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Table of Contents

Why Churches Still Need to What to expect 25

Send Great Emails 3 Volunteer opportunities 26
First-Time Guest Sequence 4 Youth Sunday School 27
Welcome 4 Non-sequenced Emails 28
Small group opportunities 5 Easter (first-time guest) 28
Testimonial 6 Easter (small groups) 29
Membership class 7 Easter (faith commitment) 30
Membership Class Follow-Up Sequence 8 Easter (thank you to volunteers) 31
Join a small group 8 Christmas (first-time guests) 32
How to give 9 Christmas (small groups) 33
Volunteer opportunities 10 Christmas (faith commitment) 34
First-Time Giver Sequence 11 Christmas (thanks to volunteers) 35
Thank you for your gift 11 Youth baptism 36
Download our app 12 Join a small group 37
Testimonial 13 New faith commitment 38
Recurring giving 14 Mother’s Day 39
Spiritual Growth Campaign Sequence 15 Download the mobile app 40
Announcement 15 Thanks for giving 41
Find a small group 16 Recurring giving 42
Invite a friend 17 Giving to a mission project 43
Devotionals 18 End-of-year giving statement 44
First Time Guest Parents Annual report 45
(Children’s Ministry) Sequence 19 Membership class 46
Welcome to our children’s ministry 19 Volunteer opportunities 47
Safety 20 Link to blog post 48
Volunteer opportunities 21 Happy birthday! 49
Children’s baptism class 22 Testimonial (membership) 50
Children’s Sunday School class 23 Testimonial (Volunteer) 51
First-Time Guest Parents Testimonial (small groups) 52
(Youth Ministry) Sequence 24 Subscribe to our newsletter 53
Welcome 24 Sign up for devotionals 54
Why Churches Still
Need to Send Great
You have lots of great options for communicating with your church these days. You have far more
communications tools than your predecessors had just 20 years ago. With Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and other social media options, you can send out messages instantly and connect to
people on the go. In fact, nearly 70% of Americans use Facebook. You won’t find a cheaper, more
effective advertising platform today than social media.

Your website is a prime piece of communications real estate that you own and can manage how
you see fit. It’s the first place anyone will go before visiting your church in person. It’s a must-have.

Even print materials, once thought to be obsolete, are making a comeback as they provide a
unique way to make your content stand out in a crowded information marketplace.

And then, there’s your mobile app—the unrivaled communications hub in your church ecosystem.
Not having a mobile app today means risking irrelevancy.

But nothing compares to email. You may have heard that email is dead. That’s a lie. And email isn’t
just alive—it has never been better or more important for your church to implement effectively.
By 2022, experts believe that more than 333 billion emails will be in circulation in a typical
day. An astonishing 86 percent of business professionals say email is their preferred mode of

The competition is fierce though. Your emails are competing with hundreds of others as they flow
into the inboxes of people to whom you’re communicating. You don’t just need any emails. You
need good ones.

If you want some help developing an effective email and church marketing strategy, check out the
free resource, Content Marketing for Churches.

This resource is designed to give you easy-to-use templates to develop your own top-notch church
marketing emails. Inside you’ll find six email sets designed to be sent as part of an automated
email series. The rest are individual emails designed to be sent independently. There are 52 emails
in total. Feel free to copy anything you see. They are yours to use as you see fit.

First-Time Guest

Subject Line: Thanks for Joining Us at First Church!

Hi David,

My name is Andrew Davis, the pastor of First Church. Thanks for visiting with us this
weekend! I hope you had a great time. We certainly enjoyed having you join us for worship.
I pray you were encouraged and discovered something you could apply to your daily life.

We know it’s a big step to visit a church for the first time. We hope you found everything
you needed while you were with us, but we realize you may have questions.

We’ve put together a list of some of the frequently asked questions we get most often from
new guests. I encourage you to take a look: X.com

I also wanted to invite you to next week’s worship services as well. We have two identical
services at 9am and 11am. Feel free to try a different one this week. Every week our
teaching pastors connect God’s Word to the everyday issues you’re facing in a practical,
easy-to-understand manner.

Please let us know if we can do anything to help you on your next visit to First Church.

We can’t wait to see what God will do as we engage God’s mission together.


Pastor Andrew Davis

Senior Pastor, First Church

PS. We want to answer any questions you might have about First Church. Don’t forget to
check out the FAQs at X.com. Or reply to this email if your question isn’t on the page.

Small group opportunities

Subject Line: The best way to get connected at First Church

Dear Janet,

At First Church, we know it can get easy to get lost in the crowd when you visit a new
church. But you matter to God—and you matter to us! We want to help you to be known
and cared for at First Church.

Through the First Church’s small groups, you’ll find relationships that will nurture your
faith and help you live out your God-given purpose.

We believe God intended everyone to live in loving community with others. No one should
feel as if they must tackle life on their own.

In fact, we believe small groups are so important for your spiritual development that if you
only have one hour to attend something at First Church each week, we recommend you
go to a small group meeting.

It’s that important that you develop caring, encouraging relationships in your life. You’ll
study the Bible together, share meals together, and enjoy each other’s company.

You’ll find our small groups in homes all over Wilson County, at different times and on
different days. Take a look. We’re confident you’ll find a small group that fits your schedule.

For a complete list of small groups and their times and locations, visit x.com.


Joe Smith
Pastor of Small Groups, First Church


Subject Line: What do people think about First Church?

Dear Bob,

We’re so excited that you’ve joined us recently at First Church. We hope you’ve enjoyed
worshiping with us as much we’ve enjoyed having you.

As you look for ways to get plugged into the ministry of First Church, we thought we’d
introduce you to Gene Adams, a new friend we’ve been getting to know over the last few

Gene recently sent us this note about how God has been working in his life since he arrived
at First Church:

“Dear First Church,

I can’t thank you enough for the love and support you’ve given to Ann and me over
the past year. When we first came to the church, we didn’t know what to expect. We
hadn’t been to church since we were kids. We had tons of stereotypes in our heads
about Christians. We figured you were judgmental and closed-minded.

We were so wrong!

From the very first greeter we met while on campus, we saw such kindness in the
people at First Church. God has done so much in our lives over the past few months.
Our small group has become like a second family for us. When I lost my father
unexpectedly, they stepped in and provided meals and provided me a safe place to
process all the emotions I was experiencing.

Two months ago, we became members of the church. We’re helping out in the
children’s ministry and joining with others at First Church to serve at the men’s
shelter. We’re convinced we get far more out of our service than we ever provide
for others.

We wanted to say thank you to our First Church family for making us feel so welcome
and showing us what it means to follow Jesus.

Your brother in Christ,


As you and your family continue to find your place at First Church, we thought Gene’s story
would encourage you.

By the way, we’re hosting our next membership class at 12:30 PM on Sunday, April 5. We’re
even providing lunch. If you’d like to know more about what it means to be a member of
First Church, we hope you’ll join us.

You can register here: x.com.

