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laVMtlt-doa UMI 1U1aJ 9'dle ..-,.

•• -�-,l,. Dle..W..-..

· �
e fin! ,n,..,,�fun ... ... · v·

cncc"' c uw.,.dsation ofcl6ccr

dt detailed to t&k

::�}· .,

:�� '
··! r '


n..Claa,......._ .
. . ;
rip<lon nl aceuR"d by hit ....u
. . -·
. ,,
u•c or ... ••• '
nacluner., lor 1ri:t.J tc &nocllo, uni1
cin, nial of...&d,.,. ctdiil'<1'fflf ""tu '
ntc Cb.fll<·....,C.'U-Wh.., "'""""' '

r Char11e• �y.

'm•t�licity.. .•

V(>1Q mulnplicii, of charg;n
i arc ofduphcitt •. ..•
o.gucMS1 M4 ,w.,.1,,)ni� m""' bt 1YOlded
, tm>alMO tlla'l.. ... ... '
Jus of tharge mu,1 "'pPOI'' 1tatcmc,nt o(

·# I I ff'
enci, .• . .•• . . • •

,��menl ol olf c mull be iD �

eoc of' the lndian

Army Act •.• •. .•• I

I ' arge oho,tld never be rramnl with.out rd'=n<• ,o '°
\ I ,pec,meno ,o
,me bar
\! ,o i



Pardc..ti,r doaran-cWl:lcuJtao i. a'Nl(d

� ·� (rJ 06 ld)-
. I
oz· Sentry a,Jccp off hl, pot! ,,

. I :;: ;; a. •entry
Wh•t ·

, �; '1
"'· • 35 jc).-1.oon.G aY >!!.O....,.,._

,.;ide,,u of pttvlOU, pooocsaian
SI.Ct'>ONS �7 (d) & (e) and 28 (aj. C....,unA._ Fo,uxr. """ Da
,_•:.: .i.lucs ilc,n by item to be pm,.,,d
,, oluc ofoffic,al artida
_ ·�-, i
Trial. <X offence, und<-, Src. �7 (d) .a",d (e) >Utd tS (
�t,, olfencei . . •. .
JS EuenriaJ, of <>lf•rn:e '

�: "��! ,o oliey ;
, "'" n=��ril� dilo��nce
!l•,.FAUl N<lw,� -
a,. Lawf'u! ccmmind
fnq:ulffl:I .,
Superior olfict"r ...
as­ Oppom,n,iy n, obey
,,. ,a (cL-F...= EV1oz.,,e1.­
,, ,,
s.�..,ot< 39 ih) -:,./rcuC7IN<: TO OB�Y OI\D••s--
39 (i).-ACT f'l.•J\JD!C,.O.<..

PA!'lkl.lan cap.:ibl• o)f innocmt c,,,,,n,,cti<,n


Szcno,, 09--n ..E..T!011-" 41 -CfftL On1>1c•,._

+7. l111J)l11ptt 'tr�rufcr' not u....._lJr

The crvil oITc:ru:,,,, mahlc by <oun-m�rtbl
48 Cour1 Oflll��1ry on a � . . "'"
Concucrt.ntjunodiction. ... ··
i9 �ti&:.t.tc olappn,� .and surn:nde, ChaT!fn N> be framed hy commaodmg "'""leer
,o. f'Aio clothes. . • . •.
. .. ... ..

5•CTIOf< 30. -AIHN0•-

Applkadool '
'" irloil.
51, Proo(of c;a,nmencernm, �nd 10,mina�n
j�. � undo, Section :,o. .. • Papet110 aco:,,op;ny ••. · ·
"-•�""'' or olh,-,...,,c of :,,,;caocd fo.- "'Pfe>en<�!J�n

SECTION .JI 1h)---

�tiea of ca50 b), Ceavellml!'. oflicH".
5"4- �Hurt.
,, lmpor<anl deu.it. ,.

Kmg", cv,dcttcc �,..! �ccomplio:s ••



• ,..
to be t11a.ooo-

" ;te-Cnic'11i;;
.• .-< : "

" I
en converiins "
; pb.cc�
" "
" be plac•� ;;,;

•• "
� ,., Dq,u;;.: ,, ..
;;,.•• ..ee...� ., ;�, w Dq)uff*

., �i
.. 1� ••.

.. ..
., �
., .,
r) � <pt"Ct
f.rd •. .,
.. "'"
., ..
--- ,.

,, . . b- �troo ud "
,, j,: . s·up by judge ll<lvoc:�11:
,, 6nding ... •.
,, : I
.acquittal . • .•• .
"denct <Lchu,,,:iu o.o CllnYk.rion

!fo"l<e . •• ••.
" I "'-cdatio.,, mrrcy •••

' "



-. ··-
• ,.

..... ....
. '

................ 77

cable g,;nenUy
. 77 ·
• 77

·, .
.,.,..� • _,
:-· . . .
._,, "
�clraimw,-� ...
' '
� by logaliy co._.111<.d c:0\1..rt
,!rt �, (
ml, COW"t
OOnvictl,oa t>, ·-·
dl'C\llllfUfM:a onlr
lopUy CC'*ln.nc4
. • :'- " e,w:;,..1y &e.b court'
" "
1n....i.nt1es "-c1"ed u, IJoc pl'OceedJ.p.
· 1" IU>de,- R. A. I. Ullltnu:tioo 4'13
- .
, �/r �:o �:'"''-'· !...�.-:� 't. (,:o �!�·:·'··':_?J.'.\
;:· . '?" � · · · · · :;,J..J \ .. . L•,•···•·, �
· ('\ :•

,,..• �
� ·-. �.. -�-· -!�" _..l;
" ' f' , 0- l' ' f < L ii l"' °.! l,). 'f ".:; o, ,-,1,;. "". "

. refel'llD�· to the 'M. 1:·s. L. ·::; �o � 1937 Editlon, referentl!I to the M�Z: M. L. � to tli; 1937 Edition,

All reprinted April l�) • u reprinted April l!H2).




l,. TM ftr:t i1t11uh'gotiOtJ wilJ g�nlly be lllAde b1 ·

] .- .1'
Ju first fflvulig4'Wtl will �nerally be made bf
oompaoy ooromandtr. Before a cue is reserved fc,r ny commander. Befvt'e a. caee ill l'ellen"ed. fc,r

oaal. bf tlle commanding offl�er, the oompll.lly cozn.. · , by the e�m.ma�d.iog offi.�r, the compally com.­
ahould u.titify himsel:t that all avaHable evidence, .douJd aatu!r llimself that a.l.11\vailable eedesee,

Cl!f)D the form of. witntll8e9 or document&, which · in the !orm." of 1'1.tliea&e& or doeumwta, wllk.h

"OD the offenctll, hu been procured, It is an ucel· ; �"tha ot'fe!lCeS, ha, been procured. It is an exoo_.

� for th_e oompa.ny comI11ander at l.llh stage to · · _ tor th.e oomp&ny commander at this stage to

cl!ugell Ill accordtt.ooe with the epecimens shown clwrgea m accordulee with the epecimena shown

u';l and verify that the evidena! Sllppo:rtl! the . �al and Terity that the eetoenee support.I the

This tMPl"ei! that the aecuttd lll beiDg brought �Thls enanres I.bat the a.ecused i.
� being bl'Ollght

- � eomrn4nl\init, o!Mcr on legal charges, .,. :

rr �11.Dfling. 011\,�r Oil legal Cba?g(II,

, \-J>rut?t.:e d
i i'lvt.ttigp!io11, o/ officer rtttailed to ,
� {:-,P,..,,nct 4' im111tigation of offtctt" Miaaea to

.�Nri,.-Il a BWWl14ry of eriden� 19 liktly to . �arJ.-It a 1ummary or evidence is likely to

: d the-o&etr, det&i.led. to tiike it, must be present " d the-officer, detail_ed to take il, must be present
�- .tbe investigation before tbe commaoding officer, · ·· ,fhe hl•tlltigation before lt:e eommandJng officer,

· lie l.'S conversant with the !act& U ueceeaary, t.Mt he ir, conversant witb the facts. It :necessary,

,¥)1�ould be remanded tor further investigation by �:.sh.ould be remanded for further lllvestlgation by

nding officer. The wvestiga.tioll muat be ecimna.ndiDg officer. The in'l"estigation must be

·:..,,,,c:ef()� the l!ummary of ev:ide.Dtt is taken. Time , ilbefora the suunnaryof e•idence is taken. Time

�·_itptllt will be time AYed in thel'long nm, u a bad �DI: lfill be time saved in the long run, .u a bad

alm06t invuiah!y leads to an utwitisfaetory or ahnoet invariably Jeada to &n Ullf!atlatact.ory or

� bial.: '� trlal.

3. . Actic,i. be/o,.� recO'l"ding ,um111a,,-.-1Jefort A-dio,i before ruord4PJ9 ,ummary.-"Be.fore

• "'
·Ill to reeord the r.nmmary of evidence, the offieer ng to record the sumil'l&ry of evidence, the o!licer
. ·1ed should- iled should-

•. (a)" Question any witness about evidenee that is (a) QuesUon any witness abQut evidence tbat is

· not clear to him or on matten Oii wbkb he ' not clear to him or on matten on which be

' •
,_,_ lh, wl--- way be able. to f ·
= "� 01 trial is properly made out and as atrong
e...:id.enee. .a poaiblt.

(b) ArraI1J11toeallorsummouany�neB&c"o.,,...,,n...�. _...., .. . _ ;,, - .,..,.1.u..t!lliaf

ffldem:e 1eem1 df.fflnble or wlii(� ••> .
to urive At the tnrih. ·

Obta,in or [ram.e tentative charges.

Sindy the chargu, the nctee to t.heapp

secliolll!I of the L A.. A. and'ln!Lke out

(it6 AppendiJI: "A" attnehed), sho'lri

dence uquired. · •

(e) Write-for etatemtnts of evidenee.from

or absent wi� 1.·.-1.. ,t. R.15 (

(/) ArnnJe order of witnesaes. Foi: pref

thoee produciJlg dooumenta dr.lt-o

clm)no].ogieal order.
of iiieal krww:lsdge t() be f',oorded.­
(9) Obtain origin&a or ee-rtlfied eopi'-6 (
" . a S\lllUJlaI7' of evidence wu,t bear in
ad.mi1111ibl.e) or all uhibifa.
�re other than lhOIM! i.c the unit ha'l'e to

Eliminate uu11�ey wuneeeee.

fft.l:00 the evidence. These ofllcera are
'lfitI:i matten aneh u reJ(imi:ntal e\18tom:s,
haps two credible Witn� only �
�!ngiinental orders, the dntiea amt mpon-
aary to prove a la.et that i� not
�tl.(�rious individuals. identi� of 11igll!.�l'I!! ·
�· 1!,Stems and methods ot. aeoountwg,
(i) The evidence ahould be recorded. ee �� etc. The evidence o( 11 witness, who
pOl!lible, in the words of the witn _ · �� Dlll.tten of hill own knowledge or pro­
mrr:itive -form. Thia does not m il-ee,,aary uhib!tg is thert!for� uecessa.rv and
the officer taking the IWllXllary of ." ·A�lled in th#! swrunsu·y ot el"ldcDc!et •
m to record eve.rythirlg tb&t a witllesa '"' � -.'.( �.
He 11bonld l'M>rd oiily such matte� , " "'' to be prod...:ed by wit1Juau.-For
evidence and relevant to the charge 'be adtniimble in Midence at th, trial it
aible ebarges. If ln doubt, he Nlould _ � by a witnes,; on oath and idtntiflNI M

rather than om.it a JmW!p:O. The eom .pn� to be and, lf rd'etTed to "therein, tb.'l

ing offir.er ia eesponaible thl!.f the I s§,,6ld be identified. The oflieEt tu.ing the
detalled for this duty bas recorded all -�-C!ide,,ce may haee ecllected aU e.,:h(bib Into
sary evide�, and, generally, th3t t �Ion !or_l!a!e cuat.ody. but he Mould hand


them to the witness to p:roauce end identify.

should be in the !ollowinit fonn :- uld be made 011 fcrms, g

o 11.l! io resemble, 33

.JIOl!Bib1e the original documents. .

"li" "l produce .uid identity the Pe
· ,\.ccount Book of the R'tfl
e Cl•h,
: Utigoil(>it 4 comwmd,•g of{'c,r B8dtnt14l.­
Regiment. (Marked "Y." and attac
'" "' tial prelim.lnary to brinflllg a11 aecu.ed
tee Wore a eourt-marii.R that the cl?.argt',
I "M" "I am aequairited with the hand
'� before illll commanding officer io Older
Havildar X, whom I identify as the

determine, W his diseretion wheilier it

before the court. :1n my opinion the
the handwriting on pegee 2--8 ot
� with. (!..A.A. R. 15 (B).) . No

than a eomma.ndlng officer has the right

· '·M" is that of i.he accused, wit.ta thee

Of tjle words 'J. Singh, Captain, P

l tu?:UWLl"1 of estdenee shall be taken.

A. Board'."
refO:re where it is neee.ssary for a eh&rge ·

'.··, .. , or aoldier to be in,e.-stlga.ted away· from

"M" 1 identity and point ont the s:i

�·2,4 mdSofExh1bit ''M" llll

re a.n offie<!r or soldier has no commanding

the holder of the warrant for conven­

- · it is essential that he Would be
7. .Jtorkifff} nf the nlHOiis.-Ati pages fotul.ll.tioll or department, whose cum­
martial proceed.lugs are marked "A" to ··.J,". ·
t,e hi.a commanding officer for the pur­
vening "rd.er will be marked ·'K''· Other �.x.!11
- 6,)r aDd will beeome primarily reapon­

due�<l should be marked llgbtly in pencil m the .. :,at1on of 'th

e chargf.

hand corner with the testers ''L" (o� "M" if v: �

likely t
o be a proseeuto'r's op1:ni.ng �ddr��) to ' 8.UtcM,.-Wh� precise lllforma·
"AA" to ·•ZZ'' i.11 the order m which ty of the offence
_ � is likely to be of use
Whenever an exhibit is produced or ment10ood: a ease, a plan drawn to scale should

should be noted in the margin as shewn in par , of evidence eubcntted to auperior

above. Eilihits such as bicycles, rifles, etc., • cousidered DeOO'lllli
r y that matters of

be given identl.fteahon leders, except where it 1fD. on tbia plan (e.g .. place when
sµ-y to di.91:inguish articles of the same nl\tnU f /in a murder cue, or' position of

·f)�tbe p'l.an should be in du11lieate,
_ d only appear on one copy. If
8 Origi.al �11ibi'.t, to bt sent to ao,wt1n11
eritly produced at the h-:ial. the un­
-The original �ummary of evidence and all lbe
�.,.be WIOO, being _put m and sworn lo
exhibits should be sent to the eonvemng offleer,
_ � .. made tt. These matters of evidence
wi.th the number of a.dditional typed cdpies
if'�) be marked on it, lll accordance I
Copies or estracts from all exhibits must be at
.- Jiven at the trial, and a ncte to that
each oopy o-f the summary of evidence. Co
lll; tbij pr-.1.i:ulj'.�-

r �...:.... · __ , ..__.. _-n,. _._



ia inadmil!l!ible ou another ehatge·&!Nil, with fhi!

�t the trial iB conalden.bly lengthened. Seplni.te
· should be framed in thoee caaes wbere-
• • c.i5 'l'bt bulk of We erldence is Mrpan.te and di.I

· c11 � - - ... -:

11(h)'r 'I). nidence a eo Joor that the couri may 1,e.

.. •aon; eontueed or t.be aecuied � i:n

'7,. hia dt-feoce, lf all the ehargtti aft Pla.ced: in one

{ ....•·
THE CH.ARGE-SHEEI'.-Su MJ.M.L. p. ,-. � appllea to have ebarge11 tried separate·
_-_ WOuld be allowed, unln. thei;e an nry
.. 12 »,�t:"pli<m of ac.:rued by Mf f'll*k.-I
.. , .aphlrt � proee�•ling.
11wtial th.&t the aceu:ied be o.leooribed by his ra

a_wointruent. i.f any alld not meroy by hia &l)f)O.

He ehould be described as Sepoy (La.nee Naik) o

rant 01!lcer, Clas1lll (Company Wa:rmnt Otfu.-er).

R1U• 201.

13. 8igllatt1re of.-The eha.q:Hheet tnllSt

· by the C. O. (DOt for him) of the unit to w

accused beJollgll or to wfikh he is attached. The

shewn 1n the deffill'lptlon ol the aClC'Wled aDd the

the C. O. rollllt be �e ,ame.

14 • . Attacltmd11t [or trioJ lo anod,er u11"

couvenlenee it ia pe.rmlsible to attach an accu

unit othtr than hi� own for trial Aceuaed sb

, described aa No., r!Ulk, nn.me . . . •· • _ • . . 2lld

The Delhi Reg:im�nt nttached I.st Battalion. Th ClIAROES GE::-."EBALLY.

Reg{m.ent. The charge-sheet ill thi& ease will

•".Ii.Im."°' rilltf}Ut:ity.-Avoid, whenever �gal!.y
by the 0. C� 1st Bo., The Bi.bar Regiment.
lioated offe!ll.'t'll 11.ad tb..-. di..mcult t.l prove.
15. J()tu lriul of soldier, of diffn-e,t.t •JffU
� �aid a.Uipl�, of cltarges. J,Ai.B. 30.
ts dt5i.red to try JOiDtly two soldien of drlferea
cne !hould be attached to the unit ot the other , , _ ia 1mdeeirable
t anq unfair to the attased to

charge-Bheet 91£Ded by the 0. C. t.hat unit. :ta hil doenments convictions for off� which,
•. , form put o[ one trtim.a..
-tioa, or l.""lllvicrion;:s roe
16. S,fl(lrate ch«rgt-11'.uts llhould 00 frame
eoces which accompany the colUD!ilinon of a
cept.iou::i.l cin:wn11t11uces ouly, 11s evidenee on eue
·-�eDl!e. K. B. 661. Ptcl'ening \Jenral llb&rp-


· - .

s .,.

