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Level BE Full Marks 80

Programme BEL, BEX, BCT Pass Marks ?')

Year / Part IV/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject - O_rganrzation and Malag-ement (ME708)

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Atternpt AII questions.
'/ The.figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
./ Assunte suitable dala if necessary.

1. Define the term organization. What impact do different organizations have over our
society? [3+5]
1 Which Management theory is best suited for the organizations in Nepal? t8]
Explain the features of Parlnership Organization. Wirat difficulties can a Partnership
Organizatron possibly face? 13+51
4. Hon, impofiant is Marketing in business? What are the different methods of Purchasing? 14+41
5. Defrne Personnel Management. Hou,important is discussing Personnel Policy/Employee
Handbook to newly hired employee? [3=5]
6. What do you mean by incentives? Explain the difltrent factors affecting the r.vage/salary
structure. [3+5 ]
7. Define the term Motivation and explain Maslorv's theory of motivation. l3+5]
8. Define the term leadership. \\/hich leadership styie is appropriate in the engineering
project? Comment. [3+5]
9. Define the term Entrepreuei"rrship. Explain entrepreneurship characteristic. [3+5]
10. Define the term MIS. \\/hat do you mean by u,ebsite? Explain the role of computer for
management inforn:ation s1'stcm t2-r2+41
Exarmination Control Division frogralme BEL, BEX, BCT Marks
Pass JZ
2074 Chaitr* Year / Part IV/I Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Organization and Management (M8708)

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt All questions.
'/ The Jigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
./ Assutne suitable data if necessary.

1. Define Formal and Infcrrmal organization. Discuss on principles of organization. L2+61

2. Why is there a need for different levels of management? What are the managerial skill a
modern manager needs to be equipped with? 14+41
3. \\that are advantages of line and staff organizatron over line organization and functional
organrzation? Explain committee organization and its types.
4. Suppose you are chief, executive officer (CEO) of a software company. Which type of
ownership would you prefer? And u,hy? Suggest suitable organizational structure for it
u,ith figure. L4+4)
5. \'vrliat is the irnporlance of Personnel Policy in an organization? Discuss pros and cons of
reitnal approac.h for manpower recruitment this competitive world. [4+4]
6. Expla.in how Vroom insists on irnpofiance of reu,ard through his VIE theory foi-
mctivation. t8l
7. What do you mean by human need? Horv is need used for motivation? Explain the
Herzbeig's hygiene theory of motivation. 12+2+4)
8. Describe why 1,ou u'ould / or would not undertake a startup after graduation. What are the
risks and challenges flcr an aspiring entrepreneur in Nepal society? 1,5+3]
9. Haviug spent tnole than 3 years in a pariicular collegeicampus of yours, what are the
reoommendations you rvish to propose to the college management for the future
improvement that would it turn boost up overall academic performance and image of the
college? I8l
10. Briefly descritre about the information support required in different functional areas of,
manageiaent. t8]
t2 TRIBHUVAN IINIVERSITY Exam. New Back A066 & Later Batch)
Examination Control Division Programme BEL, BEX, BCT Pass Marks 32
2073 Shrawan Year / Part IV/I Time 3 hrs.

{ u_bj e c1l,' ; O1gqniz-atjon and Managem ent (ME 70 8)

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
Assume suitable data if necessory.

1. Explain the term organization. Explain the difference between Formal and Informal
organization. [3+5]
2. Define the term management and explain the function of management. [3+5]
J. What advantage does Behavioral Management theory has over Scientific Management
Theory. Explain in detail.
4. Anotganization may change its form of ownership. Explain this with some examples.
5. Explain the importance of marketing in modem business. Salesmanship is an important
ingredient of marketing. Do you agree with this statement?
6. Why is personnel Policy necessary to be discussed? Discuss the importance of Manpower
Planning. [5+3]
7. What is difference between appropriate and, inappropriate human resources? List out
some idea to elaborate them concerning with "Human Resources Management".
8. Discuss the role of management in Motivation. Explain McGregor's theory X and
theoryY. [3+5]
9. Entrepreneurship is not only the creativity of entrepreneur but also strongly need the
conducive environment for entrepreneurship. Elaborate with your logic. ts]
10. Explain the importance of Management Information System (MIS). Explain information
support for functional areas of Management.
Examination Control Division [_p;9#;; i B-{;ffi& Bcr i ;ffi;"k ffi**]
2073 chairra [_v_Ciil:;:j,nolj._________-_j$ni____*_j_i:Ei;j


Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Atternpt All que -r tions.
Thefigures in the margin indicate {u!L _Marks.
Assume suitqble data if necessary.

