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Table of Contents

1. Stability and Secnrity in Iraq ....È..ç..ç...uÈ.....-.-.-.....-ã.........Ñ.........-........,..J


2. Iraqi Security Form Training and Performance................................................ 41

2.1 Progress in Training and Equippine the Iraqi Security Forces ...... . . . . . . 41
2.2 Progress in Assuming Leadership in Counter-Insurgency.... .............. ..... .. .. ..43
2.3 M m i w oflntenor.. ............................................... .... ......... .................. . .44
2.4 Ministry of Defense ..............................................................................................

3. TramsVmm .-..-............................................................................ S9
3.1 Transhioning Security Responsibility.................................................................... 59
3.2 U.S. Force Adjustments......................................................................................... 62

Thu report to Congrett on measuring stability id Becudty in Iraq im lubmined

pursuant to Section 9010 of the Department ofDetente Appropriation! Act 2006,
Public Law f09.148. Ttm is the fifth in a Èade of report* on thu fubiecc ¥o the
third under Section 9010. The most recent report w ~ submitted
s in May 2006.
Executive Summary

This rewrt is divided into three sections. The and representative government that respects
first section, "~tabilityand Security in Iraq," political and human rights and with sufficient
descmcs trends and progress toward meeting security forces both to maintain domestic
goals for political siabihq strengthened eco- order and to prevent iraq from becoming a
nomic activity, and a stable security environ- safe haven for terrorists. To this end, the
ment in Iraq. The second section, "Iraqi Secu- United States is pursuing an integrated strat-
rity Forces Training and Performancege- egy along three broad tracks:
scribes progress in the training, development.
and readiness of the iraqi Security Forces Political: Helping the Iraqi people forge
([SF). includine the forces of the Ministty of a broadly supported compact for demo-
Defense (MOD) and the police and paramili- cmic government
tary forces of the Ministry of Interior (MOI). Economic: Assisting the Government
The third section, "Transition," describes the of iraq in establishing the foundations
. .
transfer of securitv resnnnsibilitv from Coali- for a sound market economy with the
lion fixccs to the Iraqi g-nemmm, including
prerequisite conditions und cr term for assess-
ing the readiness of provinces to assume
responsibility for security.
. capacity to deliver essential services
Securitv: Contributinc to an environ-
ment where Iraqis are capable of defeat-
ing terrorists and neutralizing insurgents
A classified annex to this report provides data and illegal armed groups
concerning security force training and per-
formance and addresses possible U.S. military Each track is integrated with the other two,
force rotations. and success in each affects success in die
others. Security depends, in part, on a demo-
The information in this report is made avail- cratic political process, which in turn
able with the assistance of many departments depends, in part, on economic opportunity.
and agencies of the U.S. Government, the Economic progress depends on securing the
U.S. Embassy in Iraq, Multi-National Force- Iraqi infrastructure against sabotage and
Iraq (MNF-I), and the Government of Iraq.
The report complements other reports and
- the iraai. .pco~ie
attack and .orotectine . from
violence that undermines individual participa-
information about Iraq provided to Congress tion in economic development and the poiili-
and does not replace them. The intent of this cal process
document is to report on the measures of sta-
bility and security specified in Section 9010.
Although the N & o & m w v for V i a d
Mfsures of Srsbllln a d S u w l n and rhe is mt a detailed pim for achiwimg spe-
NortonalSrrarem for Vcron in Ira@ cific objectives, consistent with the public
nature of that document, it delineates measur-
The President's National Strateav for Victory able trends along each of these tracks to
L&%g lays out the goals and general h e - indicate where programs are achieving suc-
work to achieve security and stability in Iraq. cess and where it is necessary to increase
The goal of the strategy is to help the Iraqi efforts or adjust implementation of the
people build a new Iraq with a constitutional strategy.

I bor 22.1008 EMctKMiof PrÑktenc Council by Counel of toofw.nfUv
h m l w U m of Prtme rnt'dstw D#P m s n - r l 11

The President's suatcg) also identifies eight in Iraq. The appointments of the Ministers of
objeaives, or pillars, of the .ntegrated politi- Interior, Defense, and State for National
cal. economic, and security strateey: Security Affairs, on June 8,2006, marked the
completion of a national unity govemment
Defeat the terrorists and neutralize the
Within one month of seating this government,
Transition Iraq to security self-reliance Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki presented a
Help Iraqis forge a national compact for "National Reconciliation and Dialogue
democratic government Project" to the Iraqi Council of Representa-
Help Iraq build government capacity tives (CoR). This project is a broad initiative
and provide essential services aimed at reconciling past inequities; rallying
Help Iraq strengthen itseconomy Iraqis around a principle of equality, devoid
Help Iraq strengthen the rule of law and

. promote civil rights

Increase international support for Iraq
Strengthen public understanding of
of sectarian divisions; firmly establishing the
basis of national unity via a democratic politi-
cal process; and creating the conditions for
Iraq to assume a leading role both in the
Coalition efforts and public isolation of
region and internationally. Additionally, the
the insurgents
CoR began its work in June with an accel-
Key indicators of progress since the last crated schedule of sessions. Most of the
report are discussed below. 24 Council Committees have formed and
named chairs. The CoR is making some pro-
Political Proercss.This report marks the first gress on key legislation required to implement
90 days of the first representative govmment the provisions of the Iraqi Constitution.

m m i c ActMly. The Iraqi economy cmt- respectively. Approximately 90% of the Gov-
tinues to show progress, but still needs to ernment of Iraq's revenue comes from oil
overcome serious challenges, As the Govern- exports, and higher prices for Iraqi oil con-
ment of Iraq was formed jusi 90 days ago, its tinue to somewhat offset lower than desired
institutions are still forming or arc immature export volumes.
and consequently struggle with many macro-
economic issues. The new governem has The Security Envlmrnenl. Setbacks in the
. -
=firmed its commitment to o r o m s sun-
ported by the Stand-By Arrangement with the
. levels and nature of violence in Iraq affect all
other measures of stability, reconstruction,
International Monetary Fund (IMF) by taking and transition. Sectarian tensions increased
important and decisive measures, notably over the past quarter, manifested in an
price increases for refined petroleum products increasing number of execution-style killings,
that meet IMF targets. The Executive Board kidnappings, and attacks on civilians, and
of the IMF subsequently completed its first increasine numbers of intemaltv .
. dis~laced
. .
and second reviews of Iran's nerfmance
under the Stand-By Arrangement
persons Sur-ni and Shi'a extremisis, panicu-
larly al-Qacda in Iraq and rogue elements of
August 2, 2006. Jajsh al Mahdi (JAM), are increasingly inter-
locked in retaliatory violence and are wn-
Iraq continues to make progress reducing its testing control of ethnically mixed areas to
Saddam-era debt. As of July 2006. 17 of 18 expand their existing areas of influence. Con-
Paris Club creditors have signed bilateral cern about civil war within the Iraqi civilian
agreements to forgive 80% of Iraq's sever- population and among some defense analysts
eign debt. Russia is the only Paris Club h r e u s e d in recent months. Conditions
creditor that has not yet signed a bilateral that could lead to civil war exist in Iraq.
igreement with Iraq. It has, however, agreed Nevertheless, the current violence is not a
in principle on debt relief terms and will civil war, and movement toward civil war can
finalize an agreement shortly. Middle Eastern be prevented. Breaking the cycle of violence
creditors, which hold the majority of the is the most pressing goal of Coalition and
present debt, have not signed bilateral debt Iraqi operations.
reduction agreements.
In the current reporting period the average
Average peak electrical generating output umber of weekly attacks Increased 15% over
increased 15.8% this quarter to 4,573 mega- the previous reporting period average, and
watts (MW) and continued to increase over Iraqi casualties increased by 51% compared
the quarter. Iraq averaged 14 hours of power to the previous quarter. Much of this violence
per day this quarter, an improvement of occurred in Baghdad, as terrorists, insurgents,
3 hours per day over the previous quancr. and illegal armed groups recognized and
exploited the political and economic signifi-
Crude oil production for the second quarter cance of conducting operations in the capital
improved 18% to 2.2 million barrels per day city. However, the Coalition and the Govern-
(mbpd), and exports improved by 20%, to menl of Iraq continued to make progress this
1.6mbpd. Also during this quarter, Iraq quarter, improving the security environment
resumed exports from northern fields for the in Faliujah and some parts of northern Iraq.
first time since the autumn of 2005. However, Although sectarian violence threatens the
oil production and exports still fell short of effectiveness of the Government of Iraqi,
the Iraqi goals of 2.5 mbpd and 2.0 mbpd, terrorists have failed to derail Iraq's political

process, or to widen their political support to assume security lead in their territory. The
amone die Iraoi neonle. Polline data continue number of counter-insurgency operations con-
to show the confidence of most seemenis~~-
the Iraqi people in the Iraqi Army and their
of dueled independently by Iraqi forces as a per-
centage of total combat operations continues
rejection ofal-Qaeda's vision of Iraq's future. to increase steadily. Approximately one-third
of the company-sized operations in Iraq
. and MOI sew- during the reporting period were conducted
rity forces continue to increase in size and independently by Iraqi forces. As of August 7,
capability and are increasingly assuming the 2006, there were 85 Iraqi Army battalions
lead combat responsibility from Coalition (5 divisions, 25 brigades) that have assumed
forces. the lead for counter-insurgency operations, a
35% increase since the last report. All 27
Training, equipping, and fielding security National Police battalions are currently con-
forces continues. Approximately 277.600 ducting counter-insurgency operations, and
Iraqi soldiers and police have completed ini- 2 National Police battalions have the security
tial training and equipping, an increase of lead for their areas of responsibility.
more than 14,000 in the three months since
the last report. As of August 2006, approxi- Transition. Iraq achieved a historic milestone
mately 84% of the objective end-strength of on July 13,2006. with the transfer of security
MOD forces have been trained and equipped,
responsibility in Muthanna Province from
while more than 92% of authorized Iraqi
MNF-I to the Provincial Governor and the
Army battalions have been generated.
Remaining train-and-equip efforts will focus civilian-controlled Iraqi Police Service (IPS).
on building combat support and combat Moreover, since the May report, MNF-1 has
service support forces. transferred an additional 10 Forward Operat-
ing Bases (FOBS) to the Government of Iraq.
More Iraqi units are able to take die lead in Forty-eight of 110 FOBS are now under Iraqi
combat operations against the insurgency and control.
1. Stability and Security in Iraq

1.1 Political Progress With the seating of its constitutional govern-

mnt, Iraq, with the support of the Coalition,
The goal of the political process in Iraq is to completed all the milestones required under
help the Iraqi people forge a broadly sup- United Nations Security Council Resolu-
p o d national compact for democratic gov- tion 1546.
ernment thereby isolating enemy elements
from the broader public. The United States is l l ~ Nsional
e Stratem for&oo& lays
supporting this effort by: out a spcofK three-pronged political plan to
assist the Government of Iraq in building a
supporting Iraqi leaders in their efforts broadly supported national compact for demo-
to include all Iraqis in the political pro- cratic governance. The plan seeks to:
cess, through dialogue and inclusive
institutions; "^Isolate enemy elements from those
offering advice and technical support

who can be won over to the political
for effective governance; process by countering false propaganda
helping build national institutions that and demonstrating to all Iraqis that
transcend regional, sectarian, and tribal they have a stake in a democratic Iraq;
lines; and ^ Engage those outside the political
assisting Iraqis in replacing the corrupt process and invite in those willing to
and centralized Ba'athist system with turn away from violence through ever-
effective government bodies at local, expanding avenues of participation;
provincial, and national levels. and
^ Build stable, pluralistic, and effective
Measures of political progress and stability national institutions that can protect the
include: interests of all Iraqis, and facilitate
Iraq's full integration into the intcrna-
achievement of political goals set forth tional community."
in the Iraai Constitution, as well as
those in united Nations Security Coun-
cil Resolution 1546 and the Transitional
AdministrativeLaw; After successful national elections in Decem-
formation of a national unity govern- ber 2005, Iraqis made the commiment to
mem representative of all Iraqi wm- establish a broad unity government. Rather
munities: than allocating all government positions to the
participation in the political process by majority party or coalition, this unity govern-
all Iraqi communities and evidence that merit sought to provide fair representation in
they view the process as legitimate and the ministries and other government posts
adherence to rule of law institutions;
- . .
amonr all maim nartics that won seats in the
CoR. Consistent with this commitment. Prime
and M.nistcr al-hlaliki announced and *on CoR
expansion of internationalsupport approval for m i cabinel. which d'ans mtnw

ten and senior officials from parties repre- the appointment of S h i m al-Waili as Min-
senting all regions, sects, and ethnic groups. iser of State for National Security Affairs.
The announcement met the constitutionally
mandated deadline, but Prime Minister The appointment of the Ministers of Interior,
al-Maliki opted to delay filling the positions Defense, and State for National Security
of Minister of Defense. Minister of interior, Affairs marked the completion of Iraq's first
and Minister of State for National Security representative government, The resulting
Affairs to ensure broad support within the cabinet is remarkably inclusive. The new gov-
CoR for these sensitive positions. ernment reflects the diversity of the Iraqi
people and, with a freely elected parliament
On June 8, 2006, after additional negotiations and a popularly ratified constitution, isa shik-
and compromise, the Prime Minister pre- ing contrast to the oppressive, one-man rule
of Saddam Hussein just three years ago.
sented his nominees for the two security
ministries. The CoR approved the appoint- Poll data indicates that the majority of Iraqis
ments by a majority, confirming Jawad have confidence in the new government;
al-Bulani as Minister of Interior and Abd notably, however, confidence levels are
al-Qadr Muhammad Jassim al-Muhji as lowest in mixed and predominantly Sunni
Minister of Defense. The CoR also approved areas, such as Kirkuk and TikriWBaquba.

Organizational Structure of the Govarnmant of Iraq

Pmldency council EXKUUV Brancti Branch
How much confidence do you have In the new Iraqi
governmentto Improve the eltuaflon In Iraq?.

The Iraqi Constitution, adopted by popular fanned and have named chairs. The CoR has
referendum on October 15, 2005, requires made some progress on key legislation.
approximately 55 enabling or implementing including progress toward new Electoral
acts, in such significant and broad areas as Commission legislation, the first step on the
judiciary development and economic reform,
to make the Constitution operative. Passing .path to provincial
. elections. However. little
substantive legislation was passed in the
and enforcing this legislation will be a key
indicator o f progress for the new Government session that ended in July.
of Iraq.
The two critical political events facing the
Additionally, the CoR began its work in June CoR and the Government of Iraq over the
with an accelerated schedule of sessions. next few months are the constitutional amend-
Most of the Council Committees have been ment processand provincial elections.

ProgressToward a D~fnOCratlcIraq 2006
Imql Gowmmmt Fonntlon

The National Reconciliation Process level will be field committees, which will
focus on key components of national recon-
On June 25. 2006. Prime Mini* al-Maiiki ciliation and will evaluate progress.
presented 10 the CoR a 'National Reconcilia-
tion and Dialogue Project." a 24-point initia- As part of the National Reconciliation and
five aimed at reconciling past inequities, Dialogue Project, a conference of tribal
rallying Iraqis around a principle of equality leaders took place on August 26. 2006, in
devoid of sectarian divisions. Baghdad that resulted in a statement
condemning sectarian violence, and endorsing
The National Reconciliation and Dialogue the reconciliation plan. In the coming
Project is intended to open dialogue, reduce months, the government will convene a
sectarian tensions and violence in Iraq, and conference of religious scholars. The govern-
increase commitment to the democratic pro- ment is supposed to convene a conference of
cess and the new national unity government. political parties to encourage the democratic
process and to solidify support for the
The project will operate on three levels. At Government of Iraq.
the national level, the High National Commis-
sion of the National Reconciliation and Dia- GovernmentInstitutions
logue Project will be composed of reprcsenm-
tives from a diverse cross-section of political, To achieve unity, security, and prosperity,
religious, ethnic, tribal, and cultural groups Iraq must develop the capacity to deliver gov-
under the leadership of the Minister of State eminent services to its citizens at the national.
for National Dialogue. The second level will provincial, and municipal levels. The Govern-
be provincial subcommittees, and the third ment of Iraq must transform the country from

a centralized stale, with delivery of essential announced and planned national reconcilia-
services traditionally controlled by powerful tion process.
bureaucrats, to a responsive federal govern-
ment with decentralized control This change The diagram below shows the organizations
will take time. consistent mentorshin. and an currently helping Iraq develop its capacity to
empha&ison both promoting transparency and govern effectively. Ministerial capacity dcvcl-
reducingcormpiion The Coalition is support opment is the main focus of the U.S.
ing these efforts at all levels o f the Govern- Embassy's Ministerial Assistance Teams
ment of Iraq (MATS). These teams, composed of civilian
and military experts in governance and organ-
National Institutions izational development, mentor and train both
the Iraqi ministers and their senior staffs in
National institutions and forces are essential
to displace illegalarmed groups and to serve such areas as budget development and execu-
moderate sectarian and local loyalties. The tion, inter-ministry coordination, personnel
United States supports the development of management, and procurement. Iraq Recon-
non-sectarian institutions and the growth o f struction Management Office (IRMO) offi-
independent media and civil society institu- cials ~rovideex~crtisein kcv sectors, such as
tions, while continuing to encourage the Gov- oil, electricity, and health, to Iraqi ministers
ernment of Iraq to proceed with the and other high-level government officials.

Organizations Supporting Iraqi Ministries
antccs. The Constitution maintains the inde-
pendence of the judicial branch, but vests
Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PUTS) considerable authority in the CoR to define
work with provincial governors and elected the functions of the courts, raising the risk of
councils to improve execution of provincial undue influence by political or religious
government responsibilities and to increase groups. Iraq's criminal legal framework is not
citizen participation in governmental deci- presently robust enough to adequately address
ion-making processes. The teams are contemporary criminal activity, such as
intended to develop core competencies in organized crime, trafficking, and some tech-
public administration, finance, budgeting, nology-related crimes. Legal experts from the
planning, and accountability by boosting U.S. Government are assisting Iraqi legal
government capacity and transparency at the scholars in creating a legal system that can
provincial level. Four U.S.-led PRTs are fully balance the requisites of modem international
operational: PRT Tamim (Kirkuk), PRT law with Iraqi cultural and legal traditions.
Ninewah (Mosul), PRT Babil (Hillah), and The Coalition continues to provide admmis-
PRT Baghdad. The security situation in some W i v e support as well as technical and legal
provinces hampers interaction twtween the assistance in drafting legislation.
team and provincial leaders.

Promotine the Rule o f h

The Coalition has helped the Government of
Political stability in Iraq is predicated on the Iraq improve the judicial system in several
effective rule of law in the country. (Note: areas, including building or renovating court-
Police and associated institutions are dis- houses, expanding the Central Criminal Court
cu-i-wl in Section 2 of this renor0, Effective
rule of law in Iraq, as in any country, requires
of Iraq (CCCI), and improving security. The
CCCI, for example, now has 12 panels
four conditions to be met: effective laws, operating throughout Iraq. It processes, i
police to enforce them, courts to administer average, 118 insurgency-related cases each
them, and prisons lo incarcerate offenders. If month. Due to the limited capacity of the
any one of these institutions fails, or cannot 11 panels outside Baghdad, the Baghdad
work with the others, the Iraqi regime will be CCCI is the primary facility for hearing insur-
unable to enforce the rule of law. The United gency cases.
Stales, its Coalition partners, and intemat.onal
agencies are helping Iraq strengthen the rule Poor security for judges and judicial facilities,
d law. Although there have been some posi- an insufficient number of judges, and an
tive developments, delay in the formation of inadequate court infrastructure undermine
the Government of Iraq resulted in a loss of advancements in the rule of law in Iraq.
momentum; rule of law initiatives slowed, Judges are subject to intimidation and in
which contributed to the growth ofcrime, cor- many areas are afraid to prosecute insurgents.
mption, and illegal armed groups. The U.S. Government, through the U.S.
Marshals Service, responded by providing
secure housing, personal security details.
courthouse protection, and personal protection
The Iraqi Constitutionsets forth a comprehen- firearms to some members of the Iraqi
sive list of rights and freedoms, but additional judiciary. In Baghdad, the Coalition has pro-
legislation is needed to implement those gum- vided facilities for 22 judges to reside in the
[nternational Zone. Working in conjunction stopped at Khan Bani Sa'ad and Nasiriyah
with MNF-I, the U.S. Marshals Service has due to problems with the primary contractor.
begun training an Iraqi Marshals Service. The Bridre contracts have heen awarded to local
U.S. Department of Justice, along with the Iraqi contractors to provide site security and
U.S. Departmentof State and 1heU.S. Depart- to perform some continuing construction
ment of Defense, is proceeding with plans for work. The Gulf Region Divtsion o f the U.S.
the renovation and construction o f Iraqi Army Corps of Engineers anticipates that
courthouses and other related court facilities, contracts will be issued to a new contractor in
including witness protection buildings. As of September and that both facilities will be
July 21, 2006, approximately 20 projects lo completed in April 2007. Construction at the
improve judicial capacity have been com- two Rusafa facilities has been delayed due to
pleted, and 13 more are under way. Five addi- a title dispute between the Ministers of Justice
tional projects are planned. and Interior. The this dispute is currently in
litigation i n the Iraqi courts. Dahuk, a
The US. Department o f Justice estimates that 1,200-bed facility in the Kurdish region, is
Iraq needs 1,500 judges, yet only about 740 scheduled for completion i n February 2007.
judges are currently serving. The Iraqi Construction at Baladiyat was completed and
Ministry o f Justice's (MOJ) Judicial Training the prison facility there has been activatedand
Institute has enrolled a new class o f 180 is currently in use by the Iraqi Corrections
students (40 judges and 140 prosecutors) i n a Services. Upon completion i n mid-2007, all
2-year program to train new judges and o f these facilities will add a combined 4,800
prosecutors. When this class graduates in the beds. Even with these additions, however,
fall o f 2007, there will still be a significant projections show another 20,000 beds will
shortfall in judges. To help address this need, ultimately be needed. Thus, the Government
the Iraqi Chief Justice recently nominsted 200 if Iraq must address insufficient bed space,
lawyers to serve as investigative judges. If enactment o f custody transfer laws, abuses in
these judges are confirmed, the number o f M O I and MOD detention facilities, and the
judges will rite 10 940. By the fall o f 2007, need for more guards and trained supervisors.
approximately 980 judges will be serving i n The Government of Iraq also faces the
Iraq, an increase o f 32%, but still well short o f problem o f prisoner-detaineesawaiting adju-
the requirement. dicationlresolution o f the charges against
them. The M O I and M O D are believed to be
detaining between approximatcl~ 2,000 and
10,000 pcopic m pre-uial status, many in
The MOJ is responsible for imprisoning con- crowded, substandard facilities
victed criminals and insurgents i n Iraq. MOJ
prisons generally meet international slam- Security Internees
dards, but are already at maximum capacity.
As a result, many detainees spend time in In addition to criminal detainees and convicts
M O I or MOD facilities, which g e m l i y fall held by the Government of Iraq, MNF-1 holds
short o f internationally accepttd standards. To security internees (or detainees) under the
address this issue, the U.S. and Iraqi govern- authority o f United Nations Security Council
ments are funding construction o f seven new Resolution 1637. As o f July 16, 2006, Coali-
MOJ prison facilities, one each i n Basrah, tion forces held 12,388 such security internees
Khan Bani Sa'ad, Nasiriyah, Dahuk, and outside the Iraqi criminal system. Detainees in
Baladiyat, and TWO in Rusafa. Work has MNF-I custody are treated in accordance with

Geneva Convention principles. The U.S. Gov- legislation, lack o f CCCI capacity, and intimi-
ernment has initiated a dialogue with the dation o f investigators and judges.
Government o f Iraq i n an effort to transfer
these internees to Iraqi custody. However, to Political Progress
Iraq currently lacks the legal authority to hold
security internees outside of the judicial Since the liberation o f Iraq, there have been
system. Therefore, neither MNF-I-held significant successes i n the development of
detainees nor MNF-l-run detention facilities
can presently be hansitioned to MOJ control.
- .
Ieaitimatc mlitical institutions and nrocesses.
7 ~~~-
The unfolding ofthe democratic electoral pro-
The Coalition continues to urge the Govern- cess w c r the course o f 2005 %as a crucial
ment o f Iraq to accept transfer of security success. Despite these achievements, how-
internees i n a way that ensures their humane ever, the political process has encountered
treatment. Those detainees who do not pose a obstacles.
serious threat to the citizenry are released as
oromotlv as oossible. (The detainee release
bog& is described in more detail later i n
this report.) The nature of violence in Iraq is muttifacctcd.
Illegally armed groups that reject the political
process often do so because of long-standing
grievances, extremist beliefs, tribal affilia-
The Government o f Iraa has made a oublic tions, andlor personal vendettas. No one mi-
commitment to eradical'e corruption and to egy can address every grievance. A vocal
empower anti-corruplion institutions. Coali- minority o f Iraqis (e.g., religious extremists)
tion support for this effort is focused larger fundamentally opposes the idea of a demo-
on the three main anti-corruption insticutiots cratic Iraq. Further, some Iraqis who have
in Iraq: the Board o f Supreme Audit (BSA), joined the political process are condoning or
the Commission on Public Integrity (CPI), maintaining support for violent means as a
and the Ministerial Inspectors General (IG). source o f political leverage.
Brtth the BSA and CP1 h a w new cftnstitu-
tianal slaws and the CPI has become the !cad The continued violence i n some areas, espc-
Iraqi MI!-conuption agency The CPI lias dally i n Baghdad, hampers the formation o f
investigated 1,158 cases this year legitimate national institutions. I n some towns
and neighborhoods, local illegal armed groups
The CCCI, which has jurisdiction for public are seen as the primary providers o f security
corruption cases, does not have the capacity and basic social and essential services. With
to process all its corruption cases. There are the extended delay in formation o f the
826 criminal cases pending or under active national government and capable ministries,
prosecution.Over the past 20 months, 56 offi- these armed groups have become more
cials in Iraq's minishies were either convicted entrenched, especialb in some primarily
or subject to arrest warrants. The fact that Shi'a sections o f Eastern Baghdad and certain
there is a functioning process for investigating Sunni neighborhoodsin Western Baghdad
and prosecuting corruption. and that some
corrupt officials are being brought to justice, Security issues (e.g., the attempted kidnap-
is a positive sign. However, the ability of the ping o f a deputy minister and threats to minis-
government to prosecutecorruption cases sue- try personnelwho work with Embassy teams)
cessfiilly is hampered by the lack of enabling have made same ministers reluctant to have

US. personnel visit them. This reluctance
hampers coordination between the Coalition
and some ministry personnel. Internal politics Corruption in the ministries has farther ham-
(e.g., political party affiliation) is also an pered their capabilities. Experienced or tal-
obstacle to progressin some ministries. ented employees are often purged and
replaced with party elements/cronies as a
result of a spoils system. Many of Iraq's
political factions tend to view government
Some Iraqi ministers tend to focus on tear- ministries and their associated budgets as
term performance, rather than on long-term sources of power, patronage, and funding for
capacity building. A lack of effective proce- their parties. Ministers without strong party
dures within the ministries, such as policy ties often face significant pressure from the
development, procurement, and budgeting, political factions, and sometimes have little
was endemic to the Iraqi government under control over the politrcally appointed and
Saddam Hussein, and three years is not connected people serving under them. Still
enough time to reverse decades of organiza- entrenched in the culture o f the former
tional incapacity. This situation should regime, some ministry personnel arc reluctant
improve with lime. to exercise independent initiative or to lake
any bold action to address Iraq's problems of
Lack o f proper "tools," such as information corruption.
technolow. finance %stems. and nlanninc.
capabilities, inhibit the governing of complex
- 1.2 Economic Activity
issues The rewit is that Iraqi plannmg, budg-
eting, and execution processes are less than The for V'itow h
fully effective. IRMO is currently procuring underscores three objectives in helping the
and developing these tools, but it will take Iraqis build their economy:
time-years rather than monthsÑbefor
Government o f Iraq staff is able to use these
tools fully and to manage the ministries to full
. Building the capacity of Iraqi institu-
tions 10 maintain infrastructure, rejoin
effectiveness. the international economic community,
and improve the general welfare of all
~eformingIraq's economy, which has
Iran and Syria undermine the Government o f been hindered by war. dictatorship, and
Iraq by providing both active and passive sanctims. so that it can DC self-sustain.
support to anti-government forces that tend to
fuel &no-sectarian tensions. The Coalition
and the Government o f Irad have acted to
. ing in the future
RestoringIraq's neglected infrastructure
so that it can meet an increasing
i-ounter ihc Iranian and Syr an influence by demand and the needs of a growing
tightening security at the borders. However, economy
the borders are porous, and eliminating the
transfer of illegal material and foreign fighters TXis strategy rouIuis ow the Ne@&
into Iraq is a formidable challenge. ncwinnmfnt O f the

Government of Iraq, whose national eco- prevent high inflation from becoming
nomic objectives are: entrenched.

Strengthening the foundations of cco- Iraq continues to mçk progress reducing its
nomic growth Saddam-era debt. Iraq's debt was estimated a
Revitalizing the private sector USSl25 billiin afler the war. This was almost
Improving the quality of life five times the gross domestic product (GDP)
Strengthening good governance and in 2004, on unsustainable burden on the Iraqi
security economy. The historic November 2004 debt
relief agreement with the Paris Club members
and subsequent agreements with commercial
and other official creditors, as well as some
The formation of a new government allowed on-Paris Club creditors, are helping bring
Iraq to refocus on its economic agenda. In the Iraq's debt to suslainabie levels.
second quarter, the new government affirmed
its commitment to the reform program sup- As of Jul) 2006, all 18 Paris Club creditors
ported by the Stand-By Arrangement and is except Russia had signed bilateral apwmcnts
moving forward with implementation of that to forgive 80% of Iraqi sovereign dcbt owed.
program. The new government maintained Russia is expected to sign an agreement with
fiscal discipline, raised domestic fuel prices to Iraq soon. In addition, Iraq has completed its
the targeted levels in the Stand-By Arrange- program to restructure commercial claims
from mmmmial and other official creditors.

ment, sent a fuel import liberalization law to
the CoR, and increased targeted support for
the poor. The Executive Board of the IMF Paris Club - USS41.7 billion owed
subsequently completed its first and second before signed b i l a t d s ; US$34.2
review of Iraq's performance under the Stand- billion will be forgiven under Paris
By Arrangement on August 2,2006. Club tenns, including a future Russian
Although the Government of Iraq missed the Non-Paris Club sovereign debt -
March 2006 deadline for the state fuel-price approximately US$63 billion owed
increase required by the Stand-By A r r m p (USS2.75 billion worth of debt relief
ment for refined petroleum products, on agreed to on USS3.3 billion worth of
July I, 2006, the new Government of Iraq debt, thus far),
increased prices (reducing subsidies) for Commercial and other official creditors
regular and premium gasoline, benzene, lique- - debt relief deals completed on
fied petroleum gas (LPG), kerosene, and USS19.7 billion of commercial and
diesel products, thus meeting or exceeding the other official debt.
IMF Stand-By Arrangement-mandated price
increases. As long as Iraq continues its progress on
implementing the economic reforms in the
Inflation threatens the overall macroeconomic IMF Stand-By Arrangement, the country will
stability that Iraq has maintained since the remain eligible for the final 20% of debt
war ended. Ongoing violence and supply dis- reduction acreed under the Paris Club terms.
mptions are pushing prices higher The Sixti percent of the Government o f Iraq's
Central Bank of Iraq (CB1) must further deb' 10 Pari'i Club members has already been
tighten monetary and exchange rate policy to forgiven, and continued successful comple-
tion ofthe Sland-By Arrangement will qualify ment lnfonnation System (FMIS) that will
Iraq for a final tranche of 20% in late 2007 or provide m t c r transparency and account-
early 2008.The United States forgave all of ability in the government's budget and expen-
Iraq's debt (US$4.1 billion) and is encourag- diture processes.
ing other creditors to follow this example.
Debt relief from non-Paris Club credit- is As of July 1, 2006, halfway through Iraq's
expected in accordance with Paris Club terms fiscal year, the Government of Iraq's minis-
or better, and Iraq is beginning to approach tries have spent far below their planned capi-
these creditors to ask for debt forgiveness. tal budget expenditures. Iraq's new ministries
The Gulf countries hold the largest amount of do not have experience executing ministerial
Iraq's non-Paris Club debt. estimated to be budgets, and lack of a modem electronic
USS45 billion. transfer system, which has hampered trans-
ferring funds in locations around the country,
In addition to loans, Iraq owes nearly compounded by security problems, contrib
USS32billion in war reparations (as of utes to an under-expenditure. The Govern-
May 1,2006). These reparations are the result mem of Iraq's continued inability to execute
of claims against Saddam's regime following its budget places delivery of basic services, as
the Gulf War in 1991. Every year, 5% of well as future economic expansion, at risk,
Iraq's oil revenue goes to repayment of war and demonstrates the need for continuedjoint
reparations. As of May 2006, Iraq had paid
U.S.-Iraqi capacity development efforts.
more than US$20 billion in reparations. The
IRMO will soon develop contracts to install
United Nations Compensation Commission,
government-wide budgeting and procurement
which oversees the payment of reparations,
modules to add to the FMIS. which was
awarded USS21.5 billion in compensation to
oil companies, which lost profits and equip- installed approximately two years ago;
ment during the Gulf War. Paying these however, the Government of Iraq is just now
reoarations each vear. while simultaneouslv starting to use this system. These new
attempting to rebuild its economy, places a modules will increase the transparency of the
financial system and will im~rovc the
significant strain on Iraq's limited resources.
effectiveness of in-year and forecasted
budgeting. It is proposed that the Minister of
Finance require all Government of Iraq
The economic institutions of the new Iraqi financial transactions to use this enhanced
government arc still developing. On July 12, FMIS system. Budgets are not effectively
Prime Minister al-Maliki outlined his vision delegated from the Ministry of Finance
for economic reform to build a prosperous (MOF) to other ministries and provinces. The
Iraq based on private sector activity and procedures to enable contracts through the
investment, economic diversification, and MOF are proving too cumbersome, and offi-
integration into the global economy. The cials are not willing to risk applying perceived
Coalition is working with the Government of "incorrect procedures," as several officials
Iraq to appoint an Ambassador to the World have been detained with investigations pend-
Trade Organization (WTO) and to complete i n into possible breaches of regulations.
the necessary documentation to hold its first Communications between the CBI and the
WTO Workine , In addition. the United
- Pam. MOF have all but stopped; several employees
States contmucs to work w h the M i n i m of at the CBI have been intimidated and have
bin- TO implement a Financial Manage. therefore failed to show up for work.

growth. The UN now occupies its compound
in Jrbil, end a UN Liaison Detachment has
The United States is working with the Gov- been established in Kiikuk.
ernment of Iraq to engage Iraq's neighbors
and the international community on the future The Arab League issued a strong statement
of Iraq and the stability of the region. A following its November 2005 "Preparatory
sustained dialogue with key international Meeline for the National Accord Confer-
partners remains a critical element in assisting
Iraq's nascent democracy. In this context, last
ence? calling for all Irani , oarties and Arab
states to support Iraq and respect the political
month Prime Minister aI-Maliki traveled to will of the Iraqi people The United States
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the United Arab welcomes the planned Arab League-spon-
Emirates to promote his national reconcilia- sorcd Iraqi National Accord Conference (to
tion plan and to encourage international sup- be scheduled) as an opportunity for Iraqis
port for Iraq. inside and outside o f government to discuss
the many crucial issues facing their country
In late July, the Government o f Iraq and the and to support a process o f national reconcili-
UN, with the strong support o f the United ation. Since the November 2005 conference,
Slates, the United Kingdom.
- . and other donor the Arab League has opened its office in
states and international financial institutions, Baghdad and has appointed Mukhtar Lamani
launched an Intemationai Compact with Iraq. as its envoy.
The ln'.emational Compact will, over the next
five years, bring together the international
community and multilateral organizations to
help Iraq achieve its national vision. The gov- Economic indicators are collected and pub
crnmenl's vision is that, five "cars from now. lished regularly, largely through the Iraqi
Iraq % II oe a untied, federal, and dcmocrmic Ministry o f Planning and DevelopmentCoop-
country, i t peace with .&neighbors and itself, eration and international organizations, such
well on its way to swainable economic sc'f- as the World Bank, the UN, and the IMF,
sufficiency and prosperity, and well inte- although gathering accurate statistics on
grated in its region and the world. which to base such indicators in the present
security situation in Iraq is a challenge. As
The International Comoact will nrovide assis- outlined in the table below, projections from
tance to Iraq under a contractual agreement,
Iraq will undertake specific economic and the IMF assume that economic growth over
political reforms designed to bring it into the the medium term will remain dependent on
global economy, [n return, international the performance o f the oil sector, as it
donors will increasetheir financial support for accounts for more than two-thirds o f Iraq's
Iraq's reconstruction. Meanwhile, the Gov- GDP. The outlook also assumes that the
eminent of Iraq will continue to mact politi- Government of Iraq's investment in the oil
cal and security measures to achieve national sector will generate increased ail production
reconciliation and to build an economic envi- and strong GDP growth over the medium
ronment conducive to sustained economic term.
GDP Eftimams and project lo^, 2004-2008

Estimates of unemployment i n Iraq vary such areas as privatization and investment to

widely. The UN World Food Program's 2005 spur economic growth.
estimate is 13.4%- other estimates are as high
is 50%-60%. As o f July 2006, the Govern- Using data collected i n 2004. the UN World
ment o f Iraq Central Organization for Statis- Food Program estimates that 15.4% o f the
tics and Information Technology (COSIT) surveyed population in Iraq lacks adequate
estimated that unemployment was 18% and food. Including both severe and moderate
underemployment was 34%. The COSIT forms, about 25.9% o f the Iraqi children
estimates were corroborated by a 2005 United examined were stunted in their physical
States Agency for International Development growth, a symptom o f chronic malnutrition.
(USAID) survey and recent nationwide The lowest rate observed (14.2%) was in
polling. This year, the Government o f Iraq Sulamaniyah Province, while the highest
budgeted to increase employment from (36.5%) was i n Salah ad Din Province.
1.1 million to 1.9 million civil servants. State-
owned enterprises are expected to add another With supporl from USAID, the Miniaries o f
100,000 people ro their rolls. Although this Finance, Labor, and Social Affairs have
hiring will reduce unemployment, govern- developed a more effective social safety net
. . ,
ment and state-owned-enternrise emnlovment
is not a long-term panacea, for cxamp.e, most
. .
for Iran's coorest citizens. This initiative
helps low-income fami ics manage the effects
state-owned enterprises arc operating under of subside reform, using needs-adjusted cash
capacity or are closed. The key to long-tern, benefits and services that help families raise
sustained reduction in unemployment can be themselves above the poverty level. The
achieved only through private sector-led social safety net program is an essential step
growth. The U.S. Government is working in reforming national subsidies as required by
with the Government of Iraq to develop the the I M F Sland-By Arrangement. The Govern-
Iraqi private sector by reforming the banking ment o f Iraq is still registering eligible house-
system, providing micro-credit lending and holds i n a continuing effort to reach those
vocalional Training, and enacting legislation in Iraqis most in need of help. To date, the

Government of Iraq has enrolled more than perceptions are generally more pessimistic
520,000 people in the social safety net than they were a year ago.
There is evidence that Iraqi private sector
High inflation is threatening Iraq's overall activity continues to expand. The IMF esi-
macroeconomic stability. Inflation continues mates that mn-oil GDP growth in 2006 will
to be volatile, with spikes generally caused by be 10%. Various U.S. Government agencies
commodity shortages and seasonal variations. Â attempting to spur private sector activity
The annual inflation rate from June 2005 to with microfinance loans, bank lending to
June 2006 was 52.5%. according to COSIT. small- and medium-sized enterprises, capital
The CBI needs to :ake steps to control infla- market development, business skills develop-
tion. Polling data indicate that the Iraqi men; vocational training, investment promo-
public's perceptions of the household finan- tion, business center support, and creation of
cial situation are mixed, although public economic zones.
Howwould you rate economic conditions In
Iraq today?

Monthly Consumer Price Index (% Change)

'*- " '



1 New B u s i n e s s Registrations (Cumulative)

During the past quarter, Iraq resumed exports

from northern fields for the first time since
Oil Production, Distribution, andExpor1 the autumn of 2005, though on a very small
scale. Expons are expected to increase once
When Coalition forces began Operation Iraqi three major crude pipelines from Kirkuk,
Freedom, they entered a country whose including a new 40-inch line, are put in
energy infrastructure had deteriorated over service in September 2006.
many years. The Coalition set out to help the
Government of Iraq restore oil facilities, Demand remains essentially unchecked for
increase production, improve refining of state-subsidized refined petroleum products.
natural gas production, and maintain pipeline The Government of Iraq announced reduc-
facilities. Poor maintenance, insurgent tions in fuel subsidies on June 21, 2006; on
attacks, slow repair, and corruption have July 1,2006, in accordance with the Stand-By
slowed progress. Beyond attacks on various Arrangement, these subsidies started being
worksites, terrorists have attacked crude phased in at government-run stations. In June
export and petroleum product pipelines, 2006, the government increased prices for
impeding exports and the refining and dis- fuel sold through official outlets, in accor-
tribution of petroleum products, such as dance with its commitments under its IMF
gasoline and diesel. reform program to decrease fuel subsidies.
Regular gasoline (85 octane) in Iraq is cur-
Despite these challenges, crude oil production rently regulated at about USW.55 per gallon,
for the second quarter improved by 18% lo while premium gasoline (92 octane) is regu-
2.2 mbpd, and exports improved by 20% to lated at about US$0.90 per gallon. The
1.6 mbpd. Nevertheless, oil production and premium gasoline price is at the IMF target
exports still fell short of the Government of price. These prices arc roughly equivalent to
Iraq's goals (2.5 mbpd and 2,O mbpd, respec- the pump prices in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia,
tively). Due to B combination of increased but substantially less than in Turkey, where
exports and higher prices for crude, oil reve- gasoline is heavily taxed. This disconnect
nues improved in the second quarter, and will between supply and demand leads to black
reach budgeted targets by August 2006. market activities and corruntion. Efforts are

Oil Production
May-June 2006

under way to encourage the Government o f process, an unreliable flow o f crude oil into
Iraq to adopt legislation allowing private the refinery, and security threats to personnel.
imports of premium fuels at market prices.
This legislation should allow the refined fuel Maintaining the refinery's outdated equip
market to clear and help ease the frequent men1 is a challenge. Two o f the refinery's
shortages. I t should also help reduce the three plants have been shut down since May
2006 due to mechanical breakdowns, sched-
rampant crime and corruption associatedwith
uled maintenance, power outages, and fires.
the current fuel production and distribution
One power outage damaged the refinery's
process. USS20 million hydrocracker, a critical piece
ofequipment used to convert heavy fuel oil to
The Bayji refinery in northern Iraq is a critical usable products.
element in Iraq's national oil infrastructure.
Built in the 1980s. the Bayji refinery is Iraq's A second factor limiting production at Bayji
largest and newest refinery. This refinery is inefficiency in its refining process. For
typifies many o f thechallengesIraq faces as it every two barrels o f crude oil brought into the
attempts to modernize its aging infrastructure refinerv. Bavii nroduces about one barrel of
and increase its oil exports. Bayji has a nomi- usableproduct, for an efficiency rate of about
nal productioncapacity o f 310,000 bamls per 50%. modem refineries can have efficiencies
day. However, since May 2006, the refinery ofW% or higher The re-iult o f the inefficient
has not produced more than 170,000 barrels refin ng process is a large amount o f heavy
per day, and recent production has been as fuel oil (HFOf byproduct Ra,,, does not have
low as 7,500 barrels per day. Four primary adequate facilities to refine further. store, or
factors have limited production at the Bayji dispow o f lais byproduct; the excess HFO
refinery: maintenance issues with key com- thus interfere<w t n production and storage of
ponents in the refinery, an inefficient refining usable products.

Production at Bayji is also affected by 1 e period. This .s an improvement of 15 8% o\cr
interrupted flow of crude oil into the refinery thc previous reporting period. Iraq averaged
from Kirkuk through three key pipelines. The 14 hours of power per day this quarter, an
flow has been periodically halted by c m o - improvement of 3 hours per day over the pre-
sion, fires, maintenance, and attacks, all of vious quarter. Baghdad averaged 8 hours of
which serve to hamper production of refined power per day, twice what it had averaged six
products and crude oil for export. Construc- months earlier.
tion of a new 40-inch line is scheduled to be
completed in September 2006. As Iraqis purchase additional electric appli-
ances, demand few electricity continues to
increase. Estimated demand over the 30-day
period ending July 15, 2006, was 8,928 MW.
The electrical generation and distribution To date in 2006, the highest daily peak supply
system in Iraq suffers from unscheduled was 5,283 MW, 2% below the 2005 peak of
downtime due to the fragile condition of the 5,389 MW. With all state-owned generators
electric arid. sabotage. and Boor maintenance running, theoretical maximum output is
practices. In addition, shortfalls in petroleum 8.551 MW, or 96% of this estimated new
production and d.stnbution lead 10 occasional demand. However, that level of output has not
fuel shortages for electric gerwators. been achieved, nor could it be sustained if it
were achieved. The Government of Iraq's
Despite problems, peak capacity and hours of goal for average peak generating output by
power continue to improve. During this the end of December 2006 is 6,000 MW per
reporting period, peak generating output was day. During limes when state-generated elec-
5,283 MW on July 17, 2006, with an average tric' is not available, many Iraqis meet their
peak generating output of 4,573 MW over the
ek$cily requirements through private

1 Average Dally Hours of Electrical Power per Province
Aprll-June 2008

generators. Electricity usage in Iraq appears to scribers is relatively stable, the three major
be in accordance with or less than regional cell phone companies continue to enroll sub-
norms. Nonetheless, the data support the con- scribers. IFWO reports that, as of July 25,
tention that the current connected capacity is 2006, there were 7.1 million cellular tele-
not sufficient to support agrowing economy. phone subscribers and 1 million landline con-
nections. This reflects an increase in cellular
The subsidized state distribution rate affects subscribers since the last report. The number
electricity demand, and current electricity of cellular telephone subscribers has doubled
rates are nominal, well below regional aver- o r the last nine months. The state-owned
ages. In addition, not all Iraqis pay for their Internet service provider (ISP) currently
state-supplied electricity. About 70% of serves 197,310 subscribers, a slight decrease
homes have meters and are billed. Of those, since May 2006. This figure excludes private
about 70% pay their electric bills. The rate ISPs and public Internet cafes. It is unknown
billed is equivalent to US$.002/kwh. Owners whether expansions of private sector ISPs
of private neighborhood generators bill their drew customers from the state-owned service.
customers at a rate about 40 times higher,
around US$.08kwh. U.S. Government projects continue to support
improved conmuni&t~onsamong Iraqi nun-
isincs Thirty-five of 42 govemmcm sues in
Baghdad, theCB1. and two state-owned banks
The communications sector continues to arenow connected via the wireless broadband
expand, although this expansion is slowing network. The U.S. Government continues to
down in comparison with its explosive growth train Iraqi telecommunications engineers on
immediately after the fall of the previous proper operations and maintenance proce-
regime. Whereas the number of landlinc sub- dures to maintain and broaden this network.

1 Cumulative Communications Subtcriber Data 1

and outside the country remains a serious

issue. Turkey, where high taxes keep gasoline
New projects have "added capacity to provide pricednear USS5 a gallon, is a lucrative target
1estimated 4.2 million people with access to for smugglers. However, a significant portion
notable water-an increase o f 11 million o f illegal trade results i n constraining the
people since the Ma) 2006 reportÑbu direct supply ofgasoline in Baghdad, giving motor-
mcasument of water actually delivered to ists few alternatives t o purchasing black
Iraqis is not availaole"' Additional projecb market fuel at increased prices. Some pipeline
currently under way should increase infra- interdictions are due to insurgent attacks.
structure capacity to provide access to clean while some are botched attempts to steal fuel
water to as many as 5 million more people. . .. -.
bv taooine" into a flowinc oroduct line. Other
incidents include deliberate acts of sabotage
Obstacles to Pmsress iirended 10 manipulate the fuel suppl, 10 spur
increased profits for black marketeers and
There is significant black market activity in corrupt officials.
Iraq, much o f it in oil products. Although
crude oil can be sold on the black market, Black market prices for fuel vary by refined
refined product requires less handling, can be fuel type: Benzene typically sells for 3-5
sold almost anywhere, and is more difficult to times the government establishedprice, white
trace, thereby making i t more profitable. LPG has recently been selling for 10-20 times
Much o f the black market and cornpiion the official price. This gap between the
activity centers on refined products, such as offtcial price and the black market price pro-
gasoline, benzene, LPG, and diesel. vides a strong incentive for corruption. The
U.S. Embassy has engaged the Government
Although the increases in the official prices o f Iraq to follow through on their staled com-
have reduced the economic incentive to mitment to encourage liberalization o f the
smuggle fuel, smuggling fuel for resale inside retail file! market through enactment o f the
Fuel Import Liberalization Law being con-
sidered by the CoR. This reform wilt allow
' Special Inspector General Iraq Reconstruction the private sector to import fuel and sell i t at
(SIOIR)rcpon,30 April 06, http://www.slgir.inil.
market prices. This step is viewed with con- . Iraqi public perceptions of security and
troversy in Iraq. Economists predict that
private sector retail vendors of petroleum
products would undercut the illegal market,
thus driving them out of business once the
. security institutions; and
capabilities of the ISF and Iraqi

Government of Iraq passes the import liberal- Information about the ISF is presented later in
ization law. this report.

