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Career Pvt. Ltd.

Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.

Ph.- 94631-67060

Question - 1

Describe the recent city you went to, please say:

- What city it was,

- Where that city is located,

- When you went there and

- How you felt in that city.


- What kind of things a city should have to make tourists more relaxed?

- What is it that makes you feel at home when you’re away from home?

- Why do you think people prefer to migrate from a small city to a big city?

- Do you think that people who live in the city are living in a healthy way?
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question - 2

Talk about a family (not yours) where you were living for
a short period, you should say:

- How did you know the members of that family?

- What were their interests?

- Why do you like them?


- What things are recycled in your home country?

- What is the most powerful kind of advertisement? Is

it on TV or in newspapers?
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question - 3
Talk about something you have made yourself, please say:
- What is it?
- Why did you make it?
- How did you make it?

- What kind of things people usually decide to make
- Why do you think people decide to make things
- What is the difference in terms of quality of industrial
products and things you made yourself?
- What do you think are the effects of mass production
of items on people’s life?
- Would you rather watch a film in the cinema or at
- What kind of films did you like to watch when you
were a child?
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question - 4
Talk about a person that you know to whom you once helped,
please say

- Who that person was,

- What he/she needed

- Why you helped them,

- How you felt about it.

Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question - 5
Describe any public event (e.g. carnival, sports event, religious
event) which you went to. Please say:

- What was the event?

- With Whom you went to the event?

- What did you do at that event?

- Explain why people need to go to this event.

I was asked to talk about crowd:

- What are the negative and positive effects on people

living in crowded cities?

- What are the trends of population in your country?

Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question - 6
Describe a historical place that you visited, please say

- Where that place is,

- When you visited it,

- Why you visited the place.


- What are the historical events that children learn about

at school
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question - 7
Tell me about a famous historical place that you have visited.
You should include in your answer

- what place it was,

- where it is located,

- what about that place interests you the most.

Tell me about some of the famous historical places in
your country. Where are they located?
- Do you agree that people must pay to visit these
historical places and museums?
- Do you think TV is a good medium to learn about
the history of any place?
- Do you think parents should teach their children
about history?
- Do you think history should be taught at school?
- Do you think people are keen on visiting historical
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question - 8
Talk about a school that you have visited when you were a
child, you should say:

- What was the classroom size,

- how many students there were and who they were,

- how many teachers there were.

- What social values did you learn besides studying in
your school?
- How can the school affect social values that a
student learns and in which way?
- Who teaches the students more about values,
parents or school, and why?
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 9

Talk about something that you purchased and had not

used much, please say
- what it was,

- where you bought it,

- why you bought it,

- why you didn’t use it.

Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 10

Describe a school you went to when you were a child.


- What advantage is there to moving from a large

school to a small one?

- What is the difference between a large and a small


- What qualifications should a teacher have?

- Why teachers give so many assignments to pupils?

Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 11
Describe any public event (e.g. carnival, sports event,
religious event, etc) which you went to. Please say:
- What was the event?

- Whom you went with to the event?

- What did you do at the event?

After I was finished the examiner asked me 1-2 questions
on the described event.

Then she asked me to talk about crowded cities.

- What are the negative and positive effects on people

living in the crowded cities?
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 12
Describe a trip that did not go as well as you planned,
please say:
- what happened,

- where it happened,

- what did you do.

Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 13
Talk about an exciting sport, please say:
- what it is,

- how to play it,

- why it is exciting.

- Do you understand why people choose to play sports
which are dangerous?
- What qualities a person needs to succeed in playing
such sports?
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 14

Tell me about a tool in your home (not a computer) and say:

- what it is, Let’s talk about modern tools in general.

- Do you think they are difficult to be used by elderly

people? Why?

- where you got it from,

- what you do with it,

- and why it is special to you.


- How can we help the elderly to handle modern tools

or devices easily?

- What is the benefit of using modern tools at home?

Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 15

Tell me about your first experience with a computer.

Please say:

- What did you learn from it?

- When was it?

- Who helped you?

- Let’s discuss benefits of computers for your family
- Will next generations use the computer in the same
way as we do?
- You mentioned your Italian friends and that they are
thought to be very sociable. Do you think they know
computers to the same extent as we do?
- What can you say about writing by hand and writing
on a computer?
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 16
Describe a TV program you have seen and didn’t like,
you should say
- where and when you have seen it,

- what it was about and

- why you didn’t like it.


- Tell me about a TV star you like.

- What qualities make a star?

- Should they be role models for other people?

- Some people say that movie stars earn too much,

what do you think
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 17
Talk about how you spent your last weekend, please say
- where you went,

- what you have done,

- whom you spent time with.

- How people plan for their weekend?

- Why working people and students look forward to

the weekend?

- Is it good for the society to have shift jobs?

- What are the negative impacts of shift jobs on


- Which industries require shift jobs?

Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 18
Talk about an electronic device that you would like to
buy in the future, you should say
- What it would be,
- How you know about it,
- How much it would cost.

- A conversation about modern technology:
- Do we still need teachers in the classroom now that
we have computers?
- How are the computers used on modern education?
- Why more and more young people choose to study
computer technologies at universities and colleges?
- How did the technologies change the society in the
past few decades?
O. says: The last question I didn’t get at first, but the
assessor helped me a little bit. He rephrased the
question so that I understood that he wanted me to
speak about the new developments in
communications – cell phones, instant messaging,
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 19

Talk about a musical piece that you like, please say

- What is your favorite music?

