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Impact of Extracurricular Activities

on Employees Productivity (Study of

Impact of Extracurricular Activities
on Employees Productivity( A study
of Karachi )

Submitted by : Syed Ghazanfar Ali

Roll no. : 1705
Facilitator : Dr. Ayub Mehar


First of all I would like to thank Almighty Allah from the depth of my heart in
enabling me to successfully participate in academic Research. I am also thankful
to our respected instructor Dr. Ayub Mehar who provided us support and help in
all the phases.

I will always remember his widespread benevolence persistent kindness, able

guidance and gracious co-operation through out this semester. He will remain a
source of inspiration to me in my future life.

I am really thankful to all my fellow students for their help and co-operation
through out my project, which helped me in many ways.

Page no.
1. Abstract

2. Introduction

3. Background

4. Purpose of the study


5. Justification

6. Scope

7. Assumption

8. Operational definition

9. Research Objective

10. Literature Review


11. Research Methodology

• Research Hypothesis
• Method
• Design Analysis
• Explanatory Research
• Research Approach
• Qualitative Method

12. SPSS

• Outputs

13. Findings / conclusion


14. References

15. Questionnaire


In this paper we study the Impact of extra-curricular
activities (Sports, Outing, Exercise, E-games, Board games, and
use of internet) on employees' productivity (employee capable to
work more, have more stamina to work, willing to work more).

We randomly select employees who are associated with
different industries, and randomly choose 110 employees and
assigning them into two groups whether they were involved in
extracurricular activities after his 8hours of working. After ward
we used chi-square to verify whether there were any significant
relationship with employees' productivity and extracurricular

According to the output of extracurricular-activity
(independent variable) and employees productivity (dependent
variable) shows that employees productivity dependent on
extracurricular activity and also suggest that it can increases the
productivity of an employees.


Majority of the employees which are participated in extracurricular

activities are more capable (Capabilities are person's skills and
abilities through which he can perform task completely) to work
more efficiently, and also able to work for a long hours then those
who are not participated or involve in any kind of extra curricular

activities. Also the employees who are not involve in any
extracurricular activity AGREE’s with extracurricular activity helps
in increases in Productivity (employee capable to work more,
.(employee have more stamina to work, willing to work more

Impact of Extracurricular Activities on

Now days in this competitive world where we have a
lot of issues regarding increase in efficiency of work; we have
one more important issue which is based on employee's
productivity (employee capable to work more, employee have
more stamina to work, willing to work more). Now days due
to lack of time and to keep himself busy people are not
involving in extracurricular activities (Sports, Outing,
Exercise, E-games, Board games, and use of internet) due to
which they are loosing there capabilities; the process is very
slow but internally destroying people efforts. A person will
not be capable to work more when he returns from his work
place. There are some factors which can affect employee's
productivity such as; His family, the media, society itself.
Many causes or agents can affect employee but most notable
is his family, social change and the media, reforms and
policies and other aspects such as; motivation, intellectual
capacity, and self esteem.

Undoubtedly; employee's productivity has been assessed

along traditional lines, from a basic quantitative viewpoint
based on scores or marks obtained in different task achieved.
Some times distribution of marks considered as
"discrimination" because it involve psychological aspects of

mark distributor (marks distributor is a person who is giving
a marks or score on his judgment and experience).

Different activities in which employee's participate

both in side and out-side of his work place by it-self that can
have an effect on these concepts. Extracurricular-activities
have been associated with Productivity, interpersonal
competencies, higher aspiration and better attention level. It
can increase personal social maturity and critical thinking,
with great benefits which can serve to bridge the work
activities with those performed outside the work place.

Research performed on the claim of fact that Employee's
involved in extracurricular activities has higher Productivity
than those not involved in activities. This topic studied
because people are loosing their capabilities with passage of
time. One more important reason of study is that; our young
generation also under the influence of lack of productivity. If
we put a glance on the previous generations they are more
active, competitive, productive, energetic then this or
upcoming generation. With the help of this report we can find
the relation between extracurricular activities and
employee's productivity. If there is any relation through
which we can improve our deficiencies.

