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Gurdjieff and OUSPENSKY


Original title in English:

"Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky" Edited by Vincent Stuart
Publishers Ltd., London.
In dealing with the Spanish version of this work, had waived certain peculiar difficulties of the style
that the author gives to his concepts. These, in many cases, were translated ad-litteram "not to distort its
true meaning. Such is the case with Self-Observation and Self-Remembering - among others-that,
despite having more euphonious terms and less elliptical, were overturned and to ensure an accurate
reflection of the original.
Similar except it is made with respect to the repetition of words, phrases and whole concepts by the
author, eager colloquially didactic, as modified in any way a literary nicety conspire against the real
purpose of this body of work as conscientiously as tightly localized by Gabriela de Civiny.

Great Amwell House, October 20, 1951


Why is it so difficult to get new ideas? The mind is locked in a few early conventional
wisdom. Sometimes the mind is compared to a cage, birds and ideas. Some birds are very beautiful in
and out. If the values may remain. But if a person saw a vision his mind represented as a cage, what
kind of birds perceive it? Perhaps some parrots, and some dying and dead birds. The bottom of the
cage would be full of dirt. What is psychologically this dirt? What is the psychological
meaning? Misconceptions, which will slow the development ideas of the mind, traditional ideas that
have become inert, or obsequiously conventional ideas are imitated in mind the dirt. In short, the mind
obsequious stinks as much as the mind full of nasty intentions, similar rats. Now, get new ideas and
thinking as they purify the mind, and also the face. The job is full of powerful new ideas, and if we are
anxious and humble enough to receive them and think from them, our mind will smell less bad for the
nostrils of heaven, and our faces will become more clear, since the mind and the face are
interrelated. Indeed it is expected that the face is changed after a time as an outward sign of the change
of mind, but if it does not, we understand that powerful new ideas were not received.
Now, for the mind is able to receive it should resemble a bowl or cup. I mean simply that the bowl or
cup could represent the receptive mind. You can spill anything on it and will be retained. The bowl or
cup upside down-that is, pointing to low, then the mind would not receptive. Additionally, you can fill
the bowl or cup with garbage so that, while not clean it, nothing can be put on it, or at least without
contamination. Powerful new ideas Labor, therefore, could not be received if the bowl or cup upside
down or were filled with dirt, and we have seen what is psychologically dirt. You can only represent
these issues through common visual images, because that could be made to deliver an opinion or a
misconception. But by using the displayed objects through the senses as showing things not seen, it is
possible to express the invisible in terms of visibility. This is possible provided realize things visible,
which makes use, represent invisible things and not be taken literally, but psychologically. It can mean
a bowl of mind. Vacuum and your back is the mind receptive to ideas, full of dirt is a mind full of
misconceptions or wrong or dead ideas and filled with clear water, full of true and living ideas. It is
very true, however, say that this transformation of the literal sense in a psychological sense is
repugnant to many people and is deeply resented by others for her unhappiness. "A bowl is a bowl, sir,
and can only mean a bowl. A man must say what he wants to express. How do you possibly think that a
bowl can take the place of the mind?" Well, this is exactly its meaning in the sky. And if he says he
only represents the mind is no doubt that the reply will be: "Then why do not you say once and for all"
mind "rather than complicate things with bowls, and dirt and cages, and parrots?" O is usually found in
a polite person and slightly mocking us happy that all this is very interesting, but fetched, and so on.
So I hasten to turn to another issue and prevent this valuable but neglected bridge that leads us to the
level called psychological thinking, and introduces us to a new world of meaning. Keep us posted on
what is sensible and logical and we remain with our feet firmly planted on the ground of the facts of
sense. Unfortunately, we risk if we do stay in too low a level of understanding for the job. We will
remain, of course, nothing mechanical or natural and will of the conscious or spiritual. It will bowl
upside down. If we can not transform the literal into the psychological, if we can transform the
meaning of the letter in the sense of spirit, and we've been told somewhere that the letter kills, then we
can not afford the First Conscious Shock. And unless the First Conscious Shock is because man
remains natural or mechanical for whom the world is as it is presented.Everything for him is as
seems. That man is soon crystallize pragmatic. His world is fixed soon. It can not develop. Yes, soon
became a fixed thing because it takes the world that way, as fixed facts. Do not you understand? Did
not realize that what they are depends on what the world is for you? Now if you have always had a
certain feeling of unreality about the world or if you have felt like a mystery, or have felt themselves to
be a mystery, people do not crystallize as practice progresses apparently more than you and has no
difficulty. However, I prefer to be like you, because they can get some quality ideas that are pragmatic
people. Nonsense. But some ideas are foolish to mind and are not to. other. To change the metaphor,
you can have a landing field for some ideas in another field would crash. However, the reception of
new ideas is needed to be change. I can only think in new ways through new ideas, and I think
really for myself from these new ideas to change my mind. In the Work can not stop thinking himself to
others crave new ideas need to forward a new truth, as desired long for water in the desert. Nobody will
help us if we do not help ourselves. This thinking surprises some and offends others. I could never
understand why. Now if you think in a new way I see things in new ways. If I change my way of seeing
the world change. If my way of seeing the world changes, I will change.'s Why so the job has two sides
in their teaching-one psychological and one cosmological. Unless I change my world will not change. I
can not experience a change in myself and stay in the same world. If I start to have a new sense of
myself also begin to have a new feeling in the world, and me and the world will change
simultaneously. My new feeling in the world I will turn a new sense of myself. The two feelings will
help each other grow, since the world is how I feel and my sense of the world myself. If I feel that in
me there is something higher than myself, feel that after the world there is something higher than
himself. But all this, and many other things beyond the words, only begin to speak with the reception
of new ideas and to think from them yourself.

Great Amwell House, October 27, 1951


There are three lines of work. The first line is work on yourself. Although I have heard many times and
although it is firmly rooted in memory, it is useless if it does not. As you know, the job must not rest
only in memory, but in life. First, there were some lines that everyone must observe. Then, we must
observe what is the obstacle that prevents us from moving forward.
Now, in answer to the question "How do you work on yourself in this moment?" What do you respond?
It sometimes happens that people have no idea about that over which you are working, nor about the
possible meaning of the work on yourself. This is one of the greatest obstacles. They can help others
wholeheartedly, conceiving this to be the second line of work, and strive to speak enthusiastically to
strangers on the system, to disseminate it, conceiving this to be the third line, but there is always the
difficulty of Work does not understand at all, because this initial obstacle. However, if a person does
with sincerity the second and third lines of the job, I agree that this person will be useful for the
job. But if by chance I cite the example opposite-namely, a person who just tries to make the first line
and said that the other two lines are not necessary and do not concern him, and if they add that although
it is useful, I will not be totally disagree with this view. This person serves their own interests, and thus
can never go beyond itself. This person makes a cult of his will, his own will, a cult of itself (as Paul
said of these people, "such things have to truth, a reputation of wisdom in will worship, their false
humility and their harsh treatment body ... "(Colossians, 11-23). The more you work, the more inward-
that is, in his self-love and self-imposed worship. Now, returning to our subject: suppose you have
reached the stage in the job that lets you see clearly that it is negative. This is exactly the point where it
can work on himself. (Doing so may also unknowingly working on the second line.) What is important
is that you are now seeing a definite thing. What has caught, so to speak, in the same act, and this is due
to their discipline in self-observation, without which the work on oneself is impossible. Because if you
do not see what is happening in you, if not let a ray of light in their inner darkness by practicing self-
observation, you never have anything real to work upon. Only through impartial discipline of self-
observation may glimpse something definite to work upon. Everything else is only pseudo-work, work
invented imaginary work. But the question of an impartial self-observation requires a long self-
observation. Only gradually will notice how the demon of self-justification does everything in his
power to stop it. In this case will do everything possible not to protect you, but to protect and definite
negative emotions that you have discovered. But this is no longer of any use, that is If your desire to
work on it has become finally a sense purpose. In all three lines of work, each has a purpose that
eventually come to feel in the Emotional Center, since it corresponds to the proper development and
helps us a lot in the battles that occasionally they engage in over time. So what will this clearly defined
and observed negative emotion if no shelter is more interested in self-justification (such as: "Of course,
it's not my fault. I've always been so. I do not deserve to treat me this way." Am I nothing? "Did not I
count? In these circumstances, would not you feel like me? not understand what I'm holding on. Sure,
you have everything you want. You can not understand. No one understands me "and so on)? Well,
what will you do if you refuse the help of self-justifying? If you do nothing, the negative emotions call
to his aid other negative emotions. hoarded energies cause a regression and cause symptoms. That is,
backward, and unable to take his costume liar all negative emotions are lying to extract energy-not
available to the everyday life. Encourage realentarán a new disease or old diseases as well as a typical-
jammed river would flood not only upstream but also stop the action of the water wheels, downstream.
If I understand, this is very bad energy distribution that occurs in a negative person. The psychic
energy, is misplaced when it acts as a poison. When we are negative and we poison our body-poisoned
and truth, poison to others. But of course, due to self-justification can not see it well. Guilt is never
Let us return to our topic: What can be done to avoid giving in to self-defense when we clearly see an
emotion, negative? Among many things, I will mention what must be done. If we understand that
allowing the existence of a negative state, without control or arrest some tacitly equates to leave them
to work in the worst way possible, we also understand, as expressed by a East that negative emotion
with which we identify, is similar and as serious as an injury to the body, then you can make judgments
and clarify this point. I suggest you do it mentally and not in public. The appearance of the different
parts of his person. That job, as Deputy-Steward, pay attention to each witness. Let each witness speak
clearly. All this requires a climate of internal attention. He discovers that the "I" outraged, angry, bitter
or accusatory leave the courtroom one after another, like the accusers of the adulterous woman, starting
with the oldest. But one important point. In this court there is no judge. In the temple scene was not a
judge. The person who was expected to judge he did not. He said merely: "Neither do I condemn
you." After a time you will find that the whole issue was cleared up and disappeared. Then it often
happens that the other person connected with its negative state sends you a message, or seem freed. I
mentioned earlier that if you actually become the first line of work, also makes some of the latter. Why
else is free? Because you in its negative state puts the other person in the prison, then later released to
that person to change state.
I will add another significant detail. The court met in the mind with its various members should act
with some grace and should not be lacking sharpness. If the court acts in a heavy, sad and literal, it is
very likely to do to you even more negative. If so, all I can say is that I am glad that you
deserve. Because this job is done nothing useful without grace or a pinch of salt.

Great Amwell House, November 3, 1951

THE "STOP" Foreign and Domestic

Among the exercises that are linked with the job, there is one called the Exercise of the Stop (or
stop). At the time of the voice yells Stop command must remain motionless in the position where you
are. Not only the body and members must remain as if petrified, but facial expression and direction are
eyes should not change. All attention should focus on maintaining the same position of immobility,
until a second voice command makes one free. We were told that in some schools in the East, if you
received such an arrest warrant, say, a current that rose rapidly, it was necessary to maintain the same
position at the risk of being submerged by floodwaters. Until you give the release order is not allowed
to move. This indicates that the body should be under full control and has to rely fully on the
master. For some reason this story is related in my mind with two others. One is the story of a teacher
who plunged into a bucket head of a newcomer seeking instruction. When the astonished man, almost
suffocated, he was released, he was asked what he most desired. He replied that he wanted above all
was to breathe. He was told that if he wanted the investigation of the teacher as well as the air, he
would impart education. I guess he was offended and left. The other story concerns a political prisoner
who was forced every day to turn in a courtyard. The barred windows a quarter of the upper floors gave
the court and the prisoner knew that another prisoner who wanted urgently send a message, lived in that
room. She wrapped a stone with the message, and every day, while she turned the courtyard, visualized
the movement needed to do to get to the window, just as a cat does the same before jumping to a high
wall.He had also hidden a knife cut his throat because he thought if he failed in his attempt. When the
opportunity arose, he threw the stone and made to pass through the bars of the window. These stories I
think are related to each other because they came together in my mind, however I do not see what the
reason. Maybe you see it.
Now, leaving aside the exercise whereby the body is held immobile, and can be called the Stop
Outside, there is another similar exercise but different, which leaves the mind still. This is called
the Stop Interior. Both have to do with achieving a state of immobility. But the two exercises are not
performed in the same area. For the first arrest occurs in the body in space. People can spend with us,
tell us, tell us we look like fools, etc.. But our eyes and our body remain stationary in space. In the
second case, in practice theStop Interior, still remains as to the mind. Thoughts go, speak to us, ask us
what we are doing and the like, but do not pay attention. We see at once that the Stop Interior is
connected with a form of Remembrance Yes However, it should be noted that the exercise Stop the
Interior is not the same as stopping thoughts. Trying to stop their thoughts, and if he is sincere in regard
to this experience-and you can not work unless permitted to be, you can not stop them. But remain
still in mind is another matter. It may remain internally still in mind, just as the body remains
motionless in the world externally. But what causes immobility? What virtue do you own? In nature it
makes extensive use of immobility with a definite purpose. The move is the first thing that is
noticed. The eye perceives motion before the color or shape. The arrest of all motion is a common
resource in the animal world to escape attention. Its purpose is not to feign death, but to become
invisible. The slowdown of the movement also makes detection more difficult, such as when a cat
stalking a bird. Inner Stop Playing on the mind resembles stand still in space. One is not observed. Yes
- but not observed by whom? -. In your mind you are surrounded by different Ts. Each of them wants
one believes he is. Everyone wants you to speak on his behalf. Suddenly we can find. We look
everywhere. I assure you that you can experience the search and not find us. Then one remembers that
not phoned the doctor. The effect is similar to a sudden movement in the jungle. All animals and birds
and reptiles come instantly to where we are. The usual worries, irritation, unpleasant thoughts, vanities
and anxieties take hold of us again. Animals and birds are screaming and screaming and "I" shout
"We've caught." And this is the end of what is really at that time. We again dismembered. A person
who is watching from outside would be conscious of a sudden look of anxiety, rapid movement, hurried
steps and an urgent voice on the phone. Perhaps realizing that one is "out" for the rest of the day. It will
be beside himself. No exaggeration to say that is like throwing to the lions or thrown under the
Juggernaut or drowning at sea. I mean, it's suicide and we all commit suicide again and again without
anyone in the life of the world bring us. Work alone, which comes from sources outside the life of the
world, we point it out. Not only us that we are committing suicide daily and steadily, but shows us how
not to do a lot of patience. Is not it strange that with these words? The trouble is that we prefer to
commit spiritual suicide at any time before giving us the First Conscious Shock. It seems easier to
remember ourselves. And here it says that we are like people who prefer living in the basement of his
home, although all rooms are ours and we live where we like it more. Can you conceive anything more
strange that a city of beautiful houses where people insist on living alone in the basement? The
psychological interpretation tells us that the basement is the lowest part of the centers where most of
the Ts mechanics. No man can remember yourself at that level. To remind himself it must be
distinguished from the inhabitants of the basement that are in it. To achieve this he must feel about
those people who are not him. Must say with a conviction that grows over the years: "Not I," these
people, one after another, especially some of them. One T approaches one by thoughts. You can
practice the Interior to Stop those thoughts, once they have been observed enough to know with
certainty that herald the approach of an "I" evil. This practice is specifically Inner Stop into one
thing. But the Stop Interior in its broadest sense is to make you freeze in the mind, so that no one pays
attention to thought and thus go undetected. Then you remember yourself.

Great Amwell House, November 10, 1951


The Work teaches that we are not really aware that our purpose is to increase general
awareness. Regarding the increasing consciousness of belonging to the increasing consciousness of
self, when you go back mentally to the past, try not to see another in our life but yourself. We will see
what kind of person went in different stages of life. It is easier to see other people in our memory,
because our senses the record. Our senses we recorded ourselves, except maybe having a velvet suit
and a childhood teddy bear, and have hated the clean socks that we chose. All this has to do with
sensation and is stored in sensory memory. But it shows that a person was a child of bad character who
used to lie on the floor and scream if not let him get away with it. You may remember screaming and
throwing to the ground, because these were feelings, but had no recollection of bad character, because
this is not a matter of the senses but of self-observation. And if a person has never been observed to
itself, is likely to continue having a bad temper and has not realized it. And similarly if it was beaten
out his tongue by their parents may not realize it has not changed mentally. So those naughty children
still live in us and we are not aware of it.
Now tell me: How can we know what we were like in the past if we've never seen? How can we
remember what is not in memory? It occurs as follows. If we now observe something in myself and
remember what I observe, I will come slowly to realize that having watched it existed before. The
observation back in time, usually in a gradual manner. But it sometimes happens that one experiences a
flash of consciousness that extends far back into the past of that of which is now aware of this. We see
that always the case. I do not think that a sudden revelation of this kind can ever occur without a long
preparation. No one can come to but be able to accept without justification or criticism or being
negative. Not nice but how can you hope to achieve an increase of consciousness without being
prepared to bear? All reprimands hurt. We are as susceptible to the slightest thing that touches our
selfishness offends us. Of course, we never realize it. We be very different from what we are. But did
not realize that this is essential in the whole question of change be? As we do not support that tell us
something adverse to what we imagine to be, we are exhorted to look at ourselves honestly and
impartially and, regardless of the imagination, to assimilate what we observe. This is really starting to
work on themselves. But notice I said "assimilate". We assimilate what we see in ourselves.
Let us take the issue of increasing consciousness of oneself from another angle. We have spoken before
of what is called intractable thing in ourselves. Although we try to define it, we never completely due
to our limited consciousness. That thing intractable blocks a fuller and deeper job entry. Only
supported to some extent, but enough to start.It's something that does not allow us to advance, it is
something that will do what is necessary, it is something that does not look at where to look. It's
something we put a face, it is something that smiles coldly and says nothing. Or is it something that
screams: "No quiero, no quiero". What can change that intractable thing that blocks the entrance to the
job? However, the more a man works with what you have Labor and becomes more aware of what is
and what has been, the more may enter it Work. But if one becomes more aware of what is and has
been, then something must give way to allow entry of Labor. I ask everyone, if I have followed so far,
what gives. Is it due to pride and hardness of heart resulting? Or is love of power which does not
yield? Or is it stubbornness or obstinacy or stubbornness, or sulk, or outright evil, or mere stupidity or
ignorance, or what really is? Since a growing awareness of himself as amended, its existence must be
linked with ignorance-that is, lack of conscience, and therefore the lack of knowledge of nature itself. It
must belong, in short, an irredeemable psychology-that is, to the sleeping man for himself and the
meaning of life, the man who simply takes as a given, the mechanical man, he imagines he is fully
conscious and holder a true and stable and I is held by the rest of the illusions that keep you from
seeing the danger and struggle to wake up.
But if we examine this issue from another angle, as I mentioned, there is another way of increasing
self-consciousness which seems to undermine that intractable thing in us that we call grandly strong
will, individuality, determination, the power of knowing one's mind, and the like. To begin, try to
sometimes see the opposite point of view that is held. I do not mean you have to discard one's own
point of view but has to include the opposite at the same time. This exercise requires first that clearly
observe your own point of view, and second, to build truly the opposite. The energy blocked by the
partiality of our usual consciousness can not flow toward the opposite, which is kept out of
consciousness. The sphere of our everyday consciousness is therefore limited. Is narrowed, sometimes
ridiculously, and this narrowing of consciousness as related particularly intractable that thing in us. If
included with sincerity and effort the opposite in consciousness, the sphere of consciousness is
enhanced greatly and disappears in us many unpleasant features. Our impartiality, which is the cause of
our oversensitive reactions while our self-worth totally wrong, is replaced by a broader awareness,
broader. I did not insist on being right nor discourage us when we prove that we were wrong. It costs
more to be petty. In fact, we escape the prison of ourselves whose bars and doors are the result of our

Great Amwell House, November 17, 1951


In recent presentations we have made some comments on the fundamental teaching of Labor regarding
the need to increase consciousness. We are not yet properly conscious.We talk and behave, think, feel
and judge the assumption that not only ourselves but others are fully conscious beings.
By bringing together the different parts of the Work to form a tool
in the mind ready to receive finer vibrations coming from the two
centers continuously present in the Superior Man, the idea of not
being properly conscious is one of the main parties support the
framework of that instrument. In other words, we must increasingly
understand through experience that is truly informed and that others
are not. This produces a considerable change in us. But unless
becoming a truth experienced can not take the necessary place in that
instrument. Merely remain in any unused memory. The truth of every
part of the teaching must be experienced before it can take its place
in the construction of this instrument is in the world within
oneself. Fortunately, the ideas of this teaching are mutually
related, and once the barriers underlying preliminary denial have
been transferred and re-formed at a deeper level, tend to adjust as
best as possible in the small place that was vacant and belongs to
them. Apparently this is a long slow process under this temporary
rule that a day represents a lifetime, and a short process according
to another standard to which all life seems one day.
However, there are three directions in which an increase of
consciousness can be achieved through efforts without stress or
hurry. The first leads to an increase of consciousness in oneself,
the second to an increase of awareness of others, the third, to an
increasing consciousness of life. In recent comments, we talked
mostly about an increasing consciousness of self, which is
accomplished by imperceptibly different sense of himself, with great
relief, "because nobody can achieve inner peace and escape the
incessant nervous agitation while the sense of self is still what it
is. However, the increasing consciousness of itself means there is
more space in the inner world of self. But this broadening, this
expansion of consciousness can only take place at the expense of
common sense of self, which is connected with the Personality:

and the usual feeling of self will fight to retain his power, just as
a tyrant fight to retain his power. The trouble is that no one sees
it that way. We think it is I myself and to say "myself" and cling to
the source of our discomfort and pain and resentment that separate us
from it. Yes, to cling to any bitterness, anger and hatred in
ourselves, without ever becoming conscious enough to see that we must
work on ourselves, while we "instead", or also, either in recurrence
or anything else that takes place after life, things will be worse.
However, the increasing consciousness of self is, I believe, the only
way to work on yourself you can eventually get rid of that
bitterness, anger or hatred, and many other things. Why? Why change
the sense of self. But why has to be free from bitterness, anger or
hatred? Because the cause and what keeps them alive is exactly the
feeling you have when you present yourself. In the last paper we have
referred to a method of increasing self-consciousness that is to try
to see the kind of person who was at different periods of the past,
and so throughout our lives, rather than merely recall distant scenes
or people. We talked about using this self-observation as a peephole
in the past, which sometimes leads us to discover that it has always
been equal to what was just observed. This produces a deep self-
observation. It is not necessarily depressing as some seem to think.
I would say that is a liberating experience. Anything that becomes
aware a sense of freedom. It's actually releasing some of the tyranny
of self. It seems a paradox to say that becoming aware of an
unpleasant trait that worked throughout our lives, and previously
ignored, a sense of liberation, but the reason you can find the same.
Y. course. we come here with those self-hypnotized tedious and stupid
who claim to know themselves from head to toe. Let them with their
cherished illusions and with the heavy odor of their minds airless.

Now. the other method mentioned is to become aware in the opposite.

We are unilateral. Admitted into the consciousness side of things and
not the opposite. Unilateralism us, for example, hyper-sensitive,
easily upset, too fast reactions, and so on, or produce the inverse-
too insensitive, too complacent, too indifferent, etc. .-. Our views
and habits of mind and feelings are ingrained part. As noted above,
see the opposite side sincerely demands and is an expansion of
consciousness. But such expansion causes surprise or horror to the
mind-set. Did not realize that means losing the usual sense of self?
It's like feeling that one is missing the ground beneath the feet, is
not it? Yes, that's it, and is excellent. And one more is not given
to fits of rage or is not as fanatical or lacking a sense of humor,
or repeating the same things every day, and you, will benefit
greatly. A broadening of consciousness would be a blessing to us all.
It can be done-to see condition intelligently than it prevents. But
what about the other sides, opposite sides, that our consciousness
does not cover? We see in other people. We do not see in ourselves,
but we project to others. Other people are guilty, others are mean,
other people are intolerable, other people have nasty minds, other
people are wrong, other people have character but we are not
impossible. The result of not accepting the world makes it all the
odder. Living alone in this world is how strange it is. But we prefer
to live in the imagination and in the various hells that it creates.
However, the more we identify where there is working the projection,
and where the projection is at work, there is also a consciousness
acting unilaterally and anyone can become a Balanced Man if it
remains unilateral. The table of the seven diagrams of Man shows
clearly that in moving towards consciousness must attain the status
of Balanced Man-that is, Man No. 4 -. We see that to achieve this is,
above all, needed very heightened self-consciousness. One way to
achieve, and is the most important, is becoming increasingly aware of
and in the opposites in oneself, so that eventually all be projected
to others. This frees one from the bitterness, anger, suspicion,
hatred, and many other things that characterize the usual sense of
self-derived from unilateralism and bilateralism are destroyed. In
sum, Man No. 4 or Balanced Man can not be unilateral. You should be
aware of everything in himself and so nothing can project. If
anything does not project to the other, you can not identify with
them. They give us a great freedom. 're On your way to becoming a Man
No. 5, 6 and 7-that is, be on your way to becoming a fully conscious
man. Reflect, then, all of you in the fact that Man Aware is built on
the Balanced Man-not on the Mechanical Man "and the need to become
aware of the opposites from achieving the status of Balanced Man.

Great Amwell House, November 24, 1951


In this review we will consider what consciousness is. We are

studying the increase of consciousness on which so much emphasis does
the job and in which some can not see any meaning. Recall first that
fairy can be learned accurately without affection. One of the
manifestations of affection is the interest. Nobody is hard to see
that it is impossible to learn a subject unless an interest in him.
Therefore, we will not see any meaning in everything that is taught
about the increase of consciousness at work if the subject does not
interest us. In this case, probably secretly believe that we are
already fully aware. If so, one can say that is an admirable example
of self-adoration and requires a private chapel with an altar on
which is placed a large portrait of yourself.

However, sometimes the problem lies not in the worship of self. This
is because sometimes a person does not understand what you are like
an increasing consciousness. I mean, maybe not comfortable or blindly
assert that it is fully conscious and even admits to not be, but is
unable to understand what it means to raise awareness and feels
helpless because of their ignorance. We all know that state. But out
of that state must return to the job assessment and the reasons
behind the job search. I will say merely that to do so unless we get
stuck. All efforts will cease, so it is necessary to return inwardly-
assessment and reassess the Work. This releases energy. In terms of
the Work-Octave we return to the C note and make it sound louder.
Many "I" attack that note and seek to draw their energy from
vibration - "I" mocking, "I" clowns, "I" ugly, "I" cruel, "I" hard,
"I" argumentative, "I" refused, "I" troublemakers. All the nasty
things we are trying to attack this initial note of Labor. They do it
because they know, but we ignore it, that power they have over us is
challenged by the job, bringing strange and new values. For the
evaluation of the Work, to be C, lies in assessing new values, and a
constant renewal of them through the reappraisal is needed and not a
constant reassessment of old values. The inner man is renewed day by
day, as St. Paul says. You will be surprised how faint, how weak, can
become the Sun. This is due not to renew it every day and let the
tumult of life is drowning. Circumstances can make a Do-life is easy:
a Do-Work is not easy, "goes against life. Besides sounding C note
strongly in our being, we must reflect deeply-that is, in the inner
man, "why are finding work, because both go hand-or should be. If a
person has no value and purpose, how can you ever get the job force?
It has nothing with which to receive it. If there is nothing in it
that receives the job, he can not help. If not influence the way you
think or feel or act, is the signal that no valuation and purpose.

However, as mentioned, perhaps it is because a person is unable to

understand what the increase of consciousness and feels helpless.
Case when the person never thought in consciousness. No doubt the
taken for granted and never thought about what it really was. A
lesson he says. is not properly conscious that the baffles. You agree
that if a man breaks down with a loud bang and he loses consciousness
after a while recovering. It concludes that consciousness is
something a man can have or not and yet stay alive. Consciousness,
then, is something that is not identical to life. The energy of
consciousness is different from the energy of life, and in this
respect the Work says that no amount of energy capable of producing
life-consciousness, just as no amount of physical energy such as heat
capable of producing the life.

The diagram used for this particular it:


Energy Awareness

Psychic Energy

Vital Energy

Mechanical Power

No amount of one is able to produce the other. This means that they
do not unite with each other but are at different levels, in
different degrees. For example, a baby has vital energy before they
possess psychic life, and has psychic life before they have
consciousness, but are at different levels. They are as different as
the vision of the eyes of the vision of the mind. No amount of one
can produce the other. This diagram helps to reflect on the power of
conscience and the high place in the energy scale. Help them
understand that it is something distinct and defined, and as the
other energies, one has the possibility to decrease or increase it.

The next thing we must grasp is that consciousness is not memory, nor
is the thought, nor feeling, nor is the feeling or movement. There is
a psychological process. Complex mental processes can take place
without awareness. The mind of the central engine, for example,
performs complex estimates in skating or performance on the piano,
etc.., Without conscience or virtually so. All sorts of changes and
adjustments are continuously smart place in the body without
consciousness. Now it is very important not to say that memory is
consciousness. Memory and consciousness are not the same thing. This
is an issue that deserves thought. They are as different as the light
beam of a flashlight so is the path it illuminates. Nobody thinks
they are equal. Similarly, consciousness is not the same as our
thinking, our feeling or sensation. Through the discerning
consciousness as content, but not the same. In fact, consciousness
can exist without any content.

The next point is that consciousness can not increase mechanically.

There is no mechanical process that can lead to an increase of
consciousness. Since the purpose of the Work is to raise awareness,
remember that no mechanical process will this increase. This is an
interesting point that should discover for themselves, so it is
useless to ask me questions regarding this matter. But one thing it
follows clearly, namely, that consciousness can only be increased
with the use of consciousness. We were given, of course, a little
awareness to start our life. This can be enhanced, but only through
conscious efforts. Mechanical stresses, which belong to the routine
of daily work, not increase. But to go consciously against
mechanicalness the increase. Consciousness is thus a very strange
thing. It seems yeast resembles that in suitable conditions can
multiply indefinitely. But this comparison does not give us a good
idea of what is consciousness. The conscience is like leaven, nor is
it something that gradually evolves from the vital energy or psychic
energy from. It's unique. It's something that we contact. A group of
high-frequency vibrations, such as light, exists outside of our
contact with it. Like physical light is always here even if we close
our eyes or blind. In this light of consciousness is very little that
we receive. We are almost blind. Now is not the light you have to
increase but our contact with it. Receptive point of consciousness
must be changed. Then they get more awareness. We started working
with the limited awareness that we have. Let us not squander it in
identifying. But people disposed to what little conscience he
possesses. Awakening is becoming increasingly aware, allowing
consciousness into the dark places. So it is said that self-
observation lets in light in the darkness within us. And also it says
in John that "The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did
not understand." So with all those who receive Work is Esoteric
Christianity-that is, its inner meaning, and not crossing it. Do not
let go. They see the light but, not roll over on their own darkness,
still do not understand.

Great Amwell House, 1st December 1951


Labor's ideas penetrate slowly. Already we have had to realize that

the way to the Conscious Man through the Balanced Man. However,
reflecting on the diagram of the seven categories of Man, we see, if
you wish so that Man No. 4 or Balanced Man is really the bridge
between humanity and Conscious Humanity Mechanics and, therefore, is
of utmost importance. Previously we had observed the diagram refers
to Man and Man Conscious Mechanical and ignored the significance of
the Balanced Man. Now, we see that it is often necessary to
concentrate on the meaning of this link that connects the top and
bottom of the diagram and has much significance for each of us. It
should say at the outset that any job teaching converges to that
figure. The Balanced Man teaching outlines and explains its
existence, and, being above the mechanical live this life, is open to
answer another life, whose life is our right-a right that is not
innate or acquired, but preexisting Essence for creation. Because we
were created to become aware, and achieve a sufficient degree of
consciousness that allows us to get to the edge furthest from the
Conscious Circle of Humanity is something unfathomable that can not
be compared with anything that life offers. Actually, compared to all
issues and situations in life have no value. And so we remind
ourselves and remind ourselves and we were in contact with the Third
State of Consciousness already know, and, by this, we would know also
that our life is above us, not behind or in front of us, knowledge
displacing the usual sense of self that is horizontal and not
vertical. By horizontal, I mean that is based on the horizontal line
of past, present and future, and so in our idea of time and vertical
I mean that is based on a scale, and is above and below, at higher
levels and levels lower, and thus is based on values that are not
linked with time, but with states. The latter condition we have
little sense or meaning that is not consistent. We think in the past
two days with time, not according to our inner states in those days.
We do not think the day before yesterday we were in a state of
unfathomable sleep but yesterday we had a moment of awakening.
Because we think in terms of time, our memory is so poor states.
Apparently worship time. We say that time is money and we talked
about never wasting time. We value highly, but do not seem to value
the states. Everything of value is swept by time. But that moment of
awakening that you had yesterday would have been put on the fourth of
its internal memory that is outside of time and placed on shelves,
arranged vertically on a scale of values. Such moments can eventually
rise. We can remind ourselves outside of time and their troubles.

That is clear or not, consider what kind of consciousness is the

Balanced Man. We understand that your conscience can not be
unilateral. So think of it as something bilaterally or other-side
with respect to consciousness. There must be experienced working on
whether an increase of consciousness. His self-consciousness, his
awareness of himself, must have been widened. Or we would rather say,
changed, changed. This means that in this case the usual "sense of
self" has shifted from its central position and a new sense of itself
has taken its place, and this has happened because he has increased
his awareness of himself. It has become more aware of what is in it,
from what I had not fully admitted, or perhaps he had vehemently
denied. When vehemently denies it is noted and if you notice that it
often does, take a time exposure. However, the phrases used to
describe the Third State of Consciousness are "Self-Awareness,"
Consciousness of Self "and" Remembering. " We see that the Balanced
Man must be much more aware of each other to balance their unilateral
self-consciousness-that is, their perception of themselves should be
enhanced, and with it his self-consciousness. As if the displacement
has taken place of the usual "sense of self" and one-sidedness has
been replaced by the bilateral or the other-handedness, then there
will be equilibrium. Such a balance should certainly characterize Man
No. 4. I do not remember feeling more connected to their previous
unilateral or her state of imbalance. By an extension of
consciousness and more feelings derive not from himself by what is
false or imagined in himself-that is, from False Personality or
Imaginary. Seeing itself that much of the blame placed upon the
other, as well as some peculiarities, their feelings toward others
changed completely. While all this takes place gradually, sometimes
feel you are losing something valuable. Life will no longer have the
same taste. But if a man or a woman changes, it is impossible that
life has the same flavor. If it does, then the man or woman has not
changed. This is very true. The change means the change being around.
You can not change and remain the same. The man who reaches the level
of Balanced Man can not remain what it was. Regarding his being, can
not be what it was. Beware what has been, in view of this job, you
can only feed the self-pity. I think all remorse about the past that
is only remorse is regressive or becomes so very easily. When the
switch changes our taste, you discover new flavors, more fine and
subtle. The identified gradually disappears. This means a
purification of the Emotional Center, and, therefore, the different
feelings. So Balanced Man will not be tormented by the same feelings
and emotions that plague the life of Man No. 1, 2 and 3. Through
self-observation, through a growing awareness of himself, through an
increased awareness of himself, by himself attributed to what happens
instead of mechanically blame here other, it becomes a different kind
of man designated in this system as Man No. 4.

Now, if we focus on these thoughts, paying interest to them, we will

be able to reflect on the nature of the Balanced Man and our own
situation, comparing it with him. Through this comparison we can
perceive more clearly what is necessary to request and estimate where
we work on ourselves. Because if we ask nothing, nothing will
succeed. That is the nature of the universe that can be thought of as
a response to the petition.

Great Amwell House, December 8, 1951


We have seen that to become the No. 4 or Female Balanced Man, self-
awareness should be enhanced, as well as the development of schools.
We have seen that with an increasing consciousness of self, a sense
of self is subject to change. It is the usual sense of itself that
contributes to our balance. These are important points. With a sense
of self that is now there can be no self-transformation, because, as
I said, is the sense of self that keeps us in the place where we are,
psychologically speaking. It is difficult to understand that this is
so. One does not quite aware of the existence of that feeling of self
and how this limits us. However, a balanced man may not have the same
sense of self that had previously because his self-consciousness
widened. He has lost his soul in a level and found it at another
level of your being. However, we cling to our sense of ourselves and
of course we are not aware of it. I advise you try to watch as often
as possible. It helps us to interrelate things Labor.

Take an example and follow him step by step. Someone speaks and
behaves in a way that provokes in me a violent resentment. I replied
bitterly. I open a cupboard full of countless bitter memories
carefully preserved. I continue and I blame that person, I can not
sleep, etc.. This is the way of life. The arrangement is different.
First step: note that I am violent and bitter. This is something very
different from being violent and bitter. Leave a ray of light-that
is, the sooner was unconscious, was identified with my status, I now
have a slight awareness of that state. Noto also and I remember
something of what I say and I say usual. Second step: I remember that
no matter who is at fault, I'm guilty for being negative. If I value
the Work, it helps me change the face and seek the cause in myself
and not that person. Third step: I must ask what is related to the
usual feeling of myself, what is behind the outbreak. I reflect in
the stillness and relaxation that comes when one pays attention
honestly at himself. Because the cause is something I include in the
usual sense of myself or something that is not included in that
feeling myself. Let us take the first case-namely, me so violently
angry because something that I include myself feeling has been hurt.
I reflect on what is said and done. I decide that my efficiency was
criticized. Do I, therefore, a picture of being efficient and that is
a component part of my usual feeling of myself? I did not realize it
very well. Over time I ever have become increasingly aware that this
is so. Until that point increases my awareness of the sources of my
usual feeling of myself. Then my task is clear. I see where I'm not
quite efficient and include it slowly in my sense of myself. However,
this change slightly my feeling about myself. Why? Because my
awareness of myself grew. And I will also freed to be sensitive in
this direction, for including the opposite.

Consider another possibility, namely that the cause lies in something

not included in the usual sense of myself. Will therefore be in the
darkness-that is, the unconscious, beside myself. Now if this is so
will tend to project it to others. On reflection I discover that the
person always irritates me, regardless of whether or not criticize
me. Something about her I can not stand. Even if not present, it
bothers me. Why can not dismiss it? I begin to suspect what the
reason. I can not rule out because somehow he is me. But how can this
be, if not love at all and I love you so much for myself. Well, it is
strange indeed, but the reason is that self-love will not admit this
part of me in my consciousness. I will not include in my sense of
myself. The solution is easy. Project just that nasty side of me
forward and I see it as if it were another person who resembles him
greatly. Thus it is that the faults we most dislike in others are
usually those we deploy ourselves without being aware of them.
Certainly it would seem as if they had taken all precautions to
prevent awakening to what we really are. This first step in
regeneration, or born again, not in the flesh but in spirit, it is
the awakening to what we really are, and it is only possible through
increasing the awareness of oneself. But closer to that first stage
was deliberately made very difficult. There are wells everywhere,
traps, barriers, pillars and many dead ends. And besides all this,
the most extraordinary illusions about ourselves are injected daily
from our early childhood, with the addition of many persuasions
stupid almost submerge our perception of truth. In this respect,
would not you say that the power of self-justification, so watchful
and inexhaustible, it was designed to help our awakening?
(Incidentally, why the hell are so inexhaustible?)

Returning to our topic: I have come to the point of thinking that the
cause of my outbreak is related to much deeper things than an affront
to my picture of being efficient, because that person wakes my wrath
of so many other ways. In fact, now I admit that I'm projecting into
that person some unpleasant side of myself that I would not get on my
conscience. Others may have discovered, but not me: and in truth was
never included in my sense of myself. Once again my task is clear. I
study the light that person is someone that I do not know. In
general, it is the opposite of what is included in my usual sense of
myself and be understood here that he may possess qualities which
need sorry. As I admit in my conscience will become whole, instead of
being partial. This is a wonderful thing. And of course, the feeling
of myself completely change.

We must use every means, methods, devices and inventions to increase

the awareness of ourselves in order to approach the level of the
Balanced Man. I said deliberately devices and inventions. Sometimes
you can surprise yourself and other spy. This is not exactly the same
as observing himself, or rather, is a form of attention, as well as
spying. By the way, attention has nothing to do with self-criticism,
is the same thing happened to notice a passerby in the street. But in
all cases, are targeted to increase the awareness of oneself, for
when this happens, the feeling of self is changed, and one knows it
and thank God. Now, remember, the reason is that they include
amending its self-consciousness in things that had not included
before, and that the former sense of self has to change. Bear this
present. We live in a house with closed shutters. A little light
penetrates it. That light we call full consciousness so that we, a
bunch of idiots who live in almost total darkness, we make our life a
terrible mess and we do not properly use or not use centers that can
harmonize with schools who are always on activity. As Ouspensky once
remarked: "We live in a house full of very delicate and wonderful
machines. In the light of a solitary candle trying to run them
without knowing anything about them. If something goes wrong, blame
is always employed."

Do not think that these words of Ouspensky are exaggerated. If you

need proof, look around you-if they are unable to look at themselves.
Now, open the blinds usually hurt at first. Then they can stand a
little more light and then more. What was thought to oneself begins
to resemble a prison located far away in the valley at our feet.

Great Amwell House, December 15, 1951



First, continue to expand the teaching on conscience. In this regard,

as we have seen, Labor says we live in relative obscurity, as if we
were enlightened by the light of a solitary candle, including complex
instruments, whose use does not exactly understand. These tools are
our current facilities and parts of such centers, each with its own
use. A complete man is therefore the embodiment of all the uses. We
can see therefore that the whole man is very far from us. We see at
least on condition of not being complacent, ignorant of our many
shortcomings. Ignorance, incidentally, is cited in esoteric
literature as one of the most deadly vices. Neither men nor women
would be pleased with themselves. I refer to psychological death,
which is much more frightening than the death of the body. The Work
says that we find the dead everywhere, walking the streets, resting
at home, working in offices, courts, in cinemas, clubs, churches,
indeed, everywhere -- the living dead. This scandalous state of
affairs is revealed not until we have a glimpse of ourselves. At the
look in the mirror, are we sure no chance of seeing a dead, or at
least dying? -Strange question. The death of the body is necessary.
The body is destined to die. But we are not destined for death
psychologically and it is this kind of death to which I refer.
However, the increase of consciousness prevents it. Fighting
ignorance through efforts help us. But the growth of consciousness
itself helps even more and this requires another kind of effort. The
broader awareness of oneself, the greater the power of reception. A
"self" narrow and prejudiced not get much. This makes efforts to
overcome ignorance through, say, the study, nearly impossible. The
person is not interested. Lack of space in it. But, of course, plenty
of room. His "self" has no space. But if self-awareness increases and
as result lost his previous sense of self, is also increasing in
power reception. Can we say then that if we knew? I think not. It
requires considerable reflection to grasp its meaning.

However, Labor said that just as we do not hear the continuous

messages sent in the form of vibrations of high level by the Higher
Mental Center and the Higher Emotional Center. When you say you do
not hear, which really means is that our mainstream-that is, our
lower centers, not capturing. Higher Centers The term implies the
existence of lower centers. The latter are not responsive to the
first. Due to the state of the three lower centers, our powers are
limited reception. It is for this reason that Labor says that our
task is to prepare the lower centers to receive the vibrations of
Higher Centers. Therefore we must study through self-observation
state-of our lower centers, and this is called the first line of
work-namely, work on yourself. Working on ourselves means to work on
our lower centers "on their status, their status, their wrong
actions. With a single candle that gives light we can not see. The
self-observation allows it to penetrate more and more light. So the
Work begins with the observation. However, the condition of our
schools not only makes less than receptive to the Higher Centers, but
this condition is such that it would be dangerous to meet them. The
state of the Emotional Center, for example, saturated with emotion
from identifying and negative emotions and self-emotions, is so bad
that if the vibrations from the Higher Centers act upon it would
cause terrible damage. Only through his gradual purification can be
received more or less directly from the action traces of Higher
Centers. Still need a transformer that brought down the high voltage
and belonging to the Higher Centers for lower centers not.

However, a negative emotion driving the wrong meaning as it does

necessarily a lie. Think wrongly, from ideas and dreams wrong,
requires metanoia, a firm and resolute change of mind through new
ideas. Feeling wrongly by negative emotions, identify themselves and
love of intensive observation, constant and personal work smart.
(Nothing is easier than to be negative.) This makes it possible that
these centers can withstand higher voltages. Be assured that once we
receive have been prepared, if they prefer, based on the principle
that nature abhors a vacuum. And that will continue the process stage
by stage. There are and must have a transformer in the three-story
house of our being. Although change its reason for us to receive
more, I guess we'll never be able to withstand the high voltages of
influences from Higher Centers. In any case, all life depends on the
receipt, because everything is welcome. All nature is welcome. But we
were created to receive much more than the vibrations of light from
the Sun Now if all that the "self" in us does not include is
gradually brought to consciousness, our reception is increased
correspondingly. The "self" to which each person is terrified at this
time (without being quite aware of it) gives way to a wider self that
becomes gradually in the SI. It disappears this narrow,
hypersensitive bunch of pride, prejudice, vanity, illusions and
mistaken attitudes that form the "self". The SI is emerging as a
painting that was restored in full for the cleanup. The reception
capacity is increased so greatly, that is, you get much more
influences of Higher Centers. But misses, of course, the previous
sense of self, because we are not the same person which both
artificial one and clung to that suffered so much for considering our
true self. Not only this. The former "self" has no more power over
our person. Note the process for not giving much importance to
things. This means that the bundle of sensory things that was
believed to be oneself is mixed with the rest of our person and loses
its shape. However, the Work teaches that we have a soul but that is
small and should be developed so that it can include much more than
that now includes. As is the undeveloped soul, teaches us, is nothing
more than a shifting point of the most intense and violent
identification. In short, the place where a person is more
identifiable, there is his soul. The development of the soul is
produced by a widening of this. Here then is a connection with the
widening of the "self" that owns us, as we are, but stops when it
fades in the total SI. Thus it appears that the phrase "In patience
possess your souls" has nothing to do with the meaning commonly
attributed to him. People think that means we possess our souls in
patience. It means nothing in this way and is merely an example of
the degradation of meaning of all esoteric observations in the New
Testament. He points out that just as we do not possess our souls but
our soul we have, and only through long and patient work we possess,
and the nature of this patient work is what we have been studying-
namely, increasing the self-consciousness that leads to the emergence
of wide-IF can be distinguished from pseudo close oneself or another.
Then we return the identity of the Alma developed and SI, and the
resulting increase of receipt of the vibrations from the Higher

Great Amwell House, Christmas 1951


In a small meeting held here on Wednesday discussed the nature of

temptation, which emerged from an observation made recently whereby
only with regard to the Work is true that we can be tempted and other
temptations that are not really because they are a foregone
conclusion. But the temptation is necessary for the job. If people
feel they are never tempted with respect to the Work, it does not
allow them to agree among themselves. Perhaps work like a dream, and
so they are working only dream of. Or maybe not see any link between
the job and his life, keeping in two separate compartments. Or maybe
just sounded Do Labor in the eighth, keeping some degree of
valuation, but without ringing Re and therefore the inability of
sounding Mi. Because if Labor does not apply to oneself, that is D,
how is it possible to realize personal difficulties at work, that is
my? In this case not experience the meaning of being tempted with
respect to the Work.
Now we will define provisionally temptation as a state in which a
struggle takes place oneself as to who shall rule. Put in terms of
"I" is a struggle between different Ts. Put in terms of desire is a
struggle between different desires. The outcome of that struggle is
what is done. We call it our will or our deliberate choice, and the
like, should be subject to self-deception and self-justifying
automatic, making it of coarse fiber psychological. And once that is
done according to whatever the result, the temptation ceases. But if
a person is of finer material, inside and realize that in fact
secretly took no resolution whatsoever and everything was solved for
her. In other words, there was no temptation. Perhaps there was
anxiety but temptation. Now if we consider it in terms of a struggle
between different "I", the result is. actually a compromise between
the "I", as happens in politics among different parties. Considered
in terms of different desires, the result is actually the result of
those desires, like the resultant of forces acting in different
directions in mechanics. In short, the thing was a foregone
conclusion. It was decision but compromise or consequential. In other
words, was a mechanic. As said, maybe there were doubts and anxiety
or to the transient appearance of certain spectral resolutions, but
the issue was resolved mechanically. Now, it s' can be attributed to
a machine the power to be tempted. How can a machine be tempted? When
a car breaks down a gear never said that he was tempted to do so. If
a person does, it uses a wrong language. I'll ask now consider the
case of Man. The Work says that Man is a machine asleep. How can you
be tempted? Use language to say it is wrong. But if one speaks of a
man awakening from sleep, the question is different. Such a man can
be truly tempted. In fact, he is tempted, because otherwise you can
not keep waking up. Now a man awakening is not quite a machine. A
machine has no psychology, but the man awakening begins to have a
psychology and thus may be tempted. In this respect, an opportunity
that was done to G. a question about the psychology of men, replied:

"The man to whom you refer is not psychology. Is a machine. To study

a machine, you do not talk about psychology. On a machine is all
about mechanics and nothing else. Just look at this man as a machine
is studied and will know exactly how it will behave under different
circumstances. " That's what G. said, succinctly. It shows one reason
why so many times said, "What kind of man?" when referring to a
person. We forget the seven categories of Man and we only too easily
in the MAN referred abstractly instead of "what man".

Now if we refer to what is good and what is bad for the job, we are
taught that everything that makes us fall into sleep is bad. You can
only see what makes us fall asleep when you have a handle on the job
within itself-that is, when it has within it some Ts are not very
interested in things that are on sale in life. These Ts meet in the
Observing I level and their number is growing only gradually.
Slightly below them is the host of "I" of life over which the
inherent power of disaffection Observing I called inner sense we can
see, dimly at first. Many of these Ts are not really "I" of life and
must be rescued from the waters. Be achieved if "the heat of Work"
self becomes equal to the "heat of life" as an old author says. The
heat means love. You see I write the state of man awakening, the man
who begins to have psychology and not a mere machine. That man has
some power of choice. The choice is made on two levels. Two levels
begin to form in him the job level and standard of living. Two
classes of T are ordered inside-the 'I' of Labor and the "I" of life.
In place of disorder, order is established in him. That's the power
that lies behind the job, and it should be stressed, in his Labor
power depends solely on his own secret assessment intimate Labor.
Life can not nor it can achieve that order. That is why the job which
has always existed in one form or another, as befitted the time.
However, the life force, and very intelligent and very easy to
hypnotize people and keep humanity asleep, continually distracts us
so that we forget to do the job. But we can do the job. It's the only
thing we can do. Thus we have the power to choose. And so we can be
really tempted, just because we have two levels instead of one and
can operate from a level or the other. Thus, for many years, we are
tempted in this way and almost always give in to life. After a long
time began to give more to the Work, but this usually happens much

Great Amwell House, New Year, January 5, 1952


Many times people who have heard several years teaching job does not
understand what it means to work on. They hear with their ears but
not hear anything with his mind. On many occasions O. said that
people only heard the words they were saying, but that did not try to
pay attention to their significance. He said they were wasting their
time. In everyday talk, however, barely pay attention to the words he
uses another person, but to its meaning. We hear the meaning, the
meaning speaks to the meaning, not words. But the meaning is located
at a higher level than words. This shows us the fact that the same
meaning can be expressed in different words? and also in the words of
a foreign language. In this case the words are totally different. But
the meaning is the same. The meaning then is located at a level
louder than words and that is prior to words. However, in order to
make communication more practical, learn a special language called
the language of the Work. The job uses words with special meanings,
such as identifying, internal considering, Remembering, Negative
Emotions, Self-observation, Dream, mistaken feelings of self,
Awakening, Death, Re-birth, I Real, Mechanical, Chief Feature False
Personality, Self, Essence, Multiplicity, Levels, Octave, Scale, and
many others. All these words mean something definite. As words can be
recorded and remembered. But this is not the purpose of this special
language. Overheard two people who are not exactly friends, talk to
each other, using words without understanding them and trying job of
silencing the other, is something to be avoided. Tempts us to think
that the job has to be pure folly. But of course, what makes such
talk is nonsense. It is taken in vain the name of the job. Now this
expression when referring to God-namely, "Thou shalt not take the
name of the LORD thy God in vain" - refers not to the words
themselves but to their meaning. Desecrate God's Name is to degrade
the quality of the meaning of God-and it is cheaper and higher self
and thus hurt because they hurt us wrong attitudes. Esoterically, the
name represents quality, and the higher quality, larger meaning.
However, the quality of working words degrades much when used in a
way anyone, either a word, one another, without a real assessment of
the special meaning of each. Understand that juggling them and use
them without any skill in order to answer a question is not thinking.
There's an intensive special meaning in every word of the job.
Because of this density, as one grows in understanding its meaning
grows with us. The words come to mean more and more, just as the
Gospels mean increasing as our understanding of work is increasing,
thus proving that the job is truly esoteric Christianity. But here's
what we have to understand and realize again and again-namely, that
the meaning of the words Labor can never understand unless you are
working on something definite in yourself. It's the same for us all.
However, since so many of them do not understand what it means to
work on if we repeat that no such thing exists. I told him many times
before. I mean, if I say work on yourself, it is meaningless to me.
But if I say that a person is working on something that has been
observed clearly defined in itself, then I'm glad to hear. I may have
already noticed in myself. Because it costs nothing to discover that
a person works on something definite. His appearance is different.
The eyes and facial expression and voice change. The whole atmosphere
of the person changes. No need to tell someone not to tell me what
that thing is definite that the person has seen in herself and is
working on that. It further away in the stillness, in silence. I
mean, should not talk more about it yourself, and thus not allow the
"I" of life they know and start talking, but just let him know the
'I' of Labor. Because then these Ts secret will reward us. It's what
they mean verses 3 and 4 in Matthew VI:

"But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand what your right so
that your alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret
shall reward thee openly."

For some extraordinary reason the last line says: "Thy Father which
seeth in secret shall reward thee openly." No mention is made of in
public or in the Greek or the Latin of the Vulgate. When we do
something for love of the job-ie, through the "I" Working in self-
reward is received in secret, which may take the form of flashing
Remembering or flashes of positive emotion and certain states inner
peace. Being rewarded in public means at the point that the reward
between the self and thus merit in Personality.

Great Amwell House, January 12, 1952

Magnetic Center

He recently said that once achieved the evaluation of the Work and no
longer needed Magnetic Center. One must realize that one thing should
be useful in one place, but useless and a hindrance in another.
Nothing is valuable in itself but only in relation to other things.
Now, what happens to you is something that is valuable in itself?
Think for a moment. (Think now into something that is useful in one
place but that is useless and even a hindrance in another place.) We
have shown that Magnetic Center is valuable in its place. If it's
strong enough in life can lead to the job. Mr. Ouspensky developed a
strong Magnetic Center and use their language, was "in search of the
miraculous". He found what he wanted in India. On his return he found
the job. However, the Magnetic Center is able to distinguish two
completely different kinds of influences with which one encounters in
life. Influences are called A and B influences The influences are
created in life. Is interest in business, politics, war, sports,
rank, power, intrigue, backbiting, the countless ways to play, and
other interests such as food, drink, money, clothes , advertising,
and so on. We are dominated by one or other or several of these
influences through our attitudes. Are our attitudes that connect us
with them as by invisible threads. Think about this and pay attention
to their interests. These influences (created in the life and
influences A calls at work) keep the pot boiling. That is, keep
humanity on the move. They keep turning people around, always
thinking that go to somewhere, toward some goal. Until we wake up a
little, we think the same, we assume that life is going somewhere,
imagine going towards some goal. Of course we do, but not to those
who wait. So we see our true situation, not value its dangers; not
see that we are living in what the job called the Hall of Mirrors and
are not going in any direction nor to nowhere. The mirrors are
arranged so that giving us the idea of going in a straight direction.
It is not really going to nowhere, just turns around. This is a
simple but very clever illusion. But he only has power over us until
one examines himself in life-and nobody does. Needless to life-in
fact, no one wants to observe himself. This is because a number of
simple illusions, very intelligent all-such as "Oh, I know from head
to toe," or "this way of thinking makes a person to be introspective-
we know-are morbid thoughts" "I allow my work to think about such
things. I am a practical person" -. It is an interesting collection.
They are worthy of study-I mean, in yourself. If they are not
observed-that is, if not renders them self-conscious to make us much
harm in many ways staying asleep, which is of course the object. Like
many other things, they only have power over us while they are not
carrying the light of consciousness through self-observation. If you
can take them in that light, then you can see very plainly the same
way that you look an orange that is on our plate. This point is most
important thing I can say. However, it is very likely that you begin
to identify and self-justifying long before this and everything will
happen in the crowded darkness of themselves and everything will be
as before. You see, dreams are lies, and no one cares to admit
delusions or lies. And there's always the dream-master-namely, that
of no illusions. This lullaby lulls us. Is it not very smart? Listing
for himself the great illusions to which the Work. See for
themselves, in yourself, how simple and smart all are kept asleep and
understand how it is unnecessary to construct these fences around the
sheep. Now a man with a strong and has a magnetic center of all

They have often heard that the job starts at the level of Good House.
It is not intended to whimsical, unusual or unnecessary. You must be
a responsible person, an educated person, a person of some worth, and
possibly a person who is, or is about to become skilled in something.
Pray understand that for a person to become Good Householder in that
job, it does not mean a homeowner. Man is his own house. It refers to
what is in that house. If the three stories have something in them,
it helps. Now the job adds a few interesting things about the Good
Householder. He says he does not believe in life. You will see that
these things are interrelated. The stronger the magnetic center, will
have fewer illusions about life, thinking and less on it. It may not
have noticed this connection before.

But to return to the Magnetic Center said before that once the C
sounds, Magnetic Center has done its job. They also said that even if
this may bring to the job, can not stay in it. Try to indicate
briefly how, indeed, may become less of an impediment to releasing
it. At the beginning of Mr. Gurdjieff Work told me to put aside all
my books and read no more. But in the past had studied the Gnostic
literature, Neoplatonists, alchemists, some of the Hindu scriptures,
the Hermetic writers, Sufi literature, the Bible, Chinese mystics,
the writings of Eckhart, Boehme, Blake, Swedenborg and others, and
for some years was a disciple of Jung. I say all this on purpose to
show how I was surprised he had to dispense with all such studies.
But this meant that my study had been wasted. It meant that now,
having learned of the job, these studies were no longer useful. They
had played their part in the formation of Magnetic Center. But now
let me see how strong, clear and consistent job was compared. What I
had to do was study the ideas and methods of Labor. Everything useful
that he had won in the past would take place then. Often feel it is a
pity that so few people have fortified the Magnetic Center with the
previous study of the influences B. Magnetic center, whatever its
origin, can be strengthened by thought and study. This is the main
point. The stronger is the magnetic center, the higher the valuation
of the Work. For those who have not, do not see at once the value of
work and their unique formulations. They have little to compare it
too. In this case, need to study esoteric literature for some time
after having listened and practiced the job in order to broaden the
mind. The esoteric parts of the New Testament, such as the parables,
are very valuable in this regard and remain so throughout our
development. In fact, whenever someone understands them without the
help of Labor.

Notes for the reader

1) The old education which gave a background of classical legend and

an approach to Greek philosophy tended to be the Magnetic Center. The
modern scientific texts do not.

2) The Work calls to non-Good Householders, "Vagabonds, and Hasnamous

Lunatics. (There is Hasnamous business, political and so on, large
and small.)

Great Amwell House, January 18, 1952



We awkwardly, and personal emotions continually interrupt us. We feel

resentment and thinking scratches and breaks like a television
screen. G. said: "You always think, think, think. I look." Of course,
we're not thinking, really, we do. We feel we have to say something
instead of watching, say, the tree. We are not accustomed to real
thinking. Our thinking is so dull-so clumsy and confused, wrong order
of things, triumphant, like a stupid child who breaks things with
malicious joy. Some people only have a destructive thought. Others
can only disagree with everything and qualify to come to think that.
Always give the reason some minorities as a sort of stubbornness and
call this thinking. Many never know what they are thinking. Most
people call associative thinking, thinking.

Then there is the person whose life is completely theory wrong, and
all resulting thoughts are too. For if the ideas of our thoughts are
wrong, our thinking, that comes from our ideas, be wrong. If you
think the ideas of the job, our thinking will begin to straighten
out. Think the ideas of the job instead of our previous ideas is
metanoia - that is, change the mind (not repent, as it was wrongly
translated) -. Moving away from our previous ways of thinking clean
the dirt of the mind and begin to capture its beauty. The battle
continues with ups and downs for a long time. There is actually
yourself who is fighting. But it seems like it's going to meet a
temptation phase after another test or, if preferred. It is our
Armageddon. Reinforcements of natural thinking and senses always
present and apparently drown us-and succeed if you believe internally
that Nature created itself, and there is no meaning, but there are
only blind forces, and similar things. Our thinking is reversed. Then
we will feel restless and unhappy, just because we see nothing beyond
nature. When there is no meaning, man necessarily sick and dies. The
violence, ugliness and cruelty attract lower-meanings.

Man lives by meaning. Work increasingly transmitted as meaning that

the mind is cleansed of the filth of thinking and feeling wrong,
because it opens. The investment is foolish thinking. It is to
explain the higher by the lower. Then said the matter was first and
that after it emerged the mind. The Work says that Mind was the
first. He says, succinctly, that before the beginning of time, Mind
is, was, but that is because it was part time. Indicates that the
Mind, as the Absolute, is outside and beyond all time, and it is free
from all imperfections experienced by our limited time being.
Indicates that creates the higher the lower in each successive level
in the total scale of Being Nothing creates itself. All created
things are meant to be according to their level, which determines the
responsiveness of meaning. All meanings derive from the absolute
meaning which is infinite, and so is not in the time and is not
created. To be created is to be limited, and the Absolute is not
under boundary conditions. The drop of meaning from one level to
another level, from higher to lower it on, never stops. and is
different at each level. As a result, this transformation of meaning
is possible, and can be experienced by humankind as you change your
level of being. Where he had seen dimly one thing differently now
sees thousands.

In this work we seek the transformation of meaning through self-

change. This is possible and can be experienced, but not if we cling
to previous meanings, and give ourselves over to unbridled emotions
and self-criticism and negative sentiment. Labor education provides a
definite line of work to our level. If sincerely practiced for a
while, we started to look at the past as a surprise because having
lived through the previous meanings. This marks the beginning of a
change in our level of being due to some degree of transformation of

As we rise into being, thus becomes the meaning. If we go back,

return the old meanings. This movement goes up and down until it
finally reaches a stage. Then start again, so as to reach the next
stage. At each stage new and old meanings fall flock. We began to
think differently. We see the clumsy bungling of our old thinking and
we know he was not thinking at all. We realize that the movements of
real thinking are wonderfully delicate and quiet, do not have to
force anything, nor unite what clearly does not belong, or make
anything out of order or of scale. We see the tragedy of our previous
thinking, the wrong connection of things, their crude violence,
confusion cruel of things. It also opens the same insight into our
past feelings. But if they continue the old habits of mind and
feeling, nothing like that could take place.

Great Amwell House, January 26, 1952


The attitudes are crystallized thoughts. If a person continually

thinks a certain way, all those thoughts crystallize into an
attitude. Suppose you always thought that not paying attention it
deserved. Has been identified with that thought thousands of times.
Over time those thousands of similar thoughts come to form a solid
deposit in the mind. This is called crystallization. Such
crystallization is an attitude similar thoughts, so it takes you an
attitude towards other people who have been formed by thinking again
and again that others do not pay due attention. Agree with me that
such crystallization is this particular attitude is not uncommon and
can be seen in many people he knows. Okay, but what about you? In the
Work must always start with yourself. Does it work quietly noted in
his own life? It is cause of much unhappiness for you and for others.
It is very powerful component of this form of internal considering
doing call charges. Devora our strength every day and thus produces a
secret internal disease of the mind. Makes you extremely sensitive or
touchy or moody or produce similar manifestations of weakness. But
besides all the evils that his presence manifest in our lives and
also psycho-somatic or bodily life-the greatest evil which is linked
from working to our inaccessible, working silently in the darkness
that are beyond our consciousness. Well, here is one of several
difficulties of the First Line of Work, which is the work on
yourself, starting with self-observation. That is the difficulty: one
comes to realize the qualities and occasional note of some of our
thoughts. If later a person learns to focus, by which I mean get to
quiet itself then remains motionless in the middle of the carousel
and is witnessing an extraordinary crowd, of which many are subhuman
and often grotesque, deformed, or simply evil. Those are the thoughts
which a person is usually mounted. If we identify with one of them
deviates from the center and turns around-that is, it and thought
become one and then says: "I think".

But although you may notice an increasing number of different

thoughts that come and by that method to extract from them more and
more the feeling of I can not observe an attitude. This is the
difficulty. Once a system has come to similar thoughts crystallize
into an attitude is no longer directly observable. It has come to be
part of an invisible person and acts automatically without knowing
about it. But thinking does not necessarily act but an attitude
itself. In the example given, that person will not think that not
paying the attention he deserves, but continue to act as if this were
so, then whatever you do not stop this attitude not only encourages
people to act a certain way but you removed daily strength. The
secret of its power lies in his situation-that is, runs a little
beyond the scope of our self-observation directly. It is beyond the
small area of consciousness that dwells in the usual in life. In sum,
we are inaccessible as they are the things that is, as long as we
cling to the current sense of self that is the same as staying (at
all costs) in the small area where indwelling consciousness.

But a sincere practice of self-observing consciousness gradually

leads to things that are in the shadows and these in turn make out
the things that remain in darkness. If you begin to raise awareness
of oneself by observing what is accessible, then after a while
(according to our ability to withstand a crash) one comes to realize
the existence of self-our way of psychic being, the things we attach
to ourselves but only to others. Remember that we project to others
that of which we are not aware of ourselves-a charming artifice to
which all appeal, and that both contributes to peace and harmony of
human life on our planet.

Now we have another example of thoughts crystallized. Suppose a

person has started to consider at an early stage of life that people
do not like about her. He has given freely to the thought and without
hindrance. He has had the same thought again and again, year after
year until it has crystallized into an attitude. Now a person who has
been very successful, surrounded by friends who want it. But there is
something going wrong, a sad, distant, a complaint. The attitude is
working in secret, drawing its strength, without knowing it. Well,
there is a curious thing with regard to attitude. As I said, a person
can observe your thoughts but not their attitudes: a thought also
does not necessarily act but an attitude always does, without
noticing it at all. This person sighs, has a sad, distant, or acts as
if she had been injured, or appears surprised when given something,
and so on. This is caused by the attitude that work in the background
of his personality. Hidden attitudes make it act mechanically - in
short, means that sigh, that seems unfortunate, to act as if it had
been abandoned, and so on-even though there is some external reason
for this is so. Consumed. It draws its strength, as the worm eats the
rose secret. But the curious thing is that even when people daily to
ensure sympathetic with her or even give irrefutable evidence that
pay real attention to it does not make any difference, or whether he
does is only momentary. The attitude continues to exert his evil
power from his dark abode. Often accompanying exquisite forms of
self-pity. It is truly one of the powers of darkness and every
security, every test will be rejected without knowing why. This kind
of unnecessary suffering is extremely common. Extracted huge amounts
of power of humanity that is used elsewhere.

