concentrated on use ofthe internet for passenger bookings. today's.
two manufacturers, Brazil's Embraer with its Adherence to this business model enabled the Four decades ago, arguments were raging
E-Jet family and Canada's Bombardier with low-costs to weather the '9111' crisis in better about the expansion of London's airports, They
its CRJ series. Recent signs of a turboprop shape than their longer-established rivals. Just still are, and not without reason. According to
comeback seem to have been borne out by to survive, many of these'legacy'carriers found the lnternational Civil Aviation Organisation,
increasing sales achieved by the Franco-ltalian themselves obliged to adopt low-cost features the world's airlines carried around 261 million
ATR combine and Bombardier's Q-Series. lt is in like fewer frills and greater internet use. passengers in 1 968. The corresponding figure
this sector that Russian, Chinese and Japanese Many U5 majors sought bankruptcy for 2006was2.2 billion.That same year, UK
manufacturers see their best chances of protection after' 9 / 1 1 I i ncl udi n g U nited Airli nes, airports handled 235 million passengers, not far
achieving success with indigenous designs. once the world's biggest canier. Rising fuel and short ofthe 1 968 global total. London airports
The 40 years have seen turbulent times for labour costs will continue to make life tough were used by 136 million passengers.
the world's airlines. Many famous names have in a business still subject to peaks and troughs. To aid its deliberations, the third London
passed into history, such as Pan Am,TWA, Swissair Roughly every eight to '10 years since the 1960s, airport commission under Mr Justice Roskill
and Sabena.The state-owned British Overseas strong recovery has been followed by a sharp employed many innovative techniques
Airways Corporation and British European downward lurch, usually prompted by world including cost-benefit analysis. But the result
Airways were combined into British Airways in events like wars. lf the airlines could build up was a bit of a shambles: the commission
1974, which went on to become one of the first cash reserves, that would help tide them over favoured a green-field site in Bedfordshire
of the world's major airlines to be privatised in the lean years, but they seem incapable of but the government accepted a minority
the 1 980s. Since then BA has absorbed British consistently recording average profit margins report calling for an airport off the Essex
Caledonian, once seen as a spearhead of a private much over 3 per cent. Ryanair, however. claims coast. That was overturned in 1974 by another
sector'second forcei and Dan Air. an astonishing 20 per cent-plus margin. government which cited growing costs and
Others fell by the wayside in the '1980s. Although the low-cost model has yet to be mounting difficulties as its reasons.
Laker Airways, launched by the flamboyant and applied to the long-haul market, it's probably Since then Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted
entrepreneurial 5ir Freddie, and People Express of only a matter of time. lndeed. O'Leary has have all had new terminals and London City
the U5 were perhaps Iow-cost carriers before their already announced plans for a trans-Atlantic has been built in Docklands. Manchester has
time. Yet they were not alone in offering low-cost operation. lf this does get offthe ground, the become a two-terminal, two-runway gateway
travel. Dallas-based Air Southwest had already tegacy carriers will have to respond with vigour and many regional airports from East Midlands
changed its name to Southwest Airlines and or be forced further into niche markets. ln 2007, to Bristol have recorded staggering growth
started the no-frills, simple fare structure, short- BA recognised that it is no longer a domestic rates, thanks mainly to low-cost operations. ln
haul services which have since become the model carrier when it sold its regional BA Connect March, Heathrow will have a fifth terminal. But
for a new breed of airline: the low-cost carriers. operation to specialist low-cost operator Flybe. it s still not enough.
A 2003 White Paper envisaged four new
runways at UK airports by 2030. Last year, the
government confirmed that two of them will
be required in the London area: at Stansted
and at Heathrow, which will also need a sixth
terminal. A village will have to be bulldozed to
make way for this development. Even with the
best available expertise, air traffic forecasts will
not always be right, says Stan Abrahams, who
was a researcher for the Roskill Commission.
That experience has left him with a clear view
of what should happen:'lt's important to plan
and prepare early and flexibly, compensate
generously and continually update the forecasts,
evaluate and build at the last possible momentj
Airport development has seldom been
welcomed by local communities, and more
battles lie ahead. Up to now airport operators
have been able to counter Iocal objections by
setting their plans in the context of national
economic need. But fears about global
r,varming threaten to alter that. Many will now
be able to claim that climate change, to which
aviation is seen as adding a fast-growing
contribution, is far bigger than mere national
interests. Again, the arguments are cyclical.
ln the Iate 1960s and early 1970s, noise was
the primary environmental concern, with
vehement views on both sides.
Air travel has become cheaper and safer
over the last 40 years. The challenge for the
next 40 and beyond is not only to maintain
those trends but to demonstrate that aviation
is capable oftaking a responsible approach to
climate change. Even that, however, may be
easier said than done. Some parts of the world,
such as the EU, are taking global warming more
seriously than others the US under President
George W. Bush, for example.
The EU is keen on wrapping international
aviation within the world's largest carbon trading Clockwise from top left:
market. This signals a bold move towards a new
The VCl 0 (this being British Airways Super VCI 0 G-ASGR) could have been a world-beater but, like other
ievel of regulation and one that may not be British airliners of the era, wasn't. British Airways
universally welcomed. The EU's approach may
The roll-out of the first Boeing 747, the aircraft that made possible mass long-haul travel, in 1 968. Boeing
find repercussions, for example, in the next stage
of the Open Skies negotiations which Europe After an uncertain start, Airbus lndustrie gradually gained strength, lts first product, the A300, would remain in
hopes will open up the US domestic market. production from 1 974 to 2007. Airbus
The industry may draw inspiration from
The US market is the airline industry in microcosm, with the'legacy' and low-cost carriers battling for customers,
its past, but seeking the scope to continue its and Boeing and Airbus for aircraft orders. Serge Bailleul/AirTeamlmages,com
expansion in the face of world-wide concern
for the environment will take it into new and The problems en(ountered with the A380 programme taught Airbus many lessons. Airbus

uncharted territory. Time alone will tell how For how much longer will the congestion at major hubs be tolerated? Even those that are expanding will surely
well itsucceeds. A fill up again in the years ahead. Gany Lewis/AirTeamlmages.com

was just seven years old when Aircraft on the drawing board. And he'd seen offensive a nd m rovem enti in;lfie:ie]iabifilt;:r:,,
p ,i,ll

air power go from dropping tiny 20lb bombs


and support costs of airfiariiiet; ,


Illustrated waslaunched, and though rrr t.

it would be another five years before to the horror of the atomic bombs at Nagasaki engines and systems.
I became a buyer {OK, addict), I did and Hiroshima and to the full spectrum of This has led to military aircraft enjoying
subsequently and retrospectively weaponry deployed in Vietnam. much longer service lives since they rgmiin
'back-fill'my collection, so that I now Things have been remarkably quiet, by viable and competitive for much longer. For
have every issue. comparison, in'my' 40-year period! example, a radar upgrade is often a valid
What that means is that when I look back alternative to a new replacement aircraft
at developments in aviation during the 4}-year SETTI$dG T}'{E SCINF type, which might offer little improvement in
life of Aircraft lllustrated,l am also looking back ln 1968, the world's leading air forces operated performance terms.
at how aviation and the aerospace industry sophisticated, Mach 2, all-weather fighters (like ln 1968 I was living at RAF Wildenrath,
have changed during my life. the F-4 Phantom) and the USAF and Russia where the based Canberra B(l)8s were viewed
And, in some respects, the 40 years since fielded long-range strategic bombers armed as grand old ladiesl long-serving veterans
1968 have been marked by less excitement and with stand-off guided missiles. Today, fighters are whose service career had been one of almost
less'progress'than has occurred in any 40-year no faster than the Phantom, and the USAF and unparalleled length, and which was drawing
period since the Wright brothers made their Russia still use the B-52 and the Tu-95 'Bear'as to a close. When the B(l)B retired in 1972, the
first tentative flights just over a century ago. strateqic bombers, armed with stand-off missiles. Canberra's service in the bomber role had
If you'd asked my father how aviation The four decades since 1968 have been lasted 21 years a span which was record-
a time of small, unspectacular incremental
breaking then, but which would be unusually
had changed in the 40 years beginning from
when he was seven, progress would have been progress, rather than of dramatic step short today. When the RAF retired its Jaguar
dramatic! The flimsy biplane fighters gave way changes in performance or capability. Rather fighter-bombers, they had served for 34 years,
to all-metal monocoque monoplanes, and then than seeing dramatic increases in speed, and the Tornado looks set to enjoy a 43-yeat
to the earlyjets, and by the time he reached rate of climb, range and altitude, there have career under present plans, while the Nimrod
the age of 47,he'd seen supersonic fighters and been improvements in avionics with more might clock up 42years, the classic C-'l 30K
accurate navigation, improved weapons Hercules will complete 44 years, and the VC10
Mach 2 aircraft like the Lightning and Phantom, a

while the'teen series' jets of today were already accuracy and more reliable communications magnificent 48 years.
And things are no different in the USA,
where the B-52 has already achieved 53 years in
service, while even 'newer'types like the F-l 5 are
just as long-lived. The F-1 5 has already achieved
31 years in service, for example, and there are
plans to keep them for at least 50 years.
This is a global phenomenon. Although
some of the aircraft types that I could see
at Wildenrath in 1968 have disappeared
from service (like the F-1 04 Starfighter. the
Lightning, and, of course, the Canberra).
many of them remained aclive over Aircraft
lllustroted's first 40 years, and some (like the Bell
UH-l and AH-1, the VC1 0, the C-l 30 Hercules,
and the P-3 Orion), remain operational, often
with no end in sight to their distinguished still raglng. At th€ tidrc,
Stratofortress, even then a vttdtFlit
Aircraft lllustroted has witnessed two would still be playing such a vlttl
distinct periods in military aviation. Before the role in the USAF today and forthe
Berlin Wall came down in 1989, the period was foreseeable future. USAF

dominated by the Cold War, while the period

since then has been marked by instability and
frequent conflicts.


Though the Cold War was marked by higher
defence spending than is now the norm, the
Cold War itself got progressively tooler'after
1968 (a hot year, with the Soviet invasion
of Czechoslovakia and tension in Berlin),
while the general economic situation put
increasing pressure on defence budgets,
Ieading to continuing cuts and reductions in
force structure. But even with these cutbacks,
defence was accorded a higher priority than it
is today. and the military aerospace industry
enjoyed boom times.
When Aircraft lllustroted was launched, the
Vietnam war was still raging. Though this was The shift to low-level penetration by from ground clutter. The limitations of medium-
an asymmetric conflict, fought far from Europe bombers and attack aircraft in the late 1950s range weapons like the AIM-7 Sparrow, coupled
in tropical climates, against largely jungle proved to be an effective counter to SAM5 with the need to be able to out-manoeuvre
targets, it had considerable influence on Cold and radar-based air defence systems, though more agile fighter opponents, also required
War air forces. The latter adopted many of existing aircraft, designed and optimised unparalleled agility in the new fighters that were
the weapons and tactics that were proved for high-altitude operations, had some developed during the late 1960s.
and refined in the crucible of south-east Asia, limitations. A new generation of dedicated Thus, while the U5'teen series'fighters were
from Paveway laser-guided bombs, to the low-level attack aircraft was developed, no faster than the F-4 Phantom and other in-
use of dedicated SEAD aircraft, weapons and with airframes optimised for flight at service types, they had more effective sensors
tactics to overcome the new generation of air low level, and with advanced all-weather and weapons and were much more agile. But
defence weapons. navigation systems, and sophisticated though the F-14Tomcat and F-i5 Eagle (and
Another conflict, this time in the Middle avionics, sometimes including automatic especially the F-16 Fighting Falcon and
East, was almost as influential. The 1973 Yom terrain following. As Aircraft lllustrated began, F/A-1B Hornet) demonstrated levels of agility
Kippur war saw lsrael's mighty air force brought the Anglo-French Jaguar fighter-bomber that were unparalleled in previous radar-
io its knees by Egyptian SAMs, and only a prototype began flight testing (on equipped and missile-armed all-weather
massive resupply effort by the USA (Operation 8 September 1968), and the MRCA (Multi- fighters (which had always been a heavier,
'Nickel Grass') saved the day. Role Combat Aircraft, later Tornado) less manoeuvrable class of aircraft) their
The development of military aircraft programme began in earnest. impressive instantaneous and sustained turn
has always been a game of measure and The growing importance of low-level rates were not dramatically different to those
countermeasure, and the mid-'I970s saw the penetration posed problems for air defences, that could be obtained by aircraft like the
deployment of a new generation of military and necessitated the adoption offighter Gnat, F-5 and MiG-l7. lt was therefore the
aircraft, designed to counter threats that had radars with better look-down/shoot-down combination of agility and capability that was
emerged during the early 1960s. capabilities, able to pick out low-flying targets novel and innovative.


,asr&, i


Left, top to bottom:

King of the'heavies', Even today, no
transport aircraft (an match the versatility
of the evergreen Lockheed Hercules. This
pyrotechnic display of fireworks is given
by an AC-l 30H gunship as it fires infra-red
countermeasure flares. USAF
Con(eived to counter the'untouchable'threat
of the SR-71, the Sovi€t development of the
MiG-31 'Foxhound'began to make the West
sit up and take notice. Vyacheslav Martyniuk
via Yefim Gordon

The shape of things to come? Current

fighters such as the F-1 5E Strike Eagle (top)
and F/A-1 8 Super Hornet (middle) may one
day be giving way to machines like the
X-45C (bottom), the first autonomous
aircraft designed from the beginning to
Gonduct strike and surveillance missions,

Perhaps the biggest new features of the

new generation of fighters (the US'teen
series; and aircraft like the Tornado, Viggen
and Mirage 2000) were the least obvious, but
simultaneously the most useful and the most
obvious to those who had to fly and operate
the aircraft. ln creating these new aircraft,
the designers paid ever closer attention to
reliability, maintainability and supportability,
to minimising operating and support costs,
and to improving handling qualities and
cockpit workload. HOTAS controls and
head-up displays became de rigeur, allowing
pilots to operate all systems while keeping
their heads up, and their eyes outside the
As military aircraft became more and
more sophisticated, they also became
more and more difficult and expensive
to develop. ln Europe, this had already
led to considerable consolidation and
rationalisation, which would continue during
the late 1 960s and early 1 970s. The process
culminated with Dassault's 1971 acquisition
of Breguet to produce Avions Marcel
Dassault-Breguet Aviation, and the 1 977
merger of Hawker Siddeley, Scottish Aviation
and BAC to form British Aerospace in the UK.

..:'*i::9' i

7 Above: The first flight of the Northrop B-2 stealth late for any defences to be effective. The
bomber in 1 989 introduced perhaps the most dramatic Lockheed F-1 17 Nighthawk stealth fighter
shape the skies have ever seen. Stealth has been
perhaps the biggest technological development in made its combat debut during US operations
aviation over the last 40 years. USAF in Panama in 1989, and was subsequently
used extensively over lraq, Afghanistan and
the Balkans. The Northrop B-2 Spirit stealth
bomber made its combat debut 10 years
later, in 1999, during the Kosovo war.
of the envelope, with manoeuvres like the Air forces have been busy in the
'tailslide' and'cobra' demonstrating rock- period since 1989. When the stabilising
solid'post-stall' handling characteristics, and influence of the confrontation between
an unmatched ability to point the aircraft's the Cold War superpowers vanished, the
nose (and its weapons, sensors and weapon 'lids'were taken off a number of simmering
seekers) 'off axisi away from the direction conflicts
of flight. They had also incorporated infra-
- initially in the Balkans, where
Yugoslavia splintered into its separate ethnic
red search and track systems, giving the components, in the Horn of Africa, and in
aircraft a useful ability to detect, locate the Middle East, where Saddam Hussein's
and track a target passively, without using lraq began to throw its weight around. Since
their own radar. They had also provided then, lslamist terror has also started to pose
But even though these new European helmet-mounted sighting systems, further a growing threat.
giants rivalled the big US companies in size enhancing the ability of the MiG-29 and But while the world has become more
and industrial and economic muscle, they were Su-27 to engage targets'off boresight' dangerous, defence spending has been
not really big enough to undertake the most outside the relatively small patch of sky cynically reduced, providing the'Peace
complex and ambitious programmes. There
-visible in the head-up display. Dividend'expected by a naiVe public, and
rvas an increasing trend towards international To a great degree, the post-Cold War allowing electorally-popular tax cuts, and/or
collaborative programmes in the UK, and even period has been characterised byWestern increased spending on social programmes.
iowards co-operation between US companies. manufacturers playing catch-up, struggling to A more sensible policy would have been
Thus, the Tornado was a product of Britain's counter these new fighter capabilities, while to spend more money restructuring and
3AC, Germany's MBB and ltaly's Aeritalia further improving their pilots'situational re-equipping air forces to meet the new
,operating through the management company awareness, refining the so-called man-machine s ituation.

Panavia), while in the USA, the F/A-18 Hornet interface and reducing cockpit workload, and New trends in air power are already
\'/as very much a collaboration between further improving reliability, mai ntainabil ity, becoming evident. New precision guided
),4cDonnell Douglas and Northrop. and supportability, with aircraft like the Saab weapons are being developed and deployed,
The USSR lagged slightly behind the USA JAS39 Gripen and EurofighterTyphoon. some of them optimised to produce the
;n the development and deployment of its new There has, however, also been the lowest possible collateral damage, while
generation of fighters, so that when the twin- emergence of one key technology that unmanned platforms are being heavily
,'lnned, LERXed MiG-29 and 5u-27 appeared after does represent more of a step change promoted. Combat experience is already
the twin-finned F- 14, F-1 5 and YF-] 7, and after that is low observability, or stealth. showing that while such unmanned platforms
the LERXed F-1 6 and YF-1 7, there were inevitable,
-Much misunderstood, stealth does not do offer useful niche capabilities, they also
and misplaced, accusations of copying. make an aircraft invisible, but, when'seen' have many limitations. But because they offer
from particular aspects, it can reduce low cost and low risk of human casualties,
THE POST.COID WAR YEARS the radar cross section to the extent that they are attractive to politicians, and are
When the new generation of Russian the aircraft will appear much smaller on being promoted more widely than may be
fighters made their first Western airshow radar, dramatically reducing the effective appropriate. ln the next 40 years, we will no
appearances, it soon became clear that range of an enemy radar. This can allow a doubt see military aviation continuing to
their designers had made massive strides stealth aircraft to slip between enemy radar develop, and Aircraft lllustrated will be there
in agility, especially at the low-speed end coverage either undetected or detected too reporting on how the story unfolds. A