1.3 The Security Environment OverallAssessment of the Security

Defeating the enemy, breaking the cycle of
violence, promoting reconciliation, and transi- During this reporting period, attacks and
timing security responsibility to the Govern- civilian casualties have risen, characterized by
ment of Iraq remain the top goals in the secu- ethno-sectarian attacks and reprisals. Violence
rity track. To achieve these goals, the United escalated notably in Baghdad, which, as the
States, its Coalition partners, and the Govern- political, population, and media center of the
ment of Iraq are focused on objectives that country, is a high-value target for terrorists
include: Violence in Basrah also rose, partly in
response to British actions against the JAM.
The death of terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
 neutralizing enemy effectiveness, influ-
in June was a major success for the Coalition
ence, and ability to intimidate; and the Government of Iraq, but al-Qaeda in
rapidly reducing sectarian violence and Iraq remains able to conduct operations due to
eliminating death squads; its resilient, scmi-autonomous cellular smc-
i c i n g the capacity of the Govern- lure ofcommand and control. Terrorists have
ment of Iraq and its security structures failed to advance their primary objectives,
and forces to provide national security which include derailing Iraq's political
and public order; and process and widening their political support
helping Iraq strengthen rule of law among the Iraqi people. The Iraqi Army took
capabilities in the areas of law enforce- the lead in more counter-insurgency opera-
ment, justice, and the corrections tions and assumed security responsibility in
system. more areas since the last report. The Iraqi
people continue to express confidence in the
Indicator's of the security environment Iraqi Army to provide for their security and to
include: reject al-Qaeda in Iraq's vision of Iraq's
future, but they are increasingly turning to
militias and neighborhood watch groups to
composition. strength, and support for
provide security from sectarian violence.
groups that threaten security and stabil-
ity: anti-government and anti-Coalition Overall attack levels are higher than last
forces (the "enemy"); quarter. In particular, attacks have increased
activity, support, and efforts to disband,

. disarm, and reintegrate militias,

attack trends (including the number of
attacks and their effectiveness);
in southwestern Diyala Province and in the
cities of Mosul and Kirkuk. Extremists seek-
ing to stoke ethno-sectarian strife have
increasingly focused their efforts on civilians,
 levels ofsectarian violence: inciting a cycle of retribution killings and
AI-Qaeda i n Iraq Influence

) Â InInq Influwic*bd*c-lm In r n v e i ! m W


, ,
Fçb-0 MT-O*

driving civilian casualties to new highs. Much respective sectarian groups. However, the
o f this violence is focused on Baghdad, as Sunni Arab insurgence remains potent and
terrorists, insurgents, and illegal armed groups viable, although its visibility has been over-
recognized the political and economic signifi- shadowed by the increase i n sectarian
cance o f the capital city. As described below, violence.
the Government of Iraq and the Coalition arc
taking significant steps to reverse the upward On June K, 2006. Iraqi Prime Minister
trend o f violence i n Baghdad. al-Maliki announced the government's plan to
provide improved security conditions in
RecentDevelo~mentsIn the SecurlQ Baghdad. Operation Together Forward, or
Environment Amaliya Ma'an ;/a A/-Amam i n Arabic, con-
sists o f increased checkpoints, curfews, and
Rising sectarian strife defines the emerging enforced weapons bans to reduce sectarian
nature o f violence i n mid-2006. Since the last violence i n focused areas within Baghdad.
report, the core conflict in Iraq changed into a Security forces are also conducting raids
struggle between Sunni and Shi'a extremists against terrorist cells and death squads. As
seeking to control key areas in Baghdad, part o f this operation, Iraqi poiice, the Iraqi
create or protect sectarian enclaves, divert Army, and National Police, supported by
economic resources, and impose their own Coalition forces, increased patrols and check-
respective political and religious agendas. points i n all areas o f Baghdad, while concen-
Death squads and terrorists are locked i n trating on areas ofthe city that have witnessed
mutually reinforcing cycles of sectarian strife, increases i n violence and sectarian killings.
with Sunni and Shi'a extremists each portray- Security forces also worked to block terrorist
ing themselves as the defenders o f their i t r y into the capital city.

The confluence of high attack level-any predominance of the execution-style killings
tarsetine civilians~andthe increased sec- and other murders in the city. The death
tarin %iolcnce. combined with the need to squads have fomented sectarian violence, as
r e that the Government of Iraq maintains killings prompt further killings of revenge.
momentum in polit cal progress and counter- Coalition forces and the [SF are also targeting
insurgency, made Baghdad security a decisive the death squads and other illegal armed
element in the campaign. Given the com- groups using checkpoints, patrols, driving
plexity of the security situation in Baghdad, bans, curfews, weapons-law enforcement,
the Iraai sovernment olanned to execute and intelligence-driven operations, and other
complete Ama11,a Ua'an ila Ai-Amam over a methods. The ISF will rely on their training,
period of months, not weeks After the first experience, and familiarity with Baghdad's
north of A m a h a Ma an ,lo Al-Amam, the m u to focus on neighborhoods with the
operation had arrested bat had not reversed highest levels of violence. Coalition forces
the high attack levels seen in May and June. remain in a supporting role and will he
The average of 23 7 attacks per day across employed as requested by Prime Minister
Bashdad's It) districts was virtuallv un- al-Maliki and directed by the MNF-I com-
changed from the 23.8 average daily attacks manding general.
that occurred the month prior to the operation
Moreover, the rate of sectarian-motivated The two primary objectives of the security
murders and execution-style killings con- operations in Baghdad are rapidly reducing
tinued to rise, primarily in and around sectarian violence by de-legitimizing the
Baghdad. illegally armed groups and establishing the
ISF as the dominant security presence. The
In July, during the prime minister's first visit changes described above represent a con-
to the United States, Prime Ministerel-Maliki certed, focused effort by the Coalition and the
and President Bush announced an adjustment Government of Iraq. By strengthening the
to the Baghdad Security Plan. One'of the key capacity of the Government of Iraq and
changes is an increase in security force levels spurring economic growth in Baghdad, the
in the city. Elements of the Call Forward United States will help the Government of
Force were brought forward from Kuwait and Iraq succeed in protecting its population and
other Coalition and Iraqi units were reposi- restoring the confidence of the Iraqi people in
tioned from less active areas of the country. In their future.
addition. the Secretary of Defense extended
the 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team's The Nature of the Conflict
deployment in Iraq for up to 120 days.
Because the 172nd was largely successful in Violence in Baghdad is the most prominent
working with the ISF to improve security in feature of the conflict in Iraq in this period, as
northern Iraq, it has been repositioned into Sunni and Shi'a extremist death squads
Baghdad. pursue their sectarian agendas. The resulting
violence overwhelmingly targets civilians,
In addition to Increasing force levels in s i n g segments of the populace to tolerate
d i d , the Coalition and the Government or even endorse extremist actions on their
of Iraq developed and refined tactics, tech- behalf as an effective means to guarantee their
niques, and procedures designed to reduce the safety, undermining both the Government of
sectarian killings. A primary focus is elimi- Iraq's ability to deliver security and its pursuit
nating the death squads responsible for the of a reconciliation program. Although

Baghdad remains the focus for sectarian and al-Sadr) are among most prominent groups
terrorist violence in Iraq, violence tied to the engaging in a continuing pattern of attacks
Rejectionist insurgency, terrorist intimidation, and reprisals against individuals or com-
political and tribal tensions, and criminality munities representing the other's sectarian
continue in other regions. Sectarian violence affiliation. Thus, the violence in Iraq cannot
is gradually spreading north into Diyala be categorized as the result of a single
Province and Kirkuk as Sunni, Shi'a, and organized or unified opposition or insurgency;
Kurdish groups compete for provincial the security situation is currently at its most
iifluence. Conflict in Anbar Province remains complex state since the initiation of Operation
centered on the Sunni insurgency. Although Iraqi Freedom. Similarly, Iraqi or Coalition
alQaeda in Iraq continues its intimidation to security strategies must be tailored for the
coerce passive Sunni support, tribes are different objectives, methods, and support
pushing back to eject al-Qada in Iraq and re- structures of each particular threat
establish their dominant role. In the southern,
predominantly Shi'a region of the country, Temrists and Foreign Fiehiers
political and tribal rivalries are a growing
motive behind violence, particularly in AIQaeda in Iraq and its affiliates in the
Basrah, with limited anti-Coalition forces Mujahadcen Shura Council consist of both
attacks likely undertaken by rogue Shi'a foreigners and Iraqis motivated by an
militia with Iranian support. extremist Sunni Islamist ideology, which
rejects the West, attacks moderate Islam, and
The Enemy seeks to establish an IslamicCaliphate in Iraq.
AS is another significant, mostly indigenous
.. .
Violence aeainst the Iraai o e o ~ l eand Coali-
Don forces s committed generally by à wm-
terrorist group that objects to al-Qaeda in
Iraq's wanton targeting of Muslim Iraqis.
binmiun of both Sunni and Shi'a groups, who Foreign fighters continue to enter Iraq and
e uvew helmingls Iraqi but with a small y d constitute (he majority of those conducting
significant component of foreign suicide suicide attacks. Sunni extremists continue
operatives. Sunni groups include Rejection- their efforts to force Coalition withdrawal,
its-many of whom were members of, or perpetuate sectarian violence, and make Iraq
associated with, the former regimeÑan ngovemablc as a means of establishing the
terrorists groups, including al-Qaeda in Iraq, Caliphate, The death of Abu Musab al-
Ansar al Sunnah (AS), and other smaller Zarqawi has dealt a significant blow to al-
groups. Shi'a groups include elements of Qaeda in Iraq, though the cellular nature of its
militias and illegal anned groups, many of robust network allowed decentralized opera-
whom receive Iranian support. The threat tions to continue. Since then, al-Qaeda in Iraq
posed by Shi'a illegal armed groups, filling has fomented sectarian violence through high-
perceived and actual security vacuums, is profile attacks against Shi'a civilians and is
growing and represents a significant challenge engaged in a cycle of retaliatory violence
for the Iraqi government. The appearance and involving elements of JAM. Al-Qaeda in Iraq
activity of death squads Is a growing aspect of recently announced that its "Utnar Brigade*'
the violence in Iraq, with both Sunni and that would begin targeting JAM in retaliation
Shi'a death squads adding to the violence by for death squad activities in an effort to
targeting civilians and inciting reprisal. Al- portray al-Qacda in Iraq as a protector of the
Qaeda in Iraq and elements of JAM Sunni. Additionally, al-Qacda in Iraq leader-
(nominally under the control o f Muqtada ship is increasing convergent with al.Qaeda
senior leaders on goals and strategy following tion tactics and actively oppose al-Qaeda in
Zarqawi's death. The recent statement from Iraq, sometimes mounting their own anti-al-
Usama bin Laden on June 30,2006, in which Qaeda in Iraq attacks and raids.
he addresses the Iraqi "jihadis," frames the
conflict in terms o f attacking those who
support the Govcnuncnt of Iraq. He also
warns Shi'a in "southern Iraq" that they are Death squads are armed groups that conduct
not safe, ifthey continue to support Coalition extra-judicial killings. Death squads are
operations against Sunni urban centers in fanned from terrorists, militias, illegal armed
Anbar Province. This is a clear attempt to groups, and-in some case-rogue elements
recast aliQaeda i n Iraq as the most effective of the ISF. Both Shi'a and Sunni death squads
defender of Sunni interests. arc active in Iraq, and arc responsible for the
most significant increases in sectarian vio-
lence. Death squads predominantly target
civilians, and the increase in death squad
Sunni Rejeetionists use violence and coercion activity isdirectly correlated with the increase
1 an anempi to force withdrawal of Coalition of civilian casualties. Coalition forces and the
forces, prevent Shi'a economic and tenitorial ISF are actively largering elements that
dominance, and reverse Sunni political participate in death squad activity.
marginalization by regaining a privileged or
protected status within a unified Iraq, The Militias and Other-
1920s Revolutionary Brigade is the most
prominent of these Rejectionist groups. Sunni Militias and small, illegally armed groups
Rejectionists continue to target Coalition operate openly and often with popular
forces at rates higher than Sunni extremist or support. This i s espaoially true i n areas where
Shi'a militia groups. The bulk of the Rcjec- the Government o f Iraq is perceived as unable
tionist insurgency w i l l likeiy continue to to provide effective social and security
attack Coalition forces while they remain i n services for the population. Miliias-whether
Iraq. Some elements are indicating an interest legal or illegal-provide an element of
in Prime Minister al-Maliki's new rewncilia- protection for select portions o f the populace,
tion effort, while still employing violence usually on an ethno-sectarian basis, resulting
against the Coalition forces and the ISF from in, overall, a more dangerous environment for
a sense of honor and as a means to force the Iraqi community. Some militias also act as
meaningful political accommodation. Moder- the security arm of organizations devoted 10
ates say they w i l l accept reconciliation social relief and welfare. lending these armed
inducements and disarm only after death groups further . ~ i u m a c y Whether operating
squads ore eliminated; Shi'a militias are /,thin or outside the la%. these armed groups
disarmed, and key security, amnesty, and operate separatcl) from formal public safel>
political demands are met. Other hard-line structures. Their continued existence chai-
elements o f Rejectionist groups provide pro- lenges the legitimacy of the constitutional
fessional military skills to al-Qaeda i n Iraq government and provides a conduit for
and other extremists to achieve wmmon foreign interference. A n effective disanna-
tactical objectives. Other Rejectionists, men< demobilization, and reintegration pro-
including some in Anbar and Baghdad, e gram is essential to meeting near- and long-
weary o f al-Qaeda in Iraq's violent intimida- term security requirementsfor Iraq.

Although a number of militias and ilkgal The Peshmerga are, technically, not a militia,
armed groups have operated i n Iraq since but have the status of an authorized armed
before the liberation, the groups that are force. The Peshmerga maintain security i n k -
affecting the current security situation the pendently within and along the borders for the
most arethe Badr Organization and JAM. Kurdish Regional Government, Some ele-
ments are integrated into the IPS. The
The Badr Organization is an authorized Peshmerga predominantly operate in Kurdish
militia under the Iraqi Transitional Adminis- regions, but have also been employed in the
trative Law that predated the present Consti- private security company role outside o f
tution, and the organization actively partici- Kurdistan. The Peshmerga do not attack or
pates i n the Iraqi government. The Badr oppose Coalition forces or the ISF. I n some
Organization has not engaged i n active via- cases, Peshmerga provide security for Coali-
lencc against Coalition forces or the Govern- t i reconstruction efforts. Over the long
mcnt o f Iraq; i t attacks Sunni targets and in term, however, the perceived dual allegiance
the past has also confronted JAM in an effort o f the Peshmeqa is potentially inconsistent
to prevent its expansion o f power and with effective national security and gover-
influence among the Shi'a. The Badr Organ- nance.
ization receives financial and materiel support
6x1Iran, and individuals from Badr have Unlike the Kurdish and Shi'a militia pups.
been implicated in death squads. Sunni Arabs do not have formally organized
militias, but rely on neighborhood watches,
JAM is not a legal militia under Iraqi law. Rejectionists, and, increasingly, al-Qaeda in
However. it is well known and supported Iraq. The presence o f Peshmerga, Badr
popularly in Baghdad and the southern prov- Organization, and J A M individuals in the IPS
i n c e of Iraq, and has achieved a measure of and the National Police contributes to Summi
tolerance from elements of the Government of concerns about the potential for persecutuon
Iraq. JAM is closely associated with the anJ partisan-imp. The rise of sectarian attacks
Office of the Martyr Sadr and is nominally is driving some Sunrn and Sh 'a civilians in
responsive to his direction. Most, but not all, Baghdadand the mixed-ethnic provinces to
JAM elements are following Sadr's order not support militias. Such support is likely to con-
to encase Coalition forces or the 1SF excent ti: in areas where Iraqi institutions and
in self-defense. Still, violence between JAM. forces arc perceived as unable to provide
the Iraqi Ann), and lo a lesser c x m Coalr essential services or meet security require-
lion iorces, is frequent. Rogue JAM elements ments.
are among the main perpetrators o f sectarian
violence, and J A M members frequently par-
ticipate in death squad activities. As described
above, JAM and Badr Organization members Without an apparent political motive, conven-
have periodically attacked one another in the tional criminal elements are also capitalizing
past and are political rivals, but intra-Shi'a on the instability in Iraq, although it is
conflict has taken a hack seat to the ongoing increasingly difficult to distinguish among
battle of violence and revenge between al- activities conducted by criminal, insurgent,
Qaeda in Iraq and elements o f JAM. Like and terrorist groups, as all are engaged in
Badr, JAM receives logistical support from kidnappings, extortion, assaults, and other
Iran. illegal behavior. I n some cases, criminal

gangs work with terrorist organizations, with of casualties. Overall, Iraqi casualties
the former abducting hostages and selling increased by 51% compared to the previous
them to the latter, which can use their captives quarter. Most attacks targeting Coalition
for publicity or to obtain ransom. The various forces were "stand-off' attacks, not involving
groups involved in illicit activity are doing so close-up confrontations between Coalition
to generate revenue, expand their influence, forces and insurgents. Such attacks typically
and facilitate farther criminal, terrorist, or consisted of improvised explosive devices
insurgent operations. (IEDs), small arms fire, and indirect fire
weapons. The number of car bombs this
Attack Trends and Violence quarter increased to levels last seen in the
summer of 2005. Over the last quarter, car
For this report, the term "attacks" refers to bombs were largely centered on Baghdad,
specific incidents reported in the Muhi- Mosui, Kirkuk, and the Western Euphrates
National Corps-Iraq (MNC-I) Significant valley, and primarily targeted civilians or ISF
Activities database. It includes known attacks checkpoints.
on Coalition forces, the ISF. the civilian
population, and infrastructure. Although the overall number of attacks
increased in all categories, the proportion of
In the government establishment period those attacks directed against civilians
beginning May 20,2006, the average number increased substantially. Nationally, in April
of weekly attacks increased 15% compared to 2006, civilians were the target of 11% of
the previous reporting period. Weekly attack attacks; this increased to 15% in June 2006.
levels in July 2006 were the highest to date. Baghdad showed a more pronounced shift in
Coalition forces continued to attract the the targeting of civilians compared to the
majority (63%) of attacks However, the ISF national trend. In Baghdad, civilian targets
and civilians continued to suffer the majority comprised 15% of total attacks in April and

- - ---- -

A v e n g e Weekly Attacks b y Time Period

1 Apr 04-11 Aug 06

A w l s f . SOW

Average Dally Casualties"- Iraqi (including ISF) and Coalltlm
1 A ~ r 0 4 - 1 1Aua 06

Total Attacks by Province

20 M a y 4 Aug 06

22% in June. The increase in attacks over the Four of Iraq's 18 provinces (Anbar, Baghdad,
past two quarters reflectsheightened sectarian Diyala, and Salah ad Din) continue to expert.
tension following the Golden Mosque bomb- a c e the majority of attacks. Anbar and
ing and increaseddeath squad activity. Baghdad are the worst affected provinces,
accounting for 55% of all attacks. Further, disrupting public essential services. Although
Ninewah and Tamim have seen significant the number o f attacks is decreasing, the
increasesi n attacks over the last quarter. essential services infrastructure w i l l continue
to be a high-value target for enemy elements.
Successful attacks on the infrastructure
adversely affec: the Ie~iomacyo f government
The average weekly number o f snacks on i n the minas o f the civil populat.on by
critical infrastructure providing essential ser- reducing the supply o f essential services.
vices to the Iraqi people, such as electrical
power. water, and fuel, continued to decline
over the past quarter, decreasing from an
averme o f five oer week to an averace of two Sustained ethno-sectarian violence is the
per w e k . However. the effect o f these attacks greatest threat to security and stability i n Iraq.
has been disproportionate to their numbers for Breaking this cycle o f violence is the most
several reasons. Most notable among these is pressing immediate goal o f Coalition and
the slow rate o f repair 10 damage from pre- Iraqi operations. Conditions that could lead to
vious attacks. A t other times, Iraqi officials civil war exist in Iraq, specifically i n and
may be slow in initiating repairs. Infrastnic- around Baghdad, and concern about civil war
lure remir is often hamnered
, . ..
bv insureent or within the Iraqi civilian population has
other c r ~ m ~ n atnt~m~dauon
l of maun1cnanw increased i n recent months. Notwithstanding
workers Not all attacks and imimidanon are this concern, there i s no generally agreed
the result o f insurgent or olher anti-govern- upon definition of civil war among academics
ment activity, as described in the economic or defense analysts. Moreover, the conflict in
section. Criminal activities, such as extortion Iraq does not meet the stringent international
and black marketeering, aisn have outlets in legal standards for civil war. However

Infrastructure Attacks
Weekly Average* by T i m e Period
1Aor 04-11 AIM 06

defined, movement toward civil war can be reported 1,600 bodies arrived in June and
prevented. Tile U.S. and Iraqi governments more than 1.800 bodies in Julv. 9Wo of which
are continuing the military, diplomatic. and were assessed to be the result of executions
political actions needed to prevent a civil war This is due in increased targeting of c i ~ l t x n s
and bring the situation in Baghdad under by alQacda in Iraq and the increase in death
control. Sectarian violence is largely confined squad activity.
to the communal level. Furthermore, the Iraqi
institutions of the center are holding. Iraqi Sunni and Shi'a extremists, panicularly rogue
leaders must take advantage of the popular JAM elements and ai-Qaeda in Iraq, are, as
support for democracy, a unified Iraq, and noted, interlocked in retaliatory violence and
opposition to violence to form institutions that ! contesting control of ethnically mixed
take responsibility for Iraq's security. areas to expand their areas of influence.
Throughout the past quarter, rogue JAM
Sectarian tensions increased over the past members continued a campaign of overt
quarter, demonstrated by the increasing executions and mass kidnappings of Sunni
number of executions, kidnappings, attacks on civilians. At the same time, Sunni extremists
civilians, and internally displaced persons. continued to respond by carrying out large-
According to an estimate by the United scale and mass-casualty bombings of Shi'a
Nations. 22,977 families~137.862 individu- gatherings and culturally significant sites.
alsÑhav been displaced in Iraq since the
February 22, 2006, Samarra Mosque bomb- Attacks on Shi'a by alQaeda in Iraq and
ing. Sectarian violence is concentrated on the other Sunni elements are apparently designed
boundaries of mixed and ethnically dominated to inflame sectarian tension, which in turn
areas of Baghdad and in southwestern Diyda generates and results in retaliatory attacks on
Prnvincc Sunni civilians by rogue Shi'a elements
These rogue Shi'a actions increasingly appear
According to MNC-I reporting, civilian intent on securing Shi'a enclaves and
casualties increased by approximately 1,000 establishing control of contested areas of
per month since the previous quarter. Execu- Baghdad. Coalition forces and the 1SF are
tions in particular reached new highs in the responding by increased targeting of both
month of July. The Baghdad Coroner's Office Sumi and Shi'a death squads.
~n y o u v r y f ~ ~ ~ ~ h ~ e e n e onoa k ~ntuq?
b r ~ out

Sectarian Incidents

2500, , em
Public Perceptionsof Security include the Basrah area indicate increased
confidence in both the police and the Iraqi
Ultimatelv. stabilitv and security , -in 1- -> Army over the last reporting period. Con-
depend on the support of the Iraqi people In fidence in militias is mixed, with a rise in
general, Iraqis have had an optimistic outlook wnfidcncc in Baghdad countering an overall
on their future and the overall security situa. downward confidence trend elsewhere.
tion. However, as time has passed, their
optimism has eroded. The aftermath of the The perceptions of the Iraqi population will
Golden Mosque bombing and the growing slowly respond to visible, effective actions
sectarian violence continue to shape their performed by the IPS.It will take continued
perceptions. As sectarian violence increases, diligence on the part of the Iraqi Police to be
the view of the security situation worsens. seen as actively patrolling their areas and
With the view that Baghdad is the key to Iraq,
arresting individuals for criminal activity,
a similar sentiment toward security exists
there. while paying particular care to avoid the
appearanceof sectarianism.
An indication of support for the Government
of Iraq within the country is the level of con- Another indicator is Iraqi use of the
. . . . ..
fidence that the Iraai oeoole exoresslv dace
in tnc ISF Forces, especially when compared
intelligence hotline for providing t i p to
authorities about suspicious activity. The
aga.nst militias or other :llegal armed groups. population has continued to demonstrate its
Since the previous report, confidence in the willingness to report such activity and thereby
Iraqi Army has remained generally constant, support the government's efforts against
with the notable exception of Baghdad, where terrorism. Since mid-March, the number of
public confidence improved. Despite the tips has increased (see following chart). Con-
increase in violence, confidence in the Iraqi tinued timely and effective response of the
Army rose from 69% to 78%. Despite the IPS to these tips should increase the con-
recent violence in Basrah, polling data that fidence of the population.

1 How concerned am you about an Increase In
sectarian or ethnic violence In Iraq?
Security in Baghdad...





% Expmsing confidence In __ to improve the situation

In Iraq*
Total TIPS Actionable Calls
2. Iraqi Security Forces Training and Performance

The ISF continue to grow in strength and 2.1 Progress in Training and Equipping
capability as indicatedby: the Iraqi Security Forces

. progress in the training and equipping

o f lSF personnel;
Force generation continues on schedule this
quarter. More than 14,000 additional Iraqi
soldiers and police have completed initial
assessed capabililies o f operational training and equipping since May 2006,
units; and bringing the total number o f ISF trained and
progress in assuming responsibility for equipped to 277,600.
security o f areas within Iraq. More than 92% o f authorized Iraqi Anny
battalions are assembled. Train-and-quip
Institutional capability within the MOD and efforts remain focused on building combat
the M O I is an increasingly important indica- support and combat service support forces
tor of the transition to Iraqi security self-reli. providing key enablers to Iraqi combat forces.
When fully established, these units will
ance. As the MOD and the M O I continue to provide critical combat enablers, such as
staff, train, and equip forces, increased logistics and transportation support, intclli-
emphasis is placed on the development o f gencc, surveillance, and reconnaissance. More
institutional capacity to direct, support, and than 65% of authorized personnel in the Iraqi
sustain the ISF. Army support forces have been trained and
equipped. Logistics units and overall logistics
capability continues to improve.

MOD ForcW AnoÑ Capablmi~ ,

2.2 Progress i i Assuming Leadership ID assume the lead once it has been thoroughly
Counter-Insurgency assessed and has demonstrated that it is
capable of planning and executing combat
The ISF are increasingly taking the lead in operations. Although these units lead security
operations and assuming primary respon- operations, most still require support from
sibility for the security of their niltion, as Iraqi Coalition forces because their logistics, sus-
army and police forces demonstrate an tainment, and command and control capabili-
increased capability to plan and execute ties are not fully developed. The Coalition's
counter-insurgency operations. The following primary force development objective to date
charts depict this progress. As of August 7, has been to produce trained, equipped, and
2006, 5 Iraqi A m y divisions, 25 brigades, capable combat units; there has been less
and 85 battalions, and 2 National Police emphasis placed on cnablcrs, including logis-
battalions assumed lead responsibility For tics and command and control. Now that more
security in their areas of operation. than two-thirds of the Iraqi Army combat
units are in the lead, the Coalition's focus will
In total, there are 106 Iraqi Army combat shift more toward helping the Iraqis develop
battalions and 8 Strateeic Infrastructure Bat- these enablers. MNF-I will also continue to
talions (SIBS) conduct~ngoperations at v q - help improve the capacity of the MOD to
ing levels of assessed capability Another organize, train, equip, sustain, and modernize
three combat battalions are in the process of its forces, with the goal of eventually elimi-
forming. In addition, 27 National Police bat- nating the Iraqi Army's reliance on Coalition
talions are now operational and active. The support.
green shaded areas on the maps above depict
areas where Iraqi Army units have assumed
the lead for security responsibility. A unit can

1 I n o l Armv Lead and National Police Lead 1

2.3 Ministry of Interior develop the IPS. The IPLOs provide the
civilian police with expertise in all technical
The objective for the MOI, In partnership aspects of criminal investigation and police
with the Ministry of Interior Transition Tear station management. The deployment of five
0401-IT), is to become a forward-looking additional Military Police comnanies in Jutv
ministry that is effective, efficient, account- 2006 added extra'pTTs. enabling t'ic expan-
able, representative, appropriately structured sion of the program to assess and assist in the
to deal with the prevailing security conditions, developmentof the IPS
and staffed by people who are committed to
upholding the rule of law. The MOI farces Twenty-seven BTTs mentor and enable devel-
consist of lhc IPS, the National Police, the opment of border forces. Additionally,
border forces, and the Center for Dignitary Department of Homeland Security Customs
Prolcclion. and Border Patrol Teams (CBPTs) provide
critical mentorship at ports of entry, while
The MNF-I initiative to develop professional 38 National Police Transition Teams (NPTTs)
civil security forces able to assume The lead continue to support the development of the
for the security of the Iraqi people has been National Police units. These transition teams
dubbed the "Year ofthe Police." The focus is are intended to improve the readiness and
on creating a force loyal to the people of Iraq capability oftheir MOI partner units.
and its Constinition, and committed to
guaranteeing human rights and the rule of The Coalition Police Assistance Training
law. This was designated as one of MNC-1's Team (CPATT) is on track to meet the goal of
main efforts in 2006. recruiting and training the authorized number
of M01 forces by the a d of December 2006.
Mentoring of civil security forces is con- The force generation o f the Department of
ducted by Police Transition Teams (PTTs), Bowler Enforcement (DBE) and the IPS will
National Police Transition Teams (NPTTs), occur in November 2006 and December 2006.
Border Transition Teams (BTTs), and respectively. Specialized police units, such as
Customs and Border Protection Teams the Criminal Investigative Division (CID) and
(CBPTs). More than 160 PTTs are assisting the National Information and Investigative
The development of the IPS. Because of the Agency (NIW.), will be trained by the end of
large number of police stations dispersed 2006.
throughout Iraq, the PTT program has initially
. .
focused on orovincial headauamrs. district
headquarters, and Iraqi police stations in key
strategic cities, but will spread to other sta- The IPS is composed of patrol, traffic, station,
tions throughout the country as more stations and highway police assigned thmughout
achieve a higher level of readiness. To con- Iraq's 18 provinces. Its mission is to enforce
duct their mission, the PTTs travel to their the law, safeguard the public, and provide
assigned stations to train, teach, and coach the i n m a l security at the local level.
Iraqi police and to conduct joint patrols with
their Iraqi counterparts. CPATT has trained and equipped approxi-
mately 113,800 IPS personnel, an increase of
The integration of International Police Liaison 12,600 since the May 2006 report. CPATT
Officers (IPLOs) into the PTTs significantly projects that it will have trained and equipped
increased the Coalition force's ability to 135.000 IPS by December 2006. Although the
force will be manned in the aggregate by the However, the recent arrival of five additional
end of the year, proper distribution is a Military Police companies will greatly
challenge. Certain areas have a shortage of increase the ability to assess the IPS.
trained officers while additional hiring in
other areas has resulted in an overage in the
More than 230,000 MOI employees have
As of July 24, 2006, 71,324 police recruits been screened by the Iraqi Police Screening
have received training in the 10-week basic Service, which checks fingerprints against
course. Police officers with prior experience Ba'ath Party records and Saddam-era criminal
attend a 3-week course, the Transitional Inte- records. Of these, 5,300 were reported as
gration Program (TIP), instead of attending - .
oossible deroeatorv matches. and 74 have
the full 10-week basic course. Originally been dismissed There is c u m t l > no screen-
intended only for police trained during the ing process to ascertain militia allegiance
Saddam regime, theTIP was expanded in July More than 54,000 police candidates have been
to include serving police officers who have screened for literacy by Morris & McDaniel,
not been trained but who have served on the 73% of whom passed and were allowed 10
force for at least one year. The TIP includes enter basic training. Currently, no method
training on human rights, crime defensive exists to track the success rates of these or
tactics, democratic policing, first aid, patrol other police officers.
procedures, firearms (9mm and AK-47), and
anti-terrorism. The Officer Transitional Inte-
gration Program (OTIP) course curriculum
includes democratic policing, human rights, The IPS is equipped with AK-47s. PKC light
first aid police ethics. supervision and machine guns. Clock pistols, individual body
leadership, use of force, firearms (9mm and armor, high frequency radios, small and
AK-47). communications and problem- medium pick-up trucks, and mid-sized SUVs.
solving skills, anti-terrorism, patrol prom- The IPS in Baghdad and the nine other key
dures, critical for officers, and police investi- cities had been provided with 99% of their
gations. Some 41,051 police officers have authorized equipment at the end of June 2006.
graduated from the TIP and OTIP programs. They will have received 100% by mid-August
2006. The IPS in all 18 provinces have been
IPS Operations provided with 66% of their authorized equip
men1 and will receive 100% of their author-
The IPS constitutes the majority of MOI ized equipment by the end of December 2006.
forces in the country. Each month, PiTs
assess the operational readiness of a portion IPS Leadership
of the police forces, using the Transition
Readiness Assessments (TRA) process. The Leadership in the IPS is the cornerstone f a
TRA evaluates the police on the core func- success. The IPS currently has three leader-
tions required for effective law enforcement ship courses to develop high-quality leaders.
and community policing. Shortages of PiTs The First Line Supervisor Course is designed
has limited observation of the IPS in Anbar, for company grade officers. The Intermediate-
Babil, Basrah, Tamim, Wasit, Kaibala, Level Course is designed for field grade
Maysan, Ninewah, Qadisiyah, Salah ad Din, officers, and the Senior-Level Course is
Irbil. Dahuk. and Sulamaniyah provinces. designed for General Officers. Each course is

two weeks long. Program topics are designed The 1st and 2nd National Police Divisions
for the target audience and include human reached 99% of equipping and authorized
rights, discrimination, right to life, code of manning by July 2006 and will continue to
onduct, democratic policing, modern polic- progress through TRA levels, with the com-
ing, the role of the supervisor, communication pletion of force generation by December
and the supervisor, delegation, change man- 2006.
agement ethics, police corruption, problem
employees, communrty policing, field training Unprofessional and, at times, criminal
police leadership, history of management, behavior has been attributed to certain units in
modem supervision in today's law enforce- the National Police. This behavior and the

ment oreanizations. crime scene m-cement.
disorder, records management, budget-
. decrease in public confidence in these forces
has been the impetus for a National Police
ing, logistics, equipment and facilities man- reform program. Each unit and its leaders will
agcment, group problem solving, mission be assessed by a joint (Coalition and Iraqi)
values, six-step problem-solving models, committee. Substandard leaders at all levels
overview of law enforcement planning, strat- will be removed and units will undergo re-
egic planning, motivational theory, and training.
analyzing employee performance problems. A
plan is in place to develop a more extensive National Police Traininv and Personnel
intermediate-Level Officers course, slated to
begin in the fall of 2006. There are currently approximately 24,300
trained and equipped National Police, an
The Officer Education System has been increase of approximately 1,600 since the last
successful in developing junior leaders loyal report. They are trained in Iraqi law, human
to the lraai. ~eoole.
. However. certain senio
leaders are product, ufthc former regime and
rights, the rule of law, and democratic
policing techniques at the National Police
continue to view leadership as an entitlement, Academy.
not a responsibility. As these officers i
identified, they are removed. New recruits undergo six intense weeks of
training at the academy in northern Baghdad.
Training includes weapons qualification,
urban patrolling techniques, unarmed combat
Organized into a National Police Head- apprehension, use of force, human rights and
quarters, two National Police Divisions, the ethics in policing, introduction to Iraqi law,
s t National Police Mechanized Brigade, and vehicle checkpoints, and IED characteristics
the Emergency Response Unit (ERU), the and recognition.
National Police are charged with maintaining
law and order while an effective community National Police O~erations
police force is developed.
All National Police battalions arc currently
The National Police Headquarter*, provides conducting counter-insurgency operations,
command and control, staffing, equipping, with two battalions having security lead for
training, and sustainmen1 hi these National their areas of responsibility. NPTTs are
Police Forces. It also commands the two embedded at all levels of the National Police
training and professional development acad- units, down to the battalion level. All National
emies at Camp Solidarity and Camp Dublin. Police units work in Combined Operations

Areas (COAs) and partner with Coalition
forces who provide support and advice.
The DBE has 23,900 trained and equipped
personnel, an increase of 1,800 since the
previous report. The DBE isorganized into
The M01 recruits and vets the National Police 5 regions, 12 brigades, and 38 battalions, and
force. Coalition forces provide advisors for includes the forces that staff258 border fons.
the recruiting process, but neither actively
recruit nor provide lists of names of recruits Three academies, each with a capacity of
to the MOI. A National Police officer is approximately 800, train border patrol forces.
recruited and provided an academy start date, The Iraqi Border Patrol Basic Training
upon arrival at the National Police academy, Course focuses on an introduction to law
the candidate is interviewed by a senior staff enforcement, human relations, human rights,
officer (cither a Colonel or Brigadier weapons qualification, combat life saving,
General). If he or she passes the interview, the vehicle searches, Iraqi border law, arrest and
officer is admitted to the academy. The detainee procedures, and small unit patrolling.
individual's personnel file is then forwarded
to the MOI, where a vetting team reviews it. DEE and POE Onerations
If the officer is certified bv the vettine om-
cess. he or sne wil be retained and allowed lo The DBE is supported by 27 Coalition Border
complete the academy If the candidate is dis- Transition Teams (BTTs). The 11-man BTTs
appmed, me oficcr is immediately removed mentor and support the development of the
from the academy border units. The BTT members are trained in
various specialties, including logistics and
,v"tional Police Equipment mmnication'i. and orovide critical assis-
tance to the oordcr force commanders in the
The National Police have received 92% of areas of personnel management, intelligence.
their authorized equipment and will have operations, budgeting, equipment account-
received 96% of their authorized equipment ability. and maintenance. Additional BTTs
by the end of November, missing its goal of deployed in early June to support the
0 0 % by a small margin. They will have development of the POE at critical high-threat
received 100% of their authorized equipment border crossings. In February 2006, MNF-1
by the end of December. The police are supported the accelerated development of the
equipped with small m s , medium machine POE through the deployment of a combined
guns, and RPGs, and they patrol in light Border Support Team (BST), consisting of
trucks. The mechanized battalions are customs border protection agents and BTTs.
equipped with Annored Security Vehicles and In March 2006, most DBE units reached TRA
REVAs. a South African wheeled APC. Level 3, but remained short of equipment and
key personnel. The DBE and POE are a
Department of Border Enforcement and higher priority for allocation of critical
De~artmentofPorts o f Entrv equipment; and cross-leveling of personnel
has occurred to raise units to TRA Level 2.
The DBE and the Department of Ports of By November 2006, the DBE and POE are
Entry (POE) are collectively charged with expected to have 28,360 trained and equipped
controlling and protecting Iraq's borders. personnel.

There arc 14 land POEs. of which 13 are
functional. Efforts continue to improve POE
security. Progress in designation of POE In addition to the regular MOI forces, there
standard organizations, delineation of respon- are an estimated 145,000 Facility Protection
sibilities, and development of detailed Service (FPS) personnel who work directly
policies and procedures has continued. The for each of the 27 ministries. These forces act
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in as security guards at government buildings
coordination with Multi-National Security and allow the IPS to police the communities,
Transition Command-Iraq (MNSTC-I), has They are minimally trained and equipped,
continued its rotation of Customs and Border generally without Coalition oversight, and
Patrol Teams. These border security experts lack centralized control. FPS personnel have
have had an important impact on the POEs, not always proven reliable, and some have
particularly along the Syrian border. The been responsible for violent crimes and other
increased emphasis on BTTs and the Customs illegal activity. Unfortunately, the FPS
and Border Patrol Teams has improved DBE uniform looks similar to the police uniform,
readiness levels, as the Coalition's expertise which causes many Iraqis to confuse the FPS
and mentorship affects the Iraqi border forces. with the better-trained IPS, undermining the
reputation and credibility of the IPS. The
Coalition and the Government of Iraq arc
establishing a program of reform to better
Organizational equipment includes small and regulate the FPS.
medium pick-up trucks, mid-size SUVs,
generators, and radios. Personal equipment,
including AK-47s, medium machine p n s ,
and individual body armor, complete the The MOI overall TRA remains al
outfitting of the border forces. The DBE TRA 3-Pml) Effective. The MOI Transition
currently has received 81% of its authorized Team is wonting daily in the MOI, stressing
equipment. They will have received 97% of planning and programming resources. The
their authorized equipment by the end of new Minister of Interior, Jawa al-Bulani, is
August, just short of the 100% goal for that embracing the need to reform the ministry.
date. They will reach the 100% goal one Logistics is the only essential system still
month later. Iraai POEs will have received assessed as ineffective. Im~rovementof the
100% of their' equipment by the end logistics system is a focal point for the next
December 2006. 90 davs All oiner major funct.onal areas and
systems are considered partly effective. Over
Center/or Dianitarv Protection the next 90 days, emphasis will also be placed
on building a solid framework of plans,
Training and equipping of the Center of policies, and processes to ensure that the MOI
Dignitary Protection (CDP)is complete. The " .
can manace personnel efficiently. conduct
force of approximately 600 people has been policing operations effectively, and maintain
prepared to serve as the Protective Security and sustain capability.
Details (PSDs) for Iraq's new government
leaders. It is unknown how many of these
personnel remain employed by MOI. An Iraqi
training team assumed responsibility for Logistics capabilities continue to be an area of
training future PSD personnel in June 2006. significant concern for the IPS. particularly

with respect to vehicle maintenance, How- Iraqi control in August 2006. A plan is being
ever, accountability of equipment continues to formulated to hold a National Logistics
improve as verified by reports submitted by Conference in September 2006.
PTTs.CPATTMOI-TT continues to provide
logistical support in both an advisory and
financial capacity to assist with sustainmat
operations. Recently, a Director General for MOI security forces are on track to reach
Logistics and staff were put in place. A December 2006 Objective Civil Security
6-month vehicle maintenance contract for the Force equipping goals. The following graph
National Police and the Baghdad IPS was depicts the equipping status and key shortfalls
agreed upon. Currently, there is a of Baghdad and the 9 other key cities,
US$950,000 vehicle spare parts contract for 18 provinces, the National Police, the DEE,
MOI forces, and a US$350,000 vehicle spare and the FQEs. Equipment-issue priorities
pans contract for the National Police is in
focused on quipping Baghdad, the 9 key
place. The average monthly logistical life
i t and the National Police, while
support provided from April through June
was USI20.266.121, for a total of simultaneously building initial functionality
1 the provinces, borders, and ports of entry.
USS60,798,363 during that timeframe. Con-
stmction of a MOI National Storage and In general, these goals were met. However,
Maintenance Facility was started in June the MOI doe not currently have an effective
2006, with an estimated completion in quipment management system in place. As a
December 2006. Currently, we are in the result, it is unknown what percentage of the
process of conducting a test case to hand over equipment issued to the MOI is still service
an LDI storage warehouse (one of seven) to able.

Number to bÃTnlmd h 2MB

The equipping effort did experience to be on the MOI payroll are CPATT trained
unforeseen delays. and equipped. CPATT estimates attrition to

. Large shipments of Russian weapons

were delayed clearing customs while
be at least 20% per year going forward. The
MOI reports paying death benefits for more
than 6,000 police officers since the fall of the
exiting Russia and entering Iraq. Ba'athist regime in May 2003.
Clock pistol delivery delays occurred
when a U.S. manufacturer challenged In addition to the overall number of police in
the award of the pistol contract to a Iraq, there are some issues with distribution of
non-US. company. the police among the various provinces. For
Communications gear was delayed due example, by the end of the year, Diyala
to shipping problems. Province will have recruited its authorized
force, but will not have trained the entire
All matters have now been resolved and items authorized number. In the case of Diyala, the
have either arrived or arc inbound. All equip- provincial leadership has resisted sending
ment fielding goals arc on track to be met by 100% of the force to training due to security
December 2006. concerns and the reluctance to take its police
off the streets. Anbar, Basrah, and Ninewah
may also miss their training targets for the
same reason. Rather than let training seats go
The MOI does not currently have an effective unfilled, other provinces were permitted to
personnel manaeement
- system.
, As a result. it e n d some of their untrained personnel to
is unknown how many of the forces trained training. As a result, those provinces will have
h> CPATT are still employed b) the M01, or more than the authorized force trained in their
what percentage ofthe 1'16,000 police thought provinces.
As with the IPS, the National Police p a p 1 1 is m l a t i v c National Police. Recruiting inilia-
significantly larger than its a u t h o r i d end- t i w s targetin& Sunnis have impmved the
strength. There are currently more than divmily. Unlike the National Police, local
29,000 Nationai Police on the MOT p y ~ o l l , police force3 tend to be o f the m e ethnic
but it is u n b o w n how many o f these have mix w the mmmunities in which they live
been trained and equipped. Absenteeism and work.
among National Police units gmeally follows
the same pancrn as i n the military. Leave
plicies and immature personnel management
plicies accomt for 30%40% of personnel I n 2005, he M O I 1 0 conducted 7W c o m p
not present for duty. Absenteeism i n the IPS tior+related inv&igations. O f these, 4R
is dificult to quanti* hecause shifl schedules (64%) were closed. O f the 472 closed
preclude m s from asccnaining which police invesligations, 1I 8 (25%) were fonvarded to
oficcrs are absent and which are simply off- the CPI or to a coun for adjudic*tion, 350
duty. (74%) were closed because of "insuficimt
evideixe," and 4 (1%) were handled as
The DUE payroli is also larger than ils internal M O I discipline. To improve the IG's
authorized end-stren&, with 25,832 DUE capabi1il-j to investigate, the Specialized
pxsonnel on the M O I payroll. I t is c m t l y A d v a m Training Unit at lhe Baghdad Police
mknom how many untrained DUE p m o n ~ ~ e l College w i l l train new M O I investigators. I t
are on the rolls and how man" o f the mined will take awroximatcly I 8 months to train the
investigations Directorate at the basic investi-
gator level. Beyond the I G mining, improve-
effective personnel management system w i l l ments in leadership oversight, accountability,
help resolve these rcporling and wwunt- w d ~eductimsi n gecurian and militia influ-
ability deficiencies. ence a= required before Iraqis become con-
fident that MO1 forms can ensure security and
uphold the m l c o f law in Iraq.

The U.S. Government is comvincd to helping

the Government o r Iraq c m t e an M O I that
ccflects thc divemly o f the Iraq, people The Corruption, illegal activity, and sectarian bias
goal is to c m t e ethnically inte&ted.units at have conslrained progress in developing M O I
the national level, w h i k still allowing 10-1 foms. Inappropriate tolerance o f and infilm-
police to reflect the ethnic compmition o f the lion by Shi'a militias, some o f which arc
communitim in which they serve. The former influenced by Iran, is the primary wncem o f
Police Command% now p w l o f thc National tho Govcmmmt o f Iraq. A iaok o f effective
Police, we kcorning increasingly divem.
leadership and policies to stem cornpiion
The f m m Public Ordm Uattalions, also now
thrmgh accountability for aclions, equipment
pml of the National Police, tend to be dispro-
prtionately Shi'a, due to a lack of Smnt par- and p c r m n c l have enabled the thee o f pay
ticipation when these units were being f m e d and equipment, unlawful dumtions, and
in preparation for the J a w 2005 elections, r e p o d cases of atduction and torture w
Merging the National Police Commandos and mecution of Sumis. The ministor is corn-
the Public Order U&mIions into one National mimed to changing c o m p t l e a d m a d insli-
Police fmce has hel-d produce a more q m - Nting p o l i c i s to eliminate comnpthn.
An additioml 45 m s i t i o n teams were logistics and support fcx each division, with
deploy& in July to increase PTT wverage Taji National L k p t providing depot-level
across the m n t r y , As stations begin m reach maintenance and resupply. Each battalion,
T M Level 2 in August. transition terns will b&zade. and division hea&umers will be
expand their coverage o f nearly 1.000 tola1 &pofied by a ~eadqum&s and k w x e
?.!ations across Iraq. This will limit infilmtion Company (HSC) prov~d~ng log~sttcai and
by militias, improve adherence to the rule o f
law, and prevent cornpiicily and pafiicipation
in secmian violencc.

