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Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2009

The Hong Kong Jockey Club 香港賽馬會


Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2009

香港賽馬會 香港跑馬地體育道壹號
The Hong Kong Jockey Club
One Sports Road, Happy Valley
Hong Kong
T: 2966 8111 F: 2890 2946

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此印刷品紙張源自管理完善的森林及受控/ 再循環木材
To be a world leader in the provision of horse racing, sporting and
betting entertainment, and Hong Kong’s premier charity and community
Vision 致力提供世界最高水平的賽馬、體育及博彩娛樂,同時
目標 維持全港最大慈善公益資助機構的地位。

To provide total customer satisfaction through meeting the expectations of all

Designed by Lilian Tang Design Limited • Stewards and Management portraits by Bobby Lee • Annual Report photos by The Hong Kong Jockey Club
Club customers and stakeholders – the racing and betting public; lottery players;
Club Members; charities and community organisations; Government; and,
ultimately, the people of Hong Kong – and thereby be one of Hong Kong’s most
respected organisations.

Mission 竭誠令顧客百分百滿意,對於賽馬觀眾、投注人士、獎
使命 券投注者、本會會員、慈善機構、公益團體、香港政


3 Financial Year Performance Highlights, 財政年度業績概覽、慈善撥款及稅務貢獻
Charitable Appropriation and Tax Contribution
4 Board of Stewards 董事局
5 Chairman’s Statement 主席報告
10 Chief Executive Officer’s Statement 行政總裁報告
17 Hong Kong Jockey Club Organisation 香港賽馬會組織架構


Four feature Sichuan
stories on the Club’s 四川重建
contribution to p 26
charitable projects
and job preservation
and creation
慈善項目及 Hong Kong’s
Working 保職創職

p 18 continues

p 30
A watchful
Kong eye on
Hong Kong’s
關心香港 關注未來
p 34


68 Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Races 國泰航空香港國際賽事
80 Bulls to the fore as Ox Year welcomed in 牛氣沖天迎新歲
90 Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Derby Mercedes-Benz香港打吡大賽
94 Audemars Piguet QE II Cup & Champions Mile 愛彼錶女皇盃及冠軍一哩賽
110 Awards and Honours 獎項及榮譽
115 Donations 年內捐款


124 Financial Review 財務概況
130 Group Accounts and Statistics 集團賬項及統計數字
176 Trust Accounts 慈善信託基金賬項
We provide customers with the best innovative value-for-money experience in
the leisure and entertainment market.
以客為尊 我們為顧客提供優質、具創意和物有所值的體驗

We place contribution to the community at the heart of our efforts, adhering to
the highest standards in all we do.
貢獻社會 我們竭力貢獻社會,服務力求超凡卓越

We practise the highest standards of ethical behaviour and processes.
堅守誠信 我們遵持高尚品行操守,處事有序

We treat each other fairly and with respect. We recognise each other’s merits and
encourage everyone to be the best they can at what they do.
以人為本 我們莊敬自強,待人持平,勵精奮勉

核心價值成就同一馬會、同一團隊、同一目標 Leadership
We influence positive change and get things done, leading by example and taking
initiatives to improve performance.
領導統御 我們以身作則,精益求精,全力以赴,優化業務

We work together to achieve the Club’s goals, encourage open discussions, and
support those that take the lead.
團隊精神 我們攜手合作,秉承信念,共商灼見,擁隨先驅

We establish and achieve clear and sustainable standards for all our products,
services and processes while committing to continuous improvements.
力求優化 我們訂定清晰和可持續標準,提供優質服務

Business Sustainability and Innovation

We strive to achieve sustainable growth through innovation and measured
risk-taking. We take up new challenges and opportunities that drive the business
while managing our impact on the environment.
持續和創新 我們推陳出新,與時並進,審時度勢,勇迎


Group Turnover (HK$M) Distribution of Betting and Lottery Amounts

集團營業額(百萬港元) Wagered by Customers (HK$M)
67,653 賽馬

Football Betting
35,108 足球博彩 81.5% Dividends
Mark Six Lottery
6,429 六合彩
Betting and
Other Revenue
1,789 其他收益
Lottery Revenue
Note: Group turnover comprises amounts wagered on racing, football
betting and the Mark Six lottery, as well as other revenue. 18.5%

110,979 Total 總和 109,190 Total 總和

Distribution of Betting and Lottery Revenue (HK$M) Appropriation to HKJC Charities Trust (HK$M)
博彩及獎券收益分配(百萬港元) 撥款予香港賽馬會慈善信託基金(百萬港元)

Betting Duty and

Profits Tax paid to HKJC Horse Race Betting Limited
110 香港馬會賽馬博彩有限公司
Hong Kong SAR
64.4% Government
HKJC Football Betting Limited
向香港特別行政區政府 370 香港馬會足球博彩有限公司
HKJC Lotteries Limited
Club Operations 20 香港馬會獎券有限公司

Lotteries Fund
4.2% 獎券基金
26.6% 4.8%
Available for Charities

20,144 Total 總和 500 Appropriation 撥款

Betting Duty and Profits Tax paid to Government (HK$M) 向政府繳納的博彩稅及利得稅(百萬港元)

Horse Race Betting Duty Note: Horse race betting duty includes
8,228 賽馬博彩稅 approximately $45 million duty generated
by bets from Macau.
Football Betting Duty 備註:繳納的賽馬博彩稅包括約四千五百萬港元澳門
2,900 足球博彩稅 單邊投注所產生的博彩稅。

Lottery Duty
1,607 獎券博彩稅

Profits Tax
241 利得稅

12,976 Total contribution 稅款總和


Mr John C C Chan Mr T Brian Stevenson Mr Simon S O Ip Mr Anthony W K Chow

Chairman Deputy Chairman 葉錫安先生 周永健先生
陳祖澤先生(主席) 施文信先生(副主席)

Mr Christopher Cheng Dr Donald K T Li Mr Lester C H Kwok Mr Michael T H Lee

Wai Chee JP JP 利子厚先生
GBS JP 李國棟醫生 郭志桁先生

Mr Philip N L Chen Mr Stephen Ip Shu Kwan Mr Iain F Bruce Dr Rita Fan Hsu Lai Tai
陳南祿先生 葉澍堃先生 范徐麗泰博士


Surmounting challenges
to do what is right
hen we started the 2008/09 share of gross margin falling by some 3.9% to
season in a blaze of opti- HK$6.37 billion, despite total turnover showing
mism last summer, none of us only a marginal 0.14% fall to HK$108.36 billion.
could have foreseen the global It is significant that while our horse racing
economic meltdown that was lurking just operations recovered from a worrying early
around the corner. The Hong Kong Jockey dip to show only a small drop in turnover, and
Club, like business operators worldwide, was football betting turnover actually recorded
by no means immune to its impact, and a year a slight increase, our share of gross margin
that had promised to reach exciting new heights declined in both cases.
turned out instead to be one of considerable
challenge. More worrying still last season was a sharp fall
in our investment income, in common with all
Yet, in the final count, we can still look back on global investors. As a result of these various
an encouraging year in which much positive factors, our surplus after tax fell sharply from
progress was made on a number of different HK$3.27 billion in 2007/08 to just HK$707
fronts, thanks in no small part to the determi- million last year, and we were only able to
nation and “can do” spirit of our management make an appropriation of HK$500 million to
and employees. Perhaps most important The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust,
compared with HK$1.78 billion in 2007/08.
We played a key role in Hong Kong’s staging
of all, we not only main-
of the equestrian events of the Beijing 2008 tained our donations In these circumstances, it would have been easy
Olympics and Paralympics, which attracted to respond by cutting back on our charitable
worldwide attention and praise; our world-class
to charitable and commitments, but that would have meant
horse racing broke further new ground interna- community projects, but letting down our many hundreds of commu-
tionally; we made an important contribution to nity beneficiaries at just the time when they
preserving and creating jobs in Hong Kong at a
increased them to a needed our support the most. The Club has
very difficult time; and perhaps most important record HK$1.37 billion. a long tradition of standing by the people of
of all, we not only maintained our donations Hong Kong at times of challenge, and as a
to charitable and community projects, but not-for-profit organisation, is better placed
increased them to a record HK$1.37 billion. than most to respond in an anti-cyclical way.
Our Charities Trust has therefore increased
All this happened despite some heavy pressure its donations by some 30%, which has meant
on our bottom line results, with the Club’s dipping into its reserves.
Clearly, however, we cannot allow duty would help us
a situation of structural deficit to keep more betting
prevail in the long term, and we dollars in Hong Kong
have to find ways of ensuring that a nd preser ve a nd
our business remains sustainable create employment,
and profitable over the years to wh ich mu st be to
come – especially our core business everyone’s benefit.
of horse racing, which underpins all
our contributions to Government The rapidly growing
income and to the community, as i mp a c t of M a c au
well as our status as one of Hong and other gambling
Kong’s largest employers. destinations in the
region can no longer
It was with this in mind that we be ignored. A recent
asked Government last year to sur vey commis-
reconsider granting us five extra sioned by the Club
racedays and an additional 20 indicated that Hong
overseas simulcast days per season. Kong citizens account
This was not in fact a new request, for some 40% of all
as it had been part of the original casino spending in
package we put forward to Govern- Macau, and lost more
ment when proposing a reform of the horse than HK$20 billion at Macau’s casinos in 2008.
race betting duty structure four years ago. This is nearly double the HK$11 billion loss
However, these two elements were eventually estimated in a 2006 survey, and indeed now
dropped from the package before the reforms matches Hong Kong’s total revenue (before
were put before the Legislative Council and betting duty and tax) from horse racing, foot-
received approval in summer 2006. ball and the lottery, which reached HK$19.99
The Club was able billion last season.
With the economy sharply worsening, we
believed it was an appropriate time to request
to contribute to the In the light of figures like these, it is some-
that this part of the original package be imple- nation’s pride in hosting what disconcerting that the Club has to fight
mented, as it would help increase tax revenue off accusations of spreading gambling in the
for the Government by some HK$500 million
an outstandingly community each time it makes even modest
as well as preserve and create over 4,000 much- successful Olympiad, proposals to stem the outflow. There is simply
needed new jobs. no comparison between horse race betting,
as well as give Hong which requires considerable skill and operates

am pleased to report that our request Kong residents a unique only one or two days a week, and the games of
finally received Government’s approval chance offered by casinos, which are available
in early July, just after the season under
opportunity to share the around the clock, 365 days a year.
review ended. This means it will now be Olympic experience.
possible to implement them for the coming The Macau factor makes it all the more critical,
2009/10 racing season. too, that we are able to continue investing in
our racecourse facilities and racing product,
However, the number of additional simulcast so that Hong Kong can maintain its competi-
days was reduced from 20 to 15, which is barely tive edge in the leisure market. Horse racing
enough to cover those major international meet- is one of Hong Kong’s major tourism selling
ings that have strong relevance and interest to points, and our high quality facilities can add
Hong Kong racing fans, and are most likely to value to the important meetings, incentives,
attract the attentions of illegal bookmakers. conferences and exhibitions (MICE) sector,
in which Hong Kong has long been a major
Another disappointment was that our additional international player.
request for Government to consider reducing
the horse race betting duty rate was rejected. It was the desire to help our city showcase its
Besides helping us to combat illegal bookmakers strengths to the world that motivated us four
more effectively, a lowering of the betting years ago to commit an unprecedented HK$1.2

Chairman’s Statement 主席報告

billion to providing venues and supporting The project has proved outstandingly successful good progress. In choosing the initial four
facilities for the equestrian events of the Beijing with nearly 50 per cent of all secondary schools projects in the medical and education sectors,
2008 Olympics and Paralympics, which took in Hong Kong now teaching P.A.T.H.S. modules, we have put particular emphasis on helping
place in August and September respectively. over 100,000 junior secondary students having young people disabled in the earthquake to
already benefited, and some 5,000 teachers and be rehabilitated and build new lives, as well as
I am proud to say that both events went off school social workers having received training helping the province maintain its strong track
superbly, earning many plaudits for Hong on the programmes, which augurs well for the record in the national sporting arena.
Kong from competitors, officials and visiting future. We have therefore agreed to commit a

equestrian professionals. By delivering “best further HK$350 million to support the project’s verall, then, it has been another very
ever” facilities in record time, the Club was able extension for a further three school years from satisfying year, and as Chairman
to contribute to the nation’s pride in hosting an 2009/10 to 2011/12. of the Club, I am proud of what we
outstandingly successful Olympiad, as well as have been able to achieve in some-
give Hong Kong residents a unique opportunity During the year we have also approved funding times very challenging circumstances. I should
to share the Olympic experience. for the expansion of a number of outdoor like to thank my fellow Stewards for their strong
camp sites, to meet Hong Kong’s fast-growing support and pay tribute to the commitment and
Staging the Olympic and Paralympic equestrian demand for outdoor recreational facilities. A dedication of all our managers and staff, who
events also gave rise to a new spirit of volun- notable example is the HKFYG Jockey Club have on many occasions freely given of their
teerism and sporting interest that I believe will Sai Kung Outdoor Training Camp run by The time beyond the call of normal duty.
stay with Hong Kong for many years to come. Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. Our
Certainly it is the Club’s intention to foster and HK$133 million grant, the third since 1986, will At this stage it is difficult to make accurate
preserve the Olympic legacy. We have already enable its residential capacity to be doubled and predictions for what will happen in 2009/10;
put a number of legacy items on display in several new facilities added, benefiting up to there are some early signs of an economic
Penfold Park, as the prelude to establishing 150,000 young people a year. The construction recovery, but equally there are many observers
a future Hong Kong Olympic Museum, and work is also creating some 650 jobs. who believe that a second wave of financial
we are continuing to support the Hong Kong turmoil is yet to come. Historical experience has
Equestrian Team in their bid to qualify for On the sports development front, we have also shown that consumer spending cutbacks
the 2010 Asian Games and World Equestrian committed HK$40 million to support Hong often lag economic downturn by several
Games, and hopefully the 2012 Olympics. Kong’s hosting of the 2009 East Asian Games months, which could have significant impact
in December as Principal Contributor, and on our business and justifies our maintaining
In addition, we are funding a new Hong Kong also made it possible for Hong Kong to host the a cautious approach at this stage. I remain
Jockey Club Junior Equestrian Team with the aim 2009 Asia and South Pacific Boccia Champion- strongly optimistic, however, about the long-
of identifying riding talent at an early age and ships at short notice after the late withdrawal term strengths of Hong Kong and Mainland
providing these young riders with professional of Malaysia. As the latter event is one of four China in the international market place.
training and competition opportunities. qualifying competitions for the Paralympic
Games, we hope through this donation to help What is indisputable is that the coming year will
In our charitable donations over the past year, Hong Kong’s disabled athletes reach the 2012 be the 125th Anniversary of the foundation of
we have put a strong focus on youth issues and Paralympics in London. The Hong Kong Jockey Club, an occasion that
sports, which we believe to be especially impor- we will mark with a wide-ranging programme
tant for Hong Kong’s long-term development, Outside the areas of youth and sport, we have of special activities. I believe everyone in the
while ensuring that other important community approved support for more than 90 other community can feel proud of the Club’s success
needs continue to be comprehensively met. projects this year, including dozens of smaller since 1884 in combining the provision of world-
projects in the areas of community services, class sporting and entertainment activities with
One project of particular interest is P.A.T.H.S. to medical and health, education and training, an unflinching commitment to the betterment
Adulthood: A Jockey Club Youth Enhancement and recreation and culture. We also continue of Hong Kong.
Scheme, which we proactively launched in 2005 to support a number of major, Club-initiated
in collaboration with the Education Bureau, projects that address Hong Kong’s long-term
Social Welfare Department and a research challenges, notably the HK$250 million JOHN C C CHAN
team of experts from five local universities. Family Project we launched in 2007 to tackle Chairman
It aims to help junior secondary students the problem of family discords and domestic 23 July 2009
develop in a holistic way by instilling posi- violence at source.
tive beliefs and values, enhancing their self-
confidence and strengthening their sense of I am also pleased to report that the first four
responsibility during the crucial formative Club-sponsored reconstruction projects in
years of early adolescence. earthquake-stricken areas of Sichuan are making





元,跌幅約達百分之三點九。由此可見,儘管 血濃於水,馬會同樣關心內地同胞的福祉,尤其是去年飽受地震煎熬的四川災民。
額錄得輕微增長,但這兩項業務的毛利均告 情況,我們對社會的支持極為重要,絕不能讓 為此,我們去年向政府重提每季增加五個賽事
下跌。 眾多慈善公益機構失望;而馬會作為非牟利機 日及二十個聯播海外賽事日。事實上,馬會在
構,亦有別於一般商業組織,多年來我們均一 四年前向政府提出賽馬博彩稅制改革方案時,
更甚者,一如全球其他投資者,我們季內的投 直與港人攜手渡過難關,因此,馬會慈善信託 早已建議增加賽事日及聯播海外賽事日。然
資回報亦顯著下滑。綜合種種因素,除稅後盈 基金不但沒有削減對社會的捐助,更不惜動用 而,該兩項建議在稅制改革於二○○六年夏季
餘由二○○七/○八季度的三十二億七千萬港 儲備,增加約百分之三十的捐款。 提交立法會通過前卻遭刪除。
以致我們僅可撥出五億港元予香港賽馬會慈善信 然而,我們不能容許結構性赤字持續出現,必 隨著經濟急劇惡化,我們認為,現時是適當時
託基金,遠遜於去年度的十七億八千萬港元。 須尋求辦法確保業務(尤其是賽馬這項核心業 候重提改革方案的剩餘部分,並深信這不但會
務)既能持續發展,又能賺取利潤,才能繼續 為政府帶來約五億港元的額外稅收,還可在保
為應付上述財政困難,馬會本可捨難取易,酌 貢獻政府收入、造福社會,並維持我們作為香 職的同時,創造超過四千個就業機會,在經濟
情削減慈善捐款,但是考慮到當前的經濟低迷 港最大僱主之一的地位。 不景下帶來一陣「及時雨」。

Chairman’s Statement 主席報告

十分高興在此向大家匯報,政府終於 年倫敦殘奧會的參賽資格,我們亦捐款資助香
在七月初季度結束後數天,通過上述 港殘疾人奧運會暨傷殘人士體育協會,在香港
新措施,意味著我們可趕及在二○○ 舉辦殘奧會其中一項外圍賽 — 二○○九年亞
九/一○季度實施。 太區硬地滾球錦標賽。是次賽事原定在馬來西
我們亦增加資助慈善團體 亞舉行,但該國臨時放棄主辦權,在馬會支持
然而,我們只獲批十五個聯播海外賽事日,而並 下,改由香港舉辦這次國際賽事。
地賽駒參與競逐和本港馬迷熱衷支持的國際大 除青少年及體育項目外,我們年內通過資助
賽,只有眼看非法外圍繼續就這些賽事受注。 約九十項計劃,包括多項較小規模的社會服
政府決定暫不考慮調低賽馬博彩稅率,也令我 項目。我們亦繼續資助多項由馬會主導推行的
們失望。須知道,調低賽馬博彩稅率既有助加 重大項目,為應付社會長遠挑戰作好準備,包
強打擊非法外圍勾當,亦可避免本港投注額外 括於二○○七年捐款達二億五千萬港元推出
流,更能造就馬會保職創職,造福社會,惠及 馬會銳意促進及傳承奧運精神,已在沙田彭福 的「愛 + 人:賽馬會和諧社會計劃」,協助找
全民。 公園放置一系列與奧運馬術比賽息息相關的展 出家庭衝突及暴力等問題的根源,並制定預防
品,作為將來興建香港奧運博物館的前奏,並 方案。
澳門賭場及區內其他博彩設施急速發展,帶 繼續資助「香港賽馬會馬術隊」,讓他們為二○
來的衝擊與日俱增,我們絕不能墨守成規。 一○年亞運及世界馬術大賽積極備戰,甚至出 血濃於水,馬會同樣關心內地同胞的福祉,尤
馬會最近委託獨立機構進行的一項調查顯 戰二○一二年奧運。 其是去年飽受地震煎熬的四川災民。我們撥款
示,澳門賭場總收入約四成來自港人,單是 資助的首四項醫療及教育重建工程,均取得良
二○○八年,港人在當地各個賭場合共輸掉 我們還資助成立「香港賽馬會青少年馬術隊」, 好進展。在構思有關工程時,我們特別重視幫
超過二百億港元,較二○○六年同類型調查 藉此提拔有潛質的年輕馬術騎手,及早為他們 助因地震導致傷殘的青少年重建身心,同時
估計的一百一十億港元高出近倍,而本港上 提供專業馬術訓練,並支持他們參加馬術比賽。 協助四川省繼續成為培訓國家體育運動員的
季來自賽馬、足球及獎券的除稅前總收益為 搖籃。
一百九十九億九千萬港元,僅與外流澳門的 在慈善捐助方面,我們去年致力資助青少年及

二百億港元相若。 體育項目,藉此推動香港的長遠發展,同時繼 體來說,去年是很有滿足感的一年。
續全面照顧其他重要社會訴求。 作為馬會主席,我對於大家在年內極
縱使數據昭然若揭,但馬會每次提出溫和建 富挑戰的情況下仍能創造佳績,深感
議,意圖防止投注額外流,均遭反對人士批評 值得一提的,是我們於二○○五年主導、並與 自豪。我謹向董事局同寅致謝,感激他們對馬
為助長賭風,實在令人氣餒。須知賽馬涉及鑽 教育局、社會福利署,以及本港五間大學的研 會的鼎力支持,並向各管理團隊和員工致敬,
研分析,每周亦只安排一或兩天賽事,反觀賭 究專家隊伍攜手推行的「共創成長路」青少年 感謝他們盡心協力,投入工作,甚至奉獻私人
場卻全年無休、二十四小時提供博彩機會。兩 培育計劃,旨在透過協助初中學生建立正確的 時間,超額完成任務。
者實在不能混為一談。 信念及價值觀、增強自信、提高責任感和承擔
精神,使他們能應付在成長過程中遇到的種種 儘管經濟復甦跡象漸見浮現,但仍有不少市場
正因澳門賭場對我們帶來重大衝擊,馬會務必 挑戰及誘惑,達致全面發展。 分析預期金融海嘯第二波或會來襲,故此現階
繼續投資在馬場設施及賽馬產品,鞏固香港在 段我們無法準確預計二○○九 / 一○季度的具
消閒市場的競爭力。賽馬是香港旅遊業的主要 是項計劃深受歡迎,自推行至今,全港約一半 體情況。按以往經驗,市民消費開支萎縮的情
賣點之一,我們提供的高質素設施能帶動香港 中學已經參加,約五千名老師及學校社工接受 況有多嚴重,往往要在經濟出現衰退後幾個月
會議展覽及獎勵旅遊業的發展,加強本港在這 了相關培訓,惠及超過十萬名初中學生。有見 才反映出來,屆時可能對馬會的業務帶來重大
方面的國際地位。 及此,我們決定進一步撥款三億五千萬港元, 影響,是以我們於現階段務必抱持審慎態度。
延續計劃三年,自二○○九/一○學年起,至 然而,我對於香港和國家在國際市場的長遠優
為了向國際展示香港的優勢,馬會於四年前承 二○一一/一二學年為止。 勢,仍然深感樂觀。
殘奧會馬術比賽,在香港提供場地及支援設施。 此外,鑑於港人對戶外康體活動設施需求殷 最後,馬會於來季將慶祝成立一百二十五週
切,我們年內已通過撥款擴建多個戶外營地, 年。為隆重其事,我們將呈獻連串特備節目。
令我引以為傲的是,兩項奧運盛事分別於去年 最佳例子是獲撥款一億三千三百萬港元的「香 自一八八四年起,馬會積極提供世界級的賽馬
八月及九月在香港圓滿舉行,為香港贏盡參賽 港青年協會賽馬會西貢戶外康樂中心」,中心 娛樂活動,同時致力惠澤社會,相信足以令社
騎手、官方要員及到訪馬術專家的讚譽。馬會 自一九八六年起,至今已是第三度獲馬會撥 會各界對馬會的成就引以為傲。
以極速建成的頂級馬術場地及設施,為國家舉 款,用以增加一倍宿位及數項新設施,每年
辦空前成功的奧運會作出重大貢獻,並為港人 將惠及十五萬青少年;建築期間,更可創造
帶來千載難逢的機會,分享國家圓滿舉辦奧運 六百五十個就業機會。 主席  陳祖澤
的喜悅。 二○○九年七月二十三日
我深信,香港協辦奧運和殘奧會馬術比賽,亦 四千萬港元支持香港於十二月舉辦的二○○
同時促進了港人獻身義務工作的服務精神及提 九年東亞運動會,成為運動會的「主要貢獻機
升大家對運動的興趣,為香港帶來長遠裨益。 構」。為了讓本地運動員有機會爭取二○一二


Success is not
what we earn, but what
we can give back
t speaks volumes for the enduring popu- It can never be emphasised enough that horse simulcast days per season. This will go some
larity of horse racing, Hong Kong’s most racing is the core activity that enables The way towards meeting the demand from racing
popular spectator sport, that both race- Hong Kong Jockey Club to contribute almost fans, especially for more coverage of overseas
course attendance and turnover remained HK$13 billion a year to public spending through races, and plugging a void that has previously
largely steady during season 2008/09 despite duties and taxes, and at least a further HK$1 been filled by illegal and offshore operators.
the severe challenges the economy was facing, billion – in fact a record HK$1.37 billion last
although the high tax rates continued to erode year – in direct donations to charitable and The shortcomings of the existing system were
our share of gross margin. community projects. amply demonstrated in June when Hong Kong’s
star sprinter Sacred Kingdom ran in the Golden
This was underlined when some 63,000 people Horse racing is also one of our city’s major Jubilee Stakes at Royal Ascot, yet we were not
turned out to celebrate the final day of the tourism attractions and, I believe, serves as allowed to simulcast the race for betting here
season on 1 July, some 15% up on the previous an embodiment of Hong Kong’s lifestyle and – a restriction that simply played into the eager
year, while the day’s turnover was the highest competitive spirit. hands of illegal bookmakers.
figure for six years.
Yet we must never take for granted the continued It is only natural that Hong Kong racegoers are
In total, the Club’s share of gross margin on success of horse racing, and all that it achieves taking a growing interest in overseas races, as
horse racing for the season reached HK$3.09 for Hong Kong, in today’s highly competitive more and more locally-trained horses travel
billion, a 2.0% fall on 2007/08. Meanwhile, global environment. As our Chairman has abroad to compete. Our racing fans are also
the horse race betting duty paid to Govern- noted, there are some worrying underlying keen to follow the form of horses that will be
ment reached HK$8.12 billion, which avoided trends in terms of our declining gross margin coming to Hong Kong for the International
our suffering a double blow, as we had earlier and surplus that we cannot ignore. Races or other International Group One events.
feared, in having to fund a top-up under the It is notable that our simulcast turnover grew
terms of the guaranteed annual tax payment In this context, it was encouraging to learn in 7.6% during the season, although it needs to be
of HK$8 billion, to which we committed for mid-July that Government had approved our stressed that simulcasts attract only a fraction
three years from 2006. request to add five more racedays and 15 overseas of domestic race receipts.