Great Amwell House, February 2, 1952



Speaking in a previous paper on the transformation of meaning and

significance levels. There is a major and minor significance, or, in
other words, there is an upper and a lower significance in the
overall scale of meaning. Our susceptibility to the meaning depends
on the quality of our being. A low level of being is only susceptible
to a low level of significance. Receive a lower significance. A man
belonging to a more developed level of being will be able to receive
higher-level meanings. But it does not follow that it will do well.

However, our being is multiple in many ways. We have many different

Ts. They are not on the same level. We also have different centers,
with different parts, superior and inferior in function and therefore
not on the same level. The various "I" live in different parts of the
centers. The "I" lower-that is, the "I" more mechanical, such as
having to do with the memory of petty or minor projects, live in the
lower parts. The "I" above, such as those having to do with
reflection or evidence of weight, live in the higher divisions of the
ball. From this brief overview we have given instruction on being, we
see that our being is not at the same level but is built on different
levels. And what has been said so far about the connection between
the level of being and the level of significance, it should
understand that different levels of our being will be receptive to
different meanings.

As evidenced by the construction of the universe itself in the Ray of

Creation, man is situated at different levels. The decline in
significance, from higher to lower, from one level to another on,
never stops. The significance placed on a higher level is not
understood by a lower level. This is what is meant by the statement
in the first chapter of John that the light shone in darkness and the
darkness has not understood it. The meaning of Christ's teaching was
not understood by the thought sensual, literal of his audience. The
sensual thought, based on the level of significance which are
susceptible to external organs of sense, can not understand the
psychological thought. Among them is a chasm. Are discontinuous. We
know as three-eighths of radiation derived from the Ray of Creation,
and the Table of Hydrogen, which in turn derives from the triple
octave, that the universe is an immense scale or ladder of vibration
which are discontinuous. That is, do not mix with each other, but
they're different, are at different levels. It was formulated by the
Work prior to this century. Since that time natural science
discovered that the observable physical universe, considered as
energy is a scale-down vibration. For example, our organ of vision is
receptive to light is composed of an octave of vibration wave whose
frequency is estimated at 750 billion (light purple) and 400 trillion
(red) of vibrations per second. But these are merely wave energy
vibration eighth among many others. Above and below the wave energy
that we see with the eye, say, a light purple (but which itself is
simply a vibration) there are many other vibrations of varying
frequency and wavelength. Are discontinuous with each other. For
example, the vibrations that are just above the violet light in terms
of frequency X-rays are No amount of light capable of producing X-
rays Vibrations are discontinuous. Nor do we have an external body to
receive X-rays Similarly, we have a given organ for the reception of
wireless waves that are below the vibration of light. However, with
respect to the receipt of meaning out of receiving sensual, we have
several internal organs of acceptance in mainstream schools and in
parts of the centers, which were given to us but are not necessarily
used: and we also Higher Centers in order to hear, our level of being
is positioned too low.

In the esoteric teaching about the Renaissance from which fragments

were preserved in the Gospels (though mixed in the wrong order, as G.
said), teach us that everything begins with the change of mind, with
metanoia. "No, but unless you change all likewise perish" (Luke,
XIII, 3-5). This implies that, in general, our way of thinking, which
is sensual, that can prevent internal development, which leads to
rebirth, the New Man, the goal of every individual. Other levels of
meaning are necessary, therefore, in addition to the sensual meaning.
The mind should be given new ideas to think upon them. Labor's ideas
are new. Think from them changed the mind. The people, however,
adhere to think sexy, while trying to pay attention to ideas rather
than as they really think. This is referred to the Gospels is like
saying that putting new wine into old bottles, which is not a
desirable thing because it is damaging to both. Thinking purely
sensual and psychological thinking can not be mixed. Because they are
discontinuous at different levels.

Now, the thinking of a little boy just starts from the senses-
according to appearances. Think upon what they see. The thought,
therefore, starts at the sensual and deeply ingrained. We take
ourselves through our bodies. The motor mechanical divisions or
centers are turned to the senses. But most schools have internal
sides in the emotional and intellectual divisions. These may be open
to higher levels of meaning if they are purified. They can receive
the ideas of Labor and think from them, if love and need for them
becomes strong enough. The standard of living being in which some
"I"-or where they might live, if we preach the Work-corresponds to
the ability to become receptive to the higher levels of meaning that
are beyond the sensual meanings. While the sensual mind terrifies us
and chains, the job seems meaningless, because we lack the level to
get a broader meaning. We remain at significantly lower. We are then
like blind people who do not have a receptive organ of vision. But if
we struggle and seek a vision, realizing our blindness, we receive
and feel the vibrations of the new meaning. Then our relations with
all things and our understanding of them begin to experience a
transformation. We will feel our lives differently. Work It, on which
we have weighted that has penetrated deeply and gradually in our
living life, which raises the point being that you can see another
level of meaning. The new meaning and is waiting for us, as do the
vibrations of another radio station that we still can not grasp. We
make new meaning. We have to tune. The Work is about how to achieve
psycho-through. The psycho us into a new meaning. A new level of
meaning results from a new level of being. The change of being begins
with the change of mind. Labor's ideas are new. The mind really
changes when you think a new way and has meaning. And finally the new
thinking can not be poured into old bottles of the mind that are on
the sensual level.

Great Amwell House, February 9, 1952



When I see a familiar thing to me seems strange without associations.

I see a new way. Its meaning is changed. If I consider my friend
without it seems strange associations. I see a new way. It may not be
exaggerating to say that I recognize just for the moment. Likewise,
if I walk down a corridor whose bottom is closed by a mirror, you may
not recognize the person who seems to go in the opposite direction
and approach me. It seems a strange person. I see myself without
associations at the moment. Usually, when we look into a mirror we
see ourselves through the veil of associations that we have about our
appearance. The important thing is that when the veil of partnerships
is momentarily torn, something happens. What happens? Everything
comes to life. Yes, with sufficient practice, a person may evade the
Personality, which is where is the network of associations, and let
me add, which raises the wrong sense of "I", that person is in a
different world -a world of different meaning. In reality the world
is the same, but the impressions I get of this world are different
and so the meaning is different. When a person slides of Personality
and Imaginary, things are closer to her. They talk. Then get real
impressions. Impressions fall on Essence. The level of Essence is
higher than that of the Personality. We understand that a higher
level receives a greater meaning. Well, when a person is blessed-that
is, when the personality is dissociated, felt the intimacy of
everything that surrounds it, as if they understood that things can
continue playing without her angry. If a person is angry can not
break out of the Personality.

Or it is as if she and all that surrounds it suddenly felt at ease,

something may emerge from each object and display full of life to
that person. And suddenly life is closed and the employees return to
their place and everything is dead. Ouspensky describes how the
meaningful sense of all things changed when it reached a certain
level or state to which it brought their experiences. Each subject
came to such fullness, such brightness, meaning, it was almost
unbearable. He writes:

"I remember once I was in an armchair smoking and staring at an

ashtray. It was a common copper ashtray. Suddenly I realized what was
beginning to understand the ashtray, and at the same time, with some
surprise and almost with fear, I felt that before I have never
understood and did not understand the simplest things around me.

The ashtray emerged from a swirl of thoughts and images. It contained

an infinite number of such events, was linked with a number of things
so immense. First of all, with everything that was related to smoking
and snuff. This raised the point thousands of images, pictures,
memories. Then there was the ashtray itself. How could exist? How
many materials had been made? Copper. in this case - what was it
copper? -. How had he discovered e! man for the first time? How had
she learned to use it? How and where copper was obtained which was
made with the ashtray? "Through what kind of treatment was over, how
he had been transported from one place to another, how many people
had worked or were linked to its preparation? How copper had been
transformed into an ashtray? These and other questions arose about
the history of the ashtray until the day he had appeared on my desk.

I remember writing a few words on a piece of paper in order to retain

the next day some of those thoughts. And I read the next day: A man
can go crazy because of an ashtray. The meaning of everything that
was felt in an ashtray might be possible to know everything. By
invisible strings attached to the ashtray was all that existed in the
world, not just the present but with all the past and all the future.
Knowing an ashtray means knowing everything.

My description does not express the feelings in the least as they

were in reality, because the first and main impression was that the
ashtray was alive, he thought he understood and told me everything
you told me about himself. All that I knew what I knew of the
ashtray. The second farm in the extraordinary impression emotional
character of everything that was connected with what he had learned
about the ashtray.

'Everything is alive', I said to myself in the midst of all these

comments, "nothing is dead 'we are the only deaths. If we become
alive for a moment, then we feel that everything is alive, that all
things live, feel and can talk. "

You will notice that Ouspensky said that in our ordinary state, are
dead. This became apparent to him at the level at which they had
taken their experiments. This meaning is expressed so that he could
receive. In the level where we do not realize that we are dead. We do
not grasp the significance of the observation in the Scriptures: "Let
the dead bury their dead." But if we can be released from the
Personality surprise us the antics and pranks to which we give
ourselves and why we hurry, so we heated, so we rush madly, both
externally and internally. Who is this person who takes charge? Who
is this person that we serve, which gives us what we think and say
and how we should behave and what things mean, the person that the
more glimpse, the more we seem stupid, ruthless and tyrannical? Is
that person just made up of imagination? Is it likely that it is the
Imaginary who cause us so much trouble, abuse, troubles and sorrows,
without any need? "Letting Go of personality does not mean anything
rid of that 'Imaginary-the feeling of" I "completely wrong and we
just bullying all the weapons from his teaching job and can destroy?
If I am freed from the tyranny of Imaginary perhaps do not see any
differently? Here is what I found out about this tyrannical Ouspensky
when she was cleared of its sphere of influence and went to another
level of consciousness:

"A very important-perhaps the place mainly in everything we had

learned was occupied by the idea of 'I'. That is, the feeling or
sense of 'I' changed in some strange way inside me. It is very
difficult to express in words. usually not sufficiently understand
that at different times in our lives we feel our 'I' differently. In
this case, as in many others, I had the help of my previous
experiments and observation of my dreams. He knew that in sleep the
'I' feel differently, not as it feels in the waking state only
differently, but in a very different way, the 'I' was felt in these
experiences. The closest approximation would be like if I said that
everything that usually feel like 'I' became 'not I', and all that is
perceived as 'not I' became 'I'. I think it's impossible to give a
precise statement of what I felt and learned. I think a precise
statement is impossible. It is only necessary to note that the new
sense of 'I' in the first experiment, as I recall, is a terrifying
feeling. felt like I was disappearing, vanishing, agreeing to
anything. It was the same fear of infinity to which I referred, but
was reversed in one case was everything I had eaten at the other was
nothing. But this did not make any difference, because it was
equivalent to NADA.
But the remarkable thing was that later, in subsequent experiments,
the same feeling of loss of the 'I' began to produce in me an
extraordinary sense of calm and confidence that nothing can match our
ordinary sensations. He seemed to understand at the time that all the
usual hassles, cares and anxieties connected with the usual feeling
of 'I', which result from it and at the same time, the form and
sustain. Therefore, when 'I' disappeared, all complaints, troubles
and anxieties disappeared. When I felt that there was, everything
else became very simple and easy. At that moment looked as odd until
we could bear the terrible responsibility as to bring the 'I' in all
things, and take the 'I' as a starting point in all things. The idea
of 'I' in the sense of 'I', as we usually had something almost
abnormal, a sort of fantastic hubris bordering on blasphemy, as if
each one of us would call himself God . I felt then that only God
could call himself 'I', that only God was 'I'. But we also call
ourselves 'I' and do not see or notice the irony of it. "

Great Amwell House, February 16, 1952


If suddenly lifted a man up above his level would appear naked,

because the garment would not really belong at that level. Imagine a
man who has only sensual truth and is brought to a place where there
is only psychological truth. The senses are guides that can lead to
the truth. There are too many fallacies known (and unknown) on the
senses, such as that Man is based on a motionless earth and the sun
and the whole host of heavenly bodies revolve around humbly all
around the clock. People resented it when they said this was a
fallacy of the senses. Why? Because this discovery was an affront to
their self-importance. Many still believe, I believe, literally, very
few people feel even psychologically as a truth that contradicts the
truth given by the senses. Just observe how people dress their bodies
as children and the respect he has for the body. The sensual life has
so much power that the mind is dressed in his robes in most people
with anything else. Do not own any clothing of psychological truth.
So if such a man, the man who is only in the level of sensual truth,
be raised to a higher level would be submitted naked for want of a
change of clothes in mind. But for such a man, with a single suit,
the job will always be an obstacle. What shocked, either in secret,
either, frankly. The Greek translated "offended" in the New Testament
σκανδάλίξω. The people were shocked when Christ taught psychological
truth, such as that hate is to kill, rather than how many times one
should wash and what not to eat.

Now, every person is his own truth or his own good. This means that
man or woman is psychologically taken what each holds as well. There
is a man (or woman) and bodied man (or woman) psychological. Do not
think, by God, they are the same thing. What, then, that you
personally retain as true and what is retained as well? What are you
psychologically? It is a matter on which should consider. If truth is
to you only as evidence of the senses, then they are something false
is the same as if they thought that it only consists in getting away
with it, and are in the wrong. But we refer here to the sensual mind
and in particular to the person whose mind has only one suit-that is,
the sensual man. Because the senses are closely limited, the mind
that is only based on its evidence is narrowly limited. If we think,
for example, that when a person is dead and buried is no longer
evident to the senses, and can not possibly take another life, such a
mind will say, "But how? - Where? - Do I see, or hear, or touch? "
That is, relying on the senses as the only possible source of all
truth, can only lead to the conclusion that the dead cease to have
existence and are annihilated. This is the sensual thinking to simply
locks us into a prison. The prison is what limits us. Now the Work
teaches that we are in prison and did not realize it. What is the
nature of this prison? The teaching that we are in prison is an
ancient esoteric teaching. Pythagoras taught about twenty centuries
make. Well, if we believe everything our senses tell us is real and
that all reality show and there is another reality, we remain in the
prison of the senses. While reading some notes he had written some
years ago I found this passage: "We fear not remember ourselves. We
should fear being under the power of the world. We must give back to
the shadows that move in the wall that is before us and face the
light. We must leave the cave. It is true that we are chained and can
barely turn his head. But the job can gradually free ourselves from
our chains. With time we will release.

It follows from the above we see that we are completely under the
power of the world if we do not have anything but sensual thinking is
based on the world as it appears to the senses, and in our mind there
is also awakens the sensual. We see that such a sensual mind a very
strong chain, keeping us in a position where we can only see the
shadows in front of us and remain in ignorance of what's happening
behind us. The phenomena-that is, appearances, seem to be the cause
of their own movements, and the truth and reality seem to focus on
those same appearances. It is the same as the movie depicts a
situation. The dark room is the cave, moving figures on the screen
are shadows on the wall, the film and the light that are the cause of
everything behind us and the ignorant. Fascinated stared at what
happens in front of us, hypnotized by shadows, as fully as we are
deceived by the trickery of life, or perhaps be said, much more.
Reflecting on the narrow slit of the senses we possess, one wonders
what would resemble sensual reality if we give a new meaning, say,
one that we opened the thought of someone else, thus making
impossible any disappointment. Imagine the extent of this brings
reality. If we all had this new sense our life would become
impossible in our level of being. No one would seek such a thing. No
one can say one thing and claim another. In addition to what is
obviously true in some professions, still speculating about the
medical profession.

This leads us to think that if we were given more directions,

resulting sensual mind, the mind that is based on these senses-new
and old ways "would be very different than it is now. Sensual reality
reality is common to us all, "would then be in a much higher level,
covering much more truth, much more real and much less falsehood,
much less fallacies and illusions. However, the internal senses open
up to realities that are not those of the external senses. We should
pause and reflect on this truth about her. We know the job teaches us
that we have more internal than external senses. What realities are
opened? If present our external senses show us only a small part, can
you show us an internal sense an additional and more of the Real, if
they were working? Not even a full development of our knowledge and
being come to reveal anything like the whole greatness and fullness
of all reality. Believe it is merely an example of the continuous
state of blasphemy we live in complete nonchalance, and so trivial as
in "I" as if we had a yo-a form of blasphemy to prevent little
children as long as possible. People think being able to understand
anything if only explain it. Well, the sensual mind, as is the
present, is a blasphemy in itself. It is a heavy chain that man
carries in back of the neck and prevents them from turning around
long enough to observe himself, because one sees little sensual man
himself. Do not think that this string is a string of pearls. Nor is
there to be proud of facing life in a frank, straight and sensible.
If we do, never get it to work inside those unused senses, so
delicate, that open new dimensions of meaning, as the False
Personality weakens its grip on us. We feed the stifling opinions
about ourselves and the smelly self, being false emotions, Anegada
and extinguish his inner light. It has the soul wet, as the ancients
said. A dry soul is preferable to a wet-because you can hear and see.
Much work on oneself is required for these unused senses begin to dry
up and can work weakly. That's why we study and practice this system
for so long. The sensual mind, with its sensual thinking, has to
undergo major changes. Just start thinking more and more as the idea
of Labor, with continuous acquisition of thoughts born of the ideas
taught at Work, everyday purchases wherever possible, to accumulate
until finally metanoia is reached and the sensual mind only becomes
part of the new mind. Do not rely on the sensual mind. It is a useful
servant. But that is not our master. Remember that the senses can
only be obtained in the present moment. We are the past which is in
another dimension, as is the whole world. Do not rely on the sensual

Great Amwell House, February 23, 1952


When we read a book alone is often used throughout the Center on

Intellectual or Emotional Center or the Center. If it is difficult to
make sense of reading, mainly read and Intellectual Center is
restricted to the use of directed attention. He is remembered with
difficulty or it is discovered that there is little that is
understood and need to read it again. Generally not reread the books
and so we learn nothing new, unfortunately. If you read a book with
the Emotional Center, it must be exciting or romantic, it is read
carefully drawn. Our attention is attracted, not directed, by the
characters and story, and suffice to use the attention directed at
those times when it does not follow very well the plot or the meaning
of a sentence. He is remembered very well, often many years later.
But if the story demands too much attention directed is left aside.
This is because it falls between the centers. If a domestic event we
are concerned and opened a book to distract us, we will probably read
the Center which requires zero attention. Some people read, much of
the books only with the Moving Center, especially if they are
disturbed, or if in a moment of sadness they feel obliged to do. In
this case, nothing remains. It keeps the memory of what was read.
Attention zero no memory. Finally, many people do not read at all.

But dispense with the issue of schools and I will deal with the "I"
in schools today because I want to focus on in greater detail not
only how to read (being single) but how to pay attention to another
person -- because reading is a form of attention, but different. I
mean using different Ts. The question is: what is the "I" who is
reading and what is the "I" who is paying attention at any given
time? Which brings us back to the question of "I" in general, and the
whole doctrine of the "I" that is so important in understanding and
implementing the job in practice. The amazing job teaching us that
none of our thoughts and feelings belong to us. It tells us that we
are induced by different Ts. But we took them all as if they were
ourselves and think of them as if they were our thoughts and
feelings, and say "I think". This is an illusion. They are not our
thoughts nor our feelings (and moods, emotions, desires and feelings)
but of different "I" speaking through us. This is, in my case are the
thoughts and feelings of people who are not me but I take as my own,
without calling into question this belief. The extraordinary thing is
that I had never discovered that this was so, until I realized that I
lived all these years with this order of things would have been open
and plain if you had paid more attention. Yes, but not open and plain
to my outside view or any of my external senses. I've never
discovered before because I had never used an internal sense-namely,
the inner vision. I never saw myself. However, the power of
discretion was given to me but I never used. As a result these
people, these Ts, so far played with my life as they pleased and I
suspected nothing.

Well, I've gotten to know several "I" in myself, whose presence and
presence could be detected by various signs and symptoms. For
example, one usually begins by affecting me physically and then gives
rise to certain feelings accompanied by certain trains of thought, of
which many are now familiar to me but not completely. This is, I
think I'm still thinking about some of the thoughts that are induced
me, because I agree with them. I see other thoughts that gives me an
"I" knowing that they are not mine. This means that I am not yet able
to observe this T as I participate in it as if it were me-that is,
say "I" to that part. So I can not completely separate myself from
him. This means that T is not yet fully objective for me. I can not
see as something quite different from me, like not being me at all,
but as another person in me, who wants to take it as if it were me.
Well, sometimes I pay attention to this T and then suffer the
consequences. This happens when some conversations taking place and
that "I" intrudes suddenly and speaks through my mouth. But fails to
do what I think is true. I note that some of the things that''I "says
is not true. They are lies, and therefore are not me. But as I said,
some seem true and that is how they can enter. I do not see that the"
I " integer is a bad person who seeks to harm me, because when I pay
attention to that "I" that to which deforms paid attention, and it
tires me and disturbs me having had enough of me to be satisfied for
the moment. Neither I can even see bits of truth used in order to
dominate. Or again, when I'm alone, reading, I realize it's there,
reading for me. So I know that the book had something similar to what
we always want me thinking, and at the turn of a page or two, is
likely to discover what it was and when this "I" took the opportunity
to interfere without my noticing and began his evil hypnotism. I mean
seriously because when works the negative Ts must be viewed with
increasing gravity. Some hide their entrance in a costume innocent.
But remember that all the "I" 'negative just want to do evil and
destroy our work. They try to drag and sink more and more deeply in
prison. The trouble is that continually strengthen those "I" pay
attention and think through them, and so little is done by the other
"I". Now I'm reading alone, without waiting for anyone The "I" who
read are not the same as when other people are, or expect to
interrupt me. I mean I am deeply interested in the book, the "I" who
is reading and the "I" who is paying attention not included in their
circle the "I" I have tried to describe above. We need to make their
own observations on this subject. Now I will leave this example,
because I realize that was not adequately described, and partly due
to the language difficulty.

So we must slowly and painfully come to realize that while we're at

this level, we have nothing to which I can call. It's pure
imagination that we do. So we have only the Imaginary - ie I imagine
having a real, permanent, unchanging. Not so.
It's a terrible blow to our pride to see the psychological truth that
contradicts our external senses. Some do not even take into
consideration this idea as ridiculous. Try, therefore, to observe
their "I" '. Try to see what "I" think and feel, and they induce
these moods and recurring thoughts that both suffer. Work will take
care of the good "I". But in regard to the bad "I", the road to get
rid of them is stripped and naked, to boot the lovely feeling that I
have so foolishly squandered, allowing the "I" evil from taking over
him at all times, and without which things would be reporting. But
incomplete observation not free us. Our observation should gradually
come to be a full compliance so that all sense of self is torn from
the "I" evildoers. Then disappear. We shall be free of its power.

Great Amwell House, 1 March 1952


Work must become a reality for you. Unless it becomes real to you,
not able to help. It should leave room for the Work. If a person is
full of herself, the job has no place to settle. If it does not
renounce anything, nothing will. If anything does not give up love
for work, he never believe in it, and if you never believed in it,
that person will never want. If you never want the job, never will.
He will never believe it if you never acknowledged and never want if
you never believed in the Workplace. If you never believed in it will
remain on their present beliefs, beliefs which are not, if the senses
are beliefs or opinions. If that person does not believe in this job
will not believe it. Do not enter into it or talk or show what you
have to do and where you need to go. Never know the extraordinary
pleasure of those conversations were first in my case are internal,
external and now, the pleasure of knowing that the job is ours, not a
thing in the world that can be stolen nor an exclusive property that
can be envied, but something that is allowed. No pickup or linger on
those thoughts whose models consist of emotions such as jealousy,
envy and hatred, because they come from self-love or selfishness that
is exclusive. The pleasure of surrender to selfishness and pleasure
is nothing but the feeling of drowning. It is no longer self-love
that makes me look for the continuation of this job. If it were,
could not continue. If the goal toward which we aim in this work is
the love of it, we will be faced with a barrier. How could it be
otherwise? If we are not pleasant places in our hearts but the
triumph of selfishness, how can you love your job? It is oneself the
object of love. It is well known, but this does not mean that we
appraise the quality of our love. How can a person achieve greater
meaning if the largest of the meanings is to get away with it, which
is what self-love always desires and seeks? When you reach the
barrier built by the love of it something has to give, is something
we all know. Something has to mourn, is something we all know. Yes,
but then there is liberation. It is no longer dominated by resentment
as before. Instead of having the heart dominated by self-love, and
always feel so hurt, there will be something more delicate and
charming. Instead of being driven by love of self, it will be for the
job. Cease penetrate something that perhaps had not realized they
were left out. You can reach sobresensual think this is the thought-
psychological (or spiritual) - by means of self-love. Sensual
thinking and self-love are united.

The "I" who helped a person achieve his position in life not
necessarily help in the job. You can not take this job with "I" that
we use to go through life, or ones that are useful to us in our
career. Some "I" of life are often useful, not as leaders but to take
second place. Our "I" of life belong to the parts of the centers that
life has developed in us the "I" that are linked to our work. But we
are other parties that have become receptive. Do you think you have
succeeded in life? Then they will not imagine that these "I" will
seek the same success in the job. The "I" that we seek success in
life are not adapted to grasp the meaning of Labor. They belong to
normal, to what is known, our main street. Labor seeds can not grow
there. Grow only at some distance from the roadside, in our field.
That's why so you can not take the job in our walk through life,
which surprises many people. Also, for the same reason, the Work
teaches that we must rid ourselves of the clothes, all the layers
formed by the life-to become even more yourself. Labor seeds sown in
selfishness not take root. Although they can grow in a manner
formatory Knowledge-side, they will not on the side of Being The Work
is to open one thing that helps understanding and which was
previously closed. Selfishness does not yield to love. This is always
true in all things and in all directions, because love lives at the
expense of selfishness. This leads to a barrier that many reached, I
reached a barrier and to which I stayed until I witnessed the height
of Labor and mine, and something gave way. For a long time wanted to
be first in the eyes of my teacher. She wanted more than the job. You
must understand clearly what I mean here. He wished that rewarded my
selfishness. Selfishness or self-love always wants to be first row
and is usually very petty. When this did not occur to me gave me to
sulk or anger. Did not realize they should be treated with fairness 9
What was the reason? It is assumed that the job is to become a
reality for us if preceded other motives, interests and loves, or
what we serve them. We can not suppose that helps us in our sorrows
and fears, by recourse to it as a last resort. His messengers we pay
attention. Since selfishness honestly can not think psychologically,
or spiritually, because it does not support anything greater than
himself, will keep us chained to the sensual mind. Mean that we
deliver to the foreign power or less and not within or above. It will
be our own fault. We will not be governed by the senses. But the
higher can be established beyond doubt, because it only invests
Personality and becomes passive so you can grow the Essence. Because
this produces in us a proper investment. Self-love makes everything
go wrong path and disables that can capture what is working and why
of their existence. The literal, which is narrow, demanding, brittle
and lacking in grace, therefore psychologically crucified daily. The
senses crucified every day with the spirit. The self-love remains

Great Amwell House, March 6, 1952


"We see a man yesterday, not today." I will explain what this means.
Nothing grasp it again because the impressions we receive of him
falling into the same associations and stimulating. We are not aware
of it but our associations with him. Do not perceive it objectively
but subjectively we associate with him. So the father sees his son
like a little boy and the mother as an infant. Similarly, the child
sees his parents, especially his mother, as they were before. If you
find, say, that his mother is not what his associations led him to
think of it, often horrified. Cree, of course, thinking of his
mother. He does not realize he did not think at all, but his thinking
is not simply the mechanical process of their associations, which is
launched every time he sees or remembers. Outside it is never an
independent entity with its own separate existence, nor is he to her.
Just live in other people, feel their existence only in this way, a
weakness is responsible for many errors and misfortunes of mankind.
The physical basis of partnerships, both the desirable and the
undesirable, both the useful and the useless, is the brain. We must
fight against some aspects of the mechanical brain.

But some people do not see the difference between impressions and
associations. The impression comes from outside, mainly through sight
or hearing. The associations are within us, as the Work teaches,
registered in the rolls in the centers, such as rolls of wax from a
phonograph. When we see a familiar object one or more rolls that
contain records of the past associated with the object begin to
rotate. This is what the sentence that begins this comment:

"We see a man yesterday, not today." Simply means that we see through
the associations that belong to the past and do not see how it is now
in the present. In this way we see it yesterday and not today. Today
we recognize only and recognize all the other things. We see things
anew. For this reason we can not receive anything new. We are like
those wild, seeing a sailboat for the first time, no notice of him,
but that they provide all their attention to the boat approaches the
coast. The jackpot is for them something familiar, something they can
get because they associate with their own boats. Similarly we can not
receive any thing that is much larger than those at which are used.
Things that are familiar to us do not like. For example, the idea of
mechanical to be asleep not like, nor that of not being aware of
negative or resemble a cage full of'' I.''We have no pre-formed
partnerships that allow us to get offensive and unusual ideas of this
kind. So we resist and resent them. Only by observing ourselves and
everything that happens in us the light of such ideas can record new
things in places through which we will be able to receive them and
realize their veracity. These records differ from ordinary
associations. They are made consciously because internal observation
of oneself is a conscious act. It can take place mechanically.
observations also achieved through self-observation does not come
from the outside world via the external senses but an inner sense
that was given to us but we do not use a silent witness in yourself,
a viewer of what happens in our individual in whom we have to put
more and more awareness, more and more sense of self, away (with
boredom, with difficulty) of what you see. So at that point you start
a gradual concentration of conscience and sense of self. which is
then Observing I become in a practical sense, practical experience.
It then takes the difficult and strange journey to real self is above
the observing ego.

I should now pay attention to how our emotional states affect our
partnerships. Have noticed that when a person is in a pleasant state
tends to have pleasant associations with others and smile and look at
them with sympathy and if that person is in an unpleasant state is
associated with unpleasant associations. In sum, the emotional state
alters the order of things. But a powerful negative T not only change
but it hurts a person. The usual swing of the pendulum of emotions
than unpleasant and pleasant to return to the agreeable, to my mind
is not like negative emotions, since they remain fixed over time. In
fact, its characteristic is that they are persistent and remain so
for themselves. However, we should think of negative states that are
the opposite of everything that can be called positive art, yearning
convey meaning from a higher level and so what follows are looking
good and what derives from the truth, and are only unable to see the
worst in all things. To put it in a sentence, violate the limits of
the probable and always in the wrong direction, resulting in a
greater falsity, ugliness, distortion and lies, often beyond all
belief and choice. A negative state becomes more negative only what
is negative and can not do otherwise. Because their intention is
fundamentally evil, hate leads to violence, cruelty to crime, and can
only become evil. All work on the negative state associations
registered in the rolls of schools to deform, if not rigidly
restrained. Try to block all the good things recorded in the rolls
and highlight everything bad. Any negative emotion is therefore the
opposite of art all positive, which is a transgression within the
limits of the probable and always in the direction of greater
perfection and greater meaning. The tremendous power and the number
of negative Ts who seek us harm by distorting and lying partnerships
should never be treated lightly. Must be confronted-is, possibly, our
Armageddon, if it ever comes. Indeed they are legion, as defined
themselves when Christ asked his name. He said the evil spirit that
was in the man who lived among the tombs: "out of the man, unclean

"And he asked: What's your name?" He answered saying, My name is

Legion for we are many "

(Mark V, 8, 9).

Yes, our negative Ts are many and the sensual mind is their home,
because it's like a tomb for the inner spiritual man. However,
negative emotions also hurt us in many other ways, obscuring
everything as does the octopus spilling ink. And as the octopus or
the Hydra of mythology with its many heads, seize a man, sometimes on
one side, sometimes on the other, with its many tentacles, grasping
all that is weak in his way of being psychologically over which it
has worked or has not done so in the light of consciousness. When you
hear Labor say that they are the power and sex that rule the world
but negative emotions, is a statement which may not taken seriously.
It is possible that when a person is in a negative state, not realize
what that means. This is partly due to their inability to see who is
in a negative state. He sees the state as a state that is reasonable
(under the circumstances) and thus not negative. That is the
difficulty, similar to that of seeing the "I" in oneself and also to
that which offends us. Feeling that you are right when you are
negative, as in life, is to strengthen the state. On the Job, you
need to see which one is wrong. Recall that the principle in the Work
under the laws penemos. The release comes later.

Great Amwell House, March 15, 1952

MI 12

If we act in every situation we consciously delivered to the internal

consideration. The internal consideration leads us to sleep more than
anything else. Squander our energy. If only we could consider would
save energy externally. If in any situation we consciously act would
create energy. Acting knowingly means acting without identifying.
Identifying unconscious leads to action. Consciously act in any
situation would be to act without identification. Acting without
identification is a way to be the First Conscious Shock. Taking the
First Conscious Shock is to create energy. Thus two new energy form
in the human-machine energy 24 in the first stage potential denoted
by Re and the energy 12 in the note Mi. These two energies which are
newly created on the machine, because of being given the First
Conscious Shock strongly affects the work of the Centers Emotional
and Sexual respectively. The energies Sol Fa 24 and 12 are also
created. You will notice that in the eighth position is not as
potential as Re 24 and Mi 12, but also exert their influence on
Emotional and Sexual Abuse Center, changing the quality of his work.
Hydrogen Si 12, produced by the mechanical shock of respiration due
to its position in the eighth has less potential for development-that
is, for differentiation. He is old, so to speak, and more fixed. It
has fewer youth. The creation of these new energies, which are not
present in the mechanical man and sensual mind, has to do with the
ultimate transformation of Sex Center in Higher Emotional Center, and
its very gradual removal of Instinctive Center, identifying, and
states and negative self-emotions that characterize the work of the
Emotional Center. All these three energies 12 can become a Hydrogen 6
under the Second Conscious Shock beats that gradually allows contact
with the Higher Centers. However, for the Second Conscious Shock
start acting in a person need to Mi 12 is present in sufficient
amounts and retained at the desired times. Here is much to lose by
sleep and habit. I mean we are not alert, or internally sensitive.
There is a rotating wheel of opportunities and when we do not help
repair some of them. None of these conditions be met, of course, if a
person is chronically negative and identified or will not see the
insincerity-a bad fault, or is guided by the appetite and the other
and, in sum, does not work. In this case, not create any special
power My 12 and the job can not help. That person will not see
anything extraordinary in life will have no vision of the Work; not
transform any impression and continue to live in the smells of the
sensual mind and dead works. No use asking me questions about the
Second Conscious Shock. The only thing I can say is that it is
impossible to understand anything about this particular while Mi 12
is not present in sufficient quantity and within oneself. In sum, it
must be the First Conscious Shock before it can know the nature of
the Second Conscious Shock, and get to know what it is and all about
its many aspects, and create Mi 12, and prevent its descent into the
sensual level, to show us the direction of the Second Conscious
Shock. Because, like Joseph, can interpret Pharaoh's dreams. Now,
remind yourself in different situations is infinite good thing. So is
acting more consciously, which only starts when repairs on mechanical
reactions after they have occurred and are remembered and then act
differently, something really quite convenient. As mentioned, this is
to be or try to be the First Conscious Shock. I noticed as claimed.
But people prefer to retain their dark and worn his old clothes-
psychological-and Upholstery reactions to them. Reminding himself is
not sure to remember these garments. I imagine that with this
procedure never find evidence of the presence of Mi 12 a person. The
charming youth-will avoid like poison.

So we need to think about the First Conscious Shock and the very
first importance in the job, because without my 12 there is little
chance of changing being. I said that I only mean the First Conscious
Shock. In this regard I will add that there has to satisfy people
remain what it is. There are in it too much complacency and
indifference. It should consider carefully whether a person is not,
at heart, pleased with itself as it is, and just want to buy a new
car. Needless to say that if a person is satisfied with itself any
attempt Remembering will make you feel even more satisfied with
yourself as it is. The worship of that thing confusing call oneself
is the most common, the most embarrassing and most limited of
religions. It is often accompanied by rites comedians. But this is
not advisable to make fun of that. Burst, we blush, pale, we let
ourselves be dominated by anger, and never forgive. In which states
are all, without exception! However, even under these conditions, you
may work again and often on the First Conscious Shock: and find out
for ourselves, as we are at that stage. Our very violence provides
the material for the Remembrance of Yes for sure we can no longer
satisfied with ourselves after seeing the unstable foundation of our
ramshackle be the last person in the Kingdom of Heaven would
disappear with a trivial observation. Yes, surely need to be born
again and this time not in the flesh, but in Water and Spirit. This
means having other foundations and very new: and be like the New Man.
All Work is this step that you must give.

Great Amwell House, March 22, 1952


Everyone, after some time, need to work on the pendulum that is in

them. A pendulum swings from one side to another, from one extreme to
another. In the case of emotions, the oscillation occurs between,
say, the enthusiasm and its opposite. It fully supports and soon
totally against someone. It feels to have found the friend who always
looked at life, a person who truly understands us in difficult
circumstances and who understands our suffering and in a short time-
perhaps only a week, you realize you made a mistake and again see
your face appears in an expression of resignation. Now the pendulum
is the great thief that is within ourselves. Just remind them that
they must find the means to handle it, otherwise remove them all they
gave. It's annoying to see a person totally defenseless asleep or,
temporarily, at one end of the pendulum, full of excitement, terribly
happy, expecting a new life. In this state the person is completely
identified with one end of the emotional pendulum swings. No sign of
Yes Memory repair is necessary at this point. A few days later, the
pendulum has returned to the opposite side.

This person feels depressed and miserable now, bitterly disappointed,

everything seems wrong and there is no prospect. This person is again
completely identified with the end of the emotional pendulum swings.
Notice that no signal is again one of Remembrance of Yes We thus see
how far the pendulum is a great thief. Also will realize the meaning
of saying that we should work on the swing of the pendulum in
ourselves and find some way of directing, having been linked with the
job for some time. Otherwise what we have achieved tends Serna
removed and we were stuck. At a time when a person is working
towards, while in another, contrary, and so the swing of the pendulum
continues with its victim-carried from one side to another without
realizing that we should not do. However, as many of you have already
heard, there is no need to draw strength from both opposite-that is,
both ends of the pendulum. You see by doing that is not enough, not
really possible to draw an opposite force. The two opposites are
connected as two sides of a coin and when a person is in one must
remember the other. If a person is left mechanically identify each
end of the two opposites at once-that is, with one side then the
other of the emotional pendulum, believing in each with all his
feeling of "I" - will remain powerless in the pendulum, going from
one place to another, the excitement to depression, from depression
to excitement. Emotionally, that person will be mechanical. No live
consciously about their Emotional Center but will do so mechanically
and become every mood it presents. It is important to realize that.
The people are still blind to this. They are simply statements and
can not separate them. But if a person learns to draw strength from
both the excited and the depressed side, reminding herself in each
and recalling its opposite, and practicing it every day and
throughout the week, you begin to live consciously. It is necessary
to form both a weekly and a daily report. Although it should show
what is proposed, remaining motionless and staring into the void,
without doubt, present a beautiful picture of herself to stay so
strong, or waiting for repair people in her self. All these attitudes
ruin the personal work on themselves, as witnessed many times. This
is because the False Personality strengthens the very thing that
should be released and that one must shed, garment after garment,
before it can discover something real on which the job can really
relax. You will notice how the "I" that make up False Personality ask
to be heard in public and how tempting for the exhibit, or are
exhibited not showing off. In my opinion very young children are able
to play in silent absorption without anyone witness their games, but
adults praise them and tell them they are too smart for that crucial
phase comes to an end soon. It is understandable then that as
important as their own work to extract the force of opposites through
Remembering to remember and must be approached with international
understanding and performed in silence. Here is really where between
the significance of not letting our left hand know what he is doing
right. The outer side of a man, turned to life-the man was composed
of small Ts, prolific and charlatans, in small parts of centers are
not able to draw strength from both ends of the swing of the pendulum
-. These "I" follow the oscillation of the pendulum. They have no
anchor to keep them fixed. Observing I not only varies with the
pendulum, and this is he who must be strengthened. I explained
elsewhere that this means that our link with the Observing I must be
strengthened because it is anchored on the airwaves. In sum, we must
practice, and at least every day, exercising observe yourself
impartially without self justifying the soapy foam. Since we are
talking about the emotional pendulum, and regard it as a pendulum for
the sake of simplification, it is noted now that the observation of
our emotional state should not be limited to the momentary emotional
state. Mr. Ouspensky used to emphasize that it must be observed
throughout the swing of the pendulum from one state to the opposite,
and one of his usual answers to the examples given on this particular
group was simply: "Incomplete observation. People either did not
grasp that you can not have an emotion without its opposite, which is
often very curious. I refer to the mechanical sphere of emotions,
which are under the law of the pendulum, and this law works on all
temporal things both in the events of life like us. I remind you
again the words of Ecclesiastes: "All things are double, one against
the other"-that is, the time sequence. So you can not have joy
without sorrow, which I doubt are opposites, as electricity can not
be positive without negative electricity, or a magnet without poles
or a stick with only one end.

But self-study through self-observation we note that costs much a

given state is connected with its opposite, or what is its opposite.
A given emotional state seems to be a thing in itself that has
nothing to do with another state. However, the inability to realize
that has to do, is one of the factors that make us so helplessly in
front of our emotional life and so. At the mercy of their swing. We
are not aware of the point where the pendulum on its return journey,
gaining momentum and, after passing through the midpoint falls within
the sphere of influence of emotional state-apparently opposed, in
another country. We fail to see the connection. In truth, there is
some logical connection. The two countries are quite dissimilar. Work
is exactly why it says we must see the whole swing of the pendulum
from one extreme to another in order to discover our unique
opposites. This means an increase in consciousness to which we
referred to often. An increase in consciousness in relation to our
emotional life is achieved by becoming aware of the opposites that
follow the oscillation. Time, and seeing how they are connected,
which gradually shifts consciousness from the middle of the pendulum
to a third place which is located between the opposites that become
receptive to new emotions that are not on the pendulum. We acquired a
midpoint. Add one thing. If you can see the pendulum all the way,
amazed to see how it becomes the opposite of a given state, and thus
one realizes why the release is so difficult.

Great Amwell House, March 29, 1952


Essence from on high and wears a body that is built with materials
provided by both parents, and bound by them. Essence through the body
comes in contact with the world. The body brings what we have
inherited from parents. The body itself occupies three dimensions.
What is inherited is in the fourth dimension, ie, in time, in the
line of ancestors. The Essence, though intimately connected with the
body, not the same as the body. The body perishes, but the Essence.
When, due to one of the many fallacies of the sensual mind, we take
ourselves as our bodies, we get the wrong impression of ourselves. It
follows that we can remind ourselves. This is because we take the
visible body as ourselves and are unable to have another idea of
ourselves apart from a sensuous idea. because for the sensual mind
that there can only be apprehended by the external senses. For her,
therefore, the body's death is the end of man and all that is said to
the contrary is nonsense. I once did a collection of characteristic
epithets used by people sensual. Nonsense, fairy tales, farces,
bullshit, whining, nonsense words, nonsense, foolishness, and so on.
Of course, the idea of Essence meaningless. It can not be seen. You
never see what sorts of things. But the sensual mind we can not admit
that the natural three-dimensional world depends on and is ordained
by a supernatural world in other dimensions. Nor can grasp the
essence and out by a dimension not accessible to our very limited
senses. But the thinking mind can grasp psychologically. It also
allows us to remind ourselves. I have stated many times that the
Lord's Prayer begins with the recall of prayer Yes, because anyone
who does not is fraudulent and a waste of time. He says: "Our Father
which art in heaven." Completely ignore the parent who provided half
of the construction material for our bodies. It refers to the
Essence, for which there is no father on earth. Well, when we see
this with our internal understanding, we begin to remember ourselves.
The sensual mind, based solely on evidence. Of the senses, when
spoken about these issues, the dispute and can not do otherwise.
Actually we should not say such things, except in parables or
indirectly employing Work. Here are the following words: "Therefore I
speak in parables, because seeing they see, and hearing they hear, or
understand." And another phrase, used elsewhere, refers again to the
mind-sensual: "The world can not receive the Spirit of Truth because
he wants him nor knows him." We realize, therefore, how necessary it
is to develop psychological thinking, one that goes beyond the senses
to grasp that we have two sources or two parents, one connected with
the body and the other with the Essence, which sensual seeks neither
knows. This makes the Remembering possible.

But man can not change, can not suffer any psycho, unless you change
your mind and your mind can not change unless you change the universe
for him, and unless you change your sense of self. Grábenlo carefully
and reflect on this matter. Having the same thoughts and outlooks of
the world and the same feeling I had that always means that a person
is exactly what it always was and if he thinks otherwise is deluding
itself. And that we all like to do. Change definitely means change,
and in this case change means changing yourself-in all directions. If
you change, the universe will change and change their sense of self.
However, if you think the ideas as the Work teaches you begin to
think differently, and this is the starting point for everything
else. This job is trying to teach a new way to think about who you
are and what the world is. Many are those who hear, but they hear
not. He told Mr. O. in his experiments on I change the feeling of
temporary and artificially-after having passed through the region
inhabited by cheaters, this is, "I" lied and tried to lure and
deceive you, as do many, "he must" think in other categories. This
means thinking in new ways. He showed, for example, that he could not
think of himself as he always did. It required another category.
Remember that when under the influence of a drug, went through what
he called the second threshold, had the feeling of being in contact
with another person who was himself. He says: "I got in touch with
myself, yes that is always with me and always told me something I
could not understand or even hear on the current states of
consciousness. Why, because in the ordinary state of consciousness
thousands voices are simultaneously creating what we call our
conscience, our thoughts, feelings and moods, our imagination. The
voices drown out the sound of the voice within. " He adds that only
when the outcry of these Ts are stilled by some means, you can hear
the other voice. In my case this will be myself, not Nicoll. Now in
us the sensual mind is very powerful. We often dominates for days. He
says: "I am Nicoll." For her there is no other one that the bodily
self and the brain visible. Whether there can be connected with the
Essence, distinct in origin of whether corporeal. The piano and
pianist are the same thing. To think otherwise would be to think
about oneself in a category not-sexy. But I know from experience that
another person is in me most essential and real Nicoll. This person,
who is myself, does not speak my language. It is therefore necessary
to try to study their language, which is not national language and
that sometimes only express changing feelings, delicate and colorful
as flowers (which Nicoll trampled with boots) and sometimes by things
and people seen as in a comedy, and sometimes by sudden meanings
without words that connect one thing with another. What this person
who is myself, I understand he never does, apparently, in plain and
unambiguous yes or no, but presented in a high form of paradoxes,
very irritating to practice sensual mind.

Great Amwell House, April 3, 1952


Through the action of the Law of the Pendulum violence committed by a

man turns against him. History shows us plenty about this issue. The
saying, therefore, that "we must not do to others what we want not to
do to us" is connected with an aspect of freedom from the law which
is subject to the Mechanical Man. Unilateral conduct is
characteristic of mechanical man, puts it under the Law of the
Pendulum. Excite the opposite in the sense of "what I do to others
will be done." This must be the meaning of the saying that those who
live by the sword shall perish by the sword. But not limit the action
of the Law of the Pendulum to a single life. Mr. O. he said, when
asked about the recurrence, which G. had replied: "It's something
like the run becomes the executor, the executor becomes the
execution." In short, the situation is reversed. It becomes passive
and active asset becomes a liability. The situation turned around
completely. However, it is possible to do the same mentally, but
people stubbornly refuses to follow this procedure. They teach us in
this regard, as an exercise to raise awareness, sometimes consciously
consider the opposite point of view we think mechanically. This is to
include the opposite, but without rejecting the other point of view.
You bring opposites together toward a middle ground, including both
sides in consciousness. No conversion is not, but recognize it. It is
a very useful exercise if occasionally it really performs. Wide
extension of the mind. As exercise is associated with external
considering. Among many other benefits, become increasingly aware of
both sides of the pendulum decreases violence. For example, one feels
attacked by a sudden crisis of violent thoughts and feelings. When
this happens you obviously identifies with the extreme position of
the pendulum. What, then, that the opposite must bring awareness to
balance the process if you want to work on this unpleasant state?
Convene the conventional opposite-that is, seeing yourself full of
kindness and tolerance, as recalled being, say, yesterday is unlikely
to be the effective opposite to allow the release. The effort may
result in an aggravation of the state. Where can you find the
effective opposite? It should answer that is found in what is not
included in the sense of self. In a recent commentary on the pendulum
is noted that the opposite is often funny and in no way what was
supposed to. Because according to current usage of words is expected
that the violent man is in some sense the opposite of gentle man. In
the example above, taking me to myself as the victim of a sudden fit
of violence, I discover that meekness is the effective opposite. If
it were neutralized by violence Work-memory state of meekness in
myself-that is, through the conscious recollection of the states of
meekness that I have observed and related to the memory of Observing
I. But I'm assuming that this did not result, and I realize I'm in
danger of descending into a really negative state or another state,
to meet him, please release me from it. Now, I make the effort to
save my conscience being the opposite does not work either because in
this case the opposite is not meekness, but something that I am not
conscious and thus not included in my estimate of myself. Therefore,
only when I look at myself what my violence has raised another storm
disappears as if by magic. Here the opposites are between what I am
conscious in another and that of which I am aware of myself. (If
these two factors were the same two people, one would eliminate the
other, and the two people would be at peace with each other. But each
of them should include more on your self-awareness to achieve the
degree of linkage aware of each other.) Opposites I am referring to
here are the great opposites of Light and Darkness. For that of which
I know is in the light, and that of which I am unconscious is in the
Darkness, and these two are great powers disagree with each other.

Throughout ancient history are myths about the struggle between Light
and Darkness, the hero of light fighting the dragon of darkness or is
temporarily swallowed by the monster and opens way to free himself
painfully and other similar stories. The Work teaches that we are not
properly conscious. It indicates that the overriding goal is the
increase of consciousness. As we are, we belong to "people who live
in darkness and avoid the light." Do not we face ourselves. We refuse
to see. Change the subject or we justify ourselves. Well, what is in
the darkness of a person possesses a strange power over her.
Continues to exert its influence on her and it may seem to resist,
come to dominate. His secret momentarily paralyzed his conscious
will. Only the hero, ie consciousness, can fight against his power-
dragon. The hero lives to begin in the camera through which we
observe ourselves and therefore expand and thus increase our
consciousness of ourselves. It actually teaches us that observing
himself leaves a ray of light in our inner darkness-that is,
something of which we are unconscious and thus not included in our
usual sense of himself. Oh damn this thing called "self"-this bunch
too sensitive, that silly collection that is causing so much trouble
and we have without our seeing it! However, the more our
consciousness expands, the more features, and less will be the
opposite and thus less is our spiritual existence at the mercy of the
ebb and flow. That "self" is remarkably unique. It is extremely
exclusive. Do not want to include the "other side" of the currency in
consciousness. Indeed, one would have to abhor this "self" which is a
lie. Self-love in him. But self-love should have a better goal,
because that "self" that seeks to us by so many opposed unnecessary
stubborn refusal to include more of what's included in consciousness,
not the Yes finally we have reached when the has achieved a
sufficient awareness and broadening the borders of the small and
silly "self" are brought down.

In conclusion, try to make this exercise easier to think and I will

discuss the issue differently. The antithesis is apparently something
between: "He is a fool" - "I'm not a fool." Make this pair of
opposites so that the more I conceive myself as not being a fool, the
more my violence continues against him for being so foolish. Well,
the root of the matter lies in my feeling of superiority. Bringing to
mind the mildness or a vision of nonviolence can not neutralize my
attack of violence. If I become aware that I look at the fool that he
is also in me, the antithesis becomes: "He is a fool" - "I am also a
fool." These are not opposites, so that the antithesis disappears.

Great Amwell House, Easter, April 10, 1952


In the Work is necessary to think in new ways. He repeatedly says

that the job is to make us think in new ways. If we do well, nothing
happens. We remain dead before the job action, because if not we
think of the job, he can not think of us. Start thinking at Work is
to begin thinking in new ways. It is therefore necessary to think for
ourselves about the things we taught the job. This means that you
have to start thinking about quietly and internally, say, one or two
ideas from this system of teaching and follow a train of thought
about them, and establish connections, as an attempt, including .
People are so busy that there is little he does. It is too immersed
in external things. Listening is one thing to think is another. One
is external, the internal. Now the job is made of many different
ideas, some higher and others lower density of meaning. If you think
about them, meaning to open their mind. The meaning is thinking.
These ideas, all different colors, come together to form a single
internal light as do the colors of the visible spectrum to form white
light. Changing the image, the job can be compared to something
organized from many different parts like the body to form an organic
whole or unity. The job is a unit. It is actually a living whole, but
only becomes a living whole when it is accepted by the mind with some
degree of grace and gradually connects through thought and memory and
having heard they showed it again and again . Then it becomes a
living whole, a light in a person. Otherwise it remains something out
of it on the board, and soon become a mere jargon. Remains dead in
regard to that person, because contact with the Work is an internal
matter. Now if is confusing and is not connected properly or if you
just take random bits of the job, can not perform his work in a
person, except weakly, and a radio can not transmit vibrations from a
source clearly is not visible to the senses, where parts of such
apparatus are missing or poorly connected, or if the batteries are
exhausted due to short circuits, as they do in our case, negative
emotions, among other things. Such is the simplicity of this issue.
The Work is a mental tool to connect the human race with Higher
Centers. It can be adjusted if the mind is properly connected and can
transform the thinking, changing the powers of reception. Two
penalties, however, are required for this to happen. The first is
that man should want to accept it, otherwise he can not enter. If the
mind is closed to all but the concerns and interests of external
life, even though the job hitting hard at the door, will not be
allowed to enter. £ 1 man here has the power to choose. The second,
if allowed to enter the job, then after a while, which varies greatly
with different people, people have to want it. You should start doing
its truth. Here man has freedom of choice. These two choices depend
on the internal sanction of man. However, all true esoteric teaching
there because man is asleep and can wake up. That's why there are the
Gospels. That's why this job, which is a reformulation of
Christianity and is sometimes called Esoteric Christianity exists.
But you can not persuade or blind the man with miracles or compel by
force to awaken. You can only arouse himself. This can only do so if
it referred to the two sanctions-not externally but internally, not
from man but from outside the inner man: not from the superficial,
the man of False Personality and man-imitation. man of appearances,
but from the essential man, hidden. Otherwise the job will only
increase the action of Personality and Essence will make the most
remote and passive than ever. Only the simplest and, so to speak, the
more innocent, less sophisticated and true hand of man can be taught
correctly and this is esoteric meaning''Verily I say unto you,
Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a child shall not
enter into it''(Luke XVIII 17). This means the baby is Essence.
Esoteric teaching must reach the Essence. Esoteric teaching always
refers to the''Kingdom of God. "Always treat internal development
that is possible for Man-namely, the growth of the Essence. And the
Essence can not grow unless it is fertilized by the" Word of God.
"And if a person expects a wonderful mystical experience, and for
that reason attending the talks the workplace, the person working
from a mistaken love, and neglect only what would be his real job to
prepare the lower centers , and exalt his False Personality.

When the Work penetrates through layer after layer of personality to

get acquired innate Essence, Essence becomes active. The "word sperm"
of esotericism impregnating and she starts to grow and develop. The
Essence is in us as the germinal spot in the egg. Personality can be
compared to the yolk and white. If the egg is fertilized the germinal
spot grows and consumes the yolk and white and the result is a living
being. But if there is still a fertilized egg. Such is the case of
Man. Consider now "in a new way" as we said as the Work teaches. What
we have said is the starting point of thinking in one or two ideas of
Labor. We are told that Man is a body composed of an Essence
underdeveloped innate and acquired a personality, and that Essence is
passive and Personality is active, and that life is as neutralizing
force that keeps this link. We are told that if the job becomes
Neutralizing Force, the position is reversed-ie Essence gradually
becomes gradually active and passive personality. If a person thinks
of itself will see that this means that man lives and mucre without
fulfilling his destiny as a lluevo who has not complied with, as life
continues to act on it, because its essence is in it the germ point,
esotericism can only awaken to activity and growth. We talked of the
man who receives and eventually wants and does the job by his own
choice. In this man the job and becomes Neutralizing Force and the
relationship between Essence and Personality has begun to reverse. If
one thinks for himself according to this idea, which has so great job
density of meaning for me is inexhaustible think in new ways. The
mind will start moving, haltingly at first, along new paths, and will
be many things that previously were not visible when the mind is
moving closely along their usual paths. For the mind is a good and
refreshing experience to think in new ways. It is like leaving a
beaten path to roam the countryside. If a person thinks is very
conventional, at first it will feel very awkward and maybe a bit
guilty. But after a while, perhaps know a little boy. And what is
more curious, perhaps this little boy knows it.

Great Amwell House, April 19, 1952



Each of you has a memory-different life, but his memory will find
that job becomes very similar. Our life experiences are varied, but
our experience in this work are very similar. We understand that life
can follow many paths, but this work points to a single address.
Because points in one direction-job experiences tend to be similar,
and thus the-job memories become more or less similar. Reflect a
moment on this issue. In life we are not taught that we are asleep.
We assume being awake and aware, and we act consciously. In the Work
we hear a completely new and surprising idea. In fact we are told a
mystery. We are told that we are asleep and did not realize it. We
are not properly conscious. We act mechanically. In light of this
mystery of our life-memories are the memories of people who are
asleep?, Of people who roam the darkness of sleepwalkers. But when we
started to follow, and then obey, Work, our memories are converted
into those of people who begin to awaken. It is another memory-a
memory-Work. These memoirs are not like our job very different life-
memories. They are just similar because the successive stages of
awakening are similar, as inns located along a common path-a path
that leads eventually to an uncommon sea. This is the reason why we
find stories from different times in similar experiences. But when it
arrives and one is embarking on what I have called a sea
extraordinary man disappears from human reach. If you have left some
writings behind, they relate only to traveling to the coast. But once
the craft if it ever does-and not leave any writings.

Now suppose that leaves some writing in their own language and
symbolism, about the journey that took him to the seashore. For
example, might have left instructions saying it was necessary, first
of all, find a store where you could buy real leather to make shoes
which allow him to make his trip, and you must never allow the clay
to the spot touch your eyes, would endanger his sight, and also
should get a musical instrument with which to learn patiently to
invent various harmonies and play them in different ways, and never
forget, especially when you feel tired.

Well, leave aside for the moment the discussions on the significance
of each of these instructions to remember that in regard to the
successive stages of awakening, the Work teaches that we are in
prison, and while we are asleep we will remain at that prison. He
says that some who had discovered the path to the exit, left behind
them instructions in code to those wanting to follow them. This idea
is not peculiar to the job. It is a very ancient image of the
situation of man on Earth. Well, people do not realize they are in
prison and not see that they are asleep. So know they have a
psychology of imprisonment and are sleepwalking, though perhaps later
come to discover. People can attend lectures that relate to the job
every year and never realize the living truth of these assertions, in
part because they do not observe themselves, and partly because they
take sensually. They see the hardships of his life, lack of money,
the faults of others and the like, but do not realize that the job
means that all people, high or low position, whatever their
possessions and persons, are and sleeping in a prison, and that's why
life is still what it is like a tale from the lips of an idiot.
Seeing no literal walls, or hear snoring, the sensual-minded people
believe that these ideas are crazy. They can not see their
psychological meaning. They still live in the usual way, upset,
worried and negative, plans and ambitions through illusory, endless
varieties of worship false values, never seeing that these things
form the walls of his prison and that some "I" are his jailers. The
mind that is based on the senses the blind and, as usual, meaning the
psychological meaning sensual crucified. So say they are not sleeping
nor even in a prison. However, all are.

Let us now take the shoes mentioned in the instructions left by the
man who could really reach the sea, not a dream. (If you used the
image of man emerging from prison, language or symbolism would have
been different but the meaning is the same.) First, what are your
shoes? Of course, no mention of real shoes, leather or literal.
Psychological shoes is meant, not carried by the literal feet, but by
psychological man's feet. The psychological feet are where the
psychological man gets in touch with life. In this work we go through
life in a different way than we usually do. They teach us how we
should use the daily events of life to become means working on
yourself. For example, tell us that we identify. Now it is obvious
that the man who is practicing not identify, go through life very
differently than the man who is identified with all things. It can be
expressed using the sensual image of the man who's wearing shoes made
by himself with a special leather. Like all parables, this does not
appeal to the sensual mind. But the meaning is not sensual but
psychological, and this is where the person is not totally sensual
able to get the psychological meaning. Now, we are told that we
isolate ourselves gradually and increasingly influences of life-
otherwise we lose strength steadily. To awaken we must stay strong.
We should always be working on a center or on the other. A man
without force can not wake up. The life we run out completely every
day if we are not more conscious about her. In this regard, in
addition to stay away from the powerful attraction exerted by the
state to identify and not let things get to the blood, the Work
teaches that self-observation (leading to an enhanced understanding
of our being) decreases and stops the internal considering and
finally, the Self-Remembering, that is above everything else. All
these things help us to isolate ourselves. If we do those things go
through life wearing new shoes-shoes-Work-life than shoes. Again, if
we do. The first requirement in finding estate site that sells
leather fit. The second requirement is to do with that leather shoes
for yourself and begin to walk through life worn, which is not easy.
Try to grasp the meaning of these shoes. Used here what can be called
a code word. It is necessary to grasp that this does not mean
anything literal. You have to ignore the meaning-sense. If you do
not, you get stuck at work. Work is necessary for this psychological
thought as he saw O-. If it is maintained at the level of the sensual
mind can not reach living in one person. Both the Old and New
Testaments proclaim it. When he says that Egypt's horses are flesh,
not spirit, even when told that "horse" is a code word for the
intellect, do not see very well what that means.

Next time we will discuss the remaining instructions.

Great Amwell House, April 26, 1952



Because we are inclined to think sensually, we accept the idea of the

psychological man with the greatest difficulty. But the man is
psychologically organized a possibility as it is organized man
physically, but very different. Admittedly, what a man is different
psychologically than physically, and in this work is necessary to
look to man or woman psychological psychological, although very
little has to look at but a series of habits, conventions, cliches
and gramophone records. But when I refer to psychological man I mean
an organized person psychologically. Everyone has some kind of
psychology, but not organized. However, the physical organization of
man is provided free. The man and woman are given their bodies, with
their equipment somewhat different and complex, and 15,000,000,000
neurons and all the rest and made to measure. At first they are open
to the senses and the sensual level begins to form. This sensual
level, so to speak, a foot or base of the subsequent mind. This is
made of psychological matters, other than the materials of the
physical body, but not organized. It forms when the dawn of
consciousness touches the strange, alien, never captured, called the
external world, and filled with the emotion of wonder. As the sensual
mind grows increasingly puts the person in connection with external
life. The child learns to walk from one place to another, it assumes
more and more things, and gets rid of wonder. Thus the eventual think
almost always tends to be based on sense and, stripped of wonder, the
seen world becomes real, everyday world. It is the sensual man
influenced by man-life influences, from the evidence of the senses,
influences, which have no open window B influences. By having a
sensual thought and lack of psychological man is not balanced. It can
never become Man No. 4. Is unbalanced. It is physically a man.
Psychologically it is not. This is the man-machine referred to the
job when he speaks of the man who has no real psychology. How,
wondered G., psychology can have a machine?

One man balanced in the sense-job, is one that has a sensual thinking
as much as a psychological thinking. They should also try to perfect
as possible. Throughout his life must move in these directions.
Unless it does, it will become a man of both a unilateral way or the
other. To put it briefly, one puts it in relation to the world, the
other Senior Centers. What we understand now is that the sensual
think it is related not and can not do with Higher Centers, nor is
the organization of psychological man. We can remind ourselves
successful if we only have to think sexy and so can not transform
impressions seeing things differently in a different light than the

Nor can we have another purpose as a purpose-life, such as power,

possessions, worship, fame, and the like. In passing, it should be
noted that in the first temptation of Christ was conveyed to us the
power and possessions are mentioned. The life and purpose of life are
personified by the devil, who tells him after showing her in an
instant all the kingdoms of the world:

"I will give you all this power and the glory of them, because I have
been delivered, and whom I will I give. If you worship me, all shall
be thine"

(Luke, IV, 6.7).

This Work is to teach psychological thinking and working purposes,

and whether they are alive, we eventually organize psychological man
that life is not organized. When we begin to absorb some of the ideas
of Labor and think from them about life, begins to transform the
meaning of life, seeing through the vision of a Greater Mind instead
of the vision of the sensual mind. We must imitate the thought of
Conscious Man.

We talked last time about the need for making shoes for ourselves
with the special leather that sells the job. For example, if we fit
us with the idea of separating the inside of identification, start
walking by everyday events in a psychological way and not just
sensual. The ideas of self-observation, not to identify, not to
consider, and all others belong to psychological thinking, not
sensual. They are additions to think of ways and differ from him, and
put us on another level. But at the same time begin to form the base
or foot of psychological man in ourselves. Do not do anything to
insulate themselves from the mechanical reactions to life, reacting
to every object of sense, and to every situation, makes the
organization of the second man-the man who was given to us as fact,
that is, the psychological man is impossible. The sensual man win
every game. It should make psychological shoes to protect life. The
ideas and his teaching job are the leather that we buy. Are thinking
about them and live them shoes. This may only be done yourself. I
could not do for you. But I can sell the leather, and I can tell to
some extent if not made up your shoes well, if harvested in a way
stupid, or if you have not tried to make their shoes, not having
caught anything after many years. However, since the sensual thinking
and psychological thinking are placed at different levels, one must
not mix them. This is what the instruction given in the previous
conference, the mud from our shoes should not touch your eyes.
Understand, I pray, that the sensual mind is hostile to the
psychological mind. Life seeks views materially injure and destroy
life spiritually. So after we let ourselves be tempted by the
evidence of things seen, so obvious, in short, only for life, who
seek to keep imprisoned in the sensual mind. We know what it really
means and where it is effort.

That the senses are always at war with the spirit is mentioned in the
allegory given in Genesis. It is said that God cursed the serpent
after it had deceived the woman and said:

"I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed
and her seed; shall bruise your head, and thou shalt bruise his heel

(Genesis, III, 15).

The snake doomed to crawl on his belly symbolizes the sensual mind
now separate from everything else. Bite the heel or the lowest level
of psychological man and he crushes the head, intellect based solely
on the senses. Well, when I think gradually psychological development
through job ideas, I see life very differently than my sensual
thinking led me to suppose. I see life as something over which you
have to work. I see it as a means to an end which I never understood.
I do not see it more as an end in itself. The question, then, at one
point: "Can I take this or that experience without being dominated,
without being fully identified until broken? Or can I take it as a
job? The psychological man has become of me strong enough? " Become
so if the string is terrified, because then the force will be given.
But this requires more effort and effort. Only in this light, shed
for the job, all things can have a present or future meaning for one
person, and whatever will happen is the shock you need at that very
moment, and realize it many years later. What we can not do with the
sensual mind is that if we work, then something begins to work
continuously and closely upon us, and often dramatically, because the
result is very valuable and not something trivial, unimportant.