2.4 Mmlstry o f Defense

lk.Iraqi MOD f o m s consis o f Army

(iwluding Special Operations Farces), Air
Force, and Navy (inciudiig M h m )
personnel. TIE end slate of the Objective
Counter-lnsmgency Force will be an approxi- The Iraqi A m y includes approxhately
mately 137,500-person force based mwnd an 115.000 trained and equip@ wtnbat w i d i m
A m y with 9 infant?y divisions and i mecha-
(including SIB personnel and around 9.6CQ
nized infantry division consisting of 36 b"-
support forces). The cnpability of Iraqi A m y
gades and 112 bamlions. Niic Motorized
Transpanation Regiments, 5 lagistics bat- mils continuts to improve, faaililald by the
tai~ons, 2 support battalions 5 Regionai mento"ng by embdded advisors at the
Support Units (RSUs), and 91 Garrison banalion, br~gade,and division levels, and
Support Units (GSUs) are intended Io provide parmership with Ccalition force units.

1 lraai Annv Battallona I n Combat

Combat Operations
<comm"yIw.1 and .bmq

Force generation of Iraqi A m y mits is Thm of the nine planned Motorized Trans
increasingly focused on wmbat enablers and prtation Regiments (MTR$ are amroaching
continues in accordance with the force full operatima1 capabilii, While a shorlfall
development plan, All thm planned Iraqi of hlly competent maintenance personnel
Training Battalions are famed and hlly adversely fleets full capability, these hlTRs
operational, These banalions allow the Iraqis provide improved mobility and w$tainmnI
to train soldiers independently in suficient s u p r l for Iraqi forces. Progress has been
quantities for f o r e generation completioz~and made in eaablishing HSC units for each
replacement needs. New recmits attend a mmbm battalion, b"gade, and division to p r ~ -
13-week program of insuuetion. Upon gradu- vide msporlation, commu~~ications, medicat
ation. soldiers receive additional minine suppiy. and maintenance supporl. Approxi-
specific to thar mil~taryoccupatton. Dcpmd- mately 80% of the planned HSCs have been
ing on their m~limryoccupal~onaiskill assign- famed; onethird arc operational, and the
ment, the length of mining ranges from three remaining planned HSCs me scheduled fm
to w e n weeks. Other tra~ning initiatives, mmpletim by December 2006.
such 8s the Military Intelligence Schml, the
Signal Schcal, the Bomb Disposal School, the Currently, I7 SIBS are being trained and
Combat Arms Branch Schml, the Engineer equipped, Although the Iraqi A m y maintains
Schwl, and the Milimy Poliie Schwl, ~ m a t i o n a lcontrol of the SIBS, at present
contribute to the growing pofessionalism of mly 1 SIB Is capable of planning and execut-
the Iraqi A m y through teaching diverse spe- ing independent operations, and all I7 q u i m
cialties necesuy to conduct and snsain Coalition logistical support. Training of these
counter-insurpxy operations battalions continues to employ a "train-the
trainer" model that fmum specifically on The Iraqi Navy Training kpariment
squadrm- and platoon-level asks. wntinues to develop unit-level refresher
training and naval skills improvmmts,
T k capabiliv of the SIBS is s o w i n s as tbey i n c l u d i n ~bsic seamanship and maritime
receive training and more modern equipment, xcuriiy oprations. In June 2W6, the Train-
MNC-1 is prtnering the more apablc Sms ing Department indepmdently wnducted
with I x a l l y deployed lraqi A m y un.& to basic training and successfully graduated 324
provide them with counter-insurgencyexperi- naval recruit% Its trainin5 efforis range from
en= and to awelerate their leadem' profs- mentorship, as mdmcted by the Naval
siomai development. Evaluation of their effec- Transition Team, to active skills trainin& as
tivmess i n securing i n f r m c t u ~particu- wnducled by Coalition Navy, Marine, and
larly oil pipelines i n norihcm Iraq, is ongoing. Coast Guard F o r ~ s .

The Iraqi Armed Service and Supply Instime

(IASSI) at Taji plays a critical mlc i n training
lhe oficers and nm-commissioned o f f ~ e r s The Iraqi Air F o m wntinws to evolve
(NCOs) to fill support and wmbat service toward supporting the counter-insurgency
support psitions i n tbe lraqi A m y . The force, bui pmgress has been slowed by
IASSI has trained more than 5,000 oficers dificuliy i n recruiting qualified applicants.
and NCOs who serve as leadm i n the MTRs, There am c-ntly 750 prsonnel in the lraqi
RSUs, and HSCs. The IASSI wntinues to A i r Force, with development plans caliing for
support the development o f critical lraqi a concentrate3 recruitment effort over the
A m y support and combat support capabili- nexl I 8 months to at least d w b k the per-
ties. m n e l by the end of December 2007. This
cfforl is intended to provide a satisfictory
wrps o f professionals as a foundation for
future growih.
The Iraqi S p i a l Operations F o r m (ISOF)
are c o m ~ e of
d approximately 1,600 s o l d i m The Intelligence Surveillance and Recannais-
organized into the Iraqi Counter-Terrorism m c e aircraR at Kirkuk A i r Base (7th Squad.
Task Force, the lraqi Commandos, a support mn with five C m p A i r 7SLs) and B d Aii
banalion, and a spccial rewmaismnce unit. B w e (70th Squadron with two Seekers and
six CH-2000s) me performing o p r a t h a l
missims These aircrafl am p h a r i l y
deployed to patrol o i l pipeline infrastructure
The lraqi Navy is tasked with defending i n the noah and south, with occasional
Iraq's coast, tmitorial waters, vital ports, and misicas conducted i n support o f 1mqi A m y
offshore oil platforms. The Iraqi Navy has units. There have k n recent airwotihines
mort than 1,100 trained and equipped sailors issues with the CompAir 7SL aircratl and the
and marines organized into an operatbnal Coalition is working with the Iraqi Air Force
headquarten, two afloat squadcons, and five to develop solution$ and alternatives to
Marine companies. The Iraqi N a v is devel- continue sumorling the missiom.
w i n g independent capabilities for surface
surveillance, maritime interdiction, oil ter- Helicopter operations h m Taji A i r EIaw i n
minal protection, and s u p p r l operations, central Iraq are still in their i n h y , but the
next six months should see a marked m n e l in the Iraqi Amy's suppnt f o m s arc
improvement. The 2nd Squadron is e-ted trained and equipped.
to receive the first 6 of I6 Huey 11s fnm a
modification f a c t q in the United State by Equipping the Iraqi Amed Forces continues
the end of January 2GQ7 and the remainder as planmd since the May 2006 r e p * wilh
before April 2007. The 2nd Squadron will 92% of authorized equipment iswed to the
10 lmqi Amy Divisions and subordinate
formations. MNSTC-I is on track to issue ell
cwrcntiy aulhorized equipment by the end of
kcember 2006.Equipment is dimibuted and
m e C-l3OEs fmm 23cd Squadxm a New filled -ding lo the commander's opera-
Muthma Air Base mund out the Iraqi Air tional assessment: MNSTC-I is currently
F m e floel. Early complications wilh low working wilh the MOD to transition main-
mission capable rates have been solved, and tenance capabilities to the Iraqi Amy, To
fleet-wide readiness was measured at 72% in date, two Regional Supprt Units facilities
July 2006. The Iraqi Air Force has qwtd have lxen trmsitioned to the Iraqi Amy.
an addktioml three aircraR from the US,
Government to bring the fleet tom1 to six.
These additional aircraft reflect the Cdition
Air Force Transition Team's force generation The lack of junior ofiicers and NCOs
plan and efforts are under way to identify mtinues to tx one of the big@ factors
additional funding to meet this request, impeding devebpment of MOD forces. Them
is a shms of school-mined oflicers and
NCOs to !ill lower-level slaff and lademhip
msitions. The s h o a ~ of
e leaders will a h ~ t e
as oficer remits am unnmissioned and they
join their units. For NCOs, qualified soldiers
Embedded Transition T m s cnntinue to pm- arc being ''grown h m within'' through devel-
vi& monthly TRAs measuring the smfling, opment md schmling to achieve prmotion
wmmand and control, mining, sustainmenW to NCO leadership positions.
logistics, equippin& a d leadership of their
panncred Iraqi units. The Regional Training Cenlers (RTCs) and
the NCO Academy focus m junior lcadm
&velopment that is critical to building a
pfcssiond force. T k RTCs conduct Squad
The total number of MOD miliiry personml k a d e r and Plamn S e r ~ mCourses,
t Newly
mined and equipped is currently more than formed Semeane Maior and Chief W m n t
ll5,CnX1, approximately 84% of lhe objective Ofticer couises have k n added to the NCO
F'rofcsimal Education Systcm. Specialized
With lhe gemration of Iraqi A m y b d i m s la&rship c a u r ~ s ,such as Logistics Super-
more than 92% complete, the focus of the visor, are being cnnducted at the Iraqi Amy
Irqi Amy's mi"-andquip effort shiRed Service and Support Institute at Taji. Three
durmg this reporting perid toward building Iraqi Military A d e m i e s at W k o ,
combat q r l and combat service support Qalachwaian, a d Ar Rustimiyah continue to
forces More than 65% of authorized per- mi" fume oficers.
The institutional leadership courses are com- taking responsibility for their own security
plemented and reinforced through partnership and interests.
with Coalition Military Transition Teams.
These teams, embedded with every Iraqi
battalion, brigade, and division, provide daily
guidance and mentorship. In addition, Iraqi The new Minister of Defense, Abd al-Qadr
units arc partnered with Coalition force units. Muhammad Jassim aI-Mufiaji, is confronting
These partnerships, combined with the the challenges he faces and is already making
expertise and leadership taught through (he his mark. Previous logjams in acquisitions
institutional base, are critical for development and contracting are being eased, and he is
of both unit proficiency and leadership essen- working closely with MNSTC-I to proceed on
tial to increased operational effectiveness. force development, force expansion, and
logistics support. The MOD Transition Team
The importance of ethics, human rights, and grew to meet this accelerated pace of business
leadership in the Iraqi Anned Forces has and expanded to more than 50, half of whom
engendered a concept for a Center for Ethics are Military Professional Resources Incor-
and Leadership to provide institutional over- porated contractors. Close and effective
sight for ethics education, training, and relationships are being forged by team
assessment. members with all senior MOD headquarters
officials, and the confidence, and thus
A promising trend is that military leadership capacity, of these officials is strengthening.
has become more involved with civic leaders TTbe ministries and the Joint Headquarters are
and sheiks in their areas of operation. This expected to be in the lead with Coalition
activity will continue to reinforce and support by (he end of 2007. However, a
establish the importance of Iraqis leading and partnership with these institutions will be

Force GenerationTheline
Manning ¥nTrelnim
required through at least the first peaceful with ensuring that the MOD properly supports
transfer of power in 2010. all Iraqi Army life support requirements.

DOD requested USSI51 million for MOI

sustainment in the FY2007 Budget Amend-
MNC-Icontinues to -vide locistical
to the Iraqi Armed Forces where the cslab.
smrt ment request, but did not ask for funding for
MOD sustainment.
lishcd qstem falls short. Although there has
been some success with Iraqi Army units Coalition forces are also supporting the
using their own processes, there is still agreat Government of Iraq with fuel. In June 2006,
deal of institutional development remaining. all Iraqi Army units submitted requisitions for
MNF-I is working with both MNC-1 aixi fuel; MTRs provide the majority of the fuel
MNSTC-I to aid the Government of Iraq in distribution. Storage capacity will not be fully
developing a defense logistics system. but in fielded until December. Additionally, the
the absence of a self-reliant system, MNF-I
GSUs will not be fully on-line until March
must provide extensive support to Iraqi
forces. 2007. Until the MTRs and GSUs are in place,
the Iraqi Army units will not be fully seif-
MNSTC-I processed life support contracts in ufficicnt in terms of bulk fuel transportation
a total amount of approximately USI7.8 mil- and storage.
lion for the months of May and June 2006.
Currently, all life support contracts have been Coalition forces supported the Iraqi Army
lransitioned to the MOD. MNSTC-I has units with the combined fuel report listed
formed a Transition Working Group tasked below.

battalion commanders o f one particular group
tend to command only soldiers o f their own
sectarian or regional backgrounds. The

I n the Iraqi Army, approximately 15%

Minister of Defense.. thmuuh an Officer
Selection Committee, has used the normal

anrition is the norm for initial training. When transitions to continue to diversify the senior
a unit is fully trained and employed in combat leadership in the Iraqi Army. This continuing
operations, some soldiers find that they do not process itrives to ensure that the Iraqi ~ r m y
like the particular location or they cannot
is led by competent leaders who are repre-
cope with dangers o f the counter-insurgency.
sentative of the national fabric. I n the
Absent-without-leaverates are typically about
aggregate, Sunni, Kurd, and Shi'a are well
1%-4% for most Iraqi Army divisions,
and appropriately represented in senior
although deployments to combat sometimes
cause absentee spikes of 5%-8%. However, leadership positions. The Sunni and Kurds are
soldiers in units in this final stage o f develop- slightly over-represented, while the Shi'a are
ment arc less likely toabandon the service. As slightly under-represented, though Shi'a
commanders still hold a large majority of
with any organization, the units with strong,
competent leaders tend to have higher
present-forduty rates than those with weak
. -
command nosilions. The oercentaee o f Sunni
leaders at each level remains constant At the
leaders. However, t h a i is currently no judi- battalion level, the echelon in which the Shi'a
cial punishment system within the Iraqi have the highest percentage o f commands,
Army. Therefore, Iraqi Army commanders they are appropriately representedwhen com-
have little legal leverage to compel their pared to the demographics of the Iraqi
soldier's to combat, and soldiers and police population. The relatively high percentage of
can quit with impunity. Sunni and Kurds in higher-level commands is
a result o f the requirement for experienced
military leaders, o f which few were Shi'a.
Generally, Shi'a and Kurds were excluded
The U.S.Government is committed to weal- from higher-level positions in the former
i n m Iraai military that reflects the ethnic regime. The Kurds, however, benefited from
and religious fabric o f Iraq, with diverseunits years of experience in the Peshme~a.
loyal to the nation and not sectarian interests. Nationally recruited Iraqi Army divisions are
Although competence and merit are the otherwise representative o f the ethno-
decidine factors when selectitto recruits. religious composition o f the country. The
particularly leaders, the ISF are developing so even-numbered divisions were originally
that they generally mirror the demographic formed as National Guard units, with the
make-up o f Iraq. Sectarian lines remain intent that these units would serve in the
drawn, however, along geographic lines, with respective local regions. The composition of
Sunm, Shi'a, or Kurdish soldiers mostly these units tends to be representative of the
serving in units located in geographic areas mgion in which they serve. Over time,
familiar to their group. These divisions are replacementsfrom the national recruiting pool
even stronger at the battalion level, where will increasethe diversity o f these divisions.
3. Transition

3.1 Traiiiitioiing Security R~ponsibility aging its own security and governance duties
at the provincial level. The transition decision
Process for Imolemenfine Provincial Iraqi also reflects a joint assessment of the overall
threat situation in Muthanna, the capabilities
of the IPS and the Iraqi Army, and the provin-
The transfer of security responsibility from cial leadership's ability to coordinate security.
Coalition forces to the Government of Iraq is Transition Teams are in place to smooth the
an obiective of the security track outlined in transfer process, and multinational forces
the National Strateev for Victory in Iraq. stand ready to provide assistance if needed.
Such transfers reflect the capability of the
Government of Iraq to fulfill its sovereign Dhi Qar Province appears to be ready to
responsibility in the most fundamental, vital assume security independence within the next
interest of any stateÑt protect its citizens 45 days, and several other provinces should
and safeguard its territory. As Iraqis lake on meet the transition criteria before the end of
more responsibility for security, Coalition the year. The Government of Iraq and the
forces will increasingly move to supporting MNF-1 will continue to transfer security
roles in most areas. This may allow for future responsibilities in other provinces as prercqui-
personnel reductions or a delay in previously site conditions are met.
scheduled deployments. The Coalition's
military posture on the ground will remain In concept, security transition is a four-phased
responsive and flexible. As the security situa- process.
tion evolves, MNF-I will maintain sufficient
forces on the ground to help Iraq consolidate I. Im~lemeatPartDenhin. MNF-I and
and secure its gains on many different fronts. its Major Subordinate Commands estab
The recent agreement between Prime Minister lish and maintain partnerships across
al-Maiiki and President Bush to increase force the entire spectrum of ISF units, from
presence in Baghdad is indicative of this battalion to ministerial level.
flexibility. 2. Iraqi Army Lead flAL). Process
during which Iraqi Army units progress
Iraq achieved a historic milestone on July 13, through stages of capability from unit
2006, with the transfer of security respon- formation to the ability to conduct
sibility in Muthanna Province from MNF-I to t e r - i n s u r g e n c y operations,
the Provincial Governor and civilian-con- 3. Provincial Irani Control (PIC). Iraqi
trolled Iraqi Police Service. Muthanna is the civil authorities satisfy the conditions
first of Iraq's 18 provinces to be designated required to assume control and to
for transition to Provincial Iraqi Control, exercise responsibility for the security
which represents the successful development of their respective provinces.
of Iraq's capability to govern and protect 4. Irani S w r i t v Self-Relimncc. Tilt
itself as a sovereign and democratic nation. Government of Iraq achieves PIC (or a
combination of PIC and IAL) through-
The joint decision between the Government out Iraq, and the government, through
of Iraq and MNF-I to hand over security its security ministries, is capable of
responsibility is the result of Muhama's planning, conducting, and sustaining
demonstrated ability to take the lead in man- security operations and forces.

Amuif. low

These phases arc not strictly sequential. For 4. MNE-I Ability to Respond Quickly to
example, the Iraqi Army docs not have to Major Threats, if Needed
assume the lead in aprovince before Coalition
forces may begin transfer of provincial The recommendation to transfer security
control. This was thecase in Mulhanna. responsibility is based on the specific situa-
tion in any one province or provincial capital
Phase 1 of the security transition wncept- in the context of the overall security environ-
implementing partnerships-is already ment. The appropriate Multi-National Force
complete. As described above, the second Division Commander and Provincial Gover-
phase, Iraqi Army lead, is well under way in nor, assisted by representatives of the iraqi
many provinces. The third phase, establishing Ministries of Interior and Defense and U.S.
provincial Iraqi control over security, will be and United Kingdom Embassies, conduct
implemented on an area-by-area basis. The monthly assessments of provinces and of
Government of Iraq, jointly with military and provincial capitals. The JCTSR working
political leadership of the Untied Slates and group meets monthly to review the assess-
Coalition partners in Iraq, will assess when ments and to present recommendations to the
conditions permit handing over security JCTSR principals regarding which provinces
responsibility for specific areas from Coali- are ready to be transferred. Once a decision is
tion forces to the Iraqi civil authorities. The made, the JCTSR working group will provide
Joint Committee lo Transfer Security Respon- oversight of the development of transition
sibility (JCTSR) has developed criteria to directives, develop a public affairs plan, and
guide the transfer of security responsibility. arrange a post-transfer security agreement
Recommendations for rtransfer include an between MNF-I forces and provincial
assessment of conditions in four categories: governors. Every transfer will ensure an
effective and successful handover of security
i Threat Assessment responsibilities. Moreover, the transition and
2. ISF Readiness reduced nresence of MNF-I forces will be
3. Local Governance Capability plainly visible to the Iraqi people

Provincial Security Transition Assessment {PSTA)

Aa of July 2006
-en!ton Foc~lum
&I oes 10 the Government oflraa
MNF-I has begun training Iraqi guards for a
In June 2006. MNF-I. in coordination with the potential transition of the Coalition detention
Government of Iraq, conducted a large-scale facilities and detainees. Transitioning detainee
release of detainees in support of the newly operations is a three-phase process
formed national unity government The
release served as a visible symbol of the gov- 1. Phase 1 consists of individual and
ernment's commitment to national unity and collective training of Iraqi guards and
reconciliation in the progress toward demo- leaders, including training alongside
cratic governance and the rule of law. MNF-I their U.S. counterparts inside the
released 2,500 low-risk detainees over a
2. Phase 2 consists of the removal of
oeriod of three weeks. Couoled with the 500
U.S. guards and establishment of a
detainees from the normal Combined Review U.S. transition team to supervise Iraqi
and Release Board process. UNh-1 had a nei Security Forces and to maintain legal
reduction of more than 2.000 detainees in custody ofdetainees.
June. A MNF-I special board reviewed 3. Phase 3 consists of the final removal
approximately 6,500 records to identify the of all U.S. nersonnel and turnover of
low-risk detainees. Each file was also the facilities and legal custody of the
reviewed by the MNF-1 Deputy Chiefof Staff detainees to the Government of Iraq.
for Intelligence to consider any additional
intelligence reports. Detainees involved in The criteria for transfer includes the require-
vlolcnl acts, 1ED makinglplacement, financ- ment for the Government of lrao to wssess
ing insurgent operations, identified as key the tegal autnonty 10 hold securtr\ detainees,
insurgent leaders, or who have been recap- each facility demonstrating the ability m meet
hired were not considered for release. ihc care and custody standard. and the MOJ

Detalnee Population 2003 through 2006

having effective oversight of the program. As security conditions improve and as the ISF
MNF-1 is currently in Phase 1. Significant becomes more capable of securing their own
challenges exist to ultimately meeting these country, Coalition forces will move out ofthc
criteria. The Iraqi Corrections System has not cities, reduce the number o f bases from which
demonstrated the capacity to effectively they operate, and conduct fewer visible
resource and run a major facility, such as missions. However, they will remain postured
Camp Bucca. Additionally, based on the com- to assist, including supporting the ISF with
position of the guard force, serious questions transition teams. Although the Coalition
remain as to whether they would be able to military presence may become less visible, it
maintain the required standards of care and will remain lethal and decisive, able to
custody. The most significant obstacle confront the enemy wherever it may gather
remains establishing the legal authority to and organize.
hold security detainees. There is widesoread
opposition inside the Sunci political leader- The Coalition retains the ability to quickly
sitp 10 providing 1h.s authorrt) to the Govcrn- reinforce the Iraqi Army as required and to
ment of Iraq provide critical enablers as Iraqis develop
their own capabilities. Coalition personnel
3.2 U.S.Force Adjnslments levels will increase, if necessary, to defeat the
enemy or to provide additional security for
In consultation with the military commanders key events, like the 2005 referendum and
in Iraq, the Government of Iraq, and Coalition elections. But the goal, over time, is to reduce
partners, the Secretary of Defense continues Coalition forces as Iraqis continue to assume
to advise the President on the appropriate more of the security and civilian respon-
level of U.S. forces in Iraq and the surround- sibilities themselves. This process is already
ing theater of operations based on current under way.
conditions. These conditions include, but are
not limited to, key elements of the MNF-I The Government of Iraq has agreed to form a
Camoaien Plan. such as the increasinc Joint Committee with MNF-1 and the U.S.
responsibillt) of the 1SF in counter- and UK Embassies to develop a conditions-
insurgency operations and ownership of areas based madmap for the full transition of
of rcsporsibilit) and progress in the polncal security responsibility to the ISF. This road-
process. map will consist of recommended conditions
intended to lead to the eventual and gradual
Arbitrary deadlines or timetables for with- withdrawal ofmuiti-national forces from Iraq.
drawal of Coalition forcesÑdivorce from
conditions in Iraq and the region-would be a The Joint Committee for Achieving Iraqi
serious stnwg c error, as the) would suggest Security Self-Reliance (JCAISSR) will base
In the terrorists. the Re~eciionisis, and the its roadmap on much of the successful work
various illegal armed groups in Iraq that they that has already gone into developing the
can simply wait or stall to win. The absence strategy for transition of security respon-
of a specific timetable does not mean that the sibility in Iraq:
Coalition's ~osturcin Iran is static. On the
conua.3. the Coalmen continually reviews
the -iituat~onin Iraq and adjusts is po-iture
and approaches a? conditions evolve and Iraqi The seating of the new Government of Iraq's,
capabilities grow. based on its Constitution, sets the conditions

. -
for continuing progress toward Iraqi security !he UK Ambassador, and the Commanding
self-reliance. Toward this end, the govern- General and Deputy Commanding General,
ment's program calls for speeding up plans MNF-I. This committee will be supported by
for completing the preparation of the ISF; a working group of direct subordinates.
speeding up the process of transferring
security responsibilities and powers to the Conditions recommended by JCAISSR will,
Iraqi Army, police, and security forces; and at a minimum, include consideration of the
cooperation with the multi-national forces in a threat situation across Iraq, security force
readiness, capacity of key security and sup-
way that will allow the handover of security
porting ministries, and development of the
responsibilities to the ISF, the completion of overall Iraqi national security processes.
the mission, and the exit of the multi-national

Development of the ISF MNF-I will efficiently consolidate its foot-

print in Iraq to reduce its militaiy basing
Efforts to develop the capacity o f the ISF requirements progressively. The MNF-I
have been successfui. In November 2005, the basing strategy is an integral part of the
Iraqi Army had 4 brigades and 23 battalions Campaign Plan. MNF-I uses a conditions-
in the lead. As of August 7, 2006, the Iraqi based process to synchronize basing require-
Army has 6 Division Headquarters, ments with Coalition force structure and
25 brigades, and 85 battalions that have projected command and control structure.
assumed responsibility. MOI forces also grew Several factors are considered when employ-
significantly, from approximately 93,000 ing this process, including cost-effective use
trained and equipped members in November of resources, maintaining security presence
2005 to more than 160,000today. where required by the mission and
maintaining only those bases required, transi-
Provincial Imai ControlPlan tion of onerations to the ISF a"; the" continue
to assume the lead in security operations. and
The Government of Iraq and MNF-I have other lacton Specificall) MNF-1 seeks to
already developed a conditions-based frame- minimize us presence in major cities while
work for the transition of security respon- building the f'enibili~ required to support
sibility from multi-national forces to Iraqi other elements in Iraq, including Coalition
leadership. As a result of this work, security partners, PRTs, Transition Teams, Depart-
responsibility for Muthanna Province transi- ment of State activities, and other supporting
timed to the provincial governor on July 13, units and entities. This process will culminate
2006. Security responsibility for as many as in the transition through Operational and
nine of Iraq's provinces could transition to Strategic Overwatch, which wili leverage and
Government of Iraq authority by the end of maximize support through a minimum
2OOfi. number of strategically located FOBS and
Convoy Support Centers.
The JCAISSR wili comprise the Iraqi Prime
Minister, the Iraqi National Security Advisor As of August 7, 2006, MNF-I has closed 48
(Chair), the Minister of Stale for National of hs 110 FOBS, handing over 31 to [SF,
Security Affairs, the Ministers of Defense and MODNOI; and 17 to the Ministry of
Interior, the Director of the Iraqi National Finance. Thirteen more FOBS are scheduled
Intelligence Service, the U.S. Ambassador, for closure and handover by January 2007.

Straieaic Communication Plan
5th Stability and Security Report to Congress

r o u l r Section 9010 of the Depannient of Defense A p p r o p n u t ' i Act 2006 requires t

k SECDEF to provide a
quarterly report to Congress that measures the progress toward achievingstability and security in iraq. Media attention of the
previous report focused on sectarian violence (high attack trends and casualty state), opinion polls regarding coalition forces, ISF
numbers and operations, and report data in context of events of lhe day (increase in US troop leveis).

Media focus for this quarter's report will likely focus on discussion of CMI
war, and the rise in attacks and increased civilianflSF

TODLine Messages:
- W e have a comprehensive and coherent strategy for unity, security and prosperity in Iraq
-The Iraqi security forces are better equipped, better trained and more experienced than they were three months ago.
*This rnetrics report helps us keep Congress informed, but it is only one aspect of our assessment for orooress in Iraa
Metrics help us achieve our strategy bv focusing efforts on accomplishing actions that support a secure. stable iraq with a
democratic system supported by ail Iraqis and accepted by the irternationai community

Talking Points:

There is a qualitativedifference between civil war and sectarian violence, and we are not in a civil war.
0 The majority of Iraq's provinces remain in relative peace, but Baghdad, in particular, draws global attention and k the target for

sensational attacks that exaggerate the impact of terrorists, illegal armed groups, and violentextremists.
v -Central institutionssuch as the governmentand security forces are functioning, and violence is geographicallydefined, not
resulting in the mass movement of population,

*This is a decisive time in Baghdad and it requires decisive Iraqi action with our clear support.

In Operation Together Forward, Iraqi security forces, with coalition in support, are focusing on key neighborhoodsin Baghdad.
Since mid-July, statistics measuring levels of violence have trended down. While a positive indication, it is far too early to call this

a continuingtrend.
Lots of hard work rema ns for Coalition forces. Iraqi security forces, the Iraqi government and the Iraqi people
-The security situation is at its most wmpkx state since OIF began. so the results of the stepred uo effort will take time
The ~aghdadinitiative's initial phases demonstrate that the combinationof security forces, bbvernhent action, and cooperation
of citizens can accomplish a great deal

1 - The first tn4y representativegovernment is in place and dealing with the securii issue,
as of 29 Aug 06 I
Prime Minister al-Maliki's government and Coalition forces are adapting the Baghdad security plan to meet the changing
WndBions on the ground.

4 While terrorists and extremists continue to destroy innocent life in Iraq, they have not shaken the determination of the Iraqi people
u to build afree country.
& The wlitical orocess continues
4 polls show l&is have confidence in their government to improve the situation (approximately80% of Baghdad, Kurdish, Mii-
. - ."
Euphrates and southern citizens said in June thev have oreat deal or fair amount of confidence new Iraoi aov't can imorove
situation in Iraq) (pa)
- - -

4 While the majority of the population is concerned about in increase in sectarian violence, their concern that a civil war might
happen has decreased since March (p40)
4 Confidence in the Iraqi Anny has stayed stable or increased (p43)
4 Iraqis must choose to end sectarian strife that has potentialto be self-sustaining

4 The Iraqi security forces continue to progress

4 5 Iraqi divisions, 25 brigades and 85 Iraqi army battalions are in the lead (32 percent increase since last report)
4 More than 84 percent of MOD end-strength have been trained and equipped
4 More than 92 percent of authorized Iraqi Army battalions have been generated
Page 1 of 2

1 will be on the call.

i = m m : m CIV,OGMA [maib
Sent: Thu 8/31/2006 341 PM
T O : V I W, -A
subject: Conference OilTOMORROW

To: Retired Military Analysts
From: Dallas Lawrence
Director, Community Relations and Public Liaison
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Date: August 3 1,2006

Re: Conference Call with Senior DoD Officials

We invite you to participate in a conference call, FRIDAY,September 1,2006,from 11:4S-12:15.

Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Peter Rodman flaio at:
?-I- and Vice D m o r for
Strategic Plans and Policy Rear Admiral William Sullivan (bio at
&I w m- wll bnef you on h e Qunrtedy Repon on ltnq
Stability and Security. This call will be On Background
To participate in this conference call, please dial and ask the operator to connect you to
the Analysts conference call.

Please R.S.V.P.
id T call her at1
Page 2 of 2

We hope you are able to participate.


Page 1 of 1

8OM: ~ 0 1 . 2 0 11:23AM
Subw: FW August 2006 Uoaturina Statllity and Security In Iraq Report
AttaehiKMif: Augual2006 MwauIng Stability and Security In Iraq Report.pdf,SKurity S W i C o r n Plan
(August 06).dOC

Pleaw n n u m w sIraq S w i f t ard Security Report for YOJI iw w Thi m w will be on o o f W ~ ~ , nmk
afternoon but we w m M to provide you wRn a copy In Mvanw In addition. I have attached a portion of the
conwJnicaoofis plan È*W m m J n t i . top me messages a m huh#pomb Whops you find thls helpful
you m d haw rn umal wankeno

OSD Public Afhln

Community Relation! and Public Liaison

Measuring Stability and
Security in Iraq
August 2006
Report to Congress
In accordancewith the
Departmentof Defense Appropriations Act 2006
(Section 9010)

Table of Contents

Executive Summary 1

1 Stability nod Securily in Iraq .-.......-..a...ã.-.-.-.......-....ã.............................. --...
" 5
1.1 Political Progress .....................................................................................................
1.2 EconomicActivity ................................................................................................. 13
1.3 The Security Environment ..................................................................................... 25

2 Iraqi Security Forces Training and Performance. 41
2.1 Progress in Training and Equipping the Iraqi Security Forces .............................. 41
2.2 Progress in Assuming Leadership in Counter-Insurgency.....................................43
2.3 Ministry of Interior ................................................................................................ 44
2.4 Ministry of Defense ............................................................................................... 52

3 Transition -.......................................................... " ...................................... 59
3.1 Transitioning Security Responsibility 59
3.2 U.S. Force Adjustments .........................................................................................

This. report to Congress on ine* stability and security in Iraq u subnuncd

pursuant to Section 9010 of the Department of Defense Appropna- Act 2006.
fib& Lav W9.148 .This. is the fifth m a s& of repom on this subject and the
thin) under Section 9010. The matt recent report WM aubnutied in May 2006 .

Executive Summary

This report is divided into three sections. The and representative government that respects
. .
frst section. "Stability and Security in Iraa." political and human rights and with sufficient
security forces both to maintain domestic
describes trends anc progress toward meeting
v goah tor polit.cal stability, strengthened em- order and to prevent Iraq from becoming a
nomc activ.0, aid a stable security environ- a f e haven for terrorists. To this end, the
ment in Iraq. The second section, "Iraqi Secu- United States is pursuing an integrated strat-
egy along three broad tracks:

rity Forces Training and Performance," de-
scribes progress in the training, development,
and readiness of the Iraqi Security Forces Political: Helping the Iraqi people forge
(ISF), including the forces of the Ministry of a broadly supported compact for demo-
Defense (MOD) and the police and paramili- cratic government
tary forces of the Ministry of Interior (MOI). 'Economic: Assisting the Government
The third section, "Transition,"ddescribesthe of Iraq in establishing the foundations
transfer of security responsibility from Coali- for a sound market economy with the
tion forces to the Iraqi government, including
prerequisite conditions and criteria for assess-
ing the readiness of provinces to assume
responsibility for security.
. capacity to deliver essential services
Secirity: Contributing to an environ-
merit where Iraqis are capable of defeat-
ing terrorists and neutralizing insurgents
A classified annex to this report provides data and illegal armed groups
concerning security force training and per-
formance and addresses possible U.S. military Each track is integrated with the other two,
force rotations. and success in each affects success in the
others. Security depends, in part, on a demo-
The information in this report is made avail- cratic political process, which In turn
able with the assistance of many departments depends, in part, on economic opportunity.
and agencies of the U.S. Government, the Economic progress depends on securing the
U.S. Embassy in Iraq, Multi-National Force- Iraqi infi-asiructurc against sabotage and
Iraq. (MNF-I), and the Government of Iraq. attack and protecting the Iraqi people from
The renort comnlements other reoorts and violence that undermines individual participa-
ntonnation abott Iraq provided to Congress tion in economic development and the politi-
and does nm replace them. The intent of this cal process.
document is to report on the measures of sta-
bility and security specified in Section 9010.
Although the National Strateev for Victory in
is m t a detailed plan for achieving SF+
Meuures or Slohifltv i SsmOr and fhc
for V i c m in I r q
cific objectives, consistent with the public
nature of that document, it delineates measur-
The Picsidcnt's National S t r a t w for Victory able trends along each of these tracks to
g&g lays out thc goals and gencral frame- indicate where programs are achieving sue-
work to achieve securer and siaoiiity in Iraq cess and where it is necessary to increase
The goal of the siiatcgy is to help the Iraqi efforts or adjust implementation of the
people build a new Iraq with a constitutional strategy.
M a j o r Milestone8 Toward a Democratic Iraq

I oct 1s. w w ~ ~ t i o ~çfwç(~tumon

iri contltutlan 1

NT 16,2000 UntSÑÑlo d Council erf Itoprwntetim

Apr22,20M Seaionof PmU- Council by Council of RtfÑmll
NwninMiond Prim Wntoter by PrÑlttonc Council

The President's strategy also identifies eight i n Iraq. The appointments o f the Ministers o f
objectives, or pillars, of the integrated poiiti- Interior. Defense, and State for National

cal, economic, and security strategy: Security Affairs, on June 8,2006. marked the
Defeat the terrorists and neutralize the
corn~lctionof a national unity -
. aovernment.
within one month o f seating this government,
Transition Iraq to security self-reliance Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki presented a
"National Reconciliation and Dialoeue

Help Iraqis forge a national compact for
democratic government Project" to the Iraqi Council of Representa-
Help Iraq build government capacity tives O. R ) .. This oroiect
. . is a broad initiative
.. and provide essential services
Heip Iraq strengthen itseconomy
Help Iraq strengthen the rule of law and
aimed at reconciling past inequities; rallying
Iraqis around a principle o f equality, devoid
o f sectarian divisions; firmly establishing the
promote civil rights
. Increase international support for Iraq
Strengthen public understanding of
Coalition efforts and public isolation of
basis of national unity via a democratic politi-
cal process; and creating the conditions for
Iraq to assume a leading role both in the
region and internationally. Additionally, the
the insurgents
CoR began its work in June with an accel-
Key indicators of progress since the last crated schedule of sessions. Most of the
report are discussed below. 24Council Committees have formed and
named chairs. The CoR is making some pro-
Political Proereas. This report marks the first gress on key legislation required to implement
90 days of the first representativegovernment the provisions of the Iraqi Constitution.

&ww&W&. m e Iraqi m n o m y con- respectively. Approximately 90% of the Gov-
tinues to show progress, but still needs to ernment o f Iraq's revenue comes from oil
overcome serious challenges, As the Govern- exports, and higher prices for Iraqi oil con-
. -
ment o f Iran was formed iust 90 davs am. hs tin= to somewhat offset lower than desired
inslnutions are still forming or arc immature export volumes.
and consequently strup,gle with many macro-
economic issues. The new government has =iv Environment. Setbacks i n the
affirmed its commitment to programs sup- levels and nature o f violence in Iraq affect all
ported by the Stand-By Arrangement with the other measures o f stability, reconstruction,
International Monetary Fund (IMF) by taking and transition. Sectarian tensions increased
important and decisive measures, notably over the past quarter, manifested in an
price increases for refined petroleum products increasing number o f execution-style killings,
that meet I M F targets. The Executive Board kidna~oincs.
~ r, w .
and attacks on civilians. and
o f the I M F subsequently completed its first increasing numbers o f internally displaced
and second reviews o f Iraq's performance persons. Sunni and Shi'a extremists, parIicu-
under the Stand-By Arrangement on larly al-Qacda i n Iraq and rogue elements of
August 2,2006. Jaysh al Mahdi (JAM), are increasingly inter-
locked in retaliatory violence and are con-
Iraq continues to make progress reducing its testine control o f ethuicallv mixed areas to
Saddam-ern debt. As o f July 2006, 17 o f 18 expand their existing areas of influence Con-
Paris Club creditors have signed bilateral cern about c.vil war within the Iraqi civilian
agreements to forgive 80% o f Iraq's sover- population and among some defense analysts
eign debt. Russia is the only Paris Club has increased i n recent months. Conditions
creditor that has not yet signed a bilateral that could lead to civil war exist in Iraq.
agreement with Iraq. I t has, however, agreed Nevertheless, the current violence is not a
in principle on debt relief terms and will civil war, and movement toward civil war can
finalize an agreement shortly. Middle Eastern be prevented. Breaking the cycle o f violence
creditors, which hold the majority o f the is the most pressing goal o f Coalition and
present debt, have not signed bilateral debt Iraqi operations.
reduction agreements.
I n the current reporting period the average
Average peak electrical generating output number o f weekly attacks increased 15% over
increased 15.8% this auarter to 4.573 meca- the previous reporting period average, and
wans (MW) and continued to increase over Iraai casualties increased bv 51% cornoared
the quarter. Iraq ateraged 14 hours o f power to the previo~squaner Much o f this violence
per day this quarter, an improvement o f occurred in Baghdac. as terrorists. insurgents,
3 hours per day over the previous quarter. and illegal armed groups recognized and
exploited the political and economic signifi-
Crude oil production for the second quarter cance o f conducting operations in the capital
improved 18% to 2.2 million barrels per day city. However, the Coalition and the Govern-
(mbpd). and exports improved by 20%. to mew o f Iraq continued 10 make progress this
1.6mbpd. Also during this quarter, Iraq quarter, improving the security environment
resumed exports from northern fields for the 1 Fallujah and some parts o f northern Iraq.
first time since the autumn o f 2005. However, Although sectarian violence threatens the
o i l production and exports still fell short of effectiveness o f the Government o f Iraqi,
the Iraqi goals o f 2.5 mbpd and 2.0 mbpd, terrorists have failed to derail Iraq's political

process, or to widen their political support to assume security lead in their territory. The
among the Iraqi people. Polling data continue number of counter-insurgency operations con-
to show the confidence of most segments of ducted independently by Iraqi forces as a per-
the Iraqi people in the Iraqi Army and their centage of total combat operations continue
rejection ofal-Qaeda's vision of Iraq's future. to increase steadily. Approximately one-third
of the company-sized operations in Iraq
Iraai Security Forces. MOD and MOI secu- during the reporting period were conducted
rity forces continue lo increase in size and independently by Iraqi forces. As ofAugust 7,
capability and are increasingly assuming the 2006. there were 85 Iraqi Army battalions
lead combat responsibility from Coalition (5 divisions, 25 brigades) that have assumed
forces. the lead for counter-insurgency operations, a
35% increase since the last report. All 27
Training, equipping, and fielding security National Police battalions are currently con-
forces continues. Approximately 277,600 dueling counter-insurgency operations, and
Iraqi soldiers and police have completed ini- 2 National Police battalions have the security
tial training and equipping, an increase of lead for their areas ofresponsibility.
more than 14,000 in the three months since
the last report. As of August 2006, approxi- Transition. Iraq achieved a historic milestone
mately 84% of the objective end-strength of on July 13, 2006, with the transfer of security
MOD forces have been trained and equipped, responsibility in Muthanna Province from
while more than 92% of authorized Iraqi
MNF-I to the Provincial Governor and the
Army battalions have been generated.
civilian-controlled Iraqi Police Service (IPS).
Remaining min-and-equip efforts will focus
on building combat support and combat Moreover, since the May report, MNF-1 has
service support forces. transferred a i additional10 f-ornard Operat-
ing Baws (FOBS) to the Government of Iraq
More Iraqi units are able to take the lead in . - of 110 FOBSarc now under Iraqi
combat operations against the insurgency and control.

1. Stability and Security in Iraq

1.1 PoUtleiI Progress With the seating of its constitutional govern-

ment, Iraq, with the support of the Coalition,
The goal of the political process in Iraq i s to completed all the milestones required under
help the Iraqi people forge a broadl) sup- United Nations Security Council Resolu-
ported national compact for dcmocrat,~&ow- tion 1546.
ernment, thereby isolating enemy elements
from the broader public. The United Stales is The National Strategy for Victory in Iraq lays
supporting this effort by: . - . .
out a soecific three-mnzed wlitical olan to
assist the Government of Iraq in building a
supporting Iraqi leaders in their efforts broadly supported national compact for demo-
to include all Iraqis in the political pro- cratic governance.The plan seeks to:
cess, through dialogue and inclusive
institutions; "^Isolate enemy elements from those
offering advice and technical support

who can be won over to the political
for effective governance; . process by countering false propaganda
helping build national institutions that and demonstrating to all Iraqis that
transcend regional, sectarian, and tribal they have a stake in a democratic Iraq;
lines: and ¥ Engage those outside the political
assistiig Iraqis in replacing the corrupt process and invite in those willing to
and centralized Ba'athist system wnn turn away from violence through ever-
effective government bodies at local, expanding avenues of participation;
provincial. and national levels. and
d Build stable, pluralistic, and effective
Measures of political progress and stability tmtioml institutions that can protect the
include: interests of all Iraqis, and facilitate
Iraq's full integration into the interna-
achievement of political goals set forth tional community."
in the Iraqi Constitution, as well as
those in United Nations Security Coun-
cil Resolution 1546 and the Transitional
Administrative Law; After successful national elections in Decem-
formation of a national unity govern- ber 2005, Iraqis made the commitment to
ment representative of all Iraqi wm-

.. munities;
. - .
oarlicioation in the ~oliticalorocess bv
i l l Iraqi communities and evidence that
establish a broad unity government. Rather
than allocating all government positions to the
majority party or coalition, this unity govern-
ment sought to provide fair representation in
the) Ã ew the process as legitimate and

the ministries and other government posts
effective; among all major parties that won seats in the
adherence to rule of law institutions; CoR. Consistent with this commitonent. Prune
and Minister al-Maliki announced and won CoR
expansion of international support. approval for his cabinet, which draws minis-

ters and senior officials from parties repre- the appointment of Shinvan al-Waili as Min-
senting all regions, sects, and ethnic groups. ister of State for National Security Affairs.
The announcement met the constitutionally
mandated deadline, but Prime Minister The appointment of the Ministers of Interim,
al-Maliki opted to delay filling the positions Defense, and State for National Security
of Minister of Defense, Minister of Interior, Affairs marked the completion of Iraq's first
and Minister of State for National Security representative government. The resulting
Affairs to ensure broad support within the cabinet is remarkably inclusive. The new gov-
CoR for thesesensitive positions. eminent reflects the diversity of the Iraqi
people and, with a freely elected parliament
and a popularly ratified constitution, is a strik-
On June 8, 2006, after additional negotiations
ing contrast to the oppressive, o n m a n rule
and compromise, the Prime Minister prc- of Saddam Hussein just three years ago.
sented his nominees for the two security
ministries. The CoR approved the appoint- Poll data indicates that the majority of Iraqis
merits by a majority, confirming Jawad have confidence in the new government;
al-Bulani as Minister of Interior and Abd notably, however, confidence levels are
al-Qadr Muhammad Jassim al-Mufraji as lowest in mixed find predominantly Sunni
Minister of Defense. The CoR also approved areas, such as Kirkuk and Tikrit/Baqaba.

Organizational Structure of the Government of Iraq

How much eonfidance do you have In the haw Iraqi
p w m m e n f t o Improve the situation In Iraq?.

The Iraqi Constitution, adopted by popular formed and have named chairs. The CoR has
referendum on October 15, 2005, requires made some progress on key legislation,
approximately 55 enabling or implementing including progress toward new Electoral
acts, in such significant and broad areas as Commission legislation, the first step on the
judiciary development and economic reform, path to provincial elections. However, link
to make the Constitution operative. Passing substantive legislation was passed in the
and enforcing this legislation will be a key
session that ended in July.
, indicator of progress for the new Government
of Iraq.
The two critical political events facing the
Additionally, the CoR began its work in June CoR and the Government of Iraq over the
with an accelerated schedule of sessions. next few months are the constitutional amend-
Most of the Council Committees have been ment process and provincial elections.
ProgressToward a Democratic I r a q 2006
Inql Oovmnwnt F O m r t l 0 "

TheNational ReconciliationProcess level w i l l be field committees, which will

focus on key components o f national recon-
On June 25. 2006. Prime Minister al-Maliki cilialion and will evaluate progress.
presented to the CoR a "National Reconcilia-
tion and Dialogue Project" a 24-point initia- As part of the National Reconciliation and
tive aimed at reconciling past inequities, Dialogue Project, a conference o f tribal
rallying Iraqis around a principle of equality leaders took place o n August 26, 2006, in
devoid o f sectarian divisions. Baghdad that resulted in a statement
condemning sectarian violence, and endorsing
The National Reconciliation and Diatomic the reconciliation plan. I n the coming
Project i s intended to open dialogue, r e d m months, the government w i l l convene a
sectarian tensions and \ i o l a c c in Iraq, and conference o f religious scholars. The govern-
increase commitment to the democratic pm- mem is supposed to convene a conference of
cess and the new national unity government. political parties to encourage the democratic
process and to solidify support for the
The project will operate on three levels. At Government o f Iraq.
the national level, the High National Commis-
sion of the National Reconciliation and Din-
logue Project will be composed of represents-
lives from a diverse cross-section of political, To achieve unity, security, and prosperity,
religious, ethnic, tribal, and cultural groups Iraq must develop the capacity to deliver gov-
under the leadership of the Minister of State ernment services to its citizens at the national,
for National Dialogue. The second level will provincial, and municipal levels. The Govern-
be provincial subcommittees, and the third ment of Iraq must transform the country from
a centralized state, with delivery of essential announced and planned national rcconcilia-
services traditionally controlled by powerful tion process.
bureaucrats. 10 a responsive federal govern-
ment with decentralized control. This change The diagram below shows the organizations
will take time, consistent mentorship, and an currently helping Iraq develop its capacity to
emphasis on both promoting transparency and govern effectively. Ministerial capacity devel-
reducing corruption. The Coalition is support- opment is the main focus of the U.S.
ing these efforts at all levels of the Govern- Embassy's Ministerial Assistance Teams
ment of Iraq. (MATS). These teams. comoosed of civilian
and military experts in governance and organ-
National Institutions izational development, mentor and train both
the Iraqi ministers and their senior staffs in
National institutions and forces are essential
such areas as budget development and execu-
to displace illegal armed groups and to serve
moderate sectarian and local loyalties. The tion, inter-ministry coordination, personnel
United States supports the development of management, and procurement. Iraq Recon-
non-sectarian institutions and the growth of struction Management Office (IRMO) ofi-
independent media and civil society institu- cials provide expertise in key sectors, such as
tions, while continuing to encourage the Gov- oil, electricity, and health, to Iraqi minister's
ernment of Iraq to proceed with the and other high-level government officials.

