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Global Citizenship Education ‖ Social Justice Heroes

Goals & Objectives

Students will understand what a social justice hero is and how a single person can impact the world
for the better.

Students will understand how a single person can impact their world by researching a learning
about a social justice hero who has impacted their own lives, today.

Common Core Literacy Standards

Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate
summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.

Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other
information in print and digital texts.

Distinguish among fact, opinion, and reasoned judgment in a text.

Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of historical events, scientific
procedures/ experiments, or technical processes

Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question),
drawing on several sources and generating additional related, focused questions that allow for
multiple avenues of exploration.

Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms effectively;
assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and
conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.
Driving Historical Question

Essential Question: How can a single person impact their world around them?

Lesson Introduction (Anticipatory Set/Hook/Accessing Prior Knowledge) ‖ Time: 15 min.

As an introduction to the lesson, students will be shown a short video describing “Social Justice”.
Following the video students will discuss with their partners what they saw, heard, and thought
was interesting in the video. Once students have discussed the video, I will ask students to
participate in a free write answering the follow question: What is a Social Justice issue that you are
passionate about and why? Following the free write we will have a class discussion focusing on
different social justice issues in todays’ world. I will structure the discussion in a way that allows
students to discuss their own beliefs in a structured academic environment without debate. Certain
social justice issues can be considered sensitive and for this reason I must structure the activities in
a way that promotes safe discussion.

Vocabulary (Content Language Development) ‖ Time: Prior to, and throughout content delivery

Prior to the day’s lesson, students will be briefed on associated vocabulary words that will be used
throughout the lesson and project.

Content Delivery (Method of Instruction) ‖ Time: 120 min

Students will read a one-page secondary source describing the concept of “Social Justice” and its
roots. Students will be assigned to read the document on their own while annotating and will then
be asked to think pair share with their partners. While students are discussing with their partner
what was read, students will take any key annotation from their partner’s notes that they did not
have in their own and mark it on their own text. Once the secondary document has been discussed
as a class, students will work in groups of four to create a brainstorming map focusing on the
phrase “Social Justice Heroes”. Students will work to think about all things related to “Social Justice
Heroes”. Students will then present their maps to the class. Once all students are confident in their
understanding of what a social justice hero is, students will complete a research project focusing on
a social justice hero of their choosing.

Student Engagement (Critical Thinking & Student Activities) ‖ Time: Throughout Lesson

During the lesson introduction, students will participate in discussion of the short clip shown.
Students will be introduced to the video in order to give student’s background knowledge to what
will be learned in the day’s activity. Throughout the reading activity, students will be actively
participating in annotation and discussion with a variety of other students. Along with actively
participating in discussion within a small group setting, the instructor will also use equity cards to
incorporate discussion into a class setting. Students will be actively using their secondary source
document to reference during discussion while developing knowledge in relation to content. As a
closing activity, students will participate in additional discussion and exchanging of ideas.
Lesson Closure ‖ Time: 5 min

As a closure to the day’s activity, students will meet with three other students and share who they
will research as their social justice hero. During this time students will gain insight to their peers as
well as reinforce what they’re goals are for the future.

Assessments (Formative & Summative)

- Informal assessment of discussion. (pm)

- Informal assessment of student’s annotations. (pm)

- Brainstorming maps (pm)

- Research Project (sum)

Accommodations for English Learners, Striving Readers and Students with Special Needs

Students who need, may have access to a Spanish translated document throughout the activity.

Think-Pair Share will be used throughout the lesson in order to allow students to think and discuss
a concept that was presented in the reading and video. Students at this time will be allowed to
discuss in their language of comfort if accessible, in order to promote analysis of the concept rather
than their linguistics. Students will then be better able to respond to a question related to the
content after analyzing what was presented.

Images, Choral response, and visual aids will be used throughout the reading and instructional
periods to assist different types of learners.

Resources (Books, Websites, Handouts, Materials)

- Secondary Source Reading

- Short Video

- Project Directions

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