' ..
•. .

in the hope that oonvietion on aome will result, she

sufficient i:r:ivei,tigation and lack of confidence in the

denee. utio,i; 39 (i).-"at on did wilflllly
. . 1, £,lee ansiver r.o hi111uperior offi.rnrr". �� on
20. B,war, of duplicity.-!! two &ep&rate an oand that the particulars did not i;pecify e1tbe11
,,. '
tUlct ciff'et1ees,·iron ot the same kind, a.re included I te.rnent alleged to be !al!e or the penon to who:m "
I I.
cllarge, the cb&rie may be bad in t&w. Lt.A.B. 20 alleged to have been made ·
i �
The follow1ag ue es:amples :-
' f i
Alternative cMJ,rg�a ehould be framed in'aboord·
Secti<;,. 2'1 (it)-two distinct i:USta.oee, of I

·19:i the instruetioll!I oont&ined in ,i;ole (6) on� p. 348 I <

; :
ciriminal for,;e to the Sll.Ine N. 0. . 0.
M. L. Alternative charges should not, however, be
i j,;•1
Secti-On 28 (o)-two separate insubordinate as a matte? of course, and are otte?i. 11DJleeell8ary
. '
to two N. C. Os.
ase ha!! been properly investigsted.

SectW/1, 27 (e)-two 1;epa.rate i.n!ta.nees of d:i :

dience of the !!&me orde?'.
ere t\vo incident.a a.rieilig out of one transaction

the eubjeet.matl.er of two charges, not laid .In the I,

Seotitnt, 39 (i)--diaobedience of the ll&lll.e ttgim ·1tive conviction on both eh11.rges is unsusWnable

order on three aeplll'at.e dates. ffeci the eha.q;ess a.re alteu.atlve to each-other.

8ecti,m. 31 (d).---eommitting thefi on a num The parl.culars of the charge mMt 11apporl the
occeeions over a period of three weeks.
ent of offence. I. A. A. R. 20, 110te (B).-In the

"ng cases the partkulars do not to support the

21. Vague11e88 and uMerta.inty in the parti
t of o:lfence:-
must be avoided, l.A.A.R. 20 (D). Not Oill
y mu

partieulll.1'8 eontain averments of all the inc

·:Sutwn '2'1 (e).-Diwbeyi.ng the la"IIVful comma.n.d·
necessary to constitute the ?lfence aharged, hilt the p
Qf his superior offieer in that he, at . . . . on . . •
culars mW!t be aucb ae to Worm the court of the
when ordered to remove medat ribbons, whieh
wb.ich it Is ca.JJed upon to try and the aceueed of
he WM wearing, did not eomply witll the order.
allegatioDs which he has to meet. The toUowing
The paniculars failed to allege t�at the co_m­
culan would be 80 vague as to necel!8!tate the
mand was given by any or which superior
being quashed for unoert&inty:-

SMifon 39 (h).-''Negleeting to obey regim

brders ill that he! at on diaobeyed ,$e<ti0fl 31 (dJ.--Committing theft in respect of

mental ordel'l!, �., ortlel'S fol' the �-- C. O. in cha the propertv of a person �ubjeet to military

the lllB.i.n guard. '' Quashed on the g?ound that it ' law, intba(be, at . . . . ou . . . . was in posses­
averred which partfou.la.r order the aeeuSEd neglec lilon of a pair of snoee the propP.rty of a penon
.,,,,,. . .

!uhject to military Iew, The partieulars feil­

. . . .
ed to all�e that aooused hed stolen the shoes.

10 11


24. The staJnMe1d of offence ,nut 011 ilf. tlle
0-f tht hdia1t Antg.Ad. I. A. A. R. 20 (C) A!Wl"°
"n pa,qt 348, M. I. Ji, T,.-Thlll ia essential to ilu: ;...rtkular Seetl@A should innriably

0 81:1 • _,. ) •
Wl'Ollgij whltb are oltl\nt.M, th(I i11gredimta of
ted when framing ,;uat'ge9,
ofl'e"nees and the panishmmta therefor &re m.tters
dtiO'III 25 {g), 26 (d)- . th
ue laid down by t.he Legialature In varioue
, A Sentry fow"4 t11leep actuali:Y _ou�e �

F&ilure to follow the word.mg ot t.hoee Acta, ·
·�t hia pmt·muat be �ged wtth qwttmj!: • po
material partieular, will result UI the invention
with eJeepiog on h111 poet.
off'ence, neither n>eoguised nor puniJJhable by law.

• ·-red to be present
The following al'1! examples J,. =rsor. who, though requi _.._.
.r rti ul.a plaee between oe....m
duty at �P� �. a1:rt thro,igbont � tour
is_ not req within the mee.nin1 of tbi.t see·

Seci"111 2; (d)-'threatening to use eriminal ,. ��� eD the key to u. bell�f4:'ffl-' and

to hi1 !!Upe.riOl' otll�r'. Threatening to � .__ �-..� to issue arms at any tifne tlley
not all o1fenee uoder that !ub-sedlon. A clJarge to ..,., i"'"� rtkul&l' day i, not a
requind durtng llllY pa ..... th<:iugh he
ing gro�sly imubordmate to hie mpe.rior ol!icer • A tel phone orderly ll! no1 a sen .. r
be approp:riMe. . ·:00 to be present on a. telephone between

S11Ctio1o. 31 (c)-'wilfully destroying Crown

perty'. The 11iatement of. offence doea not diac

nft'JJnce under that snb-seetfon for it does not ave

th, Crown flrt>J)f'rt:,· had bPen.,ntr1t�tet1 t

.o thf' aec


25. (,'hargr, d.o"1d never b6 fn,11ed lrillwnU ,

eace to 8}lfflM"1t4".-Tbe framing of dlarge1:1 ie n

easy matter and a charge should never be framed • •

out refe:re00e.� the specimens in tbt. M. L M.. L.,

336-346 and without reading tbe cotes mer.ring

partieular .eection of the lndian Army A� under
the charge ir. being framed.

26. Time b.lr.-Tbe trial by court mutial of

offenctt le barred after a years. I. A. A. S�on

.!{e ..,..
0 uld also be guilty of a.Mault i1 hi, pointed
Section8 Z7 (d), (<!') afld 28 (a). C,iminal FOT�, ·· d rifle at another person, and that other per­
alld Dllobedi�t. • · kno.i di.at the rifie was not loade.i, But o.

t6hinlf the b6r.l of a cdl who raised his fist or a

32. Trialofof�tilfde,S,ct�'n (df, n � · n out&ide 111.lwm 1111 cowld ,wt P'tatll. would
28 (a).-The lrl't.vity of offences of using, or a Of MMUlt.

to use force to, or a.uau.Iting or dlaobe�, a I

offlctr depeod la.rgely upon the circumatanc

33. <'.ues have occurred where aold.ien ha.

clia.rged with one of th.He offences when the evid

closed that U1oill.ror of these ol'tenoes ha:, been
M Then ha.vt a.180 bM1:1 euei, in which th•

of ol!u:i.ce in the charge averred one of these offen

the pa:rtic� diJ11Cloeed aoothu.

To wse crmrlD&J force ii to apply force,

trifU"!l, to the pusoon of o.noth,r (or even the

which he is wearing) ,rithout that peraon'a co
order to commit an olhnc., or intending or Imo ,.
be likely that fnjnry, fetu or aunoyance Wlll be
', under eection 27 (d) and (s) a.iid 28
(Indian Penal Oodr,seetion 350). Th� to throw
e that t:he accused knew that the persoD 00
at another, wb1eh hits him on the S(J,/�; to try a.nd
.,.\2Sed, or attempted to use, criminal force _or
other in the face, but aetnally to hit him on tbe a
,aullulted or diaobtyed, or to "'."hom he -.ii ��
whic.b he parries tb blow; or to strike th.- ho™ on
· or insolent, was bis eupencr officer. En­
be ie riding !IO lhat he is thrown; i, in each eese
d invariably be given that the superio� ollleer
erimiua.l force.
g hia badge, of ra!lk or was otberw1u �

To attempt to UH r.rlminal force i! to ma :,the a«wied &11 bi1 aupeefce omett.

atte111pt 111Mc1t. _. nl.irdy 11iu.ccu,f11l. Th11.11 to

a stone 11t another which llllllijeii him 1� to attempt"

crim.lnal force.

'J'.o assault Is fa eeuee wiltuUy, by gesture o

pa.ration, apprehenrioll that ci:imiml force will be
(Indian Peno\ Code section 351). But the person
ing the prieparation or gu.tu.re ruwit be. or

appai:ently be, In a po.ition to put it into �«ed.

a man who pointa a loaded rifle at another i,


Sectioa. 21 (6)-DUol)eJiimcs.

:16. TIM -parli.::idars of II cNJrgs for dl&o

should contain tbe specl;fted avennei:it that.the

"did not obey",4ie order gl:ve11. Retu.ea.l to ob

hot riecesaaril:,t lnvolvB non·oompl.iaoee.

37. "La1llfrd command".-The following

eommands, the dir,obedience of which. le punillhab

thi! !eciioni­

(a) An order, to a soldier under arresl, tow

tra:ry to K. R. 566 (b).

(b.) An order to a soldier, who has been eu

after inoenlation, t-0 clean a L?wis 1un.

(c) An order to underyo allythjllg which

rea11onably be called a "surgical operatioll."

SS. "B"pu'W>r officer".-Whe.u a DOD-«im

otlleer 19 charged with dil50beying the la1'ful eo

a non-commissioned ot!i.eer of the �ame rank, evi

aenioriti is essenti&l. Pa.rt II Orders or oo ·

eopiee of the sfieet rolls of the non-oommil!aioned

in queseien sl:.ould be produced.

::19. Opport-uni.tu to obtw.-Whe.D. llD ace

told to go ou parade at �owe tutUN lime whe1�

t1aW "I re� l .will go In the ,uud rooru"

immediately place4 under clcee at'Nlt, la could.
charged nndu Section 27 (e), a!, l.f be bad not
arre,,t, be might have obeyed. the order. He sh
_ }.-:-Negkcti11g to obey orden-

charged undet> Section 28 (a) with t™! w,e of

tfl. regtlllmt(W o,,<itn.--n is
uete liwgu�- station order which deds the troop,

" 40. Mad Lil writ orden. K. B. 84 OM 1690.

e_te., ortW' is republished u a regimental
_ ·should be laid for dil!Obeying the re­

. . ind eviden« i! required that the order

"' :-�otherwise broa;bt to the ootiee of the

' -

4 I

, 17
I 16
does not ordinarily oonn:nit de:,erl.ion, but fraudu­
*· A eertifoe.d tru& copy of a rq:imental.
admi.asible in evidence under I. A, A-. Section 9 �•·
but aqm.dron, battery, comp'any, station, g11.rris ·:;tii - ·ruditcgB of a co'Urt of i,tqlliri, on ebeeoce

ordtn nn� be produced i.u original. One of · · as evidence. The declaration o! the

printed or typed orders UlllUPd � ongitials i� ad .'t entered iD the unit ctiurl-mt.rtia.l bock,

as an original order, but care mW!t be taken not ti> .. �gd ehould be destroyed. I. A.

aucl; an ordtr .., a true copy. e,.. T:be declaration en

tered ill_ the court­

... it 8'1'idwce under I. A. A., sub-tie«ron

nrlified true copy under !ub-eedlon· (4), ta


provided that the oourl Wllll not held

tioB of 60 clear days and that the other

;,irn- in section 126 are complied with.

,·. ·of. t.be eourt, or & certified true copy

P. D.-018, must be l)!'Olluced by a witnw

� muet be identlfled aa the pP.1'80ll
.. .

� I
1 Ord.en 111 admalrible in evidence
� en
t of tbe absence (when an ae­
,.-.itla desertion or a
b!enee without leave)

... , wing eonditions :-

<hl.�:i"st be one that is made in Regimental

• � of military duty, and the orii.ers

'DI signed by the 0<"lmmanding Officl!r, or

"oae duty lt is to make sucb rttnl"il. Such

only be Ulled as erld@nce when w direr.t
· declaration o� a C'ourt of Inquiry ls
-,!"11-Y pn'.mo foci1 evidence and l!IBY be

that the aeeused shonlri. Ill' i.l!lntifted

erred to in th,,. !'Tlhy.

, ,; of o-pp,-thtfl.!lio,i awd .,u,-,.,;ndu -A

S«tio• 29-Duertio'4. See R.A.L Rule S
· from n poliee ot'fi,� staling t.La.t an
Lnet. 437-439.
ended bv 01· �lll"tPndettd lo the J}Olire
47. Improper ''traM{Bf'",-A penon wh ·"is uot evitltmr!l of tuese matte-e, But
perly 'tramlen' from one braneh of tbe scrvl
,. lll

n cerlificaie on L A. F. D-910 stating tbe fact. pl utiO?i 31 (A).-T'olm1tarily CO'IUlJ19 hkrt fl'itl•
date of surrender or apprehension ie admiwibl.e to r� u•fat for w,.
, ice. . .

dence if it iB signed b-j a police otli.rer IlOt below A medical wit.ne:sa, or witn� should gi.fe ev�·
of an officer in eharie of 1. police station to -, ·whether the injury O? jnjuries sustained by tlie
iwo1laed au.rundered or by whom he lt'
&a ipp will render him unfij. t'or t'urtht>r u"ice. lnlor­
I. J.. ..i. Stclwtt 91A (6). on thia poiDt will be a gulde to the {'OUrt ii detf.r-

Whe11 the surrender was made to an 01!1Jer 8 !Uit.1.ble 11ent:en�. ·

portion of His .MajEll'lty'a Icrees, a similar ,:e

argned by the propu officer fa admilll!ible. J

s�diofl 914. (Ii).

50. Pim,. ClotM&.-It on appreheaaten a so

''improperly dresaed '', but is wearing one or more

ot uniform, e.g., a forage cap, which clearly ae

identify him as a eoldter, it should not be t.Vt'r

the particulars ot the charge that he WM ·"·Jr . ·

civiliall clothes". The latter a.re ,ucli clothts M
<:: tivn ltl.-- f'ie/1, dc.-
his id,:intity u a &oldler a:od 'thu!, perhape, serv't

denee of his intention permanently to quit the re Prod0<rffo" of arti'.cl,:s.-A i.1:ielea allqed to hav.i

Im, et,-., must be produced in eeidence and

Sectk/11, 30.-.4b11ence-
by a "itiu.•ss on oath O? their absence must be
51. P,·oof of commencctn.ent and terwaina;,
ed t'or nnd their ident::y nthe:rwise prov.rl. I;n
Ill essential to prove the eommeneeme.ct and trn •• i
is is don<' a conviction will, es 11 role, be llllfl:UE!tair·

of the absence. Absence terminates when a sol

ta.ken into custody or Burrenden himself.
. . A.licnmtivt cMrge, for •··r�ceiving" should not
. �- Ch.orge, Hair aub.1ectio•1 SO (e) (I\ �
erred uultst there is sometbfo;r in � ev,denoe to
(t) a•d (j) abould not ordi.na.rlly ho.:> preferred.
t the eeeueed might have eeeeived the artiel�
o1fezJce under those aulraections mu:t aJmoat inn
tion and did not eteet them. An essential element
amount to an offence against eub-secnen 30 (d ,
1 ring is lhdt by some person otber than the
eha.rge undu the latter eub-sectlon ie simpler � p

tfoJI 31 (i).-IMetiMICY-
"· Mtdicol ez-afMIU!tion.-Arrsngemerit.s should

iD all oases of indecency and unnatural offences

ice.I examination of the accused U eocn 1\3 pogible

e report of the ofl'ence, subject to the eoneent o�

aed, which !hould be obtained in the presence
able witness. The accused should be warned that

any J)Ol!.ilin i.nuiminating evideue so d�ved

used again.st him but he should be :toade to unde

that the uan:1i.nation II! in hi� own inlet'fflt if he
ooce:nt. · •

Mf!Jleal euminatlon 1� UQt f'(lmpulAOry, and ·

evene of R-
. toldier relu,ing to be medically en

eetdeaee of this fael i9 uot admiz,.dbltt at the trial.

... .


,. .

