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competition and territoriality reduce chaos and enhance compatibility,

creating interdependence in adapted animals
Nature's Holism has evolved and continues to do so. For a guide through a conden
sed version of Nature's Holism, go to the synposis and follow the links in the t
op right corner. The book, Nature's Holism (or ecotaoism ) provides an ecologica
l model as an alternative (對立假設) to the "competitive" theory of evolution (蛻變過程). I
deas found in Nature's Holism are now 20 years old.
Nature's Holism - ecology and evolution:
We will examine how species associated within the same habitat or ecosystem evol
ve ( coevolution ) so as not to destroy the ecosystem upon which they depend for
their success and survival. I will show you a holistic view of nature and ecosy
stems. You will see how the interdependence between long-associated (coadapted)
species within an ecosystem affects the ecological structure of natural systems

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Natural selection acts upon a creature within a specific niche in nature. The an
imal's biology is defined by this environment (環境壓力)- its form, physiology and behaviou
are shaped by the complexity of the natural world. As well as physical fitness,
an animal requires "ecofitness" - adaptations that reduce the impact of the the
species upon the habitat that it occupies.
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Ecotaoism states that any organism perpetuates (永存) its kind in association with the
other life forms (or cultures), causing a holistic feedback response from all a
ssociated species within the ecosystem. Along with numerical perpetuation as a s
pecies (or culture), is the moderating feedback from (or necessary compatibility
with) other organisms (or cultures) that depend upon a shared ecosystem, habita
t or resource. While the drive to perpetuate is aggressive and takes from the en
vironment, consuming resources or impacting on species and cultures, the associa
ted need for environmental compatibility originates from feedback forces from th
e environment due to the interdependence of organisms within an ecosystem. This
is epitomised by the interdependence (相互依) and association of the bee and the flower a
physical example of the outcome of this process in nature and can be called ecof
itness. Holism derives from the fact that all the interacting species are depend
ent upon the same habitat.
Some excerpts and quotes from this ecology and evolution site:
On Compatibility:
"Evolutionary processes lead naturally to interactions and behaviour that provid
e a degree of compatibility between long-associated organisms, termed ecofitness
. An ecofit animal exhibits behaviour reducing its effect upon the habitat or ec
osystem upon which it depends for survival."
"Perpetuity and compatibility (兼容性) represent two different projections of the same id
ea or complex - a single indivisible process in operation."
On Holism:
""Holism is an attempt at synthesis, an attempt at bringing together many curren
ts of thought and development such as we have seen in our day. It is not a syste
m of philosophy" (Smuts, 1952).
" Holism does not challenge religions, but points to a more harmonious way of li
fe that respects and preserves God's Creation."
"By "Holism" I mean that nature shows an interdependence expressed as a reciproc
ity between long-associated organisms (living plants and animals), forming a nat
ural panoply."
"Life forms are selected for (through natural selection), that have a common beh
avioural and physical characteristic; that is they conform to a COMMON PRINCIPLE
defined by our material universe. This is the principle of compatibility or eco
fitness, which leads one to a holistic conception, and is reflected in a behavio
ural strategy of the animal that ensures its perpetuation (survival). Smuts desc
ribes this principle as Holism."
"Smuts recognised in the discoveries of the New Physics of 1926, an important HO
LISTIC principle: "the structural character of matter indicates that it is also
creative, not of its own stuff, but of the forms, (chemical) arrangements, and p
atterns which constitute all its value in the physical sphere."" Holism is sourc
ed in the very nature of the elements.
"Smuts recognises what all religions call for: "how important a part moral disci
pline plays in the furtherance of the evolutionary holistic scheme."" Holism inf
luences our moral and ethical culture.
Much of what Darwin said has holistic flair. There are repeated examples of this
. To use his own words, he uses the term "struggle for existence" in a "metaphor
ical sense" "INCLUDING DEPENDENCE OF ONE BEING ON ANOTHER (equated partially wit
h compatibility), and including not only the life of the individual, but success
in leaving progeny" (equated with PERPETUITY). "Therefore, as more individuals
are produced than can possibly survive, there must always be a struggle for exis
tence (interaction). Interactors he called "enemies or COMPETITORS."
