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High-frequency surface acoustic wave device based on thin-film

piezoelectric interdigital transducers
A. K. Sarin Kumar,a) P. Paruch, and J.-M. Trisconeb)
DPMC, University of Geneva, 24 Quai E. Ansermet, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
W. Daniau and S. Ballandras
Laboratoire de Physique et Métrologie des Oscillateurs, CNRS UPR3203, 32 Avenue de l’Observatoire,
F25044, Besançon, France
L. Pellegrino and D. Marré
INFM, Research unit of Genoa, Dodecaneso 33, 16146 Genova, Italy
T. Tybell
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 7491
Trondheim, Norway
(Received 21 April 2004; accepted 9 July 2004)
Using high-quality epitaxial c-axis Pb共Zr0.2Ti0.8兲O3 films grown by off-axis magnetron sputtering
onto metallic (001) Nb-doped SrTiO3 substrates, a nonconventional thin-film surface acoustic wave
device based on periodic piezoelectric transducers was realized. The piezoelectric transducers
consist of a series of ferroelectric domains with alternating polarization states. The artificial
modification of the ferroelectric domain structure is performed by using an atomic force microscope
tip as a source of electric field, allowing local switching of the polarization. Devices with 1.2 and
0.8 ␮m wavelength, defined by the modulation period of the polarization, and corresponding to
central frequencies in the range 1.50– 3.50 GHz have been realized and tested. © 2004 American
Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.1787897]

Surface acoustic waves (SAW) are used for filtering ap- strates with high phase velocities like diamond or
plications in mobile communication and for passive signal sapphire.9–11 Another approach to reaching higher working
processing devices, such as delay lines and resonators.1 It is frequencies is to fabricate devices with smaller wavelengths
expected that the frequency range allocated for personal me- by decreasing the distance between the IDT fingers, for in-
dia communications will increase into the 5 – 10 GHz range,2 stance by using electron beam lithography. With this tech-
requiring high-frequency SAW filters.3 High-frequency SAW nique, prototype devices with wavelengths smaller than
devices would not only be useful in future applications, but 1 ␮m have been fabricated, leading to center frequencies of
could also be of interest in the study of liquid-solid inter- up to 20 GHz.11,12
faces, or electron-phonon interactions.4–7 In this letter we report on the modeling, fabrication, and
In classical SAW devices, periodic metallic interdigital electrical measurements of prototype SAW devices based on
transducers (IDTs), deposited on uniformly polarized piezo- a nonconventional transducer principle. We show that nano-
electric crystals or films, act as electric input and output scale ferroelectric domain manipulation and atomic force mi-
ports.8 The application of an appropriate radio frequency (rf) croscopy (AFM) writing of periodic piezoelectric transducers
signal to the IDT produces a deformation of the material in epitaxial films is a promising approach, allowing the
surface and results in the launching of SAW, which travel implementation of very high-frequency SAW devices.
along the piezoelectric surface with a phase velocity given In this original device, the conventional metallic IDT has
by the physical properties of the material. These surface been replaced by a piezoelectric interdigital transducer (PIT)
waves can then be converted back to an electric signal by a consisting of oppositely polarized ferroelectric domains,
receiving IDT. The center frequency 共f c兲 of the SAW device schematically illustrated in Fig. 1(a). Such a transducer is
is given by f c = vp / ␭, where the wavelength ␭ is the distance fabricated by writing line-shaped domains with alternating
between the IDT fingers of the same electrode, and v p is the polarization on high-quality c-axis Pb共Zr0.2Ti0.8兲O3 (PZT)
phase velocity in the material. In order to increase f c, either films grown on metallic (001) Nb:SrTiO3 substrates.13 The
the wavelength of the device has to be decreased or a mate- local polarization control is achieved by using the metallic
rial with a higher phase velocity has to be used as the trav- tip of an AFM as a local electric-field source, applying a
eling medium. Typical phase velocities of most piezoelectric voltage between the tip and the conducting substrate (used as
materials are between 2500– 6000 m / s resulting in working the ground electrode).14,15 In previous studies on similar
frequencies of 1 − 3 GHz when standard photolithography films, it was shown that domains with radii as small as 20 nm
(minimum finger width 0.5 ␮m) is used for defining the can be written down to 10 nm apart using AFM.15 This con-
IDTs. Prototype SAW filters in the GHz range have also been trol directly determines the precision at which the PIT can be
demonstrated by growing the piezoelectric materials on sub- written and the minimum wavelength of the device. To excite
the PIT, a single electrode is deposited on its surface [see
a) Fig. 1(a)], in contrast to standard SAW devices, and a rf
Present address: Department of Electonics and Telecommunications, Nor-
wegian University of Science and Technology,7491 Trondheim, Norway.
voltage is then applied between the top electrode and the
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; electronic mail: conducting substrate. Since the sign of the piezoelectric co-
Jean-Marc.Triscone@Physics.UniGE.ch efficient depends on the polarization direction, the applied rf