- What musical instrument is playing there?

- When is it usually playing?


- How does music affect people’s mood?

- Is Internet affecting music industry?b

- Why people want to be in the music industry?

- Is it acceptable to be in the music industry because

you love music, and then make it your profession?
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 20
Describe a piece of advanced equipment in your home,
please say
- What is it?

- How did you get it?

- How often do you use it?


- In your country, do elderly people use advanced


- Is using advanced devices difficult for the elderly?

- Do you think people have advanced devices without

a real need for them?
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 21
Describe an exciting news that you heard, either through
the phone or e-mail, please say:
- What was it?

- Who did you tell?

- Why was it exciting?

- Let’s talk about communication. Do you think
younger and older generation communicate
- What are the advantages of modern day
- What are the advantages of older days
- How can the government convey news to the
- Advertising in general – is it misleading?
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

- Do you think certain advertisements do not convey

the truth about their products?
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 22
Describe an equipment that you use, please say:
- What is it?

- When do you use it?

- How much do you use it?


- Do you agree that there are disadvantages in using a

lot of equipment these days?

- Do you think that older people have difficulties in

using new equipment?
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 23
Describe one of your favorite artists (an actor, a
musician, a painter), you should say:
- Who is the person?

- What about that person influenced you?

- How do you know about him / her?


- What is the favorite art in your country?

- Do you think schools should teach arts?

- Do you think it is necessary to develop the art of

literature in colleges?

- Whether the art was more popular in the past or at

Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 24

Describe a TV program that you enjoyed. You should say:

- What was the program?

- Where did you watch it and who was with you?

- Why did you enjoy that program?


- What TV program is popular in your country?

- Why is it so popular?

- What are the advantages of TV programs?

- Do you think that TV will be more popular in the

Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 25
Describe a piece of advanced equipment in your home,
please say
- What is it?

- How did you get it?

- How often do you use it?


- In your country, do elderly people use advanced


- Is using advanced devices difficult for the elderly?

- Do you think people have advanced devices without

a real need for them?
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 26

Talk about a friend of yours that had a difficult decision

to make, please say:
- What was the decision about?

- Why did your friend have to decide?

- What did your friend decide?

- How did this make you feel?


- What do you think is more important, experience or


- Do you think education is better now than in the


- Do children suffer from pressure today?

Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 27
Talk about a family (not your own) you like to spent time
with, please say:
– Who they are,

– How you met them,

– Why you like to spend time with them.

Follow up question: is it important to spend time with

your family regularly?


- We spend more time with friends than with family

these days. Is this a good or a bad thing?
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 28

Talk about a friend of yours that had a difficult decision

to make, please say:
- What was the decision about?

- Why did your friend have to decide?

- What did your friend decide?

- How did this make you feel?


- What do you think is more important, experience or


- Do you think education is better now than in the


- Do children suffer from pressure today?

Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question- 29
Talk about the kind of leisure activities that you do, you
should say
- Do you find them easy?

- What difficulties do you face in your leisure activities?

More questions about leisure activities.
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 30
If you were given a chance to change your job, please say
what job would you choose:
- how different it is from your current job,

- why this new job is important to you,

- whether or not you need more skills for this job.

- Why do people change their jobs?
- Who influences children when they choose their
- Do children need guidance in choosing their jobs?
- Do you think some parents force their children to
choose a career that they think suits their child best?
- How can the children get help with choosing their
- Do you know anyone who has made a career
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 31
Talk about an area in your hometown that changed
recently, please say
- where that are is,

- when the change occurred,

- what the change was.


- What is the difference between young people in the

past and at present?

- What difference in attitudes are there?

- What do you think about the value of traditions?

Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 32
Tell me about the most memorable card you received,
you should say:
- From whom it was,

- What message it had,

- Why it was memorable.


- Do you like sending cards?

- Do people like receiving mail through post or via

email and why?

- What is the importance of literacy in your country?

Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 33
What famous person would you like to meet if given the
chance? You should say
- Who the person is

- Where you’ve heard about him

- What you like about him


- Why people want to be famous?

- Do famous people have private life?

- Does their attitude change toward others after

becoming popular?
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 34
Talk about a type of fitness exercise that you do, please
- What sort of exercise is it?

- Who are you explaining about it and how?

- What do you need to do it?

Don’t remember
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 35
Tell me about the good news that you received over the
phone, in a letter or a text message (other
communication). You should say:
- Who informed you about it?

- What it was all about?

- Why was it important?

- Which do you prefer, communicating in person or
via phone, and why?
- Talk about the difference before and now in sending
- Do you think communication is important in a
relationship? Why?
- Describe how the technology is affecting
communication now.
Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 36
Describe an important conversation you had, you should say:

- what it was about,

- whom you had it with,

- why it was important.


- Did you tell someone about the conversation?

- Are you still in contact with this person?

Career Pvt. Ltd.
Mall Godown Road, Sangrur.
Ph.- 94631-67060

Question – 37
Talk about your favorite book when you were a little
child, please say
- What book was it?

- Who gave it to you and when?

- What was it about?


- What makes little children read a book?

- How to make children read a book?

- Are the books different for different age groups?

- Do you think the reading habits will change in the


- In what way and why?

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