Secondly, the high tax rates make it a perpetual
challenge for us to stay competitive with illegal
and unauthorised offshore bookmakers, who
can afford to offer their customers discounts and
other incentives. Aligning Hong Kong’s duty
rate more closely with the world norm would
reduce the attractiveness of illegal bookmakers
and all the social problems that accompany
them, such as credit betting, underage betting
and loansharking.

Rather than reducing public revenue, it would

actually protect community resources in the
longer term and ensure that the majority of
betting in Hong Kong was conducted through
legal and properly regulated channels.

Hong Kong’s outdated tax policies are also still

limiting the sport’s further international deve-
lopment, especially in the area of commingling,
a growing global trend in which Hong Kong
is fast getting left at the starting gate. There
is tremendous interest from overseas sports
fans in betting on Hong Kong racing due to its
The Club’s special themed programmes are prompting new target segments to try the racing experience. high quality, high integrity and huge betting
pools, and this could earn substantial extra tax
revenues for the Government. But current tax
policies mean that such bets would be subject
to the full rate of Hong Kong duty, despite
However, Hong Kong’s high duty rates remain being also taxed in their home jurisdictions,
a cause for concern. The current rate of duty which renders most commingling agreements
is between 72.5% and 75% of gross margin, unworkable here.
which is one of the highest rates in the world, Horse racing is the core
some three times that of Singapore (25%) and Despite these limitations, we continue our
five times that of the UK (15%).
activity that enables the efforts to develop the sport, attract a new
Club to contribute generation of racegoers and horse owners, and
There are several important reasons why a further strengthen Hong Kong’s international
review of Hong Kong’s betting duty rates is
almost HK$13 billion a reputation in horse racing circles. Our special
urgently needed. Firstly, the 2006 reforms year to public spending themed programmes, especially those at Happy
have shifted the sharing of gross margin in Valley, are prompting new target segments to
favour of the Government, leaving the Club
through duties and try the racing experience. The average atten-
with a reduced ability to invest in the future taxes and a record dance for Happy Valley night meetings grew
and make charitable donations. 2.6% during the season.
HK$1.37 billion last

Since implementation of the 2006 reform year in direct donations ur horses continue to reach new
package, the Government’s revenue from horse heights in international circles.
race betting duty has increased from HK$7.94
to charitable and Good Ba Ba finished the season on
billion in 2005/06 to HK$8.12 billion last community projects. an international rating of 124, the
season, yet the Club’s share of gross margin on highest ever achieved by a Hong Kong horse,
horse racing has fallen from HK$3.25 billion and made him the second highest ranked
to HK$3.09 billion in the same period. So the thoroughbred in the world. Sacred Kingdom’s
Government has been a clear winner of the thrilling win in the Singapore’s Krisflyer Inter-
earlier reforms. national Sprint has been widely recognised as

the finest sprint performance anywhere in the
world this year. And veteran campaigner Viva
Pataca earned two more Group One wins to
bring his career tally to seven, earning him the
deserved title of Horse of the Year.

Our ongoing efforts to produce home-grown,

world-class jockeys are also paying off. Appren-
tice Matthew Chadwick rode a record 43 winners
in his first season and had the second highest
strike rate in town – a truly remarkable feat
for an 18-year-old, considering the strength of
his competition. Another first-year apprentice,
Derek Leung, collected 28 wins. These achieve-
ments reflect the systematic approach we have
adopted to recruiting and selecting young talent,
and the substantial resources committed to their
training programmes, including opportunities
to gain competitive riding experience overseas. In the meantime, a further programme of
They are also a great tribute to the hard work renovations and enhancements to both the
done by our Racing Talent Development team public and Owners’ facilities at Happy Valley
and Apprentice Jockeys’ School. Racecourse has been put under way during
the close season.
Our first fixed odds horse racing bet, Jockey Because the Club operates
Challenge, proved very popular and added On the football betting side, our share of gross
a lot of new interest for racing fans, as did a
as a not-for-profit margin fell by some 6.5% to HK$2.90 billion,
new betting option called FlexiBet that allows organisation and does even though turnover saw a slight increase,
customers to cover more combinations for the despite the absence of any major international
same price on All Up and exotic pools. During
not need to be driven by championships in the year. We have added a
the season we also made enhancements to quarterly results in the number of new leagues and cups to our port-
our information channels and introduced a folio during the season to stimulate football
personalised web portal, myHKJC, for our
manner of a listed fans’ interest. This also serves to provide more
betting account holders, which has already company, we were able to non-raceday employment opportunities for
attracted some 40,000 users. our betting staff.
take a longer-term view
Meanwhile The Racing Club, set up in 2007 than most. The Mark Six lottery contributed a further
to attract young professionals and give them HK$386 million in commission, a small
a taste of horse ownership, saw a 30% increase increase of 0.8%. We believe that the lottery
in membership and had an outstanding season, would benefit from refreshment and have
with its three horses earning five wins and six made a number of proposals to Government in
placings from 14 outings. that regard, but so far none has been accepted.
Besides realising HK$1.61 billion in lottery duty
Off the track, we continued formulating our to the Government, the Mark Six contributed
Racecourse Master Plan and expect to be able to HK$964 million to the Lotteries Fund which
announce details by December this year. Besides supports social projects.
putting forward a programme of enhancements
that will keep our two world-class racecourses In total last year, we contributed HK$12.87
competitive with other leading leisure and billion to the Government in betting duties
entertainment facilities in the region, the Master and taxes, an estimated 6.7% of all revenue
Plan aims to open up new opportunities for collected by the Inland Revenue Department,
Hong Kong’s business and tourism sectors, which once again made us Hong Kong’s largest
by making a visit to the racecourses a “must single taxpayer. This underlines the crucial
see” tourism attraction and an unparalleled role that the Club plays in supporting public
destination experience. spending in Hong Kong, especially at a time

Chief Executive Officer’s Statement 行政總裁報告

of downturn when tax revenues from the busi- 2009, including 1,000 at Tin Shui Wai. Govern- I should like to pay tribute to the unswerving
ness sector are falling, yet society’s needs and ment’s approval of the additional racedays support of the Board of Stewards, and also to
expectations become greater than ever. and simulcasts will also enable us to recruit our dedicated and professional team of managers
a further 1,500 staff before the beginning of and staff, for making these successes possible. I
Our Membership services, which operate on a the new season. In total, we have committed to am certain that a strong foundation has already
self-financing basis, continue to prove popular. preserve and create over 4,000 jobs as a result been laid for reaching further new heights in
During the year we completed renovations of of the extra racedays and simulcasts, despite the coming year.
the Old Clubhouse at Beas River Country Club, our full request not being granted.
the Six Furlong and Food Plaza restaurants at WINFRIED ENGELBRECHT-BRESGES
Happy Valley Clubhouse and Double Haven It should also be remembered that every Chief Executive Officer
at Sha Tin Clubhouse, where a new gym and raceday we stage creates stable employment 23 July 2009
changing rooms were also added. All Club for thousands of other Hong Kong people
catering outlets now have full HACCP certifica- directly or indirectly – for example the Club’s
tion, which gives customers added reassurance food suppliers and other contractors, transport
of food safety. Meanwhile our new Beijing operators, the owners of shops and restaurants
Clubhouse is steadily building up its own pres- in the vicinity of our racecourses and Off-
tigious membership list in the capital. Course Betting Branches, and the media and
newspaper vendors. There is no doubt that we
After the global economic crisis started to could create many more jobs in the community
bite in October, we undertook a thorough if given the opportunity to do so.
business review to assess the likely impact
on our various operations, including our The opening of our new Telebet cum Volunteers
charitable donations to the community. It was and Training Centre at Tin Shui Wai in May was
clear to us that the most immediate concern of an especially groundbreaking event, as it enabled
Hong Kong people was the prospect of lay-offs us to fulfil three major community objectives
and unemployment. within a single project. Besides creating some
2,500 much-needed new jobs in the area, we
Because the Club operates as a not-for-profit are offering training courses to thousands
organisation and does not need to be driven more residents to help them learn new life and
by quarterly results in the manner of a listed job skills and enhance their employability. In
company, we were able to take a longer-term addition, we are promoting the development of
view than most. We also believed that as one of volunteer services by establishing a new base
Hong Kong’s largest employers, it was important there for our CARE@hkjc Volunteer Team and
that we maintained a stable workforce, other- encouraging our new staff to become involved
wise it would send out the wrong signal to the in volunteer work.
community. Accordingly, at an early stage, we
made a pledge to our staff that we would avoid Through these efforts, we are not only creating
lay-offs if all possible. jobs, but also helping the local community to
become more self-sustaining in the long term.

oreover, we started looking at ways We hope this can become a model for similar
of how we could preserve and ventures in the future.
create more jobs in the commu-
nity. Our proposal to Government What I hope all of these things demonstrate
to increase the number of racedays and overseas is that our business performance at The Hong
simulcasts, and also review the existing betting Kong Jockey Club is only a means to an end, and
duty system, therefore took on new urgency, what ultimately matters is not what we earn,
as did our plans to establish a new Telebet but what we can give back to the community.
Centre in Tin Shui Wai where the unemploy- As regards our bottom line operational results,
ment situation has been especially critical in 2008/09 has undoubtedly been a challenging
recent years. year, but in terms of what we have achieved in
the areas of creating jobs and supporting the
I am pleased to report that we were able to create community’s long-term development, I believe
some 1,500 new jobs in the second quarter of it has been a highly successful 12 months.







對嚴峻的經濟挑戰,二○○八/○九季 的三倍,以及英國(百分之十五)的五倍,堪
度的賽馬總投注額和入場人數卻大致 稱全球最高博彩稅率的地區之一。
賞的運動項目。可是,偏高的博彩稅率卻持續 綜合種種因素,檢討香港的博彩稅率著實刻不
分佔賽馬博彩毛利。 容緩。首先,二○○六年的稅制改革,已把不
七月一日舉行的季終賽事,入場人次逾六萬 資和慈善捐款的能力。
天的投注額更創下六年來新高,進一步印證港 自 二 ○ ○ 六 年 稅 改 方 案 推 出 以 來, 政 府 從
人鍾情賽馬活動。 賽 馬 博 彩 稅 所 得 稅 收, 由 二 ○ ○ 五 /○ 六 季
度 的 七 十 九 億 四 千 萬 港 元, 上 升 至 去 季 的
今季馬會的賽馬博彩毛利為三十億九千萬 八十一億二千萬港元;同期,馬會的賽馬博
港 元, 較 二 ○ ○ 七 /○ 八 季 度 下 跌 百 分 之 彩 毛 利 卻 由 三 十 二 億 五 千 萬 港 元, 下 跌 至
二。同時,我們向政府繳交的賽馬博彩稅達 三十億九千萬港元,可見政府顯然是早前稅改
八十一億二千萬港元,由於金額超出二○○六 方案的大贏家。
的水平,因此毋須擔憂要補貼差額,令我們免 其次,博彩稅率持續高企,只會削弱我們的競
受雙重打擊。 爭力,難以跟非法和外圍莊家抗衡。他們往往
我們須重申,賽馬是馬會的核心業務,造就我 港的稅率與全球規範拉近,就能減低非法莊家
們每年向政府繳付約一百三十億港元稅款, 的吸引力,以及隨之衍生的借貸賭博、未成年
並直接捐款不少於十億港元予慈善及社會項 賽馬是馬會的核心業務,造 人士參與投注和高利貸等社會問題。
就我們每年向政府繳付約 調整博彩稅率不但不會減低政府收入,還會為
本港的賽馬活動充分體現港人的生活方式和勇 注活動,均透過合法和規範化的途徑進行。
往直前的爭勝精神,亦一直深受旅客歡迎。 接捐款予慈善及社會項目。
賽馬活動多年來表現卓越,在港建樹良多,在 馬會去年撥出的慈善捐款為 走向國際,尤其是扼殺匯合彩池的發展。匯合
目前全球競爭激烈的環境下,絕非必然。誠如 彩池已日漸成為全球趨勢,惟香港在這方面遠
歷年最高,共十三億七千萬 遠落後於其他地區。本港憑著高質素和廉潔的
慮,我們不應掉以輕心。 賽馬活動,加上龐大的彩池,令海外地區極有
政府於七月中旬通過建議,批准我們每季增加 來龐大的額外稅收。可是,按照香港現行的稅
五個賽事日和十五個聯播海外賽事日,實在令 務政策,匯合彩池除了須繳付當地的稅項外,

Chief Executive Officer’s Statement 行政總裁報告

也須全數繳付本地徵稅,因而令不少匯合彩池 維持穩定人手實為重要,否則可能向社會傳達
協議無法在港實施。 錯誤的訊息。故此,我們早前已向員工承諾盡
面對這些制肘,我們仍然積極發展賽馬運動, 每逢賽馬日,我們都直接或

吸引新一代馬迷和馬主,並進一步提高香港在 外,我們也設法保留職位,並為社會
國際馬壇的聲譽。我們亦特別於跑馬地馬場舉 間接為數以千計的港人帶來 創造更多就業機會;除了較早前加緊
辦不同主題的活動,迎合新顧客群的需求,讓 向政府建議增加賽馬日和聯播海外賽
穩定的就業機會。若情況許 事日,以及檢討現行的博彩稅制外,也在近年
均入場率上升百分之二點六。 飽受失業問題困擾的天水圍,開設電話投注

地頂級賽駒在國際馬壇也屢創佳績。 更多職位。
「好爸爸」於季內以一百二十四分的國 馬會於二○○九年第二季開創一千五百個新職
際評分,成為全球評分第二最高的馬 位,其中包括於天水圍聘用一千人。政府通過
匹,亦是香港賽駒歷來在世界馬匹排名中所獲 增加賽事日和聯播海外賽事日後,我們可望於
得的最高評分。「蓮華生輝」於新加坡 KrisFlyer 下季前增聘一千五百人。雖然向政府提交的建
國際短途錦標一仗掄元,被視為今年全球最精 議並非全數獲得採納,但我們已承諾透過增加
彩的短途馬競賽。長途賽駒「爆冷」在季內曾 足智彩方面,季內雖然並沒有舉行大型國際足 本地賽事日和聯播海外賽事日,確保就業,並
兩勝香港一級賽,出道至今已贏得七場一級大 球賽事,投注額卻輕微上升,然而,足球博彩 開創逾四千個職位。
賽,是以於季終一償素願,登上「香港馬王」 毛利下跌百分之六點五至二十九億港元。同
寶座。 期,我們受注更多聯賽和盃賽,力求提升球迷 每逢賽馬日,我們都直接或間接為數以千計的
的興趣,也為投注部員工創造更多非賽馬日的 港人帶來穩定的就業機會,當中不乏馬會的食
我們亦一直致力培養本地世界級騎師,成效理 工作機會。 材供應商及其他服務承辦商,鄰近馬場和場外
想。首季作賽的見習騎師蔡明紹全季合共贏得 投注處的食肆商舖,以至傳媒和報販。若情況
四十三場頭馬,其勝出率在眾騎師之中為第二 六 合 彩 獎 券 的 佣 金 微 升 百 分 之 零 點 八, 達 許可,馬會將盡力為社會開創更多職位。
最高,以這位十八歲年輕新秀的參賽實力而 三億八千六百萬港元。我們相信六合彩注入新
言,成績著實出眾。至於另一首季作賽的梁家 元素會有利發展,並已就此向政府提出若干建 今年五月,「天水圍電話投注暨義工及培訓中
俊亦表現卓越,合共贏得二十八場頭馬。他們 議,惟至今未獲採納。我們除了透過六合彩向 心」開幕,實屬馬會另一創舉。該中心不但為
的出色表現,有賴我們在選拔策騎人才方面採 政府繳付十六億一千萬港元獎券博彩稅之外, 該區提供約二千五百個職位,還致力為當地數
取有系統的策略,以及為培訓計劃投放大量資 也撥捐九億六千四百萬港元予獎券基金,資助 以千計的居民開辦培訓課程,協助他們掌握知
源,包括安排學員往外地作賽。當然,馬會賽 推行社區項目。 識和工作技能,增加就業機會。同時,馬會義
事人才培訓團隊和見習騎師學校的努力亦應記 工隊也以此為新基地,向社區拓展義工服務,
一功。 去年,馬會向政府繳付博彩稅及其他稅款合共 並鼓勵新入職同事加入義工行列。我們希望藉
一百二十八億七千萬港元,估計約佔稅務局整 此社區項目,締造上述三贏局面。
我們推出首個固定賠率投注類別「騎師王」,深 體稅收百分之六點七,再次成為香港最大的單
受馬迷歡迎;而嶄新的投注概念「靈活玩」,讓 一納稅機構。現時經濟低迷,以致商業稅收減 透過以上計劃,我們不單開創職位,也為社區
客戶以同樣的投注總額,湊合比之前更多的投 少,而民生需求與社會期望卻日漸增加,彰 注入活力,務求長遠帶動該區居民實踐「助人
注組合,亦為馬迷平添新意。季內,我們除了 顯馬會對資助本港公共開支擔當日益重要的 自助」的積極生活。我們也期望中心能夠成為
加強馬會的資訊發放渠道,也推出個人智能網 角色。 日後同類計劃的模範。
站 myHKJC,至今已吸引約四萬名投注客戶登
記使用。 向來自負盈虧的會員事務,一直備受推祟。年 我衷心希望,上述業績不但證明馬會竭盡所
內,雙魚河鄉村會所的舊會所、跑馬地會所的 能,爭取佳績;更重要的是,我們並非只著眼
馬會於二○○七年成立「競駿會」,銳意吸納年 六化郎咖啡室和美食廣場,以及沙田會所的旺 於利潤,而是注重如何具體回饋社會。回顧去
輕專業才俊,讓他們一嘗當馬主的滋味,會員人 灣樓先後完成改善工程,另增設健身室和更衣 年各項業績表現,二○○八/○九季度肯定是
數上季錄得三成增長。季內,競駿會名下三匹賽 室。馬會旗下的餐廳食肆均已全面獲頒「危害 充滿挑戰的一年。雖然面對艱辛的環境,但我
駒出戰十四場賽事,取得五勝六位置的佳績。 分析及關鍵控制點」
(HACCP)國際認證,讓顧 們仍能在開創就業和支援社區長遠發展方面作
客享有食物安全保證。同時,馬會新設的北京 出貢獻,成績超然。
此外,我們正著手制訂馬場發展大綱,有關詳 會所的會員人數亦正穩步上升。
情可望於今年十二月公佈。馬場發展大綱除了 這一切努力的成果,全賴各位董事的悉心支
包括多項設施提升計劃,維持馬會兩個世界級 全球金融危機在十月爆發後,我們全面檢視馬 持,以及專業管理團隊和員工盡忠職守,謹表
馬場的競爭力,與亞洲區首屈一指的消閒娛樂 會業務,並就可能受影響的營運單位進行評 謝忱。相信憑著馬會穩健的業務基礎,將可推
設施看齊,還會致力為本港商業和旅遊業開拓 估,包括為社會作出的慈善捐款。我們深切明 動來年業務再創高峰。
商機,使馬場成為本地旅遊的「必看」景點, 白市民大眾最關注的是就業前景。
鑑於馬會乃非牟利機構,有別於上市公司,不 行政總裁  應家柏
同時,隨著馬季結束,我們已於跑馬地馬場的 受季度業績表現制肘,是以我們能作較長期的 二○○九年七月二十三日
公眾席及馬主設施,開展翻新計劃和改善工程。 業務規劃。馬會深明作為全港最大僱主之一,


Chief Executive Officer – Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges 行政總裁 應家柏

Executive Director, Betting – Henry S K Chan 投注事務執行總監 陳承楷

Betting Services (Off-Course), Betting Services (On-Course), Betting 場外投注事務部、馬場投注事務部、
Services and Systems, Business Development (Overseas), Business 投注事務及系統部、業務發展部(海
Development (Special Projects), Customer Management, Football 外)、業務發展部(項目策劃)、顧客
Betting, Interactive Services, Telebet 管理事務部、足球投注事務部、互

Executive Director, Charities – William Y Yiu 慈善事務執行總監 饒恩培

Archives, Charities, Jockey Club Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course, 香港賽馬會資料庫、慈善事務部、
Racing Museum 賽馬會滘西洲公眾高爾夫球場、香

Executive Director, Corporate Development – 公司發展事務執行總監 麥建華

From right to left, Kim K W Mak 國內事務部、公司品牌部、公共事
front to back row
Corporate Affairs (Mainland), Corporate Branding, Public Affairs 務部

Chief Executive Officer Executive Director, Finance – Paulus S Lee 財政事務執行總監 李保祿
Winfried Engelbrecht-
Finance, Treasury, Procurement & Administration 財務部、庫務部、採購及政務部
行政總裁 應家柏
Executive Director, Information Technology – 資訊科技事務執行總監 李惠光
Executive Director, Betting
Sunny W K Lee 應用系統發展部、資訊科技體系結
Henry S K Chan
投注事務執行總監 陳承楷 Application Development, IT Architecture & Innovation, IT 構 及 創 新 部、 資 訊 科 技 架 構 服 務
Infrastructure Services, IT Operations and Services, IT Solutions and 部、資訊科技營運部、資訊科技業
Executive Director, Racing
Services, IT Strategy and Planning, Systems Assurance 務方案及服務部、資訊科技策略及策
William A Nader
賽馬事務執行總監 利達賢 劃部、系統保證部

Executive Director, Finance

Executive Director, Membership Services & Property – 會員及物業事務執行總監 陳錦程
Paulus S Lee
財政事務執行總監 李保祿 Billy K C Chen 北京香港馬會會所、款客事務營運
Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse, Hospitality Services (會所、馬場餐飲事務及場畔飲食服
Executive Director,
Operations (Clubhouses, Racecourse Catering and Trackside 務)、款客事務項目發展及策劃、會
Corporate Development
Kim K W Mak Catering), Hospitality Services Projects and Planning, Membership 員事務部、物業部
公司發展事務執行總監 Services, Property

Executive Director, Charities Executive Director, Racing – William A Nader 賽馬事務執行總監 利達賢
William Y Yiu Broadcasting Services; Equestrian Affairs; Handicapping and Race 廣播事務部、馬術事務部、評磅及
慈善事務執行總監 饒恩培
Planning; International Races, Sale and Development; Racecourse 賽事策劃部、國際賽事、馬匹拍賣
Executive Director, Security Business; Racing Control; Racing Development Board; Racing 會及發展事務部、馬場業務部、賽
& Corporate Legal Services Laboratory; Racing Marketing; Racing Operations; Racing Public 事管制部、賽事培訓發展委員會、
Stephen G Chandler
Affairs; Racing Registry; Veterinary Clinical Services; Veterinary 賽 事 化 驗 所、 賽 事 市 務 部、 賽 事
陳德立 Regulation and International Liaison 執行部、賽事公共事務、賽事秘書
Executive Director,
Membership Services
& Property
Billy K C Chen Executive Director, Security & Corporate Legal Services – 保安及公司法律事務執行總監 陳德立
Stephen G Chandler 公司法律事務部(法律事務組、公司
Corporate Legal Services (Legal Services, Corporate Secretariat), 秘書處)、保安部(資料保安組、調
Executive Director, Security (Data, Investigations, Operations, Integrity Services) 查組、執行組、審查組)
Information Technology
Sunny W K Lee
資訊科技事務執行總監 Audit, Corporate Business Planning, Human Resources 稽核部、公司業務策劃部、人力資
李惠光 and Sustainability 源及持續發展

Working for
For more than 120 years, The Hong Kong Jockey contributor to public spending. Another
Club has been committed to contributing to HK$1 billion-plus is set aside annually from the
the community it serves, a commitment that Club’s surplus for charitable and community
embraces not only its charitable donations, but projects, benefiting tens of thousands more
countless other areas of daily life in the city. local citizens from all walks of life. The Club’s
Every raceday sees more than 13,500 people dedication to providing world-class sporting
employed at the Club’s racecourses, many of entertainment and facilities has also helped
them part-timers who rely on this extra income boost the tourism industry, and made it possible
to support their families. Hundreds of transport for Hong Kong to join the distinguished ranks
workers and small business operators also look of Olympic cities.
to the Club’s racedays to boost their income. The four stories in the following pages
And when the last horse has left the track and provide a glimpse of the many different ways
the final payouts have been made, the revenue in which Hong Kong’s unique betting model –
generated keeps on working for Hong Kong. regulated and responsible gambling, operated
Some HK$13 billion a year from the Club’s for the community’s benefit by a not-for-profit
racing, football and Mark Six operations goes organisation – has worked well for Hong Kong
to Government as duties or taxes – a major over the years, and continues to do so.
Hong Kong’s
Racedays provide fulfilling work for thousands

awn is barely breaking over Sha Tin Racecourse and the silence is broken
only by nascent birdsong as Lee Kam-wing reports for duty around four in
the morning. There’s still more than eight hours to go before the afternoon’s
first race, but Lee and his 70 colleagues in the Tracks Department have a lot of

important work to get through, to make sure the day’s racing goes off smoothly
and – above all – safely.
“I arrive early to check on the track condition and fencing, because anything could
have happened overnight,” Lee says. “Sometimes spades have been accidentally left on
the track. It would be a disaster if any horse stepped on them.”
As Lee and his colleagues go about their tasks, dozens more stable staff are
also reporting for duty, getting ready to feed, groom and exercise the horses.
There are about 1,100 racehorses in Hong Kong and whether running that day
or not, they all need regular care and attention. In total, the stables employ well
over 700 staff.
Lee and his fellow early-birds are among more than 13,500 people for
一百二十多年來,香港賽馬會一直熱心服務  whom every raceday organised by The Hong Kong Jockey Club provides regular
社群,積極捐款支持慈善事業,惠及社會不同 and reliable employment. Most are never seen by the racegoers, but fulfil vital
階層。 backstage roles.
    每逢賽馬日,馬會轄下兩個馬場共聘用超 The Club’s over 1,000 full- and part-time chefs and catering staff are among
過一萬三千五百人,當中不少兼職員工就是依 other early risers. “There’s a total of 9,300 seats in our restaurants at Sha Tin, and
靠馬會的收入來維持生計。同時,數以百計從 that doesn’t include the Food Court,” points out General Manager of Racecourse
事運輸業的人士和若干小企業東主也因著賽馬 Catering Operations Wallace Li. “That’s a lot of people to feed”.
活動受惠,增加收入。當最後一匹賽駒離開跑 Others on duty include security staff, cleaners, doctors and vets, farriers,
道,員工完成派彩後,取諸港人的博彩收入, the racing control and broadcasting teams and, of course, the staff who man the
隨即用諸港人,生生不息。 betting windows. In fact, the cleaners come in early to get all the stands, boxes and
    馬會的賽馬投注、足球博彩和六合彩獎券 restaurants spick and span, and then stay late to finish the post-race cleaning work.
業務,每年向政府繳付稅項約一百三十億港 They are usually the last to leave the racecourse.
元,成為香港最大的納稅機構。此外,馬會每 There are also many more who don’t actually work at the racecourse but
年也從盈餘撥捐超過十億港元,捐助慈善和社 nevertheless play a vital role in the smooth operation of each raceday – notably
會項目,造福數以萬計不同階層的香港市民。  some 12,000 people at the Club’s four Telebet Centres, taking bets from the public
馬會一向致力提供世界頂級賽馬娛樂和設施, by phone, and another 3,700 at the network of 106 Off-Course Betting Branches
不但推動旅遊業發展,也促使香港成為奧運城 (OCBBs) citywide, which are always at their busiest on racedays.
市之一。 Many of these staff are part-time – indeed more than 10,000 of the 13,500 people
    以下四篇專題報導,將加深我們認識作為 on duty each raceday are part-timers, who rely on the twice-weekly horse racing
非牟利機構的馬會,以獨有的營運模式,推行 operations to supplement their family income.
規範化及有節制的博彩政策。透過此營運模 The Club is the largest employer of part-time staff in Hong Kong and attaches
式,馬會過去多年來不斷為香港謀福祉,並將 great importance to this loyal and dedicated team. It is one of the city’s only
於未來繼續造福社群。 organisations to provide extensive training to part-timers – a policy that has reaped
valuable dividends over the years, with a number of part-timers progressing to
full-time management posts.
“We hope the community will in
turn put their full support
behind our initiatives to keep
more betting dollars in Hong
Kong, and continue preserving
and creating jobs.”
Chief Executive Officer

Staff at the four Telebet

Centres (top) and in the
Tracks Department are at
their busiest on racedays.