Amongst many great restorations of the past 40 years,

that of P-38F Lightning Glacier Girl is one of the most
::w: outstanding. John Dibbs/The Plane Picture Co
n 2008, with a plethora of aviation and had already developed considerably with as the CAF,'Planes of Fame'and others. Well
museums to visit and airworthy the addition of airworthy machines. Just five over 100 aircraft passed through Tallichet's
historic aircraft a feature of almost years later, it moved to its current home at Chino hands, and this preservation pioneer was still
every airshow, it is perhaps difficult and was set fair for the future, making good use flying his B-17G Memphis Bel/e untiljust a few
to appreciate the extent to which the of volunteer help and gradually being built up. months prior to his death last October. Similarly,
aircraft preservation scene was still ln the UK, there was no national museum it's remarkable how many aircraft we see flying
in its relative infancy 40 years ago. with a significant aviation element when A/ today that were part of Doug Arnold's Warbirds
However, the important thing was that the was founded in 1968. However, there was of Great Britain collection at one time or another.
seeds for the future were being sown. one major private collection, again thanks to Many of today's large museums really started
Only a few of the major national museums the determination of one man. ln 1959, Peter to take shape in the 1 970s, too. The US Air Force
were already in existence in anything like the Thomas, a Welshman with a passionate interest Museum's facility at Wright-Patterson AFB was
form they take today. France's Mus6e de lAir had in aviation, realised that no Short Sunderland was inaugurated in 1971.lts development was an
been inaugurated at Chalais-Meudon in 1 921, earmarked for preservation. Thomas therefore early example of the sort of fundraising that is
but space at this location was insufficient.The established the'Save-a-Sunderland' campaign, now common, as a campaign by the Air Force
collection forming the US Air Force Museum had and succeeded in securing an example from Museum Foundation brought about large-scale
started to be built up in the 1 920s too, but its the French Navy. Sunderland V M1824 made a private sector donations to provide the majority
site at Patterson Field, opened in 1 954, offered triumphant arrival at Pembroke Dock in March of the required 56 million.The opening of the
iittle indoor accommodation. The lmperial War 1961, and went on to be cared for at this former National Air and Space Museum was a big event
Museum in London naturally included some RAF flying boat base in Wales by the Sunderland in Washington on 4 July 1976, lndependence Day
aircraft exhibits, but they were only part of its Trust for a decade until it was handed over to in the American Bicentennial year. lt attracted an
remit.The Smithsoniank National Air and Space the RAF Museum. With the aim of saving further incredible 2 million visitors in just over a month.
Museum still awaited a dedicated facility for its British WW2 types, PeterThomas and his family France's Mus6e de lAir set up its first hall at Le
collection. There were already, of course, some founded the Skyfame collection at Gloucester's Bourget airport in 1975, and would gradually
rnajor collections of airworthy aircraft, but these Staverton airport in 1 963, and really kick-started expand there in stages. ln the UK, a decade's
ioo were at an early stage. Even the grand-daddy' the preservation movement in the UK. lt was the deliberation, planning and fundraising came
cf them all, the Shuttleworth Collection, had only country's first dedicated aviation museum (it still to fruition when the Royal Air Force Museum
cpened to the public at Old Warden in 1963. held this distinction 40 years ago) and operated opened at Hendon in 1972. And at Duxford,
Of course, it was the realisation in the years a number of airworthy machines from the outset. where great uncertainty over the future ofthe
following WW2 that important aeroplanes were Rising rents at Staverton caused Skyfame to close airfield had reigned even after the lmperial War
being lost, and of the lack of support from there in 1978, with most of its aircraft going to Museum started to make use of it, the IWM and
cfficialdom for preservation activities, that the lmperial War Museum at Duxford. lts legacy is the Duxford Aviation Society were allowed to
sparked off the activities of many pioneering immense, though. establish a permanent museum in 1976.
individuals. ln 1968, these were still in their The influence of the Battle of Britorn film, made That the techniques of successful aircraft
relative infancy, but already bearing much fruit. in 1968 and released the following year, must preservation are today much more refined and
Their influence remains strong today. also be mentioned. ln hunting down Spitfires, widely disseminated than they were 40 years ago
Perhaps the first was Lloyd Nolen, who Hurricanes, Bfl09s and He1 1 1 s for the movie, is one of the most important pieces of progress.
oought an ex-USAAF P-40 Warhawk in 1951.This Gp Capt Hamish Mahaddie furthered the cause Even in the late 1970s, it was still believed by
Texan pilot really wanted a P-51 Mustang, but of what was to become the warbird movement many that painting an aircraft on external display
had to wait until 1957 to get his hands on one, no end. A significant number of Spitfires were was sufficient to preserve it. This soon changed,
curchased in conjunction with some friends. restored to fly in order to take part, and the film and many more aircraft started to go under cover,
Thus was born the Confederate Air Force, and certainly prompted an upsurge of interest in
:hat P-51D Red Nose is still with the organisation. the preservation of Spitfires and Hurricanes, not
t,Vith the desire to expand the fleet came the least in airworthy condition. The market for these
realisation amongst the CAF s Colonels that aircraft,'Spits' in particular, was stimulated and
:hey were virtually alone in wanting to preserve many more restorations would follow as a result.
:xamples of significant WW2 aircraft. With an Battle of Britain also brought the ex-Spanish AF
:iement of organisation behind it, the CAF soon HA1 l2 Buch6ns (Bfl09Js) and CASA 2.1 1 1 Bs
'1 'The circumstonces in
9rew. lt opened a museum facility at Mercedes, (Hel 1 1 H-l 6s) onto the scene, thereby providing a
--fre first Rebel Field, in 1965, but soon this wasn't source of 'German'aircraft for airshows, further film which museums find
cig enough.40 years ago, a new Rebel Field was work and museums for many years to come.
:stablished by the CAF at Harlingen, and there The 1970s was a particularly important themselves operoting in
ts headquarters would remain for 23 years. decade for aircraft preservation. lt was the
The same sort of story lies behind The Air period in which a fair proportion of today's
',1useum'Planes of Famel born out of Edward flying warbirds and restoration projects first
2008 ore surely for more
i Maloney's concern at the numbers of WW2 surfaced in private hands, with the great David
:ircraft being scrapped at Chino Airport and Tallichet being at the forefront. His company, fovouroble thon they were
3iher locations around California and the Military Aircraft Restoration Corporation .l968'
,restern USA. His collection started life in (MARC), undertook and sponsored numerous in
Claremont in 1957 as little more than a roadside expeditions to far-flung places that recovered
attraction, yet despite the lack of facilities, at such as P-39s, P-40s, Beauforts, A-20s and B-26s,
east the aircraft had been saved.40 years ago, and Tallichet also purchased many airframes
The Air Museum was located at Ontario Airport, from the US military for much the same reasons

Clockwise from left:
A selection of Skyfame's air(raft at staverton, where
this pioneering British <ollection was established in
the 1960s. lan Allan Library
An exceptional sight in 1 968 Hurricanes and
Spitfires lined up at Henlow for the filming of
Battle of Britain, Peter R. March
The collection at what is now called the National
Museum of the USAF has to be the best held by any
air arm in the world, USAF
The National Air and Space Museum's Udvar-Hazy
Center is a modern standard-setter. NASN4
Duxford surely has no equal as a <ombination of
major national museum and warbird flying venue.
Chris Procter/AirTeamlmages.com

The MiG-3 completed last year by Aviarestoration in

5iberia for The Fighter Fa(tory is a fine example of the
modern-day restorer's art, involving remanufacturing
where necessary. Boris Osetinsky

with museum staff and volunteers often working great acclaim from various quarters. However, possible and going some way to meeting the
together to conserve and restore exhibits, critics including, it must be said, this author range of expectations of that audience. This is
would argue that just the Udvar-Hazy especially true in relation to younger visitors,
and, through increasing expertise, coming to
understand the best means of so doing.
Center, of which only the first phase of two has who would not now be inspired by the museum
But despite all this, and the awareness of been completed thus far, offers the flexibility displays of the past.
the need to keep examples of as many different inherent in many more'traditional'aviation Displays of airworthy historic aircraft have
types as possible for future generations, it is museum buildings that allows change-overs developed in a similar way. We are fortunate in
wrong to be complacent. Every year, for various of aircraft exhibits at intervals or the easy the UK to have Flying Legends, now the world's
reasons (and, to some extent, inevitably), historic addition of new ones. Getting aircraft in or best thanks to the efforts of Stephen Grey and
aircraft continue to be lost for good, and not out of the American Air Museum is impossible The Fighter Collection, whose part in the success
just those for which no suitable home can be without removing its entire glass frontage, a of Duxford as a whole has been very notable. The
found upon retirement. After all, we have only very costly and complex task, and it isn't easy at airshows organised at Chino by'Planes of Fame'
recently witnessed a collection of aircraft owned the National Cold War Exhibition or Milestones have derived much inspiration from this, thanks
by one of the world's leading national airlines of Flight either. I believe it's always a shame to the links between the two.That both these
and housed by one of the worldt leading when any museum of any type doesn't or leading events are always able to offer something
aviation museums being broken up in some can't refresh its exhibits (not just the displays new and different is not just testament to the
cases, literally. Other large museums have been surrounding them) on an occasional basis. hard work and imagination of their organisers,
forced to scrap important exhibits owing to their But all of those museums also provide but the continued strength of the warbird scene
deteriorating condition, lack of resources for perfect examples of the way in which it's and the levels of activity within it.
upkeep and other factors. been necessary to move with the times. The It is no secret that times are harder for
The availability of funding from different expectations of the modern museum visitor are the operators of airworthy warbirds than they
sources has allowed several ofthose large rather different from those of even a decade used to be. Making money from such activities
museums to build major new'landmark' ago, let alone 40 years. Enthusiasts may be has been getting steadily tougher, thanks to
exhibition spaces during the last decade or so, satisfied with a collection of aircraft and nothing the rising costs of fuel and insurance at a time
with the attendant benefits of getting more more, but museums need to get more than just when revenue from airshow bookings has
aircraft under cover in suitable surroundings. enthusiasts through their doors. Those with the been decreasing. On the latter point, I feel it's
Duxford's American Air Museum, the RAF resources to do so are increasingly turning to worth noting that the reduction has probably
Museum's Milestones of Flight hall at Hendon interactive, multi-media displays to augment been less marked in the US because of the
and the National Cold War Exhibition at the aircraft and making efforts to place them in numbers of military shows that still book a lot
Cosford, and the NASM's Steven F. Udvar- broader historical and social contexts, all with of historic items, whereas in the UK and Europe,
Hazy Center in Washington have all received the aim of appealing to as wide an audience as where (dare I say it) more thought goes into
these things, they now tend to be used when
necessary as part of a theme. There's also been
less film work with the more widespread use
of CGl. Yet despite all this, relatively few aircraft
have actually been grounded as a result, the
number of new restorations to airworthiness
shows no sign of decreasing, and the trade in
warbirds remains most healthy.
This is in part down to the skills of
those engaged in restoring aircraft to flying
condition, which never cease to amaze. The
implementation of modern engineering and
safety standards has been of great benefit,
combined with the knowledge and expertise
built up by the individuals involved over the
years. ln static as in flying restorations, this now
extends to the remanufacturing of components
or larger airframe sections to an extent that
would have been all but unimaginable to the
restorers of 40 years ago ot indeed, of more difficulties faced by that project have surely become enshrined in law or are the result
recent times. some may feel that this detracts made anybody think twice, at least, about trying of unavoidable economic forces. While well-
from the historical originality of the'end something similarly complex. lf they haven't meaning, health and safety legislation has
productl but the number of aircraft now extant thought twice, unless funding and technical been a burden, while insurance regulations
that would not otherwise be flying or on display support on a massive scale are guaranteed right like those imposed by the EU and the cost of
is surely a positive thing. Neither does it muddy from the word go; they surely ought to. insurance premiums themselves have had a
the waters of originality unduly. After all. it is Today, it is often bemoaned that there is big financial impact. Museum resources remain
generally well known as to whether a warbird a greater lack of appreciation of history, and a problem, too. The allocation of grants for
has gone through its entire life without a major therefore the importance of preserving that specific projects is all very well and good, but
rebuild or, for instance, whether large parts have history, than once there was. However, people no substitute for proper levels of funding on
been remanufactured owing to the condition were saying the same things 40 years ago. The a regular basis, even when visitor numbers
in which it was found or after an accident. And aircraft preservation pioneers who were active in are healthy. And will there still be enough
the skills and craftsmanship involved in the best the 'l 960s often had to battle against the forces of enthusiastic volunteers around in the years to
of remanufacturing to standards of the highest officialdom, and their lack of interest in keeping come, willing and able to devote their spare
authenticity are exceptional in themselves. old aeroplanes. Those involved in so doing have time to assisting with aircraft preservation? ln
This has ensured that some otherwise always come up against barriers of one sort or the light of this latter concern, the efforts being
'impossible' projects have been undertaken with anothet often in the form of those with little made by some museums and organisations to
great success, especially after aircraft have been understanding as to why historic aircraft need train a new generation of restorers and pass on
recovered from inhospitable locations. Consider, to be preserved. Today, at least, the concept of the necessary skills are especially laudable.
for instance, the wrecks found in Russia during the preservation is generally accepted when aircraft Nevertheless, the circumstances in which
'i990s. museums find themselves operating in 2008
Several have already become immaculate are retired from service.This should mean
exhibits or flyers, and there are many more being that fewer types slip through the preservation are surely far more favourable than they were
worked on. lt's now far harder for Westerners net, even if it's unlikely that many jets of the in 1968, or indeed for much of the intervening
to get aircraft out of Russia, and indeed lndia, current era will be kept flying as'warbirdsi period. On the flying side, the growth in
another excellent source in the past, but it is said Another positive step is that there is now more numbers of airworthy historic aircraft,
ihat parts of the Middle East will have treasures to recognition when distributing airframes of the particularly warbirds, tells its own story. This is
yield when it's safe to go and recover them. need to give aircraft a good home. though there not to say that everything is perfect far from
but has it ever been? Whatever the next 40
ln a rather different way, the return to have been important exceptions.
flight ofVulcan XH558 has been another One big difference today, however, is that
years hold, the range of outstanding projects
demonstration of how the'impossible' can certain things posing problems for museums currently under way shows that there is much
become possible. However, the enormous and the operation of airworthy aircraft have to look forward to. n

A stunning view from 'insidc-
the ever-rpectacular ltalian
AF Frerce Tricolori, who hav€
. oisfiome tragedy to regain
thoir polition amongst the
::uorld's top dlsplay teams.
.. (atsuhiko Tokunaga/DACT

John Dunnell

1*''!!* rr{l{b<r '----#

ome things never change established feature of the calendar. lt had grown the best airshows in the world, growing ever
not much.40 years in reputation and popularity since its earliest days further in size and stature, until the presence of
in the summer of 1968, when it was seen simply as a means to raise the the U5 cruise missile base there made hosting
lwould set out in my Ford public profile of air travel and the holiday trade. further Tattoos too difficult after IAT 83. As it
Anglia to a variety of air ln the USA, the Confederate Air Force staged turned out, IAT's new home at RAF Fairford
displays around the UK. its first Airsho in '1963 at the organisation's then would see the event moving to the next level in
Perhaps surprisingly, in 2008 I Rebel Field in Mercedes,Texas.The CAF's move terms of its status in the airshow world.
will still be going to some of the same venues to Harlingen in 1 968 took the Airsho with it, The other fine example of how the UK came,
and will expect to see a handful of the same and there it thrived as the first regular display in the eyes of many, to lead the airshow world
aircraft taking part... and still at the wheel of anywhere in the wodd to be focused on historic was an Anglo-American affair. RAF Mildenhall, like
a Ford, albeit a far more recent model!While aircraft of the WW2 era. Many others would follow. other USAF bases in Britain, had staged Armed
times have changed in the airshow world in ln the 1970s, the pattern of military open Forces Day shows for several years, but it wanted
many respects, it's the variety we still enjoy at days, though reduced slightly in numberi still to do something more in 1976 to mark the US
airshows that keeps me going, year after year. provided a core of major shows. New venues were Bicentenary. lt called on the services of organiser
ln 1968, the vast majority of displays in the presenting themselves it now seems hard to Roger Hoefling, who transformed the event,
UK were organised by the military air arms based
imagine the airshow scene without Duxford, yet bringing in a level of professionalism that, frankly,
here.This largely meant RAFAT Home'Days and its inaugural display under the auspices ofthe USAF displays had never seen before on
lmperial War Museum wasn't until 1973. The flying
either side of the Atlantic. Having a permanent,
USAF Armed Forces Day events, with similar affairs
being mounted by the Royal Navy and Army Air side of the early Duxford shows was co-ordinated knowledgeable co-ordinator to run things,
Corps. Often, each of these would feature fairly by staff from the Shuttleworth Collection whose rather than relying solely on base personnel who
similar participants, notably the RAFs Battle of expertise had been built up running the events at are soon posted away, was perhaps the most
Britain At Home'Days which still saw a touring Old Warden, already quite well established. Let s important element. lt allowed the Air Fete, as
'circus'of RAF and USAF items going round the not forget that warbird operators as we know the Mildenhall show became known in 1978,ro
different airfields staging these shows in different them today were very few and far between 40 develop into something very special. Throughout
parts ofthe country.The home-based units years ago. ln fact, I very much doubt that the term the 1980s, Air Fete's unique formations and
provided variety, and would help ensure that 'warbird'was widely recognised on this side of the large-scale operational scenarios mounted on
enthusiasts were prepared to visit several such Atlantic. it certainly wasn't in France, where the particular themes set new standards, and the
shows, while international participation came first La Fert6 Alais'Meetings A6rien'were taking combination of this with the best American
from other NATO nations. Much the same was place in the early 1970s. Gradually, though, that hospitality has never been improved upon.
the case in continental Europe, and particularly part of the scene grew, and with it the part these Neither, in all probability, will it be.
in Belgium and the Netherlands, where air force machines played in displays. Looking back, the Cold War years were heady
open days took on a similar form although Air displays were more popular than ever days for military-organised or military-orientated
rhey were fewer in number. in each case, with with the public, and for the first time it was airshows. Most of the time, air arms had the
military aviation always in a state of change and becoming almost possible to think in terms budgets to provide strong support to events, and
development, these shows reflected this process. of an airshow'industryl The flrst professional, air displays were certainly seen not least by
the USAF
as a means of illustrating the close
Of course, the three big European trade sponsored civilian aerobatic teams began to
appear, more historic aircraft were becoming
partnership between NATO members in a very
shows were all around 40 years ago, and by
iar the most famous individual air displays available, and great pilots like Bob Hoover, Neil public way. The public responded, too, often
in their respective countries. The SBAC show Williams and Ray Hanna were gaining widespread in huge numbers. For instance, the Abbotsford
at Farnborough in 1 968 was only the second recognition for their display flying prowess. Some Airshow the largest in Canada with strong
rime limited overseas participation had been of the finest shows were also born. international involvement (and known for some
cermitted, in the form of foreign aircraft with Numerous displays had been held at
3ritish engines. lt had been realised, not least different UK venues in aid of the Royal Air Forces
because of growing international co-operation Association for many years. When that at North
cn programmes like Concorde, that Farnborough Weald in Essex was transformed into something
:ould no longer be just a showcase for British called the AirTattoo in 1971, run by a team of
:viation. 1 968 was not a good year for the volunteer enthusiasts including two young air 'Whilst nostolgio is o
show however, with the first day s flying being traffic controllers, Paul Bowen and Tim Prince,
cancelled as part of the airfield was flooded, and those involved hoped to improve on what had wonderful thing, todoy's
ater the fatal 8169uet Atlantic accident. Then held gone before but their ambitions were still fairly
at Hanover, the ILA was by far the biggest airshow limited. They grew when what now became the
.n West Germany and reflected the growth of Embassy AirTattoo moved to the USAF stand-by
shows ore more thon
ihe country's relatively new post-war aerospace base at RAF Greenham Common for 1973 the
:ndustry. Paris outstripped both in terms of size
start of a golden era. lt was the most impressive copoble of motching the
:nd stature, and 1 969 s Salon A6ronautique at military air display the UK had ever seen on a
!e Bourget was surely one ofthe great events of regular basis. After a one-year break because of stondords sef by their
3ll time, featuring the d6buts of both Concorde the effects ofthe fuel crisis and various changes
prototypes and the Boeing747 amongst others. within the organising team, the first lnternational predecessors/
l.4emorable times indeed. AirTattoo, staged in 1976 underthe direction
But it wasn't all about the military and trade of Paul Bowen andTim Prince in aid of the RAF
:hows. Of course 1 963 had seen the first of Biggin Benevolent Fund, set the tone for what was to
lill! annual Air Fairs, and by 1968 this was an come. Greenham went on witnessing some of

This photographt The
brutish fartje* ofthe
Cold War era always
ti6it A*lewfrom Alr Fete'89. taken from one made for a great airshow
GF1A3 lrwolved in that year's Tactical Set- spectacle when displayed
B-18 {which made its UK flying d6but at well, like this Luftwafft
erown Copyright RF-4E. John Dunndll


memorable formations), and Mildenhall regularly death knell for some.Those that remained had Shows of all types in many countries have
used to quote crowd figures of over 300,000, and to become more sawy, recognising the need been affected by cost factors, even one as big as
the Flugtag at Ramstein AB, Germany even more. to maintain broad public appeal, and pitching RIAT. lts incredible'100 Years of Flight'celebration
Moving into the 1 990s, there occurred a for commercial sponsorship. lAT, subsequently in 2003 will surely never be beaten not least
because of the expense involved. Sponsorship or
gradual reduction in the number of military the Royal lnternational AirTattoo, had built up a
airshows as the end of the Cold War saw base worldwide reputation and its organising team was other strong financial backing for civilian events
closures and force reductions. lt had a positive much sought-after by air forces wanting to put on and acts is now more vital than ever. The vicious
effect too, though, as former Warsaw Pact nations their own big displays, but even it saw that it had circle whereby lower military involvement leads
started to participate on a regular basis, they to change. lts 'Theatre of the Air' concept was the many organisers to have to book civilian acts,
and Russian manufacturers bringing front-line result, used to best effect in commemorating the which then have to charge less than they need
aircraft to all sorts of events in Europe and North 50th anniversary ofVE and VJ Days in 1 995. to cover all therr costs because otherwise the
America. For me, the highlight was the sight of The last decade has seen further shows would not be able to afford them, shows
the Russian AF Tu-95MS'Bear-H'at IAT in 993,
retrenchment. The unbroken run of 23 Air no signs of being broken.
and almost everybody has fond memories of Fetes at RAF Mildenhall came to an end in The picture has not been entirely bleak,
Anatoly Kvotchur turning up at venue after venue 1999 as a result of NATo's Operation Allied though. On the historic front, Flying Legends
all over Europe every summer in the Llls red and Force'in Serbia and Kosovo. lt then returned has become one of the world's finest warbird
white Su-27. Those were good times, too, until for two years, but then came'9/1 1; the'war displays, attracting a worldwide audience to
the Russians'money ran out. on terrorism'and 2003's conflict in lraq. All of Duxford. Old Warden still provides its unique
The shows that remained in the 1990s these have had a huge effect on military events atmosphere, while the Biggin Hill Air Fair, the
seemed to become more prominent, but further in the USA as security concerns (some might CAF Airsho and La Fert6 Alais amongst others
problems were around the corner. Most civilian argue paranoia) have taken a grip. The relaxed are also going strong.They have all had their
shows in Europe had never made huge amounts atmosphere of the past has well and truly gone, difficulties, but deserve their longevity when so
of money, but the recession around the time as anyone who read this magazine's Airshow many have fallen by the wayside.
of the first Gulf War and rising costs, notably Legends'feature last year on the Armed Forces Perhaps most surprising to some in terms
associated with insurance, would sound the Day shows will have realised with regret. of survival is that there are still three biennial
This photograph: Today's great warbird
specta<ulars, like the incomparable Flying Legends,
are testament to the efforts of all engaged in the
histori< aircraft s(ene. Ben Dunnell

