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Unit – 1

1. Explain protocol governing web?

2. Types of website (state and dynamic)?
Assignment 3. Explain planning and process development of website?
1 4. What is HTML? Explain structure of HTML documents?
5. Create a HTML page using heading paragraphs and line breakage tags.


1. Explain ordered and unordered list?

2. Explain table tag?
3. Write a HTML page of student information using table tag?
4. Explain frames in HTML with example?
Assignment 5. Write a HTML page of registration form?
2 6. Explain hyperlinks and image tag in HTML using suitable example.
7. What is radio button and check box tag in HTML explain with proper
8. Explain frames in HTML.


1. What is CSS?
2. Explain how you can include a CSS in your HTML page.
3. What is the need for CSS?
4. What are different ways for creating style sheet? Explain.
5. Apply a style rule to <H1> tag by specifying it on the style attribute.
6. How will you group style rules?
7. What are the padding properties?
8. What are the box properties?
9. What are the font properties?
10. What are HTML selectors ?
11. What are class selector?
12. What is the difference between ID and class selectors?
13. What are contextual selectors?
14. What is the procedure for linking a style sheet?
15. What are text properties?
16. What are colour and background properties?
17. What are embedding style sheet?
18. Using CSS create a page layout and site designs.

1. What is java script? What can a java script do?

2. Explain how to put a java script into an HTML page.
3. Explain how to write variable in JavaScript.
4. Explain operators in Java script.
5. What are java script popup boxes.
Assignment 6. How to write functions in java script.
4 7. Explain events in java script.
8. Using java script validate a registration form.
9. How can we change image using java script?
10. How do you link documents in java script?
11. Write a java script program for a calculator?
12. What is the difference between java and java script?

1.What is web hosting? Explain types of hosting packages.

2. What is SEO? What are the importance of SEO?


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