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Difference between between RDBMS and MongoDB :-

Table view
Foreign Key
Partition Key

Mongo DB
Embedded Document
Shard Key

How to insert data


Q1. Display all the components of the file restaurants.json

> show dbs
use mongo(DB name)
db.restaurants(collection name)

Q2. Write a mongoDb query to display fields restaurants_id borough and cusine for
all documents in the collection restaurants

db.restaurants.find({},{"restaurant_id" : 1,"name":1,"borough":1,"cuisine" :

Q3. Write a mongoDb query to display fields restaurants_id borough and cusine for
all documents in the collection restaurants and exclude the field id

db.restaurants.find({},{"restaurant_id" : 1,"name":1,"borough":1,"cuisine" :
1," _id":0}).pretty()

Q4. Write a mongoDb query to display fields restaurants_id borough and cusine for
all documents in the collection restaurants and exclude the field id and adding
zipcode instead of cuisine

db.restaurants.find({},{"restaurant_id" :
1,"name":1,"borough":1,"address.zipcode" :1,"_id":0}).pretty()

Q5. Write a mongo db query to display the entire restaurant which is in the borough

db.restaurants.find({"borough": "Bronx"}).pretty()

Q6. Write a MongoDB query to display the first 5 restaurant which is in the borough

db.restaurants.find({"borough": "Bronx"}).limit(5).pretty()

Q7.Write a MongoDB query to display 5 restaurant which is in the borough Bronx

after skipping the first 5

db.restaurants.find({"borough": "Bronx"}).skip(5).limit(5).pretty()

Q8. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant who achieved score of more than 9

db.restaurants.find({grades: { $elemMatch: {"score":{$gt:9}}}}).pretty()

Q9. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurants who have score more than 80 but
less than 100

db.restaurants.find({grades: { $elemMatch: {"score":


Q10. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurants that do not prepare any cuisine
of 'American' and their grade score more than 70 and latitude less than -65.754168

db.restaurants.find({$and: [{"cuisine":{$ne:"American"}},{"grades.score":
{$gt:70}}, {"address.coord": {$lt:-65.754168}}]}).pretty()

Q11. Write a MongoDB query to find restaurants which do not prepare any cuisine of
american and achieve score more than 70 and not located in the latitude less than

db.restaurants.find({$and: [{"cuisine":{$ne:"American"}},{"grades.score":
{$gt:70}}, {"address.coord": {$gt:-65.754168}}]}).pretty()

Q12. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurants which do not prepare any cuisine
of American and achieve grade point A not belong to the borough Brooklyn . The
document must be displayed according to the cuisine in decending order

db.restaurants.find({$and: [{"cuisine":{$ne:"American"}},
db.restaurants.find({$and: [{"cuisine":{$ne:"American"}},

Q13. Write a MongoDB query to find rastaurants id,name,borough and cuisine for
those restaurants which contain "Wil" as first three letters in its name


Q14. Write a MongoDB query to find rastaurants id,name,borough and cuisine for
those restaurants which contain "ces" as last three letters in its name

Q15. Write a MongoDB query to find the restaurant id , name , and grades for those
restaurants which achieved a grade of "A" and scored 11 on an ISO date "2014-08-11
T00:00:00Z" among many of survey dates

db.restaurants.find({$and : [{"grades.date":ISODate("2014-08-11T00:00:00Z")},
Q16. Write a MongoDb query to find a restaurant id,name,address,and geographical
location for those restaurants where 2nd element of coord array contains a value
which is more than 42 and upto 52

db.restaurants.find({"address.coord.1":{$gt : 42, $lt : 52}},{"restaurant_id"


Q17. Write a MongoDB query to arrange the name of the restaurants in ascending
order along with all the columns

For descending db.restaurants.find().sort({"name":-1}).pretty()

Q18.Write a MongoDB query to arrange the name of the cuisine in ascending order and
for that same cuisine borough should be in decending order


Q19. Write a MongoDB query to know whether all the address contains street or not

db.restaurants.find({"address.street":{$exists : true}}).pretty()

Q20. Write a MongoDB query which will select the restaurant id, name ,grades for
those restaurants which returns 0 as a reminder after dividing the score by 7


Q21. Write a MongoDb query to find the restaurant name ,borough , longitude and
altitude and cuisine for those restaurants which contains 'mon' as three letters
somewhere in its name

db.restaurants.find({ name: {$regex:"mon.*",$options:"i"}},


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