Below: You knew the Cold War was over when the
Soviets sent a dozen aircraft to the 1989 PariJ Air
5how, including Su-27s for the first time in the West.
Allan Burney

The RAF'S Open Days and larger Battle

of Britain ?t Home'Days used to
present some memorable displays,
often of their home-based aircraft
like these Vulcans'scrambling' at
Waddington. Allan Burney

aerospace industry trade shows in Europe.They, West German government put a blanket ban on ones have appeared on the calendar. ln terms
too, have had to change and cut costs to survive, air displays and German military aircraft were of the overall scene, I honestly believe that air
but none wants to move to a three-year cycle, prohibited from participating in foreign events. displays are far more varied in content now
nor combine into a single event. For reasons of ln the UK, the debate on whether airshows than they were in 1968, and exhibit much
politics and prestige, Paris, Farnborough and should be allowed to continue reached the very greater professionalism in their organisation.
Berlin all seem set to remain on the calendar highest levels of government. Of course old favourites are greatly missed, but
for a good while yet. Meanwhile, other areas of ln fact, the UK's response seemed to be we still experience the shock of the new (or,
industry growth have seen the dominance of very proportionate to the scale of this tragedy. maybe, the not so new) from time to time. l, for
that European'big three' challenged. Dubai's Aircraft were no Ionger allowed to overfly the example, will never forget the first time I saw
expansion has been quite staggering, and as crowd and distances between the display axis an in-service F-1 6 display, the spectacle of an
long as the Middle East continues to be such an and crowdline were increased. Manoeuvres SR-7'l accelerating in low and fast at Mildenhall,
important defence and airline market, the huge towards the crowd were also restricted. These and the truly amazing MiG-29M OVT.
show at the emirate's Airport World Expo will recommendations seemed a small price to I expect all of us who regularly attend
reflect this. The more specialised, targeted events, pay for the continuation of air displays in this airshows could go on at length in a similar
such as NBAA and EBACE in the business aircraft country, and similar measures were heeded vein, but whilst nostalgia is a wonderful
sector, have also assumed more importance. elsewhere if not everywhere. thing, today's shows are more than capable
It used to be that the traditional trade shows
Over the years, increased safety has had of matching the standards set by their
were renowned for their spectacular flying, but some impact on the character of shows, with predecessors. And, looking back through old
no more.40 years ago, in the UK, no spectators many low-level displays being a thing of the copies of this magazine makes you realise that
had been killed during a flying display since past. I for one miss some of the sights from years some of today's difficulties for and criticisms
Farnborough in 1952, but damage to, or the gone by, but on the whole these restrictions of the airshow scene aren't as new as we
destruction of, participating aircraft was not have proved perfectly acceptable. I am certain sometimes think. Farnborough was accused of
uncommon. sometimes accompanied by death that most regular airshow spectators have 'lacking in spectacle and novelty'in 1 968, and
or injury to the crew. The UK again led the way witnessed events which, even if no accident the'heavy hand of restrictions on the display
in certain respects, adopting a constructive resulted, they would not like to see repeated and sequences'was castigated in 1976 for going
attitude and imposing new regulations when which these regulations mostly help prevent. 'too far in reducing the opportunity given
lecessary such as the ban on carrying anyone That the Ukrainian AF Su-27 crash at Sknyliv in to the test pilots to show their skills and the
other than non-essential crew during display 2002, which killed 84 people, did not cause any qualities of the aircraftiThe RAF At Home'Days
iights. Many was the time, though, that aviation anti-airshow reaction in the media and more at Abingdon and St Athan in 1981 were called
magazines and some within the industry would widely was testimony to the way in which the 'pale replicas of the huge events which were
complain about potentially restrictive rules. safety standards upheld by Western airshows a feature of the 1950s and 1960si Ayear later,
\4inimum safety altitudes had been established, have improved to a point clearly far in advance of USAFE cancelled all its open days in Germany
and opinion seemed to be that more regulations those in Ukraine at the time.This is not to say that for cost and security reasons. A/'s preview of
',vere almost inevitable. Then, 1988 saw disaster things are perfect, as unnecessary incidents and the upcoming 1982 season stated: 'Costs of
at Ramstein in Germany when three MB339s of avoidable accidents continue to happen, but the running air shows and flying aeroplanes at
ihe ltalian AF FrecceTricolori team collided. One risks have been reduced as lessons are learned. them have risen enormously.'
of the three came down in the crowd, where 67 How on earth, then, to sum up thousands All sounds quite familiar, doesn't it? When
oeople died. This was the worst airshow accident of shows over the last 40 years? Some venues you think about it, there's never much new
,n history and the response was immediate.The have continued, many have gone and new under the sunl A

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t the outset, Aircroft lllustrated
was not, it is fair to say, all
that interested in out-and-out
topicality. For instance, the
second year of the magazine's
publication, 1969, witnessed
two of the most significant
events in aviation history. This is how they were
covered in the April 1969 issue:
ln fact, u
, 747 ,, jumbo-
resurar news j.,Tl"o$;?;3:tff"f"""",f first flight on
section wasn,t February 9 from Paine. Field, Washing-
introduced to A/
untit the fourth F-[lss{'"ri:"dr1, "*f;/s[t otSi'o:;?,:
rJJqs' ,arhan
vvrrLr.r on March 2 front Toulouse. Pilot was
Andr6 Turcat ancl the flight lasted 27
the magazlne minures.
quarterly) went monthly. lt and Peter R. March's
'Airview' section provided a comprehensive topical
element, at a time when it was far more difficult
to keep up to date than the internet, e-mail and
digital photography help us be today.
This, then, is how Aircraft lllustrated covered 40 of
the biggest aviation stories of the past 40 years. lt's by
no means complete for one thing, the magazine
didn't used to report disasters, like the 1977 Tenerife
collision that remains the worst loss of life in any
aviation accident. Rather, it provides a snapshot of
some of the major events of these last four decades,
and a look at the way we saw them at the time.
Sometimes, this differs greatly from what we know
now. Look at the claims made for the Boeing 747 on
the occasion of its maiden flight, for instance
the plans for F-22 production when it beat the
- or
F-23 in the Advanced Tactical Fighter
' --tD- I contestl Our look back at 40 moments
from 40 years also reflects the fact that
the major achievements and highlights
in aviation have always been tempered by
sadness and tragedy, also reflected here.
We hope you enjoy this trip down
Ai rcraft lll ustrated's memory la ne.
40 yeors of Aviotion

The first prototype TupolevTu-l44 (CCCP-68O0I ). FoxbatFiles.com

Russia's Tu-'144 supersonic transport has been rolled out of its final
assembly hall at the Shukovski lsicl plant near Moscow, and taken
to the nearby airfield for first flight preparations according to
Moscow radio reports. lt may well fly before the end of the year.
A/ October 1 968

Tupolev's latest aircraft and the world's first supersonic airliner, the
Tu-144, made its first flight, of 38 minutes'duration, on
31 December. The Tu-144 was flown by test piiot Eduard Elyan
from an airfield near Moscow, and was accompanied by two
chase-'planes, one unidentified and the other a modified MiG-21
fighter fitted with a scaled-down Tu-i 44 wing. Second flight of the
supersonic airliner prototype CCCP-6800'l was made on 8 January
and lasted for 50 minutes.
AI March 1969

\\\. \

aoEHe 747^

Will the Boeing 747 really seat 490 passengers? these need to be used to board a full load in record time. PIans call for
While it is capable of carrying 490 passengers, Pan Am plans to splitting some terminal waiting rooms into two or three lounges, each
use the great size of the aircraft to offer the traveller more comfort serving a different door of the aircraft.
and space. As an example, the Pan Am 747 will normally carry 362
passengers: 58 in first class and 304 in economy. What about claiming baggage on arrival?
Baggage retrieval should be as fast or faster than at present. One
Won't this be more like a cattle boat than a luxury liner in the sky? plan now under study calls for passenger loads to be divided into five
BoeingT4Ts will enable the airlines to get away from what critics call groups for more personal handling. Each group would have different
'steerage'seating. The cabin, nearly 20ft wide and 186ft long, with colour baggage tag and boarding pass. The baggage would be placed
thick wall-to-wall carpeting, will give the traveller the feeling of being in huge colour-coded containers and delivered by colour to separate
in an airborne salon. First class passengers will find swivel chairs, counters on arrival.
tables, and a plush lounge on the upper level.
Will the 747 add to air traffic congestionT
Won't it take forever to board the 747? On the contrary.fwoT4Ts will do the work of five of the largest 707 jels.
Definitely not. Boarding may be completed in less time than it takes
now. The 747 has 10 doors, but, normally, no more than three of AI July 1969
40 yeors of Auiotion
This page: Con(orde 001 on its initial flight
H from Toulouse. A6rospatiale

maximum speed of Mach 1.05 with two engines at full power (with
The first flight was made by Andrd Turcat, Sud Aviation chief test pilot, afterburning) and the other two at reduced power.
Now the scene was truly set for success after success
in 001 (F-WTSS) on 2 March 1969, soon followed by Brian Trubshaw
BAC chief test pilot, in 002 (G-BSST) on 9 April.
- the
penetration into the supersonic arena had been, as predicted by
With the two prototypes now available, the flight test design, smooth and sure, and by the end ofthe month the speed had
programme began and it rapidly became apparent that all the been increased to Mach 1.25 at 45,000ft.
pessimistic predictions could be swept aside
- within three
months, the equivalent of 10 North Atlantic trips had been
The programme was now so obviously successful that the
decision was made to hand the aircraft over to customer airline pilots,
flown and the flight envelope explored... By early August, both and in November captains and flight engineers from Pan American,
aircraft had completed Phase I of the programme, and the speed BOAC, TWA and Air France flew 001 from take-off to touchdown, all
range explored stood at l38kt to Mach 0.95, the highest altitude accelerating to supersonic speeds during the flight... The report from
reached being 40,000ft. the airline crews was highly enthusiastic: '...the aircraft was pleasant
At this time, both prototypes were grounded for scheduled and easy to fly, imposed no excessive workload on the pilot even in
modifications making ready for Phase 2, the supersonic failure conditions, and there should be no problem in training airline
investigations. On 21 September 1969, F-WTSS began flying again pilots and engineers to handle the aircraft...'
and investigated speeds up to Mach 0.95
- and then, on
1 Octobet the first supersonic flight was made. Turcat flew 001 to a A/ September 1 972

40 yeors of Aviotion

The Royal Air Force received its first operational

Hawker Siddeley Harrier GR1 V/STOL strike fighter
on 22 April, when two aircraft were delivered to
No 1 Squadron at Wittering, Northants.
Al June 1969

On 21 January. Pan American World Airways inaugurated its first Boeing 747 service
a daily round trip between New York and London and by the end of two
- -
weeks'flying it had carried 6,318 revenue passengers on 30 jumbo jetflights across
theNorthAtlantic.ThisfiguregavePanAm atotal average loadfactorof 58.'l per
cent, which is considerably higher than the747's break-even factor.
Pan Am now has one daily evening 747 departure out of New York
for London, and this single747 is doing more work and carrying more
passengers than the two daily evening 707 departures for London did before
lhe 747 came along. Pan Am has also begun 747 services between New York
and San Juan, and New York and Paris, and by midsummer its'747 System of
the Seventies'will reach around the world.
fhe 747 ,lhe largest commercial air transport ever built, required Pan Am to
devise a totally new approach to the interior design of an airliner, and the finished
product represents a new peak in gracious living a $23-million flying penthouse
with four salons in different colour schemes, six galleys with one for buffets, a dozen
rest rooms and a circular stairway rising to a cocktail lounge in the sky.
AI May 1970

The Lockheed TriStar airbus, powered by three Rolls-Royce R821 1

engines, made its first flight on 16 November. The first aircraft is
a production model, and 12 TriStars including two structural test
aircraft are now either completed or in various states of construction.
By next NovemberTriStars should be leaving the production line at
the rate of one a week.
AI January 1971

Most of the 240 passengers on board the big tri-jet slept as the most
powerful model in the DC-10 series slid across the clear Atlantic sky.
The film had long finished, everyone had eaten well, and the steady
swish of jet-cum-aerodynamic noise provided a faint but appropriate
background sound for the first night flight. This was another of
those occasions when I was unable to join the ranks of slumbering
travellers, for as far as I was concerned there was far too much to National Alrlines was among the flrit op€rators of the DC-t O. 8AA
enjoy, and, slight disorientation over time aside, this was no occasion
on which to be buried in sleep.
The flight was a scheduled service from Miami to London by the
American carrier National Airlines, and which had carried us out of
Miami the previous evening on one of the airline's brand new DC-10-30 F'
jets. On this occasion, the seat was first class, the cabin crew performed
likewise, and as we flew at 36,000f1 into a magnificent dawn I felt that
this was one of the finest flights I had ever made
air transport reporting I had made a few.
- and in 20 years of
RoyAllen,AlJune 1974
yeors of Aviotion

Boeing was given the go-ahead to develop America's first supersonic transport on
23 September by President Nixon, who said that he had decided to ask Congress to
appropriate a development sum of 5726 million over the next five years. This is considered
sufficient to enable Boeing to have two prototype SSTs flying by the end of 1972.The
present estimated cost of putting two prototypes in the air is 5'1,200 million, of which the US
.1 Government will have provided 5994 million.

The U5 Senate has cut offfederal funds for the Boeing 5ST. Despite talks of possible private
financial backing, Boeing has said there is no feasible way in which it could continue with
prototype development and 7,000 Boeing workers are being laid off.
Al )une 1971

The British Airways board announced in .lanuary that the name British
Airways will replace the names British Overseas Airways Corporation
(BOAC) and British European Airways (BEA) with immediate effect. The two
airlines will continue to operate separately but expenditures are expected
to be cut by promoting them jointly, and to this end their aircraft will
gradually be repainted in a new British Airways colour scheme.
AI February 1973

The first aircraft in the new British Airways livery could be flying
this autumn. This was stated by British Airways Chairman Mr David
Nicolson on 7 March at the British Airways board meeting with senior
management and staff representatives.
Referring to the good names of BEA and BOAC, Mr Nicolson said:
'We are well aware of the investment and goodwill in these names and
we are not going to rush away from their use. We hope to phase them
out by April 1974 bul only if the name British Airways is by that time
standing on its own and is acceptedJ
AI May 1973

The culmination of a five-year development programme was marked on Thursday 23 May when
an Airbus lndustrie A300 took offfrom Paris Orly carrying fare-paying passengers for the first
time. The Air France flight AF810 from Paris to London was the first of daily services offering
wide-bodied comfort to passengers on this, the highest-density international route in the world.
AI July 1974

t t
F-gv6A. . .tl .it I t t I r '
40 yeors of Aviofion

This is Panavia MRCA prototype 02 flying out ofWarton. BAC

The first prototype of the Anglo/German/ltalian Panavia MRCA (Multi-Role

Combat Aircraft) made its first flight on 14 August at Manching in southern
Germany, piloted by the project test pilots, Paul Millett with Nils Meister in
the second seat. BAC test pilot Paul Millett, who captained the aircraft during
its 30-minute flight, said afterwards:'the aircraft handled superbly well
there were no problemsl
- This is the first of nine prototypes and six pre-series aircraft to fly at BAC's
airfield at Warton before the end of the year, the fourth during 1975 at Manching
and the fifth at Aeritalias flight test centre at Caselle. Some 800 aircraft are to be
built for the RAF, the German and ltalian Air Forces and the German Navy. The
MRCA is scheduled to enter service by the end ofthe 1 970s.
Al October 1 974

The U5 government has decided to

equip the USAF with the General
Dynamics F-16 in preference to the
Northrop F-17 after an intensive
1 0-month flight evaluation

programme at Edwards AFB,

California, during which prototypes
of the two new fighters were pitted
against current first-line aircraft in
the US fighter inventory.
The first of 15 new F-16s will
be built at the General Dynamics
plant at Fort Worth, Texas, starting
this summer, and flight-testing is
expected to begin 'l 6-18 months
later. The developmental aircraft
will comprise 11 single seat and
four two-seat F-1 6s, and they are
expected to be the forerunners
of 650, or more, production aircraft to be ordered by
the USAF. Potential orders from four NATO countries
Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark and Norway
-considering - now
replacements for their ageing F-104s, and from
other foreign countries, could increase total production.
AI March 1975

A Farnborough exhibition without news is almost

unbelievable, yet the 30th Air Display presented by the
SBAC really made us aviation journalists work hard for
our corn... The biggest news, in fact, was the dearth of
stories and the show was dubbed the'Farnbore Show'by
one avuncular writer. Sadly, the main aviation stories of
the week originated far from Laffan's Plain and the black
sheds.'Pity it didn't come here'was the amused response
to the news of the jolly jape by Soviet Air Force Lt Viktor
Belenko who, in his'Foxbat'had whistled undetected
through Japan's defensive radar screen to land at a
Hokkaido airfield.
Paul Humphreys, AI Novemb er 197 6

Fixed-wing aircraft carrier operations, long restricted to

such major powers as Britain and the United States, now
have another active proponent
- the Soviet Union.
The first operational Soviet Navy aircraft carrier, Kiev,
entered the Mediterranean on 19 July. An additional
carrier of the same class, Minsk,is now reported to be
undergoing sea trials in the Black Sea, while a third as
yet un-named carrier is now under construction. NATO intelligence
officers estimate that a total of four aircraft carriers will be in the Soviet
fleet by the middle 1980s.
As soon as the Klevwas spotted transiting the Bosporus the NATO
intelligence network swung into high gear to learn as much as it
could about the new Soviet carrier. RAF Hawker Siddeley Nimrods of
No 203 Squadron and a Canberra from No 13 Squadronjoined aerial
reconnaissance elements of the US Sixth Fleet...
The biggest surprise offered by the appearance ofthe Klev in the
Mediterranean was the new Soviet vectored lift/thrust V/STOL fixed-wing
tactical aircraft deployed with the expected complement of Kamov Ka-25
'Hormone'helicopters. Aware that the Soviets were developing several V/STOL
fighter prototypes, Western observers thought it likely that a development of
Yakovlev s VTOL prototype flown at Moscow's Domodevodo [sic] airfield in
would eventually lead to an advanced aircraft that could be deployed from
Russian ships. ln the intervening years that prototype has been considered the
Yak-36'Freehandl although intelligence experts now consider the designation
to be more appropriately applied to the obviously operationaljet-powered V/
The West's first look at operational Soviet Navy Yak-38s aboard the
STOL aircraft currently deployed aboard the Kiev and NATO codenamed'Forgerl it
aircraft carrier Kiev (this shot taken from the frigate HMS Torquayl as
passed through the Mediterranean in 1976, Crown Copyright
Peter Kilduff, Al November 1976
_4O)eors oJ

In:ffi*f -

Freddie Laker celebrating the inaugural Skytrain service with a group of

passengers in front of DC-I0 G-AZZC Eostern Berle, PA Photos

service in 1974 and the new Bermuda Air Services Agreement provides
for only two British airlines to be designated between London and New
Concerned that Laker Airways as well as established scheduled York. British Airways and Laker Airways have been duly designated.
operators should be given a fair and equal opportunity to compete, the The new era in low-cost North Atlantic air travel subsequently got
UK Civil Aviation Authority finally decided in mid-September to allow under way on 26 September with the inaugural Laker Airways DC-10
Laker Airways'Skytrain services to operate from Gatwick and without Skytrain departure from Gatwick to New York. During the first week of
restrictions on the number of seats on any one flight. The authority's the service, the flights were reported to have generated traffic either
original decision, taken in 1972,waslo require Skytrain to operate from side of the break-even figure of the 1 89 passengers per departure and
Stansted and to be subject in winter to a limit of 189 passengers on each the airline remained optimistic about Skytrain's prospects.
flight. This was to provide a measure of protection to British Caledonian's
services on the North Atlantic. BCAL suspended its Gatwick-NewYork A/November 1977

