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# Avrae Spells

This repository contains the automation for all spells in Avrae.

Feel free to improve the automation of any spell!

## Basic Spell Structure

A spell is made up of a list of *effects*.
See below for what each effect does.
"type": string,
"meta?": [Effect]
All effects in an effect's `meta` will be executed before the
rest of the effect, if there is a meta.

### Target
"type": "target",
"target": "all"|"each"|int|"self",
"effects": [Effect]
A Target effect should only show up as a top-level effect.
It designates what creatures to affect.
- `target`
- `"all"`: Affects all targets (usually save spells)
- `"each"`: Affects each target (usually attack spells)
- `int`: Affects the nth target (1-indexed)
- `"self"`: Affects the caster
- `effects`: A list of effects that each targeted creature will be subject to.

### Attack
"type": "attack",
"hit": [Effect],
"miss": [Effect]
An Attack effect makes an attack roll against a targeted creature.
It must be inside a Target effect.
- `hit`, `miss`: A list of effects to execute on a hit or miss.

### Save
"type": "save",
"stat": "str"|"dex"|"con"|"int"|"wis"|"cha",
"fail": [Effect],
"success": [Effect]
A Save effect forces a targeted creature to make a saving throw.
It must be inside a Target effect.
- `stat`: What type of saving throw it is.
- `fail`, `success`: A list of effects to execute on a failed or successful save.
### Damage
"type": "damage",
"damage": AnnotatedString,
"higher?": {int: string},
"cantripScale?: boolean
Deals damage to a targeted creature. It must be inside a Target effect.
- `damage`: How much damage to deal. Can use variables defined in a Meta tag.
- `higher` (Optional): How much to add to the damage when a spell is cast at a
certain level.
- `cantripScale` (Optional): Whether this roll should scale like a cantrip.

### IEffect
"type": "ieffect",
"name": string,
"duration": int or AnnotatedString,
"effects": AnnotatedString
Adds an InitTracker Effect to a targeted creature, if the spell is cast in init.
It must be inside a Target effect.
- `name`: The name of the effect to add.
- `duration`: The duration of the effect. Can use variables defined in a Meta tag.
- `effects`: The effects to add (see `add_effect()` in [scripting]
(https://avrae.io/cheatsheets/aliasing) docs). Can use variables defined in a Meta

### Roll
"type": "roll",
"dice": "2d6[cold]",
"name": "damage",
"higher?": {
"2": "1d6[cold]"
"cantripScale?": boolean
Rolls some dice and saves the result. Should be in a Meta tag.
- `dice`: What dice to roll.
- `name`: What to save the result as.
- `higher` (Optional): How much to add to the roll when a spell is cast at a
certain level.
- `cantripScale` (Optional): Whether this roll should scale like a cantrip.

### Text
"type": "text",
"text": string
Outputs a short amount of text in the resulting embed.
- `text`: The text to display.

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