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Current Clinical Pathology

Antonio Giordano, MD, PhD

Director, Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research
and Molecular Medicine and Center for Biotechnology
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA, USA

For further volumes:

Maria M. Picken • Ahmet Dogan
Guillermo A. Herrera

Amyloid and Related

Surgical Pathology
and Clinical Correlations
Maria M. Picken, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.S.N. Ahmet Dogan, M.D., Ph.D.
Department of Pathology Department of Laboratory Medicine
Loyola University Medical Center and Pathology
Loyola University Chicago, IL, USA Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN, USA
Guillermo A. Herrera, M.D.
Bostwick Laboratories
Orlando, FL, USA

ISBN 978-1-60761-388-6 e-ISBN 978-1-60761-389-3

DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3
Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London

Library of Congress Control Number: 2012934058

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

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This book is dedicated to our patients, past and present,
with the hope that it will make a difference in the lives
of future amyloidosis patients.

Amyloidosis, although known since the nineteenth century, retained for a

long time the aura of a rare and obscure disease that was mainly of purely
academic interest. This perception was augmented by the fact that the disease
was only ever diagnosed once it had progressed to an advanced stage and
because no effective therapies were available for its treatment.
This state of affairs has, however, changed dramatically during the last
decade or so. With the new therapies that are now available for systemic amy-
loidoses, patients who are diagnosed with light chain amyloidosis (AL) may
achieve a durable response and live for more than a decade from the time of
their initial diagnosis. Treatments for other types of systemic amyloidosis are
also improving. Thus, since the 1990s, solid organ transplantation has been
introduced for the management of patients diagnosed with hereditary amyloi-
doses. Newer pharmacologic therapies are in clinical trials. However, treat-
ment outcomes are clearly optimal when they are applied early in the disease
process. Thus, now more than ever, early diagnosis is imperative. Although
there are a number of excellent amyloidosis treatment centers worldwide,
early diagnosis of affected patients is reliant upon widespread and effective
screening and, despite advances in laboratory medicine, this still depends
upon the detection of deposits in tissues. Thus, the role of the pathologist in
this process is critical for successful completion of this first crucial step,
which is then instrumental in directing the patient toward further workup
conducted by specialized centers.
This whole process is dependent upon an adequate state of awareness of
the disease among general surgical pathologists at large and their close col-
laboration with clinicians. This book therefore has, as its primary focus, the
diagnosis of amyloidosis in surgical pathology. Although written primarily
for pathologists, it is hoped that this book is also helpful to those who would
wish to gain insight into recent diagnostic and treatment options. It brings
together, for the first time, a collection of articles by both pathologists and
clinicians, with a focus on practical issues, in the hope that this information
will serve as a guide for practitioners in both fields who are concerned with
the early diagnosis of the amyloidoses.
This book begins with general information on the amyloidoses: the history
of amyloid investigations, the modern nomenclature, the mechanism of amy-
loidogenesis and an overview of AL, hereditary, AA, dialysis, and localized
amyloid. Newly emerging conditions associated with amyloidosis (such as

viii Preface

periodic fevers) and newly recognized amyloid types are also included. Since
cerebral amyloidoses are usually dealt with by neuropathologists, in this
book, we provide only a brief overview and to the extent that the issues
involved are of interest to general surgical pathologists. In Part II, diseases
that mimic amyloid and related disorders are discussed. Part III is entirely
devoted to pathologic diagnosis and discusses in detail issues pertaining to
the generic diagnosis of amyloid, Congo red stains and its more sensitive
alternatives useful for screening purposes, as well as issues pertaining to
amyloid typing that involve both antibody-based and proteomic methods.
This part also contains extensive discussion of pitfalls encountered in the
diagnosis of amyloidosis, and provides guidance on how to avoid them. Part IV
provides an overview of laboratory support for the diagnosis of amyloidosis,
including serum and urine studies (including the free light chain assay), bone
marrow examination, and genetic studies. Part V provides an overview of the
organ-specific pathologies that are encountered in the examination of tissues
from the genitourinary tract, cardiac, gastrointestinal, liver, and peripheral
nerve specimens. Part VI discusses clinicopathologic interactions, the role of
solid organ transplantation, emerging therapies for amyloidoses in general,
and modern therapies for AA amyloidosis. This part also emphasizes the
importance of accurate diagnosis of amyloidosis in view of the serious con-
sequences that may follow from misdiagnosis of the disease entity or, more
specifically, the amyloid type. Brief chapters on relevant legal issues and the
patient’s perspective conclude Part VI.
It behooves us to acknowledge that abnormal protein folding, the very
essence of amyloid fibril formation, affects many more aspects of our lives
than those covered by the chapters in this book. Protein misfolding may rep-
resent a fundamental biochemical process that is also operational in the course
of neurodegenerative diseases and human aging. Thus, understanding the
amyloidoses may help us to understand the aging process in general and,
perhaps, even aid in devising antiaging strategies. Those who are interested
in the amyloidoses are encouraged to review the International Society of
Amyloidosis Web site (www.amyloidosis.nl) and the past and future contents
of the journal “Amyloid.”

Chicago, IL, USA Maria M. Picken

Rochester, MN, USA Ahmet Dogan
Orlando, FL, USA Guillermo A. Herrera

The editors would like to express their gratitude to the contributing authors.
Special thanks are due to Roger N. Picken PhD for extensive editorial help.
I also thank the publisher, Springer, and Richard A. Hruska, Daniel L.
Dominguez, Raja Dharmaraj and Michael Koy for editorial support during
the publication process. Finally, I would like to thank my coeditors, Ahmet
Dogan MD, PhD and Guillermo A. Herrera MD, for helpful discussions on
the content of this book.
Maria Mrozowicz Picken MD, PhD, Chicago, October 2011


Part I Introduction/General

1 Aspects of the History and Nomenclature of Amyloid

and Amyloidosis ........................................................................... 3
Per Westermark
2 Amyloid Diseases at the Molecular Level: General
Overview and Focus on AL Amyloidosis ................................... 9
Mario Nuvolone, Giovanni Palladini,
and Giampaolo Merlini
3 AA Amyloidosis ............................................................................ 31
Amanda K. Ombrello and Ivona Aksentijevich
4 The Hereditary Amyloidoses....................................................... 53
Merrill D. Benson
5 Dialysis-Associated Amyloidosis ................................................. 69
Paweena Susantitaphong, Laura M. Dember,
and Bertrand L. Jaber
6 Localized Amyloidoses and Amyloidoses Associated
with Aging Outside the Central Nervous System...................... 81
Per Westermark
7 Cerebrovascular Amyloidoses..................................................... 105
John M. Lee and Maria M. Picken

Part II Non-Amyloid Protein Deposits

8 Differential Diagnosis of Amyloid in Surgical Pathology:

Organized Deposits and Other Materials in the Differential
Diagnosis of Amyloidosis ............................................................. 113
Guillermo A. Herrera and Elba A. Turbat-Herrera
9 Light/Heavy Chain Deposition Disease as a Systemic
Disorder ........................................................................................ 129
Guillermo A. Herrera and Elba A. Turbat-Herrera

xii Contents

10 Non-Randall Glomerulonephritis with Non-organized

Monoclonal Ig Deposits ............................................................... 143
Pierre Ronco, Alexandre Karras, and Emmanuelle Plaisier
11 Pathologies of Renal and Systemic Intracellular
Paraprotein Storage: Crystalopathies and Beyond .................. 155
Maria M. Picken

Part III Diagnosis

12 Diagnosis of Amyloid Using Congo Red .................................... 167

Alexander J. Howie
13 Diagnosis of Minimal Amyloid Deposits Using the Congo
Red Fluorescence Method: A Review......................................... 175
Reinhold P. Linke
14 Thioflavin T Stain: An Easier and More Sensitive
Method for Amyloid Detection ................................................... 187
Maria M. Picken and Guillermo A. Herrera
15 Fat Tissue Analysis in the Management of Patients
with Systemic Amyloidosis .......................................................... 191
Johan Bijzet, Ingrid I. van Gameren,
and Bouke P.C. Hazenberg
16 Generic Diagnosis of Amyloid: A Summary of Current
Recommendations and the Editorial Comments
on Chaps. 12–15 ........................................................................... 209
Maria M. Picken
17 Routine Use of Amyloid Typing on Formalin-Fixed
Paraffin Sections from 626 Patients
by Immunohistochemistry........................................................... 219
Reinhold P. Linke
18 Amyloid Typing: Experience from a Large
Referral Centre ............................................................................ 231
Janet A. Gilbertson, Toby Hunt, and Philip N. Hawkins
19 Options for Amyloid Typing in Renal Pathology:
The Advantages of Frozen Section Immunofluorescence
and a Summary of General Recommendations
for Immunohistochemistry (Chaps. 17–19) ............................... 239
Maria M. Picken
20 Amyloid Typing: Immunoelectron Microscopy ........................ 249
Laura Verga, Patrizia Morbini, Giovanni Palladini,
Laura Obici, Vittorio Necchi, Marco Paulli,
and Giampaolo Merlini
21 Classification of Amyloidosis by Mass Spectrometry-Based
Proteomics..................................................................................... 261
Ahmet Dogan
Contents xiii

Part IV Ancillary Studies of Amyloidosis

22 Laboratory Support for Diagnosis of Amyloidosis ................... 275

David L. Murray and Jerry A. Katzmann
23 Bone Marrow Biopsy and Its Utility in the Diagnosis
of AL Amyloidosis and Other Plasma Cell Dyscrasias............. 283
Sujata Ramamurthy, Lawreen H. Connors,
and Carl J. O’Hara
24 Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Hereditary
Amyloidoses .................................................................................. 291
S. Michelle Shiller, Ahmet Dogan, Kimiyo M. Raymond,
and W. Edward Highsmith Jr.

Part V Organ Involvement in Amyloidoses

25 Amyloidoses of the Kidney and Genitourinary Tract............... 305

Maria M. Picken
26 Cardiac Amyloidosis .................................................................... 319
Carmela D. Tan and E Rene Rodriguez
27 Amyloidosis of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Liver................ 339
Oscar W. Cummings and Merrill D. Benson
28 Peripheral Nerve Amyloidosis .................................................... 361
Adam J. Loavenbruck, Janean K. Engelstad,
and Christopher J. Klein

Part VI Clinical Issues and Therapy

29 Clinical and Pathologic Issues in Patients with Amyloidosis:

Practical Comments Regarding Diagnosis, Therapy,
and Solid Organ Transplantation ............................................... 377
Jay S. Dalal, Kevin Barton, and Maria M. Picken
30 Emerging Therapies for Amyloidosis ......................................... 393
Merrill D. Benson
31 Modern Therapies in AA Amyloidosis ....................................... 399
Amanda K. Ombrello
32 Medicolegal Issues of Amyloidosis ............................................. 405
Timothy Craig Allen
33 Amyloidosis from the Patient’s Perspective............................... 413
Muriel Finkel

Index ...................................................................................................... 419


Ivona Aksentijevich, M.D. Inflammatory Disease Section,

National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health,
Besthesda, MD, USA
Timothy Craig Allen, M.D., J.D. Department of Pathology,
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, Tyler, TX, USA
Kevin Barton, M.D. Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department
of Medicine, Loyola University Medical Center, Loyola University Chicago,
Merrill D. Benson, M.D. Department of Pathology and Laboratory
Medicine, Indiana University, Van Nuys Medical Science Building,
Indianapolis, IN, USA
Johan Bijzet, B.Sc. Department of Rheumatology and Clinical
Immunology EA41, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen,
The Netherlands
Lawreen H. Connors, Ph.D. Amyloid Treatment and Research Program,
Department of Biochemistry, Boston University School of Medicine,
Boston, MA, USA
Oscar W. Cummings, M.D. Indiana University School of Medicine/
Indiana University Health Partners, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Jay S. Dalal, M.D. Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department
of Medicine, Loyola University Medical Center, Loyola University Chicago,
Laura M. Dember, M.D. Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology,
University of Pennsylvania Health System, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Ahmet Dogan, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Laboratory Medicine
and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
Janean K. Engelstad, H.T. Peripheral Nerve Laboratory,
Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA

xvi Contributors

Muriel Finkel Founder and President of Amyloidosis Support Groups Inc.,

Wood Dale, IL, USA
Ingrid I. van Gameren, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Rheumatology and
Clinical Immunology AA21, University Medical Center Groningen,
Groningen, The Netherlands
Janet A. Gilbertson, C.Sci., F.I.B.M.S. UCL Division of Medicine,
National Amyloidosis Centre, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK
Philip N. Hawkins, Ph.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.C.Path., F.Med.Sci.
UCL Division of Medicine, National Amyloidosis Centre, Royal Free
Hospital, London, UK
Bouke P.C. Hazenberg, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Rheumatology
and Clinical Immunology AA21, University Medical Center Groningen,
Groningen, The Netherlands
Guillermo A. Herrera, M.D. Nephrocor, Bostwick Laboratories,
Orlando, FL, USA
W. Edward Highsmith Jr., Ph.D. Molecular Genetics Laboratory,
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, MN, USA
Alexander J. Howie, M.D., F.R.C.Path. Department of Pathology,
University College London, London, UK
Toby Hunt, M.Sc., B.Sc., F.I.B.M.S. UCL Division of Medicine, National
Amyloidosis Centre, Royal Free Hospital, London, UK
Bertrand L. Jaber, M.D., M.S. Division of Nephrology, Department
of Medicine, St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, Tufts University School
of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
Alexandre Karras, M.D. AP-HP, Department of Nephrology,
University Paris Descartes, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou,
Paris, France
Jerry A. Katzmann, Ph.D. Department of Laboratory Medicine
and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
Christopher J. Klein, M.D. Peripheral Nerve Laboratory,
Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
John M. Lee, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Pathology, Loyola University
Medical Center, LUMC Tissue Repository, Maywood, IL, USA
Reinhold P. Linke, M.D., Ph.D. Reference Center of Amyloid Diseases
amYmed, Innovation Center of Biotechnology, Martinsried, Germany
Adam J. Loavenbruck, M.D. Peripheral Nerve Laboratory,
Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
Contributors xvii

Giampaolo Merlini, M.D. Amyloidosis Research and Treatment Center,

Foundation IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Department of Biochemistry,
University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Patrizia Morbini, M.D. Department of Pathology, Foundation IRCCS
Policlinico San Matteo, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
David L. Murray, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Laboratory Medicine
and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
Vittorio Necchi, M.L.A. Department of Pathology, Foundation IRCCS
Policlinico San Matteo, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Mario Nuvolone, M.D. Amyloidosis Research and Treatment Center,
Foundation IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Department of Biochemistry,
University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, Pavia, Italy
Laura Obici, M.D. Amyloidosis Research and Treatment Center,
Foundation IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Carl J. O’Hara, M.D. Amyloid Treatment and Research Program,
Department of Pathology, Boston University School of Medicine,
Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA
Amanda K. Ombrello, M.D. National Human Genome Research Institute/
Inflammatory Disease Section, National Institutes of Health,
Besthesda, MD, USA
Giovanni Palladini, M.D., Ph.D. Amyloidosis Research and Treatment
Center, Foundation IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Department
of Biochemistry, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Marco Paulli, M.D. Department of Pathology, Foundation IRCCS Policlinico
San Matteo, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Maria M. Picken, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.S.N. Department of Pathology,
Loyola University Medical Center, Loyola University Chicago, IL, USA
Emmanuelle Plaisier, M.D., Ph.D. INSERM UMR_S 702, Hopital Tenon,
Paris, France
UPMC Univ Paris 6, Paris, France
AP-HP, Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, University Pierre
et Marie Curie, Hôpital Tenon, Paris, France
Sujata Ramamurthy, M.D. Amyloid Treatment and Research Program,
Department of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine,
Boston, MA, USA
Kimiyo M. Raymond, M.D. Laboratory Genetics, Department
of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
xviii Contributors

E Rene Rodriguez, M.D. Department of Anatomic Pathology,

Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
Pierre Ronco, M.D., Ph.D. INSERM UMR_S 702, Hopital Tenon,
Paris, France
UPMC Univ Paris 6, Paris, France
AP-HP, Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, University Pierre
et Marie Curie, Hôpital Tenon, Paris, France
S. Michelle Shiller, D.O. Department of Laboratory Medicine
and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
Paweena Susantitaphong, M.D. Division of Nephrology, Department
of Medicine, St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, Tufts University School
of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA
Carmela D. Tan, M.D. Department of Anatomic Pathology,
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA
Elba A. Turbat-Herrera, M.D. Botswick Laboratories, Orlando, FL, USA
Laura Verga, D.V.M., Ph.D. Department of Pathology, Foundation
IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Per Westermark, M.D., Ph.D. Rudbeck Laboratory,
Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology,
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Part I
Aspects of the History
and Nomenclature of Amyloid 1
and Amyloidosis

Per Westermark

Systemic amyloidosis • History • Nomenclature • Congo red • Fibril

of starch and named the stained substance

A Short History of Amyloid amyloid [8]. Corpora amylacea are not an exam-
The longer you can look back the further you can
ple of what is now called amyloid, but Virchow
look forward. expanded his studies to include tissues that con-
Winston Churchill
tained (what we now understand must have been)
systemic amyloidosis of the AA type and found
This chapter deals with some aspects of the his- similar staining properties. It should be empha-
tory of amyloid and its evolving nomenclature. sized that the condition was well known among
The history is interesting and contains some of pathologists before Virchow, but under other
the characteristics of human behavior, including names. Amyloid means “starch-like” (amylon or
envy and rigidity. Those with a particular interest amylum is starch in Greek and Latin, respec-
are referred to a number of earlier publications tively), but only 5 years after the term amyloid
[1–5]. In addition, some very interesting aspects had been coined, it was found that the deposited
of the modern history can be found in the pro- substance was mainly proteinaceous [9].
ceedings from the international symposia on Thus, after the mistake with corpora amylacea,
amyloidosis, particularly the first ones [6, 7]. Virchow and others studied “real amyloid,” most
The designation “amyloid” is actually a mis- likely AA amyloidosis, the most prevalent sys-
nomer. As a human affliction, the term was coined temic amyloidosis at that time. Although there are
by Rudolf Virchow when he used iodine to search variations, in comparison to some other systemic
for a cellulose (or starch)-related substance. He amyloidoses, particularly AL amyloidosis, AA has
found that corpora amylacea of the brain had a fairly constant tissue distribution pattern. Patients
some tinctorial properties that were reminiscent with a diverse amyloid distribution and symptoms
that were most probably due to AL amyloidosis
were described at an early date [10]. The term
P. Westermark, M.D., Ph.D. (*) “senile amyloidosis” was coined by Soyka, who
Rudbeck Laboratory, Department of Immunology, described a condition that was most likely senile
Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University,
systemic amyloidosis [11], today known to be
SE 751 85 Uppsala, Sweden
e-mail: per.westermark@igp.uu.se derived from wild-type transthyretin (TTR).

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 3
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_1,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
4 P. Westermark

The term “primary generalized amyloidosis” was The techniques used to extract amyloid fibrils,
well described by Lubarsch in 1929 [12]. dissolve them in chaotropic agents and purify the
Localized, tumorlike amyloid had already been major proteins for characterization by Edman
described in the nineteenth century and, similar degradation, revolutionized our comprehension
to a large number of other medical conditions, of amyloid. Instead of being nonspecific degen-
careful and exact descriptions can be found in erative materials, the amyloids were found to
German literature from this period (e.g., see be polymers of highly specific proteins [26, 27].
[13]). Cases of familial amyloidosis, which today At the end of the 1970s, four major amyloid fibril
is known to be a very heterogeneous group of proteins had been described [16, 26–28]. Today,
disorders with varying biochemical nature and 27 different proteins have been accepted as major
genetic background and spread throughout the amyloid fibril proteins (Table 1.1).
world, were also described [14]. An account of
the most common form of familial amyloidosis
that derived from TTR was published in 1952, Diagnosis of Amyloidosis
almost 100 years after the term amyloid was first
coined [15]. The exact nature of TTR was eluci- The introduction of the cotton dye Congo red was
dated in 1978 [16]. This form of TTR amyloido- a great step forward in the identification of amy-
sis is found in many parts of the world and had loid [29]. The dye was synthesized in 1883 for
been demonstrated to be due to a missense muta- the textile industry, and there is evidence that its
tion [17]. Since then, a great number of different name has a firm connection with a political con-
mutations in the TTR gene have been found, most ference, held in Berlin in 1884–1885, where the
of them associated with systemic amyloidosis colonial powers discussed Central Africa; thus,
and with varying phenotypes [18, 19]. Later, the name has nothing to do with the origin of the
several additional familial amyloidoses of vari- dye [30]. Congo red was introduced as an intra-
ous biochemical types were described, almost venous test for systemic amyloidosis in patients
exclusively dominant hereditary, and due to mis- since deposits in the tissues bound the dye and
sense mutations. Surprisingly, as late as 2008, a enhanced plasma clearance was taken as a sign of
form of systemic amyloidosis that is not extremely disease [31]. A quite substantial amount of Congo
rare was characterized [20]. red was injected, often more than 10 ml of a 1%
aqueous solution of the dye [32]. Although unre-
liable and potentially dangerous, this test seems
Biochemical Nature of Amyloid to have continued in use until the 1970s [33, 34].
This can seem surprising to us now, when some
Even before the seminal discovery that amyloid laboratories hesitate to utilize Congo red in histo-
has a distinctive fine fibrillar structure [21] in pathology due to its potential to be carcinogenic
which the protein has adopted a high degree of [35]. As early as 1884, the dye was tested as a
b-sheet structure with the molecules regularly histological stain [36], but it was not until 1927
arranged and bound to each other by hydrogen that its properties as an amyloid stain were
bonds [22], an organized substructure for the described [23]. At that time, a very important
hyaline amyloid had been proposed [23, 24]. property of amyloid stained with Congo red was
Most important of all were the studies by Benditt identified: namely, the enhanced green birefrin-
and Eriksen, who showed that the deposits pres- gence of amyloid in tissue sections viewed under
ent in secondary systemic amyloidosis are char- polarized light [23]. In fact, this technique is still
acterized by one specific protein, which they used in diagnostic work throughout the world.
called “protein A” (now protein AA) while the Diagnostic biopsies from organs showing symp-
proteins in other types of amyloidosis were pre- toms had been used for some time (for examples
liminarily called “protein B” [25]. They remarked, and references, see [37]), but it was not until 1960
wisely, that there may be several B proteins. that the well-known rectal biopsy was introduced
1 Aspects of the History and Nomenclature of Amyloid and Amyloidosis 5

Table 1.1 Human amyloid fibril proteins

Amyloid protein Precursor Systemic or localized Familial or sporadic
AL Immunoglobulin light chain Systemic or localized Sporadic
AH Immunoglobulin heavy chain Systemic or localized Sporadic
ATTR Transthyretin Systemic Familial or sporadic
AA Serum AA Systemic Sporadic
AApoAI Apolipoprotein AI Systemic or localized Familial or sporadic
AApoAII Apolipoprotein AII Systemic Familial
AApoAIV Apolipoprotein AIV Systemic Sporadic
AGel Gelsolin Systemic Familial
ALys Lysozyme Systemic Familial
AFib Fibrinogen a chain Systemic Familial
ACys Cystatin C Systemic Familial
ABri ABriPP Systemic Familial
ALect2 Leukocyte chemotactic factor 2 Systemic Sporadic
ADan ADanPP Localized Familial
Ab AbPP Localized Familial or sporadic
APrP Prion protein Localized Familial or sporadic
ACal (Pro)calcitonin Localized Sporadic
AIAPP IAPP (amylin) Localized Sporadic
AANF Atrial natriuretic factor Localized Sporadic
APro Prolactin Localized Sporadic
AIns Insulin Localized Sporadic
AMed Lactadherin Localized Sporadic
AKer Kerato-epithelin Localized Familial?
ALac Lactoferrin Localized Sporadic?
AOaap Odontogenic ameloblast-associated Localized Sporadic
ASemI Semenogelin I Localized Sporadic
Adapted from [43]

as a diagnostic tool for systemic amyloidosis

[38]. This was a most important advance since
before 1950, only 7% of patients were diagnosed
before death [39]. The technique most commonly
What is Amyloid?
used today, biopsy from subcutaneous fat tissue,
Most of us working with amyloid believe that we
was developed a decade later in the 1970s [40].
know what amyloid is. However, when reading
Since then, biopsy techniques have been further
the modern scientific literature, one can begin to
expanded to include determination of the bio-
hesitate since the word is now used in different
chemical nature of an amyloid deposit; today,
ways. In clinical pathological practice, amyloid
this is considered to be a necessary step in the
is a homogenous extracellular deposit that stains
clinical handling of patients with systemic amy-
specifically with Congo red, shows clear yellow
loidosis. Although a biopsy with microscopic
to green birefringence in polarized light, and has
demonstration of amyloid is still the only way to
a characteristic fine fibrillar ultrastructure. It
obtain a diagnosis, a method for visualizing amy-
should be stressed that the Congo red staining
loid in vivo based on the ubiquitously present
should be performed under strictly controlled
serum amyloid P (SAP) component has been
conditions; otherwise, other tissue components
successfully developed [41].
6 P. Westermark

Table 1.2 Terminology often used in the older literature which should now be abandoned
Designation to avoid Reason for avoidance
Familial amyloidotic cardiomyopathy (FAC) It is a systemic amyloidosis with deposits in other tissues as well
Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) It is a systemic amyloidosis with deposits in other tissues as well
Primary amyloidosis An old, inexact term. It was used for AL amyloidosis but also for
familial amyloid forms
Secondary amyloidosis An old, inexact term. It was used for AA amyloidosis but often
also for amyloidosis associated with multiple myeloma and
sometimes for localized amyloid in tumors
Senile cardiac amyloidosis This term was used for wild-type ATTR (senile systemic)
amyloidosis. Although cardiac symptoms often predominate, it
is a systemic disease

may also be stained. Other staining methods may amyloid fibril proteins. Although only two amy-
be used but are generally not regarded as being as loid proteins were known at the time (AA and
specific. In addition to this “classical” amyloid, AL), this decision proved prescient given the sit-
fibrils made in vitro that posses some amyloid uation that pertains today, when at least 27 amy-
properties are often called amyloid in the bio- loid fibril proteins have been identified. The
chemical literature. Even inclusion bodies, which committee is now part of the International Society
may or may not stain with Congo red, are often of Amyloidosis (ISA) and meets at each ISA
referred to as amyloid. Examples of such inclu- symposium. On those occasions, the nomencla-
sions are the intranuclear aggregates in ture committee updates the accepted amyloid
Huntington’s disease and Lewy bodies in fibril protein table, and the updated nomenclature
Parkinson’s disease. In clinical pathology, it is is published in the journal Amyloid. The latest
wise to stay within the classical definition. nomenclature [43] is given in Table 1.1.
All amyloid proteins are designated as A plus a
suffix, identifying the nature of the precursor.
Older Nomenclatures Thus, immunoglobulin light chain amyloid protein
is called AL (A + immunoglobulin light chain),
Over the decades, there have been a number of dif- transthyretin amyloid is ATTR, and so on. Any
ferent nomenclatures. The most prevalent prior substitutions are indicated by a suffix, identifying
classification stems from 1935 and divides the amy- the position in the protein flanked by the normal
loidoses into four groups: primary, secondary, amino acid residue to the left and the variant to the
tumor forming, and the amyloidosis associated with right. Consequently, the most common transthyre-
multiple myeloma. Unfortunately, it is sometimes tin variant protein is designated ATTRV30M
still in use, which creates unnecessary confusion where valine is the normal residue and this is sub-
(Table 1.2). For a long time, it was widely discussed stituted by methionine. Amyloid deposits, and dis-
whether the localized, often small, but dispersed eases, should be named after their main fibrillar
deposits with amyloid staining properties are indeed protein and should also be identified as localized
“true” amyloid or not, and the designation “para- or systemic and whether they are sporadic or
amyloid” was sometimes used to describe them familial. Old designations, such as primary or sec-
[14, 42]. This name should be avoided. ondary, typical or atypical, should be abandoned
(Table 1.2). Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy
(FAP), which is very often used for familial ATTR
Modern Amyloid Nomenclature amyloidosis, particularly with the V30M muta-
tion, is also a designation that should be avoided.
At the international symposium on amyloidosis
in 1974 in Helsinki, Finland, a committee was Acknowledgments Supported by the Swedish Research
organized to oversee the nomenclature of the Council.
1 Aspects of the History and Nomenclature of Amyloid and Amyloidosis 7

20. Benson MD, James S, Scott K, Liepnieks JJ, Kluve-

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Scintigraphic quantification and serial monitoring of clature committee of the International Society of
human visceral amyloid deposits provide evidence for amyloidosis. Amyloid. 2010;17:101–4.
Amyloid Diseases at the Molecular
Level: General Overview and Focus 2
on AL Amyloidosis

Mario Nuvolone, Giovanni Palladini,

and Giampaolo Merlini

Amyloid • Protein misfolding • Protein toxicity • Oligomers • Plasma cell

The process of amyloid formation and deposition

General Overview ultimately results in tissue damage and organ
dysfunction and is the pathophysiologic substrate
In the vast and heterogeneous group of disorders
of numerous clinical conditions, local or sys-
collectively termed “amyloidoses”, a protein or
temic, acquired or hereditary, extremely rare or
peptide loses, or fails to acquire, its physiologic,
rather frequent, which may represent a diagnostic
functional folding and, in its misfolded state,
challenge for pathologists and clinicians [1].
undergoes fibrillization and extracellular accu-
mulation in the form of amyloid deposits [1].
These deposits display distinctive chemical,
ultrastructural and tinctorial properties which
allow for their correct identification and help to What Makes a Protein Amyloidogenic?
distinguish amyloidoses from other pathologic
conditions similarly characterized by abnormali- Based on extensive experimental evidence, any
ties in protein conformation or metabolism [2, 3]. protein, either folded or natively unstructured, is
predicted to form amyloid fibrils in vitro under
appropriate circumstances [4]. However, only a
M. Nuvolone, M.D. limited number of proteins do so in vivo. The rea-
Amyloidosis Research and Treatment Center, Foundation
IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Department of son for this discrepancy is not fully understood,
Biochemistry, University of Pavia, but it is assumed that the mild physico-chemical
Piazzale Golgi, 2, Pavia 27100, Italy conditions of living systems and the existence of
Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori, Pavia, Italy the orchestrated network of protein homeostasis
e-mail: marionuvolone@hotmail.com (or proteostasis) contribute to preserve the fold-
G. Palladini, M.D., Ph.D. • G. Merlini, M.D. (*) ing state and function of the proteome [5, 6].
Amyloidosis Research and Treatment Center, Nonetheless, there are situations where such
Foundation IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, constraints are no longer effective and, as a result,
Department of Biochemistry, University of Pavia,
Piazzale Golgi, 2, Pavia 27100, Italy a protein or peptide aggregates and becomes
e-mail: gmerlini@unipv.it toxic [1].

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 9
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_2,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
10 M. Nuvolone et al.


Precursor protein

Misfolded protein GAGs

Oligomers / protofibrils Amyloid degrading


Amyloid fibrils Cytotoxicity


Intrinsic Mutations


Fig. 2.1 Mechanisms of amyloid formation and toxicity. fibrils. Oligomers in equilibrium with amyloid fibrils are
Intrinsic instability, increased concentration, mutations, believed to exert a direct cytotoxic effect. Interactions with
proteolytic cleavage or a combination thereof, can favour tissue factors, including glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and
the conversion of the amyloidogenic precursor into its serum amyloid P component (SAP), contribute to the for-
misfolded conformation. This process results in the for- mation and persistence of amyloid deposits, which con-
mation of prefibrillar species and ultimately amyloid tribute to the functional impairment of affected organs

Decades of research and clinical observations chronic inflammations [7] and for β2-micro-
have identified a few elements associated with globulin in patients with end-stage renal fail-
the ability of a protein to form amyloid in vivo ure, where kidney-mediated clearance of this
and give rise to disease (Fig. 2.1), and these protein from the circulation is not efficiently
include (1) a pathologic and sustained increase in replaced by dialysis [8].
the concentration of a protein with increased pro- 2. Mutations. Mutations, although frequently
pensity to aggregate; (2) an inherited modifica- consisting of only a single amino acid substi-
tion of a protein primary sequence; (3) a tution, can dramatically destabilize a protein
proteolytic remodelling of a protein; and (4) an and favour its aggregation and subsequent
intrinsic propensity to acquire a pathologic con- amyloid deposition—as demonstrated for cys-
formation [1]. More often, a combination of these tatin C [9], transthyretin [10], lysozyme [11],
factors actually determines the amyloidogenicity gelsolin [12] and apolipoprotein A-I [13].
of an individual protein. Such mutations are the molecular substrate for
1. Increased concentration. Some proteins can a group of conditions that are collectively
form amyloid only at persistently increased termed hereditary amyloidoses [14].
concentrations, as is the case for the acute 3. Proteolytic cleavage. In the majority of cases,
phase reactant serum amyloid A (SAA) in only a limited portion of the amyloidogenic
2 Amyloid Diseases at the Molecular Level: General Overview and Focus on AL Amyloidosis 11

precursor is actually found in amyloid depos- The inherent amyloidogenicity of a specific

its. The enzymes responsible for the prote- protein, per se, is not sufficient to explain the
olytic remodelling of the precursor are largely likelihood that amyloid deposition finally
unknown. They are postulated to be extracel- occurs in vivo. For example, only a minority
lular and whether proteolysis occurs before or of patients with long-lasting inflammation and
after the monomer has been incorporated subsequent elevation of SAA levels develop
within the amyloid fibrils is currently a matter AA amyloidosis [28, 29]. Similarly, the dis-
of speculation [1]. There have been only a few ease-associated Val30Met mutation of tran-
cases where such enzymes have been unam- sthyretin shows significant differences in
biguously identified and the proteolysis has penetrance and clinical presentation among
been shown to take place before amyloidogen- different ethnic groups and geographic areas
esis: the enzyme furin, residing in the Golgi [30]. Other factors, both environmental and
apparatus, cleaves ABri [15] and gelsolin [16], genetic, are probably involved and under-
and the membrane proteases β- and γ-secretases standing their roles will certainly improve our
release amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides from the current knowledge of amyloidogenesis and,
amyloid precursor protein (APP) in hopefully, pave the way to the discovery of
Alzheimer’s disease [17]. Remarkably, several novel therapeutic approaches.
mutations in genes encoding APP or the pre-
senilins, members of the γ-secretases, can
strongly favour the amyloidogenic proteolytic
cleavage of APP and are hence associated with Common Constituents of Amyloid
familial forms of the disease [18]. Deposits
4. Intrinsic instability. There are a few proteins
that are believed to display an intrinsic pro- Amyloid deposits are classified and named based
pensity to adopt more than one conformation, on the chemical nature of the most abundant fibril
a feature strongly influenced by hydrophobic- protein, according to internationally adopted
ity, electric charge and secondary structure nomenclature guidelines [31]. However, addi-
[3], and which might—in the long term—lead tional components are regularly found in the
to amyloid formation. Typical examples of deposits (Fig. 2.1) including proteoglycans [32],
this class of amyloidogenic proteins are tran- glycosaminoglycans [33] and the pentraxin fam-
sthyretin and apolipoprotein A-I, both associ- ily member, serum amyloid P (SAP) component
ated, in their wild-type conformation, with [34]. Proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans can
ageing-related amyloid deposition [19–21]. contribute to the formation and stabilization of
The intrinsic instability of both proteins is fur- amyloid fibrils and, through their interaction with
ther increased by pathogenic mutations asso- extracellular matrix elements, influence the local-
ciated with hereditary forms of the disease ization of amyloid deposits [1]. The SAP compo-
[22, 23]. Intriguingly, the propensity of wild- nent binds avidly and reversibly to all types of
type transthyretin to form amyloid is also amyloid [35], a property which allows for the
enhanced by exposure to a mutant, disease- clinical use of a radiolabeled version of this pro-
related form of the protein. In individuals tein for scintigraphic imaging of amyloid depos-
heterozygous for one of the pathogenic muta- its [36, 37], and which renders amyloid resistant
tions, both the mutated and the wild-type tran- to degradation [38]. This latter feature, and the
sthyretin are found in deposits [24–27], and observation that mice genetically devoid of SAP
this phenomenon explains why cardiac show a delayed deposition of experimentally
amyloid deposits can further progress in induced amyloid [39], is the rationale for the
patients for whom liver transplantation has development of therapeutic approaches aimed at
minimized the production of the mutant reducing circulating and amyloid-associated SAP
protein [24–26]. through small palindromic drugs and antibodies
12 M. Nuvolone et al.

[40, 41], which have already started to enter into However, alternative mechanisms can also play
the clinical phase of testing [42]. a role in amyloid fibrillogenesis. Under certain
circumstances, globular proteins can oligomerize
in a native-like state and only afterwards experi-
Amyloid Structure ence major conformational changes resulting in
amyloid fibril formation [5]. This mechanism is
Electronmicroscopy and X-ray diffraction analy- reminiscent of the fibrillogenic pathway followed
sis have revealed that amyloid deposits are com- by naturally unfolded proteins and by protein frag-
posed of rigid, non-branching fibrils with an ments, which are unable to fold correctly when
average diameter of 7.5–10 nm and a cross-β released from the protein of origin [5].
super-secondary structure [43–45]. More recently, Irrespective of the pathway followed, amy-
the application of solid-state nuclear magnetic loidogenesis entails the formation of expectedly
resonance spectroscopy to large amyloid fibrils heterogeneous intermediates, whose identity,
[46–48] and the successful preparation of micro- biophysical properties and pathophysiological
crystals of small amyloid-like peptides which can relevance are now the subject of extensive
be subjected to X-ray diffraction analysis [49, research [55–57].
50] have enabled refined structural studies of
amyloids (reviewed in references [3] and [51]),
sometimes with atomic resolution [52]. These Kinetics of Fibril Formation
results have corroborated the notion that, despite
almost identical morphological and ultrastruc- In vitro studies have shown that amyloid fibril
tural properties, amyloid fibrils do have a certain formation proceeds, in many instances, through a
degree of variation [3], and this will hopefully “nucleated growth” mechanism, which is remi-
deepen our understanding of the molecular basis niscent of the mechanism of crystallization [3].
of amyloid diseases. Starting from a solution of monomeric proteins,
there is an initial phase, termed lag phase, where
aggregation does not occur. However, as soon as
Amyloid Formation: From Monomers a critical nucleus has been generated, fibril for-
to Fibrils mation begins and further proceeds with very fast
kinetics: any amyloidogenic precursor in its
Self-intuitively, the transition from soluble aggregation-prone conformation is rapidly incor-
monomeric and (usually) folded proteins to insol- porated into the growing fibrils [1, 3, 58]. This
uble multimeric fibrillar aggregates with the seeding mechanism may have clinical implica-
above-mentioned structural properties requires tions, since the process of amyloid resorption,
drastic modifications of the protein’s original following a positive response to therapy, usually
conformation. This is believed to occur mainly leaves the seeds in tissues. In the case of a disease
through a partial unfolding of the native globular relapse, the seeds may trigger the rapid re-accu-
amyloidogenic precursor, or part of it, followed mulation of amyloid deposits [59].
by aggregation of the unfolded moieties to finally
form the amyloid fibrils [53, 54]. Said modifica-
tions are thermodynamically possible because Organ Tropism
the aggregation-prone unfolded state of the pro-
tein is separated from the native folded state— In the localized forms of the disease, the site of
which corresponds to the minimum content amyloid deposition is determined by the cellular
of free energy and therefore to the most stable source of the amyloidogenic precursor: the
conformation—by a low energetic barrier which pancreatic islets for the β cell-derived amylin in
can be easily surmounted via naturally occurring type 2 diabetes, the brain for the neuron-derived
thermal fluctuations [5]. Aβ in Alzheimer’s disease, the thyroid gland for
2 Amyloid Diseases at the Molecular Level: General Overview and Focus on AL Amyloidosis 13

the parafollicular cell-derived calcitonin in C-cell Immunoglobulin Light Chain

thyroid tumours, etc. Conversely, in systemic Amyloidosis (AL)
amyloidoses, the precursor protein circulates in
the blood stream and has potential access to With an overall incidence of 8.9 new cases per mil-
almost any organ or tissue in the body. lion persons per year, immunoglobulin light chain
Nonetheless, specific amyloidogenic proteins (AL) amyloidosis is the most common form of
tend to deposit predominantly in defined organs, systemic amyloidosis in Western countries [73].
for example the kidney for the fibrinogen Aα In this disease entity, a plasma cell clone is
chain and leukocyte chemotactic factor 2, the responsible for the production of monoclonal
joints for β2-microglobulin and the peripheral immunoglobulin light chains, which undergo
nerves for the transthyretin Met30 variant [1]. aggregation and form amyloid deposits either sys-
The reasons for the peculiar tropism of some temically or, rarely, locally [74]. The latter condi-
amyloidogenic proteins are not fully known. tion is defined as localized AL amyloidosis and
Several factors could contribute to determining accounts for approximately 5% of all AL cases.
the site of amyloid deposition, including the
presence of amyloid seeds, local protein concen-
tration, pH, presence of proteolytic enzymes, The Amyloidogenic Clone
interaction with collagen [60], glycosaminogly-
cans [61] or cellular receptors [1, 62]. The plasma cell clone in systemic AL amyloido-
sis typically resides in the bone marrow and the
infiltrate is generally of modest size (median of
Mechanisms of Tissue Damage bone marrow plasma cells: 9%). The degree of
plasma cell proliferation is usually low or unde-
The process of amyloid formation and deposition tectable [75]. Only 5% of AL patients present
usually results in tissue damage and organ dys- with an accompanying multiple myeloma [76].
function through mechanisms that have not been Indeed, in AL amyloidosis, the clinical manifes-
fully elucidated [1]. The presence of large tations are dominated by end-organ damage
amounts of amyloid material can subvert the tis- caused by the amyloidogenic light chains, rather
sue architecture and mechanically interfere with than by the direct tumour burden of the plasma
the physiologic function of affected organs cell clone [74] (Fig. 2.2). Exceptionally, AL amy-
(Fig. 2.1) [35]. loidosis can arise in association with Waldenström
However, compelling evidence now supports macroglobulinemia [77], light chain deposition
the idea that prefibrillar oligomeric species, and disease [78], POEMS syndrome [79, 80], non-
not fibrillar amyloid deposits, are the bona fide Hodgkin lymphoma [81, 82] and chronic lym-
toxic species in amyloid diseases (Fig. 2.1) [1, 3]. phocytic leukaemia [83].
Prefibrillar oligomers from transthyretin [63, 64], Besides mature bone marrow plasma cells, the
Aβ [65–67], immunoglobulin light chains [68–70] amyloidogenic clone also includes more undif-
and the cellular prion protein [71] have been ferentiated bone marrow progenitors as well as
shown to be toxic in vitro and/or in vivo. mature B lymphocytes and plasma cells in periph-
As a consequence of the conformational eral blood [84–87]. Clonal plasma cell elements
change underlying their formation, prefibrillar can also be found in the spleen and might serve as
aggregates are expected to expose, at their sur- a source of amyloidogenic light chains [88].
face, groups that are normally buried inside the Exposure to certain cytokines leads to in vitro
folded proteins or dispersed in the natively differentiation of peripheral clonal elements into
unfolded proteins [3]. These structural properties plasma cells that are very similar to their bone
of prefibrillar aggregates are regarded as potential marrow counterparts [89]. These observations
effectors of amyloid toxicity [3] and recent suggest the existence of an intraclonal differenti-
in vitro studies support this hypothesis [72]. ation process in AL: circulating elements would
14 M. Nuvolone et al.

Fig. 2.2 B-cell neoplasia vs. M-component-related dis- GOMMID, glomerulonephritis with organized microtu-
eases. In B-cell neoplasias (MM, multiple myeloma; WM, bular monoclonal immunoglobulin deposits), the biologi-
Waldenström macroglobulinemia; NHL, non-Hodgkin cal effects of the monoclonal protein may account for
lymphoma; and CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukaemia) most of the clinical manifestations and determine the
the clinical pattern is usually dominated by systemic prognosis. There are overlaps between these two groups;
effects caused by expansion of the malignant clone, for instance, the IgM of a patient with Waldenström mac-
whereas the monoclonal protein may cause hyperviscos- roglobulinemia may have a cold agglutinin activity and a
ity syndrome or kidney damage. In less common disor- myeloma clone can secrete an amyloidogenic light chain
ders, termed M-component related disorders (AL, (dashed line). Rarely, M-component-related diseases can
immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis; AH, immuno- progress to an overt B-cell neoplasia (dotted line). (This
globulin heavy chain amyloidosis; LCDD, light chain is a modified version of a figure which was originally
deposition disease; LHCDD, light and heavy chain depo- published in reference [74]. © The American Society of
sition disease; HCDD, heavy chain deposition disease; Hematology)
2 Amyloid Diseases at the Molecular Level: General Overview and Focus on AL Amyloidosis 15

serve as precursors that are able to differentiate Moreover, amyloidogenic plasma cells were
and sustain the accumulation of bone marrow found to express CD32B [105] and, in a minority of
plasma cells [90]. cases, CD20 [106] and CD52 [107], which may be
The degree of bone marrow infiltration and novel targets for anti-AL immunotherapy.
plasma cell clonality [91, 92], the percentage of
circulating peripheral blood plasma cells [93],
serum levels of amyloidogenic free light chains Genetics of Amyloidogenic Light Chains
[94–96] and other markers of plasma cell burden
[96] are of prognostic value [97]. Only a small fraction of monoclonal light chains,
Clonotypic cells can contaminate apheretic believed to be less than 5%, can form amyloid
stem cell harvests of AL patients and may con- fibrils in vivo. In a clinical series of 1,384 patients
tribute to relapse after high-dose chemotherapy with a monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined
followed by stem cell transplantation [86, 98]. significance, with an 11,009 person/years follow-
The amyloidogenic clone has minimal but mea- up, only 10 patients developed AL amyloidosis
surable kinetics of proliferation, and replicating [108]. Therefore, the potential to form amyloid
elements are represented by lymphoplasmacytoid fibrils is believed to reside in specific structural
cells within the bone marrow [84]. The percentage features of immunoglobulin light chains. As
of bone marrow plasma cells in their DNA syn- opposed to other plasma cell disorders, the iso-
thetic (S) phase of the cell cycle defines the so- type of amyloidogenic light chains is, in most
called plasma cell labelling index and correlates cases, λ (75%). Moreover, germline gene usage
with a poorer prognosis in AL patients [75]. for the variable region of λ light chains in AL
Amyloidogenic plasma cells frequently dis- amyloidosis differs significantly from the ger-
play aneuploidy due to numerical chromosomal mline gene usage observed in polyclonal bone
alterations [99]. Translocations affecting the marrow cells under normal conditions [109], due
14q32 locus of immunoglobulin heavy chains are to the restricted usage of a small set of genes in
present in the majority of cases (>75%) [100]. AL [110, 111]. This phenomenon of gene restric-
Particularly frequent are t(11;14)(q13;q32) [100] tion can be explained by the substantial over-rep-
and t(4;14)(p16.3;q32) [101], present in 55% and resentation of just two AL-associated gene
14% of cases, respectively. In contrast, hyperdip- segments, Vl3r (λIII family) [109] and Vl6a
loidy is relatively uncommon with respect to (λVI) [110, 111], which together encode 42% of
other plasma cell disorders and is observed in amyloid Vl regions [109]. Of note, light chains
only 11% of AL cases [102]. belonging to the λVI family are almost invariably
Gene expression analysis has identified a set associated with AL amyloidosis [111]. On the
of 12 genes—including CCND1, the gene other hand, germline gene usage in κ light chains
encoding cyclin D1—which can distinguish is less well studied. It seems that a few gene seg-
between AL amyloidosis and multiple myeloma ments (κI and κIV families, gene VkB3) are pref-
with an accuracy of classification of 92% [103]. erentially used in AL amyloidosis [111].
According to this study, amyloidogenic plasma Recent results from a clinical series of 53 AL
cells display an intermediate pattern of gene patients undergoing stem cell transplantation
expression with respect to normal and myeloma suggest that clonal variable light chain gene usage
plasma cells. Recently, the potential pathophys- might influence global cardiac function and long-
iological significance of cyclin D1 overexpres- term mortality [112]. These preliminary observa-
sion in amyloidogenic plasma cells has been tions, if confirmed, could shed new light on the
further investigated. In particular, cyclin D1 mechanisms of amyloid toxicity and organ
levels were found to be associated with prefer- dysfunction.
ential secretion of free light chains only, and In AL amyloidosis patients, immunoglobulin
possibly with response to therapy and overall light chain variable regions were found to be
survival [104]. hypermutated and mutations were not associated
16 M. Nuvolone et al.

with intraclonal diversification within the bone the constant region is the principal component
marrow, indicating that amyloidogenic light of amyloid deposits [136]. The identity of the
chains undergo antigen-driven selection [113]. proteolytic enzymes responsible for this process
These data suggest that amyloidogenic clones remains obscure and, similarly, it is unknown
may arise from a neoplastic transformation of whether proteolytic cleavage occurs before or
differentiated B lymphoid elements selected dur- after the monomeric light chain has been incorpo-
ing antibody response to a T cell-dependent anti- rated into higher-order aggregates. Biochemical
gen [113, 114]. Recently, this type of analysis has studies based on a single recombinant light chain
also been extended to peripheral blood B cells, highlight a crucial role of the constant region at
leading to the identification of some degree of early stages of fibril formation [137], but whether
intraclonal variation in circulating clones this is a peculiar characteristic of the protein
compared to bone marrow clones. Based on this examined or a general feature of all amyloido-
finding, the existence of a common precursor that genic light chains is still to be determined. In gen-
is subject to somatic mutation has been eral, data supporting the role of post-translational
postulated [115]. modifications in fibrillogenesis are scanty.

Structural Features of Amyloidogenic Mechanisms of Toxicity

Light Chains
As reported above, the exact mechanisms of tis-
Mutations in immunoglobulin light chains can sue damage and organ dysfunction caused by the
exert a destabilizing effect on their structure process of amyloid formation and deposition are
[116–119], thus increasing their propensity to not fully understood. Nonetheless, knowledge
undergo misfolding and aggregation [120–124]. gained in the context of other forms of amyloi-
In this regard, crystallographic studies have been doses [65, 67, 138], as well as the growing body
instrumental in analyzing the similarities between of evidence from experimental and clinical obser-
amyloidogenic- and non-amyloidogenic light vations in AL, have contributed in recent years to
chains [125, 126] and in determining the effect of significantly deepening our understanding of the
specific mutations on the tertiary structure of the pathophysiology of this disease. Key players in
protein [127]. this process appear to be the immunoglobulin
Compared to non-amyloidogenic light chains, light chain fibril precursors. Indeed, exposure to
the light chains associated with disease display a physiologic levels of cardiotropic amyloidogenic
higher number of non-conservative mutations in light chains, in the absence of amyloid fibrils, can
specific structural regions, including the comple- cause diastolic dysfunction in isolated mouse
mentary determining regions 1 and 3, and some hearts [68], lead to oxidative stress and impair
of these mutations are associated with serum free cardiomyocyte function [69], and result in cardi-
light chain levels in AL patients [128]. omyocyte apoptosis through the non-canonical
Post-translational modifications are believed to p38α MAPK pathway [70]. Whether this cellular
play a role in light chain amyloidogenicity [129], response is elicited only in cardiac tissue or is a
and these include glycosylation, cysteinylation, general event triggered by exposure to light chain
tryptophan oxidation and truncation [130–134]. oligomers needs to be determined.
The latter has been extensively investigated based Complementary evidence that prefibrillar
on the observation that AL deposits are mainly species, rather than fibrillar deposits, are the culprit
composed of the amino-terminal variable region for most of the toxicity in AL amyloidosis comes
and part of the constant region [129]. However, from substantiated clinical findings. In particular,
full-length light chains are found in the proteome hematologic response to chemotherapy was shown
of amyloid-laden tissue [135] and occasionally to translate into significant improvement of organ
2 Amyloid Diseases at the Molecular Level: General Overview and Focus on AL Amyloidosis 17

function well before the resolution of amyloid cardiac involvement and the gene IGLV1-44
deposits [139, 140]. These earlier observations [146] and l3 family [147] has been described.
have been subsequently corroborated by the dis- However, the germline gene alone is not suffi-
covery that chemotherapy-induced reduction of cient to explain the phenomenon of tissue tropism
immunoglobulin free light chains, and presumably of amyloidogenic light chains, as the pattern of
also of oligomers thereof, parallel the decrease of amyloid deposition in individuals with the same
biochemical markers of cardiac dysfunction, germline gene origin can differ substantially
despite an unchanged degree of myocardial amy- [148]. Other factors, including somatic mutations
loid deposits at echocardiography [141]. and post-translational modifications, are likely to
The cascade of events necessary for light be involved [148].
chain oligomerization and the exact site where
this process occurs are still enigmatic. Based on
in vitro observations, immunoglobulin light Clinical Manifestations
chains can be internalized by cells through endo-
cytosis [142, 143], and the existence of a putative From a clinical point of view, systemic AL amy-
cellular receptor mediating this process has been loidosis is a truly protean condition [28, 149].
advocated [144]. Nonetheless, whether cellular Indeed, depending on the number and types of
internalization is a prerequisite for light chain organs involved, highly heterogeneous clinical
toxicity or, alternatively, oligomers are built in manifestations can arise (Fig. 2.3).
the extracellular milieu and exert their detrimen- A few manifestations, including conspicuous
tal effect through a different mechanism remains macroglossia, periorbital purpura and the shoul-
to be elucidated. der pad sign (Fig. 2.3), can be regarded as almost
pathognomonic (with few exceptions [150]) for
systemic AL amyloidosis. They should, there-
Organ Tropism in AL Amyloidosis fore, greatly favour a diagnosis of systemic amy-
loidosis and guide the physician towards a correct
With the exception of localized AL, where immu- typing as AL [28, 149]. Nonetheless, these mani-
noglobulin light chain amyloid fibrils accumulate festations are rather uncommon, being present in
in proximity to the amyloidogenic plasma cell no more than 15–20% of cases.
clone, amyloid deposits are mainly found at dis- Involvement of soft tissues can also manifest
tal sites, in target organs, including the kidney, as carpal tunnel syndrome due to amyloid depo-
heart, liver and peripheral nervous system. sition within the carpal canal [151]. This condi-
Remarkably, any organ—excluding the central tion is often bilateral and can precede the clinical
nervous system—can be potentially affected by onset of other organ involvement by many years.
this process (Fig. 2.3). In the clinical series of 868 patients with sys-
Laws governing the tissue tropisms of amy- temic AL amyloidosis followed at our center
loidogenic light chains have not yet been eluci- [152] (Table 2.1), the most frequently affected
dated. It has been hypothesized that the primary organ is the kidney [153–155]. Renal involve-
structure of the light chain plays a central role in ment results almost invariably in proteinuria,
determining tissue tropism, and this thinking is which can be prominent and can lead to severe
supported by the strong, albeit not absolute, asso- hypoalbuminemia. More than 50% of AL patients
ciation with Vl6a light chains and predominant, present with nephrotic syndrome at diagnosis.
or exclusive, kidney involvement [109–111]. In contrast, renal insufficiency is infrequent at
The peculiar tropism of Vl6a light chains for the clinical onset, even though approximately 20%
kidney might be explained by a receptor-mediated of patients eventually develop terminal kidney
interaction with mesangial cells [144, 145]. failure and require dialysis. Progression of renal
Recently, an association between dominant damage depends on residual organ function as
18 M. Nuvolone et al.

Fig. 2.3 The clinical spectrum of systemic AL amyloido- brain natriuretic peptide; NT-proBNP, amino-terminal
sis. Clinical manifestations of systemic AL amyloidosis fragment of proBNP; cTn, cardiac troponins; ALP, alkaline
based on a clinical series of 868 patients followed at our phosphatase; ESRD, end-stage renal disease
center. Percentages refer to frequency at presentation. BNP,
2 Amyloid Diseases at the Molecular Level: General Overview and Focus on AL Amyloidosis 19

Table 2.1 Clinical characteristics of 868 patients with systemic AL amyloidosis

N (%) Median Range
Males 494 (57)
Age (years) 63 23–91
Positive fat aspirate 673 (78)
κ light chain 197 (23)
BMPC (%) 9 1–30
Involved organs 2 595 (69)
ECOG 2 282 (32)
Weight loss 332 (38)
Cardiac involvement 543 (63)
mLVW (mm) 14 7–30
mLVW 15 mm 276 (32)
EF (%) 57 15–82
EF <40% 72 (8)
NT-proBNP (ng/L) 2,135 5 to 83,148
Kidney involvement 628 (72)
Proteinuria (g/24 h) 3.3 0 to >30
Proteinuria 3 g/24 h 446 (51)
Serum creatinine (mg/dL) 1.1 0.3–10.3
Serum creatinine 2 mg/dL 150 (17)
Liver involvement 225 (26)
PNS involvement 168 (19)
ANS involvement 142 (16)
BMPC, bone marrow plasma cells; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group per-
formance status; mLVW, mean left ventricular wall thickness; EF, ejection fraction;
NT-proBNP, amino-terminal pro brain natriuretic factor; PNS, peripheral nervous sys-
tem; ANS, autonomic nervous system

well as on the severity of proteinuria [156]. This granular sparkling appearance (Fig. 2.3). Global
can, however, be halted by effective therapy systolic function, as estimated by ejection frac-
[157], which underlines the paramount impor- tion, is usually preserved at presentation, but tends
tance of an early diagnosis and timely treatment to deteriorate with disease progression. Increased
initiation. The ability to replace the organ func- ventricular wall thicknesses are paradoxically
tion through dialysis explains why renal involve- accompanied by low voltage and a pseudo-infarc-
ment in AL has a lesser impact on survival than tion pattern with Q waves in precordial leads at
cardiac involvement. Despite significant morbidi- ECG examination (Fig. 2.3). This discrepancy
ties associated with dialysis, most AL patients should help differentiate cardiac amyloidosis from
with renal involvement eventually die because of other conditions with increased ventricular wall
amyloid-related cardiac dysfunction. thickness, i.e. hypertensive cardiomyopathy [159].
At diagnosis, two-thirds of patients show At echocardiography, AL cardiomyopathy cannot
echocardiographic signs of cardiac amyloido- be distinguished from other forms of systemic
sis, consisting mainly of increased interventricu- amyloidosis with heart involvement, even though
lar septum and posterior wall thicknesses, and these clinical entities clearly show a diverse
often of reduced internal ventricular chamber pathophysiological substrate and a different clini-
dimensions [158, 159]. Amyloid infiltrates within cal course [160]. Recently, the usefulness of car-
the myocardium may result in a characteristic diac magnetic resonance [161] and left ventricular
20 M. Nuvolone et al.

strain imaging [162, 163], both for the diagnosis hepatic amyloidosis can lead to spontaneous liver
of AL cardiomyopathy and for prognostic assess- rupture, which is usually fatal [172, 173]. The
ments of AL patients, has been reported. spleen is generally affected by amyloid deposi-
Clinically, amyloid cardiomyopathy manifests tion, in some cases to a large extent, but splenic
as right-sided heart failure, which is present in involvement is rarely of clinical relevance. When
40% of AL patients at diagnosis. The presence it does occur, it leads to hyposplenism [174] and,
and severity of cardiac involvement strongly anecdotally, to splenic rupture [175].
influence the prognosis [152]. The median sur- The involvement of the peripheral nervous
vival of 868 patients with AL amyloidosis fol- system is seen in about 20% of patients in the
lowed at our center between 1986 and 2007 was form of a predominantly sensitive, axonal, sym-
3.8 years. However, patients with echocardio- metrical and progressive neuropathy [176]. When
graphic signs of cardiac involvement showed a peripheral neuropathy is the dominant syndrome,
significantly shorter survival (21 vs. 82 months, a differential diagnosis between AL and heredi-
p < 0.001) [152]. The severity of heart dysfunc- tary amyloidosis becomes mandatory. Fifteen
tion can be quantified through the cardiac percent of patients show clinical signs of amyloid
biomarkers N-terminal natriuretic peptide type autonomic neuropathy, manifesting as postural
B (NT-proBNP) and cardiac troponins (cTn) hypotension, erectile dysfunction and gastroin-
[164–166], which form the basis for a prognostic testinal symptoms (constipation, diarrhoea or an
stratification [167] and can be used to monitor alternation thereof). The latter symptoms can
organ response to therapy [141]. Heart involve- also be the consequence of amyloid deposition
ment is the leading cause of death in AL: 50% of within the gastrointestinal tract, which is observed
patients die due to chronic heart failure and 25% in 8% of cases. Other sites of amyloid deposition,
die from sudden cardiac death due to fatal including cutis, muscle, respiratory tract, genito-
arrhythmias. Complex ventricular arrhythmias urinary system and lymph nodes, are less
on 24-h ECG Holter monitoring, including cou- commonly documented.
plets and non-sustained ventricular tachycardia, General symptoms, which are not explained
correlate with sudden death and are an indepen- by a specific pattern of organ involvement, are
dent prognostic factor [168]. common and include fatigue—which is present
Despite the great impact of cardiac involve- in two-thirds of AL patients at presentation and
ment on prognosis, an effective treatment can can be rather severe—anorexia and dysgeusia.
significantly improve the survival of AL patients Unintentional weight loss is observed in more
with cardiac amyloidosis, thus radically modify- than 50% of cases and can be masked by or
ing the natural history of the disease [152]. In our underestimated because of concurrent liquid
clinical series, patients with cardiac AL not retention. Malnutrition, as assessed by low body
responding to treatment have a median survival mass index and low serum prealbumin level, is an
of 12 months vs. 70 months for those achieving a important prognostic factor in AL [177].
hematologic response (p < 0.001). Cox multivari-
ate analysis on 868 AL patients showed that the
presence of cardiac involvement and the achieve- Clinical Approach
ment of hematologic response are independent
prognostic factors [152]. In 2005, the International Society for Amyloi-
Approximately 25% of AL patients present dosis released consensus criteria for the defini-
with liver involvement, resulting in hepatomegaly tion of organ involvement and treatment response
and/or elevated serum alkaline phosphatase lev- in AL amyloidosis, an unprecedented tool for
els. Jaundice is rare and, when present, often physicians involved in the diagnosis and treat-
indicates a poor prognosis [169–171]. Rarely, ment of these patients [178]. These criteria have
2 Amyloid Diseases at the Molecular Level: General Overview and Focus on AL Amyloidosis 21

been recently updated [179]. AL amyloidosis copy, mass spectroscopy-based methods and
should be included in the differential diagnosis genetic testing [152].
of non-diabetic nephrotic syndrome; non-isch- Organ dysfunction can be halted, amyloid
emic cardiomyopathy with hypertrophic pattern deposits can be slowly reabsorbed and survival
on echocardiography; increased NT-proBNP in can be significantly extended if the production of
the absence of primary heart disease; hepato- amyloidogenic light chains is zeroed or substan-
megaly and/or increased alkaline phosphatase tially reduced [1]. Possibly, due to the low pro-
levels with no imaging abnormalities of the liver; liferative profile of the underlying amyloidogenic
peripheral and/or autonomic neuropathy; unex- plasma cell clone, a durable hematologic
plained facial or neck purpura or macroglossia response to therapy can be achieved and trans-
and; association of monoclonal component with late into organ response, with a survival of
unexplained fatigue, weight loss, edema or par- 10 years or more [188, 189]. Based on these
esthesia [88]. observations, the current therapeutic approach to
Diagnosis is based on the histological demon- systemic AL amyloidosis aims at eradicating the
stration of amyloid deposits and determination of underlying plasma cell dyscrasia with chemo-
the amyloid type. Diagnosis of amyloid as AL in therapy, using regimens which are mainly
tissue samples necessitates a search for the adopted from anti-multiple myeloma therapies
plasma cell clone responsible for the production (Fig. 2.4). However, alternative approaches have
of amyloidogenic light chains, which is best also been considered. The anthracycline 4 -iodo-
achieved by a combination of clinical chemistry 4 -deoxy-doxorubicin was shown to bind to
and hematologic investigations [180, 181]. amyloid fibrils both in vitro and in vivo and to
However, once the coexistence of a monoclonal promote amyloid clearance [190] (Fig. 2.4),
gammopathy and systemic amyloidosis has been although its clinical efficacy in AL amyloidosis
ascertained, the possibility of a fortuitous combi- is limited [191, 192]. Other strategies are cur-
nation of non-AL systemic amyloidosis (AA, rently under investigation in preclinical or clini-
wild-type ATTR or hereditary) and incidental, cal settings, including selective downregulation
unrelated paraproteinemia should formally be of the offending immunoglobulin light chain via
taken into account [182–184]. This holds true, anti-sense oligonucleotides [193] or small inter-
especially in elderly subjects, due to the remark- fering RNA molecules [194, 195], passive immu-
able prevalence of monoclonal gammopathies of notherapy with anti-amyloid antibodies [196,
undetermined significance (MGUS) in this set- 197] and pharmacological depletion of SAP
ting [185]. On the other hand, the rare association (Fig. 2.4) [42].
of systemic AL amyloidosis with the presence of
Acknowledgments Supported by Grant No. 9965 from
a potentially amyloidogenic mutation has been
the Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro Special
reported [186, 187]. Since treatment is radically Program Molecular Clinical Oncology, Fondazione
different from one form of systemic amyloidosis Cariplo Nobel Project, Italian Ministry of University and
to the other, amyloid typing is mandatory in tis- Research (PRIN No. 2007AE8FX2_003 and
2007XY59ZJ_005); Ministry of Health (Ricerca
sue deposits and requires a scrupulous clinical
Finalizzata Malattie Rare), “Istituto Superiore di Sanità”
evaluation and appropriate techniques, including (526D/63). MN is partially supported by an investigator
immunohistochemistry, immunoelectron micros- fellowship from Collegio Ghislieri, Pavia.

Fig. 2.4 Therapeutic options in AL amyloidosis. Similarly to anti-myeloma therapies, amyloid P component (SAP) binding to amyloid fibrils. The compound also crosslinks
(1) chemotherapy and (2) proteasome inhibitors can be employed to eradicate amyloido- and dimerizes circulating SAP, favouring its hepatic clearance. This strategy can be
genic plasma cells. (3) Anti-sense oligonucleotides and (4) small interfering RNAs have combined with the use of (6) anti-SAP antibodies to eliminate visceral amyloid deposits.
been tested, in preclinical settings, to downregulate the production of the amyloidogenic (7) Passive immunization with amyloid-reactive antibodies could promote the resolution
light chains. (5) The palindromic compound (R)-1-[6-[(R)-2-carboxy-pyrrolidin-1-yl]- of amyloid deposits. (8) The anthracycline 4 -iodo-4 -deoxy-doxorubicin (IDOX) inter-
M. Nuvolone et al.

6-oxo-hexa-noyl]pyrrolidine-2 carboxylic acid (CPHPC) can be used to inhibit serum feres with amyloid fibril growth and promotes amyloid clearance
2 Amyloid Diseases at the Molecular Level: General Overview and Focus on AL Amyloidosis 23

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AA Amyloidosis
Amanda K. Ombrello and Ivona Aksentijevich

AA amyloidosis • Serum amyloid A • Rheumatic disease • Autoinflam-
matory disease • IL-1-mediated disease • Cryopyrin-associated periodic
fever syndromes • Familial Mediterranean fever • Tumor necrosis factor
receptor-associated periodic syndrome • Familial cold autoinflammatory
syndrome • Muckle–Wells syndrome • Neonatal onset multisystem inflam-
matory disease • Hyper IgD syndrome • Inflammatory bowel disease
• Biologic medications

AA amyloidosis, also known as reactive amyloi- such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), ankylosing
dosis, is a form of amyloidosis that develops in spondylitis (AS), and systemic juvenile arthritis
patients with chronic inflammatory states. It is (SJIA), although with the therapeutic develop-
estimated that, worldwide, approximately 45% of all ments of the past 20 years, the prevalence has
generalized amyloid cases are AA amyloidosis [1]. decreased significantly. Additionally, AA amyloi-
Whereas infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, dosis has been associated with granulomatous
malaria, leprosy, and chronic osteomyelitis were diseases such as sarcoidosis and Crohn’s disease
once the leading cause of AA amyloidosis, effec- and malignancies such as mesothelioma and
tive treatments for these infections have brought Hodgkin’s disease. There have been a number of
other causes of AA amyloidosis to the forefront. AA amyloidosis cases described that are associ-
Within the field of rheumatology, there is a ated with intravenous drug use and other infec-
recently characterized group of diseases, known tious conditions such as bronchiectasis and HIV
as the hereditary autoinflammatory diseases, [2–4]. Approximately 6% of AA amyloidosis
which have an increased risk for the development cases have no identified disease association [2].
of AA amyloidosis. Historically, AA amyloidosis In the amyloidosis nomenclature, there is
has also been seen in other rheumatologic diseases often some confusion in distinguishing between
amyloidoses that develop due to mutations in the
A.K. Ombrello, M.D. • I. Aksentijevich, M.D. (*) amyloid fibril protein itself and amyloidoses
National Human Genome Research Institute/Inflammatory associated with genetic mutations in non-amyloid
Disease Section, National Institutes of Health, proteins. The former are frequently referred to as
10 Center Drive MSC 1375, Building 10 4N/208,
Bethesda, MD 20892, USA
hereditary amyloidoses. This is in contrast to
e-mail: ombrelloak@mail.nih.gov familial AA amyloidosis, which develops in

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 31
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_3,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
32 A.K. Ombrello and I. Aksentijevich

patients with diseases that have genetic mutations (apolipoprotein AI and AII) and sporadic
in non-amyloid proteins: these mutations result in (apolipoprotein AIV).
upregulation of the inflammatory response of the Under normal circumstances SAA is secreted
innate immune system and this inflammation by the liver and completely degraded by mac-
predisposes patients to the development of AA rophages. The secreted SAA protein is 104 amino
amyloidosis. The hereditary autoinflammatory acids in size and is primarily secreted in an a-helix
diseases are included in this subset [5]. structure [8]. Patients with AA amyloidosis have a
AA amyloid fibrils deposit as a result of an flaw in the degradation sequence that is not com-
enhanced and prolonged inflammatory state that pletely understood, which results in incomplete
leads to misfolding of the AA amyloid protein degradation and accumulation of intermediate
and deposition into tissues. Although the patho- SAA products. Initially, in these patients, SAA is
genesis is not completely understood, there are transferred to the lysosome where the c-terminal
many factors that influence the risk of developing portion of the SAA protein is cleaved allowing the
AA amyloidosis. The precursor protein of the remaining protein to fold into a b-sheet configura-
fibrils in AA amyloidosis is an apolipoprotein tion. Deposited amyloid contains only 66–76
called serum amyloid A (SAA). In humans, SAA amino acids compared to the 104 in secreted SAA
is expressed by three different genes that are [8]. The cleaved fragments polymerize and form
localized on chromosome 11p15.1. SAA1 and fibrils that are deposited in the extracellular space
SAA2 are two SAA isoforms that are acute phase and bind proteoglycans and other proteins such as
reactants synthesized by the liver that have the serum amyloid P. Once bound by the aforemen-
ability to form amyloid. Approximately 80% of tioned components, the fibrils become resistant to
secreted SAA1 and SAA2 are bound to lipopro- proteolysis and deposit in organ tissues [9].
teins and of that, 90% are bound to high-density Although organ involvement varies, AA amy-
lipoprotein (HDL) [1]. SAA is produced in the loidosis most commonly affects the kidneys with
liver in response to proinflammatory cytokines 90% of patients having some degree of renal
such as interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, and tumor necrosis involvement [10]. Frequently, renal disease is ini-
factor-alpha (TNF-a) and can rise more than tially observed when patients present with unex-
1,000-fold during inflammation [6]. plained proteinuria. If the AA amyloidosis
The exact role of SAA is unknown but, as diagnosis is delayed or the patient’s underlying
this protein is highly conserved among species, inflammatory condition is not suppressed, patients
it has been speculated that SAA plays a role as a will go on to develop renal failure. Lachmann et al.
chemoattractant and in lipid metabolism [6, 7]. published an article in 2007 detailing the natural
In support of this, is the fact that amyloid depo- history of AA amyloidosis and found that the
sition occurs initially in organs that are major median survival after diagnosis was 133 months.
sites of lipid and cholesterol metabolism such as Patients with higher SAA levels had a significantly
the kidney, liver, and spleen. Additionally, there higher risk of death than those with lower SAA
are other apolipoproteins such as apolipoprotein concentrations [2]. Gastrointestinal involvement is
AI (apo AI) and apolipoprotein E (apo E) that seen in approximately 20% of patients; in contrast,
are present in the SAA bound HDL fraction. testes are frequently involved (87%). Although
Apo AI and apo E are thought to play significant associated with AA amyloidosis, amyloid goiter,
roles in reverse cholesterol metabolism which hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, adrenal involve-
involves interaction with peripheral cells, such ment, and pulmonary involvement are relatively
as macrophages, to facilitate the removal of uncommon findings [9]. Other tissues such as the
excess free cholesterol [1]. The liberated cho- heart, tongue, and skin are rarely involved.
lesterol is transported to the liver for intestinal A diagnosis of AA amyloid is made based on
excretion. Interestingly, other apolipoproteins the examination of a tissue biopsy. The tissues
(apolipoprotein AI, AII, and AIV) may also be most commonly tested include kidney, rectum,
associated with amyloidosis, both hereditary abdominal fat pad, and gingiva. Staining with
3 AA Amyloidosis 33

Congo red reveals the characteristic “apple-green The full effect of DMARD and anti-TNF therapy
birefringence” of amyloid deposits under polarized in rheumatoid arthritis-associated amyloidosis
microscopy. For an AA amyloid type diagnosis, has yet to be fully appreciated, but recent studies
immunohistochemistry staining is needed. are showing a sustained decline in the number of
There have been a number of risk factors asso- new cases [14].
ciated with the development of AA amyloidosis. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is another
The gene that codes for SAA1 has polymor- rheumatic disease that is associated with the
phisms that when present, carry a three- to seven- development of AA amyloidosis with the highest
fold increased risk for the development of AA prevalence in the patients with SJIA followed by
amyloidosis [11]. Specifically, Caucasian patients those with polyarticular disease. In the era pre-
with RA, juvenile arthritis and patients with DMARD and biologic therapy, the prevalence of
autoinflammatory diseases such as familial AA amyloidosis in JIA patients ranged from 1 to
Mediterranean fever (FMF) who have the 10% [15]. Higher prevalence was seen in Northern
SAA1a/a genotype have an increased risk of European patients, especially Polish patients who
amyloidosis. In that group of patients, the SAA1g had a prevalence of 10.6% and lower prevalence
allele is associated with a decreased susceptibil- was observed in North Americans. The reasons
ity of amyloidosis [11]. Conversely, in Japanese for this discrepancy are not completely clear
RA patients, the SAA1a/a genotype is associ- although it was speculated that selection bias,
ated with a decreased susceptibility of amyloido- genetic background and a tendency toward more
sis development but the SAA1g genotype carries early, aggressive therapy in North Americans
an increased risk [12]. Additionally, within the may have played a role [16, 17]. AA amyloidosis
autoinflammatory syndromes, there are specific has been observed in JIA patients as early as
diseases which carry an increased risk for amy- 1 year after diagnosis; conversely, it has also been
loidosis and, within those diseases, specific seen 25 years after diagnosis [15, 18]. Similar to
genetic mutations further increase one’s risk for rheumatoid arthritis, the occurrence of new amy-
the development of amyloidosis. Further elabora- loid cases has significantly decreased in the past
tion of the risk of amyloidosis within the autoin- 20 years due to the increased efficacy of treat-
flammatory syndromes is discussed later as each ment with DMARDs and biologics [14, 18].
autoinflammatory disease is described. Historically, the incidence of AA amyloidosis
in ankylosing spondylitis patients has been esti-
mated at 6% based on postmortem analysis [19,
AA Amyloidosis in Rheumatic Disease 20]. However, within the subset of severely
affected patients, up to 13% have developed AA
In developed countries, prior to the initiation of amyloidosis [21]. Patients with a long history of
therapy with disease modifying antirheumatic active disease are at the most risk for developing
drugs (DMARDs) and biologic agents, rheuma- clinical signs of AA amyloidosis. As is the current
toid arthritis was the most common inflammatory trend with both rheumatoid arthritis and JIA, the
disease associated with AA amyloidosis [10]. incidence of new cases is on the decline [18].
Studies preceding the biologic era reported the
prevalence of AA amyloidosis to be 5–20% and
increased prevalence was seen in Northern The Hereditary Autoinflammatory
Europeans compared to North Americans [13]. Diseases
Patients who had a long history of poorly con-
trolled, severe disease with extraarticular mani- The hereditary autoinflammatory diseases define
festations were at the most risk for developing a group of illnesses that are characterized by
amyloidosis and the median time from the first attacks of seemingly unprovoked recurrent
symptoms of their rheumatic condition to the inflammation without significant levels of either
diagnosis of amyloidosis was 212 months [10]. autoantibodies or antigen-specific T cells, which
34 A.K. Ombrello and I. Aksentijevich

are typically found in patients with autoimmune Muckle–Wells syndrome (MWS; MIM191900),
diseases. Whereas autoimmune diseases like the most severe neonatal onset multisystem
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and rheu- inflammatory disease (NOMID; MIM607115),
matoid arthritis (RA) result from a derangement and familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome 2
in the adaptive immune system, the autoinflam- (FCAS2; MIM611762). In contrast, FMF
matory syndromes are a result of malfunctions in (MIM249100), Majeed syndrome (MIM609628),
the innate immune system [22, 23]. The inflamma- and the hyperimmunoglobulinemia D syndrome
tory attacks are thus mediated by the cells of (HIDS; MIM260920) are inherited as autosomal
innate immunity, namely neutrophils and mac- recessive traits as is the deficiency of IL-1 recep-
rophages. Although seemingly unprovoked, these tor antagonist (DIRA; MIM612852) [22, 24]. As
attacks are often initiated by stress, immunization, interest and understanding of these diseases has
or trauma, suggesting that gene–environment inter- grown, so has the realization that some, but not
actions play an important role in pathogenesis. all, of the hereditary autoinflammatory diseases
During the past 15 years major research has carry an increased risk for the development of
been undertaken to understand the pathogenesis AA amyloidosis.
of autoinflammatory diseases, which has ulti-
mately led to a new classification of monogenic
and polygenic autoinflammatory disorders. Familial Mediterranean Fever

FMF is the most common of the Mendelian

Monogenic Autoinflammatory autoinflammatory diseases. It is seen most fre-
Diseases quently in the Armenian, Arab, Turkish, and
Sephardi Jewish populations with carrier frequen-
The term autoinflammation was introduced based cies ranging from 1:3 to 1:10 in population-based
on the studies of hereditary periodic fever syn- studies. The disease prevalence is significantly
dromes, a group of Mendelian diseases with sim- lower due to reduced penetrance of many of the
ilar clinical presentations including recurrent FMF-associated mutations. The high carrier
fevers and systemic inflammation. Although frequency in multiple populations may confer
there is some variability, common findings selective advantage and resistance to a yet
include serositis, cutaneous rash, arthritis, and unknown endemic pathogen. Typically, carriers
ocular involvement (Table 3.1). The inflamma- for various FMF-associated mutations are asymp-
tory attacks are accompanied by intense acute tomatic, but they may actually have subclinical
phase response [erythrocyte sedimentation rate evidence of inflammation or even be periodically
(ESR) and c-reactive protein (CRP)] and high symptomatic [25].
levels of SAA. The monogenic autoinflammatory Patients with FMF have acute attacks of fever
diseases include conditions that are inherited in and localized inflammation that commonly
an autosomal dominant fashion such as the tumor involve the peritoneum, pleura, skin, or joints.
necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syn- The hallmark cutaneous finding is an erysipeloid
drome (TRAPS; MIM191190), the syndrome of erythematous rash on the dorsum of the foot or
pyogenic arthritis with pyoderma gangrenosum ankle (Fig. 3.1). Biopsies of the rash show a
and acne (PAPA; MIM604416), and Blau syn- mixed cellular infiltrate [26]. Attacks begin during
drome (also known as early onset sarcoidosis) childhood with up to 90% of patients experienc-
(MIM186580). Also inherited in an autosomal ing their initial attack prior to age 20. Attacks
dominant fashion is a spectrum of phenotypes typically last 1–3 days and subside spontane-
caused by mutations in the same gene with the ously. Between attacks, patients generally feel
mildest being familial cold autoinflammatory well, although there may be some persistent acute
syndrome (FCAS1; MIM120100), followed by phase reactant elevation on laboratory analysis.
AA Amyloidosis

Table 3.1 Monogenic autoinflammatory diseases

% AA Duration Abdominal Arthralgia CNS
Disease Gene Inheritance amyloidosis Disease onset of flares Fever pain arthritis Myalgias Cutaneous manifestations involvement
FMF MEFV AR 11% Early 1–3 days Yes Yes Yes Yes Erysipeloid erythema No
childhood to
TRAPS TNFRSF1A AD 14–25% Early 1–4 weeks Yes Yes Yes Yes Migratory erythematous No
childhood skin lesions, periorbital
FCAS NLRP3 AD Rare Infancy <24 h Yes No Yes Yes Cold-induced neutrophilic No
MWS NLRP3 AD 33% Childhood 2–3 days Yes Possible Yes Yes Neutrophilic urticarial-like Sensorineural
hearing loss
NOMID/ NLRP3 AD de novo Rare Neonatal Continuous Yes Uncommon Yes No Neutrophilic urticarial-like Vision loss,
CINCA period hearing loss,
FCAS2 NLRP12 AD None Childhood 1–2 weeks Yes Yes Yes Yes Cold-induced neutrophilic Headache,
described urticarial-like hearing loss
HIDS MVK AR Extremely Infancy 3–7 days Yes Yes Yes Yes Maculopapular rash No
PAPA PSTPIP1 AD None Childhood Weeks Yes Rare Yes No Pyoderma gangrenosum, No
described abscesses, cystic acne
DIRA IL1RN AR None Neonatal Continuous Yes Not known Yes No Neutrophilic pustular No
36 A.K. Ombrello and I. Aksentijevich

severe FMF mutations map close to a putative

binding pocket of the PRYSPRY domain, whereas
a less severe mutation V726A is located on the
opposite side of the domain [24]. Although, by
definition, the diagnosis of FMF would require
that two mutations be present (as it is an auto-
somal recessive disease), there is a subset of
patients who present with typical FMF symptoms
but have only one demonstrable mutation in the
MEFV gene despite sequencing of the entire
MEFV gene [31, 32]. This could be possibly
Fig. 3.1 Familial Mediterranean fever. Erysipeloid erythema
explained by observation from pyrin knock-in
in a patient with FMF (mutations M694V/M680I)
mouse model studies, which suggest that FMF is
the result of gain-of-function mutations leading
to the activation of IL-1b pathway [33]. In sup-
The quality and severity of attacks can vary from port of single mutation FMF, analysis of asymp-
one attack to another and can differ significantly tomatic carriers has found evidence for subclinical
between members of the same family [22, 23]. inflammation as manifested by elevated acute
FMF is an autosomal recessive disease that phase reactants [25, 34].
results from mutations in the MEFV gene. The The prevalence of AA amyloidosis in FMF
MEFV gene is located on chromosome 16p and patients in various case series has ranged from
contains 10 exons that encode the pyrin/marenostrin 0% in Armenians living in America to 37% in the
protein. The FMF-associated mutations are found Sephardi Jewish population. A multicenter study
primarily in exon 10 that encodes the B30.2/ published by Touitou et al. found an overall
PRYSPRY domain at the C-terminal end of the prevalence of 11.4% [35]. The incidence varied
protein. The pyrin protein is expressed not only depending on the population frequency of
predominately in neutrophils but also in synovial homozygosity for the M694V mutation, male
fibroblasts and dendritic cells. Pyrin was found gender, SAA1a/a genotype, positive family
to interact with ASC, the apoptosis-associated history, and noncompliance with colchicine
speck-like protein, with a caspase recruitment treatment [35, 36]. The large, multicenter study
domain (CARD), through cognate pyrin domain revealed that country of residence and its infant
(PYD) association and is involved in regulation mortality rate strongly correlated with the devel-
of the caspase-1 pathway, which results in secre- opment of AA amyloidosis. Patients residing in
tion of IL-1b [27]. The pyrin protein has also Armenia, Turkey, and Arabian countries had a
been shown to affect apoptosis and NF-kB threefold increased risk of developing AA
activation [27–29]. In the Infevers database (fmf. amyloidosis compared to other countries [35].
igh.cnrs.fr/infevers), there are currently over 60 It is unclear as to why this risk factor is signifi-
MEVF mutations associated with a clinical cant, but it has been speculated that environmen-
phenotype; however, only a minority of these are tal factors such as increased poverty levels,
clearly FMF disease-associated mutations [30]. standards of health care, and infections may
Four mutations (M680I, M694V, M694I, and contribute to this finding. Of note, patients born
V726A) account for most disease alleles in vari- in countries that carry a high risk for developing
ous Middle Eastern FMF populations. Mutations AA amyloidosis who immigrate to a low-risk
affecting the M680 and M694 amino acid resi- country tend to develop AA amyloidosis at the
dues are associated with early onset of FMF, lower rates after emigration. This was initially
severe disease and an increased AA amyloidosis identified in a group of 100 Armenians with FMF
risk in all ethnic groups, whereas the V726A who were living in the USA. None of them
mutation is usually associated with milder FMF. developed AA amyloidosis in comparison to the
NMR and crystallographic data indicate that 24% of FMF patients living in Armenia who had
3 AA Amyloidosis 37

Fig. 3.2 (a) Familial Mediterranean fever associated AA microscopy. (c) A 24-year-old patient with FMF (M694V/
amyloidosis. Renal biopsy from an FMF patient homozy- M694V) who underwent renal transplant secondary to AA
gous for the M694V mutation revealing the presence of amyloidosis at the age of 21 in 2006. Slides from his renal
amyloid deposits. (b) Renal biopsy revealing the charac- biopsy are above. He also has biopsy proven AA amyloi-
teristic “apple-green birefringence” pattern on polarized dosis in his gastrointestinal tract and heart

developed amyloidosis at the time of publication and Arabian countries. FMF patients with the
[36]. A recent study in Turkey reported that, as it SAA1a/a genotype have been observed to have
would have been expected, there is a significant a sevenfold increase in the risk for amyloidosis
decrease in the rate of secondary amyloidosis with a notable additional increase in patients who
from 12.1% (1978–1990) to 2% (after 2000; carry two copies of the severe mutation, M694V.
p < 0.001). The main reason for this decline is One other risk factor identified in the multicenter
better medical care with increased awareness and study was disease duration [35].
treatment of the disease [37]. The multicenter As previously stated FMF patients homozy-
study by Touitou et al. also noted that FMF gous for the M694V mutation have an increased
patients with the M694V/M694V mutations in risk of developing AA amyloidosis and had the
the MEFV gene had a higher risk for AA amyloi- highest levels of SAA even during remission
dosis, especially if they lived in Armenia, Israel, (Fig. 3.2). In general, exon 10 mutations particularly
38 A.K. Ombrello and I. Aksentijevich

affecting the M694 and M680 amino acid residues mutation have been observed most commonly in
have also been reported in amyloidosis patients. the phenotype II [44]. Although unclear, it seems
However, it should not go unstated that there are that secondary genetic or environmental factors
other mutations, such as V726A found in exon 10 play a significant role in the development of AA
and non-exon 10 mutations (S179I) that have amyloidosis in patients with FMF [38, 43, 44].
been associated with the development of amyloi- The major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
dosis, although these cases are rare [38]. The has been found to be associated with a number of
development of amyloidosis in an E148Q patient inflammatory diseases such as Behçet’s disease,
is especially interesting considering that the carrier rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis. In the
frequency of E148Q in certain populations is over case of FMF, the MHC class I chain-related gene
10%. In general, patients with the E148Q muta- A (MICA) is of specific interest. Analysis of
tion are thought to have milder and atypical FMF- MICA in FMF patients has revealed that although
like disease; however, there have been amyloidosis certain MICA alleles are associated with earlier
cases described in E148Q/E148Q patients [39]. onset of symptoms (A9 allele) and decreased fre-
The E148Q variant can be observed in combina- quency of attacks (A4 allele), when specifically
tion with a true FMF-associated mutation, inher- examining FMF patients with amyloidosis, no
ited either in trans or in cis as a “complex allele.” significant association has been found [45–47].
Some studies have suggested a gene dosage A hallmark event for patients with FMF came
effect, with patients who have three or four MEFV with the implementation of daily colchicine as
mutations appearing to have more severe disease primary therapy in the early 1970s [48]. Subsequent
and susceptibility to amyloidosis [40]. studies have shown that compliance with daily
FMF patients who develop amyloidosis colchicine causes a marked decrease in FMF
generally have classic FMF with two inherited symptoms in 90% of patients as well as a decrease
mutations. It is exceedingly rare, although not in SAA levels [49, 50]. Additionally, Zemer et al.
unheard of, for patients with single mutation found that colchicine compliance reduced the risk
FMF to develop amyloidosis. Such is the case of proteinuria development from 48.9% in
with multiple members of a Spanish family with untreated/noncompliant patients to 1.7% in colchi-
a H478Y mutation that causes an autosomal cine compliant patients over the course of 11 and
dominant form of FMF. AA amyloidosis has 9 years, respectively [51]. A marked decrease in
developed in many of the mutation positive both the frequency of FMF flares as well as new
members of this family [41]. cases of AA amyloidosis has been substantiated in
Although it would seem logical that FMF subsequent studies [52, 53]. In recent years,
patients who have frequent, severe attacks would patients who continue to have frequent attacks
be at most risk for the development of AA amy- while on colchicine, patients who have persistently
loidosis, studies have found that is not always the elevated inflammatory markers despite colchicine
case. There are patients who have had hundreds therapy, and patients who are intolerant to colchi-
of attacks and never develop amyloidosis and cine’s side effects, have had the IL-1 receptor
there are patients who, at the age of 5, passed antagonist, anakinra, added to their regimen.
away due to amyloidosis-related complications. Although large studies have not been conducted
Even more intriguing is the subset of FMF using anakinra, preliminary case reports have
patients who are referred to as phenotype II shown positive results with reduction in clinical
patients [42, 43]. These patients present with AA symptoms and/or acute phase reactants [54, 55].
amyloidosis prior to experiencing their first FMF Regarding FMF patients with amyloidosis
attack. In phenotype II patients, the distribution who have undergone renal transplantation, a
of the common MEFV mutations is not signifi- study was completed that compared long-term
cantly different from that found in FMF patients outcomes between FMF patients and patients
with typical symptoms who do or do not develop transplanted for other conditions. Overall graft
amyloidosis. Patients homozygous for the M694V and patient survival was comparable to that of the
3 AA Amyloidosis 39

non-FMF group and, with continuation of colchi- exertion. During attacks, there is marked elevation
cine, amyloid infiltration of the transplanted in the acute phase reactants (ESR, CRP, and SAA)
kidney was held to 12% [56]. as well as leukocytosis and thrombocytosis. In
Since albuminuria is an early finding in FMF the interim period between attacks, acute phase
amyloidosis, patients should undergo periodic reactants may return to normal or, in some
urinalyses, especially those who are at high risk. cases, remain mildly elevated [22, 23].
In one large series, the sensitivity of renal biopsy TRAPS is an autosomal dominant disorder
for detecting amyloidosis in FMF was 88%, caused by missense mutations in the TNFRSF1A
followed by rectal biopsy at 75%, liver biopsy at gene that is located on chromosome 12p13. The
48%, and gingival biopsy at 19% [57]. Many TNFRSF1A gene encodes the 55-kDa TNF
physicians prefer rectal biopsy because it is rela- receptor protein (also known as TNFR1, p55,
tively noninvasive. The sensitivity of bone mar- CD120a) [22]. To date, there are more than 60
row biopsy in a more recent small series was disease-associated mutations listed in the Infevers
found to be 80%, and the sensitivity of testicular database, and almost all of them are found in
biopsy is about 87% [58, 59]. exons 2–4 that encode the first two cysteine rich
domains (CRD1 and CRD2) of the extracellular
domain of TNFR1. Mutations associated with the
Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor- most severe and penetrant disease phenotype and
Associated Periodic Syndrome confer the highest risk to develop SAA amyloi-
dosis affect cysteine residues that participate in
TRAPS was initially described clinically in a family assembly of disulfide bonds important for TNFR1
of Irish/Scottish descent. At that time, it was given folding [61]. Likewise, another common TRAPS-
the appropriate name of familial Hibernian fever associated mutation, T50M, involves a highly
[60]. Additional cases of patients not of Irish or conserved intra chain hydrogen bond critical for
Scottish descent coupled with the discovery of the the folding of the extracellular domain of TNFR1.
mutated gene being the TNFRSF1A gene, brought As a result of these structural changes induced by
about its change in name to TRAPS [61]. Patients TRAPS mutations, the mutant receptor accumu-
with TRAPS typically present within the first lates within the cell triggering innate immune
decade of life. They frequently have a history of responses and the production of various proin-
prolonged fever episodes lasting for at least 3 days flammatory cytokines [63]. The wild-type protein,
but commonly lasting many weeks. Additional made by the normal allele since TRAPS is caused
clinical findings include abdominal pain fre- by heterozygous mutations, is expressed on the
quently associated with constipation, diarrhea, cell surface and further amplifies the inflamma-
and bowel obstruction. Other symptoms include tory loop. The real challenges in diagnosis of
periorbital edema, conjunctivitis, and localized TRAPS are patients who carry low-penetrance
myalgias (Fig. 3.3). Analysis of the abdominal variants such as R92Q and P46L. Although these
cavity during flares has shown there to be a sterile variants were initially reported as associated with
peritonitis. On imaging, affected muscle groups TRAPS, further studies have questioned their
show focal areas of edema [22, 23]. Cutaneous clinical significance. The allele frequency of
findings include an erythematous macular rash R92Q is in the range from 1 to 10% in Caucasians,
that on biopsy contains superficial and deep while the P46L variant is found at the frequency
perivascular infiltrates of mononuclear cells [62]. of close to 20% in African and African-American
Patients often report that the rash migrates distally patients. Thus, testing patients for TNFR1 muta-
during its course and clinically, can resemble tions identify many of them to have these vari-
cellulitis. Patients can also report erythematous ants; however, the phenotype of these patients is
annular patches. Arthralgias are fairly common, not similar to TRAPS patients with structural
but frank arthritis is relatively rare. Attacks are mutations, and thus the clinical significance of
commonly associated with stress or physical these variants is still controversial [64, 65].
40 A.K. Ombrello and I. Aksentijevich

Fig. 3.3 TRAPS-associated clinical findings. (a) Periorbital deposits in the glomeruli. This patient underwent renal
edema in a young girl with a C52F mutation in TNFRSF1A, transplant secondary to TRAPS-related AA amyloidosis at
(b) an erythematous annular patch, (c) erythematous the age of 13. (a–d) Reprinted with permission from
patches, (d) generalized erythematous patches and plaques, reference [62]. Copyright (2000) American Medical
and (e) renal biopsy of the patient in (a) showing amyloid Association. All rights reserved

It is estimated that between 14 and 25% of patients who have members with AA amyloidosis
patients with TRAPS develop AA amyloidosis should be followed closely for the development
[66]. Patients who have cysteine mutations appear of proteinuria and aggressively treated to normal-
to have an increased risk (the probability of ize acute phase reactants.
developing life-threatening amyloidosis is 24% The treatment of TRAPS has proven challenging.
versus 2% for non-cysteine residue substitutions) Originally, as many of the symptoms were simi-
more than that of TRAPS in general, although lar to FMF, patients were prescribed colchicine
there are non-cysteine mutation TRAPS patients but had little or no response to the medication.
who have developed amyloidosis [65, 66]. The Colchicine has also not been found to affect the
highest risk factor for SAA amyloidosis in development of amyloidosis in TRAPS [66].
TRAPS patients is a positive family history; thus, Tapering courses of corticosteroids have been
3 AA Amyloidosis 41

found to be effective at ameliorating symptoms encodes the cryopyrin/NLRP3 protein located on

and inflammation; however, as corticosteroids chromosome 1q44 [72]. Cryopyrin is a component
have many potential adverse effects, they should of a multiprotein complex known as the NLRP3
be reserved for patients who have infrequent inflammasome. The NLRP3 inflammasome acts
disease flares [66]. as an intracellular sensor for various pathogen-
Biologic therapies have been met with some associated molecular patterns (PAMPS) and dan-
success in TRAPS patients. The soluble p75 ger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPS). The
TNFR:Fc fusion protein, etanercept, has been disease causing mutations lead to a constitutively
introduced for treatment of TRAPS based on the activated inflammasome, causing an increase in
observation of reduced levels of the soluble p55 caspase-1 activation and secretion of IL-1 and
protein in the serum of TRAPS patients and has IL-18 (Fig. 3.4). CAPS-associated mutations are
been successful in reducing the severity and subtle missense nucleotide changes found almost
frequency of attacks in some patients [66, 67]. exclusively in exon 3 that encodes the NACHT/
There have also been patients with AA amyloi- NBS domain. Interestingly, mutations affecting
dosis who have had a favorable renal response to the same or adjacent residues can cause very dif-
etanercept. Conversely, there have been multiple ferent phenotypes. To date, there are 127 NLRP3
reports of patients responding negatively to gene variants published in Infevers; however, only
infliximab and adalimumab with resultant about half of them are true disease-associated
paradoxical reactions [68, 69]. Therefore, of the mutations. Although the majority of mutations are
anti-TNF alpha agents, only the use of etanercept specific for one of the cryopyrinopathies, there are
is supported. a number of mutations that have an associated
The use of the IL-1 receptor antagonist, anak- overlap clinical phenotype particularly in the range
inra, has been met with substantial success in of FCAS/MWS or MWS/NOMID. The clinical
patients with TRAPS and AA amyloidosis. significance of variants such as V198M, Q703K,
Patient report a marked decrease in the severity and R488K is still under discussion, because they
of attacks as well as decreased frequency. Acute are found at low allele frequencies in the general
phase reactants also show a marked decrease and population or sometimes in unaffected patients.
sometimes, complete normalization [70]. FCAS is generally the least severe of the cry-
Regression of proteinuria has been seen in some opyrinopathies. First described in 1940, clinical
amyloidosis patients with daily administration of characteristics include recurrent episodes of urti-
anakinra [71]. carial rash, fever, conjunctivitis, and arthralgias
that are triggered by exposure to cold tempera-
tures and develop in infancy [73] (Fig. 3.5a). The
Cryopyrin-Associated Periodic episodes are brief and self-limited, and typically
Fever Syndromes begin 1–3 h after exposure with resolution occur-
ring within 24 h [23]. There is a marked inflam-
Within the spectrum of autoinflammatory disor- matory response during episodes that may or may
ders exist three clinically distinct diseases that not persist after the episode resolves. AA amyloi-
have mutations in NLRP3 gene. NLRP3 is also dosis rarely occurs in FCAS and typically devel-
known as CIAS1 (cold-induced autoinflamma- ops later in life [74].
tory syndrome 1) or NALP3. The three diseases First described in 1962, patients with MWS
are FCAS, MWS, and NOMID. NOMID is also have a clinical constellation of fevers, myalgias,
known as chronic infantile neurologic cutaneous arthralgias, urticarial-like rash, and progressive
and articular (CINCA) syndrome. sensorineural hearing loss [75]. Ophthalmologic
Mutations in NLRP3 are inherited in an auto- involvement manifests with conjunctivitis, episc-
somal dominant fashion or as de novo mutations leritis, or iridocyclitis [76]. Biopsies of the skin
in patients with the most severe disease. NLRP3 rash show a perivascular and interstitial infiltrate
42 A.K. Ombrello and I. Aksentijevich

(MSU, alum, silica,
asbestos, etc)
molecule) P2X7R ATP

NADPH Pore-forming
oxidase toxins
TLR K* efflux
ATP influx
Lysosomal damage
ps B)

Gene Mitochondria


Pro-IL-Iβ pro-IL-18


Maturation of IL-Iβ, IL-18


Fig. 3.4 NLRP3 inflammasome. The NLRP3 protein is an membrane that facilitates the influx of ATP and/or efflux of
intracellular sensor for many pathogen-associated molecu- K+. As a result, activated caspase-1 units cleave the pro-
lar patterns (PAMPs) and danger-associated molecular pat- IL1b and pro IL-18 cytokines into the mature cytokines
terns (DAMPs). The NLRP3 inflammasome assembly is IL-1b and IL-18. Subsequent release of IL-1b and IL-18
formed and activated by various signals including reactive results in inflammation. Patients with cryopyrinopathies
oxygen species (ROS), cathepsin B which is released from have gain-of-function mutations which cause constitutive
damaged lysosomes, or by pore formation in the plasma activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome

of neutrophils and lymphocytes in the papillary AA amyloidosis is quite common in MWS,

dermis [77] (Fig. 3.5b). Unlike FCAS, MWS affecting up to one-third of the patients [22].
attacks are not precipitated by cold exposure and NOMID/CINCA is the most severe cryopy-
other precipitating factors are not well under- rinopathy. Patients commonly present immedi-
stood. Attacks are typically 24–48 h in duration, ately after birth and the disease almost universally
but laboratory abnormalities may persist in qui- presents in infancy. A nonpruritic, urticaria-like
escent times. This disease presents in childhood rash is typically present at birth. Other disease
and may present during the first few days of life. manifestations include short stature and a disabling
3 AA Amyloidosis 43

Fig. 3.5 (a) Characteristic cold-induced urticarial-like rash in a 1-year-old patient with FCAS (left). (b) Urticarial rash
present in an 11-year-old girl with Muckle–Wells syndrome (right)

arthritis that can result in a characteristic bony have also had a positive response to IL-1 block-
overgrowth pattern. Neurologic symptoms found ade with reported normalization of proteinuria
in patients include chronic aseptic meningitis, and attenuation of renal disease [84–86]. The
optic disc edema, cerebral atrophy, seizures, long-acting, fully human IgG1 anti-Il-1b mono-
mental retardation, and headaches [78, 79]. clonal antibody, canakinumab, has also provided
Generally, patients have ongoing continuous sustained clinical remissions in patients [87, 88].
symptoms with exacerbated attacks and, his-
torically, approximately 20% of patients died
prior to reaching adulthood [78]. There have been Hyper IgD Syndrome
NOMID patients who develop AA amyloidosis
as they get older although cases are not as frequent HIDS is another autoinflammatory disease that
as those with MWS, possibly due to a shortened presents in early childhood. Patients present with
life span in these patients [78]. chills, high fevers, abdominal pain, and lymph-
The discovery of IL-1 mediated inflammation adenopathy. Other manifestations of disease
in these patients was the foundation for a break- include skin rash, arthralgias, diarrhea, and vom-
through in therapy targeting the IL-1 pathway. iting. Attacks are often provoked by stress and,
Prior to the development of the various IL-1 during the first year of life, parents may report
antagonist medications, the cryopyrinopathies their child having prolonged fevers after immuni-
were difficult to treat. Limited success was zations (Fig. 3.6). HIDS attacks typically last
achieved with administration of nonsteroidal anti- approximately 4–6 days and can recur every
inflammatory drugs, colchicine, corticosteroids, 4–6 weeks. Laboratory features include an acute
and various DMARDs. However, all that changed phase response (elevated CRP and ESR) and
with the targeting of the IL-1 pathway. Both markedly elevated IgD (and often IgA), although
the IL-1 receptor antagonist, anakinra, and the cases with normal IgD have been described.
soluble IL-1 receptor decoy, rilonacept, have had Inflammatory markers including SAA are high
remarkable success in treating the cryopyrinopa- during attacks and may remain elevated in the
thies. Often within hours of starting treatment, intercurrent period. However, AA amyloidosis is
patients experience a dramatic improvement [80– rarely seen in this disease with very few cases
83]. Laboratory response is also significant with reported in the literature [22, 23, 89]. Additionally,
normalization of the ESR, CRP, and SAA levels. the attacks tend to decrease in severity and
The CAPS patients afflicted with AA amyloidosis frequency as a patient ages [90].
44 A.K. Ombrello and I. Aksentijevich

abort attacks. High-dose corticosteroids used at

the time of an attack reduce the severity and dura-
tion of attacks with over 50% of patients respond-
ing at least partially to this medication. Colchicine
has been ineffective in the treatment of HIDS
attacks. Interestingly, a small study showed
improvement with the use of simvastatin [93].
The use of biologic medications such as etaner-
cept and anakinra at the onset of an attack has
shown promising results. Although there are no
randomized trials to support their use, small stud-
Fig. 3.6 Characteristic maculopapular rash in a 16-month- ies have shown partial to good responses to both
old boy with HIDS following immunizations medications [90, 94, 95].