Great Amwell House, May 3, 1952


If one considers the idea of psychological thinking as distinct from

sensual thinking, it is seen that the interpretation of the senses
should be smeared with mud to understand what that has nothing to do
with the senses. For example, do we see God. Its existence is not
obvious to any of our senses. I can not see with my life, nor hear
with my ears, nor touch it with my hand. Since God is not an object
of the senses, my mind sensual deny its existence, because sensual
thinking is based on the evidence of the senses and none of my senses
show me that God exists. Admit the existence of the sun because I see
it, but not the existence of a creator, a creator because I see it
anywhere, even with the aid of a telescope, so I think in terms of
the existence of the sun and the stars because I see fully, but the
idea that they were created me the effect of a senseless thing. The
existence of God, however, can be understood, though not to see. This
is where you place the psychological thinking. It is on another
level. It is distinct from sensual thinking. In this example, mix is
the same as throw mud in the eye.

But what does the clay eyes and what they mean here? No speech or mud
literal or literal eyes. Christ told his disciples that they only
needed to wash the feet and this is what they were required. Pay
careful attention to this. His feet real, visible to the senses, were
washed with water real, visible to the senses. So a person will
continue to implement this ceremony all the rest of his life,
thinking that this will eventually reach heaven. While I think
because of the experience gained elsewhere, that literally wash the
feet is excellent practice and sociable, but I do not take the
Kingdom of God. Nor do I think that the ceremonies of other religions
has the lowest value in this respect, if you take it sensually and
not psychologically. Christ, who taught psychological thinking as the
key to the kingdom, and showed that the Baptist had not succeeded,
had much to say about this issue and he said, sometimes harsh words
of scorn. Also left confused masses of jeering sensualist, rigid in
his infatuation, telling them that the kingdom of heaven was within
them and was not visible. He said:

"The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: neither shall they
say Lo here or lo there, for behold the kingdom of God is within

(Luke XVII, 20.21).

It was a state, not a place. Now if the kingdom is in man, the

fulfillment of man's development, which is reaching the Conscious
Circle of Humanity, is headed inside. That is, is psychological
direction. Therefore, it follows that thinking not find sensual and
psychological thinking that it will succeed. Therefore, I make sure
to start the kind of man I am psychologically, and not the kind of
man I seem to be physically or socially. I have to consider what are
psychological things in me that can hinder my development in the
right direction and for this I need instructions-often repeated,
because it seems very difficult to remember-and, occasionally, good
advice. Whoever it is, I was taught that what life has made me not
make me qualified to be accepted by the Conscious Circle of Humanity
because, among other things, life made me unilaterally. But when-and
if-I truly a psychological approach to myself and slowly-very slowly-
do the inventory of the various psychological things that are like
myself, "self-love, conceit, pride, self - , which are very cruel
masters who destroy our peace of mind, I will realize very slowly to
prevent my development and with the help of repeated instructions and
a settled teaching job may come to understand that things happen that
way. So I'm thinking psychologically. I think psychologically about
this thing called myself that had hitherto taken for granted. I'm
even beginning to understand something of the meaning of the words:
"The kingdom of God is within you."

Now, discover that every time I let the previous thinking about
myself sensual mix with the psychological thinking of myself being
formed in me, stifle the latter. I keep them separate because
otherwise occur, as it were, a flood, and if you have not built an
ark, can lead to psychological death. If the Ark which eventually
rises Work with our help is not able to navigate, there will be a
period of danger. You get tired of the job, especially when you're
not tired. There is a lack of time. Everything is too vague - as if
that were possible! -. The mill grinds up more and more slowly-that
is, our psychological thinking is minimized and almost stops working,
then must play the musical instrument and sound one or two strings
that produce harmony and dissonance away. Because it takes a long
time before the psychological mind is stronger than the sensual mind
and the evidence of things not seen to be stronger than the evidence
of things seen. But the reversal is possible. In terms of musical
chords that establish the functioning of psychological thinking, one
can only say here that there are things you can remember, things you
can forget things you read and read again, and things to which we
cling simply until the temptation of thinking, life-leave us for
awhile. The temptation is, of course, intelligent and necessary. In
dealing with Saul, who may be recognized, David used the harp, not
once but several times. Threatened animals Orpheus with his lute. I
also understand that the Angels often play musical instruments, and
very beautifully. But I doubt that these instruments can be
understood sensually, nor shoes, work to which I referred earlier.
There are musical instruments are either literal or literal leather
shoes. As was once said, the devil is also necessary. The devil is
the sensual mind. When is Labor's intention to entice us and we
understand that it is necessary, it rings a chord in our musical
instrument, which certainly must have more than one string.

Great Amwell House, May 10, 1952


Man is, at once, in time and timeless. However, the sensual mind is
based on the time and space, but not the psychological mind. We can
say that is only accessible to the sensual mind a partial truth. The
truth is like a sack full of silver, which dropped a few coins, while
the rest remains in the bag. As we shall see, is just another way of
"saying that the sensual mind can not grasp what the psychological
mind is only capable of doing. The more you expand the thought of man
beyond the senses and their evidence, the more indeed obtained sac.
We will say a word now about the truth, the quality is intimately
connected with the good in man. It well change as charity, truth-that
is, to put it esoterically, gold-silver-why The Good Householder is
the necessary starting point in the job. We can not change the bad,
as the hatred, really. Only give birth to lies. Well. the truth is
changed into gold and thus willingly loving and living it, so that we
do what we love and want what we love. We must therefore make the
shoes work for power and love, and love and live the Work in everyday
life as simply as we possible. I open a parenthesis here and say that
the level of the Good Householder perhaps still not been reached in a
practical sense, in that case. the work of a person is to adapt
better to life through training the sensual mind, with effort, in the
place where his absence is an obstacle. That must be our work, for
the moment. It is necessary to grasp the important point here that
the need for this effort is observed. is understood, clear
understanding and personally and accepted, and the results will soon
appear. This is due in part to the individual wants and therefore is
not due to external compulsion or fear, or a sense of injustice, and
partly because the job of helping us find the means, if
underappreciated. Because when you do a thing and the job as it will
be in what we do, but not if done otherwise. In the assessment comes
from the affection , and the presence attracts affection. The
insensitivity of the heart and mind can only repel the job. Just
think about it to realize its evidence.

Now to return to the truth. There are psychological truth and the
truth sensual. Are superimposed to each other but are not the same
thing. We will discuss this point elsewhere, but it can be said here
that it is mostly psychological truth that can change our being and
not really sexy. Sensual truth is conceived in terms of time and
three-dimensional space, because the senses only record the present
moment of time and space. I can not see you yesterday in his room. I
can only remember a little. I can not hear what I said on the top
floor a moment ago. I can only remember a little. I can not touch you
just now as he sat in that chair, because you left. I can touch the
chair, which is still in this moment of space but I can not touch
you. Both time and space separate us. When I go out now in this
moment of space and I can see you again. We are now both in another
part of space and time elsewhere. So do my external senses, always in
the fleeting present moment of time and three-dimensional space,
common to us all. We often think of it, because it's strange but
people do not realize. Well, because I want you, you are always near
or present for me-yes, but in some other world, in some other space
which is not common to all, very different from the common external
world registered by the senses, but as real as him. Now, in what, or
what, is the otherworldly dimension, where you still there
"psychologically" for me, so sometimes I think I can talk to you? Or
how it happens that I dream very clearly that we are walking or
talking together in the morning on a hillside? How long and in what
space does this happen? We certainly did not happen either in time or
space to which our senses open field.

Now, let's change the argument. Do they ask what size is your memory?
Again, we ask how many dimensions have thought. Does perhaps length,
width and height? Can we speak of a long or wide or high thinking? Is
three-dimensional as his body and the chair on which sits? However,
his thinking for you is real. Can be immersed in thought without
being conscious of time or space. Where are you then? Your
consciousness is no doubt somewhere. Indeed, his body remains in the
dimensions of time and space common to us all. It is visible and
tangible to the senses. But his mind is invisible and intangible to
the senses, however, exists and is real. Therefore, we conclude that
the dimensions exist and are open to our inner as well as the
dimensions to which our senses are open outwardly and which are our
body and the world. Each person has their private space. However, in
this inner space or private, that every person has the thought and
feeling are the causes of movement, not muscles. For example,
affection brings the presence or the neighborhood in this inner
space. The opposite occurs aversion. The affection is a state. Love
is a state. Aversion is a state. Hatred is a state. Feel affection or
love is being in a particular state and that particular state in
which it is our inner space is private or not the exterior or public
space. That's why I said earlier that the affection and appreciation
to do this job. The indifference or dislike him away. Yes, but away
in our private inner space, not outer space, because it can be in a
meeting, feeling disliked by everyone present and all being in space.
Well, as long as his affection to a person I'm in a state that
continues and that person is present or nearby in the interior space.
Externally, to my senses, that person may be present at one time and
absent in another, but not so internally. It seems, therefore, that
in this inner space that is private to me, no time as we understand
sensually. Instead of a constantly changing and passing time, there
is a state. Met, therefore, a glimpse of something in us that is
beyond the time-namely, state and interior space. That's why I stated
at the beginning of this review we're both in time and timeless. If
nothing is changed beyond the level based on the senses, we are
especially in time. The part of us that is outside of time depends on
the part governed by time and space affairs and external senses and
the sensual mind, and how we can enter and organize the interior
space by states and feel good and maintain that part is separate and
distinct from the troubles of everyday things. Only add here that
this inner space, private, is something that can be represented by a
room that we never discovered and never knew existed. It should,
therefore, distinguish the two spaces through observation, thinking,
feeling and flavor inside.

Great Amwell House, May 17, 1952

THE Vanagloria

Today we will talk of the boast. For example, some use sex to boast.
This increases internal concern and thus makes them uneasy or
fatigue. Because this is always the result when every action is mixed
with too much self-glorification. When that is done is secondary to
satisfy the desire of vainglory life becomes uncomfortable. If a
person looks at this feature in itself, it will also in the other.
Sometimes looks like a bubble filled with transparent glue within
which the person moves from being inadvertently locked. Sometimes it
appears as a multi-storey house built on sand by the sea or a cliff.
There are many sensual images that are used to represent the inner
psychological state or do anything to achieve glory. This is natural
because it is the most common psychological state on Earth.
Conversely, which often accompanies self-glorification, is a large
number and variety of images that encourage us to pursue self-glory.
Do not you see the valiant fighting buquecito furious storm and huge
waves swept the crew too scared to get on the cover? Do not you see
who is at the helm? Well, I am. Or again, can not you see that
handsome officer walking through no man's land, stretching and
yawning, looking bored, and then returning to the trench, after
lighting a cigarette coolly, in a hail of bullets? Well, me too.
These two portraits are displayed in the same gallery. If you
overcome these portraits, I will ask: what gallery are you now in the
Grand Academy of Painting Earthly? Hesitate if you say you left the
building. For example, inadvertently may be looking at pictures of
women more charming or more clever or more fashionable, or perhaps
the man most beautiful and best dressed, or a great statesman or an
aristocrat or a famous politician or a millionaire. (Of course, not
talking literally, because usually politicians or millionaires are
not attractive to the eye.) But in any case, it is very likely that
you are looking at a picture in his mind and agrees much go to work
and to take a sincere consciousness through self-observation. Why
should you take a sincere consciousness through self-observation?
It's convenient because if left in the dark, in what is in our
unconscious, in that region that do not recognize and include in the
inventory and the conception of ourselves will continue to work
constantly on oneself, and being possessed by unbridled power given
to unconsciousness all that is in us-that is, everything to which we
do not tackle, can complicate lives up to the tragedy. Please do not
make the elementary mistake of believing that because he is not aware
of one thing it can not be inside you. Work it in this child is a
mistake, but some are still being committed and they are not getting
anywhere. They have, however, the consolation of retaining their
conceit and so leave the job as they were entering.

However, when the boast is the main object, the quality of all work
being performed takes second place. This is so because much of the
energy that should be used in a task becomes grandiose self-
imaginations and only part of what we have in hand. A painter, a
writer, for example, which works through the fantasy of becoming
famous, dissipates its energy, and work quality will suffer and
reflect the being that gave it birth. Remember that every psychic act
draws us strength. Fantasies absorb a lot of strength-strength
extract and deplete people. The fantasies of being great, to have
unusual powers or charms, are quite common. They are usually
compensated for vulgarity and extract large amount of force and use
it in a very useless. Undermine a person. For that reason often
prevent a person to achieve what could have been won if we face
things in a more simple and direct, and consciousness had separated
from them and so great imaginations. I've seen so much misery and
abuse that arose from such fantasy! They arise from the "I" that make
use of fantasies to get power over us and get absorbed-that is, eat-
our strength and so live as do the insects. There are some who are
much more dangerous than others. The only way to escape his power is
watch and observe and observe more and more clearly, because by this
means. to make them more aware, one eventually separates them, and
once one has departed, even for the thickness of the blade of a
knife, die, like a plant cut. It often represents the consciousness
like a knife in ancient symbolism, because it separates what is stuck
to us and draws our strength. This image of the real action is timely
awareness. It is sometimes necessary to humbly reflect on the depth
of understanding ancient and poverty of our own. It affords us just
emotions, not self-indulgent emotion.

Now all that is done on the basis of self-glory is spurious. It is

also contaminated. Wastewater are not the clear waters of truth, but
the sewage of lies. Everything was done according to self-glory is
worthless. Not real. You can not raise our level of being. A person
can have apparently sacrificed, there can be visited and sick-care
from a picture. He jumped over streams, has rushed into burning
houses to save its inhabitants, has offered his arm for an injection
test that could kill-everything from a picture. Counts for nothing.
Everything is based on the resulting portraits and vainglory.
Understand again that consciousness is our only remedy. Cut what is
stuck to us. A person acts unwittingly as a portrait. Not aware of
this fact. Reflect anew on the portraits. Many different pictures are
displayed in the galleries of the Academy Earthly-portraits of young
and old heroes, martyrs and saints, galleries are devoted to
portraits of those whose glory was not understood, many portraits of
people who worked hard and whose glory farm household support,
disrupting everything to achieve this, many quite similar portraits
of people who are struggling and enslaved in the evening without any
necessity, many people who are so busy and have so quickly that
hardly sees them, and thousands of other portraits, some unpleasant,
some criminals. Each of these portraits appeals to the pride of
different people-we know the glory of the criminals in their crimes.
In all cases the person does not know which is dominated by a
portrait. As mentioned, one thing which the person is unconscious has
power over her like a magnet much invisible. Again, the remedy is the
light of consciousness. This job is based on the enhancement of the
light of consciousness. It deals in-we become more conscious that we
live in darkness, through self-observation and extensive work on
ourselves. Backed by Labor force gradually achieve a portrait and
dangerous secret from becoming conscious. Like a knife that cuts a
stalk, awareness separates us from the portrait. At last we shall be
free of its power. When you drag it to the conscience-painfully, at
the expense of our self-conceit "loses its power. Recovering the
force that was eating us. Legend has it that fairies lose their power
when they guess your name. Try to see his picture and the form it
takes its pride. Do both. Do it over a long period. What boast? What
is his portrait-the portrait hidden in whose service was so long and
has lost was the cause of such suffering?

NOTE: This comment refers to:

1) Vanagloria, arising from

2) Pictures, of which only the

3) Consciousness can set us free.

Great Amwell House, May 24, 1952


Because this job is not to get away with it in any of the centers
becomes repugnant to the love of another and creates difficulties for
all. Difficulties often occur early or may arise later. Since
mechanical divisions resent all job centers, the Mechanical Man,
composed of various standard connections within and between these
parts of the centers struggle to maintain its existence and thus
prevent the formation of the New Man who will replace him. To express
this situation more correctly be said that many "I" in the various
power centers whose job is threatened and thus resent the
difficulties created by objections, arguments or outright refusal.
Now a man, his life, can have many "I" worldly, strong, selfish and
strong they will, and thus the "I" who want the job with little
chance of forming a group to become stronger. "This simply means that
the Mechanical Man assassinate any manifestation of the New Man.
Others, a little better position psychologically. for doubting the
life and thought with wonder at times about its meaning, often
accepting the job at first to some extent, so that a tiny living
thing begins to manifest in them. This is the beginning of a new way
of thinking and feeling. Then difficulties arise. Three things can
happen. The tiny living thing, which is the beginning of the New Man,
withers because it lacks depth or soil, or the Mechanical Man kills
by violence as Herod killed newborn children, hoping to destroy
Christ, or, third, the man reevaluates the job and starts again. Now
let us speak of the three laboratories that are in Man and in
particular the intermediate laboratory, where the murderer can enter
and destroy but be guarded. Choose, as a thief, when that man is not
awake. I do not mean here the dream literally.

We know, thanks to the diagram of the three meals of Man and

processing, there are three processing laboratories in us. These
translate into coarse material finer materials. We must understand
that if they eat a steak this can not happen, say, the brain, as it
is. It has to be transformed into finer materials. But generally
speaking only of the middle laboratory. This is because it is one
more subject to damage. But everyone can be damaged. The first food
processing, symbolized by the figure 768 is changed at 384, is
conducted inside the laboratory or lower. The number 768 denotes all
substances that the stomach and intestines of man can digest. It may
be recalled here that the Table of Hydrogens is a Table of Uses.
Things are classified and arranged in vertical scale depending on
their use. For example, anything that can be used for this form of
food that Man digested in the stomach and intestines is called 768,
Thus, diverse substances in class are put into a relationship, which
at first glance seems amazing by esoteric method of classifying them
by their use. It should add here that we are also classified in the
same way. (So one should ask, "What am I?") Well, if something goes
wrong in the first laboratory-and let us just call that part stomach,
for example, wrong food, too much food, too much or shortage of
hydrochloric acid, ferments weak or missing, cooling, or a hundred
other factors, then there is interference in the processing of 768 in
384 -. All food octave starts from the passive mechanical Do 768 and
proceeds by successive transformations to Si 12 will be somewhat
affected. But here we say we can get used to eating much less food
and we have an artificial appetite and feeling hungry is largely a
matter of habit, which does not reflect the true needs of the
Instinctive Center. When practiced on a starvation diet, reducing
this artificial appetite on the second day was clearly experienced.

I will not talk more here about the disorders that occur in the lower
laboratory, except to say that both the first phase of digestion in
the stomach acid and perhaps more these days in the second phase of
digestion carried out in the duodenum in an alkaline environment,
persistent feelings of anxiety and fear so characteristic of modern
humans, can cause digestive juices digest the living walls that
contain them, and even cause a perforation. In other words, prey to
these negative emotions, the man starts eating itself. We now turn to
the intermediate laboratory, which is our main concern. The work done
here is more subtle kind. The subjects in this laboratory belonging
to a much finer order and higher, and thus are capable of higher uses
and further abuse. This intermediate laboratory, which we assume, by
a crude analogy, full of the most delicate and intricate chemical and
electrical equipment requires, so to speak, a constant temperature,
complete lack of moisture, and absence of noise and vibration, so we
can out their work. Note that the lower laboratory receives
substances for further processing and also receive substances for
further treatment of the upper laboratory. So you have to perform
very complicated tasks that are of utmost importance for the eighth
of food. Also, the food called 192 atmospheric air enters here and is
transformed into 96, from the upper laboratory. Being located on the
second floor of the three-story house of Man, is intimately connected
with the Emotional Center, which is located there. Therefore the
quality of work of transformation in the second laboratory will
depend on the state of the Emotional Center. If the state of the
Emotional Center is good, the intermediate laboratory will work well.
The most harmful thing that can happen is a crisis of violence.
Violence acts as an explosion. In extreme cases can become so intense
that permanently damages the intermediate laboratory. Due to its
superior effects in the laboratory can affect the ratio. However, we
were taught that all negative emotions have their base in the
violence and lead to violence. We also know that violence only begets
violence. Nothing is settled by violence, as the world can testify.
It should be noted many other things that you can see in yourself,
for violence. It is necessary, above all, become aware of the
violence itself. We usually have minor crises of violence. It is
necessary to circumscribe them if we want to stop all new life to be
killed by violence. Everyone has to work on our violence because
everyone suffer though many deny it. These attacks come under
violence by allowing things get to the point of "turning our blood."
This is achieved "bad blood" against each other. It is due to be
identified. Try to look at yourself what another person is angry to
the point where you completely identify with that person and can not
stand her. This monitor the same thing in yourself and violence
canceled plus one and minus one are canceled. This is the true
meaning of the Greek word for "forgive"-as "perdonaos to each other"
-. No sign of "forgiving" to cancel. There is no pseudo-meaning.
Everything is canceled as if passing an electric spark between two
oppositely charged bodies. The more cocky is one less person may
"forgive" seeing the same thing in itself that will make it more
prone to violence, because the conceit prevents the self-observation.
She will be its own punishment, as we all are. But an attack of
violence always upsets health. It is a clash in the wrong place
wrong. The shock often work several days after causing a disease or
physical discomfort. It upsets the intermediate laboratory work,
preventing, among other things, the formation of matter, symbolized
by the figure 96-the use of which has to do with balance and
protection of what I call health pad between psychic and physical
life. The decline of this subtle matter reduces endurance, while
reducing the psychological resistance identified. Both states allow
things that should be left outside can penetrate. The consequences
are psychosomatic. But you must remember that the violence comes from
identifying. If we remind ourselves-that is, will bring to our
consciousness of things we would identify life-and so we would not be

Great Amwell House, Pentecost, May 31, 1952


It should be certain that the bulk of the work relates to internal

self-development. Everything taught by the Work is about self-
development within which man is capable of creation. But for
development to begin and continue, man and woman must study and study
again, again and again, which teaches job. At first nothing is
received in reality. You hear certain phrases and certain words. Are
scattered over the surface of the mind. But do not take root and can
not do it unless you add the emotional factor of the assessment.
Otherwise there are treasured, which is to say they are not valued,
and so the heart, which provides the necessary depth of soil, is not
involved in the process. Where is the treasure of a man, there's the
heart. If the Emotional Center is possibly at work, nothing will
happen. No change will occur in a person. The people will remain what
they were. Psycho will not occur. His heart is elsewhere. That is,
their valuation will be on other things. Maybe lip praise the job but
not value it. For this reason, it is said that the Eighth-Work begins
with the assessment. Note that there was talk of the Work-Octave.
Many problems relating to preliminary and • dependent on them, much
to start and stop, many. Arguments, long fight between yes and no,
are necessary before a person may be oriented along the path which is
the eighth of Labor. Those who are able to discern prefer to avoid
the Work-Octave, and others, but wish to avoid it, are forced to
enter the Work-Octave through the influence of the awakening of the
Emotional Center, the headquarters of Buried Conscience, who knows
the job, and recognizes him. But such recognition is impossible if
the sentences and words of instruction are spread over the surface of
the mind and stay there for lack of soil where roots. All at Work is
germ-ideas, instructions, phrases, words-that is, are the seeds. Now,
consider a phrase like "make internal. Have you studied and studied
again and again what this phrase means? Can you truly say they
understand what it means to make internal? Can you honestly say they
know very well what forms life takes in account-making? Have they
found today? Against whom do you make? Against God, or Fate, or
Fortune, or man, or woman, or the government or its top and bottom?
Always be who personifies guilt. No charges are made to a damp house,
but against the architect or builder, or against the person who sold
it, and certainly against the doctor who advised us to live in the
country. Always blame the doctor, if there is not another person on

But have heard that a person can know the job but not understanding
it. Knowing is one thing; understand is another. The Intellectual
Center can meet the job and repeat from memory, but needs the
cooperation of Intellectual and Emotional centers. A person may know
that one needs to stop making internal, but understands why is it
necessary? Do not reflected at all, not once but hundreds of times,
you have to give up internal positions? If not, does not understand
that part of education that offers the Work. We hear but not
understand. Why? Because it connects with itself. It connects through
the first line of Labor, which is work on whether, in light of
knowledge that teaches job. Listen to this conversation: a newcomer
said, "What does this mean making internal?" The person who thinks he
knows replies: "Oh, it's very important. You often hear a phrase. By
the way, you know Atkinson, right? The man, from what I said I was
stupid. I just write a about that particular letter. "He wrote a
letter? But I've heard many times that Atkinson is an idiot full of
conceit." "It's true. Rejected the job I had offered him, thinking it
was not good enough." "But this, do not have to do with making
charges?''" Dear boy, has nothing to do. Please do not go head to
fill the wrong connections. In this case I am a veteran, very
experienced in this job, and I know what I mean, can you imagine that
allow anyone to call me stupid? Certainly not! I manage to not
forget, I assure you. "

Well, do not get to say that I witnessed this conversation, but I

have heard many similar. If a person says, "How can this happen?"
I'll answer: "The answer is simple. It is exactly what it says a
person who never understood what the job is, even when you know the
phrases and words used in this special language, giving the
superficial impression of understanding. It never has connected to
his own psychology. " I have wondered if the stop making internal has
something to do with what was said last week, when he read the
commentary on violence. Well, has much to do. Last week we discussed
the dangers of violence in connection with the delicate work of
transformation takes place mainly in the Intermediate Laboratory.
Violence hurts the new thoughts and feelings that the job is forming
within us. Strike the New Man. He said that if they could see what
makes one violent with another person and if one could discover by
watching the same thing in yourself, the violence would disappear.
Would be canceled, as over one and minus one, which amounts to
nothing in practice. Blame the other, making internal charges against
him, precipitated the violence. However, in summary is this-that is,
if I become aware of everything and all things in myself, I can not
be violent against any unpleasant event in the other, because I also
see myself. I see myself in others and the other in myself. Reach
that objective awareness. It was mentioned that the Greek word for
"forgive" means to repay a debt, forward, delete our account book
what the other owes us. It has no sentimental meaning. To say that he
forgives the other an injury or an insult not only disabused but a
form of spiritual arrogance. It's as if you thought you could. No,
the only thing that can lead to this condition is a slow development
of awareness of what is in one by a long, self-observation, which
will destroy the favorite idea of oneself, but we shall release, and
also the others we have imprisoned in our hatred and violence.

However, in the original Greek, it is said: "Forgive us our sins,"

the Lord's Prayer, but "cancels what we (in proportion) as we will
cancel what they owe others." Notice that the emphasis is not on what
we have done but what we have done. This means that if, say, I never
remember myself, I owe to my Father in Heaven and I must more and
more as my life continues to be asleep. Maybe I worry intermittently
for some things I did but this is very different to think about
things that were not made. If the job is considered from this point
of view will reveal several interesting things.
Great Amwell House, June 7, 1952


We all know that the "insult" awakens the thirst for revenge and is
not concerned at all about the cancellation. Because, as a result,
cancellation is to kill the other and not seeing the same thing in
yourself. When you are thirsty for revenge, is dominated by the "I"
evildoers. We suggest this and that. If they are watching, you get to
know something that is in you. But if he does, we will identify
ourselves with them. It is much more easily. A narrow view, seeks
much more satisfaction. Revenge is sweet. The job is not. Going
against one's self is never sweet. When a person identifies himself
that way instead of separated, each of these Ts suggest you read this
or that, write or behave in this or otherwise. But that person will
seem that it is she who thinks this. I look like: "I think we say or
write this. I will write that," or "I think I will do this. No, I
think I'll do that." What happens is that certain "I" 'living on the
negative side of the centers have taken over her. Just let them take
over her. She's sleeping and enjoying negative emotions. Walk and the
bottom of the big city itself. It is in the hands of people very
uncomfortable. These Ts are unscrupulous and evil. But he does not
see them. Through a ruse, and what appear to be trick-it-your
thinking and feeling. The making by it and infuse it with their
thoughts and feelings. He identifies with them. He says "I" to them.
Anything you say T, as if making it and it is identified. This thing
makes anything like it. This is identified. The process is not
deliberate. It happens automatically and instantly. It has to happen
automatically and instantly to every person who takes what is
happening inside her like herself. This mystery is not understood.
Recently I called a trick. Most people do not see it. Some people
never get to see it. If a person begins to see him, he discovers to
his surprise that it is a ruse. It is indeed a gimmick. It is one of
several tricks very simple and very successful maintaining the
central mystery that Man is asleep but you can wake up, yet do not
realize it.

Well, having now, through the identification, in the hands of some

"I" belonging to the less desirable streets in the city you
psychologically, if continues to identify, as dumb and blind sheep
that is about what happens within one, fall into the hands of a
multitude of "I" even more coarse and rough and wicked. No notice of
libel, in incriminating others and to use violence. They, in turn,
can deliver it to the 'I' low, murderers and villains. All this can
and is often identified with the unbridled negative Ts when looking
for revenge and vengeance. However, only one desire. Those "I" want
to dominate you and draw strength. Used as a method to identify with
them, so your conscience can no longer distinguish between you and
them. But I recall here that it can be trained to succeed. Labor
wants to do to not continue to lose the small part of consciousness
he possesses. However, identifying with an "I" is the same as if a
man in the street suddenly to become you. It is as if the man had
disappeared on you, and you had not noticed anything. Of course, this
can only happen if you are unaware of the happenings in itself. The
only remedy is to let a ray of light of self awareness. This means it
is necessary to observe himself and observed means to see things in
yourself and eventually see that many different Ts live in one and
use our name and voice. Reaching this stage of self-observation
resembles see many different people in the street where it seemed
that one was alone. However, our links with the outside world are
such that when we see a person on the street not as if we ourselves.
Do not say: "I'm that person, that person is me." Nor can approach
that person and say, "You are mine and I am you." Such conduct would
be embarrassing. We are indeed furious at such attempted possession.
However, the link we have with the inner world of self is such that
this happens continuously and do not get pregnant or upset us in the
least. The trick works fine, and virtually silent, and nobody
realizes it. You are currently in use worldwide. The Work is that we
realize this, to open our understanding. But even with the help of
labor and all that it teaches people remain unaware of the ruse. Of
course, if we are already possessed inwardly by that state of
consciousness called the Self-Awareness Labor strongly recommends us
to achieve for our sake, immediately perceive that try to deceive
when some T internally approaches us and says: "You is mine and I am
you "and then try to disappear within us. We would consider both the
approach of "I" and his intention of becoming master it, as the
prince of the fairy tale that turns into a frog or Circe turns
Odysseus' sailors into pigs. But this kind of magic is still done at
all times people are turned into what is not. Surely the island of
Circe is this world. Now, as Ulysses was given to us a remedy from
the top, a divine counterspell. It is the Third State of
Consciousness. This is the Remembering the Self-Awareness and
Consciousness Yes

However, we do not use this drug because we see no need. The current
job is not serious enough for us and we see clearly what is happening
to us. We have within us a lot of things that smooth ceilings. On the
job, we are often in a state of obfuscation, confusion and
perplexity, day after day. We drift. We see, for example, that in
fact we dominated a majority of T that is hostile or indifferent to
the job, and all the esoteric teaching, which dominate us several "I"
to which only some kind of pride in us prevents them from following
their natural course, or so hiding intelligence not consciously
understand the real danger to our domestic situation. We have T that
are antagonistic to the Work as are actually some people in life-
liners and petty. These Ts can quietly poisoned. You can hide behind
a portrait of virtue. If some T does, rest assured "that our enemy is
secret. Little suspect how many Ts are our enemies and only wish to
retain their power over us.

However, the need for Remembering is like to carry in their hands a

glass of wine filled to the brim. Therefore it is necessary among
other things to note when you're walking into himself. In
neighborhoods notorious certainly runs the risk of making him drop
the glass from his hands. Therefore, it will be under the sheer
necessity to face up to "insult" in a manner other than that of
mechanical and revenge revenge or just being offended. For all these
things make us negative and lead us to the slums. So you lose the
opportunity to work on yourself and pours some wine unless it finds a
way to understand oneself. This is where the cancellation. This case
is different for those who have not yet reached the need for the
Remembrance of Yes Still have not drink any. There are those who wear
the crown. They try to occasionally remind themselves when they are
in time and have nothing important to do.

Great Amwell House, June 14, 1952


In this work tell us that nothing can change a man unless you start
thinking in new ways. It also says that the job is to make us think
in new ways. Consider these two statements for the emergence of some
of its meaning and give us one or two slaps in the face. You will see
that these claims is that the mind must believe in the job. This is
the first slap in the face. If there is no belief at work, nothing
happens. This is the second blow. The man or woman will continue to
think as he has always done and everything will remain as before. It
is possible to stay "at work", as the phrase goes, year after year,
and not believe in it and so continue without any change in our
thinking. This seems, at first glance, impossible. But if a person
does not believe in Work and in its authority and teaching, that
person will not suffer any change of mind and way of thinking if a
person remains unchanged, the Work can not act on it. This is the
point and this is the meaning of the two assertions.

Consider this matter further, so that our deepest attract attention

and make us deal about where we are Labor. We see that if a person
lacks the "I" to be attracted truly believe or at work, that person
will not deal with what he teaches. Nobody is seriously concerned by
that in which it is not believed. Moreover, if you think something is
true, one thinks about it, particularly if it concerns us closely.
However, concerns us very closely. In truth, I can not think of
anything that relates more closely to the man or woman teaching this
job. But if you do not believe it, did they imagine that they will
miraculously change your mind and be able to think in a new way? I
should have said no to a new way but in an entirely new way. Do not
you see, then, that nothing can change unless we start thinking in
new ways, and since the job is to make us eventually think of a
completely new way, unless we believed in what it teaches us not
produce effect on us? If we are mentally tough will remain what they
always were. No change will occur be because there is no change of
thinking. Without change there can be thought to be change. A man
remains the same man. The mind, with their previous attitudes and
habits of thought, remain unchanged and so the rest of the person
shall remain unchanged. The knowledge taught by the job not penetrate
into the mind or revise it. Neither the man nor the woman will try to
think of new ideas as the Work teaches, and so will not see life or
themselves in a new way. Do not try to think from the ideas of Labor
do not believe in them. You will hear words that have many "I" but
they will not believe-and so will other ideas. For example, say they
hear that the new knowledge, the new being and new understanding are
all interrelated and can not have a new understanding without the
other two. But they will not believe. Well, it should reflect
carefully on this point. Note if you have understood their

Do you believe that your understanding will remain at the same level
if knowledge does not change, since his being will not change unless
you change your knowledge? I doubt it. But to proceed, the new
knowledge embodied in the job and I will lend you as many times
attention, but not really believing in him. In this case it will
apply the new knowledge to the study of my being. I will not attempt
to visualize the kind of man I am psychologically from the
perspective of new knowledge. I will continue doing what I always do,
running after my daily interests, pursuing my fantasies, satisfying
my desires and my idiotic talking daily with the greatest pleasure.
Therefore, I will not see nothing mechanical about this. I laugh
alone with scorn the idea of being a mechanical man, fast asleep in
heart and mind.

Now the job relates to the possibility of a change that is inherent

to man by creation. "They find it hard to believe? No doubt about it.
However, this change is called psycho. Now the psycho starts with the
transformation of the mind. Start with metanoia, to use a word in the
New Testament, which means a change of mind and not regret. A person,
therefore not really believe in the job will not experience any
transformation of mind, and not be moved internally to a position
where change can occur by the influences of Labor. The job will not
be received. These influences act first on the mind to change
thinking. Otherwise there can be no psycho-ultimate transformation of
the whole psychology of a person. You can not occur simply because
when it gets to the point that person does not believe in the job or
ridicules or mocks him secretly. No change of mind will occur and
therefore there will be no change in the level of being and therefore
any change in the level of understanding. Apparently the person
changes a little externally. This may be due to the sample, air and
imitation, to vanity or self-interested reasons. But there would be
internal change, transformation or genuine, nothing so real and
intimate that the man, turned and twisted in all directions, will
always pointing to the Work. The mind, not being awakened by the job,
will not awaken the Emotional Center. The underlying disbelief in the
Intellectual Center will be reflected as disgust and disbelief in the
Emotional Center. That is, self-feelings and emotions do not remain
dominant job.

Now a man can know the job and not believe in it. Knowing is not
believing. Also you can teach the job and not believe in it. This is
quite possible for certain types of men. Do not delude yourself but
deceives others. You can pretend to believe, but there are many who
pretend to believe in Christianity, for example, and not believe at
all. That's why we occasionally have to observe yourself and see how
much one believes in the job and what the quality of our belief and
how many "I" fight against it. Because according to the quality of
our belief and the job we respond and act on. A man may believe he
believes in working to discover, for a candid and impartial self-
observation, he does not believe. He discovers that he was deceiving
himself. This gives the opportunity to continue. It is a useful shock
as are all moments of sincerity with oneself. Clearing the false "I"
which are like magicians in the mind parasites. The man, woman,
become such a point interior sincerity in this job. Just add one
thing. Believing is confidence. Believing at Work is to have
confidence in something that is more than oneself. Believing at Work
is to believe in something bigger than yourself. You believe in the
Higher Mind-that is, the greatest minds in our mind. But the mind is
invisible. The Higher Mind is invisible. Our mind is invisible.
Believing in the Overmind is therefore something invisible believe in
something larger too invisible. As you have seen, we now speak on the
psychological level.

Great Amwell House, June 28, 1952


What is happiness? Take your case. Say you believe that there is
another life in the hereafter and go to heaven and be perfectly
happy. How do you see this happiness? Have you ever thought about it?
Some imagine that they are in a state of great magnificence, who live
in palaces, which are served by slaves, who all adore, admire and
praise. They feel that this would make them supremely happy. Now it
is necessary to completely eradicate this idea of happiness. It
should be removed from the heart. The crudity and vulgarity of this
fantasy so widespread was commented on by Christ, when his disciples
quarreled about who of them was the greatest. He said that the
kingdom of heaven the person served was the largest. This revaluation
of worldly values have been a shock to them, as indeed it was the
entire life of Christ. Another common idea in regard to happiness is
to think that is the gratification of one or other of the bodily
appetites. This belongs entirely to the benefit of themselves and
each other and serves no one but the self. But turn to the
relationship between the idea of happiness and False Personality.

Take a moment to the people whose happiness is based primarily on

meeting its False Personality. You can not say that to do so would be
extremely happy. Also, avoid being unhappy. By meeting the
requirements of False Personality get their reward. Indeed, as we
shall see, it is said of them that have obtained their reward for the
very act of obeying the False Personality. This is interesting. The
reward comes later does not like, say, when a man works on himself
for a prolonged period and suddenly, apparently without cause,
something opens and in a flash of positive emotion is the Truth.
Probably not expect any reward. It was "working to get a result." I
mean, did internal charges against the Deity, such as "I've mastered
my temper five minutes. When will I get my reward?" It meant that
some people apparently expect yield a remarkably high percentage for
making an effort to work, others by doing this are given a strange
significance. The quality of effort at work is poor when mixed with
internal accounts and too much self-admiration. Since the nature of
False Personality is connected with an instant reward, not very
happily supports Work, in which the reward is not in any way
instantaneous. To cite some examples of what is said about False
Personality and reward in VI Matthew 5:

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who love to pray
standing in the synagogues and in the cantons of places to be seen of
men, verily, I say they have received their reward."

Or again Matthew VI 2:

"Be careful not to make your righteousness before men, that you
see ... do not go playing the trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites
do in the synagogues and on the streets, they may have glory of men
actually I say they have received their reward. "

But have noticed that in these examples the reward is instantaneous.

Do not just play the trumpet and given public money they have
received their reward. What have they done? False Personality have
been met and for doing it reached a moment of happiness. I mean I had
a moment of that special quality of happiness. Do you know the taste?
It is a happiness that is related to what others think of one. It
derives from the outside, not inside it. In this sense it is
external. I mean that originates from the world. It arises from the
public. Public demands. This is due to the nature of False
Personality. When you do a thing from False Personality is expected
at least some kind of compliment. Until the tail wagging our dog is
enough. But if he has done something no trace of love to do it, or
make love to another person-which is to serve-then provides a long
internal account by failing to recognition. Yes, it takes much effort
without achieving recognition. But much of the job depends on it.
Why? Because it is necessary to understand, otherwise False
Personality increases.

However, the quality of happiness that comes from being first in

everything, or having more possessions, or look better than others,
and so on, is not genuine happiness and profound as it depends on
what you think other people, and calls back to being stimulated
continuously, and is of such short duration, as stated by the words:
"They have their reward." So you see, want to repeat and it's full of
concern. But there is another quality of happiness that is
independent of external things. It belongs to our inner being. For
this reason False Personality, which belongs to our outer being, you
can not know. One of its defined purpose is to replace the anxiety
and their families, the anxiety and fear, for peace. This peace can
not be shaken by external events if you remain awake. But you can not
reach consciousness while still focuses on False Personality and the
latter is the active leader within a person. That's why so successive
layers of False Personality must be ripped as one of a skin stripped
after another. That shed is painful to vanity, pride, conceit and
self-love, so requires time, sometimes more, sometimes less. Remove
skin and is wonderful. It kills a person, because the skins are not
her. Are these skins are what kill you. The putting off the release
of them, which makes the False Personality is not that person. It is
a psychological prison. Every generation has its own kind of prison.
Just observe their action in the other, in the intonation of the
voice, the expression, posture, movements. It should try to make it
self, and finally, observe in life, in novels in history, in
newspapers, in photographs, especially in oneself in the past and the
present. These are three powerful lines of work that interact.

Great Amwell House, July 5, 1952


Let us begin to understand something about what is the will. First,

wanting and thinking are two different things, but often confused. It
should be noted clearly in oneself that we are not able to
distinguish between will and thinking. They taste different. In us,
the desire is connected to the emotional side of that thinking
belongs to the Intellectual Center. Well, these two sides of a person
does not work harmoniously together. You can not say that one always
wants what he thinks, or that you think what he wants. A man may
think you should smoke less. But this does not mean you want to do
and does it. If we could see a vision of expanded consciousness all
our thinking throughout life and in a second vision everything we
wanted, we would be surprised the difference. Actually these two
records exist in each person inwardly. It should be added here that
the level of being a man or a woman is in much closer relationship
with what he wanted with what he thought. But because we confuse the
thinking and willing not observe and study the action of the will in
our lives to distinguish them from thinking. So we see our lives as
will. As the work of each center and each side of a center takes us
inside taste different, we should be able to do so. You can do that
if we but try. The result, however is not flattering but very
interesting. But if not help thinking how wonderful we are, it is
preferable not to try, but follow our dreams and disappointments of
life. But today I just want to talk about what can and signifies a
new will.

The will is related to what we like and what we love. What a man
wants and loves what he does what he wants, either secretly or
openly. If you are prevented, it will do in the imagination, which is
that spiritually, psychologically the same. I mean it does not form a
new will. The dog returns to its vomit when the opportunity arises. A
new means will follow a new course. But if you stop liking or loving
something-such as love itself-it wants less and less. However,
through observation, a person may dislike part of it, something in
itself. Then you do not want as much as I did when I did not see it
clearly. But as long as the love of self, the forest undiscovered,
unexplored prehistoric is self-love, will not know you want
everything you own, to ignore the enemies, the "I" evil hiding, not
be aware of what is in the jungle. Amongst others to know that person
either openly or secretly always wants to get away with it. This is
the will as self-love. This is an indiscriminate love, and really
meant that all things in the jungle, all the things that call
themselves by the name of that person-to-eat cannibals their own
volition. Some scream with rage if something prevents them from doing
so. Incidentally, there are parrots screaming in the jungle of all
people, who talk and talk and contribute to everyday human relations
worsen if not destroy them. Now if we could through self-observation
and self-study stop loving ourselves so we would not want to make our
holy will. That would release energy. If we see better what we are
like we would love so much. Do not criticize the other or both would
try to beat them (secretly or openly). Self-love is the love and
draws principal amounts of energy at all times. Be more tolerant,
through self-humiliation alone made during work on yourself and
selfishness, will release some strength that allow us to pay
attention to what others want instead of paying for what we want. In
sum, we will make a bit of new will - like a little boy, "the love of
self in decline. Now if a man still loves the same things, will still
want and making them. In this case there will be new will. Their
energies are fully used in the circle of his interests. Will always
follow the same course. For example, will not be able to do anything
new, by being tied to the circle of their love by which you want. But
if you work against mechanicalness-it is easier for those who observe
or externally against self-love that is easier for those who have
achieved inner observation or work against them, and both are
difficult, released enough energy to do something she thought was
impossible. I mean, follows a course for which he had never developed
any applicable function or which had not seen the continued use while
the machine was not suspected. I offer again an example in the next
dream that I once had, which was made some time ago. In that dream
showed me very simply a direction and a statement of intention at
that time it seemed impossible to follow or even to reach. I was
shown after crossing a barrier, which is clearly connected with what
might be called the wild man of self-love, prehistoric man (or woman)
in oneself. That barrier, which represented a psychological-that is,
something in the self-was symbolized by a deep and narrow chasm,
difficult to cross and full of old bones. Understand that I will not
say it was a literal abyss, bones literal, and so on. It was an
allegory, whose purpose was to show me something. The dream was as

"Someone pushed me down a slope covered with grass. There is a ditch.

It is not wide, but it is difficult to cross.'s Difficult to cross
ditch is located on top of the slope and is full of prehistoric
animal bones-the remains of beings violent, game animals, monsters,
snakes. They fill the gap in depth. There is a plank to cross, but
the air seems to weigh a power of repression, as the invisible
influence of a powerful magnet, and this, to which is added the fear
of crossing that depth, although the width is not great-I prevented
move. I do not know how long I was in that situation, because the
whole dream was not that time every day. Suddenly I meeting across
the abyss - at the other bank. What wonderful vision I see now? I see
someone who teaches or trains conscripts. That is all. At first
glance there is nothing wonderful. He smiles. Somewhat seems not to
expect any results from what he is doing. It appears not mind. "shows
no sign of impatience when the recruits are shown gross. The lesson
is almost over, but for him it makes no difference. It is as if
saying, 'Well, you had to do. You can not expect much. We need help,
but do not want it. What strikes me is its invulnerability. Do not
hurt or enrage the teasing or lack of discipline. It has a strange
power but hardly uses it. Pass marveling over who can do it. I do not
ever occupy a thankless task. After a while I get to a place, perhaps
a shed where boats are kept. Beyond is the sea. "

When I wake up thinking about that man. Doing what he was doing is so
contrary to anything I could do! Require a new willingness to do so.
It means you have to follow a course that was never followed. Much
thought about that course. How could I define myself? I would have
been violent can these recruits. Yes, that is. She showed no
violence. I had no intention of violence. He seemed purged of all
violence. This was his secret. This was the cause of the strange
power he had discovered in it. A man without violence. And then I
reflected that to get to where he had to cross the deep pit filled
with bones of prehistoric beasts, full of remnants of violent people.
Somehow he made me this favor and found myself on the edge of another
country, only to shore, but beyond the prehistoric animals. Here this
man lived and taught non-violent. It was the country of non-violent,
which taught the recruits. Boys seemed indifferent, but perhaps
representing people who eventually come to learn something.

Term was giving his lesson. Beyond lay the sea and on shore had
boats. No doubt the course would end his leave, to somewhere beyond
the sea. I only had a glimpse of the meaning of a new will-a will
that was not based on violence or get away with it. I repeat-only a
glimpse. Because I knew that there was no cross, except in spirit,
the deep pit filled with bones of a violent past, nor had finally
left behind. For me there was no recruits - would it not be different
Ts in myself who tried to teach? -. Certainly none of the waiting
boats was mine. But that glimpse made me learn more practically what
was to follow a new course, which meant a new willingness purified
violence. He also knew that the chances of following this new will
and new course were in every moment of our lives, and that he forgot
the time.

Great Amwell House, July 12, 1952


Try to get a share of the energy contained in the idea that Man is
asleep, and think about it. It is often said in these comments that
we should not remain unaware of our psychology. One reason is that
only tend to see in others that of which we are unconscious in us. I
mean, we tend to see, say, meanness, as if we were outside when it is
very possible that is within ourselves. If we constantly see meanness
in others we can be sure it is something that is in us and for which
we are blind. However, this trend is a certain part of our general
state of sleep. Reflecting on this particular part of our dream to
find that gives rise to an untold amount of misery in the world. We
acknowledge and condemn the other for what we also do and are. This
is an oversight or a lack of awareness due to the general level of
our consciousness. Characterized the second or "so-called waking
state," which they believe-as he does not wake up to be a state of
full consciousness. The job calls it a dream state. I open a
parenthesis here to ask: "do not you really mind after a long,
uncritical self-observation that is not really conscious?" Maybe
nobody thought this way about himself. Now imagine a person who says:
"The idea that Man is asleep I can not be applied. I am far from
being asleep. I agree that others are. But I am always full of lively
and awake-and incidentally I can not stand to Mr. X who spent his
life showing off and saying it's different. " They all make remarks
of this kind. They are due to lack of awareness. They are unaware
that they are often exactly what we criticize in others. Are unaware
of their psychology. Consequently they see what's in them planned out
to another person as does a magic lantern. The aforementioned
imaginary person does not see that is she who is always bragging and
saying that is different from other people. By not see in herself,
always criticizing others. If you see it does not behave that way.

However, in this regard I wish to emphasize the point that people at

work do not practice self-observation in relation to something as
definite as noticing the same thing in them to criticize others. No
doubt such a thing exists in the abstract, retrospective self-
observation or remote. It may take more than one way, useful and
necessary, provided that no remorse becomes a useless and unnecessary
negative or meditation. One way is connected with taking pictures of
yourself. But here I am talking about self-observation set, topical
and practical. Is to look at yourself what irritates us definitely a
different person. It is definite because it refers to what is
definitely a different person note. It is topical because it deals
with what happens at a given time and is concrete because it requires
one to deal with the specific task of finding in yourself what
irritates us so much else. For this reason I call this comment: self-
observation DEFINITE, TOPICAL AND CONCRETE. Admittedly, there is too
much self-monitoring soft, inconsistent, insincere, and too many
people who have never seen themselves. No way cleared within
themselves and see no reason to. So all that is within them remains
unknown and darkness and Work remains a conundrum. But the job gives
the self-monitoring the status of necessity. Why? First, how can a
man achieve change it unless you know what's in it? And second,
letting light into the inner darkness-that is, the light of
consciousness, certain changes can take place through their
influence. Unpleasant things grow in the absence of light. It is the
darkness of unconsciousness which is a hazard. We heard over and over
again that the Work is to increase our awareness. "The darkness of
ignorance and unconsciousness are dispelled by the light of
consciousness." Yes, this phrase has a beautiful sound. Such language
appeals to the romantics, pseudo-spiritual. "Light!" They exclaim,
glancing upward. "Wonderful!" Unfortunately this light is very
painful in its own way of acting. They find that let light penetrate
inside it is not pleasant at all. They have to see how stupid they
really are. It is precisely this that is an increase of
consciousness. But in all cases, whatever it is a very hard to
increase awareness in oneself and does not produce any pleasure. Not
at all. The increase of consciousness of oneself is always done at
the expense of one's imagination of himself, of his own vanity at the
expense of the Imaginary, at the expense of all the treasured
portraits False Personality. Because the light of consciousness that
illuminates things in us, eventually seeking the downfall of all the
fictitious and unreal for a new person can develop. Now, seeing one's
own folly is an increased awareness if one was once considered wise.
I mean the increasing consciousness that extends the knowledge of
oneself. It refers to something. It is not "empty". Learn more about
oneself is to become more aware of things in yourself. Destroy the
sense primitive. This brings us back to find in yourself the very
thing that irritates us in the other, which we were unaware. When
this occurs, when we invest things, our irritation dissipates.
Disappears. However, because other things irritate us and anger us,
they do not support their behavior, what they say and everything
else, we lose energy by turned negative and are in danger of
surrendering to a crisis of negative emotion. All negative states
causes a waste of energy. The Work says that we should act like
mirrors each for others instead of not liking each other. That is, we
can get ourselves to see ourselves in others and others in ourselves.
The dog that was at the Institute in France was called "Kak vass" as
you. I often irritated their pretentious and lazy ways. The Gospels
tell us that we see both the beam in our eye as the speck in others.
Remember that the job was defined as esoteric Christianity for a
moment and consider the question of the beam and straw. The sentence
is thus: "And why the mote that is in thy brother's eye and not miss
the beam that is in thine own eye?" (Matthew, VII, 3) (shall find
out, you consider,-κατανοεϊς-). In Greek the word used for straw is
simply to see. This is easy to do. But the word used for beam self is
interesting. It means "to notice, discover, acquire knowledge,
consider a fact, learn, observe, understand." Obviously it means
something far more difficult than simply seeing his own faults. Turn
about is not easy. But the job is waiting.

If you look at what Christ said, you find that it is almost always
what is within us. Work also refers to what is given. That's why we
start with the self-observation and self-repair.

Great Amwell House, July 19, 1952


There can be no possibility of continuous observation. While it is

impossible to continuously monitor an external object, and neither is
continuously observe an object inside ourselves. There's an
advantage, however, in regard to self-observation-namely, that we
take ourselves so that we can observe at any one time if it occurs to
us. However, we still do not see a way cool, but a rather old-
fashioned way, through partnerships. We watch what we always observe
a process-opaque with no light. If you will practice observing each
center, some light would penetrate us. If you look at what we see
ourselves in others, more light penetrates. In this case, certainly
no longer an associative self-observation is of course no comment but
a mechanical process. Any self-observation that may be useful to us
is conscious. Such self-conscious observations are, as already noted,
observations are not continuous. They are considered as discrete
events, discrete, a special class of ordinary people seldom
experience. These discrete event-by which I mean are separate and
discontinuous-subject?. however, a definite order. They are arrayed
to form a special report on which I drew attention to them before and
I called Work-Memory. If there is not. personal work is at its
minimum. This ordering of self-conscious observations constitute the
action of the centers themselves, and should be left to them, because
if the Intellectual Center formatory involved can spoil their right
arrangement. Many observations connected emotional or sensory, for
example, those formatorily not believe possible. The result of all
this hidden work order is to shoot full of yourself, say one, maybe
two, after many years. Nothing is more valuable than the possession
of one of these life-size photographs. With the possession of one of
these photographs, which was achieved by bringing together the pieces
that work centers hundreds of snapshots provided by self-
observations, brief but conscious, unconscious power save us all what
is depicted in that photograph. We know that the purpose of self-
observation is to let the light of consciousness in everything that
we are in the dark. We are unaware of all that we are in darkness.
The unconsciousness is darkness, and darkness is unconsciousness. The
only cure is awareness, which is the light. The light overcomes the
darkness. For a long time do not understand what this means, hearing
the words with the ears and not with the mind. We know that
everything we bring to the light of consciousness loses power over us
if we remain unconscious-that is, in our inner darkness unexplored.
Operating from our darkness does have great power and extraordinary
fascination. What would be the subject of a self-conscious
observation made in such a way that illuminates the darkness if this
could not happen? Yes, as I said, people do not realize what it
means. They are unable to relate the light of consciousness, because
these words are different. And for this reason do not include self-
observation or what its worth. Not capture that, unless leaving
increasingly penetrate the light of consciousness in us, we can not
change. Everything inside of which we are unconscious, all that is in
the darkness of unconsciousness, remains unchanged and retains its

Now all the work is based on Consciousness-in power of Consciousness

to balance and heal well. Because once something of which we were
unaware aware Serna comes and is seen in relation to other things
that we are already aware, takes on its exact size and is adjusted to
its proper place or is seen as ridiculous and devoid power. This is
the balance through consciousness. He can not play more the role of a
violent and vicious bandit waging guerrilla combat in the hinterlands
of consciousness. Those bandits we often become rude child, Sunday
clothes. If it is exposed to full light seems ridiculous. The same
applies to the action of buffers that prevent achieving full
awareness and thus the real consciousness. I know some of you who
have internal contradictions that eventually lead to a fall, as
happens with the house divided can not stand. The two sides of the
contradictions are often confronted in the light of consciousness.
There is no other choice. The remedy lies precisely in a simultaneous
light-not in the light illuminating one side then the other.

Now, back to the most valuable thing we possess-sized photograph. He

said he saved us from the unconscious power of all that was
represented. Is this because all that was represented in her
conscious Serna arrived at one time or another, by a momentary ray
observation. That is, consciousness over the years has touched every
part of that picture. Yes, but momentary organize these observations,
these personal events discontinuous, in a life-size picture is not
our job. We do not see the connections between our observations. But
something in us did and we finally submitted photo. "This," he says,
"is an aspect of your life that you can not hold more." We did not
see any relationship between a party and one that now allows us to
trace the large photo. Because this large photo is the union and
management of all these snapshots separate and unrelated appearance
and become a living whole. That which had the power in us and we
serve while remaining in the darkness of unconsciousness has become
objective. A photograph of that class, a photography-time living, is
beyond the power of the word because, like everything from Higher
Centers, has double meaning and dual use. Suffice it to say that what
was subjective and objective has become something of which we were
unconscious has become conscious. From this point of view we can say
that this work shows a special kind of pictures. I know that if it
comes into possession of one of these life-size photographs will
never suffer a recurrence absolute life. Counting on a photography
studio that serves us no longer be as before and be more objective
consciousness will not be far.

Now point out a few things that can be applied to all. If we were
fully aware not need this job. Not exist on this planet. But we are
not fully aware. If we were, we would be fully aware of our neighbors
and they need us. We would then see in others and others in us and
hate and war would cease, among other things. Each of you should meet
and is expected to reach the state of internal discernment can see
that there is much in you that takes care of you and that you are
unaware of it. If you can not see will probably feel full of
rebellion and resist the job, openly or silently, as some do. Try to
recognize your work requirements. Try to realize, even in theory,
that in you there are many people who have no conscience and thus
knows nothing of them, who continually dominate and make you do and
say what they want, so you can not say that life of its own. You will
never create a well balanced person. This belief makes you stiff and
slow. You are unilateral, and the more unilateral whether you think
it's much more balanced. Remember that a multilateral and balanced
man is flexible. Fix it in any way consciously behave at all times.
If you think you do, you're simply a fool and is fast asleep. You are
not what they think you are. But you are many things we do not think
you are and not in the least aware of it. It requires a major
increase of consciousness through self-observation to suspect that
this is what happens in reality. A person should be suspicious of
itself, not the other. Well, it is useless to oppose the admission of
these few statements extracted from the job. Doing so indicates
merely an offended dignity, which is very common, or something else
within. The job, of course, is the opposite of praise. I remind you
finally that G. said we should move the brain every day, among other
things. He said that this Work is to do a new way to think-much about
ourselves and life on this planet. We tend to stay in the fetid
atmosphere of our little minds with all windows closed, hugging an
unfortunate and horrible Imaginary who spends his time screaming and
grabbing things that do not belong. This is the extension of our
consciousness. This is the Man in the second State of Consciousness.

Great Amwell House, July 26, 1952


There is no point being in this world feeling aggrieved by any

discipline. Like all other negative states resentment is bad
chemistry. A negative psychology, which follows a healthy body, it
poisons. Here we must recall at least two things. The first is that
our being attracts our life. In sum, there is something wrong with
our way of taking things. The other is that since the creation comes
from the interplay of three forces, a Trinity consisting of an active
power, passive and neutralizing other, there will always be a passive
force, second, or resistance to oppose you in the very nature of
things. No one's fault. It is useless to personify and Force as the
Devil. These two factors, one is inside, the other outside, ignore
them. They do not pay attention. Our self-love is deaf. We prefer to
take things personally. At the Institute, although we were told that
the staff hardly had a right to be there, no one really grasped what
that meant. I guess we never even knew we had a personality which was
to depart. It takes a long time to realize things. Did not understand
that one meaning of this observation estate of not taking everything
personally. If he had known and practiced "no bitterness" rather than
a tolerant sort of patience, tired, hiding my hurt, would have
understood some things in practice earlier. Instead I applied to
shave, however I had to get up early because, of course, had to save
face. It separated me from the personality, quite the contrary. This
is the worst of ideals. I let myself be guided by delays. To put it
another way, let me guide my self-love, without diminishing it.
Moreover, at that time he sought the job especially selfishness,
hoping to become a magician with supernatural powers.

But I do not mean to resentment which is not shown, but the practice
of the absence of resentment, which is a different thing. Hide
politely resentment does not change the love that underlies it. What
makes the practice of the absence of resentment. Work with all its
teachings, ideas and diagrams, to transform the self-love. It is not
enough to love yourself. You must love the job too. What the hell is
that self-love? What do you like? How it works? In fact is hard to
grasp that being male or female mechanics is our livelihood. Try to
find examples, approaches and definitions. We can say that their
costumes are infinite. It is a wolf dressed in sheep. In itself
suffers injury. He hates being laughed at him. Not able to laugh at
himself. I would like each event to reflect the merit of each and all
to admire, and, where possible, to bow before him. In the latter
case, disguised in the garb of the more extreme modesty and is very
humble. But if something bites you have heard by chance, he replies
with a voice like a wasp in a jar of honey. In the background is hard
as flint, except for those who extol its merits. For those who do
often disguise of kindness, which becomes a hard face if it
criticizes or makes a mistake. It should be assured that whatever you
do make selfishness has always given his self-interest by more than
say that this is not so. Public buildings, munificent gifts, freely
given libraries, benefit others, but expensive reputation of the
donor, which is its true object. What appears to be the motive, and
what is in reality are two different things-just as with every one of
us. We need to know that all this is in ourselves.

One writer speaks of self-love or selfishness in these words: "Is

there something more restless in the background, more easily
provoked, they may get angry more violently than the love of it, and
it is often when it is exalted according to their own vanity, or when
nothing happens, according to its pleasure and desire. " However, no
person who can see their selfishness. You can only see the results.
The resentment, restlessness, being easily provoked angry or violent,
are results that happen sometimes observed. He chooses to ignore, or
rather, selfishness does not allow it. Again, all negative emotions
resulting from self-love, hurt or unhappy. We all know that negative
emotions lead to violence, prehistoric man, prehistoric women. What
we want is the other side. However, any processing of self-love means
freedom from violence and thus formed a new will is not self-will.
The desire comes from what we love. Self-love and self-will are
twins. Described in a recent comment to a man with whom I met new
willingness beyond the canyon filled with prehistoric bones, beyond
violence. He showed no resentment. His love of self must have been
transformed, perhaps in love for God - Amor Amor Dei own in or love
of neighbor. But one can have the latter without having the first, as
it happens.

In any case, what matters is that the self-love makes us all unhappy.
We all have this base, and is useless to look smugly to another
person and say "Thank God I am not so selfish," because it is our
self-love that speaks again with this costume. Self-love, self-will,
self-righteousness-as "meets all the commandments" - these three form
a trio ugly. The Gospels also talk of another righteousness, and in
the job. It has nothing to do with the rightness of False
Personality, with merit, with the reputation, outward appearances,
the public-which all have to do with self-love. Have not you realized
yet that a person can be good and tell the truth and practice honesty
and act with justice and do everything for the love of self,
everything for the sake of reputation, to appearances, honor or
profit , and that person wants nothing within him good and not
thinking at all in the truth? It is the person himself for what the
job change. The inner man, the man hiding is the subject of the
transformation, so that removing all social fears and the police, all
restrictions, not rush into all sorts of evil that comes from self-

However, education-life is, or should be, a love of self education.

You get awards. Why else school teachers work? It is both desirable
and necessary. It is better to be among people who have a love of
self educated than among rednecks. But, paradoxically speaking,
although it is desirable and necessary, is an obstacle in the way of
the job. Work is no place to go in and the insight into its truth is
never experienced. If someone gives you strength, usually enters into
a person, but the underlying self-love and continue expelling Steward
not be formed. The Steward is opposed to love him. Butler himself
against him.

Now one way to attack the self-love is self-observation. Can be

repaired in one or two stupid inventions of self-love about yourself.
They are gradually brought the light of consciousness. Self-
observation lets in light. The light illuminates the absurdity. One
laughs and hurts himself and selfishness. It is a big step forward by
able to laugh at itself honestly love him. What is conscious-that is,
the light-is with operating unconsciously, in the darkness. White and
black are, even for a brief moment. But every time this happens, the
love of self is diminished, and awareness is growing at its expense.
It is wonderful to have a glimpse of our own selfishness and being
able to laugh. It is increasingly lost the old feeling, highly
explosive and too sensitive, 'I'. This means that a better balance is
achieved. It means more smoothly. It can be observed over a long
period is a clear aspect of self-love and thus get a picture of our
body size-Time. But we have already referred to this matter. One
word. Self-love does not become, as I noted, prevents any change in
the level of being.

In one of his Epistles, Paul speaks of the difficulties encountered

in people from groups who did not care at all about what he was
teaching, but who came for other reasons. He says "For all seek their
own" (Phil., II, 21). Elsewhere (II Timothy, iii, 7) where he speaks
of the "lovers of self" (φιλαυτοι), says they are "ever learning and
never able to get to know the truth." It means that having only self-
love and no love for his teaching can not raise their level enough to
internally perceive the truth of what he taught, and know

NOTE: The issue of self-love is so immense that only mentioned in

this review a few aspects. All life is based on self-love. Everywhere
people seek to satisfy their love of each other in one way or
another, or seek revenge for what they imagine are wounds to their
self-love. It should be mentioned one or two things. One of the
greatest dangers facing humanity is the self-love or selfishness
organized. This is accomplished by giving people a certain ideal and
training the youth for this, but I will not dwell further on this
matter. I leave it to the reflection of you.

Did not agree that what follows is a simple illustration of the

universal self-love? "Smith Brown despises and mocks him. Brown Smith
despises and mocks him. But Smith can not mock mock Smith nor Brown
Brown. This is the obstacle. That's why he says the job of separating
from Personality. I have to work on Nicoll and be able to make fun of
him. It costs nothing to the others laugh at him. But this is
irrelevant. "

Great Amwell House, July 31, 1952


If a man changes himself, his view of the universe in which he lives

will also change. The one can not change without the other. Just as
what was has become different, so also the place where he lives has
become different. I no longer feel yourself the same way I felt
before, and no longer feels the world the same way I felt before.
What is your view of the universe where you live? Perhaps what has
been assumed the same way you assumed. That is, never stop to think
neither one nor the other. In my case, simply considered the universe
as a vast machine, so vast that a ray of light travels 300,000
kilometers per second would need several million to cross it. It
contains billions of stars, far more than we can see at a glance.
These stars are arranged in large masses called galaxies. Our sun is
a star in a galaxy, the Milky Way. Our galaxy is shaped like a disc.
Since we are on the disc, we look up above our head, a thick band of
stars. There are about 100,000 million stars like the sun in our
galaxy. The telescope of 100 "at Mount Wilson, in America, has
discovered that there are approximately 100,000,000 similar galaxies
within the limits of its scope, which reaches a distance of
1,000,000,000 light years. 1 Try to conceive the distance light
travels in one year going at a speed of 300,000 miles per second,
which is a light year, and then try to conceive a distance of
1,000,000,000 light years. For us it is inconceivable, though perhaps
not so for higher mind.