0003-6951/2004/85(10)/1757/3/$22.00 1757 © 2004 American Institute of Physics

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1758 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 85, No. 10, 6 September 2004 Sarin Kumar et al.

FIG. 1. A schematic diagram of the SAW device with PITs (piezoelectric

IDTs). The PITs are made of ferroelectric domains with alternating polar-
ization states written in the c-axis oriented PZT films. (b) Schematic repre-
sentation of the domain deformation with applied rf voltage. The deforma-
tion (elongation or contraction) for a given voltage depends on the
polarization direction.

FIG. 2. Piezoelectric microscopy image of one of the prototype SAW de-

voltage will produce a deformation (elongation or contrac- vices.The distance between the input and output PIT is around 70 ␮m and
tion) of the domains, as shown in Fig. 1(b), launching a that between two adjacent line-shaped domains of opposite polarization is
surface wave when ␭f c = v p. This mechanical deformation of 0.6 ␮m, leading to a 1.2 ␮m wavelength. (b) Line section through piezore-
sponse (PR) image of one of the PITs.
the material is complex, with one end of the domains being
“clamped” to the substrate, which is assumed to be rigid and
the other end being essentially free to deform (although cov- c-axis reflections with FWHM (full width at half maximum)
ered by the electrode). The wavelength ␭ of the device is the values of 0.05 and 0.15° for the (001) and (002) peaks, re-
distance between the domains of the same polarization, con- spectively. Topographic measurements of the sample sur-
trary to standard IDT-based SAW devices for which the faces using AFM revealed smooth surfaces with a root-mean-
wavelength equals twice the mechanical period of the grat- square roughness of typically 3 Å. To fabricate the PITs, a
ings. Consequently, for any given resolution, the operating 150⫻ 100 ␮m2 area was first defined photolithographically
frequency of PIT-based SAW devices is expected to be twice on the film.18 An area of around 130⫻ 65 ␮m2 was then
that of a standard SAW device. Furthermore, the size of the uniformly polarized by slowly scanning the AFM tip while
domains can be controlled by AFM and thus made very applying a constant −12 V between the tip and the conduct-
small. These are the main innovations of the proposed ap- ing substrate. This prepoling is performed to avoid any
proach, which can lead to the fabrication of very high- domain-wall scattering of the surface waves traveling be-
frequency SAW filters, possibly above 20 GHz. tween the PITs. The input and output PITs were then fabri-
To further understand the behavior of such a structure, cated by writing line-shaped domains with alternating polar-
numerical simulations have been performed.16 In these simu- ization inside a 20⫻ 20 ␮m2 area by alternately applying a +
lations, the elementary cell of the periodic array is composed and −12 V bias to the tip. The accuracy of the domain width
of a 0.2-␮m-thick PbZr0.5Ti0.5O3 layer deposited on a (001) is typically ±0.08– 0.1 ␮m. Subsequently, Pt electrodes with
SrTiO3 substrate (considered electrically conductive) with a a thickness of 20 nm were sputtered on the PITs. Figure 2(a)
Pt electrode above the piezoelectric layer. The polarization is shows a piezoelectric microscopy image of a prototype SAW
assumed to exhibit a 1.2 ␮m period, which is the wavelength device. Here, the distance between the input and output PITs
of one of the devices described below. The harmonic admit- is around 70 ␮m and that between two adjacent line-shaped
tance is then computed assuming an infinite periodic struc- domains of opposite polarization is 0.6 ␮m, leading to a
