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V O L U M E 4 , I S S U E 1 2 D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 0

you go to the Master. Bart wanted to be ing threatened by Jesus. At the end of
healed and to see. His response to Jesus the last passage Jesus had went and
showed his faith. Because of his faith, he observed the temple courts. Time and
was healed and Jesus sent him on his time again Mark shows that Jesus
way. Bartimaeus pictured discipleship loves to watch. The temple was the
clearly. He recognized his inability, trusted central religious and economic institu-
Jesus as the One to give him God’s gra- tion of the Jerusalem state. It was also
Will You Recoginize cious mercy, and when he could “see”
clearly he began to follow Jesus.
supported by the tithes and offerings of
the people. The leadership at the tem-
Jesus? In Pastor Danny’s second sermon
from Mark 11:1-11, Jesus and his disciples
ple felt they had earned the right to lead
God’s people. The leaders in the tem-
By: Nicole Stroud are heading into a city where people didn’t ple felt they could do whatever they
like Jesus. He has prepared his disciples wanted. They made their own rules and
November’s sermons challenged the peo- for the good and bad news that he was traditions to add a twist on God’s word.
ple to GCC to recognize who or what has authority going to suffer, die but then he would be For example, only Jewish men could
in their lives. Jesus’ authority was constantly ques- resurrected. The town was full of religious enter the temple. Everyone else had to
tioned and people did not recoginize who he was. people. These people were more worried stand outside in the temple courts. That
Pastor Danny began November with a about what they want (using the Bible to included the gentiles, and Jewish
sermon from Mark 10:46-52, about a man who was get it ) then loving God and their neighbor. women and children. A percentage of
blind, Bartimaeus. Pastor called him Bart for short. Jesus had a purpose for going into a town all the money earned in the court was
As Bart was shouting across the road to Jesus, he that wanted to kill him, to give his life given to the high priest. The temple
did not silence him. He knew that Bart was there. away. Sometimes that is easy to forget. court was a place of worship and yet
Just like Bart, Jesus knows your situation. You can- Jesus was willingly walking into a city to the religious leaders were using it for
not lie to him. He knows what is going on in your die. How many people would do that? their selfish gain. Seeing all that had
life and in your heart. Before you say a prayer to Jesus takes control of the situation by ask- gone on the day before. Jesus made
him, he knows what you need but he delights in ing the disciples to do certain things. How- his way to Jerusalem to clear the tem-
your prayers. He wanted Bart, who was blind, to ever, sometimes these things didn’t make ple. Jesus’ power and authority didn’t
walk towards him and he wanted the people in- sense. People were welcoming the Mes- come from him; it came from speaking
stead of shushing him , to encourage him. The siah but he wasn’t what they expected. the truth. Deep down the people at the
crowd encouraged the beggar: “Cheer up!;On your The people wanted to be free from Rome temple court knew what they were do-
feet!; He’s calling you.” This motivated Bartimaeus and the new king was supposed to do that. ing was wrong. What does this pas-
to toss aside his outer They didn’t want to be free from sin. Jesus sage mean to GCC? It means the
HIGHLIGHTS IN cloak which he used to wanted to love them but they didn’t let him church should see Jesus as king and
THIS ISSUE: collect offerings; he because they didn’t recognize who he was. what Jesus says goes. It is not about
cast it aside so he The worst thing for GCC to do is to not what you want but what God wants for
• November would not trip on it. recognize the master as he comes through the church. It is about reaching out to
Many people need to the doors. Jesus doesn’t always come as the community in the most effective
Sermon Recap
come to Jesus and you expect. He may come as a smelly way. GCC is called to be a house of
• Christmas Eve they hear his calling. homeless person, a local prostitute or even prayer. You do that by being open to all
They know Jesus, they a child who is looking for someone to love kinds of people and worship styles.
Service them. Most of the time Jesus comes to
admit they need Jesus GCC should love people in spite of who
but like the young Rich church as broken people and the church they are or how broken they are. May
• From the Worship
Man Charlie, there are misses it. Will you recoginize Jesus when the church never hinder what God is
Office things that they could he comes? doing in Spring Valley.
not let go. Once you Mark 11: 12-19 was the third Pastor Danny’s fourth sermon
• December hear the call of the passage that Pastor Danny used in No- was on the withered fig tree.
Calendar Master, you get up, vember. Jesus clears the temple. Jesus
cast anything that can had just entered Jerusalem and the lead- Continued on Next Pg———>
make you stumble, and ers did not like it. Their authority was be-
P A G E 2


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V O L U M E 4 , I S S U E 1 2 P A G E 3

