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Name: ______________________________!

Mod: ________
Date: _______________________________! U3.LP5: InterestGroups

Objective: Students will develop an interest group platform and create an informative advertisement
on an issue in order to explain the purpose and function of interest groups (Indicator 1.1.4).

In the United States, we hold elections at regular intervals because we want the representative
selection process to be predictable. We need to know when, where, and how we can tell our
representatives what kind of job we think theyʼre doing. If elections were held infrequently or
irregularly, people wouldnʼt use them to communicate their feelings about their representatives.
They might resort to more disruptive means, possibly violence.

The Constitution has set the term of office for the U.S. House of Representatives at two years, the
Senate at six years, and the presidency at four years. Article I, Section 4 then leaves it up to
individual states to cooperate and determine the timing, location, and the rules of the elections. As
a result--and for convenience--we elect our state and local representatives at the same time as
the national elections, which is the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. That Tuesday in
November is Election Day across the United States.

Why is Election Day held in November? For much of our history, most Americans were farmers.
Election organizers decided that November would be the most convenient month for farmers to
travel to the polling stations, the places designated by the state where their citizens would cast
their votes. By November, the fall harvest was over, but most of the nation, the weather was still
mild enough to permit travel over country roads.

Why is Election Day on a Tuesday? Because most farmers had to travel a long way on those
country roads to the polls, many would have to start out the day before the voting. If Monday were
Election Day, many people would have had to begin travel on Sunday, which would have
interfered with their church services. Therefore, they selected the next day, Tuesday.

In your own words, why are elections held regularly?

How long does a term last for a Senator? ________ How long for a Representative? ________

In your own words, why are elections held in November?

Based on what you read above, do you agree that elections should be held on Tuesdays? Why?

Intro to New Material can be found on the next page.

Main Idea Supporting Details

What is an • a group of ________________ who share common goals and

interest group? ________________________ to influence government
• they spend a tremendous amount of ________ and money in order to do so
• they are typically concerned with only _____ issue, but possibly more

What does an • they ________________ for legislation, or proposed laws, that are
interest group favorable to their issue of interest
do? • they __________________ and vote for political candidates who favor their
• they ________, or persuade, political officials to support their mission
• they ________________ the public on specific issues in ways that support
their mission

Why groups? • There is more ___________ in numbers, because numbers equal votes.
• When more people are involved they have more ___________, such as
time and ___________.
• More money means that the groups can hire professionals to lead the
organization, or __________________ to help persuade politicians.

Who are • They make direct _______________ with political officials in an attempt to
lobbyists? get their support for the interest groupʼs issues
• They _______________ the government system, and have access to
politicians that most normal people donʼt have
• They write ____________________ that supports the agenda, or platform,
of the interest group they work for

What issues do • Labor issues, such as _______________ and work hours.

they work on? • Business issues, such as _______________ and the elimination of
_____________________________ on business by government.
• Environmental issues, such as land conservation.
• Public issues, such as _______________ drinking or the use of

Examples of • NRA - National _______________ Association

Interest Groups • MADD - Mothers Against _______________ Driving
• NEA - National ____________________ Association
• Public Citizen - ______________________ Rights
• AARP - American Association of __________________ Persons
• RCC - Roman ____________________ Church
How are they different from political parties? Turn the page!!!
Political Parties Interest Groups

are usually concerned with only a

try to gain the support of the
Focus _______________ issues, or specific

nominate ______________________ try to influence _______________ officials

for office and try to win elections to support certain policies

directly influence meet with ________________________

Results _________________________ in their from all parties to influence outcome of
political parties certain issues

Main Idea Supporting Details

How do interest • With _______________ and _______________

groups impact • Through _______________ campaigns that address the issues in a
politics? _______________ manner
• By making monetary _______________ to political campaigns, in an effort
to get certain politicians elected
Group Practice

You will pick one of four issues to work on in your interest groups.
1. School Lunches
2. School Uniforms
3. Field Trips
4. Technology in School

You will have four key roles in your group and EVERYBODY WILL PARTICIPATE AND HELP
Platform creator (1 writer)
Political Advertisement Team
Script and storyline (2 writers)
Storyboard artist (1 drawer)

1. Making a platform

1 A. What is your groupʼs mission?

B. What changes do you want to see?
C. What things do you want to stay the same?

2. Creating a Political Advertisement

2 A. Create an idea for a script

B. Make actors
C. Write a script with word for word lines that promote your issue

3 3. Make a storyboard
A. Draw out the scenes for your advertisement
B. Include camera angles and Direction
Issue: School Uniforms

What is your group’s mission?

Our interest group exists to eradicate the use of same-colored school uniforms in all public high schools across America and
provide choice of uniform color to students.

What changes do you want to see?

We want to see that no school shall require students to wear uniforms of the same color.

What things do you want to stay the same?

We believe it is important for students to express their individuality, but recognize the importance for similarly styled clothing.


Independent Practice

What is your group’s mission?

What changes do you want to see?

What things do you want to stay the same?

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