Membership Class

Subject Line: Discover more about First Church during our 4/3 membership class

Dear Janet,

I hope you’re having an amazing day. We’re so glad you visited us at First Church. You
matter to us, and you matter to God. We hope that’s evident in everything you experienced
during your visit.

At First Church, we believe that church isn’t a place you visit on the weekend. It’s a family
where you belong. We believe the more you spend time around us, the more you’ll see

On Sunday, April 3 at 2 PM, we’ll host our next “Welcome to First Church” membership
class. In this class, we’ll answer all of your questions about what it means to be a part of
our church family. During this two-hour class, you’ll learn:

•• How First Church got started and our vision for impacting Falls River and the world
•• How to build relationships in the First Church family
•• How to serve in ministry at First Church
•• How your generosity helps to make the ministry of First Church happen

I know you may be wondering, “Why would I want to go to a meeting on Sunday

afternoon?” Hey, we get it. We don’t like meetings either!

This won’t be like most meetings you attend. Instead, think of it as a fun time where you
meet new people and learn how together we can make a bigger impact on the world
around us.

You won’t want to miss it!

You can register and find more about the class on our website here:


Allen Coe
Pastor of Next Steps, First Church

PS. We only offer this course once a quarter, so if you can make this next one, it’ll give you
a head start on your involvement at First Church. Again, you can sign up for the two-hour
class here: x.com.

Membership Class
Follow-Up Sequence
Join a small group

Subject Line: Make new friends at First Church

Hey David,

I’m so glad that you made the decision to join our First Church family. We believe you’re an
indispensable part of what God will do through our church in the coming years.

During our membership class, you learned about the best way to make new friends and
grow in your Christian commitment—First Church’s small groups.

I don’t know if you’ve had time to look for small groups in your neighborhood, but I
encourage you to take a look when you can. At First Church, we have small groups in your
neighborhood, at a variety of times and on a variety of days.

You can find out more about the small groups in your neighborhood here: x.com

Happy searching!

Joe Smith
Pastor of Small Groups, First Church

How to give

Subject Line: How to give at First Church

Hi Janet,

I hope you’re having a terrific day. We’re so excited to have you as a part of our church
family. Our best days are ahead of us—and you’re part of the reason why!

When you became a member of First Church last weekend, you committed to sharing your
resources so we can more effectively reach our community and our world. Together, God
is doing amazing work through our church, including:

•• Reaching new people every week who’ve never attended church regularly before
•• Feeding impoverished families throughout the community
•• Sending mission teams to sister churches in Zambia and helping them to minister
to their community

That’s just the start. Your generosity will literally change the world at First Church. But it
can’t happen unless we put our resources together.

We know giving is a big step for many people, so we try to make it as easy as possible. One
of the ways we do this is through our mobile app. If you’d like to give cash or checks during
the offering time during First Church worship services, you can still do that. But if you’re
like me, you probably already make most of your financial transactions online, particularly
through your mobile apps.

With our First Church mobile app, you can give in seconds. It’s easy, it’s completely secure,
and it’s something you can do anytime, anywhere.

You can download our app here: x.com.

Thanks for your partnership in the gospel,

Allie Smith
Director of Stewardship, First Church

PS. One of the best parts of giving on our mobile app is how easy it is to become a “recurring
giver.” As a recurring giver, you can set up an automatic gift on whatever schedule you’d
like. In fact, because we believe this is such a helpful feature for you, recurring giving is
the default option when you first give on the app. It’s easy to change if you want to do
something different though. To give it a try, download the app here: x.com.

Volunteer opportunities

Subject Line: Check out all of the volunteer opportunities at First Church

Hey David,

Welcome to the First Church family! We’re so excited that you’ve made the decision to join
what God is doing through us at First Church.

As we mentioned in last weekend’s membership class, we have lots of opportunities for

you to use your gifts and abilities in service to God and others.

Whether you like teaching children, working with your hands, creating new pieces of art,
singing, or just about any other talent God has given you, we’ll help you put it to use.

For a full list of volunteer opportunities at First Church, visit x.com.

And, if you can’t find an opportunity on that link that fits your skill-set, let us know. We’d be
glad to work with you to find ways where you can serve at First Church.


Todd Jones
Pastor of Ministry, First Church

PS. You’ll find volunteer opportunities at a variety of time commitments at First Church.
Whether you’ve got 30 minutes a month to serve—or entire days to offer. Check out all of
the opportunities at x.com.

First-Time Giver
Thank you for your gift

Subject Line: Thank you for your gift!

Hi Janet,

Thanks so much for your gift of [gift amount] to First Church. We know that your giving is
about more than just money. You’re also giving us your trust.

At First Church, we take that trust seriously. Your gift will make a huge difference as we
serve this community and around the world. Without you, we couldn’t have the impact on
our community we do.

Thanks to your gift and others like it, we’re reaching new people with the gospel, feeding
the hungry, and sending people on mission around the world.

Since we’re a tax-exempt nonprofit, you’ll be able to write off your gift on this year’s taxes.
Keep this note as a receipt for your transaction. We’ll also send you an Annual Giving
Statement next January to recap your yearly giving.

We want to make it easy for your to make giving to First Church a regular habit. Through
our mobile app, you’ll be able to give in just a few quick taps. You can download our app
here: x.com.

Again, thank you so much for your gift!

Pastor Andrew Davis

Senior Pastor, First Church

P.S. On our app you can set up a recurring giving schedule that will make giving even easier
for you. You can download the app here: x.com.

Download our app

Subject Line: Here’s the best way to stay connected at First Church

Hi David,

We hope you’re doing well. Again, we want to thank you so much for your recent gift to
First Church. Thanks to your gift, we’re able to meet physical, emotional, and spiritual
needs of people in our community and around the world. Your generosity plays a key role
in what God does every day through this church.

Like Pastor Andrew mentioned in our last email to you, our mobile app is a great tool
to make giving easy. We know you likely make many of your financial transactions (like
ordering food and paying bills) on mobile devices. Because we believe your generosity
is so important to what God wants to do through our church, we’ve made it easy to give
through our mobile app.

After the initial setup, it’ll only take you a few seconds to give whenever you choose to do
so. You won’t need to keep up with a complicated password. You won’t need to search
endlessly to find the spot where you give. We’ve made it so you can give in just a few taps.

But our mobile app isn’t just for giving. It’s the communication hub for our church. On
the First Church app, you can find a calendar of events, past sermons, our First Church
blog, a list of open small group, and more. Plus, we’ll keep you notified of any First Church
news you need to know about through notifications. (Don’t worry. We won’t overload your
mobile device with notifications. We usually just send out a couple a week, at the most.)

To download our mobile app, click here: x.com.

We look forward to connecting with you on the app!

Jane Rodriquez
Technology Director, First Church

PS. One of my favorite features of our mobile app is that you can access sermon notes and
a Bible on it. It’s a great way engage Pastor Andrew’s weekend sermons. So don’t forget to
check it out at x.com.


Subject Line: Meet a mom your gift to First Church is helping

Dear Janet,

We hope you’ve been having an incredible week. Thanks again for your gift to First Church.
God is already using it to make a difference in our community.