Organizations Supporting Iraqi Ministries

Assistance to Provincial Governments antees. The Constitution maintains the inde-
pendence of the judicial branch, but vests
Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PUTS) considerable authority in the CoR to define
work uith provincial governors and circled the fanctions of the courts, raising the risk of
councils lo improve execution of pm~lncial undue influence by political or religious
government responsibilities and to increase groups. Iraq's criminal legal framework is not
citizen participation in governmental deci- presently robust enough to adequately address
sion-making processes. The teams are contemporary criminal activity. such as
intended to develop core competencies in organized crime, trafficking, and some tech-
public administration, finance, budgeting, nology-related crimes. Legal experts from the
planning, and accountability by boosting U.S. Government are assisting Iraqi legal
government capacity and transparency at the scholars in creating a legal system that can
provincial level. Four U.S.-led PRTsare fully balance the requisites of modern international
operational: PRT Tamim (Kirkuk), PRT law with Iraqi cultural and legal traditions.
Ninewah (Mosul), PRT Babil (Hillah), and "Hie Coalition continues to provide adminis-
PRT Baghdad. The security situation in some trative support as well as technical and legal
provinces hampers interaction between the assistance in drafting legislation.
team and provincial leaders.

Promoting the Rule ofLaw

The Coalition has helped the Government of
Political stability in Iraq is predicated on die Iraq improve the judicial system in several
effective rule of law in the country. (Note: areas, including building or renovating wurt-
Police and associated institutions are dis- houses, expanding the Central Criminal Court
cussed in Section 2 of this report.) Effective o f Iraq (CCCI), and improving security. The
i l e of law in Iraq, as in any country, requires CCCI, for example, now has 12 panels
four conditions to be met: effective laws. Operating throughout Iraq. It processes, on
police to enforce them, courts to administer average, US insurgency-related cases each
them, and prisons to incarcerate offenders. If month. Due to the limited capacity of the
any one of these institutions fails, or cannot 11 panels outside Baghdad, the Baghdad
work with the others, the Irani reeime will be CCCI is the primary facility for hearing insur-
unable to enforce the rule o f i a w r ~ h eUnited gency cases.
States, its Coalition partners. and international
agencies are helping Iraq strengthen the rule Poor security for judges and judicial facilities,
of law. Although there have been some posi- an insufficient number of judges, and an
live developments, delay in the formation of inadequate court infrastructure undermine
the Government of Iraq resulted in a loss of advancements in the rule of law in Iraq.
momentum; rule of law initiatives slowed, Judges are subject to intimidation and in
which contributed to the growth of crime, cor- many areas arc afraid to prosecute insurgents.
ruption, and illegal m e d groups. The U.S. Government, through the U.S.
Marshals Service, responded by providing
secure housing, personal security details,
courthouse protection, and personal protection
The Iraqi Constitution sets forth a comprehen- firearms to some members of the Iraqi
sive list of rights and freedoms, but additional judiciary. In Baghdad, the Coalition has pro-
legislation is needed to implement those guar- vided facilities for 22 judges to reside in the
International Zone. Working in conjunction stopped at Khan Bani Sa'ad and Nasiriyah
with MNF-I, the U.S. Marshals Service has due l o problems with the primary contractor.
begun training an Iraqi Marshals Service. The Bridge contracts have been awarded to local
U.S. Department o f Justice, along with the Iraqi contractors to provide site security and
U.S. Departmento f State and the U.S. Depart- I 0 perform some continuing construction
ment of Defense, is proceeding with plans for work. The Gulf Region Division o f the U S .
the renovation and construction of Iraqi Army Corps of Engineers anticipates that
courthouses and other related court facilities, contracts will be issued to a new contractor in
including witness protection buildings. As of September and that both facilities will be
July 21, 2006, approximately 20 projects to completed in April 2007. Construction at the
improve judicial capacity have been com- two Rusafa facilities has been delayed due to
p i e d , and 13 more are under way. Five addi- a title dispute between the Ministers ofJustice
tional projects are planned. and Interior. The title dispute is currently i n
litigation i n the Iraqi courts. Dahuk, a
The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 1,200-bed facility i n the Kurdish region, is
Iraq needs 1,500 judges, yet only about 740 scheduled for completion i n February 2007.
judges are currently serving. The Iraqi Construction at Baladiyat was completed and
Ministry of Justice's (MOJ) Judicial Training the prison facility there has been activated and
Institute has enrolled a new class of 180 is currently in use by the Iraqi Corrections
students (40 judges and 140 prosecutors) i n a Services. Upon completion i n mid-2007, all
2-year program to train new judges and of these faciiities w i l l add a combined 4,800
prosecutors. When this class graduates in the beds. Even with these additions, however,
fali o f 2007. there will still be a significant projections show another 20,000 beds will
shortfall in judges. T o help address this need, ultimately be needed. Thus, the Government
the Iraqi Chief Justice recently nominated 200 o f Iraq must address insufficient bed space,
lawyers to serve as investigative judges. If enactment o f custody transfer taws, abuses in
these judges are confirmed, the number of M O I and M O D detention faciiities, and the
judges w i l l rise to 940. By the fali of 2007. need for more guards and trained supervisors.
approximately 980 judges will be serving in The Government o f Iraq also faces the
Iraq, an increase o f 32%. but still well short of problem of prisoner-detaineesawaiting adju-
the requirement. dicatiodresolution o f the charges against
them. The M O i and M O D are believed to be
detaining between approximately 2,000 and
10,000 people in prc-trial status, many in
The MOJ is responsible for imprisoning con- crowded, substandard faciiities.
victed criminals and insurgents in Iraq. MOJ
prisons generally meet international stan- Security Inte-
dards, but are already at maximum capacity.
As a result, many detainees spend time in I n addition to criminal detainees and convicts
M O i or M O D facilities, which generally fill1 held by the Government o f Iraq, MNF-I holds
short of internationally accepted standards. To security internees (or detainees) under the
address this issue, the U.S. and Iraqi govern- authority o f United Nations Security Council
ments are funding construction o f seven new Resolution 1637. As o f July 16. 2006. Cmli-
MOJ prison facilities, one each in Basrah, 1011 forces held 12,388 such security internees
Khan Bani Sa'ad. Nasiriyah, Dahult, and outside the Iraqi criminal system. Detainees in
Baladiyat, and two in Rusafa. Work has MNF-1 custody arc treated in accordance with

Geneva Convention principles. The U.S. Gov- legislation, lack o f CCCI capacity, and intimi-
ernment has initiated a dialogue with the dation o f investigators and judges.
Government of Iraq in an effort to transfer
these internees to Iraqi custody. However,
Iraq currently lacks the legal authority to hold
security internees outside o f the judicial Since the liberation o f Iraq, there have been
system. Therefore, neither MNF-1-held significant successes in the development o f
detainees nor MNF-I-mn detention facilities legitimate political institutions and processes.
can presently be transitioned to MOJ control. The unfolding of the democratic electoral pro-
The Coalition continues to u x e the Govern- cess over the course of 2005 was a crucial
ment of Iraq to accept transfer o f security success. Despite these achievements, how-
internees in a way that ensures their humane ever, the political process has encountered
treatment. Those detainees who do not pose a obstacles.
i o u s threat to the citizenry are released as
promptly as possible. (The detainee release
program is described i n more detail later in
this report.) The nature of violence i n Iraq is multifaceted.
Ilieffallv armed croups that reiect the oolitical
A n t i - C o m ~ t i o nInstitutions and P r o m s if
often d o so because long.~tandine
grievances, extremist beliefs, tribal affilia-
The Government o f Iraq has made a public tions. andor personal vendettas No one strat-
commitment to eradicate corruption and to egy can address every grievance. A vocal
empower anti-corruption institutions. Coali- minority of Iraqis (e.g., religious extremists)
tion support for this effort is focused largely
- . fundamentally opposes the idea of a demo-
on the three main anti-comption institutions cratic Iraq. Further, some Iraqis who have
in Iraq: the Board of Supreme Audit (BSA), joined the political process are condoning or
the Commission on Public Integrity (CPI), maintaining support for violent means as a
and the Ministerial Inspectors General (IG). source o f political leverage.
Both the BSA and CPI have new constitu-
tional status, and the CPI has become the lead The continued violence in some areas, espe-
Iraqi anti-comption agency. The CPI has dally i n Baghdad, hampers the formation of
investigated 1,158 cases this year. legitimate national institutions. I n some towns
and neighborhoods, local illegal armed groups
The CCCI, which has jurisdiction for public are seen as the primary providers of security
corruption cases, does not have the capacity and basic social and essential services. With
to process all its corruption cases. There are the extended delay in formation of the
826 criminal cases pending or under active national government and capable ministries,
prosecution.Over the past 20 months, 56 offi- these armed groups have become more
cials in Iraq's ministries were either convicted entrenched, especially in svme primarily
or subject to arrest warrants. The fact that Shi'a sections o f Lastcrn Baghdad and certain
there is a functioning process for investigating Sunni neighborhoodsin Western Baghdad
and prosecuting corruption. and that some
w m p t officials are being brought to justice,
is a nositive sim. However. the ability o f the
. the attemDtcd kidnao-
Security issues (ex..
ping "fa dtfput) minister and threats to mims.
government to prosecute corruption cases suc- try personnelwho work with Embassy learns)
cessfully is hampered by the lack o f enabling have made some ministers reluctant to have

U.S. personnel visit them. This reluctance
hampers coordination between the Coalition
and some ministry personnel. Internal politics Corruption in the ministries has further ham-
(e.g., political party affiliation) is alw an pered their capubilities. Experienced or la!-
obstacle to progress in some ministries. ented employees are often purged and
replaced with pafty elemenwcronies as a
result of a spoils system. Many of Iraq's
political factions tend to view government
Some Iraqi ministers tend to focus on near- ministries and their associated budgets as
term performance, rather than on long-term sources of power, patronage, and funding for
capacity building. A lack of effective proce- their parties. Ministers without strong party
dures within the ministries, such as policy ties often face significant pressure from the
development, procurement, and budgeting, political factions, and sometimes have little
was endemic to the Iraqi government under control over the politically appointed and
Saddam Hussein, and three years is not connected people serving under them. Still
enough time to reverse decades of organiza- entrenched in the culture of the former
tional incapacity. This situation should regime, some ministry personnel are reluctant
improve with time. to exercise independent initiative or to take
any bold action to address Iraq's problems of
Lack of proper "tools," such as information corruption.
technology, finance systems, and planning
capabilities, inhibit the governing of complex
issues. The result is that Iraqi planning, budg-
eting, and execution processes are less than The National Strateav for Victory in Iraq
fully effective. IRMO is currently procuring underscores three objectives in helping the
and developing these tools, but it will take Iraqis build their economy:
ti-years rather than months-kfore
Government of Iraq staff is able to use these Building the capacity of Iraqi institu-
tools fully and to manage the ministries to full tions to maintain infrastructure, rejoin
effectiveness. the international economic community,
and improve the general welfare of all
Foreien Interference Iraqis
à Reforming Iraq's economy, which has
Iran and Syria undermine the Government of been hindered by war, dictatorship, and
Iraq by providing both active and passive sanctions, so that it can be self-sustain-
support to anti-government forces that tend to ing in the filture
fuel &no-sectarian tensions. The Coalition Restoring Iraq's neglected infrastructure
and the Government of Iraq have acted to 0 that it can meet an increasing
counter the Iranian and Syrian influence by demand and the needs of a growing
tightening security at the borders. However, economy
the borders are porous, and eliminating the
transfer of illegal material and foreign fighters This m e w rounds out & N & d
into Iraq is a formidable challenge. m005.2007j of the

"-19. SOW
Government of Iraq, whose national eco- prevent high inflation from becoming
nomic objectives are: entrenched.

- Strengthening the foundations o f eco-

nomic growth
Iraq continues to make progress reducing hs
Saddam-era debt. Iraq's debt was estimated at
 Revitalizing the private sector US$125 billion after the war. This was almost
Improving the quality o f life five times the gross domestic product (GDP)
Strengthening good governance and i n 2004, an unsustainable burden on the Iraqi
security economy. The historic November 2004 debt
relief agreement with the Paris Club members
Buildins the IraeiEconoq and subsequent agreements with commercial
and other official creditors, as well as some
The formation o f a new covemment allowed rum-Paris Club creditors, arc helping bring
Iraq to refocus on its economic agenda, i n the Iraq's debt to sustainablelevels.
second quaner, the new government affirmed
its commitment to the reform program sup- As o f July 2006, all 18 Paris Club crcdhors
ported by the Stand-By Arrangement and is exccot Russia had siened bilateral acreements
moving forward with implementation o f that to forgive 80% o f lr&i sovereign dcbt owed.
program. The new government maintained Russia is expected to sign an agreciicnt iMth
fiscal discipline, raised domestic fuel prices to Iraq soon i n addition. Iraq has completed us
the targeted levels i n the Stand-By Arrange- program to restructure commercial claims
ment, sent a fuel import liberalization law to from commercial and other official creditors.
the CoR, and increased targeted support for
the poor. The Executive Board o f the I M F Paris Club - USt41.7 billion owed
before signed bilatemls; USS34.2
subscqucntly completed its first and second
review of Iraq's performance under the Stand- billion w i l l be forgiven under Paris
By Arrangementon August 2,2006. Club terms, including a future Russian
Although the Government o f Iraq missed h e Nor-Paris Club sovereign debt -
March 2006 deadline for the state &el-price approximately US$63 billion owed
increase required by the Stand-By Arrange- (USI2.75 billion worth o f debt relief
ment for refined petroleum products, on agreed to on USS3.3 billion worth of
July 1, 2006, the new Government of Iraq debt, thus far).
increased prices (reducing subsidies) for Commercial and other official creditors
regular and m m i u m " .
easnline.. benzene.. liaue-
ficd petroleum gas (LPG), kerosene, and
- debt relief deals completed on
USS19.7 billion o f commercial and
diesci pwdi-cis. thus meeting or exceeding the other official debt.
W Stand-Ry Arrangement-mandated price
increases As long as Iraq continues its progress on
implementing the economic reforms in the
Inflation threatens the overall macroeconomic I M F Stand-By Arrangement, the country will
stability that Iraq has maintained since the remain eligible for the final 20% o f debt
war ended. Ongoing violence and supply dis- reduction agreed under the Paris Club terms.
niptions are pushing prices higher. The Sixty percent of the Government of Iraq's
Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) must further debt to Paris Club members has already been
tighten monetary and exchange rate policy to forgiven, and continued successful comple"
tion of the Stand-By Arrangement will qualify ment Information System (FMIS) that will
Iraq for a final tranche of 20% i n late 2007 or provide greater transparency and account-
early 2008. The United States forgave all of ability i n the government's budget and expen-
Iraq's debt (USM.1 billion) and is encourag- diture processes.
ing other creditors to follow this example.
Debt relief from non-Paris Club creditors is As o f July 1, 2006, halfway through Iraq's
expected i n accordance with Paris Club terms fiscal year, the Government o f Iraq's minis-
or better, and Iraq is beginning to approach tries have spent far below their planned capi-
these creditors to ask for debt .forgiveness. tal budget expenditures. Iraq's new ministries
The Gulf countries hold the largest amount of do not have experience executing ministerial
Iraq's non-Paris Club debt, estimated TO be budgets, and lack of a modern electronic
USS45 billion. transfer system, which has hampered trans-
ferring funds in locations around the country,
In addition to loans, Iraq owes nearly compounded by security problems, contrib-
USS32billion in war reparations (as of utes to an under-expenditure. The Govern-
May 1, 2006). These reparationsarc the result ment of Iraq's continued inability to execute
of claims against Saddam's regime following Its budget places delivery o f basic services, as
the Gulf War i n 1991. Evety year, 5% of well as future economic expansion, at risk,
Iraq's oil revenue goes to repayment o f war and demonstrates the need for continuedjoint
reparations. As of May 2006, Iraq had paid
U.S.-Iraqi capacity development efforts.
more than US$20 billion in reparations. The IRMO will soon develop contracts to install
United Nations Compensation Commission,
government-wide budgeting and procurement
which oversees the payment o f reparations,
awarded USS21.5 billion in compensationto modules to add to the FMIS, which was
oil companies, which lost profits and equip- installed approximately two years ago;
ment during the Gulf War. Paying these however, the Government o f Iraq is Just now
reparations each year, while simultaneously starting to use this system. These new
attempting to rebuild its economy, places a modules w i l l increase the transparency o f the
significant strain on Iraq's limited resources. financial system and will imnrove the
effectiveness o f in-year and 'forecasted
budgeting. I t is proposed that the Minister of
Finance require all Government of Iraq
The economic institutions o f the new Iraqi financial transactions to use this enhanced
government are still developing. On July 12, FM1S system. Budgets are not effectively
Prime Minister al-Maliki outlined his vision delegated from the Ministry o f Finmnce
for economic reform to build a prosperous (MOF)to other ministries and provinces. The
Iraq based on private sector activity and procedures to enable contracts through the
investment, economic diversification, and MOF are mavine too cumbersome. and offi-
integration into the global economy. The cials are not willing to risk applying perceived
Coalition is working with the Government of incorrect p~occd-ires," as several officials
Iraq to appoint an Ambassador to the World hate been dcta.ncd with investigations pend-
Trade Organization (WTO) and to complete ing into possible breaches o f regulations.
the necessary documentation to hold its first Communications benveen the CB1 and the
WTO Working Party. I n addition, the United MOF have all but stopped; several employees
States continues to work with the Ministry of at the CBI have been intimidated and have
Finance to implement a Financial Manage- therefore failed to show up for work,

growth. The UN now occupies its compound
in Irbil, and a UN Liaison Detachment has
The United States is working with the Gov- been established in Kirkuk.
ernment of Iraq to engage Iraq's neighbors
and the international community on the future The Arab League issued a strong statement
of Iraq and the stability of the region. A following its November 2005 "Preparatory
sustained dialogue with key international Meeting for the National Accord Confer-
partners remains a critical element in assisting ence," calling for all Iraqi panics and Arab
Iraq's nascent democracy. In this context, last states to support Iraq and respect the political
month Prime Minister al-Maliki traveled to will of the Iraqi people. The United States
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the United Arab welcomes the planned Arab League-sport-
Emirates to promote his national reconcilia- sored Iraqi National Accord Conference (TO
tion plan and to encourage international sup- be scheduled) as an opportunity for Iraqis
port for Iraq. inside and outside of government to discuss
the many crucial issues facing their country
In late July, the Government of Iraq aid the and to support a process of national rcconcili-
UN, with the strong support of the United mion. Since the November 2005 conference,
States, the United Kingdom, and other donor the Arab League has opened its office in
states and international financial institutions, Baghdad and has appointed Mukhtar Lamani
launched an International Compact with Iraq. as its envoy.
The International Cnmoact will.. WET the next
five years. bring tugether the international MflcroecommicIndicators
community and m~ltilateralorganirations to
help Iraq achieve its national vision The go\- Economic indicators are collected and pub-
emment's vision is that, five years from now, lished regularly, largely through the Iraqi
Iraq will be a united, federal, and democratic Ministry of Planning and Development Coop-
country, at peace with its neighbors and itself, eration and International organizations, such
well on its wav to sustainable economic self- as the World Bank. the UN, and the IMF.
sufficiency and prosperity, and well inte- although gathering accurate statistics on
grated in its region and the world.
which to base such indicators in the present
security situation in Iraq is a challenge. As
The International Compact wilt provide assis-
outlined in the table below, projections from
tance to Iraq under a contractual agreement;
the IMF assume that economic growth over
Iraq will undertake specific economic and
wlitical reforms desiened to brine it into the the medium term will remain dependent on
global economy. In return, international the performance of the oil sector, as it
donors will .ncrease their financial support for accounts for more than two-thirds of Iraq's
Iraq's reconstruction Meanwhile, the Gov- GDP. The outlook also assumes that the
crnment of Iraq will continue to enact politi* Government of Iraq's investment in the oil
cal and security measures to achieve national sector will generate increased oil production
i l i a t i o n and to build an economic envi- and strong GDP growth over the medium
mment condncive to sustai~ed econmnic term.

GDP Ettlmatet and Projections, 20042008
2008. 20MP 2007p ZdOBp

Nombul ODP OR USD billion) 2s7 s

3 0 0 '30 730

OwrnnwntORh~~~(In%ofODP) WS m.4 S4S W4

Estimates o f unemployment i n Iraq vary such areas as privatization and investment to

widely. The UN World Food Program's 2005 spur economic growth.
estimate is 13.4%. other estimates are as high
as 50%-60%. As of July 2006, the Govern- Using data collected in 2004, the UN World
ment of Iraq Central Organization for Statis- Food Program estimates that 15.4% o f the
tics and Information Technology (COSIT) surveyed population in Iraq lacks adequate
estimated that unemployment was 18% and food. Including both severe and moderate
underemployment was 34%. The COSIT forms, about 25.9% o f the Iraqi children
estimates were corroboratedby a 2005 United examined were stunted in their physical
State;. Agency for International Development growth, a symptom o f chronic malnutrition.
(USAID) survey and recent nationwide The lowest rate observed (14.2%) was in
polling. This year, the Government o f Iraq Sulamaniyah Province, while the highest
budgeted to increase employment from (36.5%) was in Salah ad Din Province.
I I million TO 1.9 million civi servants. Stale-
owned cnierpriaes arc cxpecxd to add another With support from USAID, the Ministries of
100.000 .~conle
. 10 their ro.ls. AlIhoueh this Finance. Labor, and Social Affairs hate
hiring will reduce unemployment, govern- developed a more effective social safety net
ment and state-owned-enterprise employment for Iraq's poorest citizens. This initiative
is not a long-term panacea; for example, most helps low-income families manage the effects
state-owned enterprises are operating under o f subsidy reform, using needs-adjustedcash
capacity or are closed. The key to long-term, benefits and services that help families raise
sustained reduction in unemployment can be themselves above the poverty level. The
achieved only through private sector-led social safety net program is an essential step
growth. The U.S. Government is working in reforming national subsidies as required by
with the Government o f Iraa to devclon the the IMF Stand-Bv Arraneement. The Govcrn-
Iraqi private sector b> reforming the banking ment of Iraq is still registering eligible house-
system. providing micro-cred.t tending and ho.ds in a con'.inuing effort to reach those
vocational U'dinin~,and cna'tir.~ Itf~isliilionin Iraqis most in need u f w.p. Tu date, the

Government of Iraq has enrolled more than perceptions are generally more pessimistic
520,000 people in the social safety net than they were a year ago.
There is evidence that Iraqi private sector
High inflation is thrcatcnicg Iraq's overall activity continues to expand. The IMF esti-
macroeconomic stability. Inflation continues mates that non-oil GDP growth i n 2006 will
lo be volatile, with spikes generally caused by be 10%. Various U.S. Government agencies
commodity shortages and seasonal variations. are attempting to spur private sector activity
The annual inflation rate from June 2005 to with microfinance loans. bank lendino to
June 2006 was 52.5%. according to COSIT. small- and medium-sized enterprises, capital
The CB1 needs to take steps to control infla- market devciopmenl, business skills dcvclop-
tion. Polling data indicate that the Iraqi mcnt, vocational training, investment promo-
public's perceptions of the household finan- tion, business center support, and creation of
cial situation arc mixed, although public economic zones
Howwould you rate economic conditions in
Iraq today?

New B u a l n e s s Regiatratlone (Cumulative)

Sector Indicators . .
Durina the oast Quarter. Iraa resumed exoom
from northern fields for the fim lime since
Oil Production. Distribution, the autumn cf 20U5, though on a very small
scale. Exports are expected to increase once
When Coalition forces began Operation Iraqi three major crude pipelines from Kirtcuk,
Freedom, they entered a country whose including a new 40-inch line, are put in
energy infrastructure had deteriorated over service in September 2006.
many years. The Coalition set out to help the
Government of Iraq restore oil facilities, Demand remains essentially unchecked for
increase production, improve refining of state-subsidized refined petroleum products.
natural gas production, and maintain pipeline The Government of Iraq announced reduc-
facilities. Poor maintenance, insurgent tions in fuel subsidies on June 21, 2006, on
attacks, slow repair, and corruption have July 1,2006, in accordance with the Stand-By
slowed progress. Beyond attacks on various Arrangement, these subsidies started being
worksites, terrorists have attacked crude phased in at government-run stations. In June
export and petroleum product pipelines, 2006, the government increased prices for
impeding exports and the refining and dis- fuel soid through official outlets, in accor-
tribution of petroleum products, such as dance with its commitments under its IMF
gasoline and diesel. reform program to decrease fuel subsidies.
Regular gasoline (85 octane) in Iraq is cur-
Despite these challenges, crude oil production rently regulated at about US$0.55 per gallon,
for the second quarter improved by 18% to while premium gasoline (92 octane) is regu-
2.2 mbpd, and exports improved by 20% to lated at about US$0.90 per gallon. The
1.6 mbpd. Nevertheless, oil production and oremiurn easoline orice is at the IMF tareel
exports still fell short of the Government of price These prices arc roughly equivalent 10
Iraq's goals (2.5 mbpd and 2.0 mbpd, respec- the pump prices in Kuwait and Saudi Arabit,
tively). Due to a combination of increased but substantially less than in Turkey. wnerc
exports and higher prices for crude, oil reve- a s o h n e is heavily taxed This disconnect
nues improved in the second quarter, and will between supply and demand leads to black
reach budgeted targets by August 2006. market activities and corruption. Effons are

Oil Production

under way to encourage the Government of process, an unreliable flow of crude oil into
Iraq to adopt legislation allowing private the refinery, and security threats to personnel.
imports of premium fuels at market prices.
This legislation should allow the refined facl Maintaining the refinery's outdated equip-
market to clear and help ease the frequent ment is a challenge. Two of the refinery's
shortages. It should also help reduce the three plants have been shirt down since May
rampant crime and corruption associated with 2006 due to mechanical breakdowns, sched-
the current fuel production and distribution uled maintenance, power outages, and fires.
One power outage damaged the refinery's
USS20 million hvdrocracker. a critical niece
of equipment used convert heavy fuel oil to
The Bayji refinery in northern Iraq is a critical usable products.
element in Iraq's national oil infrastructure.
Built in the 1980s. the Bayji refinery is Iraq's A second factor limiting production at Bayji
largest and newest refinery. This refinery is inefficiency in its refining process. For
typifies many of the challenges Iraq faces as it every two barrels of crude oil brought into the
attempts to modernize its aging infrastructure refinery, Bayji produces about one barrel of
and increase its oil exports. Bayji has a nomi- usable product, for an efficiency rate of about
nal production capacity of 310,000 barrels per 50%. modem refineries can have efficiencies
day. However, since May 2006, the refinery of 90% or higher. The result of the inefficient
has not produced more than 170,000 barrels refining process is a. large amount of heavy
per day, and recent production has been as fuel oil (HFO) byproduct. Bayji docs not have
low as 7,500 barrels per day. Four primary adequate facilities to refine further, st-, or
factors have limited production at the Bayji dispose of this byproduct; the excess HFO
refinery: maintenance issues with key com- thus interferes with production and storage of
ponents in the refinery, an inefficient refining usable oroducts.

Production at Bayji is also affected by the period. This is an improvement of 15.8% over
interrupted flow of crude oil into the refinery the previous reporting period. Iraq averaged
from Kirkuk through three key pipelines. The 14 hours of power per day this quarter, an
flow has been periodically halted by corro- improvement of 3 hours per day over the pre-
sion, fires, mainienance, and attacks, all of vious quarter. Baghdad averaged 8 hours of
which SeNe to hamper production of refined power per day, twice what it had averaged six
products and crude oil for export. Construc- months earlier.
tion of a new 40-inch line is scheduled to be
completed in September 2006. As Iraois .
, nurchase additional electric annli-
ances. demand for electricirv continues ui
ElectricityProduction andDistribution increase Estimated demand over the 30day
period ending Jul) 15, 2006. was 8.928 M W
The electrical generation and distribution To date in 2006. the highest daily peak supply
system in Iraq suffers from unscheduled was 5,283 MW, 2% below the 2005 pea< of
downtime due to the fragile condition of the 5,389 MW. With all slate-owned generators
electric grid. sabotage, and poor maintenance running, theoretical maximum output is
practii;e<. In addition, shortfalls in petroleum 8.551 MW, or 96% of this estimated new
production and distribution lend lo occmmml demand. However, that level of output has no*
fuel shortages for electric generators. been achieved, nor could it be sustained if it
were achieved. The Government of Iraq's
Despite problems, peak capacity and hours of goal for average peak generating output by
power continue to improve. During this the end of Dtcember 2006 is 6,000 M W per
reporting period, peak generating output was day. During times when state-generated elec-
tricity is not available, many Iraqis meet their
5,283 M W on July 17,2006, with an average
electricity requirements through private
peak generating output of 4,573 M W over the
Average Dally Hour of Electrical Power per Province
April-June 2006

generators. Electricity usage in Iraq appears to scribm is relatively stable, the three major
be in accordance with or less than regional cell phone companies continue to enroll sub-
norms. Nonetheless, the data suroort the con- scribers. IRMO reports that, as of July 25,
tention that the current connected capacity is 2006. there were 7.1 million cellular tele-
not sufficient to support a growing economy. phone subscribers and 1 million landline con-
nections. This reflects an increase in cellular
The subsidized state distribution rate affects subscribers since the last report. The number
electricity demand, and current electricity of cellular telephone subscribers has doubled
rates are nominal, well below regional aver- over the last nine months. The state-owned
ages. In addition, not all Iraqis pay for their Internet service provider (ISP) currently
state-supplied electricity. About 70% of serves 197,310 subscribers, a slight decrease
homes have meters and are billed. Of those, since May 2006. This figure excludes private
about 70% pay their electric bills. The rate ISPs and public Internet cafes. It is unknown
billed is equivalent to US$.002/kwh. Owners whether expansions of private sector ISPs
of private neighborhood generators bill their drew customers from the state-owned service.
customers at a rate about 40 times higher,
round US$.O8/kwh. U.S.Government projects continue to support
improved communications among Iraqi min-
istries. Thirty-five of 42 government sites in
Baghdad, the CBI, and two state-owned banks
The communications sector continues to are now connected via the wireless broadband
expand, although this expansion is slowing network. The U.S. Government continues to
down in comparison with its explosive growth train Iraqi telecommunications engineers on
immediately after the fall of the previous proper operations and maintenance proce-
regime. Whereas the number of landline sub- dures to maintain and broaden this network.
Cumulatlva Communications Subscriber Data

and outside the country remains a serious

issue. Turkey, where high taxes keep gasoline
New projects have "added capuchy to provide priced near USS5 a gallon, is a lucrative target
an estimated 4.2 million people with access lo for smugglers. However, a significant portion
potable water-an increase of 1.2 million of illegal trade results in constraining the
people since the May 2006 report-but direct supply of gasoline in Baghdad, giving motor-
measurement of water actually delivered to ists few alternatives to purchasing black
Iraqis is not available."' Additional projects market fuel at increased prices. Some pipeline
currently under way should increase infra- interdictions are due to insureent attacks.
structure capacity to provide access to clean while some are boicned attempts 10 steal fuel
water toas many as 5 million more people. by lapping into a fleeing product line. Other
incidcnti include deliberate acts of sabo'-age
intended to manipulate the fuel supply to spur
increased profits for black marketeers and
There is significant black market activity in corrupt officials.
Iraq, much of it in oil products. Although
crude oil can be sold on the biack market, Black market prices for ftiel vary by refined
refined product requires less handling, can be fuel type: Benzene typically sells for 3-5
sold almost anywhere, and is more difficult to times the government established price, while
trace, thereby making it more profitable. LPG has recently been selling for 10-20 times
Much of the black market and corruption the official price. This gap between the
activity centers on refined products, such as official price and the biack market price pro-
gasoline, benzene, LPG, and diesel. vides a strong incentive for corruption. The
U.S. Embassy has engaged the Government
Although the increases in the official orices o f Iraq to follow through on their stated com-
have reduced the economic incentive to mitment to encourage liberalization o f the
smuggle fuel, smuggling fuel for resale inside retail fuel market through enactment of the
Fuel Import Liberalization Law being con-
sidered by the CoR. This reform will allow
Special Inspector General Imq Reconstruction
(SIOIR) report. 30 April 06, http://www slgir.nii1. the private sector to import fuel and sell it at

market prices. This step is viewed with con- Iraqi public perceptions of security and
troversy in Iraq. Economists predict that
private sector retail vendors of petroleum
products would undercut the illegal market,
thus driving them out of business once the
. security institutions; and
capabilities of the ISF and Iraqi

Government of Iraq passes the import liberal- Information about the ISF is presented later in
ization law. this report.

1.3 The Security Envlronme~t

Defeating the enemy, breaking the cycle of

violence. promotinc reconciliation, and transi- During this reporting period, attacks and
timing security responsibility to lhe Govem- civilian casualties have risen, characterized by
men1 of Iraq remain the top goals in the secu- ethno-sectmianattacks and reprisals. Violence
rity track. To achieve these coals, the United escalated notably in Baghdad, which, as the
States, its Coalition partners, and the Govern- political, population, and media center of the
ment of Iraq are focused on objectives that country. is a high-value large! for terrorists.
include: Violence in Basrah also rose, partly in

. neutralizing enemy effectiveness, influ-

ence, and ability to intimidate;
response to British actions against the JAM.
The death of terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
in June was a major success for the Coalition
and the Government of Iraq, but al-Qaeda in
. .
ranidlv reducing sectarian violence and
eliminating death squads;
Iran remains able to conduct omations due to
its resilient, semi-autonomous cellular struc-
increasing the capacity of the Govern- t u x of summand and con'rol lerr~tnstshave
ment of Iraq and its security structures failed to advance their primary objectives,
and forces to provide national security which include derailing Iraq's political
and public order; and process and widening their political support
helping Iraq strengthen rule of law among the Iraqi people. The Iraqi Army took
capabilities in the areas of law enforce- the lead in more counter-insurgency opera-
ment. justice, and the corrections tions and assumed security responsibility in
system. more areas since the last report. The Iraqi
people continue 10 express confidence in the
Indicators of the security environment Iraqi Army to provide for their security and to
include: reject al-Qaeda in Iraq's vision of Iraq's
future, but they are increasingly turning to
composition, strength, and support for militias and neighborhood watch groups to
provide security from sectarian violence.
groups that threaten security and stabil-
ity: anti-government and anti-Coalition Overall attack levels arc higher than last
forces (the "enemy"); auarter. In particular. attacks have increased
activity, support, and efforts to disband, in southwestern Dipla Province and in the
disarm, and reintegrate militias; cities of Mosul and Kirkuk. Extremisis sci.-k-
attack trends (including the number of

ing to stoke ethno-sectarian strife have
attacks and their effectiveness); increasingly focused their efforts on civilians.
levels of sectarian violence; inciting a cycle of retribution killings and
AI-Qaoda i n Iraq Influence

* ~ h l " q l ~ " . ~ h ~ " . . ~ l " " , ~ " ~


driving civilian casualties to new highs. Much respective sectarian groups. However, the
of this violence is focused on Baghdad, as Sunni Arab insurgence remains potent and
terrorists, insurgents, and illegal armed groups viable, although its visibility has been over-
recognized the political and economic signifi- shadowed by the increase in sectarian
cance of the ca~italcitv. As described below. violence.
the ~overnmenio f lraa and the Coalition are
akin# iigniticant steps to reverse tne upward On June 14, 2006, Iraqi Prime Minister
trend o f à tolcncc in Baghdad al-Maliki announced the government's plan to
provide improved security conditions in
Recent DevelopmentsIn the Secwiq Baghdad. Operation Together Forward, or
Environment Amaliya Ma'an ila Al-Amam in Arabic, con-
sists o f increased checkpoints, curfews, and
Risine sectarian strife defines the ememins--
nal&of tiolcnce i n mid-2006. Since the last
enforced weapons bans to reduce sectarian
violence in focused areas within Baghdad.
report. the core conflici in Iraq changed into a Security forces are also conducting raids
struggle between Sunni and Shi'a extremists against terrorist cells and death squads. As
seeking to control key areas i n Baghdad, part o f this operation, Iraqi police, the Iraqi
create or protect sectarian enclaves, divert Army, and National Police, supponed by
economic resources, and impose their own Coalition forces, increased patrols and check-
respective political and religious agendas. points i n all areas o f Baghdad, while wnccn-
Death squads and terrorists are locked i n tratino on areas o f the citv that have witnessed
mutually reinforcing cycles o f sectarian strife, increases i n violence and sectarian killings.
with Sunni and Shi'a extremists each portray- Security forces also worked to block terrorist
ing themselves as the defenders of their entry into the capital city.

The confluence of high attack l e v e l s ~ m a n y predominance o f the execution-style killings
(argeting c i v i l i a n s ~ a n dthe increased sec- and other minders i n the city. The death
tarian violence. combined with the need to squads have fomented sectarian violence, as
ensure that the Government of Iraq mamtans killings prompt further killings o f revenge.
mdmentum in political p r o m and counter- Coalition forces and the ISF are also targeting
insurgency, made Baghdad sceurit> a decisive the death squads and other illegal armed
element i n the campaign. Given the com- groups using checkpoints, patrols. driving
plexity o f the security situation in Baghdad. ins, curfews, weapons-law enforcement,
the Iraqi government planned to execute a d intelligencedriven operations, and other
completeAmaliya Ma'an Ha A/-Amam over a methods. The ]SF w i l l rely on their training,
period of months, not weeks. After the first experience, and familiarity with Baghdad's
month o f Amatiya Ma'an ila Al-Amam, the milieu to focus on neighborhoods with the
operation had arrested but had not reversed highest levels o f violence. Coalition forces
the high attack levels seen in May and June. remain in a supporting role and will be
The average o f 23.7 attacks per day across employed as requested by Prime Minister
Baghdad's 10 districts was virtually un- al-Maliki and directed by the MNF-1 com-
changed from the 23.8 average daily attacks manding general.
that occurred the month prior to the operation.
Moreover, the rate o f sectarian-motivated The two primary objectives o f the security
murders and execution-style killings con- operations in Baghdad are rapidly reducing
tinued to rise, primarily i n and around sectarian violence by delegitimizing the
Baghdad. illegally armed groups and establishing the
ISF as the dominant security presence. The
I n Juiy, during the prime minister's first visit changes described above represent a con-
to the United Stales. Prime Minister ai-Maliki certed, focused effort by the Coalition and the
and President Bush announced an adlmment Government o f Iraq, By strengthening the
10 the Baghdad Security Plan. One ofthe k q capacity o f the Government o f Iraq and
changes is an increase in security force levels spurring economic growth i n Baghdad, the
in the city. Elements o f the Call Forward United States will help the Government o f
Force were brought forward from Kuwait and Iraq succeed in protecting its population and
other Coalition and Iraqi units were reposi- restoring the confidence o f the Iraqi people in
Honed from less active areas ofthe country. I n their future.
addition, the Secretary o f Defense extended
the 172nd Strykcr Brigade Combat Team's
deployment in Iraq for up to 120 days.
Because the 172nd was largely successful i n Violence i n Baghdad is the most prominent
working with the ISF to improve security in feature o f the conflict i n Iraq i n this period, as
northern Iraq, i t has been repositioned into Sunni and Shi'a extremist death squads
Baghdad. pursue their sectarian agendas. The resulting
violence overwhelmingly targets civilians,
1 addition to increasing force levels i n causing segments o f the populace to tolerate
Baghdad, the Coalition and the Government or even endorse extremist actions on their
of Iraq developed and refined tactics, tech- behalfas an effective means to guarantee their
niques, and procedures designed to reduce the safety, undermining both the Government o f
sectarian killings. A primary focus is elimi- Iraq's ability to deliver security and its pursuit
nating the death squads responsible for the of a reconciliation program. Although

Baghdad remains the focus for sectarian and al-Sadr) are among most prominent groups
terrorist violence i n Iraq. violence tied m the engaging in a continuing pattern of attacks
Rejectionist insurgency, terrorist intimidation, and reprisals against individuals or com-
political and tribal tensions, and criminality munities representing the other's sectmian
continue in other regions. Sectarian violence affiliation. Thus, the violence in Iraq cannot
is gradually spreading north into Diyala be categorized as the result of a single
Province and Kirkuk as Sunni. Shi'a, and o r e a n k d or unified wmsition or insumencv:
" ,
" . .
Kurdish zrnuns mmnete few nrovincial tbe security situation is currentl) at it- most
iflnence. Conflict in Anbar Province remains complex stale since the initiation ofOperttnun
centered on the Sunm insurgcnc) Ahhough Iraqi Freedom Similarly, Iraqi or Coalition
al-Qaeda in Iraq continues its intimidatmn TO security strategies must be tailored for the
coerce passive Sunni support, tribes are different objectives, methods, and support
pushing back to eject al-Qaeda in Iraq and re- structures o f each particular threat.
establish their dominant role. In the southern,
predominantly Shi'a region o f the country,
political and tribal rivalries are a growing
motive behind violence, particularly i n AI-Qaeda i n Iraq and its affiliates in the
Basrah, with limited anti-Coalition forces Mujahadcen Shura Council consist o f both
artacks likely undertaken by rogue Shi'a foreigners and Iraqis motivated by an
militia with Iranian support. extremist Sunni Islamist ideology, which
rejects the West, attacks moderate Islam, and
seeks to establishan Islamic Caliphate i n Iraq.
AS is another significant, mostly indigenous
Violence against the Iraqi people and Coali- terrorist group that objects to al-Qaeda in
tion forces is committed generally by a com- Iraq's wanton targeting of Muslim Iraqis.
bination o f both Sunni and Shi'a groups, who Foreign fighters continue to enter Iraq and
are overwhelmingly Iraqi but with a small yet constitute the majority of those conducting
significant component of foreign suicide suicide attacks. Sunni extremists continue
operatives. Sunni groups include Rejection- their efforts to force Coalition withdrawal,
ists-many o f whom were members of, or perpetuate sectarian violence, and make Iraq
associated with, the former r e g i m e a n d ungovernable as a means o f establishing the
terrorists groups, including al-Qaeda i n Iraq, Caliphate. The death o f Abu Musab al-
Ansar at Sunnah (AS), and other smaller Zarqawi has dealt a significant blow to al-
groups. Shi'a groups include elements o f Qaeda in Iraq, though the cellular nature of its
militias and illegal armed groups, many o f robust network allowed decentralized opera-
whom receive Iranian support. Tlie threat tions to continue. Since then, ai-Qaeda i n Iraq
posed by Shi'a illegal armed groups, filling has fomented sectarian violence through high-
perceived and actual security vacuums, is profile attacks against Shi'a civilians and is
growing and represents a significant challenge engaged in a cycle of retaliatory violence
for the Iraqi government. The appearance and involving elements o f JAM. AI-Qaeda in Iraq
activity of death squads i s a growing aspect o f recently announced that its "Umar Brigade"
the violence in Iraq. with both Sunni and that would begin targeting J A M in retaliation
Shi'a death squads adding to the violence by for death squad activities i n an effort to
targeting civilians and inciting reprisal. Al- portray a l - Q d a in Iraq as a proiector of the
Qaeda in Iraq and elements of JAM Sunni. Additionally, al-Qaeda in Iraq leader-
(nominally under the control of Muqtada ship is increasing convergent with at-Qaeda

senior leaders on goals and strategy following tion Tactics and actively oppose al-Qaeda in
Zaqawi's death. The recent statement from Iraq, sometimes mounting their own anti-al-
Usama bin Laden on June 30,2006, in which Qaeda in Iraq attacks and raids.
he addresses the Iraqi "jihadists," frames the
conflict in terms o f attacking those who
support the Government of Iraq. He also
warns Shi'a in "southern Iraq" that they are Death squads are armed group5 that conduct
not safe, if they continue to support Coalition extra-judicial killings. Death squads are
operations aeainst Sunni urban centers i n
Anbar Province, This is a clear attempt to
formed from terrorists. militias,. illecal armed
groups, and-in some cases-rogue elements
recast alQaeda in iraq as the most effective ofthc lSF Bath Shi'a and Sunni death squads
defender o f Sunni interests. arc active in Iraq, and arc responsible for the
most significant increases i n sectarian vio-
lence. Death squads predominantly target
civilians, and the increase in death squad
Sunni Rejectionists use violence and coercion activity isdirectly correlated with the increase
in an attempt to force withdrawal o f Coalition of civilian casualties. Coalition forces and the
forces, prevent Shi'a economic and territorial ISF arc actively targeting elements that
dominance, and reverse Sunni political participate i n death squad activity.
marginalization by regaining a privileged or
protected status within a unified Iraq. The
1920s Revolutionary Brigade is the most
prominent o f these Rejectionist groups. Sunni Militias and small, illegally armed groups
Rejectionists continue to target Coalition operate openly and often with popular
forces at rates higher than Sunni extremist or support. This is especially true i n areas where
Shi'a militia groups. The bulk of the Rejec- the Government of Iraq is perceived as unable
lionist insurgency w i l l likely continue to to provide effective social and security
attack Coalition forces while they remain i n services for the population. Militias-whether
Iraq. Some elements are indicating an interest a or illegal-provide an element of
in Prime Minister al-Maliki's new reconcilia- protection for select portions o f the populace,
tion effort, while still employing violence
against the Coalition forces and the ISF from
usuallv on an ethno-sectarian basis.. resultins
in, overall, a more dangerous environment for
a sense o f honor and as a means to force the Iraqi community. Some militias also act as
meaningful political accommodation. Moder- the security arm o f organizations devoted to
ates say they will accept reconciliation social relief and welfare, lending these armed
inducements and disarm only after death groups further legitimacy. Whether operating
squads are eliminated; Shi'a militias are within or outside the law, these armed groups
disarmed, and key security, amnesty, and operate separately from formal public safety
political demands are met. Other hard-line strumires. Their continued existence chal-
elements o f Rejectionist groups provide pro- lenges the legitimacy o f the constitutional
fessional military skills to al-Qaeda i n Iraq government and provides a conduit for
and other extremists to achieve common foreign interference. An effective disanna-
tactical objectives. Other Rejectionists, merit, demobilization, and reintegration pro-
including some in Anbar and Baghdad, are gram is essential to meeting near- and long-
weary of al-Qaeda in Iraq's violent intimida- term security requirementsfor Iraq,