HIDS is an autosomal recessive disease that

involves loss-of-function mutations in the MVK Other Monogenic Autoinflammatory
gene that encodes the mevalonate kinase enzyme Diseases
(MK). Mevalonate kinase catalyzes an early step
in the biosynthesis of cholesterol and nonsterol There are other autoinflammatory diseases which
isoprenoids leading to a reduction in enzymatic have been well recognized based on characteris-
activity. The result is an increase in mevalonic tic clinical findings associated with genetic muta-
acid levels in urine and blood samples during tions but not with AA amyloidosis. They include
active disease. Severe MVK mutations that the autosomal dominant pyogenic arthritis with
completely abolish enzyme activity are identified PAPA syndrome which involves mutations in the
in patients with mevalonic aciduria who present PSTPIP1 gene as well as the autosomal recessive
with recurrent fever, mental retardation, dysmor- deficiency of the interleukin-1 receptor (DIRA),
phic features, and developmental abnormalities which is caused by loss-of-function mutations in
[91]. HIDS-associated mutations are milder loss- IL1RA and Majeed Syndrome which involves
of-function mutations that likely affect stability mutations in LPIN2. These conditions are very
and/or folding of the MK protein rather than the rare so one cannot exclude the possibility of
catalytic properties of the enzyme. Infevers lists developing AA amyloidosis but, as of yet, no
over 75 mutations resulting in the clinical association has been made.
The most frequently occurring MVK mutations
are V377I and I268T with V377I accounting for Polygenic and Complex
up to 75% of HIDS carrier chromosomes, and Autoinflammatory Disease
thus an initial diagnostic screen for HIDS should
target these two mutations. It is unclear how What has become increasingly evident in the past
exactly mevalonate kinase deficiency results in decade is that diseases which were once thought
an autoinflammatory disease. Initial hypotheses to be purely “autoimmune” in nature have compo-
suggested that accumulation of mevalonic acid nents of autoinflammatory disease as well. For
was responsible for inflammation in HIDS instance, Behçet’s disease has a strong association
patients, but more recent studies showed that the with HLA-B51, which would indicate a role of the
lack of isoprenoid products, small GTPase Rac1, adaptive immune system, but, as of recently,
could give rise to activated caspase-1 and hence Behçet’s disease has been increasingly recognized
excessive IL-1b secretion [92]. as autoinflammatory as some of the clinical char-
There have been a wide variety of medications acteristics are similar to those seen in the mono-
used in HIDS patients to attempt to prevent and genic autoinflammatory diseases. Likewise, uric
3 AA Amyloidosis 45

acid has been shown to activate the NLRP3 inflam- European patients, but that AA amyloidosis-
masome, which supports an autoinflammatory induced complications are a major cause of mor-
basis of disease in patients with gout. Monosodium tality in Crohn’s patients [99, 100]. Conversely,
urate (MSU) and calcium pyrophosphate dihy- AA amyloidosis presenting in ulcerative colitis
drate (CPPD) crystals cause an increase in cas- patients is extremely rare with estimated preva-
pase-1 activation and IL-1b and IL-18 secretion in lence of 0.07% [99, 100]. In general, the patients
lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated mouse mac- have a longstanding history of aggressive, poorly
rophages, and conversely mice deficient for controlled disease; however, there are reports of
inflammasome components were defective in early onset amyloidosis as well as development
crystal-induced IL-1b secretion [96]. MSU crys- of AA amyloidosis in patients with well-con-
tal-recruited monocytes differentiate into proin- trolled inflammatory markers [99–101]. Other
flammatory M1-like macrophages in a peritoneal noted associations include patients with histories
murine model of gout producing more IL-1 along of suppurative complications like fistulas and
with other cytokines and chemokines [97]. abscesses as well as being of the male gender.
These findings provide a new concept that the There has not been an association of AA amyloi-
innate immune system may play a critical role in dosis and extraintestinal manifestations of
the triggering of crystal-induced acute inflamma- Crohn’s [99, 100].
tion. Not surprisingly, IL-1 inhibitors appear to In the past decade, treatment of Crohn’s-
be beneficial in treatment of gout. Other condi- related amyloidosis has primarily been with the
tions that have been considered polygenic autoin- chimeric anti-TNF-a monoclonal antibody, inf-
flammatory diseases include SJIA, adult-onset liximab. Infliximab has had positive results in the
Still’s disease, periodic fever with aphthous overall treatment of Crohn’s disease with patients
stomatitis, pharyngitis, and adenitis (PFAPA), achieving clinical remission on the medication.
recurrent idiopathic pericarditis, atherosclerosis, Regarding the effectiveness of infliximab in the
and type II diabetes mellitus. treatment of amyloidosis, there are a number of
Behçet’s disease has been associated with AA case reports documenting attenuation of the amy-
amyloidosis with frequencies ranging from 0.01 loidotic effect with administration [102, 103].
to 4.8% of patients [98]. A cumulative review Although there are some case reports document-
done by Akpolat et al. in 2002 showed a male ing improvement of renal function after surgical
predominance in patients developing AA amyloi- resection of diseased bowel, there has not been
dosis. AA amyloidosis patients commonly had significant evidence to support this [104, 105].
vascular involvement. Interestingly, the study The pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel
revealed that patients who developed AA amyloi- disease is poorly understood. Many studies have
dosis tended to come from the Middle East and suggested an abnormal mucosal immune system,
Mediterranean regions, which implicated genetic/ both innate and adaptive, as a contributing factor.
environmental factors. AA amyloidosis has yet to Defective antigen presentation and altered
be described in patients with PFAPA or idiopathic immune response to antigens are just two of the
pericarditis. many proposed mechanisms [106–108]. Failure
of the immune system to function properly when
exposed to pathogens can result in a prolonged
Inflammatory Bowel Disease inflammatory response with granuloma formation
as the bacteria are unable to be cleared. The
Although seen less frequently than in the heredi- innate immune system also plays a potentially
tary periodic fever syndromes, the risk of AA significant role in the development of IBD
amyloidosis has been well-established in patients through the interaction of the toll-like receptors
with Crohn’s disease. It is estimated that AA (TLRs). Gram-negative bacteria are a major
amyloidosis occurs in approximately 1% of component of the intestinal flora and LPS is the
patients in the USA and up to 3% in Northern main antigen of gram-negative bacteria. LPS is
46 A.K. Ombrello and I. Aksentijevich

the primary ligand for TLR4 which, when bound, Along a similar vein, sinus histiocytosis with
acts along with the NOD2 (nucleotide-binding massive lymphadenopathy (SHML) or Rosai–
oligomerization domain protein 2) to induce a Dorfman disease, is a rare histiocytic prolifera-
proinflammatory cytokine response through the tive disorder of unknown etiology. Patients
nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) system [109]. typically have painless swelling of lymph nodes
Regarding genetics and the innate immune (most commonly cervical) and varying forms of
system, there has been a susceptibility gene to extranodal involvement. Histiocytic cells have
Crohn’s disease known as NOD2 or CARD15 been found to synthesize IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-a
that encodes for the NOD2. In particular, three which can induce proliferation of SAA by the
variants (R702W, G908R, and 1007fs) have been liver [117]. Interestingly, only one case of AA
associated with susceptibility to Crohn’s disease in amyloidosis associated with SHML can be found
multiple populations [110]. As previously men- in the literature [118].
tioned, wild-type NOD2 activates NF-kB and
macrophages in response to bacterial LPS.
Mutant forms of NOD2 show reduced response Summary
to stimulation with LPS, but this reduced response
allows for reduced microbial clearance and atten- AA amyloidosis is a form of systemic amyloido-
uation of other inflammatory pathways [111]. sis that develops in patients with chronic inflam-
matory states. With effective treatments, infections
that were once the leading cause of AA amyloido-
Sarcoidosis and Sinus Histiocytosis sis have become an infrequent cause in developed
with Massive Lymphadenopathy countries. Although rheumatic diseases such as
rheumatoid arthritis, SJIA, and ankylosing spon-
Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disease of unknown dylitis are still the primary underlying conditions
etiology that results in noncaseating granuloma- predisposing patients to the development of AA
tous deposition in affected organs. Considering amyloidosis, marked advancements in treatments
that, prior to effective treatment, granulomatous for these conditions over the past 20 years have
infections such as tuberculosis and leprosy carried resulted in a declining number of new cases. The
a high risk for developing AA amyloidosis, and monogenic autoinflammatory diseases, or hered-
biopsies from Crohn’s disease patients often itary periodic fever syndromes, have become
reveal granulomas, one might be led to infer that well-recognized contributors to the conditions
sarcoidosis patients would also be at increased predisposing patients to developing AA amyloi-
risk for developing AA amyloidosis. This finding dosis. Unique to FMF, the use of colchicine has
has not been substantiated as, in the literature, been shown to be an effective treatment for the
there are very few documented reports of AA inflammatory disease and, additionally helps to
amyloidosis in sarcoid [112, 113]. Interestingly, reduce a patient’s risk of developing amyloidosis.
though, patients with active sarcoidosis have sig- As is the case with rheumatic diseases, new bio-
nificantly elevated SAA levels when compared to logic medications that suppress the inflammatory
controls [114]. When examining sarcoid patients immune response are being used to treat autoin-
further, it was observed that the levels of SAA flammatory conditions. As AA amyloidosis gen-
were the highest in patients with active disease. erally develops in patients after years of unopposed
Additionally, SAA1 isoforms were found in sar- inflammation, it should not go unmentioned that
coidosis patients but were absent in the control very young patients with SJIA, FMF, and TRAPS
samples [115]. Sarcoid granulomas have been can develop this complication early in life. There
found to have increased expression of IL-1b should be a low threshold for AA amyloid evalua-
which may partly attribute to this elevation in tion in these patients if new-onset proteinuria is
SAA [116]. observed on a routine urinalysis.
3 AA Amyloidosis 47

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The Hereditary Amyloidoses
Merrill D. Benson

Familial amyloidosis • Transthyretin • Apolipoprotein AI • Apolipoprotein
AII • Cystatin C • Fibrinogen Aa-chain • Lysozyme • Gelsolin

seen in a number of different diseases. In these

Introduction cases, the histologic demonstration of amyloido-
sis is often a surprise. The job of the pathologist
The hereditary amyloidoses are a group of fibril
is to recognize amyloid when it is present. This is
deposition diseases which are usually systemic
not always that easy. Variations in fibril deposi-
with multiple organ system pathology. Each dis-
tion patterns and inconsistencies in amyloid
ease is designated by the fibril precursor protein
staining by histochemical dyes can make the
that is the principle constituent of the amyloid
diagnosis of amyloidosis difficult. It is important
deposits. While considered rare, in the aggregate,
to remember that amyloid is a generic term and at
hereditary amyloidosis is relatively common.
least 26 different proteins can give tissue deposits
Diagnostically, there are two challenges which
that meet the pathology criteria for amyloido-
face both the clinician and the pathologist: The
sis [1]. Some of these proteins give fibrils which
first is to be aware that amyloidosis may be at
stain readily with Congo red, the principal dye
the root of the patient’s signs and symptoms. The
for recognizing amyloid deposits, but others do
second is to determine the type of amyloidosis
not. Sometimes, variations in histologic staining
that is involved. The diagnosis of amyloidosis
can give a hint as to which type of amyloidosis is
can only be confirmed by tissue biopsy, and while
involved. Distribution of fibril deposition may
a biopsy may be to confirm the clinician’s suspi-
also give a clue as to the type of hereditary amy-
cion that amyloidosis is the cause of the illness,
loidosis that is involved.
in many cases, biopsies are done to determine the
Hereditary amyloidosis may be either sys-
cause of an organ’s dysfunction which may be
temic or localized. Localized types of hereditary
amyloidoses include procalcitonin in medullary
M.D. Benson, M.D. (*) carcinoma of the thyroid, kerato-epithelin in
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, corneal dystrophy, some cardiac atria amy-
Indiana University, Van Nuys Medical Science Building,
loid in which there are mutations in atrial
635 Barnhill Drive, Room A128, Indianapolis,
IN 46202-5126, USA natriuretic peptide, Alzheimer disease with muta-
e-mail: mdbenson@iupui.edu tions in the Ab-protein or presenilin, spongiform

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 53
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_4,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
54 M.D. Benson

Table 4.1 Mutant proteins other than transthyretin associated with autosomal dominant systemic amyloidosis
Protein cDNA changea Amino acid changeb Codon change Clinical features
Transthyretin Greater than 100 mutationsc
Apolipoprotein AI 148G→C Gly26Arg GGC26CGC PN, nephropathy
251T→G Leu60Arg CTG60CGG Nephropathy
220T→C Trp50Arg TGG50CGG Nephropathy
del250-284insGTCAC del60-71insVal/Thr del60-71ins GTCAC Hepatic
263T→C Leu64Pro CTC64CCC Nephropathy
del280-288 del70-72 del70-72 Nephropathy
294insA(fs) Asn74Lys(fs) AAC74AAAC(fs) Nephropathy
296T→C Leu75Pro CTG75CCG Hepatic
341T→C Leu90Pro CTG90CCG Cardiomyopathy,
cutaneous, laryngeal
532insGC(fs) Ala154(fs) GCC154GGC(fs) Nephropathy
581T→C Leu170Pro CTG170CCG Laryngeal
590G→C Arg173Pro CGC173CCC Cardiomyopathy,
cutaneous, laryngeal
593T→C Leu174Ser TTG174TCG Cardiomyopathy
595G→C Ala175Pro GCX175CCXd Laryngeal
604T→A Leu178His TTG178CAT Cardiomyopathy,
Gelsolin 640G→A Asp187Asn GAC187AAC PN, lattice corneal
640G→T Asp187Tyr GAC187TAC PN
Cystatin C 280T→A Leu68Gln CTG68CAG Cerebral
Fibrinogen A 1718G→T Arg554Leu CGT554CTT Nephropathy
1634A→T Glu526Val GAG526GTG Nephropathy
1629delG Glu524Glu(fs) GAG524GA_ Nephropathy
1622delT Val522Ala(fs) GTC522G_C Nephropathy
1676A→T Glu540Val GAA540GTA Nephropathy
del1636-1650insCA1649-1650 Nephropathy
1712C→A Pro552His CCT552CAT Nephropathy
1670C→A Thr538Lys ACA538AAA Nephropathy,
1632delT Thr525fs ACT525AC_ Nephropathy
Lysozyme 221T→C Ile56Thr ATA56ACA Nephropathy,
253G→C Asp67His GAT67CAT Nephropathy
244T→C Trp64Arg TGG64CGG Nephropathy
223T→A Phe57Ile TTT57ATT Nephropathy
413T→A Trp112Arg TGG112AGG Nephropathy, GI
Apolipoprotein AII 301T→G Stop78Gly TGA78GGA Nephropathy
302G→C Stop78Ser TGA78TCA Nephropathy
301T→C Stop78Arg TGA78CGA Nephropathy
301T→A Stop78Arg TGA78AGA Nephropathy
302G→T Stop78Leu TGA78TTA Nephropathy
PN peripheral neuropathy, fs frame shift, acDNA numbering is from initiation codon (ATG), bAmino acids numbered for
N-terminus of mature protein, cList of most TTR mutations (3), dDeduced

encephalopathies due to mutations in prion pro- Seven different proteins are currently recog-
tein, and hereditary British or Danish dementia nized as causing hereditary systemic amyloidosis
caused by mutations in the ABriPP or ADanPP (Table 4.1) [2]. While most of these proteins
protein. are characterized by specific organ system
4 The Hereditary Amyloidoses 55

involvement (kidney, heart, peripheral nerve), the consistent from one case to another. (2)
fact that they usually are associated with deposits Immunoglobulin light chain-associated amyloi-
in blood vessel walls throughout the body attests dosis in the past, and to this day, was often called
to the fact that these diseases are truly systemic. “primary” amyloidosis. “Primary,” of course, has
The amyloid fibril precursor protein is synthe- the same meaning as idiopathic or essential, indi-
sized in one organ (in most cases the liver), but cating that there is no predisposing condition that
amyloid deposits are found in other organ sys- explains the development of amyloidosis. This
tems. In hereditary localized amyloidosis, the form of amyloidosis was often referred to by the
amyloid precursor protein is synthesized in the pathologist as “atypical” since the histologic
organ in which the amyloid deposits are found. staining pattern with Congo red often varies from
This is true for atrial natriuretic factor, case to case, perhaps the result of the varying
procalcitonin, and islet amyloid polypeptide structures of immunoglobulin light chain fibril
(IAPP, amylin). The type of amyloidosis in local- components. The use of “primary” has been
ized forms is easier to determine because of the problematic, however, because you will find
specific organ involved; however, it is important some articles describing “primary” familial amy-
to remember that the systemic forms of amyloi- loidosis; an attempt to explain a disease with
dosis may be associated with deposits in many of hereditary characteristics but for which a cause
the organs that can be involved with localized was not known. Now that we have identified
amyloidosis. The localized forms (except for the many gene mutations that cause hereditary amy-
Alzheimer and prion diseases) are often inciden- loidosis, the use of the word “primary” in this
tal findings and not a primary factor in the per- context should be discouraged. It is not only the
son’s health. The systemic forms of hereditary clinician that has problems with nomenclature
amyloidosis are much more life threatening and but the basic scientist is also presented with the
deserve in-depth review. conundrum of nomenclature problems. Serum
amyloid A 2 (SAA 2) which is the amyloid pro-
ducing SAA in mice is now SAA 1.1 to adhere to
Types of Hereditary Amyloidosis the convention of the human gene designation.
Islet amyloid associated peptide and amylin are
First, a few words on nomenclature: As with continuing to have their differences for students
many scientific fields, the nomenclature for the of Islets of Langerhans amyloidosis. Even tran-
amyloidoses can present difficulties in communi- sthyretin (TTR) is still referred to by its old name,
cation even for those steeped in the history of prealbumin, which was a name derived from the
amyloid. In science, the first descriptions of pro- fact that it traveled faster toward the anode than
teins are usually given names which may relate to albumin in protein electrophoresis. Many pathol-
the functionality, site of synthesis, or structural ogy clinical laboratories still measure “prealbu-
characteristics. Later, with developing knowl- min” levels and do not have a clue as to what
edge, there is usually a tendency to try to improve TTR is.
communication by introducing more appropriate The International Amyloid Society has a
terms and organizing them in a more consistent Nomenclature Committee which has established
fashion. This often leads to problems. There are suggested designations for the different types of
several points in amyloid history which exempli- amyloid, and this is updated on a periodic basis
fied these problems: (1) The disease we now call for both human and animal systems [1]. In the list
reactive amyloidosis was for many years, and of nomenclature scheme, different types of amy-
even today, called “secondary” to indicate that it loidosis are referred to by first the letter “A” fol-
occurred in patients who had a primary, usually lowed by the precursor protein for that type of
inflammatory, disease. For the pathologist, it was amyloidosis. As an example, immunoglobulin
often referred to as “typical” amyloidosis since light chain amyloidosis becomes AL, transthyre-
the staining with Congo red was usually tin amyloidosis becomes ATTR, reactive or
56 M.D. Benson

Fig. 4.1 (a) Vitrectomy specimen from a patient with (c) Section in (b) viewed between two crossed polars
TTR Ile84Ser amyloidosis showing fibrillar strands and showing typical green birefringence of amyloid. Original
globules of amyloid. H&E original magnification 200×. magnification 100×
(b) Vitrectomy specimen as in (a) stained with Congo red.

serum amyloid A amyloidosis becomes AA, and Transthyretin is a prominent plasma protein
apolipoprotein AI amyloidosis becomes AApoAI. present normally at approximately 25 mg/dl in
More specific designations may be used if felt the blood [4]. It is synthesized principally by
necessary for better communication. An example hepatocytes although some synthesis is a feature
would be ALl or ALk, or ATTR Val30Met to of the choroid plexus and the retinal pigment epi-
indicate a specific protein mutation. thelium of the eye. Transthyretin is a single chain
Transthyretin amyloidosis is the most com- protein of 127 amino acid residues [5]. The pro-
mon form of systemic hereditary amyloidosis. tein typically folds into seven or eight b-structured
Greater than 100 mutations in transthyretin (also sheets in two planes and then four monomers
known as prealbumin) are associated with amy- form a tetramer which is present in the blood
loidosis with peripheral neuropathy and cardio- as a 56-kDa transport protein for thyroid hor-
myopathy being the most common clinical mone and retinal-binding protein/vitamin A [6].
manifestations [3]. It is truly a systemic disease Transthyretin has extensive b-structure and, like
with amyloid deposits in vascular walls through- immunoglobulin light chains, would be expected
out the body, and a number of transthyretin to be a prime candidate for amyloid b-fibril
mutations are associated with deposits in the vit- formation. While there are greater than 100
reous of the eye (Fig. 4.1) and the leptomeninges transthyretin mutations associated with amyloi-
(Fig. 4.2). dosis, only a few of the mutations exist in
4 The Hereditary Amyloidoses 57

Fig. 4.2 (a) Leptomeningeal and brain biopsy from (b) Same section as (a) viewed between crossed polars
patient with TTR Gly53Arg amyloidosis showing amy- demonstrating typical green birefringence of amyloid.
loid deposits, in leptomeninges, and blood vessel walls. Original magnification 100×

extended kindreds, and due to incomplete pene- that wild-type TTR can undergo fibrillogenesis in
trance of the genetic defect, many cases appear older patients, who develop senile systemic amy-
“sporadic” when in fact more detailed family his- loidosis (SSA). Although it affects primarily
tory will disclose the genetic basis of the disease. myocardium (sometimes termed “senile cardiac
Transthyretin amyloidosis is an autosomal domi- amyloidosis”), there is also systemic involvement
nant trait as would be expected from a defect in a of the vessels and, not uncommonly, clinical (and
structural protein. The most frequently identified pathologic) evidence of pulmonary and carpal
transthyretin mutations include Val30Met which tunnel involvement; the involvement of other
is common in Portugal, Sweden, Japan, and the sites, frequently seen at autopsy, is usually not
USA [7–9], Leu58His which is common in the clinically apparent. It is estimated that 25% of
United States but originated in Germany [10], octogenarians may be affected by senile cardiac
Thr60Ala which is common in the United States amyloidosis, predominantly males. Overall, the
but originated in Ireland [11], Ser77Tyr which progression of ATTR derived from the wild-type
was first discovered in the United States but prob- transthyretin is slower. Although, ultimately,
ably originated in Germany [12], Ile84Ser which heart failure ensues, it does so at a slower rate
was discovered in a kindred in the United States than in hereditary ATTR (in particular, certain
but probably originated in Switzerland [13], and “cardiotrophic” mutations) or AL with cardiac
Val122Ile which is present in approximately 3% involvement [14, 15].
of African-Americans in the United States and
probably originated in the west coast of Africa
[14]. Each of these mutations is now worldwide Transthyretin
and not limited to just one country. Many of the
other mutations have been described in single Transthyretin amyloidosis was originally called
individuals or single families and, once identified familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP)
and reported in the scientific literature, tend not because the first mutation to be discovered,
to be subject of further research. Now that new Val30Met, is associated principally with neurop-
forms of treatment for transthyretin amyloidosis athy, although cardiac pathology and renal
may be on the horizon, identification and classifi- pathology are commonly seen [7] (Fig. 4.3). The
cation of the transthyretin amyloidoses have neuropathy is axonal with usual presentation of
become more important. It should be pointed out neuropathic symptoms in the lower extremities
58 M.D. Benson

and slowly progressive involvement of more often fairly advanced (Fig. 4.4) [16]. Even so,
proximal nerves. Carpal tunnel syndrome, a com- amyloid deposits may not be demonstrated due to
pression neuropathy at the wrist, is common but the sporadic nature of amyloid deposition in
unfortunately early diagnosis by histologic evalu- peripheral nerve. If deposits are identified by
ation of tissue from carpal tunnel release is not staining with Congo red or metachromatic dyes,
routinely done. When peripheral nerve is biop- immunohistochemistry with antitransthyretin
sied (usually the sural nerve), the neuropathy is antibody will usually indicate the type of amyloi-
dosis. When cardiac amyloidosis is present, sam-
pling error is much less of a problem, and
endomyocardial biopsy is usually diagnostic
(Fig. 4.5). More definitive characterization of
amyloid deposits can be obtained by analysis
with amino acid sequencing or mass spectromet-
ric analysis of biopsy tissue [17, 18]. Confirmation
of the hereditary nature of transthyretin amyloi-
dosis relies on DNA analysis [19]. While multi-
ple RFLPs have been used in the past, present
DNA analysis involves direct nucleotide sequenc-
ing of DNA usually obtained for peripheral blood
white cells. The transthyretin gene has four
exons: The first exon codes for only the first three
amino terminal amino acid residues. No mutation
in this exon has been found. The other three exons
share fairly equally the amyloid associated
mutations with multiple mutations occurring at a
number of sites. The clinician can obtain
transthyretin sequence analysis from a num-
Fig. 4.3 Renal biopsy from a patient with TTR Val30Met ber of commercial laboratories and, because
amyloidosis who presented with renal failure showing
glomerular deposition of amyloid. Original magnification
transthyretin amyloidosis continues to be a
160× prominent area of research, a number of the

Fig. 4.4 (a) Sural nerve biopsy from a patient with TTR as (a) viewed between crossed polars showing typical
Thr49Ala amyloidosis showing amorphous amyloid green birefringence of amyloid. Note deposits in walls of
deposits within nerve trunks and blood vessel walls. endoneurial vessels
Congo red, original magnification 100×. (b) Same section
4 The Hereditary Amyloidoses 59

Fig. 4.5 (a) Endomyocardial biopsy from a patient with red viewed in bright light. (c) Section of biopsy in (a, b)
TTR Ser50Arg amyloidosis demonstrating amorphous viewed between crossed polars showing typical green
amyloid deposits between myocardial fibrils. H&E 100×. birefringence of amyloid
(b) Section of same biopsy as in (a) stained with Congo

research centers continue to offer specialized residue protein. Only the amino terminal (approx-
service in this area. imately 93) residues have been identified in amy-
loid fibrils. ApoAI has mainly a-helical structure
so formation of b-pleated sheet amyloid fibrils
Apolipoprotein AI must entail considerable tertiary structural rear-
rangement of the ApoAI fibril precursor [22]. An
ApoAI is probably the second most common sys- even more fascinating aspect of ApoAI amyloi-
temic hereditary amyloidosis [20, 21]. At least 15 dosis is that the disease phenotype varies with the
different mutations have been associated with location of the gene mutation. Mutations in the
ApoAI amyloidosis, and kindreds have been amino terminal portion of ApoAI from residue 1
identified in the USA, Spain, South Africa, to 75, whether due to single amino acid substitu-
Germany, Italy, and the UK (Table 4.1). ApoAI is tions or nucleotide deletions and insertions, are
the major constituent of HDL. It is synthesized in associated with renal pathology and/or hepatic
the liver and small intestine. The pathogenesis of amyloid deposition [23]. The renal pathology is
amyloid formation from apolipoprotein is very fairly characteristic. Unlike immunoglobulin light
intriguing. Unlike transthyretin, only a portion of chain, amyloid A, and some of the other heredi-
the ApoAI molecule is incorporated into amyloid tary amyloid diseases, the glomerulus is usually
fibrils. ApoAI is a single chain 243 amino acid spared from ApoAI amyloid deposition (Fig. 4.6).
60 M.D. Benson

Fig. 4.6 (a) Renal biopsy from a patient with ApoAI biopsy as in (a) showing dense amyloid deposition at cor-
Gly26Arg amyloidosis presenting with elevated serum ticomedullary junction. (c) Section shown in (b) stained
creatinine but minimal proteinuria. Note lack of glomeru- with Congo red and viewed through crossed polars
lar involvement. H&E magnification 100×. (b) Same renal

The amyloid deposits in interstitial and medullary to shorten longevity [24]. Only the Gly26Arg
areas of the kidney. The clinical presentation is ApoAI amyloidosis is associated with peripheral
notable for the lack of proteinuria in the face of neuropathy, and this manifestation has not been
increasing renal insufficiency as measured by observed in all affected families (Fig. 4.8) [20].
serum creatinine. For renal pathologists whose Mutations in ApoAI from residue 90 on toward
typical studies are focused on glomerular disease, the carboxyl terminus of the molecule present the
ApoAI renal amyloid can be a diagnostic chal- most fascinating feature of this disease [23, 25].
lenge. A similar picture may be seen in approxi- The typical presentation is with subepithelial
mately 5% of patients with AA (secondary) laryngeal, cutaneous, and cardiac amyloid depo-
amyloidosis in which medullary amyloid deposi- sition. Patients develop vocal hoarseness in early
tion is a prominent feature. Hepatic deposition of adult years (Fig. 4.9). A characteristic dusky
amyloid is observed in patients with some of the coarse skin texture is often observed in the axillae
amino terminal ApoAI mutations. The most nota- and the nape of the neck (Fig. 4.10). Subsequently,
ble is the Leu75Pro mutation which is usually an restrictive cardiomyopathy leads to heart failure
incidental finding at the time of cholecystectomy and death (Fig. 4.11), although one mutation
or liver biopsy for other reasons than amyloid (Leu170Pro) has been reported in an individual
suspicion (Fig. 4.7). This particular syndrome is with only laryngeal amyloid and no evidence of
very slowly progressive and, while sometimes more systemic deposition. This syndrome is asso-
associated with renal impairment, does not appear ciated with a number of mutations in the carboxyl
4 The Hereditary Amyloidoses 61

Fig. 4.7 Liver biopsy from a patient with ApoAI

Arg75Pro amyloidosis with nodular deposition of amy-
loid. Congo red magnification 40×

Fig. 4.10 (a) Skin biopsy from a patient with ApoAI

Arg173Pro amyloidosis stained with Congo red showing
subepithelial amyloid deposits. (b) Same skin biopsy
specimen as Fig. 4.10a viewed between crossed polars

Fig. 4.8 Peripheral nerve of a patient with ApoAI

Gly26Arg amyloidosis showing amorphous amyloid
deposition within the nerve trunk. H&E 100×

Fig. 4.11 Section of postmortem heart demonstrating

Fig. 4.9 Congo red stained section of laryngeal biopsy marked loss of myocardial fibers and replacement with
from a patient with ApoAI Arg173Pro amyloidosis show- amyloid. Heart failure from restrictive cardiomyopathy is
ing dense subepithelial deposits. Congo red 100× the usual cause of death in this disease. H&E 40×
62 M.D. Benson

terminal portion of ApoAI, but analysis of the Aa-chain is incorporated into amyloid fibrils and,
amyloid fibril deposits reveals that only the amino in all cases described thus far, this region has con-
terminal portion of the molecule is incorporated tained the altered amino acid residues. The fact
into the fibrils. It is obvious that catabolic pro- that only a portion of fibrinogen Aa-chain is pres-
cessing of the mutated protein goes astray with ent in the amyloid fibril probably explains why
the formation of inert amyloid fibril deposits. immunohistochemistry may not be very informa-
tive in this form of amyloidosis. In addition, at
least three fibrinogen Aa-chain mutations involve
Fibrinogen Aa-Chain single nucleotide deletions which result in out
of frame transcriptions coding for an entirely
Fibrinogen Aa-chain amyloidosis is one of the new peptide which, of course, would not be recog-
easier forms of amyloidosis to recognize histologi- nized by antisera raised to the native protein. While
cally. It typically gives glomerular deposition of DNA analysis by RFLP is available for some of
amyloid with atrophy of the tubules and collapse the mutations, direct nucleotide sequencing is
of glomeruli on each other (Fig. 4.12). The clinical required to ascertain the genetic defect in many
disease is rapidly progressive with proteinuria and patients. This analysis usually requires the help of
hypertension, followed by azotemia. Nine muta- laboratories in amyloid research centers.
tions in fibrinogen Aa-chain have been described
(Table 4.1). The most common, Glu526Val, which
is relatively common in the USA but probably Gelsolin
originated in Germany, is also found in many
European countries [26, 27]. Penetrance of this Gelsolin amyloidosis may be associated with two
condition is variable and the lack of informative mutations that occur at the same amino acid site in
family history can make the clinical diagnosis dif- the protein. The most common Asp187Asn is
ficult. In many patients, the amyloid is detected by found in families in Finland and occasionally in
kidney biopsy, and in these cases the differentia- the United States and Japan [28]. The disease is
tion from AL and AA amyloidosis is imperative. characterized by peripheral neuropathy which
Fibrinogen Aa-chain is synthesized by the liver causes facial palsy and lattice corneal dystrophy
and is a major component of the blood coagulation (Fig. 4.13). Amyloid deposition can be confirmed
system. Only a carboxyl terminal fragment of the by histology of cornea tissue obtained at the time
of cornea transplant. The deposits are indistin-
guishable from some of the localized forms of lat-
tice dystrophy. Gelsolin amyloidosis is truly a
systemic disease and deposits are found in heart,
kidney, and other tissues. Although usually not
life threatening, patients homozygous for the
Asp187Asn mutation have been reported to have
accelerated systemic disease [29]. A second gelso-
lin mutation is Asp187Tyr which has been reported
in kindreds in Denmark and Czechoslovakia with
similar phenotype to the Finnish disease [30].

Fig. 4.12 Renal biopsy from a patient with fibrinogen
Aa-chain Glu526Val amyloidosis showing typical histol-
ogy with obliteration of glomerular architecture, loss of
Five different mutations in the bacteriolytic
tubules, and appearance of glomeruli collapsing on one enzyme, lysozyme, have been found associated
another. H&E 100× with amyloidosis (Table 4.1). While amyloid
4 The Hereditary Amyloidoses 63

Fig. 4.13 (a) Section of cornea from a patient with bright light. (c) Section in Fig. 4.13b viewed between
gelsolin amyloidosis Asp187Asn showing amyloid depos- crossed polars showing typical green birefringence of
its within the stroma of the cornea. H&E 200×. (b) Same amyloid
cornea tissue as in (a) stained with Congo red viewed with

deposits may be found in many organ systems,

lysozyme amyloidosis is particularly nephro-
Apolipoprotein AII
pathic [31]. The histology is relatively typical of
ApoAII amyloidosis is also primarily nephro-
this disease with vascular, interstitial, and glom-
pathic with extensive glomerular deposition of
erular deposition (Fig. 4.14). The glomerular
amyloid (Figs. 4.15–4.17) [33]. In far advanced
amyloid deposits are much less extensive than
cases, amyloid deposits are found in many
those seen in fibrinogen Aa-chain amyloidosis.
organ systems. It is a relatively slowly progres-
Lysozyme amyloidosis tends to be a relatively
sive disease, and renal transplantation may
slowly progressive disease, and kidney transplan-
prolong life for 10 or more years [34]. The
tation may prolong life for 20 or more years [32].
inherited defect is in the stop-codon for the
Rarely, ALys can cause massive hepatic amyloi-
ApoAII gene such that a carboxyl terminal 21
dosis and has been associated with liver rupture.
64 M.D. Benson

Fig. 4.14 (a) Renal biopsy from a patient with lysozyme lar structures. (b) Same section of renal biopsy as
amyloidosis (Phe57Ile) stained with Congo red showing (a) viewed between crossed polars showing typical green
amyloid deposition in glomeruli, interstitium, and vascu- birefringence of amyloid. H&E 100×

Fig. 4.16 Gross specimen of kidney removed after sev-

Fig. 4.15 Renal biopsy from a patient with ApoAII amy- eral years of dialysis for ApoAII amyloidosis
loidosis with stop to Gly mutation showing dense deposi-
tion of amyloid within glomeruli. H&E 100×

amino acid residue extension of the protein is prevalent Ab (Alzheimer protein) cerebral
found in the amyloid fibril protein. Five differ- angiopathy. Patients die in their early adult to
ent stop-codon mutations have been identified mid-age of recurrent cerebral hemorrhages.
in families: four from the USA and one in

Cystatin C Lect2 is a newly identified form of systemic amy-

loidosis which is noted for renal pathology [37].
Cystatin C amyloidosis is seen in families in Since its initial discovery, a large number of cases
Iceland that have a mutation in the cystatin gene have been identified mainly from those renal biop-
that gives a Leu68Gln amino acid change [35, sies for which no satisfactory diagnosis could be
36]. These patients develop cerebral amyloid made. Unfortunately, several of these patients had
angiopathy which is very similar to the more been treated with chemotherapy on the misguided
4 The Hereditary Amyloidoses 65

Fig. 4.17 (a) Section of nephrectomy specimen from a Congo red 100×. (b) Same section as Fig. 4.17a viewed
patient with ApoAII amyloidosis similar to the specimen between crossed polars showing typical green birefrin-
in Fig. 4.16. Notice complete lack of glomerular struc- gence of amyloid
tures and only remaining amyloid is within vascular walls.

Fig. 4.18 (a) Renal biopsy of a patient with Lect2 amy- Fig. 4.18a, b treated with anti-Lect2 antibody using an
loidosis showing glomerular, interstitial, and vascular antigen-retrieval technique showing specific staining of
deposition of amyloidosis. (b) Same biopsy section as glomerular vessel and interstitial amyloid deposits. Slide
Fig. 4.18a viewed between crossed polars with dense developed with diaminobenzidine 100×
deposition of amyloid. (c) Same biopsy section as

assumption that their renal amyloidosis was of AL tocellular carcinoma, but whether increased syn-
(immunoglobulin light chain) origin. There is no thesis is relative to generation of amyloidosis is
evidence at the present time that Lect 2 amyloido- not known. The renal pathology is highlighted by
sis is a hereditary form of amyloidosis, although a glomerular, vascular, and interstitial deposition of
disproportionate number of patients have been amyloid and can be fairly typical of the disease
identified of Hispanic origin and a few from the (Fig. 4.18). Most of the cases that have been
Punjab. Leukocyte chemotactic factor 2 (Lect2) is reviewed have been fairly advanced with this tri-
a normal serum protein that is synthesized princi- compartmental distribution of amyloid deposi-
pally by the liver. No specific function for the pro- tion. Where the initial amyloid occurs and its
tein has been verified, although basic studies have phases of progression toward end-stage renal dis-
suggested it may be a cartilage modulating factor eases are yet to be clarified. It is truly a systemic
(alternatively named chondromodulin). It may be form of amyloidosis, and we have seen significant
overexpressed in certain liver diseases such hepa- hepatic as well as renal deposition.
66 M.D. Benson

amplified genomic DNA sequences. Clin Genet.

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extremely important that both the treating physi- or Rukavina type). Medicine. 1969;48(1):1–37.
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mon AL (immunoglobulin light chain, “primary”) 1988;81(1):189–93.
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Dialysis-Associated Amyloidosis
Paweena Susantitaphong, Laura M. Dember,
and Bertrand L. Jaber

Dialysis-associated amyloidosis • Beta-2 microglobulin • Carpal tunnel
syndrome • Anti-b2m antibody • Online hemodiafiltration • Hemofiltration
• Direct hemoperfusion • Frequent hemodialysis • Selective b2m adsorp-
tion lixelle column • Ultrapure dialysate • Kidney transplantation

typical clinical manifestations are carpal tunnel

Introduction syndrome, chronic arthropathy, spondyloarthrop-
athies, subchondral bone cysts, and fractures.
Dialysis-associated amyloidosis is a unique type
b2m is the light chain component of the major
of amyloidosis, affecting patients with chronic
histocompatibility complex (MHC) class-1 mole-
kidney disease treated with dialysis. It does not
cule. All cells that express MHC class-1 molecules
affect persons with normal or mildly impaired
synthesize b2m, which covalently binds to the
kidney function. Even though it is rarely a cause
heavy chain at the cell surface where it provides a
of death, dialysis-associated amyloidosis can
stabilizing function [3]. When the MHC complex
lead to debilitating complications [1, 2].
is shed from the cell surface, b2m dissociates from
Periarticular tissue and bone are the most com-
the heavy chain and enters the circulation or other
mon sites of amyloid deposition [1, 2]. Beta-2
fluids, such as synovial fluid, as a glycosylated
microglobulin (b2m) is the principal constituent
polypeptide with a molecular weight of 11,815
of amyloid fibrils in this type of amyloidosis. The
Da. b2m is cleared from the blood by the kidney
deposition of b2m in tissue eventually causes
where it is freely filtered through the glomerulus
symptoms and signs related to amyloidosis. The
and almost fully reabsorbed and catabolized by the
proximal tubule [4].
P. Susantitaphong, M.D. • B.L. Jaber, M.D., M.S. (*)
The average production rate of b2m is esti-
Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine,
St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, Tufts University mated at 2.4 mg/kg/day, but its generation rate
School of Medicine, 736 Cambridge Street, may increase in chronic inflammatory states,
Boston, MA 02135, USA infections, and lymphoproliferative disorders [5].
e-mail: bertrand.jaber@steward.org
The normal serum b2m concentration is 1.5–
L.M. Dember, M.D. 3.0 mg/L. However, in patients with chronic
Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology,
kidney failure, the serum level may increase
University of Pennsylvania Health System,
Philadelphia, PA, USA 10–60-fold reaching 20–50 mg/L, as a result

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 69
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_5,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
70 P. Susantitaphong et al.

of both increased production from chronic

inflammation, and decreased urinary excretion
and dialyzer clearance [6].
While b2m is the major component of the
amyloid deposits, in vitro and in vivo studies indi-
cate that other molecules also play an important
role in the pathogenesis of dialysis-associated
amyloidosis. Some of these molecules include
glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, apolipopro-
tein E (ApoE), serum amyloid P component,
phospholipids, and free fatty acids [7]. Knowledge
about dialysis-associated amyloidosis might
help pathologists identify this disorder, and help Fig. 5.1 Prevalence of b2 amyloid deposits at autopsy
clinicians provide better care for their patients. according to duration of dialysis. The autopsy was per-
formed on osteoarticular specimens obtained from 54
deceased patients who had received long-term hemodialy-
sis and 26 deceased patients who had received peritoneal
Epidemiology dialysis [9, 10]

The incidence of dialysis-associated amyloidosis

in the United States is not known as there are no immunostaining, in 48% of the hemodialysis
large epidemiological or histological studies patients. The prevalence of amyloid deposits was
investigating this complication of long-term dial- 21% among patients who had been dialyzed
ysis. However, a small study from Germany sug- for less than 2 years, a population in whom clini-
gests that the incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome cally evident dialysis-associated amyloidosis is
in the dialysis population, a known manifestation extremely rare. However, the prevalence of amy-
of dialysis-associated amyloidosis, is declining loid deposits increased progressively with dura-
[8]. Although a definitive diagnosis can only be tion of dialysis reaching 33, 50, 90, and 100% at
made histologically, tissue acquisition for this 2–4 years, 4–7 years, 7–13 years, and greater
purpose is rarely attempted. In clinical practice, than 13 years, respectively [9]. In a similar study
b2m amyloid osteoarticular deposits are usually performed in 26 patients treated with peritoneal
diagnosed based on clinical and radiological dialysis, the prevalence of b2m amyloid deposits
findings. There has been little attempt to identify was 20, 30, and 50% for those on dialysis for less
dialysis-associated amyloidosis that is not clinically than 2 years, 2–4 years, and 4–7 years, respec-
apparent. Therefore, subclinical b2m amyloidosis tively [10]. Thus, the prevalence was similar for
may be more frequent than we realize [2]. peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis patients
The clinical syndrome of b2m amyloid matched for duration of kidney failure. Taken
osteoarthropathy is unusual in individuals who together, these studies suggest that b2m amyloid
have been dialysis dependent for fewer than deposits occur early in chronic kidney failure,
5 years and is most commonly seen after 10 years and well in advance of the development of clini-
of dialysis (Fig. 5.1). However, an autopsy regis- cally evident disease.
try report from Belgium suggests that b2m amy-
loid deposits are present more often and earlier
than in clinical disease. Examination of multiple Pathophysiology
joints obtained at autopsy from 54 patients treated
with maintenance hemodialysis and age-matched Although the mechanisms underlying b2m
control subjects revealed b2m amyloid deposits, amyloid fibril formation and deposition have not
as evident by Congo red positivity and anti-b2m been fully elucidated, significant advances have
5 Dialysis-Associated Amyloidosis 71

Fig. 5.2 A hypothetical in vivo model for the molecular mechanisms incriminated in the deposition of b2m amyloid
fibrils. Modified with permission from reference [11]

been achieved. Native b2m is the major structural fibrils, resulting in the extension of b2m amyloid
component of b2m amyloid fibrils. In addition, fibrils at a neutral pH as well as fibril stabilization.
just as with other types of amyloidosis, there are Some GAGs, especially heparin, can also enhance
several other associated molecules including fibril extension in the presence of trifluoroethanol
glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), particularly hepa- at neutral pH [12]. Finally, ApoE, GAGs, and
ran sulfate and chondroitin sulfate, proteoglycans PGs can form stable complexes with fibrils playing
(PGs) such as chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, a role in the stabilization of b2m amyloid fibrils.
ApoE, serum amyloid P component, alpha2-mac- A hypothesized model for the deposition of
roglobulin, and plasma proteinase inhibitors [11]. b2m amyloid fibrils in vivo has been proposed
In the clinical setting, the earliest deposition [11] (Fig. 5.2), whereby fibril formation takes
of b2m amyloid is observed in the cartilage tissue place through a nucleation-dependent polymer-
that contains numerous PGs such as aggrecan, ization model, followed by several molecular
biglycan, decorin, and lumican [11]. Decorin is interactions that lead to stabilization of the fibrils,
also the component of the tendinous tissue present rendering them resistant to proteolysis.
in the carpal tunnel. Several in vitro and in vivo The earliest stage of b2m amyloid deposition
studies that have helped elucidate the potential occurs in the cartilage, followed by extension to
roles of these molecules in the formation of b2m the capsule and synovium. To explain this spe-
amyloid fibrils will be reviewed. cific tissue involvement, it is important to gain
In vitro studies suggest that there are three understanding of the biochemical composition
phases of b2m amyloid fibril formation: nucle- and physiology of these tissues. In the joint space,
ation, extension, and stabilization. b2m amyloid the synovial fluid is composed primarily of
fibril formation occurs at a low pH in vitro. Partial hyaluronan and sulfated GAGs and is produced
unfolding of b2m is thought to be a prerequisite by synovial fibroblasts, recirculating into the
to its assembly into amyloid fibrils. A pH of 2.0–3.0 blood stream via the lymphatic system. The syn-
appears to be optimal for promoting the extension ovial membrane consists of an interstitium or
of b2m amyloid fibrils. Indeed, some PGs, espe- subintima filled with GAGs, matrix proteins, and
cially biglycan, can induce the polymerization of fibroblasts. Synoviocytes are classified as mac-
acid-denatured b2m amyloid fibrils. Moreover, rophage-like and fibroblast-like resident cells
low concentration of trifluoroethanol and very based on morphology and function. Macrophage-
small concentration of sodium dodecyl sulfate like synoviocytes tend to produce cytokines
can induce partial unfolding of b2m amyloid (e.g., interleukin-1b [IL-1b] and tumor necrosis
72 P. Susantitaphong et al.

factor-a [TNF-a]), whereas fibroblast-like type-1 collagen by fibroblasts. After deposition,

synoviocytes produce matrix proteins (e.g., b2m activates synovial fibroblasts to produce
fibronectin, laminin, and collagen), GAGs (both neutral matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) such
nonsulfated [hyaluronan] and sulfated [e.g., as MMP-3 (stromelysin), which cause articular
chondroitin-6 sulfate, dermatan sulfate, and hep- destruction [16]. Serum stromelysin is elevated
arin sulfate]), and metalloproteinase (e.g., colla- in patients with dialysis-associated amyloidosis,
genase and stromelysin). In the normal joint, the thereby linking b2m-deposition with destructive
majority of the cells residing in the synovial arthropathy [17]. Moreover, b2m stimulates
intimal lining are fibroblast-like, but this ratio mRNA and protein synthesis of IL-6 by osteo-
may vary in inflammatory joint disorders. blasts, a potent bone-resorbing cytokine.
Macrophage-like synoviocytes in the intimal Therefore, theoretically both hormonal and local
lining appear to originate from the bone marrow, regulatory factors can aggravate the deleterious
whereas intimal fibroblasts-like cells originate effects of b2m on bone resorption [17]. b2m also
from the subintima [13]. The cartilage is com- appears to have osteoclastogenic effects that may
posed of chondrocytes, type-2 collagen, and be relevant for the bone cystic formations
GAGs, the most abundant of which is aggregan. observed in b2m amyloidosis [18]. Interestingly,
b2m has specific affinity for collagen, which one study detected nonfibrillar b2m aggregates in
is dose-dependent. This may explain its predilec- the spleen and heart, which suggests that accu-
tion to deposit in articular structures where mulation of the protein may precede amyloido-
collagen is abundant and also explain why in situ, genesis, at least in the nonskeletal tissues [19].
heparan sulfate is the most common GAG com- In summary, the clinical manifestations of
ponent of b2m amyloid. Interestingly, native b2m dialysis-associated amyloidosis are likely the
in solution is a highly soluble monomeric pro- result of complex in situ inflammatory reac-
tein, which is incapable of amyloid generation tions, induced by monocytes and macrophages,
under physiological conditions at neutral pH. synovial cells, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts in
However, b2m amyloid proteins obtained from response to b2m, AGE and AGE-modified b2m.
patients undergoing treatment with chronic dialy- Inflammatory local bone destruction can also
sis are not uniformly water soluble suggesting precipitate the migration of inflammatory cells,
heterogeneity in terms of superstructure [14]. resulting in the release of more cytokines and
Other factors may be involved after b 2m further tissue destruction [16]. The pathogene-
deposition, including modification by advanced sis of b2m amyloidosis is summarized in
glycation end products (AGEs) [15] such as imi- Fig. 5.3.
dazolone, carboxymethyl lysine, and pentosidine,
molecules known to accumulate in uremia.
AGEs have proinflammatory properties and Risk Factors
induce macrophage chemotaxis with the release
of proinflammatory cytokines, thereby contribut- Although the retention of b2m is a prerequisite to
ing to joint inflammation. Furthermore, AGE- the development of b2m amyloidosis [20], there
modified b2m appears to interact with the AGE are other patient- and dialysis-related risk factors.
receptor present on monocytes and macrophages, Advanced age and duration of dialysis are impor-
thus stimulating the release of platelet-derived tant predictors of this complication. Indeed, b2m
growth factor, IL-6, TNF-a, and IL-1b. AGE- amyloidosis is seen earlier in older patients
modified b2m can also induce bone resorption by despite shorter duration of dialysis. In one study
stimulating collagenase synthesis, leading to col- from Japan, among patients receiving dialysis for
lagen degradation and connective tissue break- 20–24, 25–29, and ³30 years, the incidence of
down, resulting in the creation of a potential orthopedic surgical interventions related to dialy-
nidus for b2m deposition. Moreover, AGE- sis-associated amyloidosis, was 25, 66, and 78%,
modified b2m can decrease the synthesis of respectively [21].
5 Dialysis-Associated Amyloidosis 73

Fig. 5.3 Pathogenesis of b2m amyloidosis

In terms of dialysis-related factors, cellulose-

based dialyzer membranes previously used in
conventional hemodialysis, have small pores that
are impermeable to b2m and are considered less
compatible with blood components resulting in
activation of several inflammatory pathways
including the complement system [22]. These dia-
lyzers were believed to increase the intradialytic
generation b2m, thereby contributing to further
accumulation of this molecule. Synthetic poly-
mers, which were subsequently developed, are
more permeable to b2m and are known as high- Fig. 5.4 Predicted annual retention of b2 microglobulin
flux dialyzers. These filters also possess more bio- according to session length and frequency of high-flux
compatible properties and have a lower hemodialysis
complement-activating potential. Although the
removal of circulating b2m can be enhanced by rial products. This can induce host inflammatory
the use of high-flux dialyzers, and other novel responses during dialysis including cytokine
therapies such as hemodiafiltration, frequent production, which may accelerate the course of
hemodialysis, and hemoperfusion, b2m continues dialysis-associated amyloidosis. Several studies
to accumulate over time. The predicted annual net have demonstrated that the use of ultrapure
retention of b2m according to varying duration dialysate, which has undergone a terminal filtra-
and frequency of high-flux hemodialysis is shown tion process aimed at removal of bacterial prod-
in Fig. 5.4. The use of high-flux dialyzer would be ucts, results in a reduction of cytokine production
expected to delay but not prevent the development and circulating levels of IL-6 and C-reactive pro-
of b2m amyloidosis. An additional potential dial- tein [23]. However, the potential long-term salu-
ysis-related contributor to b2m accumulation is tary effect of this strategy on the development of
the contamination of dialysate water with bacte- b2m amyloidosis is at present unknown.
74 P. Susantitaphong et al.

In summary, advanced age, the uremic milieu, Bone Cysts and Pathological Fractures
and dialysis-related variables including dialyzer
characteristics and the dialysate water purity may Subchondral bone cysts and articular erosions are
impact the molecular composition of the cartilage pathognomonic findings of b2m amyloidosis.
and other connective tissues, providing optimal These lesions can multiply and enlarge in size on
conditions for b2m amyloid fibril formation and serial imaging studies, mimicking cancer-related
the resulting associated morbidity [24]. bone lytic lesions, and can result in pathological

Clinical Manifestations
Destructive Spondyloarthropathy
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Destructive spondyloarthopathy is associated
The carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common with symptoms related to myelopathy or radicul-
presentation of b2m amyloidosis [25], and is usu- opathy with pain and stiffness of the spine. The
ally bilateral and progressive. The clinical mani- cervical spine is most frequently affected (85%),
festations are the result of entrapment of the followed by the lumbar (10%) and thoracic (5%)
median nerve. Typical presentations include par- spine. Involvement of the second cervical verte-
esthesias of the palmar surface of the thumb, brae can result in life threatening vertical sublux-
forefinger, and third and medial half of the fourth ation of the odontoid process. This potential
fingers. The pain is usually exacerbated by dialy- complication should be suspected, and ruled out
sis, and is worse at night or during activities that in patients on long-term dialysis with chronic
impinge on the nerve such as wrist flexion or neck pain being scheduled for surgery that would
extension. Atrophy of the hand muscles may require endotracheal intubation for general
eventually occur. However, it is also important to anesthesia.
consider other causes of the carpal tunnel syn-
drome, including other types of amyloid (e.g.,
light chain amyloid [AL] and transthyretin amy- Visceral Involvement
loid [ATTR]) as well as ischemic or traumatic
median nerve injury as a result of the ipsilateral Autopsy data demonstrate that b2m amyloidosis
creation of an arteriovenous fistula or graft. can also involve visceral tissues. Visceral amy-
loid deposition occurs late (after more than
15 years of hemodialysis). Heart is the most com-
Scapulohumeral and Other monly involved organ, followed by the gastroin-
Arthropathies testinal system (with macroglossia, bowel
infarction and perforation), lung and spleen [26,
b2m amyloid fibrils commonly deposit in and 27]. Nonfibrillar deposits of b2m have also been
around the rotator cuff. This results in shoulder detected in the heart and spleen extracts [19].
pain that is worse while in the supine position Interestingly, whereas vascular and interstitial
and impairment with daily activities including amyloid deposits are demonstrable in visceral
getting dressed. Chronic arthralgias of the shoul- organs, they are rarely observed in the vessels of
ders, knees, and hips have also been reported, osteoarticular tissues. Subendothelial amyloid
spanning from minor discomfort to loss of range nodules protruding into the vessel lumen have
of motion with severe debilitating pain. Chronic also been described, leading to tissue ischemia
joint effusion can also developed, which tend to and occasionally wall perforation [28]. Finally,
be paucicellular. involvement of the genitourinary tract includes
5 Dialysis-Associated Amyloidosis 75

the development of kidney and bladder calculi

containing b2m deposits, which can cause
Clinical Investigations
Radiological Imaging

Plain X-rays
Clinical Diagnosis Radiolucencies of various sizes within the corti-
cal and medullary bone are the characteristic
The clinical diagnosis of b2m amyloidosis is pri- findings (Fig. 5.5a) [30]. Fine sclerotic margins
marily suspected on the basis of the history. are usually present without matrix calcification.
Patients almost never display symptoms until The cysts are typically bilateral, locating in the
they have received dialysis for at least 5 years periarticular bones and ligamentous areas. A
[29], presenting with symptoms of the carpal tun- large amount of deposits may result in pathologi-
nel syndrome, shoulder pain, and typically, cervi- cal fracture. In addition, periarticular soft tissue
cal radiculopathy or myelopathy. masses, erosive changes, joint destruction, sub-
On physical examination, findings of the luxation, and dislocation can also be observed.
carpal tunnel syndrome include diminished Secondary hyperparathyroidism-associated
pinprick sensation in the median nerve distri- brown tumors are other causes of lytic bone
bution or thenar muscle atrophy. The lesions observed in long-term dialysis patients.
Hoffmann–Tinel test and Phalen test may However, brown tumors tend to co-localize with
increase the sensitivity and specificity of early subperiosteal and subchondral bone resorption.
detection of the carpal tunnel syndrome. Joint Moreover, brown tumors are not associated with
swelling can be found in chronic arthropathy, para-articular lesions.
and limited shoulder range of motion may
reflect amyloid-related rotator cuff tears. Scintigraphy
Cervical tenderness and radiculopathy usually Scintigraphy with I123 radiolabeled serum amyloid
reflect more destructive spondyloarthropathy, P, iodohippurate sodium I131 b2m, and In111 b2m is
and some patients may develop pathological an imaging technique that assesses the total body
fracture of long bones. Finally, b2m deposits in burden of amyloid deposits in long-term dialysis
the myocardium may result in congestive heart patients. Of note however, scintigraphy with In111
failure, and its accumulation in bowel tissue radiolabeled b2m tracer, which uses recombinant
has been associated with reports of intestinal human b2m, has been shown to provide higher
obstruction and bleeding. quality images while reducing total radiation
exposure [31]. Unfortunately, these imaging tech-
niques are not widely available in clinical practice
and remain experimental.
Differential Diagnosis
If b2m amyloidosis is suspected based on Congo Ultrasound has been used for the diagnosis of
red positivity of tissue, other types of amyloi- scapulohumeral joint disease by demonstrating
doses such as AA, AL, or ATTR cannot be tendon thickness, accumulation of joint fluid, and
excluded until the presence of b2m in the depos- presence of amyloid deposits, in the form of
its is confirmed by immunostaining using anti- echogenic pads of material between muscle lay-
b2m antibodies. Furthermore, other causes of ers and in intra- and periarticular areas (Fig. 5.5b)
bone disease in dialysis patients need to be ruled [30]. In one study, the presence of a rotator cuff
out including that associated with secondary thickness of greater than 8 mm coupled to echo-
hyperparathyroidism. genic pads found between the rotator cuff muscle
76 P. Susantitaphong et al.

Fig. 5.5 (a) Conventional radiograph showing a well- tion appears within the lesion. Amyloid deposits are also
defined cystic lesion (arrowhead) with sclerotic rim visible within the subdeltoid bursa between the deltoid
(arrows) in the superior-posterior humeral head. (b) muscle and humerus (arrowheads). (d) Corresponding
Ultrasound of the shoulder showing erosion of the humeral T2-weighted magnetic resonance image of the same
head (straight arrows) and communicating with the joint lesions that are characteristic for amyloidosis. Signal of
space. Erosions are filled with echogenic amyloid tissue amyloid tissue (straight arrows) remains low with the
(curved arrows). (c) Coronal T1-weighted magnetic reso- exception of a small rim of high intensity around
nance image showing osteolysis in the superior-posterior intraosseous lesion (arrowheads). Complete rupture of
humeral head and communicating with the joint (arrow). the supraspinatus tendon (curved arrow) is apparent.
Low-signal-intensity tissue representing amyloid deposi- Reprinted with permission from reference [30]

layers was shown to correlate with clinical or Magnetic Resonance Imaging

histological evidence of b2m amyloidosis, with Typical magnetic resonance imaging characteris-
a sensitivity of 72–79% and specificity of tics of b2m amyloid lesions are detected on long
79–100% [32]. T1 and short T2 relaxation times, showing low-to-
intermediate signal intensity. This imaging study
X-ray Computed Tomography can be helpful to differentiate destructive amyloid-
X-ray computed tomography can identify related spondyloarthropathies from infectious
pseudotumors, representing intermediate atten- processes, which typically feature a low signal on
uation and pseudocystic lesions in the juxta- T1 and a high signal on T2 (Fig. 5.5c, d) [30].
articular bone. It is the best imaging study to
detect small osteolytic lesions, and may be use- Tissue Biopsy
ful to assess the distribution and extension of Histopathological examination is the gold stan-
destructive changes. dard technique for diagnosing b2m amyloidosis.
5 Dialysis-Associated Amyloidosis 77

Fig. 5.6 Tissue biopsy specimen obtained from a shoul- microscopy showing typical nonbranching amyloid
der nodule. (a) Histopathology showing areas of acel- fibrils. (d) Positive immunohistochemistry stain con-
lular glassy pink amorphous material typically seen in firming b2-microglobulin amyloidosis. Reprinted from
amyloidosis. (b) Congo red stain showing apple-green [34], with permission from Baylor University Medical
birefringence consistent with amyloid. (c) Electron Center at Dallas

The diagnosis is made on the basis of positive space or as small globular-like deposits deeper in
Congo red staining with typical green-yellow the cartilage. In stage 2, the b2m amyloid depos-
birefringence under polarized light, coupled to its involve capsules and synovia with evidence of
positive immunostaining of Congo red-positive proliferation and hyperplasia of the synovial lin-
deposits with an anti-b2m antibody [33, 34] ing, which is not associated with infiltration of
(Fig. 5.6). macrophages. In stage 3, large b2m amyloid
Since b2m amyloidosis involves the cartilagi- deposits are detected along with recruitment of
nous components of the joints in the early stages macrophages. This stage is associated with mar-
of the disease, it is not readily accessible by ginal bone erosions on plain X-rays.
biopsy. Synovial fragments obtained from arthros-
copy have been used to identify Congo red-posi-
tive deposits with limited success. Unfortunately, Treatment
the yield of other investigations such as subcuta-
neous fat and rectal biopsies is even lower. Supportive Treatment
Three pathological stages of b2m amyloid
have been described [33]. In stage 1, the b2m Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, intra-
amyloid deposits are found only on the cartilage articular injection of steroids, and low-dose oral
surface as a thin rim of amyloid along the joint corticosteroids can be used to ameliorate symptoms
78 P. Susantitaphong et al.

of joint pain and inflammation. In addition to flux dialyzers, which have been shown in post
physical therapy, wrist splints, cervical collars, hoc analyses, to reduce all-cause and cardiovas-
lumbar corsets, knee braces, and immobilization cular mortality compared with low-flux dialyzers
for spondyloarthropathies are also helpful. particularly among patients who had survived
Whenever the disease is resistant to medical more than 3.7 years of dialysis [45, 46], arguing
therapy or patients experience significant disabil- for a potential link between the “hidden epi-
ity, surgical therapy should be considered. demic” of vascular b2m amyloid deposits and the
Surgical interventions including carpal tunnel “epidemic” of cardiovascular disease in patients
decompression, total joint replacement, and on long-term dialysis [2]. Although recent data
laminectomy with spinal stabilization may be the has shown that the use of high molecular weight
best available treatment choice to alleviate pain cutoff (50–60 kDa) dialyzers is more effective in
and restore function. Unfortunately, relapses after decreasing plasma b2m concentrations than stan-
surgery due to ongoing accumulation of b2m dard high-flux dialyzers [47, 48], any possible
amyloid deposits are not uncommon. benefit for the prevention of dialysis-associated
amyloidosis requires further study.

Specific Treatment
Ultrapure Dialysate
Although novel extracorporeal treatment modal-
ities such as online hemodiafiltration [35, 36], The Association for the Advancement of Medical
hemofiltration [37], frequent hemodialysis [38, Instrumentation defines ultrapure dialysate
39], and direct hemoperfusion using the selec- according to a bacterial count limit of less than
tive b2m adsorption Lixelle column [40] have all 0.1 colony forming units/mL and an endotoxin
be shown to enhance removal of b2m [41, 42], level of less than 0.03 endotoxin unit/mL. In vivo
alleviate pain in some instances, and improve and in vitro studies demonstrate that cytokine
objective quality of life measures, they do not production by peripheral blood mononuclear
provide a cure for the disease. Successful kidney cells correlates with the dialysate’s bacterial
transplantation remains the only potential cura- count and endotoxin level, as well as with the
tive treatment of choice as it provides normaliza- permeability of the dialyzer to soluble bacterial
tion of circulating b2m levels, rapid resolution products. Although to date, there is no clinical
of symptoms including joint pain, and results in trial demonstrating a significant reduction in the
the mobilization and resorption of amyloid rate of b2m associated amyloidosis, ultrapure
deposits. Of note, however, radiological findings dialysate should be used in the setting of dialysis
such as bone cysts have not been shown to modalities that are designed to enhance the
resolve several years after successful kidney removal of b2m such as high-flux hemodialysis
transplantation [43]. or hemodiafiltration, and where the dialyzer tends
to be highly permeable to high molecular weight
uremic solutes including dialysate bacterial
Prevention contaminants.

Dialysis Technique
The main determinants of b2m removal during
hemodialysis, hemofiltration, or hemodiafiltra- In conclusion, the incidence of dialysis-associ-
tion include the dialyzer clearance characteris- ated amyloidosis and the precise mechanisms of
tics, the treatment duration, and the ultrafiltration b2m amyloidogenesis remain poorly under-
volume [44]. In clinical practice, most patients stood. Histological evidence of b2m amyloid
receive hemodialysis thrice weekly using high- deposition is demonstrable early in the course of
5 Dialysis-Associated Amyloidosis 79

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Subcutaneous beta2-microglobulin amyloid shoulder HEMO study. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006;17(2):546–55.
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(Bayl Univ Med Cent). 2010;23(2):139–41. A, Papadimitriou M, Wizemann V, et al. Effect of
35. Lornoy W, Becaus I, Billiouw JM, Sierens L, Van membrane permeability on survival of hemodialysis
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Localized Amyloidoses and
Amyloidoses Associated with Aging 6
Outside the Central Nervous System

Per Westermark

Localized amyloid • Senile systemic amyloidosis • Type 2 diabetes • Islet
of Langerhans • Polypeptide hormone • AL amyloidosis • Atherosclerosis
• Aortic aneurysm • Transthyretin • Heart

and its localization what type it is. However, the

Introduction localized amyloids may sometimes create real
problems in surgical pathology and may be diffi-
Local deposition of amyloid, without any sys-
cult to discriminate from systemic amyloidosis.
temic distribution, is a biochemically, histologi-
This is a very important distinction to make since,
cally, and clinically very heterogeneous group of
although the systemic forms are almost always
alterations (Table 6.1). The importance of some
a threat to the patient, many of the localized
of these forms is still very unclear; although, there
amyloids are innocent, as far as we know.
is increasing evidence that many of these deposits
Generally, there is a distinction in pathogenesis
are signaling a pathological process that may be
between localized and systemic amyloidosis in
involved in local tissue injury. Only in a few types
that the fibril protein in the former is synthesized
is the amyloid itself of evident pathogenic impact.
close to the deposition site, while in the latter, the
Localized amyloid deposits are much more com-
fibril precursor is produced in one or several
mon than the systemic amyloidoses. They are
organs, and then transported in soluble form by
particularly frequent in association with aging
the blood plasma to the site where amyloid fibrils
and already at the age of about 60 years, virtually,
form, by mechanisms that are not yet understood.
everyone has amyloid deposits in one or more tis-
An exception may be the amyloid in atherosclerotic
sues. Some of the localized amyloid forms occur
plaques and in cardiac valves which, although
in conjunction with specific diseases and may
localized, originates from the plasma.
also be involved in their pathogenesis. Usually,
There are many reports in the scientific litera-
it is clear from the appearance of the amyloid
ture on single organ manifestations of systemic
amyloidosis, and sometimes these forms are
P. Westermark, M.D., Ph.D. (*) claimed to be examples of localized amyloidosis.
Rudbeck Laboratory, Departments of Immunology, Thus, the cardiac manifestation of senile systemic
Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University,
amyloidosis (SSA) has been called senile cardiac
Uppsala SE-751 85, Sweden
e-mail: per.westermark@igp.uu.se amyloidosis in some publications. Careful analysis

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 81
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_6,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
82 P. Westermark

Table 6.1 The extracerebral localized amyloid forms

Amyloid Associated state
Main location protein Mother protein Prevalence or disease
Different organs AL Monoclonal Rare Local monoclonal
immunoglobulin light chain plasma cell clone
Different organs AH Monoclonal Very rare Local monoclonal
immunoglobulin heavy chain plasma cell clone
Islets of Langerhans AIAPP IAPP Common Aging, type 2 diabetes
Anterior pituitary APro Prolactin Common Aging
Parathyroid glands ? ? Common Aging
Cardiac atria AANF Atrial natriuretic Common Aging, atrial fibrillation?
factor (peptide)
Endocrine tumors Varying Polypeptide hormones Common in Tumors
many tumors
Seminal vesicles ASem1 Semenogelin 1 Common Aging
Skin ? ? Rare Lichen amyloidosus, MA
Skin AIns Insulin Rare? Iatrogenic at site of injection
Skin tumors ? ? Common Tumors and dysplasia
Calcifying epithelial AOaap Odontogenic Common in Tumors
odontogenic tumor; ameloblast-associated protein tumors
unerupted tooth follicles
Thoracic aorta, AMed Lactadherin Common Aging, aortic aneurysm
other arteries and dissection?
Arterial intima AApoAI, +? Apolipoprotein AI Common Atherosclerosis
Cardiac valves
Joints, cartilage AApoAI, Apolipoprotein AI, Common Aging
ATTR transthyretin
Cornea AKer Keratoepithelin Rare Corneal dystrophies
ALac Lactoferrin? Rare
Corpora amylacea ? ? Common Aging
of lung, prostate
? = unknown

of such cases, however, shows a more widely may release an amyloidogenic segment, normally
spread amyloidosis, at least affecting arteries in buried in a larger molecule. The loss of chaper-
many organs (see below). one molecules may cause a fibrillogenic molecule
The morphology of the localized amyloids to misfold and aggregate into amyloid fibrils.
does not differ from that of the systemic. Both Since amyloidogenesis, in general, is a nucle-
have the same hyaline appearance in routine sec- ation-dependent process [1], seeding may be a
tions and vary in their affinity for Congo red and mechanism, but this has so far not been definitely
the appearance of green birefringence. Their shown. Changes in the microenvironment, e.g.,
principal ultrastructural morphology is also simi- salt concentration or pH, may also theoretically
lar. The pathogenesis of localized amyloid depos- play a role. However, in general, very little is
its may vary between the biochemical types, but known about the pathogenesis of the localized
certain possible mechanisms may be mentioned. amyloidoses.
Overexpression of the fibril protein is probably
often of importance, and is particularly evident in
some polypeptide hormone-producing tumors Localized AL Amyloidosis
and in localized AL amyloidosis. In the latter,
there is a local production of a monoclonal, amy- There are probably few conditions that have
loidogenic immunoglobulin light chain. Aberrant resulted in so many case reports as localized AL
processing or abnormal cleavage of a precursor amyloidosis. It is uncommon but not extremely
6 Localized Amyloidoses and Amyloidoses Associated with Aging Outside the Central Nervous System 83

rare and can cause some diagnostic problems,

particularly in the sense that it has to be distin-
guished from the systemic form. The amyloid
deposits often cause a tumor-like process, where
the type is sometimes known as “amyloidoma,”
and the microscopic diagnosis is usually a sur-
prise. In most cases, the alteration is initially sus-
pected to be a tumor and the diagnosis becomes
clear only after microscopic analysis of a biopsy,
where more or less cell-free hyaline areas are
seen. A Congo red-stained section, examined in
polarized light, reveals the amyloid diagnosis. A
more diffuse localized pulmonary amyloidosis
Fig. 6.1 Localized amyloid in the lung, immunolabeled
has also been described, but the AL nature was with pwlam, a monoclonal antibody against amyloid pro-
not proven [2]. Diffuse pulmonary amyloidosis teins of AL lambda type [157]. Amyloid (A) and plasma
should always be suspected of being part of a cells (P) are strongly labeled. Close to the amyloid are
systemic disease [3]. Among the localized forms, several multinucleated giant cells (arrows), a characteris-
tic finding in localized AL amyloid
localized AL amyloidosis is probably the one that
is most easily mistaken for systemic amyloidosis.
The distinction is very important since, although by analysis of immunoglobulin heavy-chain gene
systemic amyloidosis is often life threatening, in rearrangements [7–9]. There is not the same
most cases, localized AL amyloidosis is not. strong predominance of lambda chains as in sys-
Localized AL amyloid can develop at any site, temic AL amyloidosis, and localized AL kappa
including the central nervous system or even amyloidosis is comparably common. The reason
multiple sites of the same organ, e.g., bronchi. for this is unknown but may point to important
Deposits are most commonly seen in the respira- differences in pathogenesis.
tory tract (paranasal sinuses–larynx–bronchi– The microscopic findings vary with the local-
lungs), the urinary tract (renal pelvis–urethra), ization. Deposits may be quite small, as is often
skin, and conjunctiva. In the urinary tract, the seen in the larynx and in the conjunctiva. On the
bladder is most commonly involved, followed by other hand, deposits at some other locations, such
the ureter, the urethra, and the renal pelvis [4]. as the lungs or urinary bladder, may be quite
There is most often one mass but bilateral amy- large. Typically, there are almost acellular amy-
loid deposits may occur, e.g., in the bronchi or in loid areas intermingled with spots with inflam-
the conjunctiva. These lesions are still designated matory cells, notably plasma cells (Fig. 6.1). An
as localized. As in systemic AL amyloidosis, the almost constant feature of localized AL amyloi-
amyloid is composed of a monoclonal immuno- dosis is the presence of multinucleated giant cells
globulin light chain, which is usually C-terminally of foreign body type, mentioned in many of the
truncated [5]. This specific light chain, varying great number of case reports of this kind of lesion.
from case to case, is synthesized at the site of These cells are usually interpreted as a sign of
deposition by a local clone of plasma cells that are tissue reaction of the deposited material. However,
usually benign. Why this happens is not clear but, as an alternative, it is possible that the giant cells
initially, it may be a result of antigenic stimulation directly participate in the generation of fibrils by
causing a chronic inflammation [6]. Sometimes, processing the monoclonal immunoglobulin light
clonality is quite obvious from an immunohis- chain, produced by plasma cells in the vicinity
tochemical staining for light chains (Fig. 6.1), but [10]. Amyloid, close to giant cells, is often more
very often there is a mixture of kappa- and lambda- brightly stained with Congo red and shows a par-
producing plasma cells, making the clonality less ticularly bright green birefringence, probably
evident. However, clonality may be demonstrated indicating extensive organization of the fibrils
84 P. Westermark

Amyloid in Endocrine Organs

and Tumors

Small deposits are common in certain endocrine

organs and their tumors. In general, these
amyloid deposits are composed of specific poly-
peptide hormones or fragments thereof. The
importance of the deposits themselves may vary,
but it is likely that most of them are fairly inno-
cent, at least when small. However, there is strong
evidence that some of them are pathogenically
important, both when appearing as large deposits
Fig. 6.2 Localized AL amyloid, stained with Congo red and during their formation, then as toxic oligom-
and examined under polarized light for birefringence. ers. The best studied example is the amyloid in
A strongly birefringent amyloid deposit is apparent
the islets of Langerhans, but there are other
deposits which may play a pathogenic role.
(Fig. 6.2). Calcifications and metaplastic bone
formation are commonly found, particularly in Islet of Langerhans
bronchial deposits.
Appearance of abnormal nodules, bleedings, Localized amyloid deposits, restricted to the
and results of obstruction are the most common islets of Langerhans, are very commonly seen.
symptoms of localized AL amyloidosis. Such amyloid may appear as an age-dependent
Localized AL amyloidosis of the urinary tract phenomenon and is found in >10% of subjects
most commonly presents with macroscopic over the age of 70. Usually, the deposits are quite
hematuria, but other symptoms such as anuria small, not detectable in routine stained sections,
or acute renal failure may occur [4]. Very often and not affecting more than a few percentages of
the lesions are initially strongly suspected for the islets in the pancreatic body and tail. When
cancer. This is particularly true for lesions in more pronounced, a “hyalinization” of the islets
the trachea-bronchial region and in the urinary may be obvious (Fig. 6.3a) and may then also be
tract. The rare localized AL amyloidosis of the noticed in H&E stained sections. Extensive and
breast is also very easily mistaken for malig- widespread islet amyloid deposits often occur in
nancy and may even show micro calcifications conjunction with type 2 (not type 1) diabetes.
visible at X-ray examination [11]. In most Islet amyloid is the most typical pancreatic
cases, localized amyloidosis is not life threat- lesion found in type 2 diabetes and seen in >90%
ening but there are exceptions. In the respira- of individuals. The deposits are restricted to the
tory tract, where the deposits are often multiple islets and no amyloid occurs in the exocrine
and bilateral [12], the amyloid can cause severe parenchyma (Fig. 6.3b). The amyloid deposits
hemorrhages and even death [13]. In most occur in close association with the insulin-
instances, the condition is long-lasting and not producing beta cells, which may show some
curable but may be kept under control by degenerative signs. Although islets may become
repeated endoscopical intervention [4, 12]. more or less converted into amyloid, there are
However, a more radical surgical treatment is always some endocrine cells left in the masses,
sometimes necessary and may even include which may be shown by the application of
cystectomy for urinary bladder amyloid or antibodies against the major islet polypeptide
nephrectomy for localized amyloidosis in the hormones (Fig. 6.3c). A common finding is
renal pelvis. The risk of progression to systemic an irregular involvement of different parts of
amyloidosis is very small, if any [4]. the pancreas. Generally, most amyloid is seen in
6 Localized Amyloidoses and Amyloidoses Associated with Aging Outside the Central Nervous System 85

Fig. 6.3 (a) An H&E-stained section of pancreas from a Note the residual endocrine cells. (c) An amyloid-rich
type 2 diabetic individual. In this routine section, large islet immunolabeled with antibodies against insulin. In
amounts of amyloid already are apparent in the islets. (b) spite of the large masses of amyloid, there are many heav-
An example of a similar islet, stained with Congo red. ily granulated, albeit defective beta cells

the body and tail. Sometimes, small lobules of As in the case of insulin, IAPP is expressed as a
the pancreas contain a lot of islet amyloid while prohormone, which is then processed by the two
other parts may be spared. converting enzymes PC1/3 and PC2 at double
Although islet amyloid does not occur in the basic amino acid residues (for review, see refer-
type 1 diabetic pancreas, it has recently become a ence [19]). The processing takes place in the
topic of interest in this form of diabetes. Islet golgi and in the secretory vesicles. The concen-
amyloid develops frequently and rapidly in nor- tration of IAPP is much lower than insulin and
mal human islets, transplanted into the portal the plasma levels are less than 10% of that of
system of type 1 diabetic individuals [14], and insulin. IAPP is a 37-amino acid residue peptide
may constitute an important cause of the gradu- belonging to the calcitonin gene-related peptide
ally decreasing function of these islets. family (which also contains calcitonin, adrenom-
The fibril protein in islet amyloid is islet amy- edullin, and intermedin). IAPP is a very fibrillo-
loid polypeptide (IAPP or amylin), which is a genic peptide that is difficult to keep nonaggregated
product of the beta cells. IAPP was discovered by in solution. Insulin is an inhibitor of the fibrillo-
analysis of amyloid deposits taken from an insu- genesis and may be an important physiological
linoma [15, 16] and, subsequently, from islet chaperone within the beta cell. IAPP’s physiolog-
material [17, 18]. IAPP is stored together with ical role is not fully understood, but it has both
insulin in the secretory vesicles and the two para- and autocrine effects on islet cells and
polypeptides are released together at exocytosis. peripheral effects [19].
86 P. Westermark

It is not understood why IAPP forms amyloid Amyloid in the Cardiac Atria
in type 2 diabetes. Overexpression of IAPP is
probably important but other factors, including In the older literature, cardiac amyloid deposits
loss of balance with insulin production and aber- associated with aging were regarded as one entity,
rant processing of proIAPP, may be involved in starting in the atria and sometimes subsequently
the pathogenesis. The effect of the amyloid has spreading to the ventricles [24]. However, in
been a matter of discussion for many years, but 1979, it was shown that there is one distinctive
there is an increasing understanding that the localized form of amyloid specific for the cardiac
deposition of islet amyloid is followed by a loss atria and that deposits in the ventricles are different
of insulin-producing beta cells [20]. Therefore, [25] and part of a systemic amyloidosis, most
the IAPP amyloid is suspected of playing an often SSA in which wild-type transthyretin con-
important role in the gradual loss of beta cell stitutes the fibrils [26]. SSA may also involve the
function during the course of type 2 diabetes. atria, as may all kinds of systemic amyloidosis.
Whether islet amyloid is involved in the initial Localized atrial amyloidosis, also termed as
stages of type 2 diabetes is less well understood. isolated atrial amyloidosis (IAA), is always lim-
As with the situation in Alzheimer’s disease, it is ited to the atria. The fibril protein is atrial natri-
not known whether it is the mature amyloid fibrils uretic factor (ANF) (or peptide) [27, 28], a
that are pathogenically important. There is an 28-amino acid residue polypeptide hormone,
increasing evidence that prefibrillar IAPP aggre- expressed by atrial myocytes. ANF is stored as a
gates (oligomers) exert toxic effects on the beta 126-amino acid residue prohormone in cytoplas-
cell, leading to beta cell death [19]. It is also pos- mic vesicles in the myocytes. When released, the
sible that the mature amyloid fibrils are more prohormone is cleaved to yield the mature pep-
inert, since there are always endocrine cells tide. There is immunohistochemical evidence
remaining in direct contact with the amyloid that the propeptide or a part thereof is also associ-
(Fig. 6.3c). ated with the amyloid fibrils [29].
AANF amyloid only affects the atria, including
the auricles and the myocardial sleeves of pulmo-
Parathyroid Glands nary veins [25, 30, 31]. The amyloid is not evenly
spread but often patchy. Most commonly, both
Amyloid in the parathyroid glands probably belongs atria are affected [30, 32]. The distribution is quite
to the least studied forms, and almost all papers on typical, with fine streaks covering individual car-
the subject are fairly old. Microdeposits are, how- diomyocytes (Fig. 6.4) and often the subendocar-
ever, commonly found both in normal and hyper- dial layer. There are often amyloid deposits within
plastic glands as well as in adenomas [21, 22]. the walls of small vessels [25], and this should not
Amyloid is found in follicles and may have a lami- be taken as evidence for systemic disease. Most of
nated structure. Also, intracellular amyloid may the amyloid is extracellular, but intracellular
occur [23]. Parathyroid glands are often involved in deposits have also been found within cardiomyo-
systemic amyloidosis, but the distribution is differ- cytes [33, 34]. The amyloid never forms the large
ent with a major involvement of vessels. In appar- homogeneous deposits seen in many other bio-
ently normal parathyroid glands, the prevalence of chemical forms of amyloidosis and will be missed
localized amyloid increases with age and there is if special stains are not applied to sections.
no sex difference [21]. AANF amyloid is one of the most prevalent
The nature of the parathyroid amyloid is not senile types of amyloidosis and both prevalence
known, but the small parathyroid hormone (84 and severity increases with age [30]. The pub-
amino acid residues) may be a good candidate lished prevalence numbers vary and it has been
and labeling with antibodies against parathor- found in up to 90% in octogenarians [ 35 ] .
mone has been reported [22]. One has to be careful when examining atria
6 Localized Amyloidoses and Amyloidoses Associated with Aging Outside the Central Nervous System 87

Fig. 6.4 Typical appearance of AANF amyloid in cardiac atria (a) in ordinary light and (b) under polarized light

for AANF amyloid, since the atria are easily

overstained with Congo red or other amyloid
dyes. This fact probably explains some very
high prevalence numbers in the literature.
Atrial AANF amyloidosis is more common in
women than men and affects the left atrium more
commonly than the right [35, 36]. The pathogenesis
is unknown but increased expression of proANF
is most probably of importance, and the presence
of AANF amyloid deposits is particularly com-
mon in subjects with atrial fibrillation and in
patients undergoing mitral valve replacement
[35, 37, 38]. Whether or not the amyloid itself is
of pathogenic importance for the atrial fibrilla- Fig. 6.5 Adenohypophysis of an elderly individual.
Amyloid is a very common finding but may be difficult to
tion is unclear, but it is reasonable to believe that recognize due to its loose arrangement and weak affinity
the intra- and extracellular aggregates may influ- for Congo red. Partially crossed polars
ence electric impulse conduction.
From a practical point of view, AANF amyloid elongated, and thin streaks between capillaries
must be distinguished from deposits of systemic and epithelial cells [39] (Fig. 6.5). Intracellular
amyloidosis. Usually, the pure morphological cri- aggregates may also exist [23]. Age-related pitu-
teria are enough to make this distinction. If there is itary amyloid is a very common autopsy finding
any problem, immunohistochemical labeling with and, in Japanese material, it was found in more
antibodies against ANF (which are commercially than 90% of cases over 70 years of age [40].
available) may be applied and will solve the issue. Similar figures have been found by others.
By purification, amino acid sequence analysis
and further immunohistochemistry, the main
Pituitary Gland fibrillar protein was identified as being derived
from prolactin [41]. Prolactin, one of the major
Occurrence of small amyloid deposits in the pitu- pituitary hormones, is comprised of 198 amino
itary is a well-known phenomenon in association acid residues; there were no indications of cleaved
with aging and this amyloid belongs to the “clas- protein products in the amyloid.
sical” senile forms. The deposits are limited to Nothing is known regarding abnormalities
the adenohypophysis where they appear as small, associated with the formation of pituitary
88 P. Westermark

amyloid, nor there is any evidence of a functional stroma [48]. It is possible that such tumors
consequence. produce an aberrant peptide.

Medullary Carcinoma of the Thyroid

Amyloid at Sites of Insulin Injection Medullary thyroid carcinoma is a tumor derived
from the calcitonin-producing C cells. It consti-
As was demonstrated in the 1940s, by repeated tutes about 5% of the thyroid carcinomas.
heating and freezing, insulin can easily be con- Deposition of amyloid in the stroma is a fairly
verted into amyloid-like fibrils in vitro [42]. In typical finding, was seen in 82% of tumors in a
later years, there has been an increasing number large series of medullary carcinomas [49], and is
of reports showing that amyloid may develop at one of the useful markers for this carcinoma.
the sites of repeated subcutaneous insulin injec- There may be conspicuous amounts of amyloid
tion [43–46]. Initially this was believed to be due in some tumors (Fig. 6.6). Fine needle aspiration
to the use of foreign insulin (porcine or bovine), biopsies stained with Congo red may assist in the
but nowadays only human insulin is used. The diagnosis of medullary thyroid carcinoma.
amyloid appears as subcutaneous nodules, which Analysis of the fibrils in one medullary carci-
may become quite large. Histological examina- noma showed procalcitonin as the main protein
tion reveals amyloid masses with a typical Congo [50]. Studies by others have revealed only
red staining reaction. Sometimes, foreign body mature calcitonin [51]. Antibodies against the
giant cells may be present. A correct diagnosis hormone can be used to label this amyloid
can be obtained by immunohistochemistry. form. Calcitonin-derived amyloid has only been
It is important to think about the possibility of described in tumors.
iatrogenic insulin amyloid when there are local- Interestingly, two different studies, analyzing
ized deposits subcutaneously in the abdomen. large series, have shown that medullary thyroid
Putatively, this kind of amyloidosis may be a carcinomas with amyloid have a better prognosis
pitfall since it may easily be mistaken for a mani- than tumors without [52, 53]. A possible reason is
festation of systemic amyloidosis, particularly that aggregated calcitonin, either as oligomeric
since the abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue aggregates or as mature fibrils, exert a toxic effect
is a commonly used site for the diagnosis of on tumor cells and, thereby, kill them [54]. If this
systemic disease. Alternatively, due to it nodular is the case, the same thing should be true of
appearance, the insulin amyloid may be mistaken other tumors with amyloid as well, e.g., insulino-
for a localized AL amyloidosis. mas, but no such studies seem to have been

Amyloid in Endocrine Tumors Insulinoma of the Pancreas

Insulinomas are derived from islet beta cells and
“Amyloid stroma” is a typical finding in some typically produce insulin as well as other beta
kinds of polypeptide hormone-producing tumors. cell peptides, including the amyloidogenic IAPP.
An analysis of well-characterized endocrine In a study of 12 insulinomas, 7 had amyloid
tumors showed that certain hormone-producing deposits, some large amounts [47]. IAPP was
cells are associated with amyloid, particularly originally purified from the amyloid of an amy-
those giving rise to C-cell tumor medullary carci- loid-rich insulin-producing tumor [16, 55]. A very
noma of the thyroid and insulinoma of the pan- large insulinoma, in 70% consisting of amyloid,
creas [47]. Other endocrine tumors may also has been described [56].
contain amyloid, and it is possible that there are Similar to the amyloid in the islets of Langerhans,
other hormones that are amyloid-forming in the amyloid found in insulinomas consists of
addition to those presently known. In addition, IAPP (Fig. 6.7). It is not clear whether proIAPP is
there are occasional reports on tumors without an important ingredient in some cases. Aggregated
known endocrine activity that have an amyloid IAPP in a preamyloid form is toxic against cells
6 Localized Amyloidoses and Amyloidoses Associated with Aging Outside the Central Nervous System 89

Fig. 6.6 Lymph node metastasis of a medullary carcinoma, rich in amyloid. (a) Congo red in ordinary light, (b) the
same field between crossed polars, and (c) is a close-up showing tumor cells in close contact with amyloid

of diabetes, putatively dependent upon the effects

of IAPP on islet release of insulin [57].

Pituitary Adenoma
There is an unusually large number of case reports
on amyloid in pituitary adenomas. One reason
may be that the amyloid sometimes forms fairly
large globules (or spheroids), which are easily
seen already in routine sections [58, 59]. Most
commonly, amyloid (with globules) is reported in
prolactinomas [59–61] but it has also been
described in adenomas producing growth hor-
Fig. 6.7 Amyloid-rich insulinoma, immunolabeled with mone [62] and melanocorticotropin [63].
antibodies against IAPP. The amyloid (arrows) is strongly
IAPP positive, while tumor cells vary in their reaction
with the antibody Localized Amyloid Deposits
in the Skin
in vitro. It is therefore possible that the formation
of amyloid is of benefit to the patient. However, an The skin is one of the principal sites for localized
elevated production of IAPP from a malignant AL amyloidosis, described above, but other forms
insulinoma was associated with the development of amyloid deposits are even more common.
90 P. Westermark

cells, unless there are secondary changes due to

scratching. LA and MA are closely related and
are sometimes seen in the same patient where
they are then referred to as “biphasic amyloido-
sis.” Both types tend to run a chronic course and
generate an intractable pruritus.
In addition to LA and MA, there are other very
rare clinical forms of localized subepidermal
amyloidosis, sometimes with the appearance of
Morphological studies on the origin of the
amyloid have indicated a close relationship
between the basal cell layer and the amyloid
Fig. 6.8 MA stained with H&E. Amyloid (arrows)
appears as small, often sharply demarcated corpuscles.
fibrils, strongly indicating a keratinocyte origin
Note the many melanophages, a typical feature of lichen of the fibril protein [65]. A direct secretory mech-
amyloidosus and MA anism has been suggested from electron micro-
scopic findings [66, 67] as an alternative to the
possibility that the amyloid derives from degen-
Small, or sometimes very small, amyloid depos- erative keratinocytes [68]. Most studies on the
its occur subepidermally in the two related and, biochemical nature of the fibrils in LA and MA
most probably, biochemically identical amyloid have been performed by the application of anti-
forms, lichen amyloidosus (LA) and macular bodies against known proteins. These studies
amyloidosis (MA). LA appears as slightly ele- have repeatedly reported reactions with antibod-
vated, irregular papules or plaques, often affect- ies against basic keratin variants, and CK5 anti-
ing the shins, but it may also appear elsewhere. bodies have been suggested for diagnostic work
Amyloid is seen as irregular, small masses in the [69]. A pathogenesis involving processing of
papillary dermis. Very often the amyloid is seen keratin from apoptotic keratinocytes has also
to contain a number of macrophages with been suggested [70]. It should be pointed out that
engulfed melanin (melanophages) (Fig. 6.8). definitive elucidation of the nature of the fibril
There is no amyloid in the reticular dermis or in protein would require direct biochemical charac-
the walls of blood vessels. Transepidermal elimi- terization, which has so far not been reported.
nation of amyloid may occur [64]. The deposits This protein is, therefore, not yet included in the
are moderately Congophilic. MA appears as list of known amyloid fibril proteins.
irregular areas with a rippled hyperpigmentation, LA and MA are relatively rare in the Western
and is most commonly encountered on the upper world but are more prevalent in Southeast Asia
back, between the shoulder blades or over one of and in South America. It has been repeatedly
them. In this form, the amyloid is sometimes so suggested that LA and MA may be induced by
scanty that the deposits are difficult to see, par- long-term scratching, particularly with a nylon
ticularly, since their affinity for Congo red is towel or brush. This may be doubtful since these
weak and green birefringence is difficult to dem- conditions sometimes do not produce itching.
onstrate. Staining methods other than Congo red There is often a family history and also a connec-
are therefore often used, e.g., the fluorescent dye tion between LA and multiple endocrine neopla-
thioflavin S (or T). In Japan, the dye Pagoda red sia syndrome 2A has been established [71, 72].
(Dylon, Japan) is often used, although its proper- The mutated gene is RET located on chromo-
ties, when complexed with amyloid, are less well some 10. A linkage study in Chinese families
known than Congo red. Also, in MA, melano- with LA and/or MA has indicated a locus on
phages are quite typical and are of help for diag- chromosome 1 [73]. A number of families with
nosis. There are usually no other inflammatory LA and mutations in the interleukin-31 receptor
6 Localized Amyloidoses and Amyloidoses Associated with Aging Outside the Central Nervous System 91

tumor stroma and is, in most cases, scant but

tumors with more pronounced amyloid infiltration
do occur. The affinity for Congo red is relatively
weak in most cases.
In actinic keratosis and Bowen’s disease
amyloid is commonly found in the papillary der-
mis [80] where the deposits resemble those found
in MA. Also, some other skin lesions, such as
porokeratosis, may demonstrate similar amyloid
deposits [81].
The nature of the amyloid fibril protein is not
known, but it is probably the same in all of these
tumors. It has hitherto been believed that it is a
Fig. 6.9 Amyloid in a basal cell carcinoma. Congo red
with partially crossed polars
keratinocyte protein and keratin has been sus-
pected from immunohistochemical results [82];
however, direct biochemical characterization is
protein genes have been described [74]. still lacking.
Interleukin-31 is involved in the genesis of itch-
ing, but the precise connection between muta-
tions in this gene and the pathogenesis of amyloid Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic
is still unknown. Tumor
MA belongs to a group of related conditions
which, in addition, include notalgia paresthetica Calcifying epithelial odontogenic (Pindborg)
and macular posterior pigmentary incontinence tumor is a rare mandibular or maxillar benign
(also called “posterior pigmented pruritic patch”) neoplasm that typically contains amyloid deposits
[75]. These latter conditions have similarities in in association with the tumor cells [83]. Analysis
symptoms and clinical appearance but lack amy- of the purified main protein revealed a previously
loid. Interestingly, macular posterior pigmentary unknown sequence, showing that the amyloid is
incontinence (without amyloid) was present in unique [84]. The 264-amino acid residue protein
several members of a kindred with multiple endo- has been given the name “odontogenic amelo-
crine neoplasia syndrome 2A [76]. blast-associated protein” and the amyloid protein,
therefore, AOaap. OAAP is believed to be impor-
tant in odontogenesis and, remarkably, small
Amyloid in Skin Tumors amyloid deposits of AOaap can be found in
unerupted tooth follicles [85]. OAAP is expressed
Small amyloid deposits are exceedingly common in other tissues as well but is not known to form
in certain skin tumors, particularly basal cell carci- amyloid deposits, and has been suggested as a
nomas, and in precancerous lesions such as actinic breast cancer biomarker [86].
keratosis and Bowen’s disease. In a Swedish study
of 260 basal cell carcinomas, Olsen and Westermark
found amyloid in 75% of tumors [77], while Looi Senile Systemic Amyloidosis
found 66% with amyloid in a sections of tumors and Peripheral Vascular Amyloid
with different ethnic origins [78]. Those of the
nodular type, particularly, develop amyloid [77, 79] Senile Systemic Amyloidosis
(Fig. 6.9). Basal cell papillomas (seborrheic
keratosis) also often contain amyloid, but some- SSA is a systemic amyloid variant that is included
what less frequently [77]. Amyloid may also occur in this chapter since it was, in the past, often
in other skin tumors. The amyloid is situated in the called senile cardiac amyloidosis, indicating a
92 P. Westermark

Fig. 6.10 Senile systemic amyloidosis. (a) Shows a cardiac In (c), immunoreactive amyloid (arrow) is demonstrated in
section with moderate amounts of amyloid immunolabeled subcutaneous adipose tissue. Vascular amyloid deposits
with antibodies against a transthyretin-derived polypeptide. (arrows), as a sign of senile systemic amyloidosis is a not
(b) Shows a lung section labeled with the same antibodies. uncommon finding in prostate samples (d)

localized form [87]. This misinterpretation and, typically, the diagnosis is established after
depended on the fact that, when pronounced, the endomyocardial biopsies on a patient with unex-
cardiac deposits are strongly predominating plained cardiomyopathy and enlarged heart [87].
(Fig. 6.10a) although there is a more general arte- The biochemical nature of the amyloidosis may
rial occurrence of amyloid, as well as deposits in be obtained by immunohistochemistry or by
many other organs [88]. Particularly in the lungs, Western blot on an extract of amyloid-containing
there may be quite widely dispersed amyloidosis, tissue, e.g., subcutaneous adipose tissue [92]
which often has a typical appearance of small (Fig. 6.10c) or prostate (Fig. 6.10d).
nodules in alveolar vessels [88, 89] (Fig. 6.10b). The amyloid fibril protein in SSA is a wild-
There are very often fairly large amounts of amy- type transthyretin [26]. Although full length pro-
loid in the renal medulla, particularly the papil- tein is present in the amyloid, fragments
lae, while the glomeruli are spared [90]. When predominate [93]. These N-terminally truncated
the disease gives rise to clinical symptoms, these transthyretin fragments start at positions 46, 49,
are usually cardiac although carpal tunnel syn- and 52 [26, 94].
drome may be the first manifestation, depending The appearance of the deposits in the myocar-
on deposition of amyloid in the tissue around the dium is often quite typical. When the amyloid is
median nerve [91]. When pronounced, the car- sparse and probably nonsymptomatic, small but
diac amyloid causes a restrictive cardiomyopathy distinctive amyloid spots appear between muscle
6 Localized Amyloidoses and Amyloidoses Associated with Aging Outside the Central Nervous System 93

common outside the brain and are of a different

biochemical nature. Typically, segments of ves-
sels, mainly small arteries, have pronounced
amyloid deposits, replacing most or the whole of
the media layer. Such deposits are most com-
monly parts of a systemic amyloidosis rather than
tissue limited.
There are amyloid forms that may be found in
different sites in the body but are limited to the
vascular walls. In a way, these forms fall between
the systemic and localized amyloids but, for prac-
tical reasons, they are generally classified as local-
ized. At least the most common of them, AMed
Fig. 6.11 Cross section of a heart from a patient with
severe senile systemic amyloidosis. The heart is evenly
amyloid, has a fibril protein, which is synthesized
infiltrated with amyloid at the place of deposition, similar to other localized
amyloid types. Amyloid appearing in atheroscle-
rotic plaques may be an exception, in that the fibril
cells (Fig. 6.10a). These spots tend to increase in protein might be derived from the blood plasma.
size and number, and may finally coalesce into Faint deposits of amyloid in arteries, particu-
more diffuse amyloid infiltration. The conduction larly the aorta and associated with aging, have
system is relatively spared [95] which may be an been known for a long time. With the introduc-
important difference from Swedish ATTRV30M tion of immunohistochemistry, it was found that
amyloidosis [96, 97]. The amyloid seems to be the aging aorta is the target of three common and
strictly extracellular, in contrast to some other biochemically distinct forms of amyloid, which
forms, including familial ATTRV30M amyloido- form deposits principally in the adventitia, media,
sis where some amyloid may be seen intracellu- or intima [102]. The adventitial deposits were
larly [94]. found to be a manifestation of SSA (wild-type
SSA is by far the most common form of sys- transthyretin derived), while the two others were
temic amyloidosis, found in 25% of individuals confined to the vessel walls.
above the age of 80 [32] and 37% above the age
of 85 [98]. In most cases, there are only small,
but sometimes widely spread, vascular deposits; Medin (AMed) Amyloid
however, in some individuals, mostly men, a
severe disease may develop (Fig. 6.11). Earlier, Localized amyloid of the medial layer of the aorta
SSA was almost only diagnosed at autopsy [95] and, to some degree, of some other large arteries,
but its diagnosis during life is now increasingly is probably the most common of all human amy-
common. It is also evident that the disease is not loid forms [32, 103, 104]. It is most prevalent in
restricted to the very old; in quite a few cases, the the thoracic aorta and, to a lesser extent, in the
cardiomyopathy has been found in patients in abdominal part [105]. Small deposits are com-
their 60s. Distinction of this entity from systemic monly seen in other large arteries [105], particu-
AL amyloidosis is important since SSA usually larly the temporal artery where amyloid deposits
runs a much more slowly progressive course form along the internal elastic lamina [106, 107].
[99–101] and is treated differently. It may be found as small deposits in major cere-
bral arteries [105]. In aortic sections, the amyloid
Aorta and Other Arteries occurs as many small discrete patches, commonly
Congophilic angiopathy is a well-known, usu- associated with elastic membranes but also, evi-
ally Ab-derived, cerebral, amyloid form but dently, within smooth muscle cells (Fig. 6.12).
amyloid deposits restricted to vessels are also The amyloid is somewhat faintly stained with
94 P. Westermark

macrophages, endothelial cells, and breast epi-

thelium. In fact, the protein was discovered as a
milk component.
The importance of AMed amyloid is not clear.
Given its very high prevalence in aging, it has
been regarded as innocent. However, it has not
been ruled out that aggregated AMed is pathogen-
ically important in certain conditions. AMed amy-
loid is very commonly seen associated with the
internal elastic membrane of the temporal artery, a
site where inflammation seems to start at giant-
cell arteritis. It has therefore been suggested that
medin or lactadherin act as autoantigens in this
Fig. 6.12 Medin-derived amyloid in the aortic media of
an elderly subject. This is an extremely common finding.
disorder [107]. It can be noted that the rare giant
Note that some amyloid seems to be intracellular. Congo cell aortitis affects the thoracic aorta, the segment
red stain, viewed in ordinary light with most AMed amyloid [115]. Aggregated
medin is toxic to smooth muscle cells and may be
involved in the pathogenesis of thoracic aortic
Congo red and may be seen most easily with aneurysm and dissection, either as mature fibrils
partially crossed polarizers, which results in or as prefibrillar aggregates [116]. In these disor-
an increased red color. The green birefringence ders, there is a loss of smooth muscle cells [117].
is evident but weak. Above the age of 50–60
years, amyloid deposits in the thoracic aortic
media are seen to a varying degree in everyone Amyloid in Atherosclerotic Plaques
virtually [102]. and Cardiac Valves
The amyloid protein in localized amyloid of
the arterial media is a 50-amino acid residue pep- Localized amyloid deposits are common in
tide called medin [108] and the amyloid is, there- advanced atherosclerotic lesions [102]. In partic-
fore, termed AMed amyloidosis [109]. It is an ular, strongly Congophilic amyloid material is
internal fragment of the 364-amino acid residue seen close to calcifications, but more diffuse and
glycoprotein lactadherin, also called BA46 or faintly stainable amyloid may occur in necrotic
milk fat globule-EGF factor 8. Lactadherin has parts of the plaques (Fig. 6.13). In a study of 63
amino acid sequence similarity with coagulation patients over the age of 50, this kind of amyloid
factors 5 and 8 and has an integrin binding site at was found in 35% of cases [102].
the N-terminal sequence. Lactadherin is a multi- In one patient with a large amount of material,
functional protein with roles that include protec- from which it was possible to purify the main
tion against rotavirus infection [110, 111] and the protein, the amyloid fibril protein was found to
ability to promote phagocytosis of apoptotic cells be derived from apolipoprotein A-I [118]. It is
[112]. Lactadherin may compete with the coagu- possible that there are other components as well
lation factors mentioned above and, thereby, since antibodies against apolipoprotein A-I only
inhibit coagulation [113]. There is evidence that partially label the amyloid. This form of amyloi-
it also acts as a linker protein between elastic dosis may be an exception from the rule that the
laminae and smooth muscle cells [114]. The amyloid protein in localized amyloid is synthe-
medin domain is important in this latter function. sized at the site of deposition. It should be stressed
It is not known whether the cleavage of lactad- that systemic amyloid, at least when derived from
herin to yield medin is physiological and no nor- the fibrinogen a-chain, may be deposited in
mal function for medin has so far been described. atheromatous plaques [119].
Lactadherin is expressed by a number of cells in Amyloid deposits of the same appearance and
addition to smooth muscle cells. These include with a close association to calcifications are also
6 Localized Amyloidoses and Amyloidoses Associated with Aging Outside the Central Nervous System 95

Fig. 6.13 Complicated atherosclerotic plaque in the Fig. 6.14 Typical appearance of amyloid in a seminal
aorta. Amyloid appears both as strongly stainable parti- vesicle. The amyloid is subepithelial while the epithelium
cles (thick arrow) and as more diffuse and weakly stained was desquamated (autopsy specimen). Section immunola-
material (thin arrows) beled with antibodies against the fibril protein ASemI

very commonly found in surgically removed The amyloid fibril protein was found to be a
heart valves, particularly the aortic valve [120, 14-kDa product of seminal vesicle epithelial cells
121]. A biochemical identity is supported by anti- [126], and amino acid sequence analysis identi-
genic studies [122]. fied it as being derived from the larger (52 kDa)
The importance of the amyloid in the athero- semenogelin I [127], which is one of the main epi-
sclerotic intima and in the cardiac valves is thelial secretory proteins produced by the vesicles.
unknown. However, it cannot be ruled out that The expression of this protein is restricted to the
aggregated amyloid proteins are important in the vesicles, explaining the localized character of this
pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. form of amyloid. The subepithelial position of the
amyloid may seem surprising given the origin of
an exocrine protein, but reabsorption of secreted
Amyloid in the Seminal Vesicles protein with retrograde transepithelial transport
has been described in the seminal vesicles [128].
Amyloid deposits, often quite pronounced, are The importance of the amyloid is unknown,
common in the seminal vesicles in association but hemospermia has been described in several
with aging. It is a typical “senile” form, rare cases [129, 130]. Given the ability of amyloid or
before the age of 50 but then occurring in preamyloid aggregates to induce apoptosis, a
increased prevalence to about 20% after the protection against spreading of prostatic carci-
age of 75 [123]. It is a fairly common finding noma was hypothesized. No such effect was
in association with radical prostatectomy speci- found, however [131]. For the general patholo-
mens [124]. The abnormality is almost always gist, it is most important to know that the deposits
bilateral [123] and also involves the vasa def- are not any part of a systemic amyloidosis.
erentia and ejaculatory ducts [124] but not
the epididymis or the prostate. The deposits
are typically subepithelial and can grow to Corneal Amyloid
considerable masses, thereby narrowing the
lumina [123] (Fig. 6.14). When pronounced, Familial systemic AGel amyloidosis (Finnish
deposits are also found intraluminally [125, type) is associated with lattice dystrophy of the
126]. There is no involvement of the muscle cornea [132]. In addition, there are a number of
layer and no amyloid is seen in the vessel walls, different corneal dystrophy conditions in which
which may help to distinguish it from systemic abnormal material is deposited at different sites
amyloidosis. in the cornea and this abnormal material may
96 P. Westermark

contain small amyloid aggregates without any layer and the stroma but can also be seen close to
systemic involvement [133]. Lattice dystrophies the Descemet’s membrane. At least in the gelati-
are characterized by irregular, branching lines, nous drop-like conditions, amyloid may affect
detectable at slit lamp examination, while gelati- the Bowman’s membrane and the overlying epi-
nous drop-like corneal dystrophy appears as mul- thelium. Amyloid has not been found elsewhere
berry-like, protruding, subepithelial depositions in the eye.
[134]. There are also granular forms of corneal
dystrophy and all forms may lead to gradual visual
impairment. Most types of corneal dystrophy with Amyloid in Joints, Ligaments,
amyloid are familial and dominantly inherited. and Tendons
Sporadic, local corneal amyloid deposits may also
develop as a result of a variety of lesions, includ- The involvement of joints in systemic amyloi-
ing repeated trauma, e.g., trichiasis [135]. doses, particularly of the Ab2M-type, is well
Several of the familial corneal dystrophies known, but the localized amyloid in joints, ten-
have been shown to be associated with mutations dons, ligaments, and cartilage is much more com-
in the gene for keratoepithelin [also called trans- mon and underappreciated. These deposits are
forming growth factor-beta-induced protein ig-h3 hardly visible without special stains. In particu-
or RGD-containing collagen-associated protein lar, the hip joints, knee joints, invertebral discs,
tumor-associated calcium signal transducer 2 and ligamentum flavum have been studied.
(TACSTD2)] [136]. This is a 660-amino acid Analysis of autopsy materials from the hip [142]
residue adhesion protein that is highly expressed and knee [143] joints as well as the intervertebral
by the corneal epithelium [137]. C-terminal frag- (Fig. 6.15) and sternoclavicular discs [144, 145]
ments of keratoepithelin have been extracted revealed a surprisingly high prevalence of amy-
from corneal amyloid [138], and amyloid may loid; in the case of knee joints, it was found in
label immunohistochemically with antibodies 93% of cases. Small amyloid deposits occurred in
against this region [138]. The amyloid in gelati- the fibrous tissue, in the synovia, and also in the
nous drop-like corneal dystrophy is of a different cartilage. In the synovia, a thin amyloid layer can
nature and a number of mutations have been occur just beneath the synovial cell layer. Given
identified in the gene for TACSTD2 [139], which the high prevalence at autopsy, it is not surprising
is a 323-amino acid residue cell surface receptor that amyloid deposits may be found in surgical
[140]. Also, lactoferrin has been identified in cor- materials from the same locations [146–149] as
neal amyloid [141]. well as other sites [150].
Amyloid may appear at different levels of the Analysis of amyloid from meniscus revealed
cornea. Deposits may involve the subepithelial apolipoprotein A-I as a major fibril protein [151].

Fig. 6.15 Amyloid deposits in a degeneratively altered vertebral disc. At least some of the amyloid is of transthyretin
origin. (a) Congo red in ordinary light and (b) between crossed polars
6 Localized Amyloidoses and Amyloidoses Associated with Aging Outside the Central Nervous System 97

In another study, amyloid in surgical material As with many of the “senile” forms of local-
associated with rotator cuff tears and lumbar ized amyloid, the possible pathogenic importance
canal stenosis showed immunoreaction with anti- of the deposits in joints, ligaments, and tendons is
bodies against transthyretin [152, 153]. Gene unknown. As with the other forms, it is not impos-
analysis showed no mutation. Likewise, several sible that the protein aggregates exert some form
communications have described the analysis of of toxic effect on cells and thereby participate in
amyloid-containing material removed during sur- degenerative processes.
gery for carpal tunnel syndrome in the elderly;
these studies also demonstrated the wild-type ori-
gin of the amyloid [91, 153]. Wild-type transthy- Additional Localized Aggregates
retin is the fibril protein found in SSA, which with Amyloid Properties
may be associated with carpal tunnel syndrome
as the presenting symptom [154]. SSA is very Fibrillar intracellular aggregates with amyloid
common in the elderly, and systemic deposits staining properties occur in some cells outside the
may be quite sparse. Therefore, at present, it is central nervous system. In addition to the epithe-
not possible to determine whether the transthyre- lial cells in the choroid plexus, such fibrils have
tin deposits, commonly found in joints and liga- been described in the adrenal cortex [155]
ments, constitute a localized form of amyloidosis (Fig. 6.16a) and in Sertoli cells [23]. The biochem-
or are part of a systemic disease. ical characteristics of the proteins are not known.

Fig. 6.16 (a) Small intracellular aggregates, with amyloid properties, in the adrenal cortex. (b) Examples of corpora
amylacea in the lung (b) and prostate (c, d). Congo red with crossed polars in (b, d), and H&E in (c)
98 P. Westermark

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Cerebrovascular Amyloidoses
John M. Lee and Maria M. Picken

Amyloid b • AbPP • Cerebral amyloid angiopathy • Lobar hemorrhages
• Dementia • Pathology

instances, localized to the brain and its coverings

Introduction but conversely, systemic amyloidoses, with some
exceptions, are largely extracerebral because of
Amyloidoses are protein conformational disor-
the blood–brain barrier. This chapter contains a
ders that lead to aggregation and formation of
brief overview of CNS amyloidoses.
insoluble fibrils with a b-pleated sheet structure.
In Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most preva-
The latter is responsible for their physicochemi-
lent of the cerebral amyloidoses, there is forma-
cal properties and staining characteristics, most
tion of plaques in the neuropil and deposition of
notably their fibrillary ultrastructure and affinity
amyloid in small- and medium-sized blood ves-
to Congo red stain. Among the many proteins
sels. The deposits are derived from the amyloid b
that can undergo fibrillogenesis, only a subset is
precursor protein (AbPP). Two types of plaques
known to cause amyloid deposition within the
are distinguished: neuritic and diffuse. Neuritic
central nervous system (CNS) (Table 7.1).
plaques consist of an amyloid b protein core
Deposition of amyloid in the CNS leads to cogni-
(which is Congo red positive) and neurites which
tive decline, dementia, stroke, or a combination
are tau protein positive. Diffuse plaques consist
of these. CNS amyloid deposition is, in most
of amorphous deposits of b protein, which are
generally negative for Congo red and no tau pro-
J.M. Lee, M.D., Ph.D. tein is detected. Interestingly, in the CNS, several
Department of Pathology, Loyola University
intracellular inclusions also possess at least some
Medical Center, LUMC Tissue Repository,
Bldg#110, Rm#2242, 2160 S. First Avenue, of the properties of amyloid. Among them, the
Maywood, IL 60153, USA neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) have fibrillar struc-
e-mail: jlee2@lumc.edu ture and Congo red affinity with birefringence
M.M. Picken, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.S.N. (*) under polarized light. Although AD is the most
Department of Pathology, Loyola University prevalent among the cerebral amyloidoses, sev-
Medical Center, Bldg#110, Rm#2242, 2160 S.
eral other amyloidoses are also found in the CNS
First Avenue, Loyola University Chicago,
IL 60153, USA including deposits derived from prion protein,
e-mail: mpicken@lumc.edu; mmpicken@aol.com cystatin C, and ABriPP. In rare patients with

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 105
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_7,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
106 J.M. Lee and M.M. Picken

Table 7.1 CNS amyloidoses: Summary

Type Pathology Genetics Clinical
Ab Diffuse plaques Down’s Dementia
Neuritic plaques/NFTs AbPP Swe690/691
CAA (mild) AbPP V717
Ab CAA (severe) AbPP Lobar hemorrhages, ± dementia
Dutch mutations
BR12 Plaques, NFTs, CAA BR12 gene Dementia
chromosome 13
Prions Plaques/spongiform changes sCJD Rapid dementia, ± ataxia, cortical
fCJD blindness
TTR Leptomeningeal CAA Transthyretin gene mutations Seizures, hemorrhages, ± dementia
chromosome 18
Gelsolin CAA, colocalizes with Lewy Gelsolin gene mutations Lattice corneal dystrophy, cranial
bodies Chromosome 9 and peripheral neuropathy
Cystatin C CAA can be colocalized in Ab Icelandic mutation Lobar hemorrhages
plaques of AD (wild type)
AL Amyloidoma, lepomeningeal Sporadic type Tumor-like lesions, focal
CAA hemorrhages
AD Alzheimer’s disease, Ab amyloid b, TTR tranthyretin, AL light chain amyloid, BR12 British amyloid protein, CAA
cerebral amyloid angiopathy, AbPP amyloid b precursor protein, sCJD sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, fCJD
familial Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, vCJD variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease

familial transthyretin (TTR) or familial Finnish medium-sized blood vessels, resulting in cerebral
amyloidosis, a meningovascular and oculolep- amyloid angiopathy (CAA) [1]. However, CAA
tomeningeal amyloidosis may develop, derived may occur in the absence of AD pathology (see
from mutants of the TTR and gelsolin genes, section below; [1]). Interestingly, here is an
respectively. increase in Ab deposition, in individuals that
have one or more copies of the APOe4 allele, in
Down’s syndrome, and in familial variants of AD
Amyloid-Associated leading to early dementia. Mutations in the AbPP
Neurodegenerative Diseases protein lead to the Swedish familial variants of
AD that are associated with a double mutation
There are a number of neurodegenerative dis- adjacent to the b-amyloid secretase (BACE)
eases that can lead to amyloid deposition in the cleavage site in the N terminus of Ab. Another
brain. The most common of these is AD, where group of familial variants of AD involves the
both diffuse and neuritic plaques are deposited V717 mutations, adjacent to presenilin (or
in the brain parenchyma (Fig. 7.1). The plaques g-secretase) sites near the C terminus of the Ab
consist of extracellular deposits of Ab-amyloid moiety. Interestingly, in Down’s syndrome indi-
protein 1-40/42, a cleavage product of the AbPP, viduals, it was found that the initial Ab fibril for-
coded for on chromosome 21. The age-related mation begins intracellularly before the formation
neuritic core amyloid plaque counts found in the of extracellular plaques.
brain are the basis for a pathologic diagnosis of In addition to amyloid plaque deposition,
AD. The presence of a few neuritic plaques in an intracellular NFTs, which are positive for tau pro-
individual 80 or 90 years of age, without dementia, tein, and/or cortical Lewy bodies made of a-synu-
may be considered to be an age-related change clein are also found. Both of these proteins are
but, in a 40-year-old individual, they may considered amyloidogenic proteins. In fact,
represent early onset and/or familial AD. In gelsolin, another CNS amyloidogenic protein,
AD, in addition to amyloid plaques in the neu- has been found to colocalize with both brain stem
ropil, amyloid deposition occurs in small- and and cortical Lewy bodies [2].
7 Cerebrovascular Amyloidoses 107

Fig. 7.1 (a) (Upper row, left column, high magnification) nification) Neocortical diffuse amyloid plaque.
Neocortical amyloid core (neuritic) plaque. H&E stain. Bielschowsky silver stain (shown). These plaques contain
(b) (Lower row, left column) Amyloid plaque, Congo red pre-amyloidotic deposits of b protein that are detectable
stain, bright field. (c) (Upper right column, high magnifi- by immunohistochemistry (not shown). The deposits are
cation) Neocortical amyloid neuritic plaque, Bielschowsky silver positive (shown) but Congo red negative (not
silver stain. (d) (Lower row, right column, medium mag- shown)

Postmortem brain sections, taken to make a sections show classic Lewy bodies in the sub-
diagnosis of AD, typically include the follow- stantia nigra pars compacta and neocortical tan-
ing: frontal cortex, temporal cortex, hippocam- gles are not readily found. Other special studies
pus, entorhinal cortex, and the midbrain [3, 4]. that can be performed include tau paired helical
The latter is necessary for distinction between filament (PHF1) staining for NFT and neuritic
AD and the neurodegenerative “overlap” syn- changes.
dromes, including Parkinson’s disease and the In addition to AD, prion diseases can also be
Lewy body variant of AD. The routine stains amyloidogenic in the CNS. These include
used are H & E and modified Bielschowsky sil- Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD), of both the
ver stain. Silver stains are used to determine a sporadic and familial forms, as well as variant
semiquantitative age-related plaque score to CJD, which is related to bovine spongiform
indicate definite AD, possible AD, probable AD, encephalopathy. Autopsy precautions are neces-
and/or no AD [3–9]. Congo red stains of cortical sary [10] and cases in the USA should be reported
sections can be performed for the assessment of and sent to the National Prion Disease Surveillance
CAA. a-Synuclein stains of cortical sections can Center at Case Western Reserve University
also be performed for the determination of the (Sponsored by the American Association of
extent of cortical Lewy bodies, if the midbrain Neuropathologists, AANP).
108 J.M. Lee and M.M. Picken

A recently discovered form of CNS amyloido- temporal and occipital lobes) and mild. CAA in
sis, called familial British dementia (FBD) or AD, or aging, is predominantly caused by depo-
familial Danish dementia (FDD), has been found sition of the Ab40 isoform in the vessels
and is caused by mutations in the BR12 protein (Fig. 7.2). Therefore, the ratio of Ab40 to Ab42
gene located on chromosome 13 [11]. In FBD, the levels is a major determinant of the extent and
pathology is somewhat similar to classic AD, severity of CAA [1]. The V717I b-APP and pre-
where CAA and neurofibrillary pathology are senilin mutations, which primarily produce more
found, in addition to parenchymal amyloid deposi- Ab42 isoforms, lead to less severe CAA. There
tion. This is less so in FDD. An interesting finding are, however, specific mutations in the Ab pro-
is that there may be a role for wild-type BR12 pro- tein that can cause CAA almost exclusively, and
tein in the pathogenesis of AD itself since, in FDD lead to minimal parenchymal Ab deposition [1].
the amyloid deposition is associated with Ab [11]. These include the Dutch-type mutation of the Ab
sequence (E22Q Ab; HCHWA-D) and the Arctic
mutation in the APP sequence (E693G; APP) [1].
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Although there may be little parenchymal depo-
sition of amyloid, these individuals can still pres-
The most common form of CAA is found in con- ent with dementia and other cognitive deficits,
junction with AD [1, 12–14]. Although most secondary to vascular and neurofibrillary
cases of AD have CAA, it is usually focal (in the pathology.

Fig. 7.2 (a) (Upper row, left column, medium magnification) Individual neocortical vessel with CAA, H&E stain. (d)
Leptomeningeal CAA, H&E stain. (b) H&E (Upper row, (Lower row, right column, high magnification) Individual
right column, medium magnification) Neocortical CAA, neocortical vessel with CAA, Congo red stain viewed under
H&E stain. (c) (Lower row, left column, high magnification) polarized light with birefringence of amyloid deposits
7 Cerebrovascular Amyloidoses 109

In addition, a severe form of CAA results from b2-microglobulin), the affected areas of the brain
cystatin C (Icelandic) mutations [15], as well as are those regions that lack the blood–brain bar-
mutations that give rise to the FBD and familial rier [27]. These include the area postrema in the
Danish dementia (FDD) [1, 11]. Mutations in the floor of the fourth ventricle, the choroid plexus,
gelsolin protein gene can also lead to a severe the infundibulum of the hypothalamus, the pineal
CNS CAA [1, 16]. Numerous mutations in the gland, and the dura itself.
TTR protein (which usually causes a systemic
amyloidosis including involvement of peripheral
nerves and heart) can also lead to CNS CAA [17, Pituitary Amyloid
18]. The primary vessels involved are usually the
superficial leptomeningeal vessels (please see Amyloid deposition in the pituitary is associated
also Chap. 4, Fig. 4.2). In addition to the leptom- with aging or adenoma. In the former, the depos-
eninges, the eye can also have pathological depo- its are limited to the adenohypophysis while, in
sition of mutated TTR protein, where the amyloid the latter, amyloid may form fairly large globules
leads to vitreous opacity, keratoconjunctivitis, (or spheroids) (see Chap. 6 and Fig. 6.5 idem).
and/or glaucoma (see Chap. 4, Fig. 4.1). Patients
with amyloidosis derived from gelsolin (AGel)
can develop lattice corneal dystrophy, with amy- References
loid deposits within the stroma of the cornea (see
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Amyloidosis Berg L. The Consortium to establish a registry for
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chain amyloid (AL) deposition within the vessels Mirra SS, Davis PC, Tariot PN, Silverman JM, Clark
of the tumor itself [20]. In addition, CNS amy- CM, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Heyman A. Consortium to
establish a registry for Alzeimer’s disease (CERAD):
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be formed intraparenchymally and in the absence 96–109.
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or lambda light chain amyloid deposition in the cortex and CA1 field. Exp Neurol. 2005;193(1):
brain, particularly in the leptomeninges [26]. 198–206.
6. Galton CJ, Patterson K, Xuereb JH, Hodges JR.
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Systemic Amyloidosis and CNS and pathological study of 13 cases. Brain. 2000;123:
Involvement 484–98.
7. Hof PR, Vogt BA, Bouras C, Morrison JH. Atypical
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8. Mizutani T. Pathological diagnosis of Alzheimer-type Japan (1967–2010). Proc Jpn Acad. 2010;86:
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Part II
Non-amyloid Protein Deposits
Differential Diagnosis of Amyloid
in Surgical Pathology: Organized 8
Deposits and Other Materials
in the Differential Diagnosis
of Amyloidosis

Guillermo A. Herrera and Elba A. Turbat-Herrera

Amyloidosis • Pathology • Congo red stain • Thioflavin T stain • Electron
microscopy • Immunofluorescence • Immunohistochemistry • Organized
deposits • Fibrillary glomerulonephritis • Cryoglobulins • Hyalinosis
• Pathogenesis • Immunogold labeling

into specific entities increased, and reproducible

Introduction criteria were created.
In 1854, Virchow used a rather simple
The Diagnosis of Amyloidosis: A approach to diagnose amyloid. He coated the
Historical Account with Emphasis on unfixed affected organs with alcoholic iodine
Differentiating It from Other Diseases (Lugol solution) resulting in a mahogany brown
with Organized Deposits color that turned Prussian blue with the addition
of diluted sulfuric acid [1, 2]. This was akin to
Although there are comprehensive chapters in
how cellulose reacted and thus, he coined the
the book addressing the use of stains in the diag-
term amyloid (a term we have proudly kept) to
nosis of amyloidosis (indications, pitfalls, and
indicate that this material was starch-like.
expectations), a few historical events are worth-
Because of the fact that carbohydrate moieties in
while to recapitulate in this chapter to under-
amyloid are not the core material of amyloid
stand how the field has evolved over the years
fibers, not all amyloid stains with this method
and to gain a better understanding of how dis-
and some other materials that are not amyloid
eases with organized deposits were recognized
may stain. Although a crude diagnostic technique,
and characterized, as our ability to separate them
it was useful at the time and this began the quest
to begin to understand amyloid—totally unknown
disease at the time—and how to detect it prop-
G.A. Herrera, M.D. (*) erly. Friedrich and Kekule recognized that amy-
Nephrocor, Bostwick Laboratories,
loid was a proteinaceous material [3].
Orlando, FL 32809, USA
e-mail: gherrera@nephrocor.com; nephronpath@gmail.com It is very interesting that the identification of
Congo red as useful in the diagnosis of amyloido-
E.A. Turbat-Herrera, M.D.
Bostwick Laboratories, sis began, as not infrequently happens, with an
Orlando, FL 32809, USA astute observation by Bennhold in 1922 [4, 5].