In fact, we thought we’d pass a note we recently received from a single mom that goes
to the church. Thanks to gifts like yours, her son was able to attend our church’s summer

Here’s what she wrote:

“Dear First Church family,

I’m sitting here in tears. I just listened to my son, Johnny, tell me about the week he
just spent at The Refuge Camp last week. He told me about how much fun he had
swimming in the lake, playing football with the other boys, and telling stories around
the campfire. He shared with me about two new friends that evidently became
inseparable from him during the week. He’s already asking if they can spend the
night soon.

All of that is great, but it’s not the best part. Johnny also told me about how God has
been at work in his heart over the last week. He told me of commitments he made to
get to know God better. As he told me all of this, you could see the joy in his eyes!

I have to tell you—this makes a mother’s heart very happy! It’s a been a tough last
few months in our home. I’m so glad that he was able to go to this camp. Thank you
for the scholarship to camp First Church provided. I’ll never forget the difference that
God has made in my son’s life thanks to the generosity of our church!

A very grateful mother,


As you can see, your gift and others like it make a big difference in the lives of people in our
community. To find out more about how your gifts at First Church help people all around
the world, check out our annual report at x.com.

Allie Smith
Director of Stewardship, First Church

Recurring giving

Subject Line: The First Church app makes it easy to become a recurring giver

Hi David,

Thanks again for your gift to First Church. It’s so exciting to partner with people like you to
better serve our community.

Because we believe in what God can do through our generosity together, we’re committed
to doing whatever it takes to make it easy for you to give on a regular basis. One of the
ways we do that is through recurring giving. By setting up a recurring giving schedule, you
can automate your giving so that you continue to give even when you aren’t able to make
it to worship services.

Why is recurring giving so important? Here are three of the best reasons.

1. You don’t have to worry about forgetting your checkbook or cash when you come to
worship services.
2. It makes it easier for you to include your giving in your regular budget.
3. It helps First Church to have a clearer idea of what resources are coming in so we can
better manage your gift in an appropriate way.

We hope you’ll consider becoming a recurring giver. We’ve made it easy to do on our
mobile app. In fact, if you download our app and then try to give, the default option is to
set up a recurring gift schedule. It’s easy to change if you’d like to make a one-time gift, but
we also wanted to make it super easy to become a recurring giver.

To download our mobile app and start a recurring giving schedule today, just visit this
link: x.com.

Again, thanks so much for your gift!

Allie Smith
Director of Stewardship, First Church

P.S. We know there will be times when you may want to change your recurring gift
schedule. We’ve made that easy to do on the app, too. If you need any help, feel free to
reach out to us. Don’t forget you can download the app here: x.com.

Spiritual Growth
Campaign Sequence

Subject Line: 50 Days of Hope starts September 5

Hi Janet,

Happy Tuesday! I hope you’re having a great week so far.

I speak to people every day who long for hope. Their future looks bleak. They don’t know
where to turn. Many are desperate.

These conversations break my heart.

You see, the Bible is far from silent when it comes to hope. All throughout scripture, we’re
taught that our future is secure in God’s hands.

That’s why this fall we’ll be studying what the Bible teaches about hope during a six-week
spiritual-growth campaign, called “50 Days of Hope.” In this campaign, I’ll preach each
week on a different aspect of biblical hope. We’ll also be studying hope in each of our
small groups, memorizing scripture on the topic, and reading special devotionals created
by our staff on hope.

The spiritual growth campaign starts during weekend services on September 5.

What can you do to prepare for it? Invite your friends to join us for the kickoff. We’ll be
providing you with some tools to help you with that. We’ll send you another email about
that soon.

In the meantime, I recorded a short video explaining more about the campaign and how
you can get involved.

Check it out here: x.com

In Him,

Pastor Andrew Davis

Senior Pastor, First Church

P.S. We’re super excited about how this campaign will impact your friends and family. If
you don’t mind, please share this video on your social media accounts. We’d love your
help in getting word out. Again, you can find the link here: x.com.

Find a small group

Subject Line: New small groups are now open for 50 Days of Hope!

Hi David,

We’re getting excited at First Church about the start of 50 Days of Hope. We believe it will
be a transformational time in the life of our church—and our community.

Small groups will be at the heart of 50 Days of Hope. Sure, you can attend worship services
and listen to some great messages about what the Bible says about hope, but small groups
will be a spiritual growth incubator for you and your family.

Small groups will give you an opportunity to discuss what you’re learning and how you’re
applying it to your life. We’re also planning special mission projects that will be done in
context of small groups.

If you’re already in a small group, we encourage you to stay in that group and participate
in the campaign. If you’re not in a group, this is a perfect time to find one. We’ll be starting
a variety of new groups during 50 Days of Hope. You’ll be able to get in at the beginning
of these groups.

To see a full list of these new groups and all the information you need to get plugged in,
visit x.com.

We’re praying for you on this journey!

Joe Smith
Pastor of Small Groups, First Church

P.S. We’ll have small groups meeting at all different times and in neighborhoods around
our community. Check them out at x.com.

Invite a friend

Subject Line: Invite a friend to 50 Days of Hope!

Hey Janet,

As we make the final preparations for 50 Days of Hope, the amazing spiritual growth
campaign that we’re certain God will use to transform our community, we want to do all
we can to help you invite your friends to join us for this adventure.

I’m sure you have friends and family that could really use a strong dose of biblical hope.
Maybe they’ve lost a job, a marriage, or their health has gone downhill. Now they’re
wondering if anything good will ever happen to them again.

The Bible speaks directly to that kind of pain. Starting next Sunday, we’ll be delving into
what the Bible says about hope every week.

To help you invite your friends, we’ll have printed invitations available this weekend to
pick up at the welcome desk. We’ve also created a link on our special campaign website
that enables you to send email invitations.

Your personal invitation may be the tipping point that’ll help your loved one find the only
real hope to count on in this world.

So whether you use one of the invitation tools we’re providing or simply give them a call,
we encourage you to make that simple invitation today.

If there’s anything we can do to help, let us know.

God bless,

Rod Allen
Pastor of Outreach, First Church


Subject Line: Get 50 Days of Hope Devotionals delivered to your inbox!

Hey David,

It’s hard to believe that after months of preparation, we’re finally ready to start 50 Days of
Hope next weekend. We believe it’s going to be a monumental moment in the life of our

As part of this very special 50-day faith adventure we’ll be on as a church family, volunteer
writers from our church have been hard at work on a special daily devotional. These
devotionals will be available from our First Church mobile app or can be emailed to you.

To sign up to receive these emails, visit x.com.


Maya Rogers
Pastor of Discipleship, First Church

First-Time Guest
Parents (Children’s
Ministry) Sequence
Welcome to our children’s ministry

Subject Line: Welcome to the Children’s Ministry at First Church!

Dear Janet,

I’m so glad you’ve entrusted your child to First Church’s children’s ministry. We believe
every child (and every adult) matters to God. We take it as a great privilege for the
opportunity to partner with you on the spiritual and moral development of your children.