Although a number of militias and illegal The Peshmerga arc, technically, not a militia,
armed groups have operated in Iraq since but have the status of an authorized armed
before the liberation. the groups that are force.The Peshmeea maintain security inde-
affecting the current security situation the pendently within and along the borders for the
most are the Badr Organization and JAM. Kurdish Regional Government, Some el<-
mmts are integrated into the IPS. The
The Badr Organization is an authorized Peshmeea predominantly operate in Kurdish
militia under the Iraqi Transitional Adminis- regions, but have also been employed in the
trative Law that pre-dated the present Consti- private security company role outside of
tution, and the organization actively partici- Kurdistan. The Peshmerga do not attack or
pates in the Iraqi government. The Badr oppose Coalition forces or the ISF. In some
Organization has not engaged in active vio- cases, Peshmerga provide security for Coali-
slice against Coalition forces or the Govern- tion reconstruction efforts. Over the long
ment of Iraq; it attacks Sunni targets and in term, however, the perceived dual allegiance
the past has also confronted JAM in an effort of the Peshmeva is potentially inconsistent
to prevent its expansion of power and with effective national security and gover-
influence among the Shi'a. The Badr Organ- nance.
ization receives financial and materiel support
from Iran, and individuals from Badr have Unlike the Kurdish and Shi'a militia groups,
been implicated in death squads. Sunni Arabs do not have formally organized
militias, but rely on neighborhood watches,
JAM is not a legal militia under Iraqi law, Rejectionists, and, increasingly, al-Qaeda in
However, it is well known and supported Iraq. The presence of Peshmerga, Badr
popularly in Baghdad and the southern prov- Organization,and JAM individuals in the IPS
inces of Iraq, and has achieved a measure of and the National Police contributes to Summi
tolerance from elements of the Government of concerns about the potential for persecution
Iraq, JAM is closely associated with the and partisanship. The rise of sectarian attacks
Office of the Martyr Sadr and is nominally is driving some Sunni and Shi'a civilians in
responsive to his direction. Most, but not all, Baghdad and the mixed-ethnic provinces to
JAM elements are following Sadr's order not support militias. Such support is likely to con-
to engage Coalition forces or the ISF except tinue in areas where Iraqi institutions and
in self-defense. Still, violence between JAM, forces arc perceived as unable to provide
the Iraqi Army, and to a lesser extent Coali- essential services or meet security require-
tion forces, is frequent. Rogue JAM elements ments.
ire among the main perpetrators of sectarian
. ,.
violence. and JAM members freouentlv nar-
ncipate in death squad actnn cs As described
above. JAM and Badr Organisation members Without an apparent political motive, conven-
have periodically attacked one another in the tional criminal elements are also capitalizing
past and are political rivals, but intra-Shi'a on the instability in Iraq, although it is
conflict has taken a back seat to the ongoing increasingly difficult to distinguish among
battle of violence and revenge between =I- activities conduaed by criminal, insurgent,
Qaeda in Iraq and elements of JAM. Like and terrorist groups, as all are engaged in
Badr, JAM receives logistical support from kidnappings, extortion, assaults, and other
Ira". illegal behavior. In some cases, cvirninal
gangs work with terrorist organizations, with of casualties. Overall, Iraqi casualties
the former abducting hostages and selling increased by 51% compared to the previous
them to the latter, which can use their captives quarter. Most attacks targeting Coalition
for publicity or to obtain ransom The various forces were "stand-offs aattacks, not involving
groups involved in illicit activity are doing so close-up confrontations between Coalition
to generate revenue, expand their influence, forces and insurgents. Such attacks typically
and facilitate further criminal, terrorist, or consisted of improvised explosive devices
insurgent operations. (IEDs), small arms fire, and indirect fire
weapons. The number of car bombs this
Attack Trendsand Violence quarter increased to levels last seen in the
summer of 2005. Over the last quarter, czr
For this report, the term "attacks" refers to bombs were largely centered on Baghdad,
specific incidents reported in the Multi- Mosul. Kirkuk, and the Western Euphrates
National Corps-Iraq (MNC-I) Significant valley, and primarily targeted civilians or ISF
Activities database. It includes known attacks checkpoints.
on Coalition forces, the ISF, the civilian
population, and infrastructure, Although the overall number of attacks
increased in all categories, the proportion of
In the government establishment period those attacks directed against civilians
beginning May 20,2006, the average number increased substantially. Nationally, in April
of weekly attacks increased 15% compared to 2006, civilians were the target of 11% of
the previous reporting period. Weekly attack attacks; this increased to 15% in June 2006.
levels in July 2006 were the highest to date. Baghdad showed a more pronounced shift in
Coalition forces continued to attract the the targeting of civilians compared to the
majority (63%) of attacks. However, the ISF national trend. In Baghdad, civilian targets
and civilians continued to suffer the majority comprised 15% of total attacks in April and

Average Weekly Attack! by Time Period

1 Apr 04-11 Aug 06
Total Attacks by Province
20 May-4 Aim 06

22%in June. The increase in attacks over the Four of Iraq's 18 provinces (Anbar, Baghdad,
past two quarters reflects heightened sectarian Diyala, and Salah ad Din) continue to expcri-
tension foilowing the Golden Mosque bomb- mcc the majority of attacks. Anbar and
ing and increased death squad activity. Baghdad arc the worst affected provinces,

defined, movement toward civil war can be reported 1,600 bodies arrived in June and
prevented. The U.S. and Iraqi governmems more than 1,800 bodies in July, 90% of which
are continuing the military, diplomatic, and were assessed to be the result of executions.
political actions needed to prevent a civil war This is due to increased targeting of civilians
and bring the situation in Baghdad under by al-Qaeda in Iraq and the increase in death
control. Sectarian violence is largely confined squad activity,
to the communal level. Furthermore. the Iraqi
institutions of the center are holding. Iraqi Sunni and Shi'a extremists, particularly rogue
leaders must take advantage of the popular JAM elements and al-Qaeda in Iraq, are, as
support for democracy, a unified Iraq, and noted, interlocked in retaliatory violence and
opposition to violence to form institutions that are contesting control of ethnically mixed
take responsibility for Iraq's security. a to expand their areas of influence.
Throughout the past quarter, rogue JAM
Sectarian tensions increased over the past members continued a campaign of oven
quarter, demonstrated by the increasing executions and mass kidnappings of Sunni
number of executions, kidnappings, attacks on civilians. At the same time, Sunni extremists
civilians, and internally displaced persons. continued to respond by carrying out large-
According to an estimate by the United scale and mass-casualty bombings of Shi'a
Nations. 22,977 families-137.862 individu- gatherings and culturally significant sites.
a l s ~ h a v ebeen displaced in Iraq since the
February 22, 2006, Samarra Mosque bomb Attacks on Shi'a by al-Qaeda in Iraq and
ing. Sectarian violence is concentrated on the other Sunni elements are apparently designed
boundaries of mixed and ethnically dominated to inflame sectarian tension, which in turn
areas of Baghdad and in southwestern Diyala generates and results in retaliatory attacks on
Province. Sunni civilians by rogue Shi'a elements.
These rogue Shi'a actions increasingly appear
According to MNC-I reporting, civilian intent on securing Shi'a enclaves and
casualties increased by approximately 1,000 establishing control of contested areas o f
per month since the previous quarter. Execu- Baghdad. Coalition forces and the ISF are
tions in particular reached new highs in the responding by increased targeting of both
month of July. The Baghdad Coroner's Office Sunni and Shi'adeath squads.

areyou viytoonMwhrtci~~~mftd
Uuf ewiwrmmhtbfÑ out In IneT

Sectarian Incidents
include the Basrah area indicate increased
confidence in both the police and the Iraqi
Ultimately, stability and security in Iraq Army over the last reporting period. Con-
depend on the support of the Iraqi people. In fidence in militias is mixed, with a risc in
general, Iraqis have had an optimistic outlook confidence in Baghdad countering an overall
on their future and the overall security situa- downward confidence trend elsewhere.
tion. However, as time has passed, their
optimism has eroded. The aftermath of the The perceptions of the Iraqi population will
Golden Mosque bombing and the growing slowly respond to visible, effective actions
sectarian violence continue to shape their performed by the IPS. It will take continued
perceptions. As sectarian violence increases, diligence on the part of the Iraqi Police to be
the view of the security situation worsens.
seen as actively patrolling their areas and
With the view that Baghdad is the key to Iraq,
similar sentiment toward security exists arresting individuals for criminal activity.
there. while paying particular care to avoid the
appearance of sectarianism.
An indication of support for the Government
of Iraq within the country is the level of con- Another indicator is Iraqi use of the
fidence that the Iraqi people expressly place intelligence hotline for providing tips to
in the ISF Forces, especially when compared authorities about suspicious activity. The
against militias or other illegal armed groups. population has continued to demonstrate its
Since the previous report, confidence in the willingness to report such activity and thereby
Iraqi Army has remained generally constant, support the government's efforts against
with the notable exception of Baghdad, where terrorism. Since mid-March, the number of
public confidence improved. Despite the tips has increased (see following chart). Con-
increase in violence, confidence in the Iraqi tinued timely and effective response of the
Army rose from 69% to 78%. Despite the IPS to these tips should increase the con-
recent violence in Basrah, polling data that fidence ofthe population.

How concerned am you about an increase In
sectarian or ethnic violence In Iraq?

I SeciltOy In Baghdad..

% Expressing confidant* in __ to improv the situation

In Iraq'
2. Iraqi Security Forces Training and Performance

The ISF continue to grow in strength and 2.1 Progress in Training and Equipping
capability as indicated by: the Iraqi Security Forces

Force generation continues on schedule this

progress in the training and equipping quarter. More than 14,000 additional Iraqi
of lSF personnel; soldiers and police have completed initial
assessed capabilities of operational training and equipping since May 2006,
units; and bringing the total number of ISF trained and
progress in assuming responsibility for equipped to 277,600.
security ofareas within Iraq. More than 92% of authorized Iraqi Amy
banalions are assembled. Train-andquip
. . within the MOD and
Institutional capability efforts remain focused on building combat
the MOI is an increasingly important indica- support and combat service support forces
tor of the transition to Iraqi security self-reli- providing key enablers to Iraqi combat forces.
When fully established, these units will
ance. As the MOD and the MOi continue to provide critical combat enablers, such as
staff, train, and equip forces, increased logistics and transportation support, intelli-
emphasis is placed on the development of gence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. More
institutional capacity to direct, support, and than 65% of authorized personnel in the Iraqi
sustain the ISF. Army support forces have been trained and
equipped. Logistics units and overall logistics
capability continues to improve.

Imal5Çe~rttF m M

Current Smw of Trained and Equipped

..- ..-


MAW -1100
TOTAL -115000

MOD Forces' AÑ-a CipabllKlu

MOI National Polio Forces' w a d Cipablllllm

2.2 Progress in Assnming Leadership in assume the lead once it has been thoroughly
Counter-Insurgency assessed and has demonstrated that it is
capable of planning and executing combat
The ISF arc increasingly taking the lead in operations. Although these units lead security
operations and assuming primary respon- operations, most still require support from
sibility for the security of their nation, as Iraqi Coalition forces because their logistics, sus-
army and police forces demonstrate an Minment, and command and control cspabilt-
increased capability to plan and execute tics are not fully developed. The Coalition's
counter-insurgency operations. The following primary force development objective to date
charts depict this progress. As of August 7, has been to produce trained, equipped, and
2006, 5 Iraqi Army divisions, 25 brigades, capable combat units; there has been less
and 85 battalions, and 2 National Police emphasis placed on enablers, including logis-
battalions assumed lead responsibility for tics and command and control. Now that more
security in their areas of operation. than two-thirds of the Iraqi Army combat
units are in the lead. the Coalition's focus will
In total, there are 106 Iraqi Army combat shift more toward helping the Iraqis develop
battalions and 8 Strategic Infrastructure Bat- these enablers, MNF-1 will also continue to
talions (SIBS) conducting operations at vary- help improve the capacity of the MOD to
ing levels of assessed capability. Another organbe, train, equip, sustain, and modernize
three combat battalions are in the process of its forces, with the goal of eventually elimi-
forming. In addition, 27 National Police bat- nating the Iraqi Army's reliance on Coalition
talions are now operational and active. The support.
green shaded areas on the maps above depict
areas where Iraqi Army units have assumed
the lead for security responsibility. A unit can

1. . . . . I lmql Army Lead and National Police Laad

2.3 Ministry of Interior develop the IPS. The IPLOs provide the
civilian police with expertise in all technical
The objective for the M01, in partnership aspects of criminal investigation and police
with the Ministry of Interior Transition Team station management. The deployment of five
(MOI-TT), is to become a forward-looking additional Miliian Po.icc companies in Jul)
minishy that is effective, efficient, account- 2006 added extra PTTs, enabling the expan-
able, representative, appropriately structured sion of the program to assess miassist in the
lo deal with the prevailing security conditions, development of the IPS.
and staffed by people who are committed to
upholding the rule of law. The MOI forces Twenty-seven BTTs mentor and enable devel-
consist of the IPS, the National Police, the opment of border forces. Additionally,
border forces, and the Center for Dignitary Department of Homeland Security Customs
Protection. and Border Patrol Teams (CBPTs) provide
critical mentorship at ports of entry, while
The MNF-I initiative to develop professional 38 National Police Transition Teams (NPTTs)
civil security forces able to assume the lead continue w support the development of the
for the security of the Iraqi people has been National Police units. These transition t e a s
dubbed the "Year of the Police." The focus is are intended to improve the readiness and
on creating a force loyal to the people of Iraq capability oftheir MOI partner units
and its Constitution, and committed to
guaranteeing human rights and the rule of The Coalition Police Assistance Training
law. This was designated as one of MNC-l's Team (CPATT) is on track to meet the goal of
main efforts in 2006. recruiting and training the authorized number
of M01 forces by the end of December 2006.
Mentoring of civil security forces is con- The force generation of the Department of
ducted by Police Transition Teams (PTTs), Border Enforcement @BE) and the IPS will
National Police Transition Teams (NPlTs), occur in November 2006 and December 2006,
Border Transition Teams (BTTs), and respectively. Specialized police units, such as
Customs and Border Protection T e a s the Criminal Investigative Division (CID) and
(CBPTs). More than 160 PTTs are assisting the National Information and Investiaative
the develwment of the IPS. Because of the Agency (NIIA), will be trained by the end of
large number of police stations dispersed 2006.
throughout Iraq. the PTT program has initially
foctied on provincial headquarters, district
headquarters, and Iraqi police stations in key
strategic cities, but will spread to other sta- The IPS is composed of patrol, traffic, station,
tions throughout the country as more stations and highway police assigned throughout
achieve a higher level of readiness. To con- Iraq's 18 provinces. Its mission is to enforce
duct their mission, the PTTs travel to their the law, safeguard the public, and provide
assigned stations to train, teach. and coach the internal security at the local level.
Iraqi police and to conduct joint patrols with
their Iraqi counterparts. CPATT has trained and equipped approxi-
mutely 113,800 IPS personnel, an increase of
The integration of International Police Liaison 12,600 since the May 2006 report. CPATT
Officers (IPLOs) into the PTTs significantly projects that it will have trained and equipped
increased the Coalition farce's ability to 35,000 IPS hy December 7006. Although the
force will be manned in the aggregate by the However, the recent arrival of five additional
end of the year, proper distribution is a Military Police companies will greatly
challenge. Certain areas have a shortage of increase the ability to assess the IPS.
trained officers while additional hiring in
other areas has resulted in an overage in the
More than 230,000 MOI employees have
As of July 24, 2006. 71,324 police recruits been screened by the Iraqi Police Screening
have received training in the 10-week basic Service, which checks fingerprints against
course. Police officers with prior experience Ba'ath Party records and Saddam-era criminal
attend a 3-week course, the Transitional Into- records. Of these, 5,300 were reported as
pation Program (TIP), instead of attending possible derogatory matches, and 74 have
the full 10-weck basic course. Originally been dismissed. There is currently no screen-
mended only for police trained during the ing process to ascertain militia allegiance.
Saddam regime, theTIP was expanded in July More than 54,000 police candidates have been
to include serving police officers who have screened for literacy by Morris & McDaniel,
not been trained but who have served on the 73% of whom passed and were allowed to
force for at least one year. The TIP includes enter basic training. Currently, no method
training on human rights, crime defensive exists to m k the success rates of thew or
tactics, democratic policing, first aid, patrol other police officers.
procedures, firearms (9mm and AK-47). and
anti-terrorism. The Officer Transitional Inte-
gration Proflam (OTIP) course curriculum
includes democratic policing, human rights, The IPS is equipped with AK-47s. PKC light
first aid, police ethics, supervision and machine guns, Clock pistols, individual body
leadership, use of force, firearms (9mm and amor, high frequency radios, small and
AK-47), communications and problem- medium pick-up trucks, and mid-sized SUVs.
solving skills, anti-terrorism, patrol proce- The IPS in Baghdad and the nine other key
dures, critical for officers, and police investi- cities had been provided with 99% of their
gations. Some 41,051 police officers have authorized equipment a1 the end of June 2006.
graduated from the TIP and OT1P programs. They will have received 100% by mid-August
2006. The IPS in all 18 provinces have been
provided with 66% of their authorized q u i p
ment and will receive 100% of their author-
The IPS constitutes the majority of MOI ized equipment by the end of December 2006.
forces in the country. Each month, PTTs
assess the operational readiness of a portion
of the police forces, using the Transition
Readiness Assessments (TRA) process. The Leadership in the IPS is the cornerstone for
TRA evaluates the police on the core hnc- success. The IPS currently has three leader-
tions required for effective law enforcement ship courses to develop high-quality leaders.
and community policing. Shortages of PTTs The First Line Supervisor Course is designed
has limited observation of the IPS in Anbar, for company grade officers. The Intermediate-
Babil, Basrah. Tamim, Wasit, Karbala, Level Course is designed for field grade
Maysan, Ninewah, Qadisiyah, Salah ad Din, officers, and the Senior-Level Course is
Irbil, Dahuk, and Sulamaniyah provinces. designed for General Officers. Each course is

two weeks long. Program topics are designed The 1st and 2nd National Police Divisions
for the target audience and include human reached 99% of equipping and authorized
rights, discrimination, right to life. code of manning by July 2006 and will continue to
conduct, democratic policing, modem polic- progress through TRA levels, with the com-
ing, the role of the supervisor, communication pletion of force generation by December
and the supervisor, delegation, change man- 2006.
agement, ethics, police corruption, problem
employees, community policing, field training Unprofessional and, at times, criminal
police leadership, history of management, behavior has been attributed to certain units in
modem supervision in today's law enforce- the National Police. This behavior and the
ment organizations, crime scene management, decrease in public confidence in these forces
1 disorder, records management, budget- has been the impetus for a National Police
ing, logistics, equipment and facilities man- reform program. Each unit and its leaders will
agement, group problem solving, mission be assessed by a Joint (Coalition and Iraqi)
values, six-step problem-solving models, committee. Substandard leaders at all levels
overview of law enforcement planning, strat- will be removed and units will undergo rc-
egic planning, motivational theory, and training.
analyzing employee performance problems. A
plan is in place to develop a more extensive
Intermediate-Level Officers course, slated to
begin in the fall of 2006. There are currently approximately 24.300
trained and equipped National Police, an
The Officer Education System has been increase of approximately 1,600 since the last
successful in developing junior leaders loyal report. They are trained in Iraqi law, human
to the Iraqi people. However, certain senior eights, the mlà of law, and democratic
leaders are products of the former regime and policing techniques at the National Police
continue to view leadership as an entitlement, Academy.
not a responsibility. As these officers are
identified, they are removed. New recruits undergo six intense weeks of
training at the academy in northern Baghdad.
Training includes weapons qualification,
urban patrolling techniques, unarmed combat
Organized into a National Police Head- apprehension, use of force, human rights and
quarters, two National Police Divisions, the ethics in policing, introduction to Iraqi law,
1st National Police Mechanized Brigade, and vehicle checknoints, and IED characteristics
the Emergency Response Unit (ERU), the and recognition,
National Police are charged with maintaining
law and order while an effective community National Police Oserariom
police force is developed.
All National Police battalions are currently
The National Police Headquarters provides conducting counter-insurgency operations,
command and control, staffing, equipping, with two battalions having security lead for
training, and sustainment for these National their areas of responsibility. NPTTs are
Police Forces, It also commands the two embedded at all levels of the National Police
training and professional development acad- units, down to the battalion level. All National
emies at Camp Solidarity and Camp Dublin. P i mils work in Combined Operations

Areas (COAs) and partner with Coalition
forces who provide support and advice.
The DBE has 23,900 trained and equipped
personnel, an increase o f 1,800 since the
~reviousrcoort. The DEE isomanized into
The M01 recruits and vets the National Police 5 regions, 12 brigades, and 38 battalions, and
force. Coalition forces provide advisors for includes the forces that smff258 border fans.
the recruiting process, but neither actively
recruit nor provide lists of names of recruits Three academies, each with a capacity of
to the MOI. A National Police officer is approximately 800, train border patrol forces.
recruited and provided an academy start date; The Iraqi Border Patrol Basic Training
upon arrival at the National Police academy, Course focuses on an introduction to law
the candidate is interviewed by a senior staff enforcement, human relations. human rights,
officer (either a Colonel or Brigadier weapons qualification, combat life saving,
General). If he or she passes the interview, the vehicle searches. Iraqi border law. arrest and
officer is admitted lo the academy. The detainee procedures, and small unit patrolling.
individual's personnel file is then forwarded
to the MOI. where a vetting team reviews it. DEEmdPa ~ m 1 1 0 ~
If the officer is certified by the vetting pro-
cess, he or she will be retained and allowed to The DBE is supported by 27 Coalition Border
complete the academy. If the candidate is dis- Transition Teams (BTTs). The 11-man BTTs
approved, the officer is immediately removed mentor and support the development of the
from the academy. border units. The B l T members are trained in
various specialties, including logistics and
NoIiowol Police Equipment communications, and provide critical assis-
tance to the border force commanders in the
The National Police have received 92% of areas of personnel management, intelligence,
their authorized equipment and will have operations, budgeting, equipment account-
received 96% of their authorized equipment ability, and maintenance. Additional BTTs
by the end of November, missing its goal of deployed in early June to support the
100% by a small margin. They will have development of the POE at critical high-threat
received 100% of their authorized equipment border crossings. In Febmary 2006, MNF-I
by the end of December. The police are supported the accelerated development of the
equipped with small arms, medium machine POE through the deployment of a combined
guns, and RPGs, and they patrol in light Border Support Team (BSD, consisting of
trucks. The mechanized battalions are customs border protection agents and BTTs.
e q u i m d with Armored Security Vehicles and In March 2006. mosi DBE units reached TRA
REVAs, a South African wheeled APC. Level 3, but remained short of equipment and
key personnel. The DEE and POE are i
RetMrtment of Border Enforcement and higher priority for allocation of critical
Department of Pam ofEmrv equipment; and cross-leveling of personnel
has occurred to raise units to TRA Level 2.
The DEE and the Department of Ports of By November 2006. the DEE and POE arc
Entry (POE) are collectively charged with expected to have 28,360 trained and equipped
controlling and protecting Iraq's borders. personnel.
There are 14 land POEs, of which 13 are Faciilts Pivleaica Service
functional. Efforts continue to improve POE
security. Progress in designation o f POE I n addition to the regular M O I forces, there
standard wanizations, delineation o f respon- 1 estimated 145,000 Facility Protection
sibilities. and development of detailed Service (FPS) personnel who work directly
policies and procedures has continued. The for each o f the 27 ministries. These forces act
U.S. Department o f Homeland Security, in as security guards at government buildings
coordination with Mufti-National Security and allow the IPS to police the communities.
Transition Command-Iraq (MNSTC-I), has
continued its rotation of Customs and Border
Thev are mlnimallv trained and eauinned. ,
generally without Coalition oversight, and
Patrol Teams. These border security experts lack centralized control. FPS personnel have
have had an important impact on the POEs, not always proven reliable, and some have
particularly along the Syrian border. The been responsible for violent crimes and other
increased emphasis on BTTs and the Customs illegal activity. Unfortunately, the FF'S
and Border Patrol Teams has improved DBE uniform looks similar to the police uniform,
readiness levels, as the Coalition's expertise which causes many Iraqis to confuse the FPS
and mentorship affects the Iraqi border forces. with the better-trained IPS, undermining the
reputation and credibility o f the IPS. The
DBE and POE E v v i ~ m w Coalition and the Government o f Iraq are
establishing a program o f reform to better
Organizational equipment includes small and regulate the FPS.
medium pick-up trucks, mid-size SUVs,
generators, and radios. Personal equipment, MOI Ca~acituDevelopment
including AK-473, medium machine guns,
and individual body armor, complete the Tie M O I overall TRA remains at
outfitting of the border forces. The DBE TRA 3-Partly Effective. The MOI Transition
currently has received 81% of its authorized Team is working daily in the MOT, stressing
equipment. They will have received 97% of planning and programming resources. The
their authorized equipment by the end of new Minister o f Interior, Jawa al-Bulani, is
August, just short of the 100% goal for that embracing the need to reform the ministry.
date. They will reach the 100% goal one Logistics is the only essential system still
month later, Iraqi POEs will have received assessed as ineffective. Improvement o f the
100% of their equipment by the end logistics system is a focal point for tbe next
December 2006. 90 days. A l l other maior functional areas and
systems are considered pad> effective Over
Center for Dienftarv Protection the next 90 days, emphasis will also be diced
on building a solid framework of plans,
Training and equipping o f the Center o f policies, and processes to ensure that the MOI
Dignitary Protection (CDP) is complete. The can manage personnel efficiently, conduct
force o f approximately 600 people has been policing operations effectively, and maintain
prepared to serve as the Protective Security and sustain capability.
Details (PSDs) for Iraq's new government
leaders. I t is unknown how many o f these Mot Loslstics
.. . e dM01. An Irani
~ersonnelremain e m ~ l ~ bv
training team assumed responsibility for Logistics capabilities continue to be an area of
training future PSD personnel in June 2006. significant concern for the IPS, particularly
with respect to vehicle maintenance. How- Iraqi control in August 2006. A plan is being
ever, accountability of equipment continues to formulated to hold a National Logistics
improve as verified by reports submitted by Conference in September 2006.
PTTs. CPATTNOI-TT continues 10 provide
logistical support in both an advisory and
financial capacity to assist with sustainment
operations. Recently, a Director General for MOI security forces are on track to reach
Logistics and staff were put in place. A December 2006 Objective Civil Security
6-month vehicle maintenance contract for the Force equipping goals. The following graph
National Police and the Baghdad IPS was depicts the equipping status and key shortfalls
agreed upon. Currently, there is a of Baghdad and the 9 other key cities,
USS950,OOO vehicle spare pans contract for 18 provinces, the National Police, the DBE,
MOI forces, mid a US$350,000 vehicle spins and the POEs. Equipment-issue priorities
parts contract for the National Police is in focused on equipping Baghdad, the 9 key
place. The average monthly logistical life
cities, and the National Police, while
support provided from April through June
simultaneously building initial functionality
was US$20,266,121, for a total of
USS60.798.363 during that timeftarne. Con- in the provinces, borders, and ports of entry.
struction of a MOI National Storage and In general, these goals were met. However,
Maintenance Facility was started in June the MOI doe not currently have an effective
2006, with an estimated completion in equipment management system in place. As a
December 2006. Currently, we are in the result, it is unknown what percentage of the
process of conducting a test case to hand over equipment issued to the MOI is still service-
an LD1 storage warehouse (one of seven) to able.

The equipping effort did experience to be on the M O I payroll are CPATT trained
unforeseen delays. and equipped. CPATT estimates attrition to
be at least 20% per year going forwad. The
Large shipments of Russian weapons M O I reports paying death benefits for more
were delayed clearing customs while than 6,000 police officerssince the fall o f the
exiting Russia and entering Iraq. Ba'athist regime in May 2003.
Clock p i s o l delivery delays occurred
when a U.S. manufacturer challenged In addition to the overall number of police in
the award o f the pistol contract to a Iraq, there are some issues with distribution o f
non-U.S. comnanv. the police among the various provinces. For
~ o m m u n i c a t i o n s bwas delayed due example, by the end of the year, Diyala
to shipping problems, Province will have recruited its authorized
force, but w i l l not have trained the entire
A l l matters have now been resolved and items authorized number. I n the case o f Diyala, the
have either arrived or arc inbound. A l l equip- provincial leadership has resisted sending
ment fielding goals are on track to be met by 100% of the force to training due to security
December 2006. concerns and the reluctance to take its police
off the streets. Anbar, Basrah, and Ninewah
may also miss their training targets far the
same reason. Rather than let training seats go
The MOI docs not currently have an effective unfilled, other provinces were permitted to
personnel management system. As a result, i t send some of their untrained neraonnel to
is unknown how many o f the forces trained training. As a result, those provinces wII have
by CPATT are still employed by the MOI, or more than the aut-iorized force trained in their
what percentage ofthe 146,000 police thought provinces.
As with the IPS, the National Police payroll Is sentative National Police. Recruiting initia-
significantly larger than its authorized end- tives targeting Sunnis have improved the
strength. There are currently more than diversity. Unlike the National Police, local
29.000 National Police on the M O I payroll, police forces tend to be o f the same ethnic
but it is unknown how many of these have mix as the communities in which they live
been trained and equipped. Absenteeism and work.
among National Police units generally follows
the same pattern as i n the military. Leave CorruaHonin MOI
policies and immature personnel management
policies account for 30%-40% o f personnel I n 2005, the M O I 10 conducted 790 corrup-
not present for duty. Absenteeism in the IPS Don-related investiptions. Of these, 472
is difficult to quantify because shift schedules (60%) were closed. O f the 472 closed
preclude PTTs from ascertaining which police investigations, 118 (25%) were forwarded to
officersare absent and which are simply off- the CPI or to a court for adjudication, 350
duty. (74%) were closed because o f "insufficient
evidence," and 4 (1%) were handled as
The DBE oavroll is also lare- than its internal M O I discipline. To improve the IG's
authorized end-strength, wnh 25.832 DBE capability lo investigate, the Specialized
personnel on the M O I payroll. I t is currently Advance Training Unit at the Baghdad Police
unknown hon man! untrained DBE personnel College w i l l train new M O I investigators. I t
are on the rolls and how many of the trained w i l l take approximately 18 months to train the
and equipped border personnel have left the Investigations Directorate at the basic investi-
MOI. As with the other personnel issues, an gator level. Beyond the IG training, improve-
effective personnel management system will ments in leadership oversight, accountability,
help resolve these reporting and account- and reductions i n sectarian and militia influ.
ability deficiencies. dice are required before Iraqis become con-
fident that M O I forces can ensure security and
&clanan Issues a1 MOl uphold the ruleof law in Iraq.

The U.S. Government is committed to helping

the Government of Iran create an M O I that
reflects the diversity o f the Iraqi people. The Corruption, illegal activity, and sectarian bias
goal i s to create ethnicall) integrated units at have constrainedprogress i n developing M O I
the national level, while st, I allowing local forces. Inappropriate tolerance o f and infitha-
police to reflect the ethnic composition of the tion by Shi'a militias, some o f which arc
communities in which they serve. The former f l u e n c e d by Iran, is the primary concern o f
Police Commandos, now part of the National
the Government o f Iraq. A lack o f effective
Police, arc becoming increasingly diverse.
leadership and policies to stem corruption
The former Public Order Battalions. also now
pan o f the National Police, tend to be diipro- ..
throueh accountability for actions. eauioment
portionately Shi'a, due to a lack o f Sunni par- and personnel have enabled the theft o f pay
ticipation when these units were being formed and equipment, unlawful detentions, and
1 preparation for the January 2005 elections. reported cases o f abduction and torture or
Merging the National Police Commandos and execution of Sunnis. The minister is com-
the Public Order Battalions into one National mitted to changing corrupt leaders and insti-
Police force has helped produce a more repre- lutingpolicies to eliminate corruption.

An additional 45 transition teams were logistics and support for each division, with
deployed i n July to increase PTT coverage Taji National Depot providing depot-level
across the country. As stations begin to reach maintenance and resupply. Each battalion,
TRA Level 2 in August, transition teams will brigade, and division headquarters will be
expand their coverage of nearly 1,000 total supported by a Headquarters and Service
stations across Iraq. This will limit infiltration Company (HSC) providing logistical and
by militias, improve adherence to the rule of maintenance SUDBORto its oarent orcaniza-
law, and prevent complicity and participation lion T i e Army will also include 17 SIHs and
in sectarian violence. a Special Operations Forces Brigade cons~sl.
ing of two special operatioral battalions The
2.4 Ministry of Defense A i r Force will consist of six squadrons, and
the Navy will consist of two squadrons and a
The Iraqi M O D forces consist o f Army Marine battalion.
(including Special Operations Forces), Air
Force, and Navy (including Marines)
personnel. The end state of the Objective
Counter-Insurgency Force will be an approxi- The Iraqi Army includes approximately
rnateiy 137,500-person force based around an 115,000 trained and equipped combat soldiers
Army with 9 infantry divisions and 1 mccha-
(including SIB personnel and around 9,600
nized infantry division consisting of 36 bri-
support forces). The capability of Iraqi Army
gades and 112 battalions. Nine Motorized
n i t s continues to improve, facilitated by the
Transportation Regiments, 5 logistics bat-
talions, 2 support battalions, 5 Regional mentoring by embedded advisors at the
Support Units (RSUs), and 91 Garrison battalion, brigade, and division levels, and
Support Units (GSUs) are intended to provide partnership with Coalition force units.

I r a q i Army B a t U l l o n a In Combat

NOTE- 1c-. w ~ t a ~ m w i l tattdbm

on~ sna ~ t n t i a l emfmotnicnim ~ n u i ~ obut
à net Includ*combit.upportfidcombat"wlu.upmi"u"t.
IR.pwitilhǥOdffionD(SMi^eMMTUCJ"H-h.t~~b- -..,--

Combat Operations
(Company kvland a8ow.l

Force generation of Iraqi Army units is Three of the nine planned Motorized Trans-
increasingly focused on combat enablers and portaiion Regiments (MTRs) are approaching
continues in accordance with the force full operational capability. While a shortfall
development plan. All three planned Iraqi of fully competent maintenance personnel
Training Battalions are formed and fully adversely affects full capability, these MTRs
operational. These battalions allow the Iraqis provide improved mobility and sustainment
to train soldiers independently in sufficient support for Iraqi forces. Progress has been
quantities for force generation completion and made in establishing HSC units for each
replacement needs. New recruits attend a combat battalion, brigade, and division to pro-
13-week program of instruction. Upon gradu- vide transportation, communications, medical,
ation. soldiers receive additional traininc
specific to net, militarv occipation Depend-
- supply, and maintenance support. Approxi-
mately 80% of the planned HSCs have been
ing on their mililan occupational skill as-iign. formed; one-third are operational, and the
ment, the length of training ranges from three remaining planned HSCs are scheduled for
to seven weeks Other traimnz initiatives. completion by December 2006.
such as the Military Intelligence School, the
Stmal School, the Bomb Disoosal School. the Currently, 17 SIBS arc being trained and
combat .Ark Branch ~chool,the ~ngi'neer equipped. Although the Iraqi Army maintains
School, and the Military Police School. operational control of the SIBS. at present
contribute to the growing professionalism of only I SIB is capable of planning and execut-
the Iraqi Army through teaching diverse spe- ing independent operations, and all 17 require
cialties necessary to conduct and sustain Coalition logistical support. Training of these
counter-insurgency operations. battalions continues to employ a 'bin-the-

trainer" model that focuses specifically on The Iraqi Navy Training Department
squadron- and platoon-level tasks. continues to develop unit-level refresher
training and naval skills improvements,
The capability of the SIRS is growing as they e l u d i n g basic seamanship and marttime
receive training and more modem equipment. security operstions. I n June 2006. the Train-
MNC-1 is partnering the more capable SIBS ing Department independently conducted
with locally deployed Iraqi Arrny units to basic training and successfully graduated 324
provide them with counter-insurgencyexperi- naval recruits. Its training efforts range from
cnce and to accelerate their leaders' profes- mentorship, as conducted by the Naval
sional development. Evaluation of their effec- Transition Team, to active skills training, as
tiveness in securing infrastructure, particu- conducted by Coalition Navy, Marine, and
larly oil pipelines i n northern Iraq, is ongoing. Coast Guard Forces.

The Iraqi Armed Service and Supply Institute

(IASSI) at Taji plays a critical role i n training
the officers and non-commissioned officers The Iraqi Air Force continues to evolve
(NCOs) to fill support and combat service toward supporting the counter-insurgency
support positions i n the Iraqi Army. The force, but progress has been slowed by
[ASS1 has trained more than 5,000 officers difficulty i n recruiting qualified applicants.
and NCOs who serve as leaders in the MTRs. There are currently 750 personnel in the Iraqi
RSUs. and HSCs. The IASSI continues to A i r Force, with development plans calling for
support the development of critical Iraqi a concentrated recruitment effort over the
Army support and combat support capabili- next 18 months to at least double the per-
ties sonnel by the end o f December 2007. This
effort is intended to provide a satisfactory
S p e c i a l o m Forces corps of professionals as a foundation for
ftiture growth.
The Iraqi Special Operations Forces (ISOF)
are composed of approximately 1,600 soldiers The Intelligence Surveillance and Recannais-
organized into the Iraqi Counter-Terrorism sance aircraft at Kirkuk A i r Base (7th Squad-
Task Force, the Iraqi Commandos, a support ron with five CcmtpAir 7SLs) and Basrah Air
battalion, and a special reconnaissanceunit. Base (70th Squadron with two Seekers and
six CH-2000s) are performing operational
missions. These aircraft are primarily
deployed to patrol oil pipeline infrastructure
The Iraqi Navy is tasked with defending i n the north and south, with occasional
Iraq's coast, territorial waters, vital ports, and missions conducted i n support o f Iraqi Army
offshore o i l platforms. The Iraqi Navy has units. There have been recent airworthiness
more than 1,100 trained and equipped sailors issues with the CompAir 7SL aircraft, and the
and marines organized into an operational Coalition is working with the Iraqi Air Force
headquarters, two afloat squadrons, and five to develop solutions and alternatives to
Marine companies. The Iraqi Navy is devel- continue supporting the mission.
oping independent capabilities for surface
surveillance, maritime interdiction, o i l ter- Helicopter operations from Taji A i r Base i n
minal protection, and support operations. central Iraq are still i n their infancy, but the

next six months should see a marked sonnel in the Iraqi Army's support forces are
improvement The 2nd Squadron is expected Trained and equipped.
to receive the first 6 o f 16 Huey 11s from a
modification factory in the United States by Equipping the Iraqi Armed Forces continues
the end of January 2007 and the remainder as planned since the May 2006 report, with
before April 2007. The 2nd Squadron will 92% of authorized equipment issued to the
primarily be used for casualty evacuation. I t is 101raqi Anny Divisions and subordinate
expected to reach initial operational capability formations. MNSTC-I is on track to issue all
by the third quarter of FY2007. currently authorized equipment by the end of
December 2006. Equipment is distributed and
Three C-130Es from 23rd Squadron at New filled according to the commander's opera-
Mulhanna Air Base round out the Iraqi Air tional assessment. MNSTC-I is currently
Force fleet. Early complications with low working with the M O D to transition main-
mission capable rates have been solved, and tenance capabilities to the Iraqi Army. To
fleet-wide readiness was measured at 72% in date, two Regional Support Units facilities
July 2006. The Iraqi Air Force has requested have been transitionedto the Iraqi Anny.
an additional three aircraft from the U.S.
Government to bring the fleet total to six. Leadership
These additional aircraft reflect the Coalition
Air Force Transition Team's force generation The lack of junior officers and NCOs
plan and efforts are under way to identify continues to be one of the biggest factors
additional funding to meet this request. impeding development o f M O D forces. There
is a shortage o f school-trained officers and
Assassins MOD CmabiliQ NCOs to fill lower-level staffand leadership
oositions. The shortace of leaders will abate
a3 o f i c e r recnuts are comm~~s~onedand t h q
join their un is For WOs, qualified soldiers
Embedded Transition Teams continue to pro- are being 'grawn from wthin" through devel-
vide monthly TRAs measuring the staffing, opment and schooling to achieve promotion
command and control, training, sustainmentl toNCO leadership positions.
logistics, equipping, and leadership of their
partnered Iraqi units. The Regional Training Centers (RTCs) and
the NCO Academy focus on junior leader
develwment that is critical to buildinc a
professional force. The RTCs conduct squad
The total number o f M O D military personnel Leader and Platoon Sergeant Courses. Newly
trained and equipped is currently more than fanned Sereeants Maim and Chief Warrant
115,000, approximately 84% of the objective
Officer Courses have been added to the NCO
Professimai Education System. Specialized
With the generation of Iraqi Army battalions leadership courses, such as Logistics Super-
more than 92% complete, the focus of the visor, are being conducted at the Iraqi Army
Iraqi Army's train-and-equip effort shifted Service and Suppal Institute at Taji. Three
during this reporting period toward building Iraqi Military Academies at Zahko,
combat support and combat service support Qalachwaiq and Ar Rustimiyah continue to
forces. More than 65% of authorized per- train future officers.

The institutional leadership courses are com- taking responsibility for their own security
plemented and reinforced through partnership and interests
with Coalition Military Transition Teams,
These teams, embedded with every Iraqi
battalion, brigade, and division, provide daily
guidance and mentorship. I n addition, Iraqi The new Minister o f Defense, Abd a ! - W r
uniu are partnered with Coalition force units. Muhammad Jassim aI-Mufraji, is confronting
These partnerships, combined with the the challenges he faces and is already making
expertise and leadership taught through the his mark. Previous logjams i n acquisitions
institutional base, are critical for deveionment and contracting are being eased, and he is
of both unit proficiency and leadership essen- working closely with MNSTC-1 to proceed on
tial to increased operational effectiveness. for= development, force expansion, and
logistics support. The MOD Transition Team
The importance of ethics, human rights, and grew to meet this accelerated pace of business
leadership in the Iraqi Armed Forces has and expanded to more than 50, half o f whom
engendered a concept for a Center for Ethics are Military Professional Resources Incor-
and Leadership to provide institutional over- porated contractors. Close and effective
sight for ethics education, training, and relationships are being forged by team
assessment members with all senior M O D headquarters
officials, and the confidence, and thus
A promising trend is that military leadership capacity, o f these officials is strengthening.
has become more involved with civic leaders The ministries and the Joint Headquarters a
and sheiks i n their areas o f operation. This expected to be in the lead with Coalition
activity will continue to reinforce and support by the end of 2007, However, a
establish the importance o f Iraqis leading and partnership with these institutions will be

Force Generation Tlmeline


Uumbwto be T n l i r d h aWf
.Tatel OUtettir Civil Sfunty Forf f n d of 2006

required through at least the first peaceful with ensuring that the MOD properly supports
transfer of power in 2010. ill Iraqi Army life support requirements.

DOD requested USS151 million for MOI

sustuinment in the FY2007 Budget Amend-
MNC-I continues to provide logistical support ment request, but did not ask for funding for
to the Iraqi Armed Forces where the estab- MOD sustainmerit.
lished system falls short. Although there has
been some success with Iraqi &my units Coalition forces are also supporting the
using their own processes, there is still a great Government of Irao with fuel. In June 2006.
deal of institutional development remaining. all Iraqi Army uni&submitted requisitions for
MNF-I is working with both MNC-I and fuel; MTRs provide the majority of the fuel
MNSTC-I to aid the Government of Iraq in distribution. Storage capacity wilt not be fully
developing a defense logistics system, but in
fielded until December. Additionally, the
the absence of a self-reliant system, MNF-I
GSUs will not be fully on-line until March
must provide extensive support to Iraqi
forces. 2007. Until the MTRs and GSUs arc in place,
the Iraqi Army units will not be fully self-
MNSTC-I processed life support contracts in sufficient in terms of bulk fuel transportation
a total amount of approximately US$7.8 mil- and storage,
lion for the months of May and June 2006.
Currently, all life support conlracts have been Coalition forces supported the Iraqi Army
transitioned to the MOD. MNSTC-I has n i t s with the combined fuel report listed
formed a Transition Working Group tasked below.

Obstacles to Progress battalion commanders of one particular group
lend to command only soldiers of their own
Absenteeism sectarian or regional backgrounds. The
Minister of Defense, through an Officer
In the Inmi Army, approximately 15% Selection Committee, has used the normal
attrition is the norm for initial training. When transitions to cominue to diversify the senior
aunit is fully trained and employed in combat leadership in the Iraqi Army. This continuing
operations, some soldiers find that they do not process strives to ensure that the Iraqi Army
like the particular location or they cannot
is led by competent leaders who are repre-
cope with dangers of the counter-insurgency.
sentative of the national fabric. In the
Absent-without-leave rates are typically about
aggregate, Sunni, Kurd, and Shi'a are well
1%-4% for most Iraqi Army divisions,
although deployments to combat sometimes and appropriately represented in senior
cause absentee spikes of 5%-8%. However, leadership positions. The Sunni and Kurds are
soldiers in units in this final stage of develop- slightly over-represented, while the Shi'a arc
mem are less likely to abandon the service. As slightly under-represented, though Shi'a
with any organization, the units with strong, commanders still hold a large majority of
competent leaders tend to have higher command positions. The percentage of Sunni
present-forduty rates than those with weak leaders at each level remains constant. At the
leaders. However, there is currently no judi- battalion level, the echelon in which the Shi'a
cial punishment system within the Iraqi have the highest percentage of commands,
Army. Therefore, Iraqi Army commanders they are appropriately represented when com-
have little legal leverage to compel their pared to the demographics of the Iraqi
soldiers to combat, and soldiers and police population. The relatively high percentage of
can quit with impunity. Sunni and Kurds in higher-level commands is
a result of the requirement for experienced
military leaders, of which few were Shi'a.
Generally, Shi'a and Kurds were excluded
The U.S. Government is committed to crem- from higher-level positions in the former
ing an Iraqi military that reflects the ethnic regime. The Kurds, however, benefited from
and religious fabric of Iraq, with diverse units years of experience in the P e s h m w .
loyal to the nation and not sectarian interests. Nationally recruited Iraqi Army divisions are
Although competence and merit are the otherwise representative of the ethno-
deciding factors when selecting recruits, religious composition of the country. The
particularly leaders, the ISF are developing so even-numbered divisions were originally
that they generally mirror the demographic formed as National Guard units, with the
make-up of Iraq. Sectarian lines remain intent that these units would serve in the
drawn, however, along geographic lines, with respective local regions. The composition of
Sunni, Shi'a, or Kurdish soldiers mostly these units tends to be representative of the
s i n g in units located in geographic areas region in which they serve. Over time,
familiar to their group. These divisions are replacements from the national recruiting pool
even stronger at the battalion level, where 1 1 increase the diversity ofthesedivisions.

3. Transition

3.1 Transilionlng Security Responsibility aging its own security and governance duties
at the provincial level. The transition decision
Process for Imslementiiie Provincial Iran1 also reflects a joint assessment of the overall
contra1 threat situation in Muthanna. the capabilities
of the IPS and the Iraqi Army, and the provin-
The transfer of security responsibility from cial leadership's ability lo coordinate security.
Coalition forces to the Government of Iraq is Transition Teams are in place to smooth the
an obiective of the securitv back outlined
~ - in transfer process, and multinational forces
the National Strateev for Victory in h. stand ready 10 provide assistance if needed.
Such transfers reflect the capability of the
Government of Iraq to fulfill its sovereign Dhi Qar Province appears to be ready to
responsibility in the most fundamental, vital assume security independence within the next
interest of any staleÑt protect its citizens 45 days, and several other provinces should
and safeguard its territory. As Iraqis take on meet the transition criteria before the end of
more responsibility for security. Coalition the year. The Government of Iraq and the
forces will increasingly move to supporting MNF-1 will continue to transfer security
roles in most areas. This may allow for iuture responsibilities in other provinces as prerequi-
personnel reductions or a delay in previously site conditions are met.
scheduled deployments. The Coalition's
military posture on the ground will remain In concept, security transition is a four-phased
responsive and flexible. As the security situa- process.
tion evolves, MNF-I will maintain sufficient
forces on the ground to help Iraq consolidate I. MNF-I and
and secure its gains on many different fronts. its Major Subordinate Commands e m b
The recent agreement between Prime Minister lish and maintain partnerships across
al-Maliki and President Bush to increase force the entire spectrum of ISF units, from
presence in Baghdad is indicative of this battalion to ministerial level.
flexibility. 2. Irani Army Lead flALl. Process
during which Iraqi Army units progress
Iraq achieved a historic milestone on July 13, through stages of capability from unit
2006, with the transfer of security respon- formation to the ability to conduct
sibility in Muthanna Province from MNF-I to counter-insurgencyoperations.
the Provincial Governor and civilian-con- 3. Provincial Irani Control (PIC). Iraqi
trolled Iraqi Police Service. Muthanna is the v i l authorities satisfy the conditions
first of Iraq's 18 provinces to be designated required to assume control and to
for transition to Provincial Iraqi Control, exercise responsibility for the security
which represents the successful development of their respective provinces.
of Iraq's capability to govern and protect 4. Irani Security Self-Reliance. The
itself as a sovereign and democratic nation. Government of Iraq achieves PIC (or a
combination of PIC and IAL) thmugh-
The joint decision between the Government out Iraq, and the government, through
of Iraq and MNF-I to hand over security its security ministries, is capable of
responsibility is the result ~f Muthaana's planning, conducting, and sustaining
demonstrated ability to take the kad in man- security operations and forces.