The high point of one

of the most successful
aircraft production
pro9rammes ever was
marked by special
ceremonies at 5t Louis,
Missouri, on 24 May when
the McDonnell Douglas
Corporation rolled out the
5,000th F-4 Phantom. The
occasion was also doubly
auspicious as it also
commemorated the 20th
anniversary of the first
flight of what has become
a legendary fighter.
The 5,000th production
aircraft, an F-4E, was
unveiled to reveal a
special two-tone blue and
white paint scheme with
an appropriate legend on
its nose and the national
flags of the 1 1 countries
which have operated the
A/August 1978

The 5,000th F-4 Phantom ll,

an F-4E serialled 77-o29o,was
eventually delivered to the
Turkish AF. Boeing
40 yeors of Aviotion

Keith Blincow/AirTeamlmages,com

Had it not been for the concerted

efforts of a group of determined
aviation enthusiasts and the
willing co-operation of Dan-Air,
the last commercial flight of the de
Havilland Comet (the world's first
jet airliner) might have taken place
in obscurity, going unnoticed bY
the public save for the interest of a
few cognoscenti and, of course, the
airline involved.
ln the event, however, this nostalgic
occasion was celebrated on SundaY
9 November 1980 bY what Proved to
be a memorable t hr 'l0min flight (a
round-trip from London-Gatwick) in
Comet 4C G-BDlW.
At 14.09hrs Capt John KellY
opened the throttles, released the
brakes and'lndia WhiskeY' leaPt
forward. DAB874 climbed steePlY
away with fuel momentarily streaming from the wingtip vents, another flypast... At 15.20hrs, Comet 4C G-BDIW completed its
Levelling out at some 2,000ft, G-BDIW turned on to a north- 10,933rd Ianding.Thus ended the commercial life of the Comet
for arguably the most revolutionary
westerly heading
- destination Heathrowl airliner
- a fitting finale
aircraft in the annals of civil aviation history.
G-BDIW then headed north-west to complete another
dramatic overshoot (from 300ft) at Brize Norton before
continuing south-west to its old home at RAF Lyneham for yet Allan Burney, Al FebruarY 1981

is only five aircraft apiece.The Sea King HC4s of 846

Squad ron were much in evidence despite their new Following the Falklands conflict, various Argentine
toned-down markings. The Iarge number of Wessex AF air<raft like this damaged lA-s8 PucSra were
scattered alound the islands' lan Allan Librarv
HU5s embarked in lntrepid ani Fearless came from the
Navy's last operational Wessex commando unit,845
5quadron. For anti-submarine duties, Sea King HAS5s of Culdrose-based 820 Squadron were taken on
the carriers with Lynx HAS2s of 815 Squadron on the frigates'
Peter R. March, Al JulY 1982

It is a sobering thought that had the Argentine Junta delayed its aggressive action until the end of the
year, the entire operation would have been almost impossible from Britain's point of view By then the
planned phase-out from front-line service of the three remaining Vulcan squadrons would have been
effected and only No 9 Squadron would have been equipped with Tornados and not really worked
up to full operational state. HMS Hermes could have been heading for the breaker's yard, and almost
certainly, preparations for the handover of HMS tnvincibte, sold to the Royal Australian Navy, would
have been well advanced. Moreover, the Argentinian Super Etendard pilots, who have already shown
Above: A Royal Navy sea Harrier FR51 overflies Port
Stanley after the successful, if bloody, British recapture their effectiveness with the destruction of HMS Sheffield,would have been that much better drilled.
of the Falklands. PA Photos On the credit side, the Royal Navy would have worked up its Sea Harriers to an even finer
pitch ofoperational preparedness than theyare now and the Argentinian Canberras and
Jft: Argentine Navy Super Etendard 3-A-204 en route
io attack the Afrdntic Conveyor <ontainer ship on 25 May Skyhawks would have been that much older... But possibly only one British aircraft carrier
'19E2. Fuerza A6rea Argentina via Santiago Rivas would have then been available to join the Task Force.
Paul Humphreys, AI August 1982
40 yeors of Aviotion

The commercial aviation industry is still reeling from the shock of two Boeing747 accidents within
the same number of months. At the time of writing, the question looming over the Air lndia crash
remained largely unanswered, while in contrast the cause of the Japan Air Lines disaster was pointing
increasingly towards a failure in the aircraft's tail section. lnevitably, the tragic events have focused
world attention on the subject of air safety, especially as the Boeing747 is considered to be the most
secure mode of transport in existence remember, over five million passengers fly in Jumbos'every
month! lf it is at all possible to view an air crash in a positive light, then it is for the reminder it serves
to individuals and companies as to the importance of maintaining and, indeed, furthering the high
standards of safety that are prevalent (though by no means total) throughout the airline industry.
Allan Burney, Al October 1985

No sooner had last month's column been written and gone to press, than the civil aviation
industry was struck yet another devastating blow. During take-offfrom Manchester airport, a
British Airtours Boeing 737 suffered a catastrophic engine fajlure. Although take-offwas safely
aborted and the aircraft brought to a halt, a severed fuel line sprayed the rear of the aircraft, Part of the wreckage of Japan Air Lines Boeing
engulfing it in flames.Tragically 55 people lost their lives in the resulting inferno. 7475R-46 lfua119, with a res(ue helicopter in
attendance. JAL Flight 1 23 crashed into Mount
With public attention focused on air safety, the press is now reporting'minor'airliner Takamagahara on I 2 August I 985 after losing
incidents (eg precautionary engine shutdowns) that six months ago would not have made most of its vertical stabiliser. PA Photos
news. Events such as these are not uncommon and do not merit headline status. On the other
hand, the newspapers have picked up on a number of items with more serious undertones. ..
lf by their coverage on these issues the newspapers can evoke a positive response from those
concerned, then their sensationalist reporting on other aviation topics will be forgiven.
Allan Burney, Al November 1985

Nowadays it is rare for an aviation endeavour to hit the world's Voyager's crew and those ofthe previous generation ofaviation

- and unheard of that it remains there for the next

headlines pioneers. The endeavours of the early aviators were an essential
nine days! But that distinction can be proudly claimed by Dick part of the development of air travel and provided a pointer to the
Rutan and Jeana Yeager when, at 08.05hrs local time on 23 future domination of the world by air, as we know it today. No matter
December, their Voyager aircraft landed at Edwards AFB, California how remarkable Voyager's flight was, it will not change the face of
after the first unrefuelled round-the-world flight. By now we commercial aviation (or indeed the publict perception of it) in such
have all learnt of the risks and discomfort (both financially and a manner. ln no way does this devalue the importance of Rutan and
otherwise) experienced by the pilots before and during the flight, Yeager's achievement as they claim to have rekindled the pioneering
and there is no question that the adulation being poured onto spirit of aviation that has been dormant for some time. We heartily
them is justified. Historically the flight sets Rutan and Yeager congratulate the Voyager's crew and support team for uniting the world
alongside the likes of Charles Lindbergh and Amy Johnson (to if only for nine days.
name just two).
But there is a subtle difference between the achievements of Allan Burney, Al February 1 987
40 yeors of Aviotion

This poor-quality, retouched shot provided

the first official (onfirmation of the shape
of the Lockheed F-1 1 74. USAF

Stealth is the catchword of the moment. From being a subject

shrouded in conjecture, within the space of two weeks the US Air
Force unveiled its stealth technology to the world in the form of
the Lockheed F-1 '1 7A fighter and the Northrop B-2 bomber. The
stealth saga took a dramatic twist when the USAF acknowledged
for the first time the existence of its F-'l 17A (previously dubbed
the F-'1 9 by the aviation world) by releasing a heavily-retouched
low-quality photograph of the design. Since the beginning of this
decade rumours about the stealth fighter have been rife and its
presence has never really been in doubt. However, what has been
in doubt is its configuration and the pyramidal shape the F-117A
has taken most experts by surprise... lnstead of the smoothly-
contoured, well-proportioned, futuristic design depicted by most
artists'impressions, the photograph released by the USAF reveals
a small, single-seat, twin-engined aircraft that is of angular line.
lf the photograph is to be totally believed.... then the
configuration reveals thatthe F-1 17A is not a dogfighter but a
weapons platform for short-range stand-off attack missions. The
service states that it has ordered 59 ofthe type ofwhich 52 have
been delivered, three having crashed. Funding for more F-l 1 7As
has been terminated to release funds for more advanced projects
including the Northrop B-2 stealth bomber that was publicly rolled
out on 22 November.
Allan Burney, Al January 1 989

At the turn of the year, when most people's thoughts

were on peace and goodwill to all men, a terrorist's
bomb and a small Scottish town seized the hearts
and headlines around the world. Death and disaster
always seems more terrible at Christmas time, but
nothing could add to the horror ofthe Pan Am
Boeing 747 which, blasted out of the sky at some
seven miles high, crashed onto Lockerbie.
As with all accidents, in the aftermath of
this latest slaughter of the innocents, the words
'lf only...'were on everybody's lips. lf only the
warning of a bomb on a Pan Am flight originating
in Germany had been more widely known and Ac€ident investigators examining the remains of the <ockpit of Pan Am Boeing747-121 N739PA, blown
up over Lockerbie by a terrorist bomb, killing 270 people including 1 1 on the ground, PA Photos
acted upon. lf only the aircraft had not been
delayed in its departure from London Heathrow. lf
only the explosion had happened a few seconds Had the aircraft left London on time, if the explosive was triggered
later. Had the warning been acted upon more diligently then by a time-switch, the Boeing 747 would have been over the Atlantic;
perhaps, a more rigorous examination of the aircraft, its cargo, the then at least, the little town of Lockerbie would have been spared the
passengers and their baggage may have prevented the explosive death and destruction which rained from the early evening sky.
device being placed or taken aboard when the flight departed
Frankfurt to London. Paul Humphreys, Al March 1989

40 yeors of Aviotion

Chalking up a new trans-continental speed record, a Lockheed

SR-71 A has streaked across the U5 in 68 minutes coast-to-coast.
Flying the US Air Force SR-71 from Palmdale to Washington,
DC, were Lt Col Ed Yeilding, the pilot, and Lt Col joe Vida, the
recon naissance systems officer.
The record flight was also the final one by this supersonic aircraft,
64-17972, now immortalised in aviation history.The Smithsonian
lnstitution's National Air and Space Museum received the retired
Once all the USAF'S 5R-71 s had been flown back to Palmdale, Lockheed
SR-71 and its logbook in a ceremony at Washington's Dulles arranged them for this memorable shot. Lockheed
lnternational Airport shortly after the Blackbird landed. lts final home
will be a proposed museum extension, slated to be located at Dulles.
The 5R-71 took off from Palmdale site 2 at 04.30hrs. Refuelled The record-setting aircraft then flew to Dulles lnternational
in the air, the SR-71 then started its record run from over the Pacific Airport and performed two flybys, the second of which saw
coast near Oxnard. A sonic boom from the aircraft was felt in southern the pilot punch in the afterburners to ignite the cheers ofan
California at 06.00hrs.The aircraft reached the Atlantic coast near emotional crowd of some
Salisbury, Maryland, 2,404.05 miles away 6B minutes and 17 seconds
later for an average speed of 2,1 12.52mph. Al May 1 990

Tu,o USAF F-l6Ai, hiiof=+5Es:nd a[F-l5C

It was 03.15hrs local time 35 minutes into Operation'Desert Storm' Even as Tait was securing his place in military history, other pilots
and still before dawn
-as 28-year-old Capt Steve Tait manoeuvred his were noting disturbing signs on their radars. Said one:'We had no
F-1 5C Eagle over the outskirts of Baghdad, locking the APG-70 radar on adversaries.Those who did (take off) got nothing and headed north. I

to the lraqi fighter ahead. A single AIM-7 Sparrow missile was ejected think that was a preservation move. Had they remained on the ground
from the shoulder stowage position and streaked towards the Mirage they would have been bombed and had they come southbound
Fl EQ, striking it with an explosion which momentarily appeared to towards us they would have been shot downl A few days previously,
illuminate the whole sky. Spiralling down, it struck the ground and according to lraqi AF commander Lt-Gen Muzahim Saab Hassan, the
violently exploded, Ieaving no doubt that the first entry had been lrAF pilots had vowed to sacrifice their lives in suicide attacks against
made on the air-to-air combat scoreboard. Tait and America! Coalition designated objectives in the coming Mother of Battles. lt soon became
partners expected many more such victories to follow, confident that evident that they had done no such thing.
the generally superior Western interceptors would have a 'turkey shoot'
at the expense of their mostly Soviet-equipped adversaries. Paul Jackson, A, May 1 991
40 yeors of Aviotion

The Boeing 737 has reached another milestone in its reign

as the world's top selling jetliner. Delivery of the Boeing
transport reached 2,000 as Lufthansa received a new
737-500 model at Boeing Field on 25 February.
The delivery also marked the 1 00th 737 for Lufthansa
and brought the airline full circle in its association with
the Boeing twin-jet programme. Lufthansa launched the
programme into production in 1963 by placing the first
order for the original 96-seat 737-1 00, then received the first
delivery in late '1967 and was first in service early in 1968.
By 1987, boosted by new generation models, the737
series had surpassed the orders recorded by the previous
best seller, the Boeing 727 tri-jet. The 727 had accumulated
orders and deliveries of 1,831 when its production ended
in '1984.
Total announced orders for737s stand at 2,887,and
production of the aircraft at Boeing's Renton, Washington,
plant is proceeding at a record pace of 17 per month.
AI May 1991


ln less than 24 hours the F-l'1 7A had evolved from the deepest, lnset: RAF Tornado GRI s and F3s in formation during the build'up to OPeration
'Desert Storm'. Crown Copyright
darkest depths of the world of 'Black'programmes to the stage where
airborne videotapes from its top secret infra-red targeting sensors had Above: The lirst major combat use of the USAF'S F-l 1 7As in 'Desert Storm'
been broadcast on TV news bulletins around the worldl proved a huge success. Here, one refuels by night from a KC-l 35Q.
'l via Peter R. March
JCS Chairman Gen Colin L. Powell credited the F-1 7As with
the capability of being able to strike 80 per cent ofthe key lraqi
targets that had to be'taken out'within the first 48 hours of the
operation. This they accomplished ably, and relentlessly, under the control and communications facilities sited at Kirkuk, Nasiriya,
guiding hand of the 37th TFW commander Col Alton C. Whitley. Rutba and downtown Baghdad 80 targets on day one alone,
The initial waves entered the fray at midnight, Zulu (approximately most of which were successfully destroyed in the first 30 sorties.
02.39hrs, local time) on 17 January. Among their chief targets
numbered the crucial air defence radar and military command, Anthony M. Thornborough, Al May 1 991

40 yeors of Aviotion

This spring, the USAF is expected to select a winner in the Advanced

Tactical Fighter (ATF) competition and award a contract that could
turn out to be'the aviation sale of the centuryi
With the world now in the flnal decade of the 20th century, it is
a fair bet that, if the USAF does decide to go through with the ATF
programme, whichever contractor team is selected to produce the Two YF-22 prototypes flew during the Advanced Tactical Fighter competition.
aircraft will sign on for the definitive'sale of the centuryi lnitial USAF This one, registered N22YX, was powered by the Pratt & Whitney YFI 1 9 engine
which was also selected as the winning engine, Lockheed
planning calls for the production of 750 ATFs; in addition, there is an
understanding with the US Navy that the aircraft selected for the ATF will
also serve as the basis for the Navy Advanced Tactical Fighter (NATF), a Fighter came as both a financial blessing to the partners, and
programme that could involve up to another 500 aircraft. Based on past as a vindication of their aero-engineering and managerial skills.
experience, it is very likely that the winner of such a contract would also Low risk and cost were cited as the key issues which swayed the
end up producing versions of the ATF for foreign sales as well. decision in favour of the'Team One'submission.
Low-rate initial production is anticipated to kick off in Fiscal
Frank B. Mormillo, Al May 1991 Year 1 998, peaking at 48 aircraft annually between FY2003 and
FY201 5, when the USAF should have taken delivery of a grand
'Team One' ATF winners, Lockheed-Boeing-General Dynamics, total of 648 aircraft worth 598 billion!
had cause to pop some champagne corks on 23 April. The USAF's
decision to proceed with the F-22 model of the Advanced Tactical Anthony M. Thornborough, Al September 1 991

Struggling Pan American World Airways (Pan Am) finally succumbed to the inevitable
when it ceased operations in early December 1991. This followed just a week after another
troubled US carrier, Midway Airlines, filed for liquidation following the collapse of a
planned sale to Northwest.
The demise of Pan Am had been bn the cards'for some time, but it still shocked many in
the industry and sent shockwaves through the leasing and used aircraft market, a market that
is already overcrowded with 'stra nded' airliners. The last l l years have been tra u matic ones for
Pan Am. lt first started posting massive losses following its takeover of National and these losses
culminated in the airline filing for Chapter 1 1 bankruptcy in January 1991. lt sold most of its
trans-Atlantic routes to United in February and, by August. it was forced to sell shuttle, aircraft,
routes and terminals to Delta, leaving it just with its valuable Latin American services
- these
have now gone up for auction. The carrier's 126-strong fleet of aircraft is owned by a variety of
different organisations, so their eventual fate will be a protracted affair.
AI February 1992

Another significant chapter in the withdrawal of Russian forces from

the former East Germany was concluded in April when the last three
jet air bases bade farewell to their equipment.
Withdrawal was accomplished over a period of about a week in early
April and began at Gross Dolln on the 5th when the 20th Fighter-Bomber
Regiment headed east with a total of 27 Sukhoi Su-]7M-4'Fitter-Ks'and
six Su-'l 7UM 'Fitter-GsiThe focus of attention then shifted a few miles
to the west of Gross Dolln, when the second stage of the withdrawal
operation took place two days latet on 7 April.This involved the 33rd
Fighter Regiment at Wittstock but the immediate destination wasn't
actually an airfield in Russia. lnstead, the unit's remaining aircraft flew
first to Damgarten near Rostock, where they experienced a short lay-over of the 773rd, these presumably being flown by the respective unit
period prior to flying home in company with the Damgarten machines. commanders. Damgarten's own'Fulcrums' followed in quick succession.
A lull of a few days followed the transfer to Damgarten, but the It fell to the 33rd Fighter Regiment to bring up the rear...
withdrawal was not long delayed and on 1 1 April no fewer than 44 of Unfortunately, two of the Wittstock machines ('White 08'and 'White 09')
the 46 MiG-29'Fulcrums'that were present at Damgarten were flown were forced to return to the flightline when one of them experienced
out... Departure from Damgarten started at 08.00hrs exactly, with a technical problem and they may well have had to wait several days
773rd Fighter Regiment M|G-29UB'66'being the first aircraft to get before another opportunity to leave presented itself. What is clear is that
airborne. Half an hour later, the remainder began heading out and, these will have been the last Russian fighters to leave Germany.
as usual on occasions like this, most went in pairs.The first element
comprised MiG-29UBs'White 55'of the 33rd regiment and'White B0' Lindsay Peacock, Al August 1994
40 yeors of Aviotion

It was only a matter of time before someone saw the light in Europe and
followed the lead taken byValuJet in the States back in I992.The concept
of a 'no-frillsi get what you pay for'carrier lasting past its first month was
laughed at by the US majors and undoubtedly Delta, which had even
provided Valu.let's first DC-9-32s from its own fleet. Nearly four years on.
Delta has seen its small counterpart grow in unprecedented fashion'
With staggering low fares starting from a train-beating f29 one way,
the pitch has not been at those who would normally fly business class
on a day trip from Heathrow but more at the person who has'always
wanted to pop up to Scotland'but couldn't face the eight-hour coach
journey, or for that matter the high rail fare.
easyJet's philosophy is simple firstly, cut out the travel agent,
effectively a middle-man, and pass the savings onto the passengers. Next,
cut all the non-essential overheads and'frills'that at first glance enhance
the service, but really only serve to inflate the price.Thirdly, make a no
restriction-based fare structure so simple that even a five-year-old could
understand it. And lastly, provide the best value for money in the air today'
easy.Jet launches its thrice-daily
Edinburgh service on 24 November with its
'Working together'is a phrase synonymous with United's
second 737-200 and plans to expand into
relationship with Boeing on the development of the 777 . No
Europe after gaining its own air operator's
other commercial aircraft has been designed from the outset
certificate early in 1 996. lfValuJet's success
with such complete consultation between the manufacturer
is anything to go by, the future for easyjet
and its customers. As a consequence, United decided to
looks bright, and it has certainly received
decorate the actual aircraft that flew the inaugural passenger
the public's backing so far with 1 1,000
flight on 7 June (Boeing 777-200 N777UA, United's first and
seats sold in the three
delivered on 17 May to the airline's Chicago base) with the
weeks since the launch.
logo'Working Together:
Any criticisms? Well,
'We're truly pleased with the customer-friendliness and
Hajiloannou doesn't slip
efficiency of this airplanei John A. Edwardson, president
offthe tongue quite like
and chief operating officer of UAL Corporation and United
Branson, but one has the
Airlines, told a press conference at Heathrow on the day
before the inaugural flight to Washington DC.'lt is the
feeling itwill...
replacement for the DC-10 with Unitedi Niall Booth,
Mark Ashley, Al August 1 995 AlJanuary 1996