Your child is always free to join you in our worship services, but we hope you’ll continue to
take the opportunity to involve them in our children’s ministry.

Each week we provide an opportunity for your child to sing worship songs, participate in
hands-on, fun Bible lessons, play games, and enjoy the company of friends. We’ll send
a short note home every week with the Bible story we studied so you can continue the
conversation at home.

From time to time, we’ll also participate in mission trips and social activities together.
Everything we do is designed to help your child begin and grow in a faith journey with

You can keep up with everything we’re doing on the First Church mobile app or on our
website at x.com.

You can download our mobile app at x.com.

In Christ,

Craig James
Children’s Pastor, First Church

P.S. We’ll be sending you a few more emails in the coming days to tell you about some
other exciting aspects of the First Church children’s ministry, including child safety,
Sunday School, volunteering, and baptism. If you don’t want to get these emails, feel free
to unsubscribe at x.com.


Subject Line: How we keep your child safe at First Church

Hi David,

Thanks again for entrusting your child to First Church’s children’s ministry. It’s a trust we
work hard to earn every single week.

One of the ways we do this is to do all we can to provide a safe environment for your child.
Every child matters to us, and we want to make sure each child has an opportunity to hear
about Jesus in an environment where they feel safe and cared for.

Here’s how we do that.

1. We take every potential volunteer—no matter what their role is in our ministry—
through a rigorous background check.
2. At least two adults, and usually more, will be in every room with your child.
3. Our children’s ministry facilities were designed with your child’s security in mind.
4. We have a digital check-in system that makes it so that your child won’t be checked
out of our care by anyone other than you or someone you designate.
5. We have trained volunteers to help in an medical emergency.

I’ll go into more detail about each of these areas in a short video on our website. To see
this video, visit x.com.

In Christ,

Craig James
Children’s Pastor, First Church

P.S. The safety video on our website won’t take much of your time, but it’ll be a great
resource to understand the steps we’ve taken to keep your child safe. Visit x.com to see
this short video.

Volunteer opportunities

Subject Line: Want to serve in the children’s ministry at First Church?

Dear Janet,

We hope your child has enjoyed being a part of the children’s ministry at First Church.
We believe it’s our volunteers who make the children’s ministry such a vibrant place for
children to learn and grow spiritually.

As you and your family continue to become a part of our church, we hope you’ll consider
serving with our children’s ministry. We have tons of opportunities for you to use whatever
gifts God has given you to serve the children of our community.

For example, here are just a few of the skills you can put into practice in our children’s

•• Teaching
•• Singing
•• Carpentry
•• Coaching
•• Social media
•• Sports

We also have lots of opportunities for adults with the special talent of playing with kids.
If that’s you, we promise we’ll put you to work!

Because we care about the safety of your children, we do have an in-depth process for
onboarding new volunteers. Still, we make the process as easy as possible on you.

We’re hosting a special information meeting for anyone interested in volunteering on April
12 after the worship services. We encourage you to come with all your questions. Don’t
worry. We won’t pressure you to get involved. Just come and check it out!

To register for the informational meeting, visit x.com.


Craig James
Children’s Pastor, First Church

P.S. We’ll also have a place for your kids to hang out and have fun while you’re in the
meeting. Again, you can register here: x.com.

Children’s baptism class

Subject Line: Is your child considering baptism?

Hey David,

One of the core values of First Church’s children’s ministry is to walk beside parents as they
engage their children during times of key spiritual markers.

One of the most important spiritual next steps your child will ever take is to get baptized.
It’s your child’s opportunity to show the world what God is doing in his or her life.

If your child has been asking questions about baptism or has made a personal decision
to follow Jesus, we want to invite you and your child to participate in our next children’s
baptism class at First Church.

During this one-hour, interactive class, we’ll explain what the Bible teaches about baptism
and what it’s like to get baptized at First Church.

This course is a prerequisite for any child who gets baptized at First Church. To register for
the class, visit x.com.

See-you soon!

Craig James
Children’s Pastor, First Church

P.S. We’ll also have some light snacks during the class. Please sign up here at x.com so we
know how many to expect.

Children’s Sunday School class

Subject Line: Find a children’s Sunday School class at First Church

Dear Janet,

We hope your child has had a great time worshiping with us in children’s church at First
Church. We take it as a great privilege to be a part of your child’s faith journey.

While we believe children’s church is a critical piece of this journey, it’s not the whole
journey. Starting at 9:30 a.m. each Sunday morning, we host age-graded Sunday School
classes that provide children a small-group experience to study the Bible and engage with
faithful Christian teachers.

In our Sunday School classes, your child will:

•• Study the Bible in an age-appropriate, compelling manner.

•• Interact with peers as they learn from one another.
•• Play fun educational games that help your children not only learn biblical truth—but
experience it as well!

Every week we see God use these Sunday School classes to help children learn more
about Jesus and make significant spiritual commitments.

To find out more about our Sunday School classes (and to find out where your child would
attend), visit x.com.

Blessings to you,

Craig James
Children’s Pastor, First Church

P.S. You can also watch a short video about our Sunday School classes on the website
above. The video will give you a glimpse inside one of our classes. Check it out at x.com.

First-Time Guest
Parents (Youth Ministry)

Subject Line: Welcome to the youth ministry at First Church!

Dear David,

We’re excited that you entrusted your teenager to our ministry last weekend. We hope
that your child felt loved and learned a little more about themselves and Jesus during
their time with us.

Your student is in the midst of one of the most crucial periods of life—a time when your
youth is making decisions that will reverberate for years to come.

We would be privileged to walk beside you as you guide your youth through this period.
At First Church’s youth ministry, our mission is to help youth discover God and grow in his

We have many opportunities for your teenager to plug into the First Church youth ministry.
To find those opportunities, check out our youth ministry website at x.com.

In Christ’s name,

Aaron Reynolds
Youth Pastor, First Church

P.S. If you have any questions about our youth ministry or about your youth’s experience
last weekend, please reply to this email.

What to expect

Subject Line: What you and your teen can expect in the First Church Youth Ministry

Hi Janet,

I know it’s a big step to entrust your teen to the care of others, whether they’re just entering
the stage or ready to head off to college or a career. Your teen is still your child!

We’re grateful that you entrusted your teen to us for our youth worship experience last
weekend. We wanted to give you an idea of what you can expect from our youth ministry
at First Church.

You can expect …

•• A safe environment for your child to learn about Jesus and grow morally and
•• Trained and vetted volunteers, who care about your youth.
•• Biblically based teaching that is age-appropriate for your teen.
•• Opportunities for your youth to build relationships with others at First Church
•• Opportunities for your teen to serve others in the church and the broader community.

I know you’re familiar with our youth worship service. We also have youth Sunday School
at 9 a.m. on Sunday morning.

To find out more about what’s going on at the youth ministry at First Church, visit x.com.

Aaron Reynolds
Youth Pastor, First Church

P.S. On our website you can connect to our youth ministry social accounts in order to stay
updated on what’s going in the youth ministry at First Church. Again, our web address is

Volunteer opportunities

Subject Line: Are you interested in volunteering at First Church?