,q�tio# � (e)-U#i'Jl.{I by•�

60. &bicuiac, of pretit'.ov, po11u,ioit U· "'.
Wl1ue I. A. i'. D·918 l1 produced, no furtlm evid

nqiur.d: unlea U:ie d..tence 1ubmit.ii evidtnoo reb

thnt oont.ined in.I. A.]'. D-918. ' re the.val\16 of an article diffm in diituen1 re­

61. TJae Ml� of '-O<'h-. it- muet be stated ., · stoppagee

' will be caleulated at the 1,o
wesl; ' '

chargl! and proved in evidence to enable tho ro

awud stoppageti item by item.

e eanDO"l be :p?'Oved by Uladmislrible eetdenee sucl:i

' 62. Stoppoge,.-Estimation of value of a
Fo1"m5 wbicll are no� regunf'ntal books. and are
havi11g ao o!Scial value. Attention L'I invited rr, n
dence of the facta recorded In them. Attention
to Ind.ia.n Anny Act, Section GO.
\o IDdian Army A.et, Bectioll 91.A (3) and (4),
"The Voeabulary of Ordnanee Stores (Iodtv.)'
dlom. for the Army in Tod1a, Iliatructlon 516.
the priee of aucb rioM. "P?iCM Vocabulary 'lf
' . I � "':
lng and Neeeesariee

of clo�.
(l:cdia)" fuee the price of a

"Stock Book Rate Li.st of Oezitrally

· lbe t.u::iq of the 1111mm&ry oJ Mele.nae, a �tn•
the trial a ..-J.tneM on oath, ia nquired to produee
eilasedArticle:sofR L A. S. 0. Soppl1•· (frff issue
copies of UM appropriate ngulatioDII toge�
!n. the fflue of sueb articl�
of the re.le:vant paw.ges.. After COmpa.rlllOD
Stop]l&ges for:tbe lOIIS of an .11.l"tid�, which i, m er takiq the l!UIIlmary of evidence or the court,
een be awarded for the part 111·on1 value on}y. A cue may be, will eerti!y that the extracts haTe
11', therefore, required t.o prove. If po!',IOLble, tho :igf' · mpared with the originals and are true erlraeB

arti1·lea and produC'C the regulation which 1be attach them to the i,ummary of mdenoe 01" the
depred.11.tioll (if D.ny) of auob. articl!'3, �-f·· Eqni


&foxe all 1.?'ticle C8!I be�own to be deficient; n IW'I 87.-FIJUe mwwer 011 enro!'llltlU-

be ahown ti ha•e been in the poseeuion of illt' . Pt'()l)

j reqtltred.-In proof of t.he annJer given
«1me preTio11& tune. Thi.. can be prond­ ' ry t.o produe4 the original or duplicate eu­

(a) by the WW16l8 who actually Issued tbe a;rti paper. I. A. A. Swiofi 91.

the aomlN'd ; ere it is only DeeeYary to prove t.he fact of enrol­

eerti.8ed t.rue copy ot the atlei,lotioo is 1dml&aible.
(b) by a wilUtllll 011 oath producing &DY receip

the article and pro-ring the signature of the i&II 98 (c),-1111,r J?vidina-- �-·

(c) by verbal evidence that Oii a C&faiD d4 Enffllliau.-It is not 1o.ffi.ctent to pron tl:iat the
aecueed waa ill �ou vf lb.: a?"id� ,.9., at -aiade a at&tement at the trilll contruy t.o that

inspection. !nm at the taking of the summary of evidence.

ry to. prove- I
sa ••
. �bat the accused made the st11otcment on oath, eee., r:
that it WU fa.lee, and

that be made it, knowing it to be false.

1ri.d1I1ce of ooe witneH, without corroboration iu

'taial.J'el9pe,c:"., ie 1ufflcieut to pron the fabehood
· ttu SW<:lru, but corroboration should be k>oked

noteii 1 a.nd 4 to Seetion SS (c).



39 0).-Bee paraa.. 43 and 44 above.

:l9 (i).-.tct, etc., pr�fwdicial to !JOl)d of'der

·,a,.., diteipli11-

' "
24 25 : :! i


68. ParticlUar; capabl� of -imwrt1tt CO!tilf-rMd · should have been averred to ffiO
w that the act

The particulars roust de.seribe an aet, or om.is fiS prej_-ndi� � good order and militarydi.scipli.ne;
n a.n w.,ubordinat.e m.anner, improperly without .;,i
which appears f
rom those partieulMS to be t.o
•ty, etc. '
prejudice of good order and militn:ry diaciplille. 1

is not sufficient for the part:iculan to deacribe an :1 I I

etc., which, far 1111 the particulll.l'!! go, might
&0 be
innocent, nnd to rely upon the atate.nlent of the 01!
,j •·>
to ahow thllt It really was to the prejudlee of good o r' 1

•:, ..
and military diM-ipline. Such a charge would be ba.

vagueuev- as the aooused might not know in

manner the act, ete., was supposed to be prejudicial,

mi.!{ht tbns be pttjod.ieed in hi11 defe-ce. T"oe foll

nre illu�h<ationa of paeticulars which have ueeesai

the, t'.harlil'e be.iflt!' quashed on eceount Clf, n�:

(.,,) "wben acting M jtableman wu defu!ie

· .
. ,,,
nbour one hn.ri<ll'l'<l pounds of grn!n, I.he propert


!11 this ease the deficiency might bave been quit

uooeut, The particular Mglect sbonld be alleged

example, that the aecueed neglected to lock up the

bin. which it was his duty to do.

(b) "Wru. lying aaleep on the side of the

rood". To he asleep on the eide of the main road

o.ffenck-. The particulal"! must disclf\66 some a

ohlisglon, wh.ieh is at leatt. prim« {Cid,, prejud\
good order and military di&Cipllne.

(o) "Was in poMeSSion of a pair of boots, the­

�rty of Sepoy X."

ecti°" 41.----Civil Offence,.

(ii) "W&ll found in the Band Boy's barmok"­

dad in pyjamaa, Mtting on the bed of Boy V." � C01'ri-fftarlial may try any civil oftenoo com­

not on active servtee except murder or culpable

(e) "Ai Peshawar about 2-15 a.m. fired a re
"dp not a.mounting to murder o! n person not 1
m h­
in th� compound of the V. C. Os. Club."
military law, end l'!!.l)9. (The c,:ceptA!d offences

tted at �ed frontier po.

<:f:s could be triPrl
In tbeee cases the pnrtieulars .-.r� iaimhle of
-martial even it committed not on aclive service,
!et11y i.nnocent oonstruetion. ID all such eases
"' I "l

� .
, .


bo.t no frontier posts have been specified for the pur ICATIO� FOR TRIAL.-,llrmoraxda ,Y.LY.L.,
of this section). I. A. ,1. 8t1Cti<m 41. pp. 4.-02-405.

72. .! oivil Cwrt aM is court-martial :r.oay both

jurisdiction in respect of the same offence. lu that
. Papn, to a.:compony.-The foUolring papen
the pre&Gtibed mllit.a.ry authority may detaUl the
be forwa.rded. to the hlladquartcn 1>f t.he forma­
penon for trial, tmlm tba civil coUtt Ii ot the op·
der wh.icli the unit ill �rring:-
that the accused perlOll should be tded');leton i

which case the Preecribed millt.ary authority muat Applical:ioP for trial (A. F. B-116).
the accused over to civil custody or rl'fer the CIUle

Central Government, For this purpose the p Ong.inal lllllllill&fY of evrd�uce am.I eharge-sheet.
military authority if; the G. O. 0.-in-C. the Commrnd
) .A.11 the original exhibits hghtly marked ip pencil
trict Corps or Divi&iollal CommaDder where a dea
enti.fteatioo leteea (M or L to Z and AA to ZZ).
resulted from the a.lleged ofl'ence; in all othee easea
�pt the u.bibitt, it numerous, t>hould be att.a.ehed.
the station or bripile eommander or other su

authority. I. A. A. Sections 69 and 70 and R. ) With ao applicatiou tor a General Coun-Har­

Rule S85 : copies of the 5121JUliAry of ev:ldeooe, ( oopie&

In the absence of any epeelal reaaon for adi ge·ahtet and 4 copies of, ce utract fl"Om. all
the contrary a sol.die? charged by the civil autho , marked hrtlie same way aa lhe origloal�
d be left for \rial by civil oourt.
!!houl -«>s*"uo� ix ti..=- oGi<cr
, Dq,ut, o:"-t

�.J�-...to """- -· ..-.. _., "'!'I'

73. Ohargu � h fro.med. 01' 0-.fflll ...,;_ •• h•"""' marpaal -- "",,,,d...,,,..,).
Offj.cer.-A detailed description of most civil off

will be found in Ch. VI.and there axe specimen �t sbollld be b,.gged toi.-ethei:-.
pages 372-374 of the Manual of Indian Military ,) With an application for a. district court martial,
The Commn,ding Oficer, ahould :make an effort to ccpiee of all the above dccumeuts a.re reqw.red.
iUch charges, M> that a proper !umi:n&ry of tviden
be taken tven though charges for cm.I ofl , ) Typed oopy o.r ongiDal of 11uy ecurt ot'i.nquiry.
genenlly be refund. by the co:c.venlna- otficer,

offleer of the Judge AITTocate-OeDeni.l's I>epartme ) ,!,.. !ettu io duplicate explaining any "inside"
fore trial. atioD etcut the C&.6e or any matter which 1l'! Dot
' .
I .

74. m tbe _!IIUJll!Ulry of evidence, the ebseaee of any

es or evldenes, etc. '!'he reasons why applieation

e :for :i. general court martial should alway11 be

' 1.


) Statement u to character. I. A. F. u.sos and

tal &lid oompa.ray, etc., conduct ebeeta,

' ·

(i) Request by aeeused regardiug hle rep:teSentation. hould be :redrafted if necessary. The rerlrafl:00 eharge-

by an officer or counsel at the trial. I. A. A. R. 22 (A' eet need not be retueaed to the eom.ma.ndiug officer :for

and St and 82. • Ignature, if tl:e application ia behg ncfe� to the

;s. Riquut or olknMu of acCUlled /or r&JWU puty-Judg6-Advooate-General for advice. Both tbe
tw,t.-The request or otherwiise o f � accused menbon riginaJ. a.od redrafted charg11-UleeU should accompany

e fol:
ed in pan. 75 (i) &hove, should be submitted i.D th the s.pplicaUoll.

loWUlg !orm.:-
(a) A detailed examination or the sumd;;..,. of evi-
"T No. , Rank , Na.me d shoul ,.,
'"' .__ behalf t ence = d be made in eoccrdaaee with paragraph! 1-8
propose to instruct 001;1llll('l .
w appear on my a above. It should be ascertained that tbere is evidence to

my trial by oourl !IlfU'T;lai. ' ,, upport every averment in the ebnrges. Irrelevant

>D11,te : Signllture. tter, hea.rsa.y, reports, etc., should be marked a.s not to

or, . elicited at the trial. Any lnadmis!ible matter prejudi­

:c1al to the eeeueed shouhl be J?asted over in the copy of

ddue summary of evldeooe to be laid before the oourt. The

"I, No. , Rank , No.m ahibit.uhould te eheclced to enaure iliat all au atta.ched,
do not dl'Mirti Jhat tbey are proJl!lrly marked In tile top right barad

to have an oflloer AMigned to represent me at 01y trl�l ecrner �htly. in pencil atld that, whenever mentioned:,
by oourl martial I deaire the serv1l'e!l of . . . . . • . . if th� 1de.ntifteanon letter h&S been noted ll"J the margll"J of

he is available. e rn=a:ry of evidence. When !\ wiUle1111 mentions the

D t Signatur� ". accused, an eahibit; etc., for th� first time, it should be
ol e· · · · · · · · · · · recorded that he identifies the accused anrl the exhibits,

Non If.,,,,,,...,. ·-•.-.,l."'* .....i, 1m IIPOd ...- .. tho .&ct etc Wben a doeument eneh as the deelarntion of 11. oourl
;::)i.. &.- """' '" -.. � ...ui i,. atu,:1,.m ' CM..,..,,....- .,..,.....i- of inquiry i11 produced the aceuaed m:,1\t be identified as

:EX.ilHNATION OF THE CASE BY THE OONVEN· the persou nterred to therein. Ran<fwriting of the 11.C

ING OFFIOER.-MemoraMO- M. I. x. L., pp.�. �use�, par�cula�ly aigllatures, when n,Jevant, mu11t be

77. lm.porta1't ddllilt.-(a) It should be ascertain· specifically identified.

ed at once that all the papen� out in pa.ragraph 7� a.re (e) When SOUl6 essential evideuee is DOl OOlltai.ned

attached, partieula:rly the e%hibi�. in the SlllllmlUy of evidence it ebould be ai,eerlained. from

-. (b) The charge-eh�� and s� of ��ee �h� uni_t, by telephone i! �a1ble, who>tber 3uch evidence
should be read through quickly to obtain a gener.,.l view ls .n existence and cau be procured If tbe Clll!e is referred

oft.he (!8Be. to higher aulhority or the Judge Advocate-General's

(c) A detailed eumination of tl•e cl'o&rge-sheet and �epartment, the purport of this .i�denee should he stated

charges should be ro11.de ha.,ing regard to the principlftl m .thu CO"l"enng letter Tho retaku,g of the <i11mm11ry ot

, I enumerated in paragra'pbs 12-73 cbcve. Tbe ch11rgea evidence �hould not� ordered if it ran be avoided ant\
IS only DecEl!lsary wberu the first :rumo.ry is so badly re-

; '

' '

, I

30 31

eorded and defective as to be tbnger-nua. A.n additional 80. Poattiml of offt.cer1 of Jtldge-.:1.d�ral',

ffl1l'.llllllry of evidence should � or,lMed where �ral Vtpartmint M Oom'l'll<HkU.--0:fficen; of the Judge-.A,dvo·

�ntial matters have been omitted from tbe first mm­ .eate-General'a Depariment at Commands are ihe legal

ro.ary or where it is doubtful IUl to the aetua! evidence adviseni iu mattus of military law of the Omen! Ol\o8r,

the w:lneMell will give., The aecUBai must be waned of COlDUl&lld.ing-iu-Obiet the Commepda a.nd of the Oflw>.ri

s.oy material evidenee., wbieh it is prt)\•Olled to e-Uclt at the Commanding Di&triet:15 and their sta.6. AU olBoen ,rho

trial and which 1� not oontaine<t In the �1umuary .., · • hold w&rl"allta empo'l'l'ering them to convene a.od confirm·

ro�-martial IU'$ entilled t.o their advice. · . �-;"

78. King\ M!ide,we afld accompHcu.-1! .1� 1111:

ee -wc or more pefflOIIII are suepeeted of eomphmty l.D
V 8l. Prtl�illlUfl advice- in compl1cat&t co.,e:.�The
an offenoo and 1t is found necessary- to rall one of these
advice of the appropriat.e o:llieer of the Judge-1tdvooate­
a.!I a witll� for the prosecution agai.mrt. the other orot.hera
General's Depariment (heleinafter refer.red t.o li8 the
charged in connection ,ritb the offell('e, one ottwo toll?aeS
Deputy-Judge-AdvJC11.te-Oeneral) should be eougb.t in
mullt t>e taken. E1ther-- those cM�ment.ioned i.o R .A.I., Instmetion 419, and Ul all
eesee where doubt or diftkulty ill experienced. In eompU...
(i) Proceedings a.g&inl!lt him mw:� be a�&ndm:ed �
'cated C!lllea where the eonVenillg offi.eer upetiences -�. .,
:.ny charge theretn already prd.ertP.rl agru.ut him dis·
ty in usi.sting a commanding officer with rep.rd to invest!·
min,ed; or '
gation or to the taking of � l,llllimary of evideooe, mw:h
(ii.) Ships mnst be ta.ken to eaure that the CMe subsequent delay will often be av&idedi!\be Deputy.Jll/,lge

a!."ain;,l him Is disposed of smnmarily or tried by �wt_ Advoca±e-GeDeral iB consulted a.tan 'IRl'ly stage. It mar· .

.m.a.rlial b�fore the trial of pereote eo1;,cemed ep:imf , be expedient for the omcer, detailed to reeoed the �

whom hr ifl to give evidenee i and th!l! he is o"!11Y U!ndereo1. of evidence and to pro&ecute, to be directed to tali:e the
as a wi.tnel:l!I wben M hM alrea.dy beer aeqmt� or COn­ whole C&Se, i:ootudu:g die proceedings o
f the court of itr- ,

Yieted. quiry, il a.ny, &nd all onginal. ei::hi.bit&, to the Deputy

Judge-Advocate.General. 4 previous appoiDtment l!hould
Tn all such eases the cireull'ISta!lct:S arul tbe eoune
h:i made and the officer detailed should be accompanied
prop� should be fully set out in n �overlng letter to
by a std ofB.eu or:at least, be thoroughly touvenant with

the CCnvenlllg officer. the convening officer's views on the caae.


82. Direct commwntc.1tWM.-To, avoid unnl!Ces8ary
delays in all cases all eommunieatioze "l'rill be direetly
..._,/ 79 Si.mm11ry of n-ide1lU an(i: t'hdrge-Rhetl to be between the convening offieer and the COmma.nd:uj.g offl.eei:­

roo,o�b]1f comclfte -Offi.eers of tbo Ad1uta.nt General's o! the eeeaeed's unit, copies of comnnuiieati.ons being
Brauch of the �ta.!'!' d the beadqun.rter� ot fotmation& will unt to any Ult;,�edia.te eommande_:.,�e>r information.

ensure that a sumn,ary of evid"enre ann. nb�:rge-:Uleet are

l"l':.SOnably enmplete and 111 order before being lorwa�ed SR. 1J11p;otg-J;idge-J.dvacat�(;t"Aend fo /.le pla-Ot1J
to tbe Judge Advocate-General's Dep.irtment for advice. in passesw»I of tui kffawn. in.forliillli011.-To ena.ble :t.

I '-

' 86- Corrtipo.dence.-To avoid delay eorrespondnce
�puty-JudKe-Advocate-Genera.l. to 11.dvise effectively it
intended for the Deputy-Judze-Advocate-Gi!Deral should
is � that he be placed in peeaesaion of all known
be addressed to thnt.oflicer and not to the heddquart.ers of
in!orlll.lltion, which. bean on the eue. If there ie any
· the Co=and.
I� or technical lmowled,e oectaary to a de11.r uudee­

tn&DdiDJ of the refere»ee, ao explanation sbould be

attaci.ud, together with neee:ssary book!, etc. To enaure 87. If ClUe �ltd to Depwty-J..Jge-Ad,iocate­

that 81.leh matte1"8 are not oveTlook.ed the 11.pplleabon for Ge11er!U for ndvice.-If the CIUle has bee». 1mbrnitted to

advice !Would be m the form shewn io Appendi:f "B". the Deputy.Judge-Advocate-�neral for &d
vi!f before­

trial, ensure that I.be eba�eii pref ..rred .11gaimt the aoouaed
The application should �te apecifieally the maf;te"rs are the same z.s tbx,e advised by that officer. Where euch
on which adviee is required and.I or the questions on which edviee has been given, no alteration in Ol' addition to the
doubt or diffieulties Al'll being aperie:need. charges should be made without referenee to the Deputy

Judge Advocate-General 'f<)llCern.ed.