Jackie Wai, a Form 5 graduate, joined the Club as a part-timer in 1975. Today she is Branch 萬計員工賽馬日各司其職
Manager of an OCBB in Yuen Long and under her leadership, the Branch has won a number of 凌晨四時,晨光初露,沙田馬場四周的鳥鳴聲
awards. When Hong Kong was hit by the Asian economic crisis in 1997, she became the family’s sole 劃破長夜的寂靜。這時,馬會職員李錦榮已緊
breadwinner for a while, after her husband’s restaurant business collapsed amid heavy debts. 守崗位,聯同跑道部七十位同事,為八小時後
“We had a rough time then,” her husband recalls. “Luckily her income from the Club was 的首場日間賽事,仔細勘察場地賽道,確保當
very steady and we were able to cover the family’s expenses.” 天賽事能夠安全順利舉行。
Recently the Club has been facing problems of its own, as Hong Kong suffers the effects     「我們要於大清早檢查場地狀况與欄杆位
of a new economic crisis, this time global, bringing inevitable impacts on leisure and 置,力求萬無一失。我們曾經在賽道上檢回小
discretionary spending. 鏟子,若給馬匹踩中便麻煩了。」
Many companies in Hong Kong have been forced to lay off staff and often, part-timers have     李錦榮與同事們埋首工作之際,其他馬房
been the first to go – but the Club has given a commitment not to make layoffs unless absolutely 員工亦陸續上班,替馬匹清潔身體、餵飼及進
necessary, aware that the stable and reliable income its racing and betting operations provide 行操練。本港現有約一千一百匹賽駒,無論當
means so much to so many people in Hong Kong from all walks of life. 天是否出賽,馬匹每天均會獲得逾七百名馬房
Instead it is aiming to preserve and create jobs for Hong Kong by exploring new business 員工的悉心照料。
opportunities in its sports entertainment and racecourse operations. The establishment of a new     馬會為李錦榮和其他參與賽事相關工作的
Telebet Cum Volunteers and Training Centre at Tin Shui Wai (see supporting story on pages 一萬三千五百多名全職與兼職員工提供了穩定
23-25) has already created 2,500 much needed new jobs in this remote area, as well as providing 的收入和就業機會。他們大多與馬迷緣慳一
training opportunities for tens of thousands more. 面,卻是賽事的幕後功臣。
“As a not-for-profit organisation, we are probably in a better position to ride out the storm than     馬會千多名全職或兼職廚師和飲食部員工
companies who have shareholders to keep happy,” points out Chief Executive Officer Winfried- 也於賽馬日大清早各就各位,為客人服務。馬
Engelbrecht-Bresges. “But we are still driven to make a surplus from our business operations, because 場餐飲服務營運總經理李展鴻指出:「沙田馬
we are very conscious of our role in supporting the community through our charitable donations, 場內的餐廳總共有九千三百個座位,還未把美
and we realise these contributions become especially important during difficult times.” 食廣場計算在內。我們需為眾多的顧客提供食
“We hope the community will in turn put their full support behind our initiatives to keep more 物和服務。」
betting dollars in Hong Kong, and continue preserving and creating jobs. Under the regulated     此外,保安員、雜務員、醫生與獸醫、釘
and responsible gambling system that has evolved here over the decades, everyone can ultimately 甲匠、賽事監察和影視廣播隊伍,以及於投注
be a winner.” 櫃位工作的同事,也為賽馬日盡心盡力。事實

Feature Stories 專題報導


local rice bowls


filled times!
二千名員工提供電話投注服務,另外三千七百 million

    馬會是全港聘用最多兼職員工的僱主,其 esides the 13,500 Hong Kong Jockey Club staff on duty every raceday, the
成功少不得這支忠心竭誠服務的團隊。馬會也 Club’s racing operations help sustain stable employment for thousands
是本港少有為兼職員工提供培訓機會的機構之 more Hong Kong people indirectly – for example restaurant owners, food
一,這項政策多年來成效顯著,不少兼職員工 suppliers, transport operators and the publishing industry.
已晉身至全職管理層。 To meet the huge demand for on-course catering, the Club purchases some 270
    韋小玲在中五畢業後,於一九七五年加入 tonnes of rice a year – enough to fill nearly 5 million bowls – and 180,000 litres
馬會,由兼職員工晉升至現任元朗場外投注處 of cooking oil alone, not to mention huge amounts of meat, fish, fruit, vegetables
經理。期間,她曾帶領這家投注處屢獲殊榮。 and drinks of all types. That adds up to big business for many of the Club’s regular
回想香港受到九七金融風暴影響,小玲丈夫經 suppliers. Then there are the 600 contract workers it takes just to launder the 28
營的餐廳被迫結業,還欠下一筆遣散費,一家 tonnes of uniforms and tablecloths that get used every week!
經濟陷入困境,韋小玲頓時成為家庭的經濟  Not all eating is done at the racecourses, though. Racedays mean valuable extra
支柱。 business for restaurant owners in the vicinity of Happy Valley and Sha Tin, especially
    韋小玲的丈夫憶述:「當時生活很艱苦。幸 from racegoers who have a lucky streak to celebrate. Happy Valley restaurateur
好太太在馬會的收入穩定,可以承擔起家庭開 Wong Ka-wing estimates that racenights boost his takings by some 30 to 40 per
支,幫助渡過難關。」 cent. “After the racing, many customers come to eat and our business increases
    在全球金融海嘯衝擊下,娛樂消閒和零售 considerably,” he says.
百貨業難免受到影響,馬會也不能倖免。 “I can pick up two or three
rounds of customers at the
言如非必要,不會裁減員工,因為馬會深明其 racecourse, and business
generally increases by 10 to
    為求保職創職,馬會積極於其體育娛樂及 20 per cent.”
馬場運作方面尋求業務發展機會。其中在天水 Mr Pang
第 23-25 頁的相關故事),為這個偏遠地區帶
    「我 們 期 盼 社 會 全 力 支 持 我 們 提 出 的 方

“Wong Ka-wing estimates that 賽馬日除了直接創造一萬三千五百個馬會全職
racenights boost his takings by 廳東主、食材供應商、運輸業和出版印刷界人
some 30 to 40 per cent.” 士,開創穩定的就業機會。
外, 每 星 期 要 洗 熨 的 馬 會 衣 物、 枱 布 等 達

Racedays being valuable extra     賽馬日也為不少食肆帶來商機。每逢賽馬

business for news vendors and the
operators of restaurants near the
racecourses. 賽馬日帶動報販和馬場 食肆生意增加,如果食客投注獲利,更會前來
鄰近食肆生意滔滔。 慶祝。在跑馬地經營中式菜館的黃家榮估計,
Then there’s the small shops and eateries in the vicinity of the Club’s 106 Off-Course Betting 道投注處附近開設了一間麵檔,上月又在同區電
Branches, which benefit too from extra passing trade on racedays. Mr So opened a noodle shop 氣道開設分店,選址同樣靠近投注處。
near the Marble Road OCBB in North Point last year and has been so pleased with business that     香港的公共交通服務機構於賽馬日也份外
he’s now opened a second shop in the area at Electric Road, close to another OCBB. 繁忙,除了沙田馬場設有馬場火車站,十五條
Hong Kong’s public transport operators also get a lot of extra business from horse racing – 巴士專線更會於賽馬日加開服務。賽馬日亦令
Sha Tin Racecourse has its own rail station and 15 special bus routes operate on racedays – while 的士業同樣受惠。任職的士司機的彭漢江表
the taxi trade is another group to benefit. “I can pick up two or three rounds of customers at 示:「在賽馬日,我一般可以載客往返馬場最
the racecourse, and business generally increases by 10 to 20 per cent,” says taxi driver Mr Pang. 少兩三回,生意額通常比平日多出一至兩成。
“If the customers have won some money, they may want to go farther to places such as Lau Fau 如果客人贏了錢,我會接載他們去比較偏遠的
Shan or Lei Yue Mun to eat seafood.” 地方如流浮山或鯉魚門吃海鮮。」
Most of Hong Kong’s daily newspapers carry regular racing sections, employing specialist     本港的報章大多刊載賽馬消息,並聘用不
writers and form analysts, and there are also more than 10 dedicated racing publications issued 少馬評人分析賽事,而賽馬日還有十多份賽馬
on racedays. This, in turn, means more business for local news vendors, many of whom are 刊物出版,因而為不少一人經營的報販帶來更
one-man businesses. “Even if they can get free newspapers, my customers will still buy the 多收入。從事報販三十年的張豔蓮說:「即使
racing publications on racedays,” says stall owner Miss Cheung, who has seen some tough times 馬迷於平日慣看免費報紙,跑馬日都要買『馬
in her 30 years in the trade. “Business varies 20 to 30 per cent between the horse racing season 經』。我們於馬季和非馬季的生意額,大約相
and the non-racing months.” 差兩至三成。」
And racegoers who enjoy the special entertainment programmes the Club lays on for     馬會在大型賽事舉行期間往往加設精彩的
major racedays may not realise the huge amount of preparation and planning work that 娛樂節目助慶,但在場的馬迷也許並不知道,
goes into these events, much of it contracted out to small companies. Some of Hong Kong’s 當中不少的項目籌劃均有賴馬會外判的小型公
local production houses have actually expanded their operations and taken on extra staff 司協辦。不少本地製作公司便是憑著承辦馬會
on the back of special assignments from the Club. Moreover, a lot of the staffing at these 工程而拓展業務和增聘人手。此外,許多大學
events is provided by university students, for whom it provides valuable learning experiences 生亦是透過在馬會兼職協辦大大小小的助慶節
in event management. 目,獲取相關的工作經驗。

Feature Stories 專題報導

New jobs, new

community spirit
fostered in
Tin Shui Wai
he Club’s new HKJC Tin
Shui Wai Telebet cum
Volunteers and Training
C ent re , w h ic h c om menc e d
operations on 13 May 2009, is
bringing new jobs, new hopes
and new community spirit to
this long-disadvantaged area of
Hong Kong.
When the Club organised a
Jobs Fair in Tin Shui Wai in April

to recruit 1,500 new staff, mostly
etween 5 April and 12 July
for the first phase operation of the
new Telebet Centre, more than 11,000 people swamped the venue, the vast majority of them 2009, local TV channel TVB
from Tin Shui Wai and surrounding areas. Jade broadcast a special
Although only a small fraction of the applicants could be taken on at that stage, the 15-episode series entitled The
Club can employ a further 1,500 people now that the Club has been permitted to stage Hong Kong Jockey Club Preserves
additional racedays and simulcasts. In total, the Club’s proposals will preserve and create and Creates Jobs, featuring real-
an additional 4,000 part-time or contract positions and 50 to 100 full-time job opportunities life stories about how the Club’s
in different departments. operations bring benefit to Hong
Telebet has become a growingly popular method of placing bets in recent years and being Kong people from all walks of
a phone-based system, its location is not customer-critical. “When we took the decision to set life. You can enjoy seeing these
up an additional Telebet Centre, we focused instead on where it could bring most value to the touching stories yourself as part of
surrounding community,” explains Executive Director of Corporate Development Kim K W
a DVD attached to the back cover
Mak. “Even though operating from Tin Shui Wai increases our business costs, we are happy
of this Annual Report.
to accept that for the good of the community.”

12,000 2,500 10,000 五日至七月十二日在無線電視翡翠
Staff employed at the New jobs created by Potential training 台播出。隨本年報附上的影碟,可
Club’s four Telebet opening of Tin Shui opportunities provided 供閣下重溫有關節目內容。
Centres, 90% of them Wai Telebet Centre by Volunteers and
part-timers 天水圍電話投注中心啟用後 Training Centre every
馬會轄下四個電話投注中心 創造的職位數目 quarter
的員工數目,當中九成是兼 義工及培訓中心每季可提供的
職員工 最高培訓名額

投 注 暨 義 工 及 培 訓 中心」於 二 ○ ○ 九 年 五 月
“When we took the decision to set 所在對客戶影響不大。公司發展事務執行總監
up an additional Telebet Centre, 中心,我們著重於物色最能令周邊社區受惠的
we focused instead on where it 地方。雖然選址天水圍增加我們的營運成本,
could bring most value to the     幸好馬會隨後在房屋署的協助下,於天水
surrounding community.” 圍天恆邨一幢空置率高的停車場大樓覓得理想
Kim K W Mak
Executive Director of 話投注中心設有一千個工作站,所有工作崗位
Eager job seeker Mr Chan was Corporate Development 均符合職業安全及採用人體工程學設計,包括
first in the queue at the Job 備有玻璃間隔、護眼特色牆、休憩區域和室內
Fair. 求職心切的陳先生是馬會招聘
博覽首位排隊應徵的求職者。 花園。中心的空氣質素和中央飲用水處理系統
With assistance from the Housing Department, a very suitable location came to light at Tin 建成義工及培訓中心,不但配合馬會的發展需
Shui Wai, in the form of an under-utilised car parking block at Tin Heng Estate. Since then, 求,也為區內人士提供各式各樣的培訓課程,
the Club has transformed two floors of the car park into a clean and modern office housing 協助他們提升知識和工作技能,以便更易於投
1,000 workstations and incorporating numerous worker-friendly and ergonomically-designed 入就業市場和服務社會。中心每個季度可提供
features, including glass partitioning, eye-relaxing feature walls, scattered break-out zones 達一萬個培訓名額。
and an indoor garden. Even its indoor air quality and centralised drinking water system have     義工中心亦會於當區籌辦連串義工活動和
received official certification. 社區計劃,區內的其他團體亦可申請借用中心
Another half-floor of the car park building was converted into a Volunteers and Training 內的會議室和設施。今年獲社會福利署頒發傑
Centre, which not only meets the Club’s needs but provides additional training and development 出義工獎的馬會義工隊將以此為基地,推行各
programmes for local residents, so that they can enhance their skills and knowledge levels in 項受歡迎的義工服務,包括探訪區內的獨居長
order to increase their employment potential and better serve the community. The Centre can 者。過去一年,義工隊共提供接近四千小時的
offer a maximum of 10,000 training places each quarter. 服務。
In addition, the Centre organises a series of voluntary and community initiatives. Its     未來,馬會將會鼓勵新入職天水圍電話投
meeting rooms and facilities can also be used by other community groups. The Club’s own 注中心的員工加入馬會義工隊,藉此為天水圍
CARE@hkjc Volunteer Team, honoured with an Outstanding Volunteer Award by the Social 地區注入朝氣與活力,推動該區實踐助人自助
Welfare Department this year, has already set up a base there, providing much-appreciated 的精神。
services such as home visits to elderly single people in the area. Over the past year, the team has
delivered nearly 4,000 hours of voluntary services. Meanwhile, all new staff at the Telebet Centre
are being encouraged to join CARE themselves. In this way, the Club is fostering community
spirit in Tin Shui Wai and helping the local community become more self-supporting and
sustainable in the long term.

Feature Stories 專題報導

Club’s flexibility
a boon to many “We need to mobilise a lot of staff
on racedays, but I’m willing to
work around his schedule,” she

he twenty thousand part-
time job opportunities
says. “After all, this is good for his
provided by the Club are long-term development.”
especially appreciated by people Joysi Sin
like young mothers, who need a Off-Course Betting
reliable source of income while Branch Supervisor

still having time off to care for 時間靈活 員工讚好

their children, and students who 馬會提供的二萬多個兼職職位,一直在有意幫
want to earn money to support 補家計和兼顧家庭的家庭主婦及以馬會兼職收
their studies. 入賺取學費的學生之間,備受青睞。
The Club’s extensive range     不論是馬場、電話投注中心和遍及全港的
of part-time positions at the 場外投注處的馬會兼職,均能切合兼職者所求,
racecourses, Telebet Centres and 讓他們選擇就近家居工作和彈性的上班時間。
citywide network of Off-Course     馬會的兼職工作時間極富彈性,部門亦樂
Betting Branches are ideally suited 於因應個別員工的需要,調整工作時間編排。
to these needs as they offer locations close to home and a variety of different working shifts.     中五畢業的阿諾和其他於馬會場外投注處
The Club takes a flexible approach and where feasible, is always happy to tailor the working 兼職的員工一樣,時薪約四十元,比很多行業
hours of individual staff to their specific needs. 都要高。他現在一邊工作,一邊修讀英文課
Form 5 graduate Ah Lok and his colleagues are earning around HK$40 an hour from their 程。「馬會的薪酬較高,讓我可以儲蓄一筆錢
part-time work at Off-Course Betting Branches, more than most similar jobs are paying, and 來進修。」
is using this income to take an English course. “As it offers higher pay, I’ve been able to save     阿諾的上司冼禮芳為方便他在晚間進修,
money to pursue some advanced studies,” he says. 在編排員工值勤表時亦會作出遷就。「每逢賽
When his supervisor Joysi Sin plans the roster, she takes Ah Lok’s evening classes into 馬日,我們都需要最多人手應付投注人流,但
consideration. “We need to mobilise a lot of staff on racedays, but I’m willing to work around 我們都樂意為阿諾作出安排,因為這對他的長
his schedule,” she says. “After all, this is good for his long-term development.” 遠發展,誠屬好事。」


26,000 4,100 13,500 106 640

Full-time and part- Jobs preserved or Club staff on duty
Off-Course Betting Number of
time staff employed created by Club’s each raceday Branches citywide, CARE@hkjc
by The Hong Kong plans for adding 每個賽馬日上班的馬會員工 employing 3,700 Volunteer
Jockey Club more racedays 數目 people Team members
馬會現有全職和兼職員工 and simulcasts 全港場外投注處的數目, 馬會義工隊成員數目
數目 馬會獲准增加賽馬日和聯 員工人數為三千七百人

Rebuilding work now under way

ore than one million people living in earthquake-affected areas of
China’s Sichuan Province are expected to benefit after the Club
announced in November 2008 that it had signed two memorandums
of understanding for the Club’s participation in reconstruction projects there.
The memorandums define preliminary details and arrangements for four
initial projects.
This follows the Club’s pledge in July 2008 to commit a total of HK$1
billion to support suitable post-earthquake reconstruction projects in the
devastated area.
The first four projects, all of which are expected to be completed by 2011,
are focused on the medical and education sectors, as this is where new
facilities are most urgently needed. They will also assist in professional sports
development, another area badly affected by the earthquake. A key feature
of the projects is the provision of special rehabilitation facilities, to help the
many young people who have been disabled by earthquake injuries resume
their studies as soon as possible and reintegrate into society and employment.

“At this stage,
the most important
consideration is
Deyang HKJC No.5 Middle School rebuilding the lives
The buildings of this renowned school survived of Sichuan people,
The four initial projects, the earthquake, but many students from other
especially the
stricken areas have now been relocated there.
worth RMB401 million in The Club’s RMB149 million donation is enabling younger generation
total, are: the upper secondary section to be expanded and their families,
and combined with those of two other nearby
Mianyang 3rd City Hospital HKJC Medical schools so as to accommodate 4,500 students in and bringing them
Complex total. Special rehab facilities are being provided new hope.”
Serving 17,000 inpatients and up to 350,000 for disabled students. John C C Chan
outpatients a year, this 1,000-bed hospital Chairman
also houses the Sichuan Provincial Psychiatric Sichuan HKJC Olympic School
Centre, which is providing counselling and Sichuan province has produced many of
rehabilitation services for earthquake victims. Its China’s top athletes in the past, but the The four initial projects were chosen after
manpower facilities have been badly overloaded earthquakes badly damaged more than 300,000 careful assessment by the Club in conjunction
since the earthquake. The Club’s RMB80 million square metres of sports training facilities with Sichuan provincial authorities, and
donation is enabling the main wing to be rebuilt and killed some 75 young athletes or sports monitoring systems have been put in place to
and new rehab facilities installed. personnel. The establishment of a new RMB135 ensure that strict standards of structural design
million Olympic School at Dujiangyan will and construction are observed.
Mianyang Youxian Zhongxing HKJC Junior help bridge the resulting gap in Sichuan’s
Middle School sports development programme. It is being Recognising that the reconstruction of Sichuan
The original school buildings have collapsed formed by expanding facilities at the existing involves long-term efforts that go beyond the
and are being rebuilt at a cost of RMB37 Dujiangyan Middle School, a key school in provision of new infrastructure and public
million, benefiting some 1,600 Secondary 1 the district, to accommodate 5,000 students. facilities, the Club’s CARE@hkjc Volunteer Team
to 3 students. A Jockey Club Junior Secondary Athletes from all over China will be able to will also visit the earthquake-stricken areas in due
School Rehabilitation Programme will also be apply including those from Hong Kong on course to undertake different types of voluntary
set up to help disabled young people enrol. exchange programmes. work and provide counselling services.

「現 階 段 最 重 要
馬會繼二○○八年七月承諾捐款十億港元協助 綿陽巿游仙區忠興鎮香港馬會初級中學
建 項 目, 重 燃 當 地 四川地震災後重建工作,即於十一月簽訂兩份 該校的原址只剩下頹垣敗瓦,原有的中學大樓
人 民, 尤 其 是 年 青 意向書,並宣佈參與該省四項重建工程項目。 已經倒塌。重建工程涉及款項為三千七百萬元
待工程竣工後,可望令四川災區超過一百萬人 人民幣。新校舍竣工後將為一千六百名中一至
人和他們家人的 受惠。 中三的四川學童帶來希望。該校將成立馬會初
希望。」 中復康計劃,協助傷殘的年輕人入讀。
陳祖澤 為主,預計於二○一一年完成,銳意扶助受大 德陽巿香港馬會第五中學
地震嚴重影響的專業體育培訓。有關工程項目 這家中學是德陽市的著名學府,校舍並未受到
較引人注目之處是加入特別康復設施,幫助傷 地震破壞,然而該校不少學生都來自地震重災
殘青年人盡早復課,讓他們日後能較容易融入 區。馬會捐款一億四千九百萬元人民幣,供該
社會和就業。 校重整高中部,並與區內鄰近兩間學校的高中
涉及總值四億零一百萬元人民幣的四項計劃, 校內還會加設傷殘人士的設施。
綿陽巿第三人民醫院香港馬會醫學綜合樓 四川省曾經培育了不少優秀運動員,但是大地
醫院共有一千個床位,每年服務一萬七千名住 震導致超過三十萬平方米的體校訓練場館嚴重
院病人和三十五萬名門診病人。該醫院也是四 損毀,逾七十五名年輕運動員或體育工作者喪
川省精神衞生中心,為災民提供心理輔導和精 生。 在 都 江 堰 興 建 的 奧 林 匹 克 學 校, 耗 資
神康復治療。醫院在災後接收了大量病人,遠 一億三千五百萬元人民幣,將有助避免四川的
遠超出其負荷。馬會捐款八千萬元人民幣協助 體育人才出現斷層。都江堰中學一向是區內的
重建醫院大樓及添置康復設施。 重點學校,現計劃把該校原址擴建為奧林匹克

Feature Stories 專題報導

Club’s effort honoured with China Charity Award


he Hong Kong Jockey Club has been honoured with a 2008
China Charity Award from the Ministry of Civil Affairs of
the People’s Republic of China to recognise its outstanding
charity work. The award, co-organised by the Ministry and various
charity foundations, is China’s most prestigious philanthropy award
acknowledging outstanding contributions made by individuals
and enterprises in social welfare and charity works, especially
their contributions towards
relief efforts following the
s n ow s to r m s in earl y 20 0 8
and the Sichuan earthquake
in May. Through a series of
supporting activities, the award
is also aimed at spreading
a philanthropic and caring
culture in society.
Club Steward Philip N L
Chen received the award from
Deputy Premier Hui Liangyu and Minister of Civil Affairs
Li Xueju at the 2nd China Charity Conference in Beijing on
5 December. President Hu Jintao also attended the event to
meet the award recipients. He expressed his wholehearted
appreciation and gratitude for their long-standing contri-
butions to national charity work.
Mr Chen noted that the Club had always been with
Clockwise from left to right: The four initial Club- Hong Kong people during critical periods, helping position
funded reconstruction projects are Sichuan HKJC Hong Kong as an international city and improve Steward Philip N L
Olympic School, Mianyang Youxian Zhongxing
HKJC Junior Middle School, Mianyang 3rd City people’s quality of life. ”We believe that benefits Chen receives the
Hospital HKJC Medical Complex and Deyang to Hong Kong society are what we are looking China Charity
HKJC No.5 Middle School. 順時針由左至右 : 馬會在 Award on behalf
for,” he said. ”It is most important to join hands of the Club.
克運動學校、綿陽巿游仙區忠興鎮香港馬會初級中學、 with Hong Kong people to continue working for 董事陳南祿代表馬會接
綿陽巿第三人民醫院香港馬會醫學綜合樓和德陽巿香港 受「中華慈善獎」。
the betterment of society.”