Hi David,

We hope your youth has had a great experience at First Church. Our volunteers make our
youth ministry the vibrant place for your youth to learn about Jesus that it is.

If you have an interest in serving in our youth ministry, we have a variety of opportunities
for you to get plugged in. It’s a great opportunity for you to get a firsthand look at what
your youth is experiencing at First Church’s youth ministry.

Here are just a few of the opportunities to serve in the First Church youth ministry.

•• Sunday school teacher

•• Sunday school helper
•• Athletic coaching
•• Chaperons for events

Those are just the beginning. For a full list of volunteer opportunities in our youth ministry
and to sign up for an upcoming volunteer ministry info meeting, visit x.com.


Aaron Reynolds
Youth Pastor, First Church

P.S. To find out what current youth ministry volunteers think about their service at First
Church, check out the videos on our youth ministry website at x.com.

Youth Sunday School

Subject Line: Find a small group for your teen at First Church

Hi David,

We hope your teen has enjoyed participating in the youth worship services at First Church.
While we believe weekly worship is an important part of a teenager’s spiritual growth, we
also believe it’s critical to involve them in a small group environment where they can study
the Bible and build positive relationships with other teenagers.

Our weekly Sunday School groups are a great way for your teenagers to connect with
others while they’re learning about Jesus. Because we want these Sunday School classes
to offer your teenager a maximum opportunity to develop relationships with their peers,
we keep them as small as possible. We also have dedicated teachers who plan and pray
for your teenager on a regular basis.

To find out more about our Sunday School classes for youth, visit x.com.


Aaron Reynolds
Youth Pastor, First Church

P.S. Our youth Sunday School classes participate in fun outings together on a regular
basis. It’s a great opportunity for your youth to build relationships with other great teens.
You can find youth Sunday School classes at x.com.

Non-sequenced Emails
Easter (first-time guest)

Subject Line: Thanks for joining us for Easter at First Church!

Hi David,

We’re so glad you joined us for Easter at First Church! We know it’s not always easy to visit
somewhere new, and we appreciate you took the step to visit us. We loved the opportunity
to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection with you.

We hope you’ll consider joining us next week as we start a new sermon series about how
to grow in your faith as a Christian. No matter if you’re just checking out Christianity,
you’re a new a Christian, or you’ve been following Christ for years, we’ll have something
for everyone.

We have lots of opportunities for you to get connected at First Church, including a variety
of small groups, Bible studies, ministries, and service opportunities. We’ve put together a
carefully curated list of opportunities of special interest to people new to First Church at

Thanks for coming!

Pastor Andrew Davis

Senior Pastor, First Church

P.S. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns about First Church. To do so, just
reply back to this email.

Easter (small groups)

Subject Line: Get connected at First Church!

Dear Janet,

Thanks for joining us for Easter at First Church! We hope, as you worshiped with us, you
experienced the love of Jesus in a new and profound way.

We realize, as one of our largest worship services of the year, it’s particularly difficult to
meet new people at Easter worship services. We encourage you to visit one of many small
groups we have throughout the community. In our small groups, you’ll meet new friends,
study the Bible, and get the opportunity to serve with others in your neighborhood.

We have small groups throughout our community that meet on a variety of nights, at a
variety of times. We’re certain you’ll find a group that fits your needs and allows you to
build friendships at First Church.

To find a full list of open small groups with locations and contact info for the leaders, visit

We hope to see you there!

Joe Smith
Pastor of Small Groups, First Church

P.S. All of our small groups have strategies that allow adults with children to attend. Check
with the group leader to find out how the groups deals with children. You can find contact
information for group leaders at x.com.

Easter (faith commitment)

Subject Line: Here’s how to grow in your new walk with Jesus

Hi Janet,

I was so excited to hear about the commitment to Christ you made at First Church during
our Easter services. The decision to follow Jesus is the most important decision you’ll ever

At First Church, we realize that your decision to commit your life to Christ is the beginning
of a lifelong relationship with God. We want to help you take your next steps in this
important journey.

I know you probably have questions about what to do next. I want to help. I’ve recorded a
special video describing how to grow as a new Christian.

You can get this video at x.com.

Again, congratulations on taking this important step!

In Christ,

Pastor Andrew Davis

Senior Pastor, First Church

P.S. In this video, I’ll tell you about some tools I want to give you to help you grow. Check
out the video at x.com for more information.

Easter (thank you to volunteers)

Subject Line: Thanks for being a First Church hero at Easter!

Hi David,

Thank you for stepping up and helping out during Easter at First Church. Your service
made a huge difference in the lives of people throughout our community.

Together, we …

•• Welcomed x people onto our campus.

•• Celebrated x first-time commitments to follow Jesus.
•• Helped x people who wanted more information about getting plugged in at First

We couldn’t have done any of that without your commitment to serve. By following the
example of Jesus, you put the needs of others before yourself. I’m so proud of you!

As a special thank-you, we created a video that shows some of what God did at Easter. Take
a look at the video at x.com.

Thank you!

Pastor Andrew Davis

Senior Pastor, First Church

P.S. The video is a great opportunity to show your friends and family what they missed
during Easter at First Church. Feel free to share the video to your network of friends on
social media. Again, you can get the video at x.com.

Christmas (first-time guests)

Subject Line: Thanks for visiting First Church at Christmas!

Hi David,

We were thrilled to have you join us for Christmas at First Church! We know your time is at
a premium during the holiday season.

Wherever you are in your journey with God, we have opportunities for you to grow at First
Church. Whether you’re just checking out Christianity or a fully committed Jesus-follower,
we’d love the privilege to be a part of your journey.

At First Church, we have opportunities for you to be a part of a small group, serve the
church and the community, and study the Bible.

We believe God intends the church to be a family. We’ll do whatever we can to help you
feel welcome in our family.

To find out more about life at First Church, check out our “New to First Church” page at

Again, thanks for celebrating Christmas with us!

God bless,

Pastor Andrew Davis

Senior Pastor, First Church

P.S. On the website I mentioned earlier, we’ll have a variety of stories of First Church
members who have built meaningful relationships, grown spiritually, and now faithfully
serve our community. Check them out at x.com.

Christmas (small groups)

Subject Line: Join a small group in the new year!

Hi Janet,

We hope you had a wonderful time at First Church’s Christmas Eve service. We appreciate
having you with us for one the most joyful times of the year.

We know with so many attending our Christmas services you may not have gotten an
opportunity to have a meaningful conversation with someone new.

At First Church, our small groups are the best way to build new relationships as we study
the Bible together.

We have small groups throughout our community that meet on a variety of nights, at a
variety of times. We’re certain you’ll find a group that fits your needs and allows you to
build friendships at First Church.

To find a full list of open small groups with locations and contact info for the leaders, visit

We hope to see you there!

Joe Smith
Pastor of Small Groups, First Church

P.S. All of our small groups have strategies that allow adults with children to attend. Check
with the group leader to find out how the groups deals with children. You can find contact
information for group leaders at x.com.