1. Describe the role of organiz.ations for hurnan civilizaticns? What are the characteristics of
an organization for business operaticns? 14+41
2. State and define various levels of management, What are the venious skills necessary to
he an efficient manager? 14+41
3. Which type of organizational structure is best suited fcrr a temporary engineering project?
Present your logic. t8l
4. Define the terrn marketing and why marketing is irnportant in an organization? t8I
5. What is the role of interview iu manpow'er hiring process? Whet is difference between
wage and salary? What is an incentive and why is it needed? L3+3+21
6. What do you understand by the term Motivation? Explain Herzberg's Hygiene
Maintenance Theory. [3+5]
7 . What is Leadership? in your opinion, which type of leadership is most efficient in Nepal?
Present your views and logic. [3+5.|
8. What is the impcrtance of entrepreneurship for national economy in Nepali context?
What is the significance of law enforcement for entrepreneurship? [4+4]
9. Differentiate between a Boss and Leader in tenns of various l,eadershiir styles you have
studied. t8l
10. What are the Objectives of Case study? Explain the needs, function and importance of
MIS in organizations of today's modern world. 14+41
t2 TRIBfl]VAN UNIVtsRSIT'Y i-ilffi:--* N -- k (206,6,&,raterBitonrri
BE i tr'uil Marks 80
Bxamination Control Division 1,P,rll8rarnlne
BEL, BEX, BCTi Pass Marks 32
2072Karttk I Year / Part ry/I Time 3 hrs.

$ubiect;; Olganization and Man agelnent (i.{E7l!8)

'/ Candidates are required to give their ansrr,,ers in their ov,in rvords as far as pl'acticable.
,/ Attemytt AU questions.
,/ 4ll Etestians carrt, equal msrks.
'/ As:sume suitable da{u if nece.s.Jr}ry.
1. Define organization and expiain the princlpie of organization.
2. What do you mean by management? Expiain the function ofmanageffient.
3. Explain Henry Fayol's 14th prinuiple of rnanagement.
4. What do you mean by co-r:perative societies? Explain difforent t1,pes of eo-aperatives.
5. What do you mea.n by purehasing'/ Explain ditTerent fi.rnctio:r of prirchasing <lepartment.
6. Define personal management and explain function of pers.;nal management.
7 ' What do you mean bv incentivei' Explain different factors of salary structure,

8" Define motivation ancl explair"i different technique of motivation.

9. Define leadership and explain different qualities of good reader.
10. Hor,v information system suppart fcrr turrctionai area of rnanagenient.
Examination Control Division Programme BEL, BEX, BCT Pass Marks 32
2012 Chaitra Year lPart IViI Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Organization and Management (ME70S)

Candidates are requireti to give their ansrvers in their o*rl *ora, as far as practicable.
Attempt r4ll que s tion.s.
The figures in tlte margin indicate Futl Marks.
Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Why do we need organizations? Describe the principles of an organization.

2. State and explain the different levels of Management. What are the basic skills required
for Management? [4+4]
J. What is the difference between Scientific Management and Management Science? How
do Taylor's principles illustrate impofiance of Scientific Management for production
processes? [3+5]
4. Which organization structure is more suitable to engineering project? Discuss with your
logic. t8l
5. Explain the different meihods of Purchasing. Wh1, is advertising one of the best form of
ii'i.rr r\rr.iiit.
6. What is the difference between recruitment and hiring? Why do lve need incentives in an
organization? V+41
7. What are the diffbrent factors that affect wage / salary structure? Explain different
methods of Training Manpower. L4+41
8. What is the difference between theory 'X' and theory 'Y'? Explain on the basis of different
theory of motivation.
9. Describe Autocratic Leadership Style. Explain the different characteristics of
Entrepreneur. [3+5]
10. If you are asked to prepare the case study
corrsidering the planning horizon, leadership,
motivation and human resource development for either Nepal Electricity Authority or
Nepal Telecom to improve the existing performance of these institution. How do you
prepare case study following its structure?

