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Ancient Triads

A triple deity (sometimes referred to as threefold, tripled, triplicate, tripartite, triune,

triadic or trinity) is a deity associated with the number three. Such deities are common
throughout world mythology. All pagan religions from the time of Babylon have adopted
in one form or another a trinity doctrine or a triad or trinity of gods. In Babylon the planet
Venus was revered as special and was worshipped as a trinity consisting of Venus, the
moon and the sun. This triad became the Babylonian holy trinity in the fourteenth century
before Christ. They held to the trinity of Nimrod, Semiramas, and Tammuz as well.
(Semiramis demanded worship for both her husband and her son as well as herself. She
claimed that her son, was both the father and the son.) In ancient Egypt there were many
trinities, the most famous among them that of Osiris (man), Isis (wife), and Horus (son),
local triads like the Theban triad of Amun, Mut and Khonsu and there were many others.
The Greeks also had a triad of Zeus, Athena and Apollo. These three were said by the
pagans to "agree in one. The Romans had a triad of Jupiter (father), Juno (wife), and
Minerva (daughter). One of the largest pagan temples built by the Romans was
constructed at Ballbek (situated in present day Lebanon) to their trinity of Jupiter,
Mercury and Venus. The main supranational triad of the ancient Lusitanian mythology
and religion and Portuguese neo-pagans made up of the couple Arentia and Arentius,
Quangeius and Trebaruna, followed by a minor Gallaecian-Lusitanian triad of Bandua
(under many natures), Nabia and Reve (female nature: Reva). The triad of Al-Lat, Al-
Uzza, and Manat in the time of Mohammed (surah 53:19-22). Lugus (Esus, Toutatis and
Taranis) in Celtic mythology. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva trinity in Hindu mythology.
The Ayyavazhi religion has a trinity. There's a triple Goddess in the Wicca religion.
Balaam was a Canaan diety (a prince of Hell who commands over forty legions of
demons) being depicted as being three-headed god. One head is the head of a bull, the
second of a man, and the third of a ram. And in China the Taoists believed in the three
pure ones or gods (the one who produced the second, which in turn made the third one)
who ruled the universe.

In the myth and religion of Indo-European cultures, the term "triple goddess" has been
used to refer both to goddess triads and to a single feminine deity described as triple in
form or aspect. In religious iconography or mythological art, three separate beings may
represent either a triad who always appear as a group (Greek Moirae, Charites, Erinnyes
and the Norse Norns) or a single deity known from literary sources as having three
aspects (Greek Hecate, Diana Nemorensis.) In the case of the Irish Brighid it is
ambiguous whether a single being or more are represented.

The Druid priests of the Celts did not write down the stories of their gods and goddesses,
but instead transmitted them orally, so our knowledge of the early Celtic deities is
limited. Romans of the first century B.C. recorded the Celtic myths and then later, after
the introduction of Christianity to the British Isles, the Irish monks of the 6th century and
Welsh writers later wrote down their traditional stories. Morrigan was a Celtic goddess of
war who hovered over the battlefield as a crow or raven. She has been equated with
Medh. Badb, Macha, and Nemain may have been aspects of her or she was part of a
trinity of war goddesses, with Badb and Macha. The hero Cu Chulainn rejected her
because he failed to recognize her. When he died, Morrigan sat on his shoulder as a crow.
She is usually referred to as "the Morrigan." It was known by at least three different