A ray of light that emerges from the second closest star to us in our
galaxy, the Sun is the nearest star-need more than four years to
reach us. This means that we see where it was four years ago. We see
the sun, however, where it was eight minutes ago. No star, because of
its distance and the limited speed of light that creeps through
interstellar space is on the site which appears to be. In this
universe, larger than it is inconceivable for an incredible depth,
land sailing as a tiny particle with half-lit. In this particle, half
in shadow, half illuminated, you and I, full of selfishness and self-
importance, even more particles exist as infinitesimal. This is our
situation in terms of physical magnitude in the visible universe,
extending a three-dimensional space. With respect to the fourth
dimension-time or dimension, has a peculiar relationship with the
present moment of time because we do not see where they are the
stars, but they were in the past. We see the universe in the past as
it was. It would be unpleasant if the same applies to objects that
are in our room. The would see, but we could not touch them.

But what is the effect of this on self-love? Does not that man "walk
more humbly before God" as the saying? Would not perhaps diminishes
the exalted idea that Man is its significance? He did it before, but
not now. Some centuries ago when Galileo said the earth was not only
rotating but also revolved around the Sun, the self-love of man, not
being able to adjust to that idea, he was seriously wounded, to the
point Galileo was arrested by the Inquisition and had to recant in
public. It was at that time when he muttered: "Still Moves" ( "e pur
si muove"). Until then, people believed that tiny particle, our Earth
was the immovable center of the whole universe with its myriads of
stars, which revolved around obsequious and humble her, along with
the sun, all around the clock. But he always finds a way to reaffirm
the love of another if it receives a shock to be confronted by
something that is breathtaking and wonderful. Sure he will. It's like
the person who first saw the Parthenon, to assert, blurs his name in
a column. In asserting their self-love, like a naughty child, regains
its lightness. Some modern astronomers seem to behave the same way
with the Universe. It is a favorite technique of self-love to
belittle the threat whatever their supremacy. There is always
recourse to laugh with derision. Science tells us that the universe,
however gigantic, is not a reason to feel awe or surprise. It came
into being by accident and meaningless. It is. Since self-love hates
everything that is bigger than him, it is suspected that this hatred,
which originates in the love of self, denial of modern science
supports the purpose and meaning of all that exists. Everything can
be explained, to the exquisite order which can be discerned in the
structure of tiny things like atoms, as in the vast things like solar
systems and galaxies. Nature is seen as a series of Chinese boxes,
one inside the other, and scientists are already saying: "We hope
that soon we will open the last box, the smallest, the innermost of
all." It added that safely say that is empty, whatever the thing they
find. When Jung told Freud that many dreams had another
interpretation of regressive sexual satisfaction and some showed a
useful prospective direction for personal development, he replied
that that idea could not be accepted. Jung refused to admit no. Today
the quarrel took place between the science in general and their
interpretations, some of which are of surprisingly poor quality. But
many scientists are afraid to say what they think. Declaring that the
universe is backed by intelligence means ostracism.

But the idea of a mechanical universe, accidental, meaningless, do

not help man to raise his level of being. Produce the opposite
effect, and indeed it does. By not feel awe and wonder, love itself
is not affected. It was stated in the previous comment that if the
self-love does not change, neither can produce any change in a
person. Although it is not clearly understood, I can only say that it
is useless to argue on that matter. Of course, self-love is always
discussed, for fear of losing power over us. Have you noticed that
love itself is very sensitive to attacks? Work mentions two giants
that walk before us and have everything in advance. They are the
Pride and Vanity. These two aspects of self-love are very sensitive
to anything that can depose. It is cruel to serve masters. The job
can not walk in front of us (as it should do in all things) while the
strength of these two giants, empty and sterile, not diminished.
Observe long weakens. But just a moment consider this: is the quality
of our love for the job that determines our evaluation of the Work
and its power to change. If this love is different from our self-
love, then to watch the Giants will weaken. Work weakens, but if our
love for the job is just another manifestation of self-love, watching
the Giants did not weaken but strengthen that.

Well, we know that, according to the teaching of Labor, the universe

is a creation, not a dead thing, inexplicable, accidental and
meaningless. It is a living thing composed of systems within systems,
each with a purpose and meaning, each living and able to develop or
degenerate. We were created within this universe with a purpose and
meaning as living beings capable of development or degeneration.
Humanity on Earth is, indeed, a special experiment in self-evolution.
We are asked more than let us live and earn our living. It is
something extra that we study through the teachings of Labor. The
Work is that extra thing. So on the one hand, as I said earlier, I
contemplate the universe as a vast machine, accidental, meaningless
and dead, or can be considered in the light of what the job told me
about it. What is the attitude that can best reduce my self-love and
thereby change? I leave you to answer for yourselves and for me. I
mentioned at the beginning that most likely never have thought deeply
about the universe and thus have no opinion about that particular.
They accept it as it is. However, it is something within which all
exist. Work much emphasis to call attention to this subject. But
people do not even realize they live in the Solar System. It seems
strange that not even extend their consciousness to that point. Do
not guess what the reason for this?

Great Amwell House, August 9, 1952


We seek the gift of a new quality of will, which knows no resentment.

Gathering in mind everything that belongs to our staff working
memory, and everything we've covered so far according to what Labor
says we will have no difficulty in seeing that this new status will
not be the same as self-will. The will itself is based on self-love.
The latter continually feel resentment if not praised and pampered
him. Calls to his holy will and not paying attention to anyone.
Burning easily becomes very difficult to appease anger in the absence
of memory and mental agility and then transformed into hatred and
then violence. The advantages of receiving the gift of a new quality
of will in which the resentment is absent are so numerous and obvious
that it is not worth mentioning. But I note one or two. Having a will
characterized by the absence of resentment would be to become a new
man - that is, in another kind of man -. Such a man, for example,
would pass through the confusing intertwining of jealousies and
ambitions and the tangle of human relationships in general without
losing strength. As for ourselves, our energies more aware they soon
run out and we dived into mechanical reactions. For him it would be
different. In places where we are sinking, he goes on. I said that is
another kind of man. Many years ago I used to ask ourselves this
question: "In his view, what looks like a man belonging to the
Conscious Circle of Humanity? What are the signs by which you
recognize?" Naturally, some thought must be a tall man and
inexpressibly beautiful, a leading figure with piercing dark eyes,
dressed in elegance and perfect manners, and everything else. Others
thought it would be a very strong man with huge muscles, jaw
outstanding, tremendous energy and indomitable will. Some, more
naive, believed that a man should be well connected. The imagination
of all those people did not go beyond. Ouspensky said all too human
these assumptions about Conscious Man was based on an exaggeration of
the common man and mechanic. He said that Conscious Man was another
kind of man-a man totally different from the ordinary man. In sum, a
New Man. But according to what we know and have heard, we venture to
think that Conscious Man would not be impressed by any of the
manifestations of love of self so rampant in us. In fact the attack.
This would be one of the signs by which they discover. We would
probably put off all these things. Another sign is the absence of
resentment, which points to the possession of a new will. It is
immediately aware that Man has a will based on self-love. Conscious
Man is the man who has suffered a change of being-actually a
transformation of being. As we have noted in recent comments, no
change can be as self-love remains unchanged, and while self-love
remains the same, the will itself remains what it was. This man will
obey itself. Inwardly not recognize anything about yourself. Not obey
the job internally, but trying to do so outside. Not renew the inner
man inside because he does not believe in it.

I will speak now about the man outside and inside. I took these terms
from an observation of Paul in one of his letters to his group in
Corinth. He's talking about the new faith but had not known the
Christ: He writes: "Therefore do not lose heart, but as our outer
nature is wasting away, our inner man is renewed day by day" (II
Corinthians, IV, 16). Is it to renew or re-fresh, as does the Greek
word-the inner man (that), while accompanied by the perish-or human-
wear outside (exo), to which we must pay attention. It reminds us
about the teaching job to Personality passive and active Essence. By
gradual emaciation of Personality, by extracting energy from
mechanical reactions that make it passive, Essence develops. That is,
the Essence can only develop at the expense of Personality. Linked to
Personality with the outside (exo) or outside of ourselves that
surrounds the Essence, and Essence with the inside (that) surrounded.
(Esoteric Christianity refers to the inner meaning of what Christ
taught: Esoteric Christianity refers to the literal meaning and
ritual outside.) However, the internal essence and understanding can
only grow through what is genuine. Lying kills. The truth unfolds. It
has a high origin. What is false strengthens the outer personality,
which is rooted in life on earth. Again, what is the self-love is not
genuine and so can only strengthen the personality. Paul says in his
own way how a genuine faith renews or stimulates or gives life back
to the inner man and weakens the outer man, "... while our outer
nature is wasting away, our inner man is renewed day by day."

Now the whole job can be on the outer man or Personality. Is achieved
then a strange result. Work, not from life but has a high origin,
instead of leading to development of the inner man or Essence, which
also has a high origin, strengthens the outer man or personality that
has a low origin and comes from life. Such a person seems to believe
everything the Work teaches it sounds small. And since in that case
there can be no renewal of the inner man (every day), it is not
granted the renewal from within. Work remains on the surface of his
mind as a mere memory and not something to work deeply, continually
bringing a new perception of truth.

When Christ referred to the people who were like whitewashed tombs
anger to say that the outside does not match the inside. Christ

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites for ye are like unto
whited sepulchres, which outwardly, indeed appear beautiful, but are
within full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness"

(Matthew XXIII, 27).

We must look, then, the quality of the inner man. I spoke on this
subject in the last comment. It is a very necessary and practical
exercise, such as practicing the absence of resentment. What would
resemble if you take off the outer and the inner stay alone? What is
behind the polished facade? If a man remained the same after having
been robbed, would welcome having developed Essence. I fear that
externally displays the average man has little resemblance to what it
displays inside. Well, what counts at Work is the internal and state-
not the facade. Speaking specifically of the relationship between
Labor and the outside and the inside of a person, some people often
say they believe in the job and speak well of him and have taught
others and they have done a good job for love . However, if they are
stripped off the outer man and just be allowed to expose the inner
man, the question would be very different. Internally not believe one
iota in the job and what it teaches. They have no good opinion of the
job and, in short, used it to produce a good impression abroad in the
other, as being well informed, or to know all about esotericism and
the like. The amazing thing is that do not observe their
contradictions, one of the things the job tells us that look. Being
unable to observe what happens inside, often believe they believe, or
persuade themselves of it, refusing to peek inside for fear of
confronting with themselves.

Now, in regard to the inner man in you: when his self-awareness has
increased enough to allow a better view of what it is like you under
the illusions of self-love, then for the first time you realize that
Christ so often and so harshly said, "You hypocrites." Before these
words had no meaning to you. I could not seriously believe that the
hypocrite you were. I could not understand-at least be helped by
additional light of consciousness. But when the light came and
grabbed the love of it starts to chip through some experiences of
self-observation without engaging in self-justifying and self-pity,
achieved an increase of consciousness and I understood this saying
and probably many others. For the first time they had meaning for
you. He understood then why the job is called esoteric Christianity-
that is, the inner meaning of the teaching of the gospels, which is
impossible to achieve without working on it, starting with a self-
observation devoid of criticism or self-justification or self-pity.

A final word: you can say you believe in the job internally. Maybe
so. In this issue you are your own judge. But add one thing: Do you
have faith in your belief? If it is not true every day, like a plant
will not grow.
Great Amwell House, August 16, 1952


Briefly review what we now understand about the Essence and

Personality at this stage of our work study. First they taught that
Man is composed of two distinct parts called Essence and Personality.
It is, so to speak, the first great mystery about the Man (the second
is to be asleep). Then we say that Man is born not only Essence and
Personality. This condition is harmless as all young things. The
third is that Essence grows only slightly and is surrounded by
Personality. Then, Essence and Personality are not under the same
number of laws. Essence manifested in the newborn child is under 24
orders of laws and the personality is reflected in the growing child
is under 48 orders of laws. Man therefore has the possibility of two
lives, one belonging to another Essence and Personality. The fifth
thing is that the personality becomes active and, consequently,
Essence becomes passive. Personality and Essence dominate his life
that remains undeveloped. " The sixth thing is that the object Labor
this state is to invest in Man and make the Essence to become active
and passive personality. When you have reached this state, the life
of the Essence dominates the life of Personality. The man is then,
from the standpoint of Work, a grown man or complete, which
distinguishes it from the man underdeveloped or incomplete. The
seventh thing is that life and the world act as neutralizing force or
third force to keep the active Personality and Essence passive. Only
when the job becomes a neutralizing force takes place for investment
and Essence becomes active and passive personality.

Be content to present to these seven points of instruction given by

the Working specifically with respect to the Personality and Essence,
and we continue commenting. To begin I will discuss two major triads
are possible in Man and I just mentioned. Suppose a man who has done
it by the triad of the Personality as an active force or first force,
the force Essence as passive or second force, and Life as a
neutralizing force or third force. This is a great setup. Or, to put
it another way, this determines your relationship with life. This
configuration or relationship is necessary and inevitable in the
country called civilized Western Man. It happens to all of us.
Suppose now the existence of a man in whom the major triad consists
of the Essence as an active force or first force, force of
personality as passive or second force, and work as a neutralizing
force or third force. Such a configuration or relationship is not
necessary for a man to walk through life and certainly not
inevitable. It happens. It is carried out mechanically. Are necessary
to achieve at least two things. The first is to find a designated
education required to carry the state in which there is a
neutralizing force. The second is to live this self-education and
making it what it teaches. Such teaching is contrary to life because
life has produced the first triad and can not produce the second
triad. That is why it is said that the job, not life, neutralizing
force must become or third force to take place the configuration of
the second triad. Note that it is futile to try merely to change
one's life by taking a new career or playing the harpsichord or
living in another country. All this is life. This is best discovered
as you awake. Prevent wrong or futile efforts to avoid a real effort.
The inner taste, in short, is developed. Again, it is useless merely
to give out, or go to theaters, or reading novels or playing the
harpsichord, and so on. No, what is important is to do what was done
differently internally, for example, look at what one is like not to
be identified as before, without having continually charges against
the other or become negative or feeling resentful. Over time the
interior work come to change the triad-Life.

However, many times people glibly refer to the job saying it's a new
neutralizing force, not realizing what it means. They see the writing
job on the board and shake their heads. That diagram had seen before.
Consider what might be its meaning and we begin by considering what
that means. If a man or woman is still living, talking, feeling,
behaving and acting like he always did, although it was Labor of
instruction, life is still the neutralizing force, not the job. I
really do not appreciate and obey not the job well. They appreciate
and relate to life. There is nothing reprehensible in this. Why not
do it? Why take off the clothes that create comfortable, in exchange
for a vague promise that they will be given new clothes that feel
better? It is true that, by remaining flat on the self-love, which is
a necessary feature of the triad of Life, and therefore always
inclined to resent everything and everyone, often experience sadness
or anger or unhappiness. But do not feel that this is because
unknowingly carry a cruel sackcloth under their garments surface. Can
not receive because they do not value self-observation and change.
All giant family life arising from self-love, the giants of pride,
vanity and envy, with its many servants, the giants of jealousy and
power and greed and hatred that sustain human life as it is , to be
interrupted. Such is the power of the first triad or triad-Life. It's
something that we, apparently asleep in the soft cocoon of self-love,
only begin to see when we move and begin to awaken and emerge from
the illusion of being free, conscious and capable of decision. I
advise you to always observe in yourself the love of self and realize
what they do, without subtlety or crudeness. We riddled with their
evil passions. Let nobody tell me you're free of them or do not know
them. This is the voice of self-love that is speaking. But let this
issue and say a few words about what it means to work as a third
force and why there is the inner or esoteric teaching, such as life
education, in view of the two separate and discontinuous Man-namely,
Personality and Essence. Personality is developed through life and
has to be. But Life does not develop the Essence. Why not? Is this
about which we must focus attention. Why life would not bring their
full development Essence? How does a man in whom life has developed a
full personality can not come easily to fully develop their essence?
Sure, if Life could achieve the former, would not be able to achieve
the latter with equal ease? Not at all: Life can not do it. Life can
provide the food for the development of personality but not the food
necessary for the development of Essence. The secret farm in the
Personality and Essence need different foods for their respective
development. They need different kinds of truth. For example,
education of staff to progress through the knowledge of the truths of
science, but of the Essence. Knowledge of, say, global markets and
political situation develops Personality, but Essence does not
develop by knowing truths of this kind. The Essence, before
manifesting in a human body, which derives from their parents on
earth, comes from a much higher level than the global world that is
under 24 orders of laws. Is said to come "to the stars". Our Sun is a
star in our galaxy called the Milky Way. Claiming the standard comes
from the sun or outside the solar system does not matter for now. The
interesting thing is that it has a very high source in the vertical
scale. By comparison, Personality has a very low origin, regardless
of our ancestors in the past located in the horizontal time. However,
the essence ceases to grow because Life does not get appropriate food
to grow. But if a man imbued with a knowledge of this Work (whose
origin comes from the Conscious Circle of Humanity in the Gospels is
called the Kingdom of Heaven) continually soak your mind with your
Truths and think and rethink and perceives its depth and recognizes
and applies them to their inner states, then the Essence begin to
grow. He is giving the food appropriate for the business of life does
not supply. Their energies will cease to flow only into the low and
their personal reactions and begin to flow upward, as the legendary
Jordan, on another level, where the Essence. For the essence and
personality are at different levels. We are too. One of these levels
is under fewer laws than the other. This means he is on a higher
level. Only the kind of truth that teaches job develops Essence. If a
man loves you, eventually you will want, and if he wants to do. Is
this love of the Truth of the Work which is the new willingness in
the man-about which we talked recently. Is it willing to do the Truth
of the Work that develops Essence. This is the proper food, which has
declined to be received. The Essence is immortal. When the body of
flesh and blood "is left to one side returns to the place from which
it came, taking what they had received. This derives not want the job
of self-will, which comes from self-love. The will of the Personality
is second on this will. The willingness of foreign Personality
reflects the will of the inner Essence. Content to say: "Thy will but
not mine." Having made the passive personality developed by Essence
that has become active, for power is done by the Truth of the Work,
which is stronger than life, man has now reached the end secret and
hidden meaning of his creation. Apart from being the middle-man who
had Life is now a whole man.

Great Amwell House, August 23, 1952


The following quote is interesting in view of the subject of recent

reviews. We give below:

"I dwell in the high and holy, and the contrite and humble spirit"

(Isaiah, LVII, 15).

Whatever its meaning, suggests that a man who is full of self-love,

who never questions his own importance, will not be able to move up
the scale to be a higher level of development. Probably the author of
the quote is on a higher level because he says he "lives in the high
and holy". To ascend to that level, a person must be humble and
seemingly broken or contrite. We know that in this world there lives
and backward, and no doubt that there are also in the other world.
But we know specifically that promotion at work means something
definite. I mean we know that in an ascending octave - Do, Re, Mi -
be what is more gross to finer, and always begins with the Sun
person. Now, imagine the love of self as passive? Would you say that
is humble and contrite? Obviously, the self-love and all his
descendants-pride, vanity, power, egotism, and everything else, have
nothing contrite and humble. A man may not amount to its aid to a new
being. However, the passive Do whatever that means referred to, is
something which can act on what is highest on the scale. Yield to
what is higher than himself. Moreover, the mean active Do whatever it
acts on something else, and nothing acts on it. Consider the 768 food
that is taken by the body. About him acting digestive juices. That
is, is passive, it is subjected to actions which break the food into
finer materials and, therefore, more intelligent and more useful to
enter the blood, while all that is useless is discarded. This is what
the job has to do psychologically, if only we allowed. But self-love
will do its utmost to prevent this happening. In the case of the
Eighth-Food, the first step is the transformation of passive Do 768-
which is the ordinary food-ranked higher in subjects with the number
384, and so forth, stage by stage, until the subject 12. If entered
as a DO 768 active, you can only fall in the range of subjects,
becoming more dense and, therefore, more stupid and less useful. So
whoever happens psychologically self-love whose unregenerate not
faced and not fought, is dominant, because it obstructs the path to
ascending octave. Self-love is not passive and not allowed to act on

However, since Essence is descended from a "higher plane" and finally

enclosed in a body of flesh and blood, in ascending octave Man must
exist in relation to this decline. Here it is claimed the idea that
the essence, for having fallen, must be able reascender-that is, to
retrace the path of its descent. If Essence reasciende and center of
gravity of the consciousness of a man and his being were truly in
Essence instead of being in Personality, then the re-ascent of
Essence would also man's ascent to the level of its origin. Would the
return trip. This idea of "return trip" is mentioned in several
places in the ancient esoteric literature, as in the Hymn of the Robe
of Glory in Gnostic writings, and there is obviously a reference to
the parable of the Prodigal Son in the Gospels (Luke, XV 11-32). The
Prodigal Son, who in all likelihood was a man who had satisfied all
the desires of his self-love and found that everything tasted like
nothing and nothing was real, may have been a multimillionaire, "is
described as someone who" comes around . He realized one way or
another was not a good course and had reached the end of things.
Everything was meaningless, as often happens when the only purpose of
life is the satisfaction of self-love and ambition. Therefore it is
said, having come to himself: "I will go to my father and say to him:
Father, I missed the target." So he arose and came to his father. It
does not mean his earthly father. His father rejoices and says,
"Let's party, because this my son was dead and is alive again: he had
lost and is found." They shall see the significance of these words,
dead and lost. When a man retraced his steps and Personality leaving
behind him, begins to move toward the essence, stop dead or missing.
Searching for the development of Essence through the inner man, and
away from falsehood and insincerity and hollow professions of the
external man, begins to be alive rather than dead - internally, in
spirit. I realize you have to do, what it is spurious, than it has to
observe and ensure that it becomes increasingly conscious of that
over which should work, and that of which should shed and leave
behind. He is no longer lost, adrift and walk without any goals
through the years. You now have a direction. He left for a journey.
It's a long journey, but you will soon feel that receive aid. So in
the parable says, "And while still far away, his father saw him and
had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him." The
phrase "while still far indicates that the journey from personality
to Essence is too long. Mercy and his welcome note the help. Work is
as if he were speaking, and saying that when a man becomes truly
self-that is, when he remembers and recognizes himself "knows that
the person is not always intended to be, or that it has taken on its
own same, and has taken a wrong turn and try to stay there.
Curiously, this is called the parable of the Prodigal Son. What was
prodigal? Some people say seriously that refers to money. The sensual
taken literally, and imagine that was used by greedy parents who fed
on husks. You will notice that the word "prodigal" is not in the
parable. It is really a parable about a man who, though was
successful, he discovers that life does not give him what he expected
and, when they realize they must have another origin of life, which
made no sense by itself same, and should do anything other than live,
took the road to get rid of all the falsehood that life and how they
have in him, cleansed of all the attitudes that their vanity and
their illusions about themselves have forged in him . It is really a
parable about the return to the origin of self - not the return to
the mother, but something that is beyond and is different. Man has
discovered their true origin. Essence has found. His whole emotional
life is changing. It has grabbed the rope hanging over his head
because I have not talked about it, but jumping itself by an effort
that is his own, through an act within his inner man. In connection
with this understanding of our vertical origin, which is different
from our temporary home, and the resulting appreciation of oneself,
give some quotes, without comment. Christ said, "Do not call anyone
your father on earth" (Matthew, XXIII, 9). When his mother tells him
about the miracle of water turned into wine, he says, "What do you
have with me, woman?" (John ii, 4). Elsewhere he says: "Know ye not
that ye are all sons of God?" I will give a brief extract from the
Hermetic Literature (Hermetica, Book 1). The author refers to the
Creator establishing the cycles of birth and death of all living
things that occur on Earth, including Man. But Man is different from
the rest of Organic Life, "about which we shall speak in a moment.
Man has within himself something more than animals and this has to
get to know. You mind over and above the senses.

"That man, whose mind on it, recognize that it is immortal ... He who
has recognized himself enters the God who is above." He added that
those who do not wander about the darkness in the world of the senses
and he repeated in his rebirth. Finally, we have the vision of
Jacob's ladder stretching between Heaven and Earth, with figures up
and down:

"And Jacob dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on land, and the top
reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and
descending on it"

(Genesis XXVIII, 12).

Think for themselves what they say these few references.

Now, we see that nothing was said above can be applied similarly to
Personality. I mean, no return trip via the Personality, it is at the
level of life and was created by life. There is, therefore, rise in
the Scale of Being through the Personality. It fell to earth this
life as did the Essence, but was made for life. The main problem that
confronts us is to make personality, possibly, will be almost
negligible. So it may be used. Let us now return to the origin of the
Essence. Organic Life understand that originated in the level of
intelligence represented by the Sun is obviously easier to use the
word "sun." It was necessary to create a movie Sol sensitive living
on land fitted with influences coming down the Ray of Creation level
and the terminal point of our particular Ray-namely, the Moon. We'll
have to talk in terms of allegory. The Sun was willing to undertake
this task, but only if given something like a reward for all their
work to plan, build, test and maintain the sensitive film of Organic
Life on earth. For this purpose, after having made conditions on
earth would be desirable, created Man as a self-developing organism.
That is, given man more than was necessary. This particular creation
was purely experimental. Could fail. What mattered was that if a
sufficient number of humans develop themselves beyond what was
necessary for existence and survival on earth, could rise in the
Scale of Being to the level of what is represented by the Sun The Sun
would then receive something for themselves. In addition, to this
end, some kind of education provided for self-development, was
planted in the ground in places and times convenient. Given the level
of human intelligence could not be given except in a hard and
distorted. This is what they mean C Influences from the Conscious
Circle of Humanity and inevitably transformed B influences on earth.
The problem lies in our ordinary thinking, which may not include
opposites though they may be Higher Centers. Moreover, Organic Life
was created as a factory class of pain in which all must strive
continuously or suffer in different ways, and all that, the birth,
pain, death, suffering and fear, and also negative emotions and
anxiety, produce vibrations that are food and sustenance for the
growth of the Moon. Such, very briefly, our situation in Organic Life
on earth. Paul refers somewhere to all creation groaning one, in
expectation of the birth of the Sons of God. He says:

"For the earnest expectation of creation eagerly waits for the

revealing of the sons of God ... because we know that all creation
groans, and one is in travail until now ..."

(Romans VIII, 19, 22).

It is not known to what Paul was teaching school, but his statement
seems similar to the Work teaches. Also similar are hints scattered
throughout the Gospels. Man, therefore, being distinct from other
forms of life, has a chance in this world of suffering, pain and
danger, and its position is not hopeless. Has it something that comes
from above, while being asleep has forgotten his origin and believes
only in his senses. By developing its ties with what comes from
above, having first developed the necessary links to what comes of
living, can rise to the level of its origin. Presumably, the term
"Sons of God" refers to those who have suffered this development, and
up to another level of experience.

Both the Gospels as the job give directions so that we can undertake
such promotion. If ponders what it was, for example, in the Sermon on
the Mount, we are convinced that it is not love of self nor the
various gross and subtle ways in which it can demonstrate that point
the way to promotion. As a starting point you need another love.

Great Amwell House, August 30, 1952


Do not you ever think of that observed and laugh a loan of the
manifestations of self-love? Are they still too proud or full of
self-satisfaction or just blind? Remember that any change in his
psychology can take place while the self-love remains unchanged.

When the body of flesh and blood is left out can not take anything
but psychology. A person becomes his psychology. It is the victim of
his psychology. If hate is hate, with all those who hate similarly.
Then they all hate each other. The hatred stems from self-love that
has been hurt or slighted or cheated. The person who always feels
insulted is full of self-love. He hates people. Today in the world an
extraordinary amount of hate. Hatred makes people subhuman in their
behavior, as we have witnessed in recent years. To begin to grasp
what you are psychologically, just often wonder what our good
relationship with Labor, with the truths it teaches us about
ourselves. What is its relationship with its good and you? I speak of
our inner relationship-that is, our real relationship, not the
pretend or imagine deployed or False Personality. Our psychological
body is duly organized in accordance with our internal connection
with the Work. Let's think about this relationship a little inside.
When people feel secretly doing a kindness to Work to partner with
it. have no inner relation to the job and in fact are psychologically
at risk. A man or woman must truly desire to work more than the
present state of your life to build up a relationship with him
inside. Should be careful never to patronize outwardly or inwardly. I
witnessed the unrelenting consequences of doing so. Work Connect with
personal self-love oneself is valued more than the job. Is not it
true? The body is then in psychological disorder and can not be
formed. We see that these people that deep down they love and
appreciate themselves and their love and value this life above all,
are never able to grasp clearly the Work teaches. Everything is mixed
and is confused and obscure in them. The reason farm that thought
does not follow a clear course. It is as if a river were lifted
opposite currents and mud in its eddies. They whirl around. Why? For
the Work threatens their self-love. How could think clearly about the
job if your self-love secretly hates or ridiculed? Our thoughts do
not get it. In this regard I quote again a point made by Paul in his
second epistle to Timothy. It concerns what happens when self-love is
the esoteric truth. He referred in particular to the end of the age
in which we live, "when all things are creaking, little by little,"
as G. He mentioned several signs and symptoms of the general collapse
of all goodness and truth, and the advent of evil and falsity. Among
other things Paul says, "People will be lovers of themselves
(φιλατοι) always learning and never able to acknowledge the truth"
(II Timothy, III, 2, 7). It is necessary that you be able to see the
reason why they can not perceive the truth for themselves. Self-love
battle Labor truths. Labor truths are able to wake up. Self-love is
trying to keep the man or woman asleep. The wake thus becomes
impossible for them. They are "always learning and never able to
acknowledge the truth." You must have realized that no one can wake
up without self-observation. To awaken a person must see ever more
clearly what it resembles. This is painful. But it gives courage to
die to ourselves and our self-love. When love is strong self prevents
self-observation. A person, when told that it is difficult, dull,
self-satisfied, lazy, conceited, vain, and so on., Can not see just
what that means. Self-love will not accept. Usually go to violence.
If you can not see through self-observation, carried out step by
step, for a long time and cumulative, what it is like, you can not
wake up to what it really is, and you will never want to die that is.
His self-consciousness does not show any enhancement. And unless you
wake up to what is, self-love will still maintain a full and
unchallenged power over him. Think, of course, that has power over
himself. It will be painful, tragically wrong. It will be your pride,
conceit, vanity, or violence and anger she feels when they are
injured by their power over him. It is the idea of his own charm and
excellence, self-esteem, self, self-importance, his polite
superiority, and contempt of others, who will guide. Is your inner
indifference and selfishness and meanness categorical, envy, jealousy
and desire for power that will master it. All those giants, the
progeny of self-love, have power over him, not he them. The silly
little "I" imaginary, imaginary thing that he calls "I" has him
imagine that walking through life in the crowd of his own
intelligence and strength, and that is tragic in all of us. No, those
unforgiving, hard giant force him to walk. Excellent topic, by the
way for a caricature-as are so many things at work. (For example, try
to portray his False Personality.) Yes, these giants are cruel lords.
The man who is under the command of his vanity, say, suffering many
times and without any such utility giant. So is perplexed, often
injured. As I said recently. is the same as sackcloth carrying
without knowing the reason for his discomfort. All aspects that
assumes self-love torment us and make us suffer for hundreds and
hundreds of ways, all useless. They destroy our lives. Therefore we
must observe, and observe again, our self-love, and bring to
conscious awareness and recognition. This we call the direct method.
Or should we see again and again what we are like. This decreases
constantly self-love. We started losing our admiration and love of
another as we observe our behavior and what is in us. I call this the
indirect method. At certain points the two methods are combined. In
both cases, however, do not justify himself. Or rather, since this is
impossible, it should be noted also how you justify yourself. I mean,
be included on our observation of something in ourselves that which
is justified to achieve a complete observation. Is this what you
continually forget to do, although we have been taught repeatedly.
Ouspensky used to emphasize that self-observation by the people is
always incomplete, because they have not observed then how are
criticized or justify themselves. When the result is also seen on
itself in what is seen is brought to the consciousness that with
which otherwise would have been identified. Remember that one does
not identify with what is observed distinctly. When a person
identifies with everything he says, feels, thinks and does, that
person not being observed. Then, that person is asleep. However, we
will proceed, consider the difficulties of seeing the self-love.

Our inner relationship with the Work, through which nourishes us,
depends on two things. One is the perception of the truths it
teaches. Some of these truths to tell us that Man is asleep and its
special task is to awaken from sleep, a multiplicity, not a unit that
does not remember himself, who identifies and considers internally,
submitted constant power of negative emotions and False Personality,
which has only one Imaginary and committed the fatal mistake of
taking it for Real I, and so on. These are a few truths of Labor. I
mention this because recently asked what was the meaning of the
truths of Labor. The second thing that determines its inner relation
to the job is to do the job. If the man is connected through its own
internal perception of the job with the truths and putting them into
practice is aware of his goodness, you will receive two meals for the
development of Essence. Just as the physical body requires literally
give food and drink for nourishment, so the body requires both
psychological psychological food good and truth, which you may be
provided by the Work.

However, one of two things you need to do is observe yourself and

realize the good that it represented over time. One difficulty in
observing it is to be fully aware of the meaning of a word with which
we qualify. Let us take the word vanity. Someone tells me: "You are a
vain". Suppose I am not aware of the meaning of this word, because I
never saw myself, and replied: "I am not at all a vain," and I'm
hurt. There is a gap here that only you can fill. When G. said a
person some years ago that its main feature was Peacock, that person
was incredulous. He did not come to realize the significance of what
they said, and I think it never did. However, other people easily
realize what that means. This shows us one of the difficulties of
doing the job on the side of observing itself. There is a word-such
as self-love and that person can not find how to apply it to herself.
Furthermore, we sometimes tend to look at something which is
impossible to find a word and is recognized only by the flavor
inside. Perhaps later, understand that it is vanity, on which was
incredulous. This is a feature on the job experience, and a sign of
the weakening of self-love that can penetrate a bit of truth about

Now to return to the antagonism between the self-love and Labor and
the question of the quality of our inner relationship with the

It should explain this issue very simply. If our relationship with

the Work is mingled with self-love is not received anything from true
and there is little danger because the seed of Labor may be
destroyed. This is the subject of several parables. The seed that
falls on rocky ground and is destroyed by heat from the sun is a:

"But when the sun was scorched, and because they had no root they
withered away"

(Mark IV, 6).

Here the sun is the heat of self-love. In this regard, the most
important parable is one that refers to the Purification of the
Temple. It means that the inner relation to the Work must be purified
of the element of self-love and their interests and ambitions. The
job is not a proposition for business, it has nothing to do with the
purposes of life. Those things can not develop the essence which has
fallen another level. The inner link with the Work, purified of self-
love, is the temple within ourselves. With the "temple" it is
possible to establish communication with a higher level, but not if
it is contaminated with the love of self and your interests:

"And Jesus entered the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold
and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the
moneychangers, the chairs of those selling doves, and said to them is
written, My house, will be called a house of prayer: but ye have made
it a den of thieves "

(Matthew, xxi, 12, 13).

You will have noticed with what the job hardness in the person of
Jesus is the mixture of self-love with our inner relationship with
him. You mix two levels if they are not separated in the mind and
heart, are mutually antagonistic. The psychological meaning of this
parable is so important for us today.
Great Amwell House, September 20, 1952



By the time we return to the need of psychological thinking at work

to differentiate it from sensual thinking. This idea, briefly stated,
is that nobody can be developed internally through sensual thinking.
The kind of thinking that is based solely on the senses, it makes
more sense, leads us too far. Do not open nor can open the inner
mind. You can only do psychological thinking. In this regard we first
scale gives the Work on the levels of thinking:


I remember they told us that unless we believe in the existence of a

Higher Mind can not assimilate the job-that is, until you receive a
part of us and made them subject to its influence. The skill
necessary to achieve the level of psychological thinking depends on
our belief in the existence of the Higher Mind. Without psychological
thinking we can not get in touch with the Higher Centers. Secondly,
we have the three primary divisions of the Intellectual Center of the
Emotional Center, called the moving part, the emotional and the
intellectual part.

I shall call the Intellectual Center and motor part of the

headquarters of the outer mind or external, emotional side to the
seat of the mind middle or middle and intellectual part of the
headquarters of the interior or internal. This latter mind is turned
towards the Higher Centers. The Sensual Think you can not open:
Psychological Thinking can only open the inner mind. Well, repaired
at the contact points between what is said above and what follows,
which was taken from a chapter of the book we wrote, provisionally
called The Mark.

• • •


The word translated by faith (pistis) in the New Testament is more

than belief. It means another kind of thinking. Take an example of
the Gospels. In Matthew XVI 5-12, states:

"Reaching across his disciples, they had forgotten to take bread. And
Jesus said unto them, Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the
Sadducees. They reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we
have taken no bread. And Jesus perceiving it said, Why do you think
within yourselves, O ye of little faith, who have no bread? ... How
do you not understand that was not the bread that I told you that ye
should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees? Then
understood they had not told them to beware of the leaven of bread,
but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees. "

In this incident it is clear that the disciples understood Christ

said something sensual in meaning-that is, according to the literal
meaning of words. Christ told them that this was a sign that they had
little faith. It's not a question of belief. Greatly believed in
Christ visible. But they had little faith. What does this mean? It
means that faith is more than belief. In this case, faith means
understanding on another level than the literal level. Sensual
understanding can not contact the meanings contained in the teaching
of Christ. He did not mean literal yeast but psychological. Christ
was not speaking but psychologically sensually. His words had no
literal meaning but only a psychological meaning. The yeast to which
it refers is not literal or bread yeast but literal falsehood
polluter good. The Sadducees and Pharisees are always within us. The
Sadducees are comparable to scientists today. He had no life after
death. This is the leaven of falsehood. The Pharisees can be compared
to people who are on appearances, for whom, so to speak, the
important thing is to go to church on Sundays "to be seen of men."
This is your yeast. They were branded as hypocrites, no inner belief.
Now Christ here relates the lack of psychological understanding of
the disciples and the consequent inability to see what he meant lack
of faith. In other words. Christ relates the ability of psychological
understanding to the possession of faith and understanding sensual
with shortages of faith, or even to blindness, with the complete
absence of faith and inner death. Faith is necessary to open a part
of the mind that the senses do not open.

Let us now turn to other passages that relate to faith and its lofty
meanings. Many have believed in Christ as a visible miracle. They
thought through what they saw, through the evidence of the senses.
But in Hebrews XI, 1, faith is called the evidence of things unseen.
"Now it is the security firm faith in what we hope, the evidence of
things unseen." It is not only the conviction of things unseen, but a
flat base or from which you can reach another world of relationships
and values, one that is above the world we see and its cause.
Therefore, the unknown author of Hebrews continues in this manner:

"By faith we understand that the worlds have been prepared by the
word of God, so that the invisible visible has been derived."

The author goes on to write how, through the possession of faith,

certain things have been done. But perhaps even true that nowhere in
Scripture is defined exactly faith, but above all their effects, they
say certain things about her-as above-to show he has to do with an
inner perception of scale. If faith makes a man perceives in his mind
that a world, invisible to the senses, is above the visible world and
its cause, then sees things in scale-that is, based on higher and
lower levels. When the centurion said it was a man set under
authority, and had soldiers under his command, adding that should
happen the same with Christ, spoke in terms of scale. meant that
Christ had only to give the order and will heal his sick servant. On
hearing Christ said he had never met anyone who better understood
what faith meant. It is said that a centurion sent messengers to ask
Christ to heal his servant:

"And Jesus went with them. But when we were not far from the house,
the centurion sent to him friends, saying, Lord, do not bother,
because I am not worthy to receive you under my roof: Wherefore
neither thought I myself worthy to come to you, but say the word, and
my servant shall be healed. I also am a man set under authority,
having soldiers under me and I say this: Go, go, and to another,
Come, and come, and to my servant, Do this, and he does. When Jesus
heard this he marveled at him, and turned and said to the people that
followed him, I say that even in Israel have I found such faith. And
return a case which had been sent, they found the servant well who
had been ill "

(Luke VII, 6-10).

Returning to the Hebrews, the author continues, "... without faith it

is impossible to please God." That is, is impossible without the base
or foundation of faith, which makes possible the man to think beyond
the evidence of their senses and realize the existence of an
invisible scale and understand the psychological meaning.
Understanding the scale means understanding that there are different
levels of meaning. The literal meaning is one thing, the
psychological or spiritual significance is another-although the same
words are used. For example, we saw that the word yeast used in the
incident quoted identified two levels of meaning. The disciples
understood it at the lowest level and were told that this was because
their faith was low. His thinking was sensual. I could not think of a
new way and on another level. And his psychological thinking was so
weak because it relied on the senses, not faith. So faith senses and
describe two ways of thinking, not opposing, or antagonistic, but at
two different levels. Because without the perception of scale and
levels, things become opposite when they are in reality and the mind
of Man is split into "one thing" - "or another", which leads to
endless confusion and mental discord and unhappiness . The author
continues: "What is needed as to who to approach to God must believe
that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." It
is apparent that if, after all things are at, if order is scale, and
whether to establish an order is to establish a scale, then there
must be the higher and lower. For all things must have a top and
bottom. A man who can not perceive the scale, whether visible or
invisible, as did the centurion through psychological understanding
that came from his strong faith, will be closed to the insights that
only faith allowed to penetrate in every mind that had previously
been asleep in the senses and in the limited world they reveal.


(1) According to the diagram of Labor, is a foreign mind, a middle

and an inner mind. They can name you want: only the outer mind is
linked to the senses and the inner mind of Higher Centers and their
way of thinking.

(2) The inner mind can not be opened by the love of it because then a
man only thinks about himself and everything he sees only himself and
nothing higher than himself.

(3) If the inner mind is not open, the man only lives in the
externality and simply think the senses and sensual as the foundation
for your understanding. It has no power of psychological thinking, or
at least very little, because it is in contact with the Higher

Great Amwell House, September 27, 1952

How the wrong attitude chastises us

The work emphasizes the importance of attitudes. In the study by

itself tell us that we must observe our attitudes. We are told we can
not change until we change our attitudes. A wrong attitude distorts
our relationships with things. The Work teaches that we are connected
with external things by our attitudes, such as threads. When you do
not have any attitude toward something is not connected with it. If
it is indifferent, for example, to religion, one might imagine to be
very tolerant, but actually is not taking any stance on that matter.
The influences that are created in life, such as politics, war and
all its intrigue, wealth, social status, business, sports, sprint
win, drinking, gambling, and the like are called influences A. Our
attitudes towards them connect us with them and keep us in life, not
tied down by wires, but strings. Just as our attitudes are and we are
connected to these influences-life. Other influences of a different
order are sown into life by the Conscious Circle of Humanity, having
to do with the psycho-that is, with the possible transformation of
man through inner development. They are created by life. These
influences are called itself influences C, but we get through life
changed as influences B. This is because to understand influences
directly the C would have to understand the language of Higher
Centers, who think in terms of Yes and No. We think in terms of Yes
or No. That is, we formatorily. Formatory thinking is no third force
or connecting force with Higher Centers. The Third Force is to
connect the two opposing forces. Formatory thinking is like asking
when you go by bicycle if you have to turn right or left and insist
on receiving a definite answer.

Now the job primarily derived from influences C and we can open a
Higher Centers. Our connection with the Work depends on our attitude
towards it, and the idea of a Higher Mind or Conscious Man. Attitudes
can be positive or negative. If you have a negative attitude toward
the job, it can not understand. This usually happens if a man lacks
Magnetic Center for Magnetic Center in reality is defined as the
power to distinguish between the influences A and B. For example, we
should be able to distinguish the influences contained in the
Financial Times, and the influences contained in the Gospels. We
should be able to see that they are two very different things. The
man who wants to enter the job should be studied over a long period
by self-observation about their attitudes toward it. It is an
interesting and necessary part of self-study. Some of their attitudes
are negative and some will be positive. As the study increases
applicable to their own being, seeing and recognizing their truth,
their attitudes will become increasingly positive and less negative.
The truth will change. If, by chance, do not study the work related
to his being through self-observation and did not see any truth in
it, their attitudes will not change. Will remain the same. Since we
are not directly aware of our attitudes, we must watch for any
method, such as repairing the effects they produce. The difficulty is
that we feel at ease with our attitudes, but the job inevitably will
struggle with many of them if we let go. If a person does not want to
change and sees no reason in it, you have to do is cut out the job in
order to remain what it is. (I develop this approach as a profound
secret.) Repeat again that people know that you have attitudes. They
are content to have an aversion to some people and empathize with
others, hate their interests and then like another, and so on,
without realizing that this is all due to their attitudes. Very naive
people tell us that lack of attitude and really believe it-pretend to
be impartial.

Now I wish to say, by way of commentary, how they hurt us wrong

attitudes. We can not have wrong attitudes without, somehow, hurt us.
As I said, the wrong attitude we sought a relationship with a thing
wrong, for example, a wrong attitude toward others gives us a wrong
relationship with ourselves. I try to explain setting the attitudes
we have towards the opposite sex. In man, a woman, and woman is a
man. While we remain unilateral and unbalanced-that is, while we
remain persons No. 1, No. 2 or No. 3, there is a disharmony in man
with the woman who is in it, or the woman with the man who is in it.
That is, the woman inside the man punishes man and man within the
woman punishes women. In each case, they disagree with himself. When
the man brings the woman who is within him to consciousness, or the
woman brings to consciousness the man inside it, this internal
disagreement ceases. It's a long task, but it derives peace and
acceptance of the sexes. Of course, here I am talking
psychologically. This is apparently what Christ meant when asked when
his kingdom come and said:

"When two are one, and what is outside as what is inside and the man
and woman will be neither male nor female."

This saying of Christ refers to the Second Epistle of Clement. It

should be noted here that in the case of man, what is outside man is,
and what is inside the woman, and vice versa.

Now if a man has a bad attitude towards women, then have a bad
attitude towards women within himself. If a woman has a bad attitude
toward the Man, then has a bad attitude towards men within itself.
Exactly the same happens with everything else. You can have a bad
attitude towards life, towards the World and the Universe itself, but
a person is in all these things and all these things are there.
Similarly, if a person hates his fellows, hate also something in
itself, and part of it, and indeed a very important part of it, will
be diminished and battered. The more we reflect on attitudes, the
more he understands its importance, and how bad they are often the
attitudes wrong. When the attitude is right, the connections more
fully realized. If we were objective consciousness would see things
as they really are. If we saw such things as they really are, we
would have a right attitude toward everything. At present this is
still very far from us. If a man becomes aware of women within it,
then things would look from the point of view of women as from the
point of view of man. This would obviously less subjective. But
although at present we do not have nothing to compare to objective
consciousness and we see everything through our prejudices and
illusions, that man would not be any illusions about women, for women
to know itself, and the same could apply to the woman who knows the
man inside it. Meanwhile, we can all work at least on wrong
attitudes, wrong attitudes especially towards the same job and
possibly wrong attitudes towards each other at work. These Latest
require us to study the meaning of the external account, which should
never be neglected for our holy will.

A wrong attitude creates a bad relationship. Therefore, a wrong

attitude to the job is in a bad relationship with him. Let us take an
example. Suppose we have heard that the purpose of the Work is to
cleanse and purify the lower centers in order to receive Higher
Centers. Suppose we say that Higher Centers exist in us, always fully
developed and working, but because we can not hear the cry of "I" of
negative states, consider the identified internal, self-
justification, of fancy , vanity, pride, and all the rest, as also
because of the silent blockage of the buffers. Suppose I have taught
this, but for now I can not accept the idea that the Higher Centers
are already in me. I think I should seek and find something out of
me. Then I'll have a wrong attitude toward the job. Because of this
wrong attitude, I can never grasp properly what the job is teaching
me, my research is geared towards off-not inward. The idea that the
Conscious Circle of Humanity is inside of me will seem extraordinary.
When he says as was done in the recent commentary on the Fe-that
internal divisions can contact the Centers Senior Centers within us,
and the exterior boundaries can only communicate with the world of
sense to us outside , then I will not believe a word of what is said,
and will continue to seek some kind of "rock god" out of me. I
imagine there are many who, because of this particular attitude
wrong, they're stuck at work. By not accepting the Higher Centers in
them, external worship a god, in the tradition, customs and social
views, at conventions, even certain people. Then they have the wrong
attitude to the job. Unless there is a change of attitude will remain
bogged down and not move more. Beyond a limited extent, the job will
be unable to grow on them. If Labor can not grow in them, can not
connect with the Higher Centers.

A comparison of attitudes of body postures helps. A right attitude is

to correct posture. "You can not cross a narrow, low door with a
wrong-carrying upright head. You can not cross it. It's the same with
the wrong attitudes.

Great Amwell House, October 4, 1952


Knowing the job means not understand. There is a huge difference

between knowing and understanding. After publishing "Tertium
Organum", G. O. told: "If you understood everything you wrote in your
book, I remove my hat off to you." At first sight it seems
extraordinary that knowing and understanding are not the same thing.
People often say of a person known for its know who knows a lot. Do
not think it necessary to add that also includes a lot. Think that
one implies the other. But it would be correct to say that he knows a
lot but does not understand. It would also be correct to say a person
who knows little but understands a lot. If you think about this last
example, we find that fully understood how little he knows. Confusing
in life knowing and understanding, and errors arising from this
confusion are not our concern here. But at work we must grasp more
and more the essential difference between knowing and understand,
otherwise you could get up a barrier that will force us to stop.
Knowing the job is one thing: to understand the job is quite another.
Meet the Work involves a part of a single center. Understanding the
Work involves the whole man. For real man I mean the psychological
man-the Man of Thought, Man of Emotion and Will, and Action Man-All
centers in Man eventually have to participate if someone points to a
profound understanding of it. A small part of a single center is not
enough. How can anyone hope to understand something as gigantic as
the job, backed by a huge background over time, with a small part of
an orderly little used and poorly? It is the same as having the hope
of becoming a great musician, having learned a few notes on the
piano, not all the notes, of course, but few in the middle of the
keyboard. Such is our hubris that the gods must laugh or mourn.
Because, as said G., macaques seem to Conscious Man. And I imagine
you do not need a prolonged self-observation, the condition of being
sincere, impartial and devoid of self-justification-capture stunning
glimpses of what he meant. Now, both men and women must know the job
before they can understand. Knowledge comes before understanding the
horizontal run time, but on the scale of values, eternal and vertical
understanding lies much higher and is much bigger than knowledge. The
Work says that we can not create a force greater than understanding.
He also says whoever is in contact with the Work must continuously
seek to increase their understanding of it. It is again the parable
of the talents. Because otherwise the job cools and begins to die.
Work will remind you that judges our own work, because the job is
hidden within us. It is within us in the form of Buried Conscience.
If it were not, no man would work. Nobody sees Buried Conscience. But
this perceived sincerity of our efforts working and our emotions and
thoughts regarding this. The work begins with sincere Buried
Conscience bring to our consciousness, slowly, so that we can bear.
Work insincere increasingly buries.

However, if knowledge of the job, as it is, only remains in memory as

an unused talent, you never will understand. In fact, they never
really know what this is. You will hear over and over phrases such as
Remembering, internal considering, identification, self-observation,
and all increase our confusion. It will become a kind of slang. This
is because we still do not understand a single thing about the job.
It has been thought for himself on the job, so do not understand why
it exists or what it means or how it can apply to yourself. The
meetings will be strained. We are glad to escape the pure air of the
simple world of God and start a conversation about the reason that
prevents Valentine speak to Osborne in his corner of this huge
universe. Well, in this case, is the best thing you can do. The thing
to understand is that anybody can do this job without understanding
something about it. What good do a thing without understanding? If
you try to work without understanding the job is not achieved any
result. Only when the job becomes emotional one can begin to
understand. His expertise in the Intellectual Center and the
emergence of emotional need, and its increasing value in the
Emotional Center, along with the growing perception of its truth,
unite to make a beginning of understanding. The job is no longer a
matter of mere memory or words. It is not mere knowledge. It becomes
a living experience that affects the Self of man and into his will.
Thus the Knowledge and Being are united to form understanding.
Suppose a person attempts to work from memory what job knowledge and
without understanding. Quite possibly tell me after a while: "I
observe myself three times a day one minute after each meal. I remind
myself two minutes before breakfast and after dinner, if I remember
it. I read the reviews-two pages each day, before bed. But apparently
not getting any results. I have not had any experience emotional
high. " No, of course, you will not. They will realize then, surely,
that such person is not working from any understanding of it, but as
a rule of thumb. There is any involvement of the Emotional Center.
It's something prepared in advance, like those gymnastic exercises,
prescribed by a doctor. The efforts of this type are useless. Indeed,
every effort being made without understanding is useless. Only what
is done from your understanding. If a person can not understand why
it should be noted to herself, if not understand that is a mass of T
'contradictory and Real Will not but many will and they are nothing,
if you can not understand that spends much part of their lives asleep
in her inner spirit and does not remember itself but is taken by his
personality, if you can not understand that negative emotions are bad
and harmful and destroy their happiness, if she can not understand
all the identified damaged the enjoyment of the true emotions and
weakens the internal consideration and full of self-pity if all this
and more-so why this person works, and then whatever you do, is it

Great Amwell House, October 11, 1952


Any combination is possible without mutual affection. If the job

attempts to enter a man's understanding, it will be unable to do so
if there is no reciprocity on the part of man. The true union with
the Work required to be kept affection. Affection is something that
opens, while not close affection. There is no real union between man
and woman if no reciprocal affection. He must love having him-self,
but she should have him affection, otherwise there is no conjunction.
A conjunction is true only when the binds mutual affection. The
affection of a party without the mutual affection of the other does
not result in any combination and produces a common human situation.
Now if a man or a woman seeking the conjunction with the job without
having him affection, such conjunction is impossible. Unless occur
simultaneously with the Work can not begin his alchemical work
psychological turning lead into gold. Only through the affection felt
by the Work it gradually produces a change in our being and
understanding. A little affection produces a small change. Why?
Because it produces a weak conjunction. A suitable combination is not
possible without adequate reciprocal affection on the part of a
person. As the extent of reciprocal affection and will be the
conjunction. However, in relation to the job, nobody can say all of a
sudden the quality of their affection. That is, it is impossible to
know whether our affection is good or bad. But even if not direct
knowledge of the quality of our affection is a sign by which it can

If a person always remains the same, not realizing all that relates
to the job, not worrying about it, then the quality of their
affection for the job is bad. By this is meant that the quality of
her affection is such that it is impossible to do a job properly
conjunction with it. His affections and interests, thoughts and
occupations which are of his affections is carried to an address that
is not Labor. Labor is not the fault if you can not make a proper
conjunction with that person-and I mean proper enough for you to
enter and take root in the ground of his being. If he succeeds, grows
and your understanding will grow and you will see more and more the
inner meanings of Labor which are infinite. But if you can not be
rooted in their understanding will not grow. It's the fault of that
person. Not really appreciates the job. Therefore he has little
affection or not genuine, and here I refer to the same job and living
the spirit of their meanings. It is common to love himself. This
affection is the most vulgar of all emotions. But it's odd affection
for the job and all that implies in his teachings. Such affection is
not of the mechanical division of the Emotional Center in which
generally people live. It is a manifestation of the common and vulgar
self-love, which can only hate the job once clearly seen where it
leads. Is possible only by working together with the emotions of a
higher order that does not belong to the mechanical division of the
Emotional Center. This makes it possible eventually to the Master, ie
Real I take a person in their care. This is the subject of Labor. The
trail leads Labor to Real I inwardly. Us away from our name - in my
case Nicoll. The Master can not bring anyone unless it is deprived of
the many layers of self-love. How? For the method to see what you are
like really means impartial, not justified rather than what one
imagines to be. The man, the woman must awaken to what it really is.
What causes the self-love is to be asleep. As we awaken, the love of
it decreases. The Ego and False Personality Imaginary must give up
the ghost. But the man did not even try to look seriously at whether
the affection he feels for himself, as a paste, is more attached to
it that all addiction that can feel for the job. The Work teaches
that there are three lines of work. However, in the Gospels tell us,
apparently, three qualities of affection. The man must love God with
all your soul, heart and mind and love your neighbor as yourself. Is
the love of God as the supreme thing, and then the love of neighbor,
and love him. I always thought and still think so, that this second
warning is not easy

to understand. I give an absolutely literal translation of the

passages (Matthew XXII, 37, 39.)

"Love the Lord your God with all thy heart and with all your soul and
with all your mind" and "Love your neighbor as yourself."

The last warning does not mean that we should love our neighbors in
proportion to the love we have for ourselves, because then it would
seem to follow that as we love ourselves decreases, so decreases the
love of our neighbor. The neighbor does not necessarily mean someone
who is together with us in space.

Our neighbor is not necessarily the person living next door. This
would be the sensual meaning. But if we raise the idea of
psychological meaning to his neighbor, our neighbor would mean the
person closest to us but in a completely different meaning. It could
mean the person closest to us psychologically, closer in
understanding or quality of being. Also our neighbor could mean
people whose affections are similar to ours. We have seen that
reciprocal affection unite. All people who have similar feelings
could then be like our neighbors through their mutual affections. In
theory, the love of God should unite all people. But obviously does
not. The religious sects hate each other. Who can say he loves God?
People have different qualities of affection. Aman things in a very
different kind. The affects that are not similar can not join. But
those who have similar feelings, they love things like, forming a
defined category of people invisibly connected and capable of joining
together. Psychologically they are neighbors. They would love each.
Other more easily. Should be found to our neighbors or fellow-well-to
escape the solitary confinement at the prison closed, sad self-love
that's really a cruel master.

The second caution is apparently generally explained as if to say:

"You shall love your neighbor." What is not so easy is the added "as
yourself". Paul says:

"For the whole law in one word is true: 'Love your neighbor as
yourself'. But if ye bite and you eat one another, see that ye be not
consumed one another."

(Galatians, V, 14-15.)

But how can the love of self unredeemed stop biting another? I've
noticed that you can not. Paul omits the love of God as necessities.
After two warnings given in Luke, X, 29, Doctor of Law wish your
moral duties are exactly defined and classified accurately.
Translated literally, asks: "Who is my neighbor?" It follows the
parable of the Good Samaritan, in which the priest and the Levite
passing successively by the man lying wounded by robbers on the road.
The third person is a Samaritan takes pity on him and brings him up
to the inn to nurse him. Christ asks the doctor of the law: "Who,
then, these three do you think was neighbor unto him that fell among
thieves?" Doctor of Law replies: "He that showed mercy on him,"
without using the hated word Samaritan due to extreme attitude of
this sect. Then Christ said briefly: - "Go and do likewise." Do what?
Parable is understood to mean above all that is necessary to have
compassion on those who are in misery. But apparently means something
more, since it relates to the need to work on wrong attitudes. If
not, why is a Samaritan, as odious a Jew? The parable implies a need
to set free from prejudices and wrong attitudes before they can reach
the stage of development called love of neighbor. And this means
removing a considerable amount of self-love found. Christ advises the
doctor of the law to go and do exactly that.

Self-love, if it is essential, not only destroys the mutual affection

but destroy, if they do dejasen human society. He wants all the
power. He does not want or can not love your neighbor, but does issue
such a role and many others both pious and sentimental. It can not
form a conjunction with the Work. He does not love anything that is
higher than himself, and the Work is located much higher. The real
self is higher, and after the Real Self is God. It is generally
recognized that one can not love your neighbor saved by a higher love
than the love of it, and that's why the love which God is put at the
head of all, in the main position. But this love belongs to the
innermost division of the three divisions of the Emotional Center,
and so need not worship any idols content. He knows that God is
within man. (Innermost is the same as above.) Self-love can never
open the hidden mind. Keeps painfully man skating over the surface of
your being. By itself, putting the issue as simply as possible, self-
love is hell. Hell is a reverse order in which things are upside down
as a reflection of a tree in the water. Put the love of self in the
highest place is to love more common, vulgar, stupid and silly where
it should be very different quality of love. In my case, would make
Nicoll, and everything you imagine being in first place. How, then,
could have affection for the job? How can I join the job to me if
anything comes reciprocal of me? Self-love would have no use
whatsoever, because the self-love is to love yourself and not love
the job. You can be attracted at first by some form of conceit or
vanity. But the Work shall not accept for long the quality of love.
Not take root in the soil of our being so that their growth is both
our development. The person who locks himself in his self-love will
experience little change. And his understanding of it will be dark
because it needs a good quality reciprocal affection to join our
understanding and support it.

Great Amwell House, October 18, 1952


In the last paper we said that mutual affection was necessary for
conjunction with the Work. If a person has no affection for the job
may not occur conjunction with it. If there is no conjunction nor
understanding of it. In sum, affect the job opens the way for
eventual understanding. The indifference or antipathy blocks the path
to understanding. If a man values things the more value it provides
to work in his inner self, leaving aside what it pretends to its
foreign-will be unable to reach a conjunction with the Work. Not
resemble that merchant seeking good pearls, "having found one pearl
of great price, went and sold all he had and bought it" (Matt., XIII,
46). Note that first had to sell before they can buy. He sold what
was worthless compared to the pearl. The merchant is oneself in
connection with the Work. Selling means, psychologically, free of
interest prior to the value being provided by cutting out energy by
not identifying. This releases energy that can go to the "pearl"-
which for us e? Work and the coming to consciousness. All this takes
many years. It is a mysterious process like the seed that grows
without knowing how it does, and leads to a gradual revaluation of
our previous assessments. Appropriate means to buy something, do
something that is psychologically one. Psychic energy is like money.
With little free psychic energy can only buy little new
understanding. But wanting something is valued, not even realizing
that you have it. Do not want is not value it. This is because one
imagines that already have it, or do not give any importance. Craving
something with all our mind, our whole soul, heart and strength to
give him a supreme value and yearn with all schools. You love her,
feel for her the most powerful affection and emotion, rather than
anything else. But the job tells us that we can not love well. We are
not one but a lot?. Our being is characterized by multiplicity. We
have many different Ts pointing every direction. An "I" wants
something, another''I "do not want. In an" I "likes something,
another T dislikes. An 'I' feel affection, another T is immaterial.
When a person Work is in all this confusing battle between the "I"
continues year after year under the flickering light of the self-
observation, and within earshot of Labor. This is the period that
forms the Steward. All these "I" that eventually deemed that his life
is foolish, and who value work more than their previous efforts are
grouped around the Observing I and begin to point more or less in one
direction. They are a means to transfer to the influences descend
from above, from the Butler who is in touch with the real self. But
at first this means the transmitter is imperfect. Some "I" should not
be there, and some more important are not present. But man, woman,
only feel the effect massive Steward general often say they value the
job and you have a mutual affection. Do not say that love him. You
will say, however, are well aware of the job. The reason that the
Working farm is now on them, not on the board.

Arises the question: Is love in its true sense consciousness. This

brings us back to the admonition: "Love your neighbor as yourself"
(Matthew, XXII, 39), whose significance was discussed last week. I
said then that I found uncomfortable always to understand. Besides
the significance of others is quite difficult to understand, what
does "as yourself"? What about yourself? From the letters I have
received, I concluded that some people find no difficulty in this
passage and do not feel needs to be explained. One says that simply
means that one must love our neighbor and we all know what that
means. Okay. But still, why add "as yourself"? We went mechanically
built on love of self that must be separated from us painfully layer
by layer as we awaken to our true condition. Much of what we call
love is a veiled extension of self-love. The only relevant comment I
could find are those of the early Fathers of the Church that rely
primarily on illustrative parable of the Good Samaritan, as in Luke,
X, 29-37 and following the warning. I understand as meaning that
Christ-who came from above to be the neighbor of those in the world
are so spiritually wounded who have come close to spiritual death.
The symbolism is interesting. He gave them "oil" and "wine", and paid
them in the inn. Certainly anyone who understands this job might be
able to help those who are similarly injured today in this age of
materialism. Then they will be true neighbors, psychologically

However, Labor has identified three kinds of love. There is physical

love, emotional love and love Aware. He says the emotional love can
easily turn into its opposite. It's love-hate. For this kind of love,
φιλειν Greek word often used in the Gospels. It is a haunting love
and jealous, and really is not love. For love is most often used the
word Cognizant άγαπειν. Never use it for sexual love. Christ asks
Peter what kind of love you have. But Peter only understands the
emotional love (John, xxi, 15-17). This is the word used in the
passage we are discussing. Suppose we substitute for love
consciousness. Then we would read: "You will be aware of your
neighbor as yourself". This could mean: "You will be aware of your
neighbor as you're aware of yourself." For me, at least, this
translation would be much more understandable in light of the Work
teaches about the need to increase our consciousness. We are not even
aware of ourselves. We see the speck in your neighbor's eye, but do
not see the beam in ours. We consciously put in the position of
another person. We do not do unto others as we would like that others
do unto us. Due to a general lack of awareness, human relations
throughout the world are what they are. As a person becomes more and
more aware of what is actually becoming less critical of what the
other person. The arrogance, superiority and intolerance disappear
because it reveals that they are ridiculous. The purpose of this work
is to increase awareness in all directions. Noting, with ease, the
same fault in oneself that has been noted with heat or bitterness in
someone else I think true love is practical. Then, using the method
that Labor is the same thing in yourself, you arrive in time to see
the neighbor as oneself and one's neighbor as oneself. But to start
we must know himself. It should start being aware of oneself. This is
the most necessary of Conscious Love, love is not blind.

Great Amwell House, October 25, 1952


It was stated in the previous comment that the outer part of the
Emotional Center is the headquarters of self-love. So it is so often
necessary to refer to love that love each other while still dominated
completely and separates us from the middle and inner parts of the
Emotional Center is the job of awakening. When the Work says his aim
is to eventually raise the Emotional Center, this is what they really
mean. When the emotion of self-love dominates a person, the Emotional
Center is asleep. Do not be aroused. What must be understood and re-
understood is that the outside of a person is dominated by self-love.
The site of this psychological self-love is located in the external
division of the Emotional Center. While that person is still
dominating and therefore guided by love of self, nothing else can
lead it. This is the first point. The second is that while someone is
dominated by his love of self, in that person there is no possibility
of development of the inner divisions of the Emotional Center. Not
only is that self-love can not connect to a person with the inner
side of herself. Is more than that. Self-love actually disengages the
outside of a person of the internal-that is, separating it from the
side that seeks to awaken and develop job. The Work is not about
developing the self-love. Instead, try to decrease it. Try to extract
energy from our self-love so that the energy released can follow
another direction. Labor action in a non-farm make it more proud and
conceited, nor more selfish or self centered or negative. It was
designed to produce an opposite effect, provided that it does. It was
designed so that people feel more and-more, in proportion to its
staying power and in different ways, and after various periods, a
process of depersonalization, so that they no longer have the same
sense of who or what they are. This gradual withdrawal of energy from
its usual sense, narrow, brittle and easily suffers from "I", is
accompanied by a gradual feeling of I, new and expanded-like you are
living in a more broad - . This feeling of I, gradual, new and
broader, is not focused on self-love. It is located in the external
division of the Emotional Center. It is internal to the external
division. You can hear, feel, appreciate and understand the job. In
short, you can do that love itself can not. This new sense of self is
highly desirable. It's like one submit a new civilization, another
way of life. But for a long time the old feeling of "I" is emphasized
and is temporarily regain its dominance. This is where we can speak
of temptation in the esoteric meaning of the word. If left to keep
warm and viable job in yourself, if left to cool for too long, it's
punishment. It takes the form of a cessation of meaning, an inner
death. It comes back to life. You start complaining again, feel the
old grievances, charges are made against others and, in short,
singing the same song. This is easy. It is mechanical. No Work. Of
course, no one can punish us. We punish ourselves, by throwing at a
lower level because we have given to sleep. The remedy to start
working farm again, seriously. For this we must sacrifice our
suffering. Of course, it is easier to sleep, and suffer needlessly,
and "feed the Moon" -. Have not you realized yet that a single
sentence uttered by a negative T and accepted in our internal chat
enables the connection of many negative Ts? Just a sentence like:
"It's alright she says this ...". Go down the elevator to the
underground hit, and all the devils of the night emerge ready to eat
their strength, as they did before.