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 113
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_8,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
114 G.A. Herrera and E.A. Turbat-Herrera

While using Congo red dye for measuring blood sections, but did not show Congo red positivity
volume in a patient, he realized that there was a [9]. The paper that ensued titled “Congo red-neg-
rapid loss of the dye. This patient was diagnosed ative amyloidosis-like glomerulopathy: Report
with amyloidosis at autopsy, and it was inferred of a case” initiated the new field of amyloid-like
that there was an attraction for Congo red to this organized deposits in renal biopsies. This manu-
patients’ tissues where the Congo red dye likely script was followed by other similar reports
disappeared. While this suspicion was confirmed, which clearly demonstrated that there were dif-
it took many adjustments to make the Congo red ferent types of amyloid-like deposits in renal
stain specific for amyloid detection in the histol- biopsies that needed to be carefully scrutinized
ogy laboratory. and properly characterized [10, 11]. In some
One of the helpful additions to make amyloid cases, the structured deposits had a microtubular,
detection using Congo red more specific was to rather than a fibrillary appearance and originally
introduce polarization of Congo red-stained tis- it was thought that the spectrum of these diseases
sue samples to confirm the presence of amyloid with Congo red negative deposits was quite broad
and rule out other non-amyloid material that may and encompassed entities such as immunotactoid
also bind to the dye. This was introduced by glomerulopathy [10–12]. As more work was
Divry and Florkins in 1927 who recognized that done, it was realized that that was not the case
apple green birefringence occurred when the and that Congo red negative structured deposits
Congo red-stained sections where polarized [6]. belong to more than one category of renal
Their observations also helped to realize that diseases.
amyloid had an internal structure and was not an One group of such renal disorders with non-
amorphous material as thought to be due to its amyloid structured deposits is represented by
light microscopic appearance. The Congo red cryoglobulinemic nephropathy. Cryoglobulinemia
stain procedure went through a series of improve- was first recognized in the early 1930s and in
ments during the next few years to help achieve 1974 were classified into different types by
specificity, reliability, and reproducibility. As a Brouet et al. in a classical manuscript [13]. The
result, the Puchtler’s alcoholic alkaline method to renal manifestations in cryoglobulinemic neph-
stain amyloid was established as the standard ropathy with the corresponding characterization
technique to detect amyloid in tissue sections and of the structured deposits characteristic of cryo-
is used in laboratories around the globe [7]. Other globulins were recognized in the late 1970s and
metachromatic stains where introduced to aid in refined in the 1980s and early 1990s. Since the
the detection of amyloid (i.e., crystal violet), but discovery of hepatitis C, most cases initially felt
these were of limited value due to their nonspeci- to represent idiopathic, or essential cryoglobu-
ficity for amyloid. However, other stains like linemia are now linked to this disease.
thioflavin T or S, also nonspecific for amyloid,
have retained significant applicability because of
their ability to highlight very small amyloid The Different Entities in the Kidney
deposits in situations when the Congo red stain and Extrarenal Manifestations
does not provide a definitive answer and are very Associated with Organized Deposits
easy to perform [8]. As is the case with all tech- and Other Amyloid Look-Alike
niques, there are expectations and pitfalls that Conditions
need to be carefully considered when making the
diagnosis of amyloidosis differentiating it from These diseases should be conceptualized as spe-
other organized deposits. cific clinicopathologic entities, not merely as
In 1977, Rosenman and Eliakim reported a pathologic entities, as their correct diagnosis is
patient with nephrotic syndrome who had a pecu- strengthened by the association with distinct clin-
liar material deposited in glomeruli that resem- ical correlates [12]. The diagnosis of most of
bled amyloid in the hematoxylin and eosin these diseases demands rather specific clinical
8 Differential Diagnosis of Amyloid in Surgical Pathology… 115

management and therapeutic interventions, and sis is simply the deposition of plasma proteins, as
conveys in some cases important genetic and they create a “hyaline” appearance in the hema-
prognostic data. Among the conditions included toxylin and eosin sections that could be confused
in this category of renal diseases are amyloidosis, with other organized deposits, most importantly
all types, fibrillary and immunotactoid, and cryo- amyloid. This is commonly seen in the vascula-
globulinemic nephropathies. Other conditions ture and probably represents one of the main
that need to be considered include sclerotic/ challenges in non-renal specimens [12]. While
hyalinized collagen and other hyaline deposits, books from 30 years ago would have listed only
most often vascular hyalinosis. amyloidosis and cryoglobulins as the only types
of organized deposits of any significance, the list
has grown considerably in more recent years fur-
The Nature of the Problem: ther complicating the differential diagnosis.
What Is in the Differential Diagnosis The characterization of these disorders can be
of Amyloidosis in the Kidney performed using a variety of approaches. Renal
and Other Organs? diseases with organized deposits are divided in
two categories by some: Congo red positive dis-
Our understanding of the diseases associated eases—encompassing all of the amyloidoses—
with organized deposits has advanced consider- and those that are Congo red negative. This
ably in the last 25 years. Criteria for diagnosis are approach should carefully consider pitfalls asso-
now reproducible and clinicians have a much ciated with Congo red staining, including the lack
clearer understanding of the implications of the of staining when the amounts of amyloid are
various disease processes for patients’ manage- small or, if staining occurs, it is difficult to obtain
ment, treatment, and prognosis. the apple green birefringence (a requirement to
One of the most challenging problems in renal make a definitive diagnosis of amyloidosis) by
pathology is the differential diagnosis of orga- polarizing the specimen. Another situation where
nized deposits. In a large renal practice, approxi- the Congo red stain is negative is in the so-called
mately 5–8% of all biopsies represent amyloidosis, preamyloidotic situations where the precursor
whereas all the other entities with organized amyloid protein can be detected, but the deposits
deposits together generally account for less than are Congo red negative [15]. An important point
1% of all biopsies, so this latter group of disorders to remember is that different amyloids bind to
is quite infrequent, bordering on rare [12, 14]. In Congo red with variable affinity resulting in dif-
some small nephropathology practices, a case ferent intensities of salmon pink staining. Tissue
with non-amyloid organized deposits may only congophilia can also be artifactual and not indic-
occur every 2–3 years or even less often. This of ative of amyloid deposits [16].
course creates a lack of familiarity with diagnos- Another popular way to conceptualize these
tic approaches and interpretation of findings. diseases is to separate them into those in which
Proper characterization of these determines spe- the deposits are composed of immunoglobulins,
cific disease entities with important clinical con- including truncated forms, and those that are not.
notations and dictates certain clinical approaches, With the exception of the category of non-AL
including therapies [12]. This problem can also amyloidosis, the majority of these disorders are
occur in virtually any other organ but much less immunoglobulin-related. To properly diagnose
commonly than in renal specimens. these conditions, electron microscopy is essential
Hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections alone in some instances [12, 17–19].
are unable to resolve the differential diagnosis, as The first and foremost manifestation of dis-
significant overlap in the appearances of the vari- eases with organized deposits in the kidneys is
ous organized deposits is the rule. They usually mesangial expansion. The deposits present in
present as eosinophilic amorphous (hyaline) these conditions are generally extracellular.
material. One very important differential diagno- Whether there is replacement of the normal
116 G.A. Herrera and E.A. Turbat-Herrera

Fig. 8.1 (a) Amyloidosis, fibrils. (b) Fibrillary glomeru- uted and non-branching. The only difference is that the
lonephritis, fibrils. (a, b) Transmission electron micros- diameter of the fibrils in amyloidosis generally ranges from
copy. Uranyl acetate and lead citrate. **AX8500, BX8500. 8 to 12 nm in diameter, whereas in fibrillary glomerulone-
In both conditions (a, b), the fibrils are randomly distrib- phritis they typically range from 15 to 25 nm in diameter

mesangial matrix or an increase of mesangial Fibrillary Glomerulonephritis

extracellular matrix proteins represents a good (Nephropathy)
starting point for the renal pathologist to approach Renal
the morphologic diagnosis of these disorders This entity, as previously mentioned, first recog-
[12]. Extracellular matrix proteins are generally nized in 1977 remains of uncertain etiology.
positive with the silver methenamine stain result- Alpers coined the term fibrillary glomerulone-
ing in an increase in mesangial argyrophilia. In phritis 10 years later to refer to this entity.
contrast, loss of mesangial silver positivity is Fibrillary glomerulonephritis is characterized by
associated with the presence of material that has the deposition of randomly disposed fibrils that
replaced the normal mesangial matrix [20] are Congo red, thioflavin T and S negative, and
(Fig. 8.1). Therefore, in the algorithmic approach are thicker than amyloid fibrils with a diameter
to the evaluation of these diseases, the silver stain generally ranging from 15 to 25 nm [21–24]
may play a crucial role in determining what diag- (Fig. 8.1b), thicker than those in amyloidosis
nostic pathway to follow to characterize the dis- (Fig. 8.1a). The fibrils are not only predominantly
order. Full characterization of these disorders is seen in the mesangium, but also frequently pres-
only possible at the ultrastructural level where ent along peripheral capillary walls. Interestingly,
the specific findings that characterize the various amyloid P protein has been shown to be associ-
organized deposits can be appreciated. However, ated with these fibrils [25].
there are light microscopic and immunofluores- The morphologic glomerular expressions of
cence features that are important in some of these this disease are indeed heterogeneous. The earli-
conditions and may, in some cases, be quite char- est light microscopic appearance is the expansion
acteristic and virtually pathognomonic of the dis- of mesangial areas with replacement of the
ease entity (i.e., fibrillary and cryoglobulinemic mesangial matrix by amorphous and eosinophilic
glomerulopathies). material noticeable in the hematoxylin and eosin
8 Differential Diagnosis of Amyloid in Surgical Pathology… 117

Fig. 8.2 (a) Fibrillary glomerulonephritis, X750; (b) ing to some peripheral capillary walls. (b) By light micros-
Glomerular amyloidosis, X750. (a) Periodic Acid Schiff copy, similar material as in (a) (eosinophilic and
(PAS) stain. (b) Hematoxylin and eosin stain, X750. (a) amorphous—“hyaline”), replacing significant portions of a
Amorphous material replacing mesangial areas and extend- glomerulus with a somewhat nodular pattern of deposition

stains (Fig. 8.2a). Amyloidosis is in the differen-

tial diagnosis because of the overlap in the light
microscopic appearance (Fig. 8.2b, c). A small
percentage of patients with this condition exhibit
crescents, though the percentage of glomeruli
with crescents is generally small.
The accumulation of these fibrils results in
variable mesangial expansion sometimes associ-
ated with mesangial nodularity, and the deposi-
tion of fibrils along peripheral capillary walls
results in recognizable wall thickening, which
may bring up diabetic nephropathy as a differen-
tial diagnostic consideration. Silver stain may be
Fig. 8.3 Glomerular amyloidosis. Silver methenamine
useful in this situation as it is typically positive in stain, X500. Mesangial matrix is replaced by silver nega-
the expanded mesangium in diabetes and weak to tive material. The normal mesangial argyrophilia due to
negative in cases of fibrillary glomerulonephritis the mesangial matrix is lost
and also in amyloidosis (Fig. 8.3).
An important diagnosis to rule out is diabetic By immunofluorescence a ribbon-like pattern is
fibrillosis [26, 27] because of the morphologic characteristically seen for IgG (IgG4 subclass),
ultrastructural similarity of the fibrils in this entity C3, kappa, and lambda light chains (Fig. 8.4a, b).
with those of fibrillary glomerulonephritis [12]. However, there are cases with a more “granular”
However, they lack the typical immunofluores- immunofluorescence appearance and because of
cence staining pattern that is associated with fibril- the distribution along peripheral capillary walls
lary glomerulonephritis (and described below). In in glomeruli it may be confused with membra-
contrast, in these cases, the staining observed is that nous nephropathy [29, 30].
characteristically associated with diabetic neph- Fibrillary deposits can also be found in the
ropathy (i.e., linear staining for albumin and IgG). kidney outside the glomeruli. In a study of 1,266
In some selected cases light chain monoclo- renal biopsies, 9 biopsies from 8 patients with
nality has been demonstrated, most typically fibrillary glomerulonephritis were studied care-
kappa, in fibrillary glomerulonephritis [21, 28]. fully ultrastructurally. Extraglomerular fibrillary
118 G.A. Herrera and E.A. Turbat-Herrera

Fig. 8.4 Fibrillary glomerulonephritis. ** (a, b) Direct fluorescence; fluorescein. stain for IgG. AX350, BX750. Strong
smudgy staining of peripheral capillary walls and mesangium

deposits were seen in 60% of the cases [31]. An autopsy case reported in the literature
Therefore, a better name for this condition is described massive fibrillary deposits in the liver
probably fibrillary nephropathy. and bone marrow of a patient with apparent fibril-
Clinically, the manifestations are nonspecific lary glomerulopathy and a concomitant monoclo-
and these patients typically present with proteinu- nal gammopathy [35], and another report showed
ria, sometimes with full blown nephrotic syn- widespread splenic involvement [36]. The previ-
drome. Some of these patients exhibit rapidly ously mentioned study [31] included a case with
progressive renal dysfunction. The condition is an autopsy. During the postmortem examination,
associated with poor prognosis in term of renal fibrillary deposits were documented in the pan-
function, and renal deterioration occurs rather rap- creas, spleen, lungs, and liver.
idly. A small percentage of these cases is associ- The finding of extrarenal involvement in a sig-
ated with an underlying plasma cell dyscrasia [28], nificant number of patients with fibrillary glom-
but most have no associated systemic disorder. erulonephritis has clearly demonstrated the
systemic nature of this condition. However, since
Extrarenal this diagnosis requires ultrastructural evaluation
Fibrillary glomerulonephritis, as its name implies, for confirmation, it is very likely that extrarenal
is primarily a renal (glomerular) disorder. In con- manifestations in fibrillary glomerulonephritis
trast to amyloidosis, which is a recognized sys- are underdiagnosed.
temic disorder, it is much less common to find
reports of extrarenal fibril deposition in this Pathogenesis
condition. The pathogenesis of this disorder has been
A few cases of pulmonary hemorrhage in debated for years. Some early reports considered
patients with fibrillary glomerulonephritis and it in the same spectrum with immunotactoid
similar fibrillary deposits to those seen in the kid- glomerulopathy as one entity [15, 37]. However,
ney were found in the lung—along alveolar cap- a number of publications and case series have
illary basement membranes [32, 33], including clearly and conclusively documented that these
one case occurring in a patient’s post-renal trans- are two different diseases each with unique clini-
plantation [34]. In addition, in a patient with copathologic features [38–40].
fibrillary glomerulonephritis, typical fibrils were The predominant association of these fibril-
demonstrated in the skin associated with leuko- lary deposits with IgG4 has led to the hypothesis
cytoclastic vasculitis [32]. that this subtype of IgG has a unique propensity
8 Differential Diagnosis of Amyloid in Surgical Pathology… 119

to form fibrils. At one point, it was suggested that components of this disease process. Only rarely
these fibrils were unusual morphologic manifes- these patients progress to end-stage renal disease.
tations of cryoglobulins, but this idea has essen- There are several distinct varieties of cryo-
tially been abandoned, as no sound support has globulins and depending on which is the one
been found for this hypothesis. What we know is involved, the immunomorphologic renal mani-
that the distribution of the deposits and their com- festations may vary. Some of these cryoglobulins
position are consistent with this entity likely rep- may be monoclonal, but most are polyclonal.
resenting an immune complex-mediated process Mixed cryoglobulinemia, type II, monoclonal
[39], which is supported by the finding of a cryo- IgM, and polyclonal IgG subtypes represent the
precipitate in one of the patients with fibrillary most common types of the spectrum of these dis-
glomerulonephritis containing immunoglobulin– eases [44–48]. By immunofluorescence, mono-
fibronectin complexes consistent with immune clonality can be detected in the monoclonal
complexes [41]. This is also supported by a few cryoglobulinemic nephropathy. Cryoglobulin
cases of lupus nephritis that are associated with deposits are most commonly seen in thrombi,
fibrillary deposits indistinguishable from those subendothelial, or mesangial areas, but can be
seen in fibrillary glomerulonephritis in one way seen in other glomerular locations and in extra-
or another. A case of de novo fibrillary glomeru- glomerular renal vasculature.
lonephritis has been reported arising in a cadav- Currently, the majority of these cases are asso-
eric renal allograft of a patient who required ciated with hepatitis C, but cryoglobulinemia has
transplantation because of end-stage lupus nephri- also been shown to occur associated with fibril-
tis [42], further suggesting that a fibrillary glom- lary and immunotactoid nephropathies [49]. The
erulonephritis represents part of the spectrum of development of cryoglobulinemic nephropathy
immune complex-mediated renal diseases. has been linked in these cases to an antigen-
Fibrillary glomerulonephritis is also seen in a driven rheumatoid factor response to chronic
small subset of patients with an underlying neo- hepatitis C infection. Other diseases that are asso-
plastic lymphoplasmacytic disorder which sug- ciated with cryoglobulinemia include systemic
gests that polymerization of monoclonal light lupus erythematosus, any chronic liver diseases,
chains into fibrils may occur [14, 28, 43]. infections, other collagen vascular diseases, and
lymphoproliferative disorders. Relatively few
Cryoglobulinemic Nephropathy cases remain in the category of “idiopathic” or
The recognition of renal disease in patients with “essential cryoglobulinemia.”
cryoglobulinemia dates back to the mid-1950s The ultrastructural characteristics of the cryo-
[44]. However, more recently, this condition has globulinemic deposits are quite variable which
significantly increased in incidence and its recog- makes diagnosis a challenge in a significant num-
nition by renal pathologists has also improved ber of instances. The most typical appearance and
considerably. The increase in cryoglobulinemic the one easiest to recognize is represented by
nephropathy parallels the discovery and spread deposits with a microtubular substructure with
of hepatitis C in the general population. slightly curved pairs of microtubules or cylinders,
These patients typically present with a in various glomerular locations, including in cap-
nephritic syndrome but may also come to seek illary thrombi and in thrombi in arterioles and
medical attention because of hematuria, protei- small arteries in rare cases (Fig. 8.5). The cylin-
nuria, or nephritic syndrome. Important labora- ders are each about 25 nm in diameter, and in
tory clues for the diagnosis of cryoglobulinemia cross sections the cylinders appear as a hollow
include markedly decreased complement levels, center around which 9–12 spokes project [50–54].
sometimes undetectable, and a very high rheuma- The cryoglobulin deposits associated with mono-
toid factor. Systemic manifestations such as clonal IgG cryoglobulinemia type I, uncommonly
purpura, arthralgias, and vasculitis can be seen. associated with renal disease, have been described
Exacerbations and remissions are common as composed of either straight fibrils forming
120 G.A. Herrera and E.A. Turbat-Herrera

Fig. 8.6 Cryoglobulinemic nephropathy. Hematoxylin

and eosin stain, AX750. Hyaline thrombi in capillary
spaces, exudative changes, and cellular proliferation with
accentuation of the electron microscopy

Fig. 8.5 Cryoglobulinemic nephropathy. Transmission One of the most important clues to suspect the
electron microscopy. Uranyl acetate and citrate X. Paired presence of circulating cryoglobulins is the find-
microtubular structures characteristic of cryoglobulins
ing of intravascular hyaline thrombi. These can
be seen in any organ. The challenge is to properly
bundles 80-nm wide, which on cross section identify them as containing cryoglobulins. The
appear crosshatched, or as tubular structures with thrombi are eosinophilic in the hematoxylin and
a fingerprint-like array [50]. Unfortunately, cryo- eosin stains (hyaline) and amorphous, and do not
globulin deposits may have variable ultrastruc- exhibit the fibrillary substructure which is typical
tural appearances which on occasions may not be of fibrin thrombi; these fibrin thrombi represent
characteristic enough for proper identification. the main differential diagnosis. In renal biopsies,
Also, deposits with the appearance of immune immune complexes can also be seen in the form
complexes may be seen in cryoglobulinemic of hyaline intravascular deposits in glomerular
nephropathy. The deposits within thrombi are capillaries, most often in lupus nephritis. Clinical
generally the ones that display the most charac- information and other light, immunofluorescence,
teristic findings. These cryoglobulins have not and ultrastructural findings can be used to estab-
been morphologically altered by cellular pro- lish a definitive diagnosis. One complication is
cesses and they essentially represent aggregates the fact that deposits with cryoglobulins can
of pristine cryoglobulins occluding vessels. coexist with otherwise typical lupus nephritis.
Ultrastructural identification of cryoglobulin Immunofluorescence evaluation may detect
deposits remains crucial for establishing an the presence of polyclonal or monoclonal immu-
unequivocal diagnosis. noglobulin components associated with the
The most common microscopic appearance thrombi, but proper tissue is not procured for
seen in renal biopsies is that of membranoprolif- immunofluorescence in the great majority of
erative type I pattern with an exudative compo- these specimens, as the diagnosis may not be sus-
nent and hyaline thrombi in glomerular capillaries pected. In renal biopsies the situation is different
(Fig. 8.6). Monocytes may be detected in glom- as routine immunofluorescence and ultrastruc-
erular capillaries. Rarely an inflammatory vascu- tural evaluations are carried out, permitting
litis is seen in the renal vasculature away from a much more complete assessment. In some
glomeruli [50–54]. cases, where obtaining the tissue is not too
8 Differential Diagnosis of Amyloid in Surgical Pathology… 121

invasive, a repeat biopsy with tissue collected for cryoglobulins. By light microscopy a mesangial
immunofluorescence and electron microscopy in proliferative pattern is the most commonly rec-
proper fixatives should be recommended to clar- ognized, but other morphologic expressions have
ify a differential diagnosis. also been documented, including a more prolif-
One of the fundamental problems associated erative pattern akin to membranoproliferative
with this diagnosis is that clinical confirmation glomerulonephritis. By immunofluorescence
with detection of cryoglobulins in the serum is coarse deposits containing predominantly IgG
difficult and only possible in a relatively small and C3, either in mesangial or peripheral capil-
percentage of these cases. The currently available lary walls represent the most common finding.
test for detecting cryoglobulins in the serum These patients generally present with proteinuria/
appears to be very insensitive to detect all cryo- nephrotic syndrome and/or hematuria [12, 18,
globulins capable to deposit in organized micro- 19]. There is an important relationship with
tubular structures in various organs where the underlying lymphoproliferative disorders and, in
tissue microenvironment makes their organiza- some cases, Sjögren’s syndrome in patients with
tion into recognizable deposits possible. The dif- this disorder. In contrast to fibrillary glomerulo-
ferent cryoglobulins require variable amounts of nephritis, renal function tends to remain rather
time (some are quite slow) to precipitate in order well preserved with mild renal insufficiency
to be detected in the serum, and the test only calls remaining for many years.
for 4 h of precipitation [44]. In addition, the Even though this disease entity has predomi-
serum collected from the patients should be kept nantly been documented in the great majority of
cold until tested. Otherwise, cryoglobulins can be the cases in the kidney (not extrarenally), it needs
missed. to be addressed because it participates in the dif-
ferential diagnosis of fibrillary and cryoglobu-
Pathogenesis linemic nephropathies, and there are some
The main pathology that is seen results from the important conceptual ideas that need to be con-
aggregation of cryoglobulins in the vasculature sidered in this comprehensive chapter of diseases
leading to varying degrees of vascular luminal with organized deposits mimicking amyloidosis.
compromise, including complete occlusion and
associated ischemic complications. In rare cases, Extrarenal Manifestations
even infarcts of the affected organs occur. The Rare reports of systemic immunotactoid disease
disappearance of the thrombi from the vascula- have been reported in the literature. A case of leu-
ture may lead to complete reestablishment of kocytoclastic vasculitis in the skin associated
function, and this happens with frequency explain- with immunotactoid glomerulopathy has been
ing how the renal dysfunction that may be seen in published; however, it is not clear whether this
these patients is cyclical. Reducing the amounts case is indeed an example of immunotactoid or
of circulating cryoglobulins represents a key ther- fibrillary disease [55]. More interesting is the
apeutic maneuver to resolve a clinical crisis. report of immunotactoid keratopathy in a patient
with a paraproteinemia which suggests that simi-
Immunotactoid Glomerulopathy lar structures to those seen in immunotactoid
This even more unusual renal condition is char- glomerulopathy can be present in rare patients
acterized by the finding of organized deposits in with corneal disease [56]. Furthermore, the fail-
the glomeruli composed of hollow or cylindrical, ure to recognize this entity outside of the kidney
microtubular structures with a diameter ranging is very likely due to the absolute need for ultra-
from 30 to 90 nm. These structures can be structural evaluation for proper diagnosis com-
found in small aggregates, predominantly in the bined with the decreased use to the point of
mesangium, replacing mesangial matrix or may almost complete disappearance of this diagnostic
arrange forming quite complex structures. They technique in diagnostic pathology, except in
are generally not only thicker but also longer than fields such as renal pathology.
122 G.A. Herrera and E.A. Turbat-Herrera

of renal amyloidosis is characterized by vascular

involvement and rather unremarkable glomerular
and interstitial compartments [13, 59]. The ultra-
structural features of hyalinosis are pathogno-
monic and allow to differentiate it from other
possibilities with certainty (Fig. 8.8c).

Vascular hyalinosis results from the exudation of
plasma proteins into vessel walls resulting from
increased permeability and leakage. Conditions
such as diabetes mellitus exacerbate the leakage
Fig. 8.7 Vascular hyalinosis surrounded by hyalinized of plasma proteins creating some spectacular
collagen mimicking amyloid deposits. Hematoxylin and hyalinotic vascular lesions, which are also com-
eosin stain, X750. Hyaline deposits in arteriolar wall and monly seen associated with benign hypertension
similar eosinophilic material replacing collagen
and may be seen in virtually every vessel in the
body, but tend to be quite prominent in the renal
The strong association with lymphoproliferative Hyalinized Collagen
disorders supports the hypothesis that this dis- Hyalinized collagen is also amorphous and “hya-
ease occurs as a consequence of a peculiar line” in appearance, making differentiation from
polymerization of monotypical light chains into amyloid difficult in some situations. Again, Congo
microtubular structures. It appears that specific red and thioflavin T or S stains solve the majority
physicochemical characteristics of certain light of the diagnostic challenges, but in some instances
chains involved may predispose them to polym- the stains reveal equivocal results. Before making
erize in this unusual fashion. a diagnosis of amyloidosis or ruling it out when
the situation is not clear, it is highly recommended
Hyalinosis that additional studies be performed. If preserva-
Some cases with prominent vascular hyalinosis tion is adequate, ultrastructural evaluation may
[57, 58] can be confused with amyloidosis, espe- settle the issue easily and satisfactorily (Fig. 8.9).
cially since vascular amyloid deposition is com- If not and the tissue is easy to get to, additional
mon in systemic amyloidosis. Since the vascular samples should be requested to perform immuno-
deposits are also hyaline and amorphous, like fluorescence and ultrastructural studies to reach a
amyloid, it is sometimes difficult to separate these definitive diagnosis.
(Figs. 8.7 and 8.8a, b). Careful morphological
analysis, Congo red/thioflavin T stains, and eval- Pathogenesis
uation of the clinical situation is all that is needed Hyalinized collagen results from alterations in
in the great majority of the cases, but in selected the biochemical composition of collagen. It was
situations other ancillary techniques, such as suggested years ago that an increase in hydroxy-
electron microscopy, are needed to clarify the proline in the collagen resulted in the “hyalinized”
diagnostic dilemma. This is particularly true appearance [59].
when the results of the above-mentioned stains
become equivocal or in cases where clinical sus- Other Nonspecific Fibrils
picion for amyloidosis is significant and the that Are Confused with Amyloid
amount of possible amyloid appears to be small This is perhaps most significant when ultra-
and possibly beyond the expected accurate recog- structural studies have been ordered and fibrils
nition by the stains normally used. A rare variant resembling amyloid are encountered [18, 19].
8 Differential Diagnosis of Amyloid in Surgical Pathology… 123

Fig. 8.8 Vascular hyalinosis in the wall of an afferent/effer- X8500. (a, b) Eosinophilic, amorphous material in the wall
ent arteriole in a glomerulus mimicking amyloid deposi- of arterioles mimicking amyloid. (c) Electron dense mate-
tion. (a, b) Hematoxylin and eosin stain. (c) Transmission rial in arteriolar wall represents hyalinosis. Note the absence
electron microscopy. Uranyl acetate and lead citrate, of fibrillary internal appearance in area with hyalinosis

Fig. 8.9 a. Hematoxylin & eosin stain x 350: Hyalinized collagen. (b–c) Transmission electron microscopy. Uranyl acetate
and lead citrate, (b) X9500, (c) X12500 Hyaline area representing sclerotic collagen (a). There are identifiable collagen
fibers adjacent to the hyalinized collagenous tissue (b, c)

In this case, the differential diagnosis may include of altered collagen represented by fibrils lacking
nonspecific fibrils seen in association with scle- the typical collagen periodicity of collagen fibers
rotic tissue [60], precollagen fibers or other forms [18, 19].
124 G.A. Herrera and E.A. Turbat-Herrera

Fig. 8.10 Vascular amyloidosis. (a) Transmission elec- vessel wall. (b) Gold particles labeling the fibrils indicat-
tron microscopy. (b) Immunogold labeling for lambda ing that the amyloid is associated with monoclonal lambda
light chains. Uranyl acetate and lead citrate, AX 30500; light chains (precursor protein). No labeling noted for
BX 30500. (a) Typical appearance of amyloid fibrils in kappa light chains

A Logical Approach to the Differential that may be associated with the diagnosis of amy-
Diagnosis with Emphasis on Type loidosis must be kept in mind [14–16, 63, 64].
of Specimens Required Furthermore, while it is imperative to character-
ize the amyloid if identified, performing stains for
One of the key issues here is proper specimen the precursor proteins may be associated with
preservation for accurate diagnosis and what is some difficulties. While in some cases, immuno-
required depends on the technique to be used. histochemistry suffices to characterize the amy-
The differentiation of structured deposits can be loid type (Fig. 8.11a–d), this is not always the
difficult and generally requires specimens to be case. Unfortunately, immunohistochemical stains
evaluated that have been well fixed and ade- for light and heavy chains result in too much
quately processed. Artifacts can be a source of background staining for proper interpretation in a
confusion and must be avoided at all cost. In significant number of cases. In contrast, a prop-
some cases to obtain the material for electron erly handled specimen stained using direct fluo-
microscopy that can be interpreted with accuracy rescence techniques can provide unequivocal
will require obtaining a new specimen and fixing diagnostic information avoiding problems and is
it correctly. There should be no hesitation to do always much preferred [65].
this as the final diagnosis must be a solid one. In Techniques such as immunolabeling at the
other instances, immunofluorescence evaluation ultrastructural level may be of unique value in
is very valuable and although there are methods characterizing the type of amyloid present [66],
to do fluorescence in paraffin-embedded tissues, and may sometimes support a diagnosis of amyloi-
these are not reproducible and should be avoided dosis made by identifying unequivocally the pre-
in addressing this type of differential diagnosis. cursor protein associated with the fibrillary material
Fortunately, the light microscopic, tinctorial, (Fig. 8.10b). This technique can also exclude such
and ultrastructural (Fig. 8.10a) features of generic a diagnosis in a doubtful case. Immunolabeling
amyloid are quite specific [61, 62]; thus, this diag- amalgamates immunomorphologic data in an ele-
nosis can generally be made with certainty when gant fashion. There are requirements for achieving
in the differential diagnosis. However, pitfalls good, reproducible results [66].
8 Differential Diagnosis of Amyloid in Surgical Pathology… 125

Fig. 8.11 Amyloidosis in urethra. (a) Hematoxylin and (hyaline) deposits underneath the surface epithelium in
eosin stain; (b) Congo red stain; (c) Immunohistochemical urethra. (b) The material deposited is Congo red positive.
stain for kappa light chains; (d) Immunohistochemical (c and d) Amyloid stains for kappa (c) but not for lambda
stain for lambda light chains. (a) Eosinophilic, amorphous light chains (d)

Another consideration is to use mass spectros-

copy to characterize deposited proteins in diffi-
cult cases using paraffin-embedded tissue, thus
It is imperative that organized deposits be accu-
permitting a definitive diagnosis [67]. This is
rately identified and separated from amyloid.
covered in detail in a separate chapter.
How far the diagnostic workup should be taken
An additional specimen may be needed to
depends on the specific case. The intelligent use
be able to make a definitive assessment.
of the proper stains can be very helpful in assess-
Immunohistochemical stains depend much on
ing these deposits and suggesting, if not confirm-
how tissue is processed and can vary signifi-
ing, a given diagnosis. However, it appears that
cantly from one laboratory to another. While a
in a significant number of the cases electron
particular laboratory may realize the challenges
microscopy may be very helpful, needed, or
involved in the various techniques, when a speci-
absolutely essential to make an accurate assess-
men is submitted to another laboratory for
ment. This can be challenging as proper preser-
workup, these challenges are often totally ignored
vation of the tissue for ultrastructural evaluation
which may lead to poor results that should not be
is needed so that the subtle differences among the
used for interpretation and rendering a final
different organized deposits can be appreciated
so that a precise diagnosis can be made.
126 G.A. Herrera and E.A. Turbat-Herrera

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38. Alpers C. Fibrillary glomerulonephritis and immunot- pure monoclonal IgG kappa cryoglobulinemia. Clin
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Light/Heavy Chain Deposition
Disease as a Systemic Disorder 9
Guillermo A. Herrera and Elba A. Turbat-Herrera

Light chains • Light chain deposition disease • Heavy chains • Heavy
chain deposition disease • Immunofluorescence • Immunohistochemistry
• Electron microscopy • Immunogold labeling • Pathology • Pathogenesis

to the discovery of the underlying plasma cell

Introduction dyscrasia. In a smaller subset of patients, LCDD
appears in patients with treated myeloma after
While the great majority of these patients have an
relapse, and may be the result of the emergence
underlying plasma cell disorder, some may be
of a mutated clone of plasma cells that occurs
associated with other diseases where there is a
after the use of certain chemotherapeutic agents
lymphoplasmacytic process producing the abnor-
such as Melphalan.
mal light or heavy chains. These include
LHCDD may occur in the absence of detect-
Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia, chronic lym-
able underlying systemic neoplastic lymphopro-
phocytic leukemia/lymphoma, and nodal mar-
liferative processes, even after prolonged
ginal cell lymphoma. Criteria for a diagnosis
follow-up for more than 10 years. In these
of myeloma are present in approximately 50%
instances LCDD may be associated with a local
of patients with LCDD or light and heavy
clone of plasma cells at the site of the light chain
chain deposition disease (LHCDD) and only in
deposits (extramedullary plasmacytomas).
approximately 25% of patients with HCDD.
LHCDDs are rare conditions. They are most
LHCDD, generally diagnosed in the kidney, is
common in the sixth decade but have been
often the presenting disease that eventually leads
described in the literature in patients with a wide
age range (from 26 to 94 years) and display a
male predominance [1–7]. In autopsy series of
patients with myeloma, it has been found that
G.A. Herrera, M.D. (*) only 5% of these patients exhibit LCDD [8, 9].
Nephrocor, Bostwick Laboratories,
Orlando, FL 32809, USA
Heavy chain diseases manifest as lymphoplas-
e-mail: gherrera@nephrocor.com; nephronpath@gmail.com macytic proliferative disorders [1]. The alpha
E.A. Turbat-Herrera, M.D.
variant, also referred to as Mediterranean lym-
Botswick Laboratories, phoma, is the most common. It typically occurs
Orlando, FL 32809, USA between ages 10 and 30 and is geographically

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 129
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_9,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
130 G.A. Herrera and E.A. Turbat-Herrera

concentrated in the Middle East. Most of these amorphous, eosinophilic areas that can be detected
patients present with abdominal lymphoma and with the hematoxylin and eosin stain and with the
malabsorption. It is conceptualized as a form of aid of the proper stains can be identified generically
mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) (as amyloid), and the demonstration of the particu-
lymphoma and it is also known as immunoprolif- lar precursor protein allows a final characterization.
erative small intestinal disease (IPSID), The situation in LHCDD is somewhat more diffi-
Mediterranean lymphoma, or Seligmann’s dis- cult. The deposits of monoclonal light or heavy
ease. In contrast, IgG (γ) is primarily found in chains generally result in a fibrogenic response
elderly men and IgM (μ) in adults over 50 years (Fig. 9.1a), and the deposited proteinaceous mate-
of age. While γ-HCD (Franklin’s disease) is gen- rial is found admixed with the abnormal precursor
erally an aggressive malignant lymphoma, proteins (Fig. 9.1b). The abundance of extracellular
μ-HCD resembles small cell lymphocytic lym- matrix may make the detection of abnormal light or
phoma/chronic lymphocytic leukemia and exhib- heavy chains a challenge or make it appear as scle-
its a protracted clinical course [1]. Interestingly, rotic tissue and be missed. Morphologically speak-
HCDD appears to be a peculiar and unusual man- ing, the material deposited is also eosinophilic and
ifestation of HCD due to the fact that tissue depo- amorphous when viewed with the hematoxylin and
sition of heavy chains is restricted to only certain eosin stain and can be readily seen if it deposits in
heavy chains. When the structures of heavy chains significant amounts (Fig. 9.2a). The challenge for
in HCDD and HCD are compared, the variable the pathologist is to actually identify the abnormal
regions are found to be partially or entirely deleted light and/or heavy chains buried in the sclerotic tis-
in HCD which impedes tissue deposition [10, 11]. sue to render a diagnosis.
In HCDD, the preserved variable regions contain Ultrastructurally, light and heavy chain depos-
unusual amino acid substitutions in the comple- its may not only appear as organized material with
mentarity-determining and framework regions, 8–12 nm in diameter fibrils which disposes ran-
but they exhibit no significant structural abnor- domly and are non-branching (characteristics that
malities or deletions in the variable domain. The can be clearly seen by electron microscopy) in the
amino acid substitutions result in alterations in case of AL/AH-amyloidosis, but also as non-
the physicochemical characteristics of the heavy organized, punctate electron-dense material in
chains with changes in hydrophobicity and charge LHCDD [15, 16] (Fig. 9.2b). While P-component
responsible for their propensity to deposit in tis- is an invariable constituent of amyloid, it is not
sues. Similar variable domain mutations have found in association with LHCDD [17].
been described in LCDD [12, 13]. The systemic nature of amyloidosis has been
Some of the patients with HCDD are hypoco- recognized for more than a century with involve-
mplementemic, especially if they secrete IgG1 ment of any organ and the same is true of LHCDD,
and 3 subclasses. These IgG subclasses have the but not as well documented and/or recognized.
greatest ability to fix complement, which is The use of the Congo red and Thioflavin T stains
dependent on intact CH2 constant domains in the is very helpful in the detection of amyloid depos-
heavy chains [14]. Complement consumption its, but demonstrating the presence of monoclo-
results through activation of IgG1 or 3 heavy nal light/heavy chains to make a diagnosis of
chain deposits. LHCDD is more difficult.
Deposition of abnormal light and heavy chains Immnunohistochemistry is successful in occa-
in tissues results in certain morphologic manifes- sional cases (Fig. 9.1b). These stains depend
tations that can suggest to the pathologist that heavily on fixation and proper handling of the
such has happened. These alterations, however, specimens and are not uncommonly fraud with
are not necessarily specific for these disorders and background staining resulting in difficulties to
demonstrating the presence of the pathologic document unequivocal monoclonality (i.e., stain-
light/heavy chains is essential for a definitive ing for only one of the light or heavy chains) in
diagnosis. In the case of amyloidosis, the association with deposits, a crucial requirement
amyloid replaces normal tissues and deposits as for confirming the diagnosis of LHCDD.
9 Light/Heavy Chain Deposition Disease as a Systemic Disorder 131

Fig. 9.1 Nodular glomerulosclerosis secondary to the advanced stage of this lesion. (b) κ light chains
κ-LCDD. (a) X500 and (b) X750. (a) Hematoxylin and are noted to be predominantly in subendothelial zones
eosin and (b) immunhistochemical stain for κ-light chains. and are difficult to see clearly in the mesangial nodules
(a) The glomerulus displays the typical nodularity— as the sclerotic mesangial tissue makes it difficult to
nodular glomerulosclerosis—that is characteristic of detect

Fig. 9.2 κ-LCDD. Light chain deposits in heart. (a) X500— markedly electron-dense material corresponding to the
Hematoxylin and eosin stain. (b) X 35000—Transmission deposits of light chain material. This is the typical appear-
electron microscopy. Uranyl acetate and lead citrate stain. ance of light chain deposits when they are in high concentra-
(a) Eosinophilic, amorphous material deposited in myocar- tion and display a contrasting electron density. Not all light
dium corresponding to light chain deposits. (b) Punctate, chain deposits are so easy to recognize

In contrast, immunofluorescence evaluation is An additional biopsy for this purpose may not be
a rather clean and sensitive technique for demon- possible or may be rather cumbersome.
strating light/heavy chain monoclonality in tis- Electron microscopy remains a powerful tool
sues (Fig. 9.3), but in the great majority of the to detect these non-organized light chain depos-
cases, no tissue is preserved for this technique. its and should be used whenever such diagnosis
132 G.A. Herrera and E.A. Turbat-Herrera

failure and clinical manifestations involving

multiple organ systems. In both cases, autopsies
were performed and they showed that deposition
of monoclonal light chains occurred in many
organs, to highlight which the term systemic
LCDD was coined. Light chain deposits were
confirmed in the kidneys, liver, pancreas, heart,
central and peripheral nervous system, skin, mus-
cle, thyroid, and gastrointestinal tract. Extrarenal
deposits appear to be less common in HCDD, but
they have been reported in the heart [20], synovial
tissues [20, 21], skin [22], striated muscles [22],
thyroid [23], pancreas [23], and the liver.
Fig. 9.3 Nodular glomerulosclerosis secondary to
In spite of the clear systemic nature of this dis-
κ-LCDD. X500—Direct immunofluorescence for κ light
chains. Fluorescein stain (FITC). Staining along peripheral order, most of the studies that followed focused on
capillary walls and also staining in mesangial areas in glom- the recognition of this disease and understanding
erulus and along tubular basement membranes (top, left) of its pathogenesis as a renal disorder. In the kid-
ney, all three renal compartments have been dem-
is suspected. While formalin-fixed, paraffin- onstrated to be involved in most (but not all) cases.
embedded tissues are adequate for many of these It has been shown that the glomerulopathic light
cases, there are situations where specimen handling chains associated with LCDD interact with a pur-
may cause such tissue damage, that the key ultra- ported receptor on mesangial cells eliciting a cas-
structural details are lost, making it impossible to cade of pathological alterations anchored by the
make a definitive assessment. Of course, it is much activation of transforming growth factor-β and
better to properly fix tissue for electron microscopy resulting in increased matrix, rich in tenascin.
to assure a proper ultrastructural evaluation. HCDD was first recognized in 1993 by
Therefore, it is highly recommended that when Aucouturier et al. [23]. HCDD is a disease char-
it is known prior to obtaining samples that these acterized by deletions in the heavy chains.
entities are in the differential diagnosis, that tis- A deletion in the constant domain of the γ gamma
sue be procured and properly placed in fixatives/ (IgG) heavy chain—CH1 predominates in these
tissue transport media that will permit the most patients, but there are published cases with dele-
precise evaluations using both immunofluores- tions in the hinge and CH2 domains of the heavy
cence and electron microscopy. Because many chains involved. In HC disease, the variable
laboratories lack the ability to perform these domain is also partially or completely deleted
diagnostic techniques, it may be necessary to and this may be a factor in promoting tissue pre-
send the specimens to a regional laboratory prop- cipitation. Structural studies of HCDD have
erly equipped to handle these cases. Otherwise, shown physicochemical abnormalities with
there is a risk of making an incorrect diagnosis. unusual amino acid substitutions in the VH region
which generally alter charge and hydrophobicity.
The deletion in the heavy chains is likely to be
Historical Perspective necessary for abnormal light chains to be able to
be secreted from the neoplastic plasma cells.
Antonovych recognized the presence of mono- Normal heavy chains must associate posttransla-
clonal light chains associated with glomerular tionally with heavy chain binding protein (BiP)
lesions in patients with myeloma [18]. Light chain in the endoplasmic reticulum [24], later assem-
deposition disease (LCDD) was first recognized bling with heavy chains and eventually delivered
as a specific entity in 1976 by Randall and associ- to the Golgi complex where additional packaging
ates [19], who reported two patients with renal and processing occur. When a mutant heavy chain
9 Light/Heavy Chain Deposition Disease as a Systemic Disorder 133

lacks one of the key domains (especially CH1), it criteria and suggested workup for appropriate
fails to properly associate with the BiP and may diagnosis. The most complete reports are those
be prematurely secreted into the circulation. emanating from autopsies with ample sampling
The morphologic characteristics of HCDD are to study the extent of multiorgan involvement
similar to those of LCDD. Light and electron [19]. It is very likely that systemic deposits in
microscopic features are identical. Research in LHCDD are not detected or even misdiagnosed
HCDD has been rather limited and certainly the in surgical material. The question remains as to
in vitro mesangial cell-oriented studies that have how aggressive clinicians are in documenting
been conducted in LCDD to understand patho- extrarenal disease in these patients and, therefore,
genesis and progressive development of this dis- this figure may not be at all accurate.
ease have not taken place. However, it is assumed Liver and cardiac involvement is most com-
that HCDD shares rather similar pathogenetic mon and has been documented to occur in
pathways (as those shown to occur in LCDD). approximately 25% of patients with LCDD or
This chapter focuses on the systemic manifes- LHCDD [29], but appear to occur less commonly
tations of LCDD (with only a short but necessary in patients with HCDD.
incursion into kidneys) in an effort to increase
exposure of this entity to surgical pathologists
and, hopefully, maximize its detection. Liver

Mild hepatic dysfunction is commonly noted.

Kidneys Liver deposits are often found in the hepatic sinu-
soids (Fig. 9.4a, b) and basement membranes of
In the advanced stage of the disease, a nodular biliary ducts without associated parenchymal
glomerulopathy (Fig. 9.1a) that mimics the classi- alterations [30]. In fact, liver deposits of monoclonal
cal lesion that has been described in diabetic neph-
ropathy—nodular glomerulosclerosis with so-called
Kimmelstiel–Wilson nodules is identified in the
kidneys. However, a number of other morphologic
manifestations are seen prior to this more classi-
cally recognized pattern and may be the source of
diagnostic confusion [27, 28]. Immunofluorescence
and electron microscopy are of crucial value to
identify these variants. The reader is referred to a
number of excellent publications which describe
this disease as a renal disorder in detail, empha-
sizing its pathogenesis, clinical presentation,
treatment, and prognosis [2–7, 25–28]. The crite-
ria for diagnosis in tissues other than in kidneys
have emanated from the renal studies.

Extrarenal Manifestations of Light/

Heavy Chain Deposition Disease

Isolated reports of the involvement of various Fig. 9.4 LCDD in liver. (a) X500 and (b) X750. (a)
Hematoxylin and eosin stain. (b) Immunhistochemical
organs have been published in the literature.
stain for κ light chains. (a) Eosinophilic material filling up
However, these reports have generally been the hepatic sinusoids. (b) This material stains for κ and
descriptive and have emphasized diagnostic not λ light chains
134 G.A. Herrera and E.A. Turbat-Herrera

and varies from approximately 19 to 80% depend-

ing on the series [3, 6]. Congestive heart failure is
frequently seen in these patients resulting in
severe cardiac failure in the advanced stages of
the disease [35]. Cardiomegaly is a common find-
ing in patients with cardiac involvement.
Conduction disturbances with arrhythmias repre-
sent a common clinical presentation [36]. Varying
degrees of restrictive cardiac failure may also be
detected depending on the amount of light/heavy
chain parenchymal deposition. Echocardiography
and catheterization studies have demonstrated
diastolic dysfunction and reduction in myocar-
Fig. 9.5 Light chain deposits in hepatic sinusoids. (a and
dial compliance similar to cases with cardiac
b) Transmission electron microscopy. Uranyl acetate and amyloidosis. Deposition of light chains in cardiac
lead citrate stain. (b) Immunogold labeling for κ light vessels and perivascular areas is always identified
chains. (a) Light chain deposits appear as punctate, elec- in autopsies of patients with LHCDD [34], but
tron-dense material. (b) Gold particles clearly label the
sinusoidal deposits detecting the presence of κ light chain
can also be seen in biopsy specimens from
in them. No label for λ light chains patients with these conditions (Fig. 9.2a, b).

light chains are found in virtually every patient

with LCDD whose liver is examined Peripheral and Central Nervous
[31–33]. The material may be deposited in a sim- System Involvement
ilar fashion as amyloid. Amyloid seems to involve
blood vessel walls with much greater frequency Peripheral neuropathy related to LHCDD has
than LHCDD, and this can be used to favor one been documented in approximately 20% of the
entity over the other. Nevertheless, it remains reported cases. Light chain deposits may be in
essential to rule amyloidosis using the appropri- the endoneurium. In cases of LCDD, peripheral
ate stains such as Congo red and Thioflavin T nerve involvement has been reported occasion-
and/or ultrastructural criteria (Fig. 9.5a, b). In a ally with patients presenting clinically with a
few instances, there may be destruction of the polyneuropathy.
liver parenchyma creating an appearance remi- Deposits of light chains in the choroid plexus
niscent of peliosis hepatis [34]. represent a common finding in these patients.
Clinically, hepatomegaly is usually seen and A couple of case reports of LCDD restricted to
alterations of liver function may be rather mild. the brain appeared in 2006 and 2007 by Fisher
Some patients present with altered liver enzymes et al. and Popovic et al., respectively [37, 38].
and a liver biopsy is performed to diagnose the The concept that has prevailed is that the blood–
liver ailment. In a few cases, portal hypertension brain barrier protected the central nervous sys-
or hepatic failure has been reported. tem from the circulating and sometimes
misfolded monoclonal light chains, preventing
both AL-amyloidosis and pristine light chains
Heart from reaching and producing pathologic
changes in the brain. Thus, it is not difficult to
Cardiac involvement in LHCDD is life-threaten- understand why the periventricular white matter
ing and tends to occur commonly in the advanced is the most common site for the deposits of
stages of the disease process. The incidence of these monoclonal proteins, either in LCDD or
cardiac manifestation is difficult to be determined amyloidosis.
9 Light/Heavy Chain Deposition Disease as a Systemic Disorder 135

LCDD [45]. Three additional similar patients

Lungs have been reported in the literature by Morinaga,
Piard, and Stokes, respectively [47–49].
Deposition of light chains in the lungs of patients
Interestingly, one of these patients showed a
with LCDD has been documented in case reports
combination of amyloid and light chain deposits
and small series [39–49]. The first case report
with both lambda and kappa light chain specific-
was published in 1988 [39]. Less than 30 cases of
ity, respectively [49]. However, such conclusion
LCDD involving the lungs have been reported.
(the absence of a systemic process) can only be
The major clinical manifestation is dyspnea on
definitely confirmed after a careful and extensive
exertion. The clinical and immunopathologic
diagnostic workup is performed and at least sev-
findings have been summarized in one of the
eral years of follow-up, as local manifestations
publications referenced [40].
may precede overt generalized disease quite
While in most cases the lesions are in the
sometime. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that in
pulmonary parenchyma itself, cases with endo-
some of these cases, localized monoclonal light
bronchial lesions have also been documented.
chain production by a clone of plasma cells
Two different histologic patterns have been
located at the site where the paraprotein deposits
reported: diffuse and nodular, similar to what has
are present, is responsible for the disease process
been observed in AL-amyloidosis with pulmo-
(extramedullary plasmacytomas).
nary involvement [41–47]. The diffuse form
The diffuse form must be distinguished from
appears to have a more ominous prognosis than
interstitial fibrosis and dense scars, as the light
the nodular form. Approximately 50% of patients
chains elicit much fibrosis and can be easily
with the nodular form will have an identifiable
lymphoproliferative disorder at the time of diag-
nosis, and also evidence of renal involvement,
generally in the form of renal failure. One case
was associated with extensive cystic changes in Gastrointestinal
the pulmonary parenchyma [43].
The light chain deposits are usually punctate Diarrhea is often a complaint of patients with
and electron dense, but may also infrequently LCDD affecting the gastrointestinal tract.
acquire a needle-shaped electron-dense, crystal- However, findings in the GI tract appear to be
line appearance [40]. Interstitial fibrosis gener- infrequent and only approximately 20% of the
ally accompanies and surrounds the light chain cases reported address gastrointestinal symptoms
deposits. (present or absent), while less than 10% of the
The differential diagnosis of light chain depo- patients afflicted with these disorders manifest
sition in the lung includes several conditions. clinical and/or pathological gastrointestinal man-
One of the most common manifestations of ifestations [6]. This data suggests that only
LCDD in the lung is the presence of amyloid-like approximately 10% of patients with LCDD have
nodules which fail to stain with Congo red and symptomatic gastrointestinal light chain deposi-
Thioflavin T, thus essentially ruling out amyloi- tion [6]. The light chain deposits are typically
dosis. In cases with nodules, hyalinizing and found in the vasculature and surrounding areas
infectious granulomata, and old sarcoid nodules [3] (Fig. 9.6).
are conditions that should be considered as part Heavy chain disease can be an enteric disease
of the differential diagnosis [40, 45]. and it is in the majority of the cases of alpha-
It appears that pulmonary nodules similar to heavy chain disease. The usual clinical presenta-
those seen in LCDD can be found in a small sub- tion is diarrhea and abdominal pain, vomiting,
set of patients as a manifestation of localized weight loss, and evidence of malabsorption.
LCDD without systemic involvement [46–48]. Morphologic studies usually reveal an infiltrative
Three patients with nodules mimicking amyloi- plasmacytic or lymphoplasmacytic disorder
dosis were found without demonstrable systemic localized to the GI tract, in some cases involving
136 G.A. Herrera and E.A. Turbat-Herrera

Other Organs

In all organs, perivascular deposition is generally

common and the earliest noticeable change, but
parenchymal deposition is seen invariably in the
more advanced stages of the disease process lead-
ing to replacement of the normal structures.
Deposition of light chains in patients with these
diseases has also been documented in synovial
tissues [20, 21], adrenal glands, submandibular
glands, and abdominal vessels. Deposition of
light chains in the thyroid may result in hypothy-
Fig. 9.6 Light chain deposits in the lamina propria of the roidism [23].
stomach in patients with LHCDD. X750—Hematoxylin
and eosin stain. The light chain deposits appear as eosino-
philic, amorphous material closely resembling amyloid
Diagnostic Criteria/Pitfalls

the lamina propria of the whole length of the Light/heavy chain deposits appear as eosino-
small intestine and often associated with variable philic, amorphous materials on hematoxylin
villous atrophy. However, there is no data docu- and eosin sections, and amyloid is very much
menting heavy chain deposits in the GI tract of in the differential diagnosis in the majority of
patients with HCDD. the cases, regardless of the organ involved.
Negative Congo red and Thioflavin T stains
can be used to rule out amyloidosis. To con-
Pancreas firm LHCDD, monoclonality for light or
heavy chains needs to be demonstrated and/or
Deposition in the pancreas of monotypical light definitive ultrastructural evidence to support
chains can be associated with destruction of the the diagnosis should be present. Ideally, both
islets and development of diabetes mellitus [23]. should be used to confirm the diagnosis
The main problem is that when using immu-
Skin nohistochemistry on paraffin-embedded tissues,
there may be nonspecific staining for the non-
Although skin deposits of light chains may occur pertinent light or heavy chains making a defini-
[22], they appear rather infrequently, precluding tive interpretation impossible or equivocal.
the use of skin biopsy in lieu of invasive sam- However, in some cases it turns out to be a
pling of deep organs for diagnostic purposes [6]. definitive way to make a diagnosis (Figs. 9.1b
and 9.4b). The results depend much on tissue
fixation and processing, and it is virtually
Muscle impossible to predict when the results would be
satisfactory. Unquestionably, immunofluores-
Deposition of paraproteins in striated muscles is cence provides a much more specific and repro-
rare. One patient with LCDD presented with ducible ancillary diagnostic technique to make
chronic myopathic symptoms and another with a diagnosis.
acute rhabdomyolysis [6, 22] suggesting that Ultrastructurally, the light and heavy chain
there may be cases where the muscle is selec- deposits can be quite characteristic; however, that
tively affected. is not always the case. They exhibit a punctate to
9 Light/Heavy Chain Deposition Disease as a Systemic Disorder 137

Fig. 9.7 Light chain deposits along subendothelial aspect in density associated with the light chain deposits depending on
peripheral capillary walls. Transmission electron microscopy. amount deposited and characteristics of the light chains.
Uranyl acetate and lead citrate stain. Note variable electron Some of the light chain deposits may be easily missed

flocculent electron-dense appearance and are not deposited pristine light and heavy chains can be
fibrillary. The electron density of the deposits is seen by electron microscopy even in poorly fixed
variable with the more electron-dense deposits tissues or in paraffin-embedded materials repro-
representing the most typical and diagnostic. The cessed for ultrastructural evaluation (Fig. 9.8).
electron density depends on the amount of light/ Ultrastructural labeling may help in recognizing
heavy chain deposited and also the physicochem- these (Fig. 9.9), as the specific light/heavy chain
ical characteristics of the same (Fig. 9.7). In some can be definitely localized to the deposits.
instances, the electron-dense material is barely However, this technique is only available at a few
electron dense and could be easily missed. These selected diagnostic laboratories.
138 G.A. Herrera and E.A. Turbat-Herrera

Mechanisms Associated with Organ


Renal research has provided useful information

regarding the pathologic events that take place as
monoclonal light chains interact with renal com-
partments and lead to pathological consequences.
In the case of LHCDD the mesangium is the pri-
mary target for pathological events to occur. The
light chains interact with specific receptors on the
surface of mesangial cells, activating effector
molecules such as NF-kB and c-myc that produce
downstream activation of a number of molecules,
Fig. 9.8 Light chain deposits on the external aspect of
renal tubular basement membranes. Tissue fixed in forma- including some crucial growth factors [50].
lin, embedded in paraffin, and reprocessed for electron Initially there is activation of PDGF-β resulting
microscopy. In spite of the poor tissue preservation, the in increased cellularity. Essential to the pathogen-
light chain deposits are easily identifiable
esis of these disorders is the activation of trans-
forming growth factor-β which results in
stimulation of mesangial cells to form matrix rich
in tenascin (Fig. 9.10). PDGF-β and TGF-β act
independently but in a coordinated fashion [51–
53]. Amyloidogenic and LCDD light chains
interact with the mesangial cells in a similar fash-
ion, sharing the same receptors on mesangial
cells, but follow different intracellular pathways
and induce divergent phenotypic differentiation

Fig. 9.9 Light chain deposits in heart. Transmission Fig. 9.10 Schematic representation of monoclonal light
electron microscopy. Uranyl acetate and lead citrate stain. chain interactions with mesangial cells. Light chains inter-
Immunogold labeling for lambda light chains. Light chain act with a receptor present at the surface of mesangial
deposits are barely electron dense but clearly delineated cells activating cellular effectors such as c-myc and NF-kB
with the gold particles labeling λ light chains. No labeling which produce downstream activities leading to enhanced
for κ light chains production of extracellular matrix rich in tenascin
9 Light/Heavy Chain Deposition Disease as a Systemic Disorder 139

in the mesangial cells [54]. The sequence of

events that takes place when LCDD glomerulo-
pathic light chains and the mesangium interact is 1. Fernand J-P, Brouet J-C. Heavy-chain diseases.
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with pathogenic light chain. While this may be an 3. Ronco PM, Alyanakian M-A, Mougenot B, et al.
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Non-Randall Glomerulonephritis
with Non-organized Monoclonal 10
Ig Deposits

Pierre Ronco, Alexandre Karras,

and Emmanuelle Plaisier

Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis • Monoclonal component
• Membranous nephropathy • Anti-CD20 antibody • Ig subclass

In the past 10 years, the spectrum of glomerular and associates [2] opened up new perspectives
diseases associated with multiple myeloma and in plasma cell-related glomerular pathology,
myeloma-related disorders has expanded with although the nodular glomerulosclerosis charac-
the use of appropriate reagents including highly teristic of the disease was constantly associated
specific anti-light chain (LC) and anti-heavy with LC deposits along renal tubules. Together
chain (HC) subclass antibodies, and electron with myeloma cast nephropathy, AL amyloidosis
microscopy. For a long time, since the identifica- and LCDD are the most common complications
tion of the variable region of a circulating Ig LC of plasma cell-related disorders [3], thus indicat-
in amyloid fibrils by Glenner and associates [1], ing that the majority of these disorders are caused
AL amyloid was considered the only cause of by Ig LC deposition in renal parenchyma.
glomerular involvement in myeloma and related Deposition of monoclonal Ig containing both
disorders. Then, the description of non-amyloid heavy and light chains is far less common and
light chain deposition disease (LCDD) by Randall may manifest as type-I cryoglobulinemic GN [4],
Randall-type light and heavy chain deposition dis-
ease [5], immunotactoid GN [6–8], and light and
heavy chain amyloidosis [9, 10] (Table 10.1).
P. Ronco, M.D., Ph.D. (*) • E. Plaisier, M.D., Ph.D. In type 1 cryoglobulinemia, a membranopro-
INSERM UMR_S 702, Hopital Tenon, liferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) with mac-
4 rue de la chine, 75020, Paris, France
rophage infiltration is the most characteristic
UPMC Univ Paris 6, Paris, France histologic pattern and the deposits are typically,
AP-HP, Department of Nephrology but not invariably, organized into fibrillary or
and Dialysis, University Pierre et Marie Curie, microtubular structures at the ultrastructural level.
Hôpital Tenon, Paris, France
The hallmark of immunotactoid glomerulonephri-
e-mail: pierre.ronco@tnn.aphp.fr; pierreronco@yahoo.fr
tis is the presence of highly organized non-amy-
A. Karras, M.D.
loidotic microtubular deposits, usually of >30 nm
AP-HP, Department of Nephrology,
University Paris Descartes, Hôpital Européen in diameter, with hollow cores and parallel stack-
Georges Pompidou, Paris, France ing, although thinner tubules can be observed [6].

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 143
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_10,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
144 P. Ronco et al.

Table 10.1 Glomerulonephritis (GN) with deposits of

monoclonal Ig light and heavy chains Proliferative GN with Non-organized
Organized deposits Non-organized deposits
Monoclonal Ig Deposits
Type-1 Light and heavy chain
cryoglobulinemic GN deposition disease (LHCDD) Alpers et al. [11] first described six patients with
Immunotactoid GN Proliferative GN with a MPGN pattern of GN, including mesangial
monoclonal Ig deposits hypercellularity, increased mesangial matrix and
mesangial interposition, and monoclonal IgGκ
Light and heavy chain Nonproliferative GN with
amyloidosis (Fibrillary GN) monoclonal Ig deposits
and C3 staining. Granular subendothelial and
mesangial deposits were seen by electron micros-
copy. None of these six patients had detectable
Light and heavy chain amyloidosis is extremely serum or urine monoclonal Ig, and bone marrow
rare and, similar to AL amyloidosis, is character- examination in four patients was normal. The
ized by the presence of Congo red-positive depos- authors pointed out the female predominance
its composed of haphazardly oriented fibrils that (five of the six patients), the young age of onset
measure 8–14 nm in diameter. Among diseases (31 years old or less in three patients), and the
with non-organized deposits, LHCDD is charac- absence of overt plasma cell dyscrasia.
terized by the presence of nodular sclerosing Bridoux et al. [13] reported the cases of five
glomerulopathy by light microscopy, linear stain- patients manifesting glomerulopathy with non-
ing of glomerular and tubular basement mem- organized, non-Randall-type monoclonal Ig
branes for a single heavy and light chain by deposits; two of these patients being described in
immunofluorescence, and non-fibrillar, granular detail by Touchard [12]. The mean age was
electron-dense deposits involving glomerular and 54 ± 17 years. All patients presented with micro-
tubular basement membranes by electron micros- hematuria and renal failure; four of five had a
copy. Recently, a second entity has emerged, nephrotic syndrome. Kidney biopsy revealed
which is characterized by non-Randall-type and atypical membranous, endocapillary prolifera-
non-organized glomerular Ig deposition that does tive, and membranoproliferative patterns. By
not conform to any of the previous categories immunofluorescence, the glomerular capillary
[11–14]. In most cases reviewed by Nasr in 2004 wall deposits consisted of IgG3κ in two patients,
[15] and 2009 [16], lesions were those of MPGN. IgG3λ in one, IgG2κ in one, and isolated λLC in
The authors coined the term proliferative glom- one. Corresponding monoclonal proteins were
erulonephritis with monoclonal IgG deposits detected in serum or urine in three patients.
(PGNMID) to call this new entity. In other rarer In 2004, Nasr et al. [15] reported the first
cases, lesions were those of atypical membranous extensive description of PGNMID in a series of
nephropathy (MN) [13, 15, 17–19]. Although the 10 patients, and recently enlarged this series to 37
clinicopathological presentation of these patients cases [16], thus allowing a thorough description
is shared with common cases of MPGN and MN, of the disease.
specificity is provided by the monoclonal Ig
deposits which should lead to adapted diagnostic Epidemiology. Nasr et al. [15] reported a biopsy
procedure and therapeutic strategy. incidence of 0.21% of a total of 4,650 native
In this chapter, we revisit the spectrum of non- biopsies referred to the Renal Pathology
organized monoclonal Ig deposits. We will dis- Laboratory of Columbia University College
cuss important diagnostic issues including of Physicians and Surgeons from January 2000
demonstration of monoclonality of the deposits to February 2003. By comparison, the biopsy
and search for underlying lymphocyte and/or incidences of AL amyloidosis and Randall-
plasma cell proliferation, as well as the treatment type MIDD were 1.66 and 0.52% over the same
options in the light of recent pathophysiologic time period, respectively. In Japan, Masai et al.
and therapeutic advances. [20] identified four patients with PGNMID
10 Non-Randall Glomerulonephritis with Non-organized Monoclonal Ig Deposits 145

after reviewing 5,443 kidney biopsies (biopsy Table 10.2 Glomerular immunofluorescence staining in
incidence of 0.07%). patients with PGNMID
Parameter No. of patients Percentage of patients
Clinical features. In Nasr et al. largest series, the IgG 45/46 97.8
majority of patients were white (81%) and IgG1κ 7/39 17.9
female (62%). All patients were adults and had a IgG1λ 2/39 5.1
mean age of 55 years (range 20–81). At presenta- IgG2κ 1/39 2.6
IgG2λ 2/39 5.1
tion, all patients had proteinuria. Proteinuria
IgG3κ 22/39 56.4
was in the nephrotic range in 69% of patients,
IgG3λ 5/39 12.8
and 49% developed full nephrotic syndrome.
C3 40/41 97.6
Microhematuria was documented in 77% of C1q 27/40 67.5
patients. Two-thirds of patients had renal insuffi-
Series from Nasr et al. [16], Bridoux et al. [13], and Masai
ciency, including three who were on hemodialy- et al. [20]
sis. None of the patients had significant extra-renal
with IgG3 deposits having a positive M-spike in
Pathologic findings. Four histologic patterns were Nasr et al. series [16]. Immunofluorescence stud-
observed. The most common seen in 57% of cases ies using antibodies specific for γ-heavy chain,
was MPGN, often associated with endocapillary CH1, CH2, and CH3 domains, and γ3 hinge did not
hypercellularity including focal macrophage infil- show apparent deletion [16, 20].
tration. The second most common pattern, seen in In all cases, granular electron-dense deposits
35%, was predominantly endocapillary prolifera- were confined to the glomerular compartment,
tive GN. The third histologic pattern, seen in 5% while they were both glomerular and tubular in
of cases, was predominantly membranous GN but LHCDD. They were primarily subendothelial
with focal endocapillary hypercellularity and seg- and mesangial, but subepithelial deposits were
mental membranoproliferative features. The also seen. In Nasr et al. series [16], some patients
fourth and rarest pattern was pure mesangial pro- showed rare ill-defined fibrils with focal lattice-
liferative GN. Crescents were present in 32% of like arrays although the deposits never formed
cases. Interstitial inflammation was predomi- well-organized structures as seen in fibrillary or
nantly focal and associated with a variable degree immunotactoid GN.
of tubular atrophy and arteriosclerosis.
Results of immunofluorescence staining with Immunologic data. Only 14 of 52 (27%) patients
anti-LC isotype and anti-Ig subclass antibodies had evidence of dysproteinemia by serum and/
obtained in three different series [13, 16, 20] are or urine electrophoresis and immunofixation
shown in Table 10.2. Deposits were identified [11, 13, 16, 20]. Of the 26 of 37 patients reported
exclusively in the glomeruli. They were mostly by Nasr et al. [16] who had no detectable mono-
granular and localized to the glomerular capillary clonal component in serum or urine, four were
wall and mesangium. IgG was the only Ig depos- tested with the serum free LC assay; of these,
ited, with the exception of a case where only λLC three were found to have normal κ:λ ratio, and
was detected [13]. All cases showed LC isotype one (who had glomerular monoclonal IgG3κ
restriction, including 30 cases (76.9%) with sole deposits) had an elevated κ:λ ratio.
positivity for κ. Ig subclass analysis showed a Bone marrow examination, performed in 30
huge predominance of IgG3 (69.2% of cases), patients [11, 16, 20], showed marrow plasmacy-
whereas IgG3 represents a minor subclass in tosis in two patients and clear signs of myeloma
healthy subjects (8%) and myeloma patients (4%) in one patient. None of the patients had lymph-
[21]. No case showed positivity for IgG4. On sta- adenopathy, hepatomegaly, or lymphoma.
tistical analysis, IgG3 subtype correlated with the Search for cryoglobulinemia was negative in
absence of M-spike, with only 2 of 21 patients all patients (performed repeatedly in many
146 P. Ronco et al.

Table 10.3 Clinical follow-up of patients with the disease in the allograft is an important issue.
PGNMID Nasr et al. [8] reported recurrence of PGNMID in
Parameter Value four Caucasians (three women, one man), although
Duration of follow-up 30.3 (1.0–114.0) no patient had a detectable circulating monoclo-
(mo; mean [range]) nal component or hematologic malignancy.
Recurrence was first documented by biopsy per-
None 5 (15.6)
formed at a mean of 3.8 months posttransplant
RAS blockade alone 9 (28.1)
Immunosuppressor agents 18 (56.3)
because of renal insufficiency (four patients), pro-
Steroids 11 teinuria (three patients), and microhematuria
Cyclophosphamide 3 (three patients). Histologic patterns in the allograft
Cyclosporine 2 were endocapillary or mesangial GN.
Mycophenolate mofetil 5 Monoclonal IgG deposits (three IgG3κ and
Rituximab 4 one IgG3λ) in the transplants had identical heavy
Chlorambucil 1 and light chain isotypes as in the native kidneys.
Thalidomide 2 Recurrence was treated with combined high-dose
Bortezomib (velcade) 1 prednisone plus rituximab (n = 3) or plus
Outcomea cyclosporine (n = 1). After a mean posttransplant
CR 4 (12.5)
follow-up of 43 months, all four patients achieved
PR 8 (25.0)
reduction in proteinuria and three had reduction
PRD 12 (37.5)
in creatinine. Repeat biopsies showed reduced
Persistent hematuria (with normal 1 (3.1)
creatinine and no proteinuria) histologic activity after treatment.
ESRD 7 (21.9)
Death 5 (15.6)
CR: remission of proteinuria to <500 mg/d with normal Nonproliferative GN
renal function; PR: reduction in proteinuria by at least with Non-organized Monoclonal
50% and to <2 g/d with stable renal function (no more Ig Deposits
than a 20% increase in serum creatinine); PRD: failure to
meet criteria for either CR or PR but not reaching ESRD,
including patients with unremitting proteinuria, or pro- Next to PGNMID, isolated case reports and small
gressive chronic kidney disease. From Nasr et al. [16], series suggested that some patients developed
with permission GNMID with no or minimal glomerular cell pro-
liferation. One of the patients reported by Bridoux
patients), and none of the patients had any et al. [13] and described in detail by Touchard
systemic manifestations of cryoglobulinemia. [12] had nephrotic syndrome related to thickened
Serum complement was decreased in 11 of 41 glomerular capillary walls with IgG3λ and com-
(27%) patients [16, 20]. Of the 11 patients with plement deposits. Immunoblotting revealed the
hypocomplementemia, 8 had IgG3 glomerular presence of monoclonal IgG3λ. Evans et al. [18]
deposits and 3 had IgG1 glomerular deposits. described a patient with follicular B-cell lym-
phoma who developed nephrotic syndrome
Treatment outcome. In the largest series reported related to subepithelial granular IgG1κ deposits.
so far [16], 18 of 37 patients received immuno- One patient in Nasr et al. series [15] of PGNMID
suppressor agents either with or without concur- had a pattern of MN, however with segmental
rent renin angiotensin system (RAS) blockade. It membranoproliferative features and IgG1κ
is remarkable that 12 patients (37.5%) developed deposits.
complete (n = 4) or partial (n = 8) remission, Komatsuda et al. [19] reviewed 5,443 kidney
whereas only 2 reached ESRD (Table 10.3). biopsies from their own department in Akita
(Japan), and identified three patients with mono-
Transplantation. Because 20–25% of PGNMID clonal immunoglobulin deposition disease associ-
progress to ESRD [16], potential recurrence of ated with membranous features. All patients had
10 Non-Randall Glomerulonephritis with Non-organized Monoclonal Ig Deposits 147

proteinuria, and one patient developed nephrotic patients (65%). Interstitial fibrosis with tubular
syndrome. Renal insufficiency was not observed. atrophy ranged from absent or mild (57%) to
Cryoglobulin or monoclonal protein in serum moderate (27%) and severe (16%). Vascular
and urine was not detected. A renal biopsy lesions were frequent, mainly arteriolar hyalino-
showed thickening of the glomerular capillary sis (15/26) and arteriosclerosis (19/26).
walls and spike formation. Tubulointerstitial Demographic, clinical, and biological charac-
and vascular alterations were mild or absent. teristics of these patients are shown in Table 10.4.
Immunofluorescence studies revealed granular At presentation, all patients had glomerular pro-
IgG3κ deposits in two patients and IgG1κ depos- teinuria >1 g/24 h and most (85%) of the patients
its in one patient, along the glomerular capillary presented with nephrotic syndrome. Mean serum
walls. Significant deposition along the tubular creatinine level at presentation was 211 μmol/l
basement membranes was not observed in any (eGFR: 49.3 ± 34.6 ml/min/1.73 m²), and 14 of 26
patient. Immunofluorescence studies using anti- (54%) patients initially had significant renal dys-
bodies specific for γ-heavy chain Fab containing function, including three patients who needed
CH1 domain, CH2 domain, and CH3 domain did temporary hemodialysis. In eight cases (31%), a
not show any apparent deletion. On confocal circulating monoclonal IgG was detected by stan-
microscopy, glomerular colocalization of light dard methods (serum and urine protein electro-
and heavy chains was observed. Electron micros- phoresis with immunofixation). In all of these
copy showed predominant subepithelial granular cases, the serum monoclonal IgG had the same
deposits without distinct ultrastructural organiza- light and heavy chain isotype as the monoclonal
tion. All patients were treated with steroids, and compound identified in the glomerular deposits,
good effects were observed. A follow-up renal on the renal biopsy. Hypocomplementemia was
biopsy performed in one patient showed histo- observed in 8 of 22 patients (36%) with available
logical improvement. No patient developed data, showing either isolated C4 or combined C3
myeloma or other hematological malignancy dur- and C4 consumption. Low serum complement
ing the course of follow-up (mean 44 months). concentration was equally observed among
patients with either MPGN or MN and indepen-
dently of the monoclonal IgG isotype. Serum
Revisiting the Disease Spectrum cryoglobulin, hepatitis C, hepatitis B, and HIV
of GN with Monoclonal Ig Deposits serology were negative in all patients.
Bone marrow examination and blood lympho-
To get further insight into the glomerulopathies cyte phenotype were performed in 22 of 26
with monoclonal Ig deposits, we recently patients and a hematological malignancy was
reviewed the cases of 26 patients with non-cryo- identified in nine of them: two had multiple
globulinemic GN and monoclonal Ig deposits myeloma (MM), four had chronic lymphocytic
referred to three nephrology departments in Paris leukemia (CLL), and three non-Hodgkin’s lym-
between 1980 and 2008 [17]. We found that there phoma (NHL). Five of the patients with malig-
were more patients with MN (n = 14) than with nancy had detectable serum monoclonal IgG.
MPGN (n = 12) (Fig. 10.1). In five of the MN The hematological disease was revealed by the
patients, the glomerular lesions were, however, nephropathy in four of nine patients, whereas
atypical with mesangial hypertrophy and four patients had a long-standing history of
increased mesangial cellularity (Fig. 10.1a). hemopathy when GN was detected (mean delay
Overall, extracapillary proliferation with cres- was 32 months [3–89]). One patient, who was
cents was observed in 13 cases (4 of 14 MN, 9 of initially diagnosed with monoclonal gammopa-
12 MPGN), whereas glomerular necrotic lesions thy of undetermined significance, converted to
were present in only 6 biopsies. Interstitial overt MM 81 months after the onset of renal dis-
inflammation with infiltration by neutrophils and ease. A positron emission tomography (PET)
nonmalignant lymphocytes was noted in 17 scan was performed in three patients with no
10 Non-Randall Glomerulonephritis with Non-organized Monoclonal Ig Deposits 149

Table 10.4 Demographic, clinical, and biological char- by sensitive techniques, all patients did have
acteristics at presentation of patients with non-cryoglobu- monoclonal Ig glomerular deposits. Light chain
linemic GN with monoclonal Ig deposits
isotype restriction was found in all patients with
Characteristics Value positivity for κ light chain in 80% of patients. The
Female/male, n (%) 16/10 (61/39)
subclasses of IgG deposits were determined for
Age, years (mean ± SD) (range) 52 ± 16 (29–77)
21 patients: deposits stained for γ1 in 8 patients
40 years, n (%) 20 (77)
< 40 years, n (%) 3 (23) (6 IgG1κ and 2 IgG1λ), γ2 in 2 patients (IgG2κ),
Ethnicity, n (%) γ3 in 10 patients (9 IgG3κ and 1 IgG3λ), and γ4
Caucasian 22 (85) in 1 patient (IgG4κ). IgG subclass distribution
Other 4 (15) was different according to the observed glomeru-
Proteinuria, g/24 h, (mean ± SD) 5.3 ± 4.6 (1.4–10) lar pattern: IgG3 deposits were identified in 80%
(range) of cases in MPGN (seven of eight, IgG3k; one of
Serum albumin, g/L, (mean ± SD) 26 ± 7 (13–46) eight, IgG3λ), whereas only 18% of MN had
IgG3 deposits (p = 0.0021). On the other hand,
Total serum protein, g/L, 55.1 ± 6.1 (46–65)
(mean ± SD) (range) IgG1 deposits were present in 64% of MN (four
Nephrotic syndrome, n (%) 22 (85) of seven, IgG1k; three of seven, IgG1 λ), whereas
Hematuria, n (%) 21 of 24 (87.5) only 10% of MPGN had IgG1 deposits (p = 0.014).
Serum creatinine, μmol/L, 211 ± 90 (45–814) In most of the examined patients (11 of 14), ultra-
(mean ± SD) (range) structural study showed that immune deposits
eGFR, ml/min/1.73 m², 49.3 ± 34.6 (10–130) were not organized. EM demonstrated large,
(mean ± SD) (range)
granular deposits that were subepithelial in eight
Renal dysfunction, n (%) 14 (54)
patients (with associated mesangial deposits in
Hypertension, n (%) 16 of 24 (66.7)
Dysproteinemia, n (%) 8 (30.7)
two of them) and subendothelial in three patients
Serum paraprotein only 6 (23) (Fig. 10.1g, h). Three patients had immunotactoid
Serum and urine paraprotein 2 (7.7) GN, with organized subepithelial deposits with
Hematological malignancy, n (%) 9 of 26 (34.6) microtubular substructure (Fig. 10.1h). The diam-
Low C3, n (%) 1 of 22 (4.5) eter of the microtubular structures was 25–40 nm.
Low C4, n (%) 3 of 22 (13.6) Of note, these three patients had CLL.
Low C3 and C4, n (%) 4 of 22 (18.1) MPGN was also reported with IgM-secreting
Adenopathy, n (%) 2 (7.7) monoclonal proliferations in the absence of cryo-
Hepatosplenomegaly, n (%) 1 (3.8) globulinemia [10].
From Guiard et al. [17], with permission

Pathophysiological Considerations
proven hematological malignancy and found no
tumoral mass. One of the important points shown by the immu-
Although a circulating monoclonal IgG was nofluorescence studies is the striking correspon-
detected in less than a third of the patients even dence between the localization of the IgG

Fig. 10.1 Pathological findings in glomerulonephritis cells (c, Masson’s trichrome stain) and double contours
with monoclonal Ig deposits. Light microscopy findings in (d, JMS stain). By immunofluorescence, parietal granular
membranous nephropathy (MN), showing immune depos- IgG deposits in MN (e) is different of the more diffuse pat-
its on the external side of the glomerular basement mem- tern seen in the MPGN (f). Ultrastuctural studies found
brane, with frequent mesangial hypertrophy (a, Masson’s that most patients have granular, non-organized deposits
trichrome stain); the deposits have irregular size (inset a) in the subepithelial (g) or subendothelial spaces, whereas
and are embedded in basement membrane expansions in some cases, the deposits shows microtubular substruc-
(b, JMS stain). In patients with membranoproliferative ture (h), as previously described in immunotactoid glom-
pattern, light microscopy shows proliferation of mesangial erulonephritis. From Guiard et al. [17], with permission
150 P. Ronco et al.

deposits, defining either MPGN or MN histologi- the propensity of IgG1 subclass for membranous
cal patterns, and the subclass of the monoclonal deposits, because it is the most frequent Ig sub-
IgG found in the deposits. IgG3 is the predomi- class found in monoclonal gammopathies [28].
nant subclass in proliferative GN with monoclo- Nevertheless, one of our previous reports sup-
nal IgG deposits, as it is in type 1 cryoglobulinemia ports the hypothesis that, in contrast to classic
[4, 9, 16, 17]. Classic MPGN is triggered by MN [29], the deposited immunoglobulin may not
deposition of immune complexes in the mesan- be directed against a local antigen, but rather pre-
gium and the glomerular capillaries, activating cipitates, because of peculiar physicochemical
the complement cascade and recruiting inflam- properties [26]. In a patient with a membranous
matory cells such as macrophages and lympho- pattern of GN, the circulating monoclonal IgG1λ
cytes. In monoclonal IgG3-associated MPGN, showed unusual in vitro aggregation properties,
there is no evidence for an antigen–antibody including dependence on low ionic strength and
immune complex, either circulating or formed in neutral pH, suggesting that electrostatic interac-
situ. This rather uncommon serum subclass of tions had a role in the precipitation process. We
human IgG (mean normal adult level, 0.42 mg/ml; speculate that in vivo precipitation is facilitated
range 0.18–0.80 mg/ml) is the most nephrito- by the local concentration of the protein in glom-
genic because of its ability to aggregate in the erular basement membrane and the ionic proper-
glomerular capillary via a specific Fc–Fc interac- ties of the negatively charged local milieu.
tion. IgG3 is also the most positively charged Interestingly, the IgG precipitated from serum
human IgG, favoring its affinity towards the had a non-organized ultrastructure similar to that
anionic sites of the glomerular membrane [22, 23]. of kidney deposits [26].
This high avidity of IgG3 for the glomeruli may A unique case of hypocomplementic MPGN
explain the fact that monoclonal components can associated with monoclonal λ light chain dimers,
remain undetectable in the serum of patients with isolated from the serum and urine, has also been
proven monoclonal IgG3 kidney deposits. Last reported [14]. The dimers formed a miniautoanti-
but not least, IgG3 has the greatest complement- body against complement factor H, and thus acti-
fixing capacity, which in turn could activate vated the alternative pathway of complement.
downstream inflammatory mediators that pro- Several cases of GN with isolated C3 deposits
mote glomerular leukocyte infiltration and prolif- and monoclonal gammopathy have been recently
eration. Interestingly, IgG3 is the predominant Ig reported [30, 31]. These cases might represent an
subclass in monoclonal components observed in unusual complication of plasma cell dyscrasia,
immunodeficiency states, including aging and related to complement activation through an
treatment with anti-calcineurin inhibitors [24]. autoantibody activity of the monoclonal Ig
This observation suggests that PGNMID occurs against a complement alternative pathway regu-
in an unusual immunological setting that requires lator protein such as complement factor H.
further investigation. Whether this can occur also in GN with monoclo-
On the other hand, most (64%) cases of mono- nal Ig deposits remains to be established.
clonal MN are due to IgG1 deposits, while IgG3
is rarely observed [17, 19, 25, 26]. These data
confirm the observations of Bridoux et al. who Diagnostic Considerations
found that five of ten patients with atypical MN
due to monotypic Ig deposits had IgG1 subclass Monoclonal gammopathy should be considered
deposited in their glomeruli [6]. The one patient as an important and common cause of MPGN.
from Nasr et al. series with membranous features The Mayo Clinic recently reviewed the case of
also had IgG1 deposits. Interestingly, IgG4 was 68 patients with MPGN that were negative for
not found in our series although this subclass is the hepatitis B and C and were evaluated for gam-
most prominent in idiopathic MN [27]. However, mopathies, during the period of 2001 through
it is difficult to draw definitive conclusions about 2006 [32]. Twenty-eight (41.1%) had serum
10 Non-Randall Glomerulonephritis with Non-organized Monoclonal Ig Deposits 151

Table 10.5 Clinical and pathologic differences among PGNMID, type 1 cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis, and
immunotactoid glomerulonephritis
Type 1 cryoglobulinemic Immunotactoid
Parameter PGNMID glomerulonephritis glomerulonephritis
Hypocomplementemia 27% 58% 33%
Evidence of serum or urine monoclonal 30% 76% 67%
Underlying MM Very rare Very rare Very rare
Underlying lymphoma/leukemia Very rare 33% 17%
Renal insufficiency at presentation 60% 76% 83%
Nephrotic syndrome 53% 38% 50%
Intracapillary monocyte infiltration + ++ +
Intracapillary protein thrombi No Yes No
Most common IgG subclass IgG3 IgG3 IgG1
Texture of deposits on EM Granular Focal annular–tubular Microtubular with a diameter
or fibrillar of 30–50 nm and hollow
centers in parallel stacks
From Nasr et al. [16], with permission

and/or urine electrophoresis studies positive In cases of endocapillary proliferative or MPGN

for monoclonal gammopathy. Sixteen patients had in which the deposits stain for a single γHC sub-
so-called MGUS (this term is usually not employed class and a single LC, diagnostic considerations
in the presence of visceral complications), while would include PGNMID, type-1 cryoglobulinemia
12 patients had various lymphoplasmacytic cell GN, and immunotactoid GN (Table 10.5). Two
proliferations including multiple myeloma (6 points should be emphasized. First, the distinction
patients), low-grade B-cell lymphoma (3 patients), with type-1 cryoglobulinemia may be difficult
CLL (2 patients), and lymphoplasmacytic lym- because the characteristic feature of thrombi with
phoma (LPL)/Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia annular structure of deposits by EM is not always
(1 patient). Ten of 28 patients had circulating found. Second, EM may not be available or the
monoclonal IgM κ. Immunofluorescence micros- results delayed and, therefore, the distinction with
copy of kidney biopsies correlated with immuno- immunotactoid GN may be impossible for some
fixation results deposits by immunofluorescence. time. However, from a therapeutic point of view,
Therefore, all patients with a diagnosis of MPGN the key point is the presence of monoclonal Ig
should be evaluated for an underlying monoclonal deposits which should lead to a detailed workup
gammopathy. A careful analysis of the biopsy for a lymphoplasmacytic cell disorder and to
with anti-LC isotype antibodies is the first step of appropriate treatment against the overt or low-
the workup. If light chain isotype restriction is grade incipience proliferation.
found, then the biopsy should be analyzed with
anti-γHC subclass antibodies to confirm monoclo-
nality. The same analysis should be done for the Therapeutic Considerations
patients with MN.
Irrespective of the histological pattern, MPGN All patients who present with a well-defined
or MN, the finding of monoclonal deposits should hematological malignancy, such as multiple
lead to analyze the organization of deposits by myeloma and high-grade NHL associated with a
EM, and to search for cryoglobulinemia, circulat- monoclonal compound, must be treated accord-
ing monoclonal component by highly sensitive ing to the standard chemotherapy protocols,
techniques, and signs of a lymphoplasmacytic cell including newly introduced drugs such as thali-
proliferation by bone marrow examination, blood domide, bortezomib, or rituximab in addition to
lymphocyte phenotyping, and CT- or PET scan. inhibitors of the RAS. If the treatment permits
152 P. Ronco et al.

sustained hematological remission and suppres- showed complete remission and two experienced a
sion of the circulating monoclonal IgG, then the good-quality partial remission, with no major side
renal disease can disappear. In nonmalignant effects. Further studies are necessary to define
cases with a low-tumoral mass plasma cell dys- which patients should be treated with this drug and
crasia or a low-grade lymphoproliferative dis- what should be the best therapeutic scheme.
ease, nephrologists have to convince hematologists In conclusion, GNs with non-Randall-type,
that, as in AL amyloidosis, the treatment of the non-organized monoclonal Ig deposits are a new
otherwise “benign” neoplasm is mandatory to evolving entity whose diagnosis relies on a care-
hamper the renal disease. ful examination of the kidney biopsy with spe-
In our recent series [17], complete remission cific anti-LC isotype and anti-IgG subclass
of the nephrotic syndrome was obtained in 13 antibodies. Therefore, recognition of this entity
patients (54%). In all of these patients, remission mainly relies on the pathologist. The diagnosis of
of nephropathy was reached only after the disap- these diseases has two main consequences. The
pearance of the circulating M-spike. Absence of first is a detailed workup in search of a lymphop-
renal remission was mainly observed among lasmacytic disorder. The second regards therapeu-
patients who were diagnosed at a late stage of tic strategy aimed at annihilating the underlying
chronic kidney disease, with elevated serum cre- B-cell proliferation and improving the associated
atinine levels and presence of extensive fibrosis kidney disease.
on the renal biopsy. The presence of an identified
hematological malignancy was not associated
with a worse renal outcome, and complete remis- References
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Pathologies of Renal and Systemic
Intracellular Paraprotein Storage: 11
Crystalopathies and Beyond

Maria M. Picken

Fanconi syndrome • Light chain proximal tubulopathy • Crystal-storing
histiocytosis • Immunoglobulin-storing histiocytosis

In previous chapters of this part, various orga- toxins, or circulating soluble metabolites that
nized and non-organized extracellular deposits may crystallize in tissues, crystal deposition can
were discussed, some of which are associated also be seen in association with plasma cell dys-
with paraproteins, but all of which are in the dif- crasia (PCD), which is the focus of this chapter.
ferential diagnosis of amyloid, in particular AL,
since they can either mimic or coexist with it.
Moreover, there are indications that some of these Kidney Pathology Associated
entities may share a similar pathogenesis (incom- with Intracellular Paraprotein
plete proteolytic digestion, amino acid substitu- Storage: Proximal Tubular Epithelium
tion) and several may be associated with a low and Interstitial Histiocytes
tumor burden. This chapter provides a brief over-
view of pathologies that are associated with intra- The overwhelming majority of paraproteins con-
cellular paraproteins, both renal and systemic. sist of monoclonal light chains and are nephro-
The expanding spectrum of intracellular immu- toxic, leading to frequent renal involvement.
noglobulin storage pathologies, including both Thus, PCD can be associated with a wide range
organized deposits (as seen in crystalopathies) of renal pathologies that include light chain cast
and non-organized deposits, will be addressed. nephropathy, light and heavy chain amyloidosis,
In crystalopathies, various compounds form monoclonal immunoglobulin deposition disease,
intra- or extracellular tissue deposits. While some cryoglobulinemia, tubulointerstitial nephritis,
crystalopathies may be associated with drugs, and proximal tubulopathy [1]. While pathology
associated with light chain cast nephropathy
affecting distal tubules is frequent and a well-
known complication of PCD, proximal tubule
M.M. Picken, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.S.N. (*) injury is less frequently reported, less well known,
Department of Pathology, Loyola University Medical Center,
Bldg#110, Rm#2242, 2160 S. First Avenue,
and, most likely, underreported. Currently, only
Loyola University Chicago, IL 60153, USA approximately 100 cases have been reported that
e-mail: mpicken@lumc.edu; mmpicken@aol.com deal with this subject. The most frequently used

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 155
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_11,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
156 M.M. Picken

Fig. 11.2 Paraffin section showing rare crystals in the

proximal tubular epithelial cells. There is also a striking
granularity of the cytoplasm (hematoxylin–eosin, original
magnification, ×400)

FS and multiple myeloma or amyloidosis was

established simultaneously. There was a rela-
tively indolent renal dysfunction, Bence Jones
proteinuria of κ-type, and, in some cases,
osteomalacia resulting from chronic hypophos-
phatemia. Kidney biopsy showed prominent
crystals in proximal tubular epithelium and simi-
Fig. 11.1 Immunofluorescence stain for kappa light
chain limited to the proximal tubular epithelium. No lar crystals were also seen in the bone marrow
deposits are detectable by immunofluorescence in the in many patients. No myeloma casts were seen in
adjacent glomerulus. Stains for lambda light chains, the distal tubules. There were no serum protein
immunoglobulin (Ig) G, IgA, IgM, and complements were
monoclonal abnormalities. Based on this initial
negative (not shown) (original magnification, ×200)
series, it was proposed that patients with FS and
Bence Jones proteinuria have a distinct type of
terms include adult Fanconi syndrome (FS), light plasma cell disorder or a variant of the monoclo-
chain Fanconi syndrome (LCFS), crystalopa- nal gammopathies, termed LCFS, characterized
thies, and/or light chain proximal tubulopathy by slow progression of the tumor and an early
(LCPT) [1–7] (see Figs. 11.1–11.3); proximal phase dominated by the metabolic complications
tubular pathology may be associated with renal of renal proximal tubular dysfunction.
interstitial and/or systemic crystal-storing histio- In 1993, Aucouturier et al. sequenced the
cytosis (CSH) [8–10, see also below]. κ-cDNA from a patient with LCFS and demon-
Since 1954, it has been known that adult strated that it belonged to the VK1 subgroup and
patients may develop acquired FS in association was characterized by resistance to complete pro-
with PCD owing to acquired proximal tubular teolysis and the ability to form crystals [4]. In
injury [2]. In 1975, Maldonado et al. reviewed contrast, the light chains from 12 patients with
the first large series of 17 (new and previously myeloma cast nephropathy were susceptible to
published) cases of FS with Bence Jones protei- proteolytic digestion. The propensity of light
nuria and myeloma or amyloidosis [3]. In most chains in LCFS to form crystals that precipitate
cases, the diagnosis of FS preceded the develop- within the cytoplasm of proximal tubules appears
ment of myeloma or amyloidosis, but not the to be determined by changes in their amino acid
reverse, while, in some patients, the diagnosis of sequences. The circulating light chains are filtered
11 Pathologies of Renal and Systemic Intracellular Paraprotein Storage… 157

crystal formation. Thus, the development of

LCFS appears to be associated with the common
origin of the fragments—from the light chain
VK1 subgroup—and their primary sequence
peculiarities, which lead to partial resistance to
proteolysis with the formation of a truncated
NH2-terminal fragment with a propensity to crys-
tallize. In 2006, Sirac et al. published a transgenic
murine model of LCFS which supported the
above-proposed pathogenesis of this condition
[5]. Subsequent studies by El Hamel et al. [10]
and Toly-Ndour et al. [11] extended the molecular
studies, further supporting the evidence that
amino acid substitutions, including distinct hydro-
phobic residues, favor the formation of crystals.
However, the mechanism(s) leading to FS (gluco-
suria, phosphaturia, and aminoaciduria) is(are)
poorly understood and, indeed, some patients
may have only partial FS or no FS.
With subsequent publications, the clinical pic-
ture associated with injury to the proximal tubular
epithelium was expanded and the associated
pathologic spectrum was increased to include
non-organized intracellular paraprotein deposits
as well [6, 7, 12]. In 2007, Kapur et al. published
a report of five cases of LCPT and broadened its
definition to include three cases in which electron
microscopy revealed only prominent phagolyso-
somes within tubular epithelia; by immunoelec-
tron microscopy these phagolysosomes contained
a single light chain, kappa or lambda [7]. Thus,
Fig. 11.3 (a) Electron micrograph showing abundant the authors concluded that some patients with
rhomboid crystals within the proximal tubular epithelium PCD may have more subtle evidence of proximal
(uranyl acetate stain, original magnification, ×3,000). (b)
tubular injury not associated with crystals but
Electron micrograph showing the lattice-like structure of
the rhomboid crystals (uranyl acetate stain, original mag- only with lysosomal light chain restriction. This
nification, ×50,000) restriction can be detected by immunofluores-
cence as well as by immuno-EM. The light micro-
scopic morphology may be quite subtle and only
through the glomerular capillary wall and bind to suggestive of acute tubular injury. To encompass
the luminal surface of the proximal tubular epi- this expanded definition, the authors proposed the
thelial cells; subsequently, the light chains are term LCPT [7] (Fig. 11.4).
incorporated into endosomes, which fuse with Subsequent studies suggested that LCPT not
lysosomes, where they are then degraded into associated with crystals was more frequent than
amino acids and returned to the circulation. While LCPT with crystals. In 2011, Larsen et al. reported
the “nonpathogenic” light chains are completely ten cases of LCPT without crystals, which consti-
degraded, in FS there is incomplete proteolysis, tuted 3.1% of their light chain-related diseases,
which leads to the accumulation of protease- whereas, in their material, only three cases (0.9%)
resistant fragments that constitute a nidus for had crystals [12].
158 M.M. Picken

Some cells exhibit only prominent cytoplasmic

granularity, or a glassy appearance, vacuolization,
cellular enlargement, loss of brush border and
sloughing, resulting in an acute tubular necrosis-
like picture [7, 10, 22]. LCPT with crystals in
association with crystal deposition in podocytes
with glomerular dysfunction [23] and isotypic
light chain cast nephropathy has also been reported
[9]. In some patients, infiltration by mononuclear
cells with interstitial fibrosis may dominate the
light microscopic pathology. The presence of
Fig. 11.4 Immunogold stain for lambda light chain, intracytoplasmic crystals in the proximal tubular
which is positive within phagolysosomes in the proximal epithelium may be associated with the presence
tubular epithelium. The stain for kappa light chain was of crystals in the interstitial macrophages in the
negative (not shown) (original magnification, ×12,000).
Figures 11.1–11.4 reprinted with permission from Kapur kidney and/or of the bone marrow [termed CSH,
et al. [7] see below and 9, 10]. By immunofluorescence, in
most (but not all) cases, there is light chain restric-
tion, either for kappa or lambda light chain, which
In previous years, most cases of LCPT have is limited to proximal tubular epithelium [7, 12]
been reported with kappa light chain, while only (Fig. 11.1). Interestingly, in rare cases, crystals
rare cases of LCPT were associated with lambda were negative in standard immunofluorescence
light chains (with or without crystals) [1–4, 6–20]. performed on frozen tissue, whereas immunoflu-
However, more recent reports indicate that lambda orescence on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded,
light chains may be more often associated with pronase-digested tissue showed positivity for a
LCPT than kappa light chains [7, 12]. While single light chain [22]. It is proposed that, with
kappa light chains are preferentially associated pronase digestion, a denaturing effect on cell
with crystals, lambda light chains are associated membranes is achieved, which may facilitate
with noncrystalline LCPT. Thus, in Larsen’s access of the antibody to the lysosome-bound
series, nine out of ten biopsies with LCPT with- crystals and, possibly thereby, unmask seques-
out crystals showed lambda light chain restriction tered antigenic sites. By electron microscopy,
[12]. It is postulated that excessive endocytosis of abundant crystals of varying sizes and shapes are
the light chains promotes apoptosis and tubular seen [7, 12, 22] (Fig. 11.3a, b). These crystals
damage. The prognosis is variable and largely may be rectangular, rhomboid, round, or needle-
dependent on the tumor burden [7, 21]. However, shaped and are surrounded by a single membrane,
the diagnosis of LCPT is of critical importance most likely of lysosomal origin. Similar crystals
since this condition is often associated with previ- in the urinary sediment have also been reported
ously unrecognized myeloma/PCD [7, 12]. [10]. Interestingly, El-Hammel et al. demonstrated
Moreover, tubular injury progresses over time a certain range of ultrastructural morphology of
leading to renal failure. crystals, which included hexagonal or diamond-
shaped crystals with a lattice-like structure in
Pathology. Light microscopic findings are largely some, and needle-shaped, rectangular, and rhom-
nonspecific and suggestive of acute proximal boid patterns, in others [10]. The authors sug-
tubular injury and/or chronic tubulointerstitial gested that these differences may result from
nephropathy [7–20]. Rare tubular epithelial cells distinct structures of monoclonal light chains.
may contain pale needle-shaped crystals that are Moreover, in one of their patients with FS, crys-
mainly visible at high magnification [7, 22] tals showed a fibrillar amyloid-like organization,
(Fig. 11.2). These crystals are PAS negative which, by immunoelectron microscopy, strongly
and may stain red or green with trichrome stain. reacted with anti-kappa light chain antibody [10].
11 Pathologies of Renal and Systemic Intracellular Paraprotein Storage… 159

A microtubular or fibrillary amyloid-like structure

of crystalline inclusions was also reported earlier
Extrarenal Pathology Associated
by Taneda et al. [24] and Herlitz et al. [22].
with Intracellular Paraprotein Storage:
However, the authors provided no information as
Crystal-Storing Histiocytosis
to whether these inclusions were Congo red posi-
and Beyond
tive and birefringent, which would fully qualify
CSH is a reactive histiocytic hyperplasia in which
them as intracellular amyloid. In biopsies without
the histiocytes contain intralysosomal prominent
crystals, there are abundant and often enlarged
crystalline cytoplasmic immunoglobulin inclu-
and bizarre phagolysosomes that show light chain
sions [8, 10, 26–39]. The neoplastic plasma cells
restriction by immunoelectron microscopy and/or
also contain prominent immunoglobulin inclu-
immunofluorescence [7, 12] (Fig. 11.4). In some
sions and express predominantly kappa light
patients, such lysosomal inclusions in the proxi-
chain. It occurs in both plasma cell and lymphoid
mal tubular epithelium have been associated with
disorders: most reported cases are associated
crystal-bearing histiocytes infiltrating renal inter-
with multiple myeloma or low-grade B-cell lym-
stitium [10].
phoma, lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma, and mar-
While the underlying PCD is largely unsus-
ginal zone B-cell lymphoma; rare cases may be
pected prior to kidney biopsy, following the diag-
associated with mucosa-associated lymphoid tis-
nosis of LCPT, virtually all patients are found to
sue (MALT) lymphoma; it can also be seen in
have some form of PCD, including MGUS, mul-
some reactive conditions (Sjögren’s syndrome,
tiple myeloma (“smoldering multiple myeloma”),
[34]) as well as nonlymphoid tumors (inflamma-
or, less commonly, isotypic amyloidosis; rarely
tory myofibroblastic tumors). The crystal deposi-
patients have chronic lymphocytic leukemia/
tion can be localized to the site of
small lymphocytic lymphoma, or large B-cell
lymphoplasmacellular proliferation or may be
non-Hodgkin lymphoma [3, 6–23]. The clinical
systemic. In systemic CSH, the reticuloendothe-
picture may be subtle and diverse depending on
lial system is involved with extramedullary sites.
the tumor burden [3, 7, 12, 21]. Nevertheless,
Crystals can be seen either in histiocytes in soft
even in low tumor burden and a seemingly indo-
tissues or parenchymal cells. The presence of
lent clinical course, kidney failure develops [7].
intracytoplasmic crystals in the macrophages of
Interestingly, kidney failure can be reversed upon
the bone marrow may be coincident with the
elimination of the abnormal protein [22, Picken,
presence of similar crystals in renal interstitial
unpublished observation]. Reversibility of LCPT
macrophages and/or in the proximal tubular epi-
has also been supported by animal studies [5].
thelium. The crystals usually accumulate within
If untreated, LCPT can recur in kidney transplant
lymphoid cells and hematopoietic tissues (bone
patients [7]. Given that LCPT leads to renal fail-
marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus) or
ure suggests that it should be treated to suppress
within epithelial cells and connective tissue
the production of nephrotoxic monoclonal light
stroma of the kidney, lungs, pleural effusion, thy-
chains [25]. Some preliminary studies suggest
roid, parotid gland, eye structures (cornea, orbital
that novel immunomodulating agents, as well as
fat, lacrimal gland, eyelid, and conjunctiva), skin,
direct removal of the light chains by plasma
subcutaneous fat, heart, testes, tongue, liver,
exchange or intensive dialysis using high cutoff
stomach, adrenals, or skull and even brain paren-
membranes, may improve renal prognosis in
chyma [8, 10, 26–39]. Initial presentation largely
LCPT [25, Picken, unpublished observation].
depends on the localization: some patients pres-
Thus, adult patients with FS should be care-
ent with a soft tissue mass with abundant histio-
fully investigated for plasmacytic dyscrasia; sim-
cytes and fibroblasts containing crystals.
ilarly, a pathologic diagnosis of LCPT should
The mechanism of crystal formation and
prompt a thorough hematologic workup. LCPT
its storage in the histiocytes appears to be similar
may be underdiagnosed because of limited aware-
to that in proximal tubular epithelium [8, 10].
ness of the entity.
160 M.M. Picken

Thus, similar to LCPT, in most reported cases of and various other bacteria should be ruled out. A
CSH, kappa light chain was involved, though subset of infectious microorganisms can persist
lambda light chain-associated cases have also within the cells, owing to either a specialized cap-
rarely been described; there is no relationship sule or acquired adaptations that either enable
between the types of heavy chains [8, 10, 26]. It them to escape the lysosomal enzymes or inhibit
is conceivable that sequence abnormalities at the fusion of lysosomes and phagosomes.
specific sites in the light chain, especially in the Mycobacteria, in particular M. avium complex,
kappa light chain, are responsible for crystal for- can induce the accumulation of macrophages
mation as a consequence of defects leading to the without formation of typical epithelioid granulo-
loss of a proteolytic site(s) and the generation of mas. Negative images of crystalline immunoglob-
fragments with a high intrinsic stability, which ulin in cytology smears mimicking mycobacteria
then form a nidus for crystallization. Thus, crys- have also been reported [39]. Other bacteria caus-
tallization occurs after endocytosis and proteoly- ing the accumulation of macrophages include
sis within the endolysomal compartment of Listeria and Bartonella species and Tropheryma
histiocytes (or epithelial cells in LCPT). Although whipplei. Malakoplakia and various storage dis-
abnormalities in the light chain are the most eases should also be considered in the differential
likely cause of CSH, overproduction of the para- diagnosis. To this end, macrophages in CSH may
protein should also be critical for pathogenesis. resemble Gaucher’s disease, Weber–Christian
To this end, crystals may also be seen in plasma disease, or other forms of histiocytosis or pseudo-
cells where they are present in the rough endo- Gaucher’s cells seen in chronic myelogenous leu-
plasmic reticulum; this suggests that their crys- kemia [10]. For this reason, macrophages in CSH
tallization takes place at the site of production. are at times referred as “pseudo–pseudo-Gaucher’s
Furthermore, it is postulated that the formation of cells” [10]. Difficulties in the diagnosis of an
intracellular crystals may be toxic to cell function underlying lymphoproliferative disorder may
and affect cellular growth potential; hence, many arise, especially in cases showing an excessive
of these cases are associated with low tumor bur- accumulation of crystal-laden histiocytes, which
den and slow progression but, in some patients, obliterate the underlying neoplastic lymphoprolif-
rapid progression may be seen (reviewed in [8]). erative process. In breast lesions, fine needle aspi-
CSH may be associated with a mass composed ration biopsy may be confused with fat necrosis
predominantly of sheets of macrophages (CD-68- [30]. Indeed, there seems to be a predilection of
positive cells), which may be spindle-shaped and crystal-containing mononuclear cells for subcuta-
resemble striated muscle cells, and scattered neous fat tissue [10, 31, 36]. Thus, awareness of
aggregates of atypical lymphoid cells at the the association of CSH with an underlying PCD is
periphery of the tumor. The latter frequently show important to avoid misdiagnosis.
prominent plasmacytoid differentiation with More recent reports indicate that, similar to
monotypic expression of immunoglobulin. The LCPT, the extrarenal pathology associated with
histiocytes may contain rod-like and/or rectangu- intracellular immunoglobulin storage is expand-
lar crystals in their cytoplasm. On H&E stained ing. Thus, in 2007, Chantranuwat [30] reported a
sections the crystals may be at times inconspicu- 52-year-old man, with a known case of multiple
ous and seen only focally; negative images of myeloma, who developed chronic bilateral pul-
crystalline immunoglobulin have also been monary infiltration. Open lung biopsy displayed a
reported [39]. Therefore, the differential diagno- desquamated interstitial pneumonia-like pattern,
sis may include (a) an infectious process caused characterized by a diffuse patchy intra-alveolar
by persistent intracytoplasmic organisms, (b) a accumulation of unusual macrophages, contain-
storage disease associated with a benign reactive ing abundant round intracytoplasmic eosinophilic
lymphoid infiltrate, (c) hemophagocytosis, (d) a globular structures that were 1–7 μm in size. The
lymphoid neoplasm, and (e) a mesenchymal globules showed restriction for kappa light chain
lesion (in particular striated muscle neoplasm). by immunoperoxidase stain. Electron microscopic
Thus, mycobacteria, fungi, Whipple’s disease, examination revealed amorphous material without
11 Pathologies of Renal and Systemic Intracellular Paraprotein Storage… 161

Fig. 11.5 Views of the tissue mass. (a) Magnetic resonance imaging scan. A soft tissue mass is seen in the right shoulder
(white arrow). (b) Gross morphology

a crystalline shape or a fine ultrastructure of lattice includes organized as well as non-organized

or linear parallel configuration, indicating storage intracellular deposits, which may be seen in his-
of noncrystallized immunoglobulin. This report tiocytes, stromal and epithelial cells, and cells
documented, for the first time, the noncrystallized with B-cell cell lineage. In another chapter,
form of immunoglobulin-storing histiocytosis Ronco et al. extend the discussion of parapro-
(IgSH), causing an unusual pulmonary pathology teins further to include non-organized extracel-
in a patient with multiple myeloma. More recently, lular deposits. Although the lesions discussed in
Kurabayashi et al. [34] reported a similar noncrys- this and the prior chapter are relatively rare, col-
tallized IgSH with abundant eosinophilic globular, lectively they may represent an ever increasing
IgG-kappa-restricted inclusions in the histiocytic proportion of pathologies associated with under-
cytoplasm. Thus, in view of these reports, the term lying PCD. Therefore, awareness of these lesions
CSH should be replaced by IgSH. is important since they represent a useful clue
Interestingly, similar large noncrystalline that can facilitate the early diagnosis of an under-
inclusions were also recently reported by Li et al. lying PCD/lymphoproliferative process. A fur-
in a case of extranodal B-cell lymphoma [38]. ther significance lies in the fact that these lesions
The patient presented with a soft tissue mass mimic other conditions. While, in many
causing enlargement of the shoulder (Fig. 11.5). instances, the clinical course may be indolent,
The excised tumor was composed of large, rhab- significant target organ damage occurs over time.
doid cells in a diffuse pattern, suggestive of Although there is no consensus regarding the
adult rhabdomyoma (Fig. 11.6). However, subse- best treatment options, elimination of the
quent studies demonstrated a B-cell lineage and involved clone is associated with reversal of tar-
immunoglobulin heavy chain-specific and immu- get organ injury. Therefore, efforts to design
noglobulin light chain kappa-specific rearrange- effective treatments for these “small but danger-
ment. Electron microscopy showed pools of ous” clones should continue. In this regard, the
homogeneous, electron-dense material in dilated new generation of immunomodulatory treat-
rough endoplasmic reticulum. While occasional, ments may offer hope for the prevention of injury
intracellular, intranuclear, or other crystalline to target organs.
structures are not unusual in B-cell disorders, Recently, intracellular Congo red positive and
their presence, in abundance, may mimic other birefringent deposits of lambda light chain were
conditions and cause diagnostic difficulties. observed in the proximal tubular epithelium of a
In summary, the spectrum of intracellular kidney biopsy from a patient with plasma cell dys-
paraprotein storage disorders is expanding and crasia – C. P. Larsen, personal communication.
162 M.M. Picken

Fig. 11.6 (a) Hematoxylin and eosin staining (original nal magnification, ×7,250). (e) Lane 1 is immunoglobulin
magnification, ×400). (b) Immunohistochemical detection heavy chain (IGH) rearrangements, lane 4 is immuno-
of CD79a (original magnification, ×400). (c) Double stain- globulin light chain kappa (IGK) rearrangements, and
ing with periodic acid-Schiff stain (histochemistry) and lane 3 is a 50 bp ladder. Figures 11.5 and 11.6 reprinted
paired box protein 5 (PAX5) (immunohistochemistry). with permission from Li et al. [38]
(d) Electron microscopic micrograph of inclusion (origi-

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23. Tomika M, Ueki K, Nakahashi A, et al. Widespread 38. Li z, Li P, Wang Z, Huang Z. Primary extranodal soft-
crystalline inclusions affecting podocytes, tubular tissue B-cell lymphoma with abundant immunoglobulin
cells and interstitial histiocytes in the myeloma kid- inclusions mimicking adult rhabdomyoma: a case report.
ney. Clin Nephrol. 2003;62:229–33. J Med Case Rep. 2011;5:53 http://www.jmedicalcaser-
24. Taneda S, Honda K, Horita S, et al. Proximal tubule eports.com/content/5/1/53 Accessed Aug 2011.
cytopplasmic fibrillary inclusions following kidney 39. Ko HM, Santos GD, Boerner SL, Bailey DJ, Geddie
transplantation in a patient with a paraproteinemia. WR. Negative images of crystalline immunoglobulin
Am J Kid Dis. 2009;53:715–8. in crystal storing histiocytosis: a potential cytologic
25. Merlini G, Stone MJ. Dangerous small clones. Blood. mimic of mycobacterial in smears. Diagn Cytopathol.
2006;108:2520–30. 2011. Epub 4 May 2011.
Part III
Diagnosis of Amyloid Using
Congo Red 12
Alexander J. Howie

Amyloid • Anomalous colours • Congo red • Polarisation microscopy

in plant residues and casts in myelomatous light

Amyloid and Congo Red: Historical chain nephropathy.
and Technical Notes Congo red can be used as a pH indicator
because it changes colour from red to blue in
Various methods have been used to detect amy-
strongly acid conditions, changing in the pH
loid. Until Bennhold found by chance that Congo
range 3–5 [6]. For this reason, alkaline conditions
red stained amyloid [1–3], the most popular
are used in staining methods. Early methods
methods were probably those using methyl violet
required differentiation, meaning removal of
or crystal violet to give a metachromatic reaction
stain from sections, which gave irregular reac-
which was also given by other materials [4], and
tions. The method of Puchtler et al. was an
before the metachromatic methods, amyloid was
advance because it did not require differentiation,
detected by the sulphuric acid and iodine stain
but the working solutions were unstable and had
which was difficult and inconsistent [5]. Congo
to be made shortly before use [7]. Stokes’ method
red does not only stain amyloid, but the other
is a simple modification of this, is most useful in
materials that may be stained by a technically
everyday practice and is described below [8].
correct method can be distinguished by their lack
Two points about Congo red staining of amy-
of some of the optical properties of amyloid
loid can be made. The first is that amyloid may be
stained by Congo red, such as elastic laminae and
missed in thin sections, and sections at least 5 mm
eosinophils, or even if they have similar optical
thick are preferable, with almost no practical
properties, can be distinguished by their appear-
upper limit to the thickness of sections. The sec-
ance and position within tissues, such as cellulose
ond point is that a method of distinguishing dif-
ferent types of amyloid by modification of Congo
red staining is obsolete because it has been super-
seded by immunohistological methods. This
modification is the pretreatment of sections with
A.J. Howie, M.D., F.R.C.Path. (*)
a solution of potassium permanganate and sul-
Department of Pathology, University College London,
London WC1E 6BT, UK phuric acid, followed by decolorization in a solu-
e-mail: a.j.howie@ucl.ac.uk tion of oxalic acid, before Congo red staining [9].