BEL, BEX, BCT Marks 32

Examination Control Division Programme Pass

2071 Shawan Year / Part IVII Time 3 hrs"

Subiect: - Olganiz.ation and MSnage]-xeni (ME7-09.

{ Candidates are requirecl to give thcir anslvcrs in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Atternpt All questions.
{ Thefigures in the margin indicatt: F$!l Murks.
,/ Assurne suitable data if nec:essctry.

1. What are the principlcs r;1'organizat.irur'? Uxplain {irrmal and informal organization. Iz$+4]

2. What are the managerial skills'/ lrxpluin llrc inrporlauce ol'management. [4+4]
3. What are the ftrrrns 01'ownership? Iixpluin aclvatttagcs and disadvantages of single
ownershitr't organizati oIt. 14+41

4. What do you undcrstlpcl lty bcltavioral lltanrgcn)cnt approach? Explain administrative

managemcnt approac:h. 14+41

5. What are tfuc lrethods o1-purchasing'? [,xplain the various functions of marketing. [4+41

6. WSat is pcrsonncl mfltlagement? IJxplain rccruitnrcttt trnd selection of staff. [3+s]

7 . Wlrat do you mcan by "l'raining and I)evelopment ol' Iluman resources? Explain various
incentives used in organization. [s+3]
B. What is motivation? Explain the difference between Maslow's I{eirarchical need theory
and Alderfer's ERG theorY. [3+s]
9. Define the term Entrepreneurship and write the steps Ibr establishing a srnall scale unit of
Entrepreneurship. [3+5]
10. Write short notes on: (anY two) fax2l
ilObjective of Case StudY
Organization structure and
iii) Organizing Information systems
12 TRItsHUVANLINTYERSITY Exam. .esular ',


Examination Control Division Programme BEL, BEX, BCT Pass Marks 32

2t7l Chaitra Ysar / Part ry/r Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Organuation and Management (ME 705)

'/ Clandidates are rcquired to give their ansll,ers in their own worils as far as practicable.
/ Attempt All questions.
'/ 7'he.figtu"es in the mcrrgi.n indicate Fuil M{trkg.
{ As.turue suitable data dnece,csary.

I . Why is an arganization necessary? Explain the principles of an organization. {4+41

2. What are the differences between the terms organization and rnanagement'7 Why do you need
scientific approach olmanagement to an organization? [212+41
3. What do yolr mean Lr1, organizational structure? Ilow is it defined for a pailicular enterprise?
Wrlte advantages ancl disadvantage of iine organization. l2+2+41
4. Whal do you mean b,r, purctrasing and procurement? Explain the functions of marketing. [3+5]
5. Explain the motive behind personnel ma$agement? Describe varir:us frmctions of personnel
managernent. F{ow does lluman Resources Management System diifer from personnel
rnanagement? 12+4+21
6. l)efi;re the term job analysis and explain scientific setrections of manpower. [5+3]
7. What do you rnean by Human need? [{ow is a need used for rncltivation? Explain Llerz Berg's
Flygine theory of motivation. {.2+2+41
8. A reader is leaCer. trlaborate it in terrns of leadership styles. What are the diff'erences
between a leader and a manager? [5+3]
9. Define Management Infbrmation System (MIS). Describe irriefly ahout different types of
Information System and their support to managers in clecisiorr niaking. [5+3]
10, What are the objectives of a case-stuciy? Explain the needs, f"unctions and impontance of
MIS. f3+sl
12 .1;' TRIBFILIVAN UNIVERSITY Flxam. New Back Q066 & LaterBatch)
, FutJMallq 80
Ii xa mination Control f)ivision Bt-t., strx,
Programme i Pass Marks 32
BCl' ':
2070 Ashad