But self-love affection can imitate others. However, it can help

someone else by imitating emotions. There are cognitive-that is, we
seek no knowledge, no inner intuition. Cognitive emotions-that is,
emotions that we seek both knowledge about us as of the others belong
to the middle and inner divisions of the Emotional Center, not the
external division. The man or woman powerfully affected by the self-
love will not love something as abstract as knowledge. Why should
they? Are considered as if they were around. Self-love has always
considerations for himself. You can not look up. Underlying the self-
love is inevitably hate. That's why so mechanical emotional love
becomes its opposite when provoked. What we really want the self-love
is getting away with it and dominate all others and make them slaves
to the world, as history shows us. However, in many forms. It should
observe some of the forms it takes to yourself-I mean, in yourself.
If you do not have too many false attitudes about oneself and too
many stops, it can occasionally find work in one and get a glimpse of
some of the ways to hide and pretend to be something very different.
Just realizing that everything is done to achieve merit is actually
self-love. Much of what people call as love-love of friends, is an
extension of self-love. If a person is kind to those who are kind to
her, who will not believe that self-love has nothing to do with it.
Just wait until the other person will not be more polite and observe
the self-love swelling up like a storm. The life of self-love is a
death. People immersed to the neck in self-love is really dead. They
are only external. In them there is nothing internal. The most
dangerous and wretched self-love is love itself power-social,
professional, political, local or domestic. The love is extremely
destructive to govern with justice or peace of mind and certainly
ruin the job. A mother who likes to dominate much can damage their
children, especially boys. The model, love is bad. Moreover, this bad
feature usually set early bitterness or sadness in children. I have
seen many similar examples. When love to dominate at all costs comes
before everything, a person is inside a real devil, whatever its
outward appearance. It can feel experiencing the cessation of all in
oneself, the withering of all thought and feeling. Such people try to
look nice. They adore themselves.

The man imprisoned in his self-love sees himself in everything. It's

surrounded by himself. Your mind is covered in his own image.
Although lifts his thoughts to heaven, he sees himself there and
think about yourself and how to behave and that conventional
observation should do-like "Nice place this" -. For how can the love
of self rise above himself? It would cease to be self-love. How can I
stop worrying about what happened? How could no longer be provided
internally considering? You might think that self-knowledge - for
which a lifetime is not enough, emerges naturally from self-love. If
a man is only interested in himself and what are their own and always
referred to himself, did not necessarily know? On the contrary, be
blind to the kind of person he is. Self-love is not cognitive. It
provides memory for the "next time". Leave in darkness, no light
inside. So this man hate self-observation that allows a ray of light
within him. The first commandment of the Decalogue says, "Thou shalt
have no other God than me". For the sensual mind, literally, this
means that we must not bow to idols. The psychological significance
that says there is no worship himself. You can only stop, slowly
observing what one is like. The man who loves himself above all, is
worshiped. He makes himself a god. But what we love most is our God.
Think for a moment. What do they love? Who is your God?

Great Amwell House, 1 November 1952


The commentary of the penultimate week said some things about the
training of Steward. It was explained that Steward was formed
gradually at a level higher than the "I" returned to life. This
collection of "I" of varying strength of character around the
Observing I, and become, over time and in sufficient numbers, half
transmitter that can receive, though dimly at first, the influences
that descend Labor a higher level. The task of Observing I is to
observe its owner from the point of view of the Work teaches. This
job is to apply yourself. Failure to do so, no internal connection
can be established between oneself and the work. In a person can
perceive the difference between A and B influences - that is,
briefly, a person who has Magnetic Center-there "I" do not believe in
life or are not happy with it. He feels that there must be something
else. As noted in the comment as Steward may have an "I" bad or one
may miss-or-will add an important "I" can get in and then lost. The
Steward exactly resembles the formation of a group at work, only it
is internal, invisible, within oneself and not outside as it is a
visible group of people. It is confirmation of what we say in some of
the parables of the Gospels. I remind you again that this Work is
Esoteric Christianity-that is, the inner meaning of the teaching
given in the four Gospels. As for an "I" that departs from the
Steward have the parable of the lost sheep. Ninety-nine sheep are in
the bush, but has been lost. As mentioned, the Steward is formed at a
higher level-that is, on the mountain-out of those "I" who can listen
to the job. The parable reads as follows:

"What would you see if a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes
astray, does he not leave the ninety and nine and goes through the
mountains to find the one that went astray, and if he finds it,
truly, I I tell you, he rejoices more than over the ninety and nine
which went not astray "

(Matthew xviii, 12-13).

The phrase "the mountains" is literally translated from Greek. It is

clear that the translators responsible for the authorized versions
and revised not understood and translated the phrase "and was
introduced in the mountains."

With respect to an "I" evil that is present in Steward, one of the

parables that deal with this issue is that of the man who was not a
wedding dress. We give the relevant passage below:

"And the king went to see the guests, he saw a man there was no
wedding dress. And he said, Friend, how did you get here without a
wedding garment: And he was speechless. Then the king said to the
servants, Bind him hand and foot, and cast him into outer darkness:
there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called but
few are chosen "

(Matthew, XXII, 11-14).

What does this lack of wedding dress? In the ancient language of

parables, which still appears in dreams, a dress is used in the sense
that the mind saw. The dress is psychological meaning when used in
the parables. Do not believe a person can have a wrong attitude
toward the job and yet seem to belong to it? A person may not want to
reach a true and interior conjunction with the Work, but only want to
use it for their own purposes. A wedding is about the combination,
but without a wedding dress means you do not have any inner emotional
desire to join with Labor. Maybe "I" can go very well in the first
training of Steward. It would not be so acceptable to the Master-that
is, the Real Self, which is above the Steward. It would, as it were,
a liar. Perhaps it would resemble the charlatan in The Pilgrim's
Progress, Bunyan describes it as if what was said "in the likeness of
a dream." This character is called Ignorance. Bunyan implies that it
is ignorant of the knowledge of himself. Talk to the last moment of
the mystical journey of Christian and then disappears in Hell.

You can do the same thing as a pure motive or impure. Yes, you can
understand something in order to exhibit, or for love that thing. A
person can accept the job, not because they love or what that
implies, nor by those which may lead, but for very different reasons.
Now, on this subject I will refer to the Labor Neutralizing Force. We
know that the Work teaches that the essence, with which we are born,
can not develop itself beyond a certain point and then is surrounded
by Personality, which is something acquired from life and necessary
for her. It follows that the essence remains undeveloped. This
domestic situation that has to be established before anything can
take place, is expressed by saying that Personality is so active,
passive Essence and Life neutralizer. This is the first Triad. The
second Triad is made of the influence of work and results in Essence
becomes active, passive personality and neutralizing job. It should
give the name of early education to the first and second education
Triad the second Triad. This second education is not necessary for
life, but it is essential to self-development within the meaning of
the teaching job.

What is the nature of the Labor Neutralizing Force, which has the
power to reverse the first Triad and making Personality passive and
active Essence? Let us try to understand what Christ stated in this
regard. Christ once asked his disciples:

"What is disputed among yourselves by the way? But they were silent,
for in the way they had disputed among themselves who should be the
greatest. Then he sat down and called the twelve, and said: If anyone
wants to be first , will be the last of all and servant of all "

(Mark IX, 33-35).

On another occasion he said:

"You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and
their high officials exercise authority over them. But among you it
will not, but who wants to become great among you shall be your
servant, and whoever would be first among you shall be your servant

(Matthew, XX, 25-27).

In these two passages, the values of life are reversed. Self-love is,
so to speak, ejected. In life, the love of self is to be first in
everything. Christ says it must be the last. Elsewhere, extends about
the nature of the Third Force at Work.

Great Amwell House, November 8, 1952


The Work teaches that each event has three forces. Nothing is done,
nothing is created by a force or two but by three forces. This
trinity of forces is composed of forces Active, Passive and
Neutralizing. In the smallest thing, like the atom, has three forces.
The Active Force strength is the novice, the Passive resistance is
the force, and Neutralizing Force is the connecting force or
relationship between them. If there were no or CONNECTING
Neutralizing Force, Active and Passive forces would be in opposition
with each other and nothing could happen. Now, if the connecting
force is changed, the two other forces are also modified. We must
think Neutralizing Force as something capable of breaking the balance
between active and passive forces so that the force can become
passive, and passive become active. If one thinks that a triad is
like a table supported near its center by a support or fulcrum so
that one end of the table is raised and the other low, then moving
the pivot point a little to the extreme, end of the table that is
raised will go down, and vice versa, as would a seesaw. In other
words, you can produce a reversal of sign changing the Third Force.
However, the Work teaches that in adulthood a person has two distinct
parts called Essence and Personality. Personality is active and
Essence is passive. We are born, however, only with the Essence which
grows to a certain extent. In the first years of life we think of the
mother as if it were part of a dark triad in relation to our Essence.
The Essence is the Active Force and the mother is the Neutralizing
Force. In this age of life presents the child as something amazing.
You tell fairy tales, many of which contain esoteric teaching. It is
conceivable that they are in essence the foundation of what later in
life becomes Magnetic Center. I mean, the natural wonder of the
Essence and the memory of the fairy tales are connected later with
the triad-job whereby Essence becomes active again and starts to
grow. If we contemplate in this way, the triad and triad-Mother-Work
must be linked. But the triad-Life must intervene between them for
many years. We recall that from the standpoint of Labor Essence is
capable of growth point in the real man or woman. If the triad
"Mother persists for too long it becomes harmful. The child shun
life. The triad-Life will be delayed and the stages do not form at
the right time. The triad-Life, which comes after the triad "Mother,
is gradually Personality whereby faces life. Personality is different
from the Essence and the surrounding skin to protect it as a seed.
Essence stops growing and becomes passive. In its place grows
Personality. Personality is not the real person, but necessarily must
be formed. Then Neutralizing Force is no longer the mother, but life
itself. Personality becomes active, Essence becomes passive, and Life
acts as a third or Neutralizing Force. This is the triad-Life. It
must be well trained before they can begin the triad-job-if it ever
does. If it does, Personality serving as food for the growth of

I remember all this because we forget to reflect on the meanings of

these very important truths Labor initials. The slow formation of
personality, which should be as rich as possible in experiences and
knowledge, is what might be termed the first education. If a man this
triad has not been formed due to a life sufficiently close and lack
of intelligence, its further development and finally, that education
is the second, it will be difficult. You will have to educate himself
in many directions. He should know and experience everything before
trying to form the next triad, which results from a second education,
and it is formed by life, nor is it necessary for her. It is contrary
to life. The Work, and all it teaches, belongs to the second
education, the objective of this second education is to reverse the
triad of life so that eventually becomes a passive personality, and
Essence, by becoming actively grow again, feeding on some of the
energies that went into Personality. This process is very gradual. If
a man begins to work on yourself, say to separate themselves from
negative emotions, begins to extract energy from certain parts of
Personality. If a man has genuine affection for the Work and
genuinely believes in it, this energy will move in the direction of
the Essence. If not, return to Personality. Only what is genuine can
nourish the Essence. The pseudo work, fake work, will increase simply
the power of personality, especially the part called False
Personality. Do not think, please, there comes a dramatic moment when
suddenly Essence becomes active and passive personality. It is a
gradual process of awakening from sleep by recognizing,
understanding, wanting the job and, finally, to do so. I am referring
to those who crave sleep waking life. During this process, which
fluctuates from one place to another, the man experiences a gradual
change in their thinking. This new thinking is called metanoia, or
change of mind, which is a word constantly used in the Gospels and
wrongly translated as repentance. This change in the way of thinking
belongs to the beginning of the second education, and is a sign that
life Neutralizing Force, previously held in its claws Personality
active, passive and Essence, starts to be partially replaced by
another quality Neutralizing Force. If a person is in this situation
can be described as being in part at Work. If no change in his
thinking, just thinking if it continues as life is not in the job. It
suffices to observe itself. Unless that part of the person who has
begun to think in a new way to remain awake through effort, will
return to its former state. If you are not the same job seriously and
never thought it internally, only many and vigorous efforts to lead
to recovery. Must deal with itself. But much mercy shown here, but
perhaps a door in the person eventually will close. This gate
recently announced Higher Centers. You must remember here that used a
phrase once at Work - "No effort - no work: no work - no wake: no
awakening - death - when, in fact, one becomes one of the multitude
of deaths of world to walk the streets among the few living. The
living are those whose mind has awakened and begun to think for
themselves internally.

One wonders if the entire personality must be discarded. This is a

very wrong idea. All that is useless and spurious in Personality
should be discarded, especially the part called False Personality
which is based on self-love, and is linked to the Imaginary and makes
it impossible to reach Real I . Much false knowledge must go.
However, in recent speeches has often mentioned how on the outside of
the Emotional Center, the return to life through the senses, self-
love reigns. What is called in the Gospels the Love of God and love
of neighbor can not exist where the love of self is dominant. Self-
love can not love what is higher than himself. Self-love loves me and
that, after children, home, property. money, status and everything
else. While self-love remains dominant triad in which life is Third
Force can not be reversed. The hidden purpose of the Gospels is to
reverse the triad-Life and carry out the development of Essence. We
are told that we must become like little children. It is hoped that
in the Gospels we find little evidence about the nature of the new
Neutralizing Force to distinguish it from life. I remind you again
that Gurdjieff Work defined as Esoteric Christianity. He meant the
inner meaning of the sayings and parables of Christ to distinguish
them from the various dogmas of the various churches and
denominations that have been established in the world. In my
experience only Labor can reveal. However, since self-love that
characterizes the formation of the triad-Life, it is hoped that some
of their branches mentioned in the Gospels as things against which we
must work in itself to achieve that development does not give us
life. By the way, you all must understand that the job will never be
his unless Neutralizing Force work. For some reason this point for me
is not very clear, and apparently people do not understand yet. Work
forget to connect with themselves, or unwilling to do so. Again, the
job will never be our Neutralizing Force unless we work. No change
will occur if you only listen to what Labor says.

In the last paper presented two examples that give us an indication

of the nature of the Neutralizing Force Personality makes passive and
active Essence. I quote again one of those examples. Christ asked his

"What is disputed among yourselves by the way? But they were silent,
for in the way they had disputed among themselves who should be the
greatest. Then he sat down and called the twelve, and said: If anyone
wants to be first , will be the last of all and servant of all "

(Mark IX, 33-35).

It is known that self-love always wants to be first. The man who has
a good opinion of himself likes to get his way, and does not like
being under someone else. If you have to be under another person
becomes jealous and difficult. This is the normal situation in life.
Trying to be first, try to be the largest, which is placed in the
highest place, is considered a normal ambition. This is based on
self-love which dominates the relations of life. Life as a Third
Force in the triad-Life seems to be composed mainly psychological and
self-love. It should then write to the Triad life is personal-Active,
Passive Essence and Self-Love as Neutralizing Force. It follows that
the Third or Neutralizing Force Labor can not be self-love. I now
turn to the Sermon on the Mount. Among other things, says:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit" (those who do not identify).

"Blessed are the meek" (those who are not resentful).

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness" (not

I have referred to this point elsewhere. What I understand is that

this refers to something that the job calls the formation of the
triad-job through which the personality becomes passive. By means of
what the job which opens our eyes, we see what all these statements
and others that appear in the Gospels, which are so difficult to
understand. They are not an end in itself. They only apply to "be
good". Are instructions. To make the Personality passive so that
Essence can grow or Master Real I can enter. For the Master can not
enter the Personality. Once I entered the Real, the goal is achieved-
job. The means and methods to achieve it can be left aside. I will
elaborate more on this in future comments.

Great Amwell House, November 15, 1952


In the last paper we refer to the three possible phases of Essence,

first active, passive and then active again finally. The third phase
requires a different Neutralizing Force of Life. I said if we want to
understand what it is like Neutralizing Force, described the find in
both the Gospels and in the Work. Work study helps us understand what
he meant Christ in the Gospels and vice versa. Both Labor and the
Gospels are closely interrelated. Work is the inner meaning of the
sayings and parables of Christ, and the sayings and parables of
Christ is the teaching of the Work. Understand that I speak of the
whole machinery of ritual and dogma that were subsequently raised by
the various churches. However, both the teaching of Christ and the
teaching of the Work refer to the Third or Neutralizing Force, which
makes the Personality passive and active Essence. Are instructions
and descriptions on this subject. I will quote the last page of the
previous comment:

"I turn to the Sermon on the Mount. Among other things, says:

'Blessed are the poor in spirit' (those that are not identified).

'Blessed are the meek' (those who are not resentful).

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness' (not

'I referred to this point elsewhere. What I want is to understand

that here refers to something that the job calls the formation of the
Triad-job through which the personality becomes passive. By means of
what the job which opens our eyes, we see what all these statements
and others that appear in the Gospels, which are so difficult to
understand. They are not an end in itself. They only apply to "be
good". They are instructions to make the Personality passive so that
Essence can grow and enter the Real Self or Master. For the Master
can not enter the Personality. Once I entered the Real, the goal is
achieved-job. The means and methods of reaching it can be put aside.

Now, in response to those who say they can not see what you are like
the Third Force, I can only say that it resembles the job. Labor is
the application to our lives. If so I wonder what the job apply to
our lives, say you start watching what happens in oneself according
to certain instructions defined and well established. And if older
people at work ask me what these are, I can only marvel. This paper
explains many things more clearly than in the Gospels. In my opinion,
the need for self-observation is not exposed so final, emphatic and
continuously in the Gospels and in the work instructions. Nor are
such clear instructions on what to observe. In saying this I see very
well aware that much has been said, but that only became clear and
alive for me after spending many years in the job. Therefore, as I
said before, in my view and experience, the understanding of it is
necessary to understand the Gospels. In this case, it is, say, to
understand that the Gospels do not refer only to "be good", or pious
or humble opinion, nor to live in poverty or being poor in spirit.
These are instructions for doing that Essence is active so that it
can grow and get in touch with the Real Self in a higher level. The
goal is to get in touch - I could not.
One of the mysteries about Real is that I put in touch with what is
true, but what is real in us is not developed. The real man or real
woman is at present only one Essence that has not grown, but that can
become an Essence developed, and this is a unit that I became a
person and that person becomes it, but not the "person" who is the
Imaginary with his accomplices. of which the most evil is False
Personality. The Imaginary is replaced by the real self. Can you
conceive such a change? Can we believe that this sewed. worthless,
arrogant, pretentious, ignorant, worldly, fraudulent, called
Imaginary, which purports to be a millionaire and that all can do can
be replaced by someone who is actually a millionaire who not only
understands the language of the Centers Higher but not close to God?
G. said: "Following the Real Self is God." He said: "You are created
millionaires, but just seeing that there is nothing they can become
real millionaires." But the mystery of the Real I is a mystery, which
means you can not explain with language formatory. It is an
experience. Just accept it simply as not being what we call "I"-as
when he exclaims: "Do not you know who I am?" - When one does not
know but imagines himself known. It is a feeling and I feel
completely new. In Remembering we normally experience it. It has
nothing to do with the love of self and poor feelings connected with
him, both praised the self-love as the love of it hurt. However, as
we have moments of contact with Real I long before our Essence is
developed. should already be fully developed there, as are the Senior
Centers, although we are not in contact with them. But we say that
Essence should be developed in us so that Real I can come, and this
is the goal. When he arrives we become. As G. said: "A man is then
truly master of himself." Consciousness must therefore move from all
the feelings I lower the real me. All we can say that, unless they
grow enough Essence and Personality passive, our contact with Real I
rarely-perhaps once or twice in the course of a lifetime. If Essence
is developed-that is, if you practice the third Triad for quite some
time with a sudden understanding "(I think) to a level that is the
Real Self and the two become identical-each other. Several times
Christ spoke of the need to ensure that the Master does not come
suddenly - "like a thief in the night" -. It says in the Gospel of

Watch therefore, for ye know not when will the master of the house,
if the evening or at midnight or at cock's crow, or morning, so that
when he comes suddenly, do not find you sleeping "

(Mark, XIII, 35, 36).

It is apparent that the development of Essence is a return trip or a

promotion (such as the Prodigal Son) as a high level low. Many times
I wondered if the two children do not become one, "he remained with
his father and he who descended into the world and his life and
remembering his origin rose again. I think it must be because I could
not find any explanation for the second son who remained with the
father. Recalling his home, his son fell to the life he realized he
was eating shells and began the ascent. This is similar to the triad-
triad replacing job-Life and the investment takes place. Essence now
grown to the level of its origin. This reminds me that I must say a
few words about the need for Remembering-Work in the Triad. We need
to find different ways to not be alone in life, otherwise it enters
the Triad-Life. Feeling that our origin is not from the earth or our
parents or our ancestors is a way-only-to remind himself. "And do not
call anyone your father on earth" (Matthew, XXIII, 9). Christ says
that we must do things in his name. It requires you to think and work
secretly working name and not a reward. Otherwise it becomes
worthwhile and so will the Personality. It internally perceive the
truth of what they teach and do the job because he sees the truth and
not because they tell us and we want to be first. It often has to
remember that everything exists in our lives and what we have
thought, felt, said and done is there, in a higher dimension, hidden
from the senses. We must face up to life from the standpoint of
Labor. It helps to remind yourself if you realize that life is a
circle and what is now consciously change both the past and the
future, and what is done mechanically produces no change. Instead of
wanting to blame, want to understand. Try to actually reverse the
guilt and see the same fault in itself. Each time he remembers
something at work on that with which you are identifying and into
which is negative, then this is a way Yeah, I remember the rose a
little above the moods induced life in which so easily believed.
Every time he says: "This is not I" when broods and is negative and
complains, grows a little awakening. Remember early in the morning
you're doing this job and noticed his mood and thought and not
identify with them can change the whole day. Try to accept the events
that day presents exactly the same way that is given to work on.
There are hundreds of ways to remind himself-that is, to prevent
falling facedown in the mud of life. All these different ways daily
Remembering that we put in the presence Labor octaves set in motion
when we are asleep we live mechanically and in life can not continue.
New hydrogen-that is, energy-occur.

Re produced 24 and Mi 12. Also Sol Fa 24 and 12. Notice how clearly
without often given shocks of Remembering, the human machine produces
only 24 and Si 12. Now the La 24 alone can not wake the Emotional
Center in its entirety. Supports the division of self-love. But the
three substances 24 supplies the Emotional Center in all its three
major divisions. That is, while the 24 supplies the external
division, F 24 supplies the middle division and the Internal Re 24.
However, if three men are the same as are men, but their potential
may be different. Without additional substances-the same density but
different potential-Essence can not grow. That's why Self-
Remembering, so you can feel the presence of the Work, is necessary
for the Triad-job. Without Remembering, whatever the thing will be
done within the Triad-Life, and Personality remain active and passive
Essence because we will be working on our behalf.

Great Amwell House, November 22, 1952



Make internal charges against the other is part of internal

considering. Make internal charges against another means that you
feel that the other is in your debt. Still feel that the other is in
your debt is a sign of a bad relationship with another person. It is
a form of the Log. Internal Considering All kinds of stems from the
Log. At present we are studying the practical meaning of the
definition given by G. Labor He said it was Esoteric Christianity. We
therefore hope to find in the Gospels something that relates to what
the job calls to charge. We certainly do not expect to find in them
now using the term "making charges", but a similar idea. A major
parables that touched on this issue is as follows:

"Therefore the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wished to settle

accounts with his servants. And beginning to reckon, one was brought
him that owed him ten thousand talents. The latter, as he could not
pay, his lord ordered sold, and his wife and children, and all he
had, that he pay the debt. The servant therefore prostrated him,
saying: Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay you everything.
The lord of that servant was moved with compassion, released him and
forgave him the debt. But that servant went out and found one of his
fellow servants who owed him a hundred pence: and grasping him by the
throat, saying: Pay what you owe. Then his fellow servant fell down
at his feet and begged him saying, Have patience with me, and I will
pay thee all. And he would not, but went and threw him into prison
till he should pay the debt. Seeing his fellow what was happening was
very sorry, and came and told unto their lord all that had happened.
Then he called his master, he said: Thou wicked servant, I forgave
thee all that debt because you begged me. Should you not have had
mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on you? "And his lord
was wroth, and delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all
he owed"

(Matthew xviii, 23-24).

But Man, desarrollante body by self-creation, does not realize how

much should remain asleep in life. Believed to be in his debt.
Sensual thinking, this should be so. It should reverse this attitude.
It is impossible to achieve except for carrying out ideas-that is
metanoia, change of mind. The man must be given new ideas to think in
new ways. He must think sensually esoteric and not about himself. The
sensual is external thought, based on the outward appearance of
things as they seem. The esoteric thought is internal and concerns
the inner meaning and purpose of our life on this planet. It is a
matter of the senses but of understanding. The Gospels and the Work
only refers to the inner meaning-that is, esoterically speaking.
Esoteric means inner. Based on outward appearances, it is very easy
to think that human beings are indebted to them: according to the
inner truth is they who are in debt. This is a reversal of thinking.
It's a new way of thinking. It is certainly metanoia. All the
teaching ideas contained in both the Gospels and Labor slowly can
make us think in new ways. That is, if we think. They can take a.
thought out investment. Identical esoteric ideas in the Gospels and
in the work were made to give us a mind that is beyond our ordinary
mind. Then the Essence can grow. But unless we receive and assimilate
these teachings, nothing happens. People will think the same way No
idea inverted enter it. Now if you think the same way, you will
remain what it was before. He said that as a man thinks so is he.
Many, however, does not think in a new way. This reminds us of an
empty house with stacks of unopened newspapers, bread and milk
bottles stacked in the entrance. Receive nothing. Perhaps no one
living in that house to receive what they bring.

Now when a man at work is starting to realize how much you should to.
Because of his dream life and can pay off your debt, stop worrying
about what others owe you. It is not considered more as he did when
he was immersed in self-love. All Internal Considering arises from
consideration for himself. The more you respect yourself, the greater
the internal consideration. When a man does to other charges, is
identified and loses strength. It produces a painful place in
himself. Leading a life of Internal Considering only be considerate
to yourself and how people treat one. Leave out how they treat
others. The idea and practice of putting oneself in the position of
the other reverses the direction of thought. It requires a conscious
effort. All working investing ideas of things. To implement them
requires conscious efforts. Must be renewed continually throughout
the years leading up to a change of thinking that is real. Then the
vision of life and self is different. Among many other things, will
understand the meaning of the parable of the man who had millions.

Great Amwell House, December 6, 1952


Regarding the attitude toward life, it is more thinking that the

experiences we suffer we are needed. Otherwise we will continually
internal positions and complain that things are not fair. To accept
this view about our experiences gives us a greater meaning. This is
the only way to get something from every experience. It is the only
answer to why we suffer so many unpleasant experiences. However, in
order to sustain this position on our experiences we must remember
and be awake. We must be awakened to conscious point of view it
belongs to our experience because our being the need to develop. We
then see that the material for our development is in our experiences.
But without this view consciously understand we can not see because
we are asleep. We believe that these experiences should not have been
occurred and may not make any sense to us. But they are exactly the
material on which we work. It is through these experiences as we
develop at the expense of our imagination. The imaginary person
should disappear. But people do not understand. Everywhere you see
people who do not understand what to do about this. Everywhere we see
two imaginary people living together, each in its own world and not
use their experiences. Of course, this view change much this view,
and makes our daily dreams are of secondary importance. The business
of living or disagree with our wishes and our dreams, nor with what
is expected to achieve in life. Take life experiences as material to
work on yourself is to reverse the usual way of taking them. Once one
comes to self-pity, or otherwise identified, this investment is
reversed again and is back to the ordinary way of taking life. No
longer does the job more. Now this is our weak point-that is, where
one is most vulnerable-that prevents us from making use of those
experiences rather than letting us make use of. Of course, if a
person is never seen herself, will never be able to discover its
weakness. Sometimes there is more than one. The weaknesses should be
strengthened and can only be strengthened by Labor. It is necessary
to deal with some experience. I mean, you can not avoid all
experiences that are unpleasant, because if you have the money and
the opportunity to do so no development. Is likely to grow
increasingly narrow and selfish, which always seems to happen when
there is no development.

However, the taste of the work is very defined. When you receive the
experience of living more consciously, is the proper ordering of
things which one seeks some flavor inside. We are no longer driven by
life. But when one is identified, and therefore falls into the dream,
that flavor disappears inside, and instead we have what I have called
the flavor of life, which by comparison is very bland. The flavor of
life is always the same whatever the particular forms of excitement.
It means that after a time a person is able to discover for herself.
Now when you work it performs a certain kind of investment. It has
flavors of Labor. If not carried out any investment, do not work. It
tastes different. For example, imagine you are working when in fact
it does not produce any investment. People often imagine that you are
looking at the times when it is not doing. This is not working, and
completely lacks the clean, astringent taste of work. The imagination
does not invest anything. What is done in imagination not lead to any
kind of development.

Now, there is a general diagram that is connected to the Four Bodies

of man and which shows that the Man as he is, is dragged through life
from one end. While the man remains asleep and mechanical, is managed
by a tip of that machine. Therefore properly be called a machine, but
if the man begins to develop internally by the work starts to be
driven from the other end-from the side of his Will. If I want from a
job working on an experience in which I am, I crawl. I will not be
able to change the experience, but I'll be able to change the way the
bill. Upon learning this, my attitude toward the experience will be
correct. Of course, if a very unpleasant experience makes you become
negative, the machine will be driven by life and you will remain
exactly what it is supposed not to be in this world because we were
created not to be driven by life. We were created not to be machines,
but both machines and can be used to nature, and most people are
still machines throughout their lives.

A man in developing begins to be worked in part from the side of

Will, instead of the side of life of your machinery. Start by making
your machinery operating at times in a way that is the reverse of the
way in which life does operate.

Great Amwell House, December 13, 1952


As a person becomes more aware of what was until now the quality of
his life, he wondered how he could have placed her sense of the
things where I placed it before. How do you identify with them in
that way? He sees with increasing clarity that if I had not put the
feeling of I where he stood, would have avoided some of the things he
could not help. He began, as we can see, where to put the self into
something. Reflect-now that I see more clearly, and says, "Why I put
my sense of that?" He says it is because it is becoming more
conscious and looks better. It says: "Why do that?" as people often
say. He says it differently because it has begun to understand
something not previously understood. Whatever else he did, he made
her put her feelings because within it. If I had been awake would not
have let the feeling I took this course. It would not have done what
he did. He realizes that at the time of sleep did not see any
connection between the sense of self and what he did. It was clearly
perceived sense of self. Maybe he realized what he did, especially
after having done so. But I realized that it did because it allowed
the feeling that I spent inside. We let the feeling inside I pass all
sorts of things and we realize what we are doing. It's like signing
check after check not look for anyone to sign. In this respect our
carelessness is incredible. I threw the feeling in all directions
instead of saving it. The same is true thoughts regardless of the
actions. The thought that someone is lying to me comes to mind. I put
the feeling into it. Then I think its true. I signed the check. But I
thought might happen. This is one thing. But the feeling I put into
it is another thing and the results are very different. If a person
always gives the feeling of I into dubious and unpleasant thoughts
will be surrounded and besieged by them and all their children say
they are mentally. All suffering, though often without knowing it, by
placing the sense of I into thoughts that are not true. Negative
emotions always give birth to lies. We must not put the feeling of I
in them. If not, and will disappear. The same applies to sensations.
If I put the feeling of a sensation, it intensifies it. When the Work
refers to the separation means to remove the sense of self. Again,
the same applies to a given event or experience. One can identify, to
receive it personally and make sense of self.

Try reading a book and watch a movie or a game without the feeling I
put into it. If you always put the feeling of I into this, that and
the other will never be able to remind himself. To remind himself
must I get the feeling of things, business, objects, ornaments,
thoughts, moods, appetites and vanities of life and other enticements
designed to keep us asleep. The sense of self is something very
precious. It is "spirit" but is enmeshed with gross matter. We must
examine what you put into it.

Great Amwell House, December 20, 1952


It is true enough to say that if we really know why we do this job,

we would do really. None of us can say why we are doing this job,
however, though we say we're doing. The reason is that not really
know what is the Work in its application to ourselves. What is the
Work? Here follows a large number of responses-such as O. We asked
this question many years ago. Some people use a phrase and others use
another. They say: "Work is a method of awakening" or "It's self-
observation" or "It's raising the level of being." Others will say:
"You develop Essence" or "You see the inner contradictions." Some say
"is to increase awareness," which is closer to the truth. These are
all phrases necessary, but not understood. However, in practice the
job is not so much to accomplish something we have not yet but we get
rid of something, thus creating more space. But what is that from
which we deliver? This, in theory, we understand. Frankly, you do
not. " This is the difficulty. The thing is unclear. He hesitates.
Are you too busy to think. So do not understand in a practical way at
this stage the job is not to achieve something that has not yet, but
get rid of something you have. I do not mean to hide and still like
it, in order to obtain favors. I mean really see it and get rid of it
and pray that is so. If you do not see their special task, which is
the reason why you are here on this planet and it's never the same
for others-you know not even that on which they are to work, and if
you do not really know what about what you have to work, you do not
know exactly why they are doing the job. Do any of you have different
idea about what you have to work? As mentioned earlier in this
commentary, if we knew really why we are doing this job, what would
be actually doing. Work, when not specifically apply, but not like a
museum full of antiquities. The people go from one place to another,
looking now a cabinet labeled "Higher Centers"-which apparently is
completely empty and then a high-wire structure that consists of
circles and is labeled "Ray of Creation", which provide with little
sympathy. The figure of a standing man carrying the sign "Man Awake",
which compares with saying that they, too, are standing. A glass case
filled with trash and snakes with the label "negative emotions", all
proclaim that it sucks and should not be exposed to public scrutiny.
A beautiful mirror in a thin gold frame, when you look at it, makes
them appear completely ridiculous, is considered a joke. Amid
laughter are heard exclamations such as "How absurd," "It can not
possibly be true," "What insolence." The mirror bears the sign "Self-
Observation." In several places and different distance there are
other windows that people look with disfavor.

No more we deal with the museum that is only accessible to those who
never apply to themselves a single element of the job, but just think
of it as a place where meetings are held. For those who operate under
the job, no museum at all. In much the same way people contemplate
the Church. It as a building at the end of the street that they must
attend occasionally. So many do not grasp that both Labor and the
Church are not cosos but forces that can regenerate-a condition that
really try to live according to what they teach. I'm talking about
living invisible Labor and the Church living invisible. They are
identical in this to enable its conjunction with forces from a higher
level. (I'm referring to the dead and visible Church.) That
combination makes it possible for us to be exposed year after year
and even life after life to new influences. These new influences,
comparable to vibration frequency much higher than those of the
physical sunlight, gradually altering our being. They perform the
transformation finally defined the mechanical man in Conscious Man on
the job which speaks in so many ways. In the Gospels is called the
rebirth of man. In this respect Christ says that man must be born
from above. As it is, born of earthly parents down, can not enter the
kingdom of heaven, whatever their ancestry. "Truly I tell you that
one is born from above, you can not enter the kingdom of God" (John,
III, 3). These higher influences which we refer to come "from above".
By acting on the man or woman for a sufficiently long time, made a
transmutation. Yes, but not unless you have a practical response to
them. For example, if you do not apply to his life work nothing will
happen. The least thing we do is apply the Work in the recurring
practice of our life experiences. This shows that we do not know why
we are doing the job. On one side is the flow of our daily
experience, the other, whatever the job teaches us to do. We do not
establish any connection between them. So never grasp what it is that
on which we work. There follows that we never know what the job. One
can say that you have faith. Yes, but the works are also required. If
a person has faith in one kind of life, and live otherwise, what is
that person? There is nothing more wonderful than having a vision of
how different our lives from the Work. This is a sign of increasing
consciousness. But only one force "top" can do for one-and only if
you want. A word to conclude: the conjunction of mankind to a higher
level can be changed. Humanity would then have a chance. Christ came
in one of those critical times. He put things in order and restored
the connection, "for a while. Christmas commemorates the
establishment of things in right order for humanity.

Great Amwell House, Christmas 1952

On the feeling of "I" II

The sense of self can be wasted in infinite ways. Only self-

observation can understand how infinite are the ways of squandering
the sense of self. Do not confuse observation with self-observation.
Do not know anything about the waste of feeling of I, even if this is
a good observer. Do not be a good observer observed the same thing as
well to himself. The observation only to the world outside of you.
The self-monitoring provides the world that is within you. One sees
things visible, the other invisible things. You are between these two
worlds, the visible and invisible. By the way, has he ever thought of
yourself that way? His association with those two worlds, one of
which is, is equally important. Have you noticed it too? You can have
a good relationship with the world outside and a bad one with the
world is within. In this case it is unfortunate. The body may be good
but the sick soul. It should give the name of soul in a general way
the role of ourselves in relation to the inner world and the
headquarters of the inner senses. The power of self-monitoring is an
inner sense, rarely used. Through the body and senses are in
connection with the outside world. I put the feeling of that which
belongs to the outside world and what belongs to the world from
within. Squander this precious thing in both directions. We perceive
what we are doing. For example, think and feel and even say "I am a
good person." If you do, put the feeling of ego in being a good
person. Now the two are completely different. The sense of self is
not the same as the feeling of being a good person. The feeling that
you're a good person you can exist without the feeling I put into it.
If I put the feeling of the feeling that you're a good person, you
are because of the conjunction of two completely different things in
a very impure and vicious union. He was a union say blasphemous. It
is mixing that originates high up with what is rooted far below. This
is called prostitution in the Scriptures. Putting it as short as
possible but in a formulation of the highest density of meaning, you
are not remembering itself. Is committing a sin - and you should
already know that the true meaning of sin is missing the target.
Placing the sense of self in the sense of being a good person, you do
not hit the mark and thus sinning against the same job that
constantly tells us that what we have to remember is to remind
ourselves. All of this can perhaps see why the vanity among other
things is always attacked at work because of its poisonous and
paralyzing effect on Remembering Yes Now, if you think, or feel, or
even says it is bad person makes sense of self in the sense of being
a bad person, you are due to a conjunction of two different things.
Does the same as someone putting a sense of self in the sense of
being a good person. You do not hit the target and for exactly the
same reason. You are not remembering itself. In both cases you are
getting a sense of self in one or other of the opposites-good and
bad. You've heard say that we draw a sense of self of opposites. This
means the attempt I get the feeling the feeling of being good or
being bad. There is a third thing between opposites that is variously
called Neutralizing Force, connecting force, Harmonizing Force,
relating force, Reconciliante Force, or simply Third Force. To become
conscious of the Third Force is mercy and deliverance. But it will
remain impossible if you secretly feel that is excellent or guilty.
At ground level there is the possibility to establish contacts with
the Third Force by Personality passive. I mean, there relating force,
CONNECTING, payer, harmonizing, in short, the Third Force "to that
level. At the lowest level of creation, the senses represented by the
Moon and Soul by torture-there is no Third Force - no "Holy Spirit"
-. Here the opposites are far apart. It is completely separate. There
relating force. The most inconceivable extremes of heat and extreme
cold over there are inconceivable without anything between them. None
of harmonizing, no mind, no neat, nothing meaningful, nothing with
beauty, no intelligence, no love can exist there. There are only
horror, stupidity, ugliness, lack of form, senseless cruelty,
destruction, dissonance, discord and crazy. This is hell. I point
this out on purpose, because Hell permeates everything in this
terrible century-even in art, poetry and music, which are used to get
in connection with the higher mind. In them there is no Third Force.
Everything is disconnected, unrelated. This formulation is shorter,
more understandable, no Third Force.

Great Amwell House, January 3, 1953


If you do not know why she is doing this job, remains unconnected
with himself. If the job is unrelated to himself, will not influence
you or your life. If you do not have any influence on you or your
life, you will not experience any change. While you are staying
without undergoing any change, the level of your being will remain
the same. If your level of being remains the same, the Essence will
not develop. If its essence remains the same, will always attract the
same life. That is, if your life turns attract the same happenings,
the same personality and the same False Personality. But if the work
undertaken by the growth of your Essence, your life will never be the
same. This is because Essence development means not attract the same
life in recurrence. Should strive to understand what is meant here.
People think that if there is recurrence, the job will meet again
when, say, have forty years, the age at which first met him. They
think because they realize that the growth of Essence means an
eternal change and not a temporary change. Here the sensual mind and
utter failure in literal comprehension. Therefore has to use other
instrument-namely, the intuitive mind, psychological, which can
operate outside the sequence and timing defined in time. Not have to
argue that, because he knew the job to be exactly forty years after
his life if it is repeated again to have known exactly forty years.
This is the sensual thinking. Put aside the strange properties of
Essence, which is immortal and so is not in time as the body and
personality that is acquired over time. Any change in Essence occurs
outside of time. Although a change in the Essence may have taken
place at some point in his life is no longer limited to that time. It
took place in what is vertical to the time and is above it. The body
is in time but not the essence. Essence can be again a body and a
personality over time, in the limited dimensions involving beginning
and end, and birth and death, but the essence has changed-that is, it
has developed-not form the same body and Personality. Not attract the
same life that drew before being changed. You can not. He plays a new
song. Now if you do not see anything that needs to change in itself
will not change the essence. Their way through self-satisfaction and
self-excuse, however, is not easy. The people who hear the job
seriously see nothing wrong in themselves, even when considered in
light of what he teaches Labor, which is rarely done. No Work
connecting with themselves. No connecting force - no Third Force. As
mentioned, if you do not know why he is doing this job, remains
without any connection with him. How could it be otherwise? I could
talk for years about a trip to the East and to explain the
difficulties they face and what to do, but if you have no real desire
and intention to make this trip but plan to stay in their country,
there will be connecting force. This is how things are for many
people. Do not jump to grab the rope is above your head. They see no
reason to do so. If they did, there would be a connecting force. But
there is a gap between the tip of the string and them. They stay on
the ground. Only the keen understanding that something has to change
in them will blow themselves and connect.

However, unless you change or try to change something that is now in

myself, this is repeated, you can wake up to my situation. Things
will not improve over time. Maybe then captures a glimpse of the
precipice and raised his eyes and see the rope hanging over my head.
That thing in me that since then, I have observed, will increase when
repeat my life. When I realized that my task is to change it, I'll be
able to see why I do the job and what I get out. Thus, making my way
through complacency, I establish the connection between myself and
the job, sensing that I need urgently. Once it has. actually begin to
understand the job as something living and not dead words because I
know something about that on which I work on myself. Only when one
knows that on which we must work, is expected on why he is doing the
job. Then it really does the job and it will respond to our inner
needs. Always remember that only Labor can develop Essence. Life can
not. What is done for reasons of life only increases Personality.
What is done for reasons of job-and here we must be careful because
many people try to do this job for reasons of life and well-developed
deceive Essence. What is done to be rewarded, for appearances, for
conventions, for merit, for self-interest, to self-esteem, will not
exert any influence on the Eternal Essence. Another quality of
effort, another thought, and emotions of another class, are

Great Amwell House, January 10, 1953


When you begin to know that over which it must work, do not tell
anyone. Much is said about the inner silence in the New Testament.
For example, we say we should not let your left hand know what the

"But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand what your right"

(Matthew, VI, 3.)

In this work we have to move the growing awareness internally. Many

things have been said about the external parts of the centers, and
internal parts of the centers that communicate with the Higher
Centers. The outer parts of the centers communicate with the external
senses and the outside world. Not wish to become more external but
internal. If. therefore, it wants to become more aware of what is
internally self, do not let that small "I" living in the external
divisions of institutions that express what you are working-what
gradually been discovered and which is due to work-because this
discovery is something almost sacred. It belongs rather to the nature
of a revelation that was given us when we were able to receive it
that the so-called logical process of the "I" formatory. What can be
known, small T in the center formatory about us? How can formatory
center, the Third Force that is blind and so relentless, dictate what
we do? You can only say that we are bad or good. Work in opposites.
Our heart knows much more about us than the head. I imagine the
Emotional Center on the inside knows much more about the nature of
the Chief Feature, and all the connections on which we work. You can
put in a word. A novel or a play might express it.

The truth lies between the opposites. Therefore, it is impossible to

express formatorily. The language used either an opposite, whether
the other, but we know that there is another language that lies
between the opposites, spoken by the higher centers that only through
language training to understand a little, but not expressed in
formatory-language words, indeed, often wears dream allegories or
parables. I do not think therefore that we should put in words that
over which we feel we should work. Also it is not possible to give an
honest observation about oneself in public, which in my opinion you
all agree. Of course, you can play the role of being sincere and
honest and never hide anything from the others. Then, of course, you
do not do anything but show off to gain the esteem of others. Much of
what we do is for this reason. Now, ask questions in a group is not
the same as making these so-called candid observations about oneself.
Asking questions is part of that side of the job called Working
Knowledge. Observe himself belongs to that side called Work on Being
Self-observation makes one more fully aware of himself and what is in
oneself, one's being. When this is a difficult thing to do
intermittent. It is easier to repair self retrospect, both immediate
and remote. This is achieved by a new self-report of a working
memory. This shows us that we are not gradually as we thought.
Amendment to our ideas of ourselves. If a person tries to talk about
their observations to others, brings them to the outer parts of the
centers, and Working Memory that person does not form at the right
place. Can not be formed in the outer parts of the centers. Since
then, may sense a very simple trick that is there. It goes something
like this: a person tells herself not to talk about her intimate
self-observations, keep silent about them and not the no-cover of
which is that the person ceases to observe itself. Case when things
are done only on grounds belonging to the outer life and inner life
for us has no reality or seriousness.

Our observations and our desires concerning what we want to change in

us must move inward toward Higher Centers. Only then receive help. It
is written in Matthew, I saw that our prayers and alms should be
secret "thy Father which seeth in secret will repay you." This is
what I meant in the previous paper to say that if we do things for
reasons not develop the life-essence, but if we do things for reasons
"I work, develops. If you pray to be seen by men nothing will happen,
but if you pray in secret and rewarded, will be heard in secret. This
is the psychological idea. It refers to where we act on ourselves.
Why do you Work? From where does you-if-ever act? This question was
asked before. As mentioned, if you've seen something that really must
change, too flagrant a contradiction, then you are in a position to
do the job for a defined reason-for a reason-Work. Many schemes,
however, are also there. You can see something about himself that has
to be changed and is probably right, but try to change it for reasons
such as "life-love for his reputation and appearance. He's not doing
for the sake of his belief in the job and wants to live the job. So
the job will not help. Your effort will not help develop the Essence.
It originates from abroad. You may have noticed that I mean something
you would rather not put into words. There is a passage that reads:

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you clean
the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed
and injustice. First clean the inside of the cup and platter, that
also outside is clean "

(Matthew XXIII, 25, 26).

Can you imagine that trying to change something for the sake of
appearances is to clean the inside? This clean what is inside-ie,
internal to the appearance of out-is to clean and develop the Essence
itself. This is what should come first. This is the important point.
There are reasons that have life to bring this internal cleaning. His
personality may have a beautiful appearance. You seem outwardly
deeply religious and very pious and moral, but what matters is what
you are internally. Internally, you might think that religion, and
all that sort of thing is a farce. It may seem kind and genuinely
concerned for others, but internally does not give a damn what
happens to them. It seems very excited by the job, but inwardly
thought to be pure fabrication.

Now, do not tell me you often feel sorry for the complete
contradictions at you between his outward behavior: their inner
thoughts and feelings? No way. Why? Because you are not watching
yourself. Without self-observation rarely feel disturbed about
ourselves. So people do not work on what they should. They see, for
example, specific and dangerous contradictions in them. We all see
the straw but not the beam. This is due to the action of buffers. The
stops prevent us see ourselves. Prevents us from seeing the
contradictions in our conduct. So we seem satisfied with ourselves.
At least, we are not unhappy about something specific. Moreover,
these meddlers "I", which is always justified, put to work if there
is some remnant of the feeling that we are behaving in a
contradictory and that perhaps we are wrong. Trying to make our
behavior more consistent and quiet beside the point. It would be an
external issue. It tells us that we must first cleanse the inside-the
part that this is underdeveloped, irresponsible, rude, and so often,
contradictory to what we pretend to be outwardly in Personality, and
we can not do for reasons of life. By the way, we can not do from
that which belongs to the False Personality, which makes things "to
be seen by men." There is, however, a trace of Real Self in us, as
they say. If we did any thing from that trace Real I, we would not
from False Personality, either from the Imaginary. Nor would for
reasons of life. Act for reasons of Labor (which often go against the
reasons of life). But it takes a long time before becoming aware of
the differences in the qualities of feelings of self. Also strive to
love something that is not tangible or visible, or profitable, life,
or obviously meritorious, it seems strange to many people. It seems
strange to Personality. However, if we make an effort from the right
feeling of "I would be rewarded in secret. How we would be rewarded?
Essence grow. Essence growth means development over time-a-
supratemporal change something that does not end with death. But if
we make an effort from the wrong place and a poor sense of self, do
not get any response from this class. The Essence is the eternal
part. If it grows, is repeated again and again. Striving for
perfection. But the efforts of life, not perfection. Remains
imperfect. Seeking perfection in something without the intervention
of ambition or praise or any similar source of life, develop the
Essence. "Then came one and told him, Good Master, what shall I do to
have eternal life?" and Christ answered him:

"If thou wilt be perfect, go sell your possessions and give to the
poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me"

(Matthew, XIX, 16, 21).

Great Amwell House, January 17, 1953

The purpose and Imaginary

The Work says that we must have a purpose. He says that no purpose
can not do the job. We pay attention, attend meetings, spend the time
looking at the diagrams on the blackboard, but this will not do the
job. And unless the job done never understand what this is. That
peculiar relationship with ourselves, which we call I, however, and
we think of as being really and truly we do not allow us to have a
personal purpose at work. The personal purpose involves having a
purpose about yourself. Refers to self-change to change something
that has been observed in yourself. But the existence of the
Imaginary, which is the formulation of Work for this peculiar
relationship we have with ourselves and we call I, prevents us from
having a purpose smart about ourselves. It acts as a powerful
hypnotic. Because this seems to be real people, real men and women,
united and defined, with names, races and positions, the same today
as yesterday-solid and unshakable, undeniable facts. This is because
our sensually fatal habit of thinking in relation to all things. It
would be a good experience to look in the mirror and not see anyone
reflected. But because of the sensual thinking about ourselves, we
say: "This is me," confided to the reflection in the mirror. This
keeps the Imaginary irons. Nourishes internal considering and
negative states and endless other things that contribute to human
misery and never affect us once we realized that this "I" does not
exist except in our imaginations. In fact, consists of imagination.
They tell us we need to work on the imagination. The Imaginary, made
of imagination, hypnotize us into believing that we are one - unity.
This prevents us from seeing ourselves. He did not see ourselves
keeps us from having a purpose-job. So we drift in the Imaginary. We,
of course, a variety of purposes-life, but these are not the same as
the-job purposes. We may have the purpose of passing a test or buy a
home or to advance in our employment or somehow change our
circumstances. All persons are purposes of this class. They are life-
aims. The purposes of this class are not job-purposes. The purpose-
life-life requires efforts. But the purpose-job-job requires efforts.
-Work Efforts are different than-life efforts. They follow a
different course. They follow the direction that leads to change our
circumstances but the direction that leads them to change ourselves.
But as long reign Imaginary unhindered in a person, it will not
discover the direction that leads to change of itself.

By way of commentary will briefly refer allegory to illustrate the

action exerted upon us the Imaginary. Suppose a man invites you to
view your home. He imagines he is a solid building. In crossing a
high wall that obscures everything. is confusing piles of materials,
without any order scattered everywhere, some worthless things and
other useful things. There is a house. The man, however, remains
across the high wall that obscures all, seems not to notice this and
continues talking as if he owned a house. But only exists in your
imagination. It is imagination that creates those piles of materials
in a house. We know now that if we think have something prevents us
from noting that lack it. The imagination acts as a high wall and
prevents obscuring the man realize what is beyond. This is the action
exerted by the Imaginary about us. In us blinds us to everything that
is wrong. It prevents us from observing our true status in light of
Labor. All that prevents us from seeing ourselves on which we must
work seriously. So we have some purpose prevents staff working,
intelligent, juxtaposed, and therefore prevents us from making an
effort to appropriate job to our inner state. We make an effort to
prevent outside life. But nothing prevents us from identifying any
interior to which we must apply unequivocally Work. Prevents us, in a
very simple but subtle, any application of the ideas of job
ourselves. The Imaginary retains its full power until a person is
given vaguely aware that when you say "I this" and "I that" the word
"I" does not have the importance attached to it. When you start to
realize it, will be allowed to observe himself and eventually find
something if you can become a personal and intelligent way on which
to work. Remember to find and see for himself indisputably that on
which has to work. Otherwise internally not believe in his heart nor
his mind perceived internally. This means that so-called effort to do
the job that will completely externally and for the sake of
appearances or to bring favor, and only strengthen what is false and
imaginary in you. Because telling a man, for example, working on his
habitual lying, it is useless. Just looking at himself, alone, inside
and in silence, lying, can work effectively on these Ts liars who are
in it. Its purpose will be appropriate and real. But this man has
already faced in putting off the Imaginary.

Great Amwell House, January 24, 1953



If the question is asked:''What does make the passive personality?

"The first answer is that the self can not be passive. It needs help.
But if one is to be compared with that help and wanting to have their
work and follow their instructions. I will repeat again. You,
whoever, can not by itself make his passive personality. Without help
is helpless. You can not do by itself. And let me add: unless
eventually realizing it, would not get that help. If you think you,
in your own wisdom, intelligence and power, can make your Personality
passive if willing, has a very wrong idea of himself and of that
against which will face. And again, if you imagine alone in the most
secret of your heart that is constantly scrutinized by Higher
Centers, that nothing in you that must be rendered passive and
therefore there is nothing seriously wrong that must be dismissed or
made passive, inactive, then indeed you will never receive any aid.
Why should receive it? Your Imaginary envelops him like a fancy dress
and prevents him from seeing his unfortunate weakness and painful
blemishes. not going to take a robe of glory. Covered by this fancy
dress is your Imaginary, can never be seen itself. Act as a mist
through which you can see everything in dimly. It can not see a way
distinct and real what is in their personality. Therefore Personality
remains active. But if you succeed in getting some of the things
pertaining to the personality they became aware for themselves
because they are highlighted with increasing clarity for
introspection and not confused as through a fog, those items would
become less and less active as the directional light of consciousness
pours more and more fully on them. Yes, I have heard many times. I
know that I have heard. But did already understand? "Do you
understand or tried to understand what he means when he says that the
job is not based primarily on faith or hope or love, but in
Consciousness? understand with their own understanding that attempts
to increase our consciousness-and why-You try to increase our
consciousness-above all ourselves, and slowly and gradually our
awareness of others-so that, among other results, we see them in
ourselves and us in them-which destroys the conceit, complacency,
pride, vanity and all the contempt and disdain, just to name a few of
the devils who kill us every day and in spirit to the others. That is
why which the Work begins on the practical side-the side of it-with
self-observation. Self-monitoring means seeing oneself as is and not
as one imagines to be "huge task, but is expected to us, since we
were specially created to undergo a transformation or rebirth, which
prevents an active personality. In truth, that part of the
personality called "Imaginary make it impossible for this not take
place. Follow whispering:" I and none other, "whereas in truth there
is not one self and others are a crowd. But the power of the
Imaginary is huge. People can not conceive the lack of a real self,
immovable, always present, permanent that controls it. Let me repeat:
I said that people can not conceive of the lack of a real self
unchangeable, ever present, permanent holding it. So powerful that
this artful illusion induced sleep Imaginary "is an obstacle on the
road that leads to every moment of revelation that will destroy that
illusion. It continues to oppose such a fog from the Work itself and
its powers, and Hidden ourselves and our nothingness. Thus it hits
one to surprise us and move us. We prevent getting the help you need.
Why? Because, though often heard work, not really apply ourselves
internally as a result of clear evidence of our observation. This
would not be brought online with us. If we did, we would receive,
little by little, as we can bear, the expected aid that is needed to
Personality passive so that the miracle of rebirth can take place.

Now we know that the staff remain active as long as Life is

Neutralizing Force. We are all connected with life and its demands.
We also know that the teaching job you need to make another
Neutralizing Force Personality passive. This is the same job. We are
not mechanically connected with the Work. Nobody can do the job
mechanically. It requires a conscious effort everyday. Maybe talk
about it but we do not. It is only through conscious efforts as we
can connect with the Third Force of Labor. It is extraordinary to see
how we do the job. I ask each of you - do you know what they are
working on? -. We make life, of course, but not the Work. But just
doing the job can become passive Personality, since this is the only
way to connect with the Third Force of Labor. So you see how absurd
is the man who thinks he can make passive personality himself and his
way while his life remains Neutralizing Force. It is simply
impossible to do. You can only do the job. So do not just listen to
the job. This must be done. Christ said:

"But anyone who hears these words and doeth them not, shall be
likened unto a foolish man who built his house upon the sand"

(Matthew, VII, 26).

The job says the same. The sand is Personality.

However, if there is no change in the thinking of a person
Neutralizing Force said that his life remains. The Work says
definitively what make us think in a new way. You must do this for
something to happen. You can do-if we receive it with goodwill and
strive to truly understand. But you can listen to his teachings over
the years and continue to think as we did before. That is, continue
to think conventionally, like others of the same class-imitating what
is heard telling the others, which is accepted without objection,
always clinging to the same mental attitudes and prejudices, which
are more harmful, and always using the same conventional phrases,
borrowed, about yourself, the people and things. Of course, this is
not thinking. It is merely making a series of mechanical noise. The
job requires the use of our real-Mental Center in the first year, I
think. Otherwise I noticed that produces a slight impression in the
mind or impress a little later. Must beat early, and again, and so
on. If not penetrate into the inner divisions of Mental Center as a
shock given to thought, will remain outside as words, with little-or
no-meaning until you connect it. So nothing is assembled, nothing
binds. There are clear connections. Then, you can not change the
previous thinking. Work is poured into the old attitudes and
perishes. You can not superimpose the ideas of the previous Labor
mental attitudes and habits of thought.

Some of you never thought about the Work Life, but still think from
Life about Labor. That is, you still think the old way. Do not think
of a new way. So the job you can not enter. Finally, if you think in
a new way-that is, from the Work-never think in a new way about
themselves-a thing of paramount importance for self-change.

Great Amwell House, January 31, 1953



The idea that personality has to be passive throughout life, and

gradually, rather than internal development could reach perfection,
is one of the ideas taught by the Great Work. However, unless your
mind captures some of the Big Ideas Labor will never really
understand what this is. Not so much to capture the small things that
lack substance. This will not expand the mind. Always remain in the
petty details and arguments fórmatenos. Origen, one of the early
Fathers of the Church (third century AD) quotes a saying of Christ:
"Seek the big things and small things shall be in addition, seek the
things heavenly and earthly things shall be besides ". Because things
are the big things celestial Labor.
Consider again the idea referred to Personality. Work Life teaches
that we are not fully developed, but only in part. Life conducts
Personality Development and this is very necessary in an initial
stage. But the next stage of development, potential and latency in
Man (which by its creation is a self-desarrollante agency) is not
carried out for Life. We note here two points:

1) This next stage of development can only be performed by passive


2) Only you can do the job. That is, a man in Life and Life and
knowing only life and its purposes and points of view can not do his
passive personality. This is formulated by the job in terms of
another great idea-namely, that Man can be in two completely
different Neutralizing Forces. While remains entirely under the
Neutralizing Force of Life and its aims and perspectives, Personality
must remain active. But if a man gets the job and its aims and points
of view, the new Neutralizing Force begins to act on it through which
the personality gradually becomes passive. This new Neutralizing
Force does not come from the direction of Life.

Now, all that has just been said to be clearly grasped by every one
of you. Each of you must use your Mental Center, so that the meaning
of this part of the job really penetrate and nourish the heart and
begin to establish a new way of thinking, both about your situation
as that of others in the land. This is to think about the Work Life,
and it must be done. I assure you that unless Labor's ideas are
received in the individual mind and you all definitely come in
individual thinking, the Labor Neutralizing Force will not contact
you. The mind is closed to them. No change in thinking takes place.
This would not receive any assistance and Personality accordingly
will remain as active as ever.

We, therefore, that Life itself is the supreme force that remains
active to Personality. Let us therefore, what is this force acting on
ourselves. However, a force must act on something to produce an
effect. To find an answer to this question we must return to the Work
teaches on this subject. We can not expect an answer of life, since
life itself has made to the personality in us and the strength that
keeps her active. Will choose some of the things in us that, as noted
by the job, keep active Personality:

1) The Imaginary.

2) False Personality.

3) The attitudes and beliefs conventional mechanical, that all take

for granted, the usual habits of thought (which are not thought),
mechanical trials (which are not trials), partial views (either in
favor or against), the various biases unnoticed. (Much more could be
said here. What is mentioned in particular is what keeps Personality

4) Think sensual and all the fallacies that arise from the senses and
the thought from his evidence.

These factors in us on which the life force is acting in ways that

keeps the active personality are enough for now. In no way are they
all, as evidenced by a detailed study of the job. In the previous
paper (Paper I in the series "On making Personality passive")
described some of the effects of the Imaginary. We now consider the
False Personality. People often ask if these two are not the same
thing. Are equal as both are composed of imagination. Induce people
to attribute things that are not theirs. The Imaginary makes people
imagine I have a real, permanent, immutable, and thus prevents self-
observation. False Personality makes people have to imagine all sorts
of qualities and virtues he has not. Is false personality that makes
people give air and are mannered and pretend they are not. She is an
actress-a hypocrite. Worst of all is that fools so easily to its
owner. The man or the woman ends up believing in the virtues and
superiority posturing and manufactured in the workshops of False
Personality. It's a shame, if extended, because the awakening will
then be much more painful and indeed almost impossible. Everything
False Personality makes us attribute to ourselves, has to be started,
layer upon layer, in the extended phase of awakening. Similarly, the
Imaginary has to be started in order to discern clearly the crowd of
"I" of all stripes who hide behind him as if to hide his fog and
realize that we are a unit. Both the Imaginary as False Personality
is Lies. I only deal in lies. Nothing that is true can connect with
them. But their lies are easily believed and accepted. People love to
imagine that they are endowed with special gifts and unusual values.
Just consider how people lie and how they are using lies to excuse
not to confront an unpleasant truth. But we have to start observing
yourself. Observe how they lie to keep moving to False Personality.
Always remember what is said in the parable of the mote and beam
"hypocrite, first take the plank from your own eye." Work always in
self-change must begin with himself. In the Life never does. The
other person is guilty. Will agree to go through life with a beam in
the eye is a sign that the Personality has not become passive through
consciousness. The parable says:

"Why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye and not miss the
beam that is in thine own eye? Hypocrite, first take the plank from
your own eye ..."

(Matthew, VII, 3, 5).

Remove the plank from the view itself is only possible by an increase
of consciousness obtained by long, uncritical self-observation. It
should reflect on the meaning of hypocrisy, as used here. Compare it
with the meaning of False Personality at Work. Are they not the same
thing? To become conscious of hypocritical self is apparently the
same as becoming aware of one's False Personality.

Great Amwell House, February 7, 1953



All ointments "bodies move from yesterday to today. A part of us is

in the common movement of Time and others would not. The party is in
the time table: the part that is not visible. For example, you can
not see the Personality or Essence can be seen nor thought. When the
party is in Time, which is the body, separated from the party not in
Time, ceases to act, your organization is broken and can not run
more. Dies and is buried and people say: "Somebody is dead. I saw him
buried." The greatest confusion arises in the spiritual affairs of
this kind of thinking that people naively believe that all is
visible. This is pure sensual thinking, without any mixture, which is
one of the things that keep Personality active. Do you think a person
is his body visible, and nothing else. Now the fate of Personality
invisible after coming to an end the life of the body is not the same
as that of the invisible Essence. We say that personality, formed by
life and the action is exercised in life, is destructible and
disintegrates. The essence, however, returns to Star 2, being
immortal in us the power of growth, which we neglect. We prefer an
increase of the personality, love of self and feed the world easily.
We also say that the personality, if it hardens, it decays slowly.
Many things the hard. The implacable hatred, the insatiable love of
power, vanity and intractable great pride, and the like. The more I
got the feeling in it, have identified with that feeling, the more
retained consciousness. If you got the personal became passive,
awareness of it is necessarily the Essence and Real Self. Personality
can then easily disintegrate. Ouspensky spoke many times about the
danger of crystallizing Personality. He said that ordinary people do
not have the personality disintegrates and hard places without much
suffering. Moreover, the richer the personality that has formed
around the Essence, the more material you can use the Essence for
growth, provided that a man works on himself to make the personality
becomes increasingly passive. If this connection does nothing, lives
and dies as a seed that has germinated. As a difficult and complex
experiment that has failed. Man is created a complex experiment as
was done in this life and another life while in this life. This
brings us to the mystery of the Essence and the existence of esoteric
teaching in the world. Why esoteric teaching there? The answer tells
us there because life can not grow the Essence. Personality develops
life but not Essence. Herein lies the problem: and here is the source
of the apparent paradox in the Work-as when one says that more should
have little more personality and a rich personality. We talk about
two different things. The man is a duplex. It is under two sets of
influences called A and B. A influences arising from life and the
staff interacts with them. B influences have another origin. They are
planted in their lives for the Conscious Circle of Humanity "that is,
influences C. Are changed into B influences mainly because of the
sensual and formatory think. If a man only absorbs influences, his
personality remains active. His Essence can not grow. If due to
Magnetic Center, which is that in us can tell the difference between
A and B influences, a man begins to absorb influences B, then you can
contact, in varying degrees, with influences C. B influences, such as
the Gospels and the job they have to do with the growth of Essence.
If you teach a man what they mean and do you advise him to do, the
Essence can begin to grow. But only at the expense of Personality.
Unable to retain a thriving and developing personality Essence
simultaneously. This is an idle dream, which arises from vanity.
Personality has to say as John the Baptist: "I must become smaller to
grow the Essence." This is the supreme idea that supports the
Esoteric Teaching. "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become
like children, never enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matt. XVIII, 3).
You have to strip the personality of much getting to be like a child.
Because the Essence can not develop through the influences A, B
influences must exist. If possible, would only influences A. The man
then the experiment would not be difficult, complex and paradoxical
for which it was created. It would be a self-developing organism.
Life, Mechanical life, so complete.