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 167
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_12,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
168 A.J. Howie

Generally but inconsistently, AA amyloid no Principles of Polarisation Microscopy

longer stains with Congo red after this pretreat-
ment, but AL amyloid and other types still stain, Most microscopes can be fitted with a polarising
although the intensity is reduced. filter between the light source and the condenser,
called the polariser, and also another polarising
filter between the objective lens and the eye-
Stokes’ Method for Congo Red pieces, called the analyser. These filters convert
Staining of Amyloid ordinary, unpolarised light into light which is only
vibrating in one plane, and do not allow light to
The stock solution, which retains its properties pass if it is polarised perpendicularly to the plane
for several months at room temperature, is 200 ml of the filter. When the planes of the polariser and
industrial methylated spirits, 50 ml distilled water analyser are perpendicular to each other, the fil-
and 0.5 g potassium hydroxide, to which 4 g ters are said to be crossed, no linearly polarised
Congo red is added to produce a saturated light produced by the polariser can pass the analy-
solution. This is left to stand overnight before ser, and the microscope field appears its darkest.
first use. Between crossed polariser and analyser, some
Sections of the appropriate thickness of tissue materials in a section appear bright, either white or
fixed in formaldehyde, preferably 10% formal coloured. These materials appear bright because
saline, and embedded in paraffin wax, are rehy- they are birefringent. This means they have an
drated. A known case of amyloid should be asymmetrical arrangement of components that
included as a control. The Congo red solution is affect the velocity of light as it passes through.
filtered into a staining jar, and the sections are put The refractive index is the velocity of light in air
in this for 25 min. The sections are then washed or a vacuum compared with the velocity in a mate-
thoroughly in distilled water and placed in run- rial. A birefringent material has two extremes of
ning tap water for 5 min. A haematoxylin coun- refractive index, because light passing through
terstain is then applied, such as Carazzi’s one axis travels more slowly, and has a higher
haematoxylin, for 1 min followed by blueing in refractive index, than light passing through the
running tap water for 5 min. Sections are dehy- axis perpendicular to this. The birefringence is
drated, cleared in xylene and mounted. measured as the difference between the two refrac-
tive indices.
When polarised light passes through a bire-
Analysis of Congo Red Staining fringent material with its axes at 45° to the plane
of the light, it is converted into elliptically polar-
On ordinary microscopy, technically satisfactory ised light. This means that an observer looking at
Congo red staining gives a red or pink or orange the light source and able to detect just one light
colour of various intensities in amyloid deposits, wave would see it changing from vibrating in one
with blue nuclei and a faint blue or colourless linear plane to tracing an elliptical path. The size
background. of the ellipse, and whether the tip of the wave
There may be staining of normal structures appears to be rotating clockwise or anticlock-
even with satisfactory staining, such as elastic wise, depend on the retardance, which is the
laminae in arteries, or there may be overstaining birefringence multiplied by the thickness of the
of the background by Congo red, and more elab- material. Some elliptically polarised light is able
orate microscopy is usually used to confirm that to pass the analyser because it is no longer only
positive staining identifies amyloid. This is polar- vibrating perpendicular to the plane of the analy-
isation microscopy. Because this is sometimes ser, and the material appears bright.
incompletely understood, the relevant principles A material that has no colour in a section, such
of optical physics are explained [3, 10]. as unstained collagen, usually appears bright
12 Diagnosis of Amyloid Using Congo Red 169

white under these conditions, because all wave- the one at wavelengths below the peak. This
lengths of light are transmitted equally by the means that there is a change in sign of the bire-
analyser. A coloured, birefringent material usu- fringence. Birefringence is called positive when
ally appears coloured under these conditions, the axis with the higher refractive index is paral-
although the colour or colours seen may be dif- lel to an observable feature such as the long axis
ferent from those seen in ordinary illumination, of fibres and is called negative when the axis with
and are called anomalous colours. These colours the higher index is perpendicular to that feature.
appear because there is a difference in how wave-
lengths of light are affected through the spectrum. Compensation
There are two processes that interact to affect The direction of rotation of elliptically polarised
wavelengths transmitted by an analyser, and light is opposite for wavelengths transmitted by
these are absorption and anomalous dispersion of positive birefringence and those transmitted by
the refractive index. negative birefringence, as in wavelengths above
and below the absorption peak of a material. If
Absorption elliptically polarised light of a particular wave-
A coloured material has at least one absorption length with one direction of rotation interacts
peak in the visible spectrum, and removal of the with elliptically polarised light of the same wave-
absorbed wavelengths from white light gives the length but opposite direction of rotation, the
observed colour in ordinary illumination. Usually, ellipses are partially reduced or completely con-
absorption in a birefringent material only occurs verted to linearly polarised light, depending on
in one axis, and still occurs when that axis is at 45° the relative size of the ellipses. This is called
to the plane of the polariser, but the amount of compensation, which has the effect of reducing
absorption is half that of the maximum absorption, or abolishing the amount of light of the affected
when the axis is parallel to the polariser plane. wavelength that is transmitted by an analyser.
Ellipses with opposite directions of rotation can
Anomalous Dispersion of the only interact and show compensation if they are
Refractive Index of the same wavelength, which is why wave-
This process is also related to the absorption lengths on opposite sides of the absorption peak
peak. The refractive index of a coloured material do not compensate each other, and can be trans-
is not constant through the spectrum, but falls to mitted simultaneously.
a low value on the shortwave side of an absorp- Anything that introduces birefringence into
tion peak and rises to a high value on the long- the light path in a microscope may produce com-
wave side, falling gradually after that. This is pensation. This could be introduced accidentally
called anomalous dispersion of the refractive by birefringence called strain birefringence in
index. Meanwhile, the other axis which is not stressed glass such as in glass slides, cover slips
absorbing light has a relatively constant refrac- and objective lenses or could be introduced delib-
tive index, between the lowest and highest values erately by use of a piece of optical apparatus
of the refractive index in the absorbing axis. called a compensator that can be fitted on some
As a result of this, the birefringence, which is microscopes between the objective lens and the
the difference between the refractive indices in analyser. One type of such equipment is called an
the two axes, varies with wavelength. The abso- elliptical compensator.
lute difference is greatest around the absorption
peak, and so the ellipses of light produced by the
birefringence are largest around the peak and Polarisation Microscopy of Amyloid
would be most transmitted, except that the Stained by Congo Red
amount transmitted is reduced by absorption. At
wavelengths above the absorption peak, the In ordinary illumination, amyloid stained by
higher refractive index is in a different axis from Congo red appears red or a closely related colour
170 A.J. Howie

Fig. 12.1 An artery containing amyloid, stained by Fig. 12.2 The artery in Fig. 12.1 examined between
Congo red. In ordinary, unpolarised illumination, amyloid crossed polariser and analyser. The background is dark.
appears red Some parts of the amyloid appear bright and coloured,
with combinations of anomalous colours that could appear
green and yellow, or blue/green and yellow/green, or blue
and yellow. The different colours are in areas roughly per-
(Fig. 12.1). This is because the absorption peak of
pendicular to each other
Congo red is in green wavelengths, and removal
of these wavelengths from white light gives red.
Congo red molecules are orientated on amyloid stained by Congo red appears bright, because
fibrils and have maximum absorption of light birefringence has its maximum effect in Congo
polarised parallel to fibrils. Although it is often red molecules orientated at 45° to the plane of the
difficult to see long, thick runs of parallel amyloid polariser, but has no effect in those parallel or
fibrils, because the fibrils are usually scattered perpendicular to the polariser plane. If the section
randomly in tissues, if suitable parallel runs are can be rotated on the microscope stage, the bright
present in a section that is examined with only a and dark areas in amyloid deposits will be seen to
rotatable polariser or only a rotatable analyser, change positions, depending on their relation to
their red colour may vary in intensity depending the plane of the polariser. Detection of birefrin-
on the plane of polarised light. This is called dichr- gent effects against a dark microscopic field is
oism, but is usually so weak that it is of no practi- much easier than detection of dichroic effects
cal value in the study of amyloid [3, 10, 11]. against a light background.
When amyloid stained with Congo red is The colour is almost always said to be green
examined between crossed polariser and analy- or apple green [11]. A pure green colour may
ser, some appears bright and coloured (Fig. 12.2). occasionally be seen on an ordinary microscope,
This is best looked for on a microscope using but this is usually by chance, and to produce pure
maximum light intensity and minimum condenser green may need introduction and adjustment of a
aperture. The brightness is because orientated compensator in the microscope (Fig. 12.3).
Congo red is birefringent. Not all the amyloid Alternatively, if detection of pure green is
12 Diagnosis of Amyloid Using Congo Red 171

More commonly, the colour is not pure green

but a combination of anomalous colours. These
may appear green and yellow, or blue/green and
yellow/green, or blue and yellow (Fig. 12.2).
These appear because strain birefringence in the
light path compensates the effects of the birefrin-
gence of Congo red, either partially or com-
pletely. Reduction or removal of transmission of
yellow light gives bluish green or blue/green or
blue, and reduction or removal of transmission of
blue light gives yellowish green or yellow/green
or yellow. The different colours are seen in areas
roughly perpendicular to each other, appear to
rotate as the section is rotated and exchange posi-
tions when the stage is rotated by 90°. This is
because the elliptical light produced by strain
birefringence has a direction of rotation that at
some positions of the orientated Congo red com-
pensates the yellow light, and at other positions
compensates the blue light. A compensator can
be used to abolish effects of strain birefringence
and give balanced transmission of yellow and
Fig. 12.3 The artery in Fig. 12.1 examined between
crossed polariser and analyser, with insertion of an ellipti-
blue, seen as green, but this is unnecessary in
cal compensator into the light path. Adjustment of the everyday microscopy (Fig. 12.3). There is no
amount of compensation has nullified effects of strain need to see only green, or even any green if there
birefringence in the optical system and has given a rela- are yellow and blue, to make the diagnosis of
tively pure green anomalous colour
amyloid, because the various anomalous colours
are themselves characteristic of amyloid stained
by Congo red.
considered necessary, a microscope specifically When either the polariser or the analyser is
designed for polarisation microscopy may be rotated from the position that gives the darkest
used, with optical components free of strain bire- background, the background becomes lighter,
fringence, but even on this, there may be strain more of the amyloid stained by Congo red appears
birefringence in slides or cover slips. coloured and other anomalous colours appear.
The anomalous pure green colour only appears These are orange and light blue/green (Fig. 12.4),
in perfect optical conditions and is due to the dark red and white (Fig. 12.5), or other combina-
blending of blue light and yellow light. Blue is tions. These change when the section is rotated or
produced by the negative birefringence of Congo when the polariser or analyser is rotated either
red which gives transmission of wavelengths further in the same direction as originally or in
below the absorption peak, with modification of the opposite direction. Amyloid deposits pass
the amount of transmission by absorption. Yellow through a red and colourless appearance, and
is produced by the positive birefringence of then, when the planes of the polariser and analy-
Congo red which gives transmission of wave- ser are parallel, amyloid deposits appear red and
lengths above the absorption peak, with modifi- virtually indistinguishable from the appearance
cation by absorption. The net colour is not just a in ordinary illumination. These changes in colour
product of birefringent effects but is from the are a useful way to confirm amyloid.
combination of birefringent effects and The explanation of the colour changes is that
absorption. as the polariser or analyser is rotated from the
172 A.J. Howie

Fig. 12.4 The artery in Fig. 12.2 examined with slight Fig. 12.5 The artery in Fig. 12.2 examined with slight
uncrossing of polariser and analyser. The background is uncrossing of polariser and analyser in the opposite direc-
lighter, and the anomalous colours are predominantly tion from that in Fig. 12.4. The anomalous colours are
orange and light blue/green now dark red and faint green, almost white

crossed position, birefringent effects progres- chains in casts in myeloma kidney, but these
sively weaken, more light is transmitted and the materials should be easily distinguishable from
background lightens, and the plane of polarisa- amyloid by their appearance and position within
tion moves closer to being parallel to some orien- a section. Other things that commonly stain with
tated Congo red molecules, which absorb more Congo red do not align the molecules sufficiently
light and approach their deepest red colour, while to give dichroism or birefringence, such as elastic
the plane becomes perpendicular to other Congo laminae and eosinophils.
red molecules, which absorb less light and
become colourless. As birefringent effects
decline, the transmission of yellow and blue Summary of the Procedure
declines, and these colours either gradually mix to Diagnose Amyloid Using Congo Red
with red until they are overpowered by it or grad-
ually lose colour. When the polariser and analy- Sections of tissue preferably at least 5 mm thick
ser are parallel, there are no birefringent effects, should be stained by Stokes’ method or a similar
and there are only dichroic effects, which can method, along with a control section known to
scarcely be detected. contain amyloid [12]. On ordinary microscopy,
All these optical properties arise from the ori- amyloid appears red or a closely related colour
entation of Congo red molecules on amyloid (Fig. 12.1). If amyloid is suspected, or if exclusion
fibrils and are identical in specimens in which of amyloid is important, a polariser and an analy-
Congo red is orientated in other ways. Congo red ser should be inserted into the light path of the
is orientated on cellulose in plant cell walls and microscope and adjusted by rotation until they
sometimes on aggregated immunoglobulin light are accurately crossed, which is the point at which
12 Diagnosis of Amyloid Using Congo Red 173

the background is darkest. The light intensity 2. Bennhold H. Über die Ausscheidung intravenös
should now be increased to maximum, and the einverleibten Kongorotes bei den verschiedensten
Erkrankungen insbesondere bei Amyloidosis (on the
condenser aperture should be reduced to minimum. elimination of intravenously absorbed Congo red in
Amyloid shows anomalous colours, often blue/ various diseases, in particular in amyloidosis). Deut
green and yellow/green, or blue and yellow, and Arch Klin Med. 1923;142:32–46.
sometimes pure green (Figs. 12.2 and 12.3). The 3. Howie AJ, Brewer DB. Optical properties of amyloid
stained by Congo red: history and mechanisms.
colours appear to rotate and exchange positions if Micron. 2009;40:285–301.
the section can be rotated on the microscope 4. Aterman K. ‘A pretty a vista reaction for tissues with
stage. If the polariser and analyser are then pro- amyloid degeneration’, 1875: an important year for
gressively uncrossed by rotation of one of them, pathology. J Hist Med. 1976;31:431–47.
5. Aterman K. A historical note on the iodine-sulphuric
the background becomes lighter and other combi- acid reaction of amyloid. Histochem. 1976;49:131–43.
nations of anomalous colours appear, such as 6. Horobin RW, Kiernan JA. Conn’s biological stains.
orange and light blue/green, which change with 10th ed. Oxford: BIOS Scientific; 2002. p. 132–4.
further rotation of the polariser or analyser, or 7. Puchtler H, Sweat F, Levine M. On the binding of
Congo red by amyloid. J Histochem Cytochem.
when the polariser or analyser is rotated the oppo- 1962;10:355–64.
site way, or if the section is rotated (Figs. 12.4 and 8. Stokes G. An improved Congo red method for amy-
12.5). The colours progress to red and colourless. loid. Med Lab Sci. 1976;33:79–80.
All these features are characteristic of amyloid 9. Wright JR, Calkins E, Humphrey RL. Potassium per-
manganate reaction in amyloidosis: a histologic
stained by Congo red and are useful in the every- method to assist in differentiating forms of this dis-
day diagnosis of amyloid, only requiring a polar- ease. Lab Invest. 1977;36:274–81.
iser and an analyser, one of which can be rotated, 10. Howie AJ, Brewer DB, Howell D, Jones AP. Physical
and a routine microscope. basis of colors seen in Congo red-stained amyloid in
polarized light. Lab Invest. 2008;88:232–42.
11. Howie AJ, Owen-Casey MP. Discrepancies between
descriptions and illustrations of colours in Congo red-
References stained amyloid, and explanation of discrepant
colours. Amyloid. 2010;17:109–17.
1. Bennhold H. Eine spezifische Amyloidfärbung mit 12. Picken MM. Generic diagnosis of amyloid—a sum-
Kongorot (a specific staining of amyloid with Congo mary of current recommendations and the editorial
red). Münch Med Woch. 1922;69:1537–8. comments on chapters 12–15. Chapter 16, this volume.
Diagnosis of Minimal Amyloid
Deposits Using the Congo Red 13
Fluorescence Method: A Review

Reinhold P. Linke

Amyloidosis • Preclinical amyloid • Very early amyloid • Minute amyloid
deposits • Formalin-fixed paraffin sections • Congo red • Polarization
microscopy • Congo red fluorescence • Light microscopy • Electron micros-
copy • Diagnosing amyloid • Pitfalls • Sampling error • Expert opinion

different amyloid classes have been distinguished

Introduction and Overview on the basis of their individual amyloid proteins
[1]. This necessarily implies that the amyloid
Recent technical advances in the acquisition of
protein type must be identified precisely in rou-
biopsy material from almost every human organ
tine clinicopathologic practice. Amyloidosis can-
have meant that pathologists are increasingly
not be diagnosed definitively based on risk factors
confronted by the need to quickly and accurately
such as blood constituents, genetic mutations, or
diagnose deposits of amyloid in tissues.
preceding diseases: diagnosis must be based on
Furthermore, significant improvements in the
the examination of tissue. The examination of
treatment of amyloidoses have increased the
Congo red-stained sections under polarized light
awareness of clinicians, and this has meant that
is the current “gold standard” for diagnosis of
the proportion of undiagnosed amyloidotic con-
amyloid, and all other stains/techniques must be
ditions has been declining in comparison to ear-
verified by comparison to this “gold standard.”
lier times, when amyloid was considered an
The purpose of this review is to show how amy-
“untreatable disease.” The ongoing discovery of
loid can be diagnosed reliably, and with high
novel amyloid diseases that are based on differ-
sensitivity, using a Congo red (CR) procedure
ent amyloidotic proteins also seems to be impor-
that has been enhanced by modifications. It will
tant; currently, almost 30 pathogenetically
be shown that the classical CR-staining method
can be quite insensitive in routine practice and
that this shortcoming can be overcome by com-
bining the CR stain with fluorescence (CRF) and
R.P. Linke, M.D., Ph.D. (*) antibodies (the “overlay technique”) [2–4]. The
Reference Center of Amyloid Diseases amYmed,
Innovation Center of Biotechnology,
important issue of sampling error in the assess-
Am Klopferspitz 19, Martinsried D-82152, Germany ment of tissue sections from patient biopsies will
e-mail: linke@amymed.de also be discussed.

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 175
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_13,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
176 R.P. Linke

It should be emphasized that the diagnosis of fluorescent, and polarized light) for the diagnosis
amyloid is not trivial, even when the additional of amyloid has allowed the author to reliably
and more sensitive enhancements of the CR detect even very minute deposits.
method, described below, are incorporated. Microscopic inspection of a positive control is
Practical experience is the most important factor used to check and adjust the light intensities used
for successful diagnosis of amyloidosis. for triple illumination of the amyloid deposits as
Moreover, since amyloidosis is only treatable shown in Fig. 13.1. In this figure, five different
successfully when diagnosed early, there is a CR-stained tissues (A–E) are shown, each of
need for rapid and reliable diagnosis by both the which is presented in three different illumina-
clinician and the pathologist. tions: (a) in bright light, (b) in fluorescent light,
and (c) in polarized light.
In A (a), an autopsy tissue section of normal
Tissues and Congo Red Staining thickness (approximately 6 mm) displaying renal
for the Diagnosis of Amyloid vascular amyloid is marked in red. In (b), the
same frame is shown in CRF. Here, the entire
Diagnosis of amyloid is based on the examina- amyloid-containing area shows bright orange-red
tion of tissue sections from biopsies or autopsies fluorescence. In (c), the same frame is seen
or smears from tissue aspirates. Clinicians who again under polarized light—here, the amyloid-
suspect amyloidosis typically obtain biopsy tissue containing areas only partially show the pathog-
from heart, kidney, nerve, skin, and, most com- nomonic green birefringence (GB). Other sections
monly, the gastrointestinal tract (in particular, the of the amyloid-containing area show no birefrin-
rectum, which is the most frequently biopsied gence and are therefore said to be in the “polar-
site). Aspirates of subcutaneous abdominal fatty ization shadow,” as indicated by the arrows in
tissue are becoming increasingly common due to A(c) [2]. While in (a) and (c), this particular area,
the ease of sampling and their proven diagnostic containing amyloid deposits, shows clear evi-
value. After routine processing, 4–8-mm-thick dence of staining/fluorescence, it is partially
paraffin sections are collected onto charged obscured in (c). However, by rotating the slide
slides, and the classical CR-staining method of table further, this area can also be shown to dis-
Puchtler et al. (cited in [2]) is strictly adhered to. play GB [2].
Since the CR method is somewhat laborious, In B (a), the rim of the subcutaneous fatty tis-
other stains and fluorochromes (i.e., Thioflavin) sue aspirate (FTA) shows a somewhat reddish
have also been used (reviewed in [2]). area suspicious for amyloid, which in (b) is
clearly seen to produce very bright orange-red
fluorescence by CRF. The diagnosis of amyloid is
Evaluation of Congo Red-Stained verified in (c) through GB, which is seen only in
Sections and Pitfalls some parts of the amyloid deposits, while other
parts are in the polarization shadow. Thus, in
CR-stained sections should be evaluated by an Fig. 13.1b, again only CRF shows the full extent
experienced observer, and always using a posi- of the small amyloid deposit. Under these condi-
tive control. An appropriate microscope, with a tions, smaller amyloid deposits could have been
powerful light source, used in a dimmed room, is missed without CRF. CRF is particularly useful
an essential requisite. in specimens that contain very bright whitish col-
The classic CR method involves the evalua- lagen (such as FTA), which may mask the GB in
tion of CR-stained sections under bright and polarized light (see Figs. 11.1–4 in [2]). When
polarized light; in this review, a more sensitive GB is not visible under such conditions (i.e.,
and enhanced version of the classic CR method, when there is abundant bright collagen), amyloid
involving fluorescence, is described. The routine cannot be reliably excluded. In contrast, since
use of all three types of illumination (bright-field, CRF can shine through moderately thick FTAs, a
Fig. 13.1 Diagnosis of amyloid in fixed tissues after CR smear with false-positive CRF. E. Fatty tissue smear with a
staining, as viewed under three different types of illumina- false-positive CR-stained section and a false-positive CRF.
tion, in order to demonstrate the detection of amyloid and (a) Viewed in bright light for recognition of CR staining.
the pitfalls that may be encountered therein. Five different (b) Viewed under CR fluorescent illumination (CRF). (c)
tissues A–E were examined, and the same frame of each of Viewed under polarized light to show the presence of green
the five was photographed under three different types of birefringence (GB). The main point of this illustration is to
illumination: (a)–(c). A. Diagnosis of renal amyloid in a show the diagnostic value of CRF in the diagnosis of amy-
normal renal tissue section (autopsy tissue). B. Diagnosis of loid with a high level of sensitivity and specificity and also
amyloid in a fatty tissue smear—the tissue is too thick. C. for the exclusion of artifacts. (An example of a false-nega-
Diagnosis of amyloid in a very thin section. D. Fatty tissue tive GB has not been presented in this report)
178 R.P. Linke

negative CRF result essentially excludes the different amyloids including artificial amyloids
presence of amyloid. Thus, CRF can add preci- produced in vitro [2, 6]. An area that is identified
sion to the diagnosis of amyloid in tissue smears as positive by CRF needs to be subsequently
obtained from FTA. examined for the presence of amyloid using GB
C (a) shows renal biopsy tissue (of approxi- since the increased sensitivity of CRF also increases
mately 2-mm thickness) with very pale reddish its lack of specificity (John Cooper, cited in [2]).
amyloid that is hardly visible at all in bright light. The lack of specificity, however, is not a problem,
Its full extent is only clearly visible through the since the artifacts can be identified as such and
application of CRF in (b) and is confirmed as immediately excluded by triple illumination of the
amyloid by GB in (c). Here, again, amyloid same frame in a tissue section. This is easily
deposits are only partially visualized by GB. achieved by changing the light source while the
Without CRF screening, smaller and, in particu- same tissue frame remains in place. By this means,
lar, minute amyloid deposits can easily be amyloid can easily be detected with high levels of
overlooked. both sensitivity and precision [2, 6].
D and E present FTAs that are prone to arti- Other problems can be encountered in sec-
facts as a consequence of their thickness (such tions that have been submitted for a second opin-
artifacts can also occur in tissue sections, but less ion or an “expert” opinion. Thus, sections may be
frequently). Figure 13.1a–c shows that when very thin (as used in nephropathology) or (rarely)
CRF is negative, amyloid is, most likely, not too thick or slashed due to an inappropriate
present. However, when CRF is visible, it cannot biopsy technique. Sometimes, submitted,
be assumed that amyloid is present, unless its prestained tissue sections can appear overstained
presence can be confirmed by GB. Thus, CRF with Congo red, when the whole section will
must be verified by GB before the presence of polarize green without discrimination. This situa-
amyloid is diagnosed. However, false-positive tion arises, most probably, from a missed or inad-
GB can also occur. In such instances, the con- equate differentiation step, or the use of an
comitant absence of orange-red fluorescence by inappropriate staining solution. More severe is
CRF (not shown in this report) is helpful. This still overstaining with hemalum on thicker sec-
underscores the central role of CRF for the pre- tions: the hemalum can conceal the CR staining
cise diagnosis of amyloid in tissue sections. and GB. In these cases, CRF can be helpful since,
In D (b), a bright, unidentified fiber displays to a certain extent, it can also “shine through” the
an intense CRF signal, but is not co-stained with overstained areas as a result of its very bright
CR in (a) and does not show GB in (c). Thus, the fluorescence (see above, [2]).
CRF result represents a false-positive signal. It should be kept in mind that the pathogno-
Another artifact is seen in E (a), which shows monic GB seen by polarization microscopy (with
a bright red deposit that, at the first glance, appropriate equipment) can be demonstrated only
appears to resemble amyloid. However, since in sections that are cut within standard thicknesses.
there is neither a CRF signal in (b) nor a GB sig- When sections are below 1 mm in thickness, the
nal in (c), the false positivity of the CR-stained anisotropy turns to bluish white, and when the
section seen in bright light is apparent. In the left thickness increases beyond the standard thickness,
upper corner in E (b), there is a CRF signal, as the green turns to yellow green and, with further
indicated by an arrow, which is a false-positive increase, to yellow orange and finally red. All these
since it yields neither a CR signal in bright light colors are “specific for amyloid” (J. Cooper, cited in
(a) nor a GB signal in polarized light (c). [2]). Therefore, the pathognomonic characteristic
Summarizing the results obtained from of amyloid is most properly “colored anisotropy,”
Fig. 13.1, it can be concluded that CRF is very use- while green birefringence is only a consequence
ful as a screening method for the detection of amy- of the standard thickness of paraffin sections as
loid deposits derived from all of the chemically published by J. Cooper and others, cited in [2].
13 Diagnosis of Minimal Amyloid Deposits Using the Congo Red Fluorescence Method: A Review 179

Sampling Error as a Major Pitfall

Sampling error is one of the most common pit-

falls encountered in the diagnosis of amyloid and
deserves a separate section since it remains
largely unmentioned and underdiscussed. It is
characterized by the perceived absence of amy-
loid in a biopsy tissue section in patients with
amyloidosis. It occurs most often in small biop-
sies and, in particular, in the very early phases of
amyloidosis, when amyloid is still sparse as a
consequence of its uneven distribution in tissues
and organs. Another important peculiarity that
must be considered in the search for early amy-
loid deposits is that amyloid deposition may not
begin at the same time in all organs or may not
accumulate with equal speed and strength in all
organs. This conclusion is based on the author’s
personal experience of experimental amyloidosis
in mice. Since there is an organ preference in cer-
tain amyloid types, when abdominal fat (or other,
“safer” sites used for screening) is negative for
amyloid, one should consider obtaining biopsies
from the most affected organs, such as heart, kid-
ney, liver, etc. [5].
In the early stages of amyloidosis, the main
question in small tissue sections that contain few
amyloid deposits is as follows: how representa-
tive is a single tissue section? This situation is
presented schematically in Fig. 13.2 where a
small biopsy has been sectioned and the individ-
ual sections examined for amyloid. In Fig. 13.2,
sections 1, 2, 6 and 9 would yield a false-nega-
tive diagnosis. Also, in the absence of the
increased sensitivity provided by CRF, the sparse
amyloid deposits seen in sections 3 and 10 could
be easily missed, possibly even during expert
evaluation. It is also clear from Fig. 13.2 that the
statement “no amyloid” without further qualifi-
Fig. 13.2 Sampling error. A schematic illustration of how
cation is incomplete. Since a negative amyloid
sampling error can occur in small biopsies with an uneven
diagnosis from a single tissue section can never distribution of amyloid (seen most commonly in early
be conclusive, in cases where a single tissue sec- amyloidosis). In this example, all sections of a small
tion is found to be negative, ten or more addi- biopsy have been examined for amyloid (in red color) and
presented in an enlarged view
tional sections from the biopsy should be
examined [2, 5]. These examples should serve to
raise awareness of the importance of sampling comment should be added that biopsies which
errors in general; sampling errors due to organ contain a limited amount of amyloid may be sub-
preference have also been reported [5]. Thus, a ject to sampling error (as illustrated in Fig. 13.2).
180 R.P. Linke

Fig. 13.3 Quality of diagnosis of amyloid (shaded area)

shown by comparison of the results from three different
laboratories using retrieved and reexamined biopsies of
children with early amyloid who later developed full-
blown amyloidosis [3, 4]. Lab 1 evaluated 14 rectal biop-
sies (unspecialized institutes of pathology using CR), lab
2 evaluated 18 renal biopsies (expert laboratory using
EM), and lab 3 (reexamination of all 32 biopsies some
years later) using CRIC (CR and immunohistochemistry).
Most of the rectal biopsies were early biopsies obtained at
the beginning of the onset of systemic amyloidosis, and
most of the renal biopsies were late biopsies. (Reproduced
with written permission, from [3])

Sampling error should also be considered when

measuring the sensitivity of different methods
for diagnosis of amyloid in tissue sections (see
Fig. 13.6c). To avoid sampling errors, the same
sections should always be evaluated when con- Fig. 13.4 High-sensitivity detection of early AA amyloid
ducting interlaboratory comparisons (see in children with rheumatoid arthritis, retrospective study
Figs. 13.3, 13.4, and 13.6). Finally, tissue sec- using CRIC. This highly sensitive method identified
extremely small amyloid deposits that were present in the
tions that are prone to sampling errors, and which early stages of AA amyloidosis that were originally missed
contain areas with variable amounts of amyloid, at the time of biopsy (see text) since this CRIC method
offer the possibility of measuring the sensitivity was developed only years later [3, 4, 6]. (a) Minute amy-
of various amyloid detection methods as shown loid deposits of early amyloid detected by CRIC in the
lamina propria of a rectal biopsy (dark brown dots). (b)
in Fig. 13.6c (discussed below). Small glomerular amyloid deposits as detected by CRIC
(low power, one glomerulus does not show amyloid). (c)
The boxed area of (b) is magnified to recognize better the
The Low Sensitivity of the Classical few amyloid spots and their site within the glomeruli
(glomeruli are indicated by arrows). (Reproduced with
Congo Red Method and Possibilities written permission, from [3], modified)
for Improvements

The low sensitivity of the classical Congo red discussed in a retrospective study [3]. This low
staining method in the diagnosis of amyloid has sensitivity of a method that is considered to be the
been shown in several different reports [2] and “gold standard” for amyloid diagnosis represents
13 Diagnosis of Minimal Amyloid Deposits Using the Congo Red Fluorescence Method: A Review 181

yet another serious pitfall. The issue will be Thus, CRIC, being the more sensitive assay,
briefly illustrated here, showing how this fact was allowed a much earlier detection of amyloid
discovered and, most importantly, how the short- than CR alone or CR combined with EM, and
comings can be overcome in certain clinical situ- this time difference in the date of first detection
ations. As shown in Fig. 13.6c, the low sensitivity could be measured retrospectively (in years).
of the classic Congo red method can be overcome Examination using CRIC in lab 3 detected amy-
by the addition of CRF examination. In Fig. 13.3, loid 2–3 years earlier than CR alone in lab 1 [4].
the author would like to introduce the use of a The delayed diagnosis of amyloid in rectal biop-
combined Congo red stain and antibody immu- sies by the classical CR method in lab 1 was
nohistochemistry performed on the same also of considerable importance with respect to
section—also known as an “overlay technique.” therapy and prognosis [4].
To illustrate this technique, a prior study by the The conclusions from this retrospective study
author will be briefly summarized. are as follows: (a) the CRIC method is far more
Prior to 1990, in central Europe, 2–5% of chil- sensitive when compared to the classical CR
dren with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis succumbed procedure executed in nonspecialized labs (lab
to AA amyloidosis. Therefore, after proteinuria was 1), (b) the high sensitivity of the EM technique
diagnosed, frequent rectal biopsies were obtained did not counterbalance the low sensitivity of the
in order to detect early amyloidosis. These rectal classical CR method for detecting amyloid in
biopsies were examined by several nonspecialized two early renal biopsies, (c) CRIC is more sen-
laboratories (designated lab 1) using the classical sitive than EM in early renal biopsies of patients
CR-staining method. When proteinuria progressed with AA amyloidosis as a consequence of sam-
and rectal biopsies were diagnosed as negative for pling error, (d) the two expert laboratories
amyloid by lab 1, renal biopsies were obtained and (labs 2 and 3) seem to be far more precise than
examined, also using the classical CR method; in any of the unspecialized routine laboratories
addition, electron microscopic (EM) examination (lab 1) using only the classical CR method, (e)
was performed in an expert laboratory (lab 2). examination using CRIC, in lab 3, detected
Results showed that amyloid was rarely detected in amyloid deposits earlier, while (f) EM detected
rectal biopsies but was detected far more frequently amyloid relatively late in the course of the dis-
in renal biopsies from the same patients. ease, mainly due to sampling error in the early
Noting this disparity, we obtained, from several stages.
different institutes, 14 rectal and 18 renal tissue In summary, the CRIC method was able to
blocks from 17 patients for reexamination in our detect the earliest amyloid deposits and this
laboratory (lab 3) years later. We used the classical occurred at the time of the first biopsy. As a con-
CR method (performed previously by labs 1 and 2) sequence of this study [4] the routine early diag-
as well as an enhanced technique where classical nosis of amyloid led to the early instigation of
CR staining was combined with an immunohis- therapies employing anti-inflammatory and dis-
tochemical overlay (CRIC) using the murine mono- ease-modifying drugs and, as a result, no child
clonal AA (mc1) antibody [2] on the same section. subsequently developed fatal amyloidosis. More-
As shown in Fig. 13.3, reexamination of the over, the belief that renal biopsies are more sensi-
rectal biopsies using CRIC (lab 3) revealed amy- tive than rectal biopsies for the detection of
loid in 12 of 14 samples. In contrast, according to amyloid and, that, therefore, the former should be
the medical records, amyloid was detected in preferred, was not supported by this study. The
only 1/14 rectal biopsies by lab 1 at the time of observed differences were not caused by the dif-
biopsy. In renal biopsies, reexamination using ferent sensitivities of the two types of biopsy but
CRIC by lab 3 detected amyloid in all 18 sam- by the different times at which biopsies were taken.
ples, while, based on the medical records, by CR Thus, when similar high-sensitivity methods were
and EM (lab 2) amyloid was detected in 16 out of compared in the detection of amyloid deposits in
18 samples. Both amyloids missed by CR and rectal versus renal biopsies, the differences were
EM were from early amyloidosis. marginal [3]. In the study discussed above, in both
182 R.P. Linke

cases where amyloidosis was missed initially, the already known, or suspected, based on clinical
patients progressed to full-blown AA amyloido- grounds. This restriction does not apply when CR
sis [4]. fluorescence (CRF) alone is being used [6]. The
appearance of CRF is shown in Fig. 13.1Ab–Eb,
illustrating the brilliant orange-red fluorescence
Minute Amounts of Missed Amyloids, that guarantees its high level of sensitivity. The
Identified and Classified fluorescence encompasses the whole area contain-
ing amyloid deposits. In contrast, GB highlights
The disadvantage of EM in the diagnosis of very only a portion of the area containing amyloid at
early and tiny amyloid deposits is that only a very any given time (see “polarization shadow” above
small tissue area can be screened for amyloid due and in Fig. 13.1c) and, therefore, increases the pos-
to the high level of magnification employed. Even sibility of missing small amyloidotic areas, unless
in cases where several tissue fragments are exam- the slide table is systematically rotated.
ined, this may not make up for the disadvantage In order to determine the most sensitive method
imposed by the high magnification and the for detecting amyloid in tissue sections, three dif-
possible sampling error that this implies (see ferent techniques have been compared: the classi-
Fig. 13.2). In contrast, the advantage of CRIC cal CR method, CRF, and CRIC, in that order
lies in its ability to allow screening of the entire [3, 6]. Using a large number of tissue sections,
biopsy material (several sections) at moderate amyloid was diagnosed repeatedly, in double-
magnification and, thus, to detect all amyloid blind studies, using decision trees for each of the
deposits present, no matter how minute. The sen- different readings, as shown in Fig. 13.5. The
sitivity that can be achieved by CRIC in the number of tissue sections examined is shown in
detection of minute and early amyloid deposits is the columns of Fig. 13.6. After the classical CR
illustrated in Fig. 13.4. In an early rectal biopsy, staining, shown in Fig. 13.5a, only two steps are
amyloid was missed by lab 1, and in the corre- required: one detects the specific binding of CR
sponding early renal biopsy, amyloid was not to amyloid; the other is the verification of the
diagnosed by an expert using EM (lab 2). Amyloid presence of amyloid by GB, which is still the
was detected in both biopsies by CRIC, as illus- most common technique used in nonspecialized
trated. In both cases, the patients progressed to laboratories. The initial step of the CRIC method
full-blown AA amyloidosis [4]. (Fig. 13.5b) is like CR in Fig. 13.5a. However, in
The high sensitivity of this method for detect- cases with negative GB (as in Fig. 13.5a), CRIC,
ing all amyloid deposits, and the concomitant abil- with its much higher level of sensitivity, can
ity to classify even the smallest amount of amyloid detect areas which have been missed by CR alone.
with the highest level of sensitivity, is a major These areas are examined for amyloid by GB. In
advantage of this method, and may even challenge cases where areas of CR-stained sections fluo-
the capabilities of mass spectrometry (see subse- resce (showing CRF), as in (Fig. 13.5c), the sec-
quent chapter 17 on typing of amyloidosis). tions are then assessed for GB using polarized
light, both with and without rotation (R) of the
slide table.
High-Sensitivity Diagnosis of Minute The results obtained with the three different
Amyloid Deposits with Congo Red methods for diagnosing amyloid as shown in
Fluorescence Fig 13.5a–c are presented in Fig. 13.6. (The three
different methods used are indicated by the three
As shown in Fig. 13.3 above, in order to detect different shadings as shown by the inset of
amyloid with increased sensitivity, the CRIC Fig. 13.6). In Fig. 13.6a the results on 57 sections
method requires a CR prestained tissue section without amyloid show that in no section amyloid
with an immunohistochemical overlay stain. could be detected regardless of the methods used
Here, by definition, the amyloid type must be (negative control). In addition, the 128 sections
13 Diagnosis of Minimal Amyloid Deposits Using the Congo Red Fluorescence Method: A Review 183

Fig. 13.5 Decision trees for the diagnosis of amyloid bright light, GB green birefringence in Congo red stain
using the three different methods CR in (a), CRIC in examined under polarized light, C final conclusion, R
(b), and CRF in (c). The use of the trees is explained in rotating slide table. (Reproduced with written permission,
the text. CR classic Congo red stain examined under from [6])

in Fig. 13.6b containing at least moderate amy- method. Starting with the least sensitive method
loid deposits were all found to contain amyloid (in Fig. 13.6c), only 84 sections showed amyloid.
with all three methods employed (positive con- Additional 74 cases were only detected by CRIC
trol). When, however, 211 serial sections with and CRF, and 14 further cases were only detected
very small to minute amyloid deposits that are by CRF. These results demonstrate how insensi-
prone to sampling error (see Fig. 13.2) were tive the classical CR method really is and explains
examined with the three methods, the results why the first biopsies in the earliest phase of AA
were quite different as compared to those of amyloidosis had been missed in 90% of cases [3],
Fig. 13.6a, b. The differences between the three see Fig 13.3. It also demonstrates CRF as the
tests shown in Fig. 13.6c are obvious. They indi- most sensitive method to identify amyloid. The
cate a different cutoff at the edge of sensitivity comparison of the sensitivity of all three combi-
characteristic for each method used (in Fig. 13.2, nations (CR-CRIC, CR-CRF, CRIC-CRF) was
the amyloid in sections 3 and 10 could have been highly significant (p < 0.001). Therefore, based
missed by CR alone). In these 211 sections, in on this study, the ranking of the sensitivity of the
Fig. 13.6c, the amount of amyloid was (different detection methods for the diagnosis of amyloid
from the schematic view presented in Fig. 13.2) a is CR<<CRIC<CRF [6] . The full details are
continuum from no amyloid in 39 sections, with as follows: (a) CRIC is significantly more sensi-
the most sensitive method CRF, to no amyloid in tive than CR; (b) CRF is significantly more
127 sections with CR alone, the least sensitive sensitive than CR; (c) CRF is significantly more
184 R.P. Linke

Report for the Clinician

After diagnosing the presence of amyloid (and

classifying the protein type; see chapters on
amyloid typing), the clinician should receive a
report comprising some, or all, of the following
1. The results obtained should be presented, and
a note concerning the reliability of the
technique(s), including the controls used,
should be added.
2. The quality of the biopsy should be com-
mented upon since this has a major impact on
the quality of the diagnosis, e.g., in a rectal
biopsy, was there a sufficient number of sub-
mucosal blood vessels?
Fig. 13.6 Comparison of the sensitivity of the classical 3. Problems that could not be overcome should
CR method (CR), CRIC, and CRF. Each method is marked be mentioned.
with a different shading as indicated in the inset. The col-
umns above the zero line show the number of sections in
4. Since a negative diagnosis can never be con-
which amyloid was detected, and the columns below the clusive, a comment regarding the issue of
line show the number of sections without the detection of sampling error must be included, stating
amyloid with the respective method used. (a) Shows that whether additional sections were examined
the negative controls do not show amyloid with all three
methods employed and (b) (positive control) shows that
and, if so, their number.
all three methods show amyloid, likewise. In (c), tissue 5. The level of sensitivity of the method used
section with minute amounts of amyloid prone to the sam- for detecting amyloid should be mentioned.
pling error has been examined with the three methods. It should also be stated which of the high-
The results differ according to the sensitivity of the
method used. This comparison shows clearly that CRF
sensitivity methods (CRF, CRIC/IHC, EM)
is the method with the highest level of sensitivity for was used to exclude sampling error caused by
detecting amyloid and CR is the method with the lowest low-sensitivity detection methods.
sensitivity (see Text). (Reproduced with written permis-
sion, from [6])

Take-Home Lesson
sensitive than CRIC. The difference between
CRF and GB is most probably caused by the rela- 1. Amyloid can only be diagnosed by the identi-
tive inefficiency of GB on very small samples fication of amyloid deposits in tissues. Tissue
that are susceptible to the polarization shadow sections of 4–8-mm (micrometer) thickness
(see above) and, in the case of CRIC, the immu- are best for diagnosing amyloid. Paraffin sec-
nohistochemistry overlay may reduce the level of tions are preferred due to ease of handling and
GB [2]. Most importantly, CRF in Fig. 13.6c is long-term storage issues.
the universal amyloid marker due to its higher 2. The identification of amyloid after use of
sensitivity (p < 0.001 against CRIC) for the diag- a stringent CR-staining method is not trivial
nosis of amyloid [6]. These results are consistent due to various possible pitfalls. Therefore,
with the notion that amyloid can best be quanti- evaluation is best performed by expert labora-
fied by CRF [2]. CRF illumination has also been tories. In case of difficulty, a second opinion,
used successfully for microdissection prior to from another expert laboratory, should be
mass spectrometry for amyloid typing [7]. obtained.
13 Diagnosis of Minimal Amyloid Deposits Using the Congo Red Fluorescence Method: A Review 185

3. A negative amyloid diagnosis obtained Acknowledgments For technical assistance, I thank

from a single examined section can never be Mrs. R. Oos and Mrs. A. Meinel; for secretarial help, Mrs.
A. Feix, Martinsried/Germany; and for artwork, I thank
conclusive. Several measures need to be taken Ms. A.K.M. Linke, Essen/Germany.
in such case: (a) the sensitivity of detection
of amyloid must be increased by the use of
fluorescence microscopy using CRF or by
using immunohistochemistry (when the type References
of amyloid is known), and (b) the number of
1. Sipe JD, Benson MD, Buxbaum JN, Ikeda S, Merlini
examined sections must be increased to ten G, Saraiva MJ, Westermark P. Amyloid fibril protein
(or more) in order to exclude sampling nomenclature: 2010 recommendations from the
errors. nomenclature committee of the International Society
of Amyloidosis. Amyloid. 2010;17:101–4.
4. Clinical information, including blood constit-
2. Linke RP. Congo red staining of amyloid. Improvements
uents, genetic mutations, or characteristic syn- and practical guide for a more precise diagnosis of amy-
dromes (carpal tunnel syndrome, macroglossia, loid and the different amyloidoses. In: Uversky VN,
cardiopathy, renal problems) can only be help- Fink AL, editors. Protien misfolding, aggregation and
conformational diseases, Protein Reviews, Volume 4,
ful in suspecting amyloidosis but cannot, in
(MZ Atassi, editor); Chapter 11.1, pp. 239–76: Springer
themselves, be conclusive as a diagnosis of 2006.
amyloid. 3. Linke RP, Gärtner V, Michels H. High sensitivity-
5. High-sensitivity diagnosis of amyloid has diagnosis of AA-amyloidosis using Congo red and
immunohistochemistry detects missed amyloid depos-
now reached a level of sophistication where
its. J Histochem Cytochem. 1995;43:863–9.
amyloid can be detected at its most incipient 4. Michels H, Linke RP. Clinical benefits of diagnosing
(and even preclinical) stages before severe incipient AA-amyloidosis in paediatric rheumatic dis-
organ damage has ensued. eases as estimated from a retrospective study. Amyloid.
6. This type of early detection is the most
5. Bandmann M, Linke RP. The diagnosis of amyloidosis
desirable time point for the initiation of may be hindered by the sampling error, and how to prevent
causal therapy, when progression of the it. In: Skinner M, Berk JL, Conners LH, Sheldon DC
disease can best be avoided and even regres- editors. XIth International Symposium on Amyloidosis,
pp. 347–349, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL/USA 2007.
sion of an otherwise fatal disease can be
6. Linke RP. Highly sensitive diagnosis of amyloid and
observed. various amyloid syndromes using congo red fluores-
7. Every amyloid deposit detected now needs to cence. Virchows Arch. 2000;436:439–48.
be typed at once for therapeutic considerations 7. Vrana JA, Gamez JD, Madden BJ, Theis JD, Bergen
3rd HR, Dogan A. Classification of amyloidosis by
and prognostic information by the most reli-
laser micro dissection and mass spectrometry based
able techniques available (see chapter 17 on proteomic analysis in clinical biopsy specimens. Blood.
the typing of amyloid). 2009;114(24):4957–9.
Thioflavin T Stain: An Easier
and More Sensitive Method 14
for Amyloid Detection

Maria M. Picken and Guillermo A. Herrera

Amyloid • Diagnosis • Thioflavin S • Thioflavin T • Sensitivity • Specificity
• Fluorescence

Congo red, an erstwhile fabric dye, has been in In 1959, Vassar and Culling [2] described the
use for the histological detection of amyloid since use of the fluorochrome dye thioflavin T as a
the early twentieth century. As presented in the potent fluorescent marker of amyloid in histol-
preceding chapters, the Congo red staining pro- ogy. They noted that this dye selectively local-
cedure requires expertise and the use of polarized ized to amyloid deposits, thereupon exhibiting a
light microscopy; additionally, the dye’s diagnos- dramatic increase in fluorescent brightness. They
tic “apple green birefringence” may be difficult demonstrated that, upon binding to fibrils, thio-
to visualize and therefore show low sensitivity. flavin T displayed a dramatic shift of its excita-
Congo red is a direct dye with different affinities tion maximum (from 385 to 450 nm) and emission
for fibrillar and nonfibrillar materials. The stain- maximum (from 445 to 482 nm) and that thiofla-
ing protocol involves staining followed by wash- vin T fluorescence originated only from the dye
ing, which may lead to significant levels of bound to amyloid fibrils. The substantial enhance-
background staining and lower reproducibility. ment of its fluorescence emission upon binding
In contrast, fluorogenic compounds become to fibrils makes thioflavin a particularly powerful
highly fluorescent only when they are bound to a and convenient tool. It has subsequently been
particular molecular entity [1]. shown that binding of the dye is linked to the
presence of cross-β structure in the fibrils
(recently reviewed in [1]). Since their first
description, the thioflavins, in particular thiofla-
M.M. Picken, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.S.N. (*) vin T, have become among the most widely used
Department of Pathology, Loyola University compounds for staining amyloid fibrils, both
Medical Center, Bldg#110, Rm#2242, in vivo and in vitro [1–4]. The ability of thiofla-
2160 S. First Avenue, Loyola University Chicago,
IL 60153, USA
vin T and its derivatives to specifically recognize
e-mail: mpicken@lumc.edu; mmpicken@aol.com and bind to amyloid has served as a starting point
G.A. Herrera, M.D.
for further derivatization and the elaboration of a
Department of Renal Pathology, Nephrocor, Bostwick number of alternative amyloid stains and clinical
Laboratories, Florida Laboratory, Orlando, FL, USA reagents, including some that are being tested for
e-mail: gherrera@nephrocor.com

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 187
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_14,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
188 M.M. Picken and G.A. Herrera

Fig. 14.1 (a) Vessel wall, with deposits of amyloid, in fluorescence highlights the entire amyloid-containing area
renal AL-amyloidosis. Congophilia (salmon-pink color) in the arteriolar wall; no equivalent to “polarization
is noted in the vessel wall, corresponding to amyloid shadow” is seen (see Chap. 13). Thioflavin T stain viewed
deposits. Congo red stain, bright field. Magnification × under fluorescein gate using a standard immunofluores-
750. (b) Vessel wall with deposits of amyloid in cence microscope. Magnification × 700
renal AL-amyloidosis. A distinct bright yellow-green

advantage of the thioflavin stain is that it detects

even very small amounts of amyloid, where
Congo red stain may be doubtful or negative (due
in part at least to “polarization shadow” [see
Linke elsewhere in this book]). Thioflavin stains,
however, are not entirely specific for amyloid and
stain other structures as well (including fibrin,
keratin, intestinal muciphages, Paneth cells,
zymogen granules, juxtaglomerular apparatus);
hence, results obtained with thioflavin should
be confirmed by either electron microscopy or
the Congo red stain itself [3].
Fig. 14.2 Glomerulus with extensive amyloid deposition
detected by strong fluorescence with thioflavin T stain.
Note, also, staining of adjacent arteriolar wall. Thioflavin T Thioflavin T Stain for Amyloid
stain viewed under fluorescent light. Magnification × 750

A working solution of 0.5% of thioflavin T in 0.1

use in the medical imaging of amyloid in living N HCl (mixed well and filtered before use, ali-
patients [1]. Similar to Congo red stain, thiofla- quoted and stored frozen as needed) is used. The
vin T stains can be performed on both paraffin- sections are deparaffinized and rehydrated. Using
embedded and frozen tissues but, unlike Congo a hydrophobic marker, the specimen section and
red, thioflavin stains are not permanent, although an adjacent positive control section are encircled
faded sections can be restained if necessary. on the top of the slides. A drop of the working
Unlike Congo red stain, however, which can be solution of thioflavin T is placed on the slides,
tricky, the thioflavin stain is very easy to perform which are subsequently kept in a humidity cham-
and the results are predictable, as well as being ber for 15 min. The slides are rinsed in deionized
much easier to interpret. In the presence of water (for 5 min) and kept in deionized water
amyloid, thioflavin T shows a bright yellow- while coverslipping with Aquamount. The frozen
green fluorescence (Figs. 14.1–14.3). Another sections are rinsed two times in PBS (for 10 min
14 Thioflavin T Stain: An Easier and More Sensitive Method for Amyloid Detection 189

Fig. 14.3 (a) Eosinophilic, amorphous (“hyaline”) mate- original magnification × 350. (b) Distinct fluorescence
rial corresponding to areas with amyloid deposition noted highlighting amyloid deposits in the three renal compart-
in the three renal compartments: glomerulus, interstitium, ments: glomerulus, interstitium, and extraglomerular ves-
and extraglomerular vessels. Hematoxylin and eosin stain, sels. Thioflavin T stain, original magnification × 350

each) prior to incubation with thioflavin T and, may be a welcome solution to problems that may
thereafter, rinsed sequentially in PBS and deion- arise from the use of Congo red stain in the clini-
ized water (for 5 min each) and coverslipped. cal diagnosis of amyloid.
Thioflavin stain is viewed under a fluorescein
gate using a standard immunofluorescence micro-
scope. Thioflavin T fluoresces only when bound References
to amyloid fibrils, where it shows a bright yellow-
1. Biancalana M, Koide S. Molecular mechanism of
green fluorescence. In contrast, in the absence of Thioflavin-T binding to amyloid fibrils. Biochim
amyloid deposits, the dye fluoresces faintly. Biophys Acta. 2010;1804(7):1405–12. Epub 2010
For amyloid diagnosis, ultimately, each pathol- Apr 22.
2. Vassar PS, Culling CF. Fluorescent stains, with special
ogy group should use the procedure(s) which
reference to amyloid and connective tissues. Arch
work(s) best for them, i.e., the histology labora- Pathol. 1959;68:487–98.
tory is able to perform the stain(s) consistently 3. Hobbs JR, Morgan AD. Fluorescence microscopy with
and the pathologists know how to interpret it/ thioflavin-t in the diagnosis of amyloid. J Pathol
Bacteriol. 1963;86:437–42.
them. Given the ease of staining, the predictability
4. Puchtler H, Waldrop FS, McPolan SN. A review of
of stain outcome, and the ease of interpretation, light, polarization and fluorescence microscopic meth-
adding thioflavin stain to the staining repertoire ods for amyloid. Appl Pathol. 1985;3:5–17.
Fat Tissue Analysis
in the Management of Patients 15
with Systemic Amyloidosis

Johan Bijzet, Ingrid I. van Gameren,

and Bouke P.C. Hazenberg

Amyloid A (AA) amyloid • Immunoglobulin light chain (AL) amyloid
• Transthyretin (ATTR) amyloid • Apolipoprotein AI (AApoAI) amyloid
• b2-Microglobulin (Ab2M) amyloid • Apolipoprotein AII (AApoAII)
amyloid • Fibrinogen a-chain (AFib) amyloid • Gelsolin (AGel) amyloid
• Immunoglobulin heavy chain (AH) amyloid • Lysozyme (ALys) amyloid
• Insulin (AIns) amyloid • Amyloid protein precursors • Light chain kappa
• Light chain lambda • k/l ratio • Transthyretin • Serum amyloid A protein
• Serum amyloid P component • Laminin • Entactin • Collagen IV
• Apolipoprotein E • Glycosaminoglycans • Abdominal subcutaneous fat
tissue • Fat tissue aspiration • Amyloid detection • Amyloid typing
• Deposition of amyloid in vivo • Removal of amyloid in vivo • Current
practice of fat tissue aspiration • 16-Gauge needle • Fine needle biopsy
• Trucut biopsy • Surgical biopsy • Congo red stain • Birefringence
• Sensitivity • Specificity • Accuracy • False positive • False negative
• Positive predictive value • Negative predictive value • Confidence inter-
val • Immunofluorescence • Immunohistochemistry • Immunoelectron
microscopy • Immunochemical analysis • Immunodiffusion • Western blot
analysis • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay • Nephelometry • Cutoff
values • Reference range • Chemical tissue analysis • Amino acid sequence
• Proteomic techniques • Micropurification techniques • Mass spectrometry

J. Bijzet, B.Sc.
Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology
EA41, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen,
The Netherlands
I.I. van Gameren, M.D., Ph.D.
• B.P.C. Hazenberg, M.D., Ph.D. (*)
Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology
AA21, University Medical Center Groningen,
P.O. Box 30001, 9700 RB, Groningen, The Netherlands
e-mail: b.p.c.hazenberg@umcg.nl

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 191
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_15,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
192 J. Bijzet et al.

• Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis • Matrix-assisted

laser desorption/ionization • Laser microdissection • Peptide mass finger-
printing • Familial Mediterranean fever • Rheumatoid arthritis • Men
• Women • Age • Number of major organs • Follow-up • Treatment
• Survival • Disease severity • Amyloid quantification • Semiquantitative
grading • Scoring system • Computer-assisted image analysis • Amyloid
regression • Amyloid progression • Composition of amyloid • Wild-type
TTR • Mutated TTR • Amyloidogenesis

subsequent slices. Westermark introduced surgi-

Introduction cal (small knife) biopsies [7, 8]. With this tech-
nique, about 1 cm3 of subcutaneous fat tissue is
About hundred years ago, Schilder observed
removed that can be used for (immuno)chemical
amyloid to be frequently present in subcutaneous
analysis. However, biopsy techniques did not
fat tissue in patients with amyloid A (AA) amy-
become popular and aspiration remained stan-
loidosis [1]. Forty years ago, Westermark and
dard technique. The issue of too little material
Stenkvist serendipitously used this knowledge
also became less important: adequate quantities
for introducing the fine needle biopsy of abdomi-
of fat tissue (wet weight median 120 mg, ranging
nal subcutaneous fat as an elegant and minimally
from 60 to 450 mg) can easily be obtained if a
invasive procedure to detect the presence of sys-
16-gauge needle is used for aspiration instead of
temic AA amyloidosis [2–4]. Ten years later, the
the much narrower 18- to 23-gauge needles [9].
Boston group showed a similar high yield of
amyloid detection (88%) in patients with proven
other types, i.e., immunoglobulin light chain
Detection of Amyloid Using Congo
(AL) and transthyretin-related (ATTR) types of
Red-Stained Fat Tissue Specimens
systemic amyloidosis [5]. From that moment the
position of the abdominal subcutaneous fat tissue
The classic alkaline Congo red stain of Puchtler is
aspiration was established: it was advocated the
a reliable standard staining technique of amyloid
simplest tissue biopsy technique—easily obtained
with low probability of false-positive results [10].
at the bedside using readily available materials—
A positive Congo red stain with apple-green bire-
with the highest sensitivity.
fringence in polarized light continues to be the
gold standard for detection of amyloid deposits in
tissue [11]. Table 15.1 shows the sensitivity and
Aspiration Versus Biopsy specificity of Congo red-stained fat tissue speci-
mens in 12 studies, together with the positive and
Initially, aspiration was the method of choice to negative predictive values [6, 12–22]. The num-
obtain fat tissue. However, the amount of fat tis- bers of amyloid patients and controls vary consid-
sue collected with this thin needle technique was erably among the studies. The general picture,
usually very small and the material not suitable however, is clear. Specificity is high and reaches
for standard histopathology. Therefore, it is not almost 100% in experienced hands. False positiv-
surprising that biopsy techniques were intro- ity is sometimes caused by overstaining and
duced, such as the Trucut biopsy needle tech- underdecolorization [14], sometimes by misinter-
nique, producing much more fat tissue including pretation of collagen [14, 23], and sometimes
blood vessels and allowing standard (immuno) obscured by ill-defined disease controls [17, 20,
histology to be performed [6]. A clear advantage 22, 24]. Therefore, it is important to realize that if
of a biopsy over an aspirate is the preservation of only minute amyloid deposits are found support-
the microarchitecture of the fat tissue visible in ive evidence should be sought before the patient
15 Fat Tissue Analysis in the Management of Patients with Systemic Amyloidosis 193

Table 15.1 Sensitivity and specificity of amyloid detection using Congo red-stained fat tissue specimens
Type of Amyloid
Year Reference amyloid Controls patients Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV (%) NPV (%)
1986 [12] A, L, TTR 12 12 83 100 100 86
1987 [13] A 81 65 82 100 100 87
1988 [14] L 72 82 72 99 98 76
1988 [15] A 80 44 75 100 100 88
1989 [16] A, L, TTR 10 7 57 100 100 77
1989 [6] A 18 26 54 100 100 60
1995 [17] A, L 96 4 75 87 20 99
1997 [18] A, L, TTR 89 11 82 100 100 98
2001 [19] A, L 28 12 58 100 100 85
2004 [20] A, L 62 20 75 92 75 92
2006 [21] A, L, TTR 45 120 93 100 100 83
2007 [22] A, L 30 14 78 93 84 90
Total 623 417 79 97 94 87
PPV positive predictive value, NPV negative predictive value
A = AA amyloid, L = AL amyloid, TTR = ATTR amyloid

is committed to a regimen with potentially high amyloidosis. This rare localized type of nodular
toxicity [14, 22, 24]. Sensitivity is highly variable amyloidosis is an iatrogenic type of amyloid in
(54–93%) and depends on the adequacy of the tis- which insulin-derived amyloid is deposited in
sue specimens, the quality of staining, the num- abdominal fat tissue after long periods of repeated
ber of glass slides, the number of observers, and insulin injections in that particular site [36, 37].
the time used for conscientious observation [21]. A constant feature of this type of amyloid seems
The pooled observations of the 623 controls and to be a negative immunohistochemical staining
417 patients with amyloidosis in all 12 studies of serum amyloid P component (SAP) [37].
yield a sensitivity figure of 79% [95% confidence
interval (CI) 75–83%] and a specificity figure of
97% (95% CI 95–98%). Both the positive (94%; Typing of Amyloid
95% CI 91–96%) and negative (87%; 95% CI
85–90%) predictive values are quite high. Antibody-Based Detection
There are only rare and incomplete data pub-
lished about detection in fat tissue of types of Immunohistochemical staining of tissue biopsies
systemic amyloidosis other than AA, AL, and is a standard technique used for typing amyloid.
ATTR [25], such as AApoAI (apolipoprotein AI) Orfila et al. used the immunofluorescence tech-
[26, 27], Ab2M (b2-microglobulin) that is fre- nique on abdominal fat tissue aspirates and
quently absent or infrequently present as small detected five of nine samples with AA amyloid
deposits [28–31], AFib (fibrinogen a-chain) [32], deposits [38]. Immunohistochemical staining of
AGel (gelsolin), and ALys (lysozyme) amyloido- subcutaneous fat tissue, however, is fairly diffi-
sis [33–35]. Amyloid was detected in fat tissue in cult due to nonspecific reactions [7]. Therefore,
all three patients with AGel amyloidosis we Westermark developed different immunochemi-
recently saw at our outpatient clinics (unpub- cal methods for typing of amyloid in fat tissue.
lished observation). We are not aware of any The initial method was a double immunodiffusion
published data about amyloid in fat tissue of method that satisfactorily identified some patients
patients with AApoAII (apolipoprotein AII), AH with AA amyloidosis [4, 7]. Later his group devel-
(immunoglobulin heavy chain), and ALect2 (leu- oped an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
kocyte chemotactic factor 2) amyloidosis. In this (ELISA) that was useful for typing AA, AL,
respect it is interesting to mention AIns (insulin) and ATTR amyloidosis in 14 of 15 cases [8].
194 J. Bijzet et al.

Recently, he described a method based on Western Table 15.2 Immunochemical quantification of the four
blot analysis combined with specific amyloid major amyloid proteins in subcutaneous abdominal fat tis-
sue: cutoff values (Groningen), sensitivity, and specificity
fibril antibodies that was successful in typing 32
of 35 patients with AA, AL, and ATTR amyloido- AA ATTR AL-k AL-l
sis [33] and all of 33 patients with ATTR amyloi- Cutoff value
Amyloid A protein >11.6
dosis [39]. Kaplan et al. also used immunochemical (ng/mg fat)
methods to type amyloid successfully in three of TTR (ng/mg fat) >4.36
four patients with AL-kappa, in five of six patients k/l ratio >5.86 <0.49
with AL-lambda, and in one patient with AA Patients (number) 154 49 23 84
amyloid [40]. Controls (number) 354 204 95 95
Because of unsatisfactory typing of amyloid Specificity (%) 99 99 97 97
Sensitivity (%) 84 71 78 70
in fat aspirates using immunohistochemistry,
Arbustini et al. developed immunoelectron
microscopy for typing amyloid of patients with
cardiac amyloidosis. This appeared to be a prom- 90–96%). Men had lower amyloid A protein con-
ising technique because in all 15 patients the centrations in fat than women (Fig. 15.1a). Patients
amyloid types involved were identified: eight with familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) had
samples with AL-lambda, two with AL-kappa, lower values than patients with arthritis or other
three with ATTR, two with AApoAI, and none inflammatory diseases (Fig. 15.1b). The low yield
with AA amyloid [26]. of fat tissue aspirates for the detection of AA amy-
loidosis in patients with FMF was already observed
and discussed by Tishler et al. in 1988: they even
Antibody-Based Quantification did not detect amyloid in any of the 15 FMF
of Amyloid Proteins patients studied [42]. However, Congo red-posi-
tive amyloid deposits were detected in 20 fat tis-
Our group in Groningen also developed and used sue samples (80%) and the amyloid A protein
immunochemical methods for measuring the con- concentration was elevated in 13 samples (about
centrations in fat tissue of the four major amyloid 50%) of the 25 FMF patients we studied [41]. In a
proteins, i.e., amyloid A protein, TTR, light chain study of Egyptian patients with longstanding rheu-
kappa, and light chain lambda. See Table 15.2 for matoid arthritis, quantification of the amyloid A
the panel of cutoff values we use for fat aspiration protein concentration in fat tissue appeared to be a
samples in our center. An ELISA was used to mea- useful screening tool for the detection of AA amy-
sure the concentration of amyloid A protein in fat loidosis [43]. Subcutaneous fat tissue is a major
tissue in a group of 24 patients with AA amyloido- source of the acute-phase reactant serum amyloid
sis and a group of 72 controls, including 25 patients A protein (SAA), the protein precursor of AA pro-
with AL or ATTR amyloidosis and 25 patients tein [44]. Extensive washing of fat tissue, how-
with chronic inflammation. The upper limit of the ever, was effective to prevent unwanted
99% CI of controls (11.6 ng/mg tissue) was cho- contamination and retention of SAA in fat tissue
sen as the cutoff level [9]. In a large collaborative extracts of controls. Although, indeed, a positive
international study, this method was validated and correlation between the SAA concentration in
identified 129 of 154 patients with AA amyloido- blood and amyloid A protein concentration in fat
sis, whereas only 3 of 354 controls (87 AL, 30 tissue was present in controls, the magnitude of
ATTR, and 27 localized amyloidosis and 210 non- the effect was very small, resulting in maximum
amyloidosis patients) were identified incorrectly amyloid A protein concentrations in fat tissue
[41]. Thus, in this study, the sensitivity of detect- largely within the reference range [41].
ing AA amyloidosis was 84% (95% CI 77–89%), An ELISA is also used in our center to measure
specificity was 99% (95% CI 98–100%), positive the concentration of TTR in fat tissue. The upper
predictive value was 98% (95% CI 94–100%), limit of the 99% CI of controls is 4.36 ng/mg fat tis-
and negative predictive value was 93% (95% CI sues and this value has been chosen as the cutoff
15 Fat Tissue Analysis in the Management of Patients with Systemic Amyloidosis 195

quantification of these amyloid proteins are in


Advantages and Disadvantages

of Antibody-Based Typing

Antibody-based detection of amyloid has the

advantage of fast, inexpensive, and specific detec-
tion and amplification of minute amounts of a par-
ticular protein in an enormous background ocean
of other proteins and tissue components. However,
disadvantages are sometimes considerable: lim-
ited reactivity with commercial antibodies (false
negative), “contamination” by serum proteins
(false positive), the increasing number of other
types of amyloidosis that are recognized, the issue
of combined deposits (more than one type of amy-
loid protein present), and finally, experience and
principles in the interpretation of results [45]. The
consequences of mistyping amyloid may lead to a
wrong choice of treatment and may be harmful for
the patient. This is the main reason we wanted to
develop in our center typing methods with high
specificity (³99%) resulting in a high positive pre-
dictive value. If a particular type is then success-
fully identified in a sample, the result should be
virtually beyond doubt. The practical consequence
of very high specificity, on the other hand, is rela-
tively low sensitivity with corresponding low
negative predictive value. However, it is our opin-
Fig. 15.1 Amyloid A protein concentration in fat tissue ion that it is easier to manage cases in which typ-
of patients with clinical AA amyloidosis. The dotted line ing is not successful: these inconclusive or
marks the upper reference limit of controls (11.6 ng/mg
negative cases should be diagnosed as such and
fat). Asterisks (*), (**), and (***) represent P < 0.05,
P < 0.001, and P < 0.0001, respectively. The horizontal considered for evaluation by reference laborato-
lines denote the means of the log-transformed values. (a) ries that have experience in amyloid typing using
Men (N = 63) and women (N = 91). (b) Patients with a wider antibody panel as well as the capacity to
chronic arthritis (N = 93), patients with FMF (N = 25), and
apply methods that are more sophisticated [45].
patients with other diseases or more than one disease
(N = 36). (c) Congo red (CR) stain scores of fat tissue: CR
negative (N = 14), CR 1+ (N = 25), CR 2+ (N = 34), CR 3+
(N = 55), and CR 4+ (N = 45). Reproduced with permis- Proteomics-Based Detection
sion of Informa UK Ltd [41]

Typing of amyloid should be performed with

value. Quantification of free light chains by neph- confidence [46]: amyloid typing should result in
elometry is used to measure light chain kappa (95% certainty of both presence of a particular type of
CI upper limit 24.4 ng/mg fat tissue), light chain amyloid and absence of all other (relevant) types
lambda (95% CI upper limit 10.6 ng/mg fat tissue), of amyloid. Chemical typing of the amino acid
and the resulting k/l ratio (95% CI reference range sequence of the amyloid protein involved has
0.49–5.86). See also Table 15.2 (manuscripts about been the gold standard for a long time. Until
196 J. Bijzet et al.

recently, macropurification techniques were proteomes of adipose tissue were observed

needed for isolation of these proteins from large between controls and patients, and between the
amounts of tissue obtained at necropsy or after two types of patients with distinct, additional
surgery, at least 10–30 g of amyloid-rich tissue spots present in the patient specimens that could
[47, 48]. With some modifications, Westermark be assigned as the amyloidogenic proteins in full-
et al. were able to determine the amino acid length and truncated forms [58].
sequence of the amyloid protein isolated from
only 1 g of amyloid-rich fat tissue [49, 50].
New methodological approaches, including Semiquantitative Assessment
the search for appropriate extraction solvents and of Amyloid in Fat Tissue
separation strategies, have been developed and
tested to design efficient procedures for small- Amyloid deposition in tissue is the result of the
scale isolation and purification of these amyloid balance between accumulation and breakdown of
proteins [51–53]. Kaplan et al. were among the amyloid. Progressive deposition of amyloid in a
first to investigate these micropurification tech- vital organ or tissue generally leads to loss of
niques, and they found that the strategy for small function of that organ or tissue. The mechanism
scale purification of amyloid proteins depends behind this loss of function is not satisfactorily
largely on the type of tissue sample (fresh or for- explained and both mere physical hindrance and
malin fixed), sample size, amyloid content of the toxic effects may play a role. Regression of amy-
tissue, and its chemical nature [53]. Abdominal loid deposition sometimes results in (partial)
fat tissue aspirates were among the tissues they recovery of function of the organ or tissue
studied [40]. These techniques were further involved. It is generally believed that continuous
improved using different mass spectrometric and massive supply of available amyloid protein
techniques in the following years [35, 54–57]. precursors leads to accumulation of amyloid,
Vrana et al. introduced laser microdissection to whereas complete lack of supply of these precur-
concentrate the amyloid content in extracts from sors may facilitate endogenous breakdown of
tissue samples of patients with AA, ATTR, amyloid leading to regression of amyloid.
AL-kappa, and AL-lambda amyloidosis [57]. Monitoring the intensity of amyloid deposition in
They applied tandem mass spectrometry (MS/ tissue might help to understand more about the
MS) technique to study fat aspirates of 205 balance between accumulation and breakdown of
patients with clinical suspicion for systemic amy- the total amyloid load of the body. Screening of
loidosis [35]. In the 117 Congo red-positive subcutaneous abdominal fat tissue seems to be a
cases, mass spectrometry analysis successfully suitable tool for this purpose because this tissue is
identified an amyloid subtype in 101 cases (87%). easily available by aspiration, amyloid can almost
The specific diagnoses were AL-lambda (n = 71), always be found if present, and aspiration can be
AL-kappa (n = 16), ATTR (n = 11), AA (n = 3), repeated at intervals during the course of the dis-
and ALys (n = 1). The method showed high sensi- ease. This was the background of our ambition to
tivity (87%) and specificity (98%) for diagnosis develop tools for measuring the intensity of amy-
and classification of amyloidosis [35]. loid deposition in fat tissue. A scoring system was
Lavatelli et al. developed a proteomics meth- developed that semiquantitatively graded the
odology utilizing two-dimensional (2D) poly- amount of amyloid in fat on a scale of 0 to 3+
acrylamide gel electrophoresis, followed by [9, 43]. Severity was assessed by visual estima-
matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass tion of the percentage of the smear surface area
spectrometry and peptide mass fingerprinting to affected by deposition of amyloid recognized in
directly characterize amyloid deposits in abdomi- polarized light [43]. Later we widened the scale
nal subcutaneous fat obtained by fine needle aspi- from 0 to 4+ and validated this scale (Fig. 15.1c)
ration from seven patients with AL amyloidosis, using amyloid A protein quantification in a large
two with ATTR amyloidosis, and seven controls. group of patients with AA amyloidosis [41].
Striking differences in the two-dimensional gel Figure 15.2 shows typical examples of this
Fig. 15.2 Congo red-based grading system of intensity of amyloid deposition in fat tissue. Examples of Congo red
(CR)-scored fat smears in normal light (red-stained deposits) and polarized light (green birefringence), bar length 200
μm. (a) Grade 0 (negative). (b) Grade 1+ (minute, <1% of surface area), the arrow points to Congo red-positive material.
(c) Grade 2+ (little, between 1% and 10%). (d) Grade 3+ (moderate, between 10% and 60%). (e) Grade 4+ (abundant,
>60%). Reproduced with permission of Informa UK Ltd [41]
198 J. Bijzet et al.

semiquantitative grading system: 0 (negative, no in Fig. 15.1c) have an elevated amyloid A protein
apple-green birefringence detectable), 1+ (min- concentration in fat tissue [41]. This is true for
ute, <1% of surface area), 2+ (little, between 1 only half of the patients with grade 1+ amyloid.
and 10%), 3+ (moderate, between 10 and 60%), Comparable results have been observed in
and 4+ (abundant, >60%). patients with ATTR and AL amyloidosis (manu-
Gómez-Casanovas et al. introduced in 2001 a scripts in preparation). All patients with grades
comparable semiquantitative scoring system of 3+ and 4+ ATTR amyloid had an elevated TTR
Congo red-stained specimens and graded them as concentration in fat tissue, whereas this was true
3+ (marked), 2+ (moderate), and 1+ (mild) for only half of the patients with grade 2+ and
according to the amount of amyloid deposits. almost none of the patients with grade 1+. All
Marked refers to massive amyloid deposition in patients with grade ³2+ AL-kappa amyloid had
>25% of the tissue fragments sampled and/or lin- an elevated k/l ratio in fat tissue, whereas only
ear deposits in >75% of fragments, moderate 58, 78, and 90% of the patients with grades 2+,
refers to massive amyloid deposits in <25% of 3+, and 4+ AL-lambda amyloid, respectively, had
fragments or linear deposition in >25% of frag- a decreased k/l ratio in fat tissue. We conclude
ments, and mild refers to linear deposits in <25% that in nearly all patients with grade 3+ and 4+
of fragments. Very small and isolated Congo red- amyloid in fat tissue immunochemical quantifi-
positive deposits were considered inconclusive cation enabled us to type AA, ATTR, AL-kappa,
and were classified as negative. Marked amyloid and AL-lambda with confidence. The chance of
deposits were found more frequently in patients reliable typing of patients with grade 2+ amyloid
with clinical amyloidosis than in those whose is much lower (about 50%) and in only a minor-
amyloidosis remained subclinical [59]. ity of patients with grade 1+ (about 10%) typing
In this respect, it is interesting to mention the will be successful.
study of Bardarov et al. who describe the develop-
ment of a generally available computer-assisted
image analysis of Congo red-stained amyloid Amyloid Quantity in Fat Tissue
deposits in abdominal fat tissue biopsies [60]. and Clinical Characteristics
Further improvement of such techniques will
make it easier not only to detect amyloid but also In patients with AA amyloidosis, amyloid was
to (semi-)quantify the amount of amyloid present. detected in fat tissue in 95% of women and in
90% of men [41]. Although this difference was
not statistically significant, the grade of amyloid
Quantification of Amyloid in Fat was higher in women (median 3+) than in men
Tissue for Diagnosing and Typing (median 2+). As stated earlier (Fig. 15.1a), the
Amyloid concentration of amyloid A protein in fat tissue
was higher in women (geometric mean 315 ng/
Semiquantitative grading of amyloid in fat tissue mg) than in men (geometric mean 63 ng/mg).
may be helpful in diagnosing amyloidosis with This difference of amyloid quantity in fat tissue
confidence. Dhingra et al. propose that patients between men and women was confirmed in
with grade 1+ of amyloid in fat tissue should not another study of 220 patients concerning all
undergo a toxic therapeutic regimen on the basis major types of systemic amyloidosis [61]. A sat-
of only this result. In this situation, they advise isfactory explanation of this increased deposition
histologic confirmation of visceral amyloid depo- in women or decreased deposition in men of all
sition in deeper tissue [22]. types of amyloid in fat tissue is lacking. Amyloid
Grading the amount of amyloid in fat tissue grade in fat tissue was associated with the num-
may be helpful in typing amyloidosis with confi- ber of major organs involved and was a predictor
dence. All patients with grade 3+ or 4+ and 90% of decreased survival (Fig. 15.3), independent of
of patients with grade 2+ AA amyloid (as shown other predictors such as heart involvement, the
15 Fat Tissue Analysis in the Management of Patients with Systemic Amyloidosis 199

occur in most patients within 5 years. However,

significant improvement indeed appears to occur
more than 10 years after transplantation as shown
in a study of six ATTR patients in whom amyloid
(almost) completely regressed in fat tissue [63].
Not only the quantity but also the composition
of ATTR-V30M amyloid in fat tissue of patients
with a TTR-Val30Met mutation is clinically rel-
evant as has been shown in some studies before
and after liver transplantation [39, 63–65]. Fibrils
composed of only full-length TTR were associ-
ated with early age of onset, no clinical cardiac
Fig. 15.3 Kaplan–Meier survival curves of equally sized
involvement, and a strong affinity for Congo red.
groups for grades of amyloid in fat tissue. Reproduced In contrast, the presence of TTR fragments in the
with permission of John Wiley and Sons [61] amyloid was associated with late age of onset,
signs of cardiac involvement, and weak Congo
red staining [39]. In a study of 44 patients with
number of organs involved, type of amyloid, and ATTR amyloidosis without liver transplantation,
age [61]. These data support the notion that, at proteomic analysis showed that the percentage of
least at group level, the amount of amyloid in wild-type TTR, i.e., nonmutated TTR, was higher
subcutaneous fat tissue in systemic amyloidosis in patients older than 50 years than in patients
reflects disease severity. younger than 50 years, i.e., 51% versus 31%,
respectively [64]. Wild-type TTR may be more
strongly amyloidogenic than previously consid-
Amyloid Quantity in Fat Tissue ered because it is detectable even in amyloid of
and Follow-Up young ATTR patients. The percentage of wild-
type TTR in amyloid in fat tissue samples
If the amount of amyloid in fat tissue indeed increased significantly to 90–100% after liver
reflects disease severity it may be interesting to transplantation compared to pretransplantation
study the effect of treatment on amyloid deposi- values of 35–60% [63, 65]. Fat tissue was ana-
tion in fat tissue. Only a few follow-up studies of lyzed in 32 other patients with ATTR amyloido-
amyloid in fat tissue have been published. In one sis of whom 20 had received a liver transplant
study of patients with ATTR amyloidosis fat tis- [65]. In pretransplant patients, it was found that
sue was monitored in 9 patients before liver cardiac amyloid more easily incorporated wild-
transplantation and in 11 patients thereafter [62]. type TTR than fat tissue amyloid, offering a
When a change of at least two grades of amyloid potential explanation for the vulnerability of car-
in fat tissue was used as marker of significant diac tissue for continued amyloidosis after liver
progression or regression, no regression was transplantation. In fat tissue, a rapid increase in
seen, whereas progression was seen in two of wild-type TTR proportion after liver transplanta-
three patients followed for at least 7 years with- tion indicates that a rather fast turnover of the
out transplantation. After transplantation none of deposits must occur. Some difference in wild-
the patients showed progression and only one type TTR proportion between full-length TTR
showed regression of amyloid in fat tissue. The and fragmented TTR fibril types was seen after
numbers in the study were too small to draw any transplantation but not pretransplantation, possi-
detailed conclusions, but one may conclude that bly caused by differences in turnover rate [65].
without liver transplantation some progression In a follow-up study of 51 selected patients with
can be expected after 7 years and that significant AL amyloidosis of whom at least two fat tissue
improvement following transplantation does not aspirates were available for analysis, significant
200 J. Bijzet et al.

be interesting too. In this respect, one should

always keep in mind that the extraction proce-
dure of proteins from amyloid fibrils, for exam-
ple, with guanidine, may induce conformational
changes of some of the epitopes that will result in
decreased antigen recognition by the antibodies
used. Fortunately, proteomics techniques, such as
two-dimensional blotting and various mass spec-
trometric techniques have become available for
this kind of research [35, 49–58]. As described
above, application of these techniques to fat tis-
Fig. 15.4 Kaplan–Meier curves of patients with com-
sue has proven its utility and may become even
plete response (CR), partial response (PR), and no more promising for detection of changes of amino
response (NR) of serum free light chain. Endpoint is a acid sequence and composition, specific muta-
significant decrease of two grades of amyloid in fat tissue. tions and variants, and the assessment of relative
The numbers of patients at start and later who had the
potential to reflect such a decrease are shown at the bot-
amounts of mutations versus wild-type proteins.
tom; *p < 0.05. Reproduced with permission of The The first aim of all proteomic studies should still
Ferrara Storti Foundation [66] be to detect and diagnose a particular type of
amyloid with confidence, and to exclude all other
improvement of amyloid deposition in fat tissue possible types with the same confidence [46].
was exclusively seen after normalization of serum A second aim may be the unraveling of the role of
free light chain: reduction of two grades of amy- wild-type protein, subtypes, variants, and mutated
loid deposition in fat tissue was seen in 50% of proteins, the role of enzymatic cleavage and other
these patients after 2.4 years and in 80% after 3.2 modifications of precursor proteins, and the role
years (Fig. 15.4). This rapid significant regres- of other amyloid constituents such as SAP, lami-
sion of amyloid deposition in fat tissue was nin, entactin, collagen IV, and GAGs in amyloid
accompanied by stabilization or improvement of fibril formation and deposition.
organ response [66]. Systematic follow-up stud- Fat tissue analysis has great potential to enable
ies of amyloid in fat tissue in patients with AA dynamic studies of local tissue factors involved in
amyloidosis have not been published yet. both deposition and removal of amyloid in vivo.
As shown above, fat tissue can easily be obtained
for analysis at regular intervals to monitor the
Future Perspectives actual course of amyloid deposition at tissue
level. This monitoring of fat tissue may be useful,
Measuring the amyloid A protein and TTR especially in AL and ATTR amyloidosis, because
concentrations in fat tissue by ELISA shows fat tissue in these diseases does not seem to be
high accuracy for detection and typing of AA actively involved in the production of the precur-
and ATTR amyloidosis, respectively, and has sor protein. Fat tissue in AA amyloidosis, how-
been introduced in our center for daily clinical ever, may behave differently in this respect
practice. Immunochemical quantification of the because of active production of SAA by adipo-
amyloid proteins kappa and lambda using neph- cytes in fat tissue [44, 67, 68]. An in vitro mono-
elometry shows acceptable results for detection cyte culture system of amyloidogenesis has been
and typing of AL amyloidosis; although, we are developed in the mouse [69, 70]. A fully human-
still looking for opportunities to further improve ized cell culture model of amyloidogenesis, how-
sensitivity and specificity. Immunochemical ever, has not been developed [71]. Adipocyte
quantification of other amyloid constituents, such cultures may provide a means to further elucidate
as SAP, laminin, entactin, collagen IV, apolipo- the regulation of SAA synthesis, the processing of
protein E, and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), may SAA into AA amyloid fibrils in a human system,
15 Fat Tissue Analysis in the Management of Patients with Systemic Amyloidosis 201

the mechanisms of fibril deposition, amyloid to a 16-gauge needle (Fig. 15.5a). After closing
toxicity in tissue, and the role of other amyloid the valve, the plunger is pulled out, fixed tran-
components such as SAP, laminin, entactin, siently between squeezed thumb and finger, the
collagen IV, and GAGs. cap of the lidocaine needle is reused elegantly by
In conclusion, subcutaneous abdominal fat tis- positioning it upside down inside the plunger
sue carries huge potential for early diagnosis, (“Tarek’s trick”) to fix firmly and definitely the
typing with confidence, monitoring the course of position of the plunger, and thus maintaining neg-
disease, and better understanding of disease ative pressure in the syringe during aspiration
behavior in tissue of patients with systemic amy- (Fig. 15.5b). The skin of the patient is marked and
loidosis. Some possibilities are already imple- cleansed (e.g., with chlorhexidine) at both sides
mented in daily clinical practice; some are of the umbilicus at about 7–10 cm distance. Check
obvious improvements that may be used rou- first that the patient is not allergic to lidocaine.
tinely in the near future, but it is a challenge to Skin and subcutaneous tissue (three directions,
detect the possibilities that are still waiting to be see below) are then anesthetized with lidocaine
discovered. (each side 2 ml = 20 mg).
After inserting the needle beneath the skin,
the valve is opened to start aspiration of fat tis-
Appendix: Fat Aspiration Technique sue (Fig. 15.6a). The needle can be moved into
and Tissue Analysis Currently three directions (“Northeast, East, and
Practiced in Groningen Southeast”) at the left side of the abdomen and
mirrorwise at the right side. The aspiration pro-
Fat Aspiration Technique cedure should be performed slowly and gently
into each of the three directions, going to and fro
Stepwise Description of the Procedure with some rotation, and one should realize that it
Aspiration of abdominal subcutaneous fat tissue will take some time before the needle will be
is a simple outpatient procedure and a modifica- filled with fat tissue and the first fat can be seen
tion of the procedure was described by Gertz passing the valve and entering the top of the
[14]. It should be noted that it takes at least syringe. This should be continued at both sides
10–15 min to avoid unnecessary pain and bruis- of the umbilicus until at least 60 mg of fat tissue
ing, and to get adequate material. The patient has been collected (Fig. 15.6b). After the proce-
should be told that bruising might occur. For a dure has been finished, the puncture site should
description and instruction video of the fat aspi- be covered with a band-aid and pressed for a
ration procedure one can visit the Web site http:// while to prevent substantial bruising. The next
www.amyloid.nl [72]. step may be simple: Seal the syringe and sent it
See Table 15.3 for the equipment used. A to a diagnostic center (e.g., UMC Groningen) for
syringe of 10 ml is connected by a valve system analysis.

Table 15.3 Equipment for the fat aspiration

Number Material Aim
1 10 ml ampoule lidocaine (10 mg/ml) Local anesthesia, about 2 ml each side; intracutaneous at
1 5-ml syringe the puncture site and subcutaneous in three directions
1 22-Gauge needle
2 10-ml syringe The syringe is connected by the valve system to the needle;
2 Valve system then the valve is closed and the plunger fixed
2 16-Gauge needle
1 Chlorhexidine solution for skin cleaning
2 Small band-aids and gauzes
1 Pair of protective gloves
202 J. Bijzet et al.

Fig. 15.5 (a) The closed valve; reusing the needle cap. (b) Pull and fix the plunger and position the needle cap

Fig. 15.6 (a) Insert the needle beneath the skin and open the valve. (b) Yield: about 60 mg of fat tissue

Frequently Encountered Problems out carefully. The needle is introduced into a

During the Procedure clean container (e.g., sputum or urine) or empty
Two technical problems can be encountered dur- syringe: tissue is then evacuated into this con-
ing aspiration: no tissue at all or too much blood tainer or syringe, while fixing the needle firmly to
entering the syringe. the syringe to prevent the needle leaving the
If no fat appears in the syringe or the aspira- syringe (“firing needles”).
tion has stopped completely for some time, the If much arterial or venous blood enters the
needle may have become obstructed. The sim- syringe by accident, the needle should be removed
plest way to check this is to pull the needle out of out of the body. The puncture site should be
the patient. Normally, fat tissue present in the pressed for at least 1 min, and the procedure can
needle is then directly and audibly forced into the be repeated in a different direction or at different
syringe because of negative pressure. If this is site. Pain is infrequent, localized, and seldom a
not the case and fat tissue obstructs the needle real problem necessitating the use of more lido-
completely, tissue in the needle can be removed caine. If bruising is suspected to be present at the
by using positive pressure in the syringe. This end of the procedure, the patient him/herself may
may result in a rather explosive evacuation (“fir- press the puncture site for a couple of minutes
ing fat tissue”) and should therefore be carried before rising from the supine position.
15 Fat Tissue Analysis in the Management of Patients with Systemic Amyloidosis 203

Fig. 15.7 (a) Perpendicularly positioned glass slides. (b) Squeezing in the middle of the glass slides

Congo Red Stain and Grading Table 15.4 Alkaline Congo red stain according to
of Amyloid in Fat Tissue Puchtler [10]
Working Stock solution I: saturated solution of NaCl
Preparing Slides for Microscopy solutions in 80% ethanol
prepared Stock solution II: saturated solution of
After extracting the plunger, fat tissue can be col- from stock NaCl and Congo red in 80% ethanol
lected from the syringe on an empty glass slide to before use Working solutions I and II prepared by
separate fat tissue from accidentally obtained adding NaOH (final concentration 0.01%)
blood. At least four visible fragments of fat tissue just before use and then filter
(not fat droplets) should be put on each of three Sequence 1. Stain for 30 s with Mayer’s
of staining hematoxylin
glass slides (preferably with a frosted edge which steps 2. Rinse in running tap water for 10 min
can be used to write on it with a pencil). These 3. Stain for 30 min in freshly filtered
fragments are crushed into a single layer by working solution I
squeezing a second slide placed perpendicularly 4. Stain for 30 min in freshly filtered
working solution II
to the first ones (Fig. 15.7a, b). It is important to 5. Rinse briefly in ethanol (100%) 2×
press in the middle of the glass slides to prevent 6. Rinse briefly in demineralized water 2×
breaking of glass. The resulting six smears are 7. Cover the slides with Kaiser’s glycerol
marked for identification, dried in the air at room gelatin and a covering glass
temperature for 1 h, and subsequently fixed with
acetone for 10 min. After drying and fixation, all
slides can be stored at room temperature until also available and have been used successfully, in
shipped to a reference laboratory for staining with particular in the USA (MM Picken, personal
Congo red and further study if positive for amy- communication).
loid. Fat tissue should not be frozen before slides The affinity of tissue for Congo red can be
have been made: freezing of fresh and unfixed analyzed by the apple-green birefringence in
tissue may affect the quality of the tissue. polarized light using a good microscope. In our
institution we use the Olympus BX 50 micro-
Congo Red Stain, Microscopy, scope and a strong (100 W) light source. Two
and Amyloid Grading investigators score the slides blinded to the
Staining with alkaline Congo red should be per- clinical data and in a semiquantitative grading
formed according to the classic method described system (Fig. 15.2): 0 (negative, no apple-green
by Puchtler [10]. See Table 15.4 for a short sum- birefringence detectable), 1+ (minute, <1% of
mary. Commercial kits for Congo red stain are surface area), 2+ (little, between 1 and 10%),
204 J. Bijzet et al.

3+ (moderate, between 10 and 60%), and 4+ The absorption at 450–575 nm is read in a

(abundant, >60%). Because some deposits may Versamax microplate reader and amyloid A pro-
be tiny and hardly visible in daylight conditions, tein concentrations are calculated by SOFTmax®
the slides, ideally, should be read in the dark. PRO software (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale,
USA) according to a standard curve of purified
SAA. The intra-assay and interassay coefficients
Immunochemical Quantification of variation are both less than 10%, and the lower
of Amyloid Proteins in Fat Tissue limit of detection of the amyloid A protein in fat
Extracts extract is 1.6 ng/mL extraction fluid. Amyloid A
protein concentration reference range of patients
Aim of the fat aspiration procedure is to first without AA amyloidosis is <11.6 ng/mg fat tissue
obtain an adequate quantity for microscopic anal- [9, 40]. Recently Hycult has introduced a com-
ysis (3 × 4 lumps with total weight about 30 mg) mercial SAA ELISA kit [74].
and further at least 30 mg of fat tissue for immu- In a similar way, concentrations of other amy-
nochemical quantification of the amyloid pro- loid proteins such as TTR and immunoglobulin
teins. After extracting the plunger, fat tissue is light chains kappa and lambda are measured
collected from the syringe on an empty glass slide using ELISA and nephelometry, respectively.
to separate fat tissue from accidentally obtained Table 15.2 shows the reference values that are
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Generic Diagnosis of Amyloid:
A Summary of Current 16
Recommendations and the Editorial
Comments on Chaps. 12–15

Maria M. Picken

Congo red stain • Congo red fluorescence • Thioflavin • Fat biopsy
• Electron microscopy

Congo red stain continues to be the generally

Introduction accepted standard in amyloid detection [1]. For
this correct fixation, a proper staining protocol
This chapter provides a brief summary of recom- (alkaline Congo red), a high-quality microscope,
mendations on current standards for the diagnosis a strong light source, pupil accommodation, a
of amyloidosis. It is based on the results of a recent rotating table, and experience in interpretation
consensus session held at the 12th International are all mandatory. In the primary care situation,
Symposium on Amyloidosis, organized by the in particular, there is a need for enhanced clinical
International Society of Amyloidosis [1]. An suspicion in order to instigate the initial investi-
assessment of current practices in amyloid diagno- gation of amyloidosis by histochemical methods.
sis, based on a survey of amyloid centers and prac- It is important to stress that the use of H&E-
ticing renal pathologists, is also included [1, 2]. stained slides alone is insufficiently sensitive to
The editor’s comments, in connection with the elicit a suspicion of amyloid. A special stain,
corresponding prior chapters, are also provided. preferably Congo red, must be performed in order
not only to confirm the presence of amyloid but
Clinical Diagnosis: The “Gold also to rule it out.
Standard” Worldwide, many centers use in-house
reagents; however, currently available commer-
Currently, a clinical diagnosis of amyloidosis is cial kits for Congo red stain, which can be used
made by the histochemical demonstration of with automated stainers, were also reported to be
amyloid fibrils in organs and tissue sections. satisfactory by those who use them [1, 2].
Standard quality assurance measures need to be
routinely applied and a control slide examined
M.M. Picken, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.S.N. (*) with each run. In the author’s own experience,
Department of Pathology, Loyola University Medical
Center, Bldg#110, Rm#2242, 2160 S. First Avenue,
occasional runs may result in weaker stains,
Loyola University Chicago, IL 60153, USA which need to be repeated and investigated.
e-mail: mpicken@lumc.edu; mmpicken@aol.com Preanalytical steps, involving prolonged tissue

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 209
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_16,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
210 M.M. Picken

fixation in formaldehyde, or prolonged storage of birefringence should always be correlated with

the cut sections, should be avoided [3]. the bright-field appearance of tissue. There are
The apple-green birefringence of Congo-red- many reports in the literature of amyloid proteins
positive material is still the most specific finding, being detectable by immunohistochemistry in the
with a specificity of almost 100% if performed absence of Congo red positivity. This has been
and analyzed properly, using adequate equipment noted, in particular, in experimental amyloidosis
[1]. It is critical to have a high-quality micro- and Alzheimer’s disease [4–7] but also in extrac-
scope with a powerful light source and a com- erebral amyloidoses such as those found in
mercial polarizer set with rotatable table patients with hereditary ATTR [8, 9]. It is now
capabilities (discussed by Howie, Linke and widely accepted that such deposits represent a
Bijzet et al. in this book). There is absolutely no preamyloidotic stage of tissue deposition and that
room for “home-made” substitutes. A rotating these preamyloidotic, nonfibrillar deposits are
table, in particular, is critical for exposing the cytotoxic, perhaps even more so than fully formed
entire area containing amyloid deposits by gradu- fibrils [10, 11]. This is in contrast to the situation
ally rotating the table and, thereby, “unmasking” with preclinical amyloid deposits, which are
areas of amyloid deposition that were initially detectable in tissues by standard methods, seem-
obscured by the phenomenon of “polarization ingly in the absence of clinical symptoms.
shadow” (see chapters by Howie and Linke in
this book). As the section is rotated on the micro-
scope stage, the bright and dark areas in amyloid Thickness of Paraffin Sections
deposits will be seen to change positions depend- for Congo Red Stain
ing on their relation to the plane of the polarizer:
different colors are seen in areas that are roughly Thicker sections, 4–8 μm, are helpful in the detec-
perpendicular to each other, they appear to rotate tion of small deposits for two reasons: (1) in
as the section is rotated, and they exchange posi- thicker sections, amyloid deposits are already
tions when the stage is rotated by 90°. The role of visible by bright-field microscopy as salmon-
optics in achieving perfect polarization results, pink-stained areas, and (2) in thicker sections,
including “strain birefringence,” is discussed by sample error is less likely to occur. This is par-
Howie in this book. The apple-green birefrin- ticularly relevant in the early stages of amyloido-
gence of Congo red stain, being the most specific sis, where small deposits of amyloid may not be
finding, is, however, even under optimal circum- present in each section. As discussed earlier in
stances, less sensitive than that of some other this book, by Linke, the pathognomonic Congo
stains, although the latter are, in turn, less spe- red birefringence seen under polarized light can
cific (see also below). Given the degree of com- be demonstrated only in sections that are cut
plexity and expertise involved, it is not surprising within standard thicknesses. In particular, when
that difficulties in the interpretation of Congo red sections are cut with a thickness of less than
stain were commonly reported. Interestingly, 1 μm, the anisotropy changes from apple green to
variability in Congo red stain was reported by bluish white. In the editor’s own experience,
75% of responders and was particularly noted in while sections that are too thin may fail to exhibit
AL [1, 2]. While collagen is notorious for show- birefringence, the sections typically used in renal
ing anomalous birefringence and may render cer- pathology are quite adequate. The thinnest paraf-
tain sections difficult to interpret, in the author’s fin sections used in renal pathology are at least
own experience, red blood cells that are present 2 μm thick, with 3 μm being cut most frequently.
in small capillaries, or in a small hemorrhage, In the author’s own experience, these thicknesses
may also, at times, produce birefringence similar do not interfere with polarization, providing that
to that of amyloid. A similar observation has also appropriate equipment is used. Apple-green bire-
been noted by Verga et al. (see chapter on amy- fringence can be seen, even though no salmon-
loid typing in this book). Thus, Congo red stain pink color is apparent by bright-field illumination
16 Generic Diagnosis of Amyloid: A Summary of Current Recommendations… 211

(please see also, in this book, Fig. 13.1C by Linke). sensitivity. Interestingly, Congo red itself can be
It is also true that small deposits may be easily used as a fluorochrome when examined under
missed in thinner sections. In order to minimize fluorescent light. This application offers the
sampling error, the author routinely stains two added benefit of examining the same section
slides with Congo red (and more if clinically indi- using two techniques, namely, fluorescence and
cated), preferably obtained from different levels polarization (as shown by Linke elsewhere in this
within the block. Again, the importance of proper book). Among other fluorochromes, Thioflavin T
optics in the evaluation of Congo-red-stained and S are particularly useful in the diagnosis of
slides cannot be overstressed. Please note also amyloid (discussed in this book in Chaps. 12 and
that specimens that are too thick may be difficult 14, see also Chap. 26) [12].
to interpret, for example, thick fat smears (please The use of fluorescence for the detection of
see also Chap. 13 by Linke in this book). amyloid is gaining in popularity. Elimination of
the “polarization shadow” phenomenon through
the use of fluorescence results in a significant
Sampling Error increase in the sensitivity of detection of small
deposits. Briefly, using polarization microscopy,
Sampling error is one of the most important and at any given time, only a portion of the amyloid
also one of the most common pitfalls encountered deposit shows green birefringence—only by fur-
in the diagnosis of amyloid. It is defined as the ther rotation of the stage will other parts become
apparent absence of amyloid in a tissue section visible while, in turn, the formerly visible areas
from a patient with amyloidosis. As noted by will be obscured by the “polarization shadow.”
Linke, elsewhere in this book, a negative diagno- Thus, at any given time, only a portion of the
sis of amyloid, based on examination of a single amyloid is visualized (please see also the chap-
section, can never be conclusive. Therefore, in ters by Howie and Linke elsewhere in this book).
patients with a higher level of suspicion, on both Hence, the enhanced sensitivity of Thioflavin and
clinical as well as on pathologic grounds, but Congo red stains as fluorochromes for the detec-
where initial slides are negative for amyloid, the tion of amyloid is, in part, due to visualization of
editor routinely evaluates multiple Congo-red- the entire area containing amyloid, at the same
stained sections. Moreover, repeated biopsies time. The absence of “polarization shadow”
may be needed (e.g., repeated abdominal fat makes the detection of small deposits much more
biopsies) in order to conclusively establish the straightforward (Fig. 16.1a–c).
diagnosis. Not uncommonly, amyloid deposits Note particularly that different filters may be
may be detected later in the course of the disease, used in the Congo-red-fluorescence technique,
with earlier biopsies being truly negative. including a filter for detecting fluorescein isothi-
Sampling error may also be responsible for ocyanate (FITC) with an absorption maximum of
reports of the detection of amyloid-like fibrils by 495 (blue) and an emission maximum of 525 nm
electron microscopy but with negative Congo red (green) and tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate
stain results. (TRITC) with an absorption maximum of 555 nm
(green) and an emission maximum of 580 nm
(red). With the former filter, amyloid deposits
Other Stains and/or Modifications appear orange while, with the latter filter, depos-
of the Congo Red Stain That Are Worth its are red. In the editor’s own experience, the
Considering and Strongly red-fluorescence TRITC filter gives a cleaner and
Recommended more-easily discernible visualization of amyloid
(Fig. 16.1, see also Fig. 26.2). For detecting amy-
Despite the lesser specificity of polarization alter- loid in laser microdissection techniques, a newer
natives, the use of fluorochromes is particularly generation of filters is being used, i.e., the BGR
worthwhile due to their markedly increased filter cube; here also, red fluorescence is used
212 M.M. Picken

Fig. 16.1 (a) Congo-red-stained slide viewed under kidney. (b) Shows the same slide as seen in (a) viewed
fluorescence light using TRITC filter showing abundant under bright light and (c) shows the same under polar-
deposits of amyloid in various compartments of the ized light

preferentially. A practical approach would be to need for a fluorescence microscope or the fading
try different filters and see which gives the best of sections, are relatively minor. While such
results with the microscope/optics available in a equipment may not be readily available in general
given laboratory. surgical pathology laboratories, it is standard
As noted in the chapter devoted to the equipment in renal pathology/dermatopathology
Thioflavin stain, this is easy to perform, the out- laboratories, and renal pathologists, in particular,
come is predictable, and interpretation is much also have the necessary experience for handling
easier than with the Congo red stain (see Chaps. such microscopes. Also, faded sections can be
12 and 14). The Thioflavin T stain is used exten- restained. In sum, the Thioflavin stain is a desir-
sively in the research setting and, given the able option for screening purposes and is worthy
advantages listed above, it should be considered of inclusion in most laboratory protocols, in par-
as a desirable screening test for use in the clinical ticular, those that also have renal pathologists on
setting as well. As can be seen from other chap- the staff.
ters in this book, several laboratories have used The combination of Congo red and immuno-
Thioflavin stains (T or S) successfully in amyloid histochemistry on a single slide (the “overlay
diagnosis (please see also Figs 26.1c, 26.2h, i, technique”) is discussed extensively by R. Linke
26.7c, g). For the detection of amyloid with the in this book. While the combination of Congo red
Thioflavin stain, different filters may also be used stain with immunohistochemistry results in
as shown in Chap. 26. Other issues, namely, the enhanced sensitivity for amyloid detection, prior
16 Generic Diagnosis of Amyloid: A Summary of Current Recommendations… 213

knowledge of the amyloid type is necessary. This

is, however, possible in certain clinical situations, The Diagnosis of Amyloid: Summary
for example, when patients with rheumatoid of Options for Clinical Diagnosis
arthritis, or periodic fevers, are monitored for the
development of AA amyloidosis or when patients While the use of alternatives to the Congo red
with a known mutation associated with one of the stain may be helpful (in particular the use of
hereditary amyloidoses are monitored for devel- stains/modifications yielding increased sensitiv-
opment of the corresponding amyloidosis [8, 9]. ity), ultimately, the results will have to be con-
Another approach to consider is the use of immu- firmed against the generally accepted gold
nostain for amyloid P component, which, being standard, i.e., the Congo red stain. Nonetheless,
invariably associated with deposits of amyloid, stains with increased sensitivity are helpful in
may allow its early detection and localization screening and can be instrumental in assuring
([4, 13, 14], see also discussion regarding amyloid that potential true-positive cases are not missed.
P component in chapters on amyloid typing). If needed, help from a specialized laboratory
should be obtained with regard to both the stain
performance and/or interpretation. The editor’s
Other Stains That Are Less Useful own preference is for a combined approach
and/or Obsolete using both Congo red stain polarization as well
as Congo red stain + fluorescence and/or
Other stains such as sulfated alcian blue (SAB), Thioflavin stain. The appropriate equipment and
crystal violet, and methyl violet; various cotton environment are important. It is advisable to
dyes (e.g., pagoda red, Sirius red); other fluores- have a high-quality polarizer (with stage rota-
cent dyes (Phorwhite BBU); periodic acid-Schiff tion capability) fitted into a fluorescence micro-
(PAS); and even other fabric dyes (RIT Scarlet scope, which also has bright-field capabilities.
No. 5 and RIT Cardinal Red No. 9 [yielding a Evaluation of the same section field under vari-
bright orange color]) have been used to detect ous types of illumination is an excellent approach
amyloid, with variable results. The presence of and is extensively discussed by Linke in this
carbohydrate moieties in amyloid fibrils has also book. Installing the polarizer set in a fluores-
encouraged some investigators to use carbohy- cence microscope will also ensure that speci-
drate stains, such as alcian blue or even periodic mens are routinely evaluated in the dark, which
acid-Schiff, to demonstrate amyloid deposits; allows for pupil accommodation and the easier
however, dye uptake is variable and generally detection of small deposits. The editor’s advice
poor with these methods. SAB identifies gly- follows that of Linke, i.e., to take advantage of
cosaminoglycans (GAGs) which are present in the more sensitive methods first and, thereby, to
all types of amyloid, similar to amyloid P compo- progressively “narrow down” the detection area
nent. Likewise, metachromatic stains, such as until it can be viewed by the “gold standard” of
crystal violet or methyl violet, capitalize on the Congo red stain under polarized light. Some
carbohydrate content of amyloid fibrils, but their minute deposits can be seen by polarized light
staining is not very specific, and the low sensitiv- only under higher magnification; thus, in order
ity of these methods has caused them to fall into to confirm the fluorescence results by polariza-
disfavor; these stains also fade with time. Sirius tion, an area of interest may need to be exam-
red F3B (but not Sirius red F4B) stains amyloid ined at higher magnification than that typically
rose red while the background is clear to pale used for fluorescence. As mentioned earlier, the
pink. However, the Sirius red stain is not specific polarization (and fluorescence) results should
for amyloid since it also binds to all types of col- always be correlated with the bright-field appear-
lagen and, for this reason, has been used as a stain ance, in order to avoid certain pitfalls (red blood
for collagen. cells, collagen, etc.).
214 M.M. Picken

Electron Microscopy The Choice of Tissue Specimen: Fat

as an Underutilized Source of Tissue
Electron microscopy, which demonstrates the for Amyloid Detection and Beyond
fibrillar structure of amyloid, is not practical for
screening purposes because of the high levels of In order to confirm a clinical suspicion of amyloi-
magnification involved and, therefore, the rela- dosis, a tissue specimen is needed. While biopsy
tively small screening area. Electron micro- of the diseased organ itself, in particular a kidney
scopic examination is not required in routine or myocardial biopsy, is the most sensitive diag-
clinical practice and, in a recent survey [1, 2], it nostic method and may detect causes other than
was performed routinely by only 45–72% of all amyloid, the invasive nature of the procedure is
respondents, mostly as part of a routine native disadvantageous. Alternatively, rectal biopsy has
kidney biopsy workup, while others performed been utilized successfully for amyloidosis screen-
this study either occasionally, rarely, or when ing for decades with a good sensitivity of about
possible. It is felt that the interpretation of small 80%. In recent years, aspirated subcutaneous
amyloid-like deposits is inherently difficult abdominal fat tissue has been used to screen for
when based on electron microscopy alone and is systemic amyloidosis. This technique is noninva-
particularly difficult in the kidney since renal sive, safe, cheap, elegant, fast, and can be per-
glomeruli not uncommonly show vaguely fibril- formed as an outpatient procedure. As discussed,
lary areas, in particular, associated with scarring the procedure has a good sensitivity if performed
(as discussed by Herrera elsewhere in this book). and analyzed properly. However, in common
Thus, for clinical purposes, the diagnosis of practice, the amount and quality of tissue avail-
renal amyloid based solely on electron micros- able for examination may be too small to allow
copy, in the absence of a positive Congo red or testing with confidence. Thus, in the editor’s own
Thioflavin stain, is considered insufficient for a experience, surgical fat biopsy is an excellent
definite diagnosis of amyloid and should be dis- alternative to fat aspirates and avoids the pitfalls
couraged. Congo-red-negative deposits with associated with inadequate tissue collection. The
amyloid-like fibrils, detectable only by electron editor routinely receives a surgical biopsy con-
microscopy, were reported by 39% of respon- sisting of 1–2 cm3 of subcutaneous fat. The speci-
dents. At present, the clinical significance of men is received either fresh, in saline, or in
these findings is not clear, but sampling error fluorescence transport medium (particularly if
and/or low sensitivity of Congo red stain may be submitted from an outside institution). Such a
responsible for this discrepancy, at least in part. specimen is abundant enough to allow processing
However, electron microscopy is critical for the of 1/3 for paraffin sections and freezing of the
detection and characterization of various other remainder for possible amyloid typing.
organized deposits that should be in the differen- If necessary, repeated fat specimens (aspirates
tial diagnosis (fibrillary and immunotactoid or surgical biopsies) can be obtained, in order to
deposits, punctate deposits in light chain deposi- monitor for the development of systemic amyloi-
tion disease, and various crystalline inclusions dosis in patients with known risk factors such as
such as those seen in light chain proximal tubul- plasma cell dyscrasia, mutations associated with
opathy); these are discussed extensively in hereditary amyloidosis, or chronic inflammatory
Section 2 of this book [15]. While many such states, including periodic fevers; repeated fat
deposits are systemic, some are exclusively, or biopsies should also be considered in such
predominantly, detected in the kidney (Section 2). patients when the initial biopsies are negative.
All of these other types of deposits are Congo Other applications, discussed in this book by
red stain negative. Bijzet et al., include amyloid typing, as well as
16 Generic Diagnosis of Amyloid: A Summary of Current Recommendations… 215

quantitation and monitoring of therapy. It should polarization and fluorescence microscopy, and
also be pointed out that the presence of amyloid are, therefore, more likely to be more experi-
in subcutaneous fat is usually associated with enced in the handling of such specimens.
systemic amyloidosis. Thus, abdominal fat biopsy Furthermore, the necessary equipment is usually
is also useful in amyloidosis staging where dis- already in place in renal pathology laboratories
tinction between a systemic versus a localized or can be easily modified. Thus, not surprisingly,
process is needed for treatment strategies (see a recent survey demonstrated that many renal
Clinical Diagnosis: The “Gold Standard” and pathology laboratories are already handling non-
The Diagnosis of Amyloid: Summary of Options renal specimens that were submitted for amyloid
for Clinical Diagnosis sections). While a nega- testing [2]. It is also strongly recommended that,
tive fat biopsy may not rule out the systemic pro- given the level of difficulty involved, the exper-
cess, a positive result supports it. However, there tise required, and the relatively low incidence of
is one important consideration in diabetic patients positive specimens, within each group of pathol-
who depend on repeated injections of insulin, ogists, a dedicated person should be assigned to
typically administered into the abdominal subcu- the handling of all “amyloid” specimens, whether
taneous tissue. As discussed by Westermark in by way of consulting, triaging, and/or advising
the section 1, Chap. 6, these patients may develop with regard to available options.
amyloid at sites of repeated subcutaneous insulin
injection and thus may develop iatrogenic insulin
amyloid deposits. In these patients, deposits of Amyloid Diagnosis in the Future
amyloid should not be considered a manifesta-
tion of either systemic amyloidosis or localized It is clear that, despite the Congo red stain being
noninsulin-derived amyloid; amyloid typing employed since the 1920s for the detection of
should be performed if needed. Finally, other amyloid, there are still major problems associ-
deposits such as those seen in crystal storing his- ated with its use, mainly as a consequence of the
tiocytosis (see Chap. 11) and light chain deposi- difficulties encountered in its interpretation by
tion diseases may be detected in adipose tissue pathologists. Clearly, more sensitive and easier
[16], but these deposits are Congo red negative. screening procedures for amyloid detection are
needed. Recently, Nilsson et al. reported that
luminescent-conjugated thiophene polymers
Clinical Diagnosis: Current Challenges (LCP) were able to sensitively detect (and even
and Possible Solutions characterize) amyloid deposits [17]. Kieninger
et al. analyzed the suitability of two little-known
As in prior years, the emphasis is on early detec- substances for the detection of amyloid in surgi-
tion of amyloid deposits and the need for cal pathology specimens: conjugated polyelec-
increased awareness of the disease, the available trolyte polythiophene acetic acid (PTAA) and the
diagnostic and treatment options, and enhanced camelid antibody domain B10 [18]. The authors
clinical suspicion of amyloid diseases among emphasized the need to optimize preanalytical
pathologists and clinicians. However, it has been protocols for the recovery, storage, and handling
universally agreed that Congo red stain is not of samples if these novel amyloid ligands are
easy to interpret and that, besides technical vari- used for the routine diagnosis of amyloid in
ables, the observer’s experience is of paramount routine surgical pathology settings. Haupt et al.
importance. It should be emphasized that the studied pattern recognition with fibril-specific
identification of amyloid in tissue is not straight- antibody fragments [19]. The authors reported
forward and considerable experience is required. the biotechnological generation of a B10 anti-
In general, renal pathologists are involved in the body fragment, which provides for conformation-
diagnosis of amyloid more frequently than other specific binding to amyloid fibrils. However,
surgical pathologists, are more familiar with since B10 did not recognize all tested amyloid
216 M.M. Picken

fibrils and amyloid tissue deposits, the authors 4. The detection of amyloid, the initial step, is
suggested that there may be structural diversity the most critical and is entirely dependent
among naturally occurring amyloid scaffolds. upon the skill of the pathologist! Higher sensi-
This, in turn, may enable the future discrimina- tivity methods should be used in screening
tion of distinct fibril populations in vitro and even protocols, and consultation with reference
within diseased tissues. laboratories should be sought to help with and/
or confirm the diagnosis.