學校,提供五千個學位。全國運動員均可申請 最高的政府獎項,表彰在慈善領域,特別是在二○○八年雪災及四川抗震救災社
入讀,接受精英培訓。香港運動員也可以通過 會捐贈工作中,為中國慈善事業發展作出突出貢獻的個人、機構和慈善項目,並
交流而受惠。 透過一系列活動,弘揚「一方有難、八方支援」的中華民族傳統美德。
馬會與四川省當局經過審慎評估,落實首階段 馬會接受國務院副總理回良玉和民政部部長李學舉頒發獎項。國家主席胡錦濤出
的四個項目,並設立了監察系統,確保樓宇結 席大會,向所有得獎人對國家慈善長期作出的貢獻,致以崇高敬意及衷心感謝。
構規劃和建設均符合嚴格標準。     陳南祿強調:
除了硬件上的支援,馬會義工隊明白到重建工 因為香港整體的福祉,亦是馬會的福祉。對我們來說,最重要的還是希望繼續與

Nurturing the city’s future
equestrian stars

asmine Lai was only nine and her sister Jacqueline just ten when
a visit to the stables with their horse-loving mother changed their
lives. Both girls quickly became
hooked on horse riding and after
lessons at the Club’s Lei Yue Mun
Public Riding School, acquired
enough skills to move on to
show jumping.
Now 17 and 18 respectively,
Jasmine and Jacqueline have since
developed into two of Hong
Kong’s brightest young talents
in equestrian sport.

Feature Stories 專題報導


Hong Kong’s
O lympic legacy
They have also become members of the Hong Kong 鼎力培訓香港馬術生力軍
Jockey Club Junior Equestrian Team, established by 多年前,當年僅九歲的賴倩敏與十歲的姊姊賴楨敏,跟隨
the Club in late 2008 as a way of nurturing the city’s next 熱愛騎馬的母親到馬房接觸馬匹後,自此改變一生。兩姊
generation of equestrian stars and keeping alive Hong 妹旋即愛上騎馬,並在鯉魚門公眾騎術學校參加騎術訓
Kong’s legacy as co-host city of the equestrian events of 練,掌握一定騎術技巧後,積極投入障礙賽訓練。
the Beijing 2008 Olympics.     現年分別十七歲和十八歲的倩敏和楨敏,已躍身成為本
In total, the Club has committed some HK$50 million 地優秀的馬術人才,不久前,二人更獲選為香港賽馬會青少
to support the Hong Kong Jockey Club Equestrian Team 年馬術隊成員。馬會於二○○八年底成立香港賽馬會青少年
and their junior counterparts for the next four years. For 馬術隊,銳意培訓本地馬術生力軍,讓香港作為北京二○ 
the four senior riders – Patrick Lam, Samantha Lam and ○八年奧運馬術比賽協辦城市,繼續傳承奧運精神。
Kenneth Cheng, who all competed in the 2008 Olympics,     馬會承諾於未來四年撥款五千萬港元,贊助「香港賽馬
plus newcomer Gaelle Tong – the sponsorship will enable 會馬術隊」和青少年馬術隊,支持他們接受海外培訓,積極
them to undergo overseas training that can aid their quest 迎戰,力爭多項國際賽事的參賽資格,包括廣州二○一○
to qualify for the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou, the 2010 年亞運會、二○一○年美國肯塔基州世界馬術大賽,以至
World Equestrian Games in Kentucky and maybe even the 倫敦二○一二年奧運會。目前四位馬術隊成員,分別是曾
2012 Olympics in London. 參加二○○八年奧運的林立信、林子心、鄭文傑和新加入
“We are committed to carrying forward the Olympic 的唐美宜。
spirit and legacy and ensuring that equestrian sport will     馬會早前在彭福公園舉辦「奔
continue to flourish in Hong Kong,” emphasised Chief FUN 馬運會」,以提高公眾對
Executive Officer Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges at the 馬匹和馬術運動的興趣,
announcement of the Club’s continued support for the Hong 同時宣佈贊助香港馬術運
Kong Equestrian Team, which coincided with an Equine Fun 動員。行政總裁應家柏
Fest held in Penfold Park to build public interest in horses 致 辭 時 重 申:「我 們 會
and equestrian sport. 致力傳承奧運精神,令
The four senior riders will also act as mentors to the 馬術運動能繼續在香港
Junior Equestrian Team and participate in their training. 蓬勃發展。」
The programme is designed to identify and support talented     四名馬術隊成員將
local riders aged between 12 and 18, providing them with 肩負重任,擔當青少年馬
professional training and the opportunity to participate in 術隊員的學長,參與培訓工
equestrian competitions. 作。馬會「青少年馬術隊」計劃
Besides Jasmine and Jacqueline, three other talented 旨在挑選十二至十八歲的本地青年騎
young riders have so far been invited to join the team: 手,提供專業訓練和遠赴海外作賽的機會。
Taylor Yeung, Elysia Roach and Kendall Kruger. Three of     青少年馬術隊成員除了賴倩敏和賴楨敏,還包括楊思
them have already represented Hong Kong in international 朗、陸穎君和顧樂嘉。其中三名成員已先後代表香港出戰
competitions around Asia, notching up a number of 亞洲區的國際賽事,並奪得多個獎項。
impressive successes.
Helping local
residents and visitors
Olympic legacy River Country Club. The 5 km course
featured 29 challenging fences, all specially designed
to reflect different elements of Chinese culture. Visitors
can now take a closer look at the Great Wall Fence, the
Crouching Dragon Fence and the Panda Garden Fence,

ong Kong’s own Olympic cauldron, two of the “fou” which all featured prominently on worldwide television
drums used in the spectacular opening ceremony coverage of the event.
of the Beijing 2008 Olympics and three fences The giant Dragon Boat jump that challenged the world’s
from the Olympic equestrian events are all now on public best in the Jumping competition has meanwhile been
display in Penfold Park as part of the Club’s commitment to donated to the Beijing Heritage Bureau for use in a future
preserve the city’s Olympic legacy for the future enjoyment Beijing Olympic Museum.
of local residents and visitors. As part of a Co-operation Agreement with the
Also displayed in the park are a three-metre International Olympic Committee, the Club also
high Olympic “Wishing Tree” on which intends to establish its own Olympic Museum
are hung goodwill messages from 30 of at Sha Tin so that residents and visitors can
China’s gold medallists in the Beijing continue to savour Hong Kong’s Olympic
Olympics, an Olympic “mega-rings” legacy in the years to come.
montage, and several of the brightly- Numerous valuable items from the
painted, lifesize model horses that 2008 Olympics and Paralympics have
featured in the citywide “Horse Across already been donated to the planned
Hong Kong” campaign in the run-up Hong Kong Olympic Museum by
to the Olympics and Paralympics. One overseas competitors and local residents,
of the model horses is a special treasure, including the autographed f lag of the
having been autographed by a number of US Olympic Equestrian Team; the vest
the national gold medallists. worn by Individual Dressage gold
Penfold Park, which occupies the infield of Sha medallist Anky van Grunsven of the
Tin Racecourse, is itself part of Hong Kong’s Olympic Netherlands; costumes and accessories
legacy as it provided training areas for the riders during worn by the Russian team; a torch
the Olympic equestrian events held in the adjacent main from the Olympic torch relay, and
venue and the cross-country course in Fanling. The Club other memorabilia including stable
has since restored the park for public use and plans to plaques, winning horse rosettes,
develop it as an interactive equine theme park over the hostess costumes, admission
coming years. tickets, commemorative stamps
In recent months a number of special public events and even the horseshoes worn by
have been staged there, including an Equine Fun Fest in Belgian Olympic horse Cumano.
December and an Eventing Carnival in March. A selection of these items has already
The three fences on display in the park all come from gone on public display in a special “Olympic
the cross-country section of the Eventing competition, Corner” at the Hong Kong Racing Museum in
which was held at the Hong Kong Golf Club and Beas Happy Valley.

Feature Stories 專題報導


員的祝願。其他展品還包括奧運五環標誌,以及 for Gold
型。其中一個模型更是彌足珍貴,附有多名國家奧運金牌 To capture in print the many memorable moments of
選手的簽名。 the Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic equestrian
    位於沙田馬場中央的彭福公園亦肩負傳承奧運的重 events in Hong Kong, the Club has published a 150-page
任,在沙田主賽場及粉嶺越野賽場舉行賽事期間,公園闢 commemorative book called Going for Gold in conjunction
為馬術運動員的賽前訓練場地。賽事後公園旋即回復原貌 with the Beijing Organizing Committee for
開放給公眾使用,計劃中公園將會於未來數年改建為一個 the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG).
Illustrated with some stunning photos, the
book tracks the chronology of Hong Kong’s
與民同樂,包括十二月的「奔 FUN 馬運會」和三月的「馬術
moment in the Olympic spotlight, from the
date in 2001 when Beijing was awarded hosting
礙賽。賽事舉行期間,於香港哥爾夫球會和雙魚河鄉村會 rights to the 2008 Olympics to the decision four
所搭建的五公里賽道,共架設二十九個欄障,各款欄障設 years later to move the equestrian events to
計皆極富中華文化特色。遊客現可於彭福公園近距離觀賞 Hong Kong, the Club’s construction of world-
曾獲全球電視媒體廣泛報導的「萬里長城」、「熊貓樂園」和 class equestrian venues and finally, the Olympic and
「臥龍」欄障。 Paralympic competitions themselves, which feature many
    曾用於馬術場地障礙賽的大型「龍舟」欄障,已贈送予 touching stories.
北京市文物局,作為日後北京奧運博物館的館藏。 The book has been published in English, Traditional
    為了繼續向市民和遊客宣揚奧運精神,馬會與國際奧 Chinese and Simplified Chinese versions and is now available
at bookshops in Mainland China and Hong Kong.
運和殘奧珍藏品,其中部分由外國選手和本 精益求金
港市民捐贈,包括美國奧運馬術隊親筆 為紀錄香港成功協辦北京二○○八年奧運和殘奧馬術比賽,馬會
簽名的旗幟;奧運馬術盛裝舞步個人 與第二十九屆奧林匹克運動會組織委員會聯合編著《精益求金》
賽金牌得主荷蘭馬術選手安基.范 奧運紀念畫冊。
格林斯芬出賽時所穿著的背心;     畫冊共一百五十頁,以精心選輯的相片,生動地展現香港協
俄羅斯奧運代表隊所穿著的服 辦奧運的整個歷史過程,細說自二○○一年北京成功申辦二○○
飾,以及北京奧運火炬。其他奧 八年奧運會;四年後大會決定把奧運馬術比賽移師香港舉行;馬
運藏品,還有得勝馬匹紀念牌及 會全力籌建世界級奧運馬術場地;以至奧運與殘奧馬術賽事舉行
綵帶、禮儀小姐禮服、馬術比賽 期間,各個動人心弦的時刻。
入場券、紀念郵票和比利時參賽     《精益求金》畫冊備有英文、繁體中文及簡體中文版,現於中
馬 Cumano 使用過的馬蹄鐵等。部 國內地及香港各大書店公開發售。

A watchful eye
While still always ready to meet society’s urgent
needs, the Club has been putting much more
focus in recent years into proactive community
initiatives that address some of Hong Kong’s
future challenges – and the benefits are already
beginning to show.
關心香港 關注未來 馬會除了一直致力回應社會迫切需要,近年來亦投

parties involved – the students, the teachers,
the social workers, the school administrators
and especially, the parents, but it appears that
from everyone’s angle, it has really had an

impact,” says the Club’s Executive Director
of Charities, William Y Yiu. “We are already
seeing statistically significant results.”
Despite P.A.T.H.S. being a voluntary pro-

gramme that schools need to accommodate
within an already very demanding curriculum,
nearly 50 per cent of all secondary schools

new PATHS for

in Hong Kong are now teaching P.A.T.H.S.
modules, some 5,000 teachers and school
social workers have received training on the

youth development
programmes, and over 100,000 junior secondary
students have already benefited.
The Charities Trust, which donated HK$400
million to launch P.A.T.H.S. as a three-year pro-
gramme in 2005, has committed a further
It can sometimes be many years before long-term HK$350 million to extend the scheme for
educational projects begin to bear fruit – but less than four three school years from 2009/10 to 2011/12 and
introduce a number of enhancements.
years after the Club’s Charities Trust instigated P.A.T.H.S. With more f lexible options also being
to Adulthood – A Jockey Club Youth Enhancement Scheme, offered, it is hoped that more secondary schools
in Hong Kong will participate actively in this
its positive results are already there for all to see. project, which complements the Government’s
new senior secondary school curriculum,
putting greater emphasis on broad-based
knowledge, lifelong learning and whole-person
P.A.T.H.S. stands for ‘Positive Adolescent
Studies by the project’s research Training through Holistic Social programmes’
team have shown that over 92% and that, in essence, is exactly what it provides.
of teachers and social workers Its main objective is to help junior secondary
agree that P.A.T.H.S. has been students develop positive beliefs and values,
conducive to their students’ as well as enhance their self-confidence and
whole person development, sense of responsibility, during their years of
while over 80% of participating early adolescence which are well known to be
students have commended its positive impact stressful for young people as they face many
on their personal growth. physical, psychological and academic changes
Most important of all, perhaps, many in their lives.
of the teachers involved have admitted that The Club is being partnered in the project
their training for the P.A.T.H.S. curriculum by the Government’s Education Bureau, Social
has opened their eyes to some of the emotional Welfare Department and a research team of
challenges faced by their students, and motivated experts from five local universities who have
them to relate to their charges in a completely designed and developed the programme after
different way. extensive studies of best practice overseas. Its
Moreover, in addition to winning strong different modules are designed to foster a clear
local support, the project has attracted wide and positive identity, cultivate self-determination
attention overseas, with the education sectors in and resilience, promote bonding, instil social
Macau, Shanghai and Singapore all expressing and moral competence and encourage the
interest in implementing similar programmes. students to contribute to society.
Trial projects have already begun at secondary The latest enhancements to P.A.T.H.S. allow
schools in Shanghai and Singapore. more flexibility in programme design, the mode
“We had to go into this project without really of training for teachers and the allocation of
knowing how it would be received by the different resources. Participating schools can choose
Feature Stories 專題報導

Over 92% of teachers and social

workers agree that P.A.T.H.S. has
been conducive to their students’
whole person development, while
over 80% of participating students
have commended its positive impact
on their personal growth.

the modules that best meet their students’ 與青年並肩共創成長路 以擴闊知識基礎、終身學習和全人發展為重點

needs, while teachers and social workers who 長遠的教育計劃往往要推行若干年才見成效, 的新高中學制。
require training on P.A.T.H.S. can make use of 然而,馬會主動推行的青少年培育計劃-「共     「共創成長路」成立的目的旨在協助初中學
the e-learning platform. A web-based resource 創成長路」推出不足四年已經反應理想,成績 生建立正面的信念及價值觀,增強自信,提高
bank has also been set up for schools and their 有目共睹。 責任感和承擔精神,應付在成長和求學過程中
teachers to source digital learning and teaching     由計劃研究小組進行的調查顯示,超過百 遇到的種種壓力與挑戰。
materials, as well as share their experience and 分之九十二曾經參與「共創成長路」的教師和     馬會與社會福利署和教育局合作推行計
exchange ideas. 社工認同此計劃有助學生的全人發展,逾百分 劃,並由香港五間大學的學者組成研究小組,
Given that P.A.T.H.S. was originally 之八十的學生表示計劃有助個人成長發展。 廣泛參考海外的經驗,設計及發展課程內容。
conceived as a three-year programme – although     其中最重要的是,不少參與計劃的教師認 在不同單元協助青年人培養清晰正面的形象、
it has since been extended to six – Mr Yiu says 為「共創成長路」擴闊了他們的視野,令他們 自我判斷力及抗逆能力,建立良好的人際關
the Club’s main concern was how the project’s 了解學生所面對的情緒問題,從而促使他們以 係、正確的社會及道德觀,並鼓勵他們回饋 
impact could be sustained after the initial 截然不同的方式處理學生的需要。 社會。
cycle of students had benefited. “What is most     計劃除了得到本地的支持,更廣受海外關     「共創成長路」計劃在課程設計、教師培訓
encouraging in that respect is how many teachers 注,其中澳門、上海和新加坡的教育界均表示 模式,以至資源調配等,將更具彈性。參與學
have gone through the P.A.T.H.S. training and 有興趣推行類似的計劃,而上海和新加坡已經 校可因應本身需要,設計更適合該校學生的成
how it has changed their mindset, because that 在當地的中學開始試行計劃。 長課程。參與計劃的老師和社工可以透過新推
will ensure that the impact can be long-lasting,”     馬會慈善事務執行總監饒恩培表示:「計 出的網上教材套,以更靈活的方式接受培訓。
he observes. 劃推行初期,我們並不清楚學生、教師、社 計劃更設立網上資料庫,為參與學校及老師提
“It has motivated the teachers to focus not 工、學校,特別是家長的反應,但現在從各方 供數碼培訓和教材資源,並讓參與老師交流及
only on academic excellence but also on the 面看來,確實漸見成效。我們從調查數據發現 分享經驗。
personal development of their students. Some 成績著實不俗。」     「共創成長路」原定為期三年,儘管現已延
of them have actually told us that the P.A.T.H.S.     儘管「共創成長路」是一項自願參與的計 長至六年,饒恩培指出馬會最關注是參與計劃
training has reminded them all of a sudden why 劃,校方需要把計劃納入緊迫的教學課程,目 的首批學生得到幫助後,如何可以延續計劃的
they joined the teaching profession. 前全港約有半數的中學已採用「共創成長路」 成效。「最令人鼓舞的是,很多教師在接受此
“It makes us feel very happy to have 教材,曾經接受培訓課程的老師和學校社工約 計劃培訓後,思維轉變了,這將決定計劃的影
instigated this project, and my sincere hope now 有五千名,令超過十萬名初中學生受惠。 響能否持久。」
is that Government will consider integrating     馬會慈善信託基金於二○○五年捐款四億     「此計劃推動了教師不單關注學生的學業成
P.A.T.H.S. into the normal curriculum.” 港元推行「共創成長路」,為期三年;早前馬會 績,也重視他們的個人發展。部分老師更表示
進一步捐款三億五千萬港元,延續計劃三年至 『共創成長路』喚起他們為何投身教育事業。」
二○一一/一二學年,提升計劃內容。     「我們很高興能推行這項計劃,並衷心期望
    待計劃加入更大彈性後,馬會期望全港更 政府能早日把『共創成長路』納入正規課程。」

members of their families is that one’s elderly
years are something to be looked forward to –
they shouldn’t be seen as a burden,” explains
the Club’s Executive Director of Charities

William Y Yiu. “It’s just a matter of being
properly prepared.
“I think we are definitely getting that

message out to the community and importantly,
the media are picking it up, too.”
Indeed, the monthly forums are already being

the positive ageing

relayed citywide on RTHK Radio 5’s Programme
for the Elderly and Brilliant Life programmes,
and the Club’s plans to launch its own TV series

message citywide on CADENZA in the coming months.

CADENZA, which stands for ‘Celebrate their
Accomplishments; Discover their Effervescence
and Never-ending Zest as they Age’, is a five-
year project launched by Club’s Charities
Having focused in the first year on community-wide activities Trust in 2006 to address the future challenges
that highlight the importance of respect and care for the elderly, posed by Hong Kong’s rapidly growing
ageing population. Through training and public
the Club’s proactive project CADENZA: A Jockey Club Initiative education programmes, it aims at nurturing
for Seniors is now taking the positive ageing message out to every academic leadership in social gerontology,
and changing the mindset and attitude of
corner of Hong Kong. the general public.
A series of training programmes has
already been launched both for professional
and non-professional caregivers, based on
a curriculum developed by the Nethersole
In collaboration with School of Nursing at the Chinese University
the city’s 18 District of Hong Kong. Members of the public can go
Councils and Radio to CADENZA’s website (www.cadenza.hk)
Television Hong Kong (RTHK), CADENZA and find useful information on how to take
has begun staging monthly public forums good care of their ageing relatives both from
on elderly care issues in each of the 18 a physical and mental perspective.
districts in turn, each month’s event taking a Research also forms a key part of the project,
different theme. and 30 faculty scholars from different academic
Topics covered so far in the CADENZA fields have been appointed as CADENZA
18-District Programme include exercise Fellows to undertake evidence-based research
routines, eye protection, oral care, home on age-related topics.
adaptation, and healthy eating and lifestyles. A notable example is a series of studies on
In each case, the topics are presented by experts chronic diseases among the elderly, aimed at
in their field and then demonstrated with the exploring how the future impact of these diseases
help of popular local artistes, which helps can be mitigated so as to avoid crippling burdens
attract the younger generation as well as the on the public healthcare system as Hong Kong’s
elderly themselves to come and take note of population ages. The first of these studies,
these important pieces of advice. covering diabetes, was released in May 2009.
The overall message, however, is always the Later studies will cover topics such as chronic
same – that although older people need to make obstructive pulmonary disease, dementia,
sensible changes to their lifestyles and be aware strokes and fractures.
of potential health risks, there is no reason why “Our prime objective is to draw the attention
the “second half of their lives” cannot be just of policymakers and the wider community
as active and fulfilling as the first. to these challenges, and help better prepare
“What we are trying to emphasise both to local service agencies to address them,” Mr
those approaching old age and to the younger Yiu notes.

Feature Stories 專題報導

“What we are trying to emphasise both

to those approaching old age and to the
younger members of their families is
that one’s elderly years are something
to be looked forward to – they shouldn’t
be seen as a burden.”
William Y Yiu
Executive Director of Charities

Given that the cost of treating diabetes     計劃推行以來一直強調,儘管長者需要因     此計劃亦十分重視科研。目前,三十名來自

sufferers aged 65 or above in Hong Kong 應晚年生活作出適當改變及注意個人潛在的健 不同學術範疇的學者獲選為「流金頌學人」,負
currently runs to some HK$1.40 billion a 康問題,他們的「人生下半場」卻也可如上半 責就與老年學相關的課題進行一系列實證研究。
year, and that the number of older people 場般,活得精采又豐盛。     其中一個顯著例子是進行有關長者常見病
with diabetes will exceed 300,000 in 30 years,     馬會慈善事務執行總監饒恩培指出:「我 患的研究,目的是檢視如何減緩這些疾病對日
the Club’s HK$380 million contribution to 們嘗試向即將步入長者階段的人士及其家人重 後的影響,以免因人口老化而加重公共醫療系
establishing CADENZA could prove to be 申,晚年生活是值得期盼的歲月,而不應視為 統負擔。研究系列首個項目探討糖尿病,並已
money very well spent indeed. 一個重擔,活得精采與否在乎他們是否積極  於二○○九年五月發表研究結果。繼是次研
準備。」 究,稍後將陸續探討慢性阻塞性肺病、癡呆
馬會積極推廣健康晚年生活     「我們現正著手向社區推廣,傳媒同時亦 症、中風、骨折等。
馬 會 主 導 推 行 的「流 金 頌: 賽 馬 會 長 者 計 劃  積極報導有關訊息。」     饒恩培指出:「我們進行研究的主要目的,
新里程」,首年舉行的全港公眾教育活動著重     每月舉辦的公開活動內容,已於香港電台 是引起政府決策者和廣大市民關注問題,讓本
宣揚尊重及關懷長者的重要,今年則致力把健 第 五 台「香 江 暖 流」及「光 輝 歲 月」節 目 內 播 地服務機構妥善迎接未來挑戰。」
康晚年生活的訊息,推廣至社區每一個角落。 出。馬會亦於七月份推出「流金頌」電視專輯。     「流金頌」的研究顯示,目前本港公共醫療
    「流金頌」現正聯同全港十八區區議會和香     「流金頌」是馬會慈善信託基金於二○○六 系統每年應用在治療六十五歲或以上糖尿病患
港電台,合作展開「光輝歲月流金頌」,於全港 年推行為期五年的長者計劃,旨在應付本港人 者的開支達十四億港元,預期在三十年內患糖
十八區巡迴舉辦不同主題的公眾教育活動。 口老化帶來的挑戰。計劃除了培訓新一代的老 尿病的長者人數會增加至超過三十萬。如此看
    「光輝歲月流金頌」涵蓋不同範疇的長者資 人學專家外,更透過舉辦多項培訓及公民教育 來,馬會捐款三億八千萬港元成立「流金頌」應
訊,包括長者保健運動、護眼之道、口腔護 活動,改變社會人士對長者的看法。 付人口老化對未來的種種挑戰確實用得其所。
理、家居適應及健康飲食和生活習慣等。各項     「流金頌」現為專業及非專業護老者推行一
專題研討活動均邀請專業人士出席討論,分享 系列培訓計劃,由香港中文大學那打素護理學
經驗和心得,並由本地藝人協助宣揚訊息,藉 院提供課程內容。市民欲查詢有關如何從心理
此吸引年輕一代及長者參與,掌握相關主題的 及生理方面適當照顧長者的資訊,可瀏覽「流
資訊。 金頌」網址:www.cadenza.hk。

Feature Stories 專題報導

parents of dyslexic children to share with others

eading, writing what they had learned, and 500 people turned
up for it – on a weekday,” Mr Yiu says, “It does
make us realise how important an issue this is

and relating in the teaching profession in Hong Kong.”