Christmas (faith commitment)

Subject Line: Take these steps to grow after your new faith commitment

Hey David,

I was so excited to hear about the commitment to Christ you made during Christmas at
First Church. The decision to follow Jesus is the most important decision you’ll ever make.

At First Church, we realize this decision is your first step of lifelong journey of faith. We’ll do
whatever we can to help you on this journey.

I’m sure you have some questions about what to do next. I’ve recorded a special video to
help you as you take your next steps.

You can find the video at x.com.

In Christ,

Pastor Andrew Davis

Senior Pastor, First Church

P.S. During the video, I’ll share with you about some new small groups we’ll start up in
the new year designed specifically to help you grow as a new Christian. You can find the
video at x.com.

Christmas (thanks to volunteers)

Subject Line: Thanks for serving during Christmas!

Hi Janet,

We’re glad you joined us for Christmas at First Church! We hope you enjoyed your visit
with us.

As we head into the new year, many of us are looking into new year’s resolutions. At First
Church, we want to see you reach all of your goals for the coming year.

That’s why we’re starting a special series for the first three weeks of the new year designed
to help you achieve your best year ever.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll cover the following topics in upcoming sermons:

•• 1/2 — How to Get Healthy in the New Year

•• 1/9 — How to Reach Your Biggest Goals
•• 1/16 — How to Get a Fresh Start in Your Spiritual Life

We’re so excited about this series that we’ve created some special email invitations for you
to send your friends and family. You can get there at x.com.

We hope you join us for this exciting series—and invite a friend!

In Christ,

Pastor Andrew Davis

Senior Pastor, First Church

P.S. We believe this new series will be of special interest to people who wouldn’t normally
attend church. If you know anyone like that, please send them an invite. Again, you can
get the invites at x.com.

Youth baptism

Subject Line: Is your teen considering baptism? Read this first ...

Hi Janet,

I was thrilled to hear of your youth’s interest in baptism at First Church. It’s one of the most
important decisions any of us can make, and we’re excited`to participate in this journey
with your family.

Because we believe this decision is so important, we teach a class just for youth on
baptism. During the class we teach youth, in an age-appropriate manner, what the Bible
says about baptism. We’ll help them understand their decision and how to grow in their
young faith.

They’ll be lots of opportunities for questions. You can attend or you can let your youth
attend on his or her own. The decision is yours.

Our next baptism class for youth will be Sunday, Oct. 17 at 5 p.m. We hope to see your
youth there!

You can register for the two-hour class at x.com.


Aaron Reynolds
Youth Pastor, First Church

P.S. This baptism class is required of any youth planning to be baptized at First Church.
Again, you can register at x.com.

Join a small group

Subject Line: Here’s the best way to get connected at First Church

Hi Janet,

Are you looking for an opportunity to make new friends at First Church?

I know it can be tough to meet people when you’re in a new church. You see people
every week in worship, but you probably don’t get many opportunities to start up deep

God built all of us, extroverts and introverts alike, with a desire to belong, to be a part of
something bigger than ourselves.

Small groups can be a great way for you to find your place at First Church. We have small
groups spread out throughout our community, meeting on various days and times. In
these groups of new friends, you’ll study the Bible together, eat together, pray together,
and serve together. We believe you’ll make friendships that’ll last a lifetime.

In fact, read how Sara—who recently joined one of our First Church small groups—
describes what her group has meant to her.

“When I joined my small group, I had never done anything like it before. I wasn’t sure
what to expect. Honestly, I was a bit nervous at first. But from the very first meeting I
attended, my small group put my fears to rest. I look forward to our worship services
every week, but my small group meeting is the highlight of my week. In just a few
short months, my group has become like family. When I have a need, they are the
first people I call. I’m so glad I took that step to join.” — Sara

I’d love to see you take that same step! To find a full list of small groups near you, check out
our small group website at x.com.

God bless you,

Joe Smith
Pastor of Small Groups, First Church

P.S. You can also find a short video on that website that will give you a sneak peak at what
it’s like in a small group. Check it out at x.com.

New faith commitment

Subject Line: How to grow in your new relationship with Christ

Hi David!

I’m so excited to hear about your new commitment to Christ. I’m confident it’s the best
decision you’ll ever make. I can’t wait to see what God will do in your life as you begin
following him.

I know when you make a decision like this it can be tough to know what to do next. You’re
probably excited about taking your next step, but you’re wondering what that step is. Your
decision to follow Jesus isn’t the last step in your journey it’s the first step in a lifetime to
come of walking with God.

That’s why I recorded a short video where I provide next step instructions for you about
how you can grow in your new Christian faith. In this short video, I’ll tell you:

•• The first act of obedience every new Christian should take after making a
commitment to Christ
•• The one daily habit you need to set in order to grow as a Christian
•• How to find other Christians who can support you in your journey

That’s just the start. This short, 20-minute, video is packed with helpful information about
what it means to grow as a Christian. You can get the video here: x.com.

God bless,

Pastor Andrew Davis

Senior Pastor, First Church

P.S. In the video, I’ll share with you about some free tools that can help you grow as a new
Christian, too. Again, you can find the video at x.com.

Mother’s Day

Subject Line: Celebrate Mother’s Day at First Church!

Hi Janet,

We’re excited to celebrate moms at First Church this weekend! It’s one of my favorite
weekends of the year. Whether you are a mom, you’re married to a mom, you have a mom,
or you plan to be a mom one day, we’ll have something for everyone at this weekend’s

Pastor Andrew will preach on, “Why Moms Matter,” as he shares about what the Bible
teaches on motherhood. It’ll be a great worship service for you to invite any mom in your

We try to make the day extra-special for all the moms in attendance. Besides honoring
moms during the service, we also have a small gift for every mom in attendance.

We look forward to seeing you!

God bless,

Ann Smith
Women’s Ministry Director, First Church

P.S. We’re starting new women’s ministry small groups as we head into the summer. We’ll
tell you more about them this weekend and give you an opportunity to sign up.

Download the mobile app

Subject Line: The best way to stay up to date with what’s happening at First Church

Hi Janet,

We’re so glad to have you as a part of the First Church family. We’ve had a busy (and
exciting!) last few months as we’ve watched God work through us in ways we couldn’t
have predicted.

I’m sure it has been tough to keep up with everything that’s going on at First Church in
recent months. The First Church mobile app is by far the best way to stay connected at the
church. Through our app, you can:

•• Get easy access to the church calendar of events

•• Watch worship services live and catch up with services you’ve missed
•• Keep up with your daily Bible reading
•• Find small groups in your neighborhood
•• Give in just a few easy taps
•• Submit prayer requests

The First Church app is our communications hub. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, you
can find it at x.com.


Jane Rodriquez
Technology Director, First Church

P.S. One of my favorite features of the mobile app is the weekly set list that the worship
team posts on Thursday. It’s a great way to get prepared for the worship songs we’ll sing in
the weekend service. You can download the app at x.com.

Thanks for giving

Subject Line: Thanks for giving to First Church!