Following the landmark announcement on 15 December 1996 that Boeing and

McDonnell Douglas intend to merge, transition teams are now at work planning the
integration of operations.
The historic merger, while far from unexpected. unquestionably represents the
most dramatic step so far in the consolidation of international aerospace industries
and has far-reaching consequences in the future of both the commercial and military
aviation markets. lf the new aerospace group wins the sanction of the U5 authorities it
will operate in 27 states, with a workforce of 200,000, and can expect estimated annual
revenues in excess of 548 billion.
Its nearest civil competitor Airbus stands to be dwarfed by its combined
strengths, Boeing and McDonnell Douglas (MDC) jointly representing around 70 per
cent of current airliner deliveries. Meanwhile, combined in the defence field' the
Above left: Many would contend that the Cold manufacturers bring together a formidable array of products, totalling half of the
War was already over by the time the last Soviet United States' current military aircraft production.
AF combat aircraft, such as these 5u- l 7M-4s
departing from Templin, left eastern Germany'
For both Boeing and McDonnell Douglas, a fusion of interests would immediately
Alexander Golz offer both companies radically improved economies of scale, greater market

Above: M|G-29UB Bort 64 of 33 IAP taking off from

penetration and an expanded pool oftechnological knowledge
- yet the benefits
Wittstock in 1 994. Alexander Golz of the merger are clearly tipped in Boeing's favour. Condit has clearly stated Boeing's
reasoning behind the merger; his company needs more employees and capability and
MDC can provide both. His counterpart, Stonecipher, hardly needs to explain why at
this juncture MDC should chose to surrender its company name and status.
Al February 1 997
40 yeors of Aviotion

The catastrophic loss of an Air France Concorde on the afternoon ofTuesday 25 July drew the
kind of attraction worldwide that is only reserved forthe worst of disasters. US President Bill
Clinton broke off a news conference, called to announce the failure of the Middle East peace
talks, to send a message of condolence to the relatives of those killed in the Concorde crash.
All the majorTV news channels in Europe and the USA re-structured their news schedules to
continue to broadcast reports coming from the crash site ofGonesse, north of Paris, close to
Charles de Gaulle International Airportfrom wherethe stricken airliner had taken off.
Such reaction would not have been incurred by a similar crash of another type
of aircraft. The degree of reportage and of emotional reaction to the terrible crash
which cost 1 14 lives is living testimony to the exceptional amount of awe, wonder and
fascination that Concorde embodies in the minds of so many people.
Mark Ashley, Al September 2000

The beginning of the tragic end of Air France Concorde F-BTSC, which killed all I09 on board when it
crashed in Gonesse on take-off from Paris CDG. PA Photos

The JSF (Joint Strike Fighter) programme is

vitally important to US industry, since it will
result in the production of a huge number of
aircraft to replace USAF
F-1 6s, US Navy and

Marine Corps F/A-1 8 Hornets and even USMC AV-88 Harriers. The aircraft is also being pushed hard
to a number of export customers, from existing F-l6 customers to the UK MoD, for whom the.JSF
promises to be the Future Carrier Borne Aircraft, replacing'Joint Force'Harriers and Sea Harriers.
And yet when we talk about the JSE we must remember that no aircraft has yet been selected
to fulfil the JSF requirement, and that the rival Boeing X-32 and Lockheed X-35 prototypes are still
just competitors in search of a production order. Even more incredibly, while the JSF programme is
vital to US industry, the intended principal customers have a more equivocal attitude...
The JSF promises to be a vitally important industrial programme, which should produce
a very large number of highly capable strike-fighters at a very low unit cost. But at the end
of the day, the emphasis placed on meeting absolute and inflexible costs may reduce the
resulting aircraft's capabilities to a point at which it will be unable to match competing The two Joint Strike Fighter contenders, the Boeing
X-32 (left) and the eventual winner, the Lockheed
European fighters. Alternatively, ifcost constraints are relaxed in orderto ensure operational Martin X-35, Lockheed lvlartin
capability is not compromised, costs and prices could spiral out of control.
Jon Lake, Al May-June 2001

that the industry would never be the same again. However, many
observers believe that such a change in behaviour will not be long-
term, and believe that people will return to their pre-WTC patterns
The world was rocked by the devastating terrorist attacks that of airline use as memories of the tragedy fade and as confidence is
destroyed the World Trade Center in New York and seriously damaged rebuilt by improvements in security.
the Pentagon in Washington on the morning of 11 September. The collapse in passenger numbers was accompanied by a brief but
The terror began shortly after 07.00hrs when two Boeing767s, extremely costly enforced stoppage, which naturally had an impact on
each flying from Boston to Los Angeles, were hijacked while flying airline profits. . . ln normal times, the loss of a few days'revenue should
over New England. Both altered course without warning and headed not tip healthy airline companies into bankruptcy, and should have
for New York with devastating consequences, hitting the famous relatively little effect beyond denting in-year profits and perhaps reducing
twin towers in sequence and ultimately forcing their horrific collapse. the shareholders' next dividend
Another aircraft, an American Airlines Boeing757, en route from payment. But in the wake of the
Washington Dulles to Los Angeles, was also hijacked and hit the WTC tragedy, there has been a
Pentagon building in Washington. depressingly long Iist of airline
Meanwhile, a second Boeing757, operated by United Airlines, was collapses and of airlines making
hijacked while operating from Newark to San Francisco. This aircraft massive job cuts.
crashed in Pennsylvania, south-east of Pittsburgh, with all 45 people One could already fill a book
on board killed... The passengers aboard the ill-fated 757 are now with details of the airline and
credited as heroes for attacking the terrorists themselves, resulting in aircraft manufacturing cutbacks
the destruction of the airliner. and job losses that followed the
Eryl Crump, A/ November 2001 terrorist attack on the WTC. But
the highest-profile casualty of
Having watched hijacked jet airliners being deliberately flown into the airline recession has been
the World Trade Center on national TV (from several angles, and in Switzerland's flag carrier Swissair,
heart-stoppingly graphic detail) many people were discouraged and its subsidiary Sabena.
from flying, and passenger numbers did decline markedly. Some Phola
felt that this was the beginning of a'seismic'shift in behaviour, and Jon Lake, AI December 2001
40 yeors of Avioiion

This photograph: British Airways

flight 8A002 from New York to
London Heathrow, the last Concorde
service, taking off from JFK airport
on 24 October 2003. PA Photos

Bottom: Concorde G-BOAG rolls

out after its final touchdown at
Heathrow on 24 October 2003, with
Capt Mike Bannister at the controls.
Mark Wagner/Aviation-lmages.com

Cn Thursday 10 April, British Airways and Air France made simultaneous

announcements that Concorde would make its last scheduled passenger
ilight at the end of October, ending nearly 30 years of supersonic travel.
The news of Concorde's premature withdrawal had been widely
:xpected, though it remains extremely controversial. The Concorde fleet
nas received massive investment since the tragic crash at Gonesse, and the
rype was certified until 2009, although Air France had reportedly planned
io cease operations in late 2007. The complex support arrangements for
ilre aircraft were such that it was never likely that one of the two operators
,vould continue without the other (unless it took on the retiring airline's
:ircraft) and 2007 thus seemed likely to be BA's end date as well. lt was
.inderstood that a relatively minor engineering programme could have
:xtended the aircraft's life to 20'15, however.
Concorde's return to service following the Paris crash, in the face of a
cre-existing recession in air transport was, perhaps, a remarkable gesture
cf optimism. The recession continued, however, and was exacerbated by
security fears following the World Trade Center attacks, and worsened
egain following the March 2003 war against lraq.
Reading between the lines, it seems that Concorde's premature
:etirement may be the result of uniquely French factors. BA was
experiencing a steady fall in passenger revenue against a backdrop
cf rising maintenance costs for the aircraft, but it was still viable... Air
:rance had never enjoyed the commercial success experienced by BA's
Concorde Division, and the aircraft has not been profitable since the Carrying less fuel than that needed for the normal trans-Atlantic
return to service following the Paris crash. crossing, the aircraft lifted off smartly and headed for the clouds with
its customary roar.'lt was quite an experiencei Clarke said afterwards.'l
ion Lake, AlJune 2003
thought I would say something special to match the occasionl
His colleague lvor Sims had cleared the first scheduled Concorde
At 14.06hrs on Friday 24 October, Capt Mike Bannister, manager of BA's departure for New York. Now he would handle the final arrival from
Concorde fleet, eased flight BA002 from New York down to the tarmac, JFK, which was to join the other two in an aerial rendezvous. BA9021C
closing a special chapter in commercial aviation. from Edinburgh, part of the nation-wide Concorde farewell tour, was
Ninety minutes earlier, Flight BA9022C carrying guests on a trip to directed as normal to the Bovingdon hold north of Heathrow. BA9022C
rhe Bay of Biscay and back taxied away from Terminal 4. As the subsonic and BA002 came in via Ockham to the south to begin their approach
:raffic waited deferentially, it passed majestically across the southern from the east, passing over central London one last time. Aboard Flight
'unway and out to the northern one. BA002, Capt Bannister was telling his passengers:'Thank you forjoining
Once the preceding GB Airways Airbus 4320 inbound from Malaga us for a moment of historyl
rad cleared the runway, Capt Paul Douglas radioed the tower to ask if he One after the other, the three dream machines alighted upon
.vas clear for take-off.'That's an understatementi replied controller Roger Heathrow's tarmac for the last time.
Clarke.'You look absolutely superb. Speedbird Concorde Alpha Foxtrot,
,,ou're clear to take off on Runway 27 Right.' Bruce Hales-Dutton, A, December 2003
40 yeors of Aviotion

On Thursday 3 March 2005, the Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer, with

Steve Fossett at the controls, completed the first ever non-stop
solo flight around the world.
Having taken off from Salina Airport, Kansas at 00.47hrs GMT
on Tuesday 1 March (1B.47hrs local on 2B February), Fossett
arrived back there after his pioneering voyage of aerial discovery
that lasted 67hr l min 46sec. lt had been a truly epic undertaking,
including potentially major problems along the way, but in the '@.
true spirit of aviation adventure and record-breaking the team u-Q.t
pressed ahead, confident of the abilities of the aircraft and the
man in the pilot's seat to setting new
- no stranger, of course,
benchmarks in challenging circumstances to get through them
and make it home.
GlobalFlyer touched down at Salina just after T 9.48hrs UTC on
3 March, in order to enter the record books. The final reckoning
showed that it had travelled 19,880nm, 17 more than were needed
to break the record. ln front of a jubilant crowd of onlookers and
an understandably delighted project team, Steve Fossett declared:
'That was a difficult trip. I mean, it was one of the hardest things
l've ever done, to be on duty for three days and nights with
virtually no sleep.'
'677'was the number of the day, briefly displayed in huge figures
on the sides of the stage. For the first time ever in civil aviation, an
aircraft that has never flown had amassed 677 f'rm, announced orders
by the time of its roll-out. The last new model, the 777 unveiled in
1994, had only around 1 50 by then. On the day before the ceremony,
the latest substantial 787 order came in the biggest so far from
Europe, which has generally been slow to respond to the Dreamliner.
Air Berlin of Germany made firm commitments for 25 Boeing 787-8s
'About once a generation, the Boeing family comes together to and signed options for another 25. So far, by list prices, the 787 has
revolutionise air travel', said Boeing CEO Jim McNerney in his racked up a turnover of around USSl 00 billion, about equivalent to
short speech to the 15,000 people present in the huge hangar the gross domestic product of a country like New Zealand. No wonder
mostly employees working on the 787 programme, a$well as Scott Carson, CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes, stated that the
-airline customers and media from around the world. But never mood at the Seattle manufacturer is'pretty darn goodi
before had Boeing been as self-confident about a new product
as this time. Andreas Spaeth, Al September 2007

At 1 2.28hrs on Thursday 1 8 October 2007, Avro Vulcan 82 XH55B took

offfrom the 3,000m runway at Bruntingthorpe, Leics for its maiden
post-restoration flight. With the successful completion of the most
ambitious'return to flight'project ever undertaken, this will now always
be remembered as a very special day in the history of British aviation.
The long-anticipated first flight came after 1 0 years'hard effort, many
thousands of hours of hands-on restoration work, at a cost so far of some
f6 million, including f2.5 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund, and the
support of more than 20,000 people woddwide. On the flight deck for
this momentous occasion were civilian test pilot and former RAF Vulcan
captain Al McDicken, the Vulcan Operating Company's David Thomas in flew a Vulcan almost 25 years ago to the day, said to the assembled press
the right-hand seat and Barry Masefield as air engineer. David Thomas, after stepping back onto Bruntingthorpe's tarmac.'She was an absolute
who was one of the RAF'sVulcan Display Flight pilots, had made the last delight, every bit as good as I remember. lt was a tremendous privilege to
ight of XH558 into Bruntingthorpe 14-and-a-half years ago.
fl fly it again. There were no problems at all during the flight, a tremendous
The flight, in perfect weather conditions, lasted for 34 minutes, tribute to the team here and the designers all those years ago.'
during which a number of basic systems and handling tests were carried
out.'Everything worked and she flew like a dreami Al McDicken, who last Peter R. March, Al December 2007

The big announcement was made at 07.21hrs:'The world's first 4380 passenger
service, flight SQ380 to Sydney, is now ready for boardingi Getting almost 500
people aboard a new giant aircraft with two separate decks seems to be no easy
task, especially not with everybody seemingly taking pictures at every step,
but it proceeded surprisingly smoothly. Once everybody had found their seat
and settled in, pushback commenced at 08.01 hrs sharp, just seconds after the
scheduled departure time.
Majestically, the A380 proceeded to the runway, yet many people on board
didn't even realise they were moving. Some who were seated far from the
windows didn't even get any sense at all of the aircraft taking offwhen it lifted
from the Changi runway at 08.16hrs local time, so unbelievably quiet is the cabin
even with the engines at high thrust.
Whereas the atmosphere was fairly sophisticated in the suites and business
class, party mood soon caught on in both economy cabins. Enthusiasts from
all corners of the world were meeting and sharing their experiences, later even
helping themselves to champagne from the galleys.
Andreas Spaeth, Al December 2007

Compiled by Ben Dunnell

Editorial Assistant Amy Bridges
,:€€ k


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Visit our new and imProved website www.ianal lan pu bl ish i ng.com
1 BAC/A"rotputiale concorde
John Dibbs/The Plane Picture Co

2 Supermarine Spitfire
John Dibbs/The Plane Picture Co

3 Hawker Siddeley Harrier

John Dibbs/The Plane Picture Co

John Dibbs/The Plane Picture Co

How quickly the aviation world moves. As with any branch of industry, some of yesterday
news soon becomes today's object of mirth. Here are just a few of the stories from 40
years ofAl that prove what a wonderful thing hindsight is

aYtq rii5nl{ l,

'. *

-FHERE was much protest a few years ago because a

Leftl supersonic transport
r certain British manufacturer of buses had obtained an
Beyond Concorde once seemed like it could exceptionally large export order to Cuba. These protests
The need for long range airliners flying take over the airline world, cama from-those trading isolationists who would rather
at Mach 4. or twice the speed of Concorde, but reality soon bit. A year starve than export such aiticles as buses to countries having
was envisioned by GraYden M. Paul, or so before the global a different political system or philosophy. -You may be
deputy director of airline requirements of oil crisis hit wasn't the wondering what this has to do with aircraft or stamps'
Lockheed, at the Association of British best time for Lockheed to
postulate this idea.
Travel Agents meeting at Vienna recently. Al Januaty 1973
Technological development of commercial
aircraft would continue and the future
market would justify advanced concepts
of passenger planes. "We see an in-
creased demand in all aspects of air From our one-time sister publication Air Display lnternational Choosing a good headline for a story isn't
traffic-short haul. medium haul and even comes one of the most familiar, but still funniest, misprints always easy. You probably wouldn't believe
to long-range Mach 4 supersonic trans- ofthem all. how long it can take, if inspiration is lacking.
ports." he said. Current designs of wide- Here are a couple from the history of A/ that
Air Racing Flashback', Air Display lntenational
bodied passenger aircraft would be used either might have been improved by a bit more
July-August 1 991
until 1985 when a new design would be thinking time, or, perhaps, by less.
needed. Lockheed forecasts showed that +hat tim€ some afuffaft
world air traff ic would reach
about At
850 000 million revenue passenger miles ers and there were many in the UK
by the end of 1 980 and by the year 2 000 it
kept- specimens of their earlier designs
would possibly be 3 500 000 million. and flew them regularly in pubic

Some helpful advice here for those who want to make their plastic kits thal little bit
more'realistic'. Note the health and safety note sounded at the end.
AI May 1970

, -t r': ''zil,*:
Jugs in oction ?;.--
-:.'j''.- .1
Ftom Mt W. J. Hannaway of Liveryool
come these splendid shols ol P"47 t
Thundeftohs aing to go on a cambat -', A pun that would have made the late Bob
mlsston clevetly conulved aclion scenes
leatunng Aihx models. Lighung is Monkhouse groan.
natural daylight-in a back gatden-
although the use ol flash rcllected oll tin
t; Al July 2004
loil cdn give I bilghtet elfect if tequhed.
fhe photogrcphy wes by Mt Jim Wilson, t'".
unusual 'brown
Urgh. What a lovely image this headline creates.
ln fact, the image you should have in your mind
is that of a U5 Army Beech RU-21 D because it's
painted brown, you see.
.i,.': .'&;
Al May 1971

o20a 754 7281


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25o/" ofl
RRP Price
A-4F Skyhawk Blue Angels 1172 f39.99 t29.99 (M37402)
Avro Lancaster RAF - 617 Sq. (operation Chastise). 1172 t89.99 t67.49 (M32615)
Bae Hawk T1 A ASTRA (Raspberry Ripple) 1172 f34.99 t26.24 (M36007)
Bae Hawk T1 A Red Arrows (All I serials as decals) 1t72 t34.99 f26.24 (M36008)
Bristol Blenheim MklV RAF - 82 Sq (Preserved Duxford) 1172 t49.99 t37.45 (M38401)
Consolidated Catalina IVA RCAF
- 1t72 f79.99 t59.99 (M36107)
Curtiss Kittyhawk Mkla RAF (Preserved Duxford) 1 172 t29.99 t22.49 (M35215)
DH Mosquito B.XX RAF (Guy Gibson) 1 172 f39.99 f29.99 (M32816)
Douglas C-47A Skytrain USAF 1 172 t79.99 f59.99 (M38201)
Douglas DC-3 BEA 1 172 t79.99 t59.99 (M38202)
EE Lightning Fo RAF(XR769)-11 Sq. 1 172 t39.99 !29.99 (M32310)
Eurofighter Typhoon F2 RAF-1lSq. 1 172 t39.99 t29.99 (M36404)
Fairchild A-1 0A Thunderbolt USAF ''Jaws'' 172 f49.99 f37.49 (M38005)
Gloster Gladiaior Mk.l RAF (Shuttleworth collection) 172 t29.99 t22.49 (M36207)
Gloster Meteor FB RAF - 74 Sq. 172 f39.99 f29.99 (M35011)
Handley-Page Halifax B.lll RAF "Friday the 1 3th" (Preserved Elvingdon)-
172 t89.99 867.49 (M37204)
Handley Page Halton Eagle Aviation 172 t89.99 t67.45 (M37205)
Hawker Sea Hunicane 1 b Royal Navy (Shuttlewonh collection) 172 t29.99 822.49 (M32016)
Hawker Typhoon lB RAF -247 Sq. Tankbuster 172 t29.99 t22.49 (M36506)
Heinkel HE-111H-3 Luftwaffe - KG52 "Condor legion" 172 t69.99 t52.49 (M33711)
Junkers JU-B7B-2 Luftwaffe "lmmelmann" 172 t29.99 t22.49 (M32514)
Junkers JU-BBA-1 Luftwaffe LG-1/lll 172 f69.99 t52.49 (M36705)
Messerschmitt Bf.110C Lufhvaffe (Hans-Joachim Jabs) 172 t39.99 t29.99 (M38501)
Messerschmitt 262 Lufhvaffe (Franz Schall) 1172 t29.99 t22.45 (M35707)
Mig-29 Fulcrum Russian Air Force "Swifts" 1172 t39.99 t29.99 (M37504)
P-38 Lightning USAF - PRU (Adrian Warburton) 1172 t39.99 t29.99 (M36611)
Supermarine Spitfire MkVC RAF (Shuttlewodh collection) 1172 t29,99 t22.49 (M31931)
Westland Wessex HAS.3 Royal Navy 1172 [39.99 t29.99 (M37605)
Supermarine Spitfire MklX RAF (Jack Charles) 1172 f29.99 t22.49 (M31932)
Westland Sea King RAF - Search and Rescue - 22 Sq. 1t72 t39.99 !29.99 (M33415)

coRcr CLASSTCS (1/144) 2Oo8 CAMC

25"/" oll
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Vickers VC-1 0 BOAC (Delivery scheme)- 11144 t69.99 t52.49 (M37004)

coRcr oLASSTCS (1/48) 2oo8 CAMC

25% oll
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Albatros DV German Air Force (Ernst Udet) 1l4B t34.99 t26.24 (M37803)
Sopwith Camel RFC (Henry Botterell) 1l48 t34.99 t26.24 (M38101)
Sopwith Camel/Fokker DR.1 RFC (Arthur Brown)/German Air Force (Von Richtofen) 1t48 [69.99 f52.49 (M39913)
SPAD XIII US Army (Eddie Rickenbacke0 1l4B t34.99 f26.24 (M37903)
RAF SE.5A RFC (Edward Mannock) 1l48 t34.99 t26.24 (M37704)
RAF SE.sA RFC - 1 Sq. 1148 t34.99 t26.24 (M37703)