Summary and Conclusions Acknowledgment Finkl Amyloidosis Foundation

Thus far, all available tests for the diagnosis of References

amyloid (as well as recently published develop-
ments) are based on the examination of tissue 1. Picken MM, Westermark P. Amyloid detection and
sections; this makes the anatomic pathologist/ typing: summary of current practice and recommen-
histopathologist indispensable to the process. dations of the consensus group. Amyloid. 2011;18
Suppl 1:48–50.
Currently no data is available on the prospects for 2. Picken MM. Current practice in amyloid detection
diagnosis based on the examination of body flu- and typing among renal pathologists. Amyloid.
ids and/or the possibility of automation. 2011;18 Suppl 1:73–5.
Most importantly, it must be emphasized that 3. Della Speranza V. Histologic preparations: common
problems and their solutions college of American pathol-
the diagnosis of amyloid is not trivial, and practi- ogists. 2009. pp. 133–137, http://www.cap.org/apps/
cal experience is the most significant factor in the docs/cap_press/Amyloid.pdf. Accessed Sep 2, 2011.
successful diagnosis of amyloidosis, in particular 4. Rostagno A, Lashley T, Ng D, Meyerson J,
at the early stages when therapy may be most Braendgaard H, Plant G, Bojsen-Møller M, Holton J,
Frangione B, Revesz T, Ghiso J. Preferential associa-
successful. Therefore, development of an tion of serum amyloid P component with fibrillar
advanced level of expertise by a dedicated pathol- deposits in familial British and Danish dementias:
ogist within each group is strongly recommended. similarities with Alzheimer’s disease. J Neurol Sci.
In case of difficulty, a second opinion, from 2007;257(1–2):88–96.
5. Rahimi F, Shanmugam A, Bitan G. Structure-function
another expert laboratory, should be obtained. relationships of pre-fibrillar protein assemblies in
Currently, effective and high-sensitivity screen- Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. Curr
ing in the primary practice setting is needed with Alzheimer Res. 2008;5(3):319–41.
the possibility of increased specificity being pro- 6. Guerreiro N, Staufenbiel M, Gomez-Mancilla B.
Proteomic 2-D DIGE profiling of APP23 transgenic
vided via specialized laboratories. In this regard, mice brain from pre-plaque and plaque phenotypes.
the wider application of fluorochromes to clinical J Alzheimers Dis. 2008;13(1):17–30.
diagnosis may be helpful. Also, the wider appli- 7. Tomidokoro Y, Rostagno A, Neubert TA, Lu Y,
cation of fat biopsy to early amyloidosis detec- Rebeck GW, Frangione B, Greenberg SM, Ghiso J.
Iowa variant of familial Alzheimer’s disease: accumu-
tion and staging is encouraged. lation of posttranslationally modified AbetaD23N in
parenchymal and cerebrovascular amyloid deposits.
Am J Pathol. 2010;176(4):1841–54.
8. Sousa MM, Cardoso I, Fernandes R, Guimarães A,
Conclusions Saraiva MJ. Deposition of transthyretin in early stages
of familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy: evidence for
toxicity of nonfibrillar aggregates. Am J Pathol.
1. There is an urgent need for increased aware-
ness of the amyloidoses among pathologists 9. Santos SD, Fernandes R, Saraiva MJ. The heat shock
and clinicians, as well as available diagnostic response modulates transthyretin deposition in the
and treatment options. peripheral and autonomic nervous systems. Neurobiol
Aging. 2010;31(2):280–9.
2. There is a need to develop expertise in the
10. Pattison JS, Robbins J. Protein misfolding and cardiac
diagnosis of amyloidosis. disease: establishing cause and effect. Autophagy.
3. There is a need to concentrate on early detection. 2008;4(6):821–3.
16 Generic Diagnosis of Amyloid: A Summary of Current Recommendations… 217

11. Shi J, Guan J, Jiang B, Brenner DA, Del Monte F, 16. Picken MM, Frangione B, Barlogie B, Luna M, Gallo
Ward JE, Connors LH, Sawyer DB, Semigran MJ, G. Light chain deposition disease derived from the
Macgillivray TE, Seldin DC, Falk R, Liao R. kappa I light chain subgroup biochemical character-
Amyloidogenic light chains induce cardiomyocyte ization. Am J Pathol. 1989;134(4):749–54.
contractile dysfunction and apoptosis via a non- 17. Nilsson KP, Ikenberg K, Aslund A, Fransson S,
canonical p38alpha MAPK pathway. Proc Natl Acad Konradsson P, Röcken C, Moch H, Aguzzi A.
Sci USA. 2010;107(9):4188–93. Structural typing of systemic amyloidoses by lumi-
12. Biancalana M, Koide S. Molecular mechanism of nescent-conjugated polymer spectroscopy. Am J
Thioflavin-T binding to amyloid fibrils. Biochim Pathol. 2010;176(2):563–74.
Biophys Acta. 2010;1804(7):1405–12. 18. Kieninger B, Gioeva Z, Krüger S, Westermark GT,
13. Gallo G, Picken M, Frangione B, Buxbaum J. Friedrich RP, Fändrich M. Röcken C PTAA and B10:
Nonamyloidotic monoclonal immunoglobulin depos- new approaches to amyloid detection in tissue-evalu-
its lack amyloid P component. Mod Pathol. 1988; ation of amyloid detection in tissue with a conjugated
1(6):453–6. polyelectrolyte and a fibril-specific antibody frag-
14. Picken MM. Immunoglobulin light and heavy chain ment. Amyloid. 2011;18(2):47–52.
amyloid: renal pathology and differential diagnosis. 19. Haupt C, Bereza M, Kumar ST, Kieninger B, Morgado
Contrib Nephrol. 2007;153:135. I, Hortschansky P, Fritz G, Röcken C, Horn U, Fändrich
15. Kapur U, Barton K, Fresco R, Leehey D, Picken MM. M. Pattern recognition with a fibril-specific antibody
Expanding the pathologic spectrum of immunoglobu- fragment reveals the surface variability of natural amy-
lin light chain proximal tubulopathy. Arch Pathol Lab loid fibrils. J Mol Biol. 2011;408(3):529–40.
Med. 2007;131:1368.
Routine Use of Amyloid Typing
on Formalin-Fixed Paraffin Sections 17
from 626 Patients
by Immunohistochemistry

Reinhold P. Linke

Amyloidosis • Amyloid prototypes • Formalin-fixed paraffin sections
• Diagnosing amyloid • Congo red • Conge red fluorescence • Amyloid
antibodies • Immunohistochemistry • Amyloid classification (=typing)
• Expert evaluation • Pitfalls in amyloid typing • Mass spectrometry
• Therapeutic implications

proteins by amino acid sequencing [2] or by

Introduction and Overview proteomics on isolated amyloid fibrils [3].
Although these direct methods provide the highest
All forms of amyloidosis are diagnosed using
level of precision, they are both laborious and time
tissue sections and when amyloid has been diag-
consuming and, hence, are less practical for rou-
nosed (see Chap. 13) it needs to be classified by
tine clinical work. On the other hand, routinely
identification of the chemical constituents of their
fixed paraffin sections have been used for the typ-
amyloidogenic proteins. The currently known
ing of amyloid either by immunohistochemistry
amyloid syndromes have been found to be asso-
(IHC) [4, 5, 8, 10] or mass spectrometry (MS)
ciated with one of the approximately 30 chemi-
[6, 7]. Both IHC and MS are much faster and are
cally different proteins [1] by which the amyloid
therefore applicable to routine practice. The IHC
diseases differ. The amyloidotic protein therefore
procedure identifies amyloidogenic proteins under
needs to be identified routinely in each patient to
the microscope by evaluating the antibody binding
get information concerning the prognosis and to
pattern obtained using amyloid antibodies in situ.
design a pathogenetically adequate therapy (see
In contrast, MS, the most recently devised method,
preceding chapters).
analyses the likelihood of the presence of peptides
The classification of amyloid deposits can be
generated from tissue extracts scraped or micro-
performed directly on isolated amyloid fibril
sectioned from tissue slides [6, 7]. Since both IHC
and MS examine unseparated amyloid fibrils, the
results obtained are, therefore, indirect in these
R.P. Linke, M.D., Ph.D. (*) two latter methods. They were specifically devel-
Reference Center of Amyloid Diseases amYmed,
oped for the classification of amyloid proteins in
Innovation Center of Biotechnology,
Am Klopferspitz 19, Martinsried D-82152, Germany the formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue
e-mail: linke@amymed.de sections that are used in routine pathologic work,

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 219
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_17,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
220 R.P. Linke

and have subsequently been introduced into An initial set of antibodies was tested with the
clinicopathological practice [4–8, 10]. common amyloid types [4]. Later, this antibody
In this chapter, amyloid classification (or panel was extended to include also rare, and even
typing) through IHC is presented. The principal very rare, amyloid types [5, 10]. It was important
aim is to explain the special features of IHC to test the antibodies against the amyloidotic pro-
typing of amyloid using amyloid antibodies, to teins in situ since antibodies directed against the
show its validity, its ease of use, and its perfor- intact precursor proteins may show only limited
mance as a highly sensitive method applicable to reactivity with the corresponding amyloidotic
routine practice, and also how to recognize pitfalls proteins in tissue sections. Therefore, antibodies
and avoid drawbacks [8, 9]. tested against the intact protein may not meet the
Finally, a note is added concerning the prog- full requirements for a safe IHC amyloid typing
ress of two projects that compare (in double-blind procedure [8, 9, reviewed in 4].
studies) IHC and MS (Ringstudy I and II) to The requisite criteria for an antibody to be
obtain well-substantiated data on a comparison included in the IHC amyloid typing panel were as
of the two methods with respect to their perfor- follows: (a) An antibody against a specific amy-
mance and practicability for routine clinical loid type should bind, by IHC, to all amyloids of
work, at the international level [10]. this type in fixed tissue sections. (b) The IHC
reaction should be strong, uniform, and consis-
tent (see below). (c) The antibody should not bind
to any other amyloid type strongly and consis-
Tissues, Amyloid Antibodies, tently. (d) Two further considerations also influ-
Immunohistochemistry, enced the selection of the antibodies for the
and Execution standard panel: (d¢) when one antibody did not
meet the above-mentioned criteria in full more
The basis for the development of a reliable classi- than one antibody was used and (d²) a proper
fication of amyloid by IHC was dependent on two application and evaluation of a panel of antibod-
key features: firstly, the availability of prototype ies for a definite classification of amyloidotic
amyloid tissues and, secondly, the availability of proteins in tissue sections requires a comparative
amyloid antibodies. Prototype amyloid tissues are evaluation (see below). (e) The antibody panel
the tissues from patients whose amyloid type is should be available to anyone, now and in the
known based on analysis of the extracted amyloid future, and the results obtained should be repro-
fibril protein by chemical or immunochemical ducible in other laboratories. Currently, these
means, such as partial or complete amino acid antibodies (and the protocols for their applica-
sequence analysis, or Western blotting [4]. We tion) are available commercially [5, 10].
collected more than 153 prototype amyloids of The antibody set used for routine typing in this
various classes, mostly through the courtesy of chapter, and in prior reports [4, 7, 8, 10], com-
colleagues and also as a result of chemical identi- prises a panel of ten antibodies that are able to
fication in our laboratory over many years [4]. simultaneously classify eight different amyloid
The amyloid antibodies used were custom anti- types. This panel covers 97.8% of all amyloid-
bodies generated and produced by the author, containing tissues submitted consecutively to our
which were selected based on their reactivity with center by physicians and patients for amyloid typ-
prototype amyloids in formalin-fixed and paraffin- ing. The set of antibodies is directed against amy-
embedded tissue sections [5, 8, 10]. Briefly, pre- loid of the classes AA, ALl, ALk, AHg, ATTR,
cursor proteins or the ex vivo fragments thereof Ab2M, AFib, and ApoAI. Further antibodies
were used as immunogens while, in some cases, against ALys, AGel, ACys, Ab, APrP, AIAPP
also synthetic peptides coupled to immunogenic (see Table 17.1), and other types, are available
carriers were used. Both, polyclonal and monoclo- when results from the standard panel indicate that
nal antibodies were used as reviewed [4, 5, 8, 10]. they might be necessary [4, 7, 8, 10].
17 Routine Use of Amyloid Typing on Formalin-Fixed Paraffin Sections… 221

Table 17.1 Frequency of amyloid classes among 626 green birefringence (GB) should be seen [4].
patients with amyloidosis typed, using comparative IHC Sections that show the presence of amyloid are
amyloid typing
then chosen for IHC staining. Whenever the pro-
Amyloid class No. of patients % of total cedure needs to be changed, consequent to the
ALl 271 43.3 inclusion of new solutions, other reagents, new
ALk 118 18.8 personnel, etc., we routinely include seven posi-
(AL, sum) (389) (62.1) tive controls (one for each of the five major amy-
ATTR 93 14.9
loid classes) to make sure that the applied
AA 80 12.8
technique will be of a similar high standard and
AFib 14 2.2
that the results will be comparable to former IHC
Ab2M 11 1.8
staining. Positive controls, after evaluation, can
ALys 6 1.0
AApoAI 5 0.8
be destained (using 80% acetic acid dropped onto
Ab 4 0.6 the section for 2 min) and reused for IHC. In our
APrP 2 0.3 laboratory, we routinely reuse positive control
ACys 2 0.3 slides up to approximately six times [4]. The
AHg 2 0.3 staining procedure utilizes routine methods with
AGel 2 0.3 AEC (3-amino-ethyl carbazole) as the chromo-
AApoAII 1 0.2 gen, followed by a weak counterstain with
SAA4 1 0.2 Mayer’s hemalum, and embedding in Kaiser’s
Unknown 14 2.2 glycerin jelly [4].
Sum total 626 100

The IHC technique used for amyloid typing

by our laboratory (and also by others) is the unla- Evaluation of Immunohistochemical
belled IHC technique of Sternberger (cited in Reactivities
[4]), in which a peroxidase–anti-peroxidase
(PAP) complex is applied as the final amplifica- The reading of IHC-stained slides is performed
tion system, or its more sensitive variant—the without any prior knowledge of either laboratory
ABC technique which uses an avidin–biotin per- data or clinical picture. Positive standard slides
oxidase complex for amplification. Before begin- are first evaluated to provide assurance that the
ning the IHC staining procedure, one section “unknown” slides of submitted tissue sections
must be examined to verify the presence of amy- have been stained properly with the set of anti-
loid in the submitted biopsy. When smaller bodies employed. The second stage of the proce-
amounts of amyloid are present, or if it is sus- dure is then to read the ten-stained slides of each
pected that a sampling error might occur (see patient and evaluate their IHC reactivities. This
“sampling error” in Chap. 13, Fig. 13.2), approx- requires some experience since amyloid repre-
imately 15 sections are prestained for 10–20 s sents a complex mixture of many proteins and
with CR using a modified Puchtler method [4]. other constituents [4, 8, 10] that will show vari-
This procedure incorporates the absolute mini- ous reactivities. The latter need to be categorized
mum time necessary for staining, so that the CR by distinguishing strong, uniform, and consistent
staining will show up only by Congo red fluores- IHC reactions from the more inconsistent ones,
cence (CRF), a more sensitive technique than the to separate the specific and diagnostic from the
classical CR method employing bright light (see nonspecific reactivities.
Chap. 13, Fig. 13.6c). This brief prestaining treat- This is shown in Figs. 17.1–17.4. The amyloid
ment therefore ensures that the CR staining will typing is illustrated here using the four most prev-
not interfere with the IHC procedure. Amyloid alent amyloid types: AA, ALl, ALk, and ATTR
that fluoresces by CRF needs to be verified by (more types have been presented in Table 17.1
polarization microscopy, when the pathognomonic and in 10). CRF was used to identify the presence
222 R.P. Linke

of amyloid in each of the four illustrated cases,

since it is the most sensitive method for confirm-
ing the presence of amyloid (see Chap. 13).
Amyloid is shown by CRF in the “a-row” of all
cases in Figs. 17.1–17.4. IHC typing of amyloid
was performed on adjacent sections, to which the
above-described panel of amyloid antibodies was
applied. All three forms of illumination used for
identifying amyloid (triple illumination) were
applied to all amyloid types, as exemplified in the
ATTR case in Fig. 17.4b, inset.
In Fig. 17.1a–e, characteristic reactivities are
shown for renal autopsy tissue with glomerular
AA amyloid (in a case of Muckle–Wells syn-
drome, see 4) as identified by CRF (Fig. 17.1a)
and a very consistent and strongly congruent
diagnostic reaction with anti-AA only (Fig. 17.1b,
between arrows), while anti-ALk and anti-ATTR
(Fig. 17.1d, e) were nonreactive. The anti-ALl
antibody (Fig. 17.1c) showed an intense reactiv-
ity; however, this was weak in comparison to the
reactivity shown in Fig. 17.1b which, being the
strongest, was considered diagnostic of the amy-
loid type. Please note that light chain amyloid
antibodies may also react strongly with amyloid-
free tissue structures such as tubular cells
(Fig. 17.1c, d), indicating that severe nephrosis
contribute to the patient’s death.
In Fig. 17.2a–e, IHC identified ALl as the
amyloid type; here, amyloid is seen only in the
cardiac vessels in a patient with cardiac decom-
pensation and MGUS (free l-L 343 mg/l serum).
The cardiac functional decompensation resulted
from severe narrowing of the vessels by amyloid
(Fig. 17.2b–e, between arrows) leading to func-
tional impairment, despite the cardiac muscle
being virtually free of amyloid. The amyloid was
barely stained with Congo red (not shown) but
was visible with CRF illumination (Fig. 17.2a).
Diagnosis of the amyloid type was based on iden-
tification of a single, consistent, and very strong
IHC reaction (corresponding to the location of
amyloid deposits by CRF) with anti-ALl only

Fig. 17.1, a–e Diagnosing and typing of AA amyloid; a.

CRF; b, Anti-AA; c, anti-ALl; d, anit-ALκ; e, anti-ATTR.
For detailed description see text
Fig. 17.2 ALl amyloidosis. Diagnosing and typing, a–e, Fig. 17.3 ALκ amyloidosis. Diagnosing and typing, a–e,
see above see above
224 R.P. Linke

(Fig. 17.2c). In contrast, the anti-ALk (Fig. 17.2d)

stain was less strong and less uniform. There was
almost no reactivity with anti-AA (Fig. 17.2b)
and anti-ATTR (Fig. 17.2e), except for a few
reactive and inconsistent spots in the latter. Note
that considerable reactivity is present with anti-
ATTR in cardiomyocytes, which does not, how-
ever, correspond in location to the areas positive
for amyloid by CRF and, therefore, is not specific
for amyloid.
Figure 17.3a–e displays severe interstitial car-
diac ALk-amyloid as identified in a patient with
MGUS (free kappa-L 916 mg/l serum). ALk
amyloidosis was diagnosed based on CRF detec-
tion of an interstitial bright orange-red web of
somewhat kinky amyloid bundles (Fig. 17.3a,
between arrows). This corresponds with a similar
kinky web-like reactivity with anti-ALk in
Fig. 17.3d (between arrows). Anti-AA (Fig. 17.3b)
and anti-ATTR (Fig. 17.3e) were nonreactive, but
some ALl reactivity was seen (Fig. 17.3c,
between arrows), which was, however, far weaker
and more inconsistent when compared to the
diagnostic kappa reaction in Fig. 17.3d.
Figure 17.4a–e shows IHC typing of pulmo-
nary ATTR amyloid in a 91-year-old patient who
died of pneumonia after a heart infarction. The
amyloid seen in CRF illumination (Fig. 17.4a)
gave a consistent, and therefore diagnostic, reac-
tion with Anti-ATTR antibody only (Fig. 17.4e,
between arrows), while anti-AA (Fig. 17.4b) was
nonreactive, and anti-ALl (Fig. 17.4c) and anti-
ALk (Fig. 17.4d) showed only minor reactivities.
The inset in Fig. 17.4b shows the CRF and GB of
adjacent amyloid deposits that were used for
diagnosing this amyloid (indicated by two larger
arrows in Fig. 17.4b–e). The smaller arrows in
Fig. 17.4c, d point to intensive collateral reactivi-
ties, which do not represent amyloid. They can
easily be distinguished from amyloid by CR
prestaining followed by an IHC overlay and
subsequent examination of the same frame with
bright light as compared to fluorescent light
illumination (by switching the light source) to
verify which reactive areas represent amyloid.
Using this technique, the amyloid specificity of
the IHC stain is ensured [4].
In summary, in Fig. 17.1–17.4, the CRF
Fig. 17.4 ATTR amyloidosis. Diagnosing and typing, (a-row) shows an intense bright orange-red
a–e, see above
17 Routine Use of Amyloid Typing on Formalin-Fixed Paraffin Sections… 225

fluorescence of high sensitivity for all amyloid nonspecific reactions can occur that have been
deposits, regardless of type. The b-row shows the misinterpreted as positive, diagnostic results.
specificity of the AA-antibodies across the differ- This type of false-positive result has been
ent amyloid types. There is only a single, very reported in cases that were subsequently diag-
strong reactivity against AA amyloid and no nosed as AFib and AApoAI [8].
reactivity with the other amyloid types. The deficiencies associated with the use of a
AA-reactivity with monoclonal antibodies (mc single antibody in the typing of amyloid deposits
series, 4) shows the highest level of selectivity. can be further illustrated with reference to Fig. 17.1
The c-row shows representative anti-ALl reac- and Fig. 17.2. It is apparent that the single reactivi-
tivities. Although anti-ALl reacts with most ties seen in Figs. 17.1c and 17.2d would result in
amyloids, the strongest reaction (which is there- the misdiagnosis of ALl and ALk amyloidosis, if
fore considered to be amyloid-specific) occurs the homologous, diagnostic antibodies were not
only with ALl amyloid deposits as shown in available, or if they had reacted inappropriately in
Fig. 17.2c. The l reactivities of many amyloids Figs. 17.1b and 17.2c. This should be clear from
have plagued amyloid IHC studies for many years the reasoning of the paragraph above: the only
[4, 9], leading to misdiagnoses, as discussed way to arrive at a firm identification of the correct
above, and have intensified a search for remedies. chemical amyloid type is by comparing the differ-
The resolution of this problem, some 15 years ent IHC reaction patterns and, thus, by separating
ago, led to the adoption of the method of “com- the diagnostic from the nonspecific reaction. How
parative IHC” (reviewed in 4; see below). As this can be done is shown in Figs. 17.1–17.4 using
shown above, this method of comparative IHC is comparative IHC with antibodies that meet the
based on selection of the strongest amyloid-spe- above-mentioned criteria. The results of many
cific reactivity. The d-row presents the perfor- such comparative amyloid analyses are listed in
mance of the k reactivities and the e-row presents Fig. 17.5. The visible reactions are graded based
the performance of the ATTR antibodies across on their intensity as illustrated and described in
the four different amyloid types. In the latter, Figs. 17.1–17.4. Thus, the homologous reactions
only the corresponding ATTR amyloid reacts in Figs. 17.1b, 17.2c, 17.3d, and 17.4e are graded
strongly, as in the case of most ATTR amyloi- as +++ since they are very strong and uniform. By
doses seen in patients. contrast, the negative reactions in the b-row are
graded negative 0, as are also the reactions in
Figs. 17.1e and 17.3e. However, Fig. 17.2d is
graded as (++) in brackets to denote a reaction that
Comparative Immunohistochemistry is weaker and inconsistent as compared to the
as a Routine Method for Amyloid diagnostic reaction in Fig. 17.2c. Accordingly,
Typing Figs. 17.3c, and 17.4c, d are graded as inconsistent
(+ – + +) while Figs. 17.1d, 17.2e, and 17.3e are
The following example is instructive of the use of graded as (+), displaying the lowest level of reac-
this technique. Recently, in 2011, we received tis- tivity with a signal that consists of only a few
sue sections of a reported AA amyloidosis with a spots, as in Fig. 17.2e.
request for a second opinion. The amyloid had Figure 17.5 shows the combined results of
been classified using a single monoclonal AA the IHC typing of amyloid presented here using the
antibody, which was reported as reactive. Similar described panel of antibodies and the above-
instances of amyloid typing, based on evaluation mentioned way of evaluation not only on four of
using a single antibody, have also been reported the most common amyloid types (Figs. 17.1–
[8]. Subsequently, they were all found to be 17.4) but also on additional amyloid classes as
incorrect. In cases where an incomplete antibody described in [5, 8, 10]. As can be seen from
panel is used, and the antibody that corresponds Fig. 17.5 (and additional publications), the com-
to the particular type of amyloid present in the parative IHC evaluation scheme is able to
specimen is missing from the panel, collateral discriminate the truly diagnostic from nonspecific
226 R.P. Linke

Fig. 17.5 Immunohistochemical patterns of comparative immunohistochemistry. The shaded reactivities are the
diagnostic ones while the unshaded reactivities are the nonspecific ones (see text)

reactions using amyloid antibodies, and this tions, as described above. (c) In all cases where
scheme has been applied to many different amy- clinical information was available, the IHC results
loid types, so far. However, particular attention were consistent with the type of amyloidosis
must be paid to light chain amyloid antibodies, suspected on clinical grounds. (d) In one patient
since the l-light chains have a tendency to be (Figs. 11.1–11.6 in citation 4) more than one type
present in many different amyloid types, however of amyloid was detected by IHC, and this corre-
in variable amounts. Thus, it has been shown lated with the microscopic morphology seen in
here, when an ALl light chain reactivity is unspe- the tissues, suggesting different sites for amy-
cific and when it is specific in diagnosing the loidogenesis of each amyloid type. The recogni-
respective ALl correctly [4, 8, 10]. Note that tion of such rare cases clearly shows the advantage
while the consistent and strong reactivities are of IHC as compared to MS, since the spatial sepa-
readily apparent, the inconsistent reactivities are ration of the two amyloids remains intact and can
by far more variable. thus be evaluated separately. (e) This panel of
The validity of the above IHC typing of amy- antibodies has been used by numerous other
loid is based on several key points: (a) All IHC laboratories, with similar results. Some of these
reactions were tested with seven positive con- cooperative studies are published and cited in [4].
trols, representing prototype amyloids. (b) The (f) Additional data supporting the validity, high
ten different amyloid antibodies that were used sensitivity, and precision of the comparative IHC
intrinsically provided several built-in controls and typing of amyloid, using the above panel of
typically yielded only one diagnostic reaction, amyloid antibodies, has been obtained from the
while allowing the exclusion of all other amyloid first international blinded comparison of IHC
types through the recognition of nonspecific reac- versus MS (“Ringstudy I,” in progress).
17 Routine Use of Amyloid Typing on Formalin-Fixed Paraffin Sections… 227

patients (97.8%) the amyloid type could be diag-

High-Sensitivity Classification nosed and verified by the use of appropriate con-
of Single Minute Amyloid Deposits trols. Light chain-derived amyloid was the most
prevalent form, being diagnosed in 389 patients
At one time, it was requested that we perform (62.1% of all samples submitted), with 271
IHC typing on a single tissue section that con- patients having ALl (43.3%) and 118 having
tained one small area of amyloid of approxi- ALk (18.8%). The second and the third most
mately the size of two macrophages. We numerous classes were ATTR in 14.9% and AA
attempted, for the first time, the sequential appli- in 12.8%, respectively. All other amyloid classes
cation of one amyloid antibody after another, were rare, or very rare, with AFib (2.2%) repre-
with destaining (see above) between each appli- senting the most numerous among the rare amy-
cation. The resultant diagnosis was ATTR amy- loid classes encountered.
loidosis (published in 1984, Feurle et al. cited Among the 14 unknown samples, in 2 patients
in 4). This amyloid was later genotyped as a rare amyloid derived from semenogelin I was subse-
ATTR variant. Similarly, the detection of very quently diagnosed using our specific antibody to
small, single amyloid deposits in the initiating define which of the two proteins identified by
phase of AA amyloidosis in juvenile rheumatoid MS was the amyloidogenic one, in 2003 as pub-
arthritis, missed by former evaluators, has lished in [11]. Another novel amyloid was identi-
been summarized and illustrated in Chap. 13, fied immunohistochemically as SAA4 [12] and
Fig. 13.4. Over the years, numerous patients have verified by MS by courtesy of Alan Solomon.
been diagnosed, based on the evaluation of small Two other amyloids were analyzed by amino
deposits of amyloid present in biopsies with very acid sequence analysis and identified as ALk
early amyloidosis that were too small to be evalu- amyloid; one was published [13] and the other
ated by other typing methods. indentified by courtesy of J.J. Liepnieks and
M.D. Benson. Against both novel ALk amy-
loidogenic proteins polyclonal antibodies have
been developed which are now part of our panel
Performance and Prevalence
and part of an extended panel in case of unreac-
tivities. In addition, five other unknown amyloids
This section presents the overall results of amy-
could neither be typed by IHC nor by MS. Finally,
loid typing, using comparative IHC with a diag-
these approximately 2.2% of unreactive samples
nostic panel of amyloid antibodies. Only patients
show that novel amyloid diseases can be selected
with a single amyloid type have been included.
using the presented panel of antibodies directed
The results of amyloid typing in patients with
against known amyloids. Chemical analysis has
more than one amyloid type, and the typing of
resulted in the production of novel amyloid anti-
amyloids in animals (which both follow the same
bodies and this will continue with the discovery
principles as discussed above) is presented else-
of even more novel amyloid diseases.
where (manuscript in preparation). In addition,
In approximately 60% of patients, the clinical
also the non-amyloidotic protein thesauroses,
records were available for evaluation and in
such as l- and k-LCDD, have not been included
almost all cases the clinicopathologic correlation
in this list.
was excellent. In many cases, the IHC typing
In these studies, 153 prototype amyloids
of amyloid was instrumental in guiding the
were employed to ensure the specificity of the
subsequent clinical management of patients with
amyloid antibodies [4, 10]. All 153 (100%) of
seemingly uncharacteristic, and even obscure,
the prototype amyloids could be typed correctly
minor symptoms [2]. Results similar to those
using comparative IHC. The results of amyloid
presented in this chapter were also obtained inde-
typing in 626 patients evaluated at the Reference
pendently, in several other laboratories, using the
Center of Amyloid Diseases are presented in
same sets of antibodies [4].
Table 17.1. Of the 626 samples received, in 612
228 R.P. Linke

In summary, amyloid typing on tissue sections ing the typing process, even in tissues with the
using comparative IHC does not require any prior smallest deposits, a spatial correlation between
clinical knowledge or laboratory data. It provides the site of antibody reactivity and the amyloid
a definitive diagnosis of the amyloid type by detec- deposit can be made (see Figs. 17.1–17.4).
tion of the chemical identity of the amyloidotic (c) The rare instances when more than one amy-
protein of the fibril in situ without antigenic loid type can be diagnosed in a single patient
retrieval in approximately 97.8% of submitted tis- [9] can also be addressed by using this panel
sue samples. This amyloid typing technique is of antibodies for comparative amyloid typing
reliable, very fast, easy, and affordable for all insti- as illustrated in [4].
tutes competent in performing IHC. In addition, it (d) In instances where the antibodies produce a
is of the highest sensitivity since one amyloid spot stronger stain with structures other than amyloid
in a single slide is virtually sufficient for a full deposits (a common occurrence, in particular,
classification (see Chap. 13, Fig. 13.4). in the immunoglobulin-derived amyloids, AIg1,
Finally, the first two blinded international since the extracellular space is washed with
comparisons between IHC and MS (Ringstudy I IgGs, see Figs. 17.1–17.4) prestaining of the
and II) have been concluded with Ringstudy section with CR, followed by an IHC overlay,
IIusing microdissection and MS. Reports in prog- allows correlation of the spatial distribution of
ress will confirm the high sensitivity and precision the CRF and IHC staining patterns (i.e., whether
of IHC, but also determine the relative strengths they occur in the same area of the section) and
and the weaknesses of each method [10]. determination of which of the strongest reac-
tion is congruent with the amyloid deposit.
(e) Lack of experience in the interpretation of
Pitfalls and Remedies immunohistochemical staining is a very
important pitfall of this method [9]. Since the
(a) An inherent problem in the classification of diagnosis of amyloidosis is not a trivial proce-
amyloid is that amyloid is not a pure sub- dure, in cases where problems arise, consulta-
stance but a very heterogeneous complex, tion with an expert center for diagnosis of the
which is comprised of various structural and amyloid type should be considered [9].
soluble, aggregated and polymerized pro-
teins, and their fragmented or point-mutated
variants. In addition, this complex is satu- Take Home Message
rated with various, variable, extracellular
constituents, including, in particular, serum 1. The immunohistochemical diagnosis of amyloid
proteins that can be adsorbed to this amyloid type is easy, fast, and very precise when per-
complex to varying extents [4, 5, 8–10, see formed by an expert laboratory. It can be per-
Figs. 17.1–17.4]. Both methods, IHC and formed in every institute that is competent in the
MS, have to cope with this situation. Since techniques of IHC, after some degree of training.
the pathogenetically most important and 2. For immunohistochemical typing, an appropri-
unique constituents are the amyloid fibril ate panel of antibodies is needed for comparative
proteins, we have produced antibodies that evaluation without antigenic retrieval, since
preferentially recognize these. In this report, it “one antibody—one diagnosis” does not lead
is described how these antibodies can distin- to a safe assessment of the amyloid type.
guish amyloid from its contaminants. 3. Evaluation of the IHC patterns generated by
(b) The histomorphological evaluation of amyloid these antibodies needs a certain amount of
that is possible with IHC is very helpful in histopathologic training to recognize a true
coping with the plethora of constituents found
associated with amyloid deposits. Since the 1
AIg is proposed here as a practical acronym for the
amyloid fibrils remain intact and in place dur- combination of AL and AH.
17 Routine Use of Amyloid Typing on Formalin-Fixed Paraffin Sections… 229

diagnostic reaction, which is characterized by nomenclature committee of the International Society

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distinguish the latter from the inconsistent and clearer understanding of the molecular mechanisms
weak reaction typical of a false-positive result offer hope for more effective therapies. J Int Med.
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4. To distinguish non-amyloidotic structures 3. Lavatelli F, Perlman DH, Spencer B, Prokaeva T,
McComb ME, Théberge R, Conners LH, Belotti V,
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Report for Clinicians 2006.
5. Schroeder R, Deckert M, Linke RP. Novel isolated
cerebral ALl (lamda) amyloid angiopathy with
The report to the clinician should be candid and
widespread subcortical distribution and leukoen-
present both the strengths and the limitations of cephalopathy due to atypical monoclonal plasma cell
the procedures under which the classification was proliferation, and terminal systemic gammopathy.
performed. This ensures that the clinician has J Neuropath Exp Neurol. 2009;68:286–99.
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confidence in the findings on which he or she
A. Characterization of systemic amyloid deposits by
must base the appropriate therapy. The first issue mass spectrometry. Methods Enzymol. 2006;412:
to be addressed should be the quality of the biopsy, 48–62.
its size, and the amount of amyloid. In cases 7. Vrana JA, Gamez JD, Madden BJ, Theis JD, Bergen
3rd HR, Dogan A. Classification of amyloidosis by
where the presence or absence of amyloid is not
laser micro dissection and mass spectrometry based
clear, an independent expert should be consulted proteomic analysis in clinical biopsy specimens.
to clarify the issue. Amyloid typing should always Blood. 2009;114(24):4957–9.
be performed as a double-blind study, preferably 8. Linke RP, Oos R, Wiegel NM, Nathrath WBJ.
Classification of amyloidosis: misdiagnosing by way
without any prior knowledge of the clinical data,
of incomplete immunohistochemistry and how to
since the latter can, at times, also mislead. prevent it. Acta Histochem. 2006;108:197–208.
9. Picken MM, Herrera GA. The burden of “sticky”
Acknowledgments This work was only possible as a amyloid: typing challenges. Arch Pathol Lab Med.
result of contributions by many colleagues over several 2007;131:850–1.
decades. Full acknowledgment of some of these contribu- 10. Linke RP. Classifying of amyloid on fixed tissue sec-
tions can be found in a forthcoming in-depth review tions for routine use by validated immunohistochem-
(work in progress). Here, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. istry. Amyloid. 2011;18 Suppl1, 67–70.
R. Huber, director emeritus of the Max-Planck-Institute of 11. Linke RP, Joswig R, Murphy CL, Wang S, Zhou H,
Biochemistry in Martinsried, who provided laboratory Gross U, Rocken C, Westermark P, Weiss DT,
space, and supported some of the technicians and cowork- Solomon A. Senile seminal vesicle amyloid is derived
ers involved in the laboratory work. They include: Mrs. from semenogelin I. J Lab Clin Med.
A. Rail, Mrs. A. Kerling, Mrs. R. Oos, Mrs A. Meinel and 2005;145:87–193.
Dr. N. Wiegel. For secretarial work, I thank Mrs. A. Feix, 12. Linke RP, Adler S, Hegenbart U, Schönland S, Gröne
Martinsried, Germany, and for the artwork Ms A. K. HJ. Chronic, slowly progressing nephropathy due to
M. Linke, Essen, Germany. amyloid of cSAA (SAA4) origin. Abstract XIth
Internat. Symposium on Amyloidosis, Nov. 5–9, 2006
Woodshole, MA/USA.
13. Wiegel NM, Mentele R, Kellermann J, Meyer L, Riess
References H, Linke RP. ALk (kappa)(I) (UNK)—primary struc-
ture of an AL-amyloid protein presenting an organ-
1. Sipe JD, Benson MD, Buxbaum JN, Ikeda S, Merlini limited subcutaneous nodular amyloid syndrome of
G, Saraiva MJ, Westermark P. Amyloid fibril protein long duration. Case report and review. Amyloid.
nomenclature: 2010 recommendations from the 2010;17:10–23.
Amyloid Typing: Experience
from a Large Referral Centre 18
Janet A. Gilbertson, Toby Hunt,
and Philip N. Hawkins

Biopsies • Congo red • Immunohistochemistry • NAC • Amyloid

for example, to investigate the aetiology of renal

Biopsies impairment in patients with myeloma or generally.
Amyloid deposits have been reported to be present
Over 5,000 biopsy specimens have been exam-
in more than 90% of rectal and/or subcutaneous fat
ined at our centre with numbers steadily increas-
biopsies in systemic AA or AL amyloidosis, sup-
ing year by year (Fig. 18.1). Biopsies can be from
porting their use for screening [1, 2]. However, tar-
any anatomical site, and in 2010 we received over
get organ biopsy methods have generally become
55 different types of tissues for analysis. Renal
safer and more widely accessible, contributing to
biopsies were the most common (35%), followed
the much greater number of endomyocardial biop-
by gastrointestinal biopsies (17%), bone marrow
sies obtained among patients attending the National
trephines (9%), and cardiac biopsies (6%). The
Amyloidosis Centre (NAC) in recent years. It is
remaining third of biopsies included testes, spine,
vital to appreciate that a negative biopsy does not
brain, and omentum to a wide range of tissue
exclude the possibility of amyloidosis, and merely
samples containing amyloid that has been identi-
excludes the presence of amyloid deposition in the
fied incidentally during post-mortems. All biop-
precise piece of tissue examined. All biopsies are
sies that we review are formalin-fixed
relatively small when compared to the size of the
paraffin-embedded (FFPE), and it is very rare
tissue sampled, which can lead to sampling error,
that we receive unfixed material at the centre.
noting cases, for example, where one part of a large
Biopsies are either taken due to suspicion of
organ can be extensively infiltrated by amyloid and
amyloidosis, or more often to investigate the poten-
others almost unaffected. In gastrointestinal biop-
tially many causes of any kind of organ dysfunction,
sies, the total size sampled usually amounts to much
less than 1 cm3 which must be compared to the vast
J.A. Gilbertson, C.Sci., F.I.B.M.S. (*) • T. Hunt, M.Sc., surface area that could have been sampled. It must
B.Sc., F.I.B.M.S. • P.N. Hawkins, Ph.D., F.R.C.P., also be considered that in rectal biopsies, amyloid is
F.R.C.Path., F.Med.Sci. usually found in the walls of submucosal vessels, so
UCL Division of Medicine, National Amyloidosis if the full thickness of the muscularis is not obtained
Centre, Royal Free Hospital, Rowland Hill Street,
London, NW3 2PF, UK the deposits may go undetected. As well as an
e-mail: j.gilbertson@ucl.ac.uk optimal requirement for the full thickness of the

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 231
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_18,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
232 J.A. Gilbertson et al.

Fig. 18.1 Number of cases examined over a 10-year period at the NAC

Fig. 18.2 Poorly oriented rectal biopsy, lacking any

Congo red positive material

musclaris obtained at biopsy, orientation of the

sample whilst embedding it in paraffin wax is also
vital; if only the mucosa is sectioned and examined,
amyloid deposits deeper in the submucosa may be
missed. For example, we received a rectal biopsy
from a patient with a well-described amyloidogenic
transthyretin (TTR) mutation, and on our first
examination could not identify any amyloid even
though we sampled the biopsy at multiple levels.
Fig. 18.3 Same piece of biopsy material as in Fig. 18.2.
On reorienting the biopsy to obtain more submu-
The material has been reoriented subsequently revealing
cosa, amyloid was evident, and we proceeded to the presence of amyloid in the submucosa. (a) Congo red
confirm that it was indeed of TTR type by immuno- and (b) apple green birefringence)
histochemistry (Figs. 18.2, 18.3a, b and 18.4).
18 Amyloid Typing: Experience from a Large Referral Centre 233

involvement; the amyloid in these cases could

however be demonstrated using the Highman or
Stokes method [4]. Another factor contributing to
false negatives at the centre is the receipt of
unstained sections that are cut too thinly for opti-
mal Congo red staining. The recommended sec-
tion thickness for detecting amyloid by Congo
red is 6–8 mm. False-positive cases that we receive
are usually that of methodologies where there is a
differentiation step causing other tissue compo-
nents to become stained giving a wrong impres-
sion, usually in association with white or
extremely pale green birefringence under crossed
Fig. 18.4 Section of reoriented material demonstrating
the presence of TTR in the submucosa polaroid filters.

Immunohistochemistry for Amyloid

Congo Red at the NAC

Congo red is performed on the diagnostic biopsy, Immunohistochemistry is a widely used tech-
or indeed any other tissue specimens that can be nique for the characterisation of disease, the pres-
obtained, for example from any kind of recent ence of normal or aberrant proteins/epitopes, and
surgery, to confirm whether amyloid is present or can be used to determine the amyloid fibril type
not. Each year our conclusions differ from that of in a large proportion of cases. Antiserum is com-
the patients’ local hospitals in nearly one in ten mercially available to all known amyloid-forming
cases, with about 4% of findings on referral rep- proteins, and most are reliable in identifying the
resenting false positives (i.e. no amyloid actually different fibrils. At the NAC, once amyloid has
present) and a further 4% being false negatives been confirmed we subsequently stain the biopsy
(i.e. amyloid deposits having been missed). with a panel of monospecific antibodies against
Incorrect results can, as mentioned previously, be known amyloid-forming fibril proteins
due to a tissue specimen being orientated inap- (Table 18.1), in an attempt to identify the amy-
propriately in the paraffin block or not cut suffi- loid fibril. On deciding on what panel to use, we
ciently deep for the amyloid to be included. find that morphology of the amyloid in the tissue
Alternatively, false positives and false negatives can play an important role to the experienced eye.
are associated with the various different Congo For example, in renal biopsies, fibrinogen amy-
red methodologies used in different pathology loid is virtually restricted to the glomeruli [5]
departments. In the UK, a recent comparison (Fig. 18.5a, b) and therefore, anti-fibrinogen anti-
control scheme of several Congo red staining sera will always be included in the panel when
methods found that the Highman [3] method gave we see this pattern. AA amyloidosis has a strik-
the highest scores. At the NAC we recommend ing pattern in the medulla of renal biopsies
the Putchler method, which has no operator inter- (Fig. 18.6), whereas Lect2 amyloidosis in renal
vention and therefore carries less scope for error. biopsies demonstrates bright congophillia with
However, false positives and false negatives still sparkly glistening apple green birefringence
do occur in our own laboratory. On several occa- appearance when viewed under crossed polaris-
sions, we have not been able to demonstrate amy- ers. TTR amyloidosis (rarely seen in renal tissue)
loid with the Puchler method in cardiac material occurs mainly in submucosal vessels of gut biop-
from patients with proven systemic amyloidosis sies with an extensive diffuse amorphous appear-
and compelling clinical evidence of cardiac ance (Fig. 18.4). TTR amyloid also has a distinct
234 J.A. Gilbertson et al.

Table 18.1 Panel of antibodies routinely used at the centre

Antibody Raised in Working dilution Cat no Source Absorbed by
P-component Rabbit 1:200 A0302 DAKO Pooled human SAP
AA (REU 86) Cell 1:500 Reu 86 From Per Pooled human SAA
superna- Westermark
AA (REU 86.2) Mouse 1:100 2232MREU Euro diagnostica Pooled human SAA
R1145 (AA) Rabbit 1:4,000 R1145 In house Pooled human SAA
Kappa Rabbit 1:20,000 A0191 DAKO Normal human serum
Lambda Rabbit 1:20,000 A0193 DAKO Normal human serum
Lysozyme Rabbit 1:1,000 A099 DAKO Pure antigen (Sigma)
Fibrinogen alpha Sheep 1:300 CA1023 Cambichem Normal human plasma
TTR (prealbumin) Rabbit 1:4,000 A002 DAKO Prealbumin (Sigma)
Insulin Mouse 1:20 NCL-insulin Novocastra (Leica)
apoA1 Goat 1:4,000 PBA0313 Genzyme High-density lipoprotein
Beta 2 Rabbit 1:500 A0072 Dako
Lect2 Goat 1:600 AF722 R&D systems

Fig. 18.5 (a) Congo red staining of a renal biopsy with amyloid deposition within the glomeruli. (b) Anti-fibrinogen
A immunohistochemistry staining of the glomeruli

plaque “honeycomb” pattern throughout cardiac deposits, though in variable quantities. AP/SAP
biopsies (Figs. 18.7 and 18.8). Anti-TTR staining staining thus corroborates the presence of amy-
is also carried out on bladder, prostate and BMT loid deposits of all kinds though the same protein
biopsies, as occasionally senile TTR deposits can is also found naturally in basement membranes
be seen in these tissues. In skin biopsies, insulin- and some other connective tissue components.
induced amyloid is always considered, and in any Whilst completely specific antibodies are
buccal cavity biopsies that we receive, we always available to the various proteins from which
look for apolipoprotein A1 (apoA1) amyloid. All amyloid is derived, the major conformational
biopsies are stained with anti-amyloid P compo- transformation from the native soluble proteins
nent (AP) so that a comparison can be made with to the insoluble b-pleated amyloid fibril forms
that of a negative Congo red. Amyloid P compo- can result in loss of specific peptide-specific
nent, identical to and directly derived from the epitopes. Further, protein epitopes can be masked
normal plasma protein serum amyloid P compo- by fixation of the tissue due to the cross-linking
nent (SAP), is present in all human amyloid of the amino acid side groups. In the early days of
18 Amyloid Typing: Experience from a Large Referral Centre 235

Fig. 18.6 (a) Congo red staining in a renal biopsy with amyloid (AA) “streaming” down the medulla. (b) Corresponding
polarised image. (c) Anti-amyloid A immunohistochemistry

Fig. 18.7 (a) Congo red stained TTR amyloid in cardiac biopsy demonstrating “honeycomb” pattern deposition. (b)
Corresponding polarised image

amyloid immunohistochemistry, it was thought hands we find that antigen retrieval is of little, if
that antigen retrieval was needed to demonstrate any, use for the detection of amyloid fibril type
the fibrils, and various antigen retrieval methods with the exception of TTR immunohistochemis-
were used with varying success. However, in our try where oxidation and high-molarity guanidine
236 J.A. Gilbertson et al.

Fig. 18.8 Transthyretin immunohistochemistry showing Fig. 18.9 Prestained slide of cardiac tissue demonstrating
the “honeycomb” pattern as in Fig. 18.7 false-positive staining for Amyloid A received from an
external source

treatment [6] are always performed. Without this

retrieval the TTR staining is often negative or
very weak. This retrieval step is needed due to
the b-pleated conformation of amyloid “hiding”
some antigenic sites, of which TTR is one.
Nowadays, retrieval methods are commonplace
in most laboratories and since each antibody dif-
fers in the epitope that it recognises, it is impor-
tant to try the whole range of available antigen
recovery methods for each antiserum tried.
An example of this was seen in the unit
recently when a couple of cardiac cases were
received for review. The referring hospitals had
reported amyloid of AA type by immunohis- Fig. 18.10 Amyloid A immunohistochemistry per-
tochemistry despite the clinical profile of the formed at the NAC on same patient as Fig. 18.9; this time
patient not fitting well. We reviewed their stained no positivity is noted
slides and agreed that their findings were consis-
tent with AA amyloidosis (Fig. 18.9). It was noted
that their panel produced non-specific staining
with all the antibodies they had used. In our
hands, both these cases were straightforwardly
cardiac amyloid of TTR type (Figs. 18.10 and
18.11). On looking at their protocol, the AA stain-
ing was probably a result of having used an anti-
gen retrieval method causing antigenic sites to
become “sticky” and allowing all antibodies to
bind to them in a non-specific fashion.
As well as testing all the retrieval methods, the
correct way to evaluate the specificity of immu-
noreactions is to absorb antiserum with its spe-
cific antigen [7]. This is a practice we routinely Fig. 18.11 Transthyretin immunohistochemistry carried
use (Table 18.1). out on the same material as Figs. 18.9 and 18.10
18 Amyloid Typing: Experience from a Large Referral Centre 237

Cases of AA and AL amyloidoses are likely to of soluble background monoclonal light chains
occur, albeit with a low incidence, at most hospi- that exist in these patients’ sera. [2].
tals, whereas ATTR and the various forms of
hereditary systemic amyloidosis (AApoAI, AGel,
ALys, AFib, etc.) are very rare indeed. The con- Anomalies
text or clinical presentation of the patient and dis-
ease should be considered in efforts to type the It is exceptionally rare, although not completely
amyloid by immunohistochemistry, so that rea- unknown, for a patient to have two coexisting
soned choices of available tissue and of relevant types of amyloid. We have had two patients both
antisera or patient referral to specialist centres with AA amyloid being demonstrable in rectal
can be made. biopsies and having no underlying inflammatory
At the NAC we cut 22 serial sections from each disorder, but at the same time having a plasma
biopsy where possible, though the limiting factor cell clone with AL amyloid deposits being dem-
is the amount of tissue left in the block. Sections onstrated in another biopsy elsewhere in the
are cut at 2 mm for immunohistochemistry and at body. In another patient, we have also had two
6 mm for Congo red overlay. Congo red overlay is types of amyloid within the same biopsy: AL
a very useful technique that we adopted. After lambda amyloid in the mucosa of a rectal biopsy
completing the immunohistochemistry, a Congo and TTR amyloid identified in the submucosal
red method is performed over the top of the immu- vessels. This result has been confirmed using
nostain, which allows the amyloid with the aid of laser capture and mass spectrophotometry. These
cross-polarisation to be visualised as the birefrin- cases are rare and careful consideration should
gence shows through the brown DAB staining. be given so that they do not obscure the clini-
Immunohistochemistry is carried out using cally significant nature of the amyloid in ques-
Sequenza™ (Thermo Shandon UK) system with tion. We have never identified two different fibril
Impress™ (Vector laboratories UK) detection types within a single amyloid deposit, and this
kits; see Table 18.1 for the panel of antibodies we includes experience of anti-AA amyloid staining
routinely use. We follow the standard method as in literally thousands of patients with AL amy-
outlined in the Vector kit, and we use a metal- loidosis, virtually all of whom will have had
enhanced DAB Substrate kit (Thermo Scientific) intercurrent inflammatory disorders at one time
for visualising the immunocompound. or another. Thus, unlike the mouse in which it
In an average year, 19% of all biopsies exam- seems that any type/species of inoculated amy-
ined at the NAC contain no amyloid. Among amy- loidotic material can act as a seed for deposition
loidotic biopsies, immunohistochemistry positively of mouse AA amyloid in the presence of an acute
identifies 10% AA, 12% TTR, 2% FB, 1% Lect2, phase response, induction and propagation of
1% apoA1, 1% INS, 1% B2M and 72% AL types. amyloid in man seems to be utterly protein/fibril
In patients with compelling evidence of AL specific.
amyloidosis, (notably of late the diagnosis being
supported through proteomic methods), immuno-
histochemistry in our experience definitively Summary
identifies about 13% of cases as AL-kappa and
56% as AL-lambda types. Whilst other fibril The tools available today to differentiate the
types can be excluded in the remainder, impor- amyloid type include direct assessment of the
tantly including AA type in all cases, 31% of AL fibril type by immunohistochemistry, proteom-
patients are left with immunohistochemical stain- ics, or even occasionally fibril sequencing.
ing that supports but cannot prove AL fibril type. Indirect but very helpful investigations include
This is due to AL amyloid deposits being formed searches for monoclonal immunoglobulins using
predominantly from the variable domain of conventional electrophoresis and immunoassays
immunoglobulin light chains and the high levels of serum and urine, free light chain, assessment
238 J.A. Gilbertson et al.

of the acute phase response by measuring SAA apparently routine Congo red histology in
and CRP, and where indicated genetic sequenc- amyloidosis remain challenging. Immunohisto-
ing of genes known to be associated with heredi- chemical identification of the fibril type appears
tary amyloidosis or the periodic fever syndrome. to be improving, but the precise diagnosis can
Definitive diagnosis of amyloidosis and its type only be determined after additional highly specia-
at the NAC relies on the various results of most of lised, expensive tests such as genetic sequencing
these investigations in every patient. and/or mass spectrometry in a substantial propor-
At the NAC, the use of SAP scintigraphy tion of patients. Early receipt of biopsies at the
allows in vivo diagnosis as well as the monitoring NAC increases the likelihood of a firm diagnosis
of progression and regression of the amyloid by the time of the patient’s NAC clinic appoint-
deposits, and such imagery helps monitor treat- ment, thus maximising the potential for a detailed
ment regimes [8, 9]. Unfortunately, SAP scintig- discussion of the prognosis and treatment options
raphy is of limited use in visualising amyloid with such patients who have frequently travelled
deposition within cardiac tissue due to the fact long distances.
that the heart is a moving organ. A rather seren-
dipitous discovery that the bone scanning method
DPD scintigraphy (99mTc-3,3-diphosphono-1,2- References
propanodicarboxylic acid) appears to have high
affinity for cardiac amyloid has seen an increase 1. Westermark P, Stenkvist B. A new method for the diag-
in its use within the NAC as a method of visualis- nosis of systemic amyloidosis. Arch Int Med. 1973;
ing cardiac involvement. 132(4):522–3.
2. Pepys MB. Amyloid P component and the diagnosis of
Positive immunohistochemistry with antisera amyloidosis. J Int Med Res. 1992;232(6):519–21.
to amyloid P/SAP may be useful when used in 3. Highman B. Improved methods for demonstrating amy-
conjunction with Congo red staining, though it loid in paraffin sections. Arch Pathol. 1946;41:559.
must be remembered that elastin and collagen 4. Stokes G. An improved Congo red method for amy-
loid. Med Lab Sci. 1976;33:79.
fibres will also stain. It is of value to identify the 5. Lachmann H, Chir B, Booth D et al. Misdiagnosis of
type of amyloid present using immunohistochem- hereditary amyloidosis as AL (primary) amyloidosis.
istry, as the success of treatment may well depend N Engl J Med. 2002;6;346(23):1786–91.
on such identification. Whilst each laboratory 6. Costa PP, Jacobsson B, Collin VP, et al. Unmasking
antigen determinants in amyloid. J Histochem
may be able to type the amyloid using immuno- Cytochem. 1986;34(12):1683–5.
histochemistry, it is such a rare disease that cases 7. Westermark GT, Johnson KH, Westermark P. Staining
may be infrequent making it uneconomical, as in methods for identification of amyloid in tissue. Methods
most cases limited tissue is available. Rather than Enzymol. 1999;309:3–25.
8. Hawkins PN, Richardson S, Vigushin DM, et al. Serum
wasting tissue and resources in attempt to identify amyloid P component scintigraphy and turnover stud-
the fibril type, it may be more appropriate to ies for diagnosis and quantitative monitoring of AA
refer the case to the National Amyloid Centre amyloidosis in juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis
which has up to date procedures in place and Rheum. 1993;36(6):842–51.
9. Hawkins PN. Studies with radiolabelled serum amy-
performs tests for amyloid on a daily basis. loid P component provide evidence for turnover and
In our experience at the NAC, we have found regression of amyloid deposits in vivo. Clin Sci
that immunohistochemical typing and even (Colch). 1994;87(3):289–95.
Options for Amyloid Typing in Renal
Pathology: The Advantages of 19
Frozen Section Immunofluorescence
and a Summary of General
Recommendations for
(Chaps. 17–19)

Maria M. Picken

Immunofluorescence • Frozen sections • Amyloid typing • Renal pathology
• Fat biopsy

clinical practice. As a consequence, there is an

Introduction abundant literature pertaining to the use of immu-
nofluorescence in renal pathology; hence, only a
As may be seen from prior chapters and recent brief summary will be provided here, focusing on
surveys, amyloid typing by antibody-based issues that are of particular relevance to amyloid
methods continues to play a major role in current typing [1–4].
clinical practice [1, 2]. However, it must be
stressed that the immunohistochemistry of amy-
loid differs markedly from that used routinely in Frozen Section Immunofluorescence
other areas of general surgical pathology. In this Amyloid Typing
chapter, another form of immunohistochemistry,
namely, immunofluorescence performed on fro- The clinical workup of a native kidney biopsy
zen sections, will be discussed. This technique is typically includes paraffin sections, a panel of
routinely used by renal pathology laboratories in immunofluorescence stains, and, in most instances,
North America and many other parts of the world also electron microscopy. Thus, frozen section
and contributes significantly to amyloid typing in immunofluorescence is a standard component of
the workup of native kidney biopsies, which are
M.M. Picken, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.S.N. (*) routinely tested for immunoglobulins G, A, M,
Department of Pathology, immunoglobulin light chains kappa and lambda,
Loyola University Medical Center,
complement components (C3, C1q), and fibrino-
Bldg#110, Rm#2242, 2160 S. First Avenue,
Loyola University Chicago, IL 60153, USA gen; typically, a stain for albumin and control
e-mail: mpicken@lumc.edu; mmpicken@aol.com tissues are also included.

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 239
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_19,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
240 M.M. Picken

Fig. 19.1 A case of AL-lambda. (a) Stain for lambda show a dull appearance. (c) Negative stain for IgG. Please
light chain. Notice the high signal-to-noise ratio. (b) Stain see also comments for (b) above regarding the signal-
for kappa light chain. Although the exposure had to be to-noise ratio. (d) Congo red stain viewed under polarized
increased for photographic purposes (in order to show the light. (e) Stain for AP showing bright fluorescence, with
structures clearly), the signal-to-noise ratio is low, and the a high signal-to-noise ratio, highlighting deposits of
deposits of amyloid are not truly fluorescent but instead amyloid

Figure 19.1 shows a case of amyloid derived detected as part of a routine biopsy workup,
from lambda light chain, AL-lambda. while stains with other antibodies are negative
Figure 19.1a–c illustrates how stain for a single (Fig. 19.1b–c). Notice the high signal-to-noise
light chain (i.e., light chain restriction) can be ratio in Fig. 19.1a. In contrast, in Fig. 19.1b,
19 Options for Amyloid Typing in Renal Pathology… 241

amyloid deposits show only a weak and “dull”

appearance, which is, also, not fluorescent, and
the signal-to-noise ratio is minimal. In contrast to
other pathologies associated with light chain
restriction (see Sect. 2), amyloid deposits are
Congo red positive (Fig. 19.1d). Thus, for a diag-
nosis of AL, the light chain reactivity pattern
must correspond to the spatial distribution of
Congo red-positive deposits. To this end, stain
for amyloid P component (AP) can also be help-
ful (Fig. 19.1e). Despite the biochemical diver-
sity of amyloid fibril proteins, all types of amyloid
have been shown to contain AP component by
Fig. 19.2 A strong stain for lambda light chain is seen in
immunohistochemical and biochemical methods,
amyloid deposits in the glomerulus and also in the proxi-
including mass spectrometry proteomics (MS), mal tubular epithelium. Stain for kappa light chain was
as shown in Fig. 19.1d and e [5]. In contrast, the negative (not shown)
deposits of monoclonal (light or heavy chain)
immunoglobulin deposition disease lack AP light chain in deposits of amyloid as well as in the
component [5]. Thus, AP serves as a “universal” proximal tubules. In patients with light chain
positive control for amyloid and is very sensitive proximal tubulopathy, light chain restriction is
since it highlights even the smallest deposits. limited to the proximal tubules and Congo red
It also serves as a built-in reference for the stain is negative.
expected intensity of antibody reactivity and the Figure 19.3 shows a case of amyloid derived
expected intensity of a positive stain with a simi- from fibrinogen, AFib. Figure 19.3a illustrates a
lar signal-to-noise ratio. Thus, if a confident diag- positive stain for fibrinogen while Fig. 19.3b
nosis is to be made, and a clinically acceptable shows a negative stain. The positive stain in
result reported, the intensity of stain for the light Fig. 19.3a shows a high signal-to-noise ratio and
chain should be similar to that for the AP compo- is colocalized with areas that were positive for
nent. The author routinely uses a stain for AP in Congo red stain (not shown). AFib is a rare entity,
the workup of amyloid tissues. However, it must and it is not clear to what extent a routine stain
be added that, in small amounts, AP component with antibody against fibrinogen may be diagnos-
may also be seen in normal glomerular basement tic. In the author’s own personal experience, out
membranes and blood vessels; it has also been of three cases evaluated, one showed reduced
reported in fibrillary glomerulopathy (which is, reactivity with antibody against fibrinogen and
however, exceedingly rare). Moreover, all non- was, therefore, considered inconclusive. The final
amyloid organized deposits, including monoclo- diagnosis of AFib was based on MS studies.
nal immunoglobulin deposition disease and In renal, as well as in surgical, pathology, the
fibrillary glomerulopathy, are also Congo red main differential diagnosis of the amyloid type is
stain negative. Thus, those who focus only on AL versus other types [1–4, 6–10]. Thus, AL con-
amyloid will easily miss them. As discussed in tinues to be the most common type of amyloid
Sect. 2, the kidney, in particular, can show a wide found worldwide and, in the USA, comprises
spectrum of pathologies associated with plasma approximately 85% of cases. The second most
cell dyscrasia, and therefore, routine testing for common type of amyloid found in the kidney, as
light chains is critical in their detection. Although well as in the gastrointestinal tract, is amyloid
some of these nonamyloid, light chain-associated AA. However, the frequency of AA shows geo-
pathologies are individually less common than graphic differences, being more frequent in
amyloid, collectively they are more common than Europe than in North America [3, 8–10]. In renal
amyloid. Figure 19.2 shows a stain for the lambda pathology in general, >90% of amyloids are of
242 M.M. Picken

Fig. 19.3 AFib. (a) Shows a bright stain for fibrinogen colocalized with glomerular deposits of amyloid. (b) Shows a
negative stain for fibrinogen in a case of AL. Please note the low signal-to-noise ratio in the glomerulus

Fig. 19.4 Negative stains in a case amyloid. (a) Shows a negative stain for AA. (b) Shows a negative stain for tran-
sthyretin. Please note the low signal-to-noise ratio and compare this with the positive stains shown in Fig. 19.1a, e

the AL-AA types with other types being individ- amyloid A protein, transthyretin, fibrinogen, and
ually rare but collectively significant, approach- human AP component (see also above comments
ing 10%. In cardiac and peripheral nerve biopsies, regarding AP, 5). Since, currently, in most labora-
however, amyloid derived from transthyretin, tories, stains for kappa and lambda light chains
ATTR, is the second most common type of amy- and fibrinogen are routinely included in the
loid [6, 11]. immunofluorescence antibody panel of all native
Thus, in cases that yield inconclusive initial kidney biopsies, in most instances, amyloid typ-
results, additional testing is needed and testing ing would require only additional stains for AP
with a panel of antibodies rather than a single component, AA and transthyretin (Fig. 19.4). The
antibody is recommended (the dangers of testing rationale behind the use of a panel of antibodies
with a single antibody have been discussed ear- is that it permits the selection of an antiserum that
lier by Linke). In the kidney, the typical initial provides the strongest staining reaction, compa-
antibody panel should include antibodies against rable to the stain for amyloid P component, which
kappa and lambda immunoglobulin light chains, thus serves as a built-in positive control. Using a
19 Options for Amyloid Typing in Renal Pathology… 243

Fig. 19.5 Fat biopsy with amyloid AL-lambda. (a) shows polarized light. (d) Shows stain for AP. (e) Shows focal
stain for lambda light chain. (b) Shows stain for kappa deposits positive for the lambda light chain
light chain. (c) Shows Congo red stain viewed under

single antibody, rather than a panel, for additional not recommended. Immunofluorescence testing
testing is not acceptable; moreover, additional on frozen sections can also be applied to other
testing using different methods, e.g., using immu- areas of surgical pathology. This is illustrated by
nofluorescence for some and immunoperoxidase Fig. 19.5, which shows amyloid typing on an
for other antibodies, is also risky and is, therefore, abdominal fat biopsy.
244 M.M. Picken

antibodies were used by 55%, and custom

Amyloid Immunohistochemistry antibodies by 45%, of respondents [1]; in con-
Versus General trast, most renal pathologists use commercially
Immunohistochemistry available antibodies [2]. In general, custom anti-
bodies were considered to be more sensitive.
Antibody Reactivity However, regulatory issues, e.g., the validation
of such antibodies as analyte-specific reagents
Two prior chapters have reported their author’s
(ASR), have not been uniformly addressed.
experience of amyloid typing performed on par-
Interestingly, however, the extent of the various
affin sections, using either commercial or custom,
antibody reactivities with amyloid fibril proteins
amyloid type-specific antibodies. The former are
is variable and appears also to be technique
raised against epitopes of the “native” protein
dependent. Thus, as shown in a subsequent chap-
while custom antibodies are raised against the
ter, antibody typing using commercial antibodies
extracted amyloid fibril protein. In contrast to the
by immunoelectron microscopy gives better
“native” protein, amyloid fibril proteins are
results than typing in paraffin sections; similarly,
expected to be altered, due to the conformational
amyloid typing by the immunoblotting (Western
changes and fragmentation/truncation that occurs
blot) technique has been shown to be more reli-
during fibrillogenesis. Thus, epitopes that are
able than by immunohistochemistry.
reactive with antibody raised against the “native”
The question therefore arises as to how we can
protein may be either altered (as a consequence
explain this variability in apparent sensitivity
of conformational changes) or no longer present
between the various antibody-based techniques
(if the amyloid fibril protein underwent trunca-
used in amyloid typing and, particularly, in the
tion). Hence, the reactivity of amyloid fibril pro-
case of AL. While, in some instances, the use of
teins with commercial antibodies may be
custom, antiamyloid fibril antibodies and greater
correspondingly altered or reduced. This is par-
proficiency in antibody testing techniques may
ticularly true in AL, where the fibril protein may
be responsible for such variability, other factors
be derived from a fragment of the light chain that
need to be considered as well. One such factor
contains the variable region and a varying por-
may be that our collective knowledge and per-
tion of the constant region. Since commercial
ception of the composition of amyloid fibrils in
antibodies are raised against the constant region,
AL is limited and continues to evolve. For exam-
antibody reactivity largely depends on the extent
ple, it has been postulated for decades that the
to which this region is present in the amyloid
fibrils are composed of light chain fragments.
fibrils. Although, in most cases of AL, there is a
However, as data from more sophisticated anti-
mixture of fragments of the light chain of vari-
body-based techniques (such as immunoelectron
able length, in some cases, the amyloid fibril pro-
microscopy, Western blot) and MS accumulate,
tein may be derived from the variable region
they increasingly suggest that most ALs contain,
alone, and in such cases, antibody reactivity may
at the very least, a significant portion of the con-
be absent altogether. As discussed earlier by
stant region and that those composed predomi-
Linke, even in the case of custom antibodies
nantly of the V region are rare. Even in the case
raised against amyloid proteins, finding a single
of the MS method of amyloid typing, diagnosis is
antibody against AL-lambda that performs con-
dependent on finding a match with known pro-
sistently well in all cases has been challenging
tein fragments. Thus, the increased sensitivity of
due to the problem of reduced reactivity in some
antibody binding may depend on the presence of
instances. Thus, in order to circumvent this, Linke
significant segments of the constant region pres-
routinely uses several of his custom antibodies
ent in the fibrils. While further consideration of
against AL-lambda in the immunohistochemis-
these issues lies outside the scope of this chapter,
try panel. According to a recent worldwide survey
it seems clear that there are significant aspects of
of amyloid reference laboratories, commercial
amyloid fibril structure/composition (particularly
19 Options for Amyloid Typing in Renal Pathology… 245

in the case of AL) that are still incompletely their native counterparts present in the serum.
understood. At the present time, it is also unclear Thus, in paraffin sections, the plasma proteins
how often the light chain may be associated with may have been fixed in the tissues and, if they are
the heavy chain (or its fragment). Previously to be removed, they must be removed by a diges-
reported cases of amyloidoses derived from the tion process. Their incomplete elimination cre-
immunoglobulin heavy chain, AH, have been ates a background stain that may compete with
either γ- or μ-related and, typically, have had the signal from the amyloid protein and result in
deletions in the CH1 and CH2 regions [3]. Recently, a low signal-to-noise ratio. In contrast, in frozen
Sethi et al. [12] described clinicopathologic find- sections, plasma proteins can be removed simply
ings in four cases of renal immunoglobulin heavy by washing [4]. However, to some extent, even
chain amyloidosis, which showed heavy chains in vivo, various serum proteins can be adsorbed to
together with light chains in two cases. AH is amyloid deposits. As can be seen from the above,
rarely reported, and it is not clear how many cases in renal pathology, the issues of limited antibody
may be missed using current methods. Although reactivity and background staining appear to be
specific antibodies to the heavy chains are avail- less of an impediment to successful amyloid
able, the fibrils, being derived from a truncated typing, largely due to the application of immuno-
protein, may not be reactive. fluorescence performed on frozen sections.

Other Factors General Comments Regarding

Antibody Typing by Frozen Section
Amyloid deposits do not contain pure fibril Immunofluorescence
proteins but represent a rather heterogeneous
complex that also includes, besides the amyloid Based on the author’s own experience, the majority
fibril protein itself, other components such as AP of renal and extrarenal systemic amyloidoses can
component, glycosaminoglycans, variable extra- be successfully typed using commercial antibod-
cellular components, and even lipids [3]. All of ies and immunofluorescence on frozen sections;
these may affect antibody binding. a similar experience was also published by oth-
ers [3, 7, 11]. While not all ALs are reactive with
commercial antibodies and, in rare instances,
Paraffin Versus Frozen Sections may not even react with custom antibodies (please
see chapters by Linke, Gilbertson et al, and Verga
It has been shown that antigenic sites may be et al in this book), in the author’s own experience,
altered during fixation to a variable degree, and based on immunofluorescence on frozen sections,
therefore, it is not surprising that many antibod- up to 85% of ALs can be confidently typed with
ies perform better in frozen than in paraffin sec- commercial antibodies. Similar results were
tions. This is especially evident in the case of also reported by Collins, using immunofluores-
serum protein detection in kidney biopsies as cence on frozen sections for the typing of cardiac
well as the detection of light chain restriction, in amyloid [11].
general, and in AL, in particular [13–15]. However, this technique is still underutilized
Although used by some experienced laboratories, in general surgical pathology since tissues are
in general, the use of antigen retrieval is contro- routinely fixed in formalin. In certain situations,
versial in amyloid immunohistochemistry (please setting aside a portion of tissue for potential
see also Linke) since, based on experience from immunofluorescence testing on frozen sections is
“general” immunohistochemistry, it is evident advisable. This is particularly recommended for
that it can lead to aberrant reactions. native myocardial biopsies and fat biopsies per-
Another important factor to consider is the formed for amyloid testing. If necessary, an
fact that most amyloid fibril proteins also have abdominal fat biopsy can be repeated (please see
246 M.M. Picken

Chaps. 15 and 16). In connection with these pro-

cedures, it should be added that commercially
Summary Comments Regarding
available immunofluorescence transport medium
Amyloid Typing
now allows the shipment of tissue at ambient
Amyloid immunohistochemistry is complex, and
temperature, with refrigeration upon arrival.
proficiency in the technique is variable. Testing
Also, the antibody panel can be expanded,
for AL, in particular, is not directly comparable
depending on the clinical setting; in particular, in
to testing for light chains in other areas of surgi-
patients on dialysis, testing for β2-microglobulin
cal pathology. Thus, the interpretation of amyloid
should be performed. Ultimately, however, main-
immunohistochemistry assays is not trivial, and a
taining an extended amyloid antibody testing
certain amount of experience is necessary; these
panel may not be practical in laboratories with a
obstacles constitute a major pitfall. This issue is
low volume of amyloid specimens. Therefore, in
also discussed in prior chapters. Nonetheless, in
all negative and inconclusive cases, typing is best
clinical practice, immunohistochemistry is suffi-
undertaken by reference laboratories, where a
cient for a successful diagnosis in most instances.
wider selection of antibodies and techniques are
In the author’s opinion, immunofluorescence, in
particular, is the technique of choice for the detec-
A certain amount of experience in the inter-
tion of amyloid derived from immunoglobulin
pretation of amyloid immunofluorescence stains
light chains. It is a fast, inexpensive, and widely
is needed, and this is variable. Consequently, the
accessible method that is also highly effective for
published rates of successful typing by immuno-
AL typing in a majority of cases. The critical
fluorescence are also variable but still, in gen-
issues are strict adherence to the typing criteria
eral, better than the usual experience with
and determining when a more sophisticated
paraffin sections [8, 11, 16–18]. Importantly,
approach is needed.
however, an inconclusive result derived from
Amyloidosis is a relatively rare diagnosis and,
immunohistochemistry, regardless of the tech-
as a consequence, most general surgical patholo-
nique employed, should be reported as such, and
gists examine only a few specimens. In contrast,
these cases should be tested further by a refer-
in renal pathology, amyloid diagnosis is more
ence laboratory. Any attempt at “guessing” the
frequently considered and, hence, experience
amyloid type is wholly unacceptable in clinical
with its diagnosis and typing is better entrenched.
practice and is frankly dangerous. For example,
In surgical pathology, many low number and/or
Lachman et al. [19] studied 350 patients with
higher complexity tests are referred to special-
systemic amyloidosis, in whom the diagnosis of
ized laboratories. Thus, given the complexity of
AL had been suggested by clinical and labora-
amyloid typing, it is highly advisable, and more
tory findings, and by the absence of a family his-
practical, to concentrate on screening for amyloid
tory. This study showed that 10% of patients
and to refer specimens for typing to specialized
actually had familial amyloidosis; interestingly,
a low-grade monoclonal gammopathy was
MS is emerging as a new and extremely valu-
detected in 24% of the patients. Subsequent stud-
able technology. However, it is a complex tech-
ies reported similar results [20]. Conversely,
nique that also has potential pitfalls; thus,
patients can have a potentially amyloidogenic
standards for the interpretation and publication of
mutation and AL [21, 22]. Thus, although the
MS results are in the process of being developed.
vast majority of patients (in the USA, approxi-
MS technology takes advantage of the fact that
mately 85%) are ultimately diagnosed with AL,
the amyloid fibril protein is the most abundant
this diagnosis may never be assumed. Given the
protein in the tissue under study. Thus, a protein
implications for clinical management, which in
extract, rather than pure amyloid fibrils, is sub-
the case of AL is markedly different from that
jected to MS studies. However, sample enrich-
of other amyloidoses, correct diagnosis of the
ment, using laser dissection microscopy, where
amyloid type is critical.
19 Options for Amyloid Typing in Renal Pathology… 247

areas with amyloid deposits are dissected and 2. Diagnosis must be based on identification of
subsequently submitted for MS, has been intro- the amyloid protein in deposits and should not
duced by some laboratories (see chapter by be based solely on clinical suspicion or genetic
Dogan). The proteins in the extract are identified testing. While clinicopathologic correlation is
based on their fingerprinting pattern, which is mandatory, it is not a substitute for amyloid
then compared with published databases, and the protein identification.
predominant protein is presumed to be the amy- 3. Accurate diagnosis of the amyloid protein
loid fibril protein. As discussed earlier, it is not type is critical. Immunohistochemical typing
clear, at the present time, how often immuno- must be done with caution, and only clear-cut
globulin light chains are accompanied by the results should be reported in clinical practice.
intact and/or truncated heavy chain. In the All equivocal (or negative) results should be
absence of immunoglobulin light chains, other studied by other techniques, including mass
proteins are presumed to be the amyloid fibril spectrometric methods, which are available in
proteins. Not uncommonly, more than one pro- laboratories specializing in amyloidosis diag-
tein is identified in the extract, and the role of nosis. These other techniques are at present
these other proteins is at present unclear. The considered complementary to immunohis-
validation of MS results has been done, thus far, tochemistry, and their standardization is under
by conventional immunohistochemistry. The development.
issue of whether MS will subsequently replace 4. A second opinion is strongly encouraged
(versus supplement) other methods and whether, before administering aggressive therapy, par-
therefore, we will in the future rely on a single ticularly, in cases where amyloid typing was
method is an open question at the present time. performed in a nonspecialized laboratory.
Currently, antibody-based methods continue to
play a major role in amyloid typing as well as in Acknowledgment Finkl Amyloidosis Foundation
the validation of results obtained by other meth-
ods, including MS.
Finally, a brief comment regarding the use of References
the term typing versus subtyping (semantics) is
also warranted. Amyloid is a generic term that is 1. Picken MM, Westermark P. Amyloid detection and
typing: summary of current practice and recommen-
applicable to all amyloids, which are divisible
dations of the consensus group. Amyloid. 2011;18
into different types. In this context, the use of the Suppl 1:48–50.
term “subtyping” appears to be redundant. 2. Picken MM. Current practice in amyloid detection
and typing among renal pathologists. Amyloid.
2011;18 Suppl 1:73–5.
3. Herrera GA, Picken MM. Renal diseases associated
Recommendations with plasma cell dyscrasias, amyloidoses, walden-
strom macroglobulinemia and cryoglobuminemic
Listed below are current recommendations and nephropathies. In: Jennette JC, Olson JL, Schwartz
MM, Silva FG, editors. Heptinstall’s pathology of the
standards for the clinical diagnosis of amyloido-
kidney. 6th ed. New York: Lippincott-Raven; 2006.
sis as formulated at the XIIth International p. 853–910.
Symposium on Amyloidosis [1]: 4. Walker PD, Cavallo T, Bonsib SM. Ad Hoc Committee
1. Emphasis should be placed on the early detec- on renal biopsy guidelines of the renal pathology soci-
ety. Practice guidelines for the renal biopsy. Mod
tion of amyloid through increasing awareness
Pathol. 2004;17(12):1555–63.
of amyloidoses and the diagnostic and treat- 5. Gallo G, Picken MM, Buxbaum J, Frangione B.
ment options available among pathologists Nonamyloidotic monoclonal immunoglobulin depos-
and clinicians. It should be stressed that the its lack amyloid P component. Mod Pathol. 1988;1:
identification of amyloid in tissue specimens
6. Picken MM. New insights into systemic amyloidosis:
is not simple and that certain experience is the importance of diagnosis of specific type. Curr
required. Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2007;16(3):196–203.
248 M.M. Picken

7. Picken MM. Amyloidosis-where are we now and nique for renal biopsies. Kidney Int. 2006;70(12):
where are we heading? Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2010; 2148–51.
134(4):545–51. 16. Novak L, Cook WJ, Herrera GA, Sanders PW.
8. Picken MM. Amyloid typing in surgical pathology— AL-amyloidosis is underdiagnosed in renal biopsies.
experience of a single institution. In: Skinner M, Berk Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2004;19(12):3050–3.
JL, Connors LH, Seldin DC, editors. XIth interna- 17. Satoskar AA, Burdge K, Cowden DJ, Nadasdy GM,
tional symposium on amyloidosis. Boca Raton, FL: Hebert LA, Nadasdy T. Typing of amyloidosis in renal
CRC Press; 2007. p. 289–91. biopsies: diagnostic pitfalls. Arch Pathol Lab Med.
9. von Hutten H, Mihatsch M, Lobeck H, Rudolph B, 2007;131(6):917–22.
Eriksson M, Röcken C. Prevalence and origin of amy- 18. Picken MM, Herrera GA. The burden of “sticky”
loid in kidney biopsies. Am J Surg Pathol. 2009;33(8): amyloid: typing challenges. Arch Pathol Lab Med.
1198–205. 2007;131(6):850–1.
10. Larsen CP, Walker PD, Weiss DT, Solomon A. 19. Lachmann HJ, Booth DR, Booth SE, Bybee A,
Prevalence and morphology of leukocyte chemotactic Gillbertson JA, Gillmore JD, Pepys MB, Hawkins
factor 2-associated amyloid in renal biopsies. Kidney PN. Misdiagnosis of hereditary amyloidosis as AL
Int. 2010;77(9):816–9. (primary) amyloidosis. N Engl J Med. 2002;346(23):
11. Collins AB, Smith RN, Stone JR. Classification of amy- 1786–91.
loid deposits in diagnostic cardiac specimens by immu- 20. Comenzo RL, Zhou P, Fleisher M, Clark B, Teruya-
nofluorescence. Cardiovasc Pathol. 2009;18(4):205–16. Feldstein J. Seeking confidence in the diagnosis of
12. Sethi S, Theis JD, Leung N, Dispenzieri A, Nasr SH, systemic AL (Ig light-chain) amyloidosis: patients
Fidler ME, Cornell LD, Gamez JD, Vrana JA, Dogan can have both monoclonal gammopathies and heredi-
A. Mass spectrometry-based proteomic diagnosis of tary amyloid proteins. Blood. 2006;107(9):3489–91.
renal immunoglobulin heavy chain amyloidosis. Clin 21. Picken MM, Hazenberg BPC, Obici L. Report from
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010;5(12):2180–7. the diagnostic interactive session. In: Skinner M,
13. Mölne J, Breimer ME, Svalander CT. Berk JL, Connors LH, Seldin DC, editors. XIth inter-
Immunoperoxidase versus immunofluorescence in the national symposium on amyloidosis. Boca Raton, FL:
assessment of human renal biopsies. Am J Kidney CRC Press; 2007. p. 377–82.
Dis. 2005;45(4):674–83. 22. Rowczenio D, Dogan A, Theis JD, Vrana JA,
14. Furness PN. Acp. Best practice no 160. Renal biopsy Lachmann HJ, Wechalekar AD, Gilbertson JA, Hunt
specimens. J Clin Pathol. 2000;53(6):433–8. T, Gibbs SD, Sattianayagam PT, Pinney JH, Hawkins
15. Nasr SH, Galgano SJ, Markowitz GS, Stokes MB, PN, Gillmore JD. Amyloidogenicity and clinical phe-
D’Agati VD. Immunofluorescence on pronase- notype associated with five novel mutations in apoli-
digested paraffin sections: a valuable salvage tech- poprotein A-I. Am J Pathol. 2011;179(4):1978–87.
Amyloid Typing: Immunoelectron
Microscopy 20
Laura Verga, Patrizia Morbini, Giovanni Palladini,
Laura Obici, Vittorio Necchi, Marco Paulli,
and Giampaolo Merlini

Amyloid • Electron microscopy • Diagnosis • Immunohistochemistry
• Immunoelectron microscopy • Congo red • Amyloid typing • Abdominal
fat • Salivary gland biopsy • Organ biopsy

amyloid deposits. Nevertheless, in some instances,

Introduction: Role of Electron interpretation of the Congo red stain birefringence
Microscopy in the Diagnosis pattern under polarized light may prove difficult,
of Amyloidosis especially if performed by centers with limited
experience in these techniques. Notably, in tis-
The diagnosis of amyloidosis requires demonstra-
sues with abundant collagen fibers, such as sub-
tion of amyloid deposits in a tissue biopsy. The
cutaneous abdominal fat (Figs. 20.1 and 20.2b),
examination, under polarized light, of Congo-red-
birefringence of the collagen itself may be misin-
stained abdominal fat smears or tissue biopsies is
terpreted as amyloid [1]. Collagen typically shows
still the reference method used in the detection of
some degree of birefringence under polarized
light after Congo red staining, although this is
L. Verga, D.V.M., Ph.D. (*) yellowish and not “apple green” (Fig. 20.3a, b).
Department of Pathology, Foundation IRCCS Policlinico
San Matteo, University of Pavia,
In such instances, expert review of the slides can
Via Forlanini 16, Pavia 27100, Italy be of help. However, in selected cases, electron
e-mail: lauraverga57@yahoo.it microscopic confirmation of amyloid fibrils is the
P. Morbini, M.D. • V. Necchi, M.L.A. • M. Paulli, M.D. only means to reach a definitive diagnosis.
Department of Pathology, In most centers, the routine diagnostic proto-
Foundation IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, col for patients suspected of having amyloidosis,
University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
but with a negative abdominal fat aspirate, usu-
G. Palladini, M.D., Ph.D. • G. Merlini, M.D.
Amyloidosis Research and Treatment Center,
ally includes either minor salivary gland or rectal
Foundation IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, biopsy and, when both give negative results, a
Department of Biochemistry, University of Pavia, biopsy is obtained from an involved “target”
Piazzale Golgi, 2 Pavia 27100, Italy organ. In the latter case, either fibrosis or other
L. Obici, M.D. pathologies, i.e., fibrillary glomerulopathy, may
Amyloidosis Research and Treatment Center, Foundation sometimes be misdiagnosed as amyloid at the
IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, University of Pavia,
Pavia, Italy light microscopic level [2]. The ultrastructural

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 249
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_20,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
250 L. Verga et al.

examination of biopsy samples is capable of microscopy, whatever the amyloidogenic protein

confirming or ruling out the diagnosis of amyloi- may be, amyloid deposits typically appear as ran-
dosis [3, 4] and can identify even very small domly oriented, nonbranching fibrils measuring
deposits of amyloid fibrils [1]. By electron 8–10 nm in diameter (Fig. 20.2a), quite different
from collagen fibers, which are much thicker and
appear darker with routine stains (Fig. 20.2b).
Usually, only one amyloidogenic protein
forms amyloid fibrils in each type of amyloidosis
[5]. However, rare exceptions with mixed pathol-
ogy (e.g., AL and Abeta2M) have been reported
[3]. Definitive identification of the deposited
amyloidogenic protein is crucial for a correct
diagnosis, appropriate treatment, assessment of
prognosis, and genetic counseling, when appli-
cable [6]. Thus, once amyloid fibrils have been
identified in a biopsy sample (Fig. 20.4), it is nec-
essary to characterize the amyloid fibril protein
[3, 7]. Light microscopic immunohistochemical
differentiation among different types of amyloid
fibril proteins, by means of either immunofluo-
rescence or other methods such as immunoper-
oxidase, may be sometimes difficult and carries a
high rate of false positive results due to unspe-
cific stain [1, 8–11]. In contrast, immunoelectron
microscopy can correctly characterize amyloid
Fig. 20.1 Abdominal fat aspirate. In the middle, a bundle
deposits in over 99% of specimens, including tis-
of collagen fibers is seen; on the left, a lipid droplet in the
cytoplasm of an adipocyte. Uranyl acetate, lead citrate sues that are easy to sample, such as abdominal
13,000× fat and minor salivary glands [12–14].

Fig. 20.2 (a) Abdominal fat aspirate. Amyloid fibrils biopsy. Bundles of collagen fibers are seen showing the
surround a blood vessel (in the upper right corner). Uranyl typical striated pattern. Uranyl acetate, lead citrate
acetate, lead citrate 10,000×. (b) Abdominal fat, surgical 10,000×
20 Amyloid Typing: Immunoelectron Microscopy 251

Fig. 20.3 (a) Abdominal fat, surgical biopsy. Amyloid lagen fibers show yellowish birefringence and a coarse
deposits show apple-green birefringence and an absence fascicular structure under polarized light. Congo red
of structure under polarized light. Congo red staining, staining, 20×
20×. (b) Abdominal fat, surgical biopsy. Bundles of col-

Table 20.1 Processing of formalin-fixed paraffin-

embedded tissues for conventional ultrastructural
Extract selected area (1–2 mm3) from paraffin block
with a scalpel blade
Xylene 2h
Ethyl alcohol, absolute 20 min
Ethyl alcohol 95% 20 min
Ethyl alcohol 80% 10 min
Ethyl alcohol 70% 10 min
Ethyl alcohol 50% 15 min
Ethyl alcohol 30% 15 min
Cacodylate buffer 0.2 M, pH 7.3 10 min
OsO4 1% in cacodylate buffer 1h
Dehydration and resin embedding as usual

samples can be processed for ultrastructural

examination and immunoelectron microscopy
Fig. 20.4 Endomyocardial biopsy. On the left, amyloid (Table 20.1), allowing the use of stored material
fibrils are seen; on the right, part of the cytoplasm of a for the characterization of amyloid proteins.
myocardial cell with myofibrils. Uranyl acetate, lead cit- Comparison of the paraffin block with a Congo-
rate 35,000×
red-stained slide can help to select the most rele-
vant areas for ultrastructural study. Small portions
of tissue are then extracted from the paraffin
Techniques of Electron Microscopy block, deparaffinized in xylene, rehydrated in a
graded series of ethyl alcohols, washed in caco-
Samples for electron microscopy do not usually dylate buffer, postfixed in osmium tetroxide,
undergo routine formalin fixation and paraffin dehydrated, and embedded in epoxy resin as
embedding, but formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded usual (see below).
252 L. Verga et al.

Table 20.2 Processing of fresh tissues for a conventional the availability of antibodies to the amyloid
ultrastructural examination protein under test. Many protocols have
Karnovsky’s solution 0.5%a 4 h or longer at 4°C been developed since the introduction of colloi-
Cacodylate buffer 1 h or longer at 4°C dal gold to ultrastructural immunohistochemistry.
0.2 M pH 7.2–7.3 Immunoelectron microscopy, using antibody
Post-fixation in OsO4 1% 1 h at room temperature
probes conjugated with gold particles, permits
Cacodylate buffer 10 min or longer at room
0.2 M pH 7.2–7.3 temperature
high-resolution detection and localization of anti-
Ethyl alcohol 30% 10 min at 4°C gens either within the cells, on their surface, or in
Ethyl alcohol 50% 10 min at 4°C the interstitium. The two techniques most widely
Ethyl alcohol 70% 10 min at 4°C used in transmission electron microscopy consist
Ethyl alcohol 80% 10 min at room temperature of either immunolabeling before the specimens
Ethyl alcohol 95% 20 min × 2 at room are embedded in resin (preembedding immuno-
temperature gold labeling) or immunolabeling after embed-
Ethyl alcohol, absolute 15 min × 3 at room ding in resin (postembedding immunogold
labeling). Nonetheless, immunogold histochem-
Propylene oxide 30 min at room temperature
istry has some general limitations, such as
Propylene oxide:epoxy 1 h at room temperature
resin 1:1 antigen preservation and antibody specificity.
Propylene oxide:epoxy Overnight at room Successful detection and localization depends on
resin 1:3 temperature the antigen-recognition specificity of the primary
Epoxy resin 48 h at 60°C antibodies for the investigated antigen, on the
Modified Karnovsky’s solution: 0.5% glutaraldehyde, preservation of the antigenicity of the target
2% paraformaldehyde in 0.2 M cacodylate buffer, pH 7.3 proteins, and on the ability of the antibodies to
bind to the antigens. Antigenicity is frequently
lost during the dehydration and embedding
The processing of fresh biopsy samples for
procedures. Suppression of immunoreaction in
electron microscopy is summarized in Table 20.2.
resin-embedded tissues may be due to intra- and
A small sample size is important in order to obtain
inter-cross-links within aldehyde-treated proteins
good fixation of the tissue. Thus, specimens
and the destruction of secondary and tertiary
greater than 2–3 mm3 show poor morphology due
protein structures during dehydration [17].
to poor penetration of the fixing solution. The
Specimens embedded in acrylic resins without
specimens are fixed by immersion in a modified
osmium tetroxide fixation show poor preserva-
Karnovsky’s solution [15] (see below), then
tion of membranes and low contrast of tissue
washed in cacodylate buffer, dehydrated through
components, thus making it difficult to correlate
a graded series of ethyl alcohols, and embedded
the immunostains with tissue details.
in epoxy resin (Table 20.2). After polymerization
For all the above reasons, fixation is one of the
at 60°C, ultrathin sections 600–800-Å (Angstrom)
most important aspects of sample preparation
thick are cut with an ultramicrotome, stained with
[18] for immunoelectron microscopy because it
uranyl acetate and lead citrate (Reynold’s solution
affects the strength of the immunoreaction and
[16]), and observed with an electron microscope.
the preservation of fine cellular structures. In
general, fixatives that provide good morphology
cross-link macromolecules rapidly and tightly,
Principles of Immunoelectron forming a gel-like structure in the tissues and,
Microscopy thus, directly modify epitopes and severely inhibit
immunoreactions. Due to these undesirable
Immunoelectron microscopy can be applied to effects, many kinds of fixatives, fixation condi-
virtually every tissue, either specifically fixed tions, and procedures have been employed to
for ultrastructural examination or previously label each antigen. Although glutaraldehyde is an
formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded. The only excellent fixative for the preservation of morphol-
limitations include good tissue fixation and ogy, it severely inactivates the immunoreactivity
20 Amyloid Typing: Immunoelectron Microscopy 253

of many antigens, and hence, a better fixative for covers the commonest forms of amyloidosis: AL
immunoelectron microscopy is a mixture of para- (kappa and lambda), AA, and ATTR; in selected
formaldehyde and a low concentration of glutar- cases, we also perform immunogold labeling
aldehyde (modified Karnovsky’s solution [7]). with antibodies directed against apolipoprotein
AI and beta-2-microglobulin. Fibrinogen and
lysozyme have also been investigated in rare
Techniques of Immunoelectron instances. Enzymatic predigestion with trypsin
Microscopy can be used in some cases to unmask antigenic
epitopes modified by fixation-induced protein
In the Pathology Unit of IRCCS Policlinico San cross-links, as is commonly performed in light
Matteo/University of Pavia, electron microscopy immunohistochemistry. The optimal conditions
is routinely used to confirm the diagnosis of (antibody source and dilutions, type, and dura-
amyloidosis. When ultrastructural examination tion of pretreatment) must be determined in each
demonstrates amyloid fibrils, immunoelectron laboratory. Table 20.4 gives an example of the
microscopy is subsequently performed to iden- conditions used in our laboratory.
tify the amyloidogenic protein. We use a When immunogold reactions are examined
postembedding method, i.e., immunostaining is with the electron microscope, colloidal gold
performed on ultrathin sections on nickel grids, particles decorate amyloid fibrils and allow
as summarized in Table 20.3. the recognition of the amyloidogenic protein
Usually, for diagnostic purposes, a panel of (Fig. 20.5).
four primary antibodies is sufficient. This panel

Table 20.3 Postembedding immunogold on epoxy resin- Abdominal Fat

embedded ultrathin sections
MWOa 350 W 3 minb Tissues and organs containing amyloid deposits
are fragile and at increased risk of bleeding. This,
Trypsin 0.05% in PBSc 15 min 37°Cb
and the ready accessibility of alternative sites,
PBS 10 min
NGSd 1:20 or egg albumin 1% in PBS 15 min
discourages organ biopsy in patients in whom
Primary antibody Overnight 4°C amyloidosis is suspected. In our experience at the
PBS-BSAe 1% 5 min × 2 Amyloidosis Research and Treatment Center of
Gold-conjugated secondary antibody 1h Pavia, fine-needle aspiration of abdominal fat
PBS-BSA 1% 8 min and, secondarily, minor salivary gland biopsy
PBS 5 min × 2 represent the first and second preferred options,
DWf 5 min × 2 respectively, in the diagnostic workup and serve
Microwave oven; b only for weak antigens/antibodies; c phos- as valid alternatives to a biopsy of the involved
phate buffer saline; d normal goat serum; edistilled water organ.

Table 20.4 Antibodies and working conditions for characterization of amyloid

Primary antibody Source Dilution Pretreatment Secondary antibody
Polyclonal anti-kappa light chains DAKO 1:100 0.05% trypsin GAR 15
Polyclonal anti-lambda light chains DAKO 1:50 None PA-GOLD 15
Monoclonal anti-amyloid A DAKO 1:1 None GAM 15
Polyclonal anti-transthyretin DAKO 1:50 0.05% trypsin GAR 15
Polyclonal anti-apoA1 DAKO 1:100 None PA-GOLD 15
Polyclonal anti-beta-2-microglobulin DAKO 1:100 0.05% trypsin GAR 15
GAR goat anti-rabbit, PA protein A, GAM goat anti-mouse, apoA1 apolipoprotein A1. The number 15 indicates the size
of gold particles, i.e., 15 nm
254 L. Verga et al.

abdominal fat, which may not be present in the

limited samples processed for electron micros-
copy. The lower specificity of light microscopy,
on the other hand, with a relatively high rate of
false positive results, can be due to the technical
limitations of Congo red staining (collagen fibers
or blood showing nonspecific birefringence) as
discussed earlier.
Out of 597 abdominal fat aspirates, amyloid
was detected in 246 specimens. In 90 patients in
whom abdominal fat did not show amyloid depos-
its, the diagnosis was subsequently established
based on examination of a minor salivary gland or
biopsy of the affected organ, and amyloid protein
was subsequently characterized by IEM and/or
proteomics; in hereditary forms of amyloidosis,
DNA analysis was performed to support the diag-
nosis of the amyloid type at the molecular level.
Immunoelectron microscopy was performed
on all samples in which amyloid fibrils were
Fig. 20.5 Amyloid fibrils immunostained with a rabbit observed.
polyclonal antibody directed against kappa light chains Characterization of the amyloid protein was
are shown; the reporter system consists of goat anti-rabbit achieved in all of the 246 samples, out of 597, in
immunoglobulins conjugated with gold particles 15 nm in
which amyloid deposits were identified (“positive
diameter. Uranyl acetate, lead citrate 35,000×
samples”). Proteomics was also used to confirm
the characterization in selected cases. In particular,
Table 20.5 Diagnostic performance of light and electron in two patients in whom, initially, the immunogold
microscopy of abdominal fat aspirate results were ambiguous due to technically inade-
Light Electron quate specimens [14], proteomic analysis allowed
microscopy microscopy a definitive diagnosis, which was subsequently
% (95% CI) % (95% CI) p confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy per-
Sensitivity 82 (77–86) 73 (68–78) 0.007 formed on new samples from the same patients.
Specificity 78 (72–82) 100 (99–100) <0.001 Figures 20.6–20.12 show examples of abdom-
Positive 83 (78–86) 100 (99–100) <0.001 inal fat aspirates that were positive for amyloid
predictive value
Negative 77 (71–82) 74 (70–79)
deposits, processed with the postembedding
predictive value immunogold technique. Immunostaining is very
specific and intense with the primary antibody
directed against the amyloid fibril protein.
Table 20.5 shows results of the diagnostic per- Immunostained amyloid fibrils were located in
formance of light and electron microscopy in the interstitium (Figs. 20.6, 20.8, 20.11, and
abdominal fat aspirates from 597 consecutive 20.12), around blood vessels (Figs. 20.6 and
patients suspected for systemic amyloidosis who 20.10), and along the basement membrane
were referred to the Amyloidosis Research and (Figs. 20.7, 20.9, and 20.10). Some amyloid
Treatment Center of Pavia between May 2003 deposits were very focal and small (Fig. 20.9).
and September 2008. The focality of amyloid deposits contributes to
The lower sensitivity of electron microscopy the limitations of the electron microscopy tech-
as compared to light microscopy examination nique since specimens are small in size and scarce
of abdominal fat smears can be explained by deposits may, therefore, be missed. On the other
the focal distribution of amyloid deposits in hand, however, minute deposits of amyloid fibrils
20 Amyloid Typing: Immunoelectron Microscopy 255

Fig. 20.6 Abdominal fat aspirate. Postembedding immu- Fig. 20.8 Abdominal fat aspirate. Postembedding immu-
nostaining with polyclonal anti-lambda light chain anti- nostaining with polyclonal anti-lambda light chain anti-
body. In the upper left corner, small circles represent body. Uranyl acetate, lead citrate 17,000×
collagen fibers in cross section. On the lower right, a
blood vessel is seen. Uranyl acetate, lead citrate 17,000×

Fig. 20.9 Abdominal fat aspirate. A small, focal deposit

Fig. 20.7 Abdominal fat aspirate. Postembedding immu- of amyloid is seen near the adipocyte. The amyloid fibrils
nostaining with polyclonal anti-lambda light chain anti- are reactive with polyclonal antibody directed against
body. Uranyl acetate, lead citrate 17,000× lambda light chains. Uranyl acetate, lead citrate 13,000×
256 L. Verga et al.

Fig. 20.12 Abdominal fat biopsy. Postembedding immu-

Fig. 20.10 Abdominal fat aspirate. Bundles of amyloid
nostaining with monoclonal anti-SAA antibody. On the
fibrils are seen along the cell membrane of adipocytes
right, bundles of collagen fibers. Uranyl acetate, lead cit-
(lower and upper left) and the blood vessel (on the right).
rate 17,000×
The fibrils are immunostained with a polyclonal anti-
lambda light chain antibody. Uranyl acetate, lead citrate
reacting with antibodies were readily identified
by immunoelectron microscopy, allowing early
diagnosis of the disease. However, in cases where
more tissue is needed, a surgical abdominal fat
biopsy that is more generous in size (Figs. 20.11
and 20.12) may be indicated.

Salivary Gland Biopsy

In patients with suspected systemic amyloidosis

in whom abdominal fat aspirate is negative for
amyloid deposits, a salivary gland biopsy may be
subsequently performed; this approach may
allow biopsy of the affected organ, such as kid-
ney or myocardium, to be avoided.
In our experience, the diagnostic sensitivity of
light and electron microscopic examination of
salivary gland biopsy in patients with negative
fat aspirate was 58%, the specificity of immuno-
electron microscopy was 100%, and the negative
predictive value was 91% [13].
Figures 20.13 and 20.14 show two minor sali-
Fig. 20.11 Abdominal fat biopsy. Postembedding immu-
vary gland biopsies with amyloid fibrils immu-
nostaining with polyclonal anti-lambda light chain anti- nostained with anti-lambda light chain and
body. Uranyl acetate, lead citrate 13,000× anti-SAA antibodies, respectively.
20 Amyloid Typing: Immunoelectron Microscopy 257

Clinically Affected Organ Biopsy

When both the abdominal fat and salivary gland

biopsies do not show amyloid deposits but sys-
temic amyloidosis is suspected, and in patients
with localized amyloidosis, a biopsy of the
affected organ or site is needed for diagnosis. In
these cases too, electron microscopy and immu-
noelectron microscopy are of help in identifying
amyloid deposits and typing amyloid proteins.
Figures 20.15 and 20.16 show two kidney biop-
sies. Figure 20.15 shows amyloid fibrils diffusely
infiltrating the subepithelial aspect of the glom-
erulus in a patient with AA amyloidosis. The
basement membrane itself is traversed by the
amyloid fibrils, which form bundles “pushing”
toward the epithelial cells; there is also efface-
ment of the epithelial cell foot processes.
Fig. 20.13 Minor salivary gland biopsy. On the left, Cardiac amyloidosis sometimes represents
bundles of collagen fibers are seen. In the middle, amyloid a diagnostic challenge, especially in elderly
fibrils are immunostained with an anti-lambda light chain patients with isolated heart involvement and a
polyclonal antibody. On the right, a salivary gland epithe-
lial cell is seen. Uranyl acetate, lead citrate 13,000× monoclonal gammopathy. In these cases, it is
very important to differentiate senile cardiac
amyloidosis due to the deposition of wild-type

Fig. 20.14 Minor salivary gland biopsy. Amyloid fibrils

immunostained with a monoclonal anti-SAA antibody. At Fig. 20.15 Kidney biopsy. Postembedding immunos-
the top, a salivary gland cell is seen. Uranyl acetate, lead taining with a monoclonal antibody directed against SAA.
citrate 17,000× Uranyl acetate, lead citrate 17,000×
258 L. Verga et al.

Fig. 20.17 Endomyocardial biopsy, postembedding

immunostaining with a polyclonal antibody directed
against transthyretin. Uranyl acetate, lead citrate 12,000×
Fig. 20.16 Kidney biopsy. Postembedding immunostain-
ing with a monoclonal antibody directed against SAA.
Notice bundles of amyloid fibrils “pushing” the inner sur-
face of a glomerular epithelial cell. Uranyl acetate, lead
citrate 13,000×

transthyretin, hereditary TTR, or AL cardiac

amyloidosis. Figure 20.17 shows an endomyo-
cardial biopsy from a patient with TTR heart
Localized forms of amyloidosis can also be
diagnosed and typed with immunoelectron
microscopy. Figure 20.18 shows an example of
cutaneous amyloidosis with heavy deposition of
fibrils immunoreactive with a polyclonal anti-
body directed against kappa light chains.
Immunoelectron microscopy can also help to
distinguish between amyloidosis and light chain
deposition disease (LCDD). The nonfibrillary
deposits of light chains are immunodecorated by
antibodies (Fig. 20.19) and are easily distin-
guished from fibrillar depositions of amyloid Fig. 20.18 Skin biopsy. Postembedding immunostaining
(Fig. 20.20) which are immunostained with iso- with a polyclonal antibody directed against kappa light
typic antibodies. chains. Uranyl acetate, lead citrate 10,000×
20 Amyloid Typing: Immunoelectron Microscopy 259


In our experience, electron microscopy repre-

sents a sensitive tool for the identification of
amyloid fibrils in various tissues, and immuno-
electron microscopy can correctly characterize
the amyloid protein in all cases. Immunoelectron
microscopy is sparsely employed worldwide for
the diagnosis and typing of amyloidosis, despite
the fact that almost every pathology unit, at least
in major institutions, is equipped with an electron
microscopy laboratory. The processing of speci-
mens is not particularly complex, neither is it too
time consuming. Moreover, commercially avail-
able antibodies can be used for immunoelectron
microscopy staining of the most common forms
of amyloid proteins, and the limited amount
needed for each reaction (a few microliters) con-
Fig. 20.19 Lung biopsy, LCDD. Amorphous material tributes to cost containment. In our pathology
immunostained with a polyclonal antibody directed unit, unsatisfactory experiences with light micro-
against lambda light chains. Uranyl acetate, lead citrate
17,000× scopic immunohistochemistry, mostly because of
the ambiguous results obtained in paraffin-
embedded samples, led us to discontinue this
diagnostic test. Currently, when we receive par-
affin blocks for consultation from other institu-
tions, we review Congo red stained slides in order
to select tissue areas for amyloid typing by immu-
noelectron microscopy. In our experience, false-
positive referral cases are mostly due to the
misinterpretation of collagen fibers in Congo red
stains performed by less experienced centers,
especially with regard to abdominal fat samples.
Major pitfalls in amyloid typing, as evidenced by
immunoelectron microscopy, consist of ATTR
misdiagnosed as AL by light immunohistochem-
istry, as recently reported also by Cowan et al.
[19], or suspected AA cases that turn out to be
AL or AApoAI.