better to others
「悅」讀寫意 「字」得其樂 
問 他 為 甚 麼 不 和 我 談 學 校 的 事, 他 說:『媽
“He smiles more now and is willing to talk to me. I used to     這不過是參加了「喜閱寫意:賽馬會讀寫
ask him why he didn’t tell me about things that happened to 子自二○○六年九月參與此項計劃後,學習表
him in school and he said ‘You don’t understand me, Mum’. 現顯著改善。現時本港約有一成學童,患有不
But now he is willing to tell me many things. As a mother, 遍。為此,馬會捐款一億五千四百萬港元,主
I am very satisfied and happy now.” 導推行為期五年的「喜閱寫意:賽馬會讀寫支
That is the Equally important is that dyslexic students 師能夠瞭解到讀寫障礙學童在分辨中文字的筆
reaction from find their learning difficulties are now better 劃、字形時所面對的問題,便能幫助所有學生
just one mother understood and they can improve their skills 更有效地學習中文。」
w ho s e y ou n g from within the mainstream curriculum, rather     饒恩培指出,昔日本港有讀寫困難的學童
son’s education has taken on a new lease of than being misunderstood to be lazy and being 面對的最大問題,在於西方國家為讀寫障礙學
life following the Club’s launch of READ & ignored in the classroom. 童而設的支援計劃,大多以西方語系為教學基
WRITE – A Jockey Club Learning Support The training courses provided through 礎,由於中文並非由字母組成,故西方的一套
Network in September 2006. Aimed at addressing READ & WRITE have been developed and 並不完全適用於香港的學習環境。「以往本地
the issue of dyslexia among Chinese-speaking implemented by a multi-disciplinary team led 教師只能自行尋求解決方法,現在他們獲得支
students, the HK$154 million, five-year project is by The University of Hong Kong, with support 援之外,也能深入了解讀寫障礙的情況。」
aimed at developing a series of evidence-based, from the Government’s Education Bureau, The     同樣,讀寫障礙學生得到師長更明瞭他們
tailor-made support programmes for those Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Heep Hong 的學習困難,就能在主流教育改善學習技巧,
suffering from dyslexia, which is estimated Society, and the Society of Boys’ Centres. 而不致受忽略或被誤以為懶散。
to affect up to one in every ten students in Mr Yiu says that a number of officials from     「喜閱寫意」計劃的培訓課程是由香港大學
Hong Kong. the Education Bureau have also participated 一個跨學科的小組研發,並聯同教育局、香港
“Understanding the problems faced by in READ & WRITE’s seminars. They have 中文大學、協康會和扶幼會合作推行。
dyslexic children in recognising strokes and acknowledged the importance of teacher     饒恩培指出,不少教育局的專業人員參加
patterns has opened teachers’ eyes to how training and awareness of dyslexia, and are 了「喜閱寫意」的研討活動,而教育局亦認同
they can help all their students learn Chinese accordingly supporting the efforts of teachers 了加強教師培訓和提升他們對讀寫障礙認識的
more effectively,” says Executive Director of to strengthen their skills and knowledge in 重要性,從而鼓勵更多老師參與有關訓練。
Charities, William Y Yiu. these areas.     另外,此計劃亦有助提高大眾對讀寫障礙
“The big problem facing Hong Kong’s In addition, the project has helped raise 的認識,尤其能及早辨識有特殊學習困難傾向
dyslex ia suf ferers in t he past was t hat public awareness of dyslexia, especially as regards 的幼兒。透過一系列研發出來的評估工具,可
most programmes developed overseas for to identifying children with learning difficulties 讓家長、教師及社工察覺有潛在閱讀障礙的兒
dyslexic students were based on alphabetic at an early age. A series of diagnostic tools has 童,從而令學童於早期學習階段,接受不同的
languages, and could not readily be adapted been developed to help educational psychologists, 教學支援。
to the learning of Chinese characters,” Mr Yiu teachers, and parents to identify children at risk,     饒恩培稱:「最令我感到意外的是,我們
explains. “Our local teachers were previously so that intervention and support services can 早前舉辦一項活動,讓讀寫障礙學童的家長和
left to deal with this problem on their own, be provided to them as early as possible. 教師分享參與這項計劃的體驗。雖然是次活動
but now there is help available and they can “Perhaps the biggest eye-opener for me was 在平日舉行,當天竟有五百人出席,可見香港
understand the issues better.” that we organised a gathering for teachers and 教育界確實對這個重要課題非常重視。」

July August
Three Hong Kong
horses in world’s
Hunt for
young riding talent
Club takes a LEAD
in showcasing
top seven widened creativity
香港三駒躋身世界排名榜前七名 物色賽馬人才 培訓明日之星 發揮創意小宇宙 齊建「魔幻森林」
p 42 p 42 p 44

p 45

JUL & AUG 2008

Hunt for young

riding talent
Three Hong Kong horses in
widened world’s top seven
A new round of the Club’s Racing
Trainee Recruitment Programme
was launched on 22 July, offering
young people with a love of horses
爆 好
the chance to join a professional 冷 爸
training programme in horse riding
and stables management, with a 爸
view to becoming apprentice jockeys


Good Ba Ba
or work riders in the future. At the
same time, the hunt for young talent

was further widened through the
launch of a Talent Identification
Programme at secondary schools
in Tuen Mun, Yuen Long and North
Districts. This programme targets
students of ages 11-13 who show 蓮
skills in horse riding, aiming to
help them develop into world-class

equestrian athletes. 生
物色賽馬人才 培訓明日之星 馬會



挑選具潛質的十一至十三歲本地 ublication of the World Thoroughbred Racehorse Rankings 2007/08
in mid-August confirmed the status of Sacred Kingdom, trained in
Hong Kong by Ricky Yiu, as the highest-rated sprinter in the world on
a figure of 123-S. In addition Andreas Schütz-trained Horse of the Year Good
Ba Ba was ranked equal top miler, while John Moore’s Viva Pataca shared
top honours for long-distance runners, all three horses ranking in the world’s
top seven. Another seven Hong Kong-trained horses made the top 50, namely
Armada, Absolute Champion, Packing Winner, Royal Delight, Bullish Luck,
Floral Pegasus and Sanziro.
香 港 三 駒 躋 身 世 界 排 名 榜 前 七 名 八 月 中 旬 公 佈 的 二 ○ ○ 七 /○ 八 年 度 世 界 馬 匹 年 終 排 名 榜, 確 定 了
Potential sports stars of the future try 列入世界馬匹年終排名榜前五十名,包括「好利威」、「騏綵」、「包裝大師」、「喜皇寶」、「牛精福星」、「俊
their hand at grooming and riding 歡騰」和「青蝠王」。
horses. 馬術新力軍實習為馬匹擦身和策騎。

Review of Operations 業務回顧


Ancient Games Secrets of the deep brought to life

Supported with HK$2.64 million
Charities Trust funding, a series of
educational programmes was run
in conjunction with The Ancient
Olympic Games Exhibition from 3
August to 24 November to promote
the spirit of Olympism and help
the public gain a better under-
standing of the Olympics and
their origins. The Exhibition at
the Hong Kong Heritage Museum
in Sha Tin featured a valuable
collection of over 110 exhibits from
the British Museum’s collection,
including the famous Discobolus
(Discus Thrower) sculpture, which With funding of HK$2.52 million recreated to simulate the conditions 有機會認識棲息於深海的稀有生
had never left British soil in the from the Club’s Charities Trust, in which the animals live, allowing 物,並喚醒市民對生態保育的關
last 200 years before the current The Hong Kong Science Museum visitors to experience the world 注。展覽利用特別的燈光及音響效
Asia tour. staged “The Deep” exhibition from from a completely different dimen- 果,模擬深海生物棲息的幽暗寂靜
July to November 2008, aimed sion. The Trust’s donation was also 神秘深淵,引領觀眾一窺這個遙不
at introducing the little-known used to hold a variety of supporting 可及、超乎想像的黑暗世界。馬會
world of deep-sea creatures educational activities. 的捐款除了支持舉辦展覽外,還包
to the public and underlining 括一系列相關的教育活動。
the importance of ecosystem 深海奇珍活現眼前 馬會慈善信託
conservation. Using special light 基金捐款二百五十二萬港元予香港 Special light and sound effects at the
exhibition help recreate the real deep
and sound effects, the pitch-black 科學館,在二○○八年七月至十一 sea world. 場館內特別的燈光及音響效
environment of the deep sea was 月舉辦「深海奇珍」展覽,讓公眾 果,營造出疑幻疑真的深海世界。
Officiating guests tour The Ancient
Olympic Games Exhibition. 主禮嘉賓
參觀「古代奧林匹克運動會 – 大英博物館奧運

古代奧運珍藏展推廣奧運 為推廣 Equal rides for wheelchair users

二百六十四萬港元,為於八月三日 Hong Kong’s wheelchair users can 出租轎車自由行 外出上落無障礙
至十一月二十四日假沙田香港文化 now enjoy equal rights to make use 對於需要依靠輪椅代步的人士,
博物館展出的「古代奧林匹克運動 of public transport facilities through 現可享有平等使用交通運輸服務
會-大英博物館奧運珍藏展」,舉辦 an Accessible Hire Car Service 的權利。馬會慈善信託基金早前
一系列教育推廣活動,讓市民對奧 launched in mid-July by the Hong 捐款一千五百多萬港元予香港
運會及其起源加深認識。場內展出 Kong Society for Rehabilitation. 復康會購置二十輛由七座位改裝
一百一十多件大英博物館的奧運珍 A donation of some HK$15 million 而 成、 可 供 輪 椅 上 落 的「易 達 轎
品,包括二百年來於這次亞洲之旅 from the Club’s Charities Trust 車」,自七月中旬起提供二十四小
首度在英國以外地方展覽的著名大 has enabled the Society to convert 時 電 召 出 租 服 務。 每 部「易 達 轎
。 20 seven-seater vehicles to accom- Hire Car can carry two wheelchairs 車」可容納兩名輪椅使用者及兩名
modate wheelchairs and provide a and two companions, or one wheel- 同行者,或一名輪椅使用者和五
24-hour hire service. Each Accessible chair and five companions. 名同行者。

JUL & AUG 2008

Multicultural Club’s food safety

platform for assured
young voices The Club’s Catering Department
has always put great emphasis on
More than 2,000 young singers food safety and its efforts bore
from 31 choirs showed their vocal fruit again this year when the
talents at the 2008 Hong Kong Club attained full certification
International Youth & Children’s under Hazard Analysis Critical
Choir Festival, held over five days Control Points (HACCP), an
in July to provide a platform for internationally-recognised food
young people from Hong Kong, safety system. Certification was
Mainland China and overseas to earlier obtained for the Trackside
share their choral experiences,
appreciate cultural diversity and Club takes a LEAD Catering Production Kitchen at Sha
Tin, but this has now been extended
promote integration. The visiting
Hulun Buir Choir from Inner in showcasing creativity to all kitchens and service outlets
at the two racecourses and three
Mongolia presented three “Fantasy clubhouses in Hong Kong, and
Concerts” as part of the festival. covers the entire food handling
A donation of HK$1.34 million The inventiveness and ingenuity of Hong Kong’s operation including procurement,
from the Club’s Charities Trust also storage, food preparation, serving
enabled the organiser, the Hong
young people was amply demonstrated at the and external catering services.
Kong Treble Choirs’ Association, LEAD Creativity Showcase 2008, Obtaining the certification involved
to stage the World Youth Choir site assessments, the develop-
Concert in Tin Shui Wai later in
where some 800 students from ment of systems and manuals,
the month. kindergarten level upwards comprehensive staff training and
a pre-certification audit.
悠揚歌聲跨越國界 為了讓香港、
demonstrated projects
內地以及世界各地的青少年互相 featuring interactive motorised 馬會食物安全獲百分百肯定 馬會
交流,分享合唱經驗,學習欣賞 飲食部一向致力確保其食物安
dev ices, animations and 全,而馬會會所和馬場的餐飲設
隊合唱團超過二千名參賽者,於 computer games on a “Magical 施,現在更全面獲得「危害分析及
七月聚首香港參加香港童聲合唱 關鍵控制點」的國際認證。食客今
協會舉辦為期五天的「2008 香港
Forest” theme. The Leading through Engineering,
國際青少年合唱節」。合唱節節目 Art and Design Project (LEAD) is organised by the
豐富,當中包括三場由遠自內蒙 「危害分析及關鍵控制點」是一項
Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups with the
出的音樂會。香港童聲合唱協會 support of HK$13.81 million donation from the
獲馬會慈善信託基金捐款一百 獲得此項國際認證,而此認證資格
Club’s Charities Trust in 2006. Visitors to the show
於同月在天水圍舉辦世界青年合 were able to vote for their favourite project and join
唱團音樂會。 施;當中涵蓋整體食品處理運作,
creative workshops. 包括採購、儲存、食物準備、上
發揮創意小宇宙 齊建「魔幻森林」 八百多位來自中小學和幼稚園的創意 得這項國際認證,必須通過一連
科藝工程計劃學員齊集「創意科藝展 2008」,以「魔幻森林」為主題, 串場地評估,制定不同系統及工
展現他們的無限創意,創作具個人風格的互動機械裝置、動畫和電腦 作守則,全面培訓員工,並要通
遊戲作品。當天前往參觀的市民,更可即場投票選出至愛的作品,以 過認證前的審核,務求符合嚴格
及參加大會安排的創意工作坊。馬會慈善信託基金於二○○六年捐款 標準。

Review of Operations 業務回顧


Hong Kong’s moment in

sporting history
hen the possibility of
staging the equestrian
events in Hong Kong was
first discussed in 2004 there were doubts
expressed. I am glad to say today that these
doubts have been totally dispelled and the
choice of Hong Kong was the right one. The
Games were really outstanding.”
That glowing accolade came from no
less a personage than President of the
International Olympic Committee (IOC)
Jacques Rogge, and his praises were echoed
by many top international sporting officials
and equestrian riders as Hong Kong
came through its moment in the Olympic
spotlight with flying colours.

9-21 August 2008

Equestrian Events of the Beijing 2008 Olympics

7-11 September 2008

Equestrian Events of the Beijing 2008 Paralympics
JUL & AUG 2008

The ”six-star” stables and main Olympic equestrian venue built by the Club have
won it three accolades, namely the Special Honorary Certificate and Silver Plaque
for the Beijing Olympics and Paralympics and the Certificate in the Gold Category
presented by BOCOG, as well as the Green Building Award bestowed by the
Green Building Council. 馬會興建的「六星級」馬房和奧運馬術賽場,榮獲三個獎項:北京

ir Philip Craven, President of the Interna- and farriery. Both Sha Tin and the Beas River with the coolest day of the entire Olympics on
tional Paralympic Committee (IPC) was cross-country venue had superbly-designed cross-country day and the Games themselves
another to be effusive in his summing-up. competition and training facilities including a bookended by a brace of typhoons – one just
“Para-equestrian sport in Hong Kong – the best first-ever air-conditioned indoor training arena two days before the Opening Ceremony and
ever,” he commented. “Many thanks go to the with state-of-the-art footing that offered perfect the second only hours after the completion of
Organising Committee and The Hong Kong going, whatever the weather. Another first was the individual jumping final.
Jockey Club for delivering such a wonderful the Club’s recycling of 100% of the Olympic As well as the two venues, the Club provided
venue, Paralympic village and Games infra- stable waste, one of the several initiatives imple- important ancillary services, including 24-hour
structure.” mented to fulfil Beijing’s pledge of making the on-call emergency veterinary care at the Equine
The general consensus was that Hong 2008 Games a “Green Olympics”. Hospital, the first-ever on-site equine medication
Kong had laid on the best-ever Olympic and control testing at the Racing Laboratory and
Paralympic equestrian facilities, setting a the most extensively researched horse cooling
benchmark for quality that will be difficult “The venue is spectacular. facilities ever produced.
to equal and probably impossible to surpass The Equine Hospital’s operating theatre
at future Games.
You don’t get that kind of was called into action twice during the Games,
The Club’s investment in the equestrian facility anywhere else in including successful surgery to repair a broken
events was multi-faceted. Over and above leg. There was dramatic proof of the Racing
its commitment of HK$1.2 billion to fund
the world.” Laboratory’s capabilities, too, as staff worked
the building of world-class venues in record Jill Henselwood, Canadian round the clock, offering first-ever Post-Arrival
time of less than two years, the Club provided team silver medallist (jumping) Elective Testing services for the sport horses,
personnel and expertise to ensure that every and producing the fastest-ever turn-round of
aspect of the Beijing 2008 equestrian events medication control and elective testing samples
exceeded those of all previous Olympics and Broadcasting giant NBC likened the in two days on average, surpassing even its own
Paralympics. training complex in Penfold Park to “Club- record. The reporting of six positives, one of
The core venue in Sha Tin provided “six- Med for horses” and said that the only thing them for a substance never reported before and
star” air-conditioned accommodation for the the Club would not be able to organise was four of them for a substance never before found
horses, including a dedicated veterinary clinic the weather. But even that was taken care of, in sport horse samples, confirmed the Racing

Review of Operations 業務回顧

Lab’s status as one of the leading equine drug

testing laboratories in the world.
The full range of facilities at Sha Tin was
also required for the Paralympics, with an
incredibly tight turn-round time to transform
the venue from Olympic to Paralympic mode in “The equestrian world has been able to
order to ensure safe and easy access for disabled
athletes and spectators.
benefit from a lab like this and from being
A year ahead of the competition, the Club able to work so closely with the racing
had been named “Outstanding Contributor,
Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Equestrian Events”
fraternity. The co-operation between the
by the Beijing Organizing Committee for the FEI and The Hong Kong Jockey Club has
Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG), and
it more than lived up to that unique honour.
been absolutely wonderful throughout
Without the Club’s input and the trust these Games.”
placed in its skills by the IOC, the IPC
HRH Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein (during a visit,
and the International Equestrian above, to the Racing Laboratory)
Federation (FEI), the Olympic and
Paralympic equestrian events could
simply not have been staged in Hong
Kong, and the city’s residents could
not have enjoyed the once-in-a
lifetime opportunity of watching
Olympic competition on home soil.

JUL & AUG 07/08 2008

Left: The action begins as competing

overseas horses arrive at Hong
Kong International Airport and are
transferred immediately to the Club’s
purpose-built horse transportation
floats. 左:參賽馬匹抵達香港國際機場

“It’s like Disneyland for horses –

wonderful veterinary facilities, beautiful
stabling, and the trucks to transport the
horses are the best I’ve seen anywhere.”
Jim Wolf, US chef de mission

Club’s sponsored riders make history The trio, along with the five Team China riders, HRH Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein (during
The Club-sponsored jumping team made were also presented with mementoes of their a visit to the Racing Laboratory):
Olympic history as the first-ever Hong Kong Olympic experience at a special lunch hosted “The equestrian world has been able to benefit
riders to compete at the Games. Nelson Yip, also by CEO Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges in Sha from a lab like this and from being able to
a member of the squad receiving support from Tin Clubhouse. work so closely with the racing fraternity. The
the Club, added to the momentous occasion co-operation between the FEI and The Hong
when he became Hong Kong’s first Paralympian IOC awards bronze for Olympic equestrian Kong Jockey Club has been absolutely wonderful
rider, appropriately partnered by 20-year-old coverage throughout these Games.”
former racehorse, Icy Bet. Compared with some of the more high-profile
The last-minute withdrawal of Jennifer Lee’s sports, equestrian is often viewed as a minority FEI veterinary delegate Professor Leo Jeffcott:
Olympic horse on veterinary advice reduced sport, but not according to the IOC. At the “Without a doubt, these are the best veterinary
Hong Kong’s jumping team to just three – prestigious Olympic Golden Rings ceremony facilities ever provided for the Games.”
Torch Relay hero Kenneth Cheng, Samantha held at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne,
Lam and Patrick Lam. All three were making Switzerland in mid-December, the IOC awarded Jim Wolf, US chef de mission:
their Olympic debut, but it was Patrick Lam a bronze trophy to host broadcaster Beijing “It’s like Disneyland for horses – wonderful
who shone most brightly, just missing out on Olympic Broadcasting for its coverage of the veterinary facilities, beautiful stabling, and
a place in the individual semi-final to further Olympic equestrian events at the Club’s venues the trucks to transport the horses are the best
intensify the public interest in equestrian sport in Sha Tin and Beas River. I’ve seen anywhere.”
that the Club had been nurturing throughout
the build-up to the Games. The accolades Jill Henselwood, Canadian team silver medal-
The three riders all relished their new-found Besides the Presidents of both the International list (jumping):
superstar status and were thrilled to discover the Olympic Committee and International Para- “The venue is spectacular. You don’t get that
extent of their fan base during a visit to Hong lympic Committee, many other top people in kind of facility anywhere else in the world.”
Kong’s first Olympic equestrian exhibition at the sport heaped praise on Hong Kong for its
the Club’s Racing Museum in Happy Valley, staging of the 2008 Olympic and Paralympic
where devotees had left messages of support. equestrian events:
Review of Operations 業務回顧

「 這彷如是馬匹的迪士尼樂園,

美國代表團團長 Jim Wolf

Special horse cooling

facilities were developed
to mitigate the impact
of Hong Kong’s hot
summer weather. 特別設

香港非凡表現 為體育發展史寫下光輝一頁 田和上水雙魚河的越野賽場地,也具備先進齊

「當我們於二○○四年第一次討論在香港舉辦奧 全的比賽和訓練設施,包括首個室內空調訓練
運馬術比賽的可行性時,曾有人表示懷疑。不 場,全都鋪設了高科技沙土,為整個賽事提供
過,今天我很高興地在這裡說,這些顧慮完全 最佳的全天候比賽及訓練場地。此外,為響應
可以打消,選擇在香港完全正確。比賽辦得非 北京打造二○○八年「綠色奧運」的承諾,馬
常出色。」 會推行多項環保措施,包括首推百分百循環再
   上述的褒獎來自國際奧委會主席羅格,隨 造奧運馬房廢料。
著香港成功協辦奧運馬術比賽,不少國際體育    美國著名媒體 NBC 曾把沙田彭福公園的綜
組織要員和馬術選手也認同羅格的意見,對香 合訓練區,比作「馬匹特級豪華渡假村」,並直
港讚不絕口。 言馬會唯一無法駕馭的是天氣。然而,綜觀奧
   國際殘疾人奧委會主席菲利普.克雷文爵 運越野賽事期間連日下雨,以及奧運賽期內颱
士也盛讚道:「在香港舉辦的殘奧馬術比賽是 風接踵而至,包括於開幕儀式兩天前和場地障
最好的一屆。非常感謝香港奧馬委和香港賽馬 礙賽個人賽決賽結束後數小時,也無損賽事進
會提供了世界一流的比賽場地、殘奧村和比賽 程,足見馬會對天氣變化的影響也早有準備。
設施。」    馬會不但成功興建兩個馬術賽場,還提供
   中外各方普遍認為,香港打造全球首屈一 舉足輕重的後勤服務和專業支援。其中馬醫院
指的奧運和殘奧馬術設施,其質素之高,堪稱 隨時為有需要的馬匹提供緊急護理。馬會賽事
奧運馬術史的最佳典範,相信將來的奧運馬術 化驗所則是奧運馬術項目首間設於比賽場地內
設施亦難以媲美。 的化驗所,專責為奧運賽駒進行藥檢。場地更
   馬會為奧運馬術比賽提供多方面支援。除 首次備有多項專為馬匹而設的降溫設施,供馬
了承諾斥資十二億港元,在不足兩年的紀錄時 匹於練習和出賽後消暑降溫。
間建成世界級的馬術場地;還動用人力和專業    在奧運期間,馬醫院的手術室先後兩次被
知識,確保北京二○○八奧運馬術比賽盡善盡 徵召執行任務,包括為一匹折斷了腿的馬匹,
美,比歷屆奧運和殘奧會更勝一籌。 成功完成接駁手術。馬會賽事化驗所也充分發
   位於沙田的奧運馬術主賽場,設有「六星 揮其功效,員工日以繼夜候命,奧運期間首次
級」的奧運空調馬房、獸醫診所和釘甲房。沙 提供選擇性賽前馬匹藥檢服務,並以歷來最快

JUL & AUG 2008

From left to right: Patrick Lam, Samantha Lam and Kenneth Cheng, pictured here with
team leader Sacha Eckjans, made history as Hong Kong’s first ever Olympic equestrian team.
由左至右 : 林立信、林子心和鄭文傑與領隊韓啟仁,組成香港首支奧運馬術參賽隊伍,締造創舉。

的平均兩天時間內提供藥檢結果,在賽事化驗    賽前港隊代表之一李明華的參賽馬匹,依 國際馬術運動聯合會主席哈雅公主(參觀賽事

所原有的嚴格水平上,更上一層樓。期間,六 循獸醫的建議退出賽事,令港隊剩下三人應 化驗所期間):「透過這家化驗所,以及與賽馬
隻參賽馬匹的測試樣本被驗出含有違禁物質, 戰,分別是火炬手鄭文傑、林子心和林立信。 業緊密合作,令馬術界獲益不少。國際馬術運
其中一個樣本的違禁物質是從未在以前的化驗 三人都是首次參加奧運比賽,其中林立信的表 動聯合會和香港賽馬會在整個賽事期間的合
中被驗出,而另外四個樣本的物質則從未在以 現最為矚目,只差一點便能進入個人賽的半 作,著實無與倫比。」
往的馬術賽駒被發現,足證馬會賽事化驗所是 準決賽。其出色表現,配合馬會於奧運馬術
名副其實的全球頂級馬匹化驗所之一。 比賽前推動的馬術熱潮,令港人對馬術興趣 國際馬術運動聯合會獸醫代表傑柯教授:「毫
   由於沙田的奧運賽場與設施須移交予隨後 大增。 無疑問,賽事期間提供的馬匹護理措施是奧運
的殘奧馬術比賽使用,大會須在極為緊迫的時    三名馬術選手在跑馬地香港賽馬博物館參 歷來最出色的。」
間內,為奧運場地進行改裝工程,以配合殘奧 觀本港首個以奧運馬術為主題的展覽時,躍然
運動員的特別需要,包括為傷殘運動員和觀眾 成為體壇新星,深受在場市民熱烈歡迎,不少 美國代表團團長 Jim Wolf:「這彷如是馬匹的迪
增設無障礙通道設施。 馬術愛好者更留言以示支持。其後,行政總裁 士尼樂園,有令人嘆為觀止的馬匹護理設施、
   在京奧舉行前一年,北京奧組委授予馬會 應家柏在沙田會所設宴招待三人及五名中國隊 美侖美奐的馬廄,而出色的馬匹運輸車輛更是
「北京二○○八年奧運會馬術比賽重要貢獻機 騎手,並贈送精美的奧運參賽紀念品。 我前所未見。」
力作出重要貢獻。 國際奧委會表揚奧運賽事轉播 加拿大團體賽銀牌得主 Jill Henselwood(場地障
   假若沒有馬會的參與,沒有國際奧委會、 雖然一般人認為馬術跟一些引人注目的運動項 礙賽):「場地氣派不凡。世上別的地方難以覓
國際殘疾人奧林匹克委員會和國際馬術運動聯 目相比,是不太普及的運動,但是國際奧委會 得如此的設施。」
合會對馬會專業技術的信賴,奧運和殘奧馬術 有不同看法。十二月中旬,奧委會在瑞士洛桑
比賽不可能移師香港舉行,而港人也無法親歴 奧運博物館舉行國際知名的奧運金環儀式上,
這項人生難得一遇的盛會。 向官方廣播機構北京奧林匹克轉播有限公司
馬會支持騎手締造奧運創舉 沙田和雙魚河奧運賽場轉播奧運馬術比賽,讓
馬會贊助的障礙賽隊伍為港締造奧運歷史,成 世界各地的觀眾都能欣賞精采的賽事。
獲馬會贊助的參賽隊伍成員葉少康,是香港首 贏盡國際讚譽
位取得殘奧運馬術項目比賽資格的代表,他夥 除了國際奧委會和國際殘疾人奧林匹克委員會
拍二十歲的賽駒「履冰之注」出戰,令這項城 對香港成功協辦奧運馬術賽事深表讚賞,不少
中體壇盛事更添矚目。 全球體育界要員也對此高度評價:

Live racing
broadcasts on the
Beijing welcomes
2008 APLA
New lease of life for
old factory building
phone Conference 工廈活化「廠出創意」
賽事實況「多媒睇」 亞太彩票協會會議獲北京鼎力 p 56
p 53 相助
p 53

gets a
head next page

Sha Tin Racecourse

marks 30 glorious years
of sporting success
SEP 2008

Racing gets a head start

new racing season always brings with it the HKSAR Chief Executive’s
new hopes, new faces and new excite- Cup, with Enthused. All racegoers
ment for racing fans, and the opening received a souvenir Good Ba Ba
day of the 2008/09 season at Sha Tin was no ball pen on entry and prior to the
exception. One of the most eagerly-awaited serious action, cheered on partici-
new features was the introduction of Flexi Bet, pants in the 2nd Trainers Ride
a new betting method which offers customers for Charity, won by Me Tsui on
the flexibility and ease to place bets based on Bodacious. There were no losers in
their desired total bet amount, rather than a this event, though, as the trainers’
fixed unit bet for each combination. In addi- efforts raised HK$400,000 for
tion, the dividend calculation methodology different charities.
for Place betting was modified to allow display A week earlier, some 3,000
of single, precise odds from the start of the parents and children enjoyed a
new season. on hand to help bring racegoers good luck. There fun-filled weekend at the Club’s Pre-Season
However, tradition was also very much in was also a familiar ring to the winners’ circle Carnival at Happy Valley, including pony rides,
evidence, with HKSAR Chief Executive Donald as reigning champion jockey Douglas Whyte game stalls, a play zone, barrier trials on the
Tsang Yam-Kuen striking the ceremonial gong and champion trainer John Size combined turf and the annual Jockeys’ Sprint, won by
to get proceedings under way and lion dancers once again to take out the day’s feature race, local rider Jacky Tong.