These phases are not strictly sequential. For 4. MNF-1 Ability to Respond Quickly to
example, the Iraqi Army does not have to Major Threats, if Needed
assume the lead in a province before Coalition
forces may begin transfer of provincial The recommendation to transfer security
control. This was the case in Muthanna, responsibility is based on the specific situa-
tion in any one province or provincial capital
Phase 1 of the security transition concept- in the context ofthe overall security environ-
implementing partnerships-is already ment. The appropriate Multi-National Farce
complete. As described above, the second Division Commander and Provincial Cover.
phase, Iraqi Army lead, is well under way in nor. assisted by representatives of the Iraqi
many provinces. The third phase, establishing Ministries of Interior and Defense and U.S.
provincial Iraqi control over security, will be and United Kingdom Embassies, conduct
implemented on an area-by-area basis. The monthly assessments of provinces and of
Government of Iraq, jointly with military and provincial capitals. The JCTSR working
political leadership of the United States and group meets monthly to review the assess-
Coalition partners in Iraq, will assess when ments and to present recommendations to the
conditions permit handing over security JCTSR principals regarding which provinces
responsibility for specific areas from Coali- are ready to be transferred. Once a decision is
tion forces to the Iraqi civil authorities. The madc, the JCTSR working group will provide
Joint Committee to Transfer Security Respon- oversight of the development of transition
sibility (JCTSR) has developed criteria to directives, develop a public affairs plan, and
guide the transfer of security responsibility. arrange a post-transfer security agreement
Recommendations for transfer include an between MNF-I forces and provincial
assessment of conditions in four categories: governors. Every transfer will ensure an
effective and successful handover of security
I. Threat Assessment responsibilities. Moreover, the transition and
2. ISF Readiness reduced presence of MNF-I forces will be,
3. Local Governance Capability plainly visible to the Iraqi people.

Provincial Security Tnmltion A ~ u s n r n(PSTA)

At of July 2008
Trmir#on - fo
awl Deiutnees lo the Guvfrnmeni oflraq

MNT-I has begun training Iraqi guards for a

In June 2006, MNF-I, in coordination with the potential transition of the Coalition detention
Government of Iraq, conducted a large-scale facilities anddetainees. Transitioning detainee
release of detainees in support of the newly operations is a three-phase process.
formed national unity government The
release served as a visible symbol of the gov- 1. Phase 1 consists of individual and
ernment's commitment to national unity and collective training of Iraqi guards and
reconciliation in the progress toward demo- leaders, including training alongside
cratic governance and the rule of law. MNF-I their U.S. counterparts inside the
released 2.500 low-risk detainees over a facilily.
period of three weeks. Coupled with the 500 2. Phase 2 consists of the removal of
U.S. guards and establishment of a
detainees from the normal Combined Review
U.S. transition icam to supervise Iraqi
and Release Board process, MNF-I had a net
Security Forces and to maintain legal
reduction of more than 2,000 detainees in
custody of detainees.
June. A MNF-I special board reviewed 3. Phase 3 consists of the final removal
approximately 6,500 records to identify the of all U.S. personnel and turnover of
low-risk detainees. Each file was also the facilities and legal custody of the
reviewed by the MNF-I Deputy Chief of Staff detainees to the Government of Iraq.
for Intelligence to consider any additional
intelligence reports. Detainees involved in The criteria for transfer includes the require-
violent acts, IED makingJplacement, financ- men! for the Government of Iraq to possess
ing insurgent operations, identified as key the legal authority to hold security detainees,
insurgent leaders, or who have been recap- each facility demonstratine the ability to meet
tured were not considered for rel-. the care and custody standard, and the MOJ

Detainee Population - 2003 through 2006

having effective oversight of the program, As sccurift conditions improve and as the 1SF
MNF-I is currently i n Phase 1. Significant becomes mo'e capable o f securing their own
challenges exist to ultimately meeting these c o r n , Coalition forces will move out o f the
criteria. The Iraqi Corrections System has not cities, reduce the number of bases from which
demonstrated the capacity to effectively they operate, and conduct fewer visible
resource and run a major facility, such as missions. However, they will remain postured
Camp Bucca, Additionally, based on the com- to assist, including supporting the ISF with
position o f the guard force, serious questions transition teams. Although the Coalition
remain as to whether they would be able to military presence may become less visible, i t
maintain the required standards o f care and will remain lethal and decisive, able to
custody. The most significant obstacle confront the enemy wherever i t may gather
m a i m establishing the legal authority to and organize.
hold security detainees. There is widespread
opposition inside the Sunni political leader- The Coalition retains the ability to quickly
ship to providing this authority to the Govcrn- reinforce the Iraqi Army as required and to
ment o f Iraq. provide critical enablers as Iraqis develop
their own capabilities. Coalition personnel
3.2 US.Force A d j n i h m H levels w i l l increase, if necessary, to defeat the
enemy or to provide additional security for
I n consultation with the military commanders key events, like the 2005 referendum and
in Iraq, the Government o f Iraq, and Coalition elections. But the goal, over time, is to reduce
partners the Secretary of Defense continues Coalition forces as Iraqis continue to assume
to advise the President on the appropriate more o f the security and civilian respon-
level of U.S. forces in Iraq and the surround- sibilities themselves. This process is already
ing theater of operations based on current under way.
wnditions. These conditions include, but are
not limited to, key elements o f the MNF-I The Government o f Iraq has agreed to form a
Campaign Plan, such as the increasing Joint Committee with MNF-I and the U.S.
responsibility of the 1SF i n counter. and UK Embassies to develop a conditions-
insurgency operations and ownership o f areas based madmap for the full transition of
of responsibility and progress i n the political security responsibility to the ISF. This road-
process. map will consist o f recommended conditions
intended to lead to the eventual and gradual
Arbitrary deadlines or timetables for with- withdrawal of multi-national forces from Iraq.
drawal of Coalition forcesÑdivorce from
conditions i n Iraq and the region-would be a The Joint Committee for Achieving Iraqi
serious strategic error, as they would suggest Security Self-Reliance [JCAISSRI w i l l base
h the terrorists, the Rcjectionists, and the 11s madmap on much o f the successful work
various illegal armed groups in Iraq that they that has already gone into developing the
can simply wan or stall to win. The absence strategy for transition o f security respon-
o f a specific timetable does not mean that the sibility i n Iraq:
Coalition's posture in Iraq is static. On the
wntrary, the Coalition continually reviews ~vemance
the situation i n Iraq and adjusts its posture
and approaches as conditions evolve and Iraqi The seating o f the new Government o f Iraq's,
capabilities grow. based on its Constitution, sets the conditioms
for continuing progress toward Iraqi security the UK Ambassador, and the Commanding
self-reliance. Toward this end, the govern- General and Deputy Commanding General,
ment's program calls for speeding up plans MNF-1. This committee will be supported by
for completing the preparation of the ISF; a working group of direct subordinates.
speeding up the process of transferring
security responsibilities and powers to the Conditions recommended by JCAISSR will,
Iraqi Army, police, and security forces; and at a minimum, include consideration of the
threat situation across iraq, security force
cooperation with the multi-national forces in a
readiness, capacity of key security and s u p
wav that will allow the handover of security porting ministries, and development of the
responsibilities to the ISF, the completion of overall Iraqi national security processes.
the mission, and the exit of the multi-national
forces. MNF-IRtf.Imv Construe

MNF-i will efficiently consolidate its foot-

print in Iraq to reduce its military basing
Efforts to develop the capacity of the 1SF requirements progressively. The MNF-I
have been successful. In November 2005, the basing strategy is an integral part of the
Iraqi Army had 4 brigades and 23 battalions Campaign Plan. MNF-I uses a conditions-
in the lead. As of August 7, 2006, the Iraqi based process to synchronize basing require-
Army has 6 Division Headquarters, ments with Coalition force structure and
25 brigades, and 85 battalions that have projected command and control structure.
assumed responsibility. MOI forces also grew Several factors are considered when employ-
significantly, from approximately 93,000 ing this process, including cost-effective use
trained and equipped members in November of resources, maintaining security presence
2005 to more than 160,000 today. where required by the mission and
maintaining only those bases required, transi-
ProvincialIrani Controlplan tion of operations to the 1SF as they continue
to assume the lead in security operations, and
The Government of Iraq and MNF-I have other factors. Specifically, MNF-I seeks lo
already developed a conditions-based frame- minimize its presence in major cities while
work for the transition of security respon- building the flexibility required to support
sibility from multi-national forces to Iraqi other elements in Iraq, including Coalition
leadership. As a result of this work, security partners, PRTs, Transition Teams, Depart-
responsibility for Muthanna Province transi- ment of Stae activities, and other supporting
tioned to the provincial governor on July 13, units and entities. This process will culminate
2006. Security responsibility for as many as in lhe transition through Operational and
nine of Iraq's provinces could transition to Strategic Overwatch, which will leverage and
Government of iraq authority by the end of maximize support through a minimum
2006. number of strategically located FOBs and
Convoy Support Centers.
The JCAISSR will comprise the Iraqi Prime
Minister. the Iraqi National Security Advisor As of August 7, 2006, MNF-I has closed 48
(Chair), the Minister of State for National of its 110 FOBs, handing over 31 to ISF,
Security Affairs, the Ministers of Defense and MODIMOI; and 17 to the Ministry of
Interior, the Director of the Iraqi National Finance. Thirteen more FOBs are scheduled
Intelligence Service, the U.S. Ambassador, for closure and handover by January 2007.

Strateole Communication Plan
5th Stability andsecurity Report to Congress

BockoroundfAnalvsis: Section 9010 of the Departmentof Defense AppropriationsAct 2006 requires the SECDEF to provide a
quarterlv report to Conaress that measures the oroaress toward achievinnstability and security, in Iraa. Media attention of the
previoJs report focused on sectanan violence (highattack trends and casualty stats) opinion polls regarding coalition force st^^
n~mbersan0 operat ons. and report data in context of events of the day (increase in US troop levels)

Media focus for this quarter's report will likely focus on discussion of civil war, and the rise in attacks and increased civilianflSF

TODLine Messaaes:
We have a wmorehensive and coherent strategy for unity. security and orosDeritv in Iran
-The Iraqi security forces are better equipped, better trained and more experienced than theywere three months ago
This metncs report helps us keep Congress informed, but it is only one aspect of our assessmentfor proaress in Iran
Metncs help us achieve our strategy by focusing efforts on accomplishingactions that support a secure, stable Iraq with a
democratic system supported by all Iraqis and accepted by the international community

Talkina Points;

There is a oualitatvedifference between civil war and sectarian violence, and we are not in a civil war
.The majority of Iraq's provinces remain in relative peace, but ~aghdad,in particular, draws global attention and is the target for
sensational attacks that exaggeratethe impact of terrorists, illegal armed groups, and violent extremists.
-Central institutionssuch as the government and security forcis are functioning, and violence is geographicallydefined, not
p resulting in the mass movement of population,

*This is a decisivetime in Baghdad and it requires decisive Iraqi action with our clear su~port.
In Operation Together Forward, Iraqi sec~rityforces wrth coalition in support are focusing on key neighborhooosin Baghdad
Since mid July. statistics measuring levels of violence have trended down While a positive indication, it is far too early to call this
a wntinuinq trend
Lots of hard wo* rema ns for Coalit~onforces. Iraqi secinty forces, the Iraqi government and the Iraqi people
-The security situation is at its most complex state since OIF began, so the results of the s t e m UP effort will take time
.The Baghdad initiative's initial phases demonstratethat the combinationof security forces, government aclren, and cooperation
of citizens can accomplish a great deal.

-The first truly representativegovernment is in place and dealing with the securii issue.
as of 29 Aug 06 1
Prime Minister al-Maliki's government and Coalition forces are adapting the Baghdad security plan to meet the changing
conditions on the ground.

1 A mib terrorists and exiremists cvntinue to destroy innocent liie in Iraq, they have not shaken the determination ofthe Iraqi people
to build a free country.
A The wlitical orocess continues
A POII~show ~r'aqis have confidence in their governmentto improve the situation (approximately80% of Baghdad, Kurdish, Mid-
- deal or fair amount of confidence new Iraqi gov't can improve
Euohratesand southern citizens said in June thev. have great
situation m Iraq) (pa)
A While the majority of the population is concerned about in Increase in sectarian violence, their concern that a CT/iIwar might
happen has decreased since March (p40)
A Confidence in the Iraqi Army has stayed stable or increased ( ~ 4 3 )
A Iraqis must choose to end sectarian strife that has potentialto be self-sustaining

A The Iraqi security forces continue to prog~ess

A 5 Iraqi divisions, 25 brigades and 85 Iraqi army battalions are in the lead (32 percent increase since last report)
A More than 84 percent of MOD end-strength have been trained and equipped
1More than 92 percent of authorized Iraqi Army battalions have been generated
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Su- 3 i m a - Day of Itockoring Soulh of the Bonier

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fmm: , a.-;-
Sçn Friday, September 01.2006 10:06 AM
To: Virian, Todd M LtCol OSD PA
subject: agenda and revp
Atttchmwa. Pgmdadoc

hi lcdd.
hem I8 the agenda with rsvm for today's cell iwill have print outs In allison's office by 11'30

As of September 1 - 10:05 am.

Conference Call
Retired Military Analysts
FRIDAY,SEPTEMBER 1,2006 TIME:11:45 am. - 1215 p.m.
11:45 am. Welcome and Introduction (GUIDELINES)

ommu mu nit^ Relationsand Public Liaison

11:46 a.m. Overview of Iraq Stability and Security Report

Assistant Secretary of Defense Peter Rodman

Rear Admiral William Sullivan

. Military Analysts

12:15 p.m.
Conference Call Concludw (GUIDELINES)
Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:
Colonel Ken Allaid (USA. ReIiredl MSNBC
Mr. Jed Babbin (USAF, JAG) American Spectator
Dr. James Jay Carafano (LTC, USA, Retired) Heritage Foundation
Lieutenant Colonel Gordon Cucullu WSA. Retired) Fox News
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Francona (USAF,~etired)MSNBC
Bngadicr Generdi David L. Grange (USA, Retired) CNN
Command Scrgcant Maior Steven Grecr (USA, Retired) Fox News
Colonel Jack Jacobs (USA, Retired)
~eutcnantCo.unel Koben L. Maginnas (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas M:lncmey (USAP, Retired)
Maior Genera: Donald \it.Shciwd (USAF, Retired)
~ r Wayne
. Simmons (USN, CIA, Retired)

From: Gmm- John 1
SMIt: I T 0 1 , 2 0 0 6 8:51AM
To: IV. O A S W A
Subj~t: Re: trip

Thank* f o r a l l . l a it s a f e t o a ~ m tÃh a t wà w i l l r e t u r n t o t h e U.S. Proa Kuwait. I f so i n

i t possible f o r me t o t e m i n t e t h e OSD t r i p i n Kuwait and r e t u r n v i a Amuan assuming --
a l a o t h a t we are buying our own f a r e s . Don't mean t o be a p a i n Dut have some things going
i n the region I mat. to work before Ramadan ~ t a z - t e .
Thanks. John.
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

Subject: t r i p
Thank you £01your patience as we continue t o plan on our next t r i p t o t h e CBNTCOH AOR. we
continue t o move forward on the t r i p and a t t h i s point i t look0 very s o l i d . Me are
planning fox an evening departure on 1 4 September and a r e t u r n d a t e of 19 September. I am
M i n g t o have t h e i t i n e r a r y f i n a l i z e d m d approved i n the next couple of day.. M a m n am
I receive t h a t , I w i l l contact you BO t h a t you can s t a r t booking your f l i g h t s .
I n the meantime, would you please forward me your most current hi07
Please l e t me know i f you have any q u ~ m t i o n sor i f t h e r e i s anything I can do f o r you,
-Public fairs
Community Relations and Public Liaison
The pentagon
Washington. D.C. 20301

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Measuring Stability and
Security in Iraq
August 2006
Report to Congress
In accordance with the
Deparhnent of Defense Appropriations Act 2006
(Section 9010)
Table of Contents

Executive Summary I

I. Smbility and k m r i t y in Iraq ...-..-.......--,..",".,---. .-".-.-..-...... 5

1.1 Political tYqre
1.2 EconomicAcli
1.3 The Sccudty En

2. Iraqi Secmrily Forces Training and Performance .-.-........................................... 41

2.1 Progress in Trainingand muipping the Iraqi Security Forces.............................. 41
2.2 Progress in Assuming W m h i p in Counter-Insur~ency .....................................43
2.3 Ministry of Interior ................................................................................................
2.4 Ministry of Defense ...............................................................................................

3. Transition ............................................................................................ 59
3.1 Tmsitioning Security Responsibility.................. .................................................59
32 US.Force Adjustments....................................... .................................................62
Executive Summary

This mpon is divided into three zclions. The and rcpremtaIive government t M respects
first section, "Stability and Security in Iraq: political and human rights and with suficient
describes mnds and prugms toward meeting xcurity forces both to maintain domestic
gwis for poiitical stability, strengthened eco- oder and to prwent Iraq from hecoming a
mmic activity, and a stable security environ- safe havcn for t m i s t s . To this end, the
men1 in lraq. The second section, "Iraqi Sea- United States is pursuin~m integrated strm-
rity Forces Training and Performance," de- egy three bread tracks:
scribes progms in the trainin& deveiopment,
and readiness o f the Iraqi Security Foms Polltkal: Helping the Iraqi p w l e forge
(ISP), including the fomes o f the Ministry of a broadly supported compact for demo.
Defense [MOD) and the police and paramili-
tary forces of the Ministry of Interior (MOl).
The third section, "Transition," describes the
. watic Eovernmcnt
Emnomic: Assisting the Governmm
o f Iraq in establishing t k foundations
. .
transfer o f securitv rcs~onsibilhfrom Coati-
twn fi>cct<to the Iraq, govcmmenl, trcldong
for a sound market economy with the
capacity to deliver essential -ices
prerquls~tewnd#tlonsand ~ r ~ t e rfor
t a asses-
Secmriw Contribution to an envimn-
mg the rcadr~cssof provr~ces to a w m e
responsibility for security.

A classified annex lo this mpoti provides dam and illegal w e d groups

concuning security force training and per-
formance and a d d m m possible US, m i l i i Fa& uack k integrated with the other hvo,
force rotations and success in each affects success in the
others. Security depends, in part, on a dm*
The information in this q w r t is made wail- cratic political process, which in turn
able with the assistance of m y d q m t m e m dcpmds, in part, on economic oppomniv.
and agencies o f the US. G o v m m e n ~the Esonomic pmgress depends on *curing the
US. Embassy in Iraq, Multi-National Force- Iraqi infmstructum against sabotage and
lraq (MNF-I), and the Govement of Iraq,
The report complements other repm and
- .
attack and .umtectine the l n a.i ueoulc
. h m
violence that undermines individual paiiicipa-
infmation a b u t lraq provided to Congrm tion in economic development and the politi-
and dws not repla= them. The h m t of this cal process
document is to report on 6x memums of sta-
bilily and security specified in Section 9010.
Although t h e M i a & W & e ~ for Victow in
h g is not a detailed plan for achieving v-
citic objectives, consistent with the public
m t m o f that dccumnt, it deiincates nteasw-
The President's National Smteev for Victoty able trends along each o f these u&ks to
lays out the goals and general frame- indicate where programs are f c h i i i n g suc-
work to achieve security and stability in Iraq. cess a d w h m it is necessary to i n c m
The goal o f the strategy is tc help the Iraqi effmts or adjust implementation o f the
people build a new Iraq with a constitutional slzategy.
M a j o r M l l w t o T~ w m d a D e m o c m t l c Iraq

T l ~ ePmident's strategy also identifies eight in Iraq. The appointments o f the Minis- of
objectives, or piliars, of the integralcd pliti- Interior, Defense, and State for National
-1, economic, and xcurily malegy: Secmily Affain, on June 8,2006, marked the
complelicm o f a national unily government.
Defeat the temrists and m h a l i z e Ihe

Transition Iraq to securily self-reliance
Help Iraqis forge a national c m p t for
Within one m m t h of scaling &is government,
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maiiki presented a
" N a l i m l Reconciliation and D i d o p e
Fmject'' to &e Iraqi Cmmcil o f Representa-
democratic government
Help Iraq build govmmfflt wpac&y tives (CoR). This voject is a b d initiative
and provide essential sewices aimed at m n c i l i n g pasl inequities; rallying
Help Iraq slrengthen il? m,w m y I m i s around a ~ . r i n .c i ~ol ef eaualiw.
. . devoid
Help Iraq swennhen the rule o f !mand o f secwian aivis~ons; 5 m l y eslahlsh~ngthe
, promote i i v i l rhhts bas15of natio%¶unily \ i n a acmocmtic polit!.
Increase international w p p m for Iraq cal process; and c r w i n g the conditions for
Slrzngthen public u n d ~ ~ d i no gf
Iraq to assume a leading role both i n the
Coalition efforts and public isolatim o f
regicm and intmationally. Additionally, Ihe
the insurgents
CoR began iw work in June with an a-1-
Key iadicaton of progress since the last emled schedule of sessim. Mosl of the
wrt am d i m m e d below. 2 4 C o u ~ c i lCmmin- have formed and
named chairs T h e CoR is m&ing m e pro-
Politleal Proera$. This qml marks Ihe fitst ws~ on key legislation r e q u i d l o implement
90 days of the first representativegovernment Ihe provisions ofthe Iraqi Constitvlion.
.- The Iraqi m n o m y con- respectively. Approximately 90% of the Gov-
tinues to show progress, but still needs to ernment of Iraq's revenue comes from oil
overcome serious challenges. As the Govern- exports, and higher prices for Iraqi oil con-
ment of Iraq was formed just 90 days ago, its tinue to somewhat offset lower than desired
institutions are still forming or are immature export volumes.
and consequently struggle with many macro-
economic issues. The new government has The Security Environment. Setbacks in the
aflirmed its commitment to programs sup- levels and nature of violence in Iraq affect all
ported by the Stand-By Arrangement with the other measures of stability, reconstruction,
International Monetary Fund (IMF) by laking and transition. Sectarian tensions increased
important and decisive measures, notably over the past quarter, manifested in an
price increases for refined petroleum products increasing number of execution-style killings,
that meet IMF targets. The Executive Board kidnappings, and attacks on civilians, and
of the IMF subsequently completed its first increasing numbers of internally displaced
and second reviews of Iraq's performance persons. Sunni and Shi'a extremists, particu-
under the Stand-By Arrangement on larly al-Qaeda in Iraq and rogue elements of
August 2,2006. Jaysh al Mahdi (JAM), arc increasingly intcr-
locked in retaliatory violence and are con-
Iraq continues to make progress reducing its testing control of ethnically mixed areas to
Saddam-era debt. As of July 2006, 17 of 18 expand their existing areas of influence. Con-
Paris Club creditors have signed bilateral cern about civil war within the Iraqi civilian
agreements to forgive 80% of Iraq's sover- population and among some defense analysts
eign debt, Russia is the only Paris Club has increased in recent months. Conditions
creditor that has not yet signed a bilateral that could lead to civil war exist in Iraq.
agreement with Iraq. It has. however, agreed Nevertheless, the current violence is not s
in principle on debt relief terms and will civil war, and movement toward civil war can
finalize an agreement shortly. Middle Eastern be prevented, Breaking the cycle of violence
creditors, which hold the majority of the is the most pressing goal of" Coalition and
present debt, have not signed bilateral debt Iraqi operations.
reduction agreements.
In the current reporting period the average
Average peak electrical generating output number of weekly attacks increased 15% over
increased 15.8% this quarter to 4,573 mega- the previous reporting period average, and
vans (MW) and continued to increase over Iraqi casualties increased by 51% compared
the quarter. Iraq averaged 14 hours of power to the previous quarter. Much of this violence
per day this quarter, an improvement of occurred in Baghdad, as terrorists, insurgents,
3 hours per day over the previous quarter. -
" . recoenized and
and illeeal armed erouns
exoloited the oolitical and economic sienifi-

Crude oil production for the second quarter canw of conducting operations in the capital
improved 1% to 2.2 million barrels per day i,n> However the Cwlu on and the Govern
(mbpd). and exports improved by 20%, to ment of Iraq continued to make progress this
1.6mbpd. Also during this quarter, Iraq quarter, improving the security environment
resumed exports from northern fields for the in Fallujah and some parts of northern Iraq.
first time since the autumn of 2005. However, Although sectarian violence threatens the
oil production and exports still fell short of effectiveness of the Government of Iraqi,
the Iraqi goals of 2.5 mbpd and 2.0 mhpd. terrorists have failed to derail Iraq's political

process, or to widen their political support to assume security lead in their territory. The
among the Iraqi people. Polling data continue number of counter-insurgency operations con-
to show the confidence of most segments of dueled independently by Iraqi forces as a per-
the Iraqi people in the Iraqi Army and their centage of total combat operations continues
rejection of al-Qaeda's vision of Iraq's future, to increase steadily. Approximately one-third
of the company-sized operations in Iraq
Iraai Securizv Forces. MOD and MOI secu- during the reporting period were conducted
rity forces continue to increase in size and independently by Iraqi forces.As of August 7,
capability and are increasingly assuming the 2006, there were 85 Iraqi Army battalions
lead combat responsibility from Coalition (5 divisions, 25 brigades) that have assumed
forces. the lead for counter-insurgency operations, a
35% increase since the last report. All 27
Training, quipping, and fielding security National Police battalions are currently con-
forces continues. Approximately 277,600 ducting counter-insurgency operations, and
Iraqi soldiers and police have completed ini- 2 National Police battalions have the security
tial training and equipping, an increase of lead for their areas of responsibility.
more than 14,000 in the three months since
the last report. As of August 2006, approxi-
mately 84% of the objective end-strength of
* Iraq achieved a historic milestone
on July 13, 2006, with the transfer of security
MOD forces have been trained and equipped, responsibility in Muthanna Province from
while more than 92% of authorized Iraqi
MNF-1 to the Provincial Governor and the
Army battalions have been generated.
Remaining train-and-equip efforts will focus civilian-controlled Iraqi Police Service (IPS).
on building combat support and combat Moreover. since the Mav. r e. w n. MNF-1 has
service support forces. transferred an additional 10 Forward Operat-
ing Bases (FOBS) to the Government of Iraq.
More Iraqi units are able to take the lead hi ~orty-eightof 110 FOBS arc now under l r i l
combat operations against the insurgency and control.
1. Stabilityand Security in Iraq

1.1 Political Progress With the seating of its constitutional govern-

ment, Iraq, with the support of the Coalition,
The goal of the political process in Iraq is to completed all the milestones required under
help the Iraqi people forge a broadly sup- United Nations Security Council Resolu-
ported national compact for democratic gov- tion 1546.
ernment, thereby isolating enemy elements
from the broader public. The United States is me Wat~ona.S t m e w for V i c t m ~ lays g
supporting this effort by: out a speafic three-pronged political plan to
assist the Government of Iraq in building a
9 supporting Iraqi leaders in their efforts broadly supported national compact for d e m
to include all Iraqis in the political pro- cratic governance.The plan seeks to:
cess, through dialogue and inclusive
institutions: '*^Isolate enemy elements from those
offering advice and technical support who can be won over to the political
for effective governance; process by countering false propaganda
helping build national institutions that and demonstrating to all Iraqis that
transcend regional, sectarian, and tribal they have a stake in a democratic Iraq;
lines: and ¥ Engage those outside the political
assisting Iraqis in replacing the corrupt process and invite in those willing to
and centralized Ba'athist system with turn away from violence through ever-
effective government bodies at local, expanding avenues of participation;
provincial, and national levels. and
*^ Build stable, pluralistic, and effective
Measures political progress and national institutions that can protect the

. achievement of political goals set forth

in the Iraqi Constitution, as well as
interests of ail Iraqis, and facilitate
Iraq's fall integration into the interna-
tionai community."
those in United Nations Security Cow-
cii Resolution 1546 and the Transitional
Administrative Law; After successful national elections in Deccm-
formation of a national unity govem- her 2005, Iraqis made the commitment to
ment representative of all Iraqi cam- establish a broad unity government. Rather
rnunities: than allocating all government positions to the
participation in the political process by majority party or coalition, this unity govern-
ill Iraqi communities and evidence that ment sought to provide fair representation in
they view the process as legitimate and the ministries and other government posts
effective; among all major parties that won seats in the
adherence to rule of law institutions; CoR. Consistent with this commitment Prime
and Minister al-Valiki announced ard *on CoR
 expansion of international support. approval for his cabinet, mhicn draws minis-

ters and senior officials from parties rcpre- the appointment of Shirwan al-Waili as Min-
senting all regions, sects, and ethnic groups. ister of State for National Security Affairs.
The announcement met the constitutionally
mandated deadline. but Prime Minister The appointment of the Ministers of Interior,
ai-Maiiki opted to delay filling the positions Defense, and State for National Security
of Minister of Defense, Minister of Interior, Affairs marked the completion of Iraq's first
and Minister of State for National Security representative government. The resulting
Affairs to ensure broad support within the cabinet is remarkably inclusive. The new gov-
CoR for these sensitive positions. ernment reflects the diversity of the Iraqi
people and, with a freely elected parliament
On June 8, 2006, after additional negotiations and a popularly ratified constitution, is a strik-
ing contrast to the oppressive, one-man rule
and compromise, the Prime Minister pre- of Saddam Hussein just three years ago.
m t e d his nominees for the two security
ministries. The CoR approved the appoim- Poll data indicates that the majority of Iraqis
ments by a majority, confirming Jawad have confidence in the new government;
al-Bulani as Minister of Interior and Abd notably, however, confidence levels arc
al-Qadr Muhammad Jassim al-Mufraji as lowest in mixed and predominantly Sunni
Minister of Defense. The CoR also approved areas, such as Kirkuk and TikritJBaquba.

Organizational Structureof t h e Government of Iraq

w d e i t c y council Executive Branch LegislalW Branch

7 1
How much confidence do you have In the now lmqf
gowmnmntto Improve the sltuatlon in Iraq?.

The Iraqi Constitution, adopted by popular fanned and have named chairs. The CoR has
referendum on October 15, 2005, requires made some progress on key legislation,
approximately 55 enabling or implementing including p r o p s $ toward new Electoral
acts, in such significant and broad areas as Commission legislation, the first step on the
judiciary development and economic reform, path to provincial elections. However, little
to make the Constitution operative. Passing substantive legislation was passed in the
and enforcing this legislation will be a key session that ended in July.
indicator of progress for the new Government
of Iraq,
The two critical political events facing the
Additionally, the CoR began its work in June CoR and the Government of Iraq over the
with an accelerated schedule of sessions. next few months are the constitutional amend-
Most of the Council Committees have been ment processand provincial elections.

Progress Toward a Democratic~ r a q2006
frwri Gomnimmt Formation

The National Reconciliation Process level will be field committees, which wilt
focus on key components of national rccon-
On June 25, 2006. Prime M.nistcr al-Maliki ciliation and will evaluate progress
presented LO the CoR a "Natiml Reconcilia-
ion and Dialogue Project." a 24-point inilia- As part of the National Reconciliation and
tivc aimed at reconciling past inequities, Dialogue Project, a conference of tribal
rallying Iraqis around a principle of equality leaders took place on August 26. 2006. in
dcvoid ofsccmian divisions. Baghdad that resulted in a statement
condemning sectarian violence, and endorsing
The National Reconciliation and Dialogue the reconciliation plan. In the coming
Project is intended to open dialogue, reduce months, the government will convene a
sectarian tensions and violence in Iraq, and conference of religious scholars. The govern-
increase commitment to the democratic pro- ment is supposed to convene a conference of
cess and the new national unity government. political parties to encourage the democratic
process and to solidify support for the
The project will operate on three levels. At Government of Iraq.
the national level, the High National Commis-
sion of the National Reconciliation and Dla- Gowrment Institutions
loguc Project will be composed of reprcscnta-
lives from a diverse cross-section of political, To achieve unity. security, and prosperity,
religious, ethnic. tribal, and cultural groups Iraq must develop the capacity to deliver gov-
under the leadership of the Minister of Stale enuncnt services to its citizens at the national,
for National Dialogue. The second level will provincial, and municipal levels. The Govem-
be provincial subcommittees, and the third ment of Iraq must transform the country from


alp ipiM paaoo~d q be,^ JO iiiauliua

-AOQ am aawnooua 01 au!nu!iuoo a [ ! q / 'suo!~
-nqisu! Aa!aos [!A!3 pus nipam iuapuadapu!
30 WOJS am PUB SUO!INIISU! ~ ~ I J B I O S S - U O U
JO luamd01a~spsip suoddns SaIeIs pa~!un
a w 'sa!i~cXoi [TOO! pun uniieiaas w a p m
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-vcddns s; UO!I![BO~ a q ~~, o ~ i d r u auianpsi
pue Koua.redsun.q 9 ~ 1 ) o w o ~qdp q uo ç!seqdm
UB pun 'dqmo~uam~uas!sum 'awii aqei [[!/A
~ 8 5111~ [[011U03
3 p3ZlIBW333p Ul!iYl 1U3W
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'ssaomd uo!i inuanod Xq pa~~aililoo XHBUO!I!~Msaa!ugs
-E![!~UOMI[euo!ieu p s q d pun pwunouue [E!IU~SS~JO AlaAIpp ~I!M' a m pan~eauaoB
Assistance lo Provincial Gmmments antees. The Constitution maintains the inde-
pendence of the judicial branch, but vests
Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) considerable authority i n the CoR to define
work with provincial govmors and elected the functions o f the courts, raising the risk of
councils to improve execution o f provincial undue influence by political or religious
government responsibilities and to increase groups. Iraq's criminal legal framework is not
citizen participation i n governmental deci- presently robust enough to adequately address
sion-making processes. The learns we contemporary criminal activity, such as
intended to develop core competencies i n organized crime, trafficking, and some tech-
public administration, finance, budgeting, nology-rclatcd crimes. Legal experts from the
planning, and accountabilhy by boosting U.S. Government are assisting Iraqi legal
government capacity and transparency at the scholars in creating a legal system that can
provincial level. Four US.-led PRTs arc fully balance the requisites of modem international
operational: PRT Tamlm (Kirkuk), PRT law with Iraqi cultural and legal traditions.
Nmewah (Mosul), PRT Babil (Hillah), and The Coalition continues to provide adminis-
PRT Baghdad. The security situation in some trative support as well as technical and legal
provinces hampers interaction between the assistancei n drafting legislation.
team and provincial leaders.

fromotins the Rule o f h

The Coalition has helped the Government of
Political stability i n Iraq is predicated on die Iraq improve the judicial system in several
effective rule o f law i n the country. (Note: areas, including building or renovating court-
Police and associated instmitions are dis- houses. expanding the Central Criminal Court
cussed in Section 2 o f this report.) Effective of Iraq (CCCI), and improving security. The
l i e of law in Iraq, as in any country, requires CCC[, far example, now has 12 panels
four conditions to be met: effective taws, operating throughout Iraq. I t processes, on
police to enforce them, courts to administer average, 118 insurgency-related cases each
them, and prisons to incarcerate offenders. If month. Due to the limited capacity of the
any one o f these institutions fails, or cannot 11 panels outside Baghdad, the Baghdad
w o r t with the others, the Iraqi regime w i l l be CCCI is the primary facility for hearing insur-
unable to enforce the rule o f law. The United gency cases.
States, its Coalition partners, and international
aeencies are h e l ~ i n eIraa strcnathen the rule Poor security for judges and judicial facilities,
of law. ~ l t h o u g hth-m have been some posi- an insufficient number o f judges, and an
tive developments. d e i q in the formation o f inadequate court infrastructure undermine
the Government o f Iraq resulted in a loss of advancements i n the rule o f law in Iraq.
momentum; rule of law initiatives slowed. Judges are subject to intimidation and in
which contributed to the growth o f crime, cm- many areas are afraid to prosecute insurgents.
ruption, and illegal armed groups. The U.S. Government, through the U.S.
Marshals Service, responded by providing
secure housing, personal security details,
courthouse protection, and personal protection
The Iraqi Constitution sets forth a comprehen- firearms to some members o f the Iraqi
si\e list o f nghts and freedoms, but additional judiciary. In Baghdad, the Coalition has pro-
legislationi s needed to implement those guar- vided facilities for 22 judges to reside in the
International Zone. Working in conjunction stomed at Khan Bani Sa'ad and Nasirivah
with MNF-1, the U.S. Marshals Service has due to problems ~ 8 t theh primary contractor
begun training an Iraqi Marshals Service. The Bridge contracts have been awarded 10 local
U.S. Department of Justice, alone with the Iraqi contractors to provide site security and
U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Depart- to perform some continuing construction
ment of Defense, is proceeding with plans for work. The Gulf Region Division of the U.S.
the renovation and construction of Iraqi Army Corps of Engineers anticipates that
courthouses and other related court facilities, contracts will be issued to a new contractor in
including witness protection buildings. As of September and that both facilities will be
July 21, 2006, approximately 20 projects to completed in April 2007. Construction at the
improve judicial capacity have been com- two Rusafa facilities has been delayed due to
pleted, and 13 more are under way. Five addi- a title dispute between the Ministers of Justice
tional projects are planned. and Interior. The title dispute is currently in
litigation in the Iraqi courts. Dahuk, a
The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 1,200-bed facility in the Kurdish region, is
Iraq needs 1,500 judges, yet only about 740 scheduled for completion in February 2007.
judges are currently serving. The Iraqi Construction at Baladiyat was completed and
Ministry of Justice's (MOJ) Judicial Training the prison facility there has been activated and
Institute has enrolled a new class of 180 is currently in use by the Iraqi Corrections
students (40 judges and 140 prosecutors) in a Services. Upon completion in mid-2007, all
2-year program to train new judges and of these facilities will add a combined 4.800
prosecutors. When this class graduates in the beds. Even with these additions, however,
fall of 2007, there will still be a significant projections show another 20,000 beds will
shortfall in judges. To help address this need, ultimately be needed. Thus, the Government
the Iraqi Chief Justice recently nominated 200 of Iraq must address insufficient bed space,
lawyers to serve as investigative judges. If enactment of custody transfer laws, abuses in
these judges Eire confirmed, the number of MOI and MOD detention facilities, and the
judges will rise to 940. By the fall of 2007, need for more guards and trained supervisors.
approximately 980 judges will be serving in The Government of Iraq also faces the
Iraq, an increase of 32%, but still well short of problem of prisoner-detainees awaiting adju-
the requirement. dicationlresolution of the charges against
them. The MOI and MOD are believed lo be
detaining between approximately 2,000 and
10,000 people in pre-trial status, many in
The MOJ is responsible for imprisoning w n - crowded, substandard facilities.
victed criminals and insurgents in Iraq. MOJ
prisons generally meet international stan- Security Internees
dards, but are already at maximum capacity.
As a result, many detainees spend time in In addition to criminal detainees and convicts
MOI or MOD facilities. which generally fall held by the Government of Iraq. MNF-I holds
short of internationally accepted standards. To security internees (or detainees) under the
address this issue, the U.S. and Iraqi govern- authority of United Nations Security Council
ments are funding construction of seven new Resolution 1637. As of July 16, 2006, Coali-
MOJ prison facilities, one each in Basrah, tion forces held 12,388 such security internees
Khan Bani Sa'ad, Nasiriyah, Dahuk, and outside the Iraqi criminal system. Detainees in
Baladiyat. and two in Rusafa, Work has MNF-Icustody are treated in accordance with
Geneva Convention principles. The U.S. Gov. legislation, lack of CCCI capacity, and intimi-
ernment has initiated a dialogue with the dation o f investigatorsand judges.
Government of Iraq i n an effort to transfer
these internees to Iraqi custody. However,
Iraq currently lacks the legal authority to hold
security internees outside o f the judicial Since the liberation o f Iraq, there have been
system. Therefore, neither MNF-l-held significant successes i n the development of
detainees nor MNF-I-nin detention facilities legitimate political institutions and processes.
can presently be transitioned to MOJ control. The unfolding o f the democratic electoral pro-
The Coalition continues to urce the Govern-
ment o f Iraq to accept transfer o f security
cess over the course o f 2005 was a crucial
success. Despite these achievements, how-
internees in a way that ensures their humane ever, the political process has encountered
treatment. Those detainees who do not pose a ob-'itacles.
serious threat to the citizenry are released as
promptly as possible. (The detainee release
program is described in more detail later i n
this report.) The nature of violence in Iraq is multifaceted
Illcgall) armed groups that reject the political
process often do so because o f long-standing
grievances, extremist beliefs, tribal afilia-
The Government o f Iraq has made a public lions, andlor personal vendettas. No one strat-
commitment to eradicate corruption and to egy can address every grievance. A vocal
empower anti-corruption institutions. Coali- minority o f Iraqis (e.g., religious extremists)
tion support for this effort is focused largely fundamentally opposes the idea o f a demo-
1 the three main anti-corruption institutions cratic Iraq. Further, some Iraqis who have
in Iraq: the Board of Supreme Audit (BSA), joined the political process are condoning or
the Commission on Public Integrity (CPI), maintaining support for violent means as a
and the Ministerial Inspectors General (IG). source o f political leverage.
Both the BSA and CPI have new constitu-
tional status. and the CPI has become the lead The continued violence in some areas. e m -
Iraqi anti-conuption agency. The CP1 has ciaily in Baghdad, hampers the formationof
investigated 1,158 cases this year. legitimate national inst Nttons I n some t o ~ n s
and ncighoortwods. local illegal armed groups
The CCCI, which has jurisdiction for public are seen as the primary providers o f security
corruption cases, does not have the capacity and basic social and essential services. With
to process all its corruption cases. There are the extended delay i n formation o f the
826 criminal cases pending or under active national government and capable ministries,
prosecution. Over the past 20 months, 56 offi- these armed groups have become more
cials in Iraq's ministries were cither convicted entrenched, especially in some primarily
or subject to arrest warrants. The fact that Shi'a sections o f Eastern Baghdad and certain
there is a functioning process for investigating Sunni neighborhoodsin Western Baghdad.
and prosecuting corruption, and that some
corrupt officials are being brought to justice, Security issues (e.g., the attempted kidnap*
is a positive sign. However, the ability o f the ping of a deputy minister and threats to minis-
governmentto prosecute corruption cases suc- try personnel who work with Embassy teams)
cessfully is hampered by the lack of enabling have made some ministers reluctant to have

U.S. personnel visit them. This reluctance
hampers coordination between the Coalition
and some ministry personnel. Internal politics Corruption in the ministries has further ham-
(e.g., political party affiliation) is also an pered their capabilities. Experienced or tal-
obstacle to progress in some ministries. ented employees are often purged and
replaced with party elementstcronies as a
Inexperience result of a spoils system. Many of Iraq's
political factions tend to view government
Some Iraqi ministers tend to focus on near- ministries and their associated budgets as
term performance, rather than on long-tcnn sources of power, patronage, and funding for
capacity building. A lack of effective proce- their parties. Ministers without strong party
dures within the ministries, such as policy ties often face significant pressure from the
development, procurement, and budgeting, political factions, and sometimes have little
was endemic to the Iraqi government under control over the politically appointed and
Saddam Hussein, and three years is not connected people serving under them. Still
enough time to reverse decades of organiza- entrenched in the culture of the former
tional incapacity. This situation should regime, some mini* personnel are reluctant
improve with time. to exercise independent initiative or to lake
any bold action to address Iraq's problems of
Lack of proper "tools," such as information corruption.
technology, finance systems, and planning
capabilities, inhibit the governing of complex 1.2 Eroiiomk Activity
issues. The result is that Iraqi planning, budg-
eting, and execution processes are less than The National Strateav for Victory in Iraq
fully effective. IRMO is currently procuring underscores three objectives in helping the
. -
and deveiooinc these tools. but it will take Iraqis build their economy:
tim-"ears rather than monthsÑbefor
Go$cmment of Iraq staff is able to use these
tools fulls and to manage the nmistnes to full
. Building the capacity of Iraqi insiitu-
lions to maintain infrastructure, rejoin
effectiveness. the international economic community,
and improve the general welfare of all
Foreian Interference h i s
Reforming Iraq's economy, which has
Iran and Syria undermine the Government of been hindered by war. dictatorship, and

Iraq by providing both active and passive sanctions, so that it can be self-sustain-
support to anti-government forces that tend to ing in the future
fuel ethno-sectarian tensions. The Coalition Restoring Iraq's neglected infrastructure
and the Government of Iraq have acted to so that it can meet an increasing
counter the Iranian and Syrian influence by demand and the needs of a growing
tightening security at the borders. However, economy
the borders are porous, and eliminating the
transfer of illegal material and foreign fighters This strategy rounds ON the & h d
into Iraq is a formidable challenge. Pevelooment Stratem 12005.2007) of the

Government of Iraq, whose national eco- prevent high inflation from becoming
nomic objectives are: entrenched.

. Strengthening the foundations of eco-

nomic growth
Iraq wntinues to make progress reducing its
Sadaam-era deb. Iraq's debt uas estimated at
Revitalizingthe private sector US1125 billion after thc war. This was almost
Improving the quality of life five times the gross domestic product (GDP)
Strengthening good governance and in 2004. an unsustainable burden on the Iraai
security economy. The historic November 2004 debt
reliefagreement with the Paris Club members
Buildine the Irani Economy and subsequent agreements with commercial
and other official creditors, as well as some
The formation of a new government allowed in-Paris Club creditors, are helping bring
Iraq to refocus on its economic agenda. In the Iraq's debt to sustainable levels.
second quarter, the new government affirmed
its commitment to the refonn program s u p As of Julv .
, 2006. all 18 Paris Club cred'im
ported by the Stand-By Arrangement and is except Russia had signed bilateral agreements
moving forward with implementation of that 10 forgive 80% of Iraqi sovereign debt w e d
program. The new government maintained Russia Is expected to sign an agreement with
fiscal discipline, raised domestic fuel prices to Iraq soon. In addition, Iraq has completed its
the targeted levels in the Stand-By Arrange- program to restructure commercial claims
ment, sent a fuel import liberalization law to from commercial and other official creditors.
the CoR, and increased targeted support for
the poor. The Executive Board of the IMF m Paris Club - USS41.7 billion owed
. . completed
subseauentlv . its first and second before signed bilalerals; USS34.2
review of Iraq's performance under the Sand- billion wili be forgiven under Paris
By Arrangement on Augusi 2,2006.