M. Reports Otl. application· ,z,i.d after trial are

:tul'Dilhed ill duplic.ate. One c0py is to be returned, tor

the information of higher re"riewwg :rnthoritill!, 00 the
Deputy.Judge-Advocate-Oeneral normally wit.hiJl. tliree
days of receipt, by the o�er to whom they are addrelllled, 88. T� propu ootirl.-It wastes time, and lowers.
witll en endonement WO"Wlllg the actio:a taken, or to be the dignity of that tribuiial, to 111J11emble a �ral oourt
td.en, and any other rtllll&l'lr.s which the offieel' wiahetJ to martial if, in ca.i,e of conviction, the probable and ad­

make. All one object of thetle repo� is to prevent the equate �entence would uot exceed two'yea.re' impriaomnent

repetition of similar nrist&kes in the future, the fa.ct that . with hard labour which a district eourt martial Cl!.11 award

the erron noted have been"poiol:ro out to all concerned (except to wari:ant qftiflers}. A d�tritt eotirl martial,

and the action ts.ken to eliminate such nri!ltake!!! in the theref�e. is Uftlally th.e proper Co1trt; and general oourts
'tu� abould be endorsed en the report, A covering martial abon.ld be reserved for the trial of ofliee�,

meropn.ndum. is not necesaa.ey. The other copy of t.lte warrant ollicen (it e. conviction would merit at least irn­

NpOrt ehould be retained for future guidance. pri.acmment), arid the gravut ctimes. In the ce.ee of

• officers below fidd rank and war-rant officers, the quelltioq

&. 00?1-ftden,tiaL nah1re of re1�rt,.-The reports
of summary dn,posal under I. A. A., Section 20, ttad with
by the Deputy-Judge-Advocate-General on applicatiollll
R. A. I. In5tr. 406 should be considered. ,....�
tort.rial and on trial are confidential and are only for the
, I
:illformat:i.on of convening, eonimning and riviewiDg
89. TIM ordn- fM trial (�. I. Y. L., p. 347), epeei­
authoriti� and their respor.sJ.irl.e staff officers. Shou1d
sucli anthot'ities accept the vielll's set forlh therein, they
fying the dl!M!rlplion of eourt, e.r,., ieneral or distnct,

should In communicating thet:11 to subordinate commanders aaculd be entered at the foot of the <'harge-!lht'et .( or

adopt them as their own and make no allusion to their sbeeta). as finally apprered by th-a eo11vening officer and
h&viug emanated trom &II ofti«r o( the Judge Ao.lvoeate·
signed by him or by a. t;tnff officer "tor" him.
General's Department. '
90. (h) That oourt.a martial are Army C',onrts and offlceu
must be detailed aod l.&ke precedence by army rank, i.e.,

a Captain and Bt. Major sita as Major and ea:mot 11it M

a Ca.pt.a.in.

S2. A jtldge-adimat• is a letral neceaaity at a
general court-martial and ma.y be appointed at a dietrict

courl·IUa.rtial. Ajudge-advoeate will uswilly be ffpointed

in all casei1 of iodrcency tried by di:rtrict court-martial

TilE COMPOSITION OF OOURTS-MARTIAL ANll but, if the evideoee i3 eueh that the convening offir.er con·

THE ISSUE OF THE cm,-vENING ORDER.- eiders the appollltment of a judge-r.dvocate to be uaaecee­

. JI.
. I. M. L.• pp. 400---406. sary, he should eaprese hrs views to that effeet vrileli re­

fernngthecruie for the advice ot the Deputy- or Asai.stant­

I. A.A .• Secho,u 5'l-60andl. A. A. Ra. 27, 29, t1"430. Judge-Advocat�. When an oftieer of the Judp,
Advocata-OenenJ's Department is a.ppo!.Dted jud(e­
91 . .MrJtlers to okt1'Ve partimla¥1gt-
advoeate at a trial, it should be ascertained, before bing
(a) Wbl!"ther aceused re subjGt:t to milltary law,
the.date of trial, that it will be poeeible for the offieer to
1. A. A. R. 82 (A) (1). ·
attend on J,ha.t date.. '/ ·
'. (b) Whet.herthttewaso.pw,vion�t-rla\Ulr�of
the seme facts, I. .A. A. R. 4.
'l (A) (I). 9fl. The prm<BC11tor should be appoUlted m the OOD­

(c) whether th(,r_l' hai< het-n r. cmirt of inquiry, vening crdee.

I. A.. A. R. 29 (B) (iii).

94. An. interpret�, if necessary, s.hould be detailed
(d) Whether aJIY epeetal cereiflcatee au neeessary.
in the r.onvening order.
I. A. A. R. 30 ttnd note.

(8) The dat.e o f · oom.miuion of JUllinr member, �- The u11itf of corps eueh as R. A., R. I. E., R. I.

I. A . •i. R. 29 (C). A. S. C., must be specified or the officers detetled br name.

(/) If a member heloogs to the same unit A.'! ACCu&ed' 96. · Free from !ro�-ConveDing orden ehculd
· or ill or hM been statio11ed at the plare where the alleged be earPfully ehed,ed""'l[ffll s!M,uld be fre
e from effl.'lW"OO,

ollenee took place, that such membel" baa no inte"rest in alterat1oru; and blankll. II alterabone are n-sary a
the Cll.8e nor l,iaa in any way been ccnneeted with the .fresh convenlllg order should be issued. K. R. 6'73 (b).
iovertigafion, &.. I. A. A. R. 29 (BT (iii) and (ii) an,!

Notq (B) I and 2- 97. Sig,wl1're.---Convellmg crdera mu..

<>t be signed

by the r.or:vening oflicer, by a staff officer for him or by a

(9) That :my ofticer who bu be-u the comrru1.nding
stS:ff officer as such. They must not be signed /or a
oflicer of the accused at" any time between the date on
which the charge ls made and the dnte of trial i.uelu9;ive,
�w.� pfur'. The abscooo of n prope.rly signed eonren­

il'lgord�r i
s II fatal &w. ,Vote 4 to I. A. A. R. 31" .
is di!IQ.Ual.ifled to sit OU tbecourt. I. A. A. R. 29 (B) (TV).
101. .V.t1 to !lllll,led.-It is the duty of the president
emure that the accused, particularly when he is not�
resented by eo:::nmael or • defending of5eu, is not pre-­
diced in his de!enee through Ignoraaee, em.bArrassme:nt,

r inability to state his <:aN clearly or uamine wi�

. A. A.. B-.� (8) 11'114 Not� (B).

102. T,W 1tm11lge,Ke!IN of tM tt11'

ri r�.-;llbe,re

II nothing stated in the I.A A.R. but the followtng se6ting

l.llgement. has beCI foUJ1d oonvenient in practice,.......

. 99.

EJ � 1"·-



I ,._ .:

! va-.


103. lt!a�ity for oorru;t-n.u, of tl'.e proceed­ I I

•rHETRIAL.-TH:£ DUTlES OF THE PRESIDENT. ,.-Where t.here ii no judge sdvooite the pnsident "'
, 1

-JI. I. JI.. L., P. S77. . rMpomible for the &eclln.cy �f I.he reeord and tut i

tlu triai-Tbe president UJ p?!!11e!lU! eorffi:ily the tn.nu.choM of the court. /. 4. .

P;:r�e�..cti:!s conducted in proper ordtr · B. 78·

rpGllllt!ce with the proV1slOD3 of the Indisn.Anny �t1 104. Mrllod of rwirdi?Jg pmctuii'.ng1.-Tbe proceed·
{ A RulM) and in ma.nPet biifttting � dignity .of a general court in.art!&!, �hould he tn,ed. Tho . ' :

and ( A.of ··u,tice. He should be ea�l to unbol� tbe .e�gs ot a district court Illllrilal should be type,!.,;
� a � � � eouri and the,tolemnity of 11� p�· pou1ble. lo the &bewce of shori:band typists ((. A.

f!t:1 R 65 (A) The powlU'$ of the courl m thia tt!!peCf • R. 127 (E)) & aati&f..ctory method ia to reco?d the

,ri].l'be.fo�nd UI i. 1.. $ut� B8 o,ad I. A. A. R. �-

,t• • deoee roush]y in pencil and .Jt.er complying �th
- �-- --�----
,, .

l. .d.. J.. B.127 (B), to have the pencil dn.ft typed outside. ;os. E�ini"4lio11 of ctrn3titutimt. of CDKri an.d

Tbe judge advocate, or president whe-re there ill no juW �egality of ckMgNG&!t.-The Court prceeed as deta.iled

advocate, UI responsible that the typed eopy represents l.ll I. A. A. R. 31 and 32. In thie ronnectioii .it should he

the evidence as reccrded · no.ted that a. conviction ori a leJally had cha.rie ie Ull!Ul!• 1::
tainable even on a plea of guilty. I
106. ,,,
109. The opnt119 of th, court.-'rhe-court ia opened
and th<: proeeeutor, COUDsel or defending o� inter-­ "·
preter and r.horthand writer enter and the llcewied is

brought before the court under escort.

�10. ( '01m-$el.�?un_sel appeanng before a court '


martial must be qualtlied ID accordance with L A. A. R.
87 (B) and h111 quali1kations should be entered in the pro­

ceedmga, His cou<1:uct 18 regulated by I. A. A. l\- 86. '


He ebculd be robed m eeecrdenee with the euistom of the 1i

1 ·

. ,


- 111. JIUAod o
f llddrusit\.g the C()-Mrl.-Acy person

a�dr<ll:lsing the court ur eumining or Czotl!I examlni!li' a
106. 7'h., a.sstl116blg of u,, colll"t.-Tbe president, ,

YJ.tneSB, Would alwaya do IKl standing. � judge advo­

�ben, waiting me� and offiee:re under :imtrucliou
cate may delive.r his slllllimng-up seeeed. When the evi­
A8&Wll?le in closed eourl. The oonvening order, eharge,­

dence of a witness i.s long it is generallv advisable to allow

sheet and the summary of evidenoe are laid before t.he
him to give his ev:i� sitting. •
eourt. These papers are sent to the president before the
112. TM ootA.-The president adminiaters the oath
al!8elllbly of the Court, in order that he may make lilinself
to the members of the court, where there is oo juci«e
thoroughly oouveniant with the far.ta of the cas;i and be
advocate. I. A. A. R. S"I. The persoll taking the oath
able to refreah hit memory on the law by refe-renee to tbe
Ma.Dual, part!cul8.l'ly the note! lo the Sections under which
reads, npea.ts or recitea it in the ftrst'penon. 1rhe forme

of oath will be found on L A. A. R. 35 aud 36.

the charges are framed. The proceedings of tht colll'i
118. Ob1uti0fl to i:11terpreter.-The accused must
of inquiry Mlould not be ggnt to the president or laid be­
be given the opportunity to object to the interpreter be­
fore the oourt. though the prnident must be infonoed of
fore the latter is sworn. I. A. .d. R. 76 (0).
lhe names of the offiee:rs who aa.t ou an
y court of inquiry

respecli.ng-the matter on which the charges are founded. 114. Arrat�nt.-The peeeideat, where there is
Se6 Corm of certificate on pp. 377-»78 M. I. M. L. no Judge advocate conducts the arraignment Jf.. I. M. L.,

r'hap. IV, para. 38,. I. A. A. R. 38, Note 1. The secused'e

107. The 1M\Hi-0/ tM court-.-The names Uld nlllts
plea to a charge must be taken before IIJlJ subsequent
of the president and members should be eateeed on � ebrge (wheth!ll" altem,.tiv� nr not) i! rt;fl.11 to him (I. A.
"A" in exactly the same form aa in the convelllllg order.
A. R. 88 (B)).
The court have :ao power \f> alter the convening order:

118. JO..i ,rw.,.-M. I. M. L., Chap. VI, pal'all.

A plea of "guilty'' or "not �tty" must be recordeol
11-15.-(a.) Where two or more persons are concerned
.on each eharge, including a.U.etnahve charges. To rec1_1rd
together Ill the commission of a ¢me they ebould be
. "yer," or "no" aiil 11 plea ie, ba.vir.g regard to the qufl!ltion
!'°barged and tried jointly subject to their right to claim
put, Ulllntelli;ible. ,
separate tria.la under l A, A. R. 24.
U5. Pka of tM�.-In eaaes where Br:Ltish or
(b) Joiut trial should flln,ri11bly be ordertd where
Indian ranks are arraigned before a !'ourt�ial on a
offences euoh aa assault, theft, burglary, indecency, etc,.,
capital charge, a.nd inaanitr I.I! pleaded on their behalf the
are committed jointJy. If the men belong 'llr.'d.i.tr:erent
gecu.,ed. "Will be exal!lined by two epe,cillll.Bbl in mental.
units they �ould be attached to one unit for trhi.l.
diseaaes one of whom moy be a. civilian or an_ o!lieer of
(c) The followiDg offences cm:mot be tried jointly­
\be Indian Medical Service in civil employ. If lt appears

during the investigation of such oesee t�t a_ddence of (s) Bedient 26 (d)-BeiD.g sentzies iiuitting theix
insanity UI likely to be. noised th!' exa.nuJJation will be (�paxate) pom!!. Sepa-rate offt:pceti of t he � kind

carried out BEFORE trial. R. A. I. Rule 366. are comnutted in that eue ,entry reevee one post, and
another seatry lea•u llllother pest,
116. S6para.t6 clo.rge�,i.eet8.·'":""Where the conrening

- ___,, o8lcer baa preferred aeparale cbargHheet.6_ or where tbe (M) SedWJJ 35 (e)-LQaing by iieglect their arms.
claim of the accuaed to bave lhe cllarges tried aepuatel,y Tbe eHeMe ot the offence is that each man lost his own .
ia.allawed (I. A. A. R. 68 (E) � lhe trit.l on. each� arm. Suchan Offence i11 dil<ttn,:,t and cannot be committed

aheei; from arraignment to finding (!.A.A; R. M) .i.Ddu.- eolleetivdy.

1:llve, will be kept separate &DG distinct. The 'V:�e;n,:ie (d) Unless &OOlmCd 111re charged joinUf, i.e., in the
giveD at the trial on one d!argil-ftilerl is not. adJma:mble same charge-sheet, there is no juri:sdk.t:ion t.o U'y them
on ibe trial of another eha.i:ge-ah.ee.t nnlesa given agtu
jointly even e,t their request. If the Murt tries joiD.tly
"P'.xcept for th!' preliminary proooedi.D;ga and the een� accused r..ha?gW separately the trial ill void ab i1titio.
the procedure on each charge-sheet, m e:f'l'ect, constitnte!'
' (6) For the form of description of aceuM:d in a. joint
a separate trial. � ·
charge'-!iheet, seespe,eunen ehatJes Noa 14 and 15 on p. 352 •
ot tbe M:. I. M. L.

Cf) It i' p088ible in a joint �harge-8:beet to frame,

for example, one jvint charge o! hoUll'l·breatini" aplllllt
all the accused and in' the aame charge-sheet to frame
separate charge! ago.in8t ee.ch accused fol' other olfai.ees

eemmitted by the:n Fep&rately. The reeord in ijle margin

of the charges would be 1111 follows:-

F� cbuge.

See. 41.

Indian Army Act.

I ;

' '

Against all CJ) The procedure in joint trials i111 eraetly the same
as in the tri.!J of a single accused exeept:--
tae eecused
(i) Ea.eh-aeeused has the separat.e righ.1 of:­
Seoond charge.
• Challenge. I. A. A. .B. 84.
Sec. 27 (e).
Belng a.rra.iped. I. A. A. R. 38, Nole t.
Indian Arm.r Aci.
Pleading. I. A. A. R. 2i.
Against. Sep. A. /
Ct'01!e-eXami1;atiou. e-r


Ciilling witoeeses in his defence and making hi!

Third charge.
own defence. I. A. A. R. m
See. 31 (d)­
(ii) The record on the proceedtnga must !how that
Indian Army Act.
every qu�ation has beeu adlll't!83ed to each
Aia.illlt. eecueed separately aad thti:t answenJ muat be

___ ,,, Sep.Band

... .
eepa.Htely re«n'ded, .V. 1. M. L., p. 407, po.ra.

<•ii) Separate G.eeta E a.nd F., for the &ding and
sentence must be used in the CMe of each
(g) Separ&tetm.l.may be elaimedonl.yontllegroond aecused,

that the evidence of one or more of. the accused. proposed. i

: I

(k) When two or more eeeused are oonvfo.ted of a

to be tried togmher with him will be material to bffl­ ii

joint offen.:e, eaeh should be awnrded stop� for the

defenee. Tbe re330n underlying thi11 rule ffl that- a oo­
:tull amount of the expenses, lose or da.ma{!'.� occasioned
� eannot gin evidence, Jl. I. M. L., Chap. V,
by that olfenee whether such eeeuaed are tried jointly or
JNU'GI· 86 IJ,-d 89. .
separately. I. A. A., St�. 50, Not• 16.

(�) Where accused cWm separate t:ri.abi and _thf! 110. Re/Mal W plead.-lf the aceuaed stand.a mute,
claim is a:llowed they an. naert�IC811 tried 1eparately on or refu1es to plead, a plea of "not guilty" 8bould be
the jt)int charge-sheet, a eopf of which ebould be attached entered and the trial proceed 1w-0rdh1gly. ·

to tm proceedings of e&Cb trial.