In Plato's (500 B.C.) Greek philosophy it was the Unknown Father, (Nous) Logos, and
the world soul. From this Tertullian (200 A.D.) borrowed to form his triad in unison,
from which was later adopted by the trinitarians in 325 A.D. The trinity is not a doctrine
of Christ and his Apostles, but a fiction of the school of the later Platonists according to
church historians. The Scriptures do not teach the doctrine of the trinity. Neither the word
trinity itself, nor such language as one in three, three in one, one essence or substance or
three persons, is scriptural language. The language of the doctrine is the language of the
Roman Catholic Church, taken not from the Bible but from classical Greek philosophy.
Trinity Definition: Within the nature of the One True God, there simultaneously exists
three eternal Persons, namely, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. All
three Persons are co-equals in all the attributes of the Divine Nature. This definition
defines God, not as a family, but as a committee. But how did this doctrine come to exist
in modern Christianity? In the preface to Edward Gibbon's History of Christianity, it
reads: "If Paganism was conquered by Christianity, it is equally true that Christianity was
corrupted by Paganism. The pure Deism of the first Christians … was changed, by the
Church of Rome, into the incomprehensible dogma of the Trinity. Many of the pagan
tenets, invented by the Egyptians and idealized by Plato, were retained as being worthy of
Most theologians know that the trinity doctrine is not scriptural. How did the trinity
begin? Nobody knows for certain how it began in Babylon. One theory says that the
trinity began at the beginning when Lucifer (light-bearer) was part of a trinity of sorts.
Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer were the three Archangels, a closed triad that executed the
government of God among the Angels. He (now called Satan or adversary) then
supposedly used this knowledge later on to corrupt the image of the Holy One of Israel,
YHWH (Jehovah).
There are many who have written about the origin and pagan influence of the trinity.
Here now are their words.
"The trinity is a corruption borrowed from the heathen religions, and "ingrafted" on the
Christian faith." - Dictionary of Religious Knowledge
(The trinity) "When she allowed these idolatries to be ingrafted into her church, Rome re-
established the teachings of Nimrod (and his Babylonian Trinity); into the
New Testament Age, and into church dogma." - Thunder Ministries
"The doctrine of the trinity was not a teaching of the original Christians, who were either
with Jesus himself or taught directly by the surviving apostles. This explains why it is not
found in the Bible. If it was a fundamental, core doctrine of such great importance, it
would have been clearly and unmistakably stated in scripture. The fact that the vast
majority of professed Christians and church doctrine today maintain a belief in the trinity
does not prove it is correct. Rather, it suggests that corruption of Christian doctrinal truths
is widespread and deep." - Is Jesus God Almighty? Is the Trinity Scriptural? By Gordon
"Christianity did not destroy paganism; it adopted it. . . . From Egypt came the ideas of a
divine trinity." - Historian Will Durant
"The pagan trinities had all the prestige of a vast antiquity and universal adoption...The
Gentile converts therefore eagerly accepted the trinity compromise, and the Church
baptized it. Now at length we know its origin." - John Newton (Origin of Triads and

The doctrine of the Trinity...is contrary to common sense. It is contrary to Scripture. It's
origin is Pagan..." - J.N. Loughborough, Review and Herald,18th edition, November 5,
1861, page 184

"Codex B (Vaticanus)...was altered by a later hand in MORE THAN two THOUSAND

places. Eusebius, therefore, is not without grounds for accusing the adherents of...the
newly-risen Doctrine of the Trinity of FALSIFYING the Bible." - (Fraternal Visitor
1924, page 148)
"We certainly know of a great number of corruptions brought into the Scriptures by the
Athanasians - relating to the Doctrine of the Trinity." - Sir William Whiston Second letter
to the Bishop of London, 1719, page 15
On the rewriting of the Bible in order to support the Trinity Doctrine: "Learned men, so
called Correctores were, following the church meeting at Nicea 325 AD, selected by the
church authorities to scrutinize the sacred texts and rewrite them in order to correct their
meaning in accordance with the views which the church had just sanctioned." - Einfhrung
in die Textkritik des griechischen Testaments: Eberhard Nestle
"Christianity's doctrine of a "holy trinity" is simply NOT true. There is nothing in the
scriptures which even suggests that it is, except to those who have already been taught to
see it there. The doctrine of the Trinity is a heathen philosophical intrusion intothe faith
of Jesus..."- The Influence of Trinitarian Doctrine on Translations of the Bible by John
David Clark, Sr.
"What I discovered in most of the versions of the Bible produced by trinitarians which I
studied - is irrefutable proof of intentional mistranslation of words which refer to God...
Christian trinitarians routinely and purposely mistranslated Greek pronouns, so as to
promote the doctrine of the holy Trinity."- The Influence of Trinitarian Doctrine on
Translations of the Bible by John David Clark, Sr.
"To enforce the decisions (about the trinity) of the Council of Nicea, Constantine
commanded, with the death penalty for disobedience." - A History of Christianity
Volume 1 1997 Kenneth Scott Latourette
"The day was to come when the Nicene party won out completely and then the emperors,
who wished to prevent any more such quarrels, decreed that one who denied the Trinity
should be put to death." - The Church of our Fathers (1950, page 46)
"The doctrine that Jesus Christ the Son of God was God the son was decreed by worldly
and ecclesiastical powers. Men were forced to accept it at the point of the sword or else,
Thus, the error of the trinity was propounded to the end that ultimately people believed it
to be the truth. Thus Christianity became in essence like Babylonian heathenism, with
only a veneer of Christian names." - Forgers of the Word 1983 by Victor Paul Wierwille
"When we look back through the long ages of the reign of the Trinity . . .we shall
perceive that few doctrines have produced more unmixed evil." - (A Statement of
Reasons for Not Believing the Doctrine of the Trinitarians Concerning the Nature of God
and the Person of Christ) Andrews Norton 1833

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