On their way to ing a big deal tree is a question

the temple, Je- about the fig tree of faith. To bear
13 Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, sus and his dis- in front of the dis- fruit and not
ciples saw a fig ciples? There was wither, you need
praising God and saying, 14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on
to have faith.
earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:13-14 (NIV) tree and Jesus a deeper meaning
Sometimes peo-
was hungry. No to this. He wanted ple pray but they
During this time we not only prepare and decorate our home with Christmas, where in the to make sure the don’t believe that
but we are preparing our hearts to recognize that one day our Lord and Sav- gospels does it disciples heard God is going to
ior came to this earth to be born for all mankind. Christmas is a great time to talk about Jesus him. On the way answer it. Every-
getting hungry back from the one goes through
share Christ as it is every day. But during Christmas people’s heart are
except for when temple and hard circum-
seeking something new and it’s a great time to share to others why we cele- he came off fast- headed to Beth- stances that seem
brate Christmas. We celebrate Christmas knowing that one day this earth ing for 40 days. any, Peter saw impossible to get
was in total darkness but Jesus came to light the way to all humanity. Christ- However, Jesus that fig tree and it through. If you
mas is a time to forget about sadness and filling our homes and hearts with was 100% God was withered from have faith it will
and 100% man. the roots. move mountians.
gladness and joyfulness. Most important, it’s a time of Worship. A time to However, God is
praise God for all he has done in our lives. This Christmas let’s make sure He knew what it What does the fig
not in the moun-
meant to be hun- tree really mean? tain moving busi-
that our praise speaks about the birth of Christ. Let’s make sure that we
gry. He experi- Pastor Danny ness but the
share the gift that God gave us, the gift of his only Son Jesus; the gift that ences our fears, says, “. Israel is heart warming
everyone has the right to receive-the birth of Christ in their hearts. needs, and often represented one. Some peo-
wants. Jesus by a fig tree in the ple spend a lot of
Please join us on our Christmas Eve service celebration and make sure to understands old testament as time looking like
bring a friend and a family member. We will be having a live performance exactly what we in Hosea 9:10, leaves but don’t
play with live go through. The and Joel 1:7 this bear any fruit.
Christmas worship: tree looked good is really a parable God has invested
with all the of judgment, with so much, he de-
“The Night that Changed the World” mands fruit from
leaves on it. It the fig tree repre-
his children. Your
had the appear- senting Israel. lives have to be a
See you December 24, 2010 @ 7:00pm ance to make Like the tree, Is- response to Gods
Jesus hopeful. rael had no fruit of grace. God can
Merry Christmas, As Pastor ex- repentance or move mountains
Chris Rodriguez plained last change of heart. It but when you
Worship Director week, a fig tree looked good, but come to him in
produces the it was only leafs prayer, you must
Please email: cchris619@hotmail.com We’d fruit first then the without fruit. The have faith that he
love to hear your comments. leaves grow. religious system will answer you.
Because the tree in Jerusalem In Decem-
had leaves, Je- seemed to be ber, Jesus’ au-
thority will con-
sus thought their working, but it
tinue to be ques-
surely had to be was only leaves. tioned. The reli-
figs on the tree. They were not gious leaders are
The only prob- producing fruit. not happy with
lem was that it Certainly when him because his
wasn’t the sea- Jesus ap- message is get-
to those celebrating their Birthdays in son for figs. proached it, all he ting through to
When Jesus got was the cold people and it is
DECEMBER.... came to the tree shoulder and the causing an up-
and saw that threats of the roar. However,
there was no priests and Jesus’ authority
12/12-Lois McCauley 12/21– KC Berumen comes from God.
fruit he cursed it clergy.” Sacrifice
Soon enough Je-
saying “no one without the fruit of sus will be killed
12/13– Kim Shell 12/21– Jorge Alarcon will eat fruit from repentance is not because he
it again.” Why sacrifice. threatens their
12/21– Carol Primmer was Jesus mak- The authority.
1 LEAP– 3:30 2 3 4
Wed. Night Activities Prayer @ 10a Ruth Fullers
MMCV #1110
5p-7p LJC Mercy Ministries Fellow-
ship 11a-1p
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
SUNDAY SCHOOL-9AM Wed. Night Family Prayer @ 10a Ruth Fullers
MMCV #1110
Worship Celebration 10AM Christmas
WOW Christmas Program Celebration
LJC Mercy Ministries Fellow-
5p-7p ship 11a-1p
12 COMMUNION 13 14 15 16 17 18
SUNDAY SCHOOL-9AM Prayer @ 10a Ruth Fullers
MMCV #1110
Worship Celebration 10AM Operation:Outreach
8:30-10A LJC Mercy Ministries
Congregational Meeting-5p
Fellowship 11a-1p
Terry Thoner Memorial
19 20 21 22 NO ACTIVITES 23 24 25
Christmas Christmas Eve Christmas Day
Worship Celebration 10am Dinner at Pastor
Service-7p LJC Mercy Ministries Fellow-
3RD Sunday Youth Service Danny’s-6p ship 11a-1p
26 SUNDAY SCHOOL- 27 28 29 NO ACTIVITES 30 31 New Years
9AM Eve
Worship Celebration 10am
Youth End of
Church Christmas NA Meets-6p Year Holiday
Celebration Party-6p

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