' 120. Pit.a; o.f gei.Ufy.-Befor� recording a plea of
"gutlty" comply eenseienttously and thorougbl7 with the
(t) a joint trials the ple:i.�tif eaeh accused will�
provisions of I. A; A. R. 42 (B) a?IJ Note 2.
rerorded separately. If oiie accused pleads "guilty"
a.mi another "not guilty" the trial o! the Jattu, up to 121. Statflfllenl in ,in-tigr1tion.-Even if L A. A. R.

and iDcludinJ the finding, nmat bf! rarried out be'fore the 42 (B) i! oomplied with the e-cueed may still indicate

coun deal with the ease of the aceused who bas pleaded in hia �t:itement in nlitigntion thot he did not l'eally

"guilty". 1mdersto.ud th� e«�t of hia pleo of "guilty"/. A. A. R.


r, . '
' I

)\ .. ..
44 (D). If there is the alighfest llou.bt, the court llhotld· ;:;;_ap�ea�. \!:m. thneeess11,ry .or deairable �,-rill°;
reoord a plea�" not guilty" and try ou.t the case aa if tho?
129 �D)). U?• • e t:ruth. ( I . � ,i. B. 128 Mid

a.ecUled had piu.ded "not. guilty". , .

. ,Tbe (ollowin1 are &tat.emenb in mitip;..tion madt bJ Qufftiona by U:e court, "ucarit to clear up ambl-•i.
all a.ocuaed, which aN inconsistent with tb.11 plH,, &nd if . tiea, ehould genenlly be reser-nd until· the eonclull· -&" f
I the �tion of the witneso.. ipn o
the court fail to try o.ut tu cue tbe 6.ndlng � not be

oonftnned or the procffllinp will ht\ 'l�bed:-

124. RtcaldlmlU tctl11t11u ..:....Ste · r ,: � �·;, 1.
(4) &ctio• 27 (d).-UlriDg eri.minal torce-•1 wa..

38 a11d I A ,i B · "'· a.., ,;,tc w-.
·· · · · 136.:--E:rtreme meaaures are seldom

drut>i: and did not bow what I wa.a doing'.
nec�a.ry. Jf �e Ji!re&ident remtuds a IIVi.� of t.he

(b) .BtdtOff :?'1 (d).-UBi»e crimµ'.l&1 fon:e-'l m&Y � du g an o?i_iPHon of the l);lth he bu taken, that

ha.•e struck him but wu·l)Ompldely unoonBCl.OUB of.the · · · ty Ml • citizen �Uet!rned tn the &dmini.m:ation of
�ilti:ee �omeS �fore bis duty to a friend and adjourns
court for O Dllncta .se- allow the witoft'le to think
(c) Scdia,.. 27 (d) ....::...Ueing criminal 1orc-'l "'"
o�er the matter it Tl!.11 be fouud gmerallv that • witness
acting iD selt.dsf61'1Ce'·
-�.___ ... will apeak the UUtb and tbe who!" trutli. ,
(d) Scctio• 29.-�rtlon-'1 wu unable to re­

turn through il.lnella '. ill 12:5. Cloli"g of CQllrl.-'l'he J!XilSidetit may ceuae
(•) Sectio,t 91..-'n,dt of Crown ptol)QtY:-'l did e court 1? be eleeeed- (Y., doeed) t.o enable the mem­

not tntend w eatl9e the (}oftl'JIDleDt IOS11'. bera � d'-:1-iberate upon aad'decide imy auhi:nimion made

o,. obJeictiou t&k:Sll, or IUl

Y other question whieh mav
The teirt ill deeidlllg whether a eta.te:ment in mitiga�
a-nse. (Su I. A. A. R. 69
. (A)). •
tidn ia inoonsiatent 'lli'ith a plea of "guilty" ill not whether

tl1e aourl believe the 11tatemuit, but whether, if trllf', 126. ..idj()tlno,.e,it lo vi!',c:,.-Tbe prttident will en­

it would have afforded a ddenee to the charge. · sure, wben the court adjoUJ'llS to vhiw a.ny place or thin
that the view ill I� epeu court. The fact must be ffJCOr��
122. Wttnm'• ttl��-The religiou of wib:1el!l!'l8 ed ln tht �rooeedinp that the vil'.w WM in the rwenoe
should be at.atro. Cbriatiu.l and .Sikhs are s1f0m. of the prend�ct, all tht members, !"udge ad..-ocat�, p,oee­
&tha- are affirmed. Erldenee given bl the venlU\llar C"U;tor, de!endmg office�, or coUMe, the aociu,.ed aod the
muat be given through a 111'i'OrD or affirmed· interpreter­ ,ntnees, 1! any, expl(l.inmg the evldenee I • • R
89 (B). ��· . .a.. ""-· ·
if .lfftn in :i.:a,.1.i!ill. the fact should be ijt,.ted. The fact I' I
!- ••
that wit.riessea"are iwom or aflimled" must be recorded.
1. A. A., Sutton 83, I. ;t. . .d.. B. 126 ond M.. 1. JI.. L., !Aim 127 · ..!djo11T11J11ffi1 for lunch or other short perio&

need Dot be reoorded. ff reeorde<I, they muat be in the

,t�di:i:, p. 882.
�rrect form, pe.rticuluiy with rq:a.rd to the preience ot
123, QitutfoAB by totirl t11 ·�l1W!UU.-The presi·
a.i, memben, ete, on n-assembly M 1 Ji L. ti.i �
dent abould always put to the wi\Des34!$ any questiolll 4PJ't�, p. 383. • ' . ' ' """

. ,

n1 i


' '

portion o� the eonfes;iion ahould oot be read or brought

128. Evidvn,ce ge,ieroUy.-Att ...ntion is invited to
to the notice of the eourt.
M. L M. L., Chap. V and to L A. .A., secnone 88, 89, 90,

91, 91A. aud 92 &nd"to the Notea thereto. • 132. �ro�-e.2:a111"'?tw"' a1,a '"""��,.,.-Jn
129. Cor./e&#JJ'!WI -.! oonfeasion to be rele•Ant, aod · %"0& Ji:a_t.n�tiou, leMi.ni que1tio� aDd questions not
. rec Y nng o• the issue DJaY be pul �­
therefou admissible u evidence, must be 'l'Oiuntary. It
ho:c mut!, be confined to matten refened t.o lJl aoee­
UI irreleva:ct i
f it appel.l'II to a oourt to have be6ll made
euminatton. M. I. M. L., Ohap. v, para,. 107-117.

u lbe ruult.o! a.cy induOOD1ent, threat or promise haYiug

reference to the charge a.cd proceeding from a penson iD Where Cl'Ol:lll-uamina.tion or re--exallllllAtioh}aa been
authority. Indian Endence Act, Section 24, .M. I. M. (leclmed, the fact must be recorded.
L., p. 627. Indian law, unlike Eng1ish, does not requiee

the prosecutor to prove affirmatively that a eonfession

waa made voluntarily before he tenders evidence of it.

Neverthele,is at a trial before oourl-martial the prceecu­

tor should so far a, be is able prove th11 dreurnstt.ueee in

which a conf�!iou wu made so that the court may decide

whether or not it wu volUDt:arilT m&de.


130. .A cu11.fUSW•, etin if vol-Hntary, tllAde to n.

police officer may not be proved aguin2t all accused per·

son, nor may a confe!!oSion made by an accused person

while he was in the custody of a police officer be proved,

unless the confession was made in the immediate p!'eSeIIOO

of a magistrate. The u:presaion 'police officer' ine:ludes

any mem'ber of the eerviee polke. If fberefore it appears

134. Edibit, mi.,t b� p'l"Operly "pat "-".-El:bibi113
.that a person in the CU!!tody of tbe service p<)]lce i8 about
must be properly "put in", i.e., produced by a witness on
to make a voluntary confession, immediate steps should
oath and ldentiiled u what they purport to be M. [, Ji.
be ta.ken to remove him from such eUBtody 11.Ild to hl'ing
.L., Ohap. V, para. 101 (/) ondNote (j), Iu aome caees
him 'before an omcer, not eoaeeeted with the &e.rv:iee ·

police, l!O tlut..t be may make b.i8 eonfeMion or other Btate­

�urther e"rideuce U, t"equired to prove that the aocuaeJ
UI U:e J)el'!lon. refured to therein or thll.t t.lie handwriting
or �i.gnatu:re IS that of the eceuecd,

131. Written CO'ffj�riflfU.-M. I. M. L., Chap. V,

135. C&rti:jurJ oopks.-Where certified copies of
para. :U, states thtd the whole of n confession IInJs!. be
documents are admissible in evidence (I A. A.. ti •
given in evidence and not merely the parlis diM.dvanl:a­ '

geoua to the accused. Neverthelel!!I, if a W?"itkln eonfea­

91A (3) �nd (4)) lhe eopy m113t ooe:'r the nam� � th;
�o=�n.d1ng or other offi.eer wboee dut-y it waa to make
gion oontafos a.ny matter irrelevant to th!l cliatge and
the or1g11ial neord.
prejudicial to the eceueed, such inadm!Mible portioDII or


1' ·,


(c) "I produ.?e · an original copy o! R. A. I. ·

Illl!irnetion;i together with an uf.ra.ct of para:

• . . . . . . : . " (El:n&ct UI read, complll'ed by

l the


with origillal, found coi:rect,

by the pretilUllt.and &ttaehed to


the Proeeeidinga.)


1&3. ldtmliftcat�.,,. letter to br .1/J� i11 ffl4rgfo of

Pl'Qcetdiit,g8.-Whenever a do<'nmentary ll:lhibit ·i, men­
tioned in evidence, the identification letter i11 to be shewn

in the margin, T:l?e identifi!'ation letwr ot llII exhibit t

which the w:ib:i� � referring ',;nu 11ho be menrion,ed_ in
the text o:t hie evidence, �.g., "I identify the Pay a.nd

Mess books before lbe court "0" (Esb. 0) . . . . "

--- 139. Ezkibitf u, be atto.ched in original.-Nottnall,y

ez.hibits will be attached in original. K. B. 679
. Where, .

however, the origilla:I ez.h.ibit i! requrred fm: other pur­

peeee and eanoot be attached permane.utly to the proceed­

illga, the original must be replaeed by a oopy or exb'a<'t

and th faM will be recorded in the proteedings as fol­

"Or1ginaJ ex.hi.bit '0' is requiJ.-ed for regimental

reeords: aud will be returned to the witness (or

prosecutor) at the end or the inal or after

peruaa.J by the confirming ,,ffleer. The eourt

compare a copy (or releva.IJt extract) with the

original copy of '0' eertitled correct by the

p.l'e&dent, marked '0' and attached to the pro­

Br-fore the e1ose of the trial the praiidl'nt will l\Si'e?'­

ta.in fr,Jm the peoseeutor an(! defen,·� whether there i,

any 1>bjedion to any of the �xhibits being pet'1llanentlr

attached in original to the proeeeding�. .


; i


7t•l)it. dv"11-g t,.W.-WheW the accused might have been prejudiced through · this
0 1
MO. C1Wt.JG1/ f. � foundronvenient to ma\e error.

nhibita are numel'ous, it will be ible for their ayatematic

When the P1a.li:i.ug ol an add.nu is declintd t.be fact
one llltJllW of the eoure re5po11B until close of the trial.
rnuet be recorded in the .prooeedingl,,. Failun to do so
arr&ngemetit and aafe etist�t all eshibite shewn to the
Thi! memb<-.r 11bould �me« O
nd witne11ae6 are returned
requtrt-s n aubef!quent certifleate.

pro&ecntor or ad ending a · �­
Addressee may be in Wl'l.ti.D.g (.Vote 8 io l.1·..t. . .1
L R.
to him.
47) and where the prceeedinge are in duplieate, two
Hl. ecptes of the ad� &ni required. Coumel !!hould be

warned of thla fact at the commencement of the trial.

Wh�re written addresaes are not prcdueed, it shall not be

necessary to reoord the addresses, except as atated in

1. A. A. R. 78 (D). In practfoe, it is geru-r.n.lly adeisable

to reeord the maun.,J portions of 11.JlY address madt>.

l4'J.. Summtn" •P by JtUlgt-.ddv11cate.-U a judge·

advocate has � appolllted and he t1.11d the eourt con·
�ider that a aummiog up ill necessuy, it i& the duty of the
president to 11djou:rn, if. the judge-edvceate req_qirei, time

for the preparation of hlll summing up. It is eeeeattal

that as mnch thee for this preparation IUI the Judge
H2. advocate requires should be g1vrnlh1m and on no a.coount

what'!<'.)('Vel' iH he to be lmrried. ..

14.5. The Ji11ding-(i:1). The delibe?.::i.tioo mu.st be in

clceed court, i.,., court, judge-ad1•ocate ADd offlctn under

instruetlon II.lone bt!ing present.

(b) With a- !ew exceptions, a c(ltlvict.ion may �at

legally on the ueccreotceeted testimony of one credible

witness. M.1. Jl. L.,GMp. V, para. 90.

(c) A finding m11Bt be recorded on every <!barge in­

duding alternative ebergee. .An aCf'n�cd can be convicted

of one only of several charges laid rn the alternative,

ut«m a1ld deff:flC6.-
necessitating a fil'ding of "not gn1lty•· on the remaindn
143. f'-d'dr�uu-, for /�O� a.r.d 48. It 1s �·
H� �nl'I. however, be :v•quitt�d of 111\ ebar� lau.l in the
AtteDtioD 1s it1vtted to�- A. -� Ibo ri�lit erdcr, otberw1sr.
1 aJ.ternativ�.
tial fhat addr�:!l!es be g � " " dingi lJl.8V be nece&St\l'Y, i
the •nnulmeitt of tb.e P� ·


•Ddi�· Ji. I. H. L., Clap. • (d) The dat.e& of previous tri.tls by l!l)UJ't..nlarliaJ.
(d) Voting on the
i;nuat be care:tully chedted. It ia erro:oeo'Ul! tp enter tlie
ate of the otl'enee..
TV, p,int. 65. . . l A t. Sectio,n. 86 olld 1. A.
(e) Special findinlt!, · ·' '
(s-) Where P?l!"f"idns trla.la oi' eonvierione hne been l
A. B. 5] (D). . ma.v record &'special "Allllulled, no mention thereof mu!t appear in the
(f) Ona_pleaof_�co=�t Out in[, A. A. B. I
dud.iilg only m th.e cir e
{!) The entne& Dlu.st disclose oB'encn nn�· the
51 (ff). (C) the court ean i-etu Indian.Army Act,/. A. A. R.15, Note (B) 1.
(g) Under I. A. A. R. �tions of law and not
to the convening oflice:r oW�0� q{C) 148. Stn.lnc"--(a) .:iUowed by i.s....-MIJ3t be I I

on que8tio:na of fa.et. See o" .must not be incon· ne of the puniM:menh! allowed by the Act. I. A. A., !
,c�o,.. 43.
· (>) Reeommendation to mere".. f ltruint: his
h •-"-g e.
g 00 a. cuarge o .t,-t
mtent with t e =- • �ti n on tbe grou.nds wa Such puniaflmenUS _a� legally lii:nited by:-

uperior officer a reeomm o I ht t h&Ye known

(i) The power .,, 'the oonrt. T. A. A., Sectin,

--- �'IVUJg to his drunken eonditi?n �e mri�r O:cer.

e O ·
that the man he struck WU�'• Pf! f the ftnding ueeeeat-
__..1"n of doubt on the l�
Sueb an
72 aM 73. '

The ni� oft� of!tndsr. I. A. A., S�it:,11

e.,..,........., .._ «,.n,, of the proceedings. .
t ted "non-oonw:ma •."'"


- the tun deecription of the a

u - (iii)
(i) · The p,u,ticubreeetion under which the eharg�
e red in the charge-sheet. Act is- laid, e.g., I. A. A., S"ctio111 26, 31. Mc.

'tkll ruler the Indian Anny

(b) Gu.idi,,.g factMs.-Ilegud must to t.he
1'16. (a) A,n. a.cqu, Al Sedion94and98(1) (b)l
visions in K. R. 681.
be had

requires eo:1drma,ho� (
.. tY � not therefore announced
and a finding o no ·
(c) Form of the ttnknce should be in one of th<?

_in open oourl. uitta.l • Su Note 2 to I. A. A: B set out in H: I. M. L., third llpp.,"diz, P!'J· 388.
· (b) Bt?nourable aeq · ·
. Tlie full deserlptfoll of the accused, u given In
charge-sheet, muat be entered.
R. SL clllJ a<:.ter on. co1wicticnt.-(lf)
147. Etride..ct of � ed. up to the date it iii (d) Simpk Jmpri,o!NMnl.--Su,cb • �Dtence eau
I. A. F. D-905 must be prepar •
seldom be applir:able, and should never be •warde11

., ha.p.ded in to the � . the last l2 months must p�y medie&J grounds-. It is 1�onvenient to
(b) The. offencestaf�� since enlistment.
(l) Reduction-
be included m the to . ed bv the preseritK-,l

(c)Tho schedule.,.rnusl}for�i,s: ro ·C"nl�s properly

"' d not by en o eer 1 ·
(r) reduction mwit be to a r!ednite rank (aee n.
emcee � . t dro.i�ible in endenee.
signed, 1t 1a no a
A. I., Rule20I), and not to an appointment.
In the ease of an X. C. 0. holding all appoint­
ment, but not qualified to be a 'duty' N. C.