Year / Parl IV/I


. Time
-''-.' ----_.'_----,'.-.---

S ulject; . O_rganizatio-n & Management (METhS)

'/ ('itncliclatcs are recluired to give their ansrvers in their r-rrvn,lvords,as.far,as,praotieable,

,/ lttcntpt any Ten questions.
'/ 'l'ha.figures in the margin indicate Fult Marks.
'/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

L What are the principles of Organization? txplain the lnformal Organization. (4+a)
2 Explain the importance of Management and discuss the different function of (3+5)
,,., 3 Explain Adm inistrative Management Theory. (8)
4 What do you mean by organization stfucture? Explain Line Organization. (4+4)
5 Define tlre term purchasing. Explain different function of purchasing (3+s)
6 Define the term Personnel management,and explain its functions. (8)
7 What do you mean by incentives? Explain the different factors affecting the (3+s)
wage/salary structure.
I Define the term Motivation and explain different technique of motivation. (3+s)
9 Define the term leadership and Explain the different qualities of good leader. (3+s)
10 a. Define the term Entrepreneurship.
b. Explain the Vroom's Expectancy theory of Motivation. (s)
11 what do you mean by case study? Explain the obiective of case stud,y. (a+4)
12 Define term Mls. How information support for functional areas of (3+s)
,) ***
Examination Control Division Programme
Pass Marks 32
2070 Chaitra Year lPart IViI Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Organization and Management (ME70S)

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Attempt All questions.
,/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Describe why organization is considered as an open system. Explain the importance of

2. Name the different models of management. Explain any three of them in detail. [3+s]
3. State and describe H.Fayol's administrative management theory. t8l
4. What is meant by 'Joint Stock Company'? Describe the procedure for forming 'Joint
Stock Company'.
5. Define marketing, advertising. Explain the function of purchasing in detail. [3+5]
6. Define the term personnel management. Explain the function of personal management. [3+5]
7. Define merit rating. State and describe the various methods of merit rating. [2+6]
B. What do you mean by human needs? Describe A. Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory in
9. Define leadership and explain by Blakes and Mouton's Management Grid. [3+s]
10. Define Management Information System. Explain information support for functional
areas of management.


Bxam. __Re,gular
LeVel BE Full Marks 80

Iixamination Control Division BEI-, BEX,

Programme Pass Marks ,32
2069 Chaitra Year / Part IV/I fi;i; l
3 hrs

Subject,' - Organtz'ation a3d manag--e1rgrrt (ME7Aq)

' ,1 ' (larrcf iclalcstLrctccluired to give their ans u''ers in thcir own,r,r,or.ds'as far as practicable,.
j ,4tt<'nt1tt All qu,'.ttiutr.r.
1:1tlr;1\ r.r i.ir

'/ 7'he./igures' in the margin indicate Full Marks.

,/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Define Organization. Expiain the importance of Organization in society. [3+5]

2. Define the term Management and explain different levels of Management. [3+5]
, tr. 3. What do you mean by Joint Stock Company? Explain the advantages and limitations of a
\e i, Joint Stock Company. 12+61

4. What do you mean by motivation? Describe Maslou,'s hierarchy of needs briefly. Can
Maslow's theory explain tireless quest of Laxmi Prasad Devkota for exceilent literary
works? [2+3+3]
5. Explain the process of recruitment and selection of man power in an organization. What
do you rriean by outsourcing in this context? 16+2)
6. a) Explain different Techniques of Motivation. t4l
b) Define term contingency approach of Leadership. i4]
7. Define the term Entrepreneurship and explain the characteristics of Entrepreneurship. [3+5]
8. Define Management Information System. Describe briefly various types of Management
Information S.vstem. [2+6]
9. Silicon Valley is the best example of successful entrepreneurship. Elaborate with your
thoughts. i8l
10. Write short notes on: (any tr,vo) {2xa)
a) Computer aided Advertising
b) Objectives of case study
c) Satisfaction progression Vs. Frustration Regression Process

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