1. Picken MM. Amyloidosis—where are we now and
Fig. 20.20 Lung biopsy, amyloidosis. Amyloid fibrils where are we heading? Arch Pathol Lab Med.
immunostained with a polyclonal antibody directed 2010;134:545–51.
against lambda light chains. Uranyl acetate, lead citrate 2. Casanova S, Donini U, Zucchelli P, Mazzucco G,
17,000× Monga G, Linke RP. Immunohistochemical distinction
260 L. Verga et al.

between amyloidosis and fibrillar glomerulopathy. Am 12. Palladini G, Verga L, Corona S, Obici L, Morbini P,
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characterization of amyloid deposits. Amyloid. amyloidoses. Amyloid. 2010;17:59–60.
1997;4:157–70. 13. Foli A, Palladini G, Caporali R, Verga L, Morbini P,
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5. Sipe JD, Benson MD, Buxbaum JN, Ikeda S, Merlini the diagnosis of systemic amyloidosis: results of a
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nomenclature committee of the international society Suppl 1:75–7.
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6. Merlini G, Bellotti V. Molecular mechanisms of amy- Foli A, Obici L, Sarais G, Perfetti V, Casarini S,
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7. Arbustini E, Verga L, Concardi M, Palladini G, Obici diagnostic tool when immunoelectron microscopy
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its. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2008;132:14. always AL amyloidosis. Amyloid. 2011;18:83–6.
Classification of Amyloidosis
by Mass Spectrometry-Based 21

Ahmet Dogan

Amyloid typing • Mass spectrometry • Laser microdissection •
Classification • Limitations

Over 25 different proteins have been shown to In routine practice, the diagnosis of
cause amyloidosis [1]. Most important amyloid amyloidosis is made at the tissue level by histo-
types that cause morbidity and mortality are logical examination and special histochemical
systemic in nature and include SAA (so-called stains such as Congo red which, due to physical
secondary or AA-type), TTR (so-called ATTR, structure of the amyloid, gives anomalous colors
senile or hereditary), and immunoglobulin under polarized light [6]. Further subtyping is
kappa (IGK) or lambda light chains (IGL) often challenging as immunohistochemistry, the
(so-called primary or AL-type) [2]. These four most common method used, is problematic
proteins account for over 85% of systemic because of high background staining due to serum
amyloidosis. The current management of amy- contamination, epitope loss due the protein cross-
loidosis relies on treatment of the underlying linking after formalin fixation, and lack of spe-
etiology often by high-risk aggressive treat- cific antibody reagents that can detect all different
ment modalities such as high-dose chemother- amyloid types [7–9]. Although more sophisti-
apy and peripheral blood autologous stem cell cated analytical tools such as high-performance
transplantation (for AL-type amyloidosis) [3] liquid chromatography (LC) and/or mass spec-
or liver transplantation (for hereditary TTR- trometry (MS) have been used to type amyloid
type amyloidosis) [4, 5]. Given the critical deposits, these often require quantities of tissue
nature of these management decisions, accurate not readily available in routine clinical setting
subtyping of amyloid deposits in routine and suffer from lack of specificity as they contain
clinical biopsy specimens is of paramount nonamyloid tissues and serum which is a rich
importance. source of amyloidogenic proteins [10–12]. To
address these difficulties, methods combining
specific sampling by laser microdissection
A. Dogan, M.D., Ph.D. (*) (LMD) and analytical power of nanoflow LC tan-
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology,
dem MS (MS/MS)-based proteomics have been
Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester,
MN 55905, USA developed [13, 14]. LMD-LC-MS/MS-based
e-mail dogan.ahmet@mayo.edu proteomic assays are not dependent on antibodies

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 261
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_21,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
262 A. Dogan

or a predetermined knowledge of the patient’s Table 21.1 Comparison of shotgun and targeted pro-
amyloid subtype and could analyze small amounts teomics methodologies
of amyloid that could be obtained from routine Shotgun proteomics Targeted proteomics
paraffin-embedded clinical biopsy specimens. Tries to identifies every Tries identifies specific
protein in a mixture protein targets
Analogous to gene Analogous to RTPCR or
expression profiling immunoassays
Laser Microdissection Semiquantitative Quantitative
Discovery tool Clinical tool
LMD technology offers the ability to analyze Complex, slow, Simple, fast, and cheap
selected microanatomical compartments of tissue and expensive
for molecular or proteomic analysis. There are a
number of different technologies available. All and immunoprecipitates. There are two basic
current LMD technologies rely on examination approaches to LC-MS/MS-based proteomics: (1)
of a frozen or paraffin section of the representa- shotgun proteomics, which aims to identify all
tive tissue under a specially modified microscope, proteins in a complex mixture and (2) targeted
selection of microscopic area of interest, and proteomics, which tries to identify specific pro-
removal of this area by laser dissection from the teins in a complex mixture. Merits and disadvan-
section into a tube or a tube cap for further analy- tages of these two approaches are summarized in
sis. The process requires specialized slides that Table 21.1. Both approaches require processing
could be manipulated by the energy provided by of the tissues samples to extract the protein con-
the laser beam. Often the sections are deparaf- tent and digestion of the proteins to peptide frag-
finized and stained by conventional histochemi- ments that could be detected by LC-MS/MS. In
cal or immunohistochemical methods. Some fresh or frozen samples, this requires use of con-
LMD technologies place the sections on slides ventional methods of protein extraction. In
covered by a membrane, and the laser is used to formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues (FFPE),
cut the membrane with the tissue. Others use special methods to release the proteins are neces-
slides coated with heat/energy sensitive film that sary as the proteins are chemically cross-linked
is released from the glass surface with the tissue by formalin and are not readily soluble by deter-
when hit by the laser beam. Once the tissue is gents. To overcome this difficulty, a number of
microdissected, the fragments are collected into a methods to break the cross-linkages have been
tube by a variety of approaches including simple developed. The most widely available methodol-
gravitational fall or sticky membranes. In the ogy uses an approach similar to heat-mediated
context of amyloidosis, LMD offers the possibil- antigen retrieval as applied in immunohistochem-
ity of acquiring pure amyloid plaques with mini- istry [15, 16]. Using such approaches, investiga-
mal background tissue for downstream analysis tors have shown that protein yields obtained from
by proteomic methods. FFPE are comparable to the yields obtained from
fresh/frozen cells or tissues [17, 18].
Once the protein is extracted, it is necessary to
High-Performance Liquid cut the protein into peptides as most LC-MS/MS
Chromatography Tandem Mass technologies are best suited for measuring pep-
Spectrometry-Based Proteomics tide fragments 5–25 amino acid long. There are a
numerous proteases that can digest proteins into
In the last 10 years, LC-MS/MS based proteomic peptides. In proteomic studies, the most com-
analysis has revolutionized the way proteins monly used protease is trypsin, which cleaves the
could be analyzed and detected. LC-MS/MS has proteins at lysine and arginine residues. When a
become the preferred methodology for identify- protein sample is treated with trypsin, a peptide
ing the proteome in cell and tissue samples, gels, complex composed of peptides flanked by either
21 Classification of Amyloidosis by Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics 263

Table 21.2 Predicted tryptic Mass Position Peptide sequence

peptides of transthyretin at
833.3999 21–29 GPTGTGESK
positions 21–147
690.3677 30–35 CPLMVK
672.4039 36–41 VLDAVR
1366.7589 42–54 GSPAINVAVHVFR
1394.6222 56–68 AADDTWEPFASGK
704.3825 91–96 VEIDTK
583.2875 97–100 SYWK

a lysine or arginine residue is generated algorithms compare the observed fragmentation

(Table 21.2). The peptide complex generated by pattern of each peptide to the theoretical frag-
trypsin digestion is then separated by LC. The mentation pattern of all human tryptic peptides
most commonly used LC approaches use solvent predicted by the reference human genome and
gradients to separate and resolve the peptides assign a probability score for individual peptide
based on hydrophobic characteristics. In this way, as well as a protein probability score for identifi-
peptides with similar chemical characteristics cation of a given protein often based on multiple
move together and are sprayed into the MS for peptides derived from that protein. Although this
mass detection. MS could only measure the mass is essentially a computational process, and not
of a peptide, if the peptide carries an ionic charge. true sequencing of a protein, the MS instruments
As most native peptides are charge neutral, ion- have such high precision, and computational
ization of the peptides is required before they are methods have become so sophisticated that the
loaded to MS. For peptides in solution as results are extremely accurate and reproducible.
described here, this is achieved by electrospray The work flow for LC-MS/MS-based proteomic
ionization (ESI). After separation by LC, the analysis is summarized in Fig. 21.1.
solution containing the peptides is forced through The MS-based proteomic analysis has a num-
a very fine needle exposed to high voltage which ber of limitations. A given protein can only be
leads to removal of the solvent carrying the pep- identified if peptide fragments with appropriate
tides and ionization of the peptides. The ionized size for MS can be generated after enzymatic
peptides are sprayed into the MS. In tandem MS/ digestion. For example, a number of human pro-
MS analysis, the first MS measures the mass to teins contain large areas lacking trypsin-cutting
charge (m/z) ratio of the parent peptide. Then, residues lysine or arginine; therefore, no peptides
peptides selected based on predetermined criteria suitable for LC-MS/MS detection can be gener-
are directed to a collision cell where the peptides ated. In shotgun proteomic approaches, it may be
are fragmented upon collision with an inert gas difficult to detect low abundance proteins/pep-
such as helium. This process is called collision- tides as signals from these peptides may be bur-
induced dissociation (CID). The fragments ied among massive amount of information
formed by the CID are measured in the second obtained from more abundant proteins, and MS
MS. Each peptide present in the human proteome simply may not be able to scan them. The other
has a unique CID pattern which makes it possible important limitation of MS-based proteomics is
to predict the amino acid sequence of the peptide the reliance of computational predictive algo-
being analyzed by MS/MS. A number of com- rithms to a reference human genome obtained
plex computational algorithms have been devel- from publicly available databases such as
oped to predict the amino acid sequences. The Swissprot. The algorithms could only match
264 A. Dogan

Fig. 21.1 Work flow for LC-MS/MS-based proteomic first MS. MS1 measures the parent mass of the peptide
classification of amyloidosis in FFPE clinical biopsy and selects the peptides for collision-induced dissociation
specimens. Amyloid plaques are laser microdissected (CID). Upon collision with a neutral gas, the peptides are
(LMD) from Congo red-stained section visualized under fragmented, and size of each fragment derived from the
fluorescent light. The proteins are extracted and digested parent peptide mass is measured by MS2. These measure-
into peptides with trypsin. The peptides are separated by ments are used to predict the peptide amino acid sequence,
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), ion- and the data is presented as a list ranked according to the
ized by electron spray ionization (ESI), and sprayed into relative abundance of each protein identified

the observed peptide fragmentation data to the MS provides very powerful tool for identification
protein sequences available in the public data- of causative proteins of amyloidosis. Such
bases. Therefore, germline polymorphisms or LC-MS/MS-based approaches have been initially
somatic mutations that are not represented in pub- used in research studies in amyloidosis [13], but
lic databases cannot be identified despite MS data more recently, the technology has been validated
from these peptides would have been captured. for clinical use on FFPE clinical biopsy speci-
mens [14] and fresh fat aspirate specimens [19].
The first clinical validation study on FFPE has
Classification of Amyloidosis shown 100% specificity and sensitivity in a retro-
by LC-MS/MS-Based Proteomics spective analysis of 50 cases diagnosed according
to previous clinicopathological gold standards. In
Biochemical composition of amyloid plaques are prospective validation studies, LC-MS/MS
complex and contain, in addition to causative pro- method was able to detect amyloid type in 98% of
tein, other proteins such serum amyloid P compo- the cases [14].
nent (SAP) that stabilizes the amyloid plaques, When applied to FFPE specimens, LC-MS/
other abundant serum proteins such as albumin, MS method requires microdissection of the amy-
and complex carbohydrate groups. Despite the loid plaque (Figs. 21.2a, 21.3a, and 21.4a). The
complexity, the amyloid plaque’s most abundant FFPE tissue sections are stained with Congo red;
component is the causative protein. This makes the amyloid deposits are identified under fluores-
amyloid an ideal matrix for LC-MS/MS-based cent light with their characteristic reflective qual-
proteomic diagnostics as the most abundant pro- ities and microdissected by laser. The sensitivity
teins would dominate the analysis. When com- of current LC-MS/MS means that an amyloid
bined with specific microdissection of amyloid plaque area equivalent to single glomeruli is suf-
plaques to reduce the background signal proteins ficient to obtain diagnostic information in a single
originating from the tissue of interest, LC-MS/ LC-MS/MS run (Figs. 21.2a, 21.3a, and 21.4a).
21 Classification of Amyloidosis by Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics 265

Fig. 21.2 (continued)

266 A. Dogan

Fig. 21.2 FFPE cardiac biopsy specimen involved by light chain (ALL) and transthyretin (TTR). Congo red
ATTR (transthyretin) amyloidosis classified by LC-MS/ (CR)-stained section show bright fluorescence under
MS-based proteomic analysis. (a) Hematoxylin and fluorescent light source. Areas selected for laser micro-
eosin (H&E)- and sulfated alcian blue (SAB)-stained dissection (LMD) are highlighted by yellow lines. The
sections show interstitial amyloid deposition in the myo- inset shows the LMD fragment collected into the cap for
cardium. By immunohistochemistry, the amyloid depos- proteomic analysis. (b) LC-MS/MS-based proteomic
its are positive for serum amyloid P component (SAP) analysis shows that the main component of the amyloid
but negative for serum amyloid A protein (SAA) and plaque is TTR (arrow). No evidence IGL deposition is
immunoglobulin kappa light chain (ALK). However, identified, suggesting that immunohistochemistry reac-
amyloid is positive for both immunoglobulin lambda tivity for IGL was nonspecific

The tissue fragments are processed and digested tein identified in all samples is considered to be
to peptide as previously described. The peptide the causative protein (Figs. 21.2b, 21.3b, and
solution is separated by LC, ionized by ESI, and 21.4b). The method has been successfully used to
sprayed into the MS instrument for analysis. The diagnose amyloidosis in a variety of tissues
raw MS data are searched using three different including heart, kidney, skin, gastrointestinal
algorithms (Mascot, Sequest, and X!Tandem), tract, liver, brain, peripheral nerve, bone marrow,
and the results assigned peptide and protein prob- upper respiratory tract, urinary tract, prostate,
ability scores. The results were then combined soft tissues, and decalcified bone marrow speci-
and displayed using a display program called mens [13, 14, 20]. It has been possible to identify
Scaffold (Proteome Software, Portland, OR, virtually all known causes amyloidosis including
USA). The display program provides a list of amyloidosis cases caused by immunoglobulin
protein identified from the amyloid plaque using heavy (AH) [20] and light chains (AL) [14]
relative abundance determined by spectral counts (Fig. 21.3), serum amyloid associated protein
for each protein identified. For clinical precision, (SAA) [14], transthyretin (both hereditary and
three to four different microdissections are run senile ATTR) 14, 21, 22 (Fig. 21.2), leukocyte
per case. The most abundant amyloidogenic pro- derived chemotaxin-2 (LECT2) [21] (Fig. 21.4),
Fig. 21.3 An FFPE renal biopsy specimen involved by analysis. (b) LC-MS/MS-based proteomic analysis identi-
AL (lambda) amyloidosis classified by LC-MS/MS-based fies immunoglobulin lambda light chain constant and
proteomic analysis. (a) Congo red (CR)-stained section variable region as the main component of the amyloid
under bright field, polarized, and fluorescent light source plaque consistent (arrows). Other proteins represent
is shown. A single glomerulus selected for microdissec- serum proteins such as apolipoprotein E (APOE) that are
tion is labeled by blue line. The glomerulus could be iden- frequently incorporated into the amyloid plaques and
tified in the cap after LMD. The inset shows higher stromal components of the glomerulus
magnification of the glomerulus captured for proteomic
268 A. Dogan

Fig. 21.4 A FFPE renal biopsy specimen involved by (ALL). Amyloid deposits show bright fluorescence under
ALECT2 (leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin-2) amyloi- fluorescent light source. Areas selected for laser microdis-
dosis classified by LC-MS/MS-based proteomic analysis. section (LMD) are highlighted by blue lines. (b) LC-MS/
(a) Congo red (CR)-stained section shows striking amy- MS-based proteomic analysis identifies leukocyte cell-
loid deposition in the renal medulla under bright field and derived chemotaxin-2 (LECT2) as the main component of
polarized light source. By immunohistochemistry, the the amyloid plaque (arrow). Other proteins represent
amyloid deposits are positive for serum amyloid P com- serum proteins such as apolipoprotein E (APOE) and SAP
ponent (SAP) but negative for serum amyloid A protein that are frequently incorporated into the amyloid plaques
(SAA), transthyretin (TTR), immunoglobulin kappa light and stromal components of the renal medulla
chain (ALK), and immunoglobulin lambda light chain
21 Classification of Amyloidosis by Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics 269

Fig. 21.4 (continued)

fibrinogen alpha [23], lysozyme [24], gelsolin

[22], apolipoprotein A1 [25], apolipoprotein A2,
insulin [26], beta-2-microglobulin, prolactin, cal-
citonin, lysozyme, semenogelin, and atrial natri-
uretic peptide. In addition, it has been possible to
identify variant proteins causing hereditary amy-
loidosis in amyloid by developing specially
curated protein databases containing all patho-
genic mutations [22, 25].
Abdominal subcutaneous fat aspiration is one
of the most practical, sensitive, and specific meth-
ods for the diagnosis of systemic amyloidosis.
One limitation of this method has remained the
technical difficulties in further subtyping in a Fig. 21.5 Work flow for LC-MS/MS-based proteomic
clinical setting. To overcome this difficulty, classification of amyloidosis in fresh fat aspirate speci-
mens. The fat aspirate is obtained and separated into two
LC-MS/MS-based proteomic approaches similar halves. One half stained with Congo red. If amyloid is
to those described for FFPE biopsy specimens detected, the second half is processed for LC-MS/
have been developed [19] (Fig. 21.5). Such MS-based proteomic analysis as described in Fig. 21.1
270 A. Dogan

Fig. 21.6 LC-MS/MS proteomic analysis of Congo http://www.uniprot.org/), the molecular weight of the
red-positive fat aspirate specimens from five different protein, and two samples from each of the five patients.
patients affected by five different types of amyloidosis. The numbers indicate number of total peptide spectra
The identified proteins are listed according to the rela- identified for each protein in each sample. Each patient’s
tive abundance they were represented in five patients. fat aspirate proteome contains only one type of caus-
Top 25 proteins are shown from a total of 252 proteins. ative amyloidogenic protein. (Row 3, AL-L; row 4 and
At least two different samples (S1 and S2) were run for 10, AL-K; row 5, ATTR; row 6, ALys). Rows 1 (APOE),
each patient (left to right, AL-K(kappa), AL-L(lambda), 2 (APOA4), 7 (APOA1), and 8 (SAP) are proteins
AA, ATTR, ALys). The columns show the protein name, incorporated most amyloid plaques irrespective of
UniProt protein accession code (UniProt database, etiology

methods have similar specificity (98% specific- tion. Nevertheless, the method is rapid and read-
ity) but marginal lower sensitivity (87% sensitiv- ily applicable in a clinical setting and has greatly
ity). The lower sensitivity observed compared to improved screening and management of amyloi-
FFPE biopsy specimens most likely reflect sam- dosis patients (Fig. 21.6).
pling differences between two approaches. In
FFPE biopsy specimen, every sample study con-
tains the microdissected amyloid plaque. In con- Conclusions
trast, in fat aspirate specimens, one half of the
specimen is stained with Congo red for diagnosis The developments in LMD- and LC-MS/
and other half is analyzed by LC-MS/MS without MS-based proteomic technologies have created
prior microdissection. It is likely that in a subset unprecedented opportunities for identification of
of the cases, the half used for microdissection proteins in routine clinical biopsy specimens.
may not contain sufficient amyloid for identifica- The application of the technology to classification
21 Classification of Amyloidosis by Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics 271

of amyloidosis has resulted in the first clinical 9. Picken MM. New insights into systemic amyloidosis:
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MS-based proteomics offer many advantages ing of amyloid protein contained in formalin-fixed
over immunoassay-based methods and clinical paraffin-embedded biopsy specimens. Am J Clin
surrogates. The method is readily applicable to Pathol. 2001;116:135–42.
11. Murphy CL, Wang S, Williams T, Weiss DT, Solomon
FFPE or fresh/frozen routine clinical biopsy A. Characterization of systemic amyloid deposits by
specimens and requires very little tissue (often a mass spectrometry. Methods Enzymol. 2006;412:
single section and an area equivalent to a single 48–62.
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Biochemical subtyping of amyloid in formalin-fixed
which require good reagents for each target, tissue samples confirms and supplements immunohis-
LC-MS/MS can detect all amyloidogenic proteins tologic data. Am J Clin Pathol. 2004;121:794–800.
in a single analysis. Although the initial layout 13. Rodriguez FJ, Gamez JD, Vrana JA, et al.
for LC-MS/MS-based technology is considerably Immunoglobulin derived depositions in the nervous
system: novel mass spectrometry application for pro-
higher, the reagent costs per case is minimal com- tein characterization in formalin-fixed tissues. Lab
pared to immunoassay-based technologies, and Invest. 2008;88:1024–37.
in the long run, LC-MS/MS is cheaper to perform 14. Vrana JA, Gamez JD, Madden BJ, Theis JD, Bergen
on a case to case basis. Given these analytical and 3rd HR, Dogan A. Classification of amyloidosis by
laser microdissection and mass spectrometry-based
operational advantages, and the far superior spec- proteomic analysis in clinical biopsy specimens.
ificity and sensitivity offered by LMD- and Blood. 2009;114:4957–9.
LC-MS/MS-based methods, LMD- and LC-MS/ 15. Hood BL, Darfler MM, Guiel TG, et al. Proteomic
MS-based analysis is now considered the gold analysis of formalin-fixed prostate cancer tissue. Mol
Cell Proteomics. 2005;4:1741–53.
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Part IV
Ancillary Studies of Amyloidosis
Laboratory Support for Diagnosis
of Amyloidosis 22
David L. Murray and Jerry A. Katzmann

Free light chains • Serum protein electrophoresis • Urine protein
• Electrophoresis • Nephelometry • Immunofixation electrophoresis
• Primary (AL) amyloidosis • Monoclonal immunoglobulins

Primary amyloidosis is a plasma cell

Introduction proliferative disorder. The plasma cell prolifera-
tive disorders are characterized by a clonal
The definitive diagnosis of amyloidosis requires
expansion of plasma cells and can be
identification and characterization of amyloid
subgrouped into malignant diseases (multiple
protein deposits in tissues. Serum- and urine-
myeloma, plasma cell leukemia, plasmacytoma,
based laboratory testing are important initial
Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia), premalig-
observations in helping to guide both the differ-
nant syndromes (monoclonal gammopathy of
ential diagnosis of primary amyloidosis (AL) and
undetermined significance, smoldering multiple
the testing for identifying and characterizing tis-
myeloma), and protein conformation disorders
sue amyloid. The purpose of this chapter is to
(AL, light chain deposition disease, cryoglobu-
describe the methods used to detect plasma cell
linemia). Due to the clonal plasma cell prolifera-
proliferation disorders and to identify excess
tion, most of these diseases are also characterized
monoclonal free light chain (FLC) synthesis.
by the presence of a monoclonal immunoglobu-
Specifically, the value of protein electrophoresis
lin, and are therefore often described as mono-
(PEL), immunofixation electrophoresis (IFE),
clonal gammopathies. The monoclonal protein
and quantitative serum FLC analysis will be pre-
serves a surrogate marker for the clonal plasma
sented. These tests are not only useful in the
cell expansion and was one of the first (and
differential diagnosis of amyloidosis, but also
remains one of the best) clonal cell markers.
have a role in early disease detection, prognosis,
Monoclonal immunoglobulins are recognized,
and monitoring of AL.
characterized, and quantitated by PEL and IFE.
These two assays are illustrated in Fig. 22.1.
A normal serum is analyzed in Fig. 22.1a, and
D.L. Murray, M.D., Ph.D. (*) • J.A. Katzmann, Ph.D.
the smooth distribution of proteins in the gamma
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905, USA fraction is indicative of polyclonal (or normal)
e-mail: murray.david@mayo.edu immunoglobulins. An abnormal serum is

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 275
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_22,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
276 D.L. Murray and J.A. Katzmann

Fig. 22.1 (a) Protein electrophoresis (PEL) and immu- most graph is a scan of the PEL gel, and the area under the
noelectrophoresis (IFE) of normal serum: The proteins in monoclonal protein spike is used in conjunction with the
the gamma fraction on the PEL gel and the precipitated serum total protein concentration to quantitate the amount
immunoglobulins on the IFE gel exhibit a smooth of monoclonal immunoglobulin. (c) Protein electrophore-
Gaussian distribution indicating a polyclonal distribution. sis (PEL) and immunoelectrophoresis (IFE) of patient
(b) Protein electrophoresis (PEL) and immunoelectropho- with primary amyloidosis (AL): The proteins in the
resis (IFE) of a serum containing a monoclonal IgG l: gamma fraction on the PEL gel and the precipitated
The proteins in the gamma fraction on the PEL gel and the immunoglobulins on the IFE gel exhibit only a small
precipitated immunoglobulins on the IFE gel exhibit a abnormality in the beta region reflecting the low plasma
discrete band indicating a monoclonal protein. The upper cell burden in this patient

presented in Fig. 22.1b, and the discrete protein Not all plasma cell proliferative disorders,
band in the gamma fraction of the PEL is consis- however, produce a quantifiable or even detect-
tent with a monoclonal immunoglobulin. The able monoclonal protein. Nonsecretory multiple
IFE identifies the discrete band as an IgG l myeloma, for example, does not secrete an easily
monoclonal gammopathy. The identification of detectable monoclonal protein even though the
this monoclonal IgG l is not diagnostic for any bone marrow may be packed with malignant
of the specific diseases listed above, but it is plasma cells containing cytoplasmic monoclonal
diagnostic for a plasma cell proliferative disor- immunoglobulin light chain. In AL patients with
der. In addition, the demarcation and integration significant disease, it also may be difficult to
of the PEL band allows quantitation of the mono- detect a monoclonal protein and often impossible
clonal protein (M-spike) separate from any to quantitate. An AL patient with very small
polyclonal immunoglobulin in the gamma frac- amounts of monoclonal free l light chain is
tion. Changes in the quantitation of the M-spike illustrated in Fig. 22.1c. There is an almost imper-
reflect changes in the size of the plasma cell ceptible asymmetry in the l lane of the IFE, and
clone and can be used to monitor disease or there is clearly no way to monitor and quantitate
response to therapy. the hematologic response of this patient.
22 Laboratory Support for Diagnosis of Amyloidosis 277

Table 22.1 Distribution of plasma cell proliferative dis- of amyloid fibrils in tissue [6]. Because AL is a
orders in clinical practice monoclonal gammopathy, the identification of a
Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined 61% monoclonal protein is a useful initial screen for
significance patients with AL. The 3% prevalence of MGUS in
Multiple myeloma 17% the population over 50 years and the increased
Amyloidosis AL 9%
prevalence in African Americans, however, mean
Lymphoproliferative disease 3%
that some of these coincident findings will be unre-
Smoldering myeloma 4%
lated. Over a 6-year period at Memorial Sloan-
Solitary or extramedullary plasmacytoma 2%
Macroglobulinemia 2%
Kettering Cancer Center, 369 consecutive patients
Other 2% with systemic amyloidosis were evaluated for
clonal plasma cell disease and 30% of them were
From the Mayo Clinic dysproteinemia database, 1960–
2003; n = 31,479. screened for hereditary transthyretin mutations
(ATTRm). ATTRm was identified in 5.4% (20/369)
of the patients. Of the 20 patients with ATTRm,
The distribution of monoclonal gammopathies 50% (10 of 20) had an associated monoclonal
in our clinical practice is listed in Table 22.1. By gammopathy. Ultimately, four of the six with a
far the most common plasma cell proliferative gammopathy and mutant TTR were diagnosed
disorder is monoclonal gammopathy of undeter- with ATTRm, while the other two had AL [7].
mined significance (MGUS). In the normal popu- This study highlights a potential pitfall of
lation older than 50 years, MGUS has a prevalence relying on monoclonal protein screening alone.
of 3% [1]. The prevalence increases with age: Immunohistochemical staining or some other direct
between ages 50 and 60 the prevalence is 1.7% characterization of the amyloid fibrils may be nec-
and in ages greater than 80 years the prevalence is essary to confirm the type of amyloidosis [8].
6.6%. This very common premalignant disorder The fibrils in AL are derived from intact or
has no clinical symptoms, but these patients have fragmented monoclonal immunoglobulin light
a 1% per year progression to diseases such as chains. These patients often have free monoclo-
multiple myeloma or AL [2]. The diagnosis of nal immunoglobulin light chains detected in the
MGUS requires the absence of related organ or serum and/or urine. The FLCs are secreted from
tissue impairment (e.g., no end organ damage or the plasma cells without being bound to heavy
bone lesions), less than 10% clonal bone marrow chain in intact immunoglobulin molecules and
plasma cells, and less that 3 g/dL of serum mono- the monoclonal light chains or fragments are pre-
clonal protein. The diagnosis of multiple myeloma cursor components for the amyloid fibrils. Unlike
requires greater than 10% clonal bone marrow patients with multiple myeloma, AL patients may
plasma cells as well as clinical symptoms such as have a very small population of clonal plasma
hypercalcemia, renal disease, anemia, and/or bone cells in the bone marrow. The long-term continu-
lesions due to the clonal plasma cell proliferation. ous secretion of the amyloidogenic monoclonal
Multiple myeloma has an incidence of approxi- FLC results in amyloid fibril deposition and
mately 40 per million per year in Caucasians, and eventual organ failure. The presence of small
the incidence is two- to threefold higher in African clonal plasma cell populations and the small
American populations [3]. There are approxi- amount of secreted monoclonal FLC may make it
mately 13,000 new cases each year in the USA. difficult to document the monoclonal gammopa-
By contrast, AL is a relatively rare plasma cell thy by serum and/or urine IFE [9].
proliferative disorder. It is one-fifth as common as
multiple myeloma with approximately 2,500 new
patients diagnosed in the USA every year. Multiple Free Light Chain Quantitation
myeloma and AL can occur together, with the
myeloma commonly being diagnosed before or at Bence Jones proteins are monoclonal FLC that
the time AL is discovered [4, 5]. Like all forms of are detected in concentrated urine using PEL and
amyloid, diagnosis requires histologic identification IFE. These urinary FLC are low molecular weight
278 D.L. Murray and J.A. Katzmann

Fig. 22.2 Cartoon of immunoglobulin G showing the chain, these surfaces provide the specific targets for the
intact tetrapeptide as well as FLC. The hidden surfaces of FLC antisera. Courtesy of The Binding Site, Inc. reprinted
the light chains are tightly bound to the heavy chains by with permission
noncovalent interactions. When no longer bound to heavy

peptides that are removed from serum by the kid- method is an automated nephelometric assay that
neys and are either metabolized or excreted in the uses a commercially available reagent set of
urine. An alternative strategy to detect and quan- polyclonal antibodies to quantitate both k
titate the Bence Jones proteins would be to FLC and l FLC by immunonephelometry
directly quantitate the FLC in serum. Early (FREELITE™: The Binding Site, San Diego,
approaches used the size difference between CA). The antibodies show no reactivity by IFE or
intact immunoglobulins and FLC to separate the by Western blots to light chains contained in
molecules, and then quantitated the FLC with intact immunoglobulin. Sensitive hemagglutina-
light chain immunoassays. These multistep pro- tion assays showed reactivity to the appropriate
cedures never migrated into clinical laboratories. FLC at dilutions above 1:16,000 and no reactivity
Subsequent approaches were based on using anti- to light chains contained within intact Ig at anti-
sera that were specific for immunoglobulin light sera dilutions >1:2. The assay reagents therefore
chain epitopes that were obscured when the light appear to have a minimum of a 10,000-fold dif-
chain peptides were bound to the heavy chain ference in reactivity to FLC compared to light
peptides (Fig. 22.2). The specificity for these chains contained within intact Ig. This high
“cryptic” light chain epitopes meant that FLC specificity allows k and l FLC to be quantitated
could be accurately quantitated even in the pres- in the presence of a large excess of serum IgG,
ence of the large concentrations of intact immu- IgA, and IgM. Similar to the quantitation of
noglobulin found in serum. The introduction of elevated immunoglobulins, elevations in FLC
automated assays for the quantitation of immu- concentrations do not indicate monoclonality.
noglobulin FLC has given clinical laboratories a The relationship between k and l light chain
new tool for evaluating AL. The FLC assays have secretion, however, is predictable in normal
increased the diagnostic sensitivity for identifica- plasma cell populations. The ratio of k to l light
tion of light chain diseases such as AL, and in chain synthesis is approximately 2:1. Significant
addition have improved disease monitoring and deviations from this ratio suggest clonal light
prognosis. The FLC assay was described by chain synthesis. If the ratio of k to l FLC (rFLC)
Bradwell and colleagues in 2001 [10]. The is significantly greater than normal, it suggests
22 Laboratory Support for Diagnosis of Amyloidosis 279

clonal proliferation of a k-producing plasma cell. Table 22.2 FLC quantitation: serum FLC reference
If the ratio is below normal, it suggests clonal intervals and diagnostic range
excess of l FLC. 95% Reference
A reference range study was performed with interval (normal Diagnostic
range) range
sera from healthy donors aged 21–90 years [11]
k FLC 0.33–1.94 mg/dL
whose sera were screened by PEL and IFE to
l FLC 0.57–2.63 mg/dL
exclude samples with a monoclonal protein (e.g.,
FLC K/L ratio 0.3–1.2 0.26–1.65
unknown MGUS patients). The k FLC and l FLC
concentrations were assessed, and the rFLC was
calculated. This reference range study revealed Table 22.3 Diagnostic sensitivity in AL (n = 110)
an apparent effect of age on the two FLC concen- Assay Sensitivity (%)
trations, but the rFLC showed no age dependence. FLC k/l ratio 91
Cystatin C (a marker of renal clearance) showed Serum IFE 69
the same apparent age dependence as the two Urine IFE 83
FLC concentrations. The increase in serum FLC Serum IFE ± urine IFE 95
concentrations with age is most likely due to FLC k/l ratio + urine IFE 91
reduced renal clearance, and the use of the rFLC FLC k/l ratio + serum IFE 99
ratio normalizes the effects of reduced clearance. All 3 assays 99
Concentrations of k and l FLC may be abnor-
mal due to immune suppression, immune stimu- of the total light chains, however, is a very insen-
lation, reduced renal clearance, or monoclonal sitive marker of clonal expansion. One of the first
plasma cell proliferative diseases. Serum from clinical studies with rFLC assays evaluated 28
patients with either polyclonal hypergammaglob- patients with nonsecretory multiple myeloma.
ulinemia or renal impairment, for example, often Drayson and colleagues found that although
have elevated k FLC and l FLC due to increased some patients had no detectable serum or urine
synthesis or reduced renal clearance, respectively. monoclonal protein by PEL or IFE, 19 (68%) had
The rFLC, however, usually remains normal in abnormal rFLC ratios [12]. In another study of
these conditions [11]. A significantly abnormal 262 AL patients, Lachmann and colleagues
rFLC should only be due to a plasma cell prolif- detected abnormal serum rFLC in 98% of the AL
erative disorder that secretes excess clonal FLC patients, whereas the serum or urine IFE was
and disturbs the normal balance between k and l positive in only 79% [13]. This increase in diag-
secretion. An abnormally high ratio suggests nostic sensitivity of the serum FLC assay for
expansion of a k-producing plasma cell clone, monoclonal light chain disease such as AL was
whereas an abnormally low ratio suggests expan- an unexpected diagnostic advance and has been
sion of a l-producing plasma cell clone. The k confirmed by other authors [14, 15]. In a prospec-
and l FLC reference ranges were defined as 95% tive study to further evaluate the diagnostic per-
reference ranges, but a “diagnostic range” for the formance in clinical practice, we confirmed the
rFLC was defined by 100% of the normal sample increased sensitivity for monoclonal light chain
study (Table 22.2). diseases in a series of all newly diagnosed patients
that were seen in our practice in one calendar
year [16]. In 110 untreated AL patients, the FLC
Diagnostic Sensitivity for assay was more sensitive (91%) than the serum or
Identification of Monoclonal FLC urine IFE assay (69% and 83% sensitivity, respec-
tively). In addition, the IFE and FLC assays were
The concept of using the alteration of the rFLC as complementary for the detection of monoclonal
a sensitive marker of monoclonal FLC synthesis FLC in AL patients. If both the serum IFE and
was not obvious. There had been many previous FLC assays were performed, 109 of the 110 AL
attempts to use the total k to l ratio as a tool to patients (99%) had an abnormal result in at least
screen for monoclonal gammopathies. The ratio one of the two tests (Table 22.3). The inclusion of
280 D.L. Murray and J.A. Katzmann

Table 22.4 Diagnostic sensitivity of screening panels

Diagnosis (n) (all assays) (%) (3 serum assays) (%)
Multiple myeloma (467) 100 100
Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia (26) 100 100
Primary amyloid (581) 98.1 97.1

urine testing did not increase the diagnostic sen- that none of these disease-specific studies
sitivity. This enhanced ability to detect monoclo- addressed the broader use of urine testing as part
nal FLCs does not address whether the light of the detection of monoclonal gammopathies.
chains are amyloidogenic, but supports the need We therefore used a large cohort of patients with
to search for amyloid deposits as well as the clas- an assortment of plasma cell proliferative diagno-
sification of the amyloid. ses and a monoclonal urine protein who had urine
The high diagnostic sensitivity for AL when PEL and IFE as well as serum PEL, IFE, and
using both serum IFE and FLC assays suggests FLC testing [18]. The study was designed to
that the recommended diagnostic screening algo- assess the spectrum of plasma cell proliferative
rithm for monoclonal gammopathies may not be diseases and to determine which patients would
the simplest or best approach. The recommended have been undiagnosed in the absence of urine
laboratory testing for patients suspected of hav- studies. There were 428 patients who had posi-
ing MM, AL, or related disorders has previously tive urine studies and also had serum PEL, IFE,
been PEL and IFE of both serum and urine. In and FLC performed. These patients had diagno-
initial laboratory evaluations, however, urine is ses of MM (n = 148), AL (n = 123), monoclonal
only submitted in approximately 30% of the gammopathy of undetermined significance
cases. The lack of submitted urine samples (n = 69), smoldering multiple myeloma (n = 59),
reduces the diagnostic sensitivity in AL, light solitary plasmacytomas (n = 5), and other less fre-
chain deposition disease, and light chain MM quently detected monoclonal gammopathies. All
(LCMM). The FLC assays can be performed on 428 had a monoclonal urine protein (by defini-
serum, and because of the sensitivity of the serum tion of the cohort), and 86% had an abnormal
FLC assays for the light chain diseases, it is not serum rFLC, 91% had an abnormal serum PEL,
apparent that urine studies are still necessary as and 93% had an abnormal serum immunofix-
part of the diagnostic screening algorithm. In a ation. Using all three serum assays, only two
study of 224 patients with LCMM, it was reported cases had no serum abnormality. Both of these
that serum IFE and FLC identified 100% of the cases had monoclonal gammopathy (idiopathic
patients and that urine IFE added no additional Bence Jones proteinuria). Discontinuation of
information [17]. Similarly, in the study described urine studies and reliance on a diagnostic algo-
above, it was found that 109 of 110 patients with rithm using solely serum studies (IFE, IFE, and
AL had abnormal results in either serum IFE or FLC), missed 0.5% of the 428 monoclonal gam-
rFLC and that urine studies did not add to the mopathies with urinary monoclonal proteins, and
sensitivity for identifying monoclonal FLC [16]. these two cases required no medical intervention.
Because of these reports suggesting that urine Two large subsequent studies confirmed the high
studies may not add sensitivity to a screening sensitivity of using serum IFE and FLC to screen
panel of serum IFE and FLC, the inconvenience for monoclonal gammopathies. Both studies
in routinely obtaining a 24-h urine sample, and showed good sensitivity with serum IFE and FLC
the additional patients detected by serum FLC but that omission of urine studies resulted in
assays, it is reasonable to replace urine IFE stud- missing the monoclonal abnormality in 1% of
ies with serum FLC assays. The danger of using patients with AL [19, 20]. A summary of the
these studies to dismiss the 24-h urine IFE as part results from one of these studies is presented in
of the screen for monoclonal gammopathies is Table 22.4.
22 Laboratory Support for Diagnosis of Amyloidosis 281

As stated earlier, it is important to remember rather than assessing the percent reduction of
that an abnormal rFLC is not specific for AL. serum iFLC, normalization of rFLC after stem
A clinical entity representing the FLC equivalent cell transplant predicted organ response in AL
of conventional MGUS has been identified. patients. Kumar et al. [23] recommended using
Prevalence of light chain MGUS is 0.8% (95% the difference between the involved FLC (mono-
CI 0.7–0.9). Risk of progression to multiple clonal FLC) and “uninvolved” FLC as a way to
myeloma in patients with light chain MGUS is account for reduced renal clearance, and that a
0.3% (0.1–0.8) per year [21]. An abnormal rFLC 90% decrease in this FLC difference (dFLC) pre-
ratio warrants further clinical correlation and dicted better survival. In a detailed study of the
may not require intervention. The enhanced sen- relationship between dFLC and clinical features
sitivity for detecting monoclonal FLC does not of in 730 patients with newly diagnosed AL, it was
course address whether the light chains are amy- found the overall survival was shorter among
loidogenic, but supports the need to search for those with a higher dFLC, and in multivariate
amyloid deposits. Clinicians ordering the FLC analysis dFLC was independent of other prog-
assay should be sensitized to this important point. nostic factors. In addition to dFLC correlating
An abnormal rFLC should place AL on their dif- with survival, the type of light chain impacted the
ferential diagnosis and the clinical findings spectrum of organ involvement [24].
reviewed in this light. This is true even when In summary, the quantitation of serum FLC
serum PEL and IFE show no or small monoclo- has proved to be a useful biomarker in the mono-
nal proteins. clonal gammopathies in general and in AL in par-
ticular. The rFLC in conjunction with serum IFE
defines a sensitive diagnostic screen for AL and
Monitoring Disease Activity reduces the need for urine in the screening algo-
rithm, the differences of serum FLC (dFLC)
Once the diagnosis of AL is confirmed, the FLC concentrations independently predicts survival,
serum assay provides a quantitation of the and the iFLC or dFLC provides a simple way to
involved monoclonal FLC (iFLC) and therefore a monitor the disease process and hematologic
way to monitor the plasma cell clone analogous response.
to the electrophoretic M-spike [22]. This allows
an assessment of the hematologic response to
therapy in the absence of a serum or urine M-spike Future Directions
and provides a faster assessment than organ-
based response criteria. Lachmann and colleagues The greatest potential for future gains in labora-
detected abnormal serum rFLC in 98% of AL tory testing for AL will come from methods that
patients tested, and only 79% of the same patients increase specificity for AL. The combination of
showed an abnormal IFE [13]. Equally interest- IFE and rFLC has nearly 99% sensitivity for
ing, however, was the observation that 46% of the detecting cases of AL, but the specificity of these
262 AL patients had no serum or urine M-spike findings is relatively poor. This lack of specificity
which could be used to monitor treatment. For comes from our current inability to assess the
AL, therefore, the serum rFLC provided a more amylogenic nature of the monoclonal protein.
sensitive diagnostic tool and the quantitative Investigations into this subject are numerous, yet
assessment of iFLC provided a tool to monitor a single unifying feature of the proteins responsi-
disease activity. Just as a 50% reduction in ble for AL deposits formation has been elusive.
M-spike values is used as a response criterion Although the LC amyloid-forming propensity has
when monitoring MM, a 50% reduction in the traditionally been attributed to the LC variable
iFLC indicated a therapeutic response and was region, fibrils also contain full-length LC com-
predictive of a significant survival advantage in prising both variable-joining (V(L)) and constant
AL. Dispenzieri et al. [15] have reported that (C(L)) regions. Recent studies are demonstrating
282 D.L. Murray and J.A. Katzmann

the importance of the constant regions in amyloid 12. Drayson M, et al. Serum free light-chain measure-
formation [25, 26]. In addition, the role of amyloid ments for identifying and monitoring patients with
nonsecretory multiple myeloma. Blood. 2001;97(9):
P component (AP) and apolipoprotein E (Apo E), 2900–2.
which are known to be highly associated with 13. Lachmann HJ, et al. Outcome in systemic AL amyloi-
almost all amyloid deposits, is still unfolding. dosis in relation to changes in concentration of circu-
Recent advances in mass spectroscopy proteom- lating free immunoglobulin light chains following
chemotherapy. Br J Haematol. 2003;122(1):78–84.
ics give us deeper chemical insight to the nature 14. Abraham RS, et al. Quantitative analysis of serum
of the light chains and associated amylogenic pro- free light chains. A new marker for the diagnostic
teins. Perhaps, when the chemical nature of these evaluation of primary systemic amyloidosis.
entities become known, it may be possible to risk- Am J Clin Pathol. 2003;119(2):274–8.
15. Dispenzieri A, et al. Absolute values of immunoglob-
stratify patients with monoclonal immunoglobu- ulin free light chains are prognostic in patients with
lins with regard to amyloid formation. primary systemic amyloidosis undergoing peripheral
blood stem cell transplantation. Blood. 2006;107(8):
16. Katzmann JA, et al. Diagnostic performance of quan-
References titative kappa and lambda free light chain assays in
clinical practice. Clin Chem. 2005;51(5):878–81.
1. Kyle RA, et al. Prevalence of monoclonal gammopa- 17. Bradwell AR, et al. Serum test for assessment of
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2006;354(13):1362–9. 361(9356):489–91.
2. Kyle RA, et al. A long-term study of prognosis in 18. Katzmann JA, et al. Elimination of the need for urine
monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined signifi- studies in the screening algorithm for monoclonal
cance. N Engl J Med. 2002;346(8):564–9. gammopathies by using serum immunofixation and
3. Landgren O, et al. Risk of monoclonal gammopathy free light chain assays. Mayo Clin Proc. 2006;81(12):
of undetermined significance (MGUS) and subse- 1575–8.
quent multiple myeloma among African American 19. Katzmann JA, et al. Screening panels for detection of
and white veterans in the United States. Blood. monoclonal gammopathies. Clin Chem. 2009;55(8):
2006;107(3):904–6. 1517–22.
4. Rajkumar SV, Gertz MA, Kyle RA. Primary systemic 20. Palladini G, et al. Identification of amyloidogenic
amyloidosis with delayed progression to multiple light chains requires the combination of serum-free
myeloma. Cancer. 1998;82(8):1501–5. light chain assay with immunofixation of serum and
5. Madan S, et al. Clinical features and treatment urine. Clin Chem. 2009;55:499–504.
response of light chain (AL) amyloidosis diagnosed in 21. Dispenzieri A, et al. Prevalence and risk of progres-
patients with previous diagnosis of multiple myeloma. sion of light-chain monoclonal gammopathy of unde-
Mayo Clin Proc. 2010;85(3):232–8. termined significance: a retrospective population-based
6. Steensma DP. “Congo” red: out of Africa? Arch cohort study. Lancet. 2010;375(9727):1721–8.
Pathol Lab Med. 2001;125(2):250–2. 22. Gertz MA, et al. Definition of organ involvement and
7. Hoffman JE, Hassoun H, Landau H, Comenzo RL, treatment response in immunoglobulin light chain
Coincindal gammopathies in patients with systemic amyloidosis (AL): a consensus opinion from the
amyloidosis and transthyretin gene mutations. 10th International Symposium on Amyloid and
Proceeedings of the 52nd ASH Annual Meeting, Amyloidosis, Tours, France, 18–22 April 2004. Am
Orlando FL, 2010. J Hematol. 2005;79(4):319–28.
8. Strege RJ, Saeger W, Linke RP. Diagnosis and immu- 23. Kumar SK, et al. Changes in serum-free light chain
nohistochemical classification of systemic amyloi- rather than intact monoclonal immunoglobulin levels
doses. Report of 43 cases in an unselected autopsy predicts outcome following therapy in primary amy-
series. Virchows Arch. 1998;433(1):19–27. loidosis. Am J Hematol. 2011;86(3):251–5.
9. Gertz MA, Lacy MQ, Dispenzieri A. Amyloidosis: 24. Kumar S, et al. Serum immunoglobulin free light-
recognition, confirmation, prognosis, and therapy. chain measurement in primary amyloidosis: prognos-
Mayo Clin Proc. 1999;74(5):490–4. tic value and correlations with clinical features. Blood.
10. Bradwell AR, et al. Highly sensitive, automated 2010;116(24):5126–9.
immunoassay for immunoglobulin free light chains in 25. Yamamoto K, et al. The amyloid fibrils of the constant
serum and urine. Clin Chem. 2001;47(4):673–80. domain of immunoglobulin. FEBS Lett. 2010;584(15):
11. Katzmann JA, et al. Serum reference intervals and 3348–53.
diagnostic ranges for free kappa and free lambda 26. Klimtchuk ES, et al. The critical role of the constant
immunoglobulin light chains: relative sensitivity for region in thermal stability and aggregation of amy-
detection of monoclonal light chains. Clin Chem. loidogenic immunoglobulin light chain. Biochemistry.
2002;48(9):1437–44. 2010;49(45):9848–57.
Bone Marrow Biopsy and Its Utility
in the Diagnosis of AL Amyloidosis 23
and Other Plasma Cell Dyscrasias

Sujata Ramamurthy, Lawreen H. Connors,

and Carl J. O’Hara

Bone marrow biopsy • AL amyloidosis • Immunohistochemistry
• Light chain • In situ hybridization

histochemical detection of immunoglobulin light

Bone Marrow Biopsy Procedure chains in plasma cells. However, given the envi-
and General Findings ronmental and disposal issues associated with
mercury chloride in recent years, we have con-
For optimal evaluation, the core biopsy should be
verted to formalin-based fixation for all our
at least 1–1.5 cm in length and of adequate cel-
lularity. In current practice, the core biopsies are
The general appearance of the marrow on
fixed in a formalin-based commercial fixative
H&E stain in AL amyloidosis is essentially unre-
(B-Fix) and decalcified with RapidCal Immuno
markable (Fig. 23.1). In a review of 100 cases of
(BBC Biochemical). For many years, we fixed
bone marrow core biopsies [1], we observed rel-
our biopsies in Zenker’s acetic acid which
atively normal trilineage hematopoiesis. While
afforded excellent morphologic detail and was
the overall cellularity tends to be within normal
particularly superior to formalin for the immuno-
limits on initial exams, hypocellularity is not
uncommon among older patients and those who
S. Ramamurthy, M.D. have received chemotherapy. The erythroid and
Amyloid Treatment and Research Program, Department myeloid elements of the marrow are usually
of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine,
present in normal proportion and exhibit normal
Boston, MA 02118, USA
maturation. Megakaryocytes are typically pres-
L.H. Connors, Ph.D.
ent in normal number and exhibit normal mor-
Amyloid Treatment and Research Program,
Department of Biochemistry, phology. Less frequently, there may be relative
Boston University School of Medicine, erythroid or myeloid hyperplasia reflecting con-
Boston, MA 02118, USA current issues related to anemia or infection.
C.J. O’Hara, M.D. (*) Hematologic features of dyspoiesis are rarely
Amyloid Treatment and Research Program, seen. Occasionally, isolated aggregates of small
Department of Pathology, Boston University School
lymphoid cells are noted as well as isolated
of Medicine, Boston Medical Center,
670 Albany St., Boston, MA 02118, USA small granulomas that on further work-up usu-
e-mail: carl.ohara@bmc.org ally prove to be nonspecific.

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 283
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_23,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
284 S. Ramamurthy et al.

Fig. 23.1 H&E-stained (a) normocellular bone marrow usual maturation of erythroid and myeloid elements and
(50% fat) from a 61-year-old woman with AL amyloido- normal megakaryocytes
sis and (b) normal hematopoietic bone marrow exhibiting

parameters. Iron stores are generally detected in

Detecting Amyloid Deposits normal amounts. Rarely is fibrosis seen.
in the Bone Marrow Biopsy

In keeping with our routine practice, all bone

marrow biopsies in the work-up for amyloidosis Establishing a Diagnosis
are stained with H&E, PAS, iron, and Congo red. of a Plasma Cell Dyscrasia
Amyloid can be readily recognized on H&E
staining and can be especially highlighted on Of all the parameters assessed in bone marrow
PAS staining as “smudgy” homogeneous depos- biopsies from patients being evaluated for AL
its in blood vessels and interstitium. However, the amyloidosis, the presence, volume, and clonality
gold standard for diagnosing amyloid is the of plasma cells are pivotal for making a diagnosis
Congo red stain with its characteristic demon- [1–6]. Plasma cells can be identified with H&E
stration of green birefringence under polarized and PAS stains in core biopsies, but precise enu-
light. Of note, the Congo red stain works very meration is difficult especially when dealing with
well with formalin fixation whereas, in our expe- small numbers (5–10% plasma cells). The plasma
rience, the staining was often muted or not detect- cells are fully mature and scattered in small
able with Zenker’s fixative. To convey the aggregates in the interstitial spaces of the mar-
presence and extent of amyloid deposition in the row. They are usually sparsely distributed singly
bone marrow, we devised a scale that ranges from and in clusters of no more than five cells and typi-
amyloid in blood vessels only (1+) to amyloid in cally comprise between 5 and 10% of the bone
the interstitium (2+ if <2hpf, 3+ if >2hpf) marrow cellularity. Our ability to enumerate
(Fig. 23.2). This scale was implemented to assess plasma cells in the face of such low volumes has
whether the extent of amyloid deposition in blood been greatly enhanced with the use of immuno-
vessels and/or interstitium influenced the mobili- histochemistry, specifically relying on the detec-
zation of stem cells for stem cell transplantation tion of the plasma-cell-associated antigen, CD138
or had any impact on bone marrow reconstitution (Fig. 23.3). In the confines of the hematopoietic
following melphalan chemotherapy. Our obser- marrow, this antigen clearly identifies plasma
vation seems to indicate that the extent of amy- cells and no other marrow elements, but it does
loid deposition has no obvious effect on these not distinguish benign from malignant plasma
23 Bone Marrow Biopsy and Its Utility in the Diagnosis of AL Amyloidosis… 285

Fig. 23.2 (a) Positive Congo red staining of a blood ves- interstitium (2+), and (c) H&E staining of marked intersti-
sel (1+) under standard (left panel) and polarized (right tial amyloid (3+)
panel) light, (b) focal-positive Congo red staining of

cells. This requires the demonstration of plasma

cell monoclonality using stains for kappa and
lambda light chain immunoglobulins. It is impor-
tant to recall that a given plasma cell can only
express a single light chain (kappa or lambda)
and that, throughout the body, there are three
times as many kappa-positive plasma cells as
lambda-positive plasma cells (K/L ratio of
approximately 3:1). Thus, if the immunostaining
reveals a mixture of kappa and lambda plasma
cells, up to the 3:1 ratio, then the process is poly-
clonal, i.e., a reactive bone marrow. Conversely,
if there is a striking predominance of staining for
Fig. 23.3 Immunohistochemical stain for CD138 high-
lighting plasma cells estimated to comprise approximately
one light chain over the other, then that represents
5% of cellularity monoclonality and is indicative of a plasma cell
286 S. Ramamurthy et al.

Fig. 23.4 (a) Colorimetric in situ hybridization (CISH) light chain immunoglobulin on the same case as shown in
stain for kappa light chain immunoglobulins showing dis- panel A showing a predominance of staining consistent
tinct blue-black staining of plasma cells with negligible with a plasma cell dyscrasia
background interference. (b) CISH staining for lambda

dyscrasia. Establishing plasma cell monoclonal- results in marked background staining precluding
ity in the presence of a limited population of assessment of plasma cell clonality. Nevertheless,
plasma cells (5–10%) can be challenging but, in detecting light chains in formalin-fixed tissues
the case of AL amyloidosis, we benefit greatly has been greatly improved by the use of colori-
from the fact that approximately 75% of cases are metric in situ hybridization (CISH) [7] which
of lambda light chain type. Thus, in working up allows for the detection of monoclonality even in
plasma cells in a bone marrow, despite the low the presence of small plasma cell volumes
number, if the lambda-positive cells exceed (Fig. 23.4). The technique utilizes oligonucle-
kappa, it is by definition indicative of monoclo- otide probes directed against light chain mRNA
nality (since under normal circumstance lambda that are coupled to a chromogen detection system
should never exceed kappa). The kappa-positive resulting in crisp blue-black staining of plasma
AL cases (approximately 25%) are more cells contrasted against a red background coun-
problematic in that merely demonstrating a pre- terstain. In our lab, this method has greatly
dominance of staining is insufficient in and of enhanced our ability to assess plasma cell mono-
itself, the kappa-positive cells must exceed a 3:1 clonality. An example of how well this method
ratio to confirm monoclonality. can be applied is shown in (Fig. 23.5) which
Given the importance of determining plasma depicts pre- and posttreatment bone marrows
cell monoclonality, it is imperative to utilize a from the same patient. Although the percent
staining procedure to detect light chain immuno- involvement is low, a clear distinction between
globulins that is crisp with negligible background the monoclonal staining of plasma cells before
staining. For years, one of the advantages of fix- treatment is contrasted with a decrease in plasma
ing bone marrow biopsies in Zenker’s acetic acid cells and polyclonal staining of plasma cells
is that it not only yielded pristine morphologic following treatment. A rare drawback to this
detail but also allowed for distinct staining of method occurs when, for unknown reasons, the
plasma cells for heavy and light chain immuno- probe or possibly the secondary antibody binds
globulins. Unfortunately, this is no longer an nonspecifically to interstitial amyloid deposits
option due to the toxicity of the mercury in the hampering the assessment of admixed plasma
fixative. Formalin is the universal fixative and is cells (Fig. 23.6).
utilized successfully to fix most tissues in the We examined 609 initial bone marrow biop-
body. However, for the immunohistochemical sies from patients with AL amyloidosis seen in
staining of light chain immunoglobulins in bone our clinic and found that 88% showed production
marrow biopsies, it is limited and frequently of a clonal light chain, 25% were kappa type
Fig. 23.5 Pre- and posttreatment bone marrow biopsy chains comprising approximately 5–10% of cellularity
samples from a 48-year-old woman with AL amyloidosis (left panel) that is reduced to <5% following treatment
(a) stained with H&E showing normocellular (left panel) (right panel), and (d) CISH staining of plasma cells for
and moderately hypocellular marrows (right panel), (b) kappa light chains showing no significant change from
immunohistochemical staining of plasma cells for CD138 pre- (left panel) to posttreatment (right panel) with <5%
comprising approximately 5–10% of cellularity before of cellularity in both samples. This is in contrast to the
treatment (left panel) and <5% after treatment (right loss of monoclonality demonstrated with lambda staining
panel), (c) CISH staining of plasma cells for lambda light as shown in (c)
288 S. Ramamurthy et al.

Fig. 23.6 (a) Bone marrow biopsy stained by H&E show- cells, (c) CISH staining for lambda light chains illustrating
ing 3+ amyloid deposition, (b) immunohistochemical stain marked staining of the amyloid deposits and obscuring
for CD138 demonstrating increased background staining evaluation, (d) CISH staining for kappa light chains with
of the amyloid deposits precluding assessment of plasma amyloid staining similar to lambda light chains

Table 23.1 Bone marrow core biopsy specimen analysis biopsies which were tested for amyloid deposits,
in 609 cases of AL amyloidosis 58% were positive; of these, 74% were graded as
% Plasma cells, median (range) 10 (<5–25), n = 568 1+, 15% were 2+, and 11% were 3+ positive.
Clonality testing, n = 578
Positive, n (%) 510 (88)
Kappa 130 (25)
Lambda 380 (75)
Comparison of Bone Marrow Biopsy
Negative, n (%) 68 (12) with Immunofixation Electrophoresis
Congo red, n = 462 and Free Light Chain Analysis
Positive, n (%) 268 (58)
1+ 198 (74) We compared the bone marrow biopsy with
2+ 40 (15) immunofixation electrophoresis and free light
3+ 30 (11)
Negative, n (%) 194 (42)
chain analysis for the ability to identify clonal
disease in a large population of patients with AL
amyloidosis [8]. A monoclonal light chain was
found in 76% of the patients on serum
and 75% were lambda type, consistent with immunofixation electrophoresis (SIFE), 88% had
our published reports and others on smaller series a monoclonal light chain on urine immunofix-
of patients (Table 23.1). In the bone marrow ation electrophoresis (UIFE), and the bone
23 Bone Marrow Biopsy and Its Utility in the Diagnosis of AL Amyloidosis… 289

marrow biopsy was positive for clonal plasma cytic disorder is in the differential diagnosis, flow
cells in 89% of patients. Either the SIFE or the cytometry is most useful in assessing the volume,
UIFE was positive in 96% of patients. phenotype, and clonality of marrow lymphocytic
The free light chain analysis was studied in the infiltrates.
same large population of AL amyloidosis patients. Given the importance of quantitating plasma
An elevated kappa free light chain was found in cells in the marrow, we attempted to apply image
96% of patients with known kappa clonal disease analysis to the CD138-stained plasma cells in
and an elevated lambda free light chain in 94% of order to obtain a more objective assessment of
patients with known lambda clonal disease; 89% volume. Due to the clustering of the plasma cells,
of patients had an abnormal kappa to lambda ratio. it was too difficult to identify individual data
False-positive elevations of the other light chain points and derive any meaningful data.
were found in 44% of patients with kappa clonal
disease and 30% of patients with lambda clonal
disease; in half of these, the serum creatinine was Molecular and Genetic Studies
elevated. However, an abnormal kappa to lambda in AL Amyloidosis
ratio was found in 75% of patients with AL amy-
loidosis and had a predictive value of 92% for Recent advances in basic science research of
kappa clonal disease and of 98% for lambda other diseases have contributed much to our
clonal disease. Our data suggest the free light understanding of AL amyloidosis. The findings
chain analysis is complimentary to the bone mar- of IgH translocations and other chromosomal
row biopsy and the immunofixation electrophore- abnormalities in multiple myeloma have propa-
ses for the diagnosis of AL amyloidosis. Because gated an interest in these mechanisms and their
the free light chain analysis is a quantitative mea- potential role in AL amyloidosis. Standard kary-
sure, it is more valuable in long-term monitoring otype analysis has frequently proven to be too
of disease after treatment. Similar conclusions insensitive to detect changes with lower plasma
have been reported by others [9–11]. cell burdens [13, 14]. With the advent of inter-
phase fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH),
sensitivity in detecting chromosomal defects has
Other Bone Marrow Tests increased considerably, allowing for a more accu-
rate analysis. Initial studies indicated an increased
Alternative methods for quantifying plasma cells number of numerical chromosomal abnormali-
include differential counts on marrow aspirate ties in the AL population compared with normal
smears, flow cytometry [12], and image analysis. controls, especially monosomy 18 [14]. IgH
While each modality has its merit, our experience translocations are of particular interest, as they
has been that the CD138-stained core biopsy may have pathogenetic and prognostic implica-
remains more reliable and reproducible. While tions. They may also be a target for future thera-
bone marrow aspirate smears are extremely use- pies for the disease. Translocations of interest
ful in quantitating plasma cells in multiple include t(11;14), t(14;16), and del13/del13q [13].
myeloma, we found them to be less useful when Many of these translocations are also seen in
dealing with plasma cells in the 5–10% range, patients with a monoclonal gammopathy of unde-
and consequently, we do not routinely stain aspi- termined significance (MGUS). Interestingly,
rate smears unless there is some other reason to t(4;14) and del17/del17p, which are more
do so (e.g., suspected myelodysplasia, involve- frequently seen in multiple myeloma, were not
ment by a lymphoproliferative disorder). seen to a great extent in either MGUS or AL
Similarly, in our hands, flow cytometry has amyloidosis [13, 15]. Only t(11;14) has been
proven to be unreliable for quantifying plasma seen in greater frequency in AL amyloidosis
cells when present in low volume. However, compared to MGUS [15]. The clinical implica-
when a lymphoproliferative or lymphoplasma- tions of these genetic abnormalities are uncertain.
290 S. Ramamurthy et al.

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10. Abraham RS, Katzmann JA, Clark RJ, Bradwell AR,
the bone marrow biopsy result along with the Kyle RA, Gertz MA. Quantitative analysis of serum
serum and urine immunofixation electrophoreses free light chains. A new marker for the diagnostic
and the free light chain analyses. evaluation of primary systemic amyloidosis. Am J Clin
Pathol. 2003;119:274–8.
Acknowledgments Supported by National Institutes of 11. Lachmann HJ, Gallimore R, Gillmore JD, et al.
Health P01 HL68705-6602 (L.H.C., C.O.), RO1AG031804 Outcome in systemic AL amyloidosis in relation to
(L.H.C), the Young Family Amyloid Research Fund, and changes in concentration of circulating free immuno-
the Amyloid Research Fund at Boston University School globulin light chains following chemotherapy.
of Medicine. Br J Haematol. 2003;122:78–84.
12. Matsuda M, Gono T, Shimojima Y, Hoshii Y, Ikeda S.
Phenotypic analysis of plasma cells in bone marrow
using flow cytometry in AL amyloidosis. Amyloid.
References 2003;10:110–6.
13. Bryce AH, Ketterling RP, Gertz MA, et al.
1. Swan N, Skinner M, O’Hara CJ. Bone marrow core Translocation t(11;14) and survival of patients with
biopsy specimens in AL (primary) amyloidosis. A light chain (AL) amyloidosis. Haematologica. 2009;
morphologic and immunohistochemical study of 100 94:380–6.
cases. Am J Clin Pathol. 2003;120:610–6. 14. Fonseca R, Ahmann GJ, Jalal SM, et al. Chromosomal
2. Rajkumar SV, Gertz MA, Kyle RA. Primary systemic abnormalities in systemic amyloidosis. Br J Haematol.
amyloidosis with delayed progression to multiple 1998;103:704–10.
myeloma. Cancer. 1998;82:1501–5. 15. Bochtler T, Hegenbart U, Cremer FW, et al. Evaluation
3. Sanchorawala V, Blanchard E, Seldin DC, O’Hara C, of the cytogenetic aberration pattern in amyloid light
Skinner M, Wright DG. AL amyloidosis associated chain amyloidosis as compared with monoclonal
with B-cell lymphoproliferative disorders: frequency gammopathy of undetermined significance reveals
and treatment outcomes. Am J Hematol. 2006;81: common pathways of karyotypic instability. Blood.
692–5. 2008;111:4700–5.
Laboratory Methods
for the Diagnosis of Hereditary 24

S. Michelle Shiller, Ahmet Dogan,

Kimiyo M. Raymond, and W. Edward Highsmith Jr.

Hereditary amyloidoses • Diagnosis • Mutations • Mass spectrometry
• Genetic testing

All of the hereditary amyloidoses (also known

Introduction as familial or systemic amyloidoses) are inher-
ited in an autosomal dominant manner, as is the
As described elsewhere in this book, amyloids
case for other “gain of function” mutations in dis-
consist of fibrils composed of stacked proteins
orders such as Huntington’s disease, myotonic
which have adopted a beta-pleated sheet
dystrophy, or the spinocerebellar ataxias. The
conformation. The mechanism by which a pro-
dominant inheritance of the familial amyloidoses
tein, which has substantial alpha-helical charac-
has implications for family members of an
ter, refolds into a configuration with a primarily
affected individual. It is important to understand
beta-pleated sheet structure is unclear and is the
that siblings and children of an affected individ-
subject of much ongoing research. It is clear,
ual have a one in two chance of being affected
however, that specific amino acid substitutions in
themselves and may benefit from presymptom-
a small number of circulating proteins can accel-
atic monitoring. Moreover, careful attention to
erate or facilitate this process.
the family history may reveal subclinical symp-
toms in one parent, which may or may not have
received subsequent medical attention. However,
S.M. Shiller, D.O. • A. Dogan, M.D., Ph.D.
even in the setting of a thorough family history,
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology,
Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, hereditary amyloidosis can be missed and
MN 55905, USA attributed to more common diseases. Thus, after
K.M. Raymond, M.D. the identification of an amyloidogenic mutation
Laboratory Genetics, Department of Laboratory in an individual, it is important to offer testing for
Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, at-risk family members so that appropriate moni-
Rochester, MN, USA
toring can be carried out for mutation-positive
W.E. Highsmith Jr., Ph.D. (*) family members.
Molecular Genetics Laboratory, Department
Clinically, it may be difficult to distinguish
of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic,
200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905, USA amyloidosis that is secondary to overproduction
e-mail: highsmith.w@mayo.edu of immunoglobulin light chains (AL amyloid),

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 291
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_24,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
292 S.M. Shiller et al.

age-related ATTR amyloidosis, or serum amyloid than TTR mutations, and include apolipoprotein
A (AA amyloid) from an amyloidosis that is A1 (ApoA1), apolipoprotein A2 (ApoA2), gelso-
hereditary in nature. As the treatment for the lin, lysozyme, and fibrinogen alpha (FGA). While
underlying cause of amyloidosis differs markedly the most common symptom of amyloidogenic
for different etiologies, it is critical that the amy- mutations in these genes is nephropathy, muta-
loid be properly classified. Therapy for plasma tions in one, gelsolin, demonstrates a predisposi-
cell disease can include chemotherapy and/or tion for cranial nerve tissue, lattice corneal
bone marrow transplant, and therapy for AA dystrophy, and cutis laxia of the facial skin. As
amyloid involves addressing the underlying cause gelsolin amyloidosis was originally identified in
of inflammation, while the curative treatment for a large Finnish family [3], and is more common
the two varieties of familial amyloidosis, includ- in, but not limited to, individuals of Finnish
ing the most common form due to mutant tran- descent, it is often referred to as Finnish
sthyretin (ATTR amyloid) is liver transplant. amyloidosis.
To make a diagnosis, including identification The differential diagnosis of systemic amyloi-
of the protein being deposited as amyloid fibrils, dosis includes light chain disease, Sjögren’s syn-
it is typically necessary to obtain biopsy material drome, rheumatoid arthritis, other inflammatory
from an affected organ or site. Most often, biop- conditions, b2-microglobulinemia, and familial
sies are obtained from the bone marrow, subcuta- Mediterranean fever, as well as other similar con-
neous fat (often of the abdomen), or the rectum. ditions. A discussion of a thorough diagnostic
Following tissue acquisition, a variety of meth- evaluation for these conditions is beyond the
ods are used in identifying and characterizing scope of this chapter. However, a few key labora-
amyloid protein, including Congo red staining, tory tests can expedite the process: serum protein
immunoperoxidase staining of histological tis- electrophoresis (SPEP) (assists in the diagnosis
sue, mass spectrometry, and genetic evaluation in of light chain disease or b2-microglobulinemia),
cases of familial disease. Further, when clinical and the presence of antinuclear antibody and
suspicion of amyloid is high, serum tests for tran- SSBLa > SSBRo by immunofluorescence for
sthyretin (TTR) are available [1, 2]. A frequently Sjögren’s syndrome. The presence of rheumatoid
described method of serum detection of heredi- factor raises suspicion of rheumatoid arthritis.
tary TTR amyloid is a two-step process using Detection of serum amyloid A in amyloid depos-
non-denaturing gel electrophoresis in polyacryl- its by immunohistochemistry elicits a definitive
amide gel followed by isoelectric focusing (IEF). diagnosis of AA amyloid or amyloid deposition
The varying protein conformations resulting from of an inflammatory origin [4].
genetic mutations in the TTR gene result in dif- With respect to AL amyloidosis, SPEP is the
fering patterns of migration seen on IEF. classical method of working up this diagnosis,
Moreover, the banding patterns are unique to the but ruling out coexisting hereditary amyloidosis
specific mutation, which has been supported in through DNA interrogation is pivotal. One study
follow-up genetic analysis [1, 2]. Though this has showed that 24% of individuals with hereditary
a high specificity, it does not delineate all variants amyloidosis may also demonstrate monoclonal
of TTR mutation, which do have varying pheno- immunoglobulins on SPEP [4]. In the study by
typic presentations and, thus, may be important Lachmann et al., all of the patients had less than
clinically. Further, this method cannot be used for 0.2 g/dL of immunoglobulins in the serum, and
hereditary amyloid due to other genes. no kappa or lambda free light chains by urine
While the majority of systemic amyloidosis is protein electrophoresis. Comenzo et al. had simi-
due to TTR mutations, other genes involved in lar findings, with 6% of patients with a hereditary
conferring aberrant protein folding with subse- amyloidosis presenting with definitive monoclo-
quent amyloid deposition have been identified. nal gammopathies in a subject population of sim-
These additional genes have been documented in ilar size [5]. In the Lachmann et al. study, in
a substantially smaller number of individuals addition to the monoclonal gammopathy by
24 Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Hereditary Amyloidoses 293

SPEP, the patients also demonstrated mutations

in a variety of genes for hereditary amyloidosis,
Genetic Testing in Amyloidosis
whereas in the Comenzo et al. study, all patients
had TTR mutations with concomitant SPEP
Genetic Evaluation
monoclonal gammopathy. In the absence of DNA
Gene sequencing is the gold standard to detect
analysis, these patients with hereditary amyloi-
aberrations such as substitutions, and small dele-
dosis masquerading with a monoclonal gammo-
tions and insertions at the nucleotide level. In
pathy would be misdiagnosed, and the improper
genetically heterogeneous diseases, sequencing
clinical management could be implemented.
is particularly useful. The familial amyloidoses
display both genetic heterogeneity (multiple
genes being involved in a disease) and allelic het-
Mass Spectrometry in TTR
erogeneity (multiple mutations in the sample
gene being able to cause the disease).
The recent advances in the identification of amy-
The first step in any DNA sequencing is
loid proteins in tissue, particularly formalin-fixed,
extraction, or purification, of DNA, typically
paraffin-embedded material, are covered else-
from a peripheral blood sample. Many platforms
where in this book. Here, we discuss screening
are available for DNA extraction. Following
for mutant TTR in serum samples. One technique
DNA extraction, the samples are prepared for
to accomplish this analysis is through affinity
PCR with primers specific to the gene of interest
chromatography protein isolation, followed by
and the standard PCR constituents (Taq poly-
electrospray mass spectrometry. The process
merase, buffer, magnesium chloride, and PCR-
begins by reducing plasma with 12.5 mM dithio-
grade water). Next, the PCR product is treated to
threitol, which removes the cysteine adducts to
remove unincorporated primers and nucleotides.
simplify the mass spectra. Next the plasma/
The cleaned PCR product is next combined with
dithiothreitol solution is injected into a column to
a mixture of fluorescently labeled dideoxynucle-
sequester TTR, followed by elution with pH 2.5,
otide triphosphates and dNTPs [e.g. BigDye® ter-
100 mM glycine/2% acetic acid, and concen-
minators (Applied Biosystems)], sequencing
trated on a C4 column. Next the TTR is eluted
buffer, PCR grade water, and a thermostable
from the column and introduced into the mass
DNA polymerase. After carrying out the sequenc-
spectrometer (MS). This is a method of qualita-
ing reaction by thermal cycling and another puri-
tive and quantitative investigation for the pres-
fication step, this time removing unincorporated
ence of TTR which includes relative proportions
fluorescent material, the sample is analyzed by
of wild type and mutant. Though this has a high
capillary electrophoresis. There are multiple soft-
sensitivity and specificity, it does not delineate all
ware programs commercially available for base
variants of TTR mutation, particularly changes
calling, alignments, and mutation detection. One
with relatively minimal mass shifts (less than
widely used program is Mutation Surveyor® (Soft
10 Da). Mass shifts that are this small may be
Genetics) (Fig. 24.1).
indicated with a slightly wider peak, and can
likely be detected with follow-up molecular
genetic testing [6]. One of the larger mass shifts
is a Gly to Trp or Trp to Gly change, which dif- Genes Involved in Hereditary
fers by 129 Da. If a shift of 256 Da or more is Amyloidosis
present, double mutation is suggested [6–9].
Follow-up confirmation of MS findings with gene Notes on Nomenclature
sequencing is helpful. This serum-based test for
amyloidogenic protein deposition is limited to The Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS)
TTR amyloidosis and does not cover amyloidosis has proposed standard nomenclature for variation
due to the other genes. both at the nucleotide and the protein level

Fig. 24.1 Gene sequencing for ApoA1 showing c. 296T > C, p. Leu99Pro pathogenic the reverse. The two middle traces are the subtraction plots between the reference
mutation in exon 4. The top and bottom sequences (1 and 4) are the reference sequences sequence and the patient sample. The pink peak is the location of the mutation (arrows),
against which the sample is compared. Sequences 2 and 3 are the patient sample. The indicating substitution of a cytosine for a thymine. This substitution can also be seen
S.M. Shiller et al.

top traces (1, 2) are sequenced in the forward direction, and the bottom trace (3, 4) in in the sequences of the patient sample
24 Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Hereditary Amyloidoses 295

Table 24.1 Table depicting nomenclature conversion from historical to new

Protein Signal peptide/propeptide Example (historical → new)
TTR 20 Cys10Arg → Cys30Arg
ApoA1 18/6 Gly26Arg → Gly50Arg
ApoA2 18/5 Stop78S → Stop101S
Gelsolin A 27 Asp187Tyr → Asp214Tyr
Fibrinogen alpha 19 Arg554Leu → Arg573Leu
Lysozyme 18 W112R → W130R
The primary difference is that the new nomenclature includes all codons beginning with the initiating methionine, and
the historical nomenclature utilizes only the mature protein. Hence, to convert to the new nomenclature requires adding
the appropriate number of codons acting as signal peptides and propeptides, as indicated

(http://www.hgvs.org/mutnomen/). In this chapter, sequence missense mutations was TTR. Notably,

all mutations and variants are discussed referring TTR is by far the most common protein and gene
to protein sequence or amino acid changes. involved in familial amyloidosis, accounting for
Previously, the standard nomenclature was to between 95 and 98% of reported familial amyloid
number the first amino acid of the mature, pro- cases, and often presenting after the age of 50.
cessed protein as amino acid number 1. For TTR is a transport protein that has 4 exons, 127
secreted proteins (such as those involved in famil- amino acids, weighs 55 kDa, and is synthesized
ial amyloidoses), this numbering system neglected predominantly in the liver. The function of TTR
the signal peptides and propeptides that are is to carry thyroxine (T4) and to participate in the
cleaved from the amino terminus after translation, thyroxine–retinol-binding protein complex. This
as the protein is being processed by the cell for sec- function is important to bear in mind when
retion. The HGVS standard nomenclature now testing for mutations in TTR, since familial
recommends that proteins be numbered starting euthyroid hyperthyroxinemia can demonstrate
with the initiator methionine as amino acid num- a substitution in position 129 (Ala129Thr,
ber 1. All of the amino acid changes discussed Ala129Thr, Ala129Val) of the protein. These
here use the HGVS standard nomenclature. patients are clinically euthyroid, with normal free
For example, the signal peptide of the TTR thyroid and triiodothyronine levels, but increased
protein is 20 amino acids in length. One mutation thyroxine due to the thyroxine-binding capacity
seen in TTR amyloid is Cys30Arg (new nomen- of TTR [10]. Alternatively, when TTR is mutated,
clature). Using historical nomenclature, the muta- aberrant protein folding often results with depo-
tion is termed Cys10Arg (subtract 20 amino acids sition as described above, and the clinical seque-
that account for the signal peptide in the new lae including most predominantly peripheral
nomenclature to derive this). ApoA1 is an exam- polyneuropathy and/or cardiomyopathy (with or
ple of a protein with a signal peptide and a pro- without eye and brain involvement).
peptide. The signal peptide is 18 amino acids in Liver transplantation is the treatment of choice
length, and the propeptide is 6. Hence, to extrap- for patients with TTR amyloidosis due to its pre-
olate the historical nomenclature from the new dominant hepatic synthesis. Since this treatment
nomenclature for a mutation in ApoA1, Gly50Arg is vastly different from the cytotoxic chemothera-
would be Gly26Arg. Refer to Table 24.1 for a peutic regimens and/or bone marrow transplant
listing of all genes and the conversions. indicated for AL amyloidosis, the correct diagno-
sis of these two disorders with supporting labora-
tory data is paramount. Also, senile amyloid
Transthyretin deposition is often composed of wild-type TTR
protein. In this case, the conversion of TTR into
The first protein identified in hereditary amyloi- amyloid fibrils is not driven by pathogenic
dosis with amyloid deposition due to coding mutations, and gene sequencing is necessary to
296 S.M. Shiller et al.

Fig. 24.2 Mass spectra of transthyretin (TTR) immu- the common Gly6Ser polymorphism. (c) The spectra from
nopurified from blood serum. (a) A normal TTR. (b) TTR an individual with hereditary TTR amyloidosis due to the
from an individual heterozygous for the normal TTR and pathogenic Phe44Leu mutation

distinguish TTR-type senile amyloid from a propensities exist such as the association of
hereditary disorder. V142I with African Americans [2, 13]. Further,
More than 100 mutations have been reported M33I is seen in the German population, A45T,
in TTR, almost all of them being single base sub- Y89I, and Q112K segregate among the Japanese.
stitutions in the gene, located on chromosome 18 Variants common in the USA are D38N, A45S,
[11] (Fig. 24.2). Common single base substitu- F53C, W61L, T69P, L75Q, A101T, and R123S [2].
tions include V50M, L75P, L78H, T80A, and Phenotypic clustering is seen in some codon
Y134H [12]. A common three-nucleotide/single changes (Table 24.2), and Tyr89Ile is the only dou-
codon deletion is ΔVal142. Moreover, ethnic ble nucleotide substitution documented to date.
24 Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Hereditary Amyloidoses 297

Table 24.2 Phenotypic Mutation Clinical features Geographic kindreds

correlations of TTR
Phe53Ile Peripheral neuropathy, eye Israel
mutations along with
segregation among Phe53Leu Peripheral neuropathy, heart USA
particular geographic Phe53Val Peripheral neuropathy UK, Japan, China
kindreds (adapted from Ala65Thr Heart USA
reference [16]) Ala65Asp Heart, peripheral neuropathy USA
Ala65Ser Heart Sweden
Ile104Asn Heart, eye USA
Ile104Thr Heart, peripheral neuropathy Germany, UK
Glu109Gln Peripheral neuropathy, heart Italy
Glu109Lys Peripheral neuropathy, heart USA
Val142Ile Heart USA
ΔVal142 Heart, peripheral neuropathy USA
Val142Ala Heart, eye, peripheral neuropathy USA

Specifically, Tyr89Ile is seen in the Japanese pop- produced with the Asn122fs and Ala202fs
ulation, with cardiac and connective tissue mutations is a truncated protein rather than a full-
involvement, and autonomic neuropathy [6]. length one.
The clinical presentation of amyloidosis con-
sistent with ApoA1 involves the liver, kidneys,
Apolipoprotein A1 larynx, skin, and myocardium most commonly
and rarely the testes and adrenal glands [14]. The
ApoA1, another protein involved with hereditary most common mutations to date include G50R,
amyloidosis, contains 4 exons, 243 amino acids, L99P, A197P, A199P, and L198S [14–16]. Most
weighs 28 kDa, and is located on chromosome of these mutations are present in Northern
11q23-q24. ApoA1 is synthesized in the liver and Europeans. Specifically, G50R is common among
small intestine, conferring a plasma protein that is British, Scandinavians, and North Americans;
the main protein of high-density lipoprotein par- L99P in Italians, Germans, and North Americans;
ticles and has a key role in lipoprotein metabo- A197P in Americans and British; and L198S in
lism. ApoA1 is important for the formation of Italians and Dutch [15] (Table 24.3).
high-density lipoprotein cholesterol esters, pro-
moting efflux of cholesterol from cells [14, 15].
Consequently, mutations in ApoA1 can lead to Apolipoprotein A2
one of the two rare diseases of lipoprotein
metabolism, primary hypoalphalipoproteinemia ApoA2, similar to ApoA1, is an amyloidogenic
(Tangier disease) or ApoA1 amyloidosis, which protein involved with lipid metabolism. Unlike
has no pathophysiology linked directly to lipopro- ApoA1, ApoA2 can be found in senile amyloido-
tein metabolism, depending on the mutation. The sis [17]. As is the case with TTR, gene sequenc-
predominant genetic changes seen in ApoA1 amy- ing is required to determine if ApoA2 deposition
loidosis are nucleotide substitutions; however, in a given case is due to deposition of a wild-type
two deletion mutations and deletion/insertion protein (senile amyloid) or a mutant one (familial
have been described. Most of the mutations are amyloidosis). Structurally, it is a 77-amino acid,
in-frame, with the exception of Asn122fs and 17.4-kDa protein located on chromosome 1p21-
Ala202fs. Hence, the mechanism of amyloid 1qter [18]. While comprising four exons, three
production for all of the ApoA1 mutations involves exons in ApoA2 are coding: exons 2, 3, and the
aberrant folding, and the unstable species 5¢-end of exon 4 [19]. The ApoA2 gene is one of
298 S.M. Shiller et al.

Table 24.3 Common ApoA1 mutations (adapted from Table 24.4 Listing of common mutation for other amy-
references [14–16]) loidogenic proteins
Mutation Clinical features Protein Mutation Clinical features
Gly50Arg Peripheral neuropathy, ApoA2 Stop78Gly Nephropathy
nephropathy Stop78Ser Nephropathy
Glu58Lys Nephropathy Stop78Arg Nephropathy
Leu84Arg Nephropathy Gelsolin A Asp214Asn PN, LCD
Glu94_Trp96del HTN, nephropathy Asp214Tyr PN
Trp74Arg Nephropathy Fibrinogen alpha Arg573Leu Nephropathy
Glu545Val Nephropathy
Del84-85insVal/Thr Hepatic
1629delG Nephropathy
Leu88Pro Nephropathy 1622delT Nephropathy
Del94-96 Nephropathy Lysozyme Ile74Thr Nephropathy,
Phe95Tyr Palate petechiae
Asn98fs Nephropathy, gastrointestinal Asp85His Nephropathy
Leu99Pro Hepatic Trp82Arg Nephropathy
Phe75Ile Nephropathy
Leu114Pro Cardiomyopathy, cutaneous
Lys131del Aortic intima PN peripheral neuropathy, LCD lattice corneal dystrophy
Ala178fs Nephropathy
Leu194Pro Laryngeal
Arg197Pro Cardiomyopathy, cutaneous, 9q34 (centromeric to ABL); the protein weighs
82 kDa. In the setting of familial/hereditary amy-
Leu198Ser Cardiomyopathy
loidosis, gelsolin variant disease presents with
Ala199Pro Laryngeal
unique features of neuropathy, particularly of the
Leu202His Cardiomyopathy, laryngeal
cranial nerves. There are additional clinical fea-
tures of gelsolin amyloidosis that merit clinical
the more recently described forms of hereditary subclassification of the disease. The “Meretoja”
amyloid, with a clinical picture of early adult subtype is associated with corneal dystrophy, and
onset, rapidly progressive renal failure [16]. cutis laxia of facial skin is another clinically dis-
There is no neuropathy associated with the abrupt tinguishing feature [21, 22]. Known pathogenic
renal failure, which occurs in the absence of pro- mutations include D214N in individuals from
teinuria. Mutations in the stop codon are the com- Finland, North America, Denmark, and Japan,
mon genetic change resulting in a 21-amino acid and D214Y (c. 654G > C) in individuals from
extension at the carboxy terminus of the mature Finland, Denmark, and the Czech Republic [21].
protein [16]. All of these changes occur at codon The D214N and D214Y mutations permit
101 in exon 4 as follows: Stop101G, Stop101S, exposure of an otherwise masked cleavage site,
and Stop101R (Table 24.4). Geographically, and is the initial step of amyloid formation. Both
these mutations are seen in North Americans, these mutations result in the production of an
with the exception of Stop101R, which is also aberrant, 68-kDa fragment, likely a carboxy-
seen in Russians [16]. terminal part of the protein which is suggested to
be amyloidogenic [23].
The Meretoja subtype is associated with a
Gelsolin A single base mutation c. 654G > A (GAC > GAA),
p. D214N (Asp214Asn). The pathogenic protein
Gelsolin protein is associated with actin metabo- comprises 71 amino acids [21, 24]. Regardless of
lism. Also known as brevin or actin-depolymer- the genotype, the gelsolin variant of amyloid is
izing factor, it acts to prevent toxicity due to the classically associated with cranial neuropathy,
release of actin into the extracellular space in the possibly even bilateral, with additional pheno-
presence of cell necrosis [20]. The gene com- typic features rendering subclassification as
prises 17 exons and is located on chromosome described herein [22] (Table 24.4).
24 Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Hereditary Amyloidoses 299

Fibrinogen Alpha family and another, c. 1674 A > T, p. E545V has

been detected in individuals of American and
Synthesized in the liver, fibrinogen is a plasma Irish descent [11, 28]. Specifically, the E545V
glycoprotein with three structural subunits: alpha mutation is the one example of cardiac manifes-
(FGA), beta (FGB), and gamma (FGG). Most tations of FGA amyloid [26]. One deletion,
research regarding fibrinogen in general has been 1629delG, the third base in codon 543, was
in the setting of hemostasis, where it has a primary detected in an American family with hereditary
functional role. There are two other rare diseases renal amyloidosis. Due to this mutation, a prema-
due to mutations in FGA that confer bleeding dis- ture stop codon is created at codon 567.
orders: afibrinogenemia and dysfibrinogenemia. Individuals with the 1629delG mutation had a
Afibrinogenemia has no fibrinogen due to a trun- later onset of disease (later 30s and early 40s)
cating mutation, and dysfibrinogenemia has when compared to those with the R573L muta-
decreased fibrin production due to a mutation at tion [27]. Finally, early renal disease with termi-
the cleavage site for thrombin to convert inactive nal renal failure has been documented in French
fibrinogen into fibrin. The mutations seen with kindred with a single nucleotide deletion, c.
bleeding are different from those seen in FGA 1622T, with subsequent frameshift mutation at
amyloid. FGA is located on chromosome 4q28, codon 541, and, similar to 1629delG, premature
with six exons and varying amino acid lengths as termination of protein synthesis at codon 567
determined by alternative splicing. [25] (Table 24.4). This particular subtype, with
Phenotypically, FGA amyloidosis is associ- its inherently aggressive sequelae, is particularly
ated with visceral involvement, specifically renal, relevant to consideration of liver transplantation
with the manifestations including hypertension, early in the course of disease.
proteinuria, and subsequent azotemia [16].
Importantly, renal involvement in amyloid of this
genetic origin is associated with rapidly progres- Lysozyme
sive renal failure. Hence, early detection of amy-
loid with a FGA mutation permits consideration Lysozyme is an enzyme that catalyzes the
of liver transplant for curative treatment, perhaps hydrolysis of certain mucopolysaccharides of
avoiding the negative consequences of renal dis- bacterial cell walls. Specifically, lysozyme cata-
ease [25]. Historically, renal transplantation, lyzes the hydrolysis of the beta-glycosidic
which has also been performed, has not had long- linkages [1–4] between N-acetylmuramic acid
term success; thus, this paradigm shift to hepatic and N-acetylglucosamine. Lysozyme is found in
transplantation, especially in light of the ability the spleen, lungs, kidneys, white blood cells,
to detect the mutation, is a promising treatment plasma, saliva, milk, and tears [29]. The gene is
alternative for patients. Thus far, neuropathy has located on chromosome 12q15 with four exons.
not been seen with FGA amyloidosis, and cardio- Transcription yields a 14.6-kDa protein contain-
myopathy is reported in one case. Hence, neuro- ing 130 amino acids.
logic and cardiac involvement would be the Similarly, with regard to management, early
exception rather than the rule at this point of time detection of this amyloid variant alters the course
in diagnosing FGA amyloid [26]. of treatment in that individuals with this mutation
To date, there are four common mutations experience a very early onset of renal disease
associated with FGA amyloidosis: two point and rapid decline (this is similar, in some
mutations with pathogenic single amino acid regards, to some variants of FGA). Unlike FGA,
substitutions and two single nucleotide deletions lysozyme amyloidosis patients benefit from
yielding a frameshift in DNA transcription, with renal transplantation [16]. Other manifestations
subsequent premature termination of protein syn- include gastrointestinal involvement (peptic ulcer),
thesis [16, 25, 27]. One point mutation, c. 4993 cardiac disease, Sicca syndrome, and propensity
G > T, p. R573L has been identified in a Peruvian towards petechiae, and hemorrhage and hematoma,
300 S.M. Shiller et al.

including hepatic hemorrhage. Neuropathy is not a To date, LECT2 amyloidosis has been seen
component of this type of amyloid, similar to FGA. primarily in individuals of Mexican American
In fact, the presence of neuropathy might suggest a ancestry. A study by Murphy et al. [35] reported
different variant, such as gelsolin, depending on a series of 21,985 consecutive renal biopsies of
the location and type of neuropathy [30, 31]. which 285 had positive Congo red staining. Seven
The mutations documented thus far with of ten cases with LECT2 renal amyloidosis were
lysozyme amyloid have their ancestral roots asso- of Mexican descent. In some cases (typically
ciated with the UK, France, USA, and Italy (spe- reported in smaller studies), the amyloid was
cifically, Piedmont, Italy). The D85H (Asp85His) detected after long-standing, slowly progressive
mutation, which regionalizes to the UK, has renal renal diseases [33, 35].
disease as the predominant symptom. A trypto- A case reported by Benson [33] is a patient
phan-to-arginine substitution at codon 82 (W82R) with a long history of slowly progressive renal
has been documented with a French family, with failure, without a diagnosis of amyloidosis
Sicca syndrome contributing to the phenotype in including its specific subtype until nephrectomy
addition to renal manifestations. Two other muta- due to renal cell carcinoma. Moreover, since its
tions, Phe75Ile (F75I) and Trp82Arg (W82R), recent discovery, there is suggestion by Larsen
are described in an Italian Canadian family and et al. [37] that the incidence of LECT2 amyloid
an Italian family (Piedmont, Italy), respectively might actually exceed TTR. While a polymor-
[31, 32]. The W82R variant had predominant phism has been detected in all of the cases
gastrointestinal involvement; however, the same affected with LECT2 amyloid (Ile58Val), no
mutation in an English man presented with dra- pathogenic mutations are present to date. Thus,
matic bleeding and rupture of abdominal lymph whether or not LECT2 will emerge under the cat-
nodes [30] (Table 24.4). egory of systemic or hereditary amyloidosis is
yet to be determined.

LECT2: A New Hereditary

Amyloidosis Gene Summary

The most recently described gene in systemic In summary, many laboratory techniques to detect
amyloidosis is LECT2. LECT2 is a leukocyte and characterize the presence of amyloid are
chemotactic factor whose synthetic origin is available. With these tools, the ability to detect
uncertain at this time [33]. Some studies indicate the presence of amyloid has improved, as well as
a hepatic origin for LECT2 expressed in the adult our ability to better understand the varying pre-
and fetal liver, but follow-up immunohistochemi- sentations and pathologic processes associated
cal studies have detected LECT2 in many tissues with the presence of amyloid.
of the body. LECT2 weighs 16.4 kDa, comprises While the understanding of amyloid continues
133 residues (after cleavage of the 18 amino acid to evolve, so does our ability to detect, diagnose,
signal peptide), and is located on chromosome and treat the varying etiologies. Two techniques
5q31.1-q32 [33–36]. pivotal in perpetuating this progress are tissue
Functionally, LECT2 can serve as a cartilage mass spectrometry and gene sequencing. The
growth factor (chondromodulin II), as well as in refined finesse accomplished by utilizing mass
neutrophil chemotaxis [33, 36]. With its role in spectrometry and gene sequencing continues to
neutrophilic chemotaxis, LECT2 has a presum- unravel the amyloid puzzle, and reveal more
able role in cell growth and repair after damage. patients with more unique phenotypic expression
Further, it has also been detected in hepatocellu- of disease. As our ability to identify and charac-
lar carcinoma cell lines, suggesting a role in terize systemic amyloidosis improves, and geno-
neoplasia, and also supporting its potential origin type–phenotype correlations become clearer, it
within hepatic tissue [33, 36]. will likely be possible in the future to explain
24 Laboratory Methods for the Diagnosis of Hereditary Amyloidoses 301

seemingly unique manifestations of the disease, 7. Bergethon PR, Sabin TD, Lewis D, Simms RW,
such as the cardiac specific presentation seen Cohen AS, Skinner M. Improvement in the
polyneuropathy associated with familial amyloid
with the V142I TTR mutation. polyneuropathy after liver transplantation. Neurology.
The ultimate beneficiary of the utility of the 1996;47:944–51.
refined laboratory diagnosis of amyloidosis is, of 8. Kishikawa M, Nakanishi T, Miyazaki A, Shimizu A,
course, the patient. However, the information Nakazato M, Kangawa K, et al. Simple detection of
abnormal serum transthyretin from patients with
gathered due to test results is best handled in a familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy by high-perfor-
multidisciplinary practice with well-established mance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization
genetic counseling to educate the patient and mass spectrometry using material precipitated with
family regarding the disease process, screening, specific antiserum. J Mass Spectrom. 1996;31:112–4.
9. Theberge R, Connors L, Skare J, Skinner M, Falk RH,
and treatment considerations. At present, no Costello CE. A new amyloidogenic transthyretin vari-
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However, understanding the origin of the proteins patient. Amyloid. 1999;6:54–8.
involved in the subtypes has achieved better con- 10. Saraiva M. Transthyretin mutations in hyperthyrox-
inemia and amyloid diseases. Hum Mutat. 2001;17:
trol of this process in some types (TTR, FGA). 493–503.
11. Benson MD, Liepnieks J, Uemichi T, Wheeler G,
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Correa R. Hereditary renal amyloidosis associated
Steven R. Zeldenrust, MD, PhD, Consultant, Division of with a mutant fibrinogen alpha-chain. Nat Genet.
Hematology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN for his edito- 1993;3:252–5.
rial help and clinical support; Jason Theis and Karen 12. Cendron L, Trovato A, Seno F, Folli C, Alfieri B,
Schowalter for their assistance in the mass spectrometry Zanotti G, et al. Amyloidogenic potential of transthy-
and molecular genetics laboratories, respectively, at Mayo retin variants: Insights from structural and computa-
Clinic, Rochester, MN; Tad Holtegaard and Cindy tional analyses. J Biol Chem. 2009;284:25832–41.
McFarlin for their technical support; and Debbie Johnson 13. Jacob E, Edwards W, Zucker M, D’Cruz C, Seshan S,
for her administrative support. Crow F, et al. Homozygous transthyretin mutation in
an African American Male. J Mol Diagn. 2007;9:
14. Eriksson M, Schonland S, Yumlu S, Hegenbart U, von
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Part V
Organ Involvement in Amyloidoses
Amyloidoses of the Kidney
and Genitourinary Tract 25
Maria M. Picken

Amyloidosis • Systemic • Localized • Kidney • Adrenal gland • Urinary
bladder • Testis

testicular involvement in young patients is

Abbreviations increasingly recognized [3, 4]. On the other hand,
the involvement of peripheral nerves and auto-
AL Amyloidosis derived from immuno-
nomic nerves, as seen in amyloidoses derived
globulin light chain
from immunoglobulin light chain (AL) and tran-
ATTR Amyloidosis derived from transthyretin
sthyretin (ATTR), may cause urinary bladder and
AA AA amyloidosis
erectile dysfunction [5]. Among the localized
ALect2 Amyloidosis derived from leukocyte
amyloidoses, the genitourinary tract is one of the
chemotactic factor 2
more frequently involved sites, where they may
mimic malignancy [6–9]. While renal amyloidosis
Genitourinary surgical pathology covers the uri-
has been extensively studied and there is an abun-
nary system (kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder,
dance of pertinent literature, the involvement of
and urethra), the male reproductive system (pros-
other parts of the genitourinary system is less well
tate and testis), the adrenal glands, and the
known [1, 10–12]. Moreover, renal amyloidosis is
retroperitoneum. Among these, the kidney and
usually handled by renal pathologists. Since this
adrenal glands are the most frequent genitouri-
book is primarily directed toward general surgical
nary localization of amyloidosis [1, 2]. While
pathologists, in this chapter, only a brief review
most systemic amyloidoses can affect the genito-
will be provided, summarizing the key features as
urinary system, apart from renal amyloid depos-
they pertain to general surgical pathology.
its, other sites are usually silent or clinically less
prominent; however, the clinical relevance of

The Kidney
M.M. Picken, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.S.N. (*)
Department of Pathology, The kidney is one of the most frequent sites of
Loyola University Medical Center,
amyloid deposition in AL, AA, and several of the
Bldg#110, Rm#2242, 2160 S. First Avenue,
Loyola University Chicago, IL 60153, USA hereditary amyloidoses ([1, 10–12], please see
e-mail: mpicken@lumc.edu; mmpicken@aol.com also Chaps. 2–4 in Part I). Among the various

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 305
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_25,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
306 M.M. Picken

systemic amyloidoses, essentially, all can involve secondary renal involvement in systemic diseases
the kidney and, conversely, the kidney is the organ such as diabetes and systemic lupus erythemato-
most commonly involved by clinically significant sus, and amyloidosis. Hence, amyloidosis is rela-
amyloid deposits. In general, systemic amyloi- tively frequently considered in differential
doses are considered to be clinically significant diagnoses in renal pathology [1]. Moreover, in
(with type-specific treatments being currently the kidney, in particular, there are other patholo-
available for the most common forms), and renal gies that may mimic amyloid that are associated
amyloid is virtually always systemic (please see with underlying plasma cell dyscrasia (please see
also Chaps. 2–4 in Part I, Chaps. 29–31 in Part VI). Part II) and that, although individually rare, col-
Even the most recently discovered type of renal lectively account for a significant number of
amyloidosis, derived from leukocyte chemotactic biopsies [1].
factor 2 (ALect2), is increasingly being consid-
ered systemic, as more data emerges [13].
In general, experience with amyloid diagnosis Morphology
is better among renal pathologists than among
general surgical pathologists for at least two Amyloid deposits can be found in any of the renal
reasons: compartments (Fig. 25.1a–d). Typically, in H&E-
– Renal amyloidosis is more likely to be associ- stained sections, amyloid has an amorphous
ated with clinically detectable symptoms and/ “hyaline” appearance, is weakly PAS positive,
or laboratory abnormalities, which are likely and shows loss of argyrophilia [1]. However,
to prompt a kidney biopsy. early deposits of amyloid may be inconspicuous
– Kidney biopsies are, as a routine matter, more in H&E and other stains. Therefore, Congo red
extensively investigated than other biopsies in stain should be performed not only to confirm the
surgical pathology and, hence, the likelihood diagnosis of amyloid but also to rule it out. In the
of amyloid detection is increased. glomerulus, typically, the first deposits are detect-
able in the mesangium (Fig. 25.1b); subsequently,
deposits extend to the capillaries and, ultimately,
Clinical Presentation may replace the entire glomerulus (Fig. 25.2,
please see also Fig. 19.1, Chap. 19). While bulky
The most common clinical presentation is deposits may mimic segmental sclerosis or dia-
proteinuria with or without renal insufficiency betic nephropathy, early deposits may be incon-
[1, 10–12]. The amount of proteinuria is very spicuous and may be misdiagnosed as minimal
variable and depends on the extent of glomerular change disease by the unwary. Near complete
involvement. In contrast, patients with extra- glomerular obliteration by amyloid is typically
glomerular amyloid deposits typically present seen in amyloid derived from fibrinogen (AFib),
with renal failure that is not associated with sig- Fig. 25.2 [14, 15]. While glomerular deposits are
nificant proteinuria. Renal involvement may be reported most frequently, other compartments
the first manifestation of systemic disease, with may be involved (interstitium, extraglomerular
subsequent studies confirming its systemic vessels), usually accompanying glomerular
nature. Thus, amyloidosis is often diagnosed by deposits (Fig. 25.1a). In a study by Hopfer et al.
renal biopsy, and only a minority of patients have [12], involving >200 native kidney biopsies with
an established diagnosis of amyloidosis prior to amyloidosis, glomerular deposits were seen in
renal biopsy. The differential diagnosis of amy- 84.6%, a vascular distribution pattern was seen in
loidosis in renal pathology is shorter than in other 9.4%, and deposits limited to the tubulointersti-
areas of surgical pathology (please see also Chap. 8). tial compartment were seen in 6% of biopsies
Thus, among patients diagnosed with nephrotic (Fig. 25.1d). Rarely, crescents can be seen, in par-
syndrome, the differential diagnosis involves ticular, in AA [16]. Crescentic glomerulonephri-
minimal change disease, focal and segmental tis, with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis,
glomerular sclerosis, membranous nephropathy, was also reported [17]. Crosthwaite et al. [18]
25 Amyloidoses of the Kidney and Genitourinary Tract 307

Fig. 25.1 Renal amyloid deposits—Congo red stains deposits. (c) Interstitial amyloid. (d) Amyloid in the med-
viewed under polarized light. (a) Glomerular, extraglom- ullary tubular basement membrane
erular vessels, and interstitial amyloid. (b) Glomerular

recently reported the first clinical case of rapidly glomerular involvement (Fig. 25.1a). However,
progressive glomerulonephritis complicating AL in certain patients, there may be an almost exclu-
renal amyloidosis and multiple myeloma. sive involvement of the extraglomerular vessels
Interstitial and peritubular deposits of amyloid in the absence of detectable glomerular amyloid
are seen in approximately 50% of cases, in addi- [1, 20–22]. This may be seen in some patients
tion to glomerular deposits (Fig. 25.1a). However, with AA and AApo A-I, but rare patients with
in certain amyloidoses, exclusively extraglomer- AL, who had vascular amyloid in the absence of
ular deposits may be formed (Fig. 25.1c). detectable glomerular deposits, were also
Occasional patients, with AA and AApoA-I amy- observed [20–22]. While early deposits may be
loidosis, may show amyloid deposition limited to inconspicuous, more advanced deposits may
the medullary interstitium (please see also Fig. mimic hyalinosis and even fibrinoid necrosis.
4.6, Chap. 4); recently, AApoA-IV deposits were There is no correlation between the biochemical
also reported in the medulla [19]. In ATTR asso- type of amyloid and the distribution pattern [12].
ciated with certain mutations, amyloid may be Hatakeyama [17] reported a rare case of coexis-
seen in deep medulla, sparing glomeruli [5]. tent focal extracapillary glomerulonephritis with
Scattered aggregates of lymphoplasmacytic cells vasculitis and AA renal amyloidosis 3 months
may be present in AL at times, accompanied by a after the initiation of infliximab therapy. In rare
multinucleated giant cell reaction. patients, coexistence of AL amyloidosis and light
Renal extraglomerular vessels are often chain deposition disease (LCDD) in the kidney
involved, most commonly together with has been reported [23].
308 M.M. Picken

Fig. 25.2 Kidney with AFib. (a) Negative stain for amy- strong positivity (3+); (paraffin section, immunoperoxi-
loid A protein (paraffin section, immunoperoxidase stain, dase stain, hematoxylin counterstain). (e) Negative stain
no counterstain). (b) Deposits of amyloid are negative for for TTR (paraffin section, immunoperoxidase stain, no
lambda light chain; positivity for this antibody is focally counterstain). (f) Paraffin sections of kidney showing
seen in the lumen of glomerular vessels (paraffin section, abundant deposits that are strongly immunoreactive for
immunoperoxidase stain, hematoxylin counterstain). (c) fibrinogen (3+) and are limited to glomeruli (paraffin sec-
Stain for kappa light chain showing weak (1+) positivity tion, immunoperoxidase stain, hematoxylin counterstain).
(paraffin section, immunoperoxidase stain, hematoxylin Magnifications: ×280 in A through E; ×60 in F. Reprinted
counterstain). (d) Stain for amyloid P component showing with permission from the publisher [15]
25 Amyloidoses of the Kidney and Genitourinary Tract 309

Differential Diagnosis of the Renal with a mutation, was also recently reported in the
Amyloidosis Type kidney [19]. Rare patients with mixed renal amy-
loid deposits have also been reported (AL+AA,
In the United States and Europe, AL-amyloidosis AA+ATTR, AL+ATTR) [10].
is currently the most prevalent type of systemic
amyloidosis, but hereditary amyloidoses are
being diagnosed with increasing frequency [1, AL/AH Amyloidosis
10–12, 24, 25]. The incidence of AA, however,
appears to be declining. In North America, AL AL amyloidosis has been extensively discussed in
contributes 85% of cases, and worldwide, >90% Chaps. 2, 19, and 29. Significant progress has
of renal amyloids are of the AL/AA type with been achieved in the treatment of AL with chemo-
marked regional differences concerning the inci- therapy and stem cell rescue. Thus, the main issue
dence of AA ([10, 11, 24, 25]—please see also centers on early and correct diagnosis of AL and
Chap. 3). Thus, while, in North America, AA is distinguishing it from other types, which require
diagnosed in 3.5–7% of kidney biopsies, in one different treatments. Immunoglobulin heavy chain
large European series, the incidence was reported amyloidosis, AH, is a rare, poorly recognized dis-
to be 40% [10, 11, 25], although more recent ease with very few cases thus far reported. It often
studies report a declining rate of AA in European poses a diagnostic dilemma [29, 30] since immu-
patients [26]. Thus, in the kidney, with a declin- nohistochemistry may be negative and more
ing rate of AA in North America in particular, the sophisticated studies are needed for diagnosis. In
non-AL/non-AA amyloidoses (most of which are some patients, the heavy chain may be associated
hereditary) are collectively becoming the second with the light chain [30].
most prominent group of amyloidoses. Although
individual types are rather rare, collectively, the
hereditary amyloidoses constitute a significant AA Amyloidosis
proportion of patients with systemic amyloidosis,
currently estimated at approximately 10% in the AA amyloidosis is discussed extensively in
USA (and they may be underdiagnosed) [27]. Chap. 3. It usually arises in the context of an
While several of the familial disorders are dis- acute phase response such as that seen in the
tinctly neuropathic or cardiopathic, virtually all inflammatory arthritides, periodic fevers, chronic
of them can affect the kidneys, although, in some infections, and malignancies, including renal cell
of these amyloidoses, renal deposits may be clin- carcinoma [1]. Significant proteinuria and neph-
ically silent [1]. In the USA, among patients with rotic syndrome are the most common presenting
hereditary amyloidoses, 85% are diagnosed with symptoms, diagnosed in 97% of patients in one
ATTR and 5% with AFib [1, 11, 27]. In contrast, recent large series [31]. Occasional patients may
in the UK, AFib is the most frequent hereditary present with renal failure without significant pro-
amyloidosis [28]. Although rare, these forms teinuria. These patients have deposits that are
need to be properly recognized because of the limited to the interstitium and affect predomi-
implications for patient management (please see nantly the medulla or tubules. Less commonly,
also Chaps. 4, 29, and 30). Recently, another crescentic glomerulonephritis may be seen
amyloid type was discovered, ALect2, which [16, 17]. Rare instances, where AA codeposited
may represent a third common type of renal amy- with AL in the kidney, have been reported [1].
loidosis ([11, 13], please see also Chap. 4). Interestingly, while, typically, patients with
As more data emerges, even this type of renal Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia develop AL,
amyloidosis now increasingly appears to be instances of AA amyloidosis were also reported
systemic. Amyloid derived from apolipoprotein in these patients [1]. Familial AA amyloidoses
AIV (AApolipo AIV), apparently not associated develop in the context of mutations in genes for
310 M.M. Picken

Fig. 25.3 Urinary bladder amyloid. (a) H&E stain, (b) viewed under fluorescence light (filter Texas red), (e) stain
Congo red stain viewed under bright light, (c) Congo red for lambda light chain, immunofluorescence, and FITC
stain viewed under polarized light, (d) Congo red stain stain

nonamyloid fibril proteins that play a permissive sels with primarily glomerular involvement.
role in the development of amyloid (please see While proteinuria is presumptive evidence of
Chap. 3 and Figs. 3.2 and 3.3, idem). Amyloid amyloidosis, other renal pathologies should be
deposits in familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) also considered, in particular, in patients treated
are distributed throughout the body in small ves- with colchicine [1]. Also, increased incidence of
25 Amyloidoses of the Kidney and Genitourinary Tract 311

vasculitides and Henoch-Schoenlein disease has ATTR (amyloid derived from various mutants
been reported in patients suffering from FMF. of transthyretin) is typically associated with poly-
Since albuminuria is an early finding in FMF neuropathy (with progressive peripheral and
amyloidosis, patients should undergo periodic autonomic neuropathy) and cardiomyopathy.
urinalyses, especially those who are at high risk. However, nephropathic and lower genitourinary
system deposits have also been found associated
with certain mutations [1, 5]. In the kidney, typi-
Non-AL/Non-AA Amyloidoses cally, medullary deposits of amyloid are present
but, in some mutations, significant glomerular
The hereditary amyloidoses are treated exten- deposits can also be seen (please see Chap. 4 and
sively in Chap. 4. Here, they are discussed in con- Fig. 4.3, idem). Despite being inherited, the dis-
nection with their pertinence to the kidney. ease is not clinically apparent until middle or
AFib (amyloid derived from a mutant fibrino- later life. In general, there is a low penetrance in
gen A-α chain) primarily causes renal amyloido- carriers of the mutation and, hence, a family his-
sis but there is also some evidence of systemic tory may be absent. In elderly patients, even
involvement [14, 15, 32–34]. There is variable wild-type transthyretin may form amyloid, which
penetrance and de novo mutation has been docu- typically shows a cardiac tropism but may also be
mented [32]. Clinically, there is a rapid deteriora- associated with clinically silent renal interstitial
tion in kidney function from initial presentation and lower genitourinary tract deposits (please see
(proteinuria, hypertension, mild renal impair- also Part I, Chaps. 4 and 6).
ment) to end-stage renal failure, leading to dialy- AApoAI (amyloid derived from various
sis dependence within 1–5 years [14, 15, 32, 33]. mutants of apolipoprotein AI) amyloidosis is due
AFib shows a remarkable tropism for the kidney, to germline mutations in the APOA1 gene ([4,
with a very characteristic histology (Fig. 25.2, 35, 36], please see also Chap. 4). Replacement of
please see also Chap. 4 and Fig. 4.12, idem and the leucine residue at position 75 by proline
Chap. 19 and Fig. 19.3a, idem). There is near (Leu75Pro) leads to a new hereditary systemic
replacement of the glomeruli by amyloid, with- amyloidosis, involving mostly the liver, kidney,
out any interstitial or vascular involvement. and testis [4, 36]. Interestingly, an incidental
Deposits stain specifically with antibodies to mutation in the APOA1 gene, in a patient with
fibrinogen [14, 15, 32–34]. systemic AL amyloidosis, was also recently doc-
ALect2 amyloidosis (amyloid derived from umented [36]. Renal amyloid deposition differs,
leukocyte chemotactic factor 2) is the latest type depending on the mutation. In many patients,
of systemic amyloidosis to be described [11, 13]. amyloid deposits are small and limited to large
It was discovered in patients with nephrotic syn- arteries while the glomeruli are generally spared
drome and renal failure and is characterized by (please see also Chap. 4 and Fig. 4.6, idem).
amyloid deposition in glomeruli, renal vessels, However, other patients also showed glomerular
and interstitium (please see also Chap. 4 and deposits [35]. AApo AII (amyloid derived from
Fig. 4.18, idem). It is postulated that ALect2 various mutants of apolipoprotein AII) amyloi-
represents a unique and perhaps not uncommon dosis is characterized by slowly progressing renal
disease. In one study, it represented 2.5% of renal disease with glomerular, interstitial, and vascular
amyloidoses [11]. The pathogenesis, extent, and deposits (please see also Chap. 4 and Figs. 4.15–
prognosis remain to be determined. There is no 4.17, idem).
clear evidence, as yet, whether ALect2 represents AGel (amyloid derived from a mutant gelsolin
a hereditary amyloidosis since no mutation has gene) is associated with severe nephrotic syn-
been documented. However, there appears to be a drome in homozygotic patients, and it may be the
striking coselection with certain ethnic groups, presenting feature of this disease in young and
namely, Mexican Americans in the USA and homozygotic patients when other manifestations
Punjabi people in the UK series (A. Dogan, per- are minimal [37]. ALys (amyloid derived from
sonal communication). lysozyme) is relatively rare and characterized by
312 M.M. Picken

nephropathy (with glomerular and vascular sphincter, dyssynergia, impaired bladder sensa-
deposits), dermal petechiae, gastrointestinal tion, and erectile dysfunction [5]. Endocrine dys-
involvement with bleeding, hepatic involvement, function may be associated with functional
and ocular or oral sicca syndrome ([38], please impairment of the testes and the adrenal glands.
see Chap. 4 and Fig. 4.14, idem). ACys (amyloid Autopsy studies of patients with ATTR and famil-
derived from cystatin C) is associated with famil- ial amyloid polyneuropathy showed, in addition to
ial cerebral congophilic angiopathy. However, deposits in the heart and peripheral nerves, also
systemic deposits of amyloid were also reported heavy amyloid deposition in the prostate and testis
in the kidneys and lower genitourinary tract, and moderate deposition in the adrenal gland, uri-
where the deposits are clinically silent [39]. nary bladder, kidney, and sympathetic nerve trunk
and pelvic plexus [5]. In the urinary bladder, thick-
ening of the wall may be seen [5, 43, 44] with
deposition of amyloid in the detrusor muscle.
Ab2M (Amyloid Derived
from b2-Microglobulin)
Localized Amyloidosis
This systemic amyloidosis develops in patients
with chronic renal failure undergoing long-term
In general, most patients who present with uri-
dialysis (please see Chap. 5). For this reason, it is
nary tract symptoms (painless hematuria, flank
frequently referred to as dialysis-related
pain, hydronephrosis, mass, irritative bladder
amyloidosis. Aβ2M is deposited in end-stage kid-
symptoms) are diagnosed with localized amyloid
neys, but this has no clinical significance. At
deposits, which affect the urinary tract in the
autopsy, Mazanec et al. [40] detected amyloid
absence of visceral involvement [6–9, 41–44].
within the stroma of the kidney in one patient
Overall, however, primary localized amyloidosis
with a 15-year history of dialysis, together with
of the genitourinary tract is a rare entity charac-
foci of calcification.
terized by small pseudotumors that are localized,
most commonly, in the urinary bladder but are
also seen in the renal pelvis, ureters, urethra, and
Extrarenal Genitourinary Tract glans penis [45–49]; localized retroperitoneal
amyloidosis mimicking retroperitoneal fibrosis,
Amyloidosis of the genitourinary tract, outside and causing obstructive uropathy, has also been
the kidney, is uncommonly reported [1, 6–9]. reported [50]. Senile seminal vesicle amyloid,
Although autopsy and in vivo amyloid P compo- associated with the aging process, is one of the
nent scintigraphy studies show that all main types most common forms of localized amyloidosis
of systemic amyloidoses (AL, AA, ATTR, [51, 52]. Typically, localized amyloid deposits
AApolipo A-I, dialysis-associated amyloidosis) clinically and radiologically mimic urinary tract
can involve the lower genitourinary tract, such malignancy. However, with surgical or local ther-
involvement is uncommonly encountered in sur- apies, the prognosis for these lesions is excellent
gical pathology [31, 32, 40, 41]. Systemic amyloi- [53–55]. Multifocal and bilateral involvement of
dosis presenting with lower urinary symptoms is the genitourinary tract and recurrences, with sub-
exceedingly rare, but it has been reported [42]. sequent obstructions, have also been reported
Clinically, however, small fiber neuropathy and [56, 57]. Hence, surveillance for obstruction is
endocrine involvement are being increasingly rec- advocated. Renal and ipsilateral urothelial carci-
ognized [5]. The former, which typically occurs in noma with concomitant amyloidosis has also
ATTR, but also in AL, may be responsible for been reported; hence, pathologic examination is
lower urinary dysfunction including dysuria and warranted. Other complications include the for-
incontinence, sensitivity and contractility distur- mation of vesicoperitoneal fistula [58]. While
bances of the detrusor muscle, nonrelaxing urethral localized genitourinary amyloid is most often of
25 Amyloidoses of the Kidney and Genitourinary Tract 313

the AL type, other types of amyloid have also

been detected, including ATTR and AA [59, 60].
The reason for localized deposition of amy-
loid is unknown, but it is hypothesized that depos-
its result from local synthesis of the amyloid
protein. It is postulated that chronic antigenic
stimulation leads to chronic inflammation [7]. To
this end, in localized AL deposits, there is fre-
quently infiltration of plasma cells in the vicinity
of the deposits [61]. The plasma cell populations
associated with local amyloid deposits have been
shown to be clonal (by immunohistochemistry
and/or analysis of immunoglobulin heavy chain
Fig. 25.4 Seminal vesicle amyloid—Congo red stain
gene rearrangements) which supports the hypoth-
viewed under polarized light
esis of local production of the amyloid precursor
protein ([61], please see also Chap. 6 and Fig. 6.1,
idem). Evolution into systemic amyloidosis has hydronephrosis 3 years after the first diagnosis.
not been reported, further supporting the hypoth- Laparoscopic ileal replacement of bilateral ure-
esis of local production of amyloid protein in ters was performed with no recurrent ureteric
these cases. It is postulated that, in other types of obstruction 2 years after surgery. Thus, local-
localized deposits, local tissue factors may create ized amyloid may be progressive, and a diag-
a milieu favorable for fibrillogenesis. Secondary nosis of primary bladder amyloidosis warrants
deposition of dialysis-associated amyloid depos- long-term surveillance of the upper urinary
its in transplanted ureters, presumably facilitated tract. Rare cases of primary localized non-AL
by preexisting ischemic ureteral damage, was amyloid of the bladder have also been reported
also reported [62] in two renal transplant recipi- [59]. Amyloidosis of the pelvis and/or ureter
ents with ureteral amyloid deposits and ureteral was also reported [65, 66].
stenosis, each of whom received one kidney from
the same donor.