0., if there is DO 1.-0wer rank ca.r:ry:ing the ap­

pointment for whieb he.is �olely qual.ided,

Nductiotl ahou.l.d Ullually be to the ranks. •

(ti) the word 'grade' where useJ ill I. A. A.,

sec. 43 (/), hag the same meaning as rallk­

A conrt-lI!Arlial annot therefore red.nee au
N. C. 0. troro one adniini�t:rabve gradl! t.l)

another, e.g., it cannot reduce a Havildar

Clerk, grade I, to Havildar Clerk, grade Il

(f) ..!waJ"d o.f doppagD.-No sentence of stoppages

ean leJally be passed in respect of any article. or iD

ttSpeet of any apenaes, I0118, .or damage oocasioned ht

tbe a.ccm1ed's offenct 11.Zu, tbe value of. the article o�
the amount o� the upell&eS, 10&5, ete.. is stated in the
� ot the charge and.. proved in evidellee-- Sd
I. A. .!., SediQ11, 50 and l. •4.. S. B.;20 (F) aJSd ,wte (Y)..

Stoppage8 should noi be awarded in re5Peci of arti.­

etee of necessaries a.:cd pe?Mnal. clotbing. K. R.• po.-o.

(g) Deafi, 3CJSt�u.-Shall not be paBBed without r •

ibe concurrence of two-thirds, at least, of the o� . I

1Bel'\'lug on the court. I. A.. j. Sea. 8.7. The prffident

bas no second or ea.11tiug vote on a �euteu� of death.

J. A.. A. R. 73, Not, 2,

(h) s�ntenas � o/Jicerr.-Forfeiture of seniority I ,

and :wrvice for prolDOtion..

A. :,ent12-nce of forfeiture of �niorify of rank ffl

not appropriate in the eae of offi.cel"!! whoee prQlllOlion

1 '
depends upon length of serriee- wuere 1t is desired to
award punlllhment with the object of retarding any such
151. .Arra,ag811tfflt of ,. ,jj
offl�-er's arlvanremeflt in rank, thE' sentence �ould ordi­ inp should be put t P-ther fn ooee ,agi.-The proeeed­
nar1ly take the form of forfeiture of service for the: :fastened together in 1� top le.flhh f�lowi.ng order anrl
p� of promotion.. This would not, however, j tape or atrlnt :- '-ll oomer by a tag,


______J.. ____.11

.. 1
0.. Pi- ol. "Not
Gwlly" uid
� Plea �t •'Gutlh'"
on! . .
152. Finally deck that:

.All pages of proceedi.Dgs are numbered,

All quei,tions and aD&wel'!l ue numbtted. -
.•. P&p<& ...d B . P•r• A a.ud B.
• I

All material alterations I.rt! hlttia.Ded.

... ChartNbtd B' .•. Cb&r1r1·1hut B'
Alt euibits are attached or aecounted for. I
,..,.. c aod ca ... P•rt• cc ... d DO. All exhibit! are aiped by the- presl<kut.

P,aoeeutio,I Eriden.,., .. Pn,ne,,tioa I.-ri- Pac•• E and I'

.Ul 'Iii.� have been ewnm or a!Hrme,1-� the

<c= bet recorded.

I. A. A. R. 127 (B) has been oomplied with and the I

p... D a,,d D'.. Re,rilion p11e (if any).
P..- D u:d DI
fart recorded. l
D,okM,e lh'\dellOO llri· Couvenin1 ord"" "K".

f _,.. B oad F ... piM

� __ ., I

r.,..J P•SC" E u4 F .•. Eshlbito •

&imoioa 11t

c-ntlog �s:" ,.. Rn';.. PfrFJ (If I.A. I'. D. W� (A. r. F.

aDJ). IU�)

lbioibi.ta •'1." "'ll", WO,, COBYU>ln& order B.....t Do.tot Slint (L

"ii:" A, F, u, (wt)

1. A. I'. D. "5 (A F.F. blubl4 "L".

tot) ..• "Iii", etc. 1'4.

(a.di: Doc:bt SIMct S�, ol ui·

U,T. D,90t} ... d.a.., LA. F. D.
905. (A.F.f'. tN)

s-......,. ar J!:Tidence S.:11: Dod.a

nclaNd but det.:aod Suet (L A. F•



--- -
- ., .. /'
�-- .. i !
. '


lM. � at tlu trial.-(a) M1J&CI» Cn1iftcat1J.­
· TOR. See Ge11.errifl.y l. .t. A. B. 66 a*d NO:e 2.
Oti the opening of the court, the prooecutor toter,, pre-

15.5. $tluffim, of p,w-'or.-He ahould be an 6ent1 the medical etttlftcate to the prP.eide11t (iu 156 (!) )l

ofl5eu wbo hu A thorough kn:iwlbdge oJ. the ca&e. t:nd •bovt) and ha,ing uoert:a.ined that the court ll'e rudy,

what i., beb.{od. It, other'Wlle he � Dirt.be iD a po.1lio; � the court orduly to much ia the a.ocu&M, escort,

t.o l�J:IUlliDt• witn- eJ!eeb.•aly, if ttectt!llU'7, ud witnesses. (Counsel or defendlr.g otll.eu enten -.irith

member of a court of inquiry or an officer who wu pre­ the Proeeeator). . ·

. No

sent al the preliminary p�p and hall reeoi:detl

(II) Cou'1 of fflq'Ut'ry.-lf a eomt of inquiry bae !
the rumma.?y of evidelll!e sbould preferably be detailed.
been held ttepttting • matter upon which a cha� agail:lSt
In a long or cilllieult ca:,e. be should n111ally be etruclc off
� accll&ed i!i founded, � proeecutor !!hould bnd to the '
other dutia. ·
eourta lia
t Of ihe na.rnes oft!teoffl�n w-ho u.i on the eonrt
of inquiry. The W'ritt.en reoord ot the pl'Oeffdiogs of
lli6. DidU, before trial.
auc:h court ot inquiry must not be Ill.id before I.he- eourt

(C'S) Obtain copy of ooovenillg order, e�rr&-sheet, martj,U Ji. I. JI. L., third aps,.fldi:i, p. m note
!l\immary of evl.deooe, court of inquiry proceed·
J.np (if any) and Ulf relullllt oorreepoodeooe (a) Ab,nt wit11U1u.-.U any material wltoe98 i.,
abl!enl,_ lhe proatCUtor abould ao inform the court at cece..
oo the caee. ,
and, If :oecesaa:1, apply for .u:i 11djo11rmnenl /.A.A.
(b) Bring to notice; at on.oe, any euapeeted irregu­ ll. 124.

larity or lcf.'.1.l defect lll the nbove papen

(d) Special plM ll'lki' pka ill bar of tria.Z.-The ae­

(t-) F:usorn t1ai the various rulea relatin� t.o p_ro­
eased, before pleading "guilty" or ·•not guilty" to any
. eednre before tri.:tl have \>e� oomplied ,nth,
charge, may object to the charge it.aelf or challenge tho
partieu.Luly f. A. A.. R. 2'.? alW 23, and, !n the
jurildjctfon of the coun ID either evect, lhe proaecutor
ease of joint trial1, I. A. A. R. 24.
has the right to addresa the court, and in the latt.er ease

(d) Arrange for the attendltlee ot all neeetl6U)' to call -.ri.

� lllso, in reply to the snblllW!on and ffi­

deuce pl'Odu.eed by the a.ecuaed. I. A. A. :&. 89, 43 a"ll
M.1. M. L.. tfl.W_d llfJflfl1dfa, pp. 380 a-.d 381.
(e) ED11Ure that all uhihibt will be forthroming.
It the •ccuaed, 11:1 additio1:1 to hi� plea ot "guilty" or
(!) Obtllin from the medieal otlicer each morning "oot &'llilty" otrers a plea in bar of trial (I. A. A. B. ol3) .
• of the trial a arti:Bcate that the accused- ha! · the court will hear the accused and hi..� witneseea,. if any.
been medic'any examined. K. R. 676. This 'The prceeeutor then baa the right to eall w:ltn� m
eutiJicate ueed r.:>t be attached to or eneloeed reply (in�udi.ng himself if necessary) and, aft!? the
.' 'Mth the procerdinp fl'Vid"Oefl to reply, i.,.. to make B short addreflll,. givioi
r«iaon� wh;v the plea eb,:mld IIQt 00 uphdd. · JI. I. M. L .
(p) Pl'epare I. A. F. D-9(tj. S,·� parn, 147 nbo.we. tliird app�ndi:i:, p. 981 ..
61 '!

(s) Wk.m the-acC1U6d pleads" 5nilty'.', the duties of .1£. such facts are mentio ed

the preeecutcr a.re confined to (1) calling such witnesse:i farr trial of the aceused tlJ. and. a:e prejudi,cial t.o tlw

11,11 may be necesfllU'Y i1 t.he summary be ill8Ufficie.nt (/. "(Ii) CaUi-.g O • e COllVICtion will be quashed.

A.. A. R. 44 (B)), and (2} produciDg I. A. F. D-905 neues end u. ..,._ I ...-tti&,u ...-Before ... m..� ,.,_ • .,
·'d ' ..,..., CMe proceeds tbe -- w.m '" -
lf.6�Ullleoo.,...dl., • .._.,_;,, """'- ...,. � whloll if ...... ,.. er whether he should call ' ..,., prosecutor Ill.Ult con·
........... bi,"*<• - ,,, -) ...... _.,...... sliwld ..u tu·-""'"' ... J
°""" ..
�!!n:���7 �;[ -:t �t �de��� n;���
, A, A, I. ¥r (DJ OM !'ftl*'t ro <flll h� wl!O�.., :,o "" o ploll el

-- (!) Whe,re thll ate111s4 plead8 "n-0t ,9'1ti!Cy".-li the

dlcation whether it
to establish the
n�ary to call furl.her vritneMe
will be" !Jllle in­

aecu.sed applies for an adjournment, the prosecutor

whether it is his s:"1
� �ac
; all He slio�Id a.lso oonside; I
has the right to reply to that applkation eud to call
whoae evidenCf; is not ccntai a.s a
. witn� any person
evidence. upou it, it :necessary. He should not oppoeo A, A. R. 121 a� }. med m the summary. (l. '
122 !
tbe application if the request of the :lfflused Is on NILSOil­

able grounds. (i) Eza111i11a.tiofe. of wi� .

/l'he pro!ee:ntion having �rta !�. �r t� r_ro,�.:vti()11.­
(g) Opf11.fflg oddreu by u,., p,·05ecuto'l'.-See 1. A.
Jiumber, ttnit,add . me th@ wthll'l!l!I' namie
;I. R. tfl (A) and Note 2.-(i) fo moat of the simple eal'tS
will elicit from tb�=.i:tioui etn., aa may be material'
which come before a court. martial, an open.i.pg addttss
wi� c&n spea.k. This e re eva.nt tact:i to which th�
IS no\ necelll!a.ry and the ecurt are unlikely to call upoll a tlotisof no,n-lfllding cha may he done by mea?lll Of que,...
tor to make one, parwmlarly if the summary ol.
p«ra.,, 102-106).or by pe=�(llee M. �- X. L., Chap. V,
eeideece has been recorded in chronological oedee, An
o,m !Rory, qnesti.Oll6 bein g- the wrtness f.o t.el.l bl.!!
opening address is desi:rablll only where the evidence is good any qmission«. g subsequently asked to make
long aDd ooniplieated, aUUI as in aceotmt cases and in
eases wbere proof of fact!! rertJi largely on cireumatantial
A eerie& o'f l!.b. ri 111
· .
evidence, from which the proeecution wishes the court to
11•ist the witniess to� n:)'le q�estiot1s will p!nenlly
Jraw 'certem i.nferencei.. The rea&Ou for the addttSS 1.8
and the president in--�, ets lll rhronologica.l order
to "put the oourt in the picture'' !.II that they will under· ...,...... i e reCflrd '

stand the evidence. (j) Re-e:ui.mindti<m 1 . ·

-Su para. 182 allotte. o w,ii,ea�u /or the P,,,,tcrdioo.
(ii) The 11ddre!!1! s.bould be in nacrative form $6ttlng:

fnl'th briefly the !acbl whieh are alleged and the evtderee
It may happen �l 11 · uesti ·
by which it is. proposed to prove � facts. Itl ie un­ of a prosecution witness h q bee on in cro51H1:ramination
neeau.ry to state what each witne:3!f is going to prove. "the witness to 3.."08\l'ff'
. si.::I ,� so framed as to eomcel
(iii) The add:ress must be impartial and free fTom there · 'th· th P Y yes" or " " ,,.v
. 111 WI m e Proaeeutor' kn no , where11.S
llDY UDlleeessary eoI!lll'.lflnt, denunciation or pttjudice. which should in faimess be s d owl edge an nplanatiou

prosecutor may io ""eum· ni� e. In eueh a eaee lite

(W) Great caution is n�Y not to mention t� 1
which it i9J)Ot proposed or possible to prove in evidence.
that queatio11 and imawer an re�er tLe witn1•aa to dukh· }

. add or esplllin. ' un ,t, be baa anything

The prosecutor should not diamias a wi.tlle$ until be •
. a:ddi-€&'3, characterize
has ascertained whether the court desire to question him �t aUempted by queii':a Wl
to e a d�leDee which he haa
(l. A.. .4. A . .A. R.127 (B) has
R.128 (..!)) a.nd until I. . time to int na the wi.tne&i at the

timee · P�- A further rceult is that . p.roper

be6ll complied with.
found lDlllJ.ffi.cienily i.DvestiJated, and U �cue 18 �·

(k) E:iltibit, (Wl.d DoCtt�a.-The prosecutor must oeeeasary to set a.ude the . .� ·lhcrdore,
eroea-eUl:l:llnatioa fa ch COaviei;ion. · Efteet:ivn
take care that ea.eh ahibit whieh he (leW'ee to put bdore

duty"t..han the .... � m1

u mo_re helP.fw and �arr
the court i11 prod,uced and identified by one of his wit· � c a cloSUlg addrM&. t'!r
ne111Ml15. If any eihibit ( t1.g., the properly &Ileged to have
Cross-uaminati · ·
been st.olen) is to be refured to by more th.ii.a one wit.ni-., dealt with in the au:: JI! ••not. li�ted to the W.t�rs
eat:h witnels who reil'n to it must be invited to look at V,, para. 107). It m::n-1D.-cl.ief. (M,I-M.L. Chap
.the exhibit, and �Iain ib, eonneetion with the ea86. If relevant, directly Or indi wever, be ro:nftned to .Rlatters'
a document is in the handwriting of, or 'li
gned by, \tie 1aes�ons, may be asked .rectly, to the .iesue. Lea.ding
aecu&ed, the ,n:iting or eigna
tu.re should be identified. questiolll:I •�ich .&'ISUme �t�ea-examina.tion, '?u,l D.Ot

If the pr1;11ecutor is bim8elf producing doew:nenta

evfden� which have not beea � have been gtveti i:c

V, pua. 109). . g ven. (M.I.M.L. Ohap.

-- he,lhould do so, after bein&: nrorn as a wit.cw, before he
calla hia ot'ber witnee&el! (!. 4. A. R. 46 (0) ).
. �he !ollow.ing .matt.en
Neither the proeeuto.i: nor II w:iUlt.'f:'s 1l1Jli1 refer to tho cueumetanceB ,__ may only be raised ii! •J:?tlcld
eontenb of a. private document: whfo.h is DOt before thti
courl; ullil'611 evidenee -is given IICOOUnting tor its absence. (i) ���. eonvfotions, .if ally, of the

(Su !l. I. M. L., OMp. V, pciN. 73).

Chap. V. � oor� cliru-acter. (M.I.Y.L.

(l) Proced.w� � ckiae of pro.tecutiofl..-Th.e proee­

eutor having called hi.! witneseell, "The eeee for the pro­
(ii) Suggesrion1 that a ·
tnes,i ·

ter. (M. L y L. W! lll of

bad ch.ttae-
eecutiOll ii elceed". . . 'Cb,ap. V, pua. JIO).

The subeequent procedure depentb upon the uer- (•) ll,colltttg of U'Uu.sm.-(I. 4. A. R. 129
cise by t.h
e &eeu11ed ot hia rights, ll.ll
d l
s fully &et ou\ lo (o) Ck,,i" odd (BJ).

r. A. A- B. •11 and !8.. fa closing ad�

.in ll .A.R a
t ��-The d�eirability
...e appropnate �
of making
(M) Orws-e:c:ITTMMJtWII by iM pro.miutor.-Il the diacreti_ · 47 and 48, ie a m&tter for th • as provided

aceused. calf� any witnesses to tha:.faetll, it ii! the duty ot on. e Prosocutor';i

the pl'OOOCutbr to Mmst the oourl to test the value of' If there Is an y · � id ·

such evidence by C7'0M-�1'1Hftatio.,.,, · by the defence which��� 47gument pul forwud

The r(ffillt of ,:imi!Jl!ion to �-enlllU!e ie frequently, the

. oourt, he, lhould oomme.nt on£ht seriou!!.ly mislead

that the e.rlde.n<;_e of tbe defmxf. !lands uneh&llE"

np:1 11:
e is to
ent.iiled .
a.ad the proeeeutol' e.annot proptrly, ln a subsequen t.o poiIJt out a:a1. � fu �e &Vldt.oce gtoeraJJ.r ilni
e defence, and to eu.gaeet

- -

the inferencea which the coou • may
..... draw from the tam

pro� · hicb hu not kell
Be m.uet 1tate nothlng u a hcl. "

· prov6•fin evido.nce. f the proucutor 160. D.liu kfor,. erial,-(4) QIIGli�tt<>M.-The
'·) Clottd C01'rl.-The Prut™:" 0 - de.feuding officer, like lbe pl'Ol6Cutor, requil'EII a work­
� W't will vitiate the p:rooeedings. · ing knowfe<f«e .of t.l:e Indian Anny Ad R11lu !¥d ot
u:i cl co . J�-'-•Adliocoi,.-The proeeeutrtr te 'the l'\llee ot eridet1ee. (Ste po.rtJ. 1S6 (6). He. must

(q) Ad� of -:VU. the trial t.o consult lfle Judge

also make hlim,elt aeq\Wllted witJ1 th� detAi.lA of tbe cue.
tmiUed bdon or du.ring ,..
. of law and p:rooedure.
advocate, if any, on &llY qu on

( L A. A. R. 91 (A)).. . . -If the aeeuaed b (b) Prtporalio• of dt/e'llc�.-Th. "peeper pre­

(r) Pn:1ctdttr" OJI �r'(lffllll

tor if not alteady paration of the dll!ftDee" (Note (B) I to r, A. A. R. 81.)
includes :-
coll'rict.ed on any cha�, rod� llrld�II (I. A. P. D.
a wi.tnese, iA aworn P rank, ete., of the
906) of Ute cha�ri:.F\::: �nd I.A.A.R. M (A\ (i) Study of the c.barge-M.eet and summary ot
·- u.cueed. (Su porn.IU.IO eall altenUon to IJJJ' additioDA ev:l<U!uoo, and ooru,ideration of. 1..,i point,
� ..
aud (�) ). � aceuaed may suffer ju ooDNqueneG
pumdlll.ect WWUI ... e whfeb be may n.ise, or whicb Dl"'Y uiae, upon
t.hem, e.g.; objeeilOn to a charge, pl� to tlto
of art; ilndbli of. the oourl.
jurl&dict.:ion. plea rn bar of trial• ..:J.mimltility
of a cotifessiOD or other evid@nce.