Review of Operations 業務回顧


馬季開鑼動力澎湃 萬眾馬迷每年都熱切期待
翰所訓練的「安畋」,勇奪首項錦標「香港特區 Beijing Welcomes referred to how member organisa-
行政長官盃」 。當天入場人士除了獲贈香港馬
2008 APLA tions distinguished themselves from
unregulated operators, and the
Conference lottery industry from gambling.

練馬師的積極參與,馬會透過是次賽事共捐出 Hosted by HKJC Lotteries Ltd, the 亞太彩票協會會議獲北京鼎力相助

四十萬港元善款。 2008 Asia Pacific Lottery Associa- 香港馬會獎券有限公司主辦的二
   馬季開鑼一星期前,在跑馬地舉行的「開季 Champion jockey tion (APLA) Conference was held ○○八年度亞太彩票協會會議於
試閘樂滿 FUN」,吸引了三千多人參加。當天節 Douglas Whyte gets off in Beijing at the end of September, 九 月 底 在 北 京 舉 行, 共 吸 引 約
to another great start
目豐富精彩,計有策騎小馬、攤位遊戲、兒童 by taking the HKSAR
attracting nearly 160 delegates from 一百六十名來自二十三個國家、
遊樂園以及馬匹草地試閘等。一年一度的騎師 Chief Executive’s Cup on 50 lottery operators and suppliers 五十家獎券機構及供應商的代表
競跑,由本地騎師湯智傑奪魁。 Enthused (right). 「冠軍 in 23 countries. Retiring APLA 出席。今屆會議以「獎券現代化」
Chairman Henry S K Chan, who is 為主題,剛卸任亞太彩票協會主
also the Club’s Executive Director 席的馬會投注事務執行總監陳承
of Betting, noted that this year’s 楷於會上指出,獎券業現代化並
theme Modernisation of the Lottery 不只局限於科技發展,協會會員
referred not only to technology 的社會責任、市場計劃,以至會
advancement, but also to corporate 員跟社會和政府的關係也是現代
social responsibility, marketing, and 化的環節。更重要的是,獎券業
relationships with the governments 現代化能凸顯協會會員與非法莊
and communities served by APLA 家的區別,以釐清獎券業務與賭
members. Most importantly, it 博活動的不同。

Live Racing Broadcasts on

the Phone
Couch-loving racing fans can now 賽事實況「多媒睇」 馬迷今後可透
enjoy watching live horse racing 過家居電話隨時掌握賽馬實況。馬
broadcasts on their home telephones, 會繼去年四月推出互動電話投注服
thanks to a new facility introduced 務「投注通」後,與電訊盈科再度
by PCCW for customers of their eye 攜手合作,於「   多媒睇服務」
Multimedia Service to tie in with the 上加入賽馬直播功能。自馬季開鑼
start of the new racing season. The 日起,馬迷憑藉這個一站式博彩娛
enhancement follows the previous 樂平台,可安坐家中透過「   多
April’s launch of the Interactive Phone 媒睇服務」收看賽馬現場直播,直
Betting Service (iWin), and means that 擊賽馬日各場精彩賽事及沙圈實
PCCW’s eye customers can watch 況,緊貼馬匹臨場狀態,兼可輕輕
live racing as well as place bets through 鬆鬆享受賽馬投注的樂趣。
the same multimedia device.
SEP 2008

Sha Tin Racecourse

marks 30 glorious years
of sporting success

The 30th Anniversary of Sha Tin However, the impact of Sha Tin Racecourse from Hong Kong’s Olympic and Paralympic
reaches far beyond the sporting world. Since a teams, a sports challenge between jockeys and
Racecourse triggered a series of stretch of water in Tide Cove was reclaimed in athletes, a performance by singer Kelly Chen
special celebrations in the last four mid-1970s to build this magnificent venue – at and the running of the Sha Tin Racecourse
that time the largest
months of 2008. reclamation under- Sha Tin Racecourse has become one

taken in Hong Kong
ince the first race meeting took place there – Sha Tin has been of the world’s best known sporting venues,
on 7 October 1978 Sha Tin Racecourse transformed from a hosting six International Group One races
has become one of the world’s best known sleepy rural fishing
sporting venues, hosting six International village into a robust each year as well as earning a Guinness
Group One races each year as well as earning and thriving commu- World Record for its pioneering Diamond
a Guinness World Record for its pioneering nity that is now home
Diamond Vision screen. It also features top- to more than half-a- Vision screen.
class racecourse facilities including the world’s million people.
first Parade Ring with a retractable roof. Many civic projects such as schools, 30th Anniversary Cup, won by Tchaikovsky
In August and September 2008 Sha Tin clinics, public recreation areas and major with Brett Prebble on board.
Racecourse earned further international facilities including Penfold Park and the Hong At the 28 September meeting, all race-
sporting acclaim for being part of the venues Kong Sports Institute have been built in the goers received a commemorative photo frame
created to stage the equestrian events of the surrounding area with the Club’s support. featuring Silver Lining – the undisputed king of
Beijing 2008 Olympics and Paralympics, To help local residents and racing fans Sha Tin’s turf in its early years – while further
which successfully combined purpose-built celebrate Sha Tin’s 30 successful years, three special privileges awaited all those sharing the
new infrastructure with existing world-class special events were staged at the racecourse on racecourse’s birth year of 1978. A special 30th
facilities such as the Equine Hospital and 28 September, 1 October and 5 October. The Anniversary souvenir postal cover was also
Racing Laboratory. opening event featured appearances by athletes produced, and an exhibition of Olympic jumps

Review of Operations 業務回顧

A wish-making ceremony, the filling

of a time capsule and cycling and
rowing challenges involving top local
athletes helped Sha Tin Racecourse
celebrate its 30th Anniversary. 沙田

and horse statues held on the Concourse. 沙田馬場光輝三十年齊歌頌 沙田馬場落成 代表香港出戰北京奧運會和殘奧會的頂尖運動

On 20 November, during a visit to the 三十週年,馬會於二○○八年九月起舉行一連 員應邀出席。本地精英運動員代表與騎師進行
racecourse by a delegation of China’s Olympic 串慶祝活動,與眾同樂。 緊張刺激的運動角力賽,一顯身手。天后歌手
gymnastics and trampoline squads, Club    沙田馬場自一九七八年十月七日舉行首場 陳慧琳更為開幕禮作壓軸表演。當天,柏寶策
Chairman John C C Chan and Chief Executive 賽事,迄今三十載,見證了本港賽馬事業的輝 騎賀賢馬房的「齊歌頌」,勝出沙田馬場三十週
Officer Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges joined 煌發展。沙田馬場成為世界著名的馬場,現每 年紀念盃。
the athletes in a wish-making and pledging 年上演六項國際一級賽,場內先進的彩色電視    於九月二十八日進入沙田馬場的人士均可
ceremony in the Parade Ring as a further part 大屏幕獲列入《健力士世界紀錄大全》,還有全 獲贈一代馬王「祿怡」珍藏版相架。一九七八
of the 30th Anniversary celebrations. 球首個可開合活動天幕的馬匹亮相圈。 年出生的人士,當日親臨沙田馬場還享有多重
They filled a time capsule with three CDs    八月至九月,沙田馬場更成為北京二○○ 生日獎賞。此外,馬會特別推出限量版「沙田
recording the Club’s contributions to society 八年奧運會和殘奧會馬術比賽的重要組成部 馬場三十週年紀念封」,並且在沙田馬場火車
during the past 30 years, a ceremony encap- 分。馬場內頂級的馬醫院和賽事化驗所,加上 站平台展出奧運馬術比賽欄障和馬匹模型,讓
sulating the many benefits the Club brings to 配合賽事而建的嶄新設備,在奧運舉行期間提 市民了解更多沙田馬場的貢獻。
people from all walks of life and its continued 供了世界級的場地設施及專業後勤支援,贏盡    適逢沙田馬場三十週年,馬會主席陳祖澤
support for the community’s development. 各方讚譽。 及行政總裁應家柏聯同到訪沙田馬場的國家奧
   沙田馬場於七十年代中於沙田吐露港填海 運代表團,於十一月二十日參與在馬匹亮相圈
建成,見證著沙田從昔日沈寂的小漁村,迅速 舉行的祝願儀式,並在一眾國家體操隊及蹦床
發展成為人口逾五十萬的繁榮新市鎮。馬場附 隊運動員見證下,將記錄了馬會過去三十年對
近,學校、診所和公共康樂設施林立,其中 社會所作貢獻的光碟置放於時間囊內,標誌著
彭福公園和毗鄰的香港體育學院均由馬會斥資 馬會與港人一同進步,支持香港發展,致力為
興建。 社會謀取更大的福祉。

SEP 2008

New lease of life for

old factory building

nine-storey former factory estate in the subject of a special six-month
Shek Kip Mei has become a vibrant public exhibition at The Hong
new base for Hong Kong’s artists and Kong Racing Museum, entitled Old
art groups, following its conversion into the Factory, Emerging Arts – from Shek
Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre with the Kip Mei Factory Estate to Jockey Club
help of Charities Trust donations totalling Creative Arts Centre.
HK$94.40 million. Undertaken in partner-
ship with the Hong Kong Baptist University, 工廈活化「廠出創意」 昔日九層高的石硤尾工 The Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre
the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, 廠大廈,現已搖身一變,成為本地藝術工作者 provides studio spaces and performing
venues for up-and-coming artists, as
the Hong Kong Arts Centre and the Home 和團體的創作大本營。馬會慈善信託基金捐款 well as recalling the city’s past trades.
Affairs Bureau, the project provides art studios 共九千四百四十萬港元,與香港浸會大學、香 賽馬會創意藝術中心除為本地藝術工作者
for up to 120 arts-related tenants, a black-box 港藝術發展局、香港藝術中心和民政事務局合 提供創作空間外,亦讓市民可以回顧本地
theatre and two exhibition galleries, among 作,改建石硤尾一幢空置工廠大廈成為「賽馬
other facilities. A subsequently-announced 會創意藝術中心」,為一百二十個藝術租戶,
Jockey Club Performing Arts Venue Subsidy 提供工作室及集黑盒劇場、展覽藝廊和相關設
Scheme provides rent-free theatre as an ideal 施於一身的創作空間。中小型藝團更可透過其
platform for small/medium arts groups and 後推出的「賽馬會表演藝術場地資助計劃」,申
emerging artists to present their innovative 請免費使用黑盒劇場。中心的設計既保留工廠
artworks and experimental performances. 原有特色風貌,同時加入現代建築元素,並賦
While the building’s original facade has been 予全新用途,充分體現馬會致力促進本地文化
retained, its interior design incorporates 藝術發展,並大力支持保育活化歷史建築的目
modern architectural elements to revitalise the 標。香港賽馬博物館隨後以此幢極富本地特色
premises, underlining the Club’s commitment 的改建廠廈作為展覽主題,舉行名為「廠出創
to heritage conservation. The story of this 意 ─ 由石硤尾工廠大廈到賽馬會創意藝術中
fascinating conversion project has since become 心」的展覽,為期六個月。

Growing old
gracefully society unveiled
Drive for harmonious Double recognition
for Club’s services
World role for
Club official
豐碩晚年 成功歲月 「愛 + 人」添和諧 雙喜臨門 業界稱譽 馬會高層獲委以重任
p 60 p 60 p 62 p 62

Viva Macau
at the double in
Ladies’ Purse
next page
OCT 2008

Viva Macau at the

double in Ladies’ Purse
lways the most glamorous day
in Hong Kong’s racing calendar,
the 2008 Sa Sa Ladies’ Purse Day
certainly didn’t disappoint, with female
racegoers arriving bedecked in dazzling
outfits, and a series of trackside events
offering everything from fashion shows
to ma ke-up
advice, photo-
taking and
charity hat sales.
Every racegoer
received a free
Lucky Horseshoe Brooch on entry and the
“My Radiant Lady” contests added further
glitter and excitement. The day’s feature race,
the Sa Sa Ladies’ Purse, saw Viva Macau
romping to victory for the second year in a
row, this time under Zac Purton who picked
up the bonus ride after an earlier injury to
regular jockey Darren Beadman.
Left: Owner of Viva Macau Dr Stanley Ho (far left)
莎莎婦女銀袋賽「爆炸」成功衛冕 「莎莎婦女銀袋日」向來 receives the Ladies’ Purse Trophy from Sa Sa’s
Chairman and CEO Simon Kwok. 左:「爆炸」馬主何
是本地馬季最美麗繽紛的賽馬日,今年也不例外,吸引了不 鴻燊博士(最左)在莎莎婦女銀袋頒獎禮上,獲莎莎主席及
少女士悉心打扮進場。配合這個以女士為主題的盛會,馬 行政總裁郭少明頒發紀念盃。Above: Some of the city’s
會特別籌備化粧專櫃、倩影廊及華麗帽飾義賣等活動。每 ”Radiant Ladies” gather at the glamorous Sa Sa
Ladies’ Purse Day. 上:城中「閃亮佳人」於莎莎婦女銀袋
名進場人士均可獲贈一枚「銀袋幸運馬蹄鐵襟針」,並有機 日聚首一堂。

Review of Operations 業務回顧


Patriotism and
Fellowship to the fore
on National Day

hina’s National Day on 1 October was once again
celebrated with a programme of colourful cultural
performances at Sha Tin Racecourse, including
music from Mongolia’s unique matouqin (horse head fiddles),
listed by UNESCO as an Oral and Intangible Heritage of
Humanity, and the Tujia tribal drum dance of the ethnic
minorities. Top soprano Wang Wei from China National
Opera House opened the festivities by singing the National
Anthem and other classic pieces. On the track, well-backed
favourite Fellowship, ridden by Douglas Whyte and trained
by Paul O’Sullivan, duly obliged in the day’s feature race,
the HK Group Three National Day Cup.

「友誼至上」國慶日大放異彩 國慶賽馬日於十月一日在沙田
民族樂團以世界文化遺產之一的中國古代樂器 ─ 馬頭琴,

OCT 2008

Growing old No bars to

gracefully education
Ageing should The Jockey Club Inmates’ Educa-
be seen as an tion Subsidy Scheme, aimed at
opportunity helping prisoners pursue education
and a celebra- and acquire qualifications as part
tion, rather than a problem or of their preparations for reintegra-
a burden, observed the Club’s tion into society, has benefited
Chief Executive Officer Winfried more than 500 inmates since its
Engelbrecht-Bresges when he 豐碩晚年 成功歲月 一如馬會行 introduction in 2004. A certificate
opened a symposium on the theme 政總裁應家柏在十月十一日舉行 presentation ceremony for the latest
of Successful Ageing on 11 October. 的「成功歲月」研討會上所說,人 group of student inmates was held
The two-day event was jointly 口老齡化可視為一個機遇,一個 on 22 October at Cape Collinson
organised by CADENZA: A Jockey 新里程,而非一個社會問題或負 Correctional Institution.
Club Initiative for Seniors and 擔。該研討會為期兩天,由「流金
the Faculty of Social Sciences 頌: 賽 馬 會 長 者 計 劃 新 里 程」與 持續進修求創未來 馬會一直鼓勵
of The University of Hong Kong, 香港大學社會科學學院合辦,邀 在囚人士持續進修,以備將來重
and featured presentations by 請海外及本地多位專家,就老年 投社會,重過新生。「賽馬會在囚
overseas and local experts in Club CEO Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges 學、 醫 療 護 理、 法 律、 財 務、 社 人士教育資助計劃」自二○○四年
such areas as gerontology, health- and Elderly Commission Chairman 會經濟和生活環境等範疇發表專 推出至今,已經有超過五百名人
Dr Leong Che-hung share a happy
care, law, finance, social issues moment. 馬會行政總裁應家柏與安老事務 題演說。 士受惠。歌連臣角懲教所於十月
and the living environment. 委員會主席梁智鴻醫生喜相逢。 二十二日舉行證書頒發典禮,勉

Drive for harmonious society unveiled

major new citywide project
designed to help build
healthy and happy fami-
lies and make Hong Kong a more
harmonious society was unveiled
on 18 October. “FAMILY: A Jockey
Club Initiative for a Harmonious
Society” has been initiated by
the Club’s Charities Trust with
funding of HK$250 million and 由馬會慈善信託基金主導並捐款
is being run in partnership with 二億五千萬港元,與香港大學公
the School of Public Health of 共衞生學院攜手合作推行。計劃
The University of Hong Kong. The 以「家庭」為單位,於五年調查期
project includes a comprehensive 內訪問共二萬個本港家庭,希望
five-year survey involving 20,000 Guest artists at the launch ceremony of FAMILY project demonstrate the 3Hs – 找出家庭問題的根源,並設計有
local households. Based on the health, happiness and harmony. 多名藝人在「愛 + 人」計劃啟動儀式上宣傳健康、開心、 效的預防方案。計劃的另一特色
results, intervention strategies and 是透過多元化的公眾教育活動,
programmes aimed at preventing nated through public education 「愛 + 人」添和諧 馬會於十月十八 以不同手法和渠道,宣傳健康、
family discords and promoting programmes and other channels. 日推出一項全港大型研究計劃, 開 心、 和 諧 家 庭 的 訊 息。「愛 +
the “3Hs” – health, happiness and An inaugural symposium and 以求全面了解港人家庭的健康和 人」計劃於十月底舉行首屆研討會
harmony – will be devised. The training workshops in late October 快樂狀況,協助建設和諧社會。 暨工作坊,共吸引逾二百三十人
3Hs message will also be dissemi- attracted more than 230 people. 「愛 + 人: 賽 馬 會 和 諧 社 會 計 劃」 出席。

Review of Operations 業務回顧


Measures to Horse on a
prevent suicide Mission
The inaugural Mission Hills
Hong Kong played host to the 3rd Raceday was held on 26 October
Asia Pacific Regional Conference at Sha Tin Racecourse, marking the
of the International Association start of an exciting new sporting
for Suicide Prevention at the end partnership between the Club and
of October, co-organised by the the Mission Hills Group, operators
Association and the Hong Kong of a number of world-class golfing
Jockey Club Centre for Suicide facilities in Guangdong province.
Research and Prevention with the The title sponsorship will run for
support of a HK$1 million donation three years until 2010/11. Honours
from the Club’s Charities Trust. in the day’s feature event, the HK
Taking the theme Suicide Research Group Three Mission Hills Sha
and Prevention in Times of Rapid
Change in the Asia Pacific Region:
Opportunities and Challenges, the
Finnish treatment Tin Trophy, went to John Moore-
trained Viva Pataca, a familiar
visitor to the winners’ circle but
event provided some 400 local and
overseas professional bodies and centre helps end unusually starting as an outsider
this time at top weight.

drug abuse
academics with an opportunity to
discuss strategies for enhancing 賽馬與高球翹楚攜手呈獻賽事 馬
suicide prevention measures and 會與在廣東省擁有多個世界級高
encouraging the development of 爾夫球場的駿豪集團首度合作,
effective national plans throughout The Ling Oi Tan Ka Wan 攜手呈獻「觀瀾湖賽馬日」,該集
the region. 團將連續三年贊助是項賽事日,
Drug Treatment Centre, 首屆賽事於十月二十六日在沙田
a new facility designed to 馬場舉行。焦點賽事是香港三級
help drug abusers quit their 亞 訓 練 的「爆 冷」, 雖 然 負 頂 磅
addictions, was opened in Sai 而於賽前不被看好,但這匹頂級
Kung in early October. Operated by the Finnish 冠軍。
Evangelical Lutheran Mission and built with a
馬會宣揚珍惜生命 馬會慈善信託
HK$11.05 million donation from the Club’s Charities
基金捐款一百萬港元予香港賽馬 Trust, the centre will provide treatment programmes
for more than 80 abusers a year. Other anti-drug
太地區國際預防自殺協會(香港) initiatives supported by the Trust include The Hong
Kong Jockey Club Drug Info Centre in Admiralty
和預防工作」,會上超過四百位海 and the Jockey Club Anti-Drug Preventive Education
Centre at Shek Kwu Chau.
國家制定有效的預防措施。 戒毒中心重建新生 馬會慈善信託基金捐款一千一百多萬港元予基督教
信義會芬蘭差會興建「靈愛旦家灣中心」,協助有志戒毒人士遠離毒品, Club and Mission Hills Group
揭開人生新一頁。這間位處西貢旦家灣的戒毒中心於十月初正式啟用, officials celebrate their new sporting
partnership. 馬會和駿豪集團代表祝賀雙
預計每年可為八十名戒毒人士提供戒毒復康服務。除了這家新落成的戒 方合作推動頂級體育活動。

OCT 2008

Double recognition for Club’s services Responsible

category at supervisory level.
Gambling Policy
The staff member concerned, gains world
Sharon Chan, is a supervisor at
one of the Club’s Off-Course acclaim
Betting Branches.
The Club’s best practices in promo-
雙喜臨門 業界稱譽 馬會在十月 ting responsible gambling received
底五日內連奪兩獎,包括首度榮 recognition from t he World
獲香港美國商會頒發「香港名牌」 Lottery Association (WLA), with
最佳娛樂品牌組別獎;以及憑其 its employee training programme
The Club received two major acco- by the American Chamber of 出色的顧客服務表現,榮獲香港 being cited as best in the industry
lades for its services in the space of Commerce in Hong Kong. This 零售管理協會舉辦的「2008 傑出 worldwide. The award was estab-
five days in late October, first being was followed by a 2008 Service 服務獎:零售(服務)組別主管級 lished by WLA to recognise organi-
named “Best Entertainment Brand and Courtesy Award from the 別」獎項,是項得獎者為場外投注 sations who demonstrate the highest
in Hong Kong” in the 2008 Hong Hong Kong Retail Management 處主任陳詩慧。 industry standards of responsible
Kong Brands Awards, organised Association in Retail (Service) gaming. In addition to its inherent
policy features including its not-
for-profit business model, limited
gambling opportunities, strict

World role for Club official underage access controls and no

credit betting, the Club has imple-
mented a number of measures to
The Club’s Executive Director with combined annual revenues “Having been reinforce its Responsible Gambling
of Betting Henry S K Chan was in excess of US$180 billion. involved in the Policy. Staff training has been one of
elected Vice President of the World lottery business the important contributory factors
Lottery Association (WLA) at its 馬會高層獲委以重任 馬會投注事 for more than to its success.
Annual General Meeting in Greece 務執行總監陳承楷於十月二十三 three decades
on 23 October – the first time a 日在希臘舉行的世界彩票協會週 馬會提倡有節制博彩享譽國際 馬
and chaired the Asia Pacific
candidate from Asia has assumed 年大會上,被推選為該協會副主 會的有節制博彩政策獲世界彩票
Lottery Association for four
the Vice Presidency. Mr Chan 席,這是首次由亞洲國家代表擔任 協會嘉許,讚揚有關的員工培訓
years, I believe I can contribute
pledged to use his three decades of 有關職位。陳承楷承諾會以其三十 計劃傲視同儕。該獎項是由世界彩
experience in the business to help 多年從事獎券業務的知識,竭力 a lot of valuable knowledge 票協會設立,目的是表揚同業的優
members worldwide accomplish 協助各會員達至共同目標,讓獎 and experience of this market,” 秀表現。馬會堅奉規範化的博彩模
their common goal, namely to 券業的發展令社會人人受惠。世 Henry Chan said. 式,以非牟利方式經營、只提供有
benefit their home communities 界彩票協會的全球會員,代表五 陳承楷:「我會以出任四年亞太彩票 限的博彩機會、不接受信貸投注,
and people at large from lottery 大洲七十六個國家共一百四十三 協會主席的寶貴經驗及三十多年從事 並且嚴禁未成年人士進行投注。
development. The WLA repre- 家機構。協會會員的每年總收入 獎券業務的知識,竭力協助各會員達 馬會同時制訂一連串措施,加強
sents 143 state lotteries from 76 逾一千八百億美元。 至共同目標,就是讓獎券業的發展令 執行有節制博彩政策,當中員工
countries across five continents, 社會人人受惠。」 培訓計劃是最成功的措施之一。

A grasp on mini-encyclopedia of horses and

racing, a daily-updated football
and football topics of the week. The
portal has since been enriched with
sports gossip news section, and mini-sites
giving details of the latest horse
even more features and content. 站;而互動性內容則包括由著名
To provide more convenience to racing and football events. Interac- 體育資訊盡掌握 為提供更方便的 富獎品的問答遊戲以及每周就熱
customers on the go, the Club tive content consists of a blog with 服務給流動一族,馬會適時推出一 門賽馬及足球話題作投票的系統
rolled out a new mobile portal famous football commentators 個手機網站「流動 HKJC」(m.hkjc. 等。更多精彩內容及功能亦於隨
Mobile HKJC (m.hkjc.com), serving as hosts, gift-earning quiz com) ,提供兩大種類內容:資訊 後月份陸續推出。
offering two types of content. games and weekly poll functions 性內容包括以百科全書形式介紹
Informative content includes a featuring the hottest horse racing 馬匹及賽馬冷知識、每日更新的

Racing’s new
Club farriers prove
a shoo-in for success
In-Play Jockey
Challenge marks
facilities notch up
in the spotlight 馬會釘甲手藝技勝一籌 another first a hat-trick
撥開雲霧再創新高 p 65 「騎師王」即場現身 提升設施惠澤社區
p 65 p 65 p 66