Purpose of the study:

The study will give the benefit for all the people and
for those who are employed. Many other people can also take
an advantage through the study from different angles
because; it impact on social culture, impact on physical and
analytical capacity and capability of a person, increases
productivity etc. In my point of view for an employee and
other people; it is necessary to spend or occupy his or her
free time, spare time or leisure time in extracurricular
activities because it really helpful in keeping a people himself
active and productive.

The issue or problem had been observed on the
basis of judgment, opinions, views, and also few matter of

productivity related with employee's which is totally related
with physical and analytical capabilities. (Capabilities are
person's skills and abilities through which he can perform
task completely). The issue also rises because of the
complaint observed by the employers.

For all these reasons; this paper seeks to study whether

or not a relationship exists between extracurricular activities
and employee's productivity.

The scope of the investigation includes employee's of
every field or discipline and the relationship between their
involvement in activities and their productivity. Some
collegiate level studies were used since the benefits of
extracurricular activities in high school and college are the


In this research we have two variables in which employee's

productivity is dependent on extracurricular activity. It means
that our first variable that is "dependent variable" which is
employee's productivity is dependent on extracurricular
activity which is "independent variable". I have read few
researches which are on students who participates more in
extracurricular activities got higher grades in school. That’s
one of the major reason that I assume; because of

extracurricular activities employee's productivity will be
affected or can observe an impact of extracurricular activity
on employee's productivity.

Operational definitions:
Employee's Productivity: (Employee capable to work more,
employee have more stamina to work, willing to work more).

Extracurricular Activities: (Sports, Outing, Exercise, E-games,

Board games, and use of internet etc).

Marks Distributor: (marks distributor is a person who is

giving a marks or score on his judgment and experience).

Capabilities: (Capabilities are person's skills and abilities

through which he can perform task completely).

Research Objective:
Our main objective is to find the impact of
extracurricular activities on employee's productivity. We
wanted to explore the relationship among both variables.


The research topic we have chosen is relatively a

new phenomenon to explore in our society, and not much
research is done on this specific topic. We have developed a
concept which can helped us to identify some variables which
could be directly related to our research but would contribute
in understanding the phenomenon of productivity of
employee's due to the involvement in extracurricular activity.


Research Hypothesis:

H0 : Extracurricular Activities increases Employee's


Ha : Extracurricular Activities do not increases Employee's


Population: The total population of my research is 18% (3240000)

of the total population of Karachi which is 10.8 million.

Sample size: Sample size of the research is 110. This is an
inductive research.

Instrument to be used: Questionnaire

Design analysis:
We have collected the data of 110 employees who are
associated with different fields and industries in which 70
employees are involved in different extracurricular activities
(Sports, Outing, Exercise, E-games, Board games, and use of
internet) and 40 employees not involved in any
extracurricular activity. Results were assessed as a function
of their participation and non participation in extracurricular
activity. From the data gathered we will asses and analyses
the relationship among both variables.

Statistical test technique:

We have used chi-square distribution to test the hypothesis.

Explanatory Research:

The study can be explanatory when the focus is on

cause-effect relationships, explaining what causes produce
what effects. Our concern in casual analysis is how one
variable affects, or is “responsible for,” changes in another

We are more interested in understanding, predicting and
controlling relationships between variables. My research is
descriptive research. It explains the phenomenon of
relationship among variable and also defines (WH Question)
that the descriptive study only observed.

Our research purpose and research questions reveal that this

study is primarily descriptive. Large-scale survey studies
conducted to identify the impact of extracurricular activities
on employee's productivity. The related data will be collected
and analyzed to verify the hypotheses of the research.

Research Approach:

The choice of research approach naturally depends on

the defined research problems and the data needed for
solving these problems.

Qualitative Method:

The qualitative approach implies an emphasis on

processes and meanings that are not measured in terms of
quantity, amount, intensity or frequency. The qualitative
approach provides a deeper understanding of the
phenomenon within its context.