Great Amwell House, February 14, 1953


When he says he sympathizes with someone does not mean they are
sympathetic to that person as a whole. In it are issues that do not
like. But the sides that we like enough to let others in the shade.
Occasionally this arrangement of what we like and what we dislike is
unchanged and the sides we do not like in the foreground and at the
moment does not like that person. In our human relationships this is
a very common situation. Please work on yourself and allowing the
phases of anger make us think and feel negative and one is pleased to
identify with them, the relationships often become somewhat unhappy.
Once you identify and become very 'negative with a person, something
crashed. It's our fault. Not worked on it. Never thought it had to,
perhaps, or was stupid enough to think that human relationships were
established for themselves. However, no relationship is established
by itself. They require conscious work on both sides. If a person
works, the other does not, mean that we must work hard-or becomes
impossible. He, who works on if he refuses to complain. She is angry
because he can not get him from becoming negative, or vice versa. If
neither party works, then serve one purpose of Organic Life, which is
fed to the moon. They fight like cats, expose their mutual
antipathies, criticism or hatred-all infernal progeny of negative
emotions and thoughts-down vibrations of a certain "wavelength" that
are transmitted to the moon and used by it, which is below of us in
the descending order of creation. Nobody who is on a higher level of
a class needs food so dirty. You must realize that most people are
often, but always in a negative state-even self-psychological and
manufacture the food of poor quality. We live in a universe in which
it makes use of everything and everything is useful for something. It
resembles a well-managed farm. Nothing is wasted. If we misuse our
psychic energy they produce is used for something else. Our negative
emotions, we enjoy sordid, but useless for us, are used as manure on
a farm. Consider the enormous number of those emotions that occur at
any time across and throughout the world. Imagine these things helps
to capture the terrible significance of this part of the teaching of
Labor says that the human world is governed not by sex, as some
think, but by negative emotions. For a being on the moon and has a
visual organ that responds not to the vibrations of the Sun but the
negative emotions, the Earth must seem like a planet covered with

Now to return to what makes us sympathize with some aspects of a

person and not others. We do not see another person through his
Imaginary. It sees itself as an individual, as a unit. Your Imaginary
prompts her to think so. But we see it differently. We see it as if
it were made from different sides that are completely contradictory.
She ignores him. He says: "Do you sympathize with me?" -As if a
single person. If you answer that we like some sides of it, a shock.
Who gets a shock? However, in Imaginary, that is not perceived by
her, nor is it for us. It is not perceived by it, because it notes
that not one but many. It is not perceived by us, because we see as
many and not one. So goes the game of life. But if that person begins
to observe himself and realizes and slowly-so slowly that it is an
"I" but many "I" surrounded by a cellophane wrapper with a label of
"I" begins to be a different person. Start working on yourself. Go
through the fatuous and vain illusion of 'I' 'Imaginary. He begins to
see itself as we see it. And if now we say that some sides of it but
we like the others, she will not feel mortally offended or hurt. It
will become much stronger and will not be as vulnerable and is so
easily upset. But two people who have reached this stage of
heightened awareness and inner development and will be able to
establish relationships that was previously impossible. Both are
aware of their negative sides of which must be separated, with whom
not to be identified, or enjoy them, or give them the feeling of "I".
Such people, to know and do, and remain, so to speak, at the entrance
of Labor, are so different from sleeping people in life, which
otherwise is beyond belief. But for those who can not observe
themselves and therefore can not get the job, this comment can be
helpful. You can see that others have many sides, of which some like
and others dislike. No doubt, admit it. But I see the same thing in
themselves, because they are haunted by the Imaginary that makes them
believe they are one person and not many. Do not think they have
different sides, which means different "I" - and so can not get into
the job. Perhaps his blindness is due to another reason besides the
Imaginary. Perhaps it is because you do not see themselves as others
see them. Perhaps his cockiness does not allow them to confront it.
But it is usually because the Imaginary blocks the path that leads to

Now every time we see one side of a person we dislike, let us define
as clearly as possible. Try to find the same thing in yourself
through self-observation. This can help those who find it impossible
to observe themselves unaided. People do not do in life. But people
are supposed to do the job. Later, they should.

Great Amwell House, February 21, 1953


Since then present some comments on the exterior and interior parts
of the centers, as a preface to give a general note on the
psychological meaning of home and abroad. I hope you will be able to
follow what is said in the memo to get a precise idea of what he
says. I say this because if they can not achieve a personal
understanding of the topic to which we refer, it will be impossible
to understand the comments that follow this letter. I advise them to
stop internal considering and mentally give attention to the meaning
of words and ask support if they understood something and if not, ask
questions, and thus make a personal effort to understand. This will
help everyone. Let no one think that this meeting has to do with any
particular person or another does not have any responsibility with
respect to this talk and can remain aloof and not intervene. Such
apparently shows a bad attitude to the job.

First, all things have an outer and inner sense, which are completely
different. This seems extraordinary, but true. The same thing is
referred outwardly very different from what is referred to
internally. However it is the same thing. Because this is so much
confusion arises and there are countless discussions. For the sake of
simplicity we divide the mind into outer mind and inner mind. The
same thing contemplated by the outer mind becomes very different when
they see the inner mind. If two men, one of which provides one with
his outer mind, and the other looks on in their inner mind, have
completely different impressions of that thing. It seems they are
looking at two things completely different and unrelated. But they
are contemplating the same thing, but with two different minds. One
contemplates the thing with his outer mind, and the other looks on in
his inner mind. When a person has a mind only reads a sentence
outside of Scripture that says God in his anger shows a man to hell,
for it means literally what it says. For the inner mind the meaning
is reversed, because God can not be dominated by anger and the
apparent meaning becomes an inner sense, which is that the man who
lets himself be dominated by anger she throws herself at a lower
level of be. Again, all parables have outer and inner meaning. Now it
is clear that because the two minds, outward and inward, contemplate
the same thing as a completely different way, are not continuous, but
discontinuous. By this we mean that one can not gradually mixed with
the other. They must be distinct and separate from one another as two
quarters in a house, one of which is on the ground floor and one on
the first floor. This discontinuity of the two functions shows that
their minds are different. That is, their uses are different. The
outer mind is used to the outside world. It's back to life and its
issues through the senses. It may be smart or stupid, or well or
poorly developed. Should be developed as widely as possible. His
knowledge is the kind you can buy anywhere and anytime. The use of
the inner mind is more difficult to define. In most people are not
used at all. It is not open, like an empty room whose door was never
opened. You can not pass freely from the outer mind to the inner
mind, because they are on the same floor. Some people assume they
can. When put in contact with the job and are told that we need a
change of mind (metanoia), using the same mind as before, year after
year, and so bog down or jammed. As I indicated, we can compare the
inner mind to a room on the first floor, while the outer mind is on
the ground floor. Not having any sense of scale, these people do not
understand what "superior" and "inferior" was them. I remind you that
scale means ladder (scala) and a ladder is used to raise and lower
and steps are discontinuous. If they were, it would be a ladder but a
table. To move up a rung, you have to leave the ground floor. You
must leave the outer mind and sensual, with their ways of thinking
and seeing things. Some find it impossible. However it is possible,
if you let it go. "Drop what? I have no idea what you must release.
We must discover it for yourself. It should look into a direction
that you would not believe, I mean to himself.

However, the inner mind when it is opened and the clean and allowed
to penetrate the air, is ready to receive and entertain their guests
or let in, say, thoughts and perceptions, which affect the outer mind
and eventually control. This is how things should be. This is the
correct order. When the outer mind governs us, the order is
incorrect. A wrong order makes us unhappy. The inner, being much
higher in dignity and excellence-that is, on the scale of being-
should control the lower. When, however, exalt the lower and the
false endow with dignity and excellence, is indeed ridiculous and
painful. But people do and can not climb the stairs. So something
must happen first, before climbing the stairs. However, the lower or
outer mind can not open the top or inner mind. Please understand and
record which is lower outside, and inside is superior. The exterior
boundaries of the schools are inferior and superior interior
partitions are in scale. Also what is superior is "smarter" than what
is below; the higher can see and understand lower, but less can
comprehend the higher rao. It is the same as saying that the interior
can observe and understand what is external: the exterior but can be
seen rao or understand what is inside. Hence follows that the outer
or lower mind can not open the inner mind or higher. That is, sensual
thinking can not open the inner mind. As long as you thinking
sensually, is on the ground floor of his being. You have to start
thinking in a new way to get upstairs. The first object is to make
Labor think in a new way-to change his mind. As I said recently, you
can not do if he persists in thinking about working from life - that
is, with your outer mind. You have to start thinking about life from
the job. When you receive the inner work, begins to open the inner
mind, because it is designed to do so. Then he begins to see life
from what he says about her job. He sees it very differently from
what he saw when he looked outside from her mind. This is because
that is watching from his inner mind, that the job opening. It
teaches us how the same thing, viewed from the outer mind becomes
very different when viewed from the inner mind. It's the same thing
but referred to by two very different minds and discontinuous,
located at different levels-was one himself. Do not think this job
can be captured by chance by adding some knowledge of his outer mind.
You can never take root there. You can not sow wheat in a city
street. Only a proper quality assessment of the job will fall into a
proper ground where you can grow on you, and this is the inner mind.
And I do not mean to value assessment based on life values, such as
being eminent or enjoy power or distinction or fame or position or
wealth or luxury and possession. These are the driving forces of
life. They belong to the outer mind.

Great Amwell House, February 28, 1953


When you are very negative towards a person, a very unpleasant

experience flows into your mind to the image of that person. Until an
unsavory character in the novel she's reading becomes the person.
Sometimes it is impossible to get rid of it. He is with you when
going to sleep and when awake. That person becomes the devil. What
does this prove? It shows that you put under the power of a person
when it becomes negative. The person has power over you. That person
as it produces true depression. In you, and everything will drain
into it. It becomes a swamp that can spoil your mind. It is very
dangerous. That land marsh eventually you must be stuff out-task
worthy of an engineer. But do not you think that negative feeling and
perhaps hating another person, you have the power and not the other
person? Is it an illusion? In one sense no, because all negative
emotions ultimately lead to physical violence and people feel they
can hurt or kill each other. In another sense, yes, because to afford
to be negative empowers the other person about you without this
necessarily know anything about this matter. It appears that we do
ourselves a grave insult to be negative to another person. Note that
always a person, real or imagined, and never one thing.

Negative emotions easily attract us. People tend to enjoy them. There
is a story which says that an angel visited the earth. Long thought
that everyone was crazy. I could not understand what it was that made
them enjoy both. After a time the Angel also infested. He began to
enjoy negative emotions and mad as all the others. A messenger was
sent to earth to tell him he had failed in its mission. I had
forgotten something and now he must remain on the land until it had
cleared in all negative emotions, and this was more mad than ever.
This is an allegory of our situation on this planet. Also illustrate
an aspect of negativity, which is the power not only to persist but
to accumulate as. a fire that spreads. One can feel negative toward
everyone. Changing. Image negativity as a flood drowns us. If you
have not built an ark within it, can drown spiritually. If you follow
the instructions in the job, however, can build an ark, because of
experience. becomes increasingly able to navigate. It is built in
three parts. Noah was instructed to build a three-story ark. In the
toy never saw an ark had three stories. The Work says that Man is a
three-story house but is in complete disarray. Indeed it is often
deluged with negative statements, both intellectual and emotional.
The negative thinking negative emotion is destructively dangerous.
Nobody has told us clearly how bad and dangerous is being negative?
Mourn or be sad and painful aspect were considered as signs of
spiritual development. There are many good paintings that were
inspired by such negative emotions. They were much admired. Today is
huge quantity of paints ugly and deformed. They are much admired and
are equally negative. Each period has its negative states that are in
vogue. People love their negative emotions. Do not let go easily. Is
not it strange that there are few things in life that can replace
them? Other emotions become insipid when compared with the curious
delights of being negative, such as planning a revenge. Also, be sad
or bad character, or pity and complain, or talk or criticize morose
tone, or maliciously say hurtful things, it's easy.

Have you ever thought on that matter? You do not need any
encouragement. Have you ever taken place there must be something
negative emotions comparable to a drug fascinating. A drug a person
takes over. It can not be discarded without much difficulty. Does it
produce a negative emotion the same kind of comfort that a drug? Can
the world go without negative emotions? I think not. But at work we
learn how. One of the things that help us to learn to express them in
a less unpleasant or violent. This requires a bit of mindfulness.
Ouspensky. said that we grew our negative emotions to express them
mechanically. But we can study how it can be expressed more
consciously. This modifies its malicious power. Of course, I'm not
saying that speaks with a sweet smile, wicked. It was mentioned that
negative emotions and no sex rule the world. Destroy the sex. Not
consider you an exceptional and free from negative states. Never in a
bad mood? You never feel jealousy or envy? Do not have grievances?
You ever feel resentment? It is a waste of time observing and tracing
the subtle action of negative emotions in oneself. They are at the
root of so many things that are believed to do for some other reason.
All negative emotions seek expression injuring someone, sooner or

Because negative emotions to the point spoil everyone's life, it is

desirable to study as with any other human disease. Data should be
collected. There are physical illnesses and psychological conditions
typical typical. With respect to negative emotions, there are three
lines of study. All three are necessary to disentangle their
windings. The first line is studying negative emotions in oneself.
You can only do that through self-observation. It is necessary to
observe and remember. It is necessary to construct a memory-work. But
to do so, we must be willing to admit they have negative emotions.
But people refuse to admit it. It is not hypocrisy. To go on to say
that really do not know what are the negative emotions and yet is not
hypocrisy, it is because they do not become fully aware of their
negative states-nor want it. Here is a veil that shed light and
strong. Have not you ever heard someone say without any poison, "I am
negative? No, say: "I'm tired" or "I'm upset," or similar phrases
like "I'm offended" or "I'm furious." But in fact negative. Well,
things happen like this: when you do not admit anything in itself to
the full light of consciousness but the hidden secret retains its
power over you, even that seems to fight. Do not you know that if a
violent and angry person begins to see clearly and become
increasingly aware of their violence and anger and eventually tries
not more justified or excused herself gradually become different?
This is done to her. For such is the action of light of consciousness
when we turn on ourselves-which almost never is. The Work asks us to
shed a ray of light in our inner darkness. Did we? We prefer darkness
to light. This means that we prefer the negative states are states of
darkness. However, the remedy is observed then that honestly, not
accompanied by a beautiful portrait, taken by a firm called self-
love-in oneself honestly observed. This is the kind of thing that
happens, is not it? I always seem to do anything other than we're
doing. It always seems to be a portrait.
On another occasion, speak of the second and third line of study of
negative emotions. Only mention here that the second line is studying
negative emotions in people related to you, and the third line is to
study the action of negative emotions in the world. Since the Work
teaches that negative emotions rule the world, if we study the world
from this idea, we're thinking about life from the standpoint of
Labor. This is a very simple example, but do not think many realize
its significance. No matter, it is really necessary to think about
life from the ideas of Labor.

Great Amwell House, March 7, 1953


One of the reasons why people grasp the meaning of work so slowly is
that they keep thinking about the job from the Life instead of
thinking about life from the Work. As some may have difficulty
understanding what is meant to express this, try to give some
explanations in this commentary. Many of the ideas that the job
presents are strange when you hear the first time. For example, the
idea that Man is asleep sounds strange. Like when he says and looks
at the life that man can be both asleep and awake in bed and up and
working. As long as you think from what has been taught and what he
has seen in Life, this idea of the job will not seem true and indeed
very absurd. For how, thinking from life, can be said that Man is
asleep? Indeed, sometimes asleep. It has to be. But at other times is
fully awake. Just look at the people who run fast down the street or
jump on the bus or into the basement - will you tell me you are
asleep? -. Their eyes are open. If you address them, will answer.
Some are reading the newspaper. How can a sleeping man reading a
newspaper? So you think it is nonsense to say that Man is asleep.
Exactly. It is folly. There is no question of the senses. There is no
question of thinking that derives from the sensual evidence of the
senses. In spite of everything he says, the job is right. Man is
asleep. The difficulty estate in the failure to understand what the
job means to say that man is asleep. With sensual thinking, which
means literally, as if it meant the actual physical sleep. This is an
example of what it means to "think from the Life Work." From the
views set out in you through their experience of life, the idea that
Man is asleep is not acceptable to his mind. So when trying to grasp
the teaching of Labor says that Man is asleep try superimposing an
idea into a level of thinking that completely contradicts it. Then
his mind is unable to assimilate the idea of Labor. Pouring new wine
into old bottles. This error was pointed out agone two thousand
years. Not surprisingly, therefore, that the Work tells us
emphatically that its purpose primarily is to make us think in new
ways. This technique is very wrong to try to shed new thinking on old
thinking. But you still cling to their old ways of thinking, their
former opinions and attitudes, continue to think the ideas of work
from the ideas of Life. Will be unable to see Life from the ideas of
Labor. Constantly forget what it teaches job is stupid enough to try
to understand them in light of the ideas of Life. In this way
constantly being destroyed and not apprehend the job well. But if you
get the job in a place that is special because its valuation of him,
this will be constructed and organized in you. You will be able to
see Life from the Work. You see inwardly what the job when he says
that Man is asleep. You will see that everything happens the only way
it can happen because Man is asleep, and also discover that you have
been asleep throughout their lives. See why the waking state of man
is called by the job the "so-called Waking State"-a state that G.
described by saying it's a bad state in which Man can do infinite
harm to man. You can see that the Man does not remember himself in
that state for the reason that he is asleep in spirit. Understand and
see the light of truth that Man is asleep merely because he reminds

and you are asleep for the same reason. Understand that if humanity
reached the third state of consciousness called at Work Self-
Remembering, Self Awareness and Self-Awareness, everything would be
different on earth. Men do not pronounce his speeches, not write the
books they write, not speak as they do not behave with each other as
they do, and not hate, nor calumniarían nor kill one another as they
do. Sees and understands that Man does not remember itself, but
forgets himself because he identifies with everything and everyone.
Not observe yourself so you are not aware of what is in itself or
contradictory statements. Because of its self-indulgence does not
understand that is in danger and not have perceived it as if he knew
that is would be in enemy territory and you would not believe more
than just the pomp of material life can lead to a real goal. And all
this introspection and truth, and more coming on because you are
thinking about life from the job and not the other way. But unless
you think in new ways, to not be suffering metanoia - that does not
mean repentance, but changed his mind-not form any job attitude in
itself. Retain the customary attitudes that Life has built in you. An
attitude begins with a thought. That is, it starts in the Mental
Center. If you still think the same way, crystallization takes place
and form an attitude. Then you think and speak according to this
attitude, just do not realize that it does. He believes that thinking
for yourself. People full of crystallized attitudes are very boring.
They are alive but are dead. For witted people often seem to tower of
strength "because they always say the same things. But attitudes do
not help a man at work. Labor's ideas to tackle discriminatory
attitudes Life will raise all sorts of conflicting reactions. Its
very existence is threatened. All the psychology you struggle to save
himself-that's why the change itself is so difficult. However, while
not think of a new way, can not form new attitudes, because an
attitude begins with a thought. If you do not often think about the
Work and its remote significance, if inwardly just think of it, if it
is unable to understand esoteric Christianity because, as said G. ..
is based on the inner meaning of the parables and words of Christ,
then inside you can not form any working attitude. Shall remain
imprisoned in their attitudes to life and personality remain active.
After hearing the job for many years but without paying attention
will remain the same person. Work will not accept it because you do
not want to receive. But if you get another story begins in you. You
begin to hear and see the job-that is, to be conscious of its truths.
This will indicate that it has begun the formation of job attitudes.
Not formed in the same part of the mind that the attitudes of life.
They form an internal division of the Intellectual Center, closer to
the Higher Centers. So can weaken Life attitudes and make them
disappear, because what is inside is more powerful than it is
outside. You can understand that if a man never thinks deeply and of
itself about the significance of education and work, their thoughts
do not fall into the deep, internal division of the Intellectual
Center. If Labor thinks only superficially, they will fall in the
middle of the attitudes of Life in the external mind and not be of no
use to the man. Fall on stony ground and perish. Remember this, then:
an attitude begins in the mind of the Intellectual Center. It begins
with thinking. Eventually makes its influence on the mind of the
Emotional Center, but the important thing is that starts in the
Intellectual Center. When you start to really look at life through
one or another of the ideas of Labor is life otherwise, and you begin
to think in new ways. This can begin with a working attitude in the
mind. But one thing will be young men and women through heavy,
pompous, within you, so remember to love, encourage and defend it.
Otherwise this new little thing, very beautiful, about which may
dream-perish, as has happened many times. When an attitude of Labor
has formed transmits the infinite meanings of Labor. Living an
attitude of the obstacle. Work Attitudes are like windows: the
attitudes of life, to walls.

Great Amwell House, March 14, 1953


According to the formulation given by the job, these three forces in

each event. A force can not produce a demonstration. Nor can two
forces. Only three forces, active, passive and connecting, in
relation to each other can do. Three forces are active, passive or
three forces, or three or neutralizing connecting force can not
produce a demonstration. What I mean is that the three forces that
create the demonstration must be related to each other as active,
passive and connecting. Interestingly, this relationship. The same
force can be active in a triad, the other passive, and neutralizing
third triad, according as it is interlinked with the other two
forces. This formulation is quite clear. However, we do not
understand clearly. Although often meditate on its meaning, remains
mysterious because, in fact, amounts to the mystery of the Trinity
primary, which was never understood by any man with the sensual mind
or was connected to their limited senses. However, there are the
writings of those who have looked for a moment some of its infinite
meaning, but only when the mind suddenly opens supersensual. This is
what we call the inner mind to which we referred to recently. The
outer mind or formatory "third-force-blind" is obviously a useless
instrument for this purpose. I will say here, however, that instead
of toiling laboriously with that mind, hoping to seize the Trinity
through it, it is preferable to first recognize that we are
witnessing something that is far above us, and then with this
emotion, try to grasp what we can to our level. There are many
preliminary ideas that have to do with the mystery of the three
forces are understood to some extent and for which one can find
examples approximate.

Start with this question: why two identical men, who apparently do
the same thing, come to such different results? The answer is that
their goals are different. Say the end of one is the power and the
other is to use. Also suppose that will employ the same means to
carry out its purposes. That is, go to the same university and listen
to the same teachers and studied the same books. Repaired in all
three involved - end, middle and end. Now these three things
interpenetrate with each other. The one is on the other. The end
effect and enters the media enters the effect and the effect is
related to the end. With regard to the interpretation of the three
aspects of the supreme Trinity, John writes many of the most profound
sayings of Christ. The quality of his Gospel is quite different from
that of others, and people do not read it because it is less a
narrative of facts as a ratio of the highest level. Read at a wrong
attitude to think negative and repetitive. It is actually the most
powerful of all the Gospels. The Gospel makes us see for yourself
when you are ready for it, why John was the disciple whom Christ
loved most. It refers to the Second Conscious Shock, incidentally,
has nothing to do with physical love. It concerns the relationship of
Christ with God and with His disciples. We will not discuss. Return
to the case of two men who were imagining. The quality of its
purposes is not similar. In one ruling love, the love of power, love
of high places, etc.., Which constitute the end points. This
interpenetration and the means used to achieve the purpose, which is
the result or effect. The order is in effect and is in the media.
However, all three are different, but are associated to the point and
interpenetrate so that uniqueness as a single unit. This man becomes
archbishop: your love of rule is now satisfied. In the case of
another man, its primary purpose is to be useful. Using the same
means as the other becomes a priest in a poor district where there is
no doubt that very much. I'm not being sentimental. However, the
results are so different because the primary purposes were so
different, although the means were the same. This example is trivial,
but confronts every one of you with the question of why do the job.
What is your reason? What is its purpose? Just try to be the first?
"Its aim is to achieve supernatural powers? Do you have something to
do with it envy? "Its purpose is to renew its youth, a goal not
worthy, tell me? Its purpose or order changes, of course, as we
understand better the work. Since his death implies, has to be.
Psychologically speaking. At first you want more of this or that and
so much more. Later wants less and less of this and that. Everything
is reversed, or should. Want to get rid of things he sees in himself.
Want to sell lots of things I thought fine, and buy something.
Possession of Real I would be wonderful. Of course, if you are
working under the influence of an evil end, as the archbishop who
have imagined and it aimed to send, you, alone, by itself, does not
want to buy anything, nor indeed get rid of anything if it can do in
public. The public is not the correct order. Still, it is possible to
work from a bad place for a long time and then suddenly there is
light and you see what he was doing and recognized in secret and then
it occupies its rightful place. Then your job is not dependent on
anyone but yourself and you have inner strength rather than weakness.
When you reach that stage-and it can happen-and they can not steal
more. This is one meaning to put the treasure in the wrong place and
in a good place. The sites are good and bad in you. A bad end means a
bad place. Work in a bad place because you can be broken into or
stolen. The verse refers to this matter is as follows:

"Not up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust

destroy and where thieves break in and steal: but lay up for
yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys
and where thieves do not steal"

(Matthew, VI, 19-20).

May cost you imagine how hard it is to do something at work from an

absolutely pure reason and avoid doing something "to be seen by

As regards the meaning of earth and sky in the said above, this
expression is often used for what is in a lower level and what is at
a higher level. We know that the lowest and the highest correspond to
the external and internal. L 'less is external to the higher and the
top is internal to it. Become treasures in heaven means therefore
understanding the inner mind work with such an understanding because
we can not be removed and not dependent on anything external such as
encouragement or praise. But we have seen in previous comments to
address this issue from other angles.
Great Amwell House, March 21, 1953


The people are arrested at work because they apply to themselves what
it teaches them to do. It is necessary to both hear and do. In this
commentary I will refer to some points concerning the issue of not
doing the job. Omit hear the whole question of Work, except to say
that this is impossible. I hope people will have at least received
the job. The first thing people do is observe themselves. One of the
least used inner senses is the power of self-observation. We must
train ourselves to use this inner chamber. If used, presents possibly
natural portraits of ourselves entirely different from what we would
have expected. The sensual mind is based on the evidence of the
external senses. If you make use of this inner sense of this inner
chamber of self-observation, mind begins to open that is above the
sensual mind. Work in one who begins to think above the sensual is a
wise man and a fool who does not. What you learn from self-
observation is certainly not sexy, but beyond the outer senses. In
reality, the mind begins supersensual in a man. However, the inner
chamber is easy to use. At first he is too close. The next point on
which I shall call attention in this comment refers to identification
with everything that happens in you-with every thought, feeling,
feeling, mood, attitude, fantasy. Saying "I" to observe everything
and anything. Everything is you. This is a state of complete sleep.
It is like thinking that the crowd is on the street is you. The next
point is that when you see something then you try to change it. Is
not that what it teaches Work. What it says is that you must practice
inner separation process fall apart yourself.

As I said, people repairing something in them and immediately think

they have to change it, but realize they can not do. Let me give an
example. In one of the subgroups a woman said she had seen herself
acting from an attitude, but lacked the knowledge and power to effect
change himself. Of course I could not change the attitude. An
attitude is a very difficult thing to observe and change. What you
have to do is try I get the feeling that action that produces the
attitude that takes place every time, and reminded herself, thereby
absorbing energy. It should be separated internally. Instead try to
change the attitude, while the draw force should not identify with
her attitude. He's saying "I" instead of saying, "This is not I. I'm
not that attitude" or "While this attitude is in me, I'm not her." Or
something. This removed the force of something that is seen is one of
the important practices of Labor. To think that something can be
changed directly without internal separation means that you are
trying to change it from the level of ordinary Ts, but never change
anything from that level will never rise as a table on which is of
foot. Observing I is on a different level of the other Ts since I
connected with the Real. It is sometimes difficult to separate. This
happens especially when you do not really want to separate, as in the
case of negative emotions of which we enjoy in secret. A person can
not separate itself from something which adheres to at all times and
do not want to drop. People are easily deceived in this.

The other point to mention in this commentary is that you will all
justify themselves very easily. Justifying means having the opinion
that one is right and keep it. People to justify their negative
states and discard the inner witness of flavor. One way is to deny
that it is negative. People do not admit he is wrong. Do you know
why? Well, try and observe and know the reason. That knowledge is
time-indeed, years, and not convenient to conceit and self-worship. A
brief digression: written reprimand in the Temple of Delphi in
ancient Greece was Know Thyself. This proves the point that it was an
esoteric school. Schools deal of knowledge common life in general is
an esoteric school of self-knowledge. This means many things. We know
ourselves and know what is hidden in us that is bad, and what
possibilities we have prepared for Creation. In this job, for
example, we know as self-observation that we are asleep and in what
direction. We also know that you can wake from sleep, and how. If a
person get to know through self-observation which always justifies
itself, and why does not face the truth of not being right, know a
lot about herself. We must begin by stopping the self-justifying. Can
you do? That kind of knowledge-that is, knowledge of self-changes a
person. It is part of awakening. Awakening is not very pleasant.
People suffer and feel joy. He feels that ultimately does what is
wanted, but he had forgotten. However, with regard to self-knowledge,
will return to self-observation. Self-knowledge begins with self-
observation. If you can not see a thing in itself is not known. If
you do not know, are identified with it. You can draw strength from
something on you if you do not know by observation that there is in
you. You clearly apprehended? Maybe the others know. But you do not.
Not listed in the incorrect inventory lean and self-conscious. Have
not you noticed that "his self-consciousness is not in any way equal
to the awareness that someone else owns you? I fear that the two can
not agree. As you could not stand to be aware of that from which
others are aware of you. It would be too strong a medicine-even with
respect to one friend.

We come now to the next point. Why there is almost no linkage in the
mechanical world and their place is occupied by the habit and the
engagement? Why two people are potentially a very explosive mixture?
It would be so explosive if they had some degree reciprocal self-
knowledge through the practice of self-observation. Why? because it
leads, say, in my case, to see myself in the other and the other in
myself. You can not throw violent and bitter remarks to each other,
when each of you is throwing you the same. This opens the true heart
inside, it goes deeper and beyond the self-loving heart and sole.
What can you feel so unique and so precious when you begin to see
clearly in the other and the other in yourself? It is a revelation,
at the expense of self-idolatry and self-conceit. Repair that is a
true and real expansion of consciousness on seeing oneself in others
and the others in oneself. Then he realizes that the development and
extension of this linkage leads to conscious compassion for the
world, we are told, in the past characterized the great teachers of
mankind. Christ used this word. It would be a sentimental act but a
permanent state of introspection with a new sense of self. If I watch
my neighbor in myself and if I observe myself in my neighbor do you
think you could feel superior to him? Take into consideration the
complete change to take place in the Emotional Center if this mutual
cross-linked, interpenetrating double and conscience to see what is
out in our neighbor and self born within us. Contrastémoslo with the
closed state of the Emotional Center underdeveloped and mechanical
where only the various forms of self-love and self-interest. I remind
you here that one of the things that makes the job more emphasis is
to awaken the Emotional Center. Have you ever thought about what this
could mean and have passed in review the average quality of their
daily emotional states? What is an Emotional Center awake? At least,
it can mean enjoyment of moods and negative emotions even more
violent. Are you satisfied with these emotions? If they are not, why
not attribute them to stop the other person, and begins to attribute
them to yourself and find the cause in itself? The Work strongly
advised to do so. Yes, I repeat, do so. We were talking about doing
the job. He says we must become responsible for our negative emotions
and finally realize that if we are negative is always our fault.

But the important thing here is to see clearly in our neighbor and
our neighbor in ourselves, consciously and not romantically, "because
if we had a little of that magical consciousness, mutual
interpenetrating the whole world needs as much as we, the Emotional
Center would be purified of its negative part. The neighbor makes us
negative. Then be not only unnecessary feelings I get from negative
states caused by our neighbors but our feeling that I would change
completely. However, this change of feeling of I announce the arrival
of the Real Self. With our present feeling of I, exclusive and
narrow, which is tried in vain to preserve their own balance and
avoid a fall and break your head, not support the approach of Real I,
apparently deprives us of our life. But as you know, this Work is to
prepare the lower center-of which emerges our sense of I-used for the
receipt of Higher Centers, which are related with the real self.

Great Amwell House, March 28, 1953


In speaking of "the three centers," we mean the intellectual, the

Emotional and Instinctive-Motor. These three centers occupy the
three-story house which is compared to man. In the upstairs is the
Intellectual Center, on the middle floor Emotional Center, and the
floor under the Instinctive Center-Motor. Although it is sometimes
said that the Instinctive Center and the Moving Center are different,
are so closely related to each other that often regard it as a center
called Instinctive Center-Motor. The sensation and motion are
intertwined. If you do not have feeling in his legs could not walk.
At the same time, they may have felt no movement. These three centers
are called by G. "All three chiefs." Speaking of them was seen that
they do not understand the language of each other. It is as if one of
the leaders spoke in Greek, the other in Italian, and one in Turkish.
These three centers, he said, are in connection with a secretary who
calls whenever the opportunity arises, but unfortunately does not
understand much about the messages you receive and usually calls the
boss she is not for the message, and so committed many errors. The
last time I saw G. drawing this diagram, it did well after midnight
in a cold theater, with the end of a candle on the back of a Persian
carpet drew the secretary outside the three-story house. The three
centers were plotted as closed circles, but as segments of circles.
Three lines connected to the secretary with them.

What can be done because (we asked) if such conditions exist in us?
Is it possible to replace the secretary who is incapable of thinking
for themselves, seeking what you need in reference books stereotyped
and often call the wrong leader for the work being done? However,
this question was never answered in few words, and from what I can
not be. It is necessary to comment on this issue. Begin this way:
usually do not know anything about the centers and in fact completely
ignore that we have. In spite of the neurological findings on long
established levels and comparative localization of brain functions,
people in general do not understand anything about the centers.
Usually dislike this idea. The illusion of the Imaginary, and the
deception of being self-conscious owners, makes lay bare the
machinery underlying them unpleasant. They seek new thoughts, new
emotions or any new things. Work tells us to watch our schools, and
says it at first. It helps us to dissociate. Near the beginning of
his teaching in London O. reiterated the importance of maintaining
our facilities and what they were doing. While not viewed, not
repaired in any of them in the wrong job or the only secretary who is
put in communication with them. Why should we not call centers
instead of that stupid secretary who gives wrong orders and does not
understand any situation in life, and find things in old reference
books? What prevents us from doing so? The answer is lack of
consciousness and habits. We have ingrained habits of thinking,
ingrained attitudes, ways of reacting ingrained stereotyped
conventional feelings, and the like. All this has to do with the
secretary who is so stupid. Now when you act according to attitudes
learned he not acting stupidly? You are full of prejudice, which
means to prejudge. So at this point is not acting according to their
understanding. If so, it will become increasingly stupid and
prejudiced as they age, because every time we act in a stereotyped
way as an attitude in a given situation does not make use of their
understanding-and that means death. Do you really think their
attitudes are mechanical. understanding? It is what prevents an
intelligent understanding. They do mentally rigid, while in this job
you must become more and more flexible. Have not you noticed that
people with strong attitudes entrenched positions is usually very
stiff, very stiff, as if in a parade? It follows how certain parts of
centers they become covered by a network of attitudes, habits and
associations, connecting them very wrong. You have habits of
thinking, habits of feeling, moving habits, habits of feeling. This
network of schools is superimposed on the telephone system used by
the secretary to receive incoming impressions. It is evident to
anyone that the center will not be able to act with flexibility and
intelligence as a whole in its own field of activity as a network of
habitual reactions, mechanical overlaps the generally employed. The
shock of living should really make us wish that our schools work
better. However, people do not find their centers work mechanically
until they are told they have centers and begin to observe them in
the light of this Work.

Notice that G only drew segments or parts of centers in the diagram

above. Those are called the mechanical parts of the centers. He
struggled at first to open up unused portions of the centers through
new thinking and new movements and postures. When prints fall into
those parts of the centers, used, mechanical and poorly connected,
nothing happens. I mean, there is no new food of impressions nor
assimilates. It operates the old phone system. The old answers, old
reactions are obtained. This is represented in the diagram of the
three foods that come as impressions 48 on the upper floor and are
handicapped. Energy 48 is not transformed. The barrier is due to old
bread basket of taking things "the old ways of thinking and feeling,
the old positions, etc. .-. Now, 48 is not even on the machine and
neither is 768. A lamb chop in his stomach is not even you. It has
begun to be "digested". So G. put the "secretary" outside the three-
story house. But Observing I would have to replace this hypothetical
and stupid secretary. By looking at the centers while they are
working, they can become aware of what they're doing mechanically.
Consciousness begins to replace the secretary. Conscience is a
connect. Whatever itself puts us in connection with things as does
the light on a dark night. Our machine is unconsciously connected
with all sorts of wrong ways. We are not aware of it. G. As stated by
our machine is dirty and needs to be cleaned and reconnected. To
become conscious of wrong connections are connecting with our
consciousness. It's a new link so you can change some things very
easily, while others do not. Suppose you stop violently angry every
time the mail is delayed. Suppose you observe. Suppose that this
breaks the connection consciously wrong. It is not difficult once
you've seen. This job is the increase of consciousness, to become
more aware of ourselves to ourselves, and what is in us. The light of
consciousness cure many bad things. We can see why. Through a
heightened awareness to perceive that which we previously did not
perceive-ie, that of which we were unaware. By observing the
Emotional Center in this job, for example, you arrive to collect the
number of negative emotions, big and small, that come from the
Center, who did not know existed in you. This makes less to criticize
their neighbors. You see, in short, that you walked through life in a
state of sleep in relation to the activities of the Emotional Center,
which was simply a bad chemical and poisoned him every day of your
life without hindrance. He was content to think that his neighbor was
worthless. Similarly, looking at their Intellectual Center. No doubt
you'll be surprised at the thoughts that flow without impediment. In
both cases you connect them through consciousness and thus weakens
the power of old connections. Because due to the light of
consciousness is not seen as part of the wrong work that is underway.
The wrong work is due to the network of old bad habits and
associations that are on the surface of the outer parts of the
centers and prevents the partnerships are similar.

But have you seen some of you truly the work of the three
institutions impartially? It is more interesting than going to the
movies, "said O. I'll give you a small example. Early in the morning
I'm lying half asleep. When you are half asleep, you can see more
easily why the secretary is sleeping. I note that my Intellectual
Center begins to make itself the plan of what to do after having
risen. That plan was slowly and confusedly, bringing vague and
rejecting ideas and different. (If I give all my attention, I am
fully awake.) Has to do with making special corrections or anything
I've written. I continue watching. Start working on those
corrections. The center itself is working as it should. People call
it subconscious activity. While this continues I see that my
Instinctive Center apparently does not participate in the plan, nor
is my Emotional Center. These two centers are apparently still as I
can see. Then in a novel repair placed on my bedside table that had
begun to read the night before and had found interesting. Only then
did I notice that I feel very comfortable in bed as if someone
actually tell me. The morning seems cold, unpleasant. Then it is
clear to me that the Instinctive Center-Motor is telling me not want
to make the effort to rise. Prefer to stay comfortable. I also
realize that the Emotional Center now wishes to continue reading this
interesting novel and is not interested in the intellectual plan to
correct the manuscript, nor the Instinctive Center Motor want to
leave the warm comfort of bed, and make the moves needed to get up.
In the end I stay in bed and read the novel. Two sites-one. The
Emotional Center-Motor and Instinctive were against the Intellectual
Center. The result is a foregone conclusion known beforehand. If the
novel had not attracted the Emotional Center had been interested in
the corrections may Intellectual Center is preparing to perform.

Instinct-Moving Center would have been then forced to surrender

before the combined forces of Intellectual and Emotional Center. In
all this the most interesting thing I noticed is that my Intellectual
Center, as it turned out, began to justify my stay in bed, saying
that since he had a relapse of influenza was better not work at all.

It means that the prints fall into the old "places" (associations,
attitudes, habits). This is the Block. They are not processed unless
they are given the "1 st. Conscious Shock" where is the lock.
(Everything that makes us more aware belongs to the 1 st. Conscious
Shock, for example if we look at how we are reacting.)

On the occasion mentioned in the commentary G. drew the issue this


This means that an incoming print was automatically transmitted to

the same "place".

This is the Block or the telephone system mechanic makes us get all
the same way. It is located on the outside of the centers. The lock
is simply this system of mechanical connections. G. just showed us
how it was connected with the mechanical part of the three centers.

Great Amwell House, Easter, April 4, 1953


We will talk today of moods and birding. When you are able to
properly use the Observing I, has then a point of consciousness that
is independent of his moods. It falls short of being immersed in
them. He watches from above. This point of consciousness is beyond
his moods. If you see the mood is moving in you, you is not that
state of mind. You are not identified with it. Reaching this stage
indicates a definite step in the job. I must point out that if you do
not practice self-observation will never reach that stage. Nor will
understand why the job is so strongly in you observe yourself. Also
will add a word of warning. Do not imitate people who use sophistry
to explain the self-observation or never grasp that they themselves
who must actually observe. However, the process of self-observation
is similar to gradually separate the two surfaces of wood that are
strongly attached. It seems impossible. Can not find the right tool
to insert between the two surfaces. For a moment I discovered what
site insertion. The two pieces of wood form an indissoluble part. I
use this crude image to illustrate how our consciousness and our
moods are fused and they seem one and the same thing. Apparently they
are inseparable. This is a mistake. You can separate gradually.
Consciousness can be removed gradually from a state of mind. Through
practice you can see his mood increasingly distinctly as if it were
something you aim for. Through the practice can see their moods and
includes a pond. A pond is an object of the senses. It is the aim for
you. You do not take a pond as yourself. But while you're asleep in
life, while it remains the mechanical slave himself, take everything
that happens within it as being you. This means that his association
with the inner self is not developed, is childish and stupid, as
would its link with the outside world if he thought a pond or an
elephant were you. Now a state of mind is something that belongs to
his inner world. You can not see walking down the pavement beside
him. It is useless to look in that direction, even though his mother
told him it was a black dog. But instead it can be seen in itself.
Have not you noticed that we live in two worlds, one outside and one
inside? This Work is primarily concerned with its relationship with
the inner world. We started developing the Observing I study, which
is turned inwards. It is called the inner sense.

By using the Observing I over the years, our education is enough to

allow us to perceive a psychological region which lies within us,
invisible to the external senses, but visible to the inner sense.
This region, which is revealed slowly, has its cities and villages,
its roads and paths, its mountains and valleys. Many people live in
it, known and unknown. In dreams we are in that district. In fact, it
is in the interior region in which we see and why we walk in dreams,
and not the external world. It has good places, and places full of
dangers that dwell in the evil people, just as has the region to
which our external senses are open. As long as you completely asleep
for itself, as it is if you never observe yourself, you will stumble
blindly in this landlocked country, not understanding that exists and
not realizing the place where you are going. All our happiness
depends on where we are in that country and all our misery. What
matters is not the place where we were, but one where we are inside.
Now a given mood is given a place in the inner region, where you can
often stay for long. But even when it has to be raised internally to
a considerable extent and know some of the features of its interior
region and some good and bad places and their inhabitants, may not be
able to observe a slow, gradual as it is a state of encouragement.
Like everything else that has to do with the mechanical pendulum of
emotions, moods are opposites, and he spends a mood opposite mood.
The full observation lies in observing the two opposites, the two
ends of the swing of the pendulum. But a state of mind is a slow
thing, not as an emotion sharp, quick, vivid. However, a mood is an
emotional state and corresponds to a place in our inner world. People
often deny being in a state of mind. May be dominated by the bad mood
for days and in all honesty deny. This is partly because the moods
are very difficult to observe. It's hard to focus with the camera
observing ego. However, it is of utmost importance to observe a state
of mind because, like mist, often persist and subtly draw the
strength of a person, showing an opposite phase, short and exciting,
and then settling again. Sometimes a quiet mood, ugly, is represented
in a dream like a fog through which seeks feeling their way. Now if
we can observe a state of mind is not completely immersed in it. Part
of the consciousness is then the Observing I, but the rest of
consciousness remains attached to the mood, that is, remains
identified with it. So a person is both its mood and it is not. This
marks the beginning of separation. If that person is not overcome by
sleep too long, the separation will become more widely until his
conscience can look down to the mood that used to wrap completely.
Then seem to be a haze layer in a distant valley that lies beneath
us. This person will wonder why so often used to go to that valley
and stay in the fog. Apparently they thought it necessary. The more
the consciousness rises to the level of Observing I rather wonder why
I wandered through the previously frequented places.

Great Amwell House, April 11, 1953


The Work teaches us that there are two Senior Centers, called Higher
Emotional Center and Higher Intellectual Center. Emotional Center is
different from lower and lower the Intellectual Center. The two
Senior Centers are fully developed and his work is steady, but not
hear them. Its vibrations are too thin. The lower centers being
developed unless they are not in tune with them. That is, we can not
hear the messages that come from higher levels of consciousness. Now
we know that the job of teaching is the principle that what is at a
higher level and learn what they perceive is a lower level, but what
is at a lower level can not perceive or comprehend what is in a
level. We see that case in the visible life that reflects the
invisible things of higher meanings. A stupid person can not
comprehend an intelligent person. I do not understand what superior
inferior. A monkey can not understand a man. Similarly, we can not
understand a man conscious, awake, a Man No. 7. It would be totally
different from us. His disciples could not understand Christ (who was
a "Man No. 8). We assume that a Conscious Man is a kind of man most
complete and impressive that an ordinary man. At first glance I can
easily understand it is another kind of man -- NEW entirely a man.
Later, as we rise to the level of Steward, began to catch glimpses of
what that means and we may see some connection with the words:
"The wind blows where it wishes and you hear its sound, but do not
know where it comes from or where it goeth: so is everyone who is
born of the Spirit"

(John, III, 8).

You can understand that being "born of the Spirit" has to do with
being born in another Neutralizing that Life Force. Now a Conscious
Man can "hear" Higher Centers, and so continue its unusual warnings
and instructions. It is predictable as the life of a mechanical man.
As G. said: "We will no longer be a machine, so the mechanics are not
explain." Instead it is a psychology. " Its lower centers are both
"purified" and "balanced" so that now they are attuned to the subtle
vibrations from the Higher Emotional Center (which works with the
hydrogen 12, a very fine matter-energy), and the vibrations of Higher
Intellectual Center (which works with the hydrogen 6, a matter-energy
even finer). This means, among many other things, that the inner
divisions of Intellectual and Emotional centers are fully open to
such a man. But while one man is still using only the exterior
boundaries of the mainstream (in which reside only sensual thinking
and self-emotions), is in tune with the world. Then you can "hear"
higher centers, although they are working constantly. Even if I could
hear them, would be "blind" to its meaning.

If we talk again of the Balanced Man-that is, Man # 4 - we must

extend our conception of what work means for the balance term beyond
what was explained previously. Consider a single center. If a man
uses only the external division of one center, one that is turned to
life through the senses, that center is not balanced. Obviously not
balanced. The only part of that center, which is used, make judgments
and take decisions on important matters, as if it were the whole
center. For example, the external division of the Emotional Center,
where the powerful emotion of love itself governs itself, deliver
emotional decisions about people and situations that would be totally
different if the entire center was working. This is nonsense, and
realize the many absurdities surprise and violence of our usual
emotional life. Similarly, the external division of the Intellectual
Center or formatory draws conclusions about important issues like,
say, the nature of the universe that are based entirely on the
limited logic of Yes or No and sensual thinking-that is, in thinking
it is based solely on the evidence of the external senses. This again
is absurd. But realize the foolish absurdities of modern
interpretations. What matters is that the entire center should work
and not a small part of itself. If you use only a small part of a
center, judgments and conclusions are subject to be invariably wrong
except for trivial matters. So we are using unbalanced centers. They
must see that I'm talking about a special way. But if the job starts
to open the inner divisions of the centers (as you can do if you
work) that communicate, not the visible world and its meanings, but
with the meanings conveyed by the upper levels belonging to the
Higher Centers the heart becomes increasingly balanced. Otherwise a
man is open on one side and closed the other. Then a man is
unbalanced, psychologically speaking. But how can open the other
hand, turned to the meanings that flow continuously from the Senior
Centers, for which we are deaf? Only work on yourself. (By the way,
have you done some work today about whether, or this week, both on
line and in the Knowledge of Self?) When men or women working on it-
inside (not to be seen by the others) and intelligently, which is to
see what were or what they are now in connection with the Work
teaches-time is recorded. They are doing something special. There are
working-life for a reason but for a reason-job. They are using
momentarily Neutralizing Labor Force and not that of Life.
Personality is shrinking to make it into a shadow. That's why making
it so special is recorded. Was recorded in the inner divisions and
centers and begins to open. Higher Centers that are in us-we know and
understand, because the top level to the lower perceived and
understood. That's why all efforts of genuine Work is recorded in a
special place-that is, the inner divisions of schools. We should not
worry because no one noticed it. We are well known and transparent to
those at a higher level than intercommunicating with Higher Centers.
We do not know but we imagine ourselves know. We are deaf and blind,
so we need to heal. Paul said, speaking of his order: "Now I know in
part, but then I know even as also I am known" (I Corinthians, XIII,
12). Why some of you groping in the dark, after all these years, even
without understanding what it means to work on yourself? What
happens? Are not able to look at what you frankly contradicts the
teaching job?

Great Amwell House, April 18, 1953


When a person is sick, Personality is not active or not should be.

Less has been crystallized in negative states have the opportunity to
observe himself from a certain angle. We speak different voices. You
can actually hear them. They are different "I" that, for the moment,
there are busy and roam the city itself. If you are very sick, they
stop moving and the city remains quiet. This occurs when the
Instinctive Center draws energy from all sources for its own use, as
happens in war. The sign that a person is returning to health is the
reappearance of the "I" fun and hear them talk. A cheerful voice
within himself is apparently a higher order medicine used by the
Instinctive Center. With respect to symptoms and sympathy can be
observed many things. Many "I" want sympathy while others are
indifferent. Certainly the desire for sympathy lurks behind a
symptom. This is usually not apparent until receiving a demonstration
of sympathy than expected. Then some "I", as if expecting a
grievance, they become negative and indignant. This tends to keep
moving to the symptoms. Symptoms and sympathy can establish a
reciprocal link complicated. That tell a person who is fortunate to
not be worse produces a mixed effect on various Ts. Also, for the "I"
resembles a symptom children to achieve a win. Do not want to
renounce the suffering-I mean, some Ts unwilling. Sometimes the
observation of a symptom usually shorten its duration if it is done
impersonally, that is, from the Observing I. Not so if due to self-
pity of "I" neighbors because then a swarm of minor symptoms usually
come into consciousness, all chatting aimlessly. It is necessary to
detain people inside then decisively. With increasing light coming
from a self-observation impersonal surprise us to see how much of
what we say and do arises from resentment not appeased, new and old,
and how little we know about it. In sickness, going back in time, see
you all standing out as figures lit by a spotlight. This brings me to
this thought: We see that resentments are likely to cause resentment
while carrying the half-life of the sleeping man. Mechanically, there
are only unilateral. We do not see the other person in ourselves and
ourselves in the other person and we cancel our resentments through
this method many times to which I drew attention to them. We see the
other person but not ourselves simultaneously, which is only half of
the whole issue and makes that much of life is unsolvable. In this
work we have to find and adjust the missing half. Then the points are
sheathed bitterness. It is like adjusting the two edges of a broken
dish. The protruding pieces fit exactly into the opposing pieces. In
this he is helped eventually-as in everything in the job, once you
start from your understanding to work genuinely to see oneself and
the other person simultaneously, namely as one person-one in it, and
she in one said. This requires many periods of work and integrity in
both the observation and the recall, along with periods of relaxation
and fun. But I will say here that this movement back and forth,
contraction and expansion in systole and diastole, is necessary for
all sides of our work. A heart is always in contraction (systole)
would be useless. Furthermore, a valve to prevent what flows in flows
back again. If you work and always becomes negative lacks a one-way
valve. His heart valve and psychological well not useless. Need a
valve that opens and closes, it lets in and keeps out. Without valve,
what does it is removed in the inevitable balancing of opposites, so
that in moments of relaxation and pleasure must be careful to stay
awake. What good work and then let him go at a moment of anger or
depression? It requires all higher resolution and intelligence in
this job.

But without self-observation can not change it all. We abhor the

observe ourselves. Consider how they never do. Among other things
only the light shed by a growing awareness of self-observation and
Working Memory can cure the strange disease to be half of what we
really are. Otherwise the other half remains permanently in darkness.
This strange disease unnoticed, however, serves the purposes of
Organic Life or Nature-sensitive living film that covers the earth
and implacably requires to be replaced because then seek our other
half in the opposite sex. This means that side of ourselves that is
not in our consciousness, and so in the darkness, looks as if we were
outside in a very different, often mysterious and fascinating, but
actually very common. This works now in a way now of another. Women
are fascinated by the man, or man for woman, but apparently not
mutually. The attraction is mutual fascination. The fascination is
based on illusion. When the man becomes increasingly aware of women
in itself can not fall in love. It can not be fascinated but is
attracted. The same applies to women. I suppose the word
"infatuation" substitute "fascination", but whatever the word used
means a powerful spell. We know from previous studies in that job
when we are identified we can not see anything like it-as it really
is. There are degrees of identification. We can be more or less
identified. The Fourth State of Consciousness, called Objective
Consciousness, we see things as they are. This, of course, we include
ourselves. We would see ourselves and others as they really are. The
state of being "in love" would be characterized as unknown people
halfway. While a man is "in love" any link is impossible.

But the personality is the function of the link with the outside
world. It's what puts us in contact with things. If you have a weak
personality, lack of training, our link with the outside world is
weak and one is likely to be a nuisance to others. Amounts to saying
that the function of relationship with the external world is weak.
Now we shall refer briefly to the question of the soul. The soul is
the function of relationship with Higher Centers. The soul must be
turned inwards, but usually is turned outwards towards some object or
person in the world of sense and remains undeveloped. This should not
be. For example, a man should not allow his soul entangled with a
woman. People often say that under the power of women, but is
actually under the power of his own soul. They must understand that
the world of the senses and the external world are the same thing.
Personality does not allow us to relate to the Higher Centers, or our
inner world. Is turned outwards towards the outer life. This paper
attempts to develop relationships with what is hidden in us. The
development of Observing I remove the soul begins with the senses, as
does all the work against mechanicalness. The turned inward. The
undeveloped soul does not want at all to perform the function that is
proper. Things intractable, like naughty children, require patience.
Always keeps looking out the window. The soul to act in self-love we
have. Not at all understand the saying, "By your endurance you will
win your souls" (Luke XXI, 19). properly translated by: "By your
endurance aseguraréis possession of your souls." When the soul turns
around and finds its proper place inside begins to exercise his
functions, he has to do with the reception of meanings of Higher
Centers. Personality can not receive messages from the Senior
Centers, and if it did, I could not understand because the language
of Higher Centers has nothing to do with Time and Space, and it is
therefore logical, as we understand logic. Not formatory. But the
soul can receive messages and new meanings. In the case of man's soul
is female. In the case of women was male. In an empty shallow person
and the soul is not developed. All sorts of traps and snares are
focused on these simple facts. At least, it should understand one
thing here, is that the man who succeeds in outer life can not
proceed directly in the same way to develop a relationship with the
Higher Centers. Nor what a woman can achieve. In man or woman must be
a new beginning-and made an investment and had to completely new
ideas accepted and should be thinking about them, and efforts must be
totally new. But one of the greatest difficulties in starting farm by
force the soul of his identification with the things of life. When is
too closely identified, the point of greatest intensity in the
identification, is what makes it so difficult to beat. When, through
self-observation, which is the observation of our inner world, and
other work, the soul departs from the external things of life and its
appetites and their trade with the 'I' below, begins to grasp the
meanings from higher levels and well developed. If you are glued to
the senses as, say, a person, this will not happen. Will be unable to
change course. The person lives and dies and then misses the target.
Did not complete itself. But if a man or a woman are linked in a
correct way with the external world as with the internal and are not
even half-woman and half-man. Have been completed. They are men and
women whole whole. When the young man asked how he could attain
eternal life Christ said: "If you want to be complete, go, sell what
you have and follow me" (Matthew, XIX, 21). Do you think this means
merely that I had to walk the dusty road after Christ? No, meant he
had to undergo a completely new development in a new direction,
inside, doing everything that won passive until then considered
worthless. Apparently had a good opinion of himself.

Great Amwell House, April 25, 1953

DIVISIONS average for schools

In a previous paper highlighted that a center is divided into three

divisions, one external, the other half and the third internal. I
said I would not speak for the time of the middle division. The
middle division is intermediate between external and internal
division, and may, as it were, looking on both sides. It's the part
that is reasoned and reaches a conclusion about things. The outdoor
division, as mentioned, is under the sway of the senses and is the
home of the sensual mind. If the middle division is tilted towards
the outer division, strengthens and man reasons and thinks in a
completely sensual. But if the middle division is tilted towards the
internal division man can think also psychologically and spiritually.
Adopting for the moment the old formulation of the three divisions,
the outer division may be called natural, rational average, the inner
spiritual, corresponding to the three stages of man, namely the
natural man, the rational man, and spiritual man. However, in matters
spiritual, the sensual mind is useless except to deny them, and there
were always those or comments about the danger of mixing spiritual
matters, which require a psychological understanding to the issues of
external senses that open only the external world. For example, there
is the Fourth Commandment: "Thou shalt not make image or any likeness
of what is in heaven above ..." (Exodus XX 4). One meaning of this
Commandment is that the conception of "God" not to be sensual, based
on an object. "God" should not be thought of as an object apparent to
the senses. We have to really understand here that "God" or to put on
job function, the Absolute, is not a created thing, because what is
created requires a creator. "God or the Absolute is uncreated, that
is, not in the space or time where there is the visible creation. In
this respect Christ specifically said," God is Spirit, and those who
worship Him in spirit and in truth must worship "(John, IV, 24). It
is an object of the senses that lives somewhere in the area, moment
after moment. The soul that is the function of relationship with our
inner world and whose destiny is to depart from the way to go to
another order of truth called "God" should not turn to the things
seen, but inwardly to the realities that are invisible and can not be
touched, but can be fully experienced at intervals as inflows of new
meaning-that is, back to the two Senior Centers as noted by the Work.
The Senior Centers are open to higher Cosmos of which one is the
Cosmo-Sun. When the Work says that we must prepare our lower centers
that are open to Cosmos lower for the receipt of Higher Centers, a
necessary thing is to open the inner divisions, and this is
impossible if we remain sensually inclined.

Now the man who uses his middle division only to reason and argue
from the senses, from the evidence of things seen-that is, from what
is perceived and draws conclusions or concepts of the many illusions
of the senses which the simplest is that the Sun revolves around the
earth, or that man is nothing but the visible physical body,
necessarily experience great difficulty in believing that there may
be other situations that are not apparent to the five external
senses, either in aid or without it. Indeed, they often make fun of
this idea or secret ridicule. Many do so without realizing it. This
attitude prevents full opening of the inner divisions of the centers
is the object of all esoteric teaching, including this job, and makes
all the difference between a two-legged animal and Man. Man Man is
only through understanding, and unless the inner divisions of the
lower centers are open correctly understands nothing. This difficulty
in believing is always on par with the inability to reach the level
of psychological thinking, which is above the logical and
materialistic thinking and is necessarily accompanied by an
insistence on material facts and literalness in dealing, for example,
Scripture or other esoteric writings. Therefore, does not lend any
credibility to the idea that in Scripture there is a hidden or
esoteric meaning. That's why so Christ told the doctors of law:

"Woe to you, interpreters of the law, because you have taken away the
key of science did not enter yourselves, and those who were entering
the disabled"

(Luke XI, 52).

Psychological understanding is the key removed, leaving only the

literal meaning. Nobody, however, can understand a parable literally.
Think about the parable of the ten virgins lamps with ten and only
five had oil. Can you imagine that must be understood literally and
which were genuine and true virgin oil lamps and, as sense-objects
mean? No. What he means is that the person who has made a fair
knowledge of this Work, which is the inner meaning of Christ's
teaching, and never does it will not be allowed to enter the
Conscious Circle of Humanity and her door is closed. The
psychological meaning is completely different from sensual meaning.
You can not understand the esoteric teaching with the sensual mind,
and if an attempt is made the result will be bad. The spiritual and
psychological understanding is totally different from the literal
understanding sensual. But the man who insists that the material
facts and literal meaning is the only kind of truth-and no doubt
telling his housekeeper not to neglect that the lamps are full, it
follows that the inner divisions of the centers never opened or they
can do. Remain closed, and the whole psychology of this man bends
sharply to the world of the senses, and sensual evidence. However, if
some of the ideas of Labor penetrate the inner divisions of the
centers because that man does not reason sensually and literally
about them-such as "Insurance Man really does not sleep - the whole
attitude changes and truth of the ideas begin to be understood as a
personal inner experience. This is due to internal divisions work to
plug things in new ways, and is very different from the connections
made by the external divisions. Such a person is waking up. He was
awarded a degree of insight of the truth, as I said, this comes from
the work of the inner divisions of schools. He is no longer bound by
the sensual mind to the literal and facts, as being the only form of
reality. Formatorily no longer argue over whether something is true
or not, it has started to see the truth for herself. He no longer
looks more uneasily around each other to ensure that others believe
in a statement made by the Work, and if the others have adopted, is
quick to do the same, always eager to follow fashion. No, his
behavior is very different. The force is now dependent on him and not
the others. Not so with the man who suffers anxiety of never being
able to see the truth for yourself and watch others to know what you
think. Such a person derives its truth from others and does not see
itself, although claiming to do so. Read books without being able to
know whether they contain the truth. In this person the truth is not
in it, but a thin varnish deposited on it. But what is really within
oneself is removed from the body at death. Only when you have seen
the truth for himself, through insight, and has been recognized, and
our stay with us forever. It seems very hard, but if you think about
it, how could it be otherwise? How do you expect to live in a finer
state of matter where all that is secret in his life, all the false
veneer, become manifest? You will laugh. It is indeed very tragic to
watch a man whose inner perception of truth is not in itself still
awake, and really does not apprehended with understanding what you
mean sensual Work. Maybe Watch out for the nerves or bad moods, or
stay erect and with the mouth closed. Nothing penetrates deeply into
it, does not have within itself anything that receives it, he never
did face the truth nor desired, but always followed the opinions of
others in order to be, as you might think, in a safe place . Whatever
the agreement seems to work, or want to, the job is based merely on
the surface of deep denial. Earlier we spoke often about this
subject. You must understand that the sensual mind always denied this
job because it is a matter of psychological understanding and not a
matter of fact sensual. At Work, which is open interior or higher
levels of man's being, which are located in the inner divisions of
schools, not allowed to do so-often due to something akin to
cowardice. For women this is not so apparent because they generally
are not mentally inclined to hide things and, therefore, are not
cowardly thinkers. For people in this job is no need afraid to think
in new ways because the job thus can not exert influence on them.
They are subject to remaining mentally sensual, for whom life in the
world is enough, and in whom the inner divisions of the centers will
be closed forever. Self-created beings live and die desarrollantes -
closed. The meanings by which they live will then be what is in the
lower compartments of the three-story house of the man-namely,
gender, movement, and comfort and eating and drinking. G. showed that
this triad of centers, with meanings derived from them, provide the
stimulus required to keep most satisfied sleeping humanity. He
compared it to living on the ground floor.

You will see by what has been said that much depends, therefore, how
reasonable a man-that is, how it uses the rational division of its
middle or lower centers. You can argue the fact that everything in
the universe is meaningless and somehow it happened accidentally, and
that long ago there was nothing, and then there was something, one
way or another, and then appeared an atom in some way and then
appeared billions and billions of atoms, and eventually appeared
somehow worlds, and life appeared somehow, and finally man appeared
somehow. Today many people who reason in this extraordinary way, and
thus make it impossible for the awakening of the inner divisions.
This leads to a general decline in comprehension, and even the
simplest forms of intelligence. So I ask - how can they reason? -.
What is your view of the universe? How do you think? Does it seem
incredible that the meaning is latent in the Ray of Creation? Are
higher levels if they look fantastic, or at least very doubtful? Have
you decided on its own, and in truth perceived in itself, there are
higher grades of being and consciousness, even a divine being and
consciousness-or assumes that he has already achieved and there is
nothing higher than yourself ? You can not commit a greater mistake
to believe that our individual vision of the universe makes no
difference to us and has no relevance. It is very important, because
what we think and how reasoning about the universe and the meaning of
your existence in it, can both close and open the most important
divisions of the Intellectual Center and Emotional Center. Images are
powerful. One idea may be closed and another open the inner mind and
heart. Some ideas make all the difference between a natural man and a
possible spiritual man. They can make the difference between a
mechanical man, a man driven by external life as a machine via a
conveyor belt, and the man to become less and less mechanical and
more and more aware, and eventually have a real psychology and become
In short, a real man who has a real self and therefore unity of

Great Amwell House, May 2, 1953


In the previous comment that dealt with the three divisions of a

center-namely, foreign divisions, middle and inner mentioned some
uses of the middle division. Briefly recapitulate what was said. The
middle division and can reasonably argue in two directions. In an
address can reason about life as seen from the evidence of the
senses-that is. from appearances. In this case, the land of reason is
in the five senses. That is, reasoning from the external division
that is turned towards the outer life. For external life I mean life
that we see, hear, smell, taste and touch-worldly life and its many
issues, the life of appearances and things and people as seem to the
senses . All this, which is sometimes called the phenomenal world, is
what people usually referred to as reality. Do not you think perhaps
there can be no other reality than is apparent to our limited five
senses? If you think that, then your thinking is sensual and has only
a sensual mind. I repeat this because this issue must be fought by
all and should reach a definite conclusion, not a conclusion
reluctantly accompanied by a shrug, but a conclusion designed
individually. Because if you look at reality as confined by the
senses, the middle division always seek the truth in the external
division, and reasoning from it, and not appeal to the internal
division and discover another order of truth and reality beyond the
senses . It is then a dead man (or woman dead) from the viewpoint of
Labor for a more intelligent and efficient it is. In this regard I
will add here that we are surrounded by a descending scale of
electromagnetic vibrations, starting with cosmic rays, about which
our senses tell us nothing except for a small octave for which we
have a sense organ and which we call light . Are you going to say
that some of the lower octaves of these electromagnetic vibrations,
traveling at 300,000 kilometers per second and at this time
imperceptibly passing through this room can be transformed into
audible sound vibrations on the radio, there? Can they take their
five senses as the criterion of reality? I repeat, can you do?
because some of you do not want to face this conclusion and evade
with concern and keep the feet down to earth. I will not refer to the
invisibility of thought and conscience.

