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“Individual Psychology Counseling”

Lecturer :

Dr. Marjohan, M.pd., Kons

Arranged By

Name : Lara Amanda Dwidjo

NIM : 18006081

Department of Guidance and Counseling

Faculty of Education

Universitas Negeri Padang


A. Personality Development

Together with Sigmund Freud and Carol Jung, Adler as the main contributor
to the development of a psychodynamic therapy approach (In Tufik, 2017: 79).
The individual psychological counseling model is based on a holistic view of the
human person. The word individual means that humans are seen as an inseparable
unity. Therefore, humans are also not separated into parts - the personality is seen
as a unity or a whole that cannot be separated.

One implication of that view is that the client should be seen as an integrated
part of the social system. Individual psychology rests on the basic belief that
happiness and success in general are related to social relationships. Adler (in
Fauziz, 2013) believes that humans have a strong need to feel united with others.

Humans have a strong need to occupy and find meaningful places in society.
The lack of feeling to get a place and be accepted by others is one of the most
terrible calamities to human feelings. Humans not only need other people, they
also have feelings to be accepted by others.

According to Adler (in Taufik, 2012: 78) problems in life are related to
social. For Freud, the most essential component of human life is the ability to
"make love" and "work". For Adler, the healthy function is not only love and
work, but his attention is more directed to the common (social) welfare.

At the age of 4 - 5 years is the time that becomes the basis that determines
the development of one's personality. Adler believes that every person is born
with the equipped "feeling of inferiority", but behind that there is a drive to
become superiority (Taufik, 2012: 89)

According to Rochman Natawidjaja (in Taufik, 2012: 90) feelings of

inferiority can be a source of creativity, the purpose of life is perfection and not
pleasure. Furthermore Adler (in Taufik, 2012: 90) argues that a sense of
inferiority that is typically associated with childhood recognition with
dependence on adults and on the universe.
Taufik (2012: 90) said the purpose of life is perfection not pleasure. Adler
stresses that every human being has a humble feeling. Individuals try to overcome
their helplessness by compensating, namely developing a lifestyle that enables the
achievement of the desired success.

B. Development of Wrong Behavior

Basically, an abnormality or wrong personality is caused by an inferiority

feeling. Inferiority feelings that are not properly addressed or simply exaggerated
and take place improperly can cause seeds of abnormalities, especially if
accompanied by :

(1) physical or mental disability,

(2) improper parental treatment, and

(3) if the child is abandoned.

The main factor causing the maladjustment is undeveloped social interest. In

addition to the low factor of social interest other factors that cause neurotic are
because individuals

(1) tend to set goals that are too high,

(2) live in their own world, and

(3) have a rigid and dogmatic lifestyle.

Adler (in Taufik, 2012: 92) states that the wrong lifestyle is the result of three
conditions in childhood, organic weakness (disability) indulgence and neglect.
Children with physical disabilities will have difficulty in the tasks of life.
Through understanding parents can be developed strengths to compensate for
these weaknesses in other fields.

The pampered child has difficulty developing his social interests, and his
nutrition is always centered on him. Furthermore, children who are neglected will
become enemies (opposing) in society and are dominating due to revenge against
unmet needs. Spending and neglect will contribute to what Adler calls the
"pampered life style". According to Adler, spoiled individuals have the potential
to be dangerous to all members of the community. The following is further

1. Excessive physical weakness

Actually, everyone experiences physical weakness that results in feelings of

inferiority. people with excessive physical weakness sometimes form excessive
inferior feelings too, so they try to compensate for their weaknesses.

2. Spoiled lifestyle

individuals who are spoiled by low social interests, on the other hand they
have a strong desire to continue to maintain parasitic relationships, such as their
relationship with one or both of their parents. they expect others to care for,
protect and satisfy their needs. salient features of their personalities are guidance,
excessive despair, over sensitivity, impatience, excessive emotions and high

3. Neglected lifestyle

Children who are not loved and unwanted, will form an abandoned lifestyle.
Likewise, children who are tortured and mistreated have low social interest and
have a tendency for neglected lifestyles.

C. Purpose of Counseling

According to (Taufik, 2017: 96) Based on the development of abnormal

personalities and misbehavior, the counseling goals can be formulated as follows:

1. Change the concept about the client himself. Individuals who experience
problems are actually caused by the self-concept they have is negative, in the
sense that he often sees himself not in accordance with the actual situation.
Individuals experience themselves far from the situation they have now, thus
hampering social relations. in the counseling process efforts are made to change
the client's self-concept so that it is really in accordance with the actual situation
or reality. the way to do this is to change perceptions of yourself and others.

2. Through changes in self-concept, it is expected that physical changes will also

be able to change
3. From the physical changes it is expected that lifestyle will also change and the
end can be changed in behavior.