Cathay Pacific International

Sprint Trial champion
Enthused (red cap)

next page

HK’s hopefuls 港駒展現實力

on form in 迎戰國際賽事

International Trials
NOV 2008

HK’s hopefuls on form in

International Trials

Racegoers had an early chance to gauge 港駒展現實

力 迎戰國際
Hong Kong’s chances in the 2008 Cathay 賽事 香港頂
Pacific Hong Kong International Races 級賽駒已於
when most leading local contenders had 續上陣,讓馬迷一睹各駒備戰狀
their final run-out in the three International 態。首先「爆冷」在十一月十六日
Trials. The Cup Trial on 16 November saw 隨後一週舉行的國泰航空香港一
Viva Pataca romp to an easy win. A week 哩錦標預賽,「再領風騷」在高雅
later, Egyptian Ra led from start to finish under Felix Coetzee to blitz the Mile 勝亞軍三又四分三馬位,而力圖
Trial by 3¾ lengths, leaving hot favourite Good Ba Ba trailing in third place. For 衛冕的大熱門「好爸爸」僅屈居第
good measure, Coetzee then led Enthused home by a nose in the very next race, 以一個鼻位之先攻下國泰航空香
the International Sprint Trial. 港短途錦標預賽。

Review of Operations 業務回顧


A raceday to Club farriers

re-Member prove a shoo-in
for success
The annual Members’ Day was
held at Sha Tin on 2 November, The Club’s world-class black-
featuring a special programme of smithing skills were highlighted
on-course attractions and activities when a team of four Club farriers
for Members and their families to collected 15 awards at the Asian
strengthen ties between the Club Regional Farriery Competition
and its Members. It was an espe- in Malaysia, including the overall
cially memorable afternoon for championship. The team led by
jockey Darren Beadman, who took
the Members Cup for the second
Racing’s new challenges Chief Equestrian Farrier Greg
Murray picked up six gold, five
year running, this time aboard
John Moore-trained Eyshal. in the spotlight silver and three bronze awards
in a series of contests in which
they had to forge horseshoes of
會員共聚歡渡「會員日」 一年一度 “New Horizons for Racing” was the speakers included the Club’s Execu- different types and complexities,
的「會員日」於十一月二日在沙田 theme of the 32nd Asian Racing tive Director of Racing William create something from a given
馬場舉行。是日場內設有多項特 Conference held in Tokyo from A Nader, Head of Handicapping piece of steel and make various
備節目及活動,供會員與家人親 10 to 14 November, a timely issue and Race Planning Nigel Gray ornamental items.
友一同參與,藉此加強馬會與會 for discussion with the global and Head of Betting Services and
員的聯繫。當天白德民策騎由約 economic turmoil having presented Systems Bobby Chang.
翰摩亞訓練的「花好月圓」勇奪會 the industry with some tough new
員盃,連續第二年贏得此項賽事。 challenges to address. Club CEO 撥開雲霧再創新高 第三十二屆亞
Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges, 洲賽馬會議於十一月十日至十四
then Chairman of the Asian Racing 日在東京舉行,配合當前別具挑戰
Federation, said in his keynote 的經營環境,今屆主題為「賽馬新
address that the marketing base of 領域」 。行政總裁兼亞洲賽馬聯盟
racing was “too narrow” and called 主席應家柏在會議上發表演說,
on racing administrators around 指 出 賽 馬 業 的 市 場 基 礎「過 於 狹 馬會釘甲手藝技勝一籌 由馬會四
the globe to start seeing them- 窄」,並呼籲全球業界勿將賽馬僅 名釘甲匠組成的代表隊,在馬來西
selves not so much as a gambling 僅看成博彩業,而應把它視為一種 亞舉行的亞洲地區釘甲比賽中,共
business but as a sport, and as a 運動,看成消閒娛樂事業的重要組 奪得十五個獎項。比賽涵蓋多個技
worthy member of the leisure and 成部分。他鼓勵與會代表加強與各 術範疇,參賽者須打造一系列不同
entertainment industry. He encour- 地政府溝通,因為歸根究柢,政府 複雜程度的馬蹄鐵、憑創意把一塊
aged delegates to make stronger 的支持對賽馬業的發展事關重大。 普通鋼鐵打造成不同的製成品等,
connections with their govern- 馬會賽馬事務執行總監利達賢、評 以測試他們的釘甲冶煉技術和技巧
ments, as most governments were 磅及賽事策劃部主管紀禮澤和投 精細度。在總馬術釘甲匠麥偉利帶
bottom-line stakeholders of their 注事務及系統部主管張波煒也於 領下,代表隊共贏得六項金獎、五
racing industry. Other principal 會議上發表專題演說。 項銀獎、三項銅獎及全場總冠軍。

In-Play Jockey Challenge marks another first 「騎師王」即場現身 馬會首個

Following strong customer Play betting. Racing fans can now and the start of Race 5 for night 王」推出後備受顧客歡迎。由
interest in the Club’s first fixed- try their hand at predicting the meetings – with the odds offered 十一月十六日賽馬日起,更開
odds racing bet type, Jockey top-scoring jockey at any time on each jockey being progressively 始 接 受 即 場 投 注。 馬 迷 可 於
Challenge, further new ground up to around the halfway point updated accordingly. 日馬賽事第六場開跑前及夜馬
was broken on 16 November of each meeting – normally the 賽事第五場開跑前投注「騎師
with the introduction of In start of Race 6 for day meetings 王」,而有關彩池賠率將按賽

NOV 2008

Disabled artists
given new chance
to integrate

he promotion of inclusive
arts in Hong Kong, which
brings together people
with and without disabilities to
participate in arts and cultural
activities, received an important
boost with the opening of an Inclu-
sive Arts Studio at the Jockey Club
Creative Arts Centre in Shek Kip
Mei. The 1,200 sq ft Studio has
been fitted out to accommodate the
needs of wheelchair users and other
people with disabilities, thanks
to a HK$607,000 donation to the
Arts with the Disabled Associa-
tion Hong Kong from the Club’s
Charities Trust.

Community facilities notch up a hat-trick

hree new or enhanced community facilities held their opening ceremonies
on 15 November, all made possible by donations from the Club’s Chari-
ties Trust. Two are on the island of Cheung Chau: the second phase
of Caritas Jockey Club Ming Fai Camp, now redeveloped into 22 small
dormitories, each with ensuite bathrooms to meet the needs of families,
small groups and people with disabilities; and the Cheung Chau branch 展能藝術工房推廣傷建共融 位於
of the Caritas Jockey Club Integrated Service for Young People, which 石硤尾「賽馬會創意藝術中心」內
has been modernised and equipped with a new teaching kitchen, a play 的「共融藝術工房」,提供一個無
therapy room and an image design room. The third project, located at 障礙的環境,讓傷健人士可以一
Tin Shui Wai, is the conversion of part of Pak Kau College into the Jockey 同參與文化藝術活動。馬會慈善
Club Success for All Centre, which will meet the resource needs of the 信託基金捐款六十多萬港元予香
district’s residents and charitable organisations by sharing school facilities with 港展能藝術會,用以靈活規劃其
The enhanced
the wider local community. community facilities 佔地一千二百平方呎的「共融藝術
will better meet the 工房」,包括增設配合輪椅使用者
提升設施惠澤社區 馬會慈善信託基金先後撥款捐助建設及翻新三項社區設施,項目 needs of young people, 和其他殘疾人士的設施,藉以進
families and the public.
同於十一月十五日舉行開幕儀式。三個項目分別位於長洲及天水圍,包括捐助明愛 新增的社區設施進一步迎合
賽馬會明暉營進行第二期更新工程,重建後的新營地設有二十二間具獨立浴室的小 青年人、家庭和公眾人士的
型房間,以迎合家庭、小型團體及殘疾人士的需要。另捐助明愛賽馬會長洲青少年 需求。


Cathay Pacific
Celebrating Green
The Club’s habits start
community at home

Hong Kong
achievements 環保節約天天響應
與民共享地區建設成果 p 78
p 77

Coetzee takes a International Races

final bow 勢如破竹 戰雲密佈
Jockey Felix Coetzee said a fond 國泰航空香港國際賽事
farewell to his local fans on 20
December, having decided to
return to his native South Africa next page
after 16 successful seasons riding
in Hong Kong. In total, he accu-
mulated 643 winners in 6,052 rides
and his mounts earned more than
HK$572 million. Known as a big
race specialist, Coetzee racked up
numerous Group One successes
with horses like Lucky Owners,
Helene Mascot and Bullish Luck, but
he will always best be remembered
for his exclusive partnership with
the great Silent Witness, whom he
rode to a record 17 consecutive
starts unbeaten.

向騎師高雅志致敬 騎師高雅志於
出 賽6,052次, 累 積643場 頭 馬,
“Brilliant winners, hard luck stories
and fairytales...”

That comment from Club CEO Winfried Engelbrecht-Bresges to the media

at the end of the 2008 Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Raceday on
14 December perfectly encapsulated another thrilling day that saw a record
35 of the world’s top horses joining local stars in action on the Sha Tin turf,
competing for a purse of HK$62 million in four International Group One
races that were beamed live to racing enthusiasts across five continents.
And the raceday itself was only the finale of an action-packed International
Races week that produced a host of other happy memories. “We believe these
are the Turf World Championships and it’s great to see the meeting going from
strength to strength,” said a delighted Mr Engelbrecht-Bresges.



HONG KONG CUP – Jockey Kevin Shea aboard South African horse Eagle Mountain lands victory in the Cup. 香港盃南非代表「飛鷹山」在騎師薛凱文胯下

Major elements of Hong

Kong’s International
Races Week included
the International Sale
(bottom left) and
CXHKIR Gala Party
(bottom right), as well
as a variety of on-course
attractions on the big
day itself. 香港國際賽事

CX Hong Kong International Races

Above: HONG KONG VASE – Doctor Dino (centre) edges out Purple Moon (left) at the finishing
line. 香港瓶「迪諾醫生」 (中)以短馬頭力壓「紫月光」 (左)奪冠。 Left: HONG KONG MILE – Good Ba
Ba (black cap) broke the track record to win the Mile race. 左:香港一哩錦標「好爸爸」 (黑帽)以破


Hong Kong Vase Hong Kong Sprint Hong Kong Mile Hong Kong Cup
Doctor Dino – Olivier Peslier Inspiration – Darren Beadman Good Ba Ba – Christophe Soumillon Eagle Mountain – Kevin Shea
香港瓶「迪諾醫生」— 柏兆雷 香港短途錦標「創惑」— 白德民 香港一哩錦標「好爸爸」— 蘇銘倫 香港盃「飛鷹山」— 薛凱文

the Champions
Hong Kong Vase 香港瓶 —「迪諾醫生」再下一城 擅長遠征海外賽事的法國代表「迪諾醫
Dino at the double 生」以短馬頭位勝出國泰航空香港瓶,成功衛冕,為法國爭光,成為繼
France’s great international traveller Doctor Dino got the International 「牢騷」於一九九七年連續兩屆稱冠後的另一賽駒。由高伯新訓練及柏兆
Races off to a memorable start by recording back-to-back victories in the 雷策騎的六歲名駒「迪諾醫生」,今仗沿途留居馬群後面,至直路才追
Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Vase, the first horse to do so since Luso in 上,並僅於過終點時才超越英國代表「紫月光」,再下一城。
1997. Trained by Richard Gibson and ridden superbly by Olivier Peslier,
the six-year-old had a lot of ground to make up in the final stages but 香港短途錦標 —「創惑」令馬迷刮目相看 賽前被視為冷門的「創惑」狀
just made it past Britain’s Purple Moon at the line. 態大勇,配合白德民的出色騎功,勇奪國泰航空香港短途錦標,為港隊
Hong Kong Sprint 位力壓主隊另一駒「綠色駿威」,大熱門澳洲代表「阿帕奇貓」則屈居季
Pure Inspiration for local racing fans 軍。香港短途錦標再度成為港隊囊中物,已連續七年由主隊馬勝出。
Rank outsider Inspiration, brilliantly ridden by Darren Beadman,
quickly had home fans on their feet by leading home a shock Hong 韋達第三度稱霸 國泰航空國際騎師錦標賽於十二月十日在跑馬地揭開
Kong quinella in the Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Sprint. The 67-1 shot, 戰幔,經過一番激烈爭逐後,香港長勝將軍韋達衛冕成功,成為首位三
trained by John Moore, squeezed home by a neck from fellow local 度奪魁的騎師。雖然韋達在本屆三關賽事均無緣勝出頭馬,但每關都能
runner Green Birdie, with Australia’s hot favourite Apache Cat another 跑入亞軍,最終以總分兩分之差險勝法國頂級騎師李慕華。
half length back in third. Hong Kong horses have now taken the Sprint
for seven consecutive years.

International Jockeys’ Championship International

Three seconds help Whyte notch a first Jockeys’ Championship
Hong Kong’s undisputed champion Douglas Whyte became the first winner Douglas Whyte
three-time winner of the Cathay Pacific International Jockeys’ Champi-
onship in a thrilling finish at Happy Valley on the night of 10 December,
and also the first to win back-to-back titles. Ironically, Whyte did it
without winning any of the Championship races on the night, taking
second place in all three races to secure a two-point victory over visiting
French rider Christophe Lemaire.

CX Hong Kong International Races

Hong Kong Mile

Good Ba Ba smashes track record runner Balius, with Britain’s Linngari another two lengths behind in
In 2007, Good Ba Ba stole the Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Mile by a short third. The victory maintained a wonderful International Group One
head, but this time there could be no denying the reigning Horse of the record on the Sha Tin turf for trainer Mike De Kock.
Year’s sheer class as a devastating late run under Christophe Soumillon
left the rest of the field simply trailing in his wake, setting a new Sha
Tin track record of 1:32.71 in the process. And although well beaten 香港一哩錦標 —「好爸爸」破紀錄掄元 「好爸爸」在上屆國泰航空香港
on the day, Able One and Egyptian Ra added to local fans’ delight by 一哩錦標,以短馬頭位擊敗對手。這匹應屆香港馬王今仗改配客串騎師
making it a clean sweep for the home team. 蘇銘倫,一如慣常採取留前鬥後戰術,末段從外檔以雷霆萬鈞之勢拋離
Hong Kong Cup
Eagle Mountain swoops to conquer 香港盃 —「飛鷹山」所向披靡 全日壓軸好戲是國泰航空香港盃,港隊
Hong Kong’s odds-on favourite Viva Pataca was the chief sufferer of a 「爆冷」在賽前備受追捧,可惜直路受困,無緣勝出這場總獎金達二千萬
bruising home-straight battle in the last and richest of the International 港元的國際一級賽。由薛凱文策騎的次熱門南非代表「飛鷹山」,以一又
Races, the HK$20 million Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Cup. Instead it 四分一馬位力壓法國代表「希臘寶馬」,英國賽駒「凌駕力」則再在兩個
was South Africa’s Eagle Mountain, expertly guided by Kevin Shea, 馬位之後,以第三名衝線。「飛鷹山」順利報捷,為練馬師郭克在沙田馬
who kept clear of the melee to cross the line 1¼ lengths clear of French 場國際一級賽事保持光輝紀錄。

Owners, jockeys and

HKSAR Chief Executive
Donald Tsang Yam-kuen
(far left) all get into
the party mood on
International Races day.


the Pedigree
(Redoute‘s Choice) 的 棕 色 雄 馬,
No doubt about top International Sale choice 馬匹。儘管面對金融海嘯衝擊,今
A brown colt by champion Australian sire Redoute’s Choice fetched 屆香港國際馬匹拍賣會依然競投激
top price of HK$5.5 million at the Hong Kong International Sale, on a 烈,三十匹推出競投的馬匹悉數售
day that saw 30 lots pass through the Sha Tin paddock for an aggregate 出,總成交價為八千七百二十萬港
of HK$87.2 million, an encouraging result in light of the gathering 元。拍賣會舉行前六日,四百五十
worldwide financial turmoil. Six days earlier, some 450 local Owners 多位本地馬主和馬會會員出席馬匹
and Club Members turned out for a special breakfast gathering to watch 試跑早餐會,欣賞拍賣馬匹試跑
the sale horses breeze up. 示範。

Hong Kong International Sale Figures (HK$M) 香港國際馬匹拍賣會統計數字(百萬港元)

Year 年份 No. of horses 馬匹數目 Gross 總售價 Average 平均售價 Top price 最高售價

2008 30 87.2 2.9 5.5

2007 (Part I 第一部分) 17 75.0 4.4 7.2
2007 (Part II 第二部分) 13 57.4 4.4 6.5
2007 (Total 總數) 30 132.4 4.4 7.2
2006 28 81.2 2.9 7.5
2005 27 48.0 1.8 3.0
2004 19 43.0 2.3 6.0

CX Hong Kong International Races

Another successful
International Races day
is brought to a close
in traditional fashion
with a spectacular
pyrotechnics display.


and the Excitement

Magic and music illuminate Gala Party 幻術輕歌迎盛事
Illusionist duo Magic2 and their Australian compatriot Marcus Cahill, 來自澳洲的 Magic2 二人組合精彩幻術表演,加上歌手 Marcus Cahill 演繹
performing classic John Lennon songs, were the stars of the CXHKIR 約翰連儂的經典名曲,幕幕扣入心弦。位於赤柱的著名歷史建築物美利
Gala Party on the night of 12 December, held once again at historic 樓,十二月十二日晚再度成為國泰航空香港國際賽事派對會場。約千名
Murray House in Stanley and attended by almost 嘉 賓 聚 首 一 堂, 同 慶 馬
1,000 visiting connections and media from around As ever, there were as many thrills 壇盛事。
the world.
off the track as on it at the 2008 乘興而來盡興而歸
Caps and Cantopop ensure all go home happy Cathay Pacific Hong Kong 一 如 既 往, 二 ○ ○ 八 年
As ever, there were as many thrills off the track as 國泰航空香港國際賽事
on it at the 2008 Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Inter-
International Races. 為馬迷呈獻連串精彩活
national Races, with a wealth of special entertain- 動, 令 全 場 洋 溢 一 片 歡
ment laid on to create a truly festive atmosphere 樂 氣 氛。 天 后 歌 手 容 祖
for racing fans. Cantopop diva Joey Yung and illusionist duo Magic2 兒的勁歌熱舞,Magic2 二人組合的幻術表演,為開幕綜合表演揭開精彩
got the festivities off to a great start, while a dazzling pyrotechnic show 序幕;閉幕禮上璀璨耀目的煙火匯演,更令這項一年一度的國際馬壇盛
brought the event to a close. All fans entering Sha Tin Racecourse 會錦上添花。每位入場人士均可獲贈一頂由人氣插畫家小克設計的國泰
received a CXHKIR cap specially designed for the occasion by local 航空香港國際賽事紀念版 CAP 帽。環球美食坊供應的各款風味小吃,亦
artist Siuhak, and a variety of enticing food and beverage offers helped 讓人回味無窮。
ensure that everyone went home happy.

DEC 2008

Public savour
Olympic legacy at
Talents of disabled artists showcased
Equine Fun Fest
Over 3,000 local residents had the
chance to savour Hong Kong’s
Olympic legacy at an Equine
Fun Fest organised by the Club
on 7 December in Penfold Park,
where they were able to witness the
unveiling of the Olympic cauldron
used at the Sha Tin equestrian
venue and relive the Olympic
equestrian events through three
different fun zones. The Club
also announced a commitment of
HK$50 million in further funding
to help the Hong Kong Jockey
Club Equestrian Team strengthen
its training and preparation for
international competitions, and
launch a new HKJC Junior Eques-
trian Team programme to identify
and support talented local riders
aged between 12 and 18. Comple-
menting this is a school outreach
programme aimed at enriching the
younger generation’s knowledge Taking the theme of Nurturing, the Jockey Club Arts for the
of equestrian sport and the lives
of horses.
Disabled Scheme (JCADS) held its annual Arts Exhibition at
Tuen Mun Town Hall over the Christmas and New Year period,
displaying some 1,000 art works created by 1,100 disabled students
and trainees, including paintings, ceramics, crafts, puppetry,
Chinese calligraphy and knotting. On 10 January, the same
venue hosted the JCADS Annual Performance in which over
150 disabled participants demonstrated their skills in drama,
與眾同樂傳承奧運馬術 馬會於 dance, martial arts, Chinese opera and music. JCADS was launched
十 二 月 七 日 在 彭 福 公 園 舉 辦「奔
FUN 馬運會」,在場的三千多名市
in 2003 with a Charities Trust donation of HK$27.71 million and has since
民,除了見證奧運馬術比賽聖火 benefited more than 7,000 students of special schools and others with disabilities
each year.
佈撥款五千萬港元,協助「香港賽 匯聚創意 盡展傷健人士藝術才華 馬會慈善信託基金捐款推行的「賽馬會藝力顯光華」計劃於聖誕及新年期
馬會馬術隊」加強培訓,備戰國際 間,假屯門大會堂舉行以「薰陶.成長」為主題的週年藝術展覽。場內展出共一千件由一千一百多位參與計劃
大賽;並且成立「香港賽馬會青少 的殘疾人士及學員共同創作的藝術作品,包括繪畫、陶瓷、手工藝、布偶、中國書法及繩結等平面及立體藝
年馬術隊」,挑選及培訓多名十二 術。計劃的週年匯演則於一月十日,同樣假屯門大會堂舉行,當晚超過一百五十位傷殘學員參與不同類型的
至十八歲的本地青年騎手。馬會 藝術表演,包括戲劇、舞蹈、功夫、粵劇、樂器演奏等。「賽馬會藝力顯光華」是馬會慈善信託基金於二○○
亦推行學校外展計劃,使年輕一 三年捐款二千七百七十一萬港元推行的藝術計劃。計劃自推出以來,每年有超過七千名特殊學校的學童和殘
代對馬術運動和馬匹日常生活加 疾人士受惠。

Review of Operations 業務回顧

Public awakened More golfing

to elderly awards for
insomnia issues Kau Sai Chau
Many elderly people are affected Hong Kong’s first and only public
by insomnia, which can have a golfing facility, the Jockey Club Kau
serious negative impact on their Sai Chau Public Golf Course in Sai
well-being. With support from the Kung, received two honours in the
Club’s Charities Trust, the Hong annual award scheme organised by
Kong Society for the Aged held a Asian Golf Monthly, the region’s
promotional day in Chai Wan on
21 December to raise public aware-
Positive ageing message leading golf industry publication.
It was named inaugural winner of
ness of this important issue. Their
project “The Hong Kong Jockey
taken citywide the “Asian Golf Course Environ-
ment Award”, a new accolade to
Club Community Project Grant: recognise courses that have made
Insomnia Treatment Project for To promote positive ageing, the 積極迎晚年訊息推廣 為協助 great efforts to protect the environ-
the Elderly” offers integrated treat- Trust-initiated CADENZA: A 本港長者和即將步入長者階段 ment in areas like water quality
ment and counselling services to Jockey Club Initiative for Seniors 人士積極迎接豐盛的晚年生 management, biodiversity, energy
elderly insomnia sufferers, as well as is collaborating with RTHK 活,由馬會主導推行的「流金 saving and chemicals reduction.
community education programmes Radio 5 to stage the CADENZA 頌:賽馬會長者計劃新里程」 Meanwhile the spectacular East
and workshops for professionals. 18-District Programme. From 與香港電台第五台合辦「光輝 Course was named “Best New Golf
January 2009 onwards, a series 歲月流金頌」公眾教育活動, Course in Asia”.
喚醒公眾關注長者失眠問題 不 of public interactive events and 由二○○九年一月起,每月一
少長者受到失眠困擾,嚴重影響 activities is being organised 區在全港十八區舉行互動式專
身心健康。香港耆康老人福利會 each month in turn in the 18 題活動,內容涵蓋與長者息息
在馬會慈善信託基金捐助下,於 districts of Hong Kong, taking 相關的資訊,包括醫療及社會
十二月二十一日假柴灣舉行推廣 different themes from health 服務、財政及法律事務以及一
日,藉此提高公眾對長者失眠的 and social care to legal and 般生活課題等。香港電台第五
關 注。 該 會 推 行 的「香 港 賽 馬 會 financial issues and the general 台還會播出活動之精華片段,
社區資助計劃-長者優質睡眠服 quality of life. The events are 讓更多聽眾重溫相關主題。活
務計劃」,除了為受失眠困擾的長 also being broadcast on RTHK 動的啓動禮於十二月初舉行。
者提供綜合治療和心理輔導服務 Radio 5 to reach a wider audi- 滘西洲高爾夫球場再獲殊榮 賽馬
外,更推行社區教育,並為相關 ence. A launch ceremony for 會滘西洲公眾高爾夫球場榮獲高
的業界人士安排培訓,讓他們能 the programme was held in 爾夫球界權威刊物《亞洲高爾夫月
夠協助長者改善睡眠質素。 early December. 刊》頒 發 兩 項 大 獎, 肯 定 球 場 在
Celebrating The Club’s community achievements 個公眾高爾夫球場,早前在該月
Some 200 of the Club’s commu- would maintain its long-standing 與民共享地區建設成果 馬會於 高爾夫球場環境保護卓越大獎」的
nity partners from the District com mit ment to com mu nit y 十二月二十日舉行「十八區盃」賽 高爾夫球場,以表揚球場在水質
Councils, sports associations, projects, especially in the area of 事日,來自十八區的二百位區議 管理、生態保護、節約能源及化
community organisations and sports development. 會議員、體育會主席、地區組織 學品使用四個範疇的傑出表現。
Government departments enjoyed 代表及政府官員,出席假沙田馬 球場的東場亦獲選為「亞洲最佳新
a special afternoon of friendship 場舉行的午宴並觀賞賽事。馬會 高爾夫球場」。
and sport at Sha Tin Racecourse on 主席陳祖澤於活動上表示,雖然
20 December when the Club staged 面對全球金融危機,馬會仍會繼
its second annual 18 Districts Cup 續積極參與社區事務,尤其致力
meeting. Club Chairman John C C 支持發展體育運動。
Chan told the guests that despite
the financial turmoil, the Club