ture excited in phase. Four coupled modes are found at wavelength of 1.2 ␮m. Figure 2(b) shows a line section
1.57 GHz 共v p = 1884 m / s , Ks2 = 14.5%兲, 2.02 GHz 共v p through the piezoresponse image of one of the PITs. It is
= 2424 m / s , Ks2 = 2.4%兲, 2.96 GHz 共v p = 3552 m / s , Ks2 interesting to note that the size of this SAW device is typi-
= 1.8%兲 and 3.90 GHz 共v p = 4680 m / s , Ks = 7.2%兲, where Ks2
cally 100⫻ 100 ␮m2. Based on ladder architecture, one can
is the electromechanical coupling coefficient. An interesting expect further size reduction using PIT-based structures in
result of the simulation is that the wave radiation losses into comparison with standard IDT-based devices for similar
bulk started appearing only around 4 GHz, in contrast to wavelengths.9
conventional devices where bulk radiation occurs around One of the critical issues regarding this device is the
2 GHz. This suggests that bulk acoustic energy radiation loss stability of the written ferroelectric domains. Heat treatment
is reduced in this transducer geometry as compared to con- (during photolithographic processes) and the applied electric
ventional SAW devices. field during device operation could lead to instabilities of the
To experimentally test the PIT principle, c-axis-oriented artificially written domain structure. For the former case it
epitaxial PZT films ⬃0.2 ␮m thick were fabricated on (001) has been found that the domains are stable for more than
Nb:SrTiO3 (0.2 at. wt. % Nb) by off-axis rf magnetron sput- three months (the duration of the measurements), even after
tering. The details of the preparation and characterization can heating to 250° C and heavy photolithographic processing.
be found in Ref. 17. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals only To estimate the effect of the electric field on domain-wall
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Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 85, No. 10, 6 September 2004 Sarin Kumar et al. 1759

losses have to be considered in the computations. For in-

stance, PZT has performed poorly in rf applications21–23 and
may thus be a source of important losses. Also, conduction
currents due to the wave penetration may be generated in the
substrate yielding additional losses.24 More experimental
studies are in progress to address these issues.
In conclusion, we have proposed an original transducer
concept for rf SAW devices based on a periodic distribution
of oppositely poled piezoelectric domains and succeeded in
fabricating prototypes of such devices on epitaxial PZT films
FIG. 3. Reflection 共S11兲 spectra of 1.2 ␮m (dotted line) and 0.8 ␮m (solid
line) wavelength devices with PITs.
prepared on metallic Nb-SrTiO3 substrates. The measured
S11 parameter for the two devices with different wavelengths
exhibited a clear shift in frequency response in agreement
motion, we calculated the maximum field applied to the de- with the basic principle of SAW devices.
vice (about 2 ⫻ 104 V / cm, below the 105 V / cm PZT coer-
cive field) to get the domain-wall velocity.19 A velocity of This work was supported by the Swiss National Science
about ⬃10−11 m / s was found, leading to negligible domain- Foundation through the National Centre of Competence in
wall motion for the high working frequencies used here. Research “Materials with Novel Electronic Properties-
Electrical measurements were carried out using an An- MaNEP” and Division II, NEDO, and ESF (Thiox).
ritsu ® network analyzer and a set of Picoprobe ® coplanar
probes.20 Since our substrate is metallic and also partly be- 1
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