"Instead of the animistic, or the mechanistic, or the mathematical universe, we
see the genetic, organic, holistic universe, in which the decline of the earlier
physical patterns provides the opportunity for the emergence of the more advanc
ed vital and rational patterns" (Smuts, 1952)
"Smuts sees the individual personality as central to Holism and as the most rece
nt holistic expression that has emerged through evolution. He says, "To me the h
olistic aspect of the universe is fundamental, and appears to be the key positio
n both for the science and the philosophy of the future.""
"Charles Darwin observed that if any one species does not become modified and im
proved in a corresponding degree (coevolution) with its competitors, it will soo
n be exterminated." In Holism, this last principle differs from competition in t
hat while becoming "modified and improved," interactions are altered to reduce t
he effect of interactors upon one another."
"Charles Darwin introduces three principles fundamental to Holism: [1] the idea
of co-adaptations and "complex co-adaptations of structure between one organic b
eing and another, which we see everywhere throughout nature" (coevolution) and [
2] the idea that interactions are economic: "natural selection is continually tr
ying to ECONOMISE in every part of the organisation." [3] The importance of inte
ractions leads to the recognition that "each new variety or species, during the
progress of its formation, will generally press hardest on its nearest kindred,
and tend to exterminate them." A consequence of this interaction is the evolutio
n of decreased interactions. "The truth of the principle, that the greatest amou
nt of life can be supported by great diversification of structure, is seen under
many circumstances." . . . "Natural selection will not produce absolute perfect
ion," but does lead to improved varieties surviving."
"Holism simplifies life and causes a peaceful order."
"Natural selection in the holistic model acts upon the individual" . . . " Adapt
ation , when between organisms that are both evolving, leads to what appears lik
e group selection, but is coadaptation (in its many guises)."
"Smuts' Holism presents another revolution that shall dawn upon us. As the facts
of the world-view of Holism unfold we should see immense changes in our dealing
s with and understanding of nature. Holism will encompass every aspect of modern
technology and require that we reform our association with nature and make our
activities more benign."
"Holism opens the door to religion. In holism there is the possibility for the u
nification of the religious, evolutionary, scientific and materialistic approach
es to life. Holism requires a revolutionary change in attitudes from all sides t
o fit each as part of a whole system. With personality as the ultimate holistic
expression, as believed by Smuts, its influence must penetrate our souls and ext
end out to the smallest life form! In the context of this chapter, Smuts made th
e following observation at the age of 78, "When I look at the world unrest today
and the confusion which prevails in science, in philosophy, in religion and in
our whole human outlook and setup, I feel more and more that in the concept of h
olism we have the key to many a door, and the way to ultimate solutions. Somethi
ng holistic is at the heart of things and in the nature of this universe, which
is not a mere chance or random assemblement of items. The detailed things derive
most of their meaning, significance and functioning from the whole of which the
y are but parts. They are not mere parts but really members of wholes. Both as a
metaphysical and as a scientific concept the whole is basic to an understanding
of the world. And in sociology and religion this is more clearly the case. Rela
tivity is only a halfway house to this more fundamental concept" (Smuts, 1952)."
A similar sentiment was expressed by Aldos Leopold , the American Environmental
ist, ". . . the problem we face is the extension of the social conscience from p
eople to land. No important change in ethics was ever accomplished without an in
ternal change in our intellectual emphasis, loyalties, affections, and convictio
On the Ecological Niche within Ecosystems:
"Ecologists call the role of the creature, the niche of the creature. An ecologi
cal niche requires a multidimensional description of an organism's total environ
ment and way of life. This niche includes physical factors such as temperature a
nd moisture, biological factors such as food resources, parasites, predators and
behavior, including social organisation and diurnal activities" (Lewontin, 1978
). "Although we can imagine many niches, the only niches are occupied niches" (C
ohen & Stuart, 1994). People retreat to nature, for recreation, recognising some
type of harmony and peace there that brings peace of mind. In nature, we find r
elaxation, peace, aesthetic qualities, and a serenity that humanity cannot recre
ate in a city. There is a spiritual quality to nature that is not easily defined
. An observer of animals in nature soon recognises the interdependence and balan
ce that exists. Many have recognised this idea of the niche of an organism: "The
crocodile isolated from his environment was not the same animal" (Savory, 1988)
. "The place of a living individual (human, animal, or plant) can be evaluated m
eaningfully only when it is seen in its integrative, collective, ecological cont
ext" (ecosystem) (Peet, 1992). "Every species depends on other species for food
and for providing its habitat" (Diamond, 1991). "A species is what it is where i
t is" (Rolston, 1992). "An environment is what a creature knows - and knows in a
certain way." "The creature is, in this way, part of its environment, though on
e could as truly say that the environment is part of it" (Cooper, 1992). "It is
quite impossible to think of an organism without an environment" (Begon et al, 1
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On Evolutionary Biology:
A document, "Evolution, Science, and Society: a " white paper " on behalf of the
field of evolutionary biology" states that "Evolutionary biology is the discipl
ine that describes the history of life and investigates the processes that accou
nt for this history." It seeks to explain the life's diversity, the variety of o
rganisms, their characteristics, and their changes over time. As such, biodivers
ity studies can be said to be part of the discipline of evolutionary biology. As
a subdiscipline of evolutionary biology, this study falls within evolutionary e
cology. This white paper identifies a priority research area to be "development
and testing of predictive theories on the coevolution of interacting species. .