Although the Government of Iraq missed the

March 2006 deadline for the state fuel-price
increase required by the Stand-By Arrange-
- Club terms, including a future Russian
Non-Paris Club sovereign debt
approximately U S 6 3 billion owed
(US$2.75 billion worth of debt relief
merit for refined petroleum products, on agreed to on US3.3 billion worth of
July 1, 2006, the new Government of Iraq debt, thus far).
increased prices (reducing subsidies) for Commercial and other official creditors
regular and premium gasoline, benzene, lique- - debt relief deals completed on
fied petroleum gas (LPG), kerosene, and USSi9.7 billion of commercial and
diesel products, thus meeting or exceeding the other official debt.
IMF Stand-By Arrangement-mandated price
increases. As long as Iraq wntinues its progress on
implementing the economic reforms in the
Inflation threatens the overall macroeconomic IMF Stand-By Arrangcmeni, the counlry wili
stability that Iraq has maintained since the remain eiieible for the final 20% of debt
WJ ended. Ongoing violence and supply dis- reduction agreed under the Pans Club teems.
ruptions are pushing prices higher. The Sixty percert of the Govemnwnt of Iraq's
Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) must further debt to Paris Club members has already been
tighten monetary and exchange rate policy to forgiven, and continued successful wmpk-
lion of the Stand-By Arrangement will qualify ment Information System (FMIS) that will
Iraq for a final tranche of 20% in late 2007 or provide greater transparency and account-
early 2008. The United States forgave all of ability in the government's budget and expen-
Iraq's debt (USS4.1 billion) and is encouraa- dimre processes.
ing other creditors to follow this example.
Debt relief from non-Paris Club creditors is As of July 1, 2006, halfway through Iraq's
expected in accordance with Paris Club terms fiscal year. the Government of Iraq's minis-
or better, and Iraq is beginning to approach tries have spent far below their planned capi-
these creditors to ask for debt forgiveness. tal budget expenditures. Iraq's new ministries
The Gulf countries hold the largest amount of do not have experience executing ministerial
Iraq's non-Paris Club debt, estimated to be budgets, and lack of a modem electronic
USt45 billion. transfer system, which has hampered trans-
ferring funds in locations around the country,
In addition to loans, Iraq owes nearly compounded by security problems, contrib
US$32billion in war reparations (as of utes to an under-expenditure. The Govcm-
May 1,2006). These reparations are the result men1 of Iraq's continued inability to execute
of claims against Saddam's regime following its budget places delivery of basic services, as
the Gulf War in 1991. Every year, 5% of well as ftiture economic expansion, at risk,
Iraq's oil revenue goes to repayment of war
and demonstrates the need for continuedjoint
reparations. As of May 2006, Iraq had paid US.-Iraqi capacity development efforts.
more than USS20 billion in reparations. The
IRMO will soon develop contracts to install
United Nations Compensation Commission,
government-wide budgeting and procurement
which oversees the payment of reparations,
modules to add to the FMIS. which was
awarded US$21.5 billion in compensation to
oil companies, which lost profits and equip- installed approximately two years ago;
ment during the Gulf War. Paying these however. the Government of Iraq is just now
reparations each year, while simultaneously starting to use this system. These new
modules will increase the transparency of the
attempting to rebuild its economy, places a
significant strain on Iraq's limited resources. financial system and will improve the
effectiveness of in-year and forecasted
budgeting. It is proposed that the Minister of
Finance require all Government of Iraq
The economic institutions of the new Iraqi financial transactions to use this enhanced
government arc still developing. On July 12, FMIS system. Budgets are not effectively
Prime Minister al-Maiiki outlined his vision delegated from the Ministry of Finance
for economic reform to build a prosperous (MOF) to other ministries and provinces. The
Iraq based on private sector activity and orocedures to enable contracts throueh the
investment, economic diversification, and MOF arc proving too cumbersome, and ofli-
integration into the global economy. The cials are not willing to risk appl)ing perceived
Coalition is working with the Government of incorrect procedures," as several officials
Iraq to appoint an Ambassador to the World have been detained with investigations pend-
Trade Organization (WTO) and to complete ing into possible breaches of regulations.
the necessary documentation to hold its first Communications between the CBI and the
WTO Working Party. In addition, the United MOF have all but stopped; several employees
States continues to work with the Ministry of at the CBI have been intimidated and have
Finance to implement a Financial Manage- therefore failed to show up for work.

growth. The UN now occupies its compound
in Irbil, and a UN Liaison Detachment has
The United States is working with the Gov- been established in Kirkuk.
ernment of Iraq to engage Iraq's neighbors
and the international community on the future The Arab League issued a strong statement
of Iraq and the stability of the region. A following its November 2005 "Preparatory
sustained dialogue with key international Meeting for the National Accord Confer-
partners remains a critical element in assisting ence," calling for all Iraqi parties and Arab
Iraq's nascent democracy. In this context, last states to support Iraq and respect the political
month Prime Minister al-Maliki traveled to will of the Iraqi people. The United Stales
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and the United Arab welcomes the planned Arab League-spon-
Emirates to promote his national reconcilia- sored Iraqi National Accord Conference (to
tion plan and to encourage international sup- be scheduled) as an opportunity for Iraqis
port for Iraq. inside and outside of government to discuss
the many crucial issues facing their country
In late July, the Government of Iraq and the and to support a process of national reconcili-
UN, with the strong suppon of the United atbon. Since the November 2005 conference,
States, the United Kingdom, and other donor the Arab League has opened its office in
states and international financial institutions, Baghdad and has appointed Mukhtar Lamani
launched an International Compact with Iraq. as its envoy,
The International Compact will, over the next
five years, bring together the international
communiw and multilateral oreanizMions to
help Iraq achieve its national vision. Tlic gov- Economic indicators are collected and p u b
crnnunt's vision Is thai, five years from now, lished regularly, largely through the Iraqi
Iraq will be a united. !cccraL and democratic Minisliy ofPlanning and Development Coop-
country, at peace with its neighbors and itself, eration and international organizations, such
well on its way to sustainable economic self- as the World Bank, the UN, and the IMF,
sufficiency and prosperity, and well inte- although gathering accurate statistics on
grated in its region and the world. which to base such indicators in the present
security situation in Iraq is a challenge. As
The International Compact will provide assis-
outlined in the table below, projections from
tance to Iraq under a contractual agreement;
Iraq will undertake specific economic and the IMF assume that economic growih over
political reforms designed to bring it into the the medium term will remain dependent on
global economy. In return, international the performance of the oil sector, as it
donors will increase their financial support for accounts for more than two-thirds of Iraq's
Iraq's reconstruction. Meanwhile, the Gov- GDP. The outlook also assumes that the
eminent of Iraq will continue to enact politi- Government of Iraq's Investment in the oil
I and security measures to achieve national sector will generate increased oil production
reconciliation and to build an economic mvi- and strong GDP growth over the medium
mnmenr conducive to sustained economic tern.

GDP Estimates and Projactlona, 2004-2008

Estimates of unemployment in Iraq vary such anas as privatization and investment to

widely. The UN World Food Progm's 2005 spur economic growth.
estimate is 13.4%. other estimates are as high
as 50%60%, As of July 2006, the Govern- Using dam collected in 2004, the UN World
ment of Iraq Central Organization for Statis- Food Program estimates that 15.4% of the
tics and Information Technology (COSIT) surveyed population in Iraq lacks adequate
estimated that unemployment was 18% and food. Including both severe and moderate
underemployment was 34%. The COSIT forms, about 25.9% of the Iraqi children
estimates were corroborated by a 2005 United examined were stunted in their physical
States Agency for International Development growth, a symptom of chronic malnutrition.
(USAID) survey and recent nationwide The lowest rate observed (14.2%) was in
polling. This year, the Government of Iraq Sulamaniyah Province, while the highest
budgeted to increase employment from (36.5%) was in Salah ad Din Province.
1.1 million to 1.9 million civil servants. State-
owned enterprises are expected to add another With support from USAID, the Ministries of
100.000 people 10 their rolls. Although this Finance. Labor, and Social Affairs have
hiring will reduce unemployment, govern- developed a more effective social safety net
ment and state-owned-enterpriseemployment for Iraq's poorest citizens. This initiative
is not a long-term panacea; for example, most helps low-income families manage the effects
state-owned enterprises are operating under of subsidy reform, using needs-adjusted cash
capacity or are closed. The key to long-term, benefits and services that help families raise
sustained reduction in unemployment can be themselves above the poverty level. The
achieved only through private sector-led i a l safety net program is an essential step
~i-owh.The U.S. Government is workine 1 reforming national subsidies as required by
fith ihc Government of Iraq to develop the the IMF Stand-By Arrangement. The Govem-
Iraqi private sector by reforming the banking ment of Iraq is still registering eligible house-
system, providing micro-crcdtt lending and holds in a continuing effort to reach those
vocational training, and enacting legislation in Iraqis most in need of help. To date, the
Government of Iraq has enrolled more than perceptions are -lly more pessimistic
520.000 people in the social safety net than they were a year ago.
There is evidence that Iraqi private sector
High inflation is threatening Iraq's overall activity continues to expand. The IMF esti-
macrocconomio stability. Inflation continues mates that non-oil GDP growth in 2006 will
to be volatile, with spikes generally caused by be 10%. Various U.S. Government agencies
commodity shortages and seasonal variations. arc attempting to spur private sector activity
The annual inflation rate from June 2005 to with microfinance loans, bank lendine to
June 2006 was 52.5%. according to COSIT. small- and medium-sized enterprises, capital
The CB1 needs to take steps to control infla- market development, business skills dcvelop-
tion. Polling data indicate that the Iraqi m a t , vocational cmlng, investment promo-
public's perceptions of the household finan- tion, business center support, and creation of
cial situation are mixed, although public economic zones.
Howwould you rate economic conditions in
Iraq today?

1 Monthly CoiKumar Price Indu <% Change) 1

Sector Indicators During the past quarter, Iraq resumed exports
from northern fields for the first time since
Oil Production. Distribution, andExpor( the autumn of 2005, though on a very small
scale. Exports are expected to increase once
When Coalition forces began Operation Iraqi three major crude pipelines from Khkuk,
Freedom, they entered a country who% including a new 40-inch line, are put in
energy infrastructure had deteriorated over service in September2006.
many years. The Coalition set out to help the
Government of Iraq restore oil facilities, Demand remains essentially unchecked for
increase production, improve refining of state-subsidized refined petroleum products.
natural gas production, and maintain pipeline The Government of Iraq announced reduc-
facilities. Poor maintenance, insurgent tions in fuel subsidies on June 21, 2006: on
attacks, slow repair, and corruption have July 1,2006, in accordance with the Stand-By
slowed progress. Beyond attacks on various Arrangement, these subsidies started being
worksites, terrorists have attacked crude phased in at government-run stations. In June
export and petroleum product pipelines, 2006, the government increased prices for
impeding exports and the refining and dis- fuel sold through official outlets, in accor-
tribution of petroleum products, such as dance with its commitments under its IMF
gasoline and diesel. reform program to decrease fuel subsidies.
Regular gasoline (85 octane) in Iraq is cur-
Despite these challenges, crude oil production rently regulaled s about US$0.55 per gallon,
for the second quarter improved by 18% to while premium gasoline (92 octane) Is regu-
2.2 mbpd, and exports improved by 20% to lated at about US$0.90 per gallon. The
1.6 mbpd. Nevertheless, oil production and premium gasoline price is at the IMF target
exports still fell short of the Government of price. These prices are roughly equivalent to
Iraq's goals (2.5 mbpd and 2.0 mbpd, respec- the pump prices in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia,
tively). Due to a combination of increased but substantially less than in Turkey, where
exports and higher prices for crude, oil reve- gasoline is heavily taxed. This disconnect
nues improved in the second quarter, and will between supply and demand leads to black
reach budgeted targets by August 2006. market activities and comption. Efforts are
Oil Production
M a d u n e 20BS

under way to encourage the Government of process, an unreliable flow of crude oil into
Iraq to adopt legislation allowing private the mfinerf, and security threats to personnel.
imports of premium fuels at market prices.
This legislation should allow the refined fuel Maintaining the refinery's outdated equip
market to clear and help ease the frequent ment is a challenge. Two of the refinery's
shortages. It should also help reduce the three plants have been shut down since May
rampant crime and corruption associated with 2006 due to mechanical breakdowns, schcd-
uled maintenance, power outages, and fires.
the current fuel production and distribution
One power outage damaged the refinery's
process. USS20 million hydrocracker, a critical piece
of equipment used to convert heavy fuel oil to
The Bayji refinery in northern Iraq is a critical usable products.
element in Iraa's national oil infrasmicture.
Built in the 19805, the Bayji refinery is Iraq's A second factor limiting production at Bnyji
largest and newest refmen. This refmen is inefficiency in its refining process. For
typifies man) of the challenges Iraq faces as it every two barrels of erode oil brought into the
attempts to modernize its aging infrastrocture refinery. Bayji produces about one barrel of
and increase its oil exports. Bayji has a nomi- usable product, for an efficiency rate of about
nal production capacity of 310,000 barrels per 50%; modern refineries can have efficiencies
day. However, since May 2006, the refinery of 90% or higher. The result of the inefficient
has not produced more than 170,000 barrels refining process is a large amount of heavy
per day, and recent production has been as fuel oil (HFO) byproduct. Bayji does not have
. ' ,
low as 7.500 barrels ncr dav. Four m i m m
factors have lirn.tcd produstion at the Bani
, adequate facilities to refine further, store, or
dispose of this byproduct; the excess HFO
refinery: maintenance issues with key corn- thus interferes with production and storage of
puneniii in the refinery, an inefficient refinng usable products.
Production at Bayji is also affected by the !xrlod. This is an tnmrovcrnentof l5.8Y0over
interrupted flow of crude oil into the refinery
from Kirkuk through three key pipelines. The 14 hours of power G d a y this quarter,an
flow has been periodically halted by corro- improvement of 3 hours per day over the pre-
sion, fires, maintenance, and attacks, all of vious quarter. Baghdad averaged 8 hours of
which serve to hamper production of refined power per day, twice what it had averaged six
products and crude oil for export. Construc- months earlier.
lion of a new 40-inch line is scheduled to be
completed in September 2006. As Iraqis purchase additional electric appli-
ances, demand far electricity continues to
h'lectricifv Production and Distribution increase. Estimated demand over the 30-day
period ending July 15,2006, was 8,928 MW.
The electrical generation and distribution To date in 2006. the hichest dailv oeak sumiv
system in Iraq suffers from unscheduled was 5,283 MW; 2% below the 2005 peak of
downtime due to the fragile condition of the 5.389 MW. With all stale-owned gencrnlon,
electric grid, sabotage, and poor maintenance running, theoretical maximum output is
uactices. In addition. shortfalls in ~ctrolcum 8,551 MW, or 96% o f this estimated new
production and distribution lead to occasional demand. However, that level of output has not
ftiel shortages for electric generators. been achieved, nor could it be sustained if it
were achieved. The Government of Iraq's
Despite problems, peak capacity and hours of goal for average peak generating output by
power continue to improve. During this the end of December 2006 is 6,000 MW per
reporting period, peak generating output was day. During times when state-generated elec-
5,283 MW on July 17, 2006, with an average
iricity is not available, many Iraqis meet their
peak generating output of 4,573 MW over the electricity requirements through private
Average Dally Hours of ElectricalPowr per P ~ O V ~ ~ C O
Aprli-June 2006

generators. Electricity usage in Iraq appears to scribers is relatively stable, the three major
be in accordance with or less than regional cell phone companies wntinue to enroll sub-
norms. Nonetheless, the data support the con- scribers. 1RMO reports that as of July 25.
tention that the current connected capacity is 2006, there WOT 7.1 million cellular tele-
not sufficient to support a growing economy. phone subscribers and 1 million landline wn-
nections. This reflects an increase in cellular
The subsidized state distribution rate affects subscribers since the last report. The number
electricity demand, and current electricity of cellular telephone subscribers has doubled
rates are nominal, well below regional aver- over the last nine months. The state-owned
ages. In addition, not all Iraqis pay for their Internet service provider (ISP) currently
slate-supplied electricity. About 70% of serves 197,310 subscribers, a slight decrease
homes have meters and are billed. Of those, since May 2006. This figure excludes private
about 70% pay their electric bills. The rate ISPs and public Internet cafes. It is unknown
billed is equivalent to USS.002hh. Owners whether expansions of private sector ISPs
i f private neighborhood generators bill their drew customers from the stale-owned service.
customers at a rate about 40 times higher,
around US$.08/kwh. U.S. Government projects continue to support
improved communications among loqi mi"-
istrics. Thiq-five of 42 government shcs in
Baghdad, the CBI, and TWO state-owned banks
The communications sator contin- to arc now connected via the wireless broadband
expand, although this expansion is slowing network. The U.S. Government continues lo
down in comparison with its explosive growth train Iraqi tclccommumcation~ engineers on
immediael) after the fall of the previous proper operations and maintenance proce-
regime Whereas the number of landline sub- dures to maintain and broaden this network.
and outside the country remains a serious
issue. Turkey,where high taxes keep gasoline
New projects have "added capacity to provide priced near US55 a gallon, is a lucrative target
an estimated 4.2 million people with access to for smugglers. However, a significant portion
potable water-an increase of 1.2 million of illegal trade results in constraining the
people since the May 2006 reportÑbu direct upply of gasoline in Baghdad, giving motor-
measurement of water actually delivered to ists few alternatives to purchasing black
Iraqis is not available."' Additional projects market fuel at increased prices. Some pipeline
currently under way should increase infra- interdictions are due to insurgent attacks,
structure capacity lo provide access to clean while some are botched attempts to steal fie1
tatcr to as many as 5 million more people. by tapping into a flowing product line. Other
incidents include deliberate acts of sabotage
Obstacles lo Provress intended to manipulate the fuel supply to spur
increased profits for black marketeers and
There is significant black market activity in corrupt officials.
Iran. much of it in oil nroducts. Ahhoueh
crude 01' can be sold on the black market. Black market prices for Aid vary by refined
refined product requires less handling. un be fuel type: Benzene typically sells for 3-5
solo almost anywhere, and i s more difficult to times the government established price, while
trace, thereby making it more profitable. LPG has recently been selling for 10-20 times
Much of the black market and corruption the official price. This gap between the
activity centers on refined products, such as official price and the black market price pro-
gasoline, benzene, LPG, and diesel. vides a strong incentive for corruption. The
U.S. Embassy has engaged the Government
Although the increases in the official prices of Iraq to follow through on their stated com-
have reduced the economic incentive to mitment to encourage liberalization of the
smuggle fuel, smuggling fuel for resale inside retail fie1 market through enactment of the
Fuel Impon Liberalization Law being con-
sidered by the CoR. This reform will allow
' Special Inspector GenenU Iraq Reconstruction the private sector to Import fuel and sell it at
(SIOIR)report, 30 April 06, httc://www.slgb.mIl,
market prices. This step is viewed with con- Iraqi public perceptions of security and
troversy in Iraq. Economists predict that security institutions; and
private sector retail vendors of petroleum capabilities of the ISF and Iraqi
products would undercut the illeeal market. institutions.
thus driving them out of business once the
Government of Iraq passes the import liberal- Information about the ISF is presented liter in
ization law this report.

1.3 The Security Envlmnmnt

Defeating die enemy, breaking die cycle of
violence, promoting reconciliation, and transi- During this reporting period, attacks and
timing security responsibility to the Govern- civilian casualties have risen, characterized by
ment of Iraq remain the top goals in the secu- ethno-sectarian attacks and reprisals. Violence
rity Back. To achieve these goals, the United escalated norably in Baghdad, which, as the
States, its Coalition partners, and the Govern- political, population, and media center of the
ment of Iraq are focused on objectives that country, is a high-value target for terrorists.
include: Violence in Basrah also rose, partly in

. neutralizing enemy effectiveness, influ-

ence, and ability to intimidate;
response to British actions against the JAM.
The death of terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
1 June was a major success for the Coalition
and the Government of Iraq, but al-Qaeda in
rapidly reducing sectarian violence and Iraq remainsable to conduct operations due to
eliminating death squads; its resilient, semi-autonomous cellular struc-
increasing the capacity of the Govem- ture of command and control Terrorists have
ment of Iraq and its security structures failed to advance their primary objectives,
and forces to provide national security which include derailing Iraq's political
and public order; and process and widening their political support
helping Iraq strengthen rule of law among the Iraqi people. The Iraqi Army took
capabilities in the areas of law enforce- thc lead in more counter-insurgency opera-
ment, justice, and the corrections tions and assumed security responsibility in
system. o x areas since the last report. The Iraqi
people continue to express confidence in the
Indicators of the security environment Iraqi Anny to provide for their security and to
include: reject al-Qaeda in Iraq's vision of Iraq's
falure, but they arc increasingly turning to
comoosition. strencth. and su~nortfor militias and neighborhood watch groups to
provide security from sectarian violence.
groups that threaten security i d stabil-
ity: anti-government and anti-Coalition

. forces (the "enemy");

.. suo~ort-
activity. . and efforts to disband.
disarm, and reintegrate militias;
Overall attack levels are higher than last
quarter. In particular, attacks have increased
in southwestern Diyala Province and in the
cities of Mosui and Kirkuk. Extremists seek-
attack trends (including the number of ing to stoke ethno-secbxian strife have
attacks and their effectiveness); increasingly focused their efforts on civilians,
levels of sectarian violence; inciting a cycle of retribution killings and

I AI-Qaeda in Iraq Influence

driving civilian casualties to new highs. Much respective sectarian groups. However, the
of this violence is focused on Baghdad, as Sunni Arab insurgence remains potent and
terrorists, insurgents, and illegal armed groups viable, although its visibility has been over-
recnmi7-ed the ~oliticaland economic simifi- shadowed by the increase in seclarim
cdnce ofthc capital city. As described besow, violence.
the Government of Iraq and the Coalition are
tnking significant steps to reverse the upward On June 14, 2006, l n q i Prime Minister
trend of violence in Baghdad. al-Maliki announced the government's plan to
provide improved security conditions in
Recent Develo~menuin the Security Baghdad. Operation Together Forward, or
Environment Amaitya Ma'an ila A/-Amam in Arabic, con-
sists of increased checkooints- curfews. and
Rising sectarian strife defines the emerging enforced -pons bansto reduce sectarian
nature of violence in mid-2006. Since the last violence in lucused areas withm Baghdad
report, the core conflict in Iraq changed into a Security forces are also conducting raids
struggle between Sunni and Shi'a extremists against terrorist cells and death squads. As
seeking to control key areas in Baghdad, part of this operation, Iraqi police, the Iraqi
create or protect sectarian enclaves, divert Army, and National Police, supponed by
economic resources, and impose their own Coalition forces, increased patrols and check-
respective political and religious agendas. noints in all areas of Bachdad. while c o w -
Death souads and terrorists are locked in k t m g on areas ofthe city that have witnessed
mut~allyreinforcing cycles of sectarian strife, in:reaws in violence and securian killings
8th Sunni and Shi'a e x n - m s t s each p m y - SecunN f o r m also worked to block terron'rt
ing themselves as the defenders of their entry into thecapital city.

The confluence of high attack level-any predominance of the execution-styk killings
targeting civilians~and the increased sec- and other murders in the city. The death
tarian violence, combined with the need to squads have fomented sectarian violence, os
ensure that the Government of Iraq maintains killings prompt further killings of revenge.
momemum in political progress and counter- Coalition forces and the ISF are also targeting
insurgency, made Baghdad security a decisive the death squads and other illegal aimed
element in the campaign. Given the wm- groups using checkpoints, patrols, driving
plexity of the security situation in Baghdad, bans, curfews, weapons-law enforcement,
the Iraqi government planned to execute and intelligence-driven operations, and other
m p l e t e Amaliya Ma'an ila Al-Amam over a mcthods. The ISF will rely on their training,
period of months, not weeks. After the first experience, and familiarity with Baghdad's
month of Amaliya Ma'an ila At-Amam, the milieu to focus on neighborhoods with the
operation had arrested but had not reversed highest levels of violence. Coalition forces
the high attack levels seen in May and June. remain in a supporting role and will be
The average of 23.7 attacks per day across employed as requested by Prime Minister
Baghdad's 10 districts was virtually un- al-Maliki and directed by the MNF-I com-
changed from the 23.8 average daily attacks manding general.
that occurred the month prior to the operation.
Moreover, the rate of sectarian-motivated The two primary objectives of the security
murders and execution-style killings con- operations in Baghdad arc rapidly reducing
tinued to rise, primarily in and around sectarian violence by de-kgitiiizing the
Baghdad. illegally armed groups and establishing the
ISF as the dominant security presence. The
In July, during the prime minister's first visit changes described above represent a wn-
to the United Stales. Prime Minister al-Maliki ccrted, focused effort by the Coalition and the
and President Bush announced an adjustment Government of Iraq. By strengthening the
to the Baghdad Security Plan One of the key capacity of the Government of Iraq and
changes is an increase in security force levels spurring economic growth in Baghdad, the
in the city. Elements of the Call Forward United States will help the Government of
Force were brought forward from Kuwait and Iraq succeed in protecting its population and
other Coalition and Iraqi units were reposi- restoring the confidence of the Iraqi people in
tioned from less active areas ofthe country. In thch h k .
addition, the Secretary of Defense extended
the 172nd Stiyker Brigade Combat Team's
deployment in Iraq for up to 120 days.
Because the 172nd was largely successful in Violence in Baghdad is the most prominent
working with the ISF to improve security in feature of the conflict in Iraq in this period, as
northern Iraq, it has been repositioned into Sunni and Shi'a extremist death squads
Baghdad. pursue their sectarian agendas. The resulting
violence overwhelmingly targets civilians,
In addition to increasing force levels in causing segments of the populace to tolerate
Baghdad, the Coalition and the Government or even endorse extremist actions on their
of Iraq developed and refined tactics, tech- behalf as an effective means to euanuitee their
niques, and procedures designed to reduce the safety. undermining both the Govennnmt o f
sectarian killings. A primary focus is elimi- Iraq's *bilit\ to deliver sccunty and its pursuit
nating the death squads responsible for the of a reconciliation program. Although

Baghdad remains the focus for sectarian and al-Sadr) are among most prominent groups
terrorist violence i n Iraq, violence tied to the engaging i n a continuing pattern of attacks
Rejecticnist insurgency, terrorist intimidation, and reprisals against individuals or com-
political and tribal tensions, and criminality munitks representing the other's sectarian
continue i n other regions. Sectarian violence affiliation. Thus, the violence i n Iraq cannot
is gradually spreading north into Diyda be categorized as the result of a single
Province and Kirkuk as Sunni, Shi'a. and organizedor unified opposition or insurgency;
Kurdish groups compete for provincial the security situation is currently at its most
influence. Conflict in Anbar Province remains W ~ D state~ X since the initiation o f O~eration
centered on the Sunni insurgency. Although lraqi Freedom. Similarly, Iraqi or Coalition
al-Qaeda i n Iraq continues its intimidation to sccurin strategies must be tailored for the
coerce passive Sunni support, tribes are different objectives, methods, and support
pushing back to eject al-Qaeda in Iraq and re- structuresof each particular threat.
establish their dominant role. I n the southern,
predominantly Shi'a region o f the country, Terroristsand Foreim Fiehleq
political and tribal rivalries are a growing
motive behind violence, particularly i n AI-Qaeda in Iraq and its affiliates in the
Basrah, with limited anti-Coalition forces M u W a n Shun Council consist o f both
attacks likely undertaken by rogue Shi'a foreigners and Iraqis motivated by an
militia with Iranian support. extremist Sunni Islamist ideology, which
rejects the West, attacks moderate Islam, and
seeks to establish an Islamic Caliphate in Iraq.
AS is another significant, mostly indigenous
Violence against the Iraqi people and Coali- terrorist group that objects to al-Qacda in
tion forces is committed generally by a corn- Iraq's wanton targeting o f Muslim Iraqis.
bination o f both Sunni and Shi'a groups, who Foreign fighters continue to enter Iraq and
are overwhelmingly Iraqi but with a small yet constitute the majority o f those conducting
significant component of foreign suicide suicide attacks. Sunni extremists continue
operatives. Sunni groups include Rejection- their efforts to force Coalition withdrawal,
ist-many of whom were members of, or perpetuate sectarian violence, and make Iraq
associated with, the former r e g i m d ungovernable as a means o f establishing the
terrorists groups, including al-Qacda in Iraq, Caliphate. The death o f Abu Musab al-
Ansar al Sunnah (AS), and other smaller Zarqawi has dealt a significant blow to al-
groups. Shi'a groups include elements o f Qfleda i n Iraq, though the cellular nature o f its
militias and illegal armed groups, many o f robust network allowed decentralized opera-
whom receive Iranian support. The threat tions to continue. Since then, al-Qaeda i n Iraq
posed by Shi'a illegal armed groups, filling has fomented sectarianviolence through high-
perceived and actual security vacuums, is profile attacks against Shi'a civilians and is
growing and represents a significant challenge engaged in a cycle of retaliatory violence
for the Iraqi government. The appearance and involving elements o f JAM.At-Qaeda in Iraq
activity o f death squads is a growing aspect of recently announced that its "Umar Brigade"
the violence i n Iraq, with both Sunni and that would begin targeting JAM i n retaliation
Shi'a death squads adding to the violence by for death squad activities i n an effort to
targeting civilians and inciting reprisal. Al- portray al-Qaeda i n Iraq as a protector o f the
Qacda in Iraq and elements o f JAM Sunni. Additionally, al-Qacda i n Iraq Icadcr-
(nominally under the control of Muqtada ship is increasing convergent with al-Qacda
senior leaders on goals and strategy following lion tactics and actively oppose alQacda in
Zarqawi's death. The recent statement from Iraq, sometimes mounting their own anti-al-
Usma bin Laden on June 30,2006, in which Qaeda in Iraq attacks and raids.
he addresses the Iraqi "jihadists," frames the
conflict in terms of attacking those who
support the Government of Iraq. He also
warns Shi'a in "southern Iraq" that they are Death squads are armed groups that conduct
not safe, if they continue to support Coalition extra-iudicial killtm. Death sauads are
operations against Sunni urban centers in formed from terrorists, militias, ilkgai armed
Anbar Province. This is a clear attempt to groups, andÑi some c u e s ~ r o g u eelements
recast al-Qaeda in Iraq as the most effective ofthe !SF Both Shi'a and Sunni death squads
defender of Sunni interests. arc active in Iraq, and arc responsible for the
most significant increases in sectarian vio-
lence. Death squads predominantly target
civilians, and the increase in death squad
Sunni Re~mionistsuse violence and coercion activity isdirectly comlated with the increase
in an attempt to force withdrawal of Coalition of civilian casualties. Coalition forces and the
forces, prevent Shi'a economic and territorial ISF are actively targeting elements that
dominance, and reverse Sunni political participate in death squad activity.
marginaliilion by regaining a privileged or
protected status within a unified Iraq. The
1920s Revolutionary Brigade is the most
prominent of these Rejcctionist groups. Sunmi Militias and small, illegally armed groups
Rejcctionists continue to target Coalition operate openly and often with popular
forces at rates higher than Sunni extremist or support, This is especially true in arefifi where
Shi'a militia groups. The bulk of the Rcjec- the Governmentof Iraq is perceived as unable
tionist insurgency will likely continue to to provide effective social and security
attack Coalition forces while they remain in services for the population. M i l i t i i h e t h a
Iraq. Some elements are indicating an interest - .
leeal or illeealÑorovid an element of
in Prime Minister al-Maliki's new reconcilia- pr-oicction fw select portions ofthe popa.ace.
tion effort, while still employing violence usually on an cthno-sectarian basis, resuiting
against the Coalition forces and the ISF from in, overall, a more dangerous environment for
a sense of honor and as a means to force the Iraqi community. Some militias also act as
meaningful political accommodation. Modcr- the security arm of organizations devoted to
ates say they will accept reconciliation social relief and welfare. lending these armed
inducements and disarm only after death groups funher legitimacy Whether operating
squads are eliminated; Shi'a militias are within or outside die law, these armed groups
disarmed; and key security, amnesty, and operate sepaiaiel) from formal public safety
political demands are met. Other hard-line structures. Their continued existence chal-
elements of Rejectionist groups provide pro- lenges the legitimacy of the constitutional
fessional military skills to al-Qaeda in Iraq government and provides a conduit far
and other extremists to achieve common foreign interference. An effective disarma-
tactical objectives. Other Rejectionists, ment, demobilization, and reintegration pro-
including some in Anbar and Baghdad, are gram is essential to meeting near- and long-
weary of al-Qacda in Iraq's violent intimida- term security requirements for Iraq.
Although a number of militias and illegal The Peshmerga are, technically, not a militia,
armed groups have operated in Iraq since but hive the status of an authorized armed
before the liberation, the groups that are force. The Peshmeigo maintain security inde-
affecting the current security situation the pendently within and along the borders for (he
most are the Badr Organization and JAM. Kurdish Regional Government. Some ele-
ments arc integrated into the IPS. The
The Badr Organization is an authorized Peshmerga predominantly operate in Kurdish
militia under the Iraqi Transitional Adminis- regions, but have also been employed in the
trative Law that p d a t e d the present Consti- private security company role outside of
tution, and the organization actively partici- Kurdistan. The Peshmergo do not attack or
pates in the Iraqi government. The Badr oppose Coalition forces or the ISF. In some
Organization has not engaged in active vio- cases, Peshmerga provide security for Coali-
lence against Coalition forces or the Govern- t i reconstruction efforts. Over the long
ment of Iraq; it attacks Sunni targets and in term, however, the perceived dual allegiance
the past has also confronted JAM in an effort of the Peshmerga is potentially inconsistent
to prevent its expansion of power and with effective national security and gover-
influence among the Shi'a. The Badr Organ- nance.
ization receives financial and materiel support
from Iran, and individuals from Badr have Unlike the Kurdish and Shi'a militia groups,
been implicated in death squads. Sunni Arabs do not have formally organized
militias, but rely on neighborhood watches,
JAM is not a legal militia under Iraqi law. Rejectionists, and, increasingly, al-Qaeda in
However, it is well known and supported Iraq. The presence of Peshmeqa, Badr
popularly in Baghdad and the southern prov- Organization, and JAM individuals in the IPS
i s of Iraq, and has achieved a measure of and the National Police contributes to Sunni
tolerance from elements of the Government of concerns about fie potential for persecution
Iraq. JAM is closely associated with the and partisanship. The rise of sectarian attacks
Office of the Martyr Sadr and is nominally is driving some Sunni and Shi'a civilians in
responsive to his direction. Most, but not all, Baghdad and the mixed-ethnic provinces to
JAM elements are following Sadr's order not support militias. Such support is likely to con-
to engage Coalition forces or the ISF except tinue in areas where Iraqi institutions and
in self-defense. Still, violence between JAM, forces are perceived as unable to provide
the Iraqi Army, and to a lesser extent Coali- essential services or meet security require-
tion forces, is frequent. Rogue JAM elements ments.
are amonc the main oeroehators of sectarian
violence.&d JAM me;btfrs frequently par-
ticipatc in death squad acii\itics As described
&me. JAM and Radr Organization members Without an apparent political motive. conven-
have periodically attacked one another in the tional criminal elements are also capitalizing
past and are political rivals, but intra-Shi'a m the instability in Iraq, although it is
conflict has taken a back seat to the ongoing increasingly difficult to distinguish among
battle of violence and revenge between mi. activities conducted by criminal, insurgent,
Qaeda in Iraq and elements of JAM. Like and terrorist croups, as all arc engaged in
Badr, JAM receives logistical support from kidnappings, extortion, assaults, and other
Ira". illegal behavior. In some cases, criminal

gangs work with terrorist organizations, with of casualties. Overall, Iraqi casualties
the former abducting hostages and selling increased by 51% compared to the previous
them to the latter, which can use their captives quarter. Most attacks targeting Coalition
for publicity or to obtain ransom. The various forces were "stand-off" attacks, not involving
groups involved in illicit activity are doing so close-up confrontations between Coalition
lo generate revenue, expand their influence, forces and insurgents. Such attacks typically
and facilitate further criminal, terrorist, or consisted of improvised explosive devices
insurgent operations, (IEDs), small amis fire, and indirect fire
weapons. The number of car bombs this
Attack Trendrand Vlalmce quarter increased to levels last seen in the
summer of 2005. Over the last quarter, car
For this report, the term "attacks" refers to bombs were largely centered on Baghdad,
specific incidents reported in the Multi- Mosul, Kirkuk, and the Western Euphrates
National Corps-Iraq (MNC-1) Significant valley, and primarily targeted civilians or ISF
Activities database. It includes known attacks checkpoints.
on Coalition forces, the ISF. the civilian
population, and infrastructure. Although die overall number of attacks
increased in all categories, the proportion of
In the government establishment period those attacks directed against civilians
beginning May 20,2006, the average number increased substantially. Nationally, in April
of weekly attacks increased 15% compared to 2006, civilians were the target of 11% of
the previous reporting period. Weekly attack attacks; this increased to 15% in June 2006.
levels in July 2006 were the highest to date. Baghdad showed a more pronounced shift in
Coalition forces continued to attract the the targeting of civilians compared to the
majority (63%) of attacks. However, the ISF I trend, In Baghdad, civilian targete
and civilians continued to suffer the majority comprised 15% of total attacks in April and

Average Weekly Attack* by Thm Puted

1 Apr 04-1 1 Aug 06

werage Dally Casualties* -Iraqi (Including ISF) and Coalltl~n
1 Apr 04-11 Aug 06

Total Attacks by Province

20 May4 Aug 06

22% in June. The increase

- in attacks over the Four of lrao's 18 rorovinces(Anbar. Baehdad.

past two quarters reflects heightened sectarian Diyala, and Salah ad Dm) continue to eiipcn-
tension following tic Golden Mosque bomb. encc the majority of attacks Anbar and
ing and increased death squad activity. Baghdad are the worst affected provinces,

accounting for 55% o f all attacks. Further, disrupting public essential services. Allhough
Ninewah and Tamim have seen significant the number o f attacks is decreasing, the
increases in attacks over the last quarter. essential services infrastructure will continue
to be a high-value target for enemy elements.
Successful attacks on the infrastructure
adversely affect the legitimacy of government
The average weekly number of attacks on in the minds of the civil population by
critical infrastructure providing essential ser- reducing the supply o f essential services.
vices to the Iraqi people, such as electrical
power, water, and fuel, cominued to decline Concernsof Civil War
over the past quarter, decreasing from an
average of five per week to an average of two Sustained
- - ~ - ethno-sectarian violence is the
per week. However, the effect of these attacks greatest threat to security and stability in Iraq.
has been disproportionate10 Their numbers for Breaking this cycle o f violence i s the most
several reasons. Most notable among these is pressing immediate goal of Coalition and
the slow rate of repair to damage from pre- Iraqi operations. Conditions that could lead to
vious attacks. At other times. Iraai officials civil war exist in Iraq, specifically in and
may be slow m in-tiating repairs Infrastmc- around Baghdad, and concern about civil war
wre repair is often hampered bv insurgent or within the Iraqi civilian population has
other criminal intimidation o f maintenance increased in recent months. Notwithstanding
workers. Not all attacks and intimidation are this concern, there is no generally agreed
the result of insurgent or other ami-govem- upon definition of civil war among academics
ment activity, as described in the economic or defense analysts. Moreover, the conflict in
section. Criminal activities, such as extortion Iraq does not meet the stringent international
and black rnarketeering, also have outlets in legal standards for civil war. However

Infrutructura Atucks
Weekly Avenge' by Time Period
1 Anr 04-11 Aua 06

defined, movement toward civil war can be reported 1,600 bodies arrived in June and
prevented. The U.S. and Iraqi governments more than 1,800 bodies in July, 90% of which
are continuing the military, diplomatic, and w . e- assessed
~- to be the result of executions.
political actions needed to prevent a. civil war This is due to increased targeting of civilians
and bring the situation in Baghdad under by al-Qaeda in Iraq and the increase in death
control. Sectarian violence is largely confined squad activity.
to the communal level. Furthermore. the Iraqi
institutions of the center are holding. Iraqi Sunni and Shi'a extremists, particularly rogue
leaders must take advantage of the popular JAM elements and al-Qaeda in Iraq, are, as
support for democracy, a unified Iraq, and noted, interlocked in retaliatory violence and
opposition to violence to form institutions that are contesting control of ethnically mixed
take responsibility for Iraq's security. areas to expand their areas of influence.
Throughout the past quarter, rogue JAM
Sectarian tensions increased over the past members continued a campaign of oven
quarter, demonstrated by the increasing executions and mass kidnappings of Sunni
number of executions, kidnappings,attacks on civilians. At the same time. Sunni extremists
civilians, and internally displaced persons. continued to respond by carrying out large-
According to an estimate by the United scale and mass-casualty bombings of Shi'a
Nations. 22.977 families~l37.862 individu- gatherings and culturally significant sites.
alsÑhav been displaced in Iraq since the
February 22, 2006, S a m m Mosque bomb- Attacks on Shi'a by al-Qaeda in Iraq and
ing. Sectarian violence is concentrated on the other Sunni elements are apparently designed
boundaries of mixed and ethnically dominated to inflame sectarian tension, which in turn
areas of Baghdad and in southwestern Diyala generates and results in retaliatory attacks on
Province. Sunni civilians by rogue Shi'a elements.
These rogue Shi'a actions increasingly appear
According to MNC-I reporting, civilian intent on securing Shi'a enclaves and
casualties increased by approximately 1,000 establishing control of contested areas of
per month since the previous quarter. Execu- Baghdad. Coalition forces and the ISF are
tions in particular reached new highs in the responding by increased targeting of both
month of July. The Baghdad Coroner's Office Sunni and Shi'a death squads.

Sectarian Incidents

Public PerceptionsofSecurity include the Basrah area indicate increased
confidence in both the police and the Iraqi
Ultimately, stability and security i n Iraq Anny over the last reporting period. Con-
depend on the support o f the Iraqi people. I n fidence in militias is mixed, with a rise in
general, Iraqis have had an optimistic outlook confidence in Baghdad countering an overall
on their future and the overall security situa- downward confidence trend elsewhere.
tion. However, as time has passed, their
optimism has eroded. The aftermath of the The perceptions of the Iraqi population will
Golden Mosque bombing and the growing slowly respond to visible, effective actions
sectarian violence continue l o shape their performed by the IPS. I t w i l l take continued
perceptions. As sectarian violence increases, diligence on the pan o f the Iraqi Police to be
the view of the security situation worsens. seen as actively patrolling their areas and
With the view that Baghdad is the key to Iraq, arresting individuals for criminal activity,
a similar sentiment toward security exists while paying particular care to avoid the
appearance o f sectarianism.
A n Indication o f support for the Government
Another indicator is Iraqi use o f the
o f Iraq within the country is the level of con-
fidence that the Iraqi people expressly place intelligence hotline for providing tips to
i n the ISF Forces, especially when compared authorities about suspicious activity. The
against militias or other iilegal armed groups. population has continued to demonstrate its
Since the previous report, confidence in the willingness to report such activity and thereby
Iraqi Army has remained generally constant, upport the government's efforts against
with the notable exception o f Baghdad, where terrorism. Since mid-March, the number of
public confidence improved. Despite the tips has increased (ice following chart) Con-
increase i n violence, confidence in the Iraqi tinued timely and effective response o f the
Army rose from 69% to 78%. Despite the IPS to these tips should increase the con-
recent violence i n Basrah, polling data that fidence ofthe population.
How concerned are you about an Increase in
sectarian or ethnic violence In Iraq?
Stcurily in Baghdad. .

I % ExprÑIn confidence In-

to improw the sltuatlon

Total TIPS Actionable Calk 1

2. Iraqi Security Forces Training and Performance

The ISF continue to grow in strength and 2.1 Progress in Training and Equipping
capability as indicated by: the Iraqi Secirity Fo-
Force generation continues on schedule this
progress in the training and equipping quarter. More than 14,000 additional Iraqi
ofISF personnel; soldiers and police have completed initial
assessed capabilities of operational training and equipping since May 2006,

. units; and
progress in assuming responsibility for
security ofareas within Iraq.
bringing the total number of ISF trained and
equipped to 277,600,

More than 92% of authorized Iraqi Army

battalions are assembied. Train-and-cquip
Institulional capability within the MOD and efforts remain focused on building combat
the MOI is an increasingly important indica- support and combat service support forces
tor of the transition to Iraqi security self-reli- providing key enablers to Iraqi combat forces.
When fully established, these unils will
ance. As the MOD and the M01 continue to provide critical combat enablers, such as
staff, train, and equip forces, increased logistics and transportation support, iniclli-
emphasis is placed on the development of gence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. More
institutional capacity to direct, support, and than 65% of authorized personnel in the Iraqi
sustain the ISF. Army support forces have been trained and
equipped. Logistics units and overall logistics
capability continues to improve.