Hi David,

Thank you so much for your gift to First Church. Because you give to the ministry of First
Church, we’re able to:

•• Tell people about Jesus all over the world

•• Feed X people every month through our hunger ministry
•• Provide clothing for X people monthly through our clothing bank
•• Minister to X people in our county jails on a monthly basis

God is using your gifts to impact your community for good. Your gift allows us to fulfill the
“Gather, Grow & Go” vision that God has given our elders.

If you’ve not downloaded our mobile app, I encourage you to consider doing it today.
Through our app you can give securely and simply. It’s also a great way to stay connected
to our church family no matter where you are.

You can download the app at x.com.

God bless,

James Rice
Chief Financial Officer, First Church

P.S. We also make it easy to set up a recurring giving schedule through the mobile app.
That way you can give automatically each month without you needing to do anything. You
can find out more on the app at x.com.

Recurring giving

Subject Line: Make giving at First Church easier than ever

Hey Janet,

Thanks for your commitment to give to First Church. Because of your generosity, we’re
able to do much more together than we ever could have on our own.

As a regular giver, we wanted to let you know about the opportunity to set up a recurring
giving schedule. As a recurring giver, you’ll automate your giving so that you don’t have
to remember to do it each week. Recurring giving also helps First Church to be able to
anticipate giving, so we can more effectively budget what God is providing.

Recurring giving is easy to set up. You’ll be able to do it in just a few minutes.

Again, thanks for your generosity. Because you give, we’re able to fulfill the “Gather, Grow
& Go” vision that God has given us. We are better together!

To find out more about recurring giving at First Church, visit x.com.


Allie Smith
Director of Stewardship, First Church

PS. You can also set up and manage recurring giving on our First Church mobile app. To
download the app, visit x.com.

Giving to a mission project

Subject Line: Help one of the First Church mission teams serve orphans

Hi Janet,

We appreciate all you do to help us reach the nations at First Church. Together, God is
using our church to share Christ and serve people in all corners of the earth.

We wanted to let you know about an opportunity coming up to help one of our mission
teams preparing to serve at St. Luke’s orphanage in Bangalore, India.

We have a team of 15 people heading to Bangalore, a major city in southern India, from
July 3-9. During those seven days, our team will be doing some major repairs around the
orphanage and leading a Vacation Bible School program for the children. They’re also
hoping to be able to work with a partner church in the community to do Backyard Bible
Clubs in the neighborhood.

Our team has prayed and planned diligently for the trip for the past several months. With
six weeks until the trip, they’ve raised three-quarters of the money they’ll need.

Would you pray about helping them raise the rest of the needed resources?

To give to the trip, just visit this website x.com. If you give on this link, 100% of your gift will
go to supporting this mission trip.


Brad Anderson
Mission Pastor, First Church

PS. When you give to this trip, you’ll automatically receive updates for the team so you can
support them in prayer. You can give at x.com.

End-of-year giving statement

Subject Line: Your end-of-year-giving statement from First Church

Dear Janet,

We thank God for your generosity to the ministry of First Church last year.

Your gifts to our church family have helped impact our neighborhood, our city, our country,
and the world. Together, we’ve:

•• Shared the gospel with more than x people in our neighborhood and around the
•• Reached more than x children through our Vacation Bible School last summer
•• Fed more than x people through our hunger ministry
•• Housed x men and women at our homeless shelter
•• Sent out x people on mission trips to x countries
•• Helped to start x churches in our city and in major cities around the country, like
Chicago, Seattle, and San Diego

God did all of that through our church family because of your generosity and the generosity
of others. Attached you’ll find your itemized giving statement of your giving last year. If you
have any questions or concerns, please let us know.

For income tax purposes, it’s important we let you know that you did not receive any
goods or services for these contributions, other than intangible religious benefits. You
made these gifts out of your own generosity and Christian commitment.

Thank you for all you mean to the First Church family. We can’t wait to see what God will
do through us in the coming years!

In great gratitude,

Pastor Andrew Davis

Senior Pastor, First Church

Annual report

Subject Line: You won’t believe all God did at First Church last year...

Dear Janet,

We’re so grateful to have you as a part of our First Church family. This has been an amazing
year for our church, as we’ve seen God work through us to do what we could never imagine
as the year began.

Once again, we saw firsthand that God could do far more with us together than on our
own. Just a few of the highlights of the year include:

•• X people celebrated their new life in Christ through baptism.

•• We launched X new churches to reach communities in our city and around the world.
•• We sent X mission teams throughout the world to serve communities and tell them
about Jesus.

But that’s just a small part of what God did. We’ve put together an annual report that
describes in more detail our work together as a church family. We hope you’ll take some
time to review it and celebrate with us the incredible year we had together.

You can find the report at x.com.

Celebrating with you,

Pastor Andrew Davis

Senior Pastor, First Church

PS. We’ve included some stories in the report that show some of the people our ministry
touched. You can find the stories on the annual report at x.com.

Membership class

Subject Line: Discover more about First Church during our 4/3 membership class

Hi David,

I hope you’re having a terrific week. I wanted to let you know about a great opportunity to
learn more about First Church coming up.

At First Church, we believe church isn’t a place you visit on the weekend. It’s a family where
you belong.

On Sunday, April 3 at 2 PM, we’ll host our next “Welcome to First Church” membership
class. In this class, we’ll answer all of your questions about what it means to be a part of
our church family. During this three-hour class, you’ll learn:

•• How First Church got started and our vision for impacting Falls River and the world
•• How to build relationships in the First Church family
•• How to serve in ministry at First Church
•• How your generosity helps to make the ministry of First Church happen

We promise this won’t be an ordinary class. You’ll have a great time getting to know new
people and dreaming together about what God will do through our church together.

You won’t want to miss it!

You can register and find more about the class on our website here: x.com


Allen Coe
Pastor of Next Steps, First Church

PS. We only offer this course once a quarter, so if you can make this next one, it’ll give you
a head start on your involvement at First Church. Again, you can sign up for the three-hour
class here: x.com.

Volunteer opportunities

Subject Line: Check out all these opportunities to serve at First Church

Dear Janet,

I’m convinced one of the reasons God has worked so faithfully through our church over
the years is that so many people have freely given their time to serve others at First
Church. Every week people give of their time and talents to make a difference inside of our
fellowship and outside of it.

The Bible teaches us that God gives all of us certain gifts “to equip God’s people to do His
work.” That’s why at First Church we’ll do whatever it takes to help you use your gifts to
help others in our church and beyond. We have all kinds of opportunities to serve. And, if
you don’t find an opportunity that matches your skillset, we’ll work with you to find a way
to put your gifts to good use.

For a list of some of the current volunteer opportunities at First Church, visit x.com.


Maria McDaniel
Volunteer Director, First Church

PS. If you need help discovering your talents and gifts, please let us know. We’d love the
opportunity to help you explore your skills. For more information, visit x.com.

Link to blog post

Subject Line: How to help your adult children who’ve strayed from church

Hey David,

People ask me all the time what they can do to get their adult children back in church.
Often, the parents that asked me faithfully brought their kids to church every week while
they were growing up. Then, when the children left for college or the workplace, they
stopped making church attendance a priority. For many parents, this is the source of
significant heartache.