Moreover, qualitative researchers stress the socially

constructed nature of reality that states the relationship
between the researcher and the phenomenon under
investigation. On the other hand, quantitative researchers
emphasize the measurement and analysis of casual
relationships between variables. Cochran and Dolan have also
related differences between qualitative and quantitative
research to the distinction between exploratory (qualitative)
and confirmatory (quantitative) analysis. According to
Sullivan (2001), when there is little theoretical support for a
phenomenon, it may be impossible to develop precise
hypotheses, research questions, or operational definitions. In
such cases, qualitative research is appropriate because it can
be more exploratory in nature.


Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
extracurricularactivity *
110 100.0% 0 .0% 110 100.0%

From the above summary of result we can say that our data is
100 % valid.

extracurricularactivity * feel Crosstabulation

normal boring irritating active Total
extracurricularactivity mental 30 6 1 10 47
physical 24 3 2 20 49
none 10 0 0 4 14
Total 64 9 3 34 110

According to the table we can analyses that in a (raw1) 47

students participated in extractracuricular activities which
are related with mental activities out of them 30 employees
feel normal, 6 employees feel boring,1 feel irritating, and 10
feel active when they wake-up early in the morning for going

In a (raw 2) of the output table 49 students participated in

extractracuricular activities which are related with physical
activities out of them 24 employees feel normal, 3 employees
feel boring,2 feel irritating, and 20 feel active when they
wake-up early in the morning for going office.

In a (raw 3) of the output table 14 students not participated
in any extractracuricular activity in which only 20 feel active
when they wake-up early in the morning for going office.


Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-sided)
PearsonChi-Square 7.765 a 6 .256
LikelihoodRatio 9.135 6 .166
.872 1 .350
Nof ValidCases 110
a. 7cells(58.3%) haveexpectedcount lessthan5. The
minimumexpectedcount is.38.

According to the results we can analyses that Pearson chi-

square value is 7.765 at degree of freedom (6) with two sided
value 0.256 which is greater than .05 of acceptance of chi-
square value which means that our hypothesis is accepted.

Second test for hypothesis:

Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
extracurricularactivity *
110 100.0% 0 .0% 110 100.0%

From the above summary of result we can say that our data is
100 % valid.

extracurricularactivity * intrest Crosstabulation

10min 20min 30min above 30min Total
extracurricularactivity mental 26 9 8 4 47
physical 27 13 5 4 49
none 10 4 0 0 14
Total 63 26 13 8 110 19
According to the table we can analyses that in a (raw1) 47
students participated in extractracuricular activities which
are related with mental activities out of them 26 employees
are able to develop his interest toward his office work in a 10
minutes ,

9 employees started its office work to develop his interest in

a work in 20min, 8 employees started its work with develop
his interest towards office work in 30 minutes and 4
employees started its work with interest above 30 minutes.

In a (raw 2) of the output table 49 employees participated in

extractracuricular activities which are related with physical
activities out of them 27 employees are able to develop his
interest toward his office work in a 10 minutes, 13 employees
started its office work to develop his interest in a work in
20min, 5 employees started its work with develop his interest
towards office work in 30 minutes and 4 employees started
its work with interest above 30 minutes.

In a (raw3) 14 Employees not participated in

extractracuricular activities in which 10 employees are able
to develop his interest toward his office work in a 10 minutes,
4 employees started its office work to develop his interest in
a work in 20minutes.

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 5.290 a 6 .507
Likelihood Ratio 7.807 6 .253
2.276 1 .131
Nof Valid Cases 110
a. 5 cells (41.7%) have expected count less than 5. The
minimumexpected count is 1.02.
According to the results we can analyses that Pearson chi-
square value is 5.290 at degree of freedom (6) with two sided
value 0.507 which is greater than .05 of acceptance of chi-
square value which means that our hypothesis is accepted.