MOI Mattonal Polio Force*' Asuux) CiplbllMÃ
2.2 Progress in Assumimg Leadenhip in assume the lead once it has been thoroughly
Counter-Insurgency assessed and has demonstrated that it is
capable of planning and executing combat
The ISF arc invreasingly taking the lead in operations. Although these units lead security
operations and assuming primary respon-
sibility for the security of their nation, as Iraqi
~. . ..
oneratiom.. most still reouirc suowrt from
Coal lion forces because their logistics, sus-
army and police forces demonstrate an unmncnt, and command and conud capabili-
increased capability to plan and execute ties arc not fully dcvc.oped. The Coalition's
counter-insurgency operations. The following primary force development objective to date
charts depict this progress. As of August 7, has been to produce trained, equipped, and
2006, 5 Iraqi Army divisions, 25 brigades, capable combat units; there has been less
and 85 battalions, and 2 National Police emphasis placed on enablers, including logis-
battalions assumed lead responsibility for tics and command and control. Now that more
security in their areas of operation. than two-thirds of the Iraqi Army combat
n i t s are in the lead, the Coalition's focus will
In total, there are 106 Iraqi Army combat shift more toward helping the Iraqis develop
battalions and 8 Strategic Infrastructure Bat- the; enablers, MNF-I will also continue to
talions (SIBS) conducting operations at vary- help improve the capacity of the MOD to
g levels of assessed capability. Another organize, train, equip, sustain, and modernize
three combat battalions are in the process of its forces, with the goal of eventually elimi-
forming. In addition. 27 National Police bat- nating the Iraqi Army's reliance on Coalition
talions are now operational and active. The support.
green shaded areas on the maps above depict
areas where Iraqi Army units have assumed
the lead for security responsibility. A unit can

1 -ml,'. Iraqi Army Lead a n d National Police Lead

"-19. SOU

2.3 Ministry of Interior develop Ole IPS. The IPLOs provide the
civilian police with expertise in all technical
The objective for the MOI, in partnership aspects of criminal investigation and police
with t k Mini* of Interior Transition Team Station management, The deployment of five
WOI-TT), is to become a forward-looking additional Military Police companies in July
ministry that is effective, efficient, account- 2006 added extra PTTs, enabling the expan.
able, representative, appropriately structured sion of the program to assess and assist in the
to deal with the prevailing security conditions, developmentofthe IPS.
and staffed by people who are committed to
upholding the rule of law. The MOI forces Twenty-seven BTTs mentor and enable devel-
consist of the IPS, the National Police, the opment of border forces. Additionally,
border forces, and the Center for Dignitary Department of Homeland Security Customs
Protection. and Border Patrol Teams (CBPTs) provide
critical mentorship at ports of entry, while
The MNF-I initiative to develop professional . 38 National Police Transition Teams (NPlTs)
civil security forces able to assume the lead continue to support the development of the
for the security of the Iraqi people has been National Police units. These transition teams
dubbed the "Year of the Police." The focus is are intended to improve the readiness and
on creating a force loyal to the people of Iraq capability oftheir MOI partner units.
and its Constitution, and wmmitted to
guaranteeing human rights and the rule of The Coalition Police Assistance Training
law. This was designated as one of MNC-1's Team (CPATT) is on track la meet the goal of
main efforts in 2006 recruiting and training the authorized number
of MOl forces by the end of December 2006.
Mentoring of civil security forces is con- The force generation of the Departmen1 uf
ducted by Police Transition Teams (PTTs), Border Enforcement (DBE) and the IPS will
National Police Transition Teams v s ) , occur in November 2006 and December 2006,
Border Transition Teams (BTTs), and respectively. Specialized police units, such as
Customs and Border Protection Teams the Criminal Investigative Division (CID) and
(CBPTs). More than 160 PTTs are assisting the National Information and Investigative
the development of the IPS. Because of the Agency (NilA), will be trained by the end of
large number of police stations dispersed 2006.
throughout Iraq, the PTT program has initially
focused on provincial headquarters, district
headquarters, and Iraqi police stations in key
strategic cities, but will spread to other sta- The IPS is composed ofpatrol, traffic, station.
tions throughout the country as more stations and highway police assigned throughout
achieve a higher level of readiness. To wn- Iraq's 18provinces. Its mission is to enforce
duct their mission, the PTTs travel to their the law, safeguard the public, and provide
assigned stations to train, teach, and coach the internal security at the local level.
Iraqi police and to conduct joint patrols with
their Iraqi counterparts. CPATT has trained and equipped approxi-
mately 113,800 IPS personnel, an increase of
The integrationof International Police Liaison 12,600 since the May 2006 report. CPATT
Officers (IPLOs) into the PTTs significantly projects that it will have trained and equipped
increased the Coalition force's ability to 35,000 IPS by December 2006. Although the

force will be manned in the aggregate by the However, the recent arrival of five additional
end of the year, proper distribution is a Military Police companies will greatly
challenge. Certain areas have a shortage of increase theability to assess the IPS.
trained officers while additional hiring in
other areas has resulted in an overage in the
More than 230,000 MOI employees have
As of July 24, 2006, 71,324 police recruits been screened by the Iraqi Police Screening
have received training in the 10-week basic Service, which checks fingerprints against
course. Police officers with prior experience Ba'ath Party recordsand Saddam-era criminal
attend a 3-week course, the Transitional Inte- records. Of these, 5,300 were reported as
gration Program (TIP), instead of amending possible derogatory matches, and 74 have
the full 10-week basic course. Originally been dismissed. There is currently no screen-
intended only for police trained during the ing process to ascertain militia allegiance.
Saddam regime, the TIP was expanded in July More than 54,000 police candidates have been
to include serving police officers who have screened for literacy by Morris & McDaniel,
not been trained but who have served on the 73% of whom passed and were allowed to
force for at least one year. The TIP includes enter basic training. Currently, no method
training on human rights, crime defensive exists to track the success rates of these m"
tactics, democratic policing, first aid, patrol other police officers.
procedures, firearms (9mm and AK-47). and
anti-terrorism. The Officer Transitional Inte-
gration Program (OTIP) course curriculum
includes democratic policing, human rights, The IPS is equipped with AK-47s. PKC light
first aid, police ethics, supervision an4 machine guns. Clock pistols, individual body
leadership, use of force, firearms (9mm and armor, high frequency radios, s w l l and
AK.47). communications and problem- medium pick-up trucks, and mid-sized SUVs.
solving skills, anti-terrorism, patrol proce- The IPS in Baghdad and the nine other key
dures, critical for officers, and police investi- cities had been provided with 99% of their
gations. Some 41,051 police officers have authorized equipment at the end of June 2006.
graduated from the TIP and OTIP programs. They will have received 100% by mid-Augusi
2006. The IPS in all 18 ~rovinceshave teen
IPS Oneratiom provided wn'n 66% of their authorized equip-
ment and will receive 100*/~of their autnor-
The IPS constitutes the majority of MOI i^ed equipment b> the end of Dccemxr 2006.
forces in the country. Each month, FTTs
assess the operational readiness of a portion IPS Leadership
of the police forces, using the Transition
Readiness Assessments (TRA) process. The Leadership in the IPS is the cornerstone for
TRA evaluates the police on the core func- success. The IPS currently has three leader-
tions required for effective law enforcement ship courses to develop high-qualiny leaders.
and community policing. Shortages of PTTs The First Line Supervisor Course is designed
has limited observation of the IPS in Anbar, for company grade officers. The Intermediate-
Babil. Basrah, Tamim, Wasit, Karbala, Level Course is designed for field grade
Maysan, Ninewah, Qadisiyah, Salah ad Din, officers, and the Senior-Level Course is
Irbil, Dahuk, and Sulamaniyah provinces. designed for General Officers. Each course is

two weeks lone. Program topics are designed The 1st and 2nd National Police Division!
for the target audience and include human reached 99% o f equipping and authorized
rights. discrimination, right to life. code of manning by July 2006 and will continue to
conduct, democratic policing, modem polic- progress through TRA levels, with the com-
ing, the role of the supervisor, communication pletion o f force generation by December
and the supervisor, delegation, change man. 2006.
agement, ethics, police corruption, problem
employees, community policing, field training Unprofessional and, at times, criminal
police leadership, history o f management, behavior has been attributed to certain units i n
modem supervision i n today's law enforce- the National Police. This behavior and the
ment organizations,crime scene management, decrease in public confidence i n these forces
civil disorder, records management, budget- has been the impetus for a National Police
ing, logistics, equipment and facilities man- reform program. Each unit and its leaders w i l l
agement, group problem solving, mission be assessed by a joint (Coalition and Iraqi)
values, six-step problem-solving models, committee. Substandard leaders at all levels
overview of law enforcement planning, strat- w i l l be removed and units w i l l undergo re-
egic planning, motivational theory, and training.
analyzing employee performance problems. A
plan is in place to develop a more extensive
Intermediate-Level Officers course, slated to
begin in the fall o f 2006. There am currently approximately 24,300
trained and equipped National Police, an
The Officer Education Svaiem has been increase o f approximately 1,600 since the last
successful in developing jun or leaders loyal report. They are trained in Iraqi taw, human
to the Iraqi people However, certain senior rights, the rule o f law. and democratic
leaders arc products of the former regime and policing techniques at the National Police
continue to view leadership as an entitlement, Academy.
not a responsibility. As these officers are
identified, they are removed. New recruits undergo six intense weeks of
training at the academy in northern Baghdad.
Training includes weapons qualification,
urban patrolling techniques, unarmed combat
Organized into a National Police Hcad- apprehension, use o f force, human rights and
quarters, two National Police Divisions, the ethics i n policing, introduction to Iraqi law,
s t National Police Mechanized Brigade, and vehicle checkpoints, and I E D characteristics
the Emergency Response Unit (ERU), the and recognition.
National Police are charged with maintaining
law and order while an effective community National Police Operations
police forceis developed.
A l l National Police battalions are cuirently
The National Police Headquarters provides conducting counter-insurgency operations,
command and control, staffing, equipping, with two battalions having security lead for
training, and sustainment for these National their areas o f responsibility, NPTTs are
Police Forces. I t also commands the two embedded at all levels o f the National Police
training and professional development acad- units, down to the battalion level. A l l National
cmics at Camp Solidarity andCampDublin. Police units work in Combined Operations
Areas (COAs) and partner with Coalition
forces who provide support and advice.
The DEE has 23,900 trained and equipped
National Police Recrvitine am/ Vetting personnel, an Increase of 1.800 since the
previous report. The DBE isorganized into
The MOI recruits and vets the National Police 5 regions, 12 brigades, and 38 battalions, and
force. Coalition forces provide advisors for includes the forcesthat staff258 border forts.
the recruiting process, but neither actively
recruit nor provide lists of names of recruits Three academics, each with a capacity of
to the MOI. A National Police officer is approximately 800, train border patrol forces.
recruited and provided an academy start date; The Iraqi Border Patrol Basic Training
upon arrival at the National Police academy, Course focuses on an introduction to law
the candidate is interviewed by a senior staff enforcement, human relations, human rights,
officer (either a Colonel or Brigadier weapons qualification, combat life saving,
General). If he or she passes the interview, the vehicle searches, Iraqi border law, arrest and
officer is admitted to the academy. The detainee procedures, and small unit patrolling.
individual's nerwnnel file is then forwarded
to The MOI, where a vetting team renews it
If the officer s certified by The vetting pro-
cess, he or she will be retained and allowed lo The DEE is supported by 27 Coalition Border
complete the academy. Ifthe candidate is dis- Transhion Teams (BTTs).The I I-man BITS
approved, the officer is immediately removed mentor and support the development of the
from the academy. border units. The B I T members are trained in
various specia!ties, including logistics and
National Police Equipmew communications, and provide cnilcal assis-
tance to the border force commanders in the
The National Police have received 92% of areas of personnel management, intelligence,
their authorized equipment and will have operations, budgeting, equipment account-
received 96% of their authorized equipment ability, and maintenance. Additional BTTs
by the end of November, missing its goal of deployed in early June to support the
100% by a small margin. They will have development of the POE at critical high-threat
received 100% of their authorized equipment border crossings. In February 2006, MNF-I
by the end of December. The police are supported the accelerated development of the
equipped with small arms, medium machine FOE through the deployment of a combined
guns, and RPGs, and they patrol in light Border Support Team (BST), consisting of
trucks. The mechanized battalions are customs border protection agents and BITS.
equipped with Armored Security Vehicles and In March 2006, most DBE units reached TRA
REV&. a South African wheeled APC. Level 3, but remained short of equipment and
key personnel. The DBE and POE arc a
higher priority for allocation of critical
Departmen1 of Ports of E n r ~ equipment; and cross-leveling of personnel
has occurred to raise units to TRA Level 2.
The DBE and the Department of Ports of By November 2006, the DEE and POE ale
Entry (POâ‚are collectively charged with expected to have 28,360 trained and equipped
controlling and protecting Iraq's borders. personnel.

There are 14 land POEs, of which 13 are
functional. Efforts continue to improve POE
security. Progress in designation of POE In addition to the regular MOI forces, there
standard organizations, delineation ofrespon- are an estimated 145,000 Facility Protection
sibilities, and development of detailed Service (FPS) personnel who work directly
policies and procedures has continued. The for each of the 27 ministries. These forces act
U.S. Department of Homeland Security, in as security guards at government buildings
coordination with Multi-National Security and allow the IPS to police the communities.
Transition Command-Iraq (MNSTC-I), has They are minimally trained and equipped,
continued its rotation of Cumms and Border generally without Coalition oversight, and
Patrol Teams. These border security experts lack centralized control. FPS personnel have
have had an important impact on the POEs, not always proven reliable, and some have
particularly along the Syrian border. The been responsible for violent crimes and other
increased emphasis on BTTs and the Customs I l l activity. Unfortunately, the FPS
and Border Patrol Teams has improved DBE uniform looks similar to the police uniform,
readiness levels, as the Coalition's expertise which causes many Iraqis to contuse the FPS
and mentorship affects the Iraqi border forces. with the bener-trained IPS, undermining the
reputation and credibility of the IPS. The
Coalition and the Government of Iraq are
cstafclishing a program of reform to better
Organizational equipment includes small and regulate the FPS.
medium pick-up trucks, mid-size SUVs,
generators, and radios. Personal equipment, M01 Capacity Development
including AK-47s, medium machine guns,
and individual body armor, complete the The MOI overall TRA remains at
outfitting of the border forces. The DBE 'IRA 3-Partly Effective. The M01 Transition
currently has received 81% of its authorized Team is working daily in the MOI, stressing
equipment. They will have received 97% of planning and programming resources. The
their authorized equipment by the end of new Minister of Interior, Jawa al-Buiani, is
August, just short of the 100% goal for that embracing the need to reform the ministry.
date. They will reach the 100% goal one Logistics is the only essential system still
month later. Iraqi POEs will have received assessed as ineffective. Improvement of the
100% of their equipment by the end logistics system is a focal point for the next
December 2006. 90 days. All other major functional areas and
systems are considered partly effective. Over
Center for Dienilarv Proteclion the next 90 days, emphasis will also be placed
0 building a solid framework o f plans,
Training and equipping of the Center of policies, and processes to ensure that the MOI
Dignitry Protection (CUP) Is complete. Tie n manage personnel efficiently, conduct
force of approximately 600 people has been policing operations effectively, and maintain
prepared to serve as the Protective Security and sustain capability.
Details (PSDs) for Iraq's new government
leaders. It is unknown bow many of these
personnel remain employed by MOI. An Iraqi
training team assumed responsibility for Logistics capabilities continue to be an area of
training faturc PSD personnel in June 2006. significant concern for the IPS, particularly
with respect lo vehicle maintenance. How- Iraqi control in August 2006. A plan is being
ever, accountability of equipment continues to formulated to hold a National Logistics
improve as verified by reports submitted by Conference in September 2006
PTTs. CPATTTMOI-TT continues to orovide
logistical support in both an ad\isoq and
financial capacity to assist bith sustainmen1
operations Recently, a Director General for MOI security forces arc on track to reach
Logistics and staff were put in place. A December 2006 Objective Civil Security
6-monlh vehicle maintenance contract for the Force equipping goals. The following graph
National Police and the Baghdad IPS was depicts the equipping status and key shortfalls
agreed upon. Currently, there is a of Baghdad and the 9 other key cities,
USS950.000 vehicle spare parts contract for
18 provinces, the National Police, the DBE,
M01 forces, and a US$350,000 vehicle spare
and the POEs. Equipment-issue priorities
parts contract for the National Police is in
focused on equipping Baghdad, the 9 key
place. The average monthly logistical life
cities, and the National Police, while
support provided from April through June
was USS20,266,121, for a total of simultaneously building initial functionality
US$60,798,363 during that timeframe. Con- in the provinces, borders, and ports of entry.
struction of a MOI National Storage and In general, these goals were met. However,
Maintenance Facility was started in June the MOI doc not currently have an effective
2006, with an estimated completion in equipment management system in place. As a
December 2006. Currently, we are in the result, it is unknown what percentage of the
process of conducting a test case to hand over equipment
. . issued to the MOI is still service-
an LDi storage warehouse (one of seven) to able.

Train a n d EquipIUpdate
JW TnInIng

The equipping effort did experience to be on the M01 payroll are CPATT trained
unforeseen delays. and equipped. CPATT estimates attrition to
be at least 20% per year going forward. The
Large shipments of Russian weapons MOI reports paying death benefits for more
were delayed clearing customs while than 6,000 police officers since the fall of the
exiting Russiaand entering Iraq. Ba'athist regime in May 2003.
Clock pistol delivery delays occurred
when a U.S. manufacturer challenged In addition to the overall number ofnolice in
the award of the pistol contract to a Iraq. there are some issues with distribution of
non-U.S. company. the police among the various provinces For
Communications gear was delayed due example, by the end of the yew, Diyala
to shipping problems. Province will have recruited its authorized
force, hut will not have trained the entire
All matters have now been resolved and items authorized number. In the case of Oiyala, the
have either arrived or are inbound. All equip- orovincial leadershin has resisted sendint
ment fielding goals are on track to be met by 100% of the force to training due to security
December 2006. concerns and the reluctance to take its police
o N thc streets. Arbar. Dasrah. and Ninewah
may also miss their training targets for the
same reason. Rather than let training seats go
The MOI does not currently have an effective unfilled, other provinces were permitted to
personnel management system. As a result, it send some of their untrained personnel to
is unknown how many of the forces trained trainine. As a result, those orovinces will have
by CPATT arc still employed by the M01, or more than the authorized force trained in their
what percentage of the 146.000 police thought provinces.

As with the IPS, the National Police payroll is sentative National Police, Recruiting initia-
significantly larger than its authorized end- tives targeting Sunnis have improved the
strength. There are currently more than diversity. Unlike the National Police, local
29.000 National Police on the MOI payroll, police forces tend to be of the same ethnic
but it is unknown how many of these have mix as the communities in which they live
been trained and equipped. Absenteeism and work.
among National Police units generally follows
the same pattern as in the military. Leave
policies and immature personnel management
policies account for 30%-40% of personnel In 2005, the MOI 1 0 conducted 790 conup-
not present for duly. Absenteeism in the IPS lion-related investigations. Of these, 472
is difficult to quantify because shift schedules (60%) w e n closed. Of the 472 closed
preclude PTTs from ascertaining which police investigations. 118 (25%) were forwarded to
officers arc absent and which are simply off- the CP[ or to a court for adjudication. 350
duty. (74%) were closed because of "insufficient
evidence," and 4 (1%) were handled as
The DEE payroll is also larger than its internal MOI discipline. To improve the IG's
authorized end-strength, with 25,832 DBE capability to investigate, the Specialized
personnel on the MOI payroll. It is currently Advance Training Unit at the Baghdad Police
unknown how many untrained DBE personnel College will train new MOI investigators. It
c on the rolls and how many of the trained will take approximately 18 months to train the
and equipped border personnel have left the Investieations Directorate at the basic investi-
MOI. As with the other personnel issues, an gator level Beyond the IG training, improve
effective personnel management system will ments in icaacrsh p oversight, accountability.
help resolve these reporting and account- and reductions in wIartan ana militia influ-
ability deficiencies. ence are required before Iraqis become con-
fident that MOI forces can ensure security and
uphold the ruleof law in Iraq.

The U.S. Government is committed to helping

the Government of Iraq create an MOI that
reflects the diversity of the Iraqi people. The Corruption, illegal activity, and sectarian bias
goal is to create ethnically integrated units at have constrained progress in developing MOT
the national level, while still allowing local forces. Inappropriate tolerance of and infiltra-
police to reflect the ethnic composition of the tion by Shi'a militias, some of which are
communities in which they serve.The former
influenced by Iran, is the primary concern of
Police Commandos, now part of the National
the Government of Iraq. A lack of effective
Police, are becoming increasingly diverse.
The former Public Order Battalions, also now .
leadership. and ~olicies to stem corru~tion
part of the National Police. tend to be dispro- through accountability for actions, equipment,
portionatcly Shi'a, due to a lack of Sunni par- and personnel have enabled the theft of pay
ticipation when these units were being formed and equipment, unlawful detentions, and
in preparation for the January 2005 elections. reported cases of abduction and torture or
Merging the National Police Commandos and execution of Sunnis. The minister is com-
the Public Order Battalions into one National mitted to changing corrupt leaders and insti-
Police force has helped produce e more repre- tuting policies to eliminate corruption.
An additional 45 transition teams were logistics and support for each division, with
deployed in July to increase PTT coverage Taji National Depot providing depot-level
across the country. As stations begin to reach maintenance and resupply. Each battalion,
TRA Level 2 in August, transition teams w i l l brigade, and division headquarters will be
expand their coverage o f nearly 1,000 total supported by a Headquarters and Service
stations across Iraq. This will limit infiliratioo Company (HSC) providing logistical and
by militias, improve adherence to the rule of maintenance support to its parent organiza-
law, and prevent complicity and participation tion. The Army w i l l also include 17 SIBSand
in sectarian violence. a Soecial Ooerations Forces Bricade consist-
ing of two special operat onai banalions I'hc
2.4 Minlslry of Defense Air torcc will consist o f s x squadrois, and
the Navy will consist o f two squadrons and a
The Iraqi M O D forces consist of Army Marine battalion.
(including Special Operations Forces), A i r
Force, and Navy (including Marines)
personnel. The end state o f the Objective
Counter-InsurgencyForce will be an approxi-
The Iraqi Army includes approximately
mately 137,500-person force based around an
115.000 trained and equipped combat soldiers
Army with 9 infantry divisions and 1 mecha-
(including SIB personnel and around 9,600
nized infantry division consisting of 36 bri-
gades and 112 battalions. Nine Motorized support forces). The capability o f Iraqi Army
Transportation Regiments, 5 logistics bat- units continues to improve, facilitated by the
talions, 2 support battalions, 5 Regional mentoring by embedded -advisors at the
Support Units (RSUs), and 91 Garrison battalion, brigade, and division levels, and
Support Units (GSUs) are intended to provide partnership with Coalition force units

Iraqi Army Battalions in Combat

-lo Aug-04 Feb-05 Sep-05 Jan46 Aug-06

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Amu19, SOU
Combat Operations
1compa"" h l and .bowl

Force generation of Iraqi Army units is Three o f the nine planned Motorized Trans-
increasingly focused on combat enablers and ponation Regiments (MTRs) are approaching
continues in accordance with the force full onerational ca~abiliw. While a shortfall
development plan. A l l three planned Iraqi of fully wmpctcnt naintcnancc personnel
Training Battalions are formed and fully adversely affects full capabilny. these MTRs
operational. These battalions allow the Iraqis provide improved mobility and sustainment
to train soldiers independently in sufficient support for Iraqi forces. Progress has been
quantities for force generation completion and made in establishing HSC units for each
replacement needs. New recruits attend a combat battalion, brigade, and division to pro-
13-week program o f instruction. Upon pdu- vide transportation, communications, medical,
ation, soldiers receive additional training supply, and maintenance support. Approxi-
specific to their military occupation. Depend- mately 80% of the planned HSCs have been
ing on their military occupationalskill assign- formed; one-third are operational, and the
ment, the length o f training ranees from three remaining planned HSCs are scheduled for
to seven weeks. Other training initiatives, cornpietion by December 2006.
such as the Military Intelligence School, the
Signal School, the Bomb Disposal School, the Currently. 17 SIBS are being trained and
Combat Anns Branch School, the hnginccr equipped. Although the Iraqi Army maintains
School, and the Military Police School, operational control of the SIBS, at present
mtributc to the growing professionalism of only 1 SIB is capable o f planning and execut-
the Iraqi Army through leaching diverse spe- n g independent operations, and all 17 require
cialties necessary to conduct and sustain Coalition logistical support. Training o f these
counter-insurgency operations. battalions continues to employ a 'Wain-the-

trainer" model that focuses specifically on The Iraqi Navy Training Department
squadron- and platoon-level tasks. continues to develop unit-level refresher
training and naval skills improvements,
The capability of the SIBS is growing as they including bask seamanship and maritime
receive training and more modem equipment security operations. i n June 2006, the Train-
MNC-i is partnering the more capable SIBS ing Department independently conducted
with locally deployed Iraqi Army units to basic training and successfully graduated 324
provide them with counter-insurgency experi- naval recruits. Its training efforts range from
ence and to accelerate their leaders' orofes- mentorship, as conducted by the Naval
sional development Evaluation o f .her efTec- Transition Team, to active skills training, as
ti\cness in securing infrastructure, panicu- conducted by Coalition Navy, Marine, and
larly oil pipcines in noniern Iraq. is ongoing Coast Guard Forces.

The Iraqi Armed Service and Supply Institute

(IASSI) at Taji plays a critical role in training
the officers and non-commissioned officers The Iraqi Air Force continues to evolve
(NCOs) to fill support and combat service toward supporting the counter-insurgency
support positions in the Iraqi Army. The force, but progress has been slowed by
IASSI has trained more than 5.000 officers difficulty in recruiting qualified applicants.
and NCOs who serve as leaders in the MTRs, There are currently 750 personnel in the Iraqi
RSUs. and HSCs. The IASSI continues to Air Force, with development plans calling for
support the development o f critical Iraqi a concentrated recruitment effort over the
Army support and combat support capabili- next 18 months to at least double the per-
ties. sonnel by the end o f December 2007. This
effort is intended to provide a satlsfaciory
Special OperationsForces corps o f professionals as a foundation for
future growth.
The Iraqi Special Operations Forces (ISOF)
are comwsed o f aooroximateiv 1.600 soldiers The Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnais-
organized into the Iraqi Counter-Terrorism sance aircraft at Kirkuk Air Base (7th Squad-
Task Force, the Iraqi Commandos, a support ron wilh five CompAir 7SLs) and Basrah Air
battalion, and a special reconnaissance unit. Base (70th Squadron with two Seekers and
six CH-2000s) are performing operational
missions. These aircraft are primarily
deployed to patrol oil pipeline infrastructure
The Iraqi Navy is tasked with defending in the north and south, with occasional
Iraq's coast,territorial waters, vital ports, and missions conducted in support of Iraqi Army
offshore oil platforms. The Iraqi Navy has units. There have been recent airworthiness
r e than 1,100 trained and quipped sailors issues with the CompAir 7SL aircraft, and the
and marines organized into an operational Coalition is working with the Iraqi Air Force
headquarters, two afloat squadrons, and five to develop solutions and alternatives to
Marine companies. The Iraqi Navy is devei- continue supportingthe mission.
oping independent capabilities for surface
surveillance, maritime interdiction, oil ter- Helicopter operations from Taji Air Base in
minal protection, and support operations. centra) Iraq are still in their infancy, but the

next six months should see a marked sonnel in the Iraqi Army's support forces are
improvement. The 2nd Squadron is expected trained and equipped.
to receive the first 6 o f 16 Huey Its from a
modification factory in the United Slates by Equipping the Iraqi Armed Forces continues
the end of January 2007 and the remainder as planned since the May 2006 report, with
before April 2007. The 2nd Squadron will 92% of authorized equipment issued to the
primarily be used for casually evacuation. I t is 1 0 I r q i A m y Divisions and subordinate
expected to reach initial operational capability formations. MNSTC-I is on track to issue all
by the third quarter o f FY2007. currently authorized equipment by the end o f
December 2006. Equipment is distributed and
Three C-130Es from 23rd Squadron at New filled according to the commander's opera-
Muthanna Air Base round out the Iraqi Air tional assessment. MNSTC-I is currently
Force fleet. Early complications with low working with the M O D to transition main-
mission capable rates have been solved, and tenance capabilities to the Iraqi Army. To
fleet-wide readiness was measured at 72% in date, two Regional Support Units facilities
July 2006. The Iraqi Air Force has requested have been transitionedto the Iraqi Army.
an additional three aircraft from the U.S.
Government to bring the fleet total to six.
These additional aircraft reflect the Coalition
Air Force Transition Team's force generation The lack of junior officers and NCOs
plan and efforts arc under way to identify continues to be one o f the biggest factors
additional funding to meet this request. impeding development o f MOD forces. There
is a shortage of school-trained officers and
NCOs to fill lower-level staff and leadership
positions. The shortage o f leaders will abate
Ooerariona//Unil Readiness as officer recruits are commissioned and they
join their units. For NCOs, qualified soldiers
Embedded Transition Teams continue to pro- are being "grown from within" through devel-
vide monthly TRAs measuring the staffing, opment and schooling to achieve promotion
command and control, training, sustainmentl to NCO leadership positions.
logistics, equipping, and leadership of their
partnered Iraqi units. The Regional Training Centers (RTCs) and
the NCO Academy focus on junior leader
Personnel andEauiomen1Status development that is critical to building a
professional force. The RTCs conduct Squad
The total number o f MOD military personnel Leader and Platoon Sergeant Courses. Newly
trained and equipped is currently more than
formed Sergeants Major and Chief Warrant
115,000, approximately 84% of the objective
Officer Courses have been added to the NCO
Professional Education System, Specialized
With the generation of Iraqi Army battalions leadership courses, such as Logistics Super-
more than 92% complete, the focus o f the i o r , are being conducted at the Iraqi Army
Iraqi Army's trainand-equip effort shifted Service and Support Institute at Taji, Three
during this reporting period toward building Iraqi Military Academies at Zahko,
combat support and combat service support Qalachwalan, and Ar Rustimiyah continue to
forces. More than 65% o f authorized per- train future officim.
The institutional leadership courses are corn- taking responsibility for their own security
plemented and reinforced through partnership and interests.
with Coalition Military Transition Teams.
These teams, embedded with every Iraqi
battalion, brigade, and division, provide daily
guidance and mentorship. In addition, Iraqi The new Minister of Defense, Abd al-Qadr
units are partnered with Coalition force units. Muhammad Jassim al-Mufraji, is confronting
These partnerships, combined with the the challenges he faces and is already making
expertise and leadership taught through the his mark. Previous logjams in acquisitions
institutionalbase, are critical for development and contracting are being eased, and he is
of both unit proficiency and leadership essen- working closely with MNSTC-1 to proceed on
tial to increased operational effectiveness. force development, force expansion, and
logistics support. The MOD Transition Team
The importance of ethics, human rights, and grew to meet this accelerated pace of business
leadership in the Iraqi Armed Forces has and expanded to more than 50. half of whom
engendered a concept for a Center for Ethics are Military Professional Resources Incor-
and Leadership to provide institutional over- porated contractors. Close and effective
sight for ethics education, training, and relationships are being forged by team
~mment, members with all senior MOD headquarters
officials, and the confidence, and thus
A promising trend is that military leadership capacity, of these officials is mgthening.
has become more involved with civic leaders The ministries and the Joint Headquarters are
and sheiks in their areas of operation. This expected to be in the lead with Coalition
activity will continue to reinforce and support by the end of 2007. However, a
establish the importance of Iraqis leading and partnership with these institutions will be

Force GenerationTImellna
mliningand mining

required through at least the first peaceful wth ensuring that the MOD properly supports
transfer of power in 2010. all Iraqi Army life support requirements

DOD requested US$151 million for MOI

sustainmen1 in the FY2007 Budget Amend-
MNC-I continues to provide logistical support ment request, but did not ask for funding for
to the Iraqi Armed Forces where the =stab- MOD sustainment.
lished system fails short. Ahhough there has
been some success with Iraqi Army units Coalition forces are also supponing the
using their own processes, there is still a great Government of Iraq with fuel. In June 2006,
deal of institutional development remaining. all Iraqi Army units submitted requisitions for
MNF-1 is working with both MNC-I and fuel; MTRs provide the majority of the fuel
MNSTC-I 10 aid the Government of Iraq in distribution. Storage capacity will not be fully
developing a defense logistics system, but in fielded until December. Additionally, the
the absence of a self-reliant system, MNF-I GSUs will not he fully on-line until March
must provide extensive support to Iraqi
2007. Until toe MTRs and GSUs are in place,
the Iraqi Anny units will not be fully self-
MNSTC-I processed life support contracts in sufficient in terms of bulk fuel transportation
a total amount of approximately US$7.8 mil- and storage.
lion for the months of May and June 2006.
Currently, all life support contracts have been Coalition forces supported the Iraqi Army
transitioned to the MOD. MNSTC-I has units with the combined fuel report listed
formed a Transition Working Group tasked below.

Obstacles to Prowess battalion commanders o f one particular group
tend I n command only soldiers of their o*n
sectarian or regional backgrounds. The
Minister of Defense, through an Officer
I n the Iraqi A m y , approximately 15% Selection Committee, has used the normal
attrition is the norm for initial training. When transitions to continue to diversify the senior
a unit is fully trained and employed in combat
leadership in the Iraqi A m y . This continuing
operations, some soldiers find that they do not
process strives to ensure that the Iraqi Army
like the particular location or they cannot
is led by competent leaders who are repre-
cope with dangers o f the counter-insurgency.
sentative o f the national fabric. I n the
Absent-without-leave rates are typically about
aggregate, Sunni, Kurd, and Shi'a are well
1%-4% for most Iraqi A m y divisions,
and appropriately represented i n senior
although deployments to combat sometimes
cause absentee spikes of 5%-8%. However, leadership positions. The Sunni and Kurds are
soldiers in units in this final stage o f develop- slightly over-represented, while the Shi'a am
mentare less likely to abandon the service. As slightly under-represented, though Shi'a
with any organization, the units with strong, commanders still hold a large majority of
competent leaders tend to have higher command positions. The percentage of Smni
present-forduty rates than those with weak leaders at each level remains constant. A t the
leaders. However, there is currently no judi- battalion level, the echelon in which the Shi'a
cia1 punishment system within the Iraqi have the highest percentage o f commands,
Army. Therefore, Iraqi Army commanders they are appropriately represented when com-
have little legal leverage to compel their pared to the demographics of the Iraqi
soldiers to combat, and soldiers and police population. The relatively high percentage of
can quit with impunity. Sunni and Kurds in higher-level commands is
a result o f the requirement for experienced
Sectarian Issues military leaders, o f which few were Shi'a.
Generally, Shi'a and Kurds were excluded
The U.S. Government is committed to crest- from higher-level positions i n the former
ing an Iraqi military that reflects the ethnic regime. The Kurds, however, benefited from
and religious fabric of Iraq, with diverse units years o f experience in the Peshmerga.
loyal to the nation and not sectarian interests. Nationally recruited Iraqi Army divisions are
Although competence and merit arc the otherwise representative o f the ethno-
deciding factors when selecting recruits, religious composition of the country. The
particularly leaders, the ISF are developing so even-numbered divisions were originally
that they generally mirror the demographic formed as National Guard units, with the
make-up o f Iraq. Sectarian lines remain intent that these units would serve i n the
drawn, however, along geographic lines, with respective local regions. The composition of
Sunni, Shi'a, or Kurdish soldiers mostly these units tends to be representative of the
sewing in units located i n geographic areas region in which they serve. Over time.
familiar to their group. These divisions are replacements from the national recruiting pool
even stronger at the battalion level, where will increase the diversity ofthese divisions

3. Transition

3.1 Traasltioning Security Responsibility aging its own security and governance duties
at the provincial level. The transition decision
P r o c w for Implementine Provincial Ir& also reflects a joint assessment of the overall
Control threat situation in Muthanna, the capabilities
ofthe IPS and the Iraqi Army, and the provin-
The transfer of security responsibility from cial leadership's ability to coordinate security.
Coalition forces 10 the Government of Iraq is Transition Teams are in place to smooth the
an obiective of the security track outlined in transfer process, and multinational forces
r n f vo f t a r t S -
stand ready to provide assistance if needed.
Such transfers reflect the capability of the
Government of Iraq to fulfill its sovereign Dhi Qar Province appears to be ready to
responsibility in the most fundamental, vital assume security independence within the next
interest of any stateÑt protect its citizens 45 days, and several other provinces should
and safeguard its territory. As Iraqis take on meet the transition criteria before the end of
more responsibility for security, Coalition the year. The Government of Iraq and the
forces will increasingly move to supporting MNF-I will continue to transfer security
roles in most areas. This may allow for future responsibilities in other provinces as prcrcqui-
personnel reductions or a delay in previously site conditions arc met.
scheduled deployments. The Coalition's
t a r y posture on the ground will remain In concept, security transition is a four-phased
responsive and flexible. As the security situa- process.
tion evolves, MNF-I will maintain sufficient
forces on the ground to help Iraq consoiidaie 1. Imvlement Pirtnerahipa, MNF-I and
and secure its gains on many different fronts. its Major Subordinate Commands estab
The recent agreement between Prime Minister lish and maintain partnerships across
al-Maliki and President Bush to increase force the entire spectrum of ISF units, from
presence in Baghdad is indicative of this battalion to ministerial level.
flexibility. 2. Iraqi Army Lead ( I A U Process
during which Iraqi Army units progress
Iraq achieved a historic milestone on July 13, through stages o f capability from unit
2006, with the transfer of security respon- formation to the ability to conduct
sibility in Muthanna Province from MNF-1 to COU~~CT-ins~rgenc) opcranons
the Provincial Governor and civilian-. 3. Provincial I n ~CoitrnI
i (PIQ. Iraqi
trolled Iraqi Police Service. Muthanna is the c I aJihor.ties satisr\ the conditions
first of Iraq's 18 provinces to be designated required to assume control and to
for transition to Provincial Iraqi Control, exercise responsibility for the security
which represents die successful development of their respective provinces.
of Iraq's capability to govern and protect 4. Iraqi Security Self-Reliance. The
itself as a sovereign and democratic nation. Government of Iraq achieves PIC (or a
combination of PIC and 1AL) through-
The joint decision between the Government out Iraq, and the government, through
of Iraq and MNF-I to hand over security its security ministries, is capable of
responsibility is the resuh of Muthanna's planning, conducting, and sustaining
demonstrated ability to take the lead in man- security operations and forces.
These phases arc not strictly sequential. For 4. MNF-I Ability to Respond Quickly to
example, the Iraqi Army does not have to Major Threats, ifNeeded
assume the lead in a province before Coalition
forces may begin transfer of provincial The recommendation to transfer security
control. This was the case in Muthanna. responsibility is based on the specific situa-
t i in any one province or provincial capital
Phase 1 of the security transition concept- in the context of the overall security environ-
implementing partnerships~is already ment. The appropriate Multi-National Force
complete. As described above, the second Division Commander and Provincial Cover-
phase, Iraqi Army lead, is well under way in i r , assisted by representatives of the Iraqi
many provinces. The third phase, establishing Ministries of Interior and Defense and U.S.
provincial Iraqi control over security, will be and United Kingdom Embassies, conduct
implemented on an area-by-area basis. The monthly assessments of provinces and of
Government of Iraq, jointly with military and provincial capitals. The JCTSR working
political leadership of the United States and group meets monthly to review the assess-
Coalition partners in Iraq, will assess when ments and to present recommendations to the
conditions permit handing over security JCTSR principals regarding which provinces
responsibility for specific areas from Coali- arc ready to be transferred. Once a decision is
tion forces to the Iraqi civil authorities. The made, the JCTSR working group will provide
Joint Committee to Transfer Security Respon- oversight of the development of transition
sibility (JCTSR) has developed criteria to directives, develop a public affairs plan, and
guide the transfer of security responsibility. arrange a post-transfer security agreement
Recommendations for transfer include an beween MNF-I forces and provincial
assessment of conditions in four categories: governors. Every transfer will ensure an
effective and successful handover of security
I. Threat Assessment responsibilities. Moreover, the transition and
2. ISF Readiness reduced presence of MNF-I forces will be
3. Local Governance Capability plainly visible to the Iraqi people.

Provincial SçcurttTransmomAtsftsmont (PSTA)

At 01 July 2006

Jklainee Operations

MNf--1has. begun trammg Iraqi guards for a

In June 2006, MNF-I, in coordination with the potential transition of the Coalmion detention
Government of Iraq, conducted a large-scale facilities and detainees 'I ransitioning detainee
release of detainees in support of the newly operations is a three-phase process
formed national unity government. The
release sewed as a visible symbol of the gov- I. Phase I consists of individual and
ernment's commitment to national unity and collective training of Iraqi guards and
reconciliation in the progress toward demo- leaders, including training alongside
cratic governance and the rule of law. MNF-I their U.S. counterparts inside the
released 2.500 low-risk detainees over a facility.
period of three weeks. Coupled with the 500 2. Phase 2 consists of the removal of
detainees from the normal Combined Review U.S. guards and establishment of a
U.S. transition team to supervise Iraqi
and Release Board process, MNF-I had a net
Security Forces and to maintain legal
reduction of more than 2,000 detainees in
custody of detainees.
June. A MNF-I special board reviewed 3. Phase 3 consists of the final removal
approximately 6.500 records to identify the of all U.S. personnel and turnover of
low-risk detainees. Each file was also the facilities and legal custody of the
reviewed by the MNF-I Deputy Chief of Staff detainees to the Government of Iraq,
for Intelligence to consider any additional
ntetligence reports. Detainees involved in The criteria for transfer includes the muire-
violent acts, 1ED rndking/placement, financ- ment for the Government of Iraq 10 possess
ing insurgent operations, identified as key the legal authority to hold security detainees.
insurgent leaders, or who have been m a p - each facility demonstrating the ability to meet
mred were not considered for release. the care and custody standard, and the MOJ

Detainee Population 2003 through 2008

having effective oversight o f the program. As security conditions improve and as the ISF
MNF-1 is currently in Phase 1. Sienificimt becomes more capable of securing their own
challenges exist to ultimately meeting these country, Coalition forces will move out of the
criteria. The Iraqi Corrections System has not cities, reduce the number of bases from which
demonstrated the capacity to effectively they operate, and conduct fewer visible
resource and run a major facility, such as missions. However, they will remain postured
Camp Bucca. Additionally, based on the com- to assist, including supporting the ISF with
position o f the guard force, serious questions transition teams. Although the Coalition
remain as lo whether they would be able to military presence may become less visible, it
maintain the required standards o f care and will remain lethal and decisive, able to
custody. The most significant obstacle confront the enemy wherever i t may gather
remains establishing the legal authority to and organize.
hold security detainees. There is widespread
opposition inside the Sunni political leader- The Coalition retains the ability to quickly
ship 10 providing this authority to the Govern- reinforce the Iraqi Army as required and to
ment oflraq. provide critical enablers as Iraqis develop
their own capabilities. Coalition personnel
3.2 U.S. Force Adjistoients levels will increase, if necessary,to defeat the
enemy or to provide additional security for
I n consultation with the military commanders key events, like the 2005 referendum and
in Iraq, the Government o f Iraq, and Coalition elections. But the goal, over time, is to reduce
partners, the Secretary o f Defense continues Coalition forces as Iraqis continue to assume
to advise the President on the appropriate more o f the security and civilian respon-
level of U.S. forces in Iraq and the surround- sibilities themselves. This process is already
ing theater o f operations based on current under way.
conditions. These conditions include, but are
not limited to, key elements o f the MNF-I The Government o f Iraq has agreed to form a
Campaign Pian, such as the increasing Joint Committee with MNF-I and the U.S.
responsibility of the ISF in counter- and UK Embassies to develop a conditions-
insurgency operations and ownership o f areas based roadmap for the full transition of
o f responsibility and progress in the political security responsibility to the ISF. This road-
process. map will consist o f recommended conditions
intended to lead to the eventual and gradual
Arbitrary deadlines or timetables for with- withdrawal ofmulti-national forces from Iraq.
drawal of Coalition forces-divorced from
conditions in Iraq and the region-would be a The Joint Committee for Achieving Iraqi
serious strategic error, as they would suggest Security Self-Reliance (JCAISSR) will base
to the terrorists, the Rejectionists, and the its roadmap on much o f the successful work
various illegal armed groups in Iraq that they that has already gone into developing the
can simply wait or stall to win. The absence strategy for transition o f security respon-
of a specific timetable docs not mean that the sibility in Iraq:
Coalition's posture in Iraq is static. On the
contrary, the Coalition continually reviews Governance
the situation in Iraq and adjusts its posture
and approaches as conditions evolve and Iraqi The sealing o f the new
Government of Iraq's,
capabilities grow. based on Its Conalmtlon, sets the conditions

for continuing progress toward Iraqi security the UK Ambassador, and the Commanding
self-reliance. Toward this end, the govern- General and Deputy Commanding General,
ment's program calls for speeding up plans MNF-I. This committee will be supported by
for completing the preparation of tile ISF; a working group of direct subordinates.
speeding up the process of transferring
security responsibilities and powers to the Conditions recommended by JCAISSR will,
Iraqi Army, police, and security forces; and at a minimum, include consideration of the
cooperation with the multi-national forces in a threat situation across Iraq, security force
way that will ailow the handover of security readiness, capacity of key security and sup-
porting ministries, and development of the
responsibilities to the ISF, the completion of
overall Iraqi national security processes.
the mission, and the exit of the multi-national
forces, MNF-l Basins Ciinmucl
Development of the ISF MNF-1 mil efficiently consolidate its foot-
print in Iraq to reduce its military basing
Efforts to develop the capacity of the ISF requirements progressively. The MNF-I
have been successful. In November 2005, the basing strategy is an integral part of the
Iraqi Army had 4 brigades and 23 battalions Campaign Plan. MNF-I uses a conditions-
in the lead. As of August 7, 2006. the Iraqi based process to synchronize basing require-
Army has 6 Division Headquarters, ments with Coalition force structure and
25 brigades, and 85 battalions that have projected command and control structure.
assumed responsibility. MOI forces also grew Several factors are considered when employ-
significantly, from approximately 93,000 ing this process, including cost-effective use
trained and quipped members in November if resources, maintaining security presence
2005 to more than 160,000today. where required by the mission and
maintaining only those bases required, transi-
tion of operations to the ISF as they continue
to assume the lead in security operations, and
The Government of Iraq and MNF-I have other factors. Specifically, MNF-I seeks to
already developed a conditions-based frame- minimize its presence in major cities while
work for the transition of security respon- building the flexibility required to support
sibility from multi-national forces to Iraqi other elements in Iraq, including Coalition
leadership. As a result of this work, security partners, PRTs, Transition Teams, Depart-
responsibility for Muthanna Province transi- ment of State activities, and other supporting
timed to the provincial governor on July 13, units and entities. This process will culminate
2006. Security responsibility for as many as in the transition through Operational and
nine of Iraq's provinces could transition to Strategic Overwatch, which will leverage and
Government of Iraq authority by the end of maximize support through a minimum
2006. number of strategically located FOBs and
Convoy Support Centers.
The JCAISSR will comprise the Iraqi Prime
Minister, the Iraqi National Security Advisor As of A u g U 7, 2M6, MNF-I Ins closed 48
(Chair), the Minister of State for National of its 110 FOBS, handing over 31 to ISF,
Security Affairs, the Ministers of Defense and MOD/MOC and 17 to the Minislry of
Interior, the Director of the Iraqi National Finance. Thineen more FOBs are scheduled
Intelligence Service, the U.S. Ambassador, for closure and handover by January 2007.

Strategic Communication Plan
5th Stability and Security Report to Congress
(as of 29 ~ u 06)

Bickaround/AnalvsIq Section 9010 of the Department of Defense Appropnabons Act 2006 requires the SECDEF to provide a
quarterly report to Congress that measures the progress toward achieving stability and secunty in Iraq Media attention of the
previous report focused on sectarian violence (high attack trends and casualty stats) opinion polls regarding coalition forces. ISF
ni-ntbeis and operations, and report data in context of events of the day (increase in US troop levels)

Media focus for this quarter's report will likely focus on discussion of civil war, and the rise in attacks and increased CwilianhSF

Goal: Provide informationto media, Congress, and public that communicatesthe progress Of stability and security operations in Iraq.


- Communicate to the public metrics measure progress toward well-established objectives

Communicate that the metrics show progress toward achieving stability and conditions that will enable the withdrawal of coalition

forces when conditionswarrant
Communicate that metrics are one aspect of tracking progress within Iraq~progressis often intangible

Reinforcemessages and talking points in conjunction with delivering report to Congress

TODLine M e m a n :
We have a comprehensive and coherent strategy for unity, security and prosperity in Iraq
-The Iraqi security forces are better equipped, better trained and more experiencedthan they were three months ago.
.This metrics report helps us keep congress informed, but it is only one aspect of our assessment for progress in 6aq
Metrics help us achieve our strategy by focusing efforts on accomplishing actions that support a secure, stable Iraq with a
democratic system supported by all Iraqis and accepted by the international community
3 Talkina Points:

!"i There is a qualitativedifference between civil war and sectarian violence, and we are not in a civil war.
The majority of Iraq's provinces remain in relative peace. but Baghdad, in particular, draws global attention and is the target for
sensational attacks tnat exaggerate the impact of terrorists illegal armed groups. and violent extremists
Central institutionssuch as the government and security forces are functioning, and violence is geographically defined, not
resulting in the mass movement of population.

*This is a decisive time in Baghdad and it requires decisive Iraqi action with our dear support.
In OperationTogether Forward, iraqi security forces, with coalition in support, are focusing on key neighborhoodsin Baghdad.
Since mid-July, statistics measuring levels of vioience have trended down. While a positive indication, it is far too early to call this

a continuingtrend
Lots of hard work remains for Coalition forces. Iraal securitv forces, the Iraoi aovernment and the Iraoi ceooie
-The security srtuation is at its most complex state since OIF began, so the results of the stepped up effort wi lake time
Tne Baghdad n Iative s ndial phases demonstrate that the mmbinat on of security forces oovernrnenr action and mooeration
of citizens can accomplish a great deal.
The first truly representativegovernment is in place and dealing with the security issue.
Prime Minister al-Maliki's governmentand Coalitionforces are adapting the Baghdad security plan to meet the changing

id While terrorists and extremists continue to destroy innocent life in Iraq, they have not shaken the determination of the Iraqi people
to build a free country.
+ The political process continues
Polk show Iraqis have confidence in their government to improve the situation (approximately 80% of Baghdad. Kurdish. Mid-
Euphratesand southern citizens said in June they have great deal or fair amount of confidence new Iraqi qov't can improve
situation in Iraq) (p8)
+While the majority of the population is concerned about in increase in sectarian violence, their concern that a civil war might
happen has decreasedsince March (p40)
id Confidence in the iraqi Anny has stayed stable or increased (p43)
id Iraqis must choose to end sectarian strife that has potentialto be self-sustaining

The Iraqi security forces continue to progress

id 5 Iraqi divisions, 25 brigades and 85 Iraqi army battalions are in the lead (32 percent increase since last report)
+ More than 84 percent of MOD end-strength have been trained and equipped
id More than 92 percent of authorized Iraqi Army battalions have been generated
as of 29 Aug 06 2
Page 1 of 2

f u b j w t Re: Coilmncf Cal TOMORROW

To: Retired Military Analysts
From: Dallas Lawrence
Director, Community Relationsand Public L
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Date: August 31,2006

Re: ConferenceCallwith Senior DoD OfEcilb

We invite you to participate in a conferencecall, FRIDAY,Sepftmlur 1,2006. fram

. . .
Assistant Secreterv o.f Defense for International Security Affairs Peter R o b fbio at:
Director fa StmegJc Plans and Policy Rear Admiral William Sullivan (trio a.
w-.= ~ M u M d y o u
Report on Iraq Stability and Security. This call will be On B d g m d .
m ~ ~ l y

To participate in (bis conferencecall, please dial-rand ask die operator to

connect you la the Analysts conference call.

We hope you are able to participate.

Page 1 of 2

To: -&v. OASD-PA

S u m RE: ConferenceCal TOMORROW

I can't make this time because I am on a plane but thanks (of the invite,

Timur J. Eads
Blackbird TechnologiesInc.
13900 Lincoln Park Dr.
Suite 400
h t a M . Va 20171
omce: TIB-UO-11
w1: d

To: Retired Military Analysts

Fro",: Dallas Lawrence

Director. Community Relations and Public Liaison
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Date: August 31,2006

Re: Conference CÈ with Senior DoD Offidab

We inviteyou to participatein a conferencecall,FRIDAY,Seprmber 1,2006,fnim ll:4S-l2:15.

Page 2 of 2

Assistant Stcirory of Defense foi !ninnttionaI Security

. . . Affiun Peter R o d m (bid ç

)I*- wd Vice D M m for
Strategic Plans and Policy Rear Admiral William Sullivan (bio at:
haD;//www.nawimil/naVYdataAÈios/bio.as~?bioID=27 will brief you on the Quarterly Report on Iraq
Stability and Security. This call will be On Background.
To participate in this conference call, please and ask the operatorto connect you to
the Analysts conference call.

We hope you are able to participate.

- nunday.AW 31,200a e:37 PM
Re: (no wt$wA)

Nooe- rbM In ruddleof an importantconference Don
Page 1 of 1

I'm hoping to get out of a board meeting in time for the call, but I'm not optimistic . . . m y
Eellw beard member^ like to talk, not listen.
. Jack Jaoohm
an.Grange MI notbeaUvtobln tancmM8 amfmnca call.

~m-m, -A [mhI
Sent: llutsdaq, Nmust31,ZWS 241 PI4

We invite you to pMicipatc in a canfmnce dl.~ A Y , S e ~ bI ,e2006,fm
r 11:45-12:lS.

we hw ycu arc able to panicipatc.

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