We turn now to what may be called the biggest problem of esoteric

teaching-namely, the opening of the inner divisions of the centers
and make them into a conjunction with the exterior boundaries through
strong middle division that can look both ways and understand the
truth of a lower level and the truth of a higher level without
considering how contradictions. Only through such external division
conjunction with sensual sensual thinking and truth, known facts, may
be controlled and occupy its rightful place in the scheme of the
possible development of man. Because the internal division, turned to
the vibrations coming from the Higher Centers, which are openings to
the upper levels of the Ray of Creation, is located at a higher level
outside the division back to the five senses that open to the world
and only what is on a higher level can control what is on a lower
level. You can not control the natural man, sensual, self except
through the spiritual man, developed and not sensual. The middle
division, which is the division rational or reasoning, is located
between the natural or the spiritual or Exterior and Interior, and
can connect. As I said, knowingly use those words taken from an old
system instead of the terms of Labor, Motor (or Mechanical),
Emotional and Intellectual.

The three divisions of the centers can be compared to three men

living in three quarters in oneself. These men have different
heights. The first lives in the external division, which is the outer
room, and is of shorter stature, the second in the middle division,
which is the recess. and the third in the internal division is the
fourth interior and is the highest. If the man who lives in the
recess only meets the outer man, no way connected with the inner man.
Furthermore, since three-quarters are not on the same floor but on
top of each other, if the average man only meets the external man,
always looks low. Moreover, if it unites with the inner man, look
upward, or rather try, and despises the things of sense. If the
average man thinks you should do one or the other is weak. If the
case for you, then you have half-weak. If the average man is strong,
however, does not confuse science with psychological truth. Go to
each in its own scale and not carried as opposed to a collision. Go
while the senses and mind from the senses and their meanings and
truths, and go above the supra-sensual mind, which receives meanings
and truths of another kind of Higher Centers are constantly working
in us, but we can not ' hear. " From these considerations it is
apparent that extreme scientist, who believes only in the truths of
science, and religious extremist, who sees science as the work of the
devil, are both wrong. Everyone has weak half. Everyone looks only in
one direction. Despise each other. Everyone is unilateral. Gurdjieff
once said that one of the objects of Labor is joining Western Science
with Eastern Wisdom. Hence East has not known wisdom and Western
scientific development at all.

Now this job is not based on sensual thinking. It is turned toward

that direction. These are not things you can perceive with our five
senses. She can not weigh and measure or examine with a magnifying
glass or microscope. It is oriented inwards, towards the interior
parts of the centers. The order of truths taught not in the same
order as the scientific truth. It does not address the facts of the
senses. They relate the facts of our being and to bring these facts
in the light of consciousness, which leads the Changing Self
Scientific knowledge does not change the essence of a man. The man
whose being is poor, mean, nasty, or definitely wrong, the man who
only wants to gain power at all costs on others, and who love to
dominate is the main love, can achieve scientific knowledge and use
it to destruction and will not change his being in the least. But the
Self-Observation, Self-Remembering, not identifying and may not
consider changing being a man if practiced, along with other things
we do in this job.

Great Amwell House, May 9, 1953


Unless you open the center within a division, a person is governed by

the external division. It amounts to saying that unless the mind is
open supersensual a person is governed by the sensual mind. Also, if
you are a thinker and only reason from the evidence of the senses,
and believes the sensual reality is all reality, the middle division
will strengthen the sensual mind and you will arrive at conclusions
about Man and the Universe that no can support human life on Earth,
or stupendous Suns Galaxies that extend throughout space, are
meaningless. This negative reasoning produce the effect of closing
the inner divisions of schools. As the inner divisions are the
highest and most important divisions of the lower centers in man, and
when opened make man a man who is distinguished from the animal,
since the negative thinking and the formation of negative findings
are methods of self-destruction. In those with Magnetic Center, this
kind of self-destruction does not usually happen, but there is always
the danger of the imagination, which is equally destructive impulse
to stray sometimes foolish beliefs. Foolish beliefs do not open the
door to the inner divisions of schools. Foolish beliefs, as well as
the lack of belief, keep the door closed. I feel that people long
steeped in imaginary beliefs can not really start working on it but
wander from one imagination to another system. In this job, tell us
severely combat the imagination and illusions. I will add
parenthetically that it should be noted if only works on imagination
and not on imagination.

However, when taking into consideration what is needed for opening

the inner divisions, clearly a sensualist, who believe fundamentally
in the depths of the self that is true only what his senses revealed
to him, will have the disease of disbelief opposing a further
development in men. This is apparently so difficult to cure as a
foolish belief imaginary. They tell us how Christ healed the blind
man who drove them out of the city of Bethsaida. We only know that
Bethsaida represents disbelief, as expounded Matthew, XI, verse 21.

"Woe to you, Heart! Unto thee, Bethsaida! Because if in Tire and

Sidon would have done the miracles that have been done in you, time
has to have repented in sackcloth and ashes."

The story of the cure is as follows:

"So he came to Bethsaida, and they brought a blind man and begged him
to touch her. Then, holding the hand of the blind man led him out of
the village, and spit on his eyes, put hands on him, and asked if I
saw something. And he looked, said, I see men as trees, but I see
them walking. Then again he put his hands over his eyes, and he did.
to look, and was restored, and saw from afar and clearly all "

(Mark VIII, 22-25).

The blind man is the man who has the disease of spiritual blindness.
This is the sensual man's disease. The first step in this healing is
to take him out of his lack of belief, but do not tell us how Christ
was made. It says simply "taking the blind man, led him out of the
village." Once that was taken from the incredulity of his sensuous
mind, he gave his "eyes" something that came directly from Christ. In
the language of the parable represent the understanding eyes. Raise
your eyes is to raise the level of understanding. This was done twice
before he had seen-that is, the truth not the truth clearly sensual:

"And they spit in his eyes, put hands on him, and asked if he saw
something. And he looked, said, I see men as trees, but I see them

He has achieved a partial view. He noticed that a tree draws its life
from the Sun than is Earth above and one below.
"He put his hands again on his eyes and made him look, and was
restored, and saw from afar and clear to all."

Now go, not men as trees, but as men. Now the truth of man sensual
drift of what's under it, evidence of his senses, not ideas. His
thinking is as things and is therefore liability determined by
appearance, and so is the opposite. But think spiritually is to
think, not passively from the evidence of the senses, but from ideas
to be understood with difficulty, and therefore is active. Spiritual
truths are therefore symbolized by men, not women. The awakening of
the virile thinking that the job can be done if you think from the
sperm that teaches ideas - such as that Man can achieve a higher
level of consciousness means that it has begun to have access to the
divisions interior of the centers, which are turned Higher Centers in
which there are no opposites.

Now if a person does not think at work and the ideas contained in the
Gospels, but notes that it does so, that person will be indignant
with those who seem not to believe. This is due simply to see what is
really there as outside of it in others. This is a very common case.
Therefore it is necessary to bring your own unbelief consciousness
for oneself can confront it. It is best to do this because otherwise
not be able to see the truth of all that it teaches the Work itself,
because it will always deny it inwardly. But honestly facing their
unbelief, will be helped, if there is good will to believe. This
brings us to another thing that is needed to open the inner
divisions-namely, recognition of the interior. that one is wrong from
the standpoint of Labor. The Work is about several things that should
be avoided for three main things to be done. Its aim is to achieve a
defined goal that would not otherwise be reached. Please try to avoid
what the Labor states nor do what he tells us to do, of course the
goal is not reached. Is not that amazing? Now it is evident to anyone
who has reflected on the content of the Gospels that Christ has given
very definite instructions about something. Many who heard him did so
only with its exterior or sensual thought and so could not understand
their meaning. They are all well delineated a class of thinkers
inflexible, both belonging sensual, but more to the present and the
past era. Speaking of the inner mind and how to open it to enter the
kingdom of heaven, Christ said repeatedly that a man, outwardly good
and pious, but very different internally, can not experience this
stage of development. It hits the mark. What matters is the state of
its internal life and invisible. What really thinks and feels? Now a
man in the Work must come to understand for himself how and when not
on target, in a way so clear and practical as the motorist who
discovers he has the wrong direction. For example, let negative
emotions without resistance and add fuel to the fire and enjoy them
is missing the target that the job is in sight. It is sin against the
Work for the Work teaches that negative emotions prevent awakening.
Otherwise there would be a sin. It's just a sin in relation to what
is the goal or target. In Greek sin means missing the target. Now if
a man will not recognize internally how or when he sins against what
he says do not work or do not value it. Do not take it seriously. For
him no weight. But if it deters or attempts to do so for love of the
job-from a feeling for the Work-from a secret genuine desire to seek
and obey the Work without showing any, then you will find the door to
the inner divisions begin to open and enter new meanings. These new
meanings and gradually controlled in order to bring sensual man, and
external. The internal division is then in conjunction with the
external division. The inner man is brought into contact with the
outer man.

Great Amwell House, May 16, 1953


Begin by repeating once more that if you keep thinking about teaching
and work from the viewpoints of life and by the way they always
thought about life, not penetrate into our minds. This means that the
job will be unable to change our mind. Not change our usual way of
thinking, our habits of thought. But if one thinks seriously about
life as the Work teaches ideas, our minds change, and will start the
first phase of our regeneration-called metanoia, or change of mind or
a change of thinking, new thinking. In the Gospels is always
incorrectly translated as "repentance" - "Repent," where it should be
"Change your way of thinking, then change your mind, think of a new
way" -. However, the sensual mind, based on appearances, is not a
ground in which to grow the job. Indeed drown the-job continues to do
so in as many people who have heard for a long time without
understanding anything. Never start with an idea and think according
to her job. For example, do not understand the idea, "Job: our being
attracts our life or think according to her. They continue to see
life as something separate from themselves and often badly treated.
To make internal charges against "God" actually thinking that "God"
likes to be resentful, petty or difficult, and spoiled them all. Come
simply qualities of Being, for which they are blind, projected as a
magic lantern, her concept of "God". What they see in front of them
is really behind them. It's in them. So the others are to blame "or"
God "and fortune. If you really think that their Being caught his
life would revolve around, out of his senses and would look "behind
them" and would see what are the things in them that caused their
unhappy experiences. But perhaps they will believe it? No, I will:
for though they have heard time and again that our being attracts our
life, do not believe in it, and if you do not believe a thing is not
to think, because you think what you believe and refuses to think I
do not think. That is, in this case, do not change their mind with
respect to the particular teaching its Being attracted to your life.
They continue to think as before, never seeing that the blame is on
them. And so, in the same way, none of the ideas work any effect on
his mind because he believes them or, if you like, do not believe.
Because if they believed they would begin to think from the Labor and
ideas would change his mind and observe your Being and would in
themselves the cause of the mistakes they made. As they became more
aware of what is in them and see that they are guilty, your Self and
begin to change their lives and not attract the same misfortune or
disaster. All this would occur when this idea work outside and
apprehended by the mind be allowed to exercise their power over it
and modify it.

Now, here, for example, we have a person who always seems to be

confused, going from one place to another in a perpetual hurry, it
looks worried and usually complains of being unhappy. Suppose that
the person heard the job many years. What's wrong? None of the ideas
of Labor has entered his mind. His mind is as before. Think like he
always did. As a result, there is no effort-Work, and can not. The
implementation of ideas-yourself job is never done, perhaps not even
ring. Attention is given to the idea that the job needs to be
attached to himself from time to time, they recognize words but
nothing is done and the ideas of the Work and its meaning are not
intended. Now, we all teach that there are three lines of work-work
on yourself, work with others, and work that helps the job. They are
all needed. On the first line, the work on yourself, there are two
branches, the work on job knowledge and work on their own Being. In
proportion as it applies to our Working Knowledge of our Self,
through the bond of self-observation without justifying,
understanding is achieved, the most valuable and powerful thing you
can win. But how this is possible if one never thinks about one's
mind with the knowledge that teaches job and so we can change our way
of thinking? But people are surprised when told they should think for
itself about the Work-ideas-yes, and think long and possibly never
stop thinking of this new way. You must use the mind in this job. The
Work starts with the mind. You can not work on-line Knowledge Work
unless actively using your mind. And you can not be changed except by
the application of this knowledge to him. We must see in your own
mind-in the gradual formation of the new mind-job-that we must work
on our Self On which, incidentally, are you working? It does not help
the blind work, effort or stupid to want to work tomorrow. The smart
work is based on something that is seen today, now, in oneself,
something the job Knowledge teaches us is that on which we work. For
example, notes today, now, you're spending a lot of nervous energy
into internal considering? Well, here's something on which to work
now removing this feeling of self. Let me give some excerpts from a
recent letter that may help some of you who do not seem to use
virtually Work.

The person who wrote it, who do not know, first recognizes the help
that you provided comments at difficult moments. Many times he opened
the book and found a solution to one of his personal problems. He
then describes an experience he had after being in a bad mood all
day-a mood that in the past wanted to change, often without being
able to do. On this occasion, reading the "Commentary on the Mind",
he realized that what I read could be applied directly to their
difficulties. Enter the following:

"I found the comment on the Mind, and I realized that was the very
issue which was fighting against, and on page 548 I found the answer
to what I had won almost ever since I can remember. In reading the
words in the second paragraph, "But if I start with the mind", before
continuing reading I noted why and how I worried about the particular
problem that I had spoiled the day. As I wrote felt a surprising
sense of freedom "was literally the liberation of a bad state whose
effect is instantaneous. Suddenly I saw that might diverge from those
moods, which were not, nor need be, me, as I had always been
accustomed to think, and thus fear them and they terrify me. Taking
the book, I found expressed in the following statements that refer to
observe how and why. Also, on page 549, the words 'Just say,' I
should not worry »'... always repeat what I discovered, namely that
they were useless. But until then I was never able to find a way not
to worry. "

You will notice that the job used wisely and hit his status to the
teaching and got an immediate response assistance. Let me quote part
of what is written on page 548 by showing what he meant in that
letter. The theme of that page is mechanicalness in each of the
centers. I mention ways of thinking and habits of feeling, habits
that people do not notice that they are habits and, therefore,
mechanical, but takes them as ways of thinking and feeling right and
necessary-in fact, the only way possible. I wish some of you will see
for themselves and realize in a blinding moment of insight to what
extent suffer needlessly or useless due to the habits of thinking and
feeling dead and mechanics need not suffer if they do get into the
mind Living to Work. Can you get rid of this expression of misery,
helplessness? The commentary goes on to say:

"The Work starts with the mind as do the Gospels. It starts with a
change of mind, see things differently, with a new teaching, new
ideas. Unless this takes place, unless begin to see, mentally,
ourselves and life in a new way, we can not work on the other centers
in an intelligent way. I be squatting all day, I refuse to eat, can I
submit to the greatest physical torment as a fakir-but the result
will always be useless because it is not related to my understanding,
and thus not lead to any internal development. But if I start with my
mind and watch, say, how I worry about things I care about how things
I wonder why I worry about stuff like that, and think of the job,
I'll have some insight into the thing I always took for granted that
it was indisputably myself and was always right, to which I give the
name of mind .'ll see that my mind, as it is, with its pile of stones
is a funny thing, limited, and something I can not say I always
right. In fact, I'll see it's quite possible my mind is wrong and all
my ideas and so are in a sense, I have to get rid of this form of my
mind, mean that way of thinking about everything, and so I worry that
way. Imagine a time when it is very worried someone comes and says'
Can not you see the reason why it is so concerned that something does
not go in your mind, and that you care wrongly and should try to
change his mind in a completely new about that thing that both cares?
" No doubt you will be very angry. Now, try to look in depth the
issue of worrying about things and glimpse something in your mind
that you do worry that way, something in his thoughts that only comes
from the mind, as they are, because his mind is formed in this way
will always produce the same kinds of thoughts. I mean, try to see
who cares about things, because the pile of stones which he takes for
his single mind. "

Great Amwell House, Pentecost, May 23, 1953


In the esoteric teaching always tell us that we are in prison. Nobody

sees the prison. For the sensual mind a prison must have walls, bolts
and bars. The prison in which we do not have any of those things. It
is made primarily of states. Work in the study. All wrong emotions
keep us in prison. There are many degrees of negative emotions, just
as there are degrees of hell. Changing negative emotions as negative
is defined as a chemical change of an alkaline substance to an acid.
Eventually we come to know to realize that we are in prison. Negative
emotions seem much more intelligent than non-negative emotions. They
seem more fertile, more interesting, more witty. This is because they
lie. Like all liars try to persuade. The purpose of negative emotions
is not only destroy the truth, but the damage. Everything bad is
damaged. It is extremely easy to damage. It is not easy to know how
to do good to others but find it much easier to hurt them. There is a
distinct pleasure in damage. Consider the pleasure of slander. At the
root of negative emotions is violence. There are degrees of negative
emotions-both continuous and discontinuous degrees. A particular
negative state can increase or decrease, or may become deeper and
more dangerous. With respect to negative emotions is needed
discipline. It must start with self-observation. We need to know and
recognize at what point is negative. People do not. A discipline must
never become an end. It is a means to an end. The discipline that
deals with negative states is aimed at the gradual weakening of its
power to imprison. It is part of the general technique of Labor
referred to escape from prison. It is necessary to find and invent
all possible methods to prevent recurrent events make us negative.
There is no question of armor but self-knowledge, accompanied by a
skill similar to that showed the Syrian-Phoenician Women in the
answer he gave when compared to a dog. It became negative.

When I asked Christ to heal his daughter. He said:

"Let first to quench their children, because it is good to take the

children's bread and cast it to dogs. And she answered and said unto
him, Yea, but even the dogs, under the table eat of the crumbs of
children. Then I said, For this saying go, the demon has left your
daughter "

(Mark VII, 27-29).

The Work teaches that negative emotions rule the world. They are
extremely infectious. A man can do a thousand people to become
negative. A negative person can turn a house into Hell. This ability
to affect others refusal gives a person a sense of power. It is an
evil power. Negative emotions seem to destroy any sense of humor in
people. I read the Grimm fairy tales were to be rewritten. The Fairy
Godmother is described as a "deviant". Can a person honestly laugh if
negative? Not of itself anyway. Perhaps we never laugh at ourselves,
but we pretend to. Much of life is pretense and even though we know
it, we take it seriously. Because there is some invisible force that
binds us and mixed with everything we do-as we should have a rope
with a sharp knife cut long ago. The Work calls identify the effects
of that string does not cut. To be identified is the source of
negative emotions. Here you are, for example, very pleased with
something that just made you mingling with the task and the task to
yourself, and then appears an idiot and a fire with it. It must be
very skillful to prevent negative turn. But if you were awake would
have noticed how it was identified while carrying out his task and
this would have helped him not to react so negatively. If never
identified, would not mix that should not be mixed with what he does
and not be negative. If you always remind yourself, never be
identified, and if never identified never be negative. This simply
means that if we lived in the level of the Third State of
Consciousness we never identified and never be negative. But Man is
asleep. People live in the Second State of Consciousness-the so-
called Waking State and knows that this is the prison in which he
lives without knowing it, perhaps bewildered by what is happening,
but without seeing the cause of everything that happens . Thinking
about life thus active as the Work teaches rather than the other way,
makes us see that fight piecemeal with this or that negative emotion
is like trying to read a newspaper in a hurricane. In the atmosphere
surrounding the earth above a certain altitude there are no storms.
The same applies to us. If we could reach the altitude of
consciousness belonging to the state of Self-Remembering, Self
Awareness and Perceptions Yes, travel over the natural and inevitable
storms that belong to the lower level of consciousness. Being
negative is to sin against the Work. It is not on target. Do you feel
that way? You can, and indeed must find and invent ways to surround
yourself with negative emotions artifice. Find something that
requires attention is directed one way, if you are able to do so.
Another is to remember and remember and go back in time to similar
previous occasions-have provided a Work-memory based on genuine self-
observation and not merely the usual memory and illusory and
deceitful. Watch a state is always helpful-if you can do so without
joining any such state. Another way is to see what made us negative-
if you can do. That kind of makes us more conscious effort and that
always helps because it puts us in the best parts of schools in low
places in the city unless within oneself. It should feel that you are
wrong if you really feel it is negative, not because we said so but
because he sees himself. Without that feeling all that is useless and
harlotry and artificial. The real way to escape this is Remembering

Great Amwell House, May 30, 1953


It is difficult to find Neutralizing Labor Force. Inevitably a long

search to find it. Any person who has achieved enough conviction that
the job is real and that leads to a goal, that quest has to
undertake, alone, by itself. She can not communicate in a
straightforward manner, neither can communicate the flavor of an
apple to someone who never tasted it. The long search to find
Neutralizing Labor Force begins when one realizes that no one is
working correctly. This understanding is a passing feeling, a
momentary taste. There is a thought. I mean that just anyone can
think that is not working in a proper way, especially people who have
made the habit and enjoyment of worrying about everyone and
everything. But I'm talking about an emotion, an inner taste, a quick
emotional insight, not a thought. No one knows, but feels he does not
work correctly. Note that I'm not saying that you feel how to do the
job properly, but feel they are doing it correctly for the moment.
Not told what is right but only that something is wrong. This is the
Labor way once it has begun to act upon you. It tells you what to do,
but usually give you a quick sense of distaste for what he is doing.
I stopped for the moment. It lets you find what he should do. Tell
what you should do is look like a compulsion, and would be useless,
because the compulsion is not conducive to internal development. To
do a thing because of the compulsion to do it is very different
because of the understanding. It is only through compulsion, which
means look out for themselves why a thing is necessary, that
development can take place inside. And eventually, let me say here,
you have to see for yourself why it is necessary for one job. This
brings us to a correct attitude toward the job. Since the Work
teaches us that, while life remains the only Neutralizing Force
acting on us, Personality remain active and passive Essence, is there
another Neutralizing Force. A passive Essence can not grow. This
means no growth of Essence as our life goes on, beyond the partial
growth that occurred in the early years of childhood. In this case
unfinished lives and dies-an experiment in self-development that
could not be completed. Of course, if Life to complete us, esoteric
teaching would not exist. Essence being increasingly surrounded by
heavy layers of Personality can finally be completely separated from
it. Then a person is dead. Personality governs it, and lose the power
to think for itself, among many other things. Only one other and
different from the esoteric Neutralizing Force may eventually change
this situation and reverse it. That other and different Neutralizing
Force in our case the job. Its origin is out of Life. This means that
once a person contact with the Work to take place that change or that
investment, as some imagine. Far from it. For many years will
continue to use the Neutralizing Force of Life from Life and think
about the job. Do not think about the Work Life. This is one of the
difficulties. You can not avoid working from the Personality for a
long time and so their efforts will come from the bad in itself, and
the wrong reasons. Without the strength of the new thinking in the
ideas of the Work, will attempt to passive Personality by
Personality. But after a while start to see that this is so, to some
extent due to the short-feelings that things are not going well. As I
said, is difficult and requires a long search to find Neutralizing
Labor Force-the force that eventually makes a passive personality.
Meditating on how the Personality, with their prejudices acquired,
their attitudes imitated, their ceilings and mechanical reactions,
surrounds the Essence as a high wall round, we see that is the main
cause of our captivity. It protects itself. Consider how she takes it
with resentment. It is active-that is, you are responsible. The part
of us that can grow after the personality has been formed is now
locked in a house within that wall-to which we take ourselves. Is not
it strange that we should build that wall, brick by brick, in the
first part of our lives, and make it as strong as possible and then
in the second half, tear it down, build and extend the cottage with
some of the bricks ? False Personality Bolstered by his inexhaustible
powers of deception, Personality, which is that wall, you can very
easily take the job so that makes a person believe that you are
working under the new Labor Neutralizing Force. While all that time
is working from the old Neutralizing Force of Life. You may want to
be excellent or thinks he is endowed with mysterious powers and such.
But whatever the reason, if people keep working as well as
Personality and grounds belonging to the Neutralizing Force of Life,
the Work can not root properly. If you never experience the transient
and peculiar feelings that are not working properly, you are
detained. We may not realize it. They need a shock. One reason is
that they do not see any truth in the job by themselves. Labor talk
of memory but not from the perception of its truth. See the truth
acts as a shock - which do not exist themselves. This is because the
order of Truth taught by the Work can only be understood by the
internal divisions of the centers and not by the exterior boundaries
where dwells the sensual mind. The job is not really sexy. The floor
of the sensual mind is not convenient for them to grow in it the
seeds of Labor. Can you remember teaching job but understand. Now if
a person never sees itself and understands the truth of one of the
ideas taught by the Work, no item in the Work, as the saying goes.
Within it all shifts like sand in the desert. There is nothing which
cling. Not having any point in the job, even after years of contact,
and not make any specific attempt to find him, but keep listening own
objections and skepticism is the order of things which can not be
expected to attract Neutralizing Labor Force . This attitude is quite
wrong. Thus the Personality will remain dominant and that person, as
an experiment, will fail. Again - to pretend to have a point in the
job will do nothing to loosen the power of Personality. The truths of
this job can be free from personality, but if we pretend not to see
them and evaluate them, and secretly do not. This attitude is very
bad. Again, try to do the job, or teach it, according to the "I"
trained by our daily work life, or our profession, certainly will not
teach or do it from the right place. This attitude is guilty. Work is
poured into old bottles. Be discussed according to the "I" wrong.
Again, the ambitious man in life can not shift its ambitious T-life
job. It can not, so to speak, declare, "Come on, guys, we will
clarify this task of self-change in an instant." A successful man or
woman may feel that since they are able to "do" in life, can also
"do" at work. But that feeling can not be transferred directly to the
Work, except in a bad way. It's a typical feel of False Personality,
who always thinks he can do. But you can not self-love and self-
esteem first to Work. The job has nothing to do with it. Work is hard
to woo, and instantly see everything wrong in our declaration of
love. Because for the job and perform the miracle answer to gradual
Personality passive and cause the development of Essence, we must woo
and genuinely love teaching. Eventually be found Neutralizing Labor
Force. You begin to understand why it was once said that unless we
become like children, you can not enter the Conscious Circle of
Humanity "in which even the person with a highly developed
personality but with an underdeveloped Essence can not enter - . We
begin to know the reason why he can not enter.

Great Amwell House, June 6, 1953

Objective Consciousness

At the level of awareness of man-asleep all looks subjectively.

Objectively see what you are like one thing or person appears among
other things not to criticize or judge. Criticizing others is only
offset by equally self-criticism. For when we criticize everything
that is in us, in this regard we went from a relatively subjective to
an objective state of consciousness. People are transformed into
mirrors for us and we become mirrors for them, as said G. once. We
are told in another place not to judge trial. Also we were told that
with the yardstick by which we measure will be measured. This
reciprocal relationship between ourselves and the universe-or the
other, because other people are part of the Universe "is clearly
described in the Work that teaches us that as we change our level of
Being we come under fewer laws, and the Work-phrase: "Our Being
attracts our life." Since people can not see her being, judged
subjectively. That is, judged or criticized as they have been taught
is right and proper and from the partnerships. One-year job is to try
to see things without associations. If people had an Objective
Consciousness not judge or criticize or censor others. This whole
unfortunate part of life and lawsuits would follow them because they
belong to the Second State of Consciousness, which is almost entirely
a subjective state. It things are not seen as they are. The Fourth
State of Consciousness is completely objective. At that level
everything looks like it really is. There are no illusions, or
appearances and pretenses. The person invisible, hidden, as is
clearly manifested also visible on the outside. The inner thoughts
and feelings become transparent and so are our feelings and secret
desires and machinations and extends throughout our lives in the
Fourth Dimension. If you meditate often on this subject is likely to
conclude that just as you are at present could not bear to exist
between the people of the Fourth State of Consciousness, which sees
through us. Indeed, one would not realize that living in their midst.
Our conversations and polite manners and to our lovely smile would be
useless. We would be annoying, especially since the Second State of
Consciousness people lie constantly. She is forced to do so. Social
life is based on lies, if we think about it.

However, people may contact the Fourth Estate, which is the Objective
Consciousness, before knowing the Third Estate, which is the
Remembrance of Yes If they do, little of what they experience and
understand while at the Fourth state remains in his mind and memory,
perhaps only a phrase or word that seems pointless. This is because
since the Fourth falls directly to the Second State Objective
Subjective State, who can not see anything as it really is. For the
sensual mind is limited by the senses to the surface of things. See
what is out of things and not ready to understand what it can see the
Fourth State of Consciousness. Boehme, trying to describe an
experience of objective consciousness, wrote: "I can only say that
looks like a resurrection from death." He understood that the prison
in the sensual mind resembles death. After another experience the
same level of consciousness says he seemed to regard the very heart
of things. His conscience had been replaced by shallow depth of
understanding in which he saw "the Essence, use and properties of all
the things I watched. He wrote: "In a quarter of an hour I saw and
knew more than if I had spent many years at the University. I saw and
knew the Being of all things." Notice that the speed of his
impressions had increased considerably. He saw a brief moment in what
otherwise would have taken a long time. The Fourth State of
Consciousness impressions received over a quarter of an hour that
would have grasped in many years at the University in the Second
State of Consciousness. We can say that I doubt had ever seen him
after he spent his life in college.

A higher state of consciousness is characterized not only by

increasing the speed of perception and deepening it, "which seeks a
higher meaning, but by a" state of bliss "-that is, a sense of
liberation -. This is because it is no longer dominated by everything
that belongs to the ordinary level of consciousness. Were freed from
prison. Has been achieved for a moment the goal of the Work. The
state will, however, because it still has not paid enough to keep
him. Work is paid by applying yourself. The state appears momentarily
as a reward. Any positive emotion or "beatitude" comes as a reward.
The happiness we experience the sensual level has no point of
comparison. The reward of positive emotion will not come, of course,
everyone who works only from the self-love. As stated in many recent
comments, the love of self and their motives can not open the supra-
sensual parts of centers or internal parts of the centers. It takes a
different quality of love. Now, as to what was said about the need
for a Third State of Consciousness developed to retain the experience
of the Fourth Estate, if it remains at the level of the sensual mind
will not be able to develop the Third State of Consciousness because
when you try to remember yourself, you think of the body as being
oneself. The person literally sees her body sensual visible as the
only real thing. What you can not see and touch is not real. There is
no evidence he will say. So, believing herself that is his body, when
you try to remind yourself, knowingly or not, remember your body.
This keeps the level of the sensual mind in the external divisions of

Great Amwell House, June 13, 1953


In the following I will comment on the Life-memory, memory Labor and

Work-Memory. Also establish a short-memory connection between the job
and that of which we speak so often in the New Testament, called
Faith, and that is never mentioned in the Old Testament.

To draw the distinction between working memory and Memory-Work: When

you first hear teaching job, I get on the Formatory Center. Formatory
Center is the external division of the Intellectual Center. Here is a
working memory. It's part of the mind that is used in school when you
learn any subject matter. Work must fall before anything Formatory
Center. That is, we must learn it like any other commodity. Some
people, upon hearing the job, they feel emotionally, but they are
mentally. They do not learn the job, and result do not have a proper
job memory. Almost nothing is recorded in Formatory Center. Often not
even occur to them that they must learn the job in the same sense in
learning anything else. They think the valuation is emotional enough.
They remain throughout life in a shambles and all things are
meaningless simply because they lack an intellectual basis. Sometimes
people who are very capable of learning the intellectual work for
some reason do not try. Now suppose that a person has reached a good
intellectual grasp of various parts of the job, but does not feel
intellectually. It then remains only in his mind as the talent that
was buried in the earth. He was given a talent that became two.
Answer the answers in the same way you would on an exam. The reason
is because he did not think about the job or that job did not apply
himself, but is content to recall everything he heard about. Now such
a man does not understand the job. Labor His memory has not become
Memorial-Labor remains matory and so is next to his memory of-life
issues, its task and the like. It's in the external division of the
Intellectual Center. Of such a person might say, "Yes, seems to know
the job, but apparently does not understand". But while the job is
only in the external division of the Center Formatory not see its
meaning, but if you start to apply the Work itself memory Labor will
move inward toward the internal divisions of schools. Then begin to
have a Work-Memory experienced staff due to job action in itself. He
is no longer with his memory of things belonging to his memory Life.
When this happens, your memory is no longer working at the same level
as, say, his profession. It can not grow at the same level. That is,
when the Work "falls on the side of the road" as noted by the Parable
of the Sower and the Seed. Seed is the job, and if traffic falls to
the side of things-life and remains there, will not develop. Ideas do
not grow in humans, and can not. If you have a good working memory,
the race will tell the words as learned, and not by a Memory-Work. In
fact, not be able to answer questions except in a stereotyped way,
misleading, from memory. While If the answers from your understanding
of their replicas never be stereotyped, and lead


Now if a man thinks both Labor and applies it to himself, his memory
of the job change because memory will now become their experiences.
When she started working on the job itself begins to see how it
applies to him. The location of your Memory-Work then moves inwards,
as was said, and eventually reaches the inner divisions of the
schools where communication with the Higher Centers is possible. Get
help from within. Then he begins to see the Work and its meaning.
Also begins to have what is called a point at Work. But when you
understand something is recognized. You can see that something is
true both with understanding and with the senses. Just as we see that
an orange is on the table with our senses is the understanding that
something is true. But the two kinds of "seeing" are in entirely
different scale. If you could do with the understanding that one
thing is true would recognize the truth so as seen with the senses
that an orange is on the table and recognizes that it is. If you
never see with the understanding that all the Work teaches is true,
does not believe in our Memory-Work and Work is of a very curious. It
will not help. It will be mainly composed of doubts and denials. It
has closed the door on our attitude to the job. However, if you have
opened the door to job and has begun to see some of the truths it
teaches about yourself and about the meaning of life, our memory-work
is at a level much higher than our memory matory the same. It will be
much higher-that is, it will be much more inward-because he is no
longer roadside mixed with memory-Life, but has started to believe in
a good salary. If so, when we remember to remember the job and take
it to the mind will help. You will feel the force flowing into us. No
need to have faith in the job or try to believe in it all that Labor
has been understood and whose truth has been seen by itself, will
meet to become a source of energy whose force is so great that
eventually when it wakes up, lift us above all the petty things that
we usually worry-all our grievances, our negative states, our
anxieties and cares, our feelings of loneliness, our self-pity and
bitterness, our jealousy, our disappointments, and our existence
chaotic and disjointed. This is because the job is completely
interconnected and brings order to chaos. Now we will be reminded
ourselves entering our Work-Memory. But if working memory is just in
the center we will be unable Formatory remind ourselves that way.

Do not have grasped that the Work is designed to penetrate the inner
divisions of schools once it is received and grow in them, so that is
gradually growing in significance to the simpler formulations found
in your teaching? However, the job should fall primarily on the
Formatory Center, and his first report must be there as clearly as
possible. The first difficulty estate then that people never learn
the job and never able to correct formatory memory of it. The second
difficulty is that people do not think about this job or apply it
themselves. The third difficulty is that they can see or not see,
with their understanding, any truth in the job. It follows that can
not penetrate into the innermost parts of the centers because it is
not accepted. The fourth difficulty is that unless it forms an
appropriate Work-Memory is not received any help from him. If the job
has been treated in a cavalier manner, will treat us similarly. Our
relationship with his job and us are reciprocal. An appropriate Work-
Memory is built over many years. Just what is sincere and genuine can
enter their training. It comprises all that we have observed and
whose truth we have seen and recognized internally. It is ordered by
itself, because things like quality psychological meet themselves at
the same level. It has its own existence. When you enter this special
report, is known to possess its own independent existence, and that
is very different from the things-life and life-memories. It is on
another level. You see why we should allow ourselves be overwhelmed
by the memories-life, why should we not identify with them, why
should we not put the feeling of ego in them, especially in the sad
things, negative or bitter. It is understood that this memory-work is
what's in all our inner intuitions past, all our self-observation
last moments of our past work and all our experiences of truth seen
and understood by ourselves, and this is the thing beautiful that we
have created and own. That's why the Work teaches that understanding
is the most powerful force we can create. And you begin to feel the
power driving, which can rise above the evils of life, great and
small, have a glimpse, I think, the meaning of the word translated as
Fe, which is the truth that is true, and not what we say is true.

For the Work is not a religion. It is not a doctrine. It is a faith

that demands blind obedience and thus maintains the understanding
captive. Rather, it is free and open understanding that you can now
develop, giving us a new and growing source of meanings and insights
as it passes our physical life. But this can only happen when you
begin to perceive the truth of what he teaches with his own

understanding. I assure you that this factor is neglected by many

people who imagine themselves to be at work.

Great Amwell House, June 20, 1953


If this job does not drop anything in the understanding, they do not
do any good. I mean, we can help. Also you can not help if you
believe and internally denied it. His truth has to be seen with our
own understanding so that it becomes a truth for us. Again, if the
people whom they consider best job they say is true, even if they can
see where your understanding is true, and accept it as being true
because they say so, not gain anything from the job. Indeed, they
seem to many who believe that their religion is true because they
have been taught from childhood that this is so. This belief by
imitation, and habit acquired by persuasion, but does not develop the
understanding that the blocks. I do not understand can not develop
our Essence. Now the object of this work is to develop understanding
in man or woman. As mentioned in previous comment some time ago, the
belief held captive by persuasion understanding. It keeps growing. We
say it succinctly: "You must believe. Do not try to understand. They
must have faith, not understanding." This results in many beliefs,
many faiths, many dogmas, much hatred, contempt and much much
persecution, and no understanding. Understanding is not sectarianism.
Understanding links: hatred divides. When the Work says that
understanding is the most powerful force we can develop, it means
exactly that. However, in that respect I see no reason for someone to
say, for example, that insurance is wanting the most powerful thing
that can be developed. This is my question: What good is less than
willing to take action by understanding? We are not following the
First Way, the Way of the Fakir. Those who enter a school of fakirs
are ignorant natives. In the Fourth Way, along which the job leads,
presumably, from the beginning, that people who engage in education
have had a reasonable, responsible and able to cope with life. Not
for "tramps," as are those who will not work "or" lunatics, "as
enthusiasts who want to reform the world. It is for suckers seeking
the elixir of perpetual youth, or for psychopaths. The Fourth Way
starts from the level of Good Householder. That is, it starts from
some degree of good-from some gold. It was emphasized in the early
days and need not be repeated. Moreover, when the Labor says that
understanding is the most powerful thing that can be developed, that
means starting at the level of Good Householder, this is so. Not so
with the uneducated native who, following the Way of the Fakir, seeks
to develop on your body will maintain the same position for years.
Developing the will without developing understanding is not the goal
of the Fourth Way. As I said, what is its use without understanding?
How will we use it? Does not take much discernment to see that the
result can be bad. Do you think the activity based on a strong will
without a corresponding development of understanding is a desirable
thing? No sympathy with those who believe and practice methods to
achieve this result meaningless.

However, what is the understanding in the sense that this word is

used at work? Is it the same as knowledge? No. Knowing and
understanding are two different things. For example, I know something
that teaches job with all their ideas, diagrams and practical
instructions, recorded in the books of my memory, but this does not
mean that I understand the job. My knowledge of the job is not the
same thing that my understanding of it. To many this sounds strange
at first because I know and understand often take as if they meant
the same thing. Give some examples: Maybe you know the Work teaches
that Man is asleep and his first task is to awaken and through
awakening to see what is really like. This I can learn as part of my
job knowledge. But I understand that is the awakening. Will know only
that it is said that Man is asleep and must wake up, according to
this teaching-which, incidentally, is called Esoteric Christianity.
Will not understand that a man asleep in misconceptions about himself
and filled with the illusions of your false personality can not make
the change unless it through a lengthy and candid self-observation in
the light of the job begins to wake up what it really is. Nor will
understand that only in this way, by thinking of himself and life-in
a new light, never achieved the strength to die gradually to what it
was. So you must first wake up, then die, and only then is reborn.
All this is contained, of course, in the Sayings of the Gospels, not
only are arranged in that order.

I know also, as part of my job knowledge, which man lives in a lower

level of consciousness than his by birthright, but that being raised
among people sleeping, falls in sleep due to the terrible hypnotism
imitation. Maybe you know all this - in my memory because I have
heard many times. But imagine for a moment that I understand what it
means? Of course not. They are just words. I believe them or not, but
the mere belief does not make me understand.

From what I have said will do the job just apply yourself you can
achieve for your understanding. First it is necessary to know the
job, then apply it to yourself through a long and impartial self-
observation, in light of what we learn. And this is understandable
result of the job gradually. Our understanding will develop. That is,
our understanding will gradually shift to the understanding by
applying the job to our being, through which will see the truth of
what he teaches. But if you never see any truth in the job with the
understanding that it exists, this transformation of knowledge
through its application in understanding oneself, through self-
observation, will not occur. In this brief commentary I have to say
that any change in the level of our being begins to cause a gradual
observation of it. That is, changes slowly to become increasingly
aware of him, all that is really one apart from what is imagined to
be. Consciousness be changed as the light changes what is growing in
the dark. As you change our level of being, it increases our
awareness. This is expressed briefly in a diagram relating the
Knowledge, Being and Understanding. This shows that a man who has
great knowledge and a poor poorly understood.

Great Amwell House, June 27, 1953

The multitude of "I" IN OUR BEING

As we know, we understand our Self as if he were one and believe that

we have one myself. This is an illusion, and while continuing the
illusion is impossible to change. There are many other illusions that
prevent change of Ser have said recently that should be changed so
that the understanding we can change if knowledge of this job, but if
our being is still the same we can not understand. Work needs to be
applied to our Being One of the signs that a person is not working is
that it remains exactly the same every year.

However, our Being is characterized by multiplicity, which means we

do not have an ego, but many "I". Some of these Ts are very young and
we have remained unchanged. We have, for example, many "I" Children
often cause us endless trouble. Although our body has a single age,
internally we have many ages, in our internal environment-that is, in
our psyche. Physically we age: psychologically have many. When we say
a person who has this or that age, that probably means too often acts
as his "I" childish. As I said, some of these Ts are very young and
inexperienced. Then it is necessary to depart from them.

I will only say a word about the separation of different Ts. Have you
ever listened to "I" speaking in you? Often the "I" establish a long
conversation, but you do not observe it. They think they are talking
about themselves. Due to the illusion of fear a single T, nothing can
be done about the situation inside to leave her. Think it's always
"you" who is talking to oneself is the feeling I put in what is an
"I" in you, identify with each of the "I" they are talking about you.
When he thinks he is always "you" who is speaking in yourself and can
not see that are different "I" in you, and who makes the mistake of
putting the feeling of self in each of these different "I" is
equivalent to think that everyone who is talking in a room full of
people you are. This inability to understand that they are different
"I" they are talking about you, and you are making a huge mistake,
"Working to put the feeling of ego in each one of those" I "leads to
a stalemate in you, and makes the internal separation of the
different "I" is impossible. I mean its Being remains exactly the
same because you are clinging to him is, you does not change from
year to year but remains the same, because, I say to each T, is
preventing any change -. In other words, the job does not apply to
you, yourself. Do not apply to you what it teaches. Persist in
thinking that does not have many "I" but always the same Self. You
can see that you are different "I" who insist on putting the feeling
of I in you, so you you call these different "I". That is, you say,
"I think", "I'm sorry" when it should say it is an "I" that thinks or
feels, and you can remove the feeling of I it. In fact, always put
the feeling of I in each "I" in you, remains what it always was, and
this is the reason why you can not change-or at least is the main

When he discovers that many of these "I" are not you, especially when
you realize that these Ts are all different ages, can not believe it
at first. He's so used to saying 'I' to everything that happens to
you, "whenever you spoke in regards as if it were me who is speaking.
This is what I mean when I say that not paying attention to the "I"
they are talking about you, but always think it is YOU who is talking
to himself. This means that you are always identified with the "I"
are not you. However, longer identified when I removed the feeling of
a thing. If you put the feeling of I into it-whatever thing you
identify with it, which means you think that is YOU. Log means "to be
the same as the thing with which one identifies. As you continue to
make himself different "I" that you are the multiplicity of "I" in
his Being, and say to each T: "This is Me," "This is me." Makes these
different Ts are you. It is necessary to remove the sense of self of
them. Then after a while can say, "This is not I, but an" I "in me
has been a calamity for years and now I see that it is not me." When
it reaches that stage, you can advance quickly in regard to internal
separation. This progress actually leads to the change of Ser

Did not you see for yourself, psychologically, spiritually, you seem
to launch a multitude of people of all ages, and among them there are
some very unpleasant, and if you submit should include all and give
each person's name? Sometimes in dreams by a multitude, often
strange, some people decently dressed, some in rags, some misshapen,
some normal, and so on. It's like a dream, in some cases, when you
start work, "may represent. This multitude of people and sometimes
very rare incompatible represents the multiplicity of his Being, and
I can assure you in my personal experience many times, producing a
shock to realize what this self-representation. But once I began to
understand that you are a multiplicity, and is no longer as easily
say to that crowd I rarely have that dream. Comes to help in a
general way at first. Then stops. This is due to begin to distinguish
themselves from the motley procession, the crowd took as self-as-I.
In fact, it's one of those moments when you can get a glimpse in far-
Real I once see that these "I" of his personal history are not you.
But the vision goes. Repeat-while still thinking you are all
different "I" you are "identified himself" -. It means you do not
discern anything within himself and does not apply to the job itself,
not believing that you are many. Means you have not grasped that has
many "I" in you, but still under the illusion that there is only one
sensual self, since there is only one Body. As long as your Being
identified with himself can not change.

I will now say a few words about the consequences entailed by the
various "I" of different ages who are in yourself. An "I" may have
formed at an early period in our lives when we were in unusual and
unfortunate circumstances, perhaps due to a relative, brother, sister
or governess, and when we felt and thought that it was very unfair.
When our circumstances changed as the years passed, there was no
reason to feel that things were unfair. But this "I" formed at an
early period still exists in us. Because we separate from it, and
therefore we take it as I, it appears on the surface whenever there
is a difficulty and controls us forward and makes us unhappy. Thus we
are imprisoned in T that are anachronistic-that is, outside the
present time but the past. A separate observation, calm them to allow
us to see that they are "I" belonging to situations early long passed
and are no longer valid and say, "This is not I" or "I'm not that
'I'" , and although they said the truth once more no longer do so, in
short, separated by not identifying more with them and not believing
them, after certain fight, makes gradually disappear into shadows.
You will feel a miraculous escape. But if left numb by them and once
again foolishly allows the feeling of I go to them is the same as
giving blood and will soon revive, and with the greatest delight in
playing posture, expression, intonation, emotion and thought, all the
old unhappiness. We all suffer these Ts earlier, outdated, and will
continue to suffer while we think we have one and I therefore I say
to all the multitude of "I" of different ages that are in us. Please
understand that as long as saying: "I would not be so worried, you're
saying your concern and I so identify with her. It is separating from
her, making hunger. Instead he makes a blood transfusion. Because
every time he says: "I would not be so worried," is putting the
feeling of I into an "I".

Great Amwell House, July 4, 1953

Incomplete and self-observation INTELLIGENCE

Work on yourself wisely is to benefit himself. This is what we must

do to improve their situation. There is something about which we have
to work but do not observe it. He looks in the wrong direction.
Wanted important things, crisis, not the little things everyday. But
the important things have their origin in small things. Do not you
notice that slight negative feeling that you just entered without
hindrance and with whom was identified at the time? He changed his
expression and led to the complainant mood in which you are now. No,
it noted. If I had done, his memory would have prevented job goes
into the easy path of associations. You should already know how it
happens: first a slight negative feeling of dissatisfaction with
which it identifies and to say 'I', then a mood to complain after the
eruption of feelings and thoughts that everything is wrong 'to which
may be surprised, because he never really sees and recognizes many
internal positions within a day against people who do not seem to
treat him fairly. These charges accumulate at the same place where
you fill up and explodes. Finally, the end of that path of
associations is a bad character and then a waste of sadness and
depression. Then he recovers for a moment and do not sit or depressed
or excited. But after an interval the various stations along that
route are filled with energy and everything is ready for a chain of
states that explode in the same sequence. People do not observe these
chains of inner states, linked to each other or how a state
associated with another lead. They have mapped themselves. In trying
to observe a single state will not see their connection to the
previous or subsequent. That is, your point is incomplete and without

The Work says that the practice of Self-Observation should fix things
come in pairs. One reason is because the Law of the Pendulum. A swing
in one direction is followed eventually by a swing in the opposite
direction. For example, one is over-excited and then too depressed.
It is useless to observe only one of those two states. It's going to
stop. One follows the other and must gradually remove the feeling of
I of both. Ouspensky often noted that we did not realize that things
come in pairs. Usually used to say: Incomplete observation, "when
someone expressing a personal remark in a meeting. For many years
people tend to observe only one thing and maybe a week then watch
something else. If they do not have to wonder to achieve a map of
yourselves-that is, what is in you and the paths that connect these
things in the internal psychological country. For example, if a
person does something and then feel ashamed and despise itself,
usually seen what he has done but notes that the resulting negative
phase of feeling ashamed and despise itself can produce a round and
to enforce whatever is doing it again. In other words, doing and
feeling remorse form a self-reinforcing circle. The same applies to
self-justify or make excuses that follow bad behavior. If I was more
aware and failed to identify so completely with remorse and that
continues to justify his conduct, the power of the mechanical cycle
could gradually loosen. Remember that sometimes it is necessary to do
with understanding how power is given to that with which we identify,
and that the only remedy is not to identify. I do not believe much in
repentance and tears as indicators of turning a new leaf. At best
they will strengthen the active side of the old state. Nor do I
believe that oaths serve as something like "I'll never do again, I
swear" -. It will do it again. Such methods of addressing a situation
are not those of Labor. The use of observation, not understanding are
identified and the methods, work and tend to give permanent results.
G. said that once a person really understood itself why it has to do
something, he commits a crime against himself and against the job if
it still does. Some of you should know that not doing something
because they were told to do so is a very different thing because
they do not understand why not come. Therefore, always pray for
understanding. We will be given according to our assessment of the
job and in our understanding of the need for the job and according to
our patience with ourselves.

Now, as to make a longer self-observation that allows us to become

more aware of how things are connected in a same and so to map it,
which you can add these links. You have heard the phrase "state is
held. It means that when you are in a particular state is
psychologically in a certain place in oneself. They may know that the
surface of the physical brain is divided into different areas or
locations. A place sees, hears another, one feels to be stimulated,
and so on. Consider now the diagram of the many "I", which is
psychological. When a person is in a particular "I" or group of T is
similar and identified, they induce a particular state there. That
is, if they delight in being bitter and negative, that person being
identified and taking them as she will feel bitter and negative. Her
condition must to where it is. This is what "state is held. There are
many dangerous places in the city a person psychologically. It is
necessary to study for a prolonged self-observation and try to get to
see more and more aware of the roads leading to these places and why
one moves through them. This is an intelligent observation.

Great Amwell House, July 11, 1953


The more one identifies with oneself, the less they see oneself, and
the less there is oneself, the less they work instruction applies to
oneself. Most of you think that everything that takes place in you is
ego. How can I remove the feeling of what one takes as I? How can you
ever say: "This is not I" when you're always convinced that he is?
The sense of self can not see the sense of self. I mean you can not
see a "I" and distinguish yourself while you have the feeling that
this T is difficult to observe yourself, but this does not relieve
you of the need to observe yourself. Why do so many people often say,
for example: "I'm very irritable." If you say "I'm very irritable, I
put the feeling of the" Ts "irritable, and therefore can not be
separated from them.

But have heard many times that you can not understand this job unless
you apply the knowledge he has of himself being and thus see the
truth of what it is. Above all we must learn the knowledge of the
job, which means they must study what it says, and then apply our
knowledge of own Self This is the starting point of living the job.
Doing so will likely begin to understand the job. But if you can not
know the job and apply it to their own Self through Self-Observation,
I never understand the meaning of that hard-working word.
Understanding. When you are identified with every thought and opinion
and feeling and mood, and passion, can not, of course, observe
yourself because it contemplates all such things as "myself". People
taking as "I" everything that happens in them, can not observe a
proper way. As I noted, they say: "I feel irritable," "I'm in love",
but really should say: "What 'I' in love?" (No doubt that is his "I"
romantic) or again: "What" I "is irritable?" As I said before, while
the mind remains in sensual and so on sensual thinking, can not
believe he has many "I" because it only has a body that can see,
feel, and love. The method of the Work is to remove the feeling of I
of the Ts for the moment are using their phone and shouting angry
everyone. You've just returned from a nice meal at the home of Mrs.
X. Before going there he was involved in a domestic quarrel for his
phone and uttered the most frightening statements. Arriving at the
home of Mrs. X invests his "I" society. It was extremely fun. He
returned home and continued fighting. If you're going to say this is
one and the same "I" which is in you, I will not believe.

As is known, through the action of buffers that are in us, the Ts are
separated from each other so we do not see the internal
contradictions that take place. Someone who meets Ms. X comes in and
starts talking about her. The "I" who like to slander have much to
say here, in this way a person is at different Ts. Now all this takes
place very gently and that person does not see the contradictions,
and yet "I" very different have used their phone-that is, its mouth.
Just seeing those contradictions begin to weaken the buffers. Some
people have such strong contradictions in them, in which no repair,
with no hope of approaching the unity of Being, and, by not observing
these contradictions remain powerless Observation Yes, ie can not
experience any changes because I take everything as. There I removed
the feeling gradually such things as underlined urgently Work, for
example, negative emotions. They ignore the point that the job taught
to observe and feel such fear to look within himself, possibly due to
his early religious fears that are holding their understanding and
thus impeding their development. They do not know anything about the
inner separation.

In full Remembering the feeling of "I" is removed from the machinery

of the Ts. When in this state can see the working of the machinery of
the "I" marching beneath one as a printer. One is astonished to have
taken it for yourself. Then you identify-and again it returns to what
it was.

The last thing I remember briefly is that if your name is John Smith
has to look to John Smith and becoming less John Smith. In this John
Smith is your greatest enemy even when covered with decorations and
surrounded by the world's applause.

Great Amwell House, July 18, 1953


If you can not see itself decoys, maneuvers and tricks that others
use, shall be permanently disadvantaged and can be easily deceived.
You can only see through another person watching over oneself. In
saying this, to introduce the subject of this review, I must again
stress two ideas-Work-namely, that our being attracts our life and we
know ourselves. The lack of self-knowledge is the rule in human
existence and contributes much to the pointless suffering of Man.
Because human energy is spent on unnecessary suffering, when seen in
a vision, is unbelievable and terrible. However, if it is useless to
humanity, that energy is used elsewhere in the economic universe and
totally devoid of feeling, where nothing is wasted. Have you noticed,
in passing, how much energy wasted in useless suffering really? There
may be past the morning feeling unhappy, or angry, or full of self-
pity "Well, that's useless suffering. We sacrifice our suffering as
we were told so many times. But do we sacrifice? Of course not. It
occurs to us that the job has to be applied to oneself, so continue
to look like a dying duck in a storm rather than deal with ourselves.
But if we play our life was measured by self-knowledge, we have
neither could have feelings of that class useless.

We will return now to the two things I mentioned-namely, that our

being attracts our life and we know ourselves. - What is what
prevents this from happening as well? The answers are simple.
Illusions prevent it. In the first case, we are not guilty. For
anything that happens to us in the ordinary sense. It is always the
fault of another. Thus, we believe it mechanically. Therefore we can
not see that guilt is truly ours. Therefore we do not want to change
our Being or see any connection between this and what happens to us
in life. In fact, I imagine they do not really have a grasp Being in
a particular way. In the second case, of course we know ourselves.
What nonsense to say that I know myself. Who would know better than
myself? This again is an illusion. However, because of those
illusions of humanity is kept asleep and pain factory on the planet's
full steam ahead, no need, as G. said - but because of habit and our
dream state. There are ways to get rid of it, and always was, at all
times. For the esoteric teaching concerns out of it. This job is
getting out of this to the modern period, the out of this than
suitable for this period-that is, if done, but not otherwise. But few
find the way out because they can not or will not or do not see that
to get out have to start working hard to change themselves what the
job tell them to change. Do not want to deal with themselves. They do
not want to observe themselves and find in themselves what the study
said. They have their own ideas of themselves. In addition, the
immensely powerful network of simple and clever illusions about
themselves prevents them from knowing. To this we must add the nebula
illusion that things necessarily improve with time, the illusion of
tomorrow, that G. used to say was that against which it should fight
more. I do not see that as our being attracts our life, things will
not get better unless it changes our Ser I ask you again, have you
noticed in yourself what Labor says to change them? No. Well, some
"I" will have to leave. A person may be lucky, however, to have a
revelation and awakening, suddenly understanding the blinding truth
of Labor in regard to itself. In passing mention here that without
hard work on it and constantly use our Memory-Work and its renewal,
as they age will worsen, and eventually crystallize into a poor and
distorted form. So something must be done about this issue, such as
work continues to say, we heard only vaguely in our sleep. By the
way, you know they are asleep?

Now you will see that the two things mentioned, namely, that our
being attracts our life and we know-are combined. Means, in short,
you imagine you know your Self but do not know. If you know, his life
would not be so self-observation is not necessary. They know their
well being and do not know why attract your kind of life. If they had
sufficient knowledge of it may be needing that kind of life that
could make it different. However, the Work can only change his being
known, recognized, and applying it to himself, everything that
happens to a person becomes intelligent. Consider identified - is it
free? See how far you are identified at this time. Consider
Remembering - do you ever practice? Consider an injury that lasts a
lifetime, consider a make everyday positions against others consider
concerns throughout life with negative emotions and unpleasant
consider the Giants, Pride and Vanity, and what causes disorder and
how to ruin everything, consider the jealousy and hatred; consider
their appalling ignorance, consider the fear of what people think,
consider their violence; consider their changing lies - I will say
that there is nothing on which to work, nothing in this job that can
be applied to you? Have only mentioned a few things, but his Self is
free of such things? Apparently so often happens because people ask
me about what it must work. The answer may be that they can not
observe themselves and so remain blind. They are usually very sensual
and thinkers for whom the question of the senses is reality. Lack of
internal attention. However, even when a person thinks very
sensually, even a little domestic attention consciously directed
towards what is happening in it will surprise you and show you how
well known their Being and begin to change its idea of itself. Why is
not crystal clear that his idea must change before she can change?
Eventually, sooner or later you should see through yourself - that
person that keeps invented for that cost you that this is not you.
This is indeed self-knowledge. In proportion as he does, and you will
see through the tricks and maneuvers and deceptions of others. Why?
Because in yourself and see yourself in them. As strange as it
sounds, this frees the power of them is that they remain too high on
himself and feel superior that so often puts under the power of
others. It no longer surprised or indignant with both the others,
which play a role is tedious and tiring. We let the light in our
inner darkness. Light heals. It puts things in their correct order.
This means that we try to be more aware of ourselves. For example,
taught him to find in himself what he sees as critical in others. So
will come to know on his Self-which he never understood.

Many years before I knew this job was a disciple of Jung in Zurich.
One of the useful things you taught us is that we all have a
psychological shadow, and the beginning of the path to the internal
development lies in making this shadow gradually became conscious.
The shadow is that part of us which we are not aware, but we must be,
with so much pain for our pride and our vanity, which is the
conscious suffering, which eventually becomes conscious. You face
your own shadow if we are serious. Of course, profoundly changed our
idea of ourselves. That shadow, that is in everyone, can lead to
catastrophe in our lives, while we remain unaware of it. As part of
our Being that we do not recognize, attract many things that seem
incomprehensible in our life, because they do not accept them. The
man who has no shadow would be fully aware of it. It would have been
Great Amwell House, July 25, 1953


When O. suggested that this job should be known with the name
"psycho", some thought it was an apt name, others not. Personally,
the word "transformed" I did not like, while "Psicotransformación"
does not sound right. In any case, the term "psycho" implies basic
education that supports the job-namely, that Man was created
experimentally as self-desarrollante body, able to undergo a very
definite to make him another kind of man -a new man and therefore
able to completare. The routine life and living not complete it. But
life is made of a number of different events and different states
that they produce in us. By the gradual transformation of our being,
and toas not attract the same events but we modified the states they
produce in us. All Work teaching refers to methods that allow us to
do. When we know, recognize and apply the job to the events that
happen to us, the process of psycho is set in motion. Then life got
involved on the job between events and our first reactions to them,
so we must not only transform, but also transform the way to get all
the daily events that happen to us. Some events are more difficult to
"transform" than others. For a long time we should not expect to be
more than babes in the work of transforming our reactions to things,
such as the fact that people produce on us, but we understand that
this is our most important task. When we see that what we dislike in
others is a projection of what is in ourselves, unknown to us, we
transformed the situation. Sink into a state of sleep is not
transform the meaning of life or our responses to it. For example,
everyone knows the feeling of heaviness, monotony and boredom that
comes with such ease with the thought of the daily routine and equal
existence. This is a feeling against which you have to fight and to
be avoided. The more cocky is a person, even if unconsciously so, the
greater the boredom that arises. The conceit we placed too high for
us to see clearly. Life should be at eye level. Boredom comes to
think of life only in terms of succession in Time. In reality, there
is nothing that is always the same within and through him to
identify. Again, the flavor of negative states is always the same.
For this reason we do not receive fresh impressions and therefore
suffer from that form of "scurvy" psychological due to the lack of
fresh impressions. Usually we identified and we are negative.
Throughout life it is necessary to do some work at this point to
correct this bad attitude.

In reality, our life is beyond Time and Space. We should rather feel
that we are embedded in Time and Space as a child watching a circus
through a hole. Our conscience is not in Time and Space and neither
is our mind. It is conceivable, in a flash, in countries or in stars,
very distant in space and in the same way one can think of the days
of ancient Rome and in the present day. But when Time and Space will
hold of us and only see the days that stretch into infinity, living
in the same house, same room, we break something that is deeply
rooted in us, which is independent of these constraints -- something
that is free and there would be subordinated to the senses except as
necessary. Only our bodies are in Time and Space. We can, and do,
come to fully identify with our body, and as I have often said, the
man who identifies with his body, and takes it as if it were himself,
and believes that there is nothing but your body is it soon comes to
a halt in this job. Indeed, a thinker as extremely sensual can not
receive anything that relates to this job as I could observe. It will
not be able to transform anything, not having the feeling that is a
small, underdeveloped conscious spirit locked in a piece of flesh.
Its inner state is a function of body condition. With that, I mean
that depends on your body. However, our inner state should not depend
on our bodily state. Once I said to O. that when I felt good
physically, psychologically was noted that very asleep and awake when
I was more psychologically, had often noticed that was not right
physically. He said that people rarely noticed. Only worried about
his physical health. He said the disease often opens things in people
that their efforts would be unable to open. I am sure that to
transform the everyday things of life, and how to take them, you must
have a strong sense that the psychological side of one is not the
same as the corporeal side. As for some exercise on each other a
reciprocal action, it is possible to separate more and more. Of
course, if has the second body can be separated completely.

Now, in my opinion, every day we must pick ourselves and feel that it
is we who must aproximársenos to whatever we do, by choice. We go to
things we own and avoid being swept by them. Also, we should not let
one day become another to become a kind of fuzzy thing in which our
consciousness of self is very light. Otherwise how can we practice to
be drawn psycho if impotent in midstream (inadvertently) by the tide
of life? The act of Remembering us momentarily out of the current.
But as usual we are dragged into a mill and make no attempt
whatsoever to separate. We do not feel different about it to all
events that pass as "one thing after another." When we are asleep
that way, does not really exist in the conscious sense of the word,
and certainly nothing transforms. If nothing is changed, we live
mechanically. Only a machine. Nothing is making a new way. It never
occurs to one to do it. But you can do it, you know, once you see
things that we must transform as the only solution. We get our sense
of existence is much more aware because mankind suffers the major
drawback of their lack of conscience. This lack of awareness leads to
the unnecessary and ill-disasters that happen to humanity. If people
were more aware not do what he does not behave as you do, nor think
nor feel as it does. But in truth, could not devise what this being
invented. In this respect, it seems that the defect in consciousness
is even greater than it ever was. Transformation is not destruction.

Great Amwell House, 1 August 1953

PSYCHO and self-observation

We spoke last time of psycho. As I said, that term is used as a name

for this job. This name, at least emphasized that this job is
essentially psychological. Its purpose is to change the psychology of
the man or woman. As stated many times in these comments people do
not realize that they have a psychology. You can see it, and for the
very literal, sensual mind, what is not there. But everyone has a
psychology which can come to know through self-observation. Once you
have done, have taken a big step forward. A person who begins to
practice Self-Observation is very different from the others. We have
said that life is a series of events that produce a series of states
in us. We are not aware of it. We did not observe the event
consciously or consciously observe the effect it has on us. For
example, the waiter seems rude does not meet our request immediately.
We get angry. This kind of event that the waiter served us
immediately gives us a state of violence. But we see that this
particular kind of event automatically produces a particular kind of
state within us. A person can remain a lifetime without realizing it,
while others are painfully realize this. That person must also
painfully aware of this. But since you do not realize this is not the
unpleasant part of his psychology and so do not try to transform it.
Instead, try to transform the waiter.

They have heard that we must change our attitudes, and that unless we
change our attitudes we can change ourselves. They have also heard
that connect us with our attitudes to life events and through an
invisible thread. If you always tend to lose your temper with the
waiter, who seems rude or ignores it, then once it has started work
on it has to gradually bring your awareness what their attitude
toward the boy. Assuming you are a very conceited, would arise from
the feeling of self-importance, of course, will make you a picky
person and violent. Then his attitude towards himself which primarily
is wrong. At the same time, you may have a scornful attitude towards
foreigners in general, contributing to the tendency to always
complain to the waiters. Finally, do not see how rude you are, and
how ignoring others. All this has to do with becoming more aware.

Now, if taken seriously change their psychology, which means changing

your Being, you will see that there is much that will be done here to
change a single thing. But nothing will change unless you becoming
aware of having a definite psychology leads him to behave in a
certain way to certain event. If it never gets to see it, there is no
hope that it can effect change in themselves and continue believing
in himself. As I said earlier in this letter, a person who has begun
to observe itself has already taken an important step in this
evolution possible. Has the path of self-knowledge. However, there
are many among you who do not even imagine what must change in
yourself, simply because they never face himself and thus never seen
themselves. Observe what events make us react in a negative way helps
a lot to self-observation to self-knowledge and the formation of the
Work-Memory. You may have heard of the self-observation throughout
life, but still the gap is large between hearing and doing. Do you
see any thing in itself this week? Do you understand that if it does
not change any of your habitual ways in which life takes, will remain
the same and attract the same situations? Start by checking that
their way of reacting. The boy is just an example. A new life depends
on a new chance for Not Being a new being? Then the old man should be
disappearing. How? Taking away power. The Work teaches us what things
belonging old Being in particular must be drained of strength. The
specified. Defined. He insists that such things should realize not
justified by observing and becoming aware of the role they play in
our daily existence.

You can not change and continue stuck to the same. I assure you that
relieves much rather change something, would say, let Neutralizing
Labor Force-change it and feel that it is no longer necessary. While
we do not see how we are bound and chained to our habits and how
wonderful it is to be free-as, for instance, feel free to have that
querellare with the waiter. Now think of something that you would
like to be free and ask with all my heart to do the job. Recall that
this teaching refers to the increase of consciousness. As are the
people, in a dream state, not self-conscious and ignorant of their
being, we can say that no humans, only a sub-human world, capable of
destroying each other.