(hl .Aaeertaining from the accused •hat ill his

&JIIWer, it any, to..-eaeh charge.

(iii) Oommunfoatton with pouible witneseN • for

O.e deferiee, to ucertain it they are able to

flve evidence in·1rupporl of the �&ed'II t'Ue,

and the taking of appropriate ateps to eeewe

tbeu' attend:anee at the trial (L A. A R..
_ 23 (A) Note (A) 3; LA.A.lb. 123 and 6]).

The defending officer's duty at the trial will bi! to

!SI>. p�t the at'l'mUd's ddellee in the best l)OMilie lif:ht.

....... �....,.
tU,....lfo !o 110t -ick<l ,o � ...-..._ to, tho p,,,oec,,.;,. """'- ,p,,cio
. ..

Ho. may properly prepare argumeota on !act or JaW , �e should beu in milM"l the ffl
- - .

1lU<!8tlODB JD C?"068-ti:aminatio . n.sequences of iuk.ing

which hls own reason or i:.:geouity may suggest but it
lug the eecused ,, good hra f with a view to esl:abli!UI­
would l>e improper for hli» to ad.
TIP.e or auggest to die . para. 60). e c e.r. (M. I.]4.. L. chap. V,
. eeceeed w aecounl of the tads, othe.r.than that whit.H

the &CCUMd hlmeell desireii tn giTe.

: (d)' m;,ttio• o,id ,aibntY•imu-(i) B
Tlle dcfeudin!i officer i11 uct called upon to judge tl:1u obJeetion to any quMtio"n put by t ·
e :ma, ta.l.:e
w!tnes11 tor the·p-- • te proeeeuli>r to a
truth or otherwise of the accused'• defence, uor ia he . . ·�" 1ion oe one of lb, � ·
pe.nnitted \o express W9 own opinion or belief (L A. fhroun�t ; tha ObJecilon should ht made, if poeeible '
A. B. 86 Noh 2). To a90ld, he1Jever, giving counte­ e WI _neu amwers. (!. A. ·A. R. 127 (A)). " .

nance to a line of defence which is ineompatible with ti!

. ,_ - '

duty as an officer he 8bould apply through hia command­ (5) That It it a leading q�effion..

ing affit"er to tbe c<">nvenhl,:r officer to withdraw from the

(b) '.1'h4t It invites hearsay, or an a.coount of a.n

""· tovol�tuy oonfeMioD, or evi� of the

161.. D1diu ot a., t""1.-Gf"�rm1.-.B.a.vinJ th!!
::;u bad
'-• cha_racter, when that character
ri&hte, duties,. and obligaUorui of counael, be muat him­ no 1 . put III iallue, ete.
Hli conduct the cue u npreeentfog the aceuaed.
LA.A.R. 81 (0) Dote (C), J.A.A.R. 82, e.e., be will him­ (ii)Attheclo111;otlh f ·

aelt Cl'\)86-ut\lil.llle wi� !Or th

e p�i.lSecution, ex.amine
; may euhmit that the accuaed hse or the prosecution, he!

there!on, s.hould not be elled .u. no case � answer; and

and �:r:amine witnes:-.es for the defence, take au, objee·
cause the pro;11eeut-.n h c ""' tlpon for hie defence, be-
rioll8, make o.ny �ubmissiops. and addrua the court on the t -.,n ave not produced eridence I

11rcuaed.'11. behalf. �Pf�. of one or mor,,. eiwmtiab in the charge cl.A..A.R

. Ow 1 and I..A.A.R. 74). ·

(b) ApplictttW11 /or nd'_jo1'rmnnt.-Th.e defending

olSe.r h113 the right to make this 11.pplkatioo and to

add!UI the eou.·1 lo aupport of it. It 1bould not be

1I111.de ee th� gro\Wd of a technical irttgul11rity or-omiil·

lion, merely 1iS a prot.1:lt. whue no benefit can accrue

(i1i) Whue • witn !me .
to the presentation of the de!wee frqm the p0&tpone­
mnunary of evidence is�ed by��ence ia not in the . '
ment of the trial.
��� orcer may apply for IUl adjo!=:f:; t!t�
O'Jroell-e:r:ammat!on. (I.A.All •(21)
· (c) Oro86�iwatto..-(8t1 M. I. :M.. L. chap.
(e) Ai:wic, · . ·
V, para. 1117) ..:-It is ee dtfrfldi-:og offi�r·s duty to qnes­

ti'>n ench witness f<;r the pro!!relltion on any matt.er which

llODIUlt the judg, :s:i:�dvocr;e- -Ha i1 euiiiled to

an.v question '>f law or �Ile as �TI appoloted, on I'

is to be allego<I in defence, in ·RO far a., this matter is nr
0 lor trinl. (!.A ..i.R. (A)). uee relntrve to the ch11.rge I
should Ix> within thc"wihlC'SS !I kuowleilge. 91 I,



.. ..
({) Di:111�1&0ur ..:...He mnst. thJ'ougb.oul the p�­ REVIEVl OF PBOCEEDINGS BEFORE CONFIR

ings, but the court witti reapeet and <.'l\Odour. MATION.

164. "D,uiu of prerituM ,.1111- 4"0011 applioabl"'

g,1mal1y.-A -reriewing authority ahould acquaint him·

sell witll the dudes..of the preeldent and emUN that the
procedun bu bee,D oorrectly caJTied out.

l&i. Cluk 11rriu1ge!MIU of tlu prl)Cl!edi,.;I-Bie­

fore i'eviewiug the proceedillg3c, the papen should be
pla.oed in pl'Oper order, if not already in order, in accord­

aeee witb par.. 151 �

166. 011,ck i.W e,,,wiitlm01i of t,h eo,.rl.-Colllpare

I.be namee, ete., of the offlcen ¢ewn on page "A." Wlth
those de\a.iled. in the �nVl'ning order. They IJhouJJ

correepond uaelly . .

Where officers 1Ue oot dftalled by n,.�, but by rank"

and repmellt, ellAun: tut a.o otlice:r of the N!Q1zittid a""y
rank hae se.t 011 tbe court. A copy of. the regimental
r1rdt!r jg not _i:,equirtd. When an officer of a certain
rank ie to be det&iled by a station oommuv!er, th& �n

Order m\Ult be attached to the eonvenini order. Thi!

la!!t..-mantion(d method of detailing otfieen should never

be used if it ean boei avoided.

The datM on pagt "A" and on the !!Ollvening order

should �e.

167. W.le,i. aU�M"" of- ro10.ad o,. dlifeMI..11g

o/ft,csr 110t r�ortU4.-A. etatemellt, in aecordanee ....tth

I.A..A..R. 22, signed by the aoeueed, must be attaehed to ,


the pfue� to the efl'ect that he did oot ,riah to have ·

.n officer asaigned to represent h.im at the trial

168. Cerli�• r1911rdi11g Cou.rt of i"'l'li"f.-1!

\hen bu been II oourt of inquiry emure thl.t tbe cert!·

f\cate ln red ink ia ent.effli. Su Noie on p. 877, M.UC.L.


,I' � I



. i

• •

r I

170.. Check tMt all �cuuwy oati'i� /iavll fnffl- ad­

. 175. Kon,aalili(,. ,,garrw4g evidni.u.-&fo" read·
·11ti11Wered.-!.A..A. Section S'
l and 83. L\.A.R.. �
mg the evidenee, cheek that the record fflOwis :-
and 86.
·---- (li) That all witDeMes were· swom or &mrmed.
171. Iaterprett'l".-Aeeu.,ed mul!t be given au oppot·
(b) Tllat the righte of Cl'0$1-e�zun.i11ation IJld re­

tunity to' object to the interpreter and the" fact unurt �

u-ami11atiot1 have been u:l!l'Cllle(f or declined.
Tl!OOrded.. LA.A.R. 76 (C).
(c) ::_ l.A..A.R. 127 (B) bu� complied
72. Plea of "thliUJ"'.-Enaure that �.A..A.R: 4:2
(B) has been oomplied wilh and that the fact ia -recorded. •
· I
176. Proof of IWtrmtntr in t� cliarge.-M.t.ke out
Cheek that a.ny ,ta.t.emeut made by the accused is not
a table u !lbo
wn in Appendi:i: "A" and ea the e'rideuce
'i I

iuoon&iatent w1th the plea. . Su _JJO,r('i. 121 above.

.is read, lill in the oolumrui to eusu.re tha.t 'ihere u; evidence

to support every averment ill the challe or evid.ellae ol. •

.f�ats from which such a�ermcnta may be Jnfe.r?'!!(i.

.. 177. Ex4ibi"t,.-Ensure that:-

(a.) A.ll lbe uhibits, either originals or ooi,iea are ..

., . attached, unlesa it baa been :rooorded. tha.t the

eouri ooneider their attachment unneceSl!a.ry .

(b) All the exhibit& are properly and a11temati­

eally marked as &hewn in p&rag!'aph 137

(o) All Wlibita are s.igued by the preside.ut or

judpad'foca� ._
b.1 73

(4) The identifica� retter of e�ib�ts when men-. ii"

( r) Ch� that a finding is :reeorded on all the
tioned is ahewn in the margm m eeeordenee ,II I
cha:rgea, upon, which the aceuaed WM anangaj., whether
with l'l•l'al?'apb 137 above .laid 1n the alternative o:r not. •

. l'l1i WMrs lhe rigM to fll(lU a,i. addrus <n' d4'� (a) W�re lbe trial enda in an acquittal on all the·

. ·..... ,. d -, reeol'd mW!t &how that the oppo
� U _.., ,,.,. ,...- Ul liJled. charge11, the lhldini flOouJd be aij1ied and dated by the

twaity wu offered and the right dee preaide.nt aud judge-advocate, it any. UA..R. 112.
\ · Countenigna1nze by the Oonvening Auibotltz:. 011 the I

tlndii:!1 p-.ge ia deairable to show that he bas�Bn· tht1
result of the trial • I


183. T�e 1ntana,-S8e para. 148 al.iotte. .I

184. s,.,�'ft of s111te,ice.--Se11 lndi.a.n Anny

(Smpension of Senle�) Act M.L\(.L. pp. 41�.­

• Tlie :provislona ?'efarding auspension of &ell�neer, are •

npplieable both·in peace &nd iu· war, Md are oot intend­
Pd fo be used 011 acth·e .Service only.

The power ot supelllrlon place, In the bai;id, of :1.

(·onmumder, a means o.f. clemency and within reaeh of

the soldier an opportunify to redeem his tbaracler.
lll. TM �g.-(a) The full detreription � , The power can be exercised either before a SOidier
M'CUMd aa w,m tn the charae lheet mmt be e:nt hag been eom.mitted t.o prison or atter he has stZTed II

I> E!IIUN that the lindin

.t ia legal. See I.A.A. portion o/. hi! se!ltenee, provided that �e has not been

eeeti!n k and I.A.A.R. :SJ "(D), (E} and (B)., dismlned. The btter provision la v�uable llfbere n

m. I
long sectecce hAS been awarded in tll&t it. does Il?t rob
' I'
the aentence of its deterrent dleet whllat it permit& the

BOlditr to ret.AUI hill military value.

.Power of 1111,pemioo ean a.ad should be used in

1pecial am! det.ervirag caNe witk advantage, u for

u&mple in the ease of a young toldl.er who, after de­

eerting. '11n�11 ..ntl.y ,umndera hinil6l.t' and decl&ne

bi, intention o� reJo\11ing bis uoit and of beoollling n

good u:d effl,eient !Old.ier . I


188. Ctntftl"fflal� MlN'<J1Jt U8Mli<Jl.-The coufinu·

m, officer rnuat hold .. warrant authori!ing him to con­

firm the find4ig and sentence of t.he courl Warranbl

a� generally iswed, OOt �nonally, Out to tbe bolder of

'!'n.appoinlment. Such restrict:ious 11,

n uauiliy inaSertal
rn tbe warrruit aed l'lo!r4in additional L"e>,trktionii :have
166. Co>rrrrtioM niid lltlditWIU in JJ"'Ocrc1fo1g,.-­
been .addelt by I.A.0. 1163 of �946.
(n) Before <•lnfirmation the 11reside11t rnay 111.ab eoreee­
tio.m and remedy clerical omiaioua in the prooeedill!P, 189. Conimoiufi11g o.tfi«r o/ accll.Jlu) co11isoi co11,­

but only in ao far as they represent t.be actual transar· ftN11,-:-Where an officer wbo would otbeiwi1e oonftrm I!

tion, of the trial, · · t.be Proeeedillf8 h&'.I in-vtstigabed a cue in his capacity A!
C. 0., he &llould not eubsequKJfly conlinn the p�eediIIJll
(b) After confirmatloll,, the procerdinga caDDOt be :I
of a court-martial Wing out of the same mattu.
altered in any way. Bueb defect& mn&t be wvettd by

190. A�W'/1, fo,r adt'ict.-U, after rtVle1'1'ing the

proeeeding:i!, the co11drming officer has any doubts on the ::

(e} After promulgation whie\J Nmpletes •'<:lndrt1'18- �e:eality. of the proeeedings or u.ptriences any otbf'r
tio11, the eonftrming offiett "9nnot make rui:,: alteration in ddlicult1es he t1hou1i apply for advice to the Deputrl
his confirmation minute, nor c&o the minute be annulled. Assistaot-Jud�Arm>cl.te-Oene�l. Tbe doubta a.nd
unless thr. confinning oJ'li('l!r hnd no pewer to eonflrm. tlil!lruleiffl eyµerieRCeq. and the Bpet"ific questions nn


Not, l lo I.A.A. Section 94. which advi� 111 rtquired must be folly set out.

-----· . . · · _ ;:: .,
' '

1d. "

19L 0,xasioxs on tohich advice should glrM1'fJIJ11

e f0t49"M.-
198. 81&.oMij be ,paringly !1.$td, aa a rule only with j,
(•) I! the ronll.rming oftkc POt1Sider11 that . be ..
a view to the col'l'WU-On of minor ei:rora in' the finding
ought ix> withbold eonftnn,.tlon. and santenet!. Instead of .revit.lon, J)&l'tial confuma.- Ii
tiori eau often be reeomd to. ·
(b) If he oonside.n �ion is cal.led for.
199. SptCW ft,.Ji� illdicated.-If it ap�t>.t "
(c) If he eonstdere re-tri31 is necesl!IU'y. a special finding should have been made, the � irip "I
should he aent back fol" revision, !..A.A. Seetioll 00. ,;1
192. Oo1tfirmatfo11 mffl•tl'-8.-Tlul!!e will be found OQ

page 392 M.I.M.L. 200. Stmtemll&.-A valid senten('e infonnally ex­

preeeed llllY be varied to the proper f0rm a.nd oonfirmed,
193: No-n.-cofl.jiN1WtiOt1.-F.or cases in which COnftl'­

�r sel!t_ b�lt tor revision. A punishment in eueea of. t.he

mation should be withhcld, see Note 2 to !..A.A. SeetiOII
ll!2a.l limit may ht: Taried when confirming to bring it
!K. � : ·.::i
within i:lw limit. Su LA..A.R. 61.

194. O!f�lirlJM ,m tlargu laid i

n alter:lll'lht1e.­ . A s�nteu�" wholly tllegul, cannot be vurit-J, an,! j
Jf the ecurt oonvict on b<ith of t,to ailffllalwe <-liarga; or ebould be seut ha.ck for revision. 8u paru. 196 111!00",,
on two chargeti which, though· not UI teeae alternat1'1re,
201. JInn.:»"lffld1111< ordtring rt11'8fo·11.-Wben send­
ahoujd have- been sp, the confumtng- authority Uoo1d �
ing b11.�k pr()(!eedmgi;i for revil!ion, i
t 11! advisable t,.,
wnfirm only one of. &u� And.iags, and l.'ons.lOOr whether rl:
nfer the eourt l!"pecially bo I..A.A.R. 07.
some reduction of sentenee ill or ill not desirable.
� The reasons foi: directing revision shou1d be clearly
. ..