25% oll
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Avro Lancaster B.Mk.l RAF - 257 Sq. 11144 t9.99 t7.45 (W899635)
Boeing B-17G Flylng Fortress USMF - 532nd BS 1t144 t9.99 t7,49 (W899636)
Hawker Hurricane Mkl RAF - 238 Sq. 1172 t9.99 t7.49 (WB99632)
Messerschmitt 8f.109 E Luftwaffe - JG27 1172 t9.99 f7.49 (WB99633)
P-51 D Mustang USMF - 334th FS 1172 t9.99 t7.49 (WB99634)
Supermarine Spitfire Nlk.ll RAF - 71 "Eagle" Sq. 1172 f9.99 t7.49 (W899631)

Add postage, packing and insurance per model as follows: 13.00 per model UK Filst Class, f4.50 per model Rest 0f the world.

l!: :

/sf. i

lnitially, we were a
little bit frustrated with
this simulation. The
gliding lessons have no interactivity, so it is a case of
trying to recreate what has been shown in the lesson
demonstration before attempting it yourself, perhaps
having made some notes. This doesn't seem helpful
when trying to learn a new simulation. The cockpits don't
have any'point and click'interfaces either, meaning that
everything has to be done using the joystick and keyboard
which, again, takes a bit of getting used to.
However, once one gets over these initial hurdles, this
very quickly becomes an addictive simulation that is likely
to appeal to people ofall ages and skills.The scenery is not
highly detailed but the result is a simulation that runs very

Soqring qwqy
smoothly, a real plus over similar titles. The developers have
also done much to enable one to customise the simulation
with additional scenery, new tasks and even the chance
to repaint the default aircraft, although we could find no
information about how to do this in the manual.
There were a few niggles that we were left with,
even at the end switching views prior to a race in the
version that we tested (version 1 .12) occasionally lost
Sompling some of the ioys of gliding the countdown timer for races and we could find no
way of saving a race part-way through, which suggests
that longer tasks will need to be completed in real time
Title: Condor
without a break other than using the'Pause'key. Howevel
Developed by: Condor Soaring the overall impression is of a superb, stand-alone title
Web: www.condorsoaring.com whlch offers hours of fun, an education into the mysteries
Published by: Sniper Entertainment (www.sniper.fr) of gliding and which clearly has the potential to be very
Price: f29.99 addictive! With a large fan base already in place, no doubt
Minimum requirements: A 1 GHz PC running Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP with 256Mb of future versions of this simulation willfollow as more and
RAM, a CD-ROM drive and a 32Mb video card more enthusiasts discover its delights.
verdict: **** j
offers users the chance to while others need to be
completely customise the purchased. Developers such
WHAT'S IT ABOUT? be found on the bottom left- the PZL PW-5, the solitary simulation. lt comes with 10 as France VFR are now turning
Condor is a gliding simulation hand corner ofthe front page type in the World class, the different flight plans already their hand to creating scenery
'designed to recreate the of the manual. Once this has ASG-29, LS l 0 and Ventus 2CX created, all centred around for Condor and, from previews
ultimate experience of been done, it is then possible in the 18-metre class, and the various parts of Slovenia. that we've seen, these will
competition soaring' on the to access the'Settings' menu, Jantar 28 in the Open class, all Slovenia is the home country be at least as good as the
PC, its developer says. ln which contains a host of of which form Plane ofthe developers and the default scenery, if not better.
development, considerable variables related to the Pack I which can be scenery covers around For those interested in trying
attention was given to running of the simulation. purchased online for 5 1 0 37,000 square km ofterrain, their hand at creating scenery,
aerodynamics and weather The installation process via a link in the simulation. ranging from Alpine to small the Condor SceneryToolkit
physics, which has resulted in is explained clearly in the Further packs appearto be mountains and large, flat can be downloaded free from
a realistic simulation covering illustrated manual provided. in the pipeline but, while the areas. Each flight plan offers a the Condor Soaring web site,
all the different classes of simulation allows third party racecourse to try helpfully, which also has a helpfulforum
glider. Clever design has THE SIMULATOR users to create additional
these are of different lengths offering hints and tips on
opened up the possibility of lnstallation adds 13 different sceneries or repaint the and for different classes scenery design.
users and publishers creating gliders in six different classes. default gliders, at present only of glider.To customise the As with most titles of
their own add-on scenery, Each glider is accurately the developer has the facility simulation, users can create this ilk, Condor comes with
and this, coupled with good recreated with moving parts, to add new glidertypes. their own courses, adjusting a multi-player section where
reviews of earlier versions, animated cockpits and realistic For many, the'Flight the weather, class of glider, up to 32 glider pilots can fly
has led to a large, worldwide handling characteristics. The School'section ofthe realism settings and penalties together at one time.There
fan base for this simulation ASK-'i3 is the sole glider in the simulation will be the first port as well as deciding upon are a number of web sites
and a number of dedicated School class but this comes of call. Within this there are course length, placement of hosting multi-player sessions
web sites. with no fewer than a dozen sub-sections entitled Basic, the start, finish and turning for this simulation. The final
different colour schemes. The lntermediate, Advanced, points. Having set up a two sections offer the chance
INSTALIATION Standard class features the Acro and Custom, offering 15 course, it is then possible to to replay flights (with the
lnstallation requires the ASW-28, Discus 2B and LS8; lessons in total which take you fly it, record the flightplan exception of multi-player
CD-ROM to be inserted, after the 1 5-metre class the ASW- through the various stages of and then fly again against flights) and to analyse those
which you need to run the file 278, LS6 and Ventus 2BX; the learning to fly a glider. Lessons these previous attempts at that you have undertaken.
'CondorSetup.exei Once the 18-metre class the ASW-28- cover aspects such as winch the same course in a race. Many of the workings of
file has been run, users will be 1 8, Discus 2c and LS85; the launches, aerotows, landing, As has been mentioned the simulation are explained
prompted to add their details Open class the ASW-28B1and different means of soaring, before, it is possible to via the handy illustrated
so that at least one pilot is Nimbus 4; and the Acro class navigation and aerobatics. ln add further scenery. A list manual, which is certainly
created for the simulation. the charismatic MDM-1 Fox. each case, you can sit back of available third party necessary to get the most out
Then the registration process Access to the menus and watch a lesson and then sceneries is held on www. of it. An electronic version
has to be completed by where the gliders are selected try the same task on your condorsoaring.com; some of in Acrobat Reader format is
inserting the serial number to also reveals five more, namely own.The'Free Flight'section these are free to download available via the simulation.

Following on from its very popular A-6E
lntruder package, it was perhaps no surprise
that AlphaSim would then release an EA-68
Prowler package for Flight Simulator 2004 and
Flight Simulator X. lt has four different model
variations and six detailed sets oftextures.The
model variations provide a variety of loads
with HARM missiles, ECM pods and fuel tanks,
while the texture sets recreate two U5 Marine
Corps machines and four in the colours of
different US Navy units. ln addition, by editing
the aircraft's configuration file, it is possible to
adjust the weapons loads to suit. The Flight
Simulator X model utilises FSX features such
as bump mapping and self-shadowing, while
owners of Windows Vista and Service Pack 2 of
FSX will also see self-shadowing in the virtual
cockpit.The usual high standard ofAlphaSim
cockpit is evident, both in the virtual and 2D
cockpits, and the FSX model even has a fully
modelled rear cockpit complete with working
moving map and radar. Animations include
control surfaces, animated canop, crew entry
steps, wing folding, spoilers and tail hook,
while amongst the effects are turbine glow,
smoke, wingtip and flap contrails. A realistic
sound set is provided along with a detailed
checklist and performance that closely
matches the real aircraft. For those looking to
repaint the aircraft in other schemes, a paint
kit is available.

I Price: NZS55 (f21.36)

I Web site: www.alphasim.co.uk

Aviotion sites on the lnternet

The Aviotion Sodety Militory Al Works

w ww.t a s m o n c h e st e r.co ww w. m i I it a rya iw o r ks.co m
The Aviation Society, orTAS as it is widely known, is based at Military Al Worls (MAIW) is
Manchester Airport. lt is the largest aviation society in the UK outside a loose collection of military
London with more than 1,500 members and 36 years of unbroken aviation enthusiasts whose
experience. lt has a commercial arm that runsThe Aviation Shop and mission is to provide quality, freeware Artificial lntelligence packages
The Airport Tour Centre at Manchester Airport, and it also provides for the flight simulation community. The staff and contributors at MAIW
professional tour guides at the Aviation Viewing Park there. TAS also come from all over the globe. On the MAIW web site is a'Downloads'area
has a very active Yahool discussion forum with around 1,000 registered which gives details of its current and proposed packages. On entering this
users. The TAS web site has several sections devoted to the society, area, world maps appear and, by clicking on the area of interest, further
including one offering details about how to join, complete with a information is provided. For completed packages, a link is then made
membership form that can be printed out. Elsewhere there are details to AvSim.com, from which the packages can be downloaded. Presently,
of social evenings, information about forthcoming coach excursions packages are for Flight Simulator 2004 although a link on the front page
both in the UK and abroad, and galleries of members'photos. For takes you to the MAIW Forum, where details of how to convert these to
visitors to Manchester, there are details of viewing locations, the Flight Simulator X are given. Users will need to register before they can
Manchester Aviation Viewing Park and Airport Tour Centre, and access the forum, but it also has information about packages being worked
information about how to on, scenery, aircraft design and screen shots, along with an area devoted to
book a guided tour around discussion about real-life military issues. All this and itt free, too!
its Concorde, G-BOAC. Other
sections provide live arrival
and departure information Airshows
for Manchester, details of As more and more airshow dates are confirmed, this is just a
the aviation fairs run byTAS reminder that airshow web sites are listed on the AirNet'Web Site
twice a year, articles from TA5 www.aviation-links.co.uk. Please note that the web site is shortly
members on spotting abroad, -expected to move to a new host so ifyou have it in your bookmarks,
and a variety of links. make sure you have lhe www.aviation-links.co.uk URL.

Your continued feedback is appreciated and we would be pleased to correct any errors or misunderstandings. A list of all the sites reviewed in this
column and much more can be found at TheAirNet'Web Site www.aviation-links.co.uk.lf you wish to contact the author by e-mail, please do so
at adm i n@aviati on -l i n ks.co.u k -

Denis J. Colvert


ffiry#; '
@recll Britons...
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**ii;.i i.i

You have to allow an author at your kite, put events into your own management structure which so mainly in b/w. The 1 6-page colour
least a degree of freedom. lf he perspective and stir up controversy hampered progress, the flight test insert offers 28 colour plates, but
chooses to pen a volume with the as much or as little as you programme's trials and tribulations your reviewer would question the
- -
wish. Jackson has generally chosen and the attempts to sell TSR2 to the decision to feature the 5E5a
title of 'Britain's Greatest Aircraft;
then it should be his choice and his to play it safe in what is a generally Australians, though it adds little the Shuttleworth Collection's
- and
choice alone as to which aircraft unremarkable pot-boiler, and his (nothing?) to what we already know SE5a at that in four of them.
types he includes. After all, he has text tells each type's story from An unfortunate typo states that
A few are unsympathetically
at least selected a positive theme; both development and operational 'the Australians decided to meet cropped, with a bad case of 'My
who would have wanted to read service points of view, only rarely the RAF requirements by ordering Comet has no nose'on a shot of
about'Britaint Worst Aircraft'? offering comment on the political twenty-four General Dynamics the A&AEE XS235. Captions are
Here, author Jackson has made a considerations which affected F-1 1 1As'when the service in adequate if not illuminating. The
safe choice with his 22'greatest' (afflicted?) several of the post-war question was, of course, the RAAF. photos illustrating the Lightning,
aircraft by including four from the aircraft described. An exception Other typos, such as reference on though, feature too many errors of
WWl era, two from between the is in the case ofTSR2, where he the cover flap to the Wellington's identification. The colour shot of 'a
wars, six from WW2 and 10 from allows himself to describe the type's construction as'geodic' rather than Lightning F1 A of No 92 Squadron'
post-war, giving each its own cancellation and the subsequent 'geodetic; are too easily found. is actually an F2, the'F3 armed
chapter.True Brits will be pleased destruction of everything The photo selection features not with Firestreak AAMs'is a two-seat
if unsurprised to know that the connected with the project as just the aircraft described but also T4 (the yellow trainer bands, if not
Spitfire, Comet and Lightning are 'an act of vandalism unparalleled others developed against the same the huge underwing serials, are a
featured, although some might in the history of British aviation: requirement. Thus, in the chapter give-away), while the reference on
question the inclusion ofTSR2 on Few would disagree with him. on the Harrier and Sea Harrier, page 196 to Thunder City's'two
the basis that the sole example to Taking this chapter as typical, the the first photo is ofthe tail-sitting Lightning F5s'should surely read
fly made only 24 flights in its short author describes the background Convair XFV-1 built in the early 'T5si Even the non-specialist, non-
career. But maybe that's one ofthe to the project, the TSR2 s 1950s to a US Navy requirement for enthusiast readership at which
great things about being an aviation advanced design, the over-heavy a VTOL fighter. Photo reproduction this title is clearly aimed deserves
author; you can air your opinions, fly service/min istry/ma nufactu rer is decent if unspectacular and better than this.

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'r 1;.,
Hurricones Versus
Terence Kelly
***n *
The story of the air battles over
Singapore, Sumatra and Java in
****;: ***-.:-; ***r^r.: WW2. An interesting account
written by a Hurricane pilot who
was there and who endured
three years in a prison camp
Leonqrdo on Flight Airfields ond Londing Tortqn Air Force after capture by the Japanese.
Domenico Lourenzo Grounds of Woles: West Deboroh Loke
The John Hopkins Universiiy lvor Jones Birlinn Lid, f 'l6.99 Rupert Red Two
Press, 820.00 Tempus Publishi ng, 91 6.99 Jock Broughton
The Preface sets the scene: Zenith Press, f
Although this book features
While the name of Leonardo da
Vinci as an aircraft designer may
It is a sad fact that, of the 26
airfields/landing grounds/strjps
aircraft, it is not a technical ****;:
not immediately spring to mind volume... This book is about The career of one Jack Broughton,
herein described, virtually none
alongside those of Reginald people: lts theme is Scotland's who flew P-4TThunderbolts with
remains in use for its original the USAAF post-war, following this
Nlitchell, Ben Rich or Alexander contribution to military flying
purpose. While this is not just a by commanding theThunderbirds
Kartveli, he fully justifies his place over the past hundred years,
wartime history of the locations demonstration team and flying
in the ranks ofthe greats, having and the text reads well and
described, most came into combat missions in south-east
designed and constructed his does indeed give a good and
existence just before or during Asia in the F-1 05 Thunderchie[
famous ornithopter something interesting account of military
WW2 and reverted to more rural
over 500 years ago. Da Vinci also aviation north ofthe border,
use soon after.The photo caption with particular emphasis on the
Royol Air Force
experimented with parachutes,
to a shot illustrating RAF Pembrey two World Wars and the Cold
Bomber Commond
flying spheres, flying wax figurines
is typical: '. ..another of the'F' War period.There are plenty
Losses: Volume 9
and inflated bullocks' intestines
at around the same time he was sheds that has been renovated. lt of human stories and insights W. R. Chorley
painting 'The Last Supperi This is is ready for dairy cows and milk into current RAF operations Midlond Publishing, l1 9.99
a fascinating volume, beautifully processingi The photo selection from Scotland, although the
produced and with exquisitely is well chosen. Sadl, its standard unanswered question remains: ****ii
reproduced contemporary of reproduction is less than what does a flying Scotsman The final volume in this wonderful
illustrations. wonderful. wear under his G-suit? series is as valuable as ever to
researchers and comprises a
Roll of Honour of bomber crews
who died from 1 939 to 1947. 494

W pages of solid information.

Rocks in lhe Clouds

Edword Doylerush

ffim Midlond Publishing, 11 1.99

Subtitled'High-cround Aircraft
Crashes of South Wales'(hence
the slightly tongue-in-cheek
title), this volume details several
ofthe more interesting crashes
***** ***r.-:; ** ii i^' t-:
and crash sites.