Urinary Bladder Senile seminal vesicle amyloid clinically mimics

mass and presents with hematospermia. The
There are approximately 100 reported cases of deposits of amyloid tend to be nodular and affect
localized amyloid deposits in the urinary blad- the subepithelial layer of seminal vesicles
der. Biopsy demonstrates irregular deposits of (Fig. 25.4, please see also Chap. 6, Fig. 6.14,
amyloid in the bladder mucosa, including the idem). Other parts of the ejaculatory system can
blood vessels, in the absence of systemic depos- also be involved, but there are no amyloid depos-
its (Fig. 25.3). Amyloid may also be detected its in the blood vessels or in the prostatic paren-
in cytology specimens [63]. On occasion, amy- chyma [51, 52]. Kee et al. [52] evaluated the
loid deposits may involve multiple sites (trig- incidence of amyloidosis in seminal vesicles, in a
one, lower ureters, and prostatic stroma) in the large series, and established it to be 4.7%. Mass
lower urinary tract [47]. The lesions can be spectrometric analysis of the seminal vesicle
confused with bladder neoplasm and can cause amyloid revealed that in all cases, the fibrils were
obstruction. Recurrences of localized amyloid composed mainly of polypeptide fragments iden-
deposits have also been reported. Thus, tical in sequence to the N-terminal portion of the
Chan et al. [64] reported a case of primary major secretory product of seminal vesicles,
bladder amyloidosis presenting with gross namely, semenogelin. This form of amyloidosis
314 M.M. Picken

is designated ASgI [51]. Interestingly, seminal of replacement of the germinal epithelium and
vesicle amyloid does not seem to provide abso- the Sertoli cells by amyloid (Fig. 25.5). Amyloid
lute or relative protection from seminal vesicle deposits were also found in the interstitium and
involvement by prostate cancer [67]. Corpora in the walls of arteries, capillaries, and veins.
amylacea (extracellular spheroids with amyloid Leydig cells were preserved in normogonadic but
properties) may be found in the prostate in asso- not hypogonadic patients. Amyloid deposits
ciation with aging (please see also Chap. 6 and were immunoreactive with anti-apoA-I antibody
Fig. 6.16c, d, idem). (Fig. 25.5c) [4].
A case of primary testicular amyloidosis, of
undetermined amyloid type, mimicking tumor, in
Testis a cryptorchid testis was also reported [70].
Interestingly, systemic deposits of amyloid,
Systemic amyloidoses frequently involve the including testicular deposits, were also reported
endocrine system, and endocrine dysfunction is in patients with hereditary cystatin C amyloid
increasingly recognized [2–5, 68–70]. While, angiopathy, which affects primarily cerebral
most commonly, thyroid gland dysfunction is clin- vasculature, with catastrophic strokes at a young
ically apparent, testicular amyloid deposits and age [39].
adrenal dysfunction have also been reported [2].
Testicular involvement is not uncommon in the
systemic amyloidoses, in particular in AA, AL, Adrenal Gland
AApolipo A-I amyloidosis, ATTR, and dialysis-
associated amyloidosis [3]. Testicular involve- While amyloid deposits in the adrenal gland are
ment is frequently seen in systemic AA and detectable in AL, AA, and ATTR amyloidosis,
AApolipo A-I amyloidosis, in particular, and, symptomatic primary adrenal insufficiency rarely
since it may affect young adults, its clinical rele- occurs since extensive amyloid deposition is
vance is increasing [3, 4]. Testicular involvement required to produce clinical symptoms [2, 31].
in AA, AL, and AApolipo A-I may be associated Recently, using whole-body serum amyloid P
with testicular enlargement and lead to abnormal component scintigraphy, 41% of patients with
spermatogenesis and secondary infertility [3, 4]. AA systemic amyloidosis were found to have
In patients with known amyloidosis or identifiable adrenal deposits of amyloid [31] but only a few
risk factors (e.g., FMF), sperm cryopreservation (<1.5%) required long-term glucocorticoid ther-
and early sperm retrieval may be considered [68]. apy. Although clinically significant adrenal fail-
Primary infertility and hypergonadotropic ure is rare, almost half of the patients have a
hypogonadism in young patients may be caused reduced response to adrenal stimulation tests [2].
by testicular amyloidosis associated with a muta- Fibrillar intracellular aggregates with amyloid
tion in the APOA1 gene, resulting in the replace- staining properties have been described in the
ment of proline by leucine at residue 75 of the adrenal cortex (please see Chap. 6 and Fig. 6.16a,
protein. This hereditary systemic amyloidosis idem). The biochemical characteristics of the
involves mostly the liver, kidney, and testis. In proteins are not known. Amyloid deposits in the
some patients, testicular amyloidosis was the first adrenal gland have also been reported at autopsy
manifestation of this systemic disease and was in patients with hereditary ATTR, dialysis amy-
associated with macroorchidism. Testicular biop- loidosis, and hereditary cystatin C cerebral amy-
sies showed abundant deposits of amyloid in the loid angiopathy [5, 39, 40]. However, in surgical
basement membrane of the seminiferous tubules pathology, adrenal gland amyloid is rarely evalu-
with narrowing of the lumen and varying degrees ated, except at autopsy.
25 Amyloidoses of the Kidney and Genitourinary Tract 315

Fig. 25.5 Testicular biopsy. (a) Massive deposits of stain with anti-Apo A-I antibody shows diffuse and
amorphous material along the basement membrane of the intense immunostaining of peritubular and interstitial
seminiferous tubules with complete loss of germinal epi- amyloid deposits. Immunohistochemical stain courtesy of
thelium; interstitial deposits of amyloid are also focally C. Rocken (c) Reprinted with permission from the pub-
visible. H&E stain. (b) Testicular biopsy, Congo red stain lisher [4]. (a, b) Courtesy of L. Obici
viewed under polarized light. (c) Immunohistochemical

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Cardiac Amyloidosis
Carmela D. Tan and E Rene Rodriguez

Amyloid • Cardiac biopsy • Transthyretin • Atrial • Senile cardiac

When the heart is involved by amyloidosis, the

amyloid can be deposited in the atrial and ven-
Localized Amyloidoses
tricular myocardium, the sinoatrial and atrioven-
tricular conduction system, and the valves and
Isolated Atrial Amyloidosis
the intramural coronary arteries. Amyloid depo-
IAA is an organ-limited senile type of amyloidosis.
sition in the cardiovascular system can be age-
The incidence and extent of amyloid deposition
related or pathologic. It can also occur as a
increase with age, but its functional significance
localized phenomenon to the heart or be part of a
is uncertain. At autopsy, amyloid deposits can be
systemic involvement. Age-related amyloidosis
found in the atrium as early as the fourth decade,
is generally asymptomatic and is seen in three
and its prevalence reported as high as 80% in
main patterns. Isolated atrial amyloidosis (IAA)
patients over 80 years [1–4]. The major precursor
and isolated aortic amyloidosis are local forms of
protein is derived from a-atrial natriuretic peptide
senile amyloidosis, whereas senile systemic amy-
(ANP) synthesized by atrial cardiac myocytes.
loidosis (SSA) involves predominantly the heart
Most studies show a higher incidence of IAA
with amyloid also being deposited in other organs
in women. The left atrium is more commonly
to a much lesser extent. Pathologic deposition of
affected than the right [3, 4]. IAA is most com-
amyloid in the heart, in the vast majority of cases,
monly present in the subendocardial myocardium
is due to the presence of two main proteins,
as a patchy distribution. It appears as fine strands
monoclonal immunoglobulin light chains and
and streaks of interstitial deposits around myo-
transthyretin (TTR).
cytes and less commonly as interstitial small
nodular deposits (Fig. 26.1). Amyloid deposits
C.D. Tan, M.D. • ER. Rodriguez, M.D. (*) can also be seen within the endocardium and
Department of Anatomic Pathology, Cleveland Clinic, occasionally in the walls of small veins and arte-
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine
rioles. Investigators have reported reactivity with
of Case Western Reserve University, Mail Code L25,
9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA both a-ANP and brain natriuretic peptide in the
e-mail: rodrigr2@ccf.org amyloid fibrils by immunohistochemistry [5].

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 319
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_26,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
320 C.D. Tan and ER. Rodriguez

Fig. 26.1 Isolated atrial amyloid. Autopsy examination interstitium (Movat stain ×400). (c) Examination of
showed slight rigidity of the left atrial wall. (a) The the thioflavin S stain under UV light microscopy shows
cardiac myocytes show hypertrophy, but no distinct small irregular aggregates and strands of amyloid (light
eosinophilic infiltrate in the interstitial space (H&E blue fluorescence) corresponding to the areas of orange-
×400). (b) Movat stain shows extracellular material red and green staining on Movat stain (thioflavin
stained orange-red with very faint green strands in the S ×400)

The clinical significance of IAA, in particular, synthesized locally by vascular smooth muscle
a causative relation to atrial tachyarrhythmias, cells.
remains controversial [3, 6, 7]. Conditions that This type of amyloid is seen in the inner half
lead to increased synthesis and secretion of ANP of the media as small irregular aggregates or lin-
resulting in a high local concentration of the pre- ear streaks parallel to the elastic lamellae that
cursor protein have been postulated to accelerate cause minimal distortion of the medial architec-
amyloidogenesis. Accordingly, in some patients, ture. The amount of amyloid deposits is found to
left atrial dilatation and chronic atrial fibrillation be greater in the thoracic aorta than in the abdom-
have been associated with increased serum ANP inal aorta. Amyloid has also been detected in the
levels and severity of amyloid deposits found in media of the common carotid and basilar arteries,
the atrium. Serum ANP is also elevated in the and around the internal elastic lamina of tempo-
elderly population, probably related to an ral arteries in less than half of patients with aortic
increased incidence of cardiac conditions that amyloid.
stimulate ANP secretion. There are no known consequences of aortic
amyloid although one study has shown that oli-
gomeric medin exerts a toxic effect on smooth
Senile Aortic (Lactadherin/Medin) muscle cells in culture [10]. Medin also induces
Amyloid the production of matrix metalloproteinase 2 that
degrades elastic laminae.
Amyloid deposited in the aorta is believed to be Senile aortic amyloid is distinct from that
the most common of the age-related amyloidoses, occasionally seen in the intima and adventitia.
being detectable in 97% of people aged 50 or older Amyloid derived from wild-type apolipoprotein
[8]. Purification and amino acid sequence analysis A-I can be found within atheromatous plaques in
of aortic amyloid revealed the major fibril protein the intima [11]. Amyloid occurring in the adven-
to be an internal fragment of lactadherin called titia and vasa vasorum is part of senile and other
medin [9]. The precursor protein lactadherin is types of systemic amyloidosis.
26 Cardiac Amyloidosis 321

Valvular Amyloidosis slight male predominance in most studies,

although the gender discrepancy is small com-
Cardiac valves are commonly infiltrated in sys- pared to that seen in TTR amyloidosis. The mean
temic amyloidosis with deposits often grossly age at diagnosis is 60 years. AL amyloidosis is
visible in mitral and tricuspid valves. Infiltration more commonly due to l-immunoglobulin light
of the semilunar valves is less conspicuous. chains. Cardiac involvement confers a poor prog-
Valvular regurgitation associated with amyloid nosis with median survival of a year from the
deposition is generally not clinically significant. time of diagnosis [16, 17]. These patients have a
On the other hand, localized small deposits of higher frequency of hemodynamic impairment
amyloid are incidental findings of no clinical compared to those with TTR amyloidosis despite
importance in surgically excised cardiac valves a lesser degree of cardiac infiltration measured
with a reported prevalence ranging from 15.5 to by left ventricular wall thickness on echocardiog-
67% in different case series [12–15]. The occur- raphy [18].
rence of this type of amyloid in valves does not In approximately 10% of primary AL amyloi-
correlate with age. Rather, it is strongly corre- dosis, a monoclonal protein is not demonstrated
lated with degenerative changes and calcification in serum or urine despite a positive identification
as well as postinflammatory fibrosis. Moreover, of AL amyloidosis on tissue. In such cases, a
in one study, typing of amyloid (including AA, diagnosis of nonsecretory immunoglobulin-
TTR, fibrinogen, AL-k, AL-l, AH-g, and derived amyloidosis is made.
ß2-microglobulin, and apoliprotein A-I) was neg-
ative [15], thus indicating that these processes are
likely to be a local phenomenon and not part of a Transthyretin Amyloidosis
systemic inflammatory condition. The amyloid
deposits are most common in stenotic aortic The precursor fibril protein of SSA is normal or
valves and are not seen in myxomatous degenera- wild-type TTR, previously known as prealbumin.
tion. Amyloid deposits appear as small irregular TTR is synthesized mainly by the liver and acts
plaques within areas of dense fibrosis and hyalini- as a transporter protein for thyroxine and retinol.
zation, and are also found at the periphery of cal- The protein consists of 127 amino acids encoded
cific deposits (Fig. 26.2). The nature of this by 4 exons located in chromosome 18. Analysis
amyloid is yet to be established as it does not of the protein in SSA revealed normal TTR with
react with antibodies to the common amyloid predominantly C-terminal fragments admixed
proteins that affect the heart. with intact full-length monomers [19].

Senile Systemic (Transthyretin)

Systemic Amyloidoses Amyloidosis
The heart is the predominant site of amyloid
Immunoglobulin Light Chain deposition in SSA; thus, this condition was previ-
Amyloidosis ously referred to as senile cardiac amyloidosis
before it was demonstrated that the amyloid
The most common type of amyloid protein depos- deposits found in other organs is the same as
ited in the heart is derived from monoclonal that in the heart. The amyloid deposits are
immunoglobulin light chains (AL) secondary to a microscopic and patchy in distribution. They
plasma cell dyscrasia. This type of amyloidosis, are confined mainly in the wall of arteries, and
termed AL amyloidosis, involves the heart in sometimes veins, of the different organs. Senile
about half of the patients with plasma cell dyscra- amyloid deposits occur in intramural coronary
sia. Cardiac amyloidosis almost always occurs in arteries with smaller amounts focally present
the presence of other organ involvement such as in the interstitium of the atrial and ventricular
the renal and gastrointestinal system. There is a myocardium [20].
Fig. 26.2 Incidental amyloid in a calcified aortic valve. (a) apple green birefringence under the polarized visible light
Light micrograph of an aortic valve with marked calcifi- (Congo red, ×300). (e) At higher magnification, the congo-
cation. There is abundant fibrosis and several cores of philic area of the extracellular matrix of the valve stands
basophilic deposits corresponding to areas of calcified out in bright field microscopy (Congo red, ×900). (f)
extracellular matrix. At this low magnification, there is no Polarized light microscopy shows distinct apple green
overt “amorphous” amyloid deposition identified (H&E birefringence of the congophilic deposits (Congo red,
×100). (b) The rectangular highlighted portion of the valve ×900). (g) Ultraviolet light microscopy of the Congo red
in (a) shows a close-up of the extracellular matrix and cal- positive deposit in the valve is autofluorescent when ana-
cium deposits but no overt amyloid deposits (H&E, ×300). lyzed with a tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate (TRITC)
(c) The same area of the valve is shown as a bright field filter (Congo red, ×900). (h) Thioflavin S stain of the same
micrograph stained with Congo red. A small focus of the valve shows the amyloid deposition as bright blue fluores-
matrix is stained red (“congophilic”). The calcium depos- cence with the 4¢,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)
its are basophilic (Congo red, ×300). (d) Examination of filter (thioflavin S ×900). (i) The amyloid deposits in
the same field under polarized light microscopy shows the the same thioflavin S-stained slide appear bright green
extracellular collagen as a birefringent white matrix. In with the fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) filter (Thioflavin
contrast, the small area of congophilic material shows S ×900)
26 Cardiac Amyloidosis 323

The true incidence of SSA is difficult to deter- who manifest late, while early disease onset was
mine as a number of autopsy studies predate associated with deposition of only full-length TTR
accurate typing of amyloid. SSA appears to have and lesser amount of cardiac deposits [23].
minimal associated clinical disease manifesta-
tions and thus is usually not suspected during
life. For unknown reasons, some patients suffer Other Systemic Amyloidoses Affecting
from massive deposition of wild-type TTR that the Heart
clinically manifest starting in the seventh decade
as congestive heart failure or arrhythmias [21]. Amyloid A Protein
Interestingly, symptomatic SSA occurs almost Cardiac amyloidosis secondary to deposition of
exclusively in men. acute-phase reactant serum amyloid A protein
(AA) complicating chronic inflammatory and
Transthyretin-Associated Familial infectious diseases and malignancy are mostly
Amyloidosis incidental findings on autopsy without clinical
Single point mutations are thought to destabilize cardiac dysfunction. Amyloid is distributed
the TTR native structure and cause dissociation, mainly in small arteries and arterioles and to a
misfolding, and aggregation to form amyloid much lesser extent in the myocardial interstitium
deposits in tissues. When variant forms of TTR [24]. In a large series of patients with AA amyloi-
are deposited, it is predominantly found in periph- dosis, heart failure was noted in only 1 of 374
eral nerves and the heart causing familial amy- patients and cardiac infiltration detected on
loidotic polyneuropathy and familial amyloidotic echocardiography in 2 of 224 patients [25].
cardiomyopathy, respectively. To date, there are
more than 100 TTR variants reported. The major- ß2-Microglobulin
ity of patients are male heterozygous carriers. Patients on long-term dialysis treatment are at
Hereditary TTR amyloidosis is autosomal risk of developing systemic amyloidosis of b2-
dominant with variable penetrance regarding the microglobulin type. In contrast to a prominent
age of onset and organ involvement. One of the and early osteoarticular interstitial deposition,
most common variant, Val122Ile, is present in amyloid deposition within the blood vessel wall
approximately 4% of African Americans and is a of visceral organs is mainly seen in patients who
known cause of late-onset cardiac amyloidosis in had been on dialysis for more than 10 years [26].
this population. In Sweden, Portugal, and Japan, Small amounts of amyloid are almost always
there are endemic foci of Val30Met mutation present in small vessels of the heart and gastroin-
associated with familial amyloidotic polyneurop- testinal tract in autopsy series [27]. Amyloid is
athy. In this latter group of patients, cardiomyo- also seen in the endocardium and cardiac valves.
pathy is a late event and occurs in less than a Symptomatic disease is limited to destructive
quarter of patients [22]. The prevalence of other osteoarthropathy and carpal tunnel syndrome;
rare mutations varies according to the geographi- systemic manifestations are rare with only anec-
cal origin and appears to be associated with more dotal reports of cardiac compromise and death.
pronounced cardiomyopathy rather than poly-
neuropathy. Patients typically present about a Apolipoprotein A-I
decade earlier than those affected by SSA. Aside from TTR-associated amyloidosis, the
Analysis of extracted amyloid in familial TTR other forms of hereditary autosomal dominant
amyloidosis shows both mutant and wild-type systemic amyloidosis are rare but have been
TTR. Moreover, fibril composition may be associ- reported to involve the heart in some cases.
ated with the timing of disease onset and degree of Apolipoprotein A-I is a major component of high-
cardiac involvement. In a study of Val30Met muta- density lipoproteins and is synthesized by the
tion carriers, the fibril composition was a mixture liver and small intestine. The wild-type protein
of full-length and fragmented forms in patients forms amyloid deposits in atherosclerotic plaques.
324 C.D. Tan and ER. Rodriguez

A hereditary systemic amyloidosis associated enhancement with gadolinium in a diffuse suben-

with mutations in apolipoprotein A-I gene shows docardial distribution. Cardiac amyloidosis can
preferential involvement of the kidney and liver. mimic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and con-
However, those mutations occurring in the car- strictive pericardial disease.
boxy-terminal portion of the protein cause cuta-
neous, laryngeal, and slowly progressive cardiac
amyloidosis [28]. Clinical Diagnosis

Fibrinogen There is no single clinical test that is sufficiently

Mutations in the fibrinogen a-chain gene are a reliable for the diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis.
common cause of hereditary renal amyloidosis. A tissue biopsy remains the gold standard for the
Affected patients had evidence of cardiovascular diagnosis of amyloidosis. Biopsy of various
amyloid deposition on endomyocardial biopsies, sites, such as abdominal fat and gastrointestinal
endarterectomy specimens, and arteries and veins tract, are commonly performed to establish a
of explanted livers [29]. diagnosis of systemic amyloidosis. A negative
biopsy of an extracardiac site, however, does
not necessarily rule out cardiac amyloidosis.
Clinical Features of Cardiac Moreover, biopsy of a clinically affected organ,
Amyloidosis such as performing an endomyocardial biopsy in
a patient with unexplained heart failure, will
Amyloid deposition in the extracellular matrix of have the greatest diagnostic yield. In other
the heart alters myocyte contractility and electri- instances, the predominant clinical manifestation
cal conduction. Only the systemic forms of amy- is that of congestive heart failure or hypertrophic
loidosis produce clinically significant heart cardiomyopathy; thus, these patients are initially
disease, and there are no distinguishing clinical evaluated by cardiologists. Not uncommonly,
features for the different molecular types of sys- the diagnosis of a systemic amyloidosis is first
temic amyloidosis involving the heart. made on an endomyocardial biopsy.
Symptomatic patients show signs and symptoms Once a tissue diagnosis is made, it is impera-
of congestive heart failure with or without tive to identify the precursor protein. The typing
arrhythmias. There is early diastolic dysfunction. method used varies by centers and pathologists’
Ejection fraction is preserved until late in the dis- experience and preference. In the heart, the clini-
ease. Imaging will show cardiomegaly with bia- cally relevant forms of amyloidosis are those
trial dilatation and normal or mildly dilated left caused by immunoglobulin light chains and TTR.
ventricle. There is left ventricular hypertrophy Together, they account for more than 95% of car-
that is not associated with systemic hypertension. diac amyloidosis that the pathologist is expected
The presence of accompanying right ventricular to encounter in practice.
hypertrophy and right-sided heart failure is a use- A diagnosis of AL amyloidosis is supported by
ful diagnostic clue. Electrocardiogram shows low the presence of monoclonal gammopathy as dem-
voltage and a pseudoinfarction pattern (i.e., the onstrated in serum or urine immunofixation,
presence of a QS wave pattern in the absence of serum-free light chain assay, and bone marrow
myocardial infarction). Characteristic echocar- biopsy. The criteria for evaluation of organ
diographic findings are suggestive of an infiltra- involvement and treatment response in AL amy-
tive process with increased ventricular wall loidosis have been standardized by a consensus
thickness and sparkling appearance of the inter- panel [30]. If TTR staining of diagnostic tissue is
ventricular septum. The atrial septum and atrio- positive, DNA testing from blood or tissue must
ventricular valves may also be thickened. be performed to rule out mutations in the TTR
Pericardial effusion may be present. Magnetic gene. SSA is a diagnosis of exclusion that requires
resonance imaging of the heart may show late the absence of plasma cell dyscrasia and mutation
26 Cardiac Amyloidosis 325

in the TTR gene. Absence of extracardiac mani- The heaviest hearts of up to 1,000 g are observed
festations, such as heavy proteinuria and macro- in TTR amyloidosis. The walls of the atria and
glossia, are also consistent with a diagnosis of ventricles appear rigid and do not collapse in the
SSA [17]. The heart is occasionally affected in fresh state after the cavities are emptied of blood
hereditary amyloidosis with predominant renal upon opening the heart. Both atria are commonly
involvement and sequencing of apolipoprotein dilated to a moderate degree (Fig. 26.4). Grossly,
A-I, A-II, gelsolin, and fibrinogen a-chain may amyloid can be seen in the mural and valvular
be warranted on rare occasions [31, 32]. endocardium as fine translucent to yellow ocher
granules and, when abundant, forms plaques
(Fig. 26.5a). This is most conspicuous in the left
atrium and mitral valve. The atrioventricular
Gross Morphology of Cardiac
valves are more commonly affected than the
semilunar valves (Fig. 26.5b, c). In about half of
the patients, all four valves show amyloid depos-
The localized forms of amyloidosis (isolated
its. Intracardiac thrombi, mostly in the atria, are
atrial or aortic) are practically imperceptible on
sometimes present (Fig. 26.5b). Ventricular dila-
gross examination. In contrast, examination of
tation of a moderate degree is uncommon. The
hearts from patients with severe amyloid deposi-
myocardium is firm and rubbery in consistency.
tion causing cardiac dysfunction often reveals
The right and left ventricles are uniformly
typical gross findings that are diagnostic of
increased in wall thickness. The left ventricular
amyloidosis. The heart often shows cardiomeg-
hypertrophy is concentric with more or less equal
aly that ranges from mild to severe (Fig. 26.3).
thickness of the free wall and interventricular
septum. Some patients will have asymmetric sep-
tal hypertrophy that may mimic hypertrophic car-
diomyopathy (Fig. 26.5d).

Fig. 26.3 Four chamber view of a heart infiltrated by Fig. 26.4 Atrial involvement in transthyretin amyloido-
amyloid deposits. This image shows a formalin-fixed sis. Close-up of a four-chamber view of the atria in a case
heart in which the atria are stiff and do not collapse as the of transthyretin-type amyloidosis. There is a fine granular-
atria of a normal heart after fixation. The endocardium of ity (resembling wet sandpaper) of the endocardium over
the left atrium is as usual distinctly white because of the the pectinate muscles and crista terminalis of the right
normal multiple elastic lamellae present in this chamber, atrium as well as the endocardium of the tricuspid valve.
but, with conspicuous yellow ocher discolored plaques. The left atrium shows also the fine granularity which has
These yellow ocher plaques represent subendocardial and been described as “glassy” or “waxy.” However, the more
endocardial amyloid deposits. In addition, the left ventri- conspicuous lesions are the yellow ocher plaques through-
cle shows faint plaques of paler brown material towards out the white atrial endocardium. These plaques are also
the subendocardium also representing amyloid deposits present on the posterior leaflet of the mitral valve
326 C.D. Tan and ER. Rodriguez

Fig. 26.5 Gross pathology of valvular and septal involve- atrium, mitral valve, and aortic valve. The amyloid
ment in amyloidosis. (a) Left atrium and mitral valve plaques and small nodules are easily identified over the
show distinct plaques of yellow ocher plaques that bulge endocardium of the atrium and the left ventricular outflow
on the endocardial surface of these two structures. These tract. Coarser deposits are present on the anterior and pos-
deposits have also been described as “glassy” or “waxy.” terior leaflets of the mitral valve as well as the posterior
Some thebesian veins opening into the atrium are dis- and right cusps of the aortic valve. The fibrous portion of
tinctly visible in left side of the image. (b) Anterior leaflet the interventricular septum just below the aortic valve
of the tricuspid valve thickened by coarse plaques pro- shows only scant yellow ocher plaques. (d) This four-
truding above its atrial surface. They may resemble orga- chamber view of a heart weighing more than 1,000 g
nizing vegetations, but on microscopic examination they shows distinct asymmetric septal hypertrophy. Note the
are composed of amyloid deposits and not of organizing faint discoloration of the subendocardial myocardium in
fibrin deposits or fibrous tissue. Note the coarse tan white, both the interventricular septum and the left ventricular
nodular, fibrin thrombi lodged in the trabecular portion of free wall. In addition, there is fine granularity of the atrial
the atrial pectinate muscles. (c) Long axis view of the left endocardium

Amyloid can be found in the endocardium, arteries usually do not show amyloid deposits
interstitium of the atrial and ventricular myocar- [43], but amyloid is often demonstrable in the
dium, intramural coronary arteries, arterioles, subepicardial adipose tissue and less commonly
coronary veins, and subendocardial adipose in nerves. Amyloid deposition is also found in the
tissue (Fig. 26.6). The major epicardial coronary conduction system in a minority of cases.
26 Cardiac Amyloidosis 327

Fig. 26.6 Right ventricular endomyocardial biopsy staining for transthyretin shows that the tortuous mate-
showing involvement of venules, adipose tissue, and rial is amyloid present in small collapsed veins, arterioles,
myocardial interstitium. (a) Tortuous eosinophilic “amor- and adipose tissue. The stain further highlights the
phous” material aggregates are visible towards the left focal amyloid deposits in the myocardial interstitial
side of the micrograph, as well as interspersed within the space which are not very conspicuous on H&E (TTR
adipose tissue (H&E ×50). (b) Immunohistochemical immunohistochemistry, ×50)

interstitial pattern can be further described as

Endomyocardial Biopsy Evaluation predominantly perimyocytic or nodular. In the
interstitial perimyocytic pattern, the amyloid dif-
Endomyocardial biopsy is performed first to
fusely and completely encircles individual myo-
establish the diagnosis and second to determine
cytes. The entrapped myocytes commonly
the type of amyloid. An adequate specimen
undergo atrophy. In the interstitial nodular pat-
should consist of at least four to six pieces for
tern, the amyloid appears as eosinophilic nodules
routine histologic processing and light micros-
that expand the interstitium and displace the
copy evaluation. A separate piece can be fixed in
myocytes. In cases of marked amyloid deposi-
glutaraldehyde for possible electron microscopy.
tion, a mixed pattern is usually observed. In
Histochemical stains used to identify amyloid
biopsy material the arterioles are more commonly
deposits include Congo red, thioflavin S or T,
identified, and amyloid deposition in these ves-
methyl violet, and modified sulfated Alcian blue.
sels may be demonstrated more readily than in
The choice of stain depends on the preference
small veins. The vessel wall appears thickened
and interpretation experience of the pathologist.
with or without significant compromise of the
It is also recommended to routinely stain all biop-
lumen. It should be noted that in some biopsies
sies with trichrome which will be very useful to
vascular infiltration is more prominent than inter-
differentiate amyloid from fibrous tissue collagen
stitial deposition. The ventricular endocardial
in the interstitium.
deposits are usually minimal.
Amyloid is conspicuous on routine hematoxylin–
In endomyocardial biopsies, as also observed
eosin-stained sections as pale eosinophilic mate-
in autopsy hearts, the pattern of amyloid deposi-
rial. It is usually described as “amorphous,” but is
tion often provides a clue as to the type of amyloid
rather homogeneous and lacks the fibrillary struc-
present (Table 26.1). Interstitial perimyocytic pat-
ture of collagen strands in fibrous tissue. It wid-
tern is often the predominant morphologic feature
ens the interstitial space between myocytes. It
and is more extensive in distribution in AL amy-
can also be seen in any other structure within the
loidosis, while it is focal with a “chicken wire”
biopsy including endocardium, vasculature, and
or reticulated appearance in TTR amyloidosis
adipose tissue. The pattern of amyloid deposition
(Fig. 26.7a–e). Vascular amyloid can be seen in
can be interstitial, endocardial, or vascular. The
both types, but is more readily observed in AL
328 C.D. Tan and ER. Rodriguez

Table 26.1 Histologic patterns of amyloid deposition in the heart

Pattern of amyloid deposition
Interstitial Interstitial
perimyocytic nodular Vascular Endocardial
AL amyloidosis +++ + ++ +/−
TTR amyloidosis ++ +++ +/− +/−

Fig. 26.7 Perimyocytic and arteriolar amyloid deposits. under ultraviolet light microscopy (thioflavin S, ×100).
(a) Amyloid deposits are present in perimyocytic location (d) Amyloid deposits follow the contours of the myocytes
surrounding individual myocytes and also involving the without forming nodules or producing atrophy of the
endocardium (H&E ×50). (b) Other stains that highlight myocytes (H&E ×100). (e) Immunohistochemistry of the
the interstitial connective tissue can also show the pres- case shown in (d) is positive for k light chains and shows
ence of amyloid. In this micrograph, the myocardium is the exact same pattern of perimyocytic deposition. In
stained with Masson trichrome. The amyloid deposits addition, two small arterioles are present and also show
appear as a dull, pale, blue-gray material surrounding amyloid deposition. (Immunohistochemical stain for k
individual myocytes. In contrast, the fibrous tissue shows light chains ×100.) (f) Diffuse interstitial and arteriolar
the typical brighter crisp blue of fibrous tissue mixed in deposits of amyloid in an endomyocardial biopsy (H&E,
with the amyloid deposits (Masson trichrome, ×100). ×400) with l light chain amyloidosis. (g) The same case
(c) Thioflavin S highlights perimyocytic deposits of amy- shows bright amyloid deposits in arteriolar as well as
loid as bright lighter blue fluorescence compared to the interstitial location in this thioflavin S stain examined
darker blue background autofluorescence of the myocytes under ultraviolet light microscopy (thioflavin S, ×400)
26 Cardiac Amyloidosis 329

Fig. 26.8 Nodular pattern of myocardial amyloid infiltra- (H&E ×50). (b) This endomyocardial biopsy shows dis-
tion. (a) Low-magnification view shows the “amorphous” tinct TTR-type amyloid nodules. (Immunohistochemistry
eosinophilic material forming distinct nodules within the for transthyretin, ×25.). (c) This image clearly shows how
myocardium. In contrast to the perimyocytic pattern, the the encroachment of amyloid and atrophy of myocytes
amyloid deposits here have completely obliterated and produces the nodular appearance. (Immunohistochemistry
replaced the myocytes. The collapse of the myocytes allows for transthyretin, ×100.)
the amyloid deposits to coalesce and form “nodules.”

amyloidosis (Fig. 26.7f, g) and rarely seen in TTR variable intensity [34]. A false-negative result is
amyloidosis on a biopsy. The interstitial nodular most commonly due to a small amount of amy-
pattern is more commonly seen in TTR amyloido- loid present.
sis (Fig. 26.8). Endocardial deposits (Fig. 26.9) If histochemical staining is negative, electron
are seen in cases with severe amyloid infiltration microscopy can be performed to rule out amyloi-
and are not particularly predominant in one type dosis in selected cases. Transmission electron
over the other. Although these differences in the microscopic evaluation of amyloid deposits in the
usual pattern of amyloid deposition in the heart heart is in general a straightforward process. The
exist, these observations do not allow for a reli- amyloid deposits are readily identifiable in toluid-
able means to distinguish between the different ine blue semi-thin sections (Fig. 26.11). The vari-
types of cardiac amyloidosis based on morpho- ous types of amyloid exhibit similar ultrastructure.
logic features alone. The perimyocytic amyloid deposits are electron
Amyloid is confirmed by histochemical stain- dense on lead–uranyl-stained thin sections. The
ing with Congo red (Fig. 26.10a, b) to obtain a amyloid fibrils are straight, or only slightly bent,
dichroic apple green birefringence upon polariza- thread-like filaments which are 10 nm thick. These
tion. However, we find thioflavin stains (S or T) filaments are commonly seen forming a mesh,
to provide a sensitive and less ambiguous alter- and less frequently can be seen in parallel arrays
native to detect amyloid deposits (Fig. 26.7c–g). (Fig. 26.12). Alternation of the bundles of parallel
Some investigators have reported a difference in filaments with longitudinal bundles may show as
Congo red staining in TTR cardiac amyloid [33]. a “checker board” pattern at low magnification
A relatively weak affinity for Congo red and (i.e., ×4,000). The myocytes surrounded by amy-
weak birefringence is seen in amyloid composed loid often show degenerative changes. In the arte-
predominantly of TTR fragments, whereas a rioles, amyloid fibrils also surround smooth
stronger reaction and more brilliant birefringence muscle cells. As amyloid deposits expand in
is observed in full-length TTR. A weaker inten- the interstitial space, they replace the endomysial
sity of staining is also seen in localized senile collagen network and collagen fibrils can be seen
aortic amyloid, while AL amyloidosis shows trapped within the amyloid deposits (Fig. 26.13).
Fig. 26.9 Endocardial amyloid deposits. (a) Right ven- equivalent of the extensive yellow ocher plaques seen on
tricular endomyocardial biopsy shows subtle deposition gross examination at autopsy. The amyloid deposits are
of amyloid in the endocardium as well as around small present as extensive eosinophilic plaques within the endo-
clusters of cardiac myocytes (H&E 50). (b) Adjacent sec- cardium as well as in the subjacent myocardium (H&E,
tion to the one shown in (a) demonstrates positive tran- ×50). (e) The amyloid plaques are distinct from the fibrous
sthyretin deposits in the endocardium and around small tissue (yellow) or the elastic tissue (black) that normally
foci of subjacent myocytes. (Immunohistochemistry for form the left atrial endocardium. In this stain, the amyloid
transthyretin, ×50.). (c) Choroid plexus is a useful control plaques appear orange-red (Movat pentachrome, ×50).
for transthyretin immunohistochemistry, as this protein is (f) Examination under ultraviolet light shows the amyloid
normally found in the cuboidal epithelium of the choroid plaques in the endocardium and smaller deposits in the
plexus. (Immunohistochemistry for transthyretin ×200). subjacent myocardium, analogous to the images in (d)
(d) Left atrial endocardium showing the microscopic and (e) (thioflavin S, ×50)

Fig. 26.10 Congo red birefringence of cardiac amyloid. microscopy shows birefringent collagen in white and
(a) Congo red stain shows “congophilic” deposits upon apple green birefringent amyloid deposits corresponding
bright field light microscopy (Congo red, ×100). (b) to the congophilic material in (a) (Congo red, polarized
Examination of the same section under polarized light light, ×100)
26 Cardiac Amyloidosis 331

Fig. 26.11 Perimyocytic amyloid deposition in semi-thin surrounding and distorting individual myocytes (dark
plastic-embedded myocardium. This micrograph illus- purple-blue) (toluidine blue stain, ×800)
trates perimyocytic amyloid deposits (pale purple-blue)

Fig. 26.12 Transmission electron microscopy of amyloid square in (a). The myocyte sarcomeres show distinct thick
fibrils in the myocardium. (a) Myocardium showing seg- and thin filaments with M and H bands. The more electron-
ments of sarcoplasm of four myocytes (left top and right dense material represents the Z bands. Some mitochondria
borders). The myocytes are sectioned in oblique planes and and rare sarcoplasmic glycogen particles are noted.
show sarcomeres, Z bands, and multiple mitochondria in Pinocytic vesicles are present underneath the sarcolemma.
the sarcoplasm. The basal laminae are not easily identified The basal lamina of the myocytes is visible as a somewhat
at this magnification. An endothelial cell with pinocytic uniform electron-dense structure that follows the contour
vesicles is present in the lower mid portion of the image. of the sarcolemma. Thread-like amyloid filaments measur-
The myocytes and endothelial cells are surrounded by amy- ing 10 nm in thickness are present in a woven mesh-like
loid fibrils (lead citrate and uranyl acetate stain, ×4,000). arrangement and occupy most of the right portion of the
(b) Higher magnification of the area shown in the white micrograph (lead citrate and uranyl acetate stain, ×20,000)
332 C.D. Tan and ER. Rodriguez

immunoperoxidase on formalin-fixed paraffin-

embedded biopsy material shows AL amyloido-
sis as the most frequent diagnosis followed by
TTR amyloidosis of senile and then familial type
[35, 36]. AL amyloidosis of l light chain origin is
at least three times more common than those
derived from k light chains. While we also rou-
tinely stain for amyloid A protein, we have not
made a diagnosis of AA amyloidosis in a series of
at least 100 endomyocardial biopsies. Therefore,
the minimum panel of immunostains should
always include, but are not limited to, antibodies
to TTR and immunoglobulin l and k light chains
in the workup of an endomyocardial biopsy.
Staining with only one antibody based on the
most likely clinical diagnosis is not acceptable.
Despite adequate experience in the interpreta-
tion of amyloid immunostains and optimized
staining protocol with appropriate controls, the
Fig. 26.13 Amyloid and collagen fibrils. As shown in
surgical pathologist will encounter challenging
light microscopic sections (Fig. 26.7b), as amyloid fibrils
accumulate, they may infiltrate and spread apart the nor- cases in amyloid typing because immunohis-
mal extracellular matrix. This image shows the edge of a tochemistry has its limitations. In high-volume
myocyte. The basal lamina is almost invisible as its elec- centers, cardiac amyloid typing by immunoper-
tron density is similar to the 10-nm thick amyloid fibrils.
oxidase staining using commercially available
However, the darker (more electron-dense) collagen fibers
are distinctly visible mixed in with the amyloid deposits. antibodies will be inconclusive in 5–10% of
They should not pose a diagnostic dilemma for the pathol- endomyocardial biopsies. In a much smaller
ogist (lead citrate and uranyl acetate stain, ×20,000) series of cardiac amyloidosis, immunofluores-
cence staining using fresh frozen tissue was
employed for amyloid typing and was successful
in 82% of cases [37]. Amyloid may be unclassifi-
Amyloid Typing able due to several reasons. The most common
cited reasons are weak, uneven, or absent stain-
Immunohistochemical staining, either with ing, high background staining, and reactivity
immunoperoxidase or immunofluorescence tech- with more than one antibody. Commercial anti-
niques, is widely used to classify the amyloid body against TTR (Dako) may react only with
type in clinical practice. A panel of antibodies is full-length TTR and not, or only very weakly,
necessary to correctly type the cardiac amyloid with TTR fragments as shown on Western blot-
present. The choice of antibodies is guided by the ting [23]. Focal or spotty staining of commercial
prevalence of the different types of systemic antibodies against light chains in AL amyloidosis
amyloidosis that produce clinical heart disease. due to limited reactivity has also been described
Localized types of amyloidosis are, in general, [38]. In some cases, staining with both anti-l and
incidental findings in the autopsy as they are not anti-k antibodies is seen and is interpreted as
associated with significant clinical disease. Of contamination of amyloid by serum proteins.
the systemic amyloidosis, only AL and TTR If immunohistochemical staining as the first
cause symptomatic disease and are likely to be step in amyloid typing yields inconclusive results,
encountered in surgical specimens. one should then consider evaluation by other tech-
Similar to published large series, our experi- niques that are more specific and that can test for
ence with immunohistochemical typing utilizing the less common types of hereditary amyloidosis.
26 Cardiac Amyloidosis 333

Classification of amyloid can be performed by of various etiology including systemic arterial

immunoelectron microscopy using gold particles hypertension and the cardiomyopathies. Replace-
for labeling [39]. This technique is both sensitive ment fibrosis is associated with myocyte loss or
and highly specific, but costly and impractical as dropout as a result of ischemia. False-positive
it is not widely available, and only a few facilities staining of thick dense collagen may result in
perform this procedure for diagnostic purposes. green birefringence on Congo red; therefore, one
Alternative methods previously employed to should pay attention to the presence of typical
make a definitive diagnosis of amyloid type periodic banding pattern of collagen and to the
involve extraction of the amyloid fibrils from loss of the green birefringence on rotation of the
endomyocardial biopsy tissue and subsequent microscope stage in the horizontal plane during
Western blot analysis or amino acid sequencing polarization. In addition, Masson trichrome stain
[40, 41], but these are rather impractical in evalu- provides a clear contrast of the blue collagen
ating endomyocardial biopsies. More recently, fibers against amyloid deposits which appear
laser microdissection and tandem mass spectrom- gray blue in color.
etry-based proteomic analysis have proven to be Amyloid deposits may occasionally elicit a
useful for accurately typing problematic cases giant cell response (Fig. 26.14). This should not
[42]. While experience is still limited using mass be misdiagnosed as giant cell myocarditis.
spectrometry, one major advantage is that forma- Endocardial fibrosis and fibroelastosis will
lin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue can be used be seen as thickening of the endocardium.
for these studies. Endocardial fibrosis and fibroelastosis are
nonspecific findings but can explain the presence
of a restrictive physiology. A trichrome and elas-
Differential Diagnosis tic stain or a Movat pentachrome stain will dem-
onstrate fibrosis with or without elastosis in these
The main differential diagnosis of an expanded cases.
interstitium in the heart is fibrosis of both intersti- Small vessel disease of intramural coronary
tial and replacement types. Interstitial fibrosis is arteries is a nonspecific process that results
commonly associated with cardiac hypertrophy in thickening of the vessel wall with variable

Fig. 26.14 Foreign body giant cell reaction to amyloid a deeper section of the field shown in (a) distinctly shows
deposits in the heart. (a) Myocardial amyloid deposits a multinucleated giant cell with transthyretin positive
are seen in the center of the field as well as some multi- material in its cytoplasm. The extracellular amyloid is
nucleated giant cells and histiocytes. It is difficult to also clearly positive for transthyretin (transthyretin immu-
see amyloid deposits inside the giant cells (H&E ×400). nohistochemistry, ×400)
(b) Immunohistochemical staining for transthyretin on
334 C.D. Tan and ER. Rodriguez

luminal narrowing. This can be seen in diverse crete granular electron-dense deposits around
clinical settings including advanced age, hyper- myocytes and smooth muscle cells of arteries.
tension, diabetes mellitus, hypertrophic cardio- Occasionally, both fibrillar and nonfibrillar forms
myopathy, collagen vascular diseases, and of deposition in different organs are observed in
radiation-induced injury. The pathologic altera- the same patient [45].
tions can be due to hyalinization, medial hyper- In the workup of patients with presumed car-
plasia, and medial fibrosis. Hyalin will appear diac amyloidosis, the presence of monoclonal
bright magenta on periodic acid-Schiff stain and protein in the serum or urine cannot be used to
will be negative on Congo red. A trichrome stain assume a diagnosis of AL amyloidosis without
will delineate smooth muscle cells and fibrosis in tissue confirmation. This is particularly important
the media. in the evaluation of elderly patients because of
On ultrastructural evaluation, it is important to the following reasons. The incidence of mono-
distinguish amyloid fibrils from connective tissue clonal gammopathy of undetermined significance
microfibrils which measure 13 nm in thickness rises with age and is more common in men and
and are usually present next to the basal lamina. African Americans. A hereditary TTR amyloido-
These are conspicuous in hearts with ongoing sis can be missed if gene testing is not performed
fibrosis. Thus, the electron microscopic diagnosis because of the absence of a positive family his-
of cardiac amyloidosis should be made carefully tory [46]. Likewise, identification of a gene muta-
considering the information obtained from both tion in the TTR gene from blood samples is a
light and electron microscopy, particularly in confounding factor and does not necessarily
cases where there is no evidence of amyloid prove that the cardiac amyloidosis is of TTR type
deposits in light microscopy, but interstitial fibro- [47]. Bona fide cases of AL amyloidosis do occur
sis is present. in carriers of genetic mutations in one of the
amyloidogenic protein genes. An endomyocar-
dial biopsy to establish the diagnosis and ascer-
Diagnostic Pitfalls tain the type of amyloid is essential to avoid
misdiagnosis and inappropriate therapy.
In some patients with plasma cell dyscrasia, Amyloidosis is characteristically derived
monotypic light chain deposition without the for- from one type of precursor protein. However,
mation of amyloid in the myocardium is respon- the possibility of co-deposition of two different
sible for heart failure [44]. Light chain deposition types of amyloid fibrils at the same site has been
disease (LCDD) has a reported incidence of 5% raised when there is equally strong staining with
in patients with multiple myeloma. Symptoms more than one antibody. A single case of the
occurring late in the course of the disease and occurrence of wild-type TTR with mutant apoli-
echocardiographic findings are similar to those poprotein A-I in the skin and larynx of a patient
with cardiac AL amyloidosis. Pathologic exami- with cardiac amyloidosis has been reported
nation shows a widened interstitial space in the [48]. In a second case, the amyloid deposits in a
myocardium that is negative for amyloid on heart showed two distinct proteins with pre-
Congo red and thioflavin stains; thus, the diagno- dominant TTR deposition and independent
sis can be missed unless immunohistochemical small patchy deposits of apolipoprotein A-IV
staining or electron microscopy is performed. [49]. Of note, there is no convincing evidence
Immunofluorescence staining reveals monotypic of co-deposition of TTR with immunoglobulin
light chain deposits in a diffuse perimyocytic and light chains in the literature, and positive stain-
focal vascular pattern. Immunoglobulin typing ing with antibodies directed to both of these
shows a predominance of k over l light chains proteins is most likely a technical problem than
in LCDD. Electron microscopy reveals dis- a real condition.
26 Cardiac Amyloidosis 335

A comparison among the three most frequent

Therapy systemic amyloidoses affecting the heart showed
that AL amyloidosis is associated with the worst
Cardiac amyloidosis is still an under-recognized
prognosis. Amyloidosis of TTR type, whether of
cause of heart failure. Most patients are diag-
the wild-type or mutant protein, is generally a
nosed in the advanced stages. While there are
favorable predictor of survival [18].
advances in cardiac imaging, endomyocardial
biopsy is still necessary to establish the diagnosis
and characterize the amyloid protein correctly.
Conventional medical therapy for heart failure is References
of limited benefit in these patients.
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Amyloidosis of the Gastrointestinal
Tract and Liver 27
Oscar W. Cummings and Merrill D. Benson

Amyloid • Gastrointestinal • Liver • Amyloidoma • Pathology

result in altered speech, excessive salivation, and

GI Tract difficulty eating [2]. The tongue is markedly
swollen, but the dorsal rugal pattern is often pre-
Amyloidosis of the GI tract presents with rela-
served. There may be indentations from the teeth
tively vague signs and symptoms, but they can
in the dorsal surface as well as foci of bruising
occasionally be catastrophic (Table 27.1) [1].
(Fig. 27.1). Grossly, the amyloid appears as
Since light chain deposition (AL) is the most
yellow, waxy infiltrates in the muscle of the
common form of amyloid, it is also the most
tongue (Fig. 27.2). Histologic sections of the
common type seen in the GI tract—with some
tongue show pink amorphous deposits of amy-
geographic variations. Also, there does not appear
loid in the lamina propria immediately below the
to be any pattern of amyloid deposition that is
squamous epithelium (Fig. 27.3) as well as infil-
characteristic of any particular type of amyloid—
trating the skeletal muscle (Fig. 27.4).
AL vs. AA vs. hereditary—with certain excep-
The earliest amyloid deposition in the esopha-
tions that will be discussed. The tongue is the
gus initially involves small arterioles (Fig. 27.5)
most proximal portion of the GI tract, and also,
of the submucosa but later in the course the
the most visible. 10–20% of AL amyloid patients
lamina propria (Fig. 27.6), muscularis mucosa,
have tongue involvement. Amyloid in this site
submucosa, and muscularis propria may all or
typically presents with macroglossia that may
individually be involved. These same sites may be
involved in any part of the GI tract with basically
O.W. Cummings, M.D. (*)
the same appearance, only the mucosa itself being
Indiana University School of Medicine/Indiana different. Typically, esophageal amyloid is asymp-
University Health Partners, 305 West 11th Street, tomatic but can be seen in 13–22% of cases based
Room 4054, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA on radiologic and autopsy studies. Deposition in
e-mail: ocumming@iupui.edu
the submucosa and or the muscularis propria
M.D. Benson, M.D. (Fig. 27.7) may lead to achalasia-like symptoms,
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,
Indiana University, Van Nuys Medical Science Building,
which can be difficult to control clinically [3].
635 Barnhill Drive, Room A128, Indianapolis, Symptomatic gastric involvement is also rare
IN 46202-5126, USA (1%), but gastric deposits have been noted in up

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 339
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_27,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
340 O.W. Cummings and M.D. Benson

Table 27.1 Clinical presentation of GI amyloid

Hematochezia or hematemesis
Obstruction or pseudo-obstruction

Fig. 27.3 Biopsy from the tongue showing pink amor-

phous material consistent with amyloid deposited in the
lamina propria

Fig. 27.1 A patient with systemic amyloid and macro-

glossia. The tongue protrudes at the corners of the mouth
and indentation from the teeth can be seen on the ventral

Fig. 27.4 The hyalinized deposits of amyloid are seen

dissecting the skeletal muscle of the tongue

Fig. 27.2 Cross section of a tongue from an amyloid to control endoscopically (Fig. 27.9) [4, 5].
patient with macroglossia. The amyloid can be seen as Emergency resection may be lifesaving.
yellow plaques within the muscle
Involvement of the muscularis mucosae of the
tubular gut often produces dysmotility disorders
to 12% of cases of amyloid patients at autopsy. somewhat analogous to achalasia. In the stom-
Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and epi- ach, this lack of involuntary propulsion is often
gastric pain. Gastric outflow obstruction can be associated with nausea and vomiting which can
seen in patients with amyloid tumors, polyps, or contribute to systemic wasting. Likewise,
dense mural involvement in the antrum involvement of the wall of the small intestine
(Fig. 27.8). Plaque-like deposits of amyloid in may be associated with bacterial overgrowth and
the mucosa often produce atrophy and damage malabsorption (Fig. 27.10). Polypoid deposition
to the capillaries producing a propensity to hem- of amyloid in the stomach, small bowel, and
orrhage into the lumen. In the stomach, this can colonic mucosa has been reported [6–8]. In the
lead to hematemesis that can be quite difficult colon, the impairment of peristalsis may result
27 Amyloidosis of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Liver 341

Fig. 27.5 (a) Lower power view of an endoscopic an incidental finding. (c) Congo red stain of the same
mucosa resection from the esophagus. The arrow marks focus as shown in (b)
the hyalinized vasculature shown better in (b). This was

Fig. 27.6 (a) An esophageal biopsy showing the amor- amyloid deposition in the esophagus with some attenua-
phous hyalin of amyloid again deposited in the lamina tion of the overlying surface epithelium
propria. (b) A higher magnification showing extensive
342 O.W. Cummings and M.D. Benson

Fig. 27.7 Amyloid dissecting through the muscularis Fig. 27.8 Amyloid deposits in the lamina propria of the
propria of the esophagus. The small arteriole in the over- gastric antrum associated with atrophy of the entrapped
lying submucosa does not appear to be involved. This glands. This pattern of gastric amyloid can be associated
amount of disease is typically associated with achalasia- with outlet obstruction or can appear endoscopically as a
type symptoms polyp

Fig. 27.9 (a) Section of stomach showing marked infil- denser at the muscularis propria. (c) In other foci, the
tration of amyloid in the lamina propria with overlying amyloid produced is distortion of the usual gastric gland
erosion and hemorrhage into the lumen. (b) Higher mag- pattern. (d) Congo red stain of the stomach. The amyloid
nification of the stomach showing the hyalin material has an orange red appearance while the fibrin and hemor-
between the gastric glands. In this case, the infiltrate is rhage into the lumen shows a grayish tinge

in constipation and megacolon. Patients with symptomatic. The intramuscular ganglia do not
familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP— appear to contain amyloid, but it is unclear
mutations in the transthyretin gene) often whether or not the autonomic fibers are involved
develop colonic and enteric dysmotility second- (Fig. 27.11). It is said by some authors that senile
ary to amyloid deposition. Invariably, the mus- amyloid (wild-type transthyretin) involving the
cularis propria is involved when the patients are gut can be distinguished from FAP by the lack of
27 Amyloidosis of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Liver 343

Fig. 27.10 (a) A section of small intestine showing lighter tinged vaguely globular hyalin material. (c) This
dense deposition of amyloid in submucosa that com- section of small intestine shows infiltration of the lamina
pletely spares the mucosa. (b) Another section of small propria producing some mild blunting of the villi, a find-
intestine showing amyloid infiltrating the muscularis ing that may be associated with malabsorption
mucosae. The smooth muscle fibers are splayed by the

involvement of the muscularis propria. Plaque- will also be useful in distinguishing one from
like involvement of the colonic mucosa can pro- the other [16, 17] (Table 27.2).
duce life-threatening hematochezia, again Rarely, mucosal deposition can produce pol-
requiring surgical intervention (Fig. 27.12). The yps that may be mistaken from more typical
subserosal connective tissue can also be a depo- colonic polyps by the endoscopist. Histologically,
sition site for amyloid (Fig. 27.13). It may extend the main differential diagnosis includes the fibro-
into the adjacent mesentery where it is reminis- muscular proliferation seen in mucosal prolapse
cent of amyloid seen in abdominal fat pad aspi- type polyps (MPT) (Fig. 27.16) that may also
rates (Fig. 27.14) [9–15]. have an elastic component [18]. These can easily
Amyloid in the colon may also be deposited be distinguished by Congo red staining which
in the subepithelial space of the mucosa remi- will be absent in the MPT polyps. Incidental vas-
niscent of collagenous colitis (Fig. 27.15). cular involvement may also be seen in otherwise
However, this finding is usually not associated classic tubular adenoma or hyperplastic polyps
with watery diarrhea. Also, unlike collagenous (Fig. 27.17). Involvement of the appendix has
colitis, there is no increase in intraepithelial also been reported [19].
lymphocytes involving the crypt and surface Treatment of GI amyloid is largely support-
epithelium, and the surface epithelium shows ive—surgery for perforation or bleeding, medica-
little or no sloughing (Table 27.2). The collage- tion for dysmotility, and antibiotics for bacterial
nous colitis pattern of amyloid deposition is overgrowth. Successful treatment of the underly-
usually not present in isolation, so amyloid ing etiology of the amyloid may result in signifi-
deposition in other parts of the specimen is a cant improvements in the GI symptomatology
clue to the correct interpretation. Special stains [20, 21].
344 O.W. Cummings and M.D. Benson

Fig. 27.11 Section of muscularis propria showing amy- not appear to infiltrate it in this section. This pattern of
loid deposition between the inner and outer layers. deposition is typically associated with dysmotility
The amyloid isolates the ganglion neural plexus but does

Fig. 27.12 (a) A section of colon from a patient with portion of the mucosa, the muscularis mucosa, and the
amyloidosis who presented with bright red blood per rec- submucosa. The submucosa also exhibits acute hemor-
tum. There are two serpiginous red patches of eroded rhage. (c) A Congo red stain highlighting the amyloid in
mucosa among the yellow amyloid plaques. (b) A section the lamina propria and muscularis mucosa
of colon showing the amyloid infiltrating the lower
27 Amyloidosis of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Liver 345

Fig. 27.13 Amyloid deposition in subserosal space that

would be visible on the peritoneum

Fig. 27.14 Mesenteric fat with amyloid deposition in the

intercellular septum reminiscent of abdominal fat pad

Fig. 27.15 (a) Amyloid deposition in the subepithelial
The liver is frequently involved in patients with reminiscent of collagenous colitis. This is the same patient
systematic amyloid, up to 90% in some studies that is illustrated in Fig. 27.12b, c. (b) Collagenous colitis
which shows a subepithelial hyalin layer similar to amy-
[22]. Signs related to liver involvement can be loid but not congophilic. Also, note the numerous lym-
seen in up to one-half of patients, but symptom- phocytes within the gland and surface epithelium as well
atic dysfunction due to amyloid is uncommon as the marked surface epithelial sloughing compared to
and typically a late manifestation of the disease the amyloid
(Table 27.3). Alkaline phosphates elevation may
be detected early, but it is a relatively nonspecific results in the elevation of the serum alkaline
finding with a wide differential diagnosis—amy- phosphates. Hepatomegaly is also commonly
loidosis being very far down on the list. It is noted, but the amount of protein deposition may
unclear why the hepatic deposition of amyloid not correlate directly with liver size. Some of the
346 O.W. Cummings and M.D. Benson

Table 27.2 Collagenous colitis vs. amyloid

Subepithelial band Trichrome Congo red IEL Surface Sl
CC ++ ++ − ++ ++
Amyloid ++ + ++ − +
CC collagenous colitis, IEL intraepithelial lymphocytes, Sl sloughing

Fig. 27.16 (a) Mucosal prolapse polyps are typically hyperplasia and a mucosal prolapse type polyp. (c)
seen in the rectum and exhibit fibromuscular hyperplasia Colonic biopsy showing deposition of amyloid in the
involving the lamina propria. The fibromuscular foci lamina propria (arrows) reminiscent of a mucosal pro-
have a hyalin appearance and could be confused for amy- lapse type polyp. Note that there is infiltration into the
loid. (b) A desmin stain highlighting the fibromuscular submucosa

Table 27.3 Clinical presentation of hepatic amyloid

Elevated alkaline phosphatase
Jaundice (late sign)
Portal hypertension
Hepatic failure

further compromised by the deposits, jaundice,

encephalopathy, and hepatic failure may ensue.
Jaundice is a poor sign with most patients
succumbing within 6 months of its development.
Fig. 27.17 A colonic tubular adenoma (adenomatous Fibroscan has been suggested as a noninvasive
portion not shown) showing incidental amyloid involving
a vessel modality that can be employed to diagnose
hepatic amyloid; however, its sensitivity and
specificity remain to be determined in everyday
liver enlargement may be due to passive conges- clinical use [23]. In the meantime, the liver biopsy
tion related to amyloid-induced cardiac failure. remains the gold standard for diagnosis [24–26].
As the functioning hepatic parenchyma becomes When pathologists think about amyloid deposition
27 Amyloidosis of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Liver 347

in the liver, they typically know about the sinu- appreciate these uncommon patterns can greatly
soidal pattern—by far the most common pattern. complicate the patient’s clinical course. Like the
The term parenchymal has been used for this pat- GI tract, the type of amyloid in general does not
tern by the Japanese, others have called it linear. dictate the pattern of deposition with some excep-
It is the pattern of amyloid deposition that is pres- tions that will be noted. In the sinusoidal pattern,
ent when the patient is symptomatic. However, it hyalinized material is deposited in the space
is important to remember that there are three between the sinusoidal lining endothelium and
other basic patterns of amyloid deposition that the hepatocyte cytoplasm (Fig. 27.18). As with
can be seen in the liver (Table 27.4). Failure to all amyloid depositions, it generally has a pinkish
tint on H&E stain, but in some preparations, it
may exhibit a blue-gray tint. This deposition
Table 27.4 Patterns of hepatic amyloid begins in the sinus around the central veins (zone
Sinusoidal 3) and then spreads throughout the lobule
Globular (Fig. 27.19). As the amount of amyloid deposition
Arteriolar and/or capsular increases, there is corresponding atrophy of the
Portal hepatic plates. In its most extreme form, the

Fig. 27.18 (a) A section of liver showing linear or sinu- between the sinusoidal lining endothelium and the hepatic
soidal amyloid deposits in a panacinar distribution as well plate. There is some atrophy of the hepatocyte cells in the
as involving the portal tract. (b) The amyloid is deposited sinusoidal spaces that are difficult to identify

Fig. 27.19 (a) A panoramic view of liver with early showing hyalin membranes preferentially lining the
sinusoidal amyloid deposition. It is much more difficult to sinuses around central vein
detect than that seen in Fig. 27.18. (b) Higher power view
348 O.W. Cummings and M.D. Benson

Fig. 27.20 (a) Advanced sinusoidal amyloid deposition almost completely effacing the underlying hepatocytes (b)
even the portal tracts can be difficult to identify in cases with advanced sinusoidal amyloid deposition

Fig. 27.21 (a) Sinusoidal amyloid with involvement of artery in this particular portal tract (arrow). The location
the hepatic artery branch (arrow). (b) The same liver as of amyloid deposits can be somewhat variable from case
seen in part A showing no involvement of the hepatic to case and even in the same organ

underlying liver is almost unrecognizable Table 27.5 Differential diagnosis of sinusoidal hyalin
(Fig. 27.20). Amyloid deposition can also spread Amyloid
into the portal tract. The involvement of the tract Steatohepatitis
can be variable from case to case and also from Vitamin A toxicity
tract to tract within the same biopsy specimen. Venous outflow obstruction
Branches of the hepatic artery may also be Congenital syphilis
involved, but again, this is variable (Fig. 27.21). Light chain deposition disease
The differential diagnosis includes entities that
produce sinusoidal fibrosis including the hepati- tion, and they stain the amyloid in basically the
tis, vitamin A toxicity, venous outflow obstruc- same fashion as fibrosis (Fig. 27.22). This may
tion, and congenital syphilis, as well as light lead to further confusion if the subtleties of the
chain deposition disease (Table 27.5). Trichrome appearance of amyloid in H&E-stained sections
stains are a routine part of liver biopsy interpreta- are not appreciated.
27 Amyloidosis of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Liver 349

The fibrosis in steatohepatitis parallels the deposition, the sinuses are compressed and diffi-
sinuses, as one sees in amyloid, but in addition, cult to identify. Congenital syphilis can produce a
the lobule exhibits fatty change, “ballooning” sinusoidal pattern of fibrosis that is also associ-
hepatocytes, Mallory-Denk bodies and lobular ated with moderate chronic inflammation involv-
inflammation which are absent in amyloidosis ing the portal tracts, and chronic venulitis [27].
(Fig. 27.23). Vitamin A toxicity also produces There is often associated cirrhosis. Light chain
sinusoidal fibrosis as well as prominent finely deposition disease is very similar to amyloid in
vacuolated Ito cells. These cells are not visible at that it exhibits amorphous hyalin material in the
the light microscopic level in amyloid deposition space of Disse [28, 29]. However, the deposited
disease. With venous outflow obstruction, there light chains do not stain with Congo red or com-
is hyalinization of the sinusoidal space as well as ponent P. The hyalin material is PAS positive,
atrophy of the hepatic plates (Fig. 27.24). diastase resistant, and marks strongly with the
However, the sinuses are widely dilated and con- trichrome stain. It shows a different ultrastruc-
gested in venous outflow obstruction; in amyloid tural appearance than classic amyloid fibers. A
Congo red stain is very helpful in differentiating
light chain deposition disease from amyloid.
Although, some cases of amyloid, usually lambda
light chain, often stain weakly with Congo red
(Fig. 27.25). Unfortunately, immunoperoxidase
staining can be somewhat unreliable, so ultra-
structural examination can be most helpful in
those cases in which the histochemical studies
are equivocal [30].
The globular pattern of deposition is not com-
mon but has been well described [31, 32]. About
45 cases have been reported, 20 in one series.
Men are twice as likely as women to exhibit this
pattern of amyloid deposition. The etiology of
Fig. 27.22 A trichrome stain of sinusoidal amyloid
the amyloid is often not stated, but there is a
deposits in the liver. Trichrome stain is not helpful in dis- suggestion that secondary amyloid (AA) is over-
tinguishing amyloid from fibrosis represented in this pattern of liver deposition.

Fig. 27.23 (a) A section of liver showing advanced form might be confused with sinusoidal amyloid deposition.
of alcoholic steatohepatitis—acute sclerosing hyalin necro- Note the marked inflammation and numerous Mallory-
sis. There is extensive sinusoidal fibrosis that is somewhat Denk bodies which would be absent from amyloid cases.
difficult to appreciate because of the inflammatory infiltrate (b) The trichrome stain from the same case highlighting
that is highlighted by the arrows. This pattern of fibrosis the sinusoidal and pericellular nature of the fibrosis
350 O.W. Cummings and M.D. Benson

Fig. 27.24 (a) Section of liver showing venous outflow sinusoidal spaces as well as congestion. (b) A higher
obstruction. There is fibrosis along the sinus that is remi- power view of the fibrosis associated with venous outflow
niscent of amyloid deposition. This is more predominant obstruction. (c) The trichrome stain of the same case high-
around the central veins, but there is also dilation of the lighting the sinusoidal fibrosis

However, AL disease has also been noted to

produce a globular pattern of amyloid deposits in
the liver [33]. This pattern may be confused with
other processes because the sinuses lack a hyalin
lining, and there is no hepatic plate atrophy.
Occasionally, transitional forms between the
globular and sinusoidal pattern have been
reported. The globules of amorphous pink amy-
loid material are distributed in the portal tracts
and lobules (Fig. 27.26). The globules can be of
various sizes but are generally much larger than
the hepatocytes and should not be confused with
intracellular eosinophilic globules such as alpha-1
Fig. 27.25 A Congo red stain of sinusoidal amyloidosis antitrypsin globules or Lafora bodies (Fig. 27.27).
from a patient with a plasma cell dyscrasia. Note the light
The globules are round and tend to be of the
staining of the Congo red in this instance, possibly leading
to confusion with light chain deposition disease. similar size one to another, but there is some
Ultrastructural examination would resolve the dilemma variability. They tend to cluster together and are
27 Amyloidosis of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Liver 351

Fig. 27.26 (a) A section of liver with globular amyloid globules here showed somewhat more variability in size.
predominantly involving the periportal parenchyma as (c) Globular amyloid deposition in the lobule. (d) Globular
well as the portal tract. The globules are large and rela- amyloid deposition in the lobule began exhibiting some
tively similar in size and shape. There is also involvement variability in globules size. (e) A Congo red stain high-
of a branch of the artery and mild fatty change. This is a lighting the globular amyloid. (f) An immunoperoxidase
patient with secondary amyloid (AA). (b) Globular amy- stain using antibodies directed against serum AA proteins,
loid deposition associated with a mild chronic inflamma- supporting the secondary nature of the amyloid
tory cell infiltrate including a few plasma cells. The
352 O.W. Cummings and M.D. Benson

nervous system [36]. The globules are extracel-

lular, but when they occupy the canalicular space,
they may indent the hepatocyte cytoplasm in such
a manner as to give the appearance of an intracy-
toplasmic location. Also, the globules may be
associated with macrophages/Kupffer cells lead-
ing to the false impression of an intracytoplasmic
location of the protein deposit (see Fig. 27.27).
The incidence of the last few patterns of amy-
loid deposition in the liver is unclear. Most are
rare, but the vascular pattern can be quite common
in certain subtypes of amyloid such as AA. Some
precursors such as transthyretin are primarily
Fig. 27.27 A small fragment of globular amyloid that
manufactured in the liver and do not produce a
might be confused for Lafora body, an intracytoplasmic
inclusion that can be seen in several diseases. However, sinusoidal pattern of deposition there. However,
amyloid is extracellular except in certain CNS lesions one can see deposition in the fibrous capsule
(Fig. 27.31) of the liver with or without deposi-
often associated with the chronic inflammatory tion in the hepatic arteries (Fig. 27.32) and vice
cells. Involvement of vascular structures is com- versa. AA and TTR amyloid preferentially
monly encountered. One subpattern should be involve the arterioles, but the pattern is not spe-
commented on. Mutations in leukocyte chemot- cific to those types. AL and AA can also involve
actic factor 2 (Lect 2) produce a rare amyloid that the capsule, but generally, they also show sinu-
prominently affects the kidney [34, 35]. There soidal or arterial involvement as well.
have been no reports of hepatic involvement in The portal pattern of deposition is also very
the literature. However, we present three cases of unusual. Some have referred to this as the stromal
hepatic Lect 2 involvement, all with a globular pattern. In this setting, large rounded acellular hya-
pattern. The first case was uncomplicated by lin material almost completely replaces the portal
other liver disease and showed very subtle small tracts (Fig. 27.33). Occasional vessels may be
eosinophilic globules clustered in the lobule as trapped in the amyloid; the intralobular bile duct
well as in the portal tracts and around the hepatic and hepatic artery branch are pushed to the periph-
artery (Fig. 27.28). The other two are cases that ery and can be difficult to identify. The interface
were complicated by cirrhosis, one from ethanol between the lobule is very smooth with broad
toxicity (Fig. 27.29) and the other from chronic pushing borders. This pattern is very suggestive of
hepatitis C virus infection (Fig. 27.30). In these apolipoprotein A1 deposition [24, 37–40]. On rare
two latter cases, the globules were somewhat occasions, one can see AL amyloid replace the
larger than that seen in the first but smaller than portal tracts without significant sinusoidal involve-
the classically described globular amyloid. These ment (Fig. 27.34). These tracts tend to retain a
globules were primarily arrayed in the fibrous somewhat angular appearance rather than the large
septa and were especially dense in the remnants bulbous contours seen with apolipoprotein A1.
of the portal tracts. This finer globular pattern Rarely, hereditary amyloids may also involve the
with a predominant involvement of the portal portal tracts but tend not to obscure the underlying
tracts maybe relatively specific for Lect 2 amy- architecture (Fig. 27.35). The differential diagno-
loid, but further case studies are required to sis of portal amyloid is extremely limited. Lipoid
substantiate this impression. There have been proteinosis, an inherited condition associated with
suggestions that globular deposits of amyloid mutations in the ECM1 gene, primarily producing
may be located within the cytoplasm of hepato- mucocutaneous lesions, can deposit PAS-positive,
cytes. However, we are unaware of any intracel- diastase-resistant, Congo-red-negative hyalin
lular amyloid deposition outside the central material in the portal tracts [41, 42].
27 Amyloidosis of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Liver 353

Fig. 27.28 (a) A patient with Lect 2 amyloid which can This pattern of amyloid deposition can easily be missed
be seen in the portal tracts and lobule fine globules. This on casual inspection. (d) More of the small globules of
section illustrates portal deposition. (b) Lect 2 amyloid Lect 2 amyloid (arrows). (e) Congo red stain highlighting
deposited in the lobule around the central vein. (c) Small the Lect 2 amyloid in the portal tracts. (f) Congo red stain
globular deposits of Lect 2 amyloid highlighted by arrows. highlighting the Lect 2 amyloid in the lobule

Treatment of hepatic amyloidosis is directed AL disease related to plasma cell disorders

against the underlying etiology of the amyloid because of the rapid accumulation of amyloid in
protein and symptom relief. Orthotropic liver the new organ [43]. However, some so-called
transplantation is generally contraindicated in domino transplants have been attempted with
354 O.W. Cummings and M.D. Benson

Fig. 27.29 (a) A different patient with Lect 2 amyloid and (c) Small globules of Lect 2 amyloid around a vascular
alcohol-induced cirrhosis. Small globules of amyloid are in structure. (d) Fine globules of Lect 2 amyloid and a fibrous
the fibrous septa separating regenerative nodules. (b) band associated with a ductular reaction. (e) A Congo red
Several small amyloid globules in regenerating nodule. stain highlighting small uniform globules of Lect 2 amyloid

livers from patients with transthyretin (TTR) arterials but can also be located in the mucosa,
mutations [44, 45]. submucosa, or muscularis propria just like the
Amyloidosis of the gallbladder is most com- rest of the viscous GI tract (Fig. 27.36). There is
monly an incidental finding or it is detected at a case report describing amyloid involving the
autopsy. The amyloid is deposited primarily in mucosa, mimicking the clinical appearance of
27 Amyloidosis of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Liver 355

Fig. 27.30 (a) A different patient with Lect 2 amyloid fibrous septa in this case. (b) Small Lect 2 amyloid glob-
and hepatitis C-induced cirrhosis. The fine globules of ules in a residual portal structure. (c) Coalescent small
amyloid were only noted in residual portal tracts and globules of Lect 2 amyloid

Fig. 27.31 (a) Amyloid deposition in the capsule of a resected liver; there was no sinusoidal or vascular involvement
in this particular case. (b) A Congo red stain to highlight the amyloid deposition
356 O.W. Cummings and M.D. Benson

Fig. 27.32 (a) The case amyloid deposition only involv- available for review. (b) Another hepatic arterial in the
ing the hepatic artery branches; there was no sinusoidal or same patient confirmation distorted by the amyloid
lobular amyloid noted in this case. The capsule was not deposition

Fig. 27.33 (a) Broad bulbous portal deposits of apolipo- entrapping some vascular structures. In other portal tracts,
protein A1 amyloid. The sinuses are completely unin- the vascular structures may be pushed to the edge and can
volved in this patient. This large bulbous portal be difficult to identify. (c) A Congo red stain viewed under
arrangement of the amyloid is relatively characteristic of polarized light showing the classic apple green birefrin-
apolipoprotein A1 amyloid. (b) A Congo red stain gence in apolipoprotein A1 amyloid
showing the dense amorphous amyloid deposition
27 Amyloidosis of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Liver 357

Fig. 27.34 (a) An unusual case of systemic AL amyloid moderately jaundiced. (b) Another portal tract with the
involving only the portal tracts. Unlike the apolipoprotein amyloid tracking along the hepatic artery branch. (c)
A1 amyloid, these deposits tend to retain the angular Smaller portal tract involved with amyloid. (d) A Congo
shape of the normal portal tract and can easily be over- red stain highlighting the portal amyloid deposition. Note
looked. There is also moderate chronic inflammatory cell the lack of sinusoidal involvement
infiltrate and an extensive ductular reaction. Patient was

Fig. 27.35 (a) An unusual case of transthyretin (TTR) arterioles, but some attached globular component can be
mutation-type amyloid with only involvement of the por- appreciated. (b) A higher power view of TTR amyloid in
tal tract. The deposition appears to largely track along the the portal tract
358 O.W. Cummings and M.D. Benson

Fig. 27.36 (a) A gallbladder with amyloid deposits in the distribution of amyloid. (c) Amyloid involving only the
lamina propria, producing distortion of the normal archi- small arterioles of a gallbladder
tecture. (b) A different case again with the lamina propria

gallbladder carcinoma [46]. There is also a case

report of amyloidosis involving the extra hepatic
bile ducts [47].
Amyloidosis of the pancreas comes in two
main forms. In diabetics, the protein amylin (see
Chap. 6) is deposited in the islets and is associ-
ated with some atrophy of the beta cells
(Fig. 27.37). The deposition appears to be an epi-
phenomena of the underlying disease rather than
a causative factor of the diabetes. Amyloid depo-
sition can also be seen in patients with chronic
pancreatitis secondary to cystic fibrosis but is not
typically identified in run-of-the-mill chronic
pancreatitis. The second form of the disease is
the systemic involvement of the pancreas in
patients with primary and secondary amyloid. In
this instance, the amyloid is deposited in arterials Fig. 27.37 Amyloid involving the pancreatic islets in a
and fibrous septa. Amyloid deposition in the diabetic
27 Amyloidosis of the Gastrointestinal Tract and Liver 359

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Peripheral Nerve Amyloidosis
Adam J. Loavenbruck, Janean K. Engelstad,
and Christopher J. Klein

Peripheral nerve • Biopsy • Histopathologic findings • Familial amyloid
polyneuropathy • Amyloid mimickers

changes, outlining their findings in two major

Historical Pathologic Observations pathologic reviews in 1959 and 1963 [3, 4].
of Nerve Amyloid A large Portuguese family demonstrating inher-
ited peripheral nerve amyloidosis was described
In 1938, De Navasquez and Treble demonstrated
by Andrade in 1952 [5] and Horta and Trincao in
amorphous material in dorsal roots around small
1963 [6]. In 1969, Dyck and Lambert outlined
blood vessels, displacing nerve fibers in the
ultrastructural findings in sural nerve biopsies
endoneurium and lining epineurial fat deposits
taken from cases of dominantly inherited amy-
[1]. They reviewed the nerve biopsy described in
loid neuropathy, showing marked loss of small
the 1929 paper by De Bruyn and Stern as “hyper-
unmyelinated fibers, and association of endoneur-
trophic polyneuritis” and identified the described
ial extracellular amyloid fibrils with collagen
“plasmatic bodies” as amyloid deposits [2]. They
replacement [7]. Cohen and Calkins first noted in
also noted amyloid in the sympathetic ganglia,
1959 that the deposits in various types of amyloi-
where it was thought to compress ganglion cells.
dosis appeared essentially similar when viewed
Krücke et al. later described similar changes and
by electron microscopy (EM), demonstrating a
demonstrated prominent dorsal root ganglia
nonbranching, fibrillar structure [8]. In time,
fibrils have been shown to measure 70–120 Ǻ in
diameter with indeterminate length [9]. We uti-
A.J. Loavenbruck, M.D. • J.K. Engelstad, H.T. • lize EM rarely in nerve for clinical practice
C.J. Klein, M.D. (*) because of the relative sensitivity of tinctural
Peripheral Nerve Laboratory,
Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic,
amyloid staining with Congo red and methyl vio-
200 First Street SW, Rochester MN 55905, USA let, taken together with the nonspecific EM
e-mail: klein.christopher@mayo.edu appearance of the various amyloid types.

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 361
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_28,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
362 A.J. Loavenbruck et al.

sensory polyradiculopathy, or selective small

Clinical Overview Is Important fiber involvement with insensitivity to pain can
in Nerve Amyloid Pathologic be seen [14–22]; and in gelsolin amyloidosis,
Discovery characteristically presenting with insidious facial-
onset weakness with corneal lattice dystrophy
Amyloidosis is a relatively rare cause of periph-
[23–25]. Rare examples have been reported in
eral neuropathy. Rajani et al. reported 13 of 1,098
TTR amyloid including length-dependent neu-
sural nerve biopsies with amyloid deposition [10].
ropathy with hearing loss or leptomeningeal
In our own tertiary service-based peripheral nerve
spread [26, 27]. This variable selective involve-
laboratory, we diagnosed amyloid neuropathy in
ment of only certain regions is not understood,
62 of 2,011 nerve biopsy cases from January 1,
but seems important in future discovery for
2007 to March 22, 2011. Primary amyloidosis
potential strategies to treatment to limit scope of
(AL) is more common than the other major subset
systemic amyloidosis.
of peripheral nerve amyloidosis, familial amyloid
polyneuropathies (FAPs). Both AL (κ, kappa; λ,
lambda) and FAPs (TTR, transthyretin; GEL,
gelsolin; APOA1, apo-A1) are subcategorized Biopsy Sites in Peripheral Nervous
based on their major amyloid component protein. System Amyloidosis
The familial amyloid varieties have germline
nuclear DNA mutations that alter amino acid In such a clinically heterogeneous condition, the
sequence, leading to amyloidogenic potential. In differential diagnosis can be especially broad, and
contrast to other forms of amyloidosis, secondary proper biopsy location is emphasized to increase
amyloidosis, which can occur in the context of yield and limit patient injury. Attempts at evaluat-
chronic systemic inflammatory conditions such as ing other remote clinically asymptomatic tissues
rheumatoid arthritis, is not known to involve in determination of a person’s remote amyloid
peripheral nerve tissues [11]. neuropathy have been generally unsuccessful. By
The AL and FAP amyloid forms clinically example, fat aspiration is commonly attempted in
affect the peripheral small nerve fibers or their evaluation of neuropathy in question of amyloid
ganglia early in the course of the disease (Aβfibers but with low yield, i.e., only 6% of persons with
conveying cold sensation; c-fibers conveying clinical features consistent with amyloid neurop-
pain and diverse autonomic functions), resulting athy [28]. In our own experience, persons with
in a clinical presentation dominated by acral neuropathy and positive fat aspiration for amy-
extremity pain and autonomic features of hypo- loid often have found alternative nonamyloid
hidrosis, gastrointestinal dysmotility, orthostasis, neuropathy as cause, i.e., false-positive results.
and impotence [7, 10, 12]. There is typical spar- Therefore, currently, fat aspiration is insensitive
ing of Schwann cell function compared to the and nonspecific in evaluation of amyloid neurop-
myelin ensheathed axons, as evidenced by axonal athy. The implications for a false-positive test are
electrophysiologic findings (absence of conduc- grave with potential application of chemothera-
tion velocity slowing) and sural nerve pathologic peutic, transplant, and other interventions. Most
review [7]. Affected persons at the time of pre- persons tolerate well different nerve biopsy local-
senting to medical attention typically also have izations in amyloid as their prebiopsy deficits are
clinical involvements of large myelinated fibers generally severe, limiting postprocedure new
(Aβ fibers subserving vibration, gross sensation, numbness or pain. Since amyloid neuropathy
and power), causing prominent distal lower most commonly presents as a distal, sensory, and
extremity weakness and sensory ataxia [13]. motor neuropathy, whole sural nerve biopsy is
Instances of amyloid neuropathy straying from most often an appropriate choice for site.
this clinical archetype do occur—most com- Specifically, a 3-cm portion of whole sural nerve
monly in AL amyloidosis, in which mononeu- is harvested 8 cm above the lateral malleolus. On
ropathies, plexopathy, asymmetric motor or average, 5–13 fascicles are seen. Because the
28 Peripheral Nerve Amyloidosis 363

saphenous vein runs juxtaposed to the sural nerve, 1942 [29]. A compressive or structural effect has
care in avoiding harvesting this mimic of nerve is been suggested by pathologic studies demonstrat-
emphasized. Helpful in distinction is that the ing physical distortion of nerve fibers by
venous branches slope downward (30–60°) in endoneurial amyloid deposits, such as was
contrast to the sural nerve where its branches arise described by Dyck and Lambert in 1969 [7].
at right angles (90°) from the main nerve seg- Although rarely patients are seen with massive
ment. When harvested at the described site, the amyloid deposition [17] and poor neurologic
sural nerve typically has 5–13 fascicles allowing course, there seems to be little correlation with
for adequate tissue to see amyloid deposits. This extent of deposition and neuropathy severity.
sensory nerve provides sensation for the lateral This lends credence to the potential for a distal
foot and therefore is consented to be lost neural apoptotic effect of amyloid fibrils or their
postprocedure. precursor proteins and/or its associated patho-
Among rare cases, focal or regional amyloid logic protein microenvironment [30, 31].
(amyloidoma), reviewed below, has required tar- Amyloid infiltration of nerve is associated
geted fascicular biopsy of proximal nerves, roots, with primary axonal degeneration. Rare exam-
plexus, and cranial nerves or their ganglia. In ples of demyelination are known to have occurred,
these cases, prebiopsy suspicion for amyloid is though in at least one case, demyelination may
uncommon, despite typical knowledge of circu- have been the result of a paraneoplastic effect of
lating monoclonal proteins, with nerve sheath an IgM monoclonal gammopathy in association
primary tumors or infiltrative neoplasm most with antibodies to myelin-associated glycopro-
commonly suspected by imaging and insidious teins [32] (Fig. 28.3). An increased rate of axonal
progressive typically painful course. degeneration and an increased number of empty
fibers are the most common abnormalities seen
on teased fiber preparation (Fig. 28.4).
Pathogenesis and Histopathologic Additionally, frequently seen in teased fibers is a
Findings flocculent deposition at various portions of the
nerve fibers (Fig. 28.3).
The mechanism of tissue destruction in amyloi- Depending on chronicity of disease, either
dosis of nerve, as in other organs, is not known. active axonal degeneration or resultant fiber loss
Each amyloidogenic protein (immunoglobulin may be relatively prominent. Semithin sections
light chains or mutated-TTR, GEL, APOA1) is stained with methylene blue typically show
not expressed in the perikaryon or soma of small decreased myelinated fiber density (Fig. 28.1).
and large myelinated and unmyelienated fibers Amyloid infiltrates connective tissues and aggre-
nor in Schwann cells. We do not see within the gates in blood vessel walls, more frequently in
neural tube at or beneath basement membranes or the endoneurium (Fig. 28.1), though rarely,
within Schwann cell cytoplasms deposition of deposits can be seen in nerve arterioles in the
amyloid. Rather, each fibril-forming protein has epineurium. The amorphous, acellular deposits
humeral circulation with deposition in the inter- of amyloid are relatively eosinophilic and PAS-
stitium of affected nerve fascicules. Endoneurial positive. Congo red preparations demonstrate
microvessels most commonly have amyloid congophilia and apple-green birefringence of
deposition with associated apparent spread of deposits, and metachromasia can be seen with
amorphous acellular amyloid (Fig. 28.1). There methyl violet preparations (Fig. 28.1). The
is typically axonal degeneration at the level of the absence of congophilia or metachromasia in
amyloid deposition but also often remotely to the amorphous, acellular deposits argues strongly
discovered protein. It has been postulated that, against the presence of amyloid and can be sug-
due to its tendency to involve blood vessel walls, gestive of amyloid-mimicking conditions such as
amyloids effects might be ischemic, as was ini- nonamyloidal monoclonal immunoglobulin
tially put forth by Kernohan and Woltman in deposition disease [33], see below section,
364 A.J. Loavenbruck et al.

Fig. 28.1 Shown are the characteristic features of amy- hematoxylin and eosin (a), Masson trichrome (b), and
loid deposition in peripheral sural nerve biopsy tissue epoxy-embedded methylene-blue-stained sections (c).
studied by light microscopy. Paraffin-stained sections Semithin sections also demonstrate decreased myelinated
show an acellular and homogenous proteinaceous mate- fiber density with relatively greater loss of small myeli-
rial on light microscopy on different preparations (a–f) nated fibers (c). Amyloid deposits demonstrate magenta
and diffuse endoneurial infiltration of amyloid (G–I) in a metachromasia on methyl violet preparation (d, g) and
35-year-old man with primary AL amyloidosis. Vessel Congo red positivity (e, h). Demonstrated is the “Maltese
walls (arrows) are seen to be thickened and acellular on cross” appearance under polarized light (f)

(Fig. 28.5), or thickening of the basement mem- polarized light (Figs. 28.1 and 28.2) [34].
brane of endoneurial blood vessels, as can be Rhodamine fluorescence microscopy shows
seen in chronic diabetes [12]. Due to directional- marked hyperluminescence in areas of amyloid
ity of beta-pleated sheets, cross sections of spher- deposits. Collections of perivascular inflamma-
ical or tubular deposits of amyloid can tory cells may be seen in the epineurium and
demonstrate alternating areas of apple-green endoneurium, though the frequency and etiologic
birefringence, in some cases manifesting as a significance of this finding has not been described
Maltese cross appearance of deposits under (Fig. 28.4).
28 Peripheral Nerve Amyloidosis 365

Fig. 28.2 Targeted fascicular biopsy in a 45-year-old man sied material showed frequent round intracellular inclu-
with infiltrative amyloidosis of the lumbosacral roots and sions (arrows) scattered throughout the endoneurium with
sciatic nerve without serum monoclonal protein. Enlarged congophilia (b) and displayed Maltese crosses with polar-
segments of the peroneal and tibial divisions of the sciatic ized light (c) (arrows). Electron microscopy revealed
nerve are seen just distal to the sciatic notch during a fas- starburst-shaped inclusions (d) with crisscrossing fibril
cicular biopsy of the tibial division, with two selected formations typical of amyloid (e). Preoperatively, he was
fiber groups held in place with a red band (a). The biop- felt to have a hypertrophic inflammatory neuropathy
366 A.J. Loavenbruck et al.

chain, and kappa-light chain) is performed but is

Regional or Focal Peripheral Nervous challenging. The difficulties in immunocharac-
System Amyloidosis (Amyloidomas) terization have been highlighted also in other tis-
sues where misdiagnosis of amyloid type was
Amyloidomas are focal, macroscopic aggregate
common and for complex reasons [38, 39].
of amyloid and an uncommon manifestation of
Contributing to the difficulty in immunocharac-
amyloidosis in general. Cases affecting periph-
terization are the following: (1) antigenic epitopes
eral nerve are exceedingly rare. In several
may be lost by formalin cross-linking in amyloid;
reported cases, nerve roots are affected by amy-
(2) circulating contaminant TTR and AL-light
loidomas arising from vertebral bodies [16, 20,
chain proteins may produce false-positive results;
35]. Only very few cases of amyloidoma arising
(3) comparing staining intensities between the
primarily from peripheral nerve have been
different amyloid antibody stains may be unreli-
reported, involving the lumbosacral plexus
able; and (4) pathologic consideration based on
(Fig. 28.2), lumbar nerve root (Fig. 28.3),
clinical, family history, and monoclonal serum
Gasserian ganglion, sciatic nerve, cervical root,
positivity may be misleading in pathologic
brachial plexus, and infraorbital nerve [14, 15,
17–19, 36, 37].
We have recently validated application in
nerve the use of liquid chromatography tandem
mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) with laser
Mass Spectrophotometric Evaluation microdissection (LMD) of amyloid plaques from
of Amyloid in Peripheral Nerve Tissues formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections [40].
This approach eliminates the described problems
None of the above described approaches distin- with immunophenotyping and can be done inde-
guish type of amyloid. One of the most difficult pendent of often misleading clinical information.
issues arising after the discovery of histologic Our initial validated studies showed that 21 per-
amyloid in nerves is the correct subtyping of the sons with either sural nerve biopsies or proximal
specific amyloid proteins. Historically, immuno- root biopsy with amyloid were able to have
histochemical staining (anti-TTR, -lambda-light defined AL, TTR, or GEL cause, whereas earlier

Fig. 28.3 L3 nerve root mass (preoperatively “indetermi- (arrows), as well as flocculent material (arrowheads) adher-
nate mass”) from a 72-year-old man who presented with ing to empty strands, normal fibers, and fibers demonstrating
cauda equina syndrome without features of systemic primary segmental demyelination. An epoxy-embedded methylene-
amyloidosis (cardiac, kidney, sural nerve), with monoclonal blue-stained semithin section preparation (b) reveals large
IgM kappa. Closely approximated osmium tetroxide-stained acellular endoneurial deposits (asterisks) with multifocal
teased fiber preparation (a) shows segmental demyelination fiber loss and fibers with abnormally thin myelin
28 Peripheral Nerve Amyloidosis 367

attempts at immunophenotyping had failed. combinations of motor, sensory, and autonomic

Included in the important result was that not only nerves, roots, and plexus can be involved.
can the predominant amyloid protein be defined However, most commonly, AL causes polyneu-
but also the specific TTR mutation is determined. ropathy involving in length-dependent severity
This as important as TTR is a normal circulating (distal worse than proximal) small nerve fibers,
protein, and frequently, older persons have circu- often earlier or more apparently than large nerve
lating incidental circulating monoclonal proteins. fibers, and lower limbs earlier than upper limbs,
The approach has had immediate clinical appli- manifesting in neurologic deficits distally more
cation in routine practice with large potential for than proximally (i.e., length dependent). However,
future research with the proteomic microenviron- isolated mononeuropathy, plexopathy, and radic-
ment defined by the approach. Based on our ulopathy are possible, i.e., amyloidoma [14, 15,
experience, we have streamlined interpretation 17–19, 36, 37] (Figs. 28.2 and 28.3). Involvement
away from immunophenotyping. of autonomic ganglia and peripheral c-fibers are
common, and dysautonomic features may include
gastrointestinal dysmotility with intractable diar-
AL Primary Amyloidosis rhea, orthostatic hypotension, urinary inconti-
nence, and erectile dysfunction. Simultaneously,
Among systemic acquired amyloidoses, only multiple organ systems may be involved, includ-
immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis (AL) ing cardiovascular, renal, hepatic, gastrointesti-
has been thought to cause neuropathy. This nal, and skin [11, 12, 22, 36, 47–49].
dogma will require further review with the prolif- Occasionally, isolated peripheral nervous sys-
eration of proteomic analysis of amyloid by mass tem amyloidosis may precede spread to other
spectrophotometry [40, 41]. Lambda light chains organ systems by years. Presentation with somatic
are more commonly involved than kappa light (sensory loss and weakness) nonautonomic
chains, roughly by twofold [12, 42]. Monoclonal peripheral neuropathy in amyloidosis portends
gammopathy, in amyloidosis as in other condi- on the whole better prognosis. Heart failure and
tions, develops in the setting of plasma cell dys- gastrointestinal bleeding being the most common
crasia, multiple myeloma, or MGUS-associated causes of death in systemic AL amyloidosis,
lymphoma including Waldenström’s [43, 44]. though early involvement of autonomic nerves
When monoclonal proteins are identified by (orthostasis, cardioadrenergic) may also contrib-
serum or urine analysis in patients with amyloi- ute specifically to poorer prognosis [44, 50, 51].
dosis, AL variety is often given major consider-
ation. However, studies have emphasized that the
presence of monoclonal protein, particularly in IgM Nerve Deposition: a Pathologic
older patients, may be incidental [39, 45]. Mimicker of Amyloid
Therefore, caution should be used in assuming
the causality of circulating monoclonal proteins It is important to be aware of a very rare patho-
when amyloid is found in peripheral nerves. logic mimicker of amyloidosis having intraneural
Conversely, circulating monoclonal proteins may deposition of most commonly IgM macroglobu-
be small, and their detection, dependent on the lin in patients with IgM paraproteinemic neurop-
sensitivity of the laboratory methods utilized. athy, occurring in monoclonal gammopathy of
The inclusion of serum light chain ratio and 24-h undetermined significance and Waldenström’s
urine analysis provides increased sensitivity macroglobulinemia. Few cases are reported in
beyond that of serum protein electrophoresis and the literature [52–54]. Described patients have
immunofixation [43, 46]. presented with asymmetric onset sensory, distal
The variability of peripheral nervous system large- and small-fiber deficits with painful dyses-
involvements in AL amyloid is most dramatic thesias which evolve to length-dependent involve-
compared to familial forms of systemic amyloi- ments. Notably, there may be relative absence of
dosis affecting nerve. Asymmetric and variable dysautonomia and systemic organ involvement
368 A.J. Loavenbruck et al.

Fig. 28.4 Nerve biopsy from a 76-year-old woman with amyloid, most prominent subperineurially (asterisks).
systemic amyloidosis. Teased fiber preparation (a) shows Luxol fast blue / periodic acid / Schiff preparation
fibers demonstrating axonal degeneration with myelin (c) demonstrates a moderate size collection of mononu-
wrinkling and empty nerve strands. Congo red prepara- clear cells (arrows) adjacent to a small epineurial blood
tion (b) shows extensive endoneurial deposition of vessel

until very late in the disease course, distinguish- cell collections may be prominent, suggesting an
ing the condition clinically from most cases of inflammatory or immune-mediated process.
peripheral nerve amyloidosis. The mechanism of Teased fiber preparation often shows increased
nerve damage as in amyloidosis remains unex- numbers of empty nerve strands, floccular aggre-
plained—compressive, microvascular, inflamma- gates adhering to fibers, and segmental demyeli-
tory, and immune-mediated mechanisms have nation. Mass spectroscopy of laser microdissected
been considered (Fig. 28.4). deposits demonstrates that amyloid-like material
Histopathologically, deposits are seen like is composed of μ-heavy chain, λ-light chain, and
amyloid to involve endoneurial blood vessels, J-joining chain without serum amyloid protein
with infiltration throughout the endoneurium, (SAP) and Apo-E, suggesting deposition of IgM
often tracking subperineurially (Fig. 28.5). pentameric molecules in the absence of amyloid-
Deposits are eosinophilic, PAS positive, and very associated proteins. (Figueroa et al. manuscript
similar morphologically to amyloid, though in preparation) Deposits show a granulofibrillar
lacking the tinctural qualities of amyloid on structure on EM, which may be slightly distinct
methyl violet and Congo red preparations from the crisscrossing fibrillar structure of amy-
(Fig. 28.5). Epineurial perivascular mononuclear loid (Fig. 28.5).
28 Peripheral Nerve Amyloidosis 369

Fig. 28.5 IgM deposition disease (amyloid mimic) in Schiff preparation demonstrates a moderate-sized perivas-
sural nerve biopsy of a 69-year-old man with IgM mono- cular collection of mononuclear cells in the epineurium,
clonal gammopathy. H&E (a) and Congo red (b) prepara- which disrupts the vessel’s walls. Mass spectrometry of
tions show extensive endoneurial infiltration by acellular microdissected deposits detected IgM lambda pentameric
material involving endoneurial blood vessels (asterisks), macroglobulin with immunoglobulin mu heavy chain
which was not congophilic. Epoxy-embedded methylene- constant region, immunoglobulin lambda light chain con-
blue-stained semithin sections (c) show multifocal myeli- stant region, and immunoglobulin J chain, with no evi-
nated fiber loss with relatively greater loss of small dence of amyloid-associated proteins SAP and ApoE,
myelinated fibers. (d) Luxol fast blue / periodic acid / confirming a diagnosis of amyloid-like IgM neuropathy

et al. [5], in Portugal, remains the most common

Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy alteration associated with inherited amyloid neu-
ropathy. The mutation is inherited in autosomal
FAPs have been subcategorized by the three vari-
dominant fashion and has generally high
ant proteins associated with amyloid neuropathy:
transthyretin, gelsolin, and apolipoprotein A1
The normal transthyretin protein is a 55-kDa
(apo A1).
homotetramer of 127-residue monomers, with
dimer–dimer formation. The protein has large
Transthyretin subregions forming beta-pleated sheets. It is syn-
thesized largely in the liver, choroid plexus, and
Missense point mutation resulting in a valine for retina, and its physiologic function is as a trans-
methionine substitution at position 30 of TTR porter of thyroxine and retinol in the serum and
among first described by the work of Andrade cerebrospinal fluid [55]. The protein is encoded
370 A.J. Loavenbruck et al.

by the roughly 7-kbp TTR gene located at Gelsolin

18q12.1. Over 100 mutations of the gene have
been reported and found to be amyloidogenic. Much less common among FAPs is gelsolin amy-
Generally, mutations lead to destabilization of loidosis, which causes early and prominent cor-
the homotetrameric formation of the protein, with neal lattice dystrophy, predominant seventh
a greater tendency toward dimerization and sub- cranial neuropathy, and cutis laxa, and later in the
sequently amyloid fibrils. Wild-type transthyretin course of the disease, a distal polyneuropathy
is known to make up amyloid deposits in senile [23, 70]. Gelsolin amyloidosis follows a benign
systemic amyloidosis (SSA), where predominant course with relatively late onset, slow progres-
cardiac involvement occurs, but with primary sion, and limited morbidity. Inheritance is auto-
peripheral nerve involvement not demonstrated somal dominant. An asparagine for aspartate
[49, 56–58]. However, a case of multifocal spinal substitution at position 187 (D187N) of the gelso-
column involvement in SSA with resulting com- lin protein has been found, resulting from a
pression of adjacent nerve roots and spinal cord missense point mutation in the gelsolin gene.
has been described [59]. Progression of cardiac A tyrosine for asparagine substitution at the same
amyloidosis after liver transplantation for treat- position (D187Y) is also known to cause a simi-
ment of TTR amyloidosis has been shown to be lar phenotype. The gelsolin protein acts as an
attributable to continued deposition of wild-type actin modulator, and D187N and D187Y muta-
TTR [55, 60–62]. The published ratios in tissues tions make the protein subject to cleavage by the
correlated with posttransplant patient with TTR protease molecule furin, by reduced Ca2+ bind-
amyloid neuropathy [63]. ing at this mutated domain [71]. This occurs in
Though overall epidemiologic studies suggest the Golgi complex producing the amyloidogenic
better survival from the time of symptom onset protein precursor which then targets the unique
than in AL amyloidosis [12], TTR amyloid neu- distribution of tissues.
ropathy cannot be distinguished from primary Most known patients have been reported in
amyloidosis based on clinical features alone, Finland [70], but cases have been reported in
without the aid of laboratory or histopathologic the USA, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Japan
studies. Like in AL amyloidosis, patients present [72, 73].
most commonly with progressive, length-depen-
dent, axonal-predominant polyneuropathy. There
is prominent autonomic and small fiber involve- Apolipoprotein A1
ment, manifesting in painful acral paresthesias,
thermanesthesia, erectile dysfunction, and gas- Apo A-I, secreted by the liver and intestine, is the
trointestinal dysmotility. Malabsorption with main protein in high-density lipoprotein (HDL).
watery diarrhea may be intractable. Variations It is a cofactor for lecithin cholesterol acyl-
exist in presentation, including (1) motor pre- transferase (LCAT) and plays a prominent role
dominant, (2) isolated pain and insensitivity, and in cholesterol transport. The 267-amino-acid
(3) isolated dysautonomia. Initially, genotype– prepropeptide undergoes two cleavage steps,
phenotype correlations of specific neurologic resulting in a functional 243-amino-acid protein.
presentations such as carpal tunnel syndrome Kidney and liver serve as the major sites of Apo
were thought possible [64, 65]; however, with A-I breakdown. Decreased plasma HDL (hypoal-
subsequent larger case series, these associations phalipoproteinemia), hypertriglyceridemia, and/
are less clear, and substantial phenotypic overlap or defective LCAT activation are associated with
is recognized between genotypes [66–68]. While defects in the protein. Over 8 different missense
the presence of family history of neuropathy or mutations are reported in Apo A-1, but only an
amyloidosis can be helpful in identifying TTR arginine for glycine substitution at position 26
amyloidosis, its absence cannot exclude the diag- (Gly26Arg) and a histidine for leucine substitu-
nosis [67, 69]. tion at position 174 (Leu174His) have been
28 Peripheral Nerve Amyloidosis 371

reported to be associated with neuropathy [74–77]. amyloidogenic protein found. The primary goal is
Kidney and heart involvements have been the to reduce the circulating fibril-forming proteins.
major causes of clinical presentations. Therapy for AL-type amyloidosis can be directed
Apo A-I IOWA was the first Apo A-I variant at an underlying plasma cell dyscrasia using che-
found to be associated with amyloidosis and motherapy and stem cell transplantation. Their
peripheral neuropathy and was found in an Iowan survival is shown to be improved [82, 83].
kindred of British descent 45. The Gly26Arg sub- Treatment for TTR amyloidosis with liver trans-
stitution was seen in Apo A-1 protein making up plantation has been thought helpful in reducing
amyloid fibrils in affected family members. precursor mutant TTR. The 5-year survival rate
Genetic analysis later discovered heterozygosity after liver transplantation has varied result, i.e., 77
for a correlating point mutation of the Apo A-1 and 92% [84, 85]. However, objective quantita-
gene 43. Variant ApoA1 Gly26Arg was subse- tive study of neuropathy is lacking posttransplant,
quently found in amyloid deposits in two fami- and clinical neurologic progression does occur in
lies without neuropathy, including a Massachusetts a significant portion of treated patients from pos-
family of Scandinavian descent and a Canadian sibly extrahepatic production of transthyretin.
family of British descent. Eight additional ApoA1 Molecular investigations show that deposition of
variants have since been found to be associated TTR amyloid (wild-type and mutant form) does
with amyloidosis. Chronologically, the next two occur despite liver transplantation [63].
variants to be described were Leu60Arg in a Most recently, pharmacologic attempts at sta-
British family and Trp50Arg in an Ashkenazi bilizing fibril-forming TTR dimers into their more
family, both found to have renal and visceral stable homotetramer state may help in clinical
involvement with variant Apo A-1 amyloid application [86]. The analgesic and anti-inflam-
deposits, without neuropathy [78, 79]. Apo A-1 matory drug diflunisal used previously in inflam-
amyloidosis with a 12-residue deletion and Val- matory arthropathy was shown to promote
Thr insertion was found in a Spanish family [80] homotetramer form in prevention of amyloid
in which affected members had both cardiac and fibrils [87, 88]. Analogs of this drug are under
renal involvement without neuropathy. An investigation in clinical management of TTR amy-
Arg173Pro substitution was found to be associ- loidosis with defined outcome measures including
ated with cardiac, larynx, and cutaneous involve- for neuropathy. For gelsolin, molecular therapies
ment [81]. Variant Apo A-1 Leu178His amyloid have been less clear, and the risk of such experi-
deposits involving heart, skin, and larynx were mental approaches has generally not been accept-
found in a small French kindred [74]. One able given the relative benign course compared to
affected member was found to have clinical and AL and TTR forms. For gelsolin, lubrication of
neurophysiologic evidence of distal polyneurop- the eyes in prevention of further corneal injury
athy, though this was not biopsy confirmed. and facial reconstructive surgery are employed in
Interestingly, amyloid deposits were found to be symptomatic management. Utilization of furin
composed of both variant ApoA1 and wild-type inhibitors or “chemical chaperoning” to stabilize
transthyretin protein. the mutant molecule has been discussed [89].

Treatment of Pathologic Peripheral

Nerve Amyloidosis
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Part VI
Clinical Issues and Therapy
Clinical and Pathologic Issues
in Patients with Amyloidosis: 29
Practical Comments Regarding
Diagnosis, Therapy, and Solid
Organ Transplantation

Jay S. Dalal, Kevin Barton, and Maria M. Picken

Amyloidosis • Staging • Treatment • Transplantation • Systemic •

Introduction Suspicion of Amyloidosis

The care of patients with amyloidosis requires Diagnosis of amyloidosis should ideally occur at
accurate diagnosis, including amyloid typing, a relatively early stage in the disease process,
staging of disease, therapy, and subsequent prior to significant organ dysfunction. This, of
reevaluations of response to therapy, relapses, course, requires consideration of the diagnosis by
and/or development of secondary complications. both clinicians and pathologists. Because of the
Diagnosis of amyloidosis and its staging involve vague constellation of symptoms, which mimic
critical interactions between clinicians and more common diseases, clinicians are often
pathologists. This chapter provides a brief sum- delayed in considering a diagnosis of amyloido-
mary of clinical issues in patients with amyloido- sis. Abdominal pain, arthritis, carpal tunnel syn-
sis and practical advice to pathologists involved drome, neuropathies, proteinuria, and heart
in their care. failure rarely have clinicians considering amyloi-
dosis initially. The classic findings of macroglos-
sia or periorbital edema are found only in a small
minority of patients. Amyloidosis-associated
factor X deficiency and associated bleeding are
also unusual findings. Thus, help from patholo-
J.S. Dalal, M.D. • K. Barton, M.D.
Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department gists, with a raised index of suspicion, will often
of Medicine, Loyola University Medical Center, direct the clinician toward a diagnosis that had not
Loyola University Chicago, IL, USA previously been considered. Prior biopsies that
M.M. Picken, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.S.N. (*) are reexamined for amyloid deposits are often
Department of Pathology, Loyola University found to be positive. This indicates not only a
Medical Center, Bldg#110, Rm#2242, 2160
delay in diagnosis and early treatment, but also
S. First Avenue, Loyola University Chicago,
IL 60153, USA potentially increased morbidity to the patient, who
e-mail: mpicken@lumc.edu; mmpicken@aol.com continues to undergo unnecessary procedures for

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 377
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_29,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
378 J.S. Dalal et al.

his or her symptoms, and a delay in treatment. lymphadenopathy); tongue biopsy is only rarely
Amyloidosis should be suspected in any patient performed. Clinically symptomatic vascular
with unexplained nephrotic range proteinuria, amyloid may be associated with claudication of
cardiomyopathy, peripheral neuropathy, hepato- the limbs and jaw. Thus, pathologic evaluation of
megaly, or symptoms of bowel pseudo-obstruc- these sites should include stain(s) for amyloid
tion [1]. Amyloidosis should be suspected not deposits. Importantly, however, localized amy-
only in patients with underlying plasma cell dis- loid deposits, in particular, may mimic malig-
orders such as MGUS, asymptomatic myeloma, nancy and may come to the pathologist’s attention
and symptomatic multiple myeloma, but also in at the time of frozen section examination. Given
patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, the differences in management (see below), it is
Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia, MALT non- critical to consider amyloid and to avoid poten-
Hodgkin’s lymphomas, or any mature B-cell tially more extensive surgery.
lymphoproliferative disorder where a paraprotein Alternatively, biopsy of a surrogate site may
may be produced. Laboratory evaluation with be considered, such as abdominal fat or bone
serum free light chain assay together with immu- marrow [3–5]. Patients with a high suspicion for
nofixation of the serum and urine now have a systemic amyloidosis should undergo both
sensitivity of near 100% for detection of an abdominal fat and bone marrow biopsies, which
abnormal light chain in patients with AL-type may need to be periodically repeated. Positive
amyloidosis [2] (see also Chap. 22). Patients with results from these surrogate sites may spare the
a detectable paraprotein or abnormal light chain patient more invasive internal organ biopsies (see
levels will require biopsies for diagnosis of amy- Chaps. 15 and 16). Such biopsies should also be
loidosis [3, 4]. performed if a diagnosis of amyloidosis was sus-
pected, but inconclusive in prior specimens due
to sample size limitation and/or sample represen-
Biopsy Types tativity error (see Chap. 13). The advantages of
using an actual small surgical fat biopsy over fine
The biopsy may be an involved organ or an alter- needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) are discussed
native site [1–4]. Kidney, heart, and/or peripheral in Chaps. 15 and 16.
nerves are the most commonly involved sites in Moreover, repeated fat biopsies may be easily
systemic amyloidoses and pathologists should performed.
routinely consider amyloidosis in the differential
diagnosis of these biopsies. Hence, it is practical,
and strongly recommended, to routinely perform Diagnosis
appropriate stains, in particular Congo red stain,
on these biopsies. The goal should be an early Generic diagnosis of amyloidosis requires the
detection of amyloid, before it can be suspected demonstration in tissue section of deposits that
on H&E stain. Other organs may include gastro- are Congo red positive and birefringent under
intestinal biopsies with morphology of collage- polarized light [3]. Other modifications of Congo
nous colitis, ischemic changes, and/or ulcers red and alternative stains, useful for screening
mimicking amyloid deposits. Vascular involve- purposes, are discussed in Chaps. 12–14 and 16.
ment by amyloid can be associated with wall Congo red stains may show false-positive or
thickening, mimicking hypertensive changes, false-negative results based on technical issues
and even vasculitis (see also Chap. 8). Among [5]. It is thus important that the biopsies are pro-
soft tissue sites, skin, muscle (with pseudo- cessed appropriately and interpreted by experi-
hypertrophy and a shoulder pad sign), periarticu- enced pathologists. Pathologic diagnosis of
lar tissues, and temporal artery may be biopsied. amyloid also involves determination of the amy-
Other sites may include the submandibular gland loid fibril protein type. Historically, patients with
(clinically with swelling) and lymph nodes (with a paraprotein and amyloidosis were inferred to
29 Clinical and Pathologic Issues in Patients with Amyloidosis… 379

have AL-type amyloidosis. While this is often tracheobronchial amyloidosis is often localized,
true, confirmation of the specific amyloid protein but diffuse interstitial amyloidosis is associated
type in tissue deposits is mandatory before a spe- with pulmonary involvement in systemic amyloi-
cific therapy can be considered. This has tradi- dosis. Pleural effusions may be caused by direct
tionally been achieved by immunohistochemical pleural infiltration with amyloid. In peripheral
studies (performed on paraffin or frozen sections) nerves, amyloidosis affects small unmyelinated
and, most recently, by mass spectrometry (dis- fibers. Carpal tunnel syndrome, due to amyloid
cussed in Chaps. 17–21, [3, 6]). Correct determi- deposition, does not constitute peripheral neu-
nation is critical in view of the markedly different ropathy [4]. With regard to cardiac specimens, it
treatment options available for these patients, and is critical to specify the biopsy site, i.e., ventricu-
is particularly important in selected patients with lar versus atrial. The latter may be involved by
hereditary amyloidoses and coincidental mono- localized amyloid deposits and is frequently
clonal gammopathy [4, 7]. Since amyloidoses are associated with atrial fibrillation. Unique chal-
handled rather infrequently by most general sur- lenges associated with the follow-up of patients
gical pathology laboratories, it is preferable to post liver (including domino liver and other solid
refer the evaluation of such specimens to special- organ) transplantation are briefly discussed later
ized laboratories, both for the confirmation of a in this chapter.
generic diagnosis and for amyloid type determi-
nation [3]. Thus, the most important, and in fact
critical, contribution of general surgical patholo- Staging
gists is sensitive screening for amyloid deposits.
Please note that repeated biopsies may be Localized Amyloidosis
needed to establish an initial diagnosis of amyloi-
dosis in patients with known risk factors such as Amyloidosis presenting in the urinary bladder or
underlying plasma cell dyscrasia, chronic inflam- in the tracheobronchial tree may often be local-
matory states, or a known potentially amyloido- ized [8]. Some other anatomic areas, such as the
genic mutation. Moreover, evaluation of response skin, gastrointestinal tract, tonsil, lymph node,
to treatment or detection of disease recurrence and breast, may also have localized amyloidosis
may also be aided by biopsies. The definition of (see also Chaps. 6, 25, and 26, [8]). These patients
organ involvement and response to treatment in often present a challenge and require careful eval-
AL that has been established thus far, and which uation to exclude systemic disease. Thus, patients
is routinely used by clinicians, also involves with a possible localized disease should undergo
pathologic parameters [4]. Therefore, the pathol- abdominal fat and bone marrow examinations.
ogy report should contain the required informa- Clinical evaluation for possible cardiac involve-
tion. Hence, it is important to specify whether ment, with laboratory studies that include B-type
amyloid deposits are limited to the vasculature or natriuretic peptides (BNP) and troponin, along
are interstitial. To this end, for example, vascular with echocardiogram and cardiac MRI, may be
deposits limited to hepatic venules or portal triad useful. The patient should undergo clinical evalu-
vessels are insufficient for the definition of ation for renal involvement, with a 24-h urine col-
hepatic involvement. Similarly, deposits limited lection to assess for proteinuria and paraproteins.
to vessels in the gastrointestinal tract, which are If the localized amyloid is of the AL type, without
seen in 80% of patients with AL and are asymp- evidence of systemic disease, a search to rule out
tomatic, are not considered as the evidence of a mature B-cell lymphoma as the cause of the
intestinal organ involvement for the purposes of local light chain production should be undertaken.
staging [4]. In contrast, the presence of intersti- Patients who prove to have localized disease may
tial deposits in the liver and the lamina propria of require local therapy, such as laser therapy or
the gastrointestinal tract is usually symptomatic surgery, to remove an obstructive tracheobron-
and meets these criteria. In the lungs, nodular and chial, gastrointestinal, or genitourinary mass [8].
380 J.S. Dalal et al.