Great Amwell House, August 8, 1953


Whatever change occurs in the Essence through their development, not

lost, but that is lost on you. You can live without any change taking
place in the nature-that is, you are born with some sort of Essence
and after a while the Personality is formed around and nothing
happens. The essence remains the same and does not undergo
development outside of that achieved in the first year of life. What
is acquired in the Personality is not transmitted to the Essence.
Essence is not continuous with the Personality. Personality
development does not mean a development of the Essence. We believe in
our development as though it were continuous from the early years but
not so from the standpoint of Labor. Essence grows a little and then
stops growing. Then the personality takes shape and surrounds the
Essence as a shell. The question arises: How can I get Essence grow
on me, beyond its natural point? How can I really change my Essence
by developing so that when my Essence involve and attract a body for
himself, my life is different than it was previously? In other words,
how can I produce a permanent change in myself that I can not be
removed? Since Essence is the central thing, ask that question is the
same as saying: How can I produce a change in my inner nature to be
real and not merely buy what is on the surface, as is the
personality? It is this question of internal change which is the
problem. First is the Essence, then there is the personality, and
finally, there should be a development of Essence through what has
been acquired in Personality. The Essence is the outside of us:

Personality is the temporal. Life Essence does not develop beyond a

certain point. Then develop the personality. First of all I learn
this job in Personality. How can I get this job done Essence grow? I
know the job and to apply myself to study the diagrams. Yes, but I
want the job? If you do not want the job, how can change what is most
essential to me and become a permanent part of my being? Knowing and
being are two different things. To my knowledge this job becomes
Being can only be me wanting it, and only wants what is actually
valued and loved. Therefore if I do not feel any love, I would not
want the job, and if you do not want the job, even if they know
nothing will happen. I only remember, but they love to live it. So
the job will not understand.

Now in us the most artificial thing is False Personality. That is why

this is known as False Personality. False Personality makes us do
things unreal. We fight for social prominence, fight to expose, to
think well of us, to be first, and so on. How can we expect to emerge
from False Personality purpose of influencing any Essence able to
bring about development? Surely it is in something over which we have
not reflected enough. If you want to be high on the job, show and not
have any genuine feeling, how can I change my Essence? How can
something that only emerges from the vanity of love of self to change
my Essence? I pretend to exhibit many virtues, but if there is no
sincere and real in me, how it can develop in me my true essence, no
education? The child goes through me. If I do things just to be seen
of men I'm not actually doing. Each of you can see for yourself how
you can do all things for show and without putting any feeling in
them. If you reflect on this matter, will be able to see how there is
discontinuity between Essence and Personality. They will also see how
the personality, being discontinuous with the Essence, can be made
passive which is that Essence becomes active. Not be the case if they
were continuous. Essence and personality are two different things.

Work is moving inward. First falls outside psychology, in Man Out in

oneself. If it is received and appreciated, his action compels him to
penetrate inward to the inner man and transform it. Then you shall
not steal, say, for fear of being found out, but because he dislikes
steal. We talked about all these things when we considered the
divisions of foreign schools, middle and inner. Each inward movement
of Labor-Labor each deepening our understanding-is like starting all
over again. A person realizes that he had grasped all the wrong
things-the-job and herself and had mingled with the astonishing
conceit common to all sub-humans. Labor stages resemble intervals
made under the orders of another master, more severe, or having to
move from one school to another where things were no longer a comedy
but something more real. Some things must be defined-as apparently
not angry with the waiters and bus drivers "Do you doubt then that is
on this planet to know himself? This is a thought on which we must
reflect. You mean I'm not perfect, or at least something exceptional?
Yes, this is what I mean. You are tiresome and stupid, like all
others. Here we offended an effective barrier. In the Gospels people
always get offended. They were confident that they have always

However, work progressed in stages or levels, layer by layer. Indeed

it is difficult to get the job itself deeper into perplexity and
without much thought and sincerity. It is here that people stay
stuck. They realize they have been doing the job from the love of
self and not from the love of the job. And unless you are capable of
great honesty with themselves and can not find reasons to pursue
deeper emotions working on yourself. It should assume that everything
unreal, all that is false, all that is mere pretense not affect the
development of Essence. However, everything was truly up to the point
where possible, will come to help in those moments of temptation that
often occur when faced with the need to deepen the understanding of
it. This is where it is especially necessary-Working memory. The "I"
who want the job you are in the Will-Work, while the "I" do not want
to work up the will-Life. Some "I" are on the wrong side. Never make
the mistake of thinking that only "I" can be stupid "I"-job. We are
told to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. They have two
things, the power of thinking and the power of love. You must
remember that what is thought but not in your real love is not you,
because it leads to any action, and therefore can not affect the
Essence. It is their life. If no valuation of the Work and their
ideas, views and education, how do you expect to affect the Essence?
I've often said that in this job there is much beauty. Do not you
know that beauty powerfully affects the Essence? Assuming you see
nothing beautiful in the formulations of Labor believes that this
will develop the Essence? Do you think a person who constantly
practices the piano or painting but feels nothing beautiful in nature
or in the music remember next time to recurrence, as seems to have
reminded many musicians and artists? You think I remember earlier?
How could it be? It is impossible, as is if you only think of music
or painting and never practiced. For that which is in the thought and
the will and ends in action enters and remains in our lives. But what
they think and just do not want to die because it does not end in

In that regard do not see how a religion that is hard and grim and
backed from fear can make Essence develop. I am convinced that many
mistakes were made here appalling. A view of the large decrease in
the level of Essence from the Galaxy is not it surprising that beauty
makes you feel his influence for good? Therefore, we maintain the
beautiful job in the hearts and minds so that we come to the

Great Amwell House, August 16, 1953


When did you start making internal? It depends on our attitude. You
start making internal when they feel they owe us something. For
certain people, who are our debtors feel if you make the slightest
effort to defend them. The attitude of some people to work is such
that if they make any attempt to work on yourself in conjunction with
others, or if they do something for the same job, they feel they owe
something. Unfortunately they were educated in the principle of being
rewarded, "If you're good, give you a sweet" or "If you finish your
exercise, I'll take the cinema." A person who expects to be rewarded
for every effort that becomes an ever be discontent and adjusts to
life. We can say today that the general tendency to make internal
increased. People feel they should not do what they are doing, or
should be better paid, and so on. Ouspensky used to draw attention to
the fact that since the introduction of machines people feel little
to no pleasure in his task and that the former pride of the artisans
are disappearing. He said that modern conditions do not satisfy the
emotional part of the Center. He saw machines one of the greatest
threats to the human race and said they would carry men to the war.

However, the three lines of work, which are the work itself, work in
conjunction with others, and work for the Work itself, require three
different attitudes. It is true that in each case achieved something
for yourself, but our purpose is not to achieve something for
yourself in each case. If so, it is likely that nothing will be
achieved. If you work with others, you do not see in oneself or one's
self in them. Lacking this indescribable and important development of
consciousness, he strikes a distorted view of self-worth. Again, if
nothing is done to the Work, it will do nothing for yourself. If it
could work without expecting an immediate reward or lose the faith we
have in the job if we do not get a reward, we have come a long way to
make passive False Personality. To some of you will find it
extraordinary that a person will never make an effort to be rewarded
less. But here is a mystery that will not try to explain but I said
in the last comment. You can even make an effort not expected reward.
There is something called love that drives us to do things on their
own value. There is something that allows us to free ourselves from
making internal and did not look more out of life with a jealous eye,
wondering what our rights are or what good it will be removed. I
would say this is one of the meanings of the odd-job speech that we
must work to achieve results. Working for the need to work on it,
from the understanding of their necessity in view of a gradual
awakening of consciousness of what it really is, is not working for
an immediate reward but to work as the realization that this is what
is should do with himself, and this is the plan, and that is why we
are on this planet is located so low on the Scale of Being Given this
attitude is natural to think that we have not done anything "that
never made effort any real or nothing was done against oneself
seriously. But always there are those who, as soon as they connect
with the job, they begin to blame for everything that happens, and
internal charges made against him. His sheets are broken in the
laundry: it is Labor's fault. Such people have an attitude toward the
job absolutely wrong. It is an attitude of petty and mean. And often
they feel that attending meetings is a trait of kindness on their
part. They are immature and need people experienced in life to
correct a silly attitude. Make internal charges against the Work is
the same God to haggle. It relates, of course, with an enormous self-
conceit because of the state of sleep that can only break the
recurring tragedies of life. In the same proportion as the job is
received with understanding, moves inward in places so that its
truths are as true internally. So a person's attitude toward the job
gets bigger and get stronger from their attitude. A petty and narrow
attitude toward job seeking only a superficial relationship with him.
The force behind the Work from the ground can not communicate through
Ts small and demanding. The state of Being itself stops. The negative
'I stand in his way. But what stops many people especially do not see
the truth of what he teaches himself the job. Understanding is what
we can see the truth. It is the inner vision. There needs to be
confirmed by others. It is merely a thing like that. This is the
understanding, the most powerful force that can be developed.

* * *

What is the cure for this simian hubris, conceit sub-human that we
all possess? The cure lies in an increase of consciousness. This is
the method of Labor. No one can remain so smug as it is if you become
more aware of what is in you. Including in terms both pride and
conceit vanity. The Work teaches that giants walk before us and
arranged everything in advance. They are our pride and our vanity. It
should be certain that when the job becomes remote and cold on us, we
must fight against conceit. Probably it is dam of resentment. That
is, some form of hubris that took on the job. We talked about that so
badly translated phrase, "Blessed are the meek." The meaning of this
phrase would be more like, "Those not dominated by resentment enjoy
inner bliss." This is very different from the external happiness.
However, people who have a good opinion of him resent and envy
easily. In every state of resentment is involved envy. Think of the
part played by Christ in this respect. He had to consciously
represent the role of a failure according to the prophecy. He told
his companions that had to fail. However, due to conceit our attitude
towards ourselves is much more powerful than any attitude to the job.
This is not about pretense of pious humility, what I mean. It's about
understanding that it is a small and miserable creature and ignorant
in the Scale of Creation, and in comparison with the Divine, and
indeed something like a monkey silly and vain. Instead of
consciousness, we conceit. The Work is to increase one's own
conscience, not to imitate the virtues as monkeys do. On a long
journey, painful but wonderful, this journey of increasing awareness,
always at the expense of some aspect of self-conceit. In this journey
through places where the danger is great, where a man attributes to
himself what has not yet reached and struts and thinks he is a god
long before he reached the goal, and when the Personality is still
active. But seeing them as temptations of hubris, they disappear. So
do not be surprised if Labor seizes more conceit you feel, because
the trail that follows the job are successive releases of conceit.
Here's what to do. If you try to understand what you mean Work, in
turn will help you see how hard it is to help and how his conceit
makes you a person heavily fenced, fortified and stupid. Over the
years show how difficult it is to leave one tittle of their
conceptions of themselves and yet how necessary it is for you and
what inner happiness seeks freedom from conceit, which neither
rewards nor honor nor any of other sources of satisfaction for their
conceit can give. What is your life if you never had a glimpse of the
path to inner happiness and is a bitter person and never did anything
to make internal against others and understand nothing about himself
or about what should learn?

Great Amwell House, August 20, 1953


Since this work points to a development of understanding, can not be

in demand. In organizations created in life, influences, obedience is
as necessary as rewards and punishments, but this can not be exactly
the same in this job for the reason that the Force of Life and
Neutralizing Neutralizing Force of work are two entirely different
act. from different directions. You can not force people to
understand. It can not be forced to obey a discipline, enforce rules,
fear punishment and feel merit. But the spirit within a man does not
wake up that way. The problem then lies in how Esotericism awaken Man
from within himself-from his own understanding, and will and consent,
to realize his dream state. No Compulsion can do it. Does not have to
see for myself that I am completely wrong on myself and need much
time to awaken, and that I must continue doing what I'm doing day
after day? However, in this respect no rules or regulations that can
touch my inner spirit. In truth, I can obey wonderfully well and
became noted as a disciple, but I will keep myself asleep in the eyes
of Heaven. There will be nothing but an imitation person. For more
good and copy it. This is the danger. My understanding not wake up.
Will be empty inside, I will not receive food from the inner meaning.
Because if I do things by imitation and example and not by the
development of understanding and perception of truth, I will remain
dead inside, like an empty house. This is the effect of using a wrong
Neutralizing Force-that is, the Third Force of Life "instead of the
Third Labor Force. Personality is not weakened.

Let's talk again of imitation - "Imitate the virtues." He said the

last time that imitate the meekness is useless. ( "Blessed are the
meek.") The important thing is the fact that easily suffer. Have not
you realized yet that is not quite aware of it? Not included in his
limited consciousness of itself that hurts so much to tell you right
now. His conceit remains outside the consciousness that you are
exactly what hurts so much to hear him say to that person, of all
people. Have you noticed how annoying that person? Sure, I get
nervous. Then, how should treat? You are in yourself - not outside.
It's something he is not aware of yourself. Because of its
astonishing conceit, the area in which you are unaware is enormous.
In a way I am her and she is me. If so, can not be what you're
painting my conceit. I therefore have to drop something, break free
of conceit. Look, you hate that person, however it is you and somehow
you are. It's the illusion of the senses-the body of the person-the

Birdlip, April 26, 1941


As I speak today in this meeting an issue that is important, let me

turn to that subject in writing. It refers to how people take this
job and how and in what spirit work on yourself.

I'll start with myself. I was raised in regard to religious ideas, in

that it was only significant conviction of sin. It was sin, in short.
Consequently, religion was a very gloomy and personally hated.
Morality was only sexual morality. Virtue was only continence, and so
on, and in general the feeling of sin and sinfulness was the main
idea in religion. I never understood anything else in regard to
religion as a boy, and so he was scared, worried or hated me. I
started to stutter. I listened to the scriptures, mostly the Old
Testament, who always seemed to me unspeakably horrible. God was a
violent, jealous, malicious, prosecution, and the like. And when I
heard the New Testament could not understand what the meaning of the
parables, and nobody seemed to care or know the meaning. But once, in
class on Sunday issued by the Director of the New Testament in Greek,
I ventured to ask, in spite of my stutter, what was the meaning of
some parables. The response was so confused that I actually
experienced my first moment of consciousness-that is, I suddenly
realized that nobody knew anything. This is a definite experience and
was my first experience of "Remembering the second being the sudden
understanding that no one knew what I was thinking," and from that
moment I began to think for myself, or rather I thought I could. As
is known, all moments of real Remembering remain forever in our inner
life and our real life events are not outside but the interior
states. I remember so clearly the class room, high windows
constructed so that no one could see outside, the desks, the platform
on which sat the Director, his thin face of a scholar, the nervous
habit of twisting his mouth and extend his hands and suddenly the
inner revelation to know that he knew nothing-nothing, ie nothing
about what really mattered. This was my first internal release of the
power of external life. Since that time I knew with certainty-and
this always means through genuine and individual insight that is the
only source of true knowledge-that all my loathing of religion as it
was taught was right. And although one always goes to sleep again
after a moment of true Self-Remembering, and often for years, yet
such moments of consciousness always remain in the higher parts of
the centers and there they sit and wait, so to speak , new moments of
understanding, more consciously, what is really life-that is, never
lost, and while somehow forgotten, always remain in the depths of
oneself, and at critical moments are ahead for protect us.

Now, I want to talk about how they work on whether and in what spirit
they accept the job. You can easily work from the ideas and moods
ordinary religious. Remember the saying about new wine in old
bottles. This job, this system of teaching these ideas we are
studying are the most beautiful things you can possibly imagine-and
we are new. There are far more lovely and beautiful than anything you
can imagine. Only accuse us of being asleep. They have no conviction
of sin. We are asked very kindly to observe ourselves. It is you who
should blame himself. Consider one of the ideas in this teaching-an
idea about Essence. This teaching tells us that the essence of each
one of us is descended from the stars. Remember the Ray of Creation.
Essence comes down to the note A (Star Galaxy) and passing through
the note Sol (the Sun) and then by the note F (the planetary zone)
enters the earth. We are not born merely of our fathers, our
forefathers created the apparatus for the reception of the essence
which comes from the Stars. And all work, either personal work, work
with others at work, or work for the same job (and these are the
three lines of work necessary for anyone wishing to stay in this job)
is to lead us back to where we originally came. Now each one of us is
down here in this dark world, as deep in the Ray of Creation, because
every person has to see something special in itself, a special factor
or main feature, to become aware of lose it and start to taste, and
thus work against it. Maybe it's the meanness, cruelty, lies, pride,
fear, or ignorance, and the like. And if a man or woman dies without
being discovered by what is here and what is the real reason for your
life, perhaps you can give another name for a tragedy? Each of you
are here on earth, because from the standpoint of the work has
something very special and very important to see in yourself and
fight it with all his skill and ingenuity, with all his strength of
mind and will and soul and heart and body. But, of course, if you are
proud of its virtues, well, what else can happen but its
righteousness, and your false personality, will be increased every
day of his life and prove that you crystallize into such narrow views
and attitudes which will become a dead person. Already I have heard
the meaning of those killed in the Gospels, for example, as in
Christ's remark: "Let the dead bury their dead" -. The dead are those
who have died for every opportunity to work on it and thereby make
the change himself. But you can only do the work in the spirit of its
own beauty and light, in the spirit of his true message and meaning.
Life on earth is but a field to work on yourself, so return to where
they came. Take life as an end in itself is not understanding the
job, and often result in a wrong attitude that can lead to many
negative emotions and useless efforts made in negative states. Why
work in a negative way is useless. Only through a kind of delight, a
feeling of joy or pleasure or a genuine affection and desire, a
person can work and carry out a change of being in itself. Fear, for
example, does not act that way. A man may have some knowledge of the
truth, but unless you fully value. unless you feel some delight in
it, can not affect it. It can not act on it, because man is bound to
the truth only through love, so to speak, and thus his being is
changed. But if not, then his life-love-that is, his emotional side
is in a bad state and is the same as if you were in a state of fear
and feel compelled to do something against their will. Do a thing
willingly from the delight in doing it, you made a change. And when
someone starts to bring his own "cross"-that is, the burden of a
difficult thing in itself that finally has come to observe-and does
so in this spirit, you will achieve results. But if you do heavily,
due to the conviction of sin, nothing out of it, especially if you
show others what you are doing, and likes to look serious or
miserable or sad. And in this regard have to remember what Christ
said about fast-namely, that if you fast, cover your head and wash
your face "so that men do not see that we are fasting." Work on
yourself as the conviction of sin puts the job in the negative parts
of schools, and work in a negative way leads to a worse state than
not work at all. Some tend to take the heavy work this way. But no
one can fathom the delight that people feel to be unhappy and enjoy
their negative states. Everyone knows and I have heard many times
that negative parts of the centers do not create anything. When first
I heard Mr. O. that the negative parts of the centers can not create
anything, and people seeking to work in a gloomy, negative, only make
its internal state becomes worse than it was, then I think I
experienced another moment of consciousness - . I realized that what
I had felt about religion was fair, had suddenly been formulated and
explained. This job, if they pay attention and listen to your heart,
is the most beautiful thing that can be heard. Do not speak of sin,
but to be asleep, just as in the Gospels do not actually speak of
sin, but just not hitting the target - the Greek word means that. Can
we hear the job? There is an old book I have, written by a man in his
day job, describing a man who is fast asleep on the ground, and a
ladder stretching to heaven, and angels playing the trumpet in the
ears almost of man. But nothing hears. He's asleep in life may be a
millionaire or a very important person, or simply a tired clerk or a
grieving mother, or something.

This work is beautiful when you see the reason for its existence and
its meaning. It deals with the release. It is so beautiful as if,
after being locked for years in a prison, is' to a stranger who comes
in and gives us a key. But you also might refuse to receive for
having acquired the habits of the prison and have forgotten their
origin, coming from the Stars. How, then, will ever be able to
remember only counting himself with thoughts and interests of prison
and return your whole life and not distorted and sullied by negative
emotions and all forms of identification? It will be very natural to
reject the key that can open all the prison doors, one after another,
preferring to remain in prison-that is, as itself. Moreover, be
indignant and try to kill the stranger and fight for his life in
prison and up to sacrifice their lives to remain in prison.

Birdlip, January 18, 1943


There is always the possibility to understand both what is said in

the Old Testament and the Gospels in a literal way. There are the
literal level of understanding of the Scriptures and also the
psychological level of understanding. The parables in the Gospels,
for example, are psychological meaning, but are given in a way that
is literal. The story of the Ark told in Genesis, can be understood
literally of course. There was a flood, an ark could have been built
by a particular man named Noah and a special call gopher wood, and so
on. But the psychological meaning is very different. The esoteric or
inner meaning-that is, the psychological-is very different. Esoteric
teaching always refers to the internal evolution of Man. Refers to
the highest development of man and its relationship with that which
is taller than him. All it says in the first five books of the Old
Testament, called the Pentateuch or Torah, has an outer meaning,
literal, and one internal, esoteric or psychological. These books
were not written as literal stories but to convey another meaning, as
in the case of the Parables. Historical incidents were used and
developed and adapted so that the inner or esoteric meaning could be
conveyed by what apparently happened in a historical sense. But
clearly it is not mere history. Just look at the details above, which
seem trivial.

The Flood, understood in its inner meaning or psychological, not a

deluge of water that drowns the land, but a flood of evil. Flood
refers to a period when all the correct understanding was dying in
the midst of a particular division of humanity. Violence and evil
were rising and all I had to do with truth and goodness out of sight.
Mankind, left to itself, is barbarism. Only the education provided
for a prolonged period can raise humanity to the level of culture and
civilization. But all teaching sown in life has its time and then
loses force and perishes. When a school loses vigor and die, a deluge
of violence and evil and falsity arises. The story of the Ark refers
to that period, which took place in a part of humanity, located
perhaps in what we call the Middle East. All that part of humanity,
all that "earth" was flooded by the barbarity, and was lost sight of
all teaching. But the teaching is always born again and in places
where such a flood of evil comes to be kept to herself and wait until
the time when he can start a new way of teaching it. Understood
psychologically, the Flood is a flood of barbarism, evil and
violence, and the story of the Ark is a story about the esoteric
teaching was preserved during the Flood. The ark floated on the
waters of the deluge of evil, and it contained all the seeds of the
new teaching, represented by Noah, his three sons, their wives and
all animals. And here we must realize that our entire civilization
and culture arose from the form of teaching called Christianity and
we must also understand that any teaching of this class-ie, has its
esoteric teaching period, and eventually loses power and dies. Then
ensues a period of violence and evil-that is, a flood-like today.
This is followed by a new teaching again.

The Ark is a story that makes us see how a bridge between two periods
of instruction. It means that certain people, in this case some
school called Noah, possibly composed of three branches, brought all
that was valuable and preserved until such time that might give a new
teaching. Built, so to speak, the shape of the new teaching and
preserved, living it, so that the flood of evil not to lose
everything, so that mankind would not perish spiritually through
mutual hatred and violence. The known history, ordinary history, the
history taught in schools, is a history of crime. But the esoteric
teaching, of which captures a glimpse into the history of the Ark, is
very different and almost unknown. All we know is that suddenly
appear, in the form of religions, new teachings, which are beginning
to new cultures. That is, we see some results but little is known
about the causes, whose history is not hidden.

However, we must rid our minds entirely the literal meaning of the
story of the Flood and the ark. When the Ark landed on Mount Ararat,
it means that the new form of teaching began to be imparted
represented in the "land"-that is, the Man. The deluge of bad waned.
That is, it was possible to begin to teach men to once again become
civilized beings. He had to wait for the right moment and the
discovery of timing is represented by sending the raven, dove, and
everything else. Because if given a new teaching at the wrong time
can fail. People are not ready to receive it.

With this general idea of what it means to the Flood and the Ark, we
try to find some psychological interpretation of the various
incidents mentioned in the story that begins in the sixth chapter of
Genesis. Here it is only possible to highlight certain points of the
story. Above all, the story describes how the sons of God mingled
with the daughters of Man:

"... the sons of God saw the daughters of men were beautiful, they
took wives for themselves whomever they chose. And the Lord said not
contain my spirit with man forever, for he is flesh, more will your
days hundreds twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those
days and also afterward when the sons of God to the daughters of men,
and they bore children. These were the heroes of old, men of renown

(Genesis VI, 2-4).

We must understand here that there was a mixture of a higher

education but with a lower truth. Then he says that God saw that the
wickedness of men multiplied on earth and that "every imagination of
the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." Noah was the
only good. God tells Noah must build an ark because a flood is
coming. In the story God tells Noah:

"I have decided to all be, because the earth is filled with violence
because of them, and behold, I will destroy the earth. Make yourself
an ark of gopher wood, make rooms in the ark, and shalt with pitch
inside and out. And so to make it: three hundred cubits the length of
the ark, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high. A window will make
the ark, and finish it to a cubit the top and the door of the ark to
his side, and you shall make lower, second and third. And behold, I
bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein
is the breath of life under the sky, all that is on earth will die.
But I will establish my covenant with thee, and entered into the ark,
you, your children, your wife and your sons' wives with you. And of
every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring
into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; male and female will be.
Of all the birds after their kind, and all cattle after their kind,
of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of each sort
shall come unto thee, to keep them alive. And take with thee of all
food eaten, and store it, and serve as food for you and for them.
Thus did Noah did according to all that God commanded him "

(Genesis, VI, 13-22).

But have noticed that the ark is three stories-a lower half and a
third floor and one window and a door. The only window is on top: "A
window will make the ark, and finish it to a cubit. This means that
the window opened on the floor above. As is known, job in teaching
that we are studying diagramalmente Man is shown as a three-story
house, which has a bottom, one middle and upper third. At the top
stands the Intellectual Center, in half the Emotional Center, and the
lower the engine and the Instinctive Center. Also know that the
prints are received in the upper deck, that is, above, where is
located the Intellectual Center. Might find it incongruous to make a
comparison between the Ark which has three floors and diagram-Working
Man as a three-story house. But remember that the esoteric teaching
always remains the same in substance and is kept alive in a way which
we know nothing about. As mentioned, only know the history of outdoor
life, the history of crimes, not the history of esoteric teaching,
but we can see the results of this last act in different periods in
the general history of crime. That is, we see religious education and
fighting against barbarism gradually laying the foundations of

Now I'll explain something they will find hard to follow at first. We
know that the general view of man expressed in the beginning of the
Old Testament is that Man has not progressed since its inception but
has degenerated. Man fell. That is, the view expressed in the Old
Testament is the opposite of opinion which holds that Man has evolved
and is progressing. Needless to say all this to understand what means
the only window in the ark. According to the ancient teaching, Man
originally lived in a golden age, then a silver age, then a bronze
age, and finally an iron age. The accuracy of the terms used have no
significance. What is important is the idea and the idea means that
Man has degenerated gradually evolve gradually without. At one time
he was in far better circumstances and in an inner state much better
than it is today. You must realize that only a very naive mind can
believe that the passage of time means progress. It is necessary to
get rid of this idea, once and for all. Time does not mean progress.
Equivalent to think that as you get older necessarily better or gain
in wisdom, or the latest fashion is necessarily better than the old
fashions, or necessarily tomorrow must be better than today. However,
according to the ancient teaching Man was once a completely different
internal state of state it is today. When I was in that state more
original could be taught in a way that today it can be taught. It is
known that according to the teaching of this job. Man has two
distinct sides-the side of knowledge and the side of being: and that
to change or evolve the man should be given to all new knowledge and
then apply the self through of self-observation. But there was a time
when you could act directly on the human being, not like today, only
through the side of knowledge. Man saved by indirect references found
in such writings as the Old Testament and other texts-it is best not
to elaborate too much on that topic. However, it is possible to know
the inner state of a man without being taught, say, negative emotions
are bad inner states. And so one could imagine a man who already
knows, so to speak from the heart, all that work so gradually teaches
through his mind. We belong to an age of humanity that Labor has
called the dream of mankind, and our task to awaken individual farm
again and stop living the dream life. But one can conceive an age
when the man was awake and internally led the life of a being awake.
Then he was in contact with what in this system is called the Higher
Centers, and, if so, he was taught internally or by an internal path,
and not by an external path through their external senses. Esoteric
teaching was in it. He was then approached internally with influences
from sources higher than him, and knew and felt. Only when he began
to attribute his knowledge to himself, because of vanity and self-
reliance, began to fall into the "dream", and so came to be separated
and gradually increasing inner source of education in which he had
originally born . Then instead of being able to distinguish directly
by internal perception, or insight, between what is good and what is
evil and what is true and what is false, indoor gradually lost these
powers, until finally I had to teach everything from the outside in
the form of knowledge. This is the meaning of the upstairs window.
Man reached such a state that had only light-that is, a window
through which light could enter. This was no longer an interior
window through which it received the light within. That is, reached a
state in which only could be taught through his mind or intellect,
and only from the outside. But the man's intellectual vision was not
yet lost. And that could still be "saved"-that is, the flood of evil
that rises as Man is separate from any tuition. However, it is
difficult to understand in all this is that the Ark represents not
only some form of esoteric teaching was preserved, but the way of
this teaching which was well preserved and the state of Man at that
time. Because a new form of esoteric teaching should be adapted to
the state of man at that time. The story of the Ark is at once a
description of the kind of man who remained and could be taught in
that period and also a description of the conservation of the kind of
esoteric teaching suited him. The description of the Ark shows that
Man has lost all other sources of "Light" except one window that
opens from the outside to the top floor of himself. Now he had to be
taught from outside, having lost all contact inside sources. It had
to be taught from the side of knowledge and thus from the side of the
mind-that is, from the impressions from outside upstairs.

Now we must think about the meaning of the only door, which said in
particular that was the side of the ark. This represents the ear or
the "ear". Man it was left intellectual vision and the power of
hearing, and although it was internally separate from everything else
and could still hear and understand with your mind, if not in its
being and will. The school of education and the state of Man are
represented simultaneously in the overall image of the ark. The
instruction told him it was possible to survive the flood of
falsehood and evil that existed in that part of humanity at that time
was a lesson that was to be heard by the ear and perceived by the
mind and the kind of man who that time could still grow and evolve
only receive education and hearing her reflect on her mind. That is,
the starting point of Man was no longer inside but outside.

Now if we consider the image of the Ark is currently only referring

to a school of education who kept living in the footsteps of an
ancient teaching and survived the flood of false notions and wrong
actions, we may catch a glimpse of the meaning of what was caulked
inside and out. God told Noah: "Make rooms in the ark, and with pitch
inside and out. The pitch here resists water and water, or flood, is
that which is false. Water can represent, in the ancient language of
parables, esoteric truth or falsity according to context, and the
Ark-that is, that school-was "hermetically sealed". That is, could
withstand the flood of evil and so floated on the waters of evil. The
caulking of the Ark and the gopher wood with which it was made are
images that relate primarily to their power of resistance, and more
deeply, to which was closed. The window and door cover which remained
open. And the overall picture of the Ark refers both to the school of
education as the man capable of understanding at the time, and what
was closed and what was open. The Ark or school contained in it all
necessary forms of knowledge, all the material necessary ideas, and
all the necessary understanding of what was good and what was bad
about the future evolution of man individual to the extent that was
possible. All this was met at school and is represented by Noah and
the animals and the food stored in the ark. God said to Noah, ' "And
take with thee of all food eaten, and store it, and serve as food for
you and for them." This is not literal food, but psychological food.
If a man does not receive education, ideas and knowledge, then in
this sense has no food. We understand the expression "food for
knowledge" as distinct from literal food. But not so easily
understand that all knowledge can be lost and that we must gather and
preserve it in those period that can take place "flood." Today's Man
is born without knowing anything. All his knowledge is acquired.
Everything must be taught from the outside - through their "ears" and
your mind. A school of instruction is a store of special knowledge. A
book, a dictionary, it is also a storehouse of ordinary knowledge.
But the food of knowledge, of whatever kind, can be lost. In this
case, a man born without any knowledge, grow up knowing nothing
except that which belongs to the instinctive life, like hunting and
kill-that is, his life as an animal.

However, the Ark, which represents both the present school at that
time as the man of this school, floating on the water, and after a
while the flood waters began to decline.

"And God remembered Noah and all the animals, and all the beasts that
were with him in the ark, and God made a wind pass over land, and the
waters subsided. And he closed the fountains of the deep and
cataracts of heaven and rain from heaven was arrested. And the waters
decreased continually from the earth, and water were withdrawn after
one hundred and fifty days. And the ark rested in the seventh month,
on the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat. And
the waters decreased continually until the tenth month: in the tenth,
the first of the month, the tops of the mountains "

(Genesis, VIII, 1-5).

Above all we must understand here that the wickedness of man or

"earth" began to diminish. The tops of the mountains. The forests
cover the higher truth. Then he represents Noah sent a raven:

"It happened that after forty days Noah opened the window of the ark
he had done, and sent a raven, which went out and was going to and
fro until the waters were dried up from the earth."

This means that it was still impossible to reach a higher truth about
the "land" in a general sense, and partial sense means that the man
of the Ark, the man who could be taught by teaching school that had
been preserved in this part of the world was not yet ready to
understand. E! raven as bird represents the thought, but not in a
good way. The falsehood or wrong thinking still prevailed and so the
crow was "to and fro. This represents the state of the man who is
educated but still can not take it. So it goes "to and fro" 'or
"rising or falling,' or thinking something else now. The next stage
is represented by Noah sent a dove. The dove refers to thought is not

"He also sent him a dove, to see if the waters had subsided from the
face of the earth. And the dove found no rest for the sole of her
foot, and returned him to the ark because the waters were still on
the face of the earth. So he put out his hand and took and ushered
him into the ark. "

The waters were still on the face of the earth-that is, Man, for
"earth" represents the Man in the ancient language of parables and
allegories. The school represented by the Ark still could not teach
because Man Man was not yet ready to receive instruction. So the dove
again into the Ark, being unable to find to land. This is followed by
a new period represented by "seven days", meaning a period.

"He waited another seven days and again sent the dove from the ark.
And the dove came to him in the evening, and behold, he brought an
olive leaf in its beak, and Noah knew that the waters had receded
from the earth. "

The dove returned to the evening with an olive leaf and Noah knew
that the waters had subsided from the earth. The afternoon means the
period that precedes the dawn of a new day. The olive leaf is in a
general sense that something good would come of imparting education.
Finally Noah sent the dove again:

"And he waited another seven days, and sent the dove, which did not
return because of him."

The dove does not return-that is, what it represents is a resting

place. Education and can be delivered and so is Noah removed the
covering of the ark:

"It happened in the year six hundred in the first month, the first of
the month, the waters were dried up from the earth: and Noah removed
the covering of the ark, and looked, and behold the face of the
ground was dry. "

The soil or earth-that is, Man-was ready to receive the teaching

contained in the ark, so God tells Noah to leave the Ark:

"Then God said to Noah, saying, Come out of the ark, you and your
wife and your sons and your sons' wives with you." All animals are
with you of all flesh, birds and beasts and every creeping thing move
along the ground, Bring forth with thee, and go through the land, and
be fruitful and multiply on the earth. "

Fruitful and multiply has no literal meaning but psychologically,

"exactly similar to the Parable of the Sower where those who have a
good ground if they bear fruit.

One difficulty in understanding the allegory is that the Ark referred

to the school itself, the man that develops in that school, stage by
stage, and in general the state of Man, in that period.

Now we come to the meaning of the rainbow. God promised Noah that
there would be no more floods to destroy the earth for perpetual
generations-that, for the generation or period of teaching school
represented by Noah. We must understand that time, in our ordinary
sense, there is no higher in the language of parables. There are only
periods or events. All that lasts for an entire period or event is
called perpetual.

"And God said: This is the sign of the covenant which I make between
me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual
generations: I have set my bow in the clouds, which shall be a sign
of the covenant between me and the land. And it shall be when I bring
clouds over the earth, they will then see the rainbow in the clouds.
and I will remember My covenant which is between me and you and every
living creature of all flesh and no more flood water to destroy all
flesh. Will the bow in the clouds, and I see him, and remember the
everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all
flesh that is on earth. then said God to Noah: This is the sign of
the covenant I have established between me and all flesh that is on
earth "

(Genesis IX, 12-17).

The arch, or rainbow, representing the stages of light or

illumination. It is light split into parts. The full light, full
illumination is white light. But this is composed of different colors
or lower vibrations stages of passing higher vibrations. They should
remember that in the period of the Flood Man could no longer be
taught directly by the internal path. He could not receive direct
information. You could not act directly on their being. Internally
had fallen asleep. Now he had to be taught from the outside, step by
step, stage by stage, until they reach the full light of
understanding. Light means light within. The mind receives the
interior light when it grasps something that did not understand. When
one says "I was light", one refers to the light of understanding. The
vision of the mind is the vision of the outside eye that responds to
sunlight. But "sun", internally, is the light of the mind-the light
of understanding. And it is strange that the outside light, sunlight,
divided by a prism or an oil film in many components, or steps, and
they all vibrate together, form white light. Perhaps in this brief
interpretation may grasp the meaning of the rainbow, as representing
the conditions of the internal development of the Ark belongs to Man,
Man of the period, when he could no longer receive direct instruction
Higher Centers. Was separated from the Higher Centers as we are. You
know that this job tells us that although we Higher Centers in us
fully developed and are always working, we can not hear what they
say, and we plan to achieve lower centers by hard work and long,
stage by stage, so their influences. That is, the light of Higher
Centers no longer receive more directly. Receives only step by step
so that light is divided, as in the case of the rainbow, in different
colors, or in successive stages of understanding. Thus we see that
both the Ark and the rainbow represent the state of man after losing
contact with the Higher Centers.
The overview above has one of the psychological meanings of the story
of the ark. There are many meanings within the meanings of this
story, which is based in the ancient language which made use of form-
parable to express meanings. There are so many things, indeed,
contained in this history that the attempt to give them all is
impossible. Everything stated above is but a mere introduction to the
inner or esoteric meaning of one of the great allegories or parables
of the Old Testament.
Birdlip, March 1944


I would say to you tonight that all the knowledge at work is

connected with the stranger. I suppose that among you there are many
who think they know. This is our usual state. You all think you know
what 'right and wrong. Probably everyone thinks they know everything
relating to their particular tasks. Everyone thinks they know who the
right people who should know and who are not. In fact, knowing the
job is not knowing what was thought to know. When you start to ignore
what they were sure of knowing it undergoes a change in mental
outlook, is undergoing a change of mind, one experiences metanoia
(goal - beyond nous - mind). In this work we libradnos of our minds,
we must leave to know what is imagined. Try to imagine you know what
you discover and repair especially that by which they judge other
people. Judge others from what you imagine you know. I would like to
reflect on what you all think they know for sure. Sometimes it's fun
to see how people proclaiming their opinions about other people in
this job. This is because they think they know. The idea that
consists in ignoring the work is foreign to them and thus proved that
they understand the job as they think they know. They are sure to be
right, because of his views acquired. They never think to consider
how these views have emerged and what mechanical influences of
parents created them. It follows that there is always someone who
judges and condemns or approves, from a purely mechanical. This
person thinks he knows.

Imagine that anything is known is the nature of illusion. This is my

question: "Are you sure that you know anything with certainty?" By
what act you? They act as they think they know. They act out what
they believe is right. This is my new question: "Do all you ever
think, feel, act, as they feel or think is fair?" Are you sure that
your system know what is fair, right? "You all think they know.
Assuming now that you ask this question:" Do I know really? "This is
one of the most powerful questions that can be done if it is done
with sincerity. See how they are always judging others. Note to
themselves. Everyone has definite ideas about what is right and what
is wrong. All this belongs to the acquired psychology called
Personality. "Are you sure met? If they feel they know then can not
change: the knowledge prevents change. The idea of metanoia
(translated as repentance) is a change in their knowledge, change
your mind. The Gospels say that unless they repent not see the
kingdom of heaven, but its meaning is that unless you change your
mind, you can not change the level of being. If you always think the
same way, if you always judged the same way-in short, if you always
know in the same way and feels it is known, nothing can happen. Each
of you is thinking or feeling here that knows. But no one thinks or
knows from the ideas of esoteric psychology. None of you know what So
we think in new ways. We have to learn a new kind of knowledge to do
so, and has to ignore what was previously known. When to see that
what was thought to know is not known. Esoteric psychology is a new
kind of knowledge. If you insist on knowing how he always knew, this
job never touch us. This job is a new knowledge, new knowledge. If
you do not take this new knowledge to our knowledge, no effect on us.
If it is certain to know everything and while it is connected with
the Work not understand it. This job is to change our knowledge.

In connection with this work takes place many results. Some are good
and some bad. It is impossible to control the action that the job has
on different people. It can impart new knowledge to a person and can
be understood rightly or wrongly. If you have a good magnetic center
is presumed to mean the job properly. Moreover, if such person lacks
or has a Magnetic Center evil Magnetic Center, which is often
connected with sex is wrong, it is impossible to say what will
happen. You all must understand that this job does not promise any
one. You can enter the job and make the best according to our level.
The Work does not care about us, what matters is whether the job to
us. Work starts worrying about us if we care about him. Many people
take this Work as attitudes and values of life. They imagine that by
having achieved success in life can do at work. This is a very wrong
idea. A person who succeeds in life can possibly be very useful in
the job, but this only happens with people who have some idea to
serve and obey. You must understand that it is very difficult to
teach a system to which no one wants to serve and obey. Necessarily
enter here the main assessment. One person must Magnetic Center-ie,
acquired a sense of the difference between life and this job. Maybe
consider a number of events that happen, some of which are merely
ordinary-life events, daily tasks, the profession and others in a
very different kind. If you find this hard to understand, try to
think what kind of events that have happened outside the business
life "or to domestic life and do not have any sequence with routine
events. Visit us sometimes strange experiences strange events or
interiors. Now, if no power of distinguishing between ordinary and
exceptional things has no Magnetic Center. Possessing Magnetic Center
means it has life divided into two categories-the category of common,
everyday things and grade of rather unusual things. Of course, if you
do not pay attention to the unusual things and seen as if they were
hysterical, absurd, ridiculous or neurotic, you can be assured that
no Magnetic Center. This means it lacks the power to discriminate
between influences A and B. All of your most valuable experience, and
here I give the sense of potentially valuable, will be considered as
meaningless and all their shared experience will be regarded as
sound, appropriate, respectable and fair. However, the ability to
grow lies in what is usual or ordinary, or common. None of you will
grow because of common experiences that are shared by everyone else.
The common experiences belong in the service of nature. It can be
served in nature or not, but neither can go beyond serving nature
unless you did. Above all we must be Good Householders that is,
having reached a certain level of efficiency and understand ordinary
that this applies equally to men and women. Life is a pretty bad
proposition for most of us and the difficulties borne by men and
women in different ways. Life falls equally on men and women but in
different directions and punishment is rather heavy. There is no
escape from life within reach in some sense be equal to it. This job
really starts to be significant when somehow equals life. If you get
the job before they become equal to life may or may not help. It will
help if you have a good understanding. If the other party using this
job to escape the life will not help us. For this reason it is said
in the job that some people should take life and others do not.
Eventually, for this acting job with full power upon us, we must have
done something, something supported for quite some time to be equal
to life. Some time ago when I was talking about this, is the
following question: "What do you mean by being equal to life?" It
means being equal to our vanity. Of course, everyone is looking for a
vanity made. A person longs to be a soldier, another a member of
Parliament, another marriage, another to have wealth, another to be a
millionaire, the other controlling a sector of finance, another to be
general, and so on. And on a smaller scale the husband wants to
dominate his wife and the woman dominating her husband or the wife
wants to be the best dressed person in your social circle and have
the best furniture or man wants to have the best car or the best
garden or be the most healthy and vigorous man of the neighborhood.
All these ambitions and a hundred and one more is the driving energy
and daily flow.

Now when a man has fulfilled his fantasies, when it has come to
equate the ideas of False Personality, usually begins to die in the
internal sense. You may have heard that this job was made for people
who have reached the end of life. Life, of course, means our life and
our life is psychologically what we want. If a person's life is to
win a million pounds or becoming the most famous Hollywood star, then
it has achieved no more life left him, psychologically speaking. Of
course, you can continue to live for long, but if you do, you're
dead. G. O. once said on one occasion in which O. I had brought a
former London Club of fame: "Why bring me in the presence of tombs
and cemeteries and dead people?" The Club was very distinguished and
many members were seated in different parts of the smoking-room.
Recall in this regard what I said once: G. stated that while walking
down the street one by rule bodies meets with people who have died
long ago in themselves. Those people who are dead are people who
think they know. Now when you get to meet the ordinary ambitions when
that person becomes one imagines should become in our particular
fantasy, when you have won a million and has remained the most
successful star, or have better furniture than the next, it becomes
equal to life in our idea of it. Then it begins to die. If you always
wanted a degree and comes to possess it, has become equal to their
idea of life has become what he wanted to be in life so he can rest
content. It has become, say, better than his neighbor, became the
best cricketer in the best-dressed woman in the best boxer in the
most ingenious of the Club, the Member of Parliament, in a notorious
figure, passed his exams, became a qualified physician, a social
success, accomplish something in life that suits your ambition. In
each case this is equal to life. It is match your idea of life.
Having achieved this particular ambition, it feels like to live. This
is a very interesting thing on which to reflect, you want to be and
what it means for a person individually to achieve equality with
life. If your ambitions are not satisfied feel that is not equal to
life. Among all the forces acting upon mankind in a purely cosmic
forces are always those who are always leading to a man or woman to
achieve some stability or equality with life.

To distinguish themselves from the life to be different from life,

whether life forces play the mansion or palace, as it were, is
something very difficult, and the strength that allows escape these
forces purely cosmic origin is very different from any of the forces
created by the same life. Just consider for a moment: you all are
serving life around, everyone sees that the forces of life at all
times act on people, everyone sees the jealousy, hatred and acting
like other passions in life. Can you imagine that life may improve
while people remain what it is? Now if you talk to people who are
very immersed in life will always find that they have the certainty
of knowing. They are quite sure of knowing what is most convenient.
Even though we are living in this so-called century of progress,
characterized by the worst war that has ever happens, everyone will
tell you what you should know better and are working to be done. It
is worth reflecting that things do not seem to do as well. Apparently
we live in the midst of the confusion in spite of our scientific
knowledge, but do not want to discuss this on this issue. What I want
to point out is that everyone thinks they know and think they know
that subject to the chain of cause and effect. Consider a person who
thinks he knows everything about the present age, all about the
present horrors of war, the decline of inner feeling. This is my
question: "Why worsen the world, why we kill each other
indiscriminately bomb?" He will say they know, that science knows. He
will say that everything leads to progress and that there is an
inevitable process of evolution after each period of history. You can
discuss this idea. Let me ask this question: "Are you sure that over
time equals progress?"

Let us now take us. Suppose that we can evolve, do you think that you
can evolve if already known? Among you are perfectly convinced many
know. Rather would not know. The reason why not see themselves taking
what is known as fixed and final. They think they know. They have the
certainty of knowing what is good and what is bad. It's not just
vanity that drives them to think they know, but ignorance. From the
standpoint of the Superior Man are all ridiculous, like monkeys.

When put into contact with this Work should start, if they feel the
Work, gradually understand that they need not know and ignore. This
is a very difficult experience. Of course we all know, right? Then,
on the assumption that we know, we try to grasp this job. We are all
convinced we know all the basics, we are all convinced that our life
is perfectly fine. And according to this attitude as we understand
the job and the new knowledge of the Work. We, of course, know
everything, and when we hear that this job is we understand a new
knowledge based on our previous knowledge. We always thought we knew,
that everything we do or say is done consciously, that everything we
do is the result of our thinking, we will, we can act like us and so
on. The real difficulty is that we already know everything. Know I'm
not talking about science, history, or something. I am saying that we
all know what is right. The only phrase that comes to mind here is
that everyone knows "what is". If you could actually see themselves
impartially, it takes a long time and a long training, start to see
something in you always gave everything for granted, said
automatically for you what was right and wrong, its decisions,
although yourselves have no idea what those decisions were based.
That meek person who works automatically is the person who always
thinks it knows. I know that some of you will say that this is not
fair, it's not true, say they do not pretend to have any knowledge,
that there are very well aware that they know nothing about science,
history, politics, to say that not pretend to know anything. Are you
sure to discern what this means? Are you going to say I never did
anything as I knew the idea? People are convicted all the time,
objected to things at all times. I would be delighted to find a
person who was convinced that he knows nothing. Do not act according
to all of you know, that is, as know-what they think? If a person
knows that nothing really felt, could possibly object to all things?
But are we not continually opposing objections, blaming people,
judging people, condemning people, and so on? Did you not at the
mercy of likes and dislikes, saying to himself, that person is not
important and that person is important? Well, let me ask you frankly:
"Not so in their daily lives and not based on the feeling you know?
Do you understand what it means to know? Everyone thinks they know
and act accordingly. The purpose of this Work is to ignore what is
known. Of course, they can not ignore what they know but feel very
doubtful about what they know. Try looking from the angle of what
they feel certain they know. Each of you has feelings of certainty.
You may be interested in this job and your new knowledge and also be
sure you already know. We will once again this question: "If they are
convinced they already know how they can grasp new knowledge?" Have
you ever thought to apply to themselves what they teach at Work?

For example, take a devastating knowledge taught by the Job: Work

here has shown that neither a real self, that neither of you has the
power to do anything, that each of you is a mechanical figure that
reacts against life as a machine. No doubt you all are not convinced,
huh? You all think they are capable of doing, which is an integrity
that always remains the same. Not notice that at different times are
very different, not notice that at different times different "I"
speak for your mouth. They act as if it were one and the same person
at all times. This is an example of how to think they know. In fact,
both think we know who does not take this new knowledge about
himself. Receive emotionally this new knowledge not one but many "I"
contradictory requires much courage, frankness and deep insight.

In a conversation I once had with G. tried to explain that we all

have a life made up of small cheap T that are on the surface, ie in
the moving parts of the centers. He continued by saying that nobody
can develop if living this life mean and superficial. She said in her
speech mispronounced "needed to be man." I was working with at that
time in the carpentry workshop at the Institute of France. In the few
hours of work repeated the phrase "needed to be man." The starting
point of this phrase was my irritation from a piece of wood to be
drilled and it broke. I considered as the reason for negative-ie, I
put the blame on the wood. The observation of G. made me realize for
the first time in a practical way what it means to be a man and not a
piece of wood that breaks. Now this was new to my knowledge. What had
known before had been transformed into new knowledge. My old way of
knowing was to blame for having broken wood in the same way that all
our knowledge is based on blaming others. I began to know
differently. How do I know all of you, in connection with what I'm
saying? You all think you know. Yes, but will they be sure that his
power of knowing the lead to anything? All knowledge of the Work is
to let them know differently. Some of you try to keep this job living
in the present circumstances, others do not make any attempt to do
so. Indeed, some think the job he has to be taught and done nothing
to earn it. This job is a new way of knowing because it is new
knowledge and you must all pay through effort. Knowing differently,
learn a new way, means that they can understand everything in a very
different, linked in a very different way with things and people.
However, one must pay for this new knowledge. If you expect to
deliver this once a week is making a big mistake. You are making a
big mistake if you think in a few minutes you will be given the
understanding of this job.
Let me ask: Has this job yourself? Have you tried taking the job in
practice? Have you tried to remind himself? Have you tried not to
identify, if not negative? Have you stopped the self-justification
and thinking you are better than others? Has the shock of the job
itself? However, you may think you know everything. My God, examine
yourself. I ask them to apply knowledge of the job yourself and not
think they already know. How wonderful to see that a person begins to
ignore and not always know everything! That is wonderful to see a man
or a woman to change, become sweeter, calmer! How wonderful to not
have to be what it believes to be, keep that False Personality, this
pseudo yes! How extraordinary it is closer to the real self, which
can come only by separating from the false things in oneself, one
after another! How wonderful to get rid of that invention itself is
taken as yourself, and how much effort it costs! But let me add that
everyone should become equal to life in some way before he can move
towards this new goal of getting rid of himself. Recall that in the
esoteric teaching in the Gospels (which is the same as this teaching,
because all the Esoteric Psychology is the same) is said to attain a
higher level of being, called the kingdom of heaven, we must be as a
little boy. Remember the rich man, who was imbued with the idea he
could do, the idea of helping humanity, was told to sell everything
he owned, separate from everything familiar. He said, remember, the
rich man who felt he could do, that "it is easier for a camel through
the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Do
you understand all of you now for what they have come to know that
this does not refer to the true wealth but to each one individually,
believing you know? Understand the external work on the basis of what
they know. You will feel all of you here now that there is nothing
really wrong with you, who know what is good? Do you not understand
this work as something special, additional and still attached to
their old rules and feel rich in its various forms of respectability
and adulation? Now this is the difficulty, this is the downside,
which is between me and fa. Think like the rich had to sell
everything before we can follow Christ. Do you think this job can
continue with their present attitudes, values, self esteem, self-
feelings, which you are all rich? Remember what they mean
esoterically wealth. Mean self-esteem, self-love, the feeling of
knowing, the feeling of always being right, always be admirable,
virtuous, unattainable.

Just add one thing: you do not - far from it-at least to see for
himself through a long self-observation, not going any place, and
this job will fail in its purpose with respect to yourself.

What a beautiful thing you! What is most interesting person you! Is

not that right? And how has suffered no? And what comfort is all
being on this earth!
Birdlip, April 1945


(It was read at the Meeting of Great Amwell House, on Saturday 25

September 1953)

We often think that our problems would be different if there were a

change in our situation. This is because we believe that if things
were different we would be different outside. This is always a form
of expectation is very natural. More experience does not lead us to
think this way. It is true that a change of circumstances occurs
momentarily louder because there is an increase of impressions. But
wherever we go we get ourselves-that is, our level of being-and as
you know, Labor says that our level of being attracts our life. It
attracts our psychological life-that is, after a while we create the
same enemies, the same difficulties, the same kind of repeating
everything. But a change of circumstances is often very necessary
condition not expect that this change makes us different. Here is the
idea of the final room of the octaves. An octave may be at the same
time in relation to external circumstances, with living conditions,
also in connection with other people. With respect to the latter, we
discovered that we no longer know most of our classmates. Sometimes
we wonder why we have kept alive those first friendships. But this
view is wrong because the eighth over. However, there are octaves in
the job that never ends in relation to the links. The friends are a
temporary thing, but Labor's friends are something else. In this
respect they recall a saying of Labor stating that divides life, but
the job together. We are here in this city of London, a group of
people trying to unite rather than divide-pass to an increasing order
instead of going to a growing confusion, and no external change of
circumstances can change this feeling that gives us the job . They
must understand that we can not get rid of each other, never again
"not seeing" someone, if we're talking about people at work. The
problems that arise between them remain the same in spite of external
circumstances. We feel very good that some finished eighth on the
external circumstances of the Work itself, and that we need a change
of circumstances. But this does not mean that our work with each
other, or ourselves, or in connection with the Work itself should
change. When we gain a good working relationship "with the Work
itself should change. When we gain a good working relationship with
ourselves, we know not what we have said. We know in fact that
nothing external can amend this issue, though, as I said, a change in
external circumstances can give us some strength and allow us see
things from a different angle. When preparing your luggage in and out
of trip takes you about yourself. No need packaged, and if you forget
many things that ought to pack, nothing of yourself left behind, so
after a while we find that, despite the new circumstances and new
impressions, we are face to face with the same job and the same three
lines. I remember once G. O. told that should be a traveling circus,
whose facade was hidden behind the job. I thought how wonderful it
would go to new places and leave behind all the concerns that arose
in last place as if it were possible to escape from yourself for a
constant change of surroundings. But later I realized it was not
possible and that even a constant change of circumstances becomes
mechanical as everything else. G. always taught with emphasis that in
time everything becomes mechanical. You learn to work on it in some
way, for example, and after a while it becomes mechanical and no
longer gives us more strength. A change is necessary. Once in London
showed that our task is to open up new parts of the school which we
understand things in new ways, whatever our condition. For example,
said that prayer was good if it is conscious, but if it becomes
useless mechanics, and an opportunity O. said a man living in a
prison cell-that is, continuously in the same environment-Locked
could do this by changing your physical activity to their
confinement. But if we are continually in the same environment, it
contributes to the mechanical-and thus sometimes a change of
environment is desirable. But I have no illusions to think that a
change of environment will make everything different and more easy
for me. The imagination always paints the picture with beautiful
colors that if some things were different field could, for example,
focus more. But this is imagination. In a new outline would find the
same difficulties. External things are often different but our
relations with them tend to be the same after a while, and gradually
we will repeat our typical life-that is, our being will attract the
same factors and difficulties, unless we work.

Now, we go from one place to another and there will be a major factor
which can be definitely think it is a new factor-namely, that we will
get in touch with many more people in this job, and because of this
we will be more stronger and less divided. It will be very convenient
for us all, and this I think will be one of the most important things
that will come in changing our external circumstances. More
impressions succeed each other, I mean job prints. We will feel
better again so that mutual relations Labor force will increase.
We'll see each other, and often more people, and this is a very
desirable thing and something we expect all of us here. Those who
lagged temporiariamente that eventually will be guided to this new
arrangement and it may take its rightful place. Remember, the job
always finds a way if we trust in him and are able to withstand a
temporary deprivation without fainting. But one thing always remains
the same-that is, we must endure the unpleasant manifestations of
each other wherever we are and learn that we rarely have reason in
our judgments about people.

(This talk was directed by Dr. Nicoll to those of us in Birdlip,

before moving into Ugley.)
Great Amwell House, Fall 1950


In ancient parables are often compared to Man with a house. He lives

in the house of his being in that house are many rooms on different
floors. Every man has a house where he lives with typical attitudes,
prejudices and habits, generally corresponding to the lower rooms of
himself. You can live in the best rooms, however when you hear
something new, something strange, returning to his own house, unless
it has received a very deep impression, which will elevate it to new
rooms in the house of his being, momentarily, only to return to the
old rooms-that is, it's probably a few rooms located on the ground
floor, which usually takes mentally and emotionally. Thus it is said
that on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles after the crowd
heard the words of Christ: "Everyone went home." (John VII, 53). They
had not understood anything new.

Again, in a former Eastern allegory, Man is compared to a house

containing many servants. This is a picture of Man as seen from
another angle. Man is not one but many. In that house there are many
different Ts and has no owner. However, the man thinks he is one and
the same person at all times and not realize that at different times
is a very different person. In another eastern allegory, Man is
likened to an assembly. In this assembly gets up first an "I" and
says something and you sit. Then another "I" stands up and says
otherwise. For example, a man says: "Today I'm going out" and then
adds: "I do not think I will because it is too cold." It discerns two
different Ts are talking. Then another "I" stands up and says: "We
must get out or we could lose our jobs because there's always the
possibility of meeting someone important." So far three Ts are up in
the assembly. Other "I" can stand up and say different things. This
is a picture of Man considered as a house containing different Ts. As
a result, Man is the result of all these different "I" to form the
assembly itself.

From another angle, Man is a country psychologically. Just as in a

visible region there are many places, many cities and villages, many
other desirable and undesirable locations, such as marshes, swamps,
slums, dangerous streets, and is internally Man. The Psalmist says,
"Let me know the way wherein I should walk" (Psalm CXLIII, 8). That
is, in itself. It is extraordinary how we tend to walk the unpleasant
places in ourselves. Just as in real external life, avoid walking
through dangerous places, in neighborhoods notorious in treacherous
swamps, so it will be possible to avoid walking through dangerous
places in our inner self. However, because the man has the allusion
of being one and the same person at all times we can not discern the
meaning of teachings that are dressed in languages and images and
allegories such as those mentioned above. Man thought to be the same
when it is dominated by his bad character or has a friendly mood. It
is seen that while two different people. Neither realizes that goes
by two different places in their own country psychologically.
However, it is very difficult to break this illusion that man is one
and the same, which is the starting point of any further self-
development. All these different places in our country are
represented by different psychological place in the spiritual world.
It is the country's psychological self in the place where we really

What is the spiritual world? First, is the invisible world of our

thoughts and feelings. If you say there is an unseen world, then I
will not agree with you. His thoughts are invisible, their feelings
are invisible. Do you really believe that they are visible? This is
the first aspect of the invisible or spiritual world. Nobody can
"see" their thoughts or their feelings with their external senses.
But does not the real thing in you? You can have a good command of
himself and not outwardly show their true thoughts or feelings, or
the face is not in the gestures, but with everything for you are more
real than the visible world outside. If you say that the invisible
spiritual world is unreal, makes a profound mistake. He thinks he is
merely the body, visible to everyone. You are, in fact, reversed.

If you are in a bad place in his psychological country will suffer

even when surrounded by the greatest physical comforts. Say you hate.
Have dinner parties can cure this condition? So many places a man has
in himself, many rooms in the house of his being. Where do you walk
in itself? What is the psychological place in his country that
continually visit? (We say: their grievances.) Complain of being
unhappy and feels that if only I could have more material comfort
would be happier .. To some extent it may be true, because poverty is
hard to bear. But if you always walk usually unpleasant places in
yourself, hating and envying the other, material wealth will not cure
your unhappiness. It is not a foreign issue. So, having learned to
walk through life with some cunning outside, we need another
education in which one must learn to walk within ourselves, and in
which rooms, what we live in the house floors ourselves, and with
what "I" let's arm. Because on each floor, at each level, there is a
different thinking and feeling, and we learn which one is best.

If we were to say how a man can get to owning your own home, we
should dwell too much, yet at the same time a man can begin to
observe yourself, and if you find what you observe in itself may
follow the direction to take you to find the true owner but absent
from his own house-that is, you can attract. People think they hear a
lecture or read a book, you can change them, but after hearing a
lecture or read a book, "every man return to his own house" and will
remain exactly what it was before, otherwise, with all modern means
of transmitting knowledge, the world would have changed long ago. No,
if a change is a deeper problem. Only you can do.

Yes, the problem is deeper. A man must know himself before he can
change. And here comes another illusion. Each believes himself known.
Offended if you tell it is not known. Everyone who behaves with full
knowledge of their behavior and what they said and why he says it.
That remains in the same place, in the same house, and in the same
place at home, in the same "I" that makes for itself. Man was given
more than you need, and this is one of the mysteries of life. Only
part of his brain. He was given more than they need to live their
natural life. He was given a home much broader uses, or needs to use
for the purposes of ordinary life. As I said, has a brain that is
much wider than you need. And so mechanistic theories are irrelevant.
It has, in the whole house which received, functions not used to,
sometimes, say, in moments of great fatigue, stress and illness-are
revealed to him momentarily. Then flows into another 'psychological
part of their country or to another room in the house of his being.
Pay attention, "is already there. Then he falls back into its normal
state and he thinks he has experienced something that belongs to
another order and irrelevant to ordinary life. What has happened is
that he has experienced things at another level, they are in another
room. It was a moment o. two in a room on the top floor of her house
and saw all things in a very different, such as when you are in a
high altitude. You may think that everything is meaningless. But
apart from these strange experiences, a man can learn that even in
ordinary life it is possible to change training to walk the contacts
usually unpleasant places in the country psychologically for life
accepted as normal. In fact, he learns to have another life and stop
blaming other at all times. Begins to turn around within himself and
is accused of being allowed to walk in dangerous places. Experiencing
this investment is likely

In the Gospels it says that Heaven has many places. Provided that
another essential. "The kingdom of heaven is at center of you," helps
us understand the importance of knowing what we place in our country
psychologically. These two ideas warn us that our state of being will
be our own judge in deciding which home in our Father's house we go
after death.

It is said that the disciples were to "Heaven", but there exists a

special place. Christ said: "I go to prepare a place for you." (John
XIV 2). He also said: "In my Father's house are many mansions." So
there are many other places and dwellings apart from those prepared
for the disciples. When I first conceived the past in those terms I
felt much relief. Skies there are many, not one. There are so many
different places in the next world like this. As a child, when I was
in church and watched the parishioners used to think would not really
go to Heaven with all the people deserving and if she remained a
Christian should go. This created a difficulty in my mind, one of
those first strange difficulties of which one is conscious throughout
life but are not mentioned. When I realized from my own reading that
Heaven was not a place but many dwellings and places, this particular
difficulty disappeared. No one had helped me overcome this
difficulty. At the end of the hard-won.

As far as I can remember, I never thought in my inner thought that

there was no life after death, nor Christ had with domestic problems.
What Christ said I seemed to be at a level beyond any discussion,
however difficult it was. Maintaining the view that this world and
everything that happens in it is all and is explicable in terms of
itself, really like a story invented by an idiot, full of sound and
fury. Later, I realized that the attempt to explain the world in
terms of itself was impossible. Something had to be adjusted over the
world, some other explanation. So I would say the idea of another
world is a psychological truth. Why? Because it gives more meaning to
the naked truth of the physical senses. Call this world and his life
a testing or whatever you prefer, but unless it is given another kind
of meaning, comes to meaningless. I am sure that the brave and
intelligent youth who die by no means complete. I think there is a
place prepared for them, even to brave violent. No doubt, physically,
we have no evidence for this. But the psychological truth is higher
than the physical truth, and the next world is invisible to the
senses as it is psychological understanding. Does radio in our main
thing is not visible the invisible? The idea that after death will be
somewhere in accordance with the quality of our inner life
strengthens us and gives us initiative. It gives new meaning and thus
a new force. The behavior of our life is useless. So I would say that
there is another order of truth and the proof is in the power and
meaning it gives us. A saints and martyrs were given by psychological
truth, the strength to endure what they endured. But we speak of
saints and martyrs or of the young and brave, who also endured the
unspeakable, glimpse the otherworldly nature taught by Christ, we are
relieved because it makes us see that some will go to a dwelling and
other to another. Seen in this light, all these merciful Christ, is
it not "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not, I
would have told you, I go to prepare a place for you, one of the most
merciful to our human understanding of the afterlife?

Some believe that in Heaven we will meet our relatives. There will be
meetings with the relatives. They think that our neighbor is the
neighbor of the house next door. The physical thinking makes such
confusion in the Gospels, the Gospels are psychological. But the
crucifixion of Christ symbolizes psychological thinking is always
time to overcome physical and literal thinking. But psychologically
our nearest neighbor is in understanding. Being in Heaven
understanding between people of totally different would be a torment-
in short, Hell. Christ is the psychological meaning, for example, an
order-that is, realize that to give one example, the killing begins
with the psychological hate, and that if men are jealous and hate
each other, can kill or not physically, but they are killing all the
time. The purification of the emotions-think self-pity, envy. hatred,
malice, jealousy, and not just sex-it depends on our psychological
understanding. Thou shalt not kill commandment is a literal and
physical psychological means: No hate or kill internally, "because
hatred, which is psychological, physical leads to killing. Just
noticing some of our fantasies. Do not kill them? I imagine that many
people have killed some of its physical neighbors and relatives at
different times. But thank God they have not done physically. Why
not? Because they have external constraints. They feared the law,
police, loss of reputation, all the consequences. Although killed in
his heart, seem virtuous, full of merit. But in the next world as I
have said many mystics and philosophers, it is judged by what is our
heart, outside the constraints that the law, society, fear of loss of
reputation, makes us appear externally. We are judged by our internal
state and sent to the scene to which we belong.

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