Bomber Units of the luftwoffe Colours: Eurofighter EF-2OOO Most books and videos reviewed are
Luftwoffe I933-1945: Schlochrflieger Typhoon available or can be ordered from the
Volume I L. Richord Smith et ol Poolo Frongois et ol lan Allan Bookshops:

Henry L. de Zeng lV ond IBN Editore LONDON

Midlond Publishing, €29.95
Douglos G. Stonkey (www. ibneditor e.itl, €24. 50
4516 Lower l'4arsh, Waterloo,
London 5El TRGTel:020 7401 2100
Midlond Publishing, 135.00 The Luftwaffe got the chance to
validate its tactics in the spanish This volume is aimed squarely at
5 Piccadilly Station Approach,
This volume provides'much CivilWar, when the Junkers the enthusiast and the modellet
lManchester N4l 2GH
highly detailed information on Ju87 proved its worth and later with around a third ofthe 96
Tel: 01 61 237 9840
the organisation ofthe Luftwaffe's pages given over to detail shots
became the backbone of the
bomber units'and covers some of the Eurofighter and reviews of CARDIFF
Schlachtfliegergruppen. This
35 bomber Geschwader and various plastic kit offerings.The 3l Royal Arcade,
book tells the story of all the
their component Staffflights and photos are well reproduced and CardiffCFl0lAE
aircraft used by the Luftwaffe's
Gruppen. lt details each unit s feature in the main Aeronautica Tel: 02920 390 6l 5
ground attack units, with special
operations, along with bases, dates. Militare examples, a fact none too BIRMINGHAM
reference to their camouflage
statistics and commanding officers. surprising given the title's ltalian 47 Stephenson Street,
just and markinqs. Photos form an origins.The text is dual language
There is no narrative as such Birmingham 82 4DH
solid information. lf you want and
important part ofthis offering; Italian/English, but theres no lel:0121 6432496
need this title it must be assumed here, it should be recorded that doubt which is the translation:
they are all decently reproduced Or online: www.ianaliansuperstore.com
that you know and understand the witness such mouthfuls as'On a
background to the subject. Photos although some of the originals complex airframe such as the Mail Order enquiriesl
are well reproduced and include a are not ofthe highest quality and EF-2000, there are many blind Midland Counties Publications,
few in colour.Volume 2, covering the justify their inclusion on interest areas, often banally darkened by 4Watling Drive, Hinckley,
remaining Geschwader, will follow value. The few colour shots are of the prestigious characteristics of Leics LE'l 0 3EY

as surely as Nacht follows Tag. surprisingly good quality. the machinel Er, yes. Precisely. Tel:01455 254450

Ben Dunnell


Old Warden, Beds: Shuttleworth Collection 06-07 Southport seafront, Lancs:
MAY Evening Air Display and PFA Rally Southport Airshow 2008
Popham, Hants: lnternational Microlight Exhibition (Tel: 017 67 627 933 lweb: www.shuttleworth.org) (Web: www.visitsouthport.com/airshow)
(Tel:01 256 397733 | web: www.popham-airfield.co.uk) 24-25 Lowestoft seafront, Suffolk: 07 Old Warden, Beds:The Shuttleworth Pageant
Abingdon, Oxon: Abingdon Air & Country Show Lowestoft Seafront Air Festival Iel: 017 67 627933 | web: www.shuttleworth.org)
(Tel: 01 235 5291 42 web: www.abingdonfayre.com) (Tel: 01 502 587027
| | 07 Seething, Norfolk: Seething charity Air Day
web: www.lowestoftairfestival.co.uk) (Tel: 01508 550453 | web: www.seething-airfield.com)
Old Warden, Beds:
Shuttleworth Collection spring Air Display 25-27 Beach Lawns, Weston-super-Mare, N Somerset: 11 5t Aubin's Bay, Jersey, Cl:
(Tel: 017 67 627 933 | web: www.shuttleworth.org) lnternational Helidays 2008 (Tel: 0l 934 635227 | Jersey lnternational Air Display
web: www.helicoptermuseum.co.uk/helidays.htm) (Web: wwwjerseyairdisplay.org.uk)
l6-18 Hullavington, Wilts! Great Vintage Flying Weekend
(Tel: 01 202 737430 web: www.gvfwe.co.uk) 26 AAC Centre, Middle Wallop, Hants: Wallop 08 l1 St Peter Port, Guernsey:
(Tel:-Q1264 7 84421 | web: wwwfl ying-museum.org.uk)
17 Old Warden, Beds: Guernsey Battle of Britain Air Display
Shuttleworth Collection Evening Air Display 26-27 The Glebe, Bowness on Windermere, Cumbria: (Web: www.guernseyaviationweek.org.gg)
(Tel: 017 67 627 933 lweb: www.shuttleworth.org) Windermere Airshow (Tel: 0l 539 436205 | 13 RAF Leuchars, Fife: RAF Leuchars Airshow 2008
web: www.windermere-rotary.orq.uk) (Tel: 01334 839000 web: www.airshow.co.uk)
18 Duxford, Cambs: Duxford Spring Air Show |
(Tel: 01223 835000
| web: duxford.iwm.org.uk) 26-27 Sunderland seafront, Tyne & Wear: 19-21 Goodwood, W Sussex: Goodwood Revival
Sunderland lnternational Air Show (Tel: 01 243 755000 web: www.goodwood.co.uk/revival)
25 Old Sarum, Wilts: SOPARA (Tel: 01 9l 553 2006
(Support Our Paras) Airshow |
Elmsett, Suffolkl Elmsett Airfield 0pen Day
web: wwwsunderland-airshow.com)
(Tel:01473 8241 l6 |
Goodwood,W Sussexr RNAS Culdrose, Cornwall: RNAS Culdrose Air Day
Goodwood Aero Club Vintage Fly-in and Air Display web: elmsettairfield.co.uUopenday2008.shtml)
(Tel: 01 243 755000 | web: www.goodwood.co.uk) fiel: 01326 57 4121 | web: www.airday.co.uk)
20 Old Warden, Beds:
25-26 Southend seafront, Essex: Southend Airshow Shuttleworth Collection Evening Air Display
(Web: www.southendairshow.com) AUGUST Iel: 0 17 67 627 933 | web: www.shuttleworth.org)
Old Warden, Beds:
JUNE Shuttleworth Collection Military Pageant Air Display
(Tel: 017 67 627933 | web: www.shuttleworth.org)
01 DCAE Cosford, Shropshire: Cosford Air Show
07-10 Ashton Court, Bristol:
Duxford, Cambs:
(Tel: 01223 835000
Duxford Autumn Air Show
web: duxford.iwm.org.uk)
(Tel:0870 606 2014 | web: wwwcosfordairshow.co.uk) |
Bristol lnternational Balloon Fiesta
01 Old Warden, Beds: (Tel: 01 l 7 953 5884 I web: www.bristolfiesta.co.uk) Old Warden, Beds:
Shuttleworth Collection Military Pageant Air Display Shuttleworth Collection Autumn Air Display
09 Old Warden, Beds: (Tel: 01767 627933 | web: www.shuttleworth.org)
Iel: 017 67 627 933 lweb: www.shuttleworth.org) Shuttleworth Collection Flying Proms
07-08 Biggin Hill, Kent: Biggin Hill lnternational Air Fair (Tel: 017 67 627933 | web: www.shuttleworth.org)
(Tel: 01 959 5781 00 | web: www.airdisplaysint.co.uk)
14 Dawlish seafront, Devon: Dawlish Carnival Airshow
13-15 Wycombe Air Park, Bucks: AeroExpo 2008 (Web: www.dawlish.net/carnival)
(Tel: 020 8255 421 8 | web: www.expo.aero)
14-17 Eastbourneseafront,Sussex:
t4 Old Warden, Beds: Airbourne Eastbourne lnternational Airshow
Shuttleworth Collection Evening Air Display -
(Tel:0871 663 0031 |
(Tel: 0'17 67 627933 | web: www.shuttleworth.org) web: www.eastbourneairshow.com) FEBRUARY
14-15 RAF Halton, Bucks: DH Moth Club International 16 Old Warden, Beds: 09 RNASYeovilton, Somerset: Fleet Air Arm
Moth Rally, Flying Display and Charity Flying Day Shuttleworth Collection Evening Air Display Museum Model 5how and British Model Flying
(Tel: 01 442 862077 lweb: www.dhmothclub.co.uk) (Tel 017 67 627933 lweb: www.shuttleworth.org)
Association Flying Display
NOTE: MOTH RALLY ON SUNDAY ONLY 16-17 Rougham, Suffolk: Rougham Air Display 2008 (Tel: 01935 840565 | web: www.fleetairarm.com)
14-15 Margate seafront, Kent: Margate's Big Event (Tel: 0'1359 270524
| web: www.roughamairfield.org) Turweston, Northants: Vintage Aircraft Club
(Tel: 01 843 577 I 67 | web: www.visitthanet.co.uk) NOTE: FUIL DISPLAY ON SUNDAY ONLY Valentine Rally (Tel: 01280 705400 |
l5 Kemble, Glos: Kemble Air Day 2008 21-22 Clacton seafront, Essex: Clacton Air Show web: www.vintageaircraft club.org.uk)
(Tel 01285 77 1 177 lweb: www.kembleairday.com) (Tel: 0l 255 686633 |
Weston-super-Mare, N Somerset:
web: wwwessex-su nshine-coast.org.uldAirShow.htm)
2A-29 London Ashford Airport, Lydd, Kent: The Helicopter Museum 0pen Cockpit Day
Lydd Airshow 2008 22 Duxford, Cambs: American Air Day (Tel:01934 635227 |
CANCELLED (Tel: 01223 835000
| web: duxford.iwm.org.uk)
web: www.helicoptermuseum.co.uk)

23 Headcorn, Kent: Headcorn Flying Proms

JUTY (Tel: 01622 891539 | web: www.flyingproms.com)
Dunsfold Park, Surrey:Wings &Wheels 2008
09 Weston-super-Mare, N Somerset:
05 London City Airport, Greater London:
| web: www.wingsandwheels.net)
(Tel: 0 483 200900

London City Airport Fun Day The Helicopter Museum Open Cockpit Day
Sywell, Northants: Sywell Airshow 2008 (Tel:01934 635227 |
05 RNAS Yeovilton, Somerset: (Tel: 01604 491 12 | web: www.sywellairshow.co.uk)
1 web: www.helicoptermuseum.co.uk)
RNAS Yeovilton lnternational Air Day
(Tel:0870 800 4030 | web: wwwyeoviltonairday.co.uk) 28-31 Bournemouth seafront, Dorset: Henstridge Somerset: LAAWessex Strut Fly-in
Bournemouth Air Festival 2008 (Tel:01963 364231 |
05-06 RAF Waddington, Lincs: (Tel: 01 202 451 1 95 | web: www.wessexstrut.flyer.co.uk)
RAFWaddington lnternational AirShow web: www.bournemouthairshow.co.uk)
(Tel: 01 522 7261 00 |
Cornbury Parli Charlbury, Oxon:
web: www.waddingtonairshowco.uk) 30-31
FIy to the Past 2008
05-06 Yatton, N Somerset: Woodspring Wings Show CANCELLED 13 Popham, Hants:Jodel Fly-in
(Tel:0l l79679653 (Tel: 01 256 397733 |

web: www.woodsprinqwings.co.uk) 30-3 1 Shoreham, W Sussex: RAFA Shoreham Airshow 2008

web: www.popham-airfield.co.uk)
fel:01273 441545 or 296900 |
06 OldWarden, Beds: Shuttleworth Collection Summer web: wwwshorehamairshow.com) Weston-super-Mare, N Somerset:
Air Display 100th Anniversary ofBritish Aviation
lTel: 01767 627933 | web: www.shuttleworth.org)
3l Little Gransden, Cambs: The Helicopter Museum Open Cockpit Day
Little Gransden Charity Air & Car Show fiel:01934 635227 |
1 1-'l3 (Tel: 07730 091 i 32 I web: www.helicoptermuseum.co.uk)
| web: wwwgoodwood.co.uk/fos)
(Tel:01 243 755000
web: www.littlegransdenshowco.uk) Fenland, Lincs: Vintage Aircraft Club
12-13 Duxford, Cambs: Flying Legends Air Show 2008 Daffodil Rally (Tel: 01 280 705400 |

0l 223 835000 | web: duxford.iwm.org.uk or

(Tel: web: www.vintageaircraftclub.org.uk)
www.fi ghter-collection.com) SEPTEMBER 19-20 North Coates, Lincs! Spring Fly-in
12-13 RAF Fairford, Glos: 06-07 Duxford, Cambs: Duxford 90th Anniversary Air Show (Tel: 01472 388850 web: homepage.ntlworld.
The Royal lnternational AirTattoo 2008 (Tel: 01223 835000 | web: duxford.iwm.org.uk) com/northcoatesflyingclub)
(Tel: 01285 713300 I web: www.airtattoo.com)
06-07 Foxlands Farm, Cosby, Leics:TheVlctory Show 2008 26-27 Old Warden, Beds, Auiation Wotld 2008
Farnborough, Hants: (Tel: 0771 1 430472 | web: www.victoryshow.co.uk) (Web: www.aviationworld2008.com)
Farnborough lnternational 2008 06-07 Portrush, Coleraine, Nl: K2 Centre, Crawley, W Sussex: LGW 2008
(Tel: 01 252 532800 | web: www.farnborough.com) 19th Gatwick International Aircraft
Northern lreland lnternational Airshow
-The Fair (Tel : u4a3 252628 |
19 Duxford, Cambs: Flying Proms lTel:02870347234 |
(Tel: 01 223 835000 web: duxford.iwm.org.uk) web: wwwniinternationalairshow.co.uk) web: www.gatwickaviationsociety.org,uk)


March ARB, CA: 07-08 Millville, NJ:

FEBRUARY March Air Reserve Base Airfest Wings & Wheels Millville Airshow 2008
'7 Laredo lnternational Airport, Laredo, TX: (Web: www.marchfleldairfest.com)
(Web: www.millvilleairshow.com)
WBCA Stars and Stripes Air Show Spectacular 07-08 Rockford, lL: Rockford Air Fest
Anderson, SC: Anderson Air Show
(Web: www.wbcalaredo.org) (Web: www.flyrfd.com)
Laughlin AFB, TX: Laughlin AFB Air Show
73-24 Whitehorse Airport, YT: 07-08 Rogue Valley Airport, Medford, OR:
Yukon Rendezvous Sourdough Air Display 10-1 1 Barksdale AFB, LA: Rogue Valley Air Festival
(Web: www.geocities.com/sourdoughjack-2000) Defenders of Liberty Open House and Air 5how
(Tel: USA 3 1 8 456 5650 | 07-08 Smyrna, TN: Great Tennessee Air Show
MCAS Yuma, AZ: Yuma Alr Show 2007
(Web: www.yumaairshow.com) web: www.barksdaleairshow.org) 1 3-1 5 Jean-Lesage lnternational Airport,
l0-11 LangleyAFB,VA: Qu6bec City, QC: Qudbec lnternational Air Show
(Web: www.quebecairshow.com)
Air Power over Hampton Roads
MARCH (Tel: USA 757 764 2018 |
14 Municipal Airport, Denton, TX:
:5 NAF El Centro, CA: web: www.airpoweroverhamptonroads.com) Denton Air Fair & Airshow
El Centro Air Show 2008 Toronto, ON: CBAA 2008 Canadian Eusiness
10-i 1 Pittsburgh AR5, PA:
' :-16 Space Coast Regional Airport, Titusville, FL: Wings over Pittsburgh Air Show and Open House Aviation Association Annual Convention
Valiant Air Command Warbird Airshow (Web: www.wingsoverpittsburgh.com) (Tel: Canada 61 3 236 561 1 | web: www.cbaa,ca)
(Tel: USA32l 268 194'l I web: www.vacwarbirds.org)
17 Mcwhirter Field, Lancaster, sc: Kingston, ON: Kingston Air 5how
Goodfellow AFB, TX: Air Show Lancaster Airshow 20-22 Municipal Airport, Oshawa, ON:
'j-1 6 Metropolitan Airport, Columbus, GA: Canadian Aviation Expo
17-18 Andrews AFB, MD: Joint 5ervice Open House
Thunder ln The Valley Air Show (Web: www.canadianaviationexpo.com)
(Web: wwwjsoh.org)
(Web: www.thunderinthevalleyairshow.com)
21 Klamath Falls, OR: Klamath Falls Air Show 2008
17-18 Chino, CA: Planes of Fame Airshow 2008
t-1 6 Mather Airport, Sacramento, CA: 5an Carlos, CA:
(Tel: UsA 909 597 3722 | web: wwwplanesoffame.org) 21
California Capital Airshow Vertical Challenge Helicopter Air Show
(Tel: USA 916 875 7077 I 17-18 Fort Smith, AK:
(Tel: USA 650 654 0200 | web: www.hiller.org)
web: www.californiacapitalairshow.com) Fort Smith Regional Airshow 2008
21 Valle, AZ: Planes of Fame High Country
Riverside Municipal Airport, Riverside, CA: 17-18 Malmstrom AFB, MT:
Warbirds FIy-in and Airshow
Riverside Airshow 2008 Malmstrom AFB 0pen House
(Tel: U5A 909 597 3722 I web: wwwplanesoffame.org)
(Tel: USA 951 351 61 13 I
21 Cranbrook, BC: Cranbrook Air 5how 21-22 CFBBorden,ON:
web: wwwriversideairshowcom)
23-25 Watsonville, CA: CFB Borden Open House
Tyndall AFB, FL: Gulf Coast Salute
Memorial Day Weekend Fly-in and Airshow
(Tel: USA 850 283 4500
(Tel: USA 831 763 5600
21-22 Davenport, lA:Quad City Air Show
I web: www.watsonvilleflyin.org) (Web: www.quadcityairshowcom)
web: www.tyndall.schultzairshows.com)
Tinker AFB, OK: Star Spangled Salute 21-22 Gateway Airport, 5ioux City, lA:
:l-30 NAS Meridian, MS: Wings Over Meridian 2008 (Web: www.tinker.af.mil/airshow/index.asp) Siouxlandl Airshow
24-25 Florence, SC: May Fly Air 5how Goderich, ON: Goderich Air Show
APRIL (Web: www.mayfl yairshow.com)
27-29 Front Range Airport,Watkins, CO: Rocky Mountain
Slidell Municipal Airport, Slidell. LA: 24-25 Janesville, Wl: Southern Wisconsin AirFest EAA Regional Fly-in and Front Range AirShow
Slidell Airshow (Web: www.swairfest.org) (Tel: U5A 720 323 6784 | web: www.rmrfi.org)
:i-06 Charlotte County Airport, Punta Gorda, FL:
24-25 Jones Beach,Wantagh, NY: NewYorkAir Show 28 Lake Tahoe Airport, South LakeTahoe, CA:
Florida International Airshow (Tel: USA 631 321 3510 | Lake in the sky Air Show
(Web: www.fl-airshow.com)
web: www.jonesbeachairshow.com) (Web: www.lakeintheskyairshow.com)
:i-06 NAS Kingsville, TX: Wings over South Texas
24-25 Regional Airport, Columbia, MO: 28 Magic Valley Regional Airport, Twin Falls, lD:
:.3-1 3 Linder Regional Airport, Lakeland, FL: Memorial Day 5alute to Veterans 2008 Air Show Air Magic Valley 2008
5un 'n Fun Fly-in (Web: www.salute.org)
(Tel: USA 863 644 2431 | web: www.sun-n-fun.org)
28-29 Carp Airport, Ottawa, ON: Air Show ottawa
31 -01 Jun Poplar Grove Airport, Poplar Grove, lL: (Tel: Canada 6l 3 27 1 81 65 |
Burnet Airport, Burnet, TX: Bluebonnet Air Show Army Wings and Wheels web: www.airshowottawa.com)
(Tel: U5A 512 756 2226 (Tel: USA 81 5 547 31 1 5 |
ElmendorfAFB, AK: Arctic Thunder 2008
web: www.highlandlakessquadron.com/airshow.html) web: wwwarmywingsandwheels.com) ElmendorfAFB Air Show and 0pen House
Ohio River, Louisville, KY: Kentucky Derby 31-0i Jun Ramona, CA: Ramona Air Show
(Web: www.elmendorf.almil)
Festival Thunder over Louisville Airshow (Web: www.ramonaairshow.com) 28-29 Huntsville, AL: Huntsville Airshow 2008
(Web: www.thunderoverlouisville.orq)
'2-13 RutherfordCountyAirport,Smyrna,TN:
31-01 Jun Southport Airport, Portage Ia Prairie, MB: 28-29 Quonset State Airport, North Kingstown, Rl:
Manitoba Air Show 2008 Rhodelsland National Guard Open Houseand AirShow
Smyrna Airshow (Tel: USA 401 275 4110 | web: www.riguard.com)
(Tel: Canada 204 428 6040 I
Ocala lnternational Airport, Ocala, FL: web: www.manitoba-airshow.com)
Heart of Florida Airshow
't-20 JUtY
' :-20
MacDill AFB, FL: MacDill AirFest 2008
JUNE 02-06 W. K. Kellogg Airport, Battle Creelt Ml:
Greater Peoria Regional Airport, Peoria, lL:
0l McGuire AFB, NJ: Battle Creek Field ofFlight Air Show and Balloon Festival
River City Air Expo Prairie Air Show
(Tel: USA 309 697 6757 | web:www.prairieair.org) Joint Base Open House 2008 (Tel: USA 269 962 0592 I web: www.bcballoons.com)

NOTE: CHANGE OF DATE Westman, MB: Westman Air Show Dubuque, lN: Dubuque Fireworks Air Show
-*- Wilmington lnternational Airport,

04 Kapuskasing, ON: Kapuskasing Air Show

(Web: www.dubuque365.com/stage/info/1 663)

Wilmington, NC: Coastal Carolina Airshow Tacoma, WA: Tacoma Freedom Fair Airshow
Rantoul, lL: Chanute Air Festival (Web: www.freedomfair.com)
(Tel: USA 910 341 4333)
(Tel: USA 21 7 893 i 61 3 | web: www.aeromuseum.org)
Charleston AFB,5C: Q4 Tyler, TX: Tyler Air 5how
06-08 Regional Airport, Reading, PA:
Charleston Air Expo 2008 04-05 Regional Airport, Cape Girardeau, MO:
Mid-Atlantic Air Museum WW2 Weekend
Galveston lnternational Airport, Galveston, TX: (Tel: USA 610 372 7333 | web: www.maam.org) Cape Girardeau Regional Air Festival
(Tel: U5A 573 334 6230 | web: ww.capeairfestival.com)
1 8th Annual Spirit of Flight Airshow
06-08 Yuba County Airport, Marysville, CA:
(Tel: USA 888 359 5736 | web:www.spiritofflight.org) 05 Goshen, IN: Freedom Fest Goshen Airshow
Golden West EAA Regional Fly-in and Air Show
:'-27 Vidalia, GA: Vidalia Onion Festival Air Show (Tel: USA 530 852 0321 |
(Tel: U5A 574 533 8245 |

(Tel: USA 91 2 538 8687 | web: www.freedomfestgoshen.com)

web: www.qoldenwestflyin.org)
web: www.vidaliaonionfestival.com)
07-08 MCAS Cherry Point, NC:
05-06 Binghamton,NY:6reaterBinghamtonAirshow