I know where you’re coming from. When our oldest child left for college, she stopped
attending church and made a variety of bad choices that took her down a difficult path
that weighed heavy on us as a family.

But God did a great work in her life. Today, our daughter has a vibrant, growing faith, and
she is an active part of her local church.

I’ve written a blog post sharing more about my daughter’s story (with her permission, of
course) and the lessons Ann and I learned along the way.

You can find the blog post here: x.com.

God bless,

Pastor Andrew Davis

Senior Pastor, First Church

PS. I know there are many parents out there struggling with their relationships to their
adult children. At the end of the blog post, I’ll tell you about a new ministry we’re forming
to help families like this. Again, you can find blog post at x.com.

Happy birthday!

Subject Line: Happy birthday, x!

Hi Janet!

Happy birthday!

Your church family wants to wish you a truly incredible birthday! We pray that you were
able to spend time today with people who love you as you celebrated the day of your birth.

We’re so grateful you’re a part of our church family. We pray the Lord will give you an
incredible year of learning more about Jesus, as you serve Him with your First Church

We love you!

Your First Church Family

Testimonial (membership)

Subject Line: Here’s another reason you should sign up for our “Welcome to First Church” class

Dear David,

Our next “Welcome to First Church” membership class is coming up next Sunday at 1 p.m.
I know you probably have a full schedule, but I hope you’ll consider joining us.

We consistently hear from people who attend the course that it was well worth the time.
They tell us about how it helped them learn more about First Church and get better
connected within the church.

For example, we recently received this note from Mike:

“Dear First Church family,

I wanted to drop you a note and thank you for developing such an excellent
“Welcome to First Church” class. When I first heard about the class, I didn’t really
want to attend. I figured it would be pretty boring, but it wasn’t! I’ve long appreciated
the teaching at First Church. It’s one of the reasons I wanted to join the church in the
first place, but I still never expected the class to be so engaging and helpful. During
the class I learned why membership was important and discovered all sorts of new
ways to get involved in the church. Thanks for hosting the class!


We still have a few open slots for the next class. You can sign up at x.com.

Allen Coe
Pastor of Next Steps, First Church

PS. If you sign up by the end of the day tomorrow, we’ll make sure we have a lunch there
for you at the class. You can register at x.com.

Testimonial (Volunteer)

Subject Line: Look at the difference you can make as a First Church volunteer

Hi Janet,

We have a lot of great volunteers at First Church. Many of them are serving behind the
scenes and get very little attention. Recently, one of these volunteers shared a story with
me that I knew I needed to pass on to you.

Here’s the story:

“Dear First Church Family,

A few weeks ago a friend of mine that helps out in the clothing closet at First Church
invited me to volunteer with her. Honestly, I was hesitant at first, but I didn’t want to
turn my friend down.

Just a few minutes after I arrived to serve, I met a young woman named Sandy. She
just got out of jail and had her first job interview the next day. Sandy really wanted
to get her life turned around, so she wanted to do whatever it took to make a good
impression for her interview. She had come to the clothing closet to get an outfit
to wear. I found her a nice business suit we had among the donations, and it fit her
perfectly. I was able to pray for her and give her some interview advice before she
left (in tears, by the way). A few days later, Sandy gave me a call to tell me that she
had gotten the job. She was so excited. I was excited for her.

Sandy says she is coming to the worship services, and she is going to sit by me.

Thanks for letting me be a part of the clothing closet ministry. I’m so glad that I took
this step of faith to join my friend in serving.

Gratefully yours,

The clothing closet is just one of many opportunities to serve at First Church. Whatever
talents and gifts you have, we can put them to use! For a full list of volunteer opportunities,
visit x.com.


Maria McDaniel
Volunteer Director, First Church

PS. If you need help discovering your talents and gifts, please let us know. We’d love the
opportunity to help you explore your skills. For more information, visit x.com.

Testimonial (small groups)

Subject Line: Look at the difference you can make as a First Church volunteer

Hi David,

You never know how much you need other people until you hit a crisis period in your life.
Recently, one of our First Church members leaned heavily on his small group during one
of his most difficult days.

Here’s the email he sent us about the experience…

“Dear First Church family,

I wanted to drop you a note and tell you how much being a part of a First Church
small group has meant to me. I’ve only been in my current group for about six
months. Frankly, I was pretty skeptical at first. I work long hours, and I didn’t think
I had time for a weekly commitment. But eventually, God led me give it a shot. I’m
so glad I did.

A few weeks ago, I had one of the worst weeks of my life. My father passed away
suddenly in a car accident. As I prepared to travel back to North Carolina to help
my mom make arrangements and grieve with my other family members, my small
group helped me get ready to go. One of the group members came to my home and
helped me pack. Another group member took care of my dog while I was gone. The
whole group collected money to help pay for my flight back, too. Our group leader
prayed with me multiple times during those few days.

I don’t know what I would have done without my small group family. Their care and
support allowed me to focus on supporting my family and dealing with my personal
grief. I’m forever grateful!

Thanks for making small groups at First Church such a priority!


The time to make the kinds of friends that Jay discovered in his small group is not when
tragedy strikes. It’s long before. We’re starting some new small groups throughout the
community next month. We hope you’ll consider joining one.

To see the full list of these brand new groups, visit x.com.

Joe Smith
Pastor of Small Groups, First Church

PS. When you check out these new small groups we’re starting, you’ll notice that they meet
on a variety of days and variety of times. I’m sure you’ll find one that’ll fit your schedule.
You can find the days and times on the list at x.com.

Subscribe to our newsletter

Subject Line: Keep up to date with what’s happening at First Church

Hi Janet,

One of the first things new people tell us when they first visit First Church is that it’s hard
to keep up with everything going on. Our weekly newsletter is designed to keep everyone
on the same page. We send it out every Thursday.

In the First Church weekly newsletter, you’ll find all the information you’ll need about
upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and children’s and youth activities.

You’ll also learn what to expect in the weekend service.

If you’re not a subscriber to the First Church newsletter, visit x.com to get on the list.

We look forward to keeping you up to date about everything that’s happening at the


Marcia Johnson
Communications Director, First Church

PS. We also always include a link in the newsletter to the video of the previous week’s
sermon, just in case you missed it. You can subscribe here: x.com.

Sign up for devotionals

Subject Line: Get free daily devotionals from First Church

Hi Janet,

I know how tough it can be to stay plugged in to God’s Word on a daily basis, but I also
know how important it is.

That’s why I send out a short devotional every day. In these devotionals you’ll find a verse
of scripture and a brief commentary explaining how we can apply the verse to our lives. It
won’t take you more than a minute to read.

You can sign up to get the devotionals emailed directly to you by signing up at x.com.

Pastor Andrew Davis

Senior Pastor, First Church

PS. Though the devotionals are very short, I make sure each one of them is intensely
practical so you have something from God’s Word to apply to your life every day. Again,
you can sign up at x.com.

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