Third test for hypothesis:

Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
extracurricularactivity *
110 100.0% 0 .0% 110 100.0%

From the above summary of result we can say that our data is
100 % valid.

e x t ra c u rric u la ra c tiv it y * t a rg e t in a t im e f ra m e C ro s s t a b u la tio n

ta r g e tin a tim e fr a m e
10 50 60 70 80 90 100 T o ta l
e x tra c u r r ic u la ra c tivmitye n ta l 0 2 6 5 18 13 3 47
p h y s ic a l 0 0 2 15 11 16 5 49
none 2 2 0 2 4 4 0 14
T o ta l 2 4 8 22 33 33 8 110

In a (raw 1) of the output table 47 employees participated in

extractracuricular activities which are related with mental
activities out of them 2 employees able to completed his work

50%, 6 employees able to completed his work 60%, 6
employees able to completed his work 60%, 5 employees able
to completed his work 70%, 8 employees able to completed
his work 80%, 13 employees able to completed his work 90%,
3 employees able to completed his work 100% in a time frame
given by the employer.

In a (raw 2) of the output table 49 employees participated in

extractracuricular activities which are related with physical
activities out of them 2 employees able to completed his work
60%, 15 employees able to completed his work 70%, 11
employees able to completed his work 80%, 16 employees
able to completed his work 90%, 5 employees able to
completed his work 100%, in a time frame given by the

In a (raw 3) of the output table 14 employees not

participated in extractracuricular activities out of them 2
employees able to completed his work 10%, 2 employees able
to completed his work 50%, 2 employees able to completed
his work 70%, 4 employees able to completed his work 80%, 4
employees able to completed his work 90%, in a time frame
given by the employer.


Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-sided)
PearsonChi-Square 32.492 a 12 .001
LikelihoodRatio 28.735 12 .004
2.909 1 .088
Nof ValidCases 110
a. 15cells(71.4%) haveexpectedcount lessthan5. The
minimumexpectedcount is.25.

According to the results we can analyses that Pearson chi-

square value is 32.492 at degree of freedom (12) with two
sided value 0.01 which is lesser than .05 of acceptance of chi-
square value which means that our hypothesis is rejected.

Fourth test for hypothesis:

Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
extracurricularactivity *
extracurrricularactivityh 110 100.0% 0 .0% 110 100.0%

From the above summary of result we can say that our data is
100 % valid.

extracurricularactivity * extracurrricularactivityhelpsinproductivity

yes no Total
extracurricularactivity mental 42 5 47
physical 49 0 49
none 13 1 14
Total 104 6 110

In a (raw 1) of the output table 47 employees participated in
extractracuricular activities which are related with mental
activities out of them 42 employees said “yes” which means
they are agree that Extracurricular activity helps in increases
employees productivity and only 5 are not agree.

In a (raw 2) of the output table 49 employees participated in

extractracuricular activities which are related with Physical
activities out of them 49 employees said “yes” which means
they all are agree that Extracurricular activity helps in
increases employees productivity.

In a (raw 3) of the output table 14 employees not

participated in extractracuricular activities 13 employees said
“yes” which means they all are agree that Extracurricular


Asymp. Sig.
Value df (2-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 5.353 a 2 .069
Likelihood Ratio 7.511 2 .023
1.820 1 .177
Nof Valid Cases 110
a. 3cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The
minimumexpected count is .76.

activity helps in increases employees productivity and only 1

employee not in a favor and casted his vote to wards no
which means he is not agree.

According to the results we can analyses that Pearson chi-

square value is 5.353 at degree of freedom (2) with two sided
value 0.69 which is greater than 0.05 of acceptance of chi-
square value which means that our hypothesis is accepted.


After testing my hypothesis by Test of Chi-Square, I draw the

following conclusion. The test shows that majority of the
employees which are participated in extracurricular activities
are more capable (Capabilities are person's skills and abilities
through which he can perform task completely) to work more
efficiently, and also able to work for a long hours then those
who are not participated or involve in any kind of extra
curricular activities. Also the employees who are not involve
in any extracurricular activity AGREE’s with Extracurricular
activity helps in increases in Productivity Employee capable
to work more, employee have more stamina to work, willing
.(to work more

A significant amount of people agree that extracurricular

.activities can have an impact on employee’s productivity

Electronic journal of research educational psychology. ISSN. 1696-
2095. No 8, Vol 4 (1) 2006, pp: 35-46



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