Fig. 29.1 An algorithm for the evaluation of suspected amyloidosis. Reprinted with permission from [9]. © 2008
American Society of Clinical Oncology. All rights reserved

These patients should be followed since recur- (see also Chap. 2). The critical distinction is
rences with obstruction and/or mass symptoms between AL and other types of systemic amyloi-
can occur. Such lesions may also be, at times, doses. Figure 29.1 presents an algorithm for the
bilateral and even multifocal within the tracheo- evaluation of suspected amyloidosis [9].
bronchial tree or extrarenal genitourinary system.
While it is perceived that, once correctly diag- Cardiac Staging
nosed, localized amyloid rarely progresses to sys- Staging for cardiac burden is a critical part of the
temic disease, this possibility, nevertheless, should initial evaluation since the prognosis in AL amy-
be kept in mind (see also Chaps. 6 and 25). loidosis is a function of the extent of cardiac
involvement. In the case of hereditary amyloi-
doses, significant cardiac involvement may
Systemic Amyloidosis require combined liver and cardiac transplanta-
tion (see below). Serum troponins (I or T) and
The manifestations of systemic amyloidosis are either BNP or NT-proBNP are highly sensitive
indeed protean. Many organs may be involved. markers for cardiac involvement, and normal val-
The heart, however, is clearly the critical target ues exclude clinically significant cardiac amyloid
organ with regard to prognosis and with regard [10]. Electrocardiography and echocardiography
to determining which therapies are possible should be performed to evaluate for arrhythmias
29 Clinical and Pathologic Issues in Patients with Amyloidosis… 381

and restrictive cardiomyopathy. Consideration

should be given to cardiology consultation in
Systemic AL Amyloidosis
cases where any abnormalities are found. Cardiac
The goal of therapy in patients with AL amyloi-
MRI is also an emerging modality for the evalua-
dosis is to reduce the production of abnormal free
tion of amyloid infiltration. Cardiac biomarkers
light chains to as low a level as possible, for as
are prognostic for survival in AL patients and can
long as possible, and as soon as possible. Patients
also be used to monitor the effect of treatment.
with amyloidosis associated with CLL or non-
Post-therapy, patients with a greater than 30%
Hodgkin’s lymphoma should have their therapy
reduction and a greater than 300 ng/L decrease in
directed against the specific associated disease. It
the NT-proBNP level, from baseline, are corre-
is important to recognize that eliminating the
lated with improved survival; increases of the
source of the damaging light chains can reverse
same amount are associated with a reduced sur-
AL-related organ damage and improve the func-
vival rate [10, 11].
tional status of these patients [11, 12]. Despite
improvements in diagnosis and staging, the effec-
Bone Marrow Evaluation
tive treatment of AL amyloidosis remains a chal-
Systemic AL amyloidosis is caused by free light
lenge. The median survival from diagnosis is in
chains produced by clonal plasma cells, or rarely
the 2–3 year range, with a much worse prognosis
(2% of the time) by mature B-cell lymphomas
in those with elevated cardiac troponins [13].
[12]. In contrast to multiple myeloma, AL amyloid
Failure to achieve a 50% reduction in involved
patients may have significant end organ damage
free light chain has been associated with a signifi-
with <10% plasma cells found on bone marrow
cantly reduced survival [10]. Increasing evidence
examination. The cytogenetics and FISH studies
supports the notion that it is the pre-fibrillar
that have prognostic value in myeloma are not yet
monomers, rather than the actual amyloid fibrils,
well validated for amyloid. See also Chap. 23.
which are the toxic entities. Hence, a rapid reduc-
tion in the level of circulating light chains is an
important issue.
A broad range of therapies is available for
patients who have plasma cell disorders underly-
Appropriate treatment for amyloidosis differs
ing their amyloidosis. We review some of the
based on the amyloid protein type and the stag-
most common, current, and emerging therapies.
ing, highlighting the importance of an accurate
The choice of therapy for an individual patient is
diagnosis at presentation. Localized disease is
dependent on their comorbidities, their overall
generally managed with local treatments or, in
condition, and, particularly, the cardiac staging.
select cases, by observation with planned reeval-
The most significant independent prognostic
uations. Although localized amyloidosis, if diag-
determinants are cardiac involvement and
nosed correctly, is felt to progress rarely to a
response to therapy [14].
systemic process, these patients require periodic
reevaluation to exclude such progression, which
may take years to develop [8]. Recurrences may
also occur. Other amyloidoses, including AA, High-Dose Therapy and Autologous
hereditary, and senile forms, are not responsive to Bone Marrow Transplantation
cytotoxic therapies, and their management
involves evaluation for organ transplantation Autologous bone marrow transplantation allows
and/or pharmacologic therapies (see below and for the use of otherwise potentially lethal doses of
Chaps. 3 and 30). The most critical step in the chemotherapy, since it replenishes the ablated
management of patients with a newly diagnosed bone marrow with the patient’s own collected
amyloidosis is the distinction between systemic stem cells. The response of amyloidogenic light
AL and other amyloidoses. chains to chemotherapy is dose dependent, and
382 J.S. Dalal et al.

this method may be the most effective long-term standard colchicine (which has a known benefit
therapy in AL amyloidosis, provided the patient in the treatment of secondary amyloidosis in
can tolerate the procedure. At one center, 25% of familial Mediterranean fever) to melphalan (an
patients receiving autologous stem cell transplan- oral alkylating agent with a known effect against
tation (ASCT) were reported to be 10-year survi- plasma cell neoplasms) with prednisone versus
vors and, of those who achieved a complete a third group that received all three agents.
remission, the 10-year survival rate was 53% [15]. The results showed a significant overall survival
At diagnosis of systemic AL amyloidosis, clini- benefit to those receiving melphalan and predni-
cians should determine if the patient is an appro- sone (18 months versus 8.5 months for the colchi-
priate candidate for autologous transplantation. cine alone group) [19]. This study thus initiated
Randomized trials comparing ASCT to stan- the use of a myeloma-type regimen for the effec-
dard treatments are limited. A prospective ran- tive treatment of AL amyloidosis. It should be
domized study of 100 patients with AL amyloidosis noted that, of those who did respond, 21%
found no survival benefit to high-dose therapy required over 12 months to show a benefit, indi-
followed by ASCT as compared with the alkylat- cating a longer than desired time to response,
ing drug melphalan in combination with dexame- which can be an important issue for patients who
thasone [16]. The interpretation of this result is, present with advanced disease.
however, debatable since the high treatment- Oral melphalan and dexamethasone have tra-
related mortality that was reported may more ditionally been one of the standard frontline treat-
accurately reflect the influence of patient selection ments for systemic AL amyloidosis [20, 21]. The
and the variable experience of transplant centers. use of high-dose dexamethasone with melphalan
Historically, AL amyloid patients have experi- led to an improvement in the median time to
enced a much higher mortality rate when under- response (4.5 months) as compared to prednisone
going ASCT than that found for other diseases, with melphalan [21]. This regimen has shown a
most probably due to underlying organ dysfunc- hematologic response 67% of the time, with 33%
tion. Earlier treatment-related mortality rates complete remission and an organ response rate of
with ASCT in AL amyloidosis have been reported 48% in a phase II study of 45 patients. At 5 years,
to be in excess of 20% [17]. Due to the increased this cohort demonstrated a median progression-
treatment-related mortality risk associated with free survival of 3.8 years and an overall survival
high-dose therapy and ASCT in AL amyloid of 5.1 years [20]. While melphalan-based thera-
patients, proper patient selection is essential to pies represent an advancement in the treatment of
optimize clinical outcomes. Poor performance AL amyloidosis, it is the emergence of novel
status, advanced heart failure, elevated cardiac agents that has revolutionized the treatment of
troponins, significant renal dysfunction, and these diseases.
extensive multi-organ involvement represent
contraindications to transplantation [18]. With
appropriate patient selection and improved sup- The Immunomodulatory Derivatives
portive care, the treatment-related mortality has
decreased to the range of 5–10% at many experi- The immunomodulatory drugs (IMiDs), thalido-
enced centers [17]. Nonetheless, only approxi- mide and its derivatives (lenalidomide and
mately 20% of patients are good candidates for pomalidomide1), are oral drugs that have been
high-dose therapy and better options are still found to be potent agents in the treatment of mul-
needed for those not suitable for this treatment. tiple myeloma as well as AL amyloidosis. The
exact mechanisms of action are unclear, but it

Melphalan-Based Therapies 1
Please note that pomalidomide, carfilzomib, and panobin-
ostat have not been, as of this writing (September 2011),
One of the early landmark prospective studies in approved by the FDA for use in human subjects
the treatment of AL amyloidosis compared the (Fig. 29.2).
29 Clinical and Pathologic Issues in Patients with Amyloidosis… 383

does appear that the use of IMiDs decreases bind- Lenalidomide has also shown a possible increase
ing of multiple myeloma cells to bone marrow in secondary malignancies in recent studies [28].
stromal cells, inhibits the production in the bone Pomalidomide is an oral agent, with structural
marrow milieu of cytokines [IL-6, vascular similarities to both lenalidomide and thalidomide,
endothelial growth factor (VEGF), TNF-a] that formulated to maintain efficacy but avoid the neu-
mediate the growth and survival of the myeloma rotoxicity of thalidomide and the myelosuppres-
cells, blocks angiogenesis, and stimulates host sion associated with lenalidomide. In a phase II
antitumor natural killer cell immunity [22]. Major study of heavily pretreated patients with relapsed
side effects of this class of drugs include signifi- or refractory multiple myeloma, 63% of patients
cant risk of thromboembolism, which can be achieved a response with daily pomalidomide and
reduced by the use of antiplatelet agents and/or low-dose dexamethasone. Responses were seen
anticoagulation. in 40% of lenalidomide-refractory patients, 37%
Thalidomide is an oral agent that was first of thalidomide-refractory patients, and 60% of
developed as a drug in the 1950s for its sedating bortezomib-refractory patients. The major toxic-
and antinausea properties, but which quickly ity was myelosuppression [29]. Further investiga-
earned a notorious reputation due to its terato- tion of its frontline use is being explored.
genic effects. A resurgence of interest occurred in
the 1990s when it demonstrated anti-angiogenic
properties and was tested in multiple myeloma Proteasome Inhibitors
[23, 24]. An Italian study of 31 patients receiving
thalidomide with dexamethasone found a hema- The proteasome is found in both the nucleus and
tologic response in 48% [25]. Another study the cytoplasm of cells and acts to degrade
found that the outcome for patients with light unneeded or damaged proteins by proteolysis.
chain amyloidosis, treated with thalidomide and Inhibiting the function of the proteasome in sen-
steroids, was inferior to that seen in patients with sitive cells may lead to an overwhelming load
multiple myeloma. Thus, half of the amyloidosis for the endoplasmic reticulum and ultimate apop-
patients experienced a grade III/IV toxicity and tosis by disrupting the regulated degradation
25% had to discontinue therapy. The median time of pro-growth cell cycle proteins (Fig. 29.2,
on therapy was only 72 days [26]. Although thali- [30–32]). Clonal plasma cell diseases, including
domide introduced the class of immunomodula- those associated with AL amyloidosis, appear to
tory agents, it is poorly tolerated in AL be exquisitely sensitive to proteasome inhibition,
amyloidosis due to fatigue, edema, thromboem- making it an attractive target for treatment.
bolism, bradycardia, and neurotoxicity. Newer Bortezomib is the first-in-class proteasome inhib-
IMiDs have essentially supplanted it for use in itor and appears to be one of the most active
patients with systemic amyloidosis. agents in the treatment of AL amyloidosis. In an
Thus, lenalidomide appears to be largely initial report, 18 patients with AL amyloidosis
replacing thalidomide in the treatment of AL (the majority of whom had advanced organ
amyloidosis. Toxicities include fatigue and involvement) were treated with bortezomib and
myelosuppression, which are dose limiting. This dexamethasone and a hematologic response was
drug also carries an increased risk of thromboem- seen in 94%, with a complete hematologic
bolism and, therefore, appropriate anticoagulation response in 44% [33]. This intravenous drug has
measures should be taken in all patients. A notable traditionally been delivered in a twice-weekly
confounding aspect of IMiD therapy is a rise in regimen with significant toxicities, including
cardiac biomarkers, which does not appear to cor- peripheral neuropathy, which can be severe with
relate with worsening cardiac status or hemato- prolonged exposure. Investigation into once-
logic progression. In such circumstances, it is versus twice-weekly dosing of bortezomib, in
recommended to allow for a drug washout period relapsed AL amyloidosis patients, found high
and reassessment of organ function before dis- rates of response with equivalence of effective-
missing this potentially active agent [27]. ness in both groups. Once-weekly bortezomib
384 J.S. Dalal et al.

Fig. 29.2 The mechanism of action of the proteosome proteins which could result in cell stress and cytotoxic-
inhibitors bortezomib (PS-341) and carfilzomib (PR-171) ity for the plasma cell producing the abnormal light
along with the pan-HDAC inhibitor panobinostat chains. E1, ubiquitin-activating enzyme; E2, ubiquitin-
(LBH589) [30–32]. The combined inhibition of both conjugating enzyme; E3, ubiquitin ligases; Ub, poly ubiq-
the proteosome and aggresome pathways may result in uitin chain; K27, 48, 63, lysine residues; HDAC6, histone
the accumulation of unfolded and misfolded amyloid deacetylase-6

appears to be preferable due to the significantly including its potential use in addition to lenalido-
higher toxicities and rates of discontinuation/ mide and dexamethasone. There is hope that this
dose reduction in the twice-weekly dosing [34]. agent can deliver the effectiveness of bortezomib
Subcutaneous administration is also emerging without the dose limiting neurotoxicity; however,
and may offer a superior safety profile [35]. Due further studies are needed.
to an increased risk of viral infections, including
shingles and disseminated herpes, prophylactic
antivirals are indicated with the use of borte- Aggresome Inhibition
zomib. As opposed to some other agents, includ-
ing lenalidomide, bortezomib has minimal The aggresome can act as a secondary mecha-
myelosuppression, making it an attractive option nism to the proteasome in the disposal of cellular
for patients in whom ASCT is a consideration. contents and, therefore, is an attractive alterna-
Carfilzomib (see footnote 1) (PR-171) is an tive target of inhibition (Fig. 29.2). There is some
irreversible proteasome inhibitor that was devel- optimism that dual inhibition of both the protea-
oped to address the limiting neurotoxicity of some and the aggresome may offer synergistic
bortezomib. Current studies are underway, effects, or may be useful in those who become
29 Clinical and Pathologic Issues in Patients with Amyloidosis… 385

refractory to proteasome inhibition alone. The proposed that this is due to enhanced deposition
drug panobinostat (see footnote 1) is a histone of wild-type TTR on a template of amyloid
deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor that also functions derived from the variant TTR [41]. This phenom-
to inhibit the aggresome. This drug is being stud- enon appears to be mutation-dependent. In sum-
ied as a single agent and in combination with pro- mary, it appears that the outcome of liver
teasome inhibitors. transplantation in patients with FAP depends on
many variables, including the type of mutation,
severity of neuropathy, and the degree of cardiac
Other Systemic Amyloidoses amyloid involvement, as well as nutritional sta-
tus and age; thus, early diagnosis and transplanta-
Not all systemic amyloidoses are, at present, tion is critical. Unfortunately, given the variability
treatable, but new possibilities are emerging. of penetrance and the late onset of disease in
Modern therapies for AA amyloidosis and emerg- many mutations, a family history is often miss-
ing therapies for other amyloidoses are discussed ing. De novo mutations are also possible. For
in Chaps. 30 and 31, respectively. The role of these reasons, the diagnosis is often delayed.
solid organ transplantation in the management of With the exception of being a source of abnor-
patients with various systemic amyloidoses, mal protein, which causes systemic disease, liv-
hereditary as well as nonhereditary, is also ers from patients with ATTR are otherwise
increasing [36–42]. structurally and functionally normal. Usually, the
For several hereditary amyloidoses, the liver livers contain only microscopic amyloid deposits
is the predominant (transthyretin), exclusive in hilar vessels and nerves, and are otherwise
(fibrinogen), or partial (apolipoprotein AI) source uninvolved [41]. Thus, given the shortage of liv-
of abnormal protein. Based on this, liver trans- ers available for transplantation, since 1995, such
plantation was offered to affected patients as a explanted livers have been used sequentially as
form of “surgical” gene therapy, where replace- donor grafts for recipients with liver malignan-
ment of the variant gene with a normal gene is cies or conditions that make them unacceptable
achieved by replacement of the liver. Thus, in the (or low priority) candidates for conventional
early 1990s, the first patients with familial amy- cadaveric liver transplantation (“marginal recipi-
loid polyneuropathy (FAP) due to a mutation in ents”). This type of dual, sequential transplanta-
the ATTR gene, were treated by liver transplanta- tion has been named “domino” liver
tion and there is now a worldwide registry of transplantation [43–47]. The domino surgery
such transplantations please see http://www.fap- does not add any risk to the FAP liver donor or
wtr.org, [36]). Currently, liver transplantation is recipient, but it does increase the organ pool,
an acceptable treatment option, halting progress allowing the transplantation of marginal recipi-
of the disease; however, long-term outcomes are ents who would not otherwise be eligible to
variable. The results appear to be better in receive a deceased donor liver [44, 47].
younger patients who are affected by the most Since the penetrance of the disease varies sub-
prevalent variant of transthyretin (Met30), and stantially, and amyloid deposition and symptoms
who are at the early stages of the disease, with occur in affected persons only in adulthood, it
mild symptoms [37, 39, 40]. Thus, regression of was considered that the danger of de novo dis-
visceral amyloid deposits has been reported as ease in the recipient was minimal. Indeed, hun-
well as improvements in autonomic and, to a dreds of patients have benefited from domino
lesser extent, peripheral nerve function. transplants. However, with longer survival times
Unexpectedly, however, some patients, who were post domino liver transplantation, rarely patients
affected by certain mutations, experienced a rapid were found to develop polyneuropathy. The first
progression of cardiac amyloidosis after liver such reported case was a patient who developed
transplantation, even though the deposits else- polyneuropathy associated with ATTR amyloid
where had stabilized or regressed [40–42]. It is deposits in his peripheral nerves, 8 years post
386 J.S. Dalal et al.

domino liver transplantation [48]. More recent amyloidosis in Europe and possibly also in the
reports suggest that overt polyneuropathy may be USA [51]. This type of hereditary amyloidosis
preceded by subclinical gastrointestinal transthy- appears to target primarily the kidney, leading to
retin amyloid deposits [49, 50]. Thus, it appears the development of nephrotic syndrome, hyper-
that polyneuropathy symptoms may appear 3 or tension, and kidney failure as the main clinical
4 years after the histological demonstration of manifestations. Initially, kidney transplantation
amyloid deposition elsewhere in the body. Even was offered to affected patients, but solitary renal
earlier, nonfibrillar deposits of transthyretin may allografts were found to fail within 1–7 years as a
also be detected in the skin [49]. Hence, at the consequence of recurrent amyloidosis. Since the
present time, long-term monitoring of domino variant fibrinogen is solely produced in the liver,
FAP recipients, using annual abdominal fat or currently, a combined liver and kidney transplan-
gastroduodenal mucosal biopsies, is recom- tation is performed. Moreover, data published
mended to detect amyloid deposits at an early recently by Stangou et al. [51] even encourage
stage of disease. Nerve biopsy is required to diag- the consideration of a preemptive solitary liver
nose de novo amyloid polyneuropathy and to transplantation, early in the course of amyloid
consider retransplantation. Pharmacologic thera- nephropathy, to obviate the need for hemodialy-
pies, some of which are currently in clinical tri- sis and kidney transplantation. These authors also
als, are also becoming available. Further, propose that early solitary liver transplantation
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have been may also prevent significant cardiovascular amy-
shown to stabilize the native tetramer of TTR loidosis. This is based on their evidence that AFib
molecules, to inhibit transthyretin amyloidogen- is a systemic and serious disorder, affecting more
esis and to reduce the risk of post-transplant amy- organs than just the kidneys, and that therefore,
loid polyneuropathy [36]. renal transplantation can be compromised by
In individuals with a TTR gene mutation, it ongoing damage to other tissues and to the new
takes >20 years before the onset of amyloid depo- renal graft (Fig. 29.3, [51, 52]).
sition in their organs and several more years Thus, similar to FAP, patients affected by AFib
before FAP symptoms develop. While it is diffi- are considered for transplantation at the earlier
cult to explain why some recipients of FAP livers stages of the disease. However, issues associated
develop TTR amyloidosis within a much shorter with the clinical management of asymptomatic
incubation period (in comparison with geneti- carriers of a potentially amyloidogenic mutation
cally determined FAP patients), the age factor are still largely unresolved [51]. In general, due
may play a role. In this regard, recipients of dom- to variable penetrance, aggressive treatments are
ino livers have typically been older and, hence, delayed until onset of the disease is clinically
subject to age-related amyloidogenesis. The TTR apparent, a situation that may occur quite late in
molecule, being composed largely of beta-sheet some patients. This may change, however, in
structure, is inherently amyloidogenic. In older view of the data presented by Stangou et al., sug-
individuals, even the wild-type molecule may gesting that, even in clinically healthy carriers of
promote amyloidogenesis, in particular affecting a mutation, damage to the systemic vasculature
the heart (see also Chaps. 4 and 6). Thus, in older may already occur (Fig. 29.3, [51, 52]). The
patients who are recipients of domino livers, development of pharmacologic gene therapy
amyloidogenesis may be accelerated due to older should alleviate some of the issues associated
age [48–50]. The Familial Amyloidotic with transplantation in hereditary amyloidoses.
Polyneuropathy World Transplant Registry also Conventional pharmacologic therapies for overt
collects data on domino liver transplants (The ATTR disease are also in clinical trials (please
Domino Liver World Transplant Registry at see also Chap. 30).
http://www.fapwtr.org/ram1.htm, [36]). Apolipoprotein AI (Aapo AI), which can
Variants of fibrinogen A alpha-chain (AFib) cause hereditary amyloidosis, is secreted by the
cause the most common type of hereditary renal liver and intestine [53]. Here, amyloid disease
29 Clinical and Pathologic Issues in Patients with Amyloidosis… 387

Fig. 29.3 Proposed pathogenesis of fibrinogen amyloidosis [51]. Reprinted with permission from [52].

progression may be very slow and the natural his- therapy that is needed. However, solid organ
tory of the condition can be favorably altered in transplantation, to overcome organ failure, is con-
patients who receive a liver transplant. Moreover, troversial because of the multisystem nature of
it has been advocated that, in hereditary AApo AI this disease and the risk of disease recurrence in
amyloidosis, failing organs should be replaced, the graft; for these reasons, transplantation has
since graft survival is excellent and transplanta- rarely been performed in AL amyloidosis.
tion confers substantial survival benefit [53]. In Nonetheless, available data demonstrate the feasi-
apolipoprotein AII (AApo AII) hereditary amy- bility of the concept and support a potential role
loidosis, the major morbidity is associated with for this procedure in selected patients [55–58].
renal failure. Hence, kidney dialysis and renal Alternative strategies might also involve solid
transplantation are, presently, the only two thera- organ transplantation before treatment, in order to
peutic options. Renal transplantation is an effec- permit high-dose chemotherapy and ASCT or,
tive therapy for apolipoprotein AII amyloidosis, after successful treatment, during remission
since recurrence of amyloid in the graft and pro- [57, 58]. In AL, the kidney is the most frequently
gression of other organ involvement may be very affected organ. Patients with end-stage kidney
slow [54]. disease due to amyloidosis have a poor prognosis,
tolerate dialysis poorly, have increased episodes
of hypotension, and have issues with vascular
Transplantation in the Management access. Kidney transplantation can be success-
of Patients with Nonhereditary fully performed in AL patients who have a com-
Systemic Amyloidoses plete hematologic response and meet the usual
kidney transplantation selection criteria. Outcomes
Because of delays in diagnosis, vital organ failure appear similar to those found in other recipients,
is not uncommon in AL. Indeed, organ failure regardless of whether the hematologic response
may, in turn, delay or even prevent the aggressive was achieved with ASCT or by nonmyeloablative
388 J.S. Dalal et al.

therapy [58]. Apart from the kidney, other organ revealed an enlarged heart and endomyocar-
transplants have also been performed while in dial biopsy demonstrated amyloid derived
hematologic remission after ASCT, including the from transthyretin (ATTR). No mutation in
liver [57]. Patients with renal failure caused by the transthyretin gene was detected by molec-
AA amyloidosis are also eligible for renal trans- ular studies and a diagnosis of wild-type
plantation, but require careful management of (“senile”) ATTR was made. The patient
both cardiovascular and infectious complications received supportive care and nonsteroidal anti-
to reduce the high risk of mortality [59]. inflammatory drugs; with worsening renal
Recurrent AA amyloidosis in a kidney transplant function he was subsequently placed on dialy-
is rare, especially when the underlying inflam- sis. His clinical course continued to deterio-
matory condition is controlled, but it has been rate and he passed away of multi-organ failure,
reported [60]. 6 years after diagnosis of amyloidosis by
endomyocardial biopsy. Autopsy revealed
massive amyloid deposits in the heart and
Examples of Patients with Different moderately abundant amyloid in his lungs and
Types of Systemic Amyloidosis, systemic vasculature. Amyloid deposits were
Illustrating the Different Evaluation also present in the kidneys and gastrointestinal
and Treatment Options tract. There was also a mild hepatomegaly
with congestion and fibrosis, but without evi-
1. GN is a 54-year-old male who presented to his dence of amyloidosis in the parenchyma.
primary care provider with complaints of 3. EB is a 67-year-old male with a history of pro-
increasing lower extremity edema, shortness gressive, unintentional, 25-pound weight loss
of breath, and an unintentional 20-pound and loose stools over the past year, who pre-
weight loss. He had a history of chronic back sented to the emergency room with severe
pain, peripheral neuropathies, carpal tunnel abdominal pain and fatigue. His primary care
syndrome, sleep apnea, and chronic diarrhea. doctor had recently noted that he had a mild
Echocardiography showed a restrictive cardi- macrocytic anemia with a severely low vita-
omyopathy with a thickened interventricular min B12 level and started him on supplemen-
septum. Family history was significant for a tation. Mild chronic peripheral neuropathy
father who died at age 69 of heart failure. GN was also attributed to his B12 deficiency. He
underwent cardiac catheterization and myo- was found to have a partial small bowel
cardial biopsy and was found to have amyloi- obstruction and required volume resuscitation
dosis derived from transthyretin. Subsequent and pain control. CT scans showed irregulari-
studies demonstrated a mutation (V122I) and ties throughout his colon. Colonoscopy dem-
the patient was diagnosed with hereditary onstrated patches of inflammatory changes,
(familial) ATTR. His family was referred for most prominent at the terminal ileum. He
genetic counseling. With progressing symp- was empirically started on high-dose steroids
toms, he underwent orthotopic liver and heart for presumed Crohn’s disease. Pathology
transplantation 1 year later. demonstrated amorphous deposits and Congo
2. CF presented in his 70s with progressive red staining was positive for amyloid, subse-
restrictive cardiomyopathy. A year prior, he quently typed as AL-lambda. Serum and
had a cholecystectomy for recurring abdomi- urine electrophoresis confirmed a monoclonal
nal pain with constipation; pathology did not protein; free lambda light chain was also
reveal any diagnostic abnormalities in his increased. Bone marrow exam demonstrated
gallbladder and he had not noted any change 12% monoclonal lambda light chain-restricted
in his pain since surgery. He subsequently plasma cells without evidence of amyloid.
developed chronic renal insufficiency, gastro- Twenty-four-hour urine protein revealed
paresis, and fatigue. Echocardiography nephrotic range proteinuria at over 4 g/day.
29 Clinical and Pathologic Issues in Patients with Amyloidosis… 389

Echocardiography revealed a normal ejection choice until effective gene therapy becomes avail-
fraction without evidence of cardiac involve- able. The latter will allow us to address, at a much
ment. NT-BNP and cardiac troponins were earlier stage, the issues of management that per-
normal. Once stabilized, he was initiated on tain to carriers of potentially amyloidogenic muta-
treatment with bortezomib and dexametha- tions. Additionally, a better insight into the
sone with an immediate improvement by light relationship between hereditary amyloidosis and
chain assay evaluation. He went on to receive aging will help our understanding of aging in gen-
high-dose melphalan-based chemotherapy eral and may also, perhaps, aid us in devising age-
and ASCT with an excellent response to deferring strategies.
Acknowledgment Brad Daleiden-Brugman for help
with drawing Fig. 29.2.

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Emerging Therapies for Amyloidosis
Merrill D. Benson

Amyloidosis • Specific therapies • Liver transplantation • Antisense oligo-
nucleotide • siRNA

Once upon a time, the diagnosis of amyloidosis amyloidosis in humans, and 11 of these are asso-
was considered a medical death sentence. This, ciated with systemic forms of amyloidosis which
of course, was the perception of immunoglobulin can be easily mistaken for the clinical features of
light chain (primary) amyloidosis for which there AL amyloidosis [1]. This is particularly true for
was a 15–18-month median survival after diag- AA (secondary, reactive) amyloidosis and several
nosis. Indeed, the median survival did not change of the systemic types of hereditary (familial)
after the institution of treatment with oral mel- amyloidosis. When there was no specific therapy
phalan and low-dose prednisone, although a for any form of systemic amyloidosis, there was
minority of patients did have favorable response less concern about making a correct diagnosis as
to this drug regimen. Now there are a number of to specific type of amyloidosis. Now, with the
therapeutic agents used alone or in combination development of many specific therapies for dif-
which show significant efficacy in the treatment ferent types of amyloidosis, it is imperative that
of AL amyloidosis. Table 30.1 lists some of these the correct type of amyloidosis be made expedi-
agents, commonly used regimens, and side tiously. All too many patients with familial forms
effects. Development of effective therapy for AL of amyloidosis have been treated with chemo-
amyloidosis (the most common type of amyloi- therapeutic agents as a result of an incorrect diag-
dosis) has been of great benefit to many patients nosis as the more common AL amyloidosis.
but has had serious adverse effects for a number So, what are the specific therapies we have at
of patients who have other forms of amyloidosis. the present time for the different forms of sys-
There are at least 26 proteins which can give temic amyloidosis? We have already alluded to
the chemotherapy treatment of AL (primary)
amyloidosis, its effectiveness, and that it contin-
M.D. Benson, M.D. (*) ues to evolve with new drugs and new regimens.
Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, We will, however, leave further discussion of
Indiana University, Van Nuys Medical Science Building,
treatment of systemic AL amyloidosis to others
635 Barnhill Drive, Room A128, Indianapolis,
IN 46202-5126, USA and only emphasize that it is not considered the
e-mail: mdbenson@iupui.edu best medicine to treat other forms of amyloidosis

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 393
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_30,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
394 M.D. Benson

Table 30.1 Chemotherapy agents for AL amyloidosis inflammatory condition that predisposed to
and toxicities: why diagnosis of AL should be confirmed hepatic synthesis of SAA. With the advent of bio-
before treatment
logic agents to treat inflammatory arthritis, this
Drug Toxicity form of therapy presents a viable option for AA
Melphalan (Alkeran) Bone marrow patients. Recently, a drug (sodium eprodisate)
(oral) suppression
Myelodysplastic with the clinical name, Kiacta, has been tested for
syndrome inhibiting AA amyloid formation. This drug is
Melphalan (IV with stem Bone marrow effective in the murine model of induced AA
cell rescue) suppression amyloidosis [3]. The initial human trial did not
Infection meet the levels of significance required by the
Bortezomib (Velcade) Neuropathy
FDA [4]. Further clinical trials are being done.
GI dysmotility b2-Microglobulin amyloidosis is seen in patie-
Lenalidomide (Revlimid) Deep venous thrombosis nts with renal failure who have usually been on
Bone marrow hemodialysis for a number of years. Therapy is
suppression aimed at lowering serum levels of β2-microglobulin,
Dexamethasone (Decadron) Electrolyte imbalance, and, with the newer dialysis membranes, the
Psychological changes frequency of this form of amyloidosis has dwin-
Vincristine (Oncovin) Neuropathy dled. Diagnosis of this form of amyloidosis is essen-
GI dysmotility tially made at the clinical level with the recognition
Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) Cardiotoxicity, bone of osseous involvement, although it is important
marrow suppression to distinguish it from the bone involvement of AL
Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan) Bone marrow amyloidosis. Immunohistochemistry may, or may
not, be definitive or very helpful.
Transthyretin (TTR) amyloidosis is the most
common form of hereditary amyloidosis, and, in
with chemotherapeutic drugs as a result of less addition, increasing numbers of senile systemic
than rigorous pathologic diagnosis. or senile cardiac amyloidosis patients are being
AA (reactive) amyloidosis appears to be much identified. These patients in the past have been
less common than it was when there was less the most common victims of inappropriate
effective therapy for the inflammatory diseases treatment with chemotherapeutic agents due to
(rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, psoriatic misdiagnosis as AL amyloidosis. While TTR
arthritis) or infectious diseases (osteomyelitis, amyloidosis is hereditary, a considerable number
tuberculosis). Even so, there continue to be occa- of patients do not have an informative family his-
sional patients who present with renal or hepatic tory due to lack of penetrance of the condition or
amyloidosis on biopsy, and clinically, there is no delayed clinical onset until advanced age. Many
apparent predisposing inflammatory condition. of these patients have cardiomyopathy which
Some of these patients may have type II familial is indistinguishable from the AL cardiac pre-
Mediterranean fever, one of the various TRAPS sentation. From the surgical pathology viewpoint,
syndromes, or some as yet unrecognized condition immunohistochemistry with anti-TTR antibodies
that generates chronic elevated blood levels of may be helpful, but this is not 100% reliable per-
serum amyloid A (SAA) [2]. For the pathologist, haps due to variations in fixation techniques.
these patients can be easily identified by immuno- The only specific treatment for TTR amyloido-
histochemistry using specific antibody to amyloid sis developed so far has been liver transplanta-
AA protein. These antisera are available commer- tion [5, 6]. Plasma TTR is synthesized by the
cially and are reliable when used on formalin-fixed liver, and liver transplantation will eliminate
and paraffin-embedded biopsy tissues. the source of the amyloidogenic variant protein.
Treatment of AA amyloidosis has been non- Approximately 2,000 liver transplantations for
specific and principally aimed at suppressing the TTR amyloidosis have been performed since
30 Emerging Therapies for Amyloidosis 395

1990 and reported to the Transplant Registry [7]. Potential treatments aimed at decreasing variant
It is recognized that an additional number of transthyretin synthesis by the liver include gene
treated patients may not have been reported to the conversion which has only been reported in an
Transplant Registry. Results have been good but animal model and the use of antisense oligonu-
are somewhat variable depending upon the TTR cleotide (ASO) or siRNA compounds which spe-
mutation. The Val30Met patients from Portugal, cifically target TTR mRNA [10, 11]. Both
Sweden, and Japan, where neuropathy is the TTR-specific ASO and siRNA have been shown
major manifestation of the disease, have shown to be effective in suppressing hepatic synthesis of
significant benefit with 5-year survival at 80–85%. TTR in vivo and are now being evaluated for
It is now recognized that patients in a more safety and potential efficacy in humans.
advanced stage of the disease with a modified Apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I) amyloidosis,
body mass index (BMI) less than 600 (modified whether due to mutations that cause nephropathy
BMI = BMI × serum albumin level expressed in or cardiomyopathy, is a form of amyloidosis that
grams per liter) have not fared as well [8]. Hepatic can be easily mistaken for AL amyloidosis.
transplant patients who have a non-Val30Met ApoA-I mutations associated with laryngeal amy-
mutation, which includes at least 45 different loid may be confused with AL amyloidosis which
TTR mutations, have only a 50–55% 5-year sur- also has a high frequency of laryngeal involve-
vival. In these patients, there is often progression ment. Fortunately, AL laryngeal amyloidosis is
of amyloid deposition by amyloid fibrils made usually a localized phenomenon and does not war-
from wild-type (normal) TTR. This is logical rant chemotherapy. A number of liver transplants
since we already know that senile systemic amy- have been done for ApoA-I amyloidosis. Most
loidosis occurs in elderly individuals (mainly have been for patients with the Gly26Arg mutation
male) without the benefit of any TTR mutation. [12]. It is not entirely clear whether this form of
The lack of consistent response from liver specific therapy is beneficial [13]. Some patients
transplantation has spurred efforts to find medi- have definitely benefited, but others appear to have
cal treatments for TTR amyloidosis. The most progression of disease. One problem is that the
promising to date has been the demonstration renal disease has often progressed to a relatively
that a new drug (tafamidis) slows progression of advanced stage before liver transplantation is
neuropathy in patients with the Val30Met muta- entertained. At that point, liver and kidney trans-
tion [9]. The rationale behind the use of this drug plantation or liver transplantation followed by the
is that in vitro, it thermodynamically stabilizes need for renal transplantation has often been the
the TTR tetramer and inhibits fibril formation. course of events. Some patients with mutations
This drug is presently under review for approval associated with cardiomyopathy have benefited
by the FDA. A second drug (diflunisal (Dolobid)), from cardiac transplantation without liver trans-
hypothesized to function in the same way by plantation. Not enough subjects have been studied
stabilizing the TTR tetramer, is being studied for to know whether affected organ replacement or
its efficacy in subjects with a variety of TTR liver transplantation is the better option. ApoA-I is
mutations. While it may be some time before the synthesized by both the liver and small intestine,
efficacy in treating TTR amyloidosis may be so liver transplantation does not entirely eliminate
proven, diflunisal is an available drug approved circulating variant ApoA-I [12].
as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug for the
treatment of arthritis. Another drug available by Fibrinogen Aa-chain (FibAa-chain) amyloidosis:
prescription is doxycycline which has shown The liver is the sole source for fibrinogen Aa-
some evidence for preventing amyloid fibril for- chain. The fact that only peptides from the variant
mation in vivo. Efficacy in humans has not been form of FibAa-chain are incorporated into the
proven to date. The same is true for the use of amyloid fibrils indicates that liver transplantation
sulfites and other compounds which have been would be a cure for this form of amyloidosis [14].
available to patients on a nonprescription basis. FibAa-chain amyloidosis specifically gives
396 M.D. Benson

nephropathy. If renal transplantation is done with- Cystatin C amyloidosis: There is no specific

out liver transplantation, amyloid recurs in the treatment for this disease. It has been suggested that
renal graph within 1–10 years. The question amyloid fibril formation is enhanced at increased
is as follows: when should a person with the body temperature, so avoidance and early treatment
FibAa-chain mutation receive a liver transplant? of febrile conditions should be considered [19].
Fortunately, there appears to be a reduced pene-
trance of this condition, and many gene carriers LECT2 amyloidosis: It is too soon after discovery
will not develop the disease even until advanced of this form of amyloidosis to know if anyone
age. Therefore, it is obvious that liver transplanta- has had renal transplantation for this disease or
tion should not be done until the disease manifests to speculate whether organ transplantation would
itself. Once the renal disease has been detected, it prolong life [20]. Recently, liver transplantation
probably is a good idea to consider liver trans- has been done for one patient who reported with
plantation before the renal disease has progressed terminal hepatic failure.
to the point of needing dialysis, and perhaps even In summary, it is important to determine the
earlier considering that antirejection drugs taken specific type of the amyloid for each patient to
after liver transplantation are nephrotoxic [15]. In avoid inappropriate treatment, especially chemo-
addition, it has become obvious that patients who therapy for misdiagnosis as AL amyloidosis, and
are maintained on dialysis have a heightened risk consider specific therapy if available.
for atherosclerotic disease and may not tolerate
liver transplantation as well as those with rela-
tively well-maintained renal function. No specific
medical therapy for FibAa-chain amyloidosis has
been proposed since it would be necessary to tar- 1. Sipe JD, Benson MD, Buxbaum JN, Ikeda S, Merlini
get synthesis of only the variant form of the pro- G, Saraiva MJ, Westermark P. Amyloid fibril protein
tein. Fibrinogen is an important member of the nomenclature: 2010 recommendations from the
nomenclature committee of the International Society
clotting system.
of Amyloidosis. Amyloid. 2010;17:101–4.
2. Kastner DL, Aksentijevich I. Intermittent and periodic
Lysozyme amyloidoses: There is no specific ther- arthritis syndromes. In: Koopman WJ and Moreland
apy for lysozyme amyloidosis. It may be mis- LW, editors. Arthritis and allied conditions: a textbook
of rheumatology, 15th ed, 2nd Vol, Chapter 68.
taken for other types of systemic amyloidosis, so
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia; 2004. p.
a definite diagnosis is important. Hepatic and 1411–61.
renal transplants for organ failure have benefitted 3. Kisilevsky R, Lemieux LJ, Fraser PE, Kong X, Hultin
a number of patients [16]. In some cases, renal PG, Szarek WA. Arresting amyloidosis in vivo using
small-molecule anionic sulphonates or sulphates: impli-
function has been adequate as long as two decades
cations for Alzheimer’s disease. Nat Med. 1995;1:143–8.
after renal transplantation [17]. 4. Dember LM, Hawkins PN, Hazenberg BP, Gorevic
PD, Merlini G, Butrimiene I, Livneh A, Lesnyak O,
Apolipoprotein AII (ApoA-II) amyloidosis: While Puéchal X, Lachmann HJ, Obici L, Balshaw R,
Garceau D, Hauck W, Skinner M. Eprodisate for the
there is no specific therapy for this primarily
treatment of renal disease in AA amyloidosis. N Eng
nephropathic form of amyloidosis, patients who J Med. 2007;356:2349–60.
received a renal transplant have survived for 5. Holmgren G, Ericzon BG, Groth CG, Steen L, Suhr O,
greater than 10 years without evidence of amyloid Andersen O, Wallin BG, Seymour A, Richardson S,
Hawkins PN, Pepys MB. Clinical improvement and
in the graft [18]. Cardiac or other organ amyloid
amyloid regression after liver transplantation in heredi-
deposition may progress after kidney transplant. tary transthyretin amyloidosis. Lancet. 1993;341: 1113–6.
6. Holmgren G, Steen L, Ekstedt J, Groth CG, Ericzon
Gelsolin amyloidosis: There is no specific treatment BG, Eriksson S, Andersen O, Karlberg I, Nordén G,
Nakazato M, Hawkins P, Richardson S, Pepys M.
for this disease. The phenotype is very specific,
Biochemical effect of liver transplantation in two
and there is little reason to mistake this amyloido- Swedish patients with familial amyloidotic polyneu-
sis for other types. ropathy (FAP-met30). Clin Genet. 1991;40:242–6.
30 Emerging Therapies for Amyloidosis 397

7. Familial World Transplant Registry (http://www. amyloidosis associated with apolipoprotein AI

fapwtr.org/ram_fap.htm). Accessed 2 Sep 2011. Gly26Arg. Transplantation. 2001;71:986–92.
8. Suhr O, Danielsson A, Holmgren G, Steen L. 14. Benson MD, Liepnieks J, Uemichi T, Wheeler G,
Malnutrition and gastrointestinal dysfunction as Correa R. Hereditary renal amyloidosis associated
prognostic factors for survival in familial amyloidotic with a mutant fibrinogen α-chain. Nat Genet. 1993;3:
polyneuropathy. J Intern Med. 1994;235:479–85. 252–5.
9. Coelho T, Maia L, Martins da Silva A, Waddingtion- 15. Stangou AJ, Banner NR, Hendry BM, Rela M,
Cruz M, Planté-Bordeneuve V, Lozeron P, Suhr OB, Portmann B, Wendon J, Monaghan M, MacCarthy P,
Campistol J, Conceiçao IM, Conceiçao H, Schmidt H, Buxton-Thomas M, Mathias CJ, Liepnieks JJ,
Trigo P, Packman J, Grogan DR. Tafamidis O’Grady J, Heaton ND, Benson MD. Hereditary
(Fx-1006A): a first-in-class disease-modifying ther- fibrinogen A α-chain amyloidosis: phenotypic char-
apy for transthyretin familial amyloid. Amyloid. acterization of a systemic disease and the role of liver
2010;17:75–6. transplantation. Blood. 2010;115:2998–3007.
10. Nakamura M, Ando Y, Nagahara S, Sano A, Ochiya T, 16. Pepys MB, Hawkins PN, Booth DR, Vigushin DM,
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in vitro and in vivo. Gene Ther. 2004;11:838–46. amyloidosis. Nature. 1993;362:553–7.
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HJ, Wechalekar AD, Acheson J, Tennent GA, Bybee 19. Abrahamson M, Grubb A. Increased body tempera-
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13. Gillmore JD, Stangou AJ, Tennent GA, Booth DR, 20. Benson MD, James S, Scott K, Liepnieks JJ, Kluve-
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Hawkins PN. Clinical and biochemical outcome of novel renal amyloid protein. Kidney Int. 2008;74:
hepatorenal transplantation for hereditary systemic 218–22.
Modern Therapies in AA Amyloidosis
Amanda K. Ombrello

AA amyloidosis • Rheumatic disease • Autoinflammatory disease • IL-1
mediated disease • Inflammatory bowel disease • Biologic medications
• Anti-tumor necrosis factor medications • IL-1 antagonists • Etanercept
• Adalimumab • Infliximab • Anakinra • Rilonacept • Canakinumab
• Tocilizumab • Eprodisate disodium

The field of rheumatology has experienced major arthritis (SJIA); inflammatory bowel disease
therapeutic developments in the past 20 years. (IBD); as well as autoinflammatory diseases such
Whereas conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis as familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), tumor
(RA) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS) used to necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syn-
tread a progressive course resulting in bone and drome (TRAPS), and the group of diseases known
joint destruction, newer medications can now as the cryopyrinopathies comprise a major por-
significantly staunch and, in some cases, even tion of AA amyloidosis cases both in the USA
halt the destruction. Likewise, many of these bio- and in Europe. Currently, there is not any estab-
logic medications are used to treat the subset of lished therapy for AA amyloidosis, and treatment
rheumatologic diseases known as the autoinflam- is targeted at reducing the underlying inflamma-
matory diseases. tory condition. As newer therapies have been
AA amyloidosis is a condition that develops developed to treat the underlying condition, there
in patients that have long-standing inflammatory is emerging evidence that the annual incidence of
conditions. The chronic inflammatory state leads AA amyloidosis is decreasing [1, 2].
to misfolding of the AA amyloid protein and The class of medications referred to as the anti-
resultant deposition in tissues. Chronic arthritis tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) alpha drugs have
conditions such as RA, AS, and systemic juvenile been paramount in the management of RA and
other autoimmune diseases. Although more are in
the process of being developed and approved for
A.K. Ombrello, M.D. (*) therapy, the three most studied anti-TNFs include
National Human Genome Research Institute/ the soluble p75 TNFR:Fc fusion protein, etaner-
Inflammatory Disease Section, National Institutes
cept, the mouse-human chimeric anti-TNF anti-
of Health, 10 Center Drive MSC 1375, Building
10 4N/208, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA body, infliximab, and the fully human monoclonal
e-mail: ombrelloak@mail.nih.gov antibody, adalimumab. Etanercept is given as a

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 399
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_31,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
400 A.K. Ombrello

weekly injection, adalimumab is administered (IL-1 receptor antagonist), rilonacept (soluble

subcutaneously every 2 weeks and infliximab is IL-1 receptor decoy), and canakinumab (long-
given via infusion every 4–8 weeks. Not only have acting, fully human IgG1 anti-Il-1b monoclonal
these medications been approved for wide use in antibody). Due to their markedly different half-
RA patients, but they are also used in other rheu- lives, anakinra is given as a daily subcutaneous
matologic conditions such as AS, juvenile idio- injection, whereas rilonacept is given via weekly
pathic arthritis (JIA), and psoriatic arthritis as well subcutaneous injection, and canakinumab is
as IBD. Additionally, etanercept has been suc- given subcutaneously every 8 weeks. Anakinra
cessfully used to treat patients with TRAPS but, has been an effective treatment for patients with
notably, infliximab and adalimumab have been RA, SJIA, and polyarticular JIA [13, 14]. In
associated with worsened disease and complica- patients with periodic fever syndromes, anakinra
tions when used in TRAPS patients [3, 4]. In both has been used in patients with FMF who are non-
autoimmune and autoinflammatory conditions responders to colchicine as well as patients with
with accompanying AA amyloidosis, there are TRAPS, the deficiency of IL-1 receptor antago-
case reports documenting the effectiveness of nist (DIRA), and those with one of the cryopy-
anti-TNF agents in blunting the progression of the rinopathies familial cold autoinflammatory
amyloidosis [5–11]. There are newer anti-TNF syndrome (FCAS), Muckle–Wells syndrome
agents such as certolizumab, the human anti- (MWS), and neonatal onset multisystem autoin-
TNF-a antibody Fab¢ fragment that is chemically flammatory disease/chronic infantile neurologic
linked to polyethylene glycol (approved for use in cutaneous and articular syndrome (NOMID/
patients with RA and Crohn’s disease) and goli- CINCA) [15–20]. The longer acting rilonacept
mumab, the human IgG1k monoclonal antibody and canakinumab have been approved for use in
specific for human TNF-a (approved for use in patients with FCAS and MWS and are also
patients with RA and AS) whose efficacy has being used in NOMID patients [21–24].
not yet been reported in patients with AA Regarding patients with AA amyloidosis, the
amyloidosis. various IL-1 inhibitors have been successful at
Regarding adverse effects of the anti-TNF slowing the progression of and, in some cases,
medications, reactivation of tuberculosis and treatment results in regression of amyloid-
hepatitis B are two well-established complica- associated proteinuria [15, 25–28].
tions (Table 31.1). Additionally, the development A newer therapy for the treatment of RA and
of various antibodies, autoantibodies, as well as SJIA is tocilizumab, the humanized anti-human
autoimmune disease has been noted in patients IL-6 receptor antibody. Preliminary evidence
taking anti-TNF agents. There has been a lot of has shown efficacy in treating both RA- and
investigation into a potential risk for malignan- SJIA-associated AA amyloidosis [29]. Currently
cies (especially lymphoma, solid tumor, and non- ongoing is an international trial using the mole-
melanoma skin cancer) but, as of now, there are cule eprodisate disodium in patients with AA
no strong associations. Extreme caution should amyloidosis-associated nephropathy. By binding
be used if prescribing anti-TNF agents to patients the amyloidogenic precursor proteins, eprodisate
with a history of congestive heart failure or disodium attempts to prevent the deposition of
demyelinating disease, as use can cause exacer- amyloid in organs, hence preserving renal func-
bations in their underlying cardiac and neurologic tion. More information regarding ongoing clini-
disease [12]. cal trials that involve medications for the diseases
The interleukin-1 (IL-1) pathway is the target discussed above is available on the website:
of multiple biologic medications used in autoim- http://www.clinicaltrials.gov, which maintains a
mune and autoinflammatory diseases. The three database of federally and privately supported
available IL-1 antagonists include: anakinra clinical trials conducted worldwide.

Table 31.1 The anti-TNF medications

Anti-TNF Diseases AA amyloidosis Use with caution Antibody, autoimmune
medication Type Administered treated treatment Infection risk in patients with: Monitoring associations
Etanercept Soluble p75 Subcutaneous RA Case reports Tuberculosis Congestive heart Annual PPD Lupus-like syndrome
TNFR:Fc fusion AS Fungal failure Hepatitis B
protein Psoriatic arthritis Opportunistic Demyelinating screening prior
TRAPS Hepatitis B disease to therapy
JIA reactivation Hematologic
Adalimumab Fully humanized Subcutaneous RA Case reports Tuberculosis Congestive heart Annual PPD Lupus-like syndrome
monoclonal AS Fungal failure Hepatitis B Human anti-human
Modern Therapies in AA Amyloidosis

antibody Psoriatic arthritis opportunistic Demyelinating screening prior antibodies

Crohn’s hepatitis B disease to therapy
JIA reactivation Hematologic
Infliximab Chimeric antibody Intravenous RA Case reports Tuberculosis Congestive heart Annual PPD Lupus-like syndrome
(mouse–human) Psoriatic arthritis Fungal failure Hepatitis B human antichimeric
AS infections Demyelinating screening prior antibodies
IBD Opportunistic disease to therapy
infections Hematologic
Certolizumab Pegylated Subcutaneous RA No reports Tuberculosis Congestive heart Annual PPD Lupus-like syndrome
humanized Fab¢ Crohn’s disease Fungal failure Hepatitis B
fragment infections Demyelinating screening prior
Opportunistic disease to therapy
infections Hematologic
Golimumab Human IgG1k Subcutaneous RA No reports Tuberculosis Congestive heart Annual PPD Not described
(kappa) antibody AS Fungal failure Hepatitis B
Psoriatic arthritis infections Demyelinating screening prior
Opportunistic disease to therapy
infections Hematologic
402 A.K. Ombrello

with the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in patients

References with systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis
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Longterm outcome of amyloidosis associated with Retornaz F, Kone-Paut I. Interleukin-1 targeting drugs
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in Finland. Amyloid. 2011;18:25–8. 15. Gattorno M, Pelagatti MA, Meini A, et al. Persistent
3. Drewe E, Powell RJ, McDermott EM. Comment on: efficacy of anakinra in patients with tumor necrosis
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(Oxford). 2007;46:1865–6. 16. Aksentijevich I, Masters SL, Ferguson PJ, et al. An
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Shono M. Etanercept can induce resolution of renal autoinflammatory syndrome by interleukin-1 receptor
deterioration in patients with amyloid A amyloidosis antagonist. Lancet. 2004;364:1779–85.
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2010;29:1395–401. Efficacy and safety of anakinra therapy in pediatric
6. Kuroda T, Otaki Y, Sato H, et al. A case of AA amy- and adult patients with the autoinflammatory Muckle-
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2008;28:1155–9. Neonatal-onset multisystem inflammatory disease
7. Kuroda T, Wada Y, Kobayashi D, et al. Effective anti- responsive to interleukin-1 beta inhibition. N Engl J
TNF-alpha therapy can induce rapid resolution and Med. 2006;355:581–92.
sustained decrease of gastroduodenal mucosal amy- 20. Hoffman HM, Throne ML, Amar NJ, et al. Efficacy
loid deposits in reactive amyloidosis associated with and safety of rilonacept (interleukin-1 trap) in patients
rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2009;36:2409–15. with cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes results
8. Kobak S, Oksel F, Kabasakal Y, Doganavsargil E. from two sequential placebo-controlled studies.
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9. Iizuka M, Sagara S, Etou T. Efficacy of scheduled inflix- long-acting interleukin-1 inhibitor rilonacept (interleu-
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with Crohn’s disease treated with infliximab. Inflamm ric patients with cryopyrin-associated periodic
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trolled study of recombinant human interleukin-1 24. Obici L, Meini A, Cattlini M, et al. Favourable and
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tis: radiologic progression and correlation of Genant tor receptor-associate periodic syndrome (TRAPS)
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randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial doi:10.1136/ard.2010.143438.
31 Modern Therapies in AA Amyloidosis 403

25. Leslie KS, Lachmann HJ, Bruning E, et al. Phenotype, familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome using and
genotype, and sustained response to anakinra in 22 interleukin 1 receptor antagonist. Am J Kidney Dis.
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with CIAS-1/NALP3 mutations. Arch Dermatol. 28. Inoue D, Arima H, Kawanami C, et al. Excellent ther-
2006;142:1591–7. apeutic effect of tocilizumab on intestinal amyloid A
26. Neven B, Marvillet I, Terrada C, et al. Long-term efficacy deposition secondary to active rheumatoid arthritis.
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patients with neonatal-onset multisystem inflammatory 29. Okuda Y, Takasugi K. Successful use of a humanized
disease/chronic infantile neurologic, cutaneous, articular anti-interleukin-6 receptor antibody, tocilizumab, to
syndrome. Arthritis Rheum. 2010;62(1):258–67. treat amyloid A amyloidosis complicating juvenile
27. Thornton BD, Hoffman HM, Bhat A, Don BR. idiopathic arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2006;54:
Successful treatment of renal amyloidosis due to 2997–3000.
Medicolegal Issues of Amyloidosis
Timothy Craig Allen

Delayed diagnosis • Failure to diagnose • Misdiagnosis • Negligence
• Malpractice • Lawsuit • Standard of care • Expert witness • Loss of

derived from an immunoglobulin light chain or a

Recent Advances in the Diagnosis and light chain fragment, and AA amyloidosis (for-
Treatment of Amyloidosis merly termed secondary amyloidosis) is associ-
ated with chronic inflammatory processes or
As is emphasized throughout this book, and the
chronic infections [1]. It is now recognized that
medical literature, “amyloidosis” refers to a vari-
there are other types of systemic amyloidoses
ety of uncommon and complex systemic diseases,
other than AL and AA amyloidosis, including
associated with the deposition of amyloid protein
hereditary amyloidoses—often clinically mim-
in an abnormal fibrillar form [1–3]. Classification
icking AL amyloidosis and thought to be under-
of the specific amyloidosis is based on the spe-
diagnosed. Hereditary amyloidoses include
cific molecular type of amyloid protein fibril
amyloid derived from transthyretin (ATTR),
involved [1]. There are over 25 different types of
amyloid derived from fibrinogen A alpha chain
proteins, and many more variants, that may cause
(Afib), amyloid derived from a mutant of
amyloidosis [1]. These diseases may be systemic,
lysozyme (ALys), and amyloidosis derived from
localized, systemic and localized, cerebral, or
apolipoprotein AI (AApo AI), among others [1].
extracerebral [1]. Numerous organs may be
In recent years, treatment for the various sys-
involved. The kidney is most frequently affected;
temic amyloidoses has undergone a “formidable
however, other organ involvement, including
evolution” from one of purely supportive man-
heart, liver, and lung, occurs [1–3]. There are two
agement to one of “quite diverse, radical and
general categories of systemic amyloidosis: AL
aggressive treatments” which are dependent upon
amyloidosis (also termed primary amyloidosis) is
the specific molecular type of amyloid protein
involved [1]. Recent therapeutic offerings now
T.C. Allen, M.D., J.D. (*) include—depending on the specific diagnosis
Department of Pathology, The University of Texas
and clinical situation—chemotherapeutic regi-
Health Science Center at Tyler, 11937 US Highway 271,
Tyler, TX 75708, USA mens, some with stem cell rescue; stem cell
e-mail: timothy.allen@uthct.edu transplantation; liver transplantation; and liver

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 405
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_32,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
406 T.C. Allen

transplantation combined with heart or kidney on the patients’ care and prognosis because
transplantation [1]. Newer therapies are also treatment was purely supportive and did little if
being examined with clinical trials. Further, ther- anything to alter patient prognosis. Currently,
apies once reserved for younger patients are now with advanced diagnostic specificity, increased
showing benefits in adults over age 65 [1]. therapeutic options, and earlier diagnosis shown
With these dramatic improvements in treat- to improve prognosis, delay in diagnosis or mis-
ment for some specific types of amyloidosis, diagnosis has the potential to cause significant
accurate, specific, and early diagnosis of amyloi- patient injury, and possibly hasten patient death.
dosis has now become extremely important for Physicians now have a heightened responsibility
optimal patient treatment and prognosis [1]. The to accurately diagnose and treat amyloidosis in a
clinical presentation of amyloidosis is broad, and timely manner, and delay in diagnosis and misdi-
patient presentations and progressions of disease agnosis of amyloidosis are now more likely to
vary greatly [3]. Amyloidosis may mimic many give rise to medical malpractice lawsuits alleging
other diseases or be masked by signs and symp- that the physicians’ failure to diagnose, or delayed
toms of other diseases. Complexities of the clini- diagnosis, injured the patient or hastened the
cal presentation may hinder early diagnosis. patient’s death, and demanding compensatory
Further, “it is imperative that the criteria for amy- damages.
loid-type diagnoses be stringent” [1]. Optimal
patient diagnosis requires appropriate clinical
and pathologic workup. Kidney biopsy, for exam- Delayed Diagnosis, Failure
ple, has been proposed as an outcome predictor to Diagnose, and Misdiagnosis
for liver transplantation [1]. While Congo red
stain remains “the gold standard in the diagnosis Delayed diagnosis, failure to diagnose, and misdi-
of amyloid…[i]t must be stressed that potassium agnosis are common allegations in medical mal-
permanganate stain currently has no role in amy- practice lawsuits [5–7]. Among the various
loid typing” [1]. And although immunohis- negligence causes of action used by plaintiffs in
tochemical diagnosis of AA type is relatively bringing medical malpractice lawsuits, failure to
reliable, diagnosing AL type and differentiating diagnose, misdiagnosis, and delayed diagnosis are
it from hereditary amyloidosis remain problem- common allegations [5, 6, 8]. There is potential for
atic [1]. Panels of immunostains, including repeat serious injury when diagnoses for which there is
panels, may be required for the accurate and spe- relatively specific or effective therapy, or for which
cific diagnosis of amyloidosis [1]. And in some prognosis is related to early diagnosis, are missed
studies, electron microscopy and Western blot- or delayed. Cancers are typically diseases that
ting have yielded better diagnostic results than meet these criteria, and many medical malpractice
immunostaining [1]. Recently, tandem mass lawsuits involving cancer allege failure to diag-
spectrometry with laser microdissection has been nose or delayed diagnosis. Further, failure to diag-
successfully applied to amyloid typing [4]. nose and delayed diagnosis cases often have the
potential for large damage awards, as damages
usually include several separate costs, including
Potential Increased the cost of medical care, lost wages and income,
Medicolegal Risk loss of spousal companionship, potential perma-
nent disfigurement, and pain and suffering [5].
These advances in the diagnosis and treatment of However, lawsuits for failure to diagnose,
amyloidosis increase physicians’ risk of medical misdiagnosis, or delayed diagnosis of amyloido-
malpractice lawsuits alleging delay in diagnosis sis are not replete within the medical or legal lit-
or misdiagnosis of amyloidosis. Until recently, erature. A PubMed search of the English language
delay in the diagnosis of amyloidosis, or its mis- medical literature turned up no such discussion,
diagnosis, may have had relatively little impact and a search of the American case law after 1944
32 Medicolegal Issues of Amyloidosis 407

on LexisNexis disclosed only a few cases using alleged specific harm to the patient could pass
the term “amyloidosis”; however, in each of those judicial muster. In anticipation of the possibility
cases, amyloidosis was not a central issue. The of increased numbers of amyloidosis misdiagno-
term was mentioned merely in the context of sis or diagnostic delay-based medical malpractice
denial of long-term disability benefits due to lawsuits, it behooves physicians, both specialists
chronic disease. in amyloidosis and nonspecialists, to understand
The lack of medical malpractice case law con- the basics of the legal system, to understand pos-
cerning the diagnosis of amyloidosis does not, sible avenues for which plaintiffs might claim
however, mean that no such lawsuits have malpractice in these instances, and to understand
occurred. Recorded legal cases make up only basic defenses to such lawsuits.
some of the entirety of lawsuits tried and do not
purport to represent lawsuits considered, filed,
dismissed, or settled. The vast majority of medi- Negligence
cal malpractice lawsuits settle before going to
trial, and cases that settle are unlikely to be Claims of failure to diagnose and delayed diag-
reported. Additionally, the medical condition of nosis are claims of medical malpractice, which
the patient involved in the medical malpractice are torts. The term “tort” is not one typically used
lawsuit is generally not the focus of the case’s outside of legal discussion and not one with
record, which instead focuses on the legal aspects which most physicians are familiar or comfort-
of the case. Medical details are therefore, unfor- able. A tort is not a part of criminal jurisprudence;
tunately, often scanty or absent in the medical it is a civil action. Generally speaking, a tort is
malpractice case law. As such, the lack of evi- “damage, injury, or a wrongful act done willfully,
dence of such amyloidosis diagnosis-based law- negligently, or in circumstances involving strict
suits may merely represent the fact that until liability, but not involving breach of contract, for
recently amyloidosis treatment was supportive, which a civil suit can be brought” [9]. Although a
medical understanding of amyloidosis was rela- defendant may be sued in tort under various theo-
tively limited, and misdiagnosis and delayed ries of liability (which include—in descending
diagnosis of amyloidosis were less often recog- order of intent—intentional tort, recklessness,
nized; such delays or misdiagnoses, when recog- negligence, and strict liability), it is the under
nized, generally did not result in any legally principle of negligence for which medical mal-
sustainable claims of patient injury for which practice lawsuits best fall [8]. Negligence is “[c]
damages could be sought. That is, with no ther- onduct which falls below the standard established
apy other than supportive therapy for amyloido- by law for the protection of others against unrea-
sis patients, plaintiffs could not show that even sonable risk of harm; it is a departure from the
were the diagnosis delayed or in error and that conduct expectable of a reasonably prudent per-
such diagnostic delay or error caused the patient son under like circumstances” [10]. Importantly,
any compensable harm, as there were no specific negligence has four elements, each of which must
therapies that could have been instituted had the be found to have occurred in order for a plaintiff
diagnosis of amyloidosis been made earlier to prevail in a lawsuit that alleges negligence.
anyway. First, an actor, here the physician, has a duty of
Currently, with the recognition of numerous care to another person; second, the actor breaches
specific types of amyloidosis, the availability of the applicable standard of care for carrying out
specific therapies, and the understanding that the duty; third, as a proximate cause of the breach
many of these therapies are more efficacious in of duty, an injury results; and fourth, the injury or
patients diagnosed earlier rather than later, one damages that result are compensable. Each of
can anticipate increased numbers of medical mal- these four elements must be shown, or a medical
practice lawsuits claiming misdiagnosis or malpractice lawsuit will fail. For example, even if
delayed diagnosis of amyloidosis, for which a physician breaches a duty of care to a patient, if
408 T.C. Allen

no compensable injury results, the lawsuit would

fail. Also, were a physician to breach a duty of
Expert Witnesses
care to a patient, but the patient’s injury was not
In medical malpractice lawsuits, plaintiffs must
caused by the breach of duty—i.e., there was no
prove that the physician had a duty to the patient
“proximate cause”—then a lawsuit would fail.
and breached that duty and that the patients’
Further, even if a patient is injured or has a “bad
injury was due to the breach. The determination
outcome,” if a physician does not have a duty of
of these questions—what the applicable standard
care, or has a duty of care and has not breached it,
of care is in a specific case, i.e., the physician’s
the lawsuit would fail.
“duty,” whether or not the physician breached the
standard of care, and whether the breach was the
“proximate cause” of the injury—is almost
Standard of Care always made by a jury or judge in reliance on the
testimony of expert witnesses. In general, medi-
To be held negligent, the physician must first cal malpractice expert witnesses are charged with
commit a medical error that rises to the level of a defining the standard of care, opining as to
breach of duty of care to the patient. This allega- whether the standard was breached, and opining
tion has to be proven in order for the plaintiff to as to whether the breach caused any injury. (There
prevail. Determination of whether a physician may also be other expert witnesses involved in a
has a duty of care at all and whether that duty has medical malpractice case whose role is to opine
been breached is based on the standard of care about economic damages and psychological con-
[8]. The modern concept of “standard of care” sequences of an alleged injury.) Expert witnesses
purportedly arose from an 1837 English case, in medical malpractice lawsuits are considered to
Vaughan v. Menlove, where the court noted that be more important than experts in other negli-
the standard of care was determined by whether gence cases because courts are more apt to deferto
the defendant “proceed[ed] with such reason- those experts regarding professional standards of
able caution as a prudent man would have physicians [14]. Although specific requirements
exercised under such circumstances;” giving rise for qualification as a medical malpractice expert
to today’s “reasonable person” standard [8, 11]. witness differ among the states, generally expert
Unfortunately, what constitutes the medical mal- witnesses must be physicians who have “suffi-
practice standard of care in a courtroom has not cient knowledge, education, training, or experi-
been well settled, and currently, there are numer- ence regarding the specific issue before the court
ous definitions and explanations of “standard of to qualify to give a reliable opinion on the rele-
care” in medical malpractice [8]. One often-used vant issue” [15]. Typically, both the plaintiff and
explanation of standard of care for physicians is the defendant in a medical malpractice lawsuit
as follows: “[t]oday, the typical standards for present expert witnesses to testify as to the issues
medical malpractice actions require that ‘a doctor of standard of care. The expert has an obligation
must use that degree of skill and learning which of candor toward the court, not the specific party
is normally possessed and used by doctors in that engaged the expert. Unfortunately, however,
good standing in a similar practice in similar “standards of care are routinely interpreted oppo-
communities and under like circumstances.’” sitely by expert witnesses…[and] both sides
There are, however, many other definitions [8, devote considerable effort to screening and dis-
12]. As noted by Richard Epstein, “Everyone qualifying consultant experts whose views do not
supports a standard of reasonable care, but every- represent the ‘standard’ the attorney needs to
one interprets it just a little bit differently” [8, make the case. The attorney is doing his or her
13]. Ultimately, what standard of care should be job” [8, 16]. As a result, expert witness shopping
employed in a specific case is defined by expert for “hired guns” often leads to a confusing “battle
witnesses. of the experts” [8].
32 Medicolegal Issues of Amyloidosis 409

chance” doctrine may not be of any significant

“Loss of Chance” Doctrine benefit to the plaintiff over typical medical mal-
practice negligence doctrine, because in both sit-
Recovery under tort law, specifically negligence,
uations, the plaintiff’s case may fail due to
where medical malpractice legal theory resides,
inability to show sufficient “proximate cause.”
attempts to make the plaintiff whole, i.e., “restore
Such would be the case, for example, with the
the plaintiff to the position he would be in but for
diagnosis of amyloidosis until recently. For many
the defendant’s negligence” [17]. If any of the
years, even if the diagnosis of amyloidosis were
four elements cannot be proven, including the
missed or delayed, the plaintiff would be hard
element of causation, the plaintiff’s case fails.
pressed to show that such a misdiagnosis or
Importantly, plaintiffs in a medical malpractice
delayed diagnosis, even if it occurred, caused any
lawsuit must prove that the physician’s actions
injury to the plaintiff, whose only course of ther-
“more likely than not” caused the injury [17, 18].
apy was supportive. Today, however, with new
This means that “[i]f the plaintiff had a 51%
diagnostic criteria, new diagnostic methods, and
chance of survival, and the misdiagnosis reduced
new therapies for patients with amyloidosis
that chance to zero, the estate is awarded full
which are more specific to the exact type of fibril
wrongful death damages, but if the patient had
protein causing the amyloidosis, and for which
only a 49% chance of survival, and the misdiag-
early therapy yields a better prognosis, it is rea-
nosis reduced it to zero, the plaintiff receives
sonable to imagine that “loss of chance” doctrine
nothing. Thus, whenever the chance of survival is
may be useful for plaintiffs who cannot show that
less than even, the ‘all or nothing’ rule gives a
the delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis was more
‘blanket release from liability for doctors and
likely than not the proximate cause of the plain-
hospitals…regardless of how flagrant the negli-
tiff’s injury.
gence’” [18]. Claims of injustice from this “all or
The “loss of chance” doctrine is being increas-
nothing approach” have led courts, over the last
ingly adopted by courts in medical malpractice
two decades, to adopt the “loss of chance” doc-
actions, both in the USA and abroad [19–22].
trine. “The ‘loss of chance’ doctrine, which is
Nonetheless, it remains controversial. “One of
also known as the ‘lost opportunity’ doctrine,
the most debated issues involving the loss
views a person’s prospect for surviving a serious
of chance is causation” [23]. “A majority of
medical condition as something of value, even if
states adopting an exception for loss-of-chance
the possibility of recovery was less than even
plaintiffs have done so by relaxing the causation
(i.e., less than a 50% chance) prior to the physi-
standard to less than the normal preponderance-
cian’s allegedly tortuous conduct” [18]. Currently,
of-the-evidence threshold. In applying a relaxed
the “loss of chance” doctrine is limited to medi-
standard, these states provide a loss-of-chance
cal malpractice lawsuits because “reliable expert
plaintiff an opportunity to recover damages
evidence is more likely available than in other
despite an inability to prove causation by a pre-
domains. In addition, the court expressly has left
ponderance of the evidence. This is achieved by
open the question of whether the doctrine is avail-
allowing the presentation of expert testimony to
able in cases where ultimate harm (such as death)
demonstrate that the plaintiff was either deprived
has not yet occurred” [18].
of a ‘substantial possibility’ of survival or recov-
In cases where therapeutic options are non- ery or simply incurred an ‘increased risk’ of suf-
specific or limited primarily to supportive mea- fering the ultimate injury as a result of the
sures, or in cases where an early diagnosis is not defendant’s negligence” [23].
a significant indicator of improved prognosis, Supporters of the “loss of chance” doctrine
proving that delayed diagnosis, failure to diag- note that “the loss-of-chance doctrine makes up
nose, or misdiagnosis was the “proximate cause” for all of the traditional all-or-nothing approach’s
of the patient’s injury may be difficult or impos- shortcomings. First, where the traditional
sible for the plaintiff. In these cases, the “loss of approach forecloses recovery to those whose
410 T.C. Allen

injuries do not meet its arbitrary thresholds, the result in inappropriate decisions” [26]. Indeed,
loss-of-chance doctrine provides a theory of cau- calculation of damages has been called “a ‘rab-
sation that allows a jury to award recovery to any bit-out-of-the-hat’ approach” in “loss of chance”
plaintiff who can prove a real loss resulting from lawsuits [28]. There are also other issues regard-
a physician’s negligence. Next, instead of award- ing the use of the “loss of chance” doctrine,
ing full damages or no damages at all, one of the including when, if ever, a state’s statute of limita-
essential traits of the doctrine is to provide a tai- tions precludes a medical malpractice lawsuit uti-
lor-made recovery for a prevailing plaintiff that is lizing the “loss of chance” doctrine; and whether
proportional to the actual harm incurred. Lastly, state wrongful death statutes preclude the use of
the loss-of-chance doctrine is an improvement the “loss of chance” doctrine [29, 30].
because it deters negligence, in contrast to the Another concern among critics of the “loss of
traditional rule which fails to hold physicians chance” doctrine is that by lowering the stan-
accountable in their treatment of seriously ill and dard for which plaintiffs can bring medical mal-
injured patients. The loss-of-chance doctrine’s practice lawsuits that “we’re going to see a
policy of allowing recovery to all patients who barrage…of stand-alone loss of chance cases
can prove a lost chance, regardless of what their apart from the wrongful-death medical-mal-
original chance was, provides a mechanism to practice claims that have always been allowed”
deter negligent treatment of those patients who [31]. However, proponents of the “loss of
can least afford to suffer it” [24]. chance” doctrine disagree, noting that “in cases
Critics of the “loss of chance” doctrine, “which where the chances of survival were modest,
has been described as ‘the most pernicious exam- plaintiffs will have little monetary incentive to
ple of a new tort action resulting in expanded bring a case to trial because damages would be
liability’” consider it “a cause of action unique to drastically reduced to account for the preexist-
medical malpractice litigation [which] permits a ing condition” [31]. And, “[a]s a whole, courts
patient-turned-plaintiff to recover damages from in states that have adopted the lost-chance doc-
a doctor-turned-defendant without even needing trine have shown an ability to confine the doc-
to establish that the doctor was probably (i.e., trine’s scope and overall effect on civil litigation.
more likely than not) responsible for the patient’s This has been accomplished by expressly limit-
alleged injury” [25]. The “loss of chance” doc- ing the doctrine to medical malpractice cases
trine “seemingly thwarts our civil litigation sys- only, refusing to relax expert testimony require-
tem’s presumption that a defendant should not be ments, continuing to require valid statistical evi-
held liable unless the plaintiff demonstrates that dence, and refusing to apply the doctrine in
the defendant more likely than not caused the situations where traditional but-for causation is
plaintiff’s injury. To hold a defendant liable in more appropriate. Thus, while opponents of the
any other instance, opponents of the doctrine doctrine may have fears that the lost-chance
argue, is to ‘undercut the truth-seeking function concept will lead to unwanted consequences,
of the courts’” [25]. Proponents of the “loss of judges have thus far been able to apply the doc-
chance” doctrine respond that “pure loss of trine carefully and appropriately” [32].
chance allows for recovery when the plaintiff The chronic nature of amyloidosis, its varied
proves to a preponderance of the evidence that presentations that may mimic other diseases; the
the doctor caused the lost chance. In this light, current, specific diagnostic criteria and therapeu-
when the recovery is for the lost chance, the tic options of amyloidosis; and the prognostic
[proximate cause] standard is upheld” [26]. benefit of early diagnosis all make the possibility
Another common complaint about the “loss of of a medical malpractice lawsuit for misdiagno-
chance” doctrine is that calculation of damages is sis or delayed diagnosis of amyloidosis more
extremely difficult [27]. “Pure loss of chance likely now than in the past, and suggest that the
involves complex statistical analysis and expert “loss of chance” doctrine would be, in some
testimony that may be confusing for the jury and cases, an appropriate theory of liability for which
32 Medicolegal Issues of Amyloidosis 411

the alleged physician would be held accountable. recent advances in amyloidosis diagnosis and
It is also important to realize that with patients treatment potentially will increase the risk of
currently being diagnosed with amyloidosis, the medical malpractice lawsuits alleging delayed
complexity and difficulty in diagnosing amyloi- diagnosis and misdiagnosis of amyloidosis.
dosis early, and diagnosing the specific type of Given the complexity inherent in the diagnosis of
fibril protein involved accurately, will probably amyloidosis, as well as the current need for accu-
be considered by plaintiffs’ attorneys to be “rou- rate and early diagnosis, “loss of chance” doc-
tine” and the “standard of care.” As one medical trine might be employed in determining liability
malpractice attorney group makes clear, “Not in some amyloidosis-related medical malpractice
every patient presents to a physician with ‘clas- lawsuits. A basic understanding of negligence-
sic’ signs and symptoms. If they did, we would based medical malpractice law and the “loss of
not need skilled physicians. At [our law office] chance” doctrine, along with an understanding of
we do not accept the ‘the symptoms were atypi- the value of appropriate medical documentation,
cal’ defense when a preventable injury has should be of benefit to a physician diagnosing or
occurred” [33]. treating amyloidosis patients, whether that physi-
cian is a specialist in amyloidosis or not.

Physician Protections
Physicians can, however, take steps that not only
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the importance of diagnosis of specific type. Curr
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Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 2007;16:196–203.
risk in this setting. First and foremost, as with 2. Picken MM. Immunoglobulin light and heavy chain
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3. Rajagopala S, Singh N, Gupta K, Gupta D. Pulmonary
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3rd HR, Dogan A. Classification of amyloidosis by
documentation is vital to providing the best
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Amyloidosis from the Patient’s
Perspective 33
Muriel Finkel

Amyloidosis support groups • www.amyloidosissupport.com • www.
amyloidosisonline.com • Advocacy group • Medical advisory board

The information and views presented in this chap- amyloidosis experts at centers specializing in its
ter are derived from e-mail and personal contacts treatment. We have a medical advisory board to
with members of the Amyloidosis Support Groups, answer the medical questions that constantly
Inc. (ASG), a 501(c)(3) charity based in the United arise from our online group sessions and face-
States. Despite its corporate status, this is a not- to-face meetings. We also ask our members to
for-profit entity whose primary purpose is to ini- share their experiences with their local doctors
tiate and maintain support groups and to offer in order to enhance grassroots awareness of the
advice and support to patients who, for the first disease.
time, are confronted by a diagnosis of amyloi- In the vast majority of cases, the patient’s first
dosis. Initial encounters with patients frequently response to a diagnosis of amyloidosis is a total
derive from contacts instigated via the group’s lack of comprehension, never having encountered
websites (http://www.amyloidosissupport.com and the term on any previous occasion. The most
http://www.amyloidosisonline.com) and typically common concerns are the following: “Am I going
arise as a result of patients searching for informa- to die? I can’t even pronounce it. My doctor had
tion about amyloidosis on the Internet. The sup- to leave the room and look it up. What ‘stage’ is
port group currently has over 1,000 members in it? What about my family and how will their lives
the USA and over 1,100 members are registered be disrupted? What organs are involved and can
with amyloidosisonline.com at Yahoo. In total, my local doctor, in my small town, take care of
since its inception, the support group has advised them? Why is there no center specializing in the
over 4,000 patients worldwide. Being a support treatment of amyloidosis in my big city? Why
advocacy group, we strive to stay current with the me? How did I get this disease?” The list of ques-
latest developments and to maintain contacts with tions and concerns is as long as it would be for a
common disease, plus extra queries for the rare
M. Finkel (*)
Founder and President of Amyloidosis Support Groups,
These questions usually prompt the patient to
Inc., 232 Orchard Drive, Wood Dale, IL 60191, USA search for information on the Internet. Of the lit-
e-mail: muriel@finkelsupply.com erally millions of possible “hits” for amyloidosis

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 413
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3_33,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
414 M. Finkel

that are available from the Internet, only a few are who had been diagnosed with amyloidosis. While
accurate, current, and peer-reviewed. Almost it was not practical to include all replies, short
invariably, articles informing the patient that answers from a selected few are presented, and
death is imminent are the result. Typically, the the table comprises a compilation of the results.
patient then feels more overwhelmed than after As can be seen, there were 20 males and 11
first receiving the diagnosis. For these reasons, females. Their age at diagnosis ranged from <40
the ASG tries to be as prominent as possible to >70 years. Of the two patients who were
among the results of Internet searches so that younger than 40, one had a family history that
patients find and contact us, using our toll-free was positive for amyloidosis. This patient was
telephone number, in search of help and guid- subsequently confirmed to have familial amyloi-
ance. The ASG then tries to expedite the patient’s dosis and was the only patient for whom a diag-
search for factual information and to guide them nosis of amyloidosis was not unexpected. The
toward experienced centers and doctors special- other patient was diagnosed with AL at the age of
izing in amyloidosis treatment. The ASG’s strat- 37. Most patients (>50% in this group) were
egy is to provide information on a gradual, 50–60 years old when the diagnosis was made.
steadily increasing basis, reserving the more While, for many patients, it took several months
technical articles until the patient (or caregiver) is from the onset of symptoms to a definitive diag-
calmer and more able to absorb information. In a nosis of amyloidosis, in approximately 50% of
perfect world, the diagnosis would be made, a patients this diagnosis was finally made after >1
recommendation to an experienced center spe- year and, in some cases, after several years.
cializing in the treatment of amyloidosis would Amyloid typing was also delayed in many
follow, the patient’s insurance company would patients. While initial symptoms were nonspe-
comply with the recommended treatments, and cific in many cases, kidney symptoms proved to
all would be well. This, however, is typically not be the most efficient pathway to a definitive diag-
the case; in addition to fighting the disease, the nosis, as a consequence of a kidney biopsy being
patient may also be fighting the insurance com- performed. Many patients had more than one
pany and, in some cases, their local doctor, who type of biopsy (typically in addition to a bone
may be reluctant to transfer the patient into spe- marrow biopsy). Abdominal fat pad biopsy,
cialist care. Some patients put themselves com- which is essentially a noninvasive procedure,
pletely in the hands of their local general currently appears to be underutilized; it was per-
practitioner, often for reasons that, when distilled formed in only 24% of all ASG members sur-
to their essence, amount to little more than pure veyed. Again, these results illustrate that there is
sentiment. Unfortunately, this doctor frequently a clear need to increase awareness of amyloido-
does not know how to treat amyloidosis and is sis, and the available treatment options, among
often unwilling to contact experts for help. Up to clinicians and pathologists. Please note that many
this point in his/her life, the patient may well ASG members mentioned the need for increased
have thought of doctors as “all-knowing”; the use of the Congo red stain; a frequent question
onset of disillusionment invariably fosters a was: “Why is it that Congo red stain is not used
growing sense of frustration with the medical more often by pathologists?”
world. Often, patients resent having to know Two of the most common symptoms of amy-
technical details of amyloid diagnosis (such as loidosis are shortness of breath and severe fatigue;
the importance of a Congo red stain) and/or treat- these are also, unfortunately, very common and
ment, when their general practitioner clearly does nonspecific. Edema is typically associated with
not. Typically, patients feel that they have the kidney and/or heart problems, which may be due
right to a quick and proper diagnosis by doctors to involvement by amyloidosis. Periorbital pur-
and pathologists working in collaboration. pura may be noticed by the patient but not always
Table 33.1 presents representative results of a by the physician since it may be transient. One
questionnaire that was sent to ASG members ASG member, a pregnant woman from New York

Table 33.1 Excerpts from the ASG patient survey

Age and Interval from How long did it What bx was What was your What message would you like to
sex at dx symptoms to dx take to type it Initial symptoms diagnostic, how many? life after the dx convey to the pathologists
72 M 5 years Immediate SOB, fatigue, back pain, Kidney bx N/A Had gallbladder removed and told my
weight/strength loss, and food back pain was arthritis why no one
tasting bad was checking
50s M Several years 3 months Edema, blood clots Kidney bx Returned to a less Nephrologists should be more aware,
active normal life, advise regarding biopsy options
foot amputated
40s F 2 months Immediate N/A Bone marrow, fat, Shock, disbelief, Diagnosis should be explained
kidney bx depression
60 M >year 10 weeks Heart N/A More awareness
50s M Delay-insurance 6 months Foamy frothy urine, Kidney (+), bone Bedridden/wheelchair Early treatment is best, best treatment
Amyloidosis from the Patient’s Perspective

issues and edema marrow × 2 (−) for the first 5 months options at specialized centers
70s M Years 2 months SOB, fatigue, weakness, Bone marrow, I was told there was The pathologist’s analysis of the
edema heart bx no treatment biopsy was accurate
50s M 3 years Months SOB, proteinuria, Kidney biopsy ASCT, chemotherapy The pathologist found my amyloidosis
hypogammaglobulinemia with full response on the first try
50s M 1.5 years Immediate at Back pain, proteinuria, edema Kidney, fat pad, Had ASCT Do Congo red stains more often
referral center bone marrow
50s M 2 months ? Stomach pains, diarrhea, Heart, kidney, adrenals Did not tolerate More awareness
inability to eat or drink chemotherapy well
60s M 1 month 2 months Edema, irregular Kidney, bone marrow ASCT, chemotherapy More Congo red stains, routinely on
heartbeat bx ×2 certain organs
50s F 1 month 2 weeks Slight edema Kidney and bone Steroids are difficult My nephrologist knew nothing, the
marrow bx and feel overwhelmed pathologist found it
50s M 1.5 year Month Proteinuria, hoarseness, ED, Kidney and bone Trying to cope If someone has multiple organ or
dizzy standing, fatigue, weight marrow bx system complaints, do a Congo red
loss, PN stain
50s F 10 months Immediately Proteinuria Kidney, bone marrow, After SCT had many Do a Congo red stain
tongue side effects, now ok
70s M Several days Several weeks Fatigue Heart, fat, bone Life is good if I avoid Test early with Congo red. Awareness
marrow stairs
61 F 2 years Month Fatigue Kidney Support group important

Table 33.1 (continued)

Age and Interval from How long did it What bx was What was your What message would you like to
sex at dx symptoms to dx take to type it Initial symptoms diagnostic, how many? life after the dx convey to the pathologists
50s M Few months 1 month Spots on face Skin and bone marrow Seeking knowledge and More Congo red-stained biopsies
to find support
50s M 6 months Few days, Weakness, SOB, loss of Heart bx Died a few days after bx Awareness, patients with MM should
known MM appetite, be monitored for amyloidosis
61 M 11 months Few days Protein in urine Liver and bone marrow Devastated, felt alone More Congo red stains, do not delay
giving results
60s F Years N/A Fatigue, kidney failure, carpal Bone marrow, fat pad, I am still not typed More Congo red stains
tunnel kidney
56 F 3 weeks 6 weeks Lump on upper arm Biopsy of the lump Many questions More testing with Congo red
50s F 1 year Few weeks Proteinuria Fat aspirate and bone Spent a year undergoing N/A
marrow treatments
60s F <3 years 3 months SOB, enlarged tongue, black/ Fat (+) bone marrow Symptoms became Congo red stain, more awareness and
blue eyes, fatigue, loss of (−) worse, thought I was knowledge among doctors
appetite, edema going to die
37 F 2 months N/A Edema, black eyes, enlarged Kidney Have not been able to More Congo red stains!
tongue, fatigue, weight loss, PN, return to work
40s F 2 years 1 week Pea size nodule on the leg that Mass on leg Scared More Congo red stains
30s M 2 weeks dx was Immediate Cough, fatigue, diarrhea, weight Fat and colonoscopy Difficulty in maintaining N/A
expected - family loss normal activities
50s M 2 years Months PN, carpal tunnel Nerve and fat Still overwhelmed and N/A
50s M 2 years Immediate Proteinuria Kidney Shock, frightened More Congo red staining
60s F 3 years 6 months Proteinuria Kidney and bone None More Congo red staining
70s M 9 months Immediate Pleural effusion, SOB, fainting, Bone marrow No pain, some PN More Congo red staining
50s M 6 months 1 month PN, fatigue, arrhythmia Kidney Partial response, now 6 More Congo red staining
years post dx
50s M 3 weeks Immediate Proteinuria Kidney and bone Anxiety and uncertainty More Congo red staining
ASCT autologous stem cell transplant, bx biopsy, dx diagnosis, ED erectile dysfunction, MM multiple myeloma, PN peripheral neuropathy, SOB shortness of breath, N/A not
M. Finkel

33 Amyloidosis from the Patient’s Perspective 417

(age 30+), had edema, periorbital purpura, cialized laboratories and amyloidosis treatment
enlarged tongue, fatigue, weight loss, shortness centers cannot be overemphasized. It is critical to
of breath, and tingling and numbness of the obtain proper therapy and to obtain it in a timely
extremities. Amyloidosis was finally diagnosed fashion. Too often, the ASG sees a considerable
after about 2 months by kidney biopsy, but treat- delay in contacting centers with experience in
ment had to be delayed until after the pregnancy. treating amyloidosis. Another ASG member
A healthy baby was born, and the mother received commented: “When I had ‘all’ the procedures
a stem cell transplant. After many additional che- and tests completed by my gastroenterologist,
motherapy treatments to maintain her response, and nothing was positive, and perhaps they
she is now about to embark on a second autolo- thought I was crazy, why didn’t they conduct a fat
gous stem cell transplant. Carpal tunnel syndrome pad or rectal biopsy? Amyloidosis never entered
is also frequently mentioned by ASG members. the doctor’s mind even though, put together, all
This highlights the contention between doctors my symptoms pointed to it, and it was not in my
and amyloidosis patients over the issue of whether imagination.” This patient was finally diagnosed
all carpal tunnel syndrome patients should be with familial amyloidosis, had a liver transplant,
investigated by biopsy, with analysis by Congo and is currently doing well.
red stain? Doctors say no. Patients say yes. Amyloidosis is a rare disease, and therefore,
Enlarged tongue (macroglossia), when present, not unexpectedly, many physicians may lack
should raise a suspicion of amyloidosis. extensive firsthand experience of its diagnosis and
Nevertheless, one ASG member with multiple treatment. In this connection, the majority of the
myeloma (which is also a risk factor for amyloi- ASG members who were diagnosed with amyloi-
dosis) had her tongue biopsied, with the resultant dosis, and are still living, are patients who were
diagnosis: “nonspecific mucositis.” In this case, a treated at specialized amyloidosis treatment cen-
Congo red stain was not performed. Skin changes ters. It is extremely important to screen for amy-
and easy bruising are two other symptoms of loidosis in order to detect it at an early stage
amyloidosis that can mimic many other diseases. among the many patients who present with simi-
An ASG member had what looked like “blood lar symptoms and to identify those who have, or
spots” on his face. A dermatologist had the spots may be suspected of having, the disease. A proac-
biopsied and a diagnosis of amyloidosis was tive approach to the diagnosis of amyloidosis is
made. After several bone marrow biopsies, the needed from all physicians, general practitioners,
patient was diagnosed with AL amyloidosis and specialists, and pathologists since this is a disease
multiple myeloma. After an autologous stem cell that can indeed be “hiding in plain sight,” as stated
transplant, performed over 2 years ago, the patient in a cover article of CAP TODAY, published by
continues to feel well and is being closely fol- the College of American Pathologists in November
lowed. He is, however, deeply concerned about 2005 [1]. To achieve this, we need to mobilize the
the future. He worries about the return of his dis- awareness and support of the entire medical com-
ease with symptoms that may be worse than sim- munity, both clinicians and pathologists.
ply “spots on his face.”
The possibility of false positive or false nega- Acknowledgment The author wishes to thank Dr. Maria
M. Picken for helpful suggestions and editing.
tive results and/or incorrect typing by less-expe-
rienced doctors are also issues that need to be
addressed. Thus, one ASG member commented
on the questionnaire: “If they work with a lab that
is not familiar with amyloidosis, they should at 1. Titus K. Amyloidosis hiding in plain sight. CAP
least tell the patient, and have the sample(s) sent TODAY, November 2005, cover story. http://www.cap.
elsewhere.” The need for consultation with spe- org (2011). Accessed Sep 2, 2011.

A immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis (AL), 12, 13

AA amyloidosis mechanisms of
autosomal dominant pyogenic arthritis, 44 tissue damage, 13
cryopyrin associated periodic fever syndromes toxicity, 16–17
(CAPS), 41–43 nomenclature, 5–6
definition, 31 organ tropism, 12–13, 17
diagnosis, 32–33 structure, 12
familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), 34–39 Amyloid associated neurodegenerative
hereditary autoinflammatory diseases, 33–34 diseases, 106–108
hyper IgD syndrome, 43–44 Amyloid b precursor protein (AbPP), 105, 106
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), 45–46 Amyloidogenic light chains, 15–16
monogenic autoinflammatory diseases, 34 Amyloidosis
polygenic and complex autoinflammatory AA amyloidosis, 309–311
disease, 44–45 adrenal gland, 314
in rheumatic disease, 33 advocacy group, 413
sarcoidosis, 46 aggresome inhibition, 384–385
serum amyloid A (SAA), 32 AL/AH amyloidosis, 309
sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy amorphous hyaline appearance, 306
(SHML), 46 amyloid derived from b2-microglobulin, 312
tumor necrosis factor receptor associated periodic ASG members, 414–416
syndrome (TRAPS), 39–41 biopsy types, 378
AbPP. See Amyloid b precursor protein (AbPP) bone marrow evaluation, 381
Actin-depolymerizing factor, 298 cardiac staging, 380–381
Adalimumab, 400 carpal tunnel syndrome, 417
Adrenal gland, 314 chemotherapy agents, 393–394
Aging, 81–98 classification of
Albuminuria, 39 algorithms, 266
Amyloid Congo red-positive fat aspirate
amyloidogenic clone, 13–15 specimens, 270
amyloidogenicity fresh fat aspirate specimens, 269
increased concentration, 10 immunoglobulin heavy and light
intrinsic instability, 11 chains, 266–267
mechanisms of, formation and leukocyte derived chemotaxin-2 (LECT2), 266,
toxicity, 9–10 268–269, 300, 311, 396
mutations, 10 morbidity and mortality, 261
proteolytic cleavage, 10–11 scaffold, 266
amyloidogenic light chain structural feature, 16 serum amyloid P component (SAP), 240, 241, 264
biochemical nature, 4 transthyretin, 265–266
clinical approach, 20–22 crescentic glomerulonephritis, 306
clinical manifestations, 17–20 delayed diagnosis, failure to diagnose,
common constituents, 11–12 and misdiagnosis, 406–407
fibril formation kinetics, 12 diagnosis and treatment of
formation, 12 formidable evolution, 405
genetics of, amyloidogenic light chains, 15–16 panels of immunostains, 406
history, 3–4 differential diagnosis, 309

M.M. Picken et al. (eds.), Amyloid and Related Disorders: Surgical Pathology and Clinical Correlations, 419
Current Clinical Pathology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-389-3,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
420 Index

Amyloidosis (continued) Anti-b2m antibody, 77

effective therapy Antisense oligonucleotide (ASO), 395
apolipoprotein A-I, 395 Antitumor necrosis factor medications, 399–401
apolipoprotein A-II, 396 Aortic aneurysm, 82, 94
b2-microglobulin, 394 Apolipoprotein A-I (ApoAI), 59–62, 297
cystatin C, 396 Apolipoprotein A-II (ApoAII), 63–64, 297–298
fibrinogen Aa-chain, 395–396 Atherosclerosis, 45, 82, 95
gelsolin, 396 Autoinflammatory diseases, 31–33, 399
LECT2, 396 Autosomal dominant pyogenic arthritis, 44
lysozyme, 396
reactivity, 394
TTR, 394–395 B
expert witnesses, 408 Beta-2 microglobulin, 69, 253, 269
extrarenal genitourinary tract, 312 Biologic medications, 44, 46, 47, 399, 400
generic diagnosis, 378–379 Bone marrow biopsy
GI tract (see Gastrointestinal (GI) tract) amyloid deposit detection, 284
heart (see Cardiac amyloidosis) flow cytometry, 289
high-dose therapy and autologous bone marrow general appearance, 283–284
transplantation, 381–382 image analysis, 289
immunomodulatory derivatives, 382–383 vs. immunofixation electrophoresis and free light
interstitial and peritubular deposits, 307 chain analysis, 288–289
kidney, 305–306 marrow aspirate smears, 289
laser microdissection (LMD), 262 molecular and genetic studies, 289–290
liquid chromatography (see High-performance plasma cell dyscrasia
liquid chromatography tandem mass CD138, 284–285
spectrometry-based proteomics) colorimetric in situ hybridization (CISH), 286
liver (see Liver) kappa and lambda light chain immunoglobulins., 285
localized, 379–380 pre-and posttreatment, 286–287
‘loss of chance’ doctrine, 409–411 specimen analysis, 288
medicolegal risk, 406 Brevin, 298
melphalan-based therapies, 382
negligence, 407–408
non-AL/non-AA Amyloidoses, 311–312 C
patients with different systemic types, 388–389 Calcifying epithelial odontogenic (Pindborg) tumor, 91
penis, 315 Canakinumab, 400
peripheral nerve (see Peripheral nerve amyloidosis) Cardiac amyloid, 86–87
physician protections, 411 Cardiac amyloidosis
prostate, 313–314 clinical diagnosis, 324–325
proteasome inhibitors, 383–384 clinical features, 324
proteinuria, 306 diagnostic pitfalls, 334
reevaluation, 389 differential diagnosis
renal extraglomerular vessels, 307 giant cell response, 333
solid organ transplantation hyalin, 334
hereditary amyloidoses, 385–387 interstitial and replacement fibrosis, 333
nonhereditary systemic amyloidoses, 387–388 endomyocardial biopsy
standard of care, 408 amyloid and collagen fibrils, 329, 332
support groups, 413 Congo red birefringence, 329–330
suspicion, 377–378 fibrils, TEM, 329, 331
symptoms, 414 histologic patterns, amyloid deposition, 327–328
systemic, 380 interstitial nodular pattern, 329
testis, 314, 315 perimyocytic and arteriolar amyloid deposits,
urinary bladder, 313 327–329
websites, 413 semi-thin plastic-embedded myocardium,
Amyloidosis diagnosis, 4–5 329, 331
Amyloidosisonline.com, 413 severe amyloid infiltration, 329–330
Amyloidosissupport.com, 413 immunohistochemical staining, 332–333
Amyloidosis support groups (ASG), 414–417 localized
Amyloid stroma, 88 isolated atrial amyloidosis (IAA), 319–320
Amyloid types, 261 senile aortic amyloid, 320
Anakinra, 400 valvular amyloidosis, 321
Index 421

morphology clinical diagnosis, 75

atrial involvement, 325 destructive spondyloarthopathy, 74
formalin-fixed heart, 325 differential diagnosis, 75
valvular and septal involvement, 325–326 epidemiology, 70
venules, adipose tissue, and myocardial pathophysiology, 70–72
interstitium involvement, 326–327 prevention, 78
prognosis, 335 radiological imaging
systemic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 76
amyloid A protein, 323 plain X-rays, 75, 76
apolipoprotein A-I, 323–324 scintigraphy, 75
b2-microglobulin, 323 tissue biopsy, 76–77
fibrinogen, 324 ultrasound, 75–76
immunoglobulin light chain, 321 X-ray computed tomography, 76
transthyretin, 321, 323 risk factors, 72–74
therapy, 335 scapulohumeral and other arthropathies, 74
Carpal tunnel syndrome, 74 specific treatment, 78
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), 108–109 supportive treatment, 77–78
Cerebrovascular amyloidosis visceral involvement, 74–75
amyloid associated neurodegenerative diseases, Dialysis technique, 78
106–108 Differential diagnosis
cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), 108–109 cryoglobulinemic nephropathy
neoplasia associated CNS amyloidosis, 109 extrarenal, 120–121
pituitary amyloid, 109 hematoxylin and eosin stain, 119–120
systemic amyloidosis and CNS involvement, 109 pathogenesis, 121
Certolizumab, 400 transmission electron microscopy, 119–120
Cold-induced autoinflammatory syndrome (CIAS1). fibrillary glomerulonephritis
See NLRP3 gene extrarenal, 118
Colorimetric in situ hybridization (CISH), 286 pathogenesis, 118–119
Congo red renal, 116–118
detection of, amyloid deposits, 130 hyalinized collagen, 122
fibrillary glomerulonephritis, 116 hyalinosis, 122
fluorescence, 175 immunotactoid glomerulopathy
hyalinized collagen, 122 extrarenal manifestations, 121–122
light and heavy chain amyloidosis, 144 pathogenesis, 122
liver, 134 logical approach, 124–125
localized amyloid, 84 organized deposits
lungs, 135 entities, kidney and extrarenal manifestations,
medullary thyroid carcinoma, 88–89 114–115
renal diseases, 115 history, 113–114
tissue biopsy specimen, 75, 77 problems, 115–116
Corneal amyloid, 95–96 other nonspecific fibrils, 122–123
Cryoglobulinemic nephropathy Direct hemoperfusion, 78
extrarenal, 120–121
hematoxylin and eosin stain, 119–120
pathogenesis, 121
Electron microscopy
transmission electron microscopy, 119–120
extrarenal, 120–121
Cryopyrin associated periodic fever syndromes
noncrystallized immunoglobulin, 161
(CAPS), 41–43
rhomboid crystal shape, 157–158
Crystalopathy, renal, 155
Electrophoresis, 275–276
Crystalopathy, extrarenal, 159
Eprodisate disodium, 400
Cystatin C amyloidosis, 64
Etanercept, 399–400
Expert witnesses, amyloidosis, 408
Dementia, 105, 106, 108, 109 F
Destructive spondyloarthopathy, 74 Familial amyloidosis, 323
Dialysis-associated amyloidosis Familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP)
b2m light chain component, 69 apolipoprotein A-I, 370–371
bone cysts and pathological fractures, 74 gelsolin, 370
carpal tunnel syndrome, 74 transthyretin, 369–370
422 Index

Familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome glomerular immunofluorescence staining, 145

(FCAS), 34, 35, 41–43, 400 immunologic data, 145–146
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), 34–39 pathologic findings, 145
Fibrillary glomerulonephritis (nephropathy) transplantation, 146
extrarenal, 118 treatment outcome, 146
pathogenesis, 118–119 therapeutic considerations, 151–152
renal, 116–118
Fibril proteins, 82, 85, 86, 90–97
Fibrinogen Aa (alpha)-chain amyloidosis, 62, 299 H
Free light chain (FLC) Heart
diagnostic sensitivity, 279–281 light/heavy chain deposition disease, 134
quantitation restrictive cardiomyopathy, 60–61
automated nephelometric assay, 278 senile systemic amyloidosis, 93
Bence Jones proteins, 277 visceral involvement, 74
Cystatin C, 279 Heavy chain deposition (HCD). See Light and heavy
immunoglobulin G, 278 chain deposition disease (LHCDD)
reference intervals and diagnostic range, 279 Hemofiltration, 78, 79
Frequent hemodialysis, 73, 78 Hereditary amyloidosis, 405
apolipoprotein A-I, 59–62
apolipoprotein A-II, 63–64
G cystatin C amyloidosis, 64
Gastrointestinal (GI) tract definition, 53
amyloid vs. collagenous colitis, 343, 346 differential diagnosis, 292
bacterial overgrowth and malabsorption, fibrinogen Aa (alpha)-chain, 62
340, 343 gelsolin, 62
clinical presentation, 339–340 genes involvement
collagenous colitis, 343, 345 apolipoprotein A-I, 297
colonic and enteric dysmotility, 342, 344 apolipoprotein A-II, 297–298
colonic tubular adenoma, 343, 346 fibrinogen alpha, 299
cross section, tongue, 339–340 gelsolin A, 298
endoscopic mucosa resection, 339, 341 LECT2, 300
gastric antrum, 340, 342 lysozyme, 299–300
hematemesis, 340, 342 nomenclature, 293, 295
hyalinized deposits, 339–340 transthyretin, 295–297
life-threatening hematochezia, 343–344 genetic testing, 293, 294
mesenteric fat, abdominal fat pad, 343, 345 LECT, 64–65
mucosal prolapse type polyps (MPT), 343, 346 lysozyme, 62–63
muscularis propria, 339, 342 mass spectrometry, TTR, 293
pink amorphous deposit, 339–340 primary and secondary types, 55
subserosal connective tissue, 343, 345 solid organ transplantation
systemic amyloid apolipoprotein A-I, 386–387
and macroglossia, 339–340 fibrinogen A alpha-chain, 386
treatment, 343 TTR, 386
Gelsolin amyloidosis, 62 symptom of, 292
Gelsolin protein, 298 systemic/localized types, 53–55
Genitourinary amyloid, 312 transthyretin amyloidosis, 57–59
Glomerulonephritis (GN) transthyretin plasma protein, 56–57
with deposits of monoclonal Ig light and heavy typical and atypical types, 55
chains, 143–144 Hereditary autoinflammatory diseases, 33–34
diagnostic considerations, 150–151 HIDS. See Hyper IgD syndrome (HIDS)
disease spectrum High-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass
demographic, clinical, and biological spectrometry-based proteomics
characteristics, 147, 149 collision-induced dissociation (CID), 263
pathological findings, 147–149 germline polymorphisms, 264
nonproliferative, 146–147 peptide complex generation, 263
pathophysiological considerations, 149–150 shotgun vs. targeted proteomics
proliferative methodologies, 262
clinical features, 145 Swissprot, 263
clinical follow-up, PGNMID, 146 work flow, pictorial representation,
epidemiology, 144–145 263–264
Index 423

Hyalinized collagen, 122 peripheral and central nervous system

Hyalinosis, 122 involvement, 134
Hyper IgD syndrome (HIDS), 43–44 skin, 136
AL amyloid, 352, 357
I alcoholic steatohepatitis, 349
IL-1 mediated disease, 43 alpha-1 antitrypsin globules, 350, 352
Immnunohistochemistry, 130–131 clinical presentation, amyloid, 345–346
Immunofixation electrophoresis (IFE), 276 Congo red stain, 349–350
Immunofluorescence differential diagnosis, 348
immunoglobulin components, 120 domino transplant, 353
kidneys, 133 fibroscan, 346
in tissue, 131–132 gallbladder, lamina propria, 354, 357
Immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis (AL), 12 globules, 350–351
Immunogold labeling, 124, 252, 253 hepatomegaly, 345
Immunohistochemistry large rounded acellular hyalin material, 352, 356
fibrillar protein, 87 Lect 2 involvement, 352–355
microglobulin amyloidosis, 77 LHCDD, 133–134
neurodegenerative diseases, 107 pancreatic islets, 358
Immunomodulatory drugs (IMiDs), 382–383 patterns of, amyloid, 347
Immunotactoid glomerulopathy sinusoidal amyloid deposition, 347
extrarenal manifestations, 121–122 transthyretin, 352, 357
pathogenesis, 122 trichrome stains, 348–349
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), 45–46 Lobar hemorrhages, 106
Infliximab, 400 Localized AL amyloids
Insulinoma, pancreas, 88–89 additional localized aggregates, 97–98
Interleukin-1 (IL-1) antagonists, 400 amyloidoma, 83
Islets of Langerhans, 84–86 calcifying epithelial odontogenic (Pindborg)
tumor, 91
corneal amyloid, 95–96
J in endocrine organs and tumors
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), 33 amyloid stroma, 88
cardiac amyloid, 86–87
insulin injection, 88
K islets of Langerhans, 84–86
Kidney amyloid, 305 parathyroid glands, 86–87
pituitary gland, 87–88
insulinoma of, pancreas, 88–89
L in joints, ligaments and tendons, 96–97
Laser microdissection (LMD), 262 medullary thyroid carcinoma, 88
LECT2. See Leukocyte derived chemotaxin-2 morphology, 82
(LECT2) pituitary adenoma, 89
Lenalidomide, 383 in seminal vesicles, 95
Leukocyte derived chemotaxin-2 (LECT2), 64–65, 300 senile systemic amyloidosis
Lichen amyloidosus (LA), 82–84 aorta and other arteries, 93
Light and heavy chain deposition disease (LHCDD) in atherosclerotic plaques and cardiac valves,
diagnostic criteria/pitfalls, 136–137 94–95
extrarenal manifestations, 133 medin (AMed) amyloid, 93–94
gastrointestinal, 135–136 in skin
heart, 130–131, 134 lichen amyloidosus (LA) and macular
historical perspective, 132–133 amyloidosis (MA), 82–84
immnunohistochemistry, 130–131 tumors, 91
kidneys, 133 Localized amyloidosis
liver, 133–134 genitourinary tract, 312–313
lungs, 135 heart
muscle, 136 isolated atrial amyloidosis (IAA), 319–320
nodular glomerulosclerosis, 130–132 senile aortic amyloid, 320
organ pathology, 138–139 valvular amyloidosis, 321
other organs, 136 laser therapy, 379
pancreas, 136 renal involvement, 379
424 Index

Loss of chance, amyloidosis, 409–411 Pathology

Lungs, 135 amyloid, 113–125
Lysozyme, 62–63, 299–300 kidney, 155–159
neurodegenerative diseases, 106
Peripheral nerve amyloidosis
M AL (primary), 367
Macular amyloidosis (MA), 89–90 biopsy sites, 362–363
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC), 38 clinical presentation, 362
Malpractice, 406 familial amyloid polyneuropathy
Medical advisory board, 413 apolipoprotein A-I, 370–371
Medin (AMed) amyloid, 93–94 gelsolin, 370
Medullary thyroid carcinoma, 88 transthyretin, 369–370
Melphalan-based therapies, 382 focal, macroscopic aggregate, 366
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN), historical pathology, 361
143–145, 147, 149–152 IgM macroglobulin deposition, 367–369
Membranous nephropathy (MN), 144, 147–149 mass spectrophotometric evaluation, 366–367
Mendelian autoinflammatory diseases. See Familial pathogenesis and histopathology, 363–365
Mediterranean fever (FMF) treatment of, 371
Monoclonal FLC. See Free light chain (FLC) PGNMID. See Proliferative glomerulonephritis with
Monoclonal Ig deposits, 143–152 monoclonal IgG deposits (PGNMID)
Monoclonal immunoglobulins, 275–276 Pituitary adenoma, 89
Monogenic autoinflammatory diseases, 34 Pituitary amyloid, 109
Muckle-Wells syndrome (MWS), 34, 41, 400 Pituitary gland, 87–88
Muscle, 136 Plasma cell dyscrasia (PCD)
CD138, 284–285
colorimetric in situ hybridization (CISH), 286
N kappa and lambda light chain immunoglobulins., 285
NALP3. See NLRP3 gene pre-and posttreatment, 286–287
Neonatal onset multisystem inflammatory disease specimen analysis, 288
(NOMID), 34, 35, 41–43, 400 Polygenic and complex autoinflammatory disease, 44–45
Neoplasia associated CNS amyloidosis, 109 Polypeptide hormone, 82, 86, 88
Nephelometry, 278 Primary (AL) amyloidosis
Nephropathy, 54, 116–119. See also Cryoglobulinemic abnormal serum, 275–276
nephropathy; Membranous FLC (see Free light chain (FLC))
nephropathy (MN) monitoring disease activity, 281
NLRP3 gene, 18 monoclonal free light chain, 276
NLRP3 inflammasome, 41–42, 45 monoclonal gammopathy distribution, 277
Nodular glomerulosclerosis, 130–132 monoclonal protein and immunoglobulins, 275
NOMID/CINCA, 42–43 multiple myeloma, 277
Non-organized monoclonal deposits, 144 normal serum, 275–276
Non-Randall glomerulonephritis. Proliferative glomerulonephritis with monoclonal IgG
See Glomerulonephritis (GN) deposits (PGNMID), 144–146, 150, 151
Proteasome inhibitors, 383–384
Protein misfolding, 16, 32, 323, 399
O Protein toxicity, 10, 13, 15–17
Oligomers, 10, 13, 16, 17, 84, 86 Proteolytic cleavage, 10–11
Online hemodiafiltration, 78
Organized deposits
entities, kidney and extrarenal manifestations, R
114–115 Reactive amyloidosis. See AA amyloidosis
glomerulonephritis (GN), 144 Rheumatic disease, 33, 399
history, 113–114 Rilonacept, 400
problems, 115–116 Rosai-Dorfman disease. See Sinus histiocytosis with
Organ pathology, 138–139 massive lymphadenopathy (SHML)
Organ tropism, 12–13, 17

P Sarcoidosis, 46
Pancreas, 136 Selective b2m adsorption Lixelle column, 78
Parathyroid glands, 86–87 Seminal vesicles, 95
Index 425

Senile systemic amyloidosis T

aorta and other arteries, 93 Testis, 314, 315
in atherosclerotic plaques and cardiac Thalidomide, 383
valves, 94–95 Thioflavin T stain, 114, 116, 122, 130, 134–136,
medin (AMed) amyloid, 93–94 187–189
Serum amyloid A (SAA), 32, 37–40, 46 Tocilizumab, 400
Serum protein electrophoresis (SPEP), Transthyretin (TTR). See also Familial amyloid
275–276, 292 polyneuropathy (FAP)
Sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy amyloid fibril protein, 92
(SHML), 46 associated familial amyloidosis, 323
siRNA, 395 hereditary amyloidosis
Skin leptomeningeal and brain
LHCDD, 136 biopsy, 56–57
localized amyloids liver transplantation, 295
lichen amyloidosus (LA) and macular mass spectra, 296
amyloidosis (MA), 82–84 phenotypic correlations, 296–297
tumors, 91 plasma protein, 56–57
Standard of care, amyloidosis, 408 prealbumin, 55
Swissprot, 263 senile amyloid deposition, 295
Systemic amyloidosis, 405 SSA, 321, 323
AL amyloidosis, 381 Tumor necrosis factor receptor associated periodic
and CNS involvement, 109 syndrome (TRAPS ), 39–41
heart Type 2 diabetes, 12, 82, 84, 86
amyloid A protein, 323
apolipoprotein A-I, 323–324
b2-microglobulin, 323 U
fibrinogen, 324 Ultrapure dialysate, 78
immunoglobulin light chain, 321 Urinary bladder, 313
transthyretin, 321, 323 Urine protein, 280

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