[4CAs Cherry Point Air Show 05-06 Grand Traverse Bay, Traverse, Ml:
rfuAY (Web: www.cherrypointairshow.com) National Chetry Festival Air Show
{Tel: U5A 231 947 4230 I web: wwwchenyfestival.org)
:: Dyess AFB,TX: 07-08 Manitowoc County Airport, Manitowoc, Wl:
Big Country Appreciation Day 11 Pensacola Beach, FL: Pensacola Beach Air 5how
Thunder on the Lakeshore
:i-04 Fort Lauderdale Beach, FL: National Salute to (Tel: USA 920 482 '1650 | Geneseo, NY: Geneseo Air Show
Americal Heroes Air & Sea Show CANCELLED web: www.manitowocairshow.com) (Tel: USA 585 243 2100 | web: www.1 941 hag.org)

12-13 Milwaukee Lakef ront, Milwaukee, Wl: 23 CFB Moose Jaw SK: 15 Wing Armed Forces Day 06-08 Orlando, FL: NBAA 2008 National Business
Milwaukee Air Expo (Iel: U5A 41 4 247 9055 Aircraft Association Annual Meeting & Convention
| 23-24 Downtown Airport, Kansas City, MO:
web: wwwmilwaukeeairexpo.com) (Tel: U5A 202 783 9000
KCAviation Expo & Airshow |

16 Thompson, MB:Thompson Air Show (Web: www,kcairshowcom) y*_T!!..j9p,b\4'hl.)

19 Grand Forks AFB, ND: 23-24 Mount Comfort Airport, lndianapolis, lN: 11-12 Alliance Airport, Foyt Worth, TX:
Thunder Over the Red River Air and space 5how Indianapolis Air Show 2008 Fort Worth Alliance Air Show
(Tel: U5A 3 I 7 335 7252 | web: www.indyairshow.com) (Web: www.allianceairshow.com)
Hemet-Ryan Airport, Hemet, CA:
Hemet-Ryan Airshow 23-24 Santa Maria, CA: Thunder over the Valley 11-12 San Francisco Waterfront, San Francisco, CA:
(Web: www.hemet-ryanairshow.orq) (Tel: USA 805 922 8758lweb:www.smmof.org) Fleet Week Airshow
NOTE: CHANGE OF DATE (Tel: USA 650 599 5057 | web: fleetweek.us)
27 Welland, ON: Welland Air Show
19 Yellowknife, NT: 29 Laughlin AFB, TX: Air Amistad
17 CFB MooseJaw 5K:
Yellowknife lnternational Air Show Snowbirds End ofYear Show
30-31 Burke Lakefront Airport, Cleveland, OH:
19-20 Dayton, OH: Vectren Dayton Air Show Cleveland National Air Show
18-19 Dobbins ARB, GA:
(Tel: USA 937 898 5901 Open House and Wings over Marietta
l (Tel:U5A216781 0747 l
web: www.daytonairshow.com)
web: www.clevelandairshow.com) 18 -19 LittIe RocKAFB, AR:
19-20 Duluth, MN: Duluth Air Show
30-31 Travis AFB, CA:Travis Air Expo AirPower Arkansas Air Show
(Tel: U5A 21 8 628 9996 ]
web: www.duluthairshowcom) 30-01 5ep Lake Ontario, Toronto, ON: itle Robins AFB, GA:
Canadian International Air Show Open House and Air Show
19-20 Marquette Park, Gary, lN: (Tel: Canada 4l 6 263 3650 | web: www.cias.org) '18-19 Albert Whitted Airport, 5t Petersburg, FL:
Gary s South Shore Air Show
St Petersburg Airfest
{Web: www.garyairshow.com) (Tel:USA727 20462821
19-20 Mcchord AFB, WA: McChord Air Expo 2008 SEPTEMBER web: www.stpetersburgairfest.com)
23 Cheyenne, WY: Wyoming ANG Air Show 06 Schenectady, NY: Empire State Aerosciences
2s-26 Ellington Field, Houston, TX:
(Tel: U5A 307 772 5040 | web:wwwwychey.ang.af.mil) Museum Northeast Air 5how
Wings over Houston Airshow
Prince George, AB: Prince George Air Show (Tel:UiA713266 44921
06 Shaw AFB, 5C: Shawfest 08 web: www.wingsoverhouston.com)
26-27 Lethbridge, AB: Alberta Airshow 2008
(Web: www.albertaairshow.com) 06-07 NA5 Brunswick ME: 25-26 NAS Jacksonville, FL: NAS Jacksonville Air 5how
Great State of Maine Airshow
26-27 GreaterRochesterlnternationalAirport, (Web: wwwgreaterstateofmaineairshow.com)
Rochester, NY:2008 ESL
(Web: www.rochesterairshow.com)
International Air Show
06-07 NAS Lemoore,CA:
Central Valley Lemoore Airshow 01 -02 Lackland AFB, TX: Lackland AirFest 2008
26-27 Reynolds-Alberta Museum, Wetaskiwin, AB: (Web: www.lackland.af.mil/airshow)
o6-o7 NAS Patuxent River, MD: Air Expo 08
Wetaskiwin Air Show 2008
(Tel: Canada 361 1351 I Southern Maryland Aviation Days
- 01-02 Lafayette Regional Airport, Lafayette, LA:
web: www.wetaskiwinairshow.com) 06-07 Stanfield lnternational Airport, Halifax, NS: Lafayette Airshow

28-03 Aug Wittman Field, Oshkosh, Wl: Nova 5cotia lnternational Air Show Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, FL:
(Tel: Canada 902 46s 2725 web: www.n5?I19ygl World Space Expo
EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2008 |
(Tel: U5A 920 426 4800 I web: www.airventure.org) o6-o7 Westover ARB, MA: Great New England Air Show (Web: www.worldspaceexpo.com)

30 White Rock, BC: Wings over White Rock lyt41gi:{lgy1glandairshow.com) _

08-09 Nellis AFB, NV: Aviation Nation 2008
Stephenville, NL: Stephenville Air Show (Web: aviationnation.org)

AUGUST 10-14 Stead Field, Reno, NV: 14-1 5 NAS Pensacola, FL: NAS Pensacola Open House
National Championship Air Races and Airshow and Blue Angels Homecoming Air Show
01-03 Lake Washington, Seattle, WA:
(Tel:USA775 972 6663 | web: www.airrace.org) (Web: wwwnaspensacola.navy.mil)
KeyBank Air Show at Seafair
(Web: www.seafaircom)
'13 Greenville, MS: Mid Deita Air Festival & Airshow
03 Dawson Creek, BC: Dawson Creek Air Show
'13-14 Chippewa Valley Regional Airport,
(Tel: Canada 782 9595) Eau Claire, Wl: Chippewa Valley Airshow

06 Penticton, BC: Penticton Air Show Hulman Field, Terre Haute, lN:
Terre Haute Air Fair CANCEttED
0s 10 Abbotsford, BC:
20-21 Midland, TX: Fina-CAF Airsho 2008
Abbotsford lnternational Airshow
(Tel: Canada 604 852 851 1 (Tel: USA 432 563 1 000 web: www.airsho.org)

web: www.abbotsfordairshow.com) 2Q-21 NAS Oceana, VA: Oceana Airshow 2008 Pribram Airfield, Prague, Czech Republic:
(Web: www.oceanaairshow.com) AeroExpo Prague 2008
09-1 0 Fairchild AFB, WA: Skyfest 2008
(Iel: UK 020 8255 4000 |
09-1 0 Storm Lake, lA: FIy lowa 2008 20-21 Scott AFB, lL: Scott AFB 0pen House
web: www.expo.aero/prague)
(Web: www.flyiowa.org) (Web: www.scottairshow.com)
30-01 MayNiederrhein Airport,Weeze, Germany:
09-1 o Toledo Express Airport, Swanton, OH: 20 21 Victoria, BC: Victoria Air Show
Airport Fifth Anniversary Airshow
Toledo Airshow 2008 24 Tri-Cities, WA: Tri-Cities Air show (Web: www.airport-weeze.de)
09-1 0 Westover ARB, MA: Great New England Air Show 27-28 Chico, CA: Chico Air Show
(Web: www.greatnewen glandairshow.com)

09-1 0 Willow Run Airport, Ypsilanti, Ml:

zz zg Ct"nd Jun.tiotr, CO MAY
Air Show Western Colorado 2008
Thunder over Michigan (Tel: UsA 734 483 4030 i
01-04 Biscarrosse,France:
27-28 Salinas Municipal Airport, Salinas, CA: Rassemblement lnternational d'Hydravions
web: www.ya nkeeairmuseum.orglairshow)
California lnternational Airshow (Tel: France 5 58 83 40 40
13 Rocky Mountain House, BC: (Tel: U5A 831 754 1 983 web: www.salinasairshowcom)

Rocky Mountain House Air Show

(Tel: Canada 403 322 0034


web: www.rockymtnhouseairshow.com) OCTOBER - lnternational General

Cannes 2008 Aviation Show

01 Douglas, AZ: Douglas Air show

Springbanlr AB: Sprlngbank Air Show -__
16-17 Camarillo, CA: Camarillo Air Show 04 Lincoln, CA: Lincoln Airport Day and Airshow 16-18 Kiel, Germany: Flugplatz Festival
(Web: www.flugtage.de)
(Tel: USA 805 383 0686 I (Web: www.lincolnairportday.com)
web; www,camarilloairshow.com) 04 VanceAFB,OK: BAI 1 5 Orange, France: French AF Meeting de lAir
16-17 Chicago Lakefront, Chi(ago, lL: Partners in the Sky Air 5how 20-22 Geneva-CointrinAirport,Switzerland:
Chicago Air and Water Show EBACE 2008 European Business Aviation
(Tel: USA 31 2 744 33 1 5 | web: www.cityofchicago.org)
04-05 Biggs AAF, El Paso, TX: Amigo Airsho 2008 -
Convention & Exhibition
(Tel: U5A 915 562 6446 j web:www.amigoairsho.org)
(Tel: Switzerland 2766 0076 web: www.ebace.com)
16-17 Offutt AFB, NE: Open House and Air Show 04-05 MCAS Miramar, San Diego, CA: i\4iramar Air Show
(Web: www.offutt.af mil) (Web: www.miramarairshow.com) 24-25 Pratica di Mare AB, ltaly:
16-17 Santa Rosa, CA: Municipal Airport, Redding, CA:
Giornata Azzurra 2008
Wings over Wine Country Air 5how Redding Air Show 24-25 Vasteras, Sweden: Roll0ut 2008
(Tel: U5A 707 575 7900 | (Tel: U5A 530 222 1610 l (Tel: Sweden 021 146055
web: www.pacificcoastairmuseum.org) web: www.reddin gairshow.com) web: www.f lygmuseum.com)
city, NJ,Th,
l!""tl. 04-12 Balloon Fiesta Park, Albuquerque, NM: Volkel, The Netherlands:
,3 Alpena, Ml: Wings over Alpena Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2008 Volkel in de Wolken Airshow
(Web: www.wingsoveralpena.com) (Web: www.balloonfiesta.com) (Web: www.volkelindewolken.nl)


27-01 Jun Berlin-Schiinefeld Airport, Germany: 09 St Stephan, Switzerland: 21-23 Wanaka, New Zealand: Warbirds over Wanaka 2008
5oYears ofthe Hunter in Switzerland (Tel: New Zealand 3443 861 9
ILA 2008 Berlin Air Show I

(Web: www.hunterverein.ch/hunterfest-08.htm) web:www.warbirdsoverwanaka.com) _

(Tel: Germany 30 3038 2170 I web: www.ila2008.de) _
iC-0i Jun Ganderkesee, Germany: Flugplatz Festival 09-10 Ursel, Belgium: Wings and Wheels 2008 22 Margate Airport, South Africa:
(Tel: Belgium 9 235 3014 | N4argate Airshow
(Web: www.flu gtage.de)
web: www.wingsandwheels.be) 22-23 Temora, NSW, Australia:
i1-01 Jun La Fert6Alais,France:
Meeting A€rien de la Fertd Alais lS-r z -ictratte*Ol"tt, A"tffi Temora Aviation Museum Flying Days
lnternational Old-Timer Fly-in (Tel: Australia 2 6977 1088 |
{Tel: France 1 64 57 55 85 |
(Web: flyin.dac.be) web: www.aviationmuseum.com.au)
web: www,ajbs.fr or www.ferte-meeting.com)
16-17 Kecskem6t,Hungary:Hungarianlnternational ft-oO np, nrturo wterino-B"nit". lnt"rn"tional AirPort,
i I -01 Jun LiCae-Bierset AB, Belgium:
Air Show and Military DisPlaY Santiago, Chile: FIDAE 2008
_Belsian Helidays 2008
lorll9srP9!EDI9:90, (Web: www.repulonaP.hu/airshow) (Tel: Chile 2 873 9755 | web: www.fidae.cl)

16-17 Tuzla, Romania: Black Sea Airshow and Fly-in

JUNE (Tel: Romania 451 7 9903) APRIT
8A709 Cognac, France: All-Russia Exhibition Center, Mos(ow Russia: 1 1 -1 3 Juan N. Alvarez lnternational Airport,
French AF Meeting de lAir IDELF 2008 International Defense Exhibition Acapulco, Mexi(o: Alextremo Air Show Acapulco
(Tel: Russia 495 937 4081 | web: www.idelf.ru)
Valen(e, France: CANCELLED
lvleeting 46rien du GAIVl5TAT Valence 23-24 StGallen-AltenrheinAirport,Switzerland: zo-Zl f".--r, f'lSW, nutt-ti*_=--
(Web: www.meeting-gamstatvalence.com) lnternational Eodensee Airshow 2008 Temora Aviation Museum Flying Days
(Web: wwwibas08.ch) (Tel: Australia 2 6977 I 088 I
-08 Bremerhaven Airport, Germany:
Air Bremerhaven 08 (Tel: Germany 471 972 340 | 30-31 Aachen-Merzbriick, Germany: Westf lug Festival web: www.aviationmuseum.com.au)
web: www.regionalflu ghafen-bremerhaven.de) (Web: www.fluqtage.de)

::-08 G6raszka, Poland: G6raszka Air Picnic 30-31 Save Dep5, Giiteborg Airport, Sweden: MAY
(Tel: Poland 640 2711 web:wwwplknik-goraszka.pl) Gdteborg Aero Show 2008
(Tel: Sweden 3i 55 83 00 I web: www.aeroseum.se)
16 Hato Airport, Netherlands Antilles:
_: Karup AB, Denmark: Royal Danish AF Airshow Dutch Caribbean NavY DaY
(Web: forsvaret.dk/FLV-Aabenthus) 30-31 Griesheim Airfield, Darmstadt, Germany:
Airshow 1 00th Anniversary ofAugust Euler'Airfleld
Stauning, Denmark: -
(Tel: Germany 6151 166200 | JUNE
41st lnternational KZ Rally and Airshow
web: www.windkanal.tu-darmstadt.de) 07-08 Temora, NSW, Australia:
Temora Aviation Museum Flying Days
Maribor, Slovenia: (Tel: Australia 2 6977 1 088 I
lnternational Air Show Maribor
SEPTEMBER web: www.aviationmuseum.com.au)
(Web: www.lcm.si) Magdeburg Airport, Germany: Air 2008 Magdeburg
25-29 Rionegro, Colombia:
Aviation Trade Fair
Leeuwarden AB, The Netherlands: -(Tel:5port, Private & Business
Germany 391 593450
Fourth International Aeronautical Fair
KLUOpen Dagen 2008 | (Web: www.f-aircolombia.com.co)
weh www.air-maodeburo.com)
(Web: www.luchtmacht.nl)
Brno-Turany Airport, czech Republic:
Berlin-Tempelhof Airport, Germany: Tempelhof
Czech International Air Fest 2008 SEPTEMBER
Emotions Allied and Historic Aircraft Meeting
(Tel: Germany 30 325 95 887 |
(Tel: Czech Republic 2 660 346 83 | 17-21 AFB Ysterplaat, Cape Town, South Africa:
web: wwwairshowcz) Africa Aerospace and Defence 2008
web: www.tempelhof-aviators.de)
20 Leos Janacek Airport, Ostrava, Czech Republic: (Web: www.aadexpo.co.za)
A6rodrome Vidor Hamm, Sarre-Union, France: NATO Day (Tel: Czech Republic 597 479 208 I
Meeting Adrien (Tel: France 3 8800 1 1 96 |
web: www.acrsu,orglhtml/meetin g08,htm)
web: www.dennato.cz)
20 Roanne, France: l\4eeting Aerien de Roanne
NAS Kiel-Holtenau, Germany: (Web: www.meeting-roanne.com)
04-05 RAAFB Amberle, QLD, Australia:
6th Kiel SAR Nleet Open Day Australian Defence Force Air Show
(Web: www.sarmeet.de) ,w1 Hilzingen/5ingen, Germany:
1 1- I 2 Osan AB, Sorrth Kor""t An Po*.t D.v
22nd Hilzingen lnternational Airshow
-a-29 Bitburg, Germany: Luxembourg Air Show 2008 (Tel: Germany 7731 12422 | web: www.sfg-singen.de) r s-r s-rya"rab"d AirpottJndia: lndia Aviation 2008
{Tel: Luxembourg 21 240 140 I web: wwwairshow.lu)
Romaero, Bu€harest, Romania: 26 HMAS Atbdtross, Nowra, NSW, Australia:
-.__ Rakowice-Czyzyny, Krak6w, Poland:
Black Sea Defence & Aerospace 2008 Royal Australian Navy Air DaY
Air Picnic (Tel: Romania 21 327 6651 | web:wwwbsda.ro)

:t 8A102 Dijon, France: 27-28 5t Paul's Bay, Malta: NOVEMBER

French AF l\4eeting de lAir l\4alta International Airshow 2008
04-09 Zhuhai, Guangdong, China:
(Tel: N4alta 214 44089 | web:www.maltairshow.com)
BAN Landivisiau, France: Portes Ouvertes Airshow China 2008
(Web: www,airshow.com,cn)

JULY OCTOBER 1 1 -1 3 Dubai Airport Expo, Dubai, UAE:

:j'C6 Florennes AB, Belgium: Belgian Defence Days
14-16 Cas(ais Airport, Estoril, Portugal: Helitech Europe Dubai Helishow 2008
(Tel: UK 020 8439 8894 (Tel: UK 01 293 823779
-:-13 Den Helder,The Netherlands: National Fleet Days
web: www.dubaihelishow.com)

web: www.helitecheuroPe.com)
' '-: 3 Vichy, France: RSA National Rally 2008
(Web: www.rsafrance.com)

= 3 rclfr""gt"", St W. CAIIING AtL ORGANISERSI

Scalaria Air Challenge 2008
(web: www.airchallenqe.com) lf you're planning an event in 2008, please get in touch
to have it included in Alrcraft lllusfrated's calendat
8A702 Avord, France: French AF N4eeting de l?ir
vigo, Spain: Festival Adreo Vigo 2008
FEBRUARY - the best in the businessl
(Tel: Spain 608 883 552 I 09-10 Temora, NSW, Australia:
web: www.festivalaereovigo.com) Temora Aviation Museum Flying Days I Fax: +44 (0)1932 266633
':':0 Tannheim,Germany:Tannkosh2008
(Tel: Aunralia 2 6977 1 088 |
I e-mail: ben.dunnell@ianallanpublishing.co.uk
web: www,aviationmuseum.com.au)
(Tel: cermany 8395 1244 | web: www.edmt.de)
Hechtel, Belgium: Sanicole lnternational Airshow
16-17 San lsidro AB, Dominican Republic:
Disclaimer: This calendar has been compiled
2008 Caribbean Airshow
(Tel: Belgium 1 134 7739 | web: www.sanicole.com) from a number of different sources and remains
(Web: www.schultzairshows.com/DomRep2008.htm)
_a-27 Augsburg, Germany: Augsburg Airshow 2008 PROVISIONAL until confirmed by the organisers.
(Tel: Germany 9403 9529 426J
19-24 New Changi Exhibition Centre, Changi North,
Singapore: Singapore Airshow 2008 You are advised to use the calendar with caution and
web: www.abacus airshow.de) (Tel:5ingapore 6542 8660 |
confirm directly with the organisers that any event
Bray seafronq Republic oflreland: Bray Air Display web: www.singaporeairshow,com.sg)
(Web: www.brayairdisplay.com)
that you plan to attend is taking place on the date
and at the venue expected, before making any travel
MARCH arrangements. lf we know a telephone number (and/or
AUGUST 07-09 Hamilton lnternational Airport, New Zealand: web site) for an event we show it. Please notify us of
:- Katwijkseafront,TheNetherlands: New Zealand International Air Show 2008
any changes you discover.
5AR Katwijk 2008 (Web: www.sarkatwijk.nl) (Web: www.airshow,co.nz)

Eli 09
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