." The focus of this electronic text is on a coevolutionary mechanism.
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On Chaos(混亂變異):
A situation can occur in nature where some resource suddenly disappears and a po
pulation's growth rate (r) or population density is suddenly too high . . . In e
ffect, a resource limit (environment), throws the population into chaos.
On Complexity:
In ecosystems, the individual organisms are components of the system that intera
ct locally to varying degrees. As a result of these interactions and the dynamic
process of natural selection, a global property for the system emerges. The mai
n property elaborated in this book is the emergence of compatibility. THIS PROPE
of a complex dynamical system due to the constraints and limits of the system (
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On religion & ecology:

Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah's Apostle said, "There is none amongst the Muslim
s who plants a tree or sows seeds, and then a bird, or a person or an animal eat
s from it, but is regarded as a charitable gift for him." (Sahih Bukhari, V 3 (3
9), Number 513) (Islamic religion).
On Nature:
Technology's future lies in close coordination with nature. Technology has the p
otential of becoming biological in that it forms part of the human organism that
evolves and adapts to the environment, enhancing human perpetuity and compatibi
lity with the world in which we live. We need to develop biological systems that
function with minimal managerial effort, and to produce food and other items fo
r human use with minimal environmental impact. Around such technological centres
, where we manipulate nature to serve our needs, nature will flourish in all her
wild freedom. Through necessity, we will have to grant nature her wilderness.
All talk of teleology is due to our subjection to time.
Science and Technology:
Society is turning to science to solve environmental and other problems through
technological fixes. In terms of the principles of natural selection we are beco
ming more specialised. Being specialised, we are becoming more dependent upon te
chnology for our survival and less able to adapt. Instead of forcing our way thr
ough with genetic engineering, biotechnology, nuclear fission reactors, deadly c
hemicals and the total replacement of ecosystems with highly mechanised and heav
ily fertilised monoculture-type agriculture, we need to learn nature's constrain
ts and adapt our lifestyles to these conditions. In effect, we need to despecial
ise while maintaining educational and living standards as high as possible. We n
eed to harness nature's forces, placing humanity at the center of ecosystem proc
Immanuel Kant:
Kant recognises the heritable character and variation present in nature and its
potential ecological consequence: "Nature organises itself, and does so in each
species of its organised products - following a SINGLE PATTERN (inheritance), ce
rtainly as to general features, but ADMITTING DEVIATIONS (genetic variation) cal
culated to secure self-preservation (perpetuity) under particular circumstances
(ecological adaptation)."
On Ecotaoism:
"Ecotaoism is a term used for an ancient way of life and ideas expressed within
the context of modern science. It is an environmental principle based on ecology
and evolution. An investigation of existing principles, has shown that the anci
ent Chinese Taoist forces of yin and yang are similar (類比) to the idea that I presen
t. From this context, the term ecotaoism was coined."
"By examining how two associated species evolve (co-evolution), one arrives at a
holistic view of nature where interdependence between long-associated species w
ithin an ecosystem is dominant. Ecotaoism can be called the science that studies
the evolution of interdependence within ecosystems."
"An idea that does not conflict with religious or cultural beliefs, is easy to u
nderstand, and threatens no ideology, but rather improves the chances of peace,
ecological stability and environmental health, should spread and evolve at an in
credible rate."

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