195. Pa.rtial co11-ftrma0ion..-The confirming officer,
given, with an indica�n of the course er counee open
'll.D by partial confirmation or by u.si.ng LA ..A.R. !'i9 (A)
to the court and appropriate to the drrumsia.n,:es, but
often ool'reet mistake& made by the court, and thu,s without dictation of n.ny particular roune. 1
Obviate the Inccnventeoee o"f revision. A eon6rming
Retnf!lllbe.r thu revision ean only ta.ke place ��C('.
officer cannot aubstitutt a special fuiding .for the tiod.in:t I
202. •
of the court. .Voit 3 to I.A.A. Section 94.

196. Variaticm of ,enltnet.-I.A.A.R. 61 cannot


be invo�d m the case ol a 111h0Uy illegal senteaee (e.g .•

:reduction U) an acting rapk) er in the case of a sen­

te!!ei which i� invalid (e,!/., reduction I 'Om an-11cting I

rank). in aueh e eese the proper course 1s to :reassemble

the court to peea a nlid sentence.

Hl7. Releau of ar(1'Std.-When a seutenee is Im

than d.ipissal x.a: 686. ·
r '

209. in c:r:cllpliortal ei,-ett,11istancu oltly.-Be-tr1al

.Bhould ollzy be ordered in very ex�ptioual ctecum-

• sta.nces (e.g., where the court was tllegally eowitituied). 11

,f it ie his}lly undttin.ble,, in the inte-1! of diSClp!ine,

tllat tbe eccueed should escape without pWllBhmtnt. ln

M caae ahouU re-trwl be re.tor!ed to wAer& tla, f/Ml•re to

aecure a valid' eo,wicu&II, ii din tp Che Jefa.U of !hf prn­ j
b follin to
,m,tion in pre/�ri14g a bad churge, or to i
/Jrodwce ,ufftCU!1tl !1111dfflC&. Whenever it is oonJ.dered
advisable to convene a fresh court for the re-trial of aa

"ffender, the cese will be referred for the advice Of the

Deputy- or Alll!iaan�udge-Adv{)('llte-Genenl and for

PROMULG.ATION.-S� K. R. 696. the erdere of &uperior authority.

210 . .After co11t,idl(llt by ZegoU,y C011rtil.W co11rt.­

20i,. Normally'.-Promulgat:ion normally COllsista of
Wben a ,!ouviction by a legally CtJn,htuted court h.
�mmuwcation of the p� mcludi.Dg charges,
-·· findjpg. 'eeatenee and eo*1:aa�n to an aeeueed. The been eolllir:med the aceulffld must be tAken to bve been

promulgation tninut'e (Su M.LM.L. p. 393) must be �nvicted of � oflenee by court-Ill.!l.rti&I., aud he callllot,

entered in the proceedings belo_w the <:QHfirmation miuull?". 'therefore, u.nder I.A.A. Section 66, be tried agam, even

�· 1t- parade.-Promulga.tion on parade will take

0- i1 the proceedinp of the �al have� J!U�uently eet

p1- only when i!peci&lly otd:ettd by the ooml.nning aside by superior au\honty for a.n illegality, whether

teclmical or not.
""'=· 211 Bef�, �iffll fruh court.-Il, after the pro­
206. In. orde.r3.-The i:esulb" of all court<! martials
ceedinga of a t.rialllave been "not confirmed" r&t.rial i1
will M published in the ordeQ of all formatiomi in which
ordered on the es.Ille charge,, it IC.U'�t be held before an
ap� notice o'! the eomeniDg ot the court.
entirely fresh court.
2(11. Rec9mmmdalio• to Meroy must be promul­

gated. I.A.A.R. :58. 212.




T<> enmrc lhat tliet• i1 nidence to 1t1pport. nuJ anrmei,\

213. A MrtJficate should be attached in 11coordan,>e
mooh out I ta.hi. oimi!N- '\o the ,,,.. follow;..,, whleto lo hued
with R. A. I. !11St,1UJtitn1 0. 01> 1p•dmcn clufle N... '1. o,,. p1ge ug at \be M.llt.L,-

Pro.-.d by

ht I 2nd Sn! I .i.h lthf>,�- -

Dl1h<l1>Htly miM.ppn,pri.lti�f !•
• •
• • •

J!ntr�tcd to hlt'l'I in that
.. --- • •

R, (Wentil" hi"') ,
• • • '
At Lahore
' . •
Qi, II�� J\1.ly 1�

D11hoo••tly miuwn,prialcd : I :
(f1et1 from •llich •k Co11rt


�•n lmd dillhoi,nt mi,-

1ppr<>pri1l,011) t•tftty

rou,·d, of ho.II

Aromuoit,on . ..
• • •
Tbe property of tb.o Crowu ... ' .

-I · 1 •

I '
Wh,ch hd beo:o ...c.....i:cd I

lo him t
<>< th& ..l'l!et
prAolk<: lbc "11SDAlo of.,.,.
Company. .•. ; 1 • I . ! I

•No,,.-To,,. ilf,.rt., Nfo• ·� ,i.. l'li" of 1

1>< • �bp,.)
'""'""7 6' ..__.. (

• I

{S..s-a.•J R,,
f - � WI ,{ Uwu. , I

..... Bp;...i.111 •efl,r- f


.,. __
.. , I A.A.fl. l�H)
R l A..Y.
n,. 1111
•q11l ...ta>t 10

I.AA.fl. U{B) lA.J.'.A.R, 16(81

A. J. A. G, • I.A,,-. 7(fl
.. , 1.A.F.A.R. t.l
, .

l. I forwud berurlUt.app]icatl,.. tor 11 (G. C. llL} (D. C. ll.) fl.A.I R!Uft01 Re�• I.A.Y.R. to · P,f
fonhe trial of (N.t.m11) .••...••............ (Unit) ........•.....•.•..•. �•.••• " I.A A.R. 20(AJ 1.A.F.A.R, 1'7(a)

,. l oon11dor trial ohould be hy (

G C. II.) or (D. C. II.) for
" l�.A. :njd) I.AF.A r.(11)
LA.A_ !8!-) i.A.F.A. i7{b)'
tba ll>llowar re01ono.
IAA.!T(•) LA.F.A, H(cJ
a. 1'be c� h.... � cheded aoo ;o,,md to be frllmed·m IAA.�h) I.A.i'.A. 38(•)
-.IMoo with tit.• •pecim;Olll'IQQ.,.. ;,. t.be I(, 1. W. L. I ban I­ J..�.A. &l(d) J.A.F,A. '4(•) (
!<Ir •,,aon1U11
l.be &ll<>Winr) cun,m, nit toa11.lu flOl � cJ.qa. tbtfl', •••d .......
., J.A.A.R. to(D)
6. Tl,,. fbllMri"t' commlil.Uon. tti,,. n� IN....&..· I.A.P.A.R. ll'T(d)
S.ct, .... Ml(!i) LA.F.A, ll(c)
I. U.. obuuld IM na.
led U.. 6"tbw.hlp of ha...twrltlnr ....t S,..t\oR fl{i)

o 11xb!b,11 ..od oa •lwb
.__ n

'rifeat. .
™ tu� � ffld- i. .. S..i,oa H(d)
l,A.i',A, 5&{1)
I.A.1'.A. 4'(d)
I.J.. A.R . .o{cl lA.F,A,fl ff{c)
•• S....tiu,, t7fdj .
. e. H"" oh<>uld be r,\� ""l' inoide· inform�· or ""Y . 1.A.F.A. 11{1)
. I
i..ua.l or loro.l lmowlodp ,._,. eu • clear undmt...d�r cl. )ectlo,, Sl{e) I.A.F.A.OcJ
t&o -. - . . .. l.A.A. iY1 • l.A.F.A.18 .
P•ge U S.-clioo 'h r.i.. IG(d) 1.A.J' A. llf1Mb)
, lies:• llh<>uld be 1t..t.i:l tbe mMlero \it •n)') o� 1rMch I.ho
:.ceti<>m 'ff(dl M •od LA FA. S7(•). r.1c), IT{b)
,,_....;.., offlcer lo in d°"bt <w oa w!tieh dil'llculty (it-,,:,) ill "( �·)
uperin<,e,i, 11n,I the p,>rlitulu cn11ttrn on which ad ..i" II ••
Page It Stt1,on l7(el I.AF.A. 87(c)
� S.olilln r.(c} !8(•) I.A.FA. l'l'jc) t?(bJ
Pote U
" 1. 1 r-..� hH�w\th �i.. rol.lowinc P'-?tl'.' , - s•• - ell(b) I.A.F.A. 81(,,)

.... ..
•• f.A,A-. tectir,n ti A(') l.A.i'.A.. H(t)
t tn,ed copt.t of Ult 1W1111Uf1 of uid,110..
Pafel� � J.A.F.A. at
)'ped coplu or tlue di.r,- lheet.
t t R.A.l t.,t. 4"11-<loH

1. A. P. D, 9N.
.. l.A:.A.l.. lbll(e)
R•p I.A.J'. Ju. t.M
I A.F.A.lt.. !'1(c)
tk.A.t!A (
.JI 11od (4.) 1 A P.A. M(I) IIDd {I)
Copy <:A Court of hiqulrr P•""-iar. If aor. aC,cle-,,rd.y1. �I cloV daro
&e..tiaa n,e 1.A.J' A. H
All d-tvy e«hibita ... �-"
tA.F • .D,.11.9 A.F.F 115
e- ltqirricirt• I O:den ., Unit� ..
Millta�J"d11ty Au for"" dt1t)'
tA.A. 114 181 I A.F.A. 1111(5)

P•r l8 S.et1•n � IA.FA .•o
Sub-9'ff;.,,,. 80 {f) (() I.A.F-A.n(b)
" rf) r•> 1,1 -i I.ii.
Sob.......-{o� ""(
<\) I.A.P.A. •�(•)
Stct1oo._,1fb! 1,A.F.A. t4(c)
· -

.. ..
� i ll !Qt ll{ fM H Bf'IM",Slt,M .,
,,.,._ pr
,. IC.I.A..�.
LA A.A. It (B) {i•)
,.,.1, Seeti,o,. 11 T!aeflc lt1L �'l"a!b!
I.A.F-A.R. U/b)flT)

' LA,F.A o S•taliq" Re,. 1.AJ Int. SH (s)

Seotio11 ll(J) U, •.l..,J. H(.I) ,
l'-,, LA.1.A.. Ujdj f.A.F.AJt nf•J
.. IQ
J.A.P.A. �O(•J
A J'.F·l 15
,11 .Ill & I.A.A. J,A.i'.A se 6:: LA.r AR. 1 v ,, ,

" Arte, '1'11• v-11111.o.,. "'
I.AA.It 71
I.A.f Ao.It 71(,b)

Ord...... !110 ... ()""'"'" I A A.R-1:t'T(lh
l"'e•L Ne <qlllnloetit �
1711-lfO ol Rqulado ... � I.A.AR lt'1\8J
"AIT Pul>!ic•tf<>fl �kl". l.A.F.A.11.. !�BJ
• F.quiprunl ..t 0.1 . l U !l 1 l ud. H
I.A.,..A.R. Sii ud 'I>
Arm, 1
1 India, Itta. LA A.R 11{Bj
I.,\.F.A.� 91,{b)
Para IU ol Ck>tlli"II' 1.AAJl H
IA.l'.A.R M
'R,,rulad""8(Lldi&1 IND I.A.A ,R n
l.Af.AJt u
,, Army Act � I.A..A:;:R S5 A ff
J.A,J'.A. M{I) a,,,t {•lj­ I.A ..F.A.R aill ,&:; •�
IIJ.\(1) •od (1) LA A.ft 711(e)
I.A.I' All. MC•I
I p- " Section "'{e) ...
f,A.Ji'.A. M(o)
l..t..J'. ,,R .o{hJ
Ptf• U S.etk>n IT R. .t..l.R..r.,IN : I
1 .... 11'.A U
u I.A.A. •eo. 11 t,U,.t Qfl)'
1.A.F A. 14 1.:.P.u 'l(•l
Paet 18 S.otJ,c,. IO(I)
I.A""'"· H(rl
t.A.l..ll 51
l.A.1'.A.Jt. )8

1 •
...... / �ll,:d)· .,
•114 )J..eUon •1
U\,J'".A. H l-N.t.1!,f:;,,,
PN"• 7' ' �"{•)
7¥ 'LA.A...•-. ell ,t
It.A.I. ,Rlllc 111:1
... r.As A. 80 ....d ,1.
S...-u .
1'1di1>1 4nny Act
I.AF.A.. OO(c)

. . . . L�."LA.F.I\. Rule uo Ladlao ,ti,, Ps.., Act
.t.F.B-111 s.c. :n(q
A.F:F. Ha Sec. l"l'lcl
1,A..l D-llO, l..c!lu, Army Act
A.F-.F. TH lndlf.11 Air Porco Ac1
I LAA.ll t!( \J ond s., .. 11(d)
tK11 •••
l'./t.P.A.R,tll Olod I .i.F.AR. s..... "(d)
u &n.

atalr,, 1dd 'and 1h.,
lndlu, A,my ,ht
,,.,.,. .. lndla� Air Force An
l.,U',A,R o
lA,A.Jt. M
O C.S.-G,..,upo .,,,i I.A.f.A..tl •1
tho!• st11!'1', 1,A.li"-A.k 7t
R..A.1. r.....4111 LA.A.R "(BJ
•• · J.A.f A. Ii,.1, HO 1.Ar.4.R fO(t.)

.lA.AR •'IB) LA.Ji'.A.R IO(ll)
• ,U'.O. (fJ i�J/'L
[.A.A. 1.a11Ga 10 rad l,A.A.R �DJ

t AF.A R. �1 l.A.Ji'.A.R11t(d)
•ll.b R .t..t ID,. tot S...ti.,. fl{d)
...... I.AA -UOll,O n.,o • ...
LA.F.A. ff{io)

I.A.F..I., Nellon, 1tl.71 & LAF-4. ff

LA.A. R.,. 17. U & M. Se,:tiom II
1.A,F.A.' R... 1111, I&, '8 · J.A.F.A. '4(•)
I.A.A., ••cdoo SI
� 11, 't I.A.Ji'.A.,41
. u. A.R u rAJ m LA F,A.R '°(1)11)
r A.F.All 106
' l.A.A.R. U {Al (I) I A.A.B IU & 119(0)
l.A.F.A.R 51(1kl) l.A.F.AJL IM acid iot(d)
L".A.ll 111 rBJ (u!) I.A..t.. -«loo. a.11d
LA.A.R 30 .
I.A.P' A.R ft5(1t)(UiJ J.A.1!'.A n I.A.Y...t..Jl ns
I.A.A.R. IM.
I.A.F A,R *II, r,,
I.A.".R. '1fl {r) . J.A .Ut ff(4)
LA.P.A, 70 I.A.Ji' A.It 781•)
L.t.,.A.R. W (D) t
iul (•) !..(A.JI, 9'(8) ..•
U..tr.A.R Ujbj(i�) 4 tv) l.Al'.A.R Tl{b)

... .,
I.A.A_ MC!iono 11. 89, 00,
I.A.F.A. 112, ff. H, �I. ff
91, 111.t., and H



efn-o, in - o
f !Mu � Njmrou far
N..._ .IIIJ..Y.

l A A. � 82 and M I.A.I' .A. 8'1 .,,.,_,,-,.

..,d LA.A.B..U""d M lA.F.A.R. '8 ml 44

I.A.A .•• oliC><t liA(I, k (ti • R. ....,..._ LA.FAR &l(e)
I.A.F.A. �15(1) ... !11
,.A.A. ,.._�, 1 • P.A.R. ..bl
I.A.A.A 61 &. 48 l.A.J'.;\.R ,s ,�d st t..L.Ut. •ltll'! """
U.A.R19\D) l.A.,.A.R U(d) I.A..ut. tt,{SJ I.A.PAR. IN!-.)
f, IU(ej I.A.A. Scetxill H 111rt I.A.P.A ti a6d LA.J'.A.R.
I.A.A. HCtlOO 8e & l.A,F A, II �nd I"A.F.A R.
fA.AlUl,D) �9'bj. " I.A A.IL 51{0). (E) and (H). 6011-), (cl .-d II)

I.A A.R O'l(H1 I A.F.A )I. 5'Jlg} I.A.AH. H T.A.f.A.R. to

[.A.A.R lti(CJ I.A.I .A.a:..)
'" 1.A.F.A.R �<J l.A.A.R. H{A)

•461•1 1 A.A. Sec. \It
l.A.F.A. Sec.
A.F.F. �DO
UHi. LA.A.R. • 1
K.R. 818
&gt, 1.A.P nu(Al

•1o11.�, I.A.A. ,eetion 'II lA.F.A 19 I.A.A. aocti<>o. 1
00 J.'.A.F .A. 101

I.A A. 1eetiono 72 & fl ... I.A.F.A. 15 & re I.A./Lll.. Bl LA.PAR.•

I.A.A. -1:ION It, 11 etc. l.A.P.A, ao ond .., <tc. l.A.A.R. S'f I.A.FAR.•

l•I R.A.l. Rule IOI Rc11. l.A.F. Ruk 80 K.R...S R� I.All'.21'1

I.A.A -. "It} U.F.A. 1�!:l 1.A...A.1. 63 1.A.F .A.R. H

n U.A. v,tion IO'& I.A.J.A. 10 ol: I.A l'.A.k. I.A.A.� 98 1.A..t'.A.ff
I , I.A.AR. tO(fJ. R.A:J. �;,. o& !Up. I.A.F. 1.riat. ltf

l.i\.A. kt. a1 l.A.F A: 9,,:. SI

' I

' • ,
I.A.A.R .f
5 """
I.,. J.'.A,Jl. $11
IU • I.A A.R 1.27(8) LA.F.A.R. t•&{6J
P.,.n I.A.A.RO'& I A.F.AJt 7
IM{ej l.A.A.R :n Mid II .b\.J'.A R. 19 ...d. :,o
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