D. Counseling Processes and Techniques

1. Counseling Process

At the time of counseling that must be done by the counselor that is

collecting data and information about the life of the client in infancy. According
to W.S. Winkel (in Taufik, 2012: 95) this is to find a feeling of inferiority that
may still be held up to now and to find efforts to cover up his inferiority through
various forms of compensation so that his personal lifestyle can be seen.

Hansen (in Taufik, 2012: 96) recommends things that should be considered
by the counselor to analyze the behavior of his clients:

1. Holistic behavior (behavior that has to do and does not stand alone)

2. In the counseling process not everything must be considered but the counselor
only reveals an important part of the behavior, especially the cause of misconduct

3. As social creatures, individual behavior can only be understood in relation to

social matters

4. Individual motivation can only be understood properly when viewed from how
individuals seek recognition from others about the behavior they display

5. A sense of belonging and belonging is fundamental to human existence

Carry out the counseling process according to the psychology of individual

counseling, therefore the counselor must consider in the counseling process are:

1. There must be an embodiment of a close relationship between counselor and


2. The counselor listens and understands what is conveyed by the client

3. Stages in the counseling process:

a. Counselors try to try to understand the purpose of life and lifestyle adopted
by the client to the counseling process
b. The counselor tries to analyze and interpret the client's behavior. Then the
counselor tries to convey to the client the results of the analysis and

c. Analyzing the problem in relation to the social interests of the client

2. Counseling technique

Counseling techniques used by counselors are:

1. Comparative technique. In this technique the counselor compares himself

to the counselor. With empathy, the counselor tries to imagine the lifestyle
and problems of the client in him. On that basis the counselor then helps
clients to improve their lifestyle and solve client problems.

2. Dream analysis techniques. According to Adler, dreams are a reflection of

the client's life goals. By analyzing the dreams experienced by clients, the
counselor can estimate the client's life goals. On that basis the counselor then
helps the client.

In addition there are several phases conducted by counselors in

providing counseling services based on this model, namely creating
relationships (phase I), exploring individual dynamics (phase II),
encouraging understanding (phase III), helping to be reoriented (phase IV) .

The relationship building phase will greatly determine the next

counseling process to determine the next phase which is to explore the
dynamics of the individual. Individual dynamics must be explored to find out
the lifestyle and problem solving that is right for the individual. Things that
were explored include family constellation in the form of birth order, because
it has a great influence on shaping the lifestyle of individuals. Next is the
experience between four to six years of age or various childhood memories.
A dream that is often experienced because for Adlerian it illustrates priorities
and desires. Regarding the priority itself the client is directed to assess which
priorities are more important in his life.

The next process the client is given enthusiasm, encouragement and

understanding to nurture his enthusiasm and confidence again, because the
self or self needs it. Finally, it helps to be reoriented which is focused on
encouraging clients to see new and more functional alternatives. Clients are
encouraged and at the same time are challenged to develop their courage to
take risks and make good changes in their lives.

1. Analyze the client's lifestyle. Activities included in this matter are:

a) The counselor must come to the reality of the factors that will
convincingly affect the client's personality until he experiences problems
until the counseling takes place.

b) A true understanding of the patterns of behavior so far in real terms, to

find gaps.

c) The counselor must be able to compare the constellation (situation) of

the family where the client lives with what he should, because all of that
will influence the behavior of the client.

d) The counselor must be able to convey his interpretation to the client,

about the relationship what he got from points a, b, and c.

2. Interpret memories of the past that have more to do with the present
condition, namely the condition at the age of under 10 years. The state of the
past is expected to affect the past now, especially the formation of abnormal

3. With this interpretation the client's perception is expected to change, and

in the end he can change his behavior, so that in accordance with the current

Hansen, C. James. 1977.Counseling Theory and Process. Boston: Allyn Inc.

Taufik. 2012. Model – Model Konseling. Padang: Jurusan Bimbingan Konseling

Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Padang

Taufik. 2012. Pendekatan Dalam Konseling. Padang: Jurusan Bimbingan dan

Konseling Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Negeri Padang.

WS. Winkle. 1997. Bimbingan dan Konseling di Institusi Pendidikan. Jakarta :


1. Explain about Counseling processes!

Answer :

 Counseling Process

At the time of counseling that must be done by the counselor that is

collecting data and information about the life of the client in infancy. According
to W.S. Winkel (in Taufik, 2012: 95) this is to find a feeling of inferiority that
may still be held up to now and to find efforts to cover up his inferiority through
various forms of compensation so that his personal lifestyle can be seen.

2. Explain about Counseling technique!

Answer :

Counseling techniques used by counselors are:

1. Comparative technique.

2. Dream analysis techniques.

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