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A Collection of Prayer, Invocation, and Chant

designed to invoke the Divine Powers of the
Sigillum Dei Aemeth in preparation for Calling forth
the Children of Light.


(Truth's Seal)

These Invocations would not have been possible if not for the scholarly efforts of
Joseph Peterson. His translation of John Dee's Latin has made accessible a treasure
house of material from the source of the Enochian current. We are truly blessed as
practitioners of these and other arcane and obscure Arts when humans that are more
scholarly do a lot leg work for us. Please support Joseph's works by buying "John
Dee's Five Books of Mystery" because he deserves support from the magickal
community; and more importantly without this text you will not truly understand
anything that follows. Joseph Peterson's website esotericarchives.com is also an
indispensible Dragon's Horde of source material which should be studied as an
exercise in penetrating John Dee's Mysteries.
I would also like to thank Colin D. Campbell for writing "The Magic Seal of Dr.
John Dee". This short text is a wonderful excursion into the mechanics of the
Sigillum Dei Aemeth. Inspired by Colin's suggestions towards working the
Hierarchy of the Children of Light as an exercise in evocation, I synthesized various
sayings from (say) 49 different Angelic entities to create the following:
Invocation of the Seven Seats of the One by the Divine Names
The Number of His Name, and knowledge is but one, and it is marvelous. The Seal of
God's Mercy, blessed be thy name in whom they were created and perish.
Innocence arises to the face of God, and you are true in your works.
Rejoice ye, all his people, rejoice ye, all his people, from now on rejoice.
The Angels will fall down at your name O Lord. You are the first O alleluia, and your
Number Lives in the Rest: The Name of That is With us.
He is the Number in the Number.


Our Power Begins! Live properly, O you his Holy Ones.

The Beast devoured my people, but he will perish forever.
We have seen your glory, O Lord.
All the earth will tremble at the sound of that Trumpet.
Its Number is Without Number.

Here is a Mystery; It liveth and mulitplyeth forever, blessed be his name.
It is the Number of Blessed Power: Behold the Angels of Light!
Now are the Days of Troubles.
The earth is thrown into confusion by his/her wickedness.
Your image (o death) is bitter. O Lord, You have seen the names and blood of the
innocent on the earth, and you are just in your works. To him there is no number.
Everyone perishes before God, and on the face of the Earth.


And he is Life in Heaven who joined the spirit with their souls.
And the end is not in him, blessed are you o God; No power rules upon the earth.
I am threefold, my lips praise the lord.
This is his number: I am the end, and have no number. I am a number within a
number, and every number is my number. Behold.

His Angels have served the saints; for the earth is unjust in its malice.
Manifold is your name on the earth.
O Lord, you have created your angels for your glory, and God has made you first.
Here is our God: That Light is Born! He/She/it is our Light.
Your number is with us: and yet until now we knew not his end.
May you come with your number, O one forever, and be recognized by your tongues.


My Kingdom. Who resists it?

It is not because he is A, but because he resists A.
Neither his portion or his number are discovered in heaven;
Therefore, he has the number of the earth, which is a mystery.
A Mystery to be Revealed to Us.
This is the number that was foretold. Listen: it is finished. It is time.
Recognize your god. Your number is infinite, and it will be the end of things.

Arise, O servants of God. Arise (I say) and fight. The Name of God is eternal.
O Angel, prepare your trumpet. The Time Comes.
May your age be blessed, for Behold, sin rules in my house; May his Glory be with us.


Everything is One. Praise the Lord in his sanctuary.

Out of this Circle shall no creature pass that entereth, if he be defyled.
First and Newest, one alone God lives now and ever: He is and he will be, and here
are his divine Names. I have spoken.
Purification by the Seven Secret Angels of Light and the Invocation of
the Seven inward Powers of God

Seven, rest in 7: and the 7, live by 7: The 7, govern

the 7: And by 7, all Government is.

There is a Mystery in the Seven, which are the 7 governing the 7 which 7 govern the
earth. Halleluyah!

Z | L | L | R | H | I | A

It is a Mystery.

He spoke and it was so: You live with him, and your kingdom is with those.

A | Z | C | A | A | C | B

These are the Secrets of Secrets.


He Gave Power to them in Heaven. His power is great. Pray.

P | A | V | P | N | H | R

The Lord is Stationed in His Number.

Mighty is GOD in his angels, and great is their power in heaven. Pray.

H | D | M | H | Y | A | Y

I Live as a Lion in their midst, and great is your power everywhere.


Your messenger is great in Heaven. He is here, Gabriel! Pray.

C | C | A | A | E | E | E

I am a serpent and I devoured the serpent, a serpent to both the good and the evil O
Lord. His number was discovered by no one.

He Gave Power to His Angels in the Splendor of Heaven.

I | I | E | E | L | L | L

I am a piercing fire, and may it be with us, O God. Yes, yes, yes our God!


And God Joined Them Into One.

E | E | L | L | M | G | +
(Graph-Graph-Ur-Ur-TAL-GED- +)

The end. Joy and Light is our God.

Light Abides in Darkness. Your Name is Full of Glory. O God save your people!
This is the Angel of my Church, who may teach him my path.
Our God is just to the wicked.
The labor of the faithful is my delight, and I live with the well-living.
We live, Alleluia.
O Holy Name, Blessed is the Number of the Lamb, Blessed is your name, O lord.
The number perished with those, for His number is not in heaven.


The 7 Seats of the One and Everlasting GOD. His 7 secret Angels in substance and
form comprehending the 7 inward powers of God: known to none but himself: a
Sufficient BOND to urge all Creatures to life or Death, or anything else contained in
this world. It banisheth the wicked, expelleth evil spirits: qualifieth the Waters,
strengtheneth the Just, exalteth the righteous and destroyeth the wicked. He is ONE
in SEVEN. He is twice T HREE. He is Seven in the Whole. He is Almighty. His Name
is everlasting: His Truth cannot fail. His Glory is incomprehensible. Blessed be his
name. Blessed be thow, (our God) for ever.

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