DEC 2008

Helping residents Green habits

appreciate Hong start at home
Kong’s history
Long committed to supporting
A TV series aimed at helping environmenta l initiatives in
Hong Kong residents better under- Hong Kong, the Club launched a
stand their city’s rich heritage multi-pronged drive to promote
was launched on 10 December green habits among its own staff
by Radio Television Hong Kong in December. The “Be a Green
with funding from the Club’s Supporter” campaign encourages
Charities Trust. It was subsequently staff to keep a daily log of actions
voted the city’s tenth Best Televi- taken to conserve resources, with
sion Programme, while one of its prizes for the best achievements,
episodes – “Hong Kong’s role in
the 1911 Revolution” was awarded Club donations boost work while the “Going Green” internal
website provides a forum through
the Advisory Panel Commendation
Award in the 2008 TV Programme of two schools which employees can share green
tips and ideas, or trade and recycle
Appreciation Index Survey. Broad- unwanted items. Meanwhile, recy-
cast weekly on TVB Jade, the Two innovat ive loca l schools held opening cling bins have been provided
nine-episode Hong Kong History on each office f loor for papers,
Series used computerised special
ceremonies in December after receiving donations plastics and metal, and special
effects to reconstruct historic sites from the Club’s Charities Trust. Hon Wah College collection points for rechargeable
and events, taking the audience batteries and toner cartridges.
back to Hong Kong’s early days.
in Siu Sai Wan, renowned for its Putonghua All the old air-cooled chillers of
The initiative is part of the Hong language teaching, has acquired furniture and the air-conditioning system at
Kong Memory project, launched in Club Headquarters are also being
2006 with a Trust donation of
equipment for the premises with the help of a replaced with more energy-efficient
HK$80 million. HK$3.90 million Trust donation and named one water-cooled models.
of the buildings “The Hong Kong Jockey Club 環保節約天天響應 馬會一向支持
Composite Building”. Meanwhile the Hong Kong 環保。為了鼓勵同事實踐綠色生
Institute of Contemporary Culture has made good 提倡環保的項目,其中的「環保支
use of a HK$3.70 million Trust donation to equip its 持者」計劃,鼓勵同事每日記錄符
Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity at Kowloon City, 活習慣,得分最高的參加者可獲
the first Direct Subsidy Scheme senior secondary 贈獎品以示鼓勵。員工內聯網站
與港人細談香港歷史 馬會慈善信 亦 開 闢「Going Green」專 欄, 為
school in Hong Kong dedicated to creative 同事提供分享平台,交流實用的
歷史系列」,於「2008 電視節目欣 education. To acknowledge the Trust’s contribution, 環保貼士和建議,或刊登轉讓和
賞指數調查」中,獲評為最佳電視 循環再用二手物品的訊息。與此
the school has named its north block the “Jockey 同時,每層寫字樓也加設多個回
「辛亥革命在香港」更獲得「評審 Club Teaching Block”. 收箱,供同事把可循環再造的紙
團大獎」。全輯共九集的「香港歷 張、金屬和塑膠物品,以及充電
史系列」,利用電腦科技,重組多 馬會資助兩校增置設備 馬會慈善信託基金先後捐助本地兩所學校購置 池和打印墨盒等分類回收。馬會
年前的歷史片段甚至建築物的外 傢具及設備,兩校同於十二月舉行開幕儀式。位於小西灣的漢華中學以 總部大樓亦已安裝具節能效益的
觀,營造當時景况,讓市民透過香 其普通話教學而為人所認識,該校獲捐款三百九十萬港元,購置新校舍 水冷式空調系統,取代傳統的風
港歷來多項深具意義的事件,認 的部分傢具及設備。校方為感謝馬會的捐款,將其綜合大樓命名為「香 冷式空調系統。
識這個土生土長的地方。節目自 港賽馬會綜合樓」。香港當代文化中心則獲捐款三百七十萬港元,為其
十二月十日起,每週於無線電視 位於九龍城的香港兆基創意書院增置傢具和設備。該書院是香港第一所
翡翠台播映。這齣電視資訊節目 提供全面創意教育的直資學校,書院將校內的北翼大樓命名為「賽馬會
亦是馬會慈善信託基金於二○○ 教學樓」,以表謝意。

Bullish start to
New Year
Strong support sees
P.A.T.H.S. extended
January New heritage
facility delivered
「牛精福星」元旦光榮引退 再接再厲「共創成長路」 from maternity
p 82 p 83 hospital
p 84

Bulls to the fore

as Ox Year
welcomed in
next page


Top Older Miler lives up to his billing 頂級一哩馬王名不虛傳 香港歷來

國 際 評 分 最 高 馬 匹「好 爸 爸」,
H av i n g Citi Triple Crown. The 2008 World 在花旗集團三冠大賽首關的花旗
ten days Thoroughbred Rankings published 集團董事盃成功衛冕。賽事舉行
earlier by the International Federation of 前十天,國際賽馬組織聯盟公佈
been recognised as Hong Kong’s Horse-racing Authorities acknowl- 的二○○八年世界馬匹年終排名
highest-ever rated horse in the edged the Andreas Schütz-trained 榜,「好 爸 爸」獲 評 一 百 二 十 四
international rankings, Good Ba Ba star as the world’s leading Older 分, 以 一 分 超 越「精 英 大 師」及
underlined his class by storming Turf Miler on a mark of 124, topping 「蓮 華 生 輝」曾 獲 的 本 港 賽 駒 最
to his second successive win in the the 123 ratings previously attained 高評分,榮膺世界年長草地一哩
Citi Stewards’ Cup, first leg of the by Silent Witness and Sacred Kingdom. 馬王。
JAN 2009

Bulls to the fore as

Ox Year welcomed in
The economic outlook may have been bearish, but the bulls were firmly a welcome return, appropriately with a giant
gold horseshoe as its centrepiece.
in the ascendancy at the Chinese New Year Raceday on 28 January, as This year’s guest of honour was Chief Secre-
Hong Kong’s racing fans turned out in force to welcome the New Year of tary for Administration Henry Tang Ying-yen,
who joined Club officials for the traditional lion
the Ox. eye-dotting ceremony to open the festivities,

then later presented the Chinese New Year Cup
he first raceday of the new lunar year As ever, fans were treated to a host of to the Owner of Regency Dragon, steered home
has traditionally attracted the biggest exciting on-course activities, as well as 11 by Belgian ace Christophe Soumillon.
crowd of the season as racegoers thrilling races on the Sha Tin turf. Popular As nightfall approached, racegoers were
come to try out their luck, and this year’s local singers Liza Wang and Raymond Lam treated to a spectacular closing ceremony
event didn’t disappoint with more than headlined the opening show, while fung shui featuring the international talents of the
83,000 coming through the turnstiles and master Mak Ling-ling was on hand to tell Washington Redskins Cheerleaders from
the betting turnover reaching nearly HK$1.05 fortunes and TV hostess Suzi Wong to play the USA, the Funny Pirate Dolls troupe from
billion – both figures showing only a modest interactive games with racegoers. The Chow Spain and the Poco Loco performance group
decrease from 2008. Tai Fook Jewellery Gold Exhibition also made from Denmark.

Review of Operations 業務回顧

The first raceday of the new
lunar year has traditionally
attracted the biggest crowd of celebrated
the season as racegoers come To mark the visit of a group of
to try out their luck...more Chinese Olympic athletes to Happy
Valley Racecourse on 7 January,
than 83,000 coming through Race 6 of the evening’s meeting was
the turnstiles and the betting designated the Olympic Friend-
ship Cup, paying tribute to the
turnover reaching nearly athletes’ outstanding performances
HK$1.05 billion. in the Beijing 2008 Olympics and
commemorating Hong Kong’s
successful staging of the eques-
trian events. The race was won
by North Hill with Gerald Mossé
in the saddle.

Enjoying their day at the races are

Olympic Friendship Cup winning
jockey Gerald Mossé (above) and a
Regency Dragon, ridden by Christophe Soumillon, lands the Chinese New Year Cup. 「帝聖龍駒」
group of visiting national Olympic
gold medallists. 贏得「奧運友誼盃」的騎

牛氣沖天迎新歲 儘管經濟低迷,卻絲毫不減 全日十一場賀歲賽緊張刺激,加上連串精 「奧運友誼盃」傳承奧運精神 國家

馬迷興致。牛年大年初三(一月二十八日)的 彩的娛樂節目,場內場外整天熱鬧非常。開幕 奧運金牌運動員於一月七日參觀
農曆新年賽馬日,沙田馬場人山人海,賀年氣 典禮上,著名藝人汪明荃與林峯獻唱賀年歌 跑馬地馬場及觀賞賽事。為隆重
氛濃厚,處處喜氣洋洋。 曲,人氣節目主持蘇施黃與觀眾玩有獎遊戲, 其事,馬會特別將當天晚上第六
農曆新年賽馬日向來是馬季盛事,吸引廣 著名風水顧問麥玲玲為馬迷提供牛年開運貼 場賽事名為「奧運友誼盃」,以表
大馬迷和訪港旅客入場度歲。當天入場觀眾逾 士。場內更設有「周大福黄金藝術珍品展」, 揚中國國家隊運動員為奧運付出
八萬三千人,全日投注總額近十億五千萬港 展出包括巨型純金馬蹄鐵的黃金珍品,耀目生 的努力,同時紀念香港首次協辦
元。在經濟不景下,入場人數和總投注額依然 輝。夜幕低垂,由美國華盛頓火紅啦啦隊、西 奧運馬術比賽圓滿成功。「奧運友
理想。賽事主禮嘉賓香港特別行政區政務司司 班牙趣怪海盜娃娃和丹麥森巴熱舞團,傾力呈 誼盃」結果由巫斯義策騎的「寶利
長唐英年,聯同馬會高層為醒獅點睛後,牛年 獻的閉幕匯演,更將現場氣氛推至頂峰。 多」贏得。

JAN 2009

Derby hopeful
wins the Bullish start to New Year
Thumbs Up
Thumbs Up announced himself as
the horse to beat in the upcoming
Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Derby
by taking the Hong Kong Group
One Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong
Classic Mile at Sha Tin on 18
January. The Danny Shum-trained
runner was given a superb ride by
Christophe Soumillon, who took
him to the rear then eased past the
entire field to claim a short-head
victory over More Bountiful.

The first day of 2009 was also the last day local fans got to see one of their
favourite racing heroes grace the Sha Tin turf, as Bullish Luck took a final bow
at the New Year’s day race meeting – the day he turned ten years old – before
retiring to Australia. During his glittering career,
「自由好」旗開得勝誓戰打吡大賽 the gelding amassed over HK$63 million in prize
Mercedes-Benz 香港經典一哩賽,
money and captured five International or Hong
沈集成馬房的「自由好」,配合蘇 Kong Group One victories, including the 2005
Champions Mile, when he famously ended the
裕」,勝出此項香港一級賽,向進 17-race unbeaten streak of stablemate Silent Witness, and the 2006 Yasuda
軍三月 Mercedes-Benz 香港打吡大
Kinen in Japan. The latter overseas win together with a second win of the
Champions Mile in 2006 secured Bullish Luck a place in history as Horse of
the Year 2005/06.

「牛精福星」元旦光榮引退 二○○九年元旦賽馬日,廣大馬迷在沙田馬場向「牛精福星」致敬及道別。
賽。憑著這一場海外大賽的勝利,加上蟬聯冠軍一哩賽,令牠登上二○○五 /○六年度香港馬王寶座。

Review of Operations 業務回顧


Midas touch with the Social Welfare Depart-

ment and the Education Bureau

brought to as major partners, was designed

and developed by a research team
racing calendar of experts from five local univer-
sities. It has not only won local
support but also attracted over-
A prestigious new brand name seas recognition from the educa-
was added to the domestic racing tion sectors in Macau, Shanghai
calendar when local jeweller Chow and Singapore.
Tai Fook signed a three-year deal
to sponsor the Bauhinia Sprint 再接再厲「共創成長路」「共創成
Trophy, a Hong Kong Group Three 長 路」計 劃 自 二 ○ ○ 五 年 推 出 以
race over 1,000 metres introduced 來,得到不少中學和師生的支持,
in 1999/2000 season. The new 馬會宣佈透過慈善信託基金再捐
sponsorship coincides with the
80th Anniversary celebrations Strong support sees 款三億五千萬港元,延續計劃三
年至二○一一 /一二學年,在課程

P.A.T.H.S. extended
of Chow Tai Fook, which was 設計、教師培訓模式及資源調配
founded in 1929 and has since 方面加入更大彈性,並期望將來
become a household brand name. 學校能將「共創成長路」納入正規
The inaugural Chow Tai Fook 課程。「共創成長路」是一項全人
Raceday was held on 10 January Following strong all-round support in programme design, the mode 發展計劃,著重培育青少年內在
with the feature race being won by from secondary schools, teachers of teacher training and the alloca- 潛能、確認他們的能力、加強青
Howard Cheng aboard the Derek and students for P.A.T.H.S. to tion of resources. Schools are also 少年與他人的聯繫,及建立健康
Cruz-trained Kildare. Adulthood: A Jockey Club Youth encouraged to integrate P.A.T.H.S. 的信念和清晰的價值觀。此項計
Enhancement Scheme since its into their normal curriculum. 劃由馬會主導推行,社會福利署
introduction in 2005, the Club P.A.T.H.S. is a holistic youth devel- 和教育局為主要合作夥伴,由香
announced it would extend the opment programme that aims to 港五間大學的學者所組成的研究
scheme for a further three school help young people explore their 小組負責設計及發展培育課程。
years to 2011/12 with a Charities potential, establish self-identity, 計劃推出以來不但得到本地的支
Trust donation of HK$350 million. foster closer ties with others, 持,更獲得澳門、上海和新加坡
New enhancements will be made and develop positive beliefs and 教育界的認同和讚譽。
to allow schools more flexibility values. The Trust-initiated project,
Chow Tai Fook director Koo Tong-fat
(right) and Club Executive Director
of Racing William A Nader celebrate

Food Bank’s operation sustained

the new sponsorship of the Bauhinia
Sprint Trophy. 周大福董事古堂發(右)及

珠寶品牌贊助魅力四射 本地珠 A Charities Trust donation of HK$2 及時援助解燃眉之急 受到食物價

寶首飾品牌周大福由今年開始連 million in early January helped 格上升及經濟衰退的影響,向「眾
續三年贊助「周大福賽馬日」,首 the People’s Food Bank maintain 膳坊」及其八十一間夥伴機構領取
屆「周大福賽馬日」於一月十日舉 its services to Hong Kong’s needy 食物的人士大幅增加。為免「眾膳
行,由鄭雨滇策騎告達理訓練的 after it was hit by a sudden surge 坊」在獲得政府撥款支援前,因資
「樂意洋洋」,奪得首屆「周大福洋 in demand due to increasing food 金緊絀而影響其服務,馬會慈善
紫荊短途錦標」。該項錦標賽事於 prices and the economic down- 信託基金主動向聖雅各福群會提
一九九九/二○○○年度馬季首次 turn. The tide-over grant made 供協助,於一月初捐款二百萬港
舉行,現為途程一千米的香港三級 to St James’ Settlement, which 元予「眾膳坊」購買糧食,讓機構
賽。周大福始創於一九二九年,適 operates the food bank with 81 在農曆新年期間繼續為有需要人
逢今年八十週年誌慶。 partner organisations, ensured its 士提供緊急的膳食援助。
continuity of service through the
Chinese New Year period, until
new Government funding could
be put in place.

JAN 2009

New heritage facility delivered from Air quality under

the microscope
maternity hospital
Hong Kong’s air pollution was the
topic of a public forum entitled The
Air We Breathe: A Public Health
Dialogue on 10 January, organised
by Civic Exchange and funded by
the Club’s Charities Trust as part of
its new HK$350 million Environ-
ment Project. More than 500 people
attended the forum and helped
local and overseas experts come
up with practical suggestions for
tackling the problem. The Environ-
ment Project is aimed at mitigating
the effects of climate change on

Hong Kong by engaging the public
art of an old maternity year community engagement 活化歷史建築力倡文物保育 馬會 through a citywide programme
hospital built in 1922 has and education programme to 慈善信託基金早前捐款七百七十九 of international symposiums,
been revitalised as The promote awareness and knowledge 萬港元予長春社,為已評為歷史建 public forums, public awareness
Conservancy Association Centre of tangible and intangible heritage 築的長春社文化古蹟資源中心進行 initiatives and school educational
for Heritage, thanks to a HK$7.79 in Hong Kong. 裝修工程,並推行社區文物教育活 activities.
million Charities Trust donation. 動。長春社文化古蹟資源中心座落
The Centre occupies the Annex 於西營盤,前身為一九二二年落成 專家為空氣污染問題獻策 馬會
Block of the former Tsan Yuk 的贊育醫院員工宿舍,大樓已被評 慈善信託基金支持思匯政策研究
Maternity Hospital in Sai Ying Pun, 為三級歷史建築。復修後的中心除 所, 於 一 月 十 日 舉 辦 以「自 由 呼
a Grade III listed historic building. 保留大樓原有的壁爐、木造百葉窗 吸:公共健康論壇」為題的公開論
While historical features like fire- 等建築特色外,更設有一個可用 壇。是次論壇共有五百多人出席,
places and wooden window shutters 作展覽或公開講座的多用途會堂、 匯聚本地和海外專家,一同探討
have all been retained, the Centre 一間學習室、兩間活動室及其他設 有效解決空氣污染問題的具體建
now houses a multi-purpose hall 施,以便舉辦各類推廣文物保育的 議。馬會捐款三億五千萬港元主
for exhibitions and public lectures, 活動。該項捐款還包括推行一項為 導推行大型環保教育計劃,除了
a study room, two activity rooms 期三年的「文化承傳」社區參與計 舉行大型國際研討會和論壇,還
and other facilities for promoting 劃及「保育文化古蹟」教育及外展 會透過公眾推廣活動和學校教育
heritage conservation. The Trust’s 計劃,以提高大眾對香港物質及非 項目,喚起公眾關注氣候變化這
donation is also funding a three- 物質文化遺產的認識和關注。 重要環境問題。


Betting branch manager helps Club land a Trio

A silver award in the 2008 Service Excellence. Competing 馬 會 顧 客 服 務 三 度 奪 獎 馬 會 於 績令人鼓舞,得獎者是來自將
Customer Service Excellence with staff from other top-notch 二○○八年奪得傑出個人獎櫃員 軍澳尚德投注處的分行經理鄧
Awards made it the third year service organisations, Branch 服務組的銀獎,是連續三年榮獲 月珍。
in a row that the Club’s high- Manager Apple Tang, who works 香 港 優 質 顧 客 服 務 協 會 的「優 質
quality services have been at the Sheung Tak Off-Course 顧 客 服 務 大 獎」。 馬 會 在 眾 多 優
recognised in this prestigious Betting Branch in Tseung Kwan 質服務機構的激烈競爭下,獲頒
contest organised by the Hong O, won the Silver Award in the 「二○○八年優質顧客服務大獎」
Kong Association for Customer Counter Service Category. 傑出個人獎櫃員服務組銀獎,成

Group One
successes just
Never too
old to make
get Moore use of IT
and Moore 電腦科技學到老
「大摩」連場一級賽報捷 p 88
p 87

Award highlights
public recognition
of Club’s
The Club’s many contributions
to society were underlined in late
February when it was honoured
with the Outstanding Charity
Awa rd a f ter a public vot ing
campaign organised by Sing Tao
Daily. The honour shows there
is wide public awareness of the
Club’s long-standing commitment
to supporting the community,
especially in times of difficulty.
The Outstanding Charity Award
is part of Sing Tao’s Excellent
Services Brand Awards, aimed
at encouraging business organisa-
tions to provide quality services
to their customers.

馬會熱心公益深受肯定 馬會於二
票 活 動 中, 榮 獲「星 鑽 服 務 品 牌
選舉二○○八 — 惠澤社群慈善大
獎」,足證市民認同馬會多年來為 next page
「G1 世界名駒」心思心意郵票

Four stars earn


stamp of success 85
FEB 2009

Flexi Bet made

even more Flexi
In response to
strong customer
interest in Flexi
Bet since its launch at the start of
this season, the Club enhanced the
flexibility of this new betting format
on 1 February. Customers can now
enjoy a minimum unit bet of as low
as HK$2 for tickets or betlines with
total spend of HK$300 or greater for
All Up and Exotic bets, enabling them
to cover more combinations for the
same outlay.

「靈 活 玩」投 注 更 靈 活 「靈 活 玩」
至兩元,顧客以同樣的投注總額, Four Hong Kong stars earn
stamp of success

Text me my bets A set of specially-designed “G1 World

Betting account customers who
Champions” Heartwarming Stamps, marking
make use of the Club’s 1886 Telebet the greatest international successes achieved
Automated Services can now
enjoy added convenience, following
by Hong Kong
service enhancements introduced racehorses, was launched by A popular collectors’
item – the four G1
in early February. Each time they
place a bet, they can receive a
the Club on 18 February with World Champions stamp
sets. 一套四款的「G1 世界
record of the transaction by SMS, the support of Hongkong Post, 名駒」心思心意郵票深受馬
either automatically or on request.
The operating hours of this service
attracting huge interest from
have also been extended to 22 hours racing fans and philatelists alike. The four featured
a day, while the minimum bet unit
for racing and football bets has
horses were Good Ba Ba, Silent Witness, Vengeance Of Rain and Cape Of Good
been lowered to HK$20. Hope. Individual stamps were given out free to racegoers at each meeting in
電 話 投 注 輕 鬆 自 在 馬 會1886電
turn between 18 February and 4 March, or could be redeemed with a special
話投注自動服務系統於二月初推 coupon at Off-Course Betting Branches, while full sets were made available for
出全新「短訊 – 注項參考紀錄」措
purchase at selected post offices.
以手機短訊形式收取透過1886投 珍藏郵票表彰本港名駒 為表彰香港賽駒所取得最傑出的國際成就,馬會特別與香港郵政協作,於二月十八日
注的注項參考紀錄,方便隨時查 推出全球首套「G1世界名駒」心思心意郵票。一套四款的珍藏郵票系列,以「好爸爸」、「精英大師」、「爪皇凌
閱。1886賽馬及足球投注的每注 雨」和「好望角」這四匹世界知名的香港佳駟為主題,推出後廣受馬迷和集郵人士歡迎。馬會於二月十八日至三
最低投注額更調低至二十港元,服 月四日期間的賽馬日,在跑馬地或沙田馬場向入場觀眾贈送這些郵票。馬迷亦可憑刊於報章的印花,往馬會場
務時間則延長至每天二十二小時。 外投注處免費換領。四款郵票的限量版紀念套裝亦於香港郵政指定的郵局公開發售。

Review of Operations 業務回顧

Second helping Group One successes just get Moore and Moore
of Inspiration T o p
Inspiration, the surprise packet J o h n
of the season, disproved those Moore has enjoyed many notable
who felt his victory at 67/1 odds successes during his racing career,
in the Cathay Pacific Hong Kong but landing two Hong Kong Group
Sprint was a one-off by taking out Ones within half an hour of each
the HK$4.50 million Centenary other on 22 February is sure to rank
Sprint Cup over 1,000 metres, among the most memorable. First
first leg of the Hong Kong Speed he witnessed Viva Pataca win the
Series, on the Sha Tin straight on Citi Hong Kong Gold Cup, second
1 February. Sent out this time at leg of the Citi Triple Crown, for the
odds of 14/1, he was produced by second successive year, brought
Gerald Mossé with a telling run home by Darren Beadman as an second leg of the Hong Kong Speed 為其個人代表作之一。繼白德民胯
from the 300-metre mark to claim odds-on favourite. One race later Series. 下的大熱門「爆冷」蟬聯花旗集團
his second Group One title in the Dim Sum, ridden by Club Jockey 三冠大賽次關的花旗集團香港金盃
space of seven weeks. James Winks who had been riding 「大摩」連場一級賽報捷 著名練馬 後,「大摩」旋即憑上任剛一個月
in Hong Kong for just one month, 師約翰摩亞從練以來創下不少輝煌 的馬會騎師韋健仕策騎的五十一倍
shocked Sha Tin with a 50/1 upset 紀錄,而二月二十二日於相隔半小 冷門「點心」,於香港速度系列次
in the Chairman’s Sprint Prize, 時,連捧兩場一級賽桂冠,也必成 關的主席短途獎報捷。

Valley gets even happier for three Owners

The 2008/09 CSL Million Challenge, 「海之宏」稱雄百萬挑戰盃 CSL 百
the principal race series held at Happy 萬挑戰盃是跑馬地馬場的焦點系
Valley on Wednesday nights in the 列賽事,壓軸戰於二月二十五日
「創惑」兩勝一級賽 二月一日於沙 first part of the season, came to an 晚上隆重上演,其中十匹有機會
田馬場上演的百週年紀念短途盃, exciting conclusion on 25 February 爭奪冠軍寶座的馬匹於當晚作最
途程一千米,獎金高達四百五十 with ten horses still in conten- 後衝刺,結果由「海之宏」晉身為
萬港元。由巫斯義策騎的十五倍 tion for top honours on the final 本屆盟主,捧走六十五萬港元的
賠 率 冷 門「創 惑」, 於 賽 事 後 段 night. In the end Ocean Wide was 特 別 獎 金 及 獎 盃。 亞 軍「緣 是 燦
三百米開始發力,終點前已穩操 crowned series champion, bringing HK$100,000 respectively. This was 爛」及季軍「星際雄獅」,分別獲
勝券,勇奪香港速度系列首關冠 his Owner a purse of HK$650,000 the first successful year of a new 得二十五萬及十萬港元獎金。由
軍,證明六個星期前以六十八倍 as well as a commemorative trophy. three-year sponsorship of the Million 本年度馬季起,百萬挑戰盃獲本
大冷門身份摘下國際一級賽國泰 Runners-up Warm Embraces and Challenge by CSL, Hong Kong’s 港最大流動通訊網絡商 CSL 冠名贊
航空香港短途錦標絕非僥幸。 Kenobe earned HK$250,000 and leading mobile network operator. 助三年。

Unique Jewellery sparkles again 「首飾奇寶」再放異彩 一個月前在

韋達胯下失意於 Mercedes-Benz 香
港 經 典 一 哩 賽 的 熱 門 馬「首 飾 奇
Having flopped as a short-priced the leading Derby contenders. 寶」, 出 戰 Mercedes-Benz 香 港 打
favourite in the Mercedes-Benz Profiting from Douglas Whyte’s 吡預賽時,改由杜利萊執韁。出自
Hong Kong Classic Mile a month switch to another runner, jockey 二○○六年香港國際馬匹拍賣會的
earlier, Unique Jewellery redeemed Olivier Doleuze steered the 2006 「首飾奇寶」,今仗以強橫後勁力壓
his reputation in the Mercedes- Hong Kong International Sale 一眾對手,最後以短馬頭險勝「君
Benz Hong Kong Derby Trial and graduate to a short-head victory 皇 鷹」掄 元, 重 燃 問 鼎 Mercedes-
instantly put himself back among over Kings Falcon. Benz 香 港 打 吡 桂 冠 希 望。 士 別

FEB 2009

Never too old to make use of IT ‘Magical’ training Website given the
writing, e-mailing and software
programme wins personal touch
installation. To date, Trust donations another award
to the Association have exceeded Following a well-received, six-
HK$2.30 million, benefiting some The Club’s investment in people month soft launch, a new person-
3,000 Cybersenior members and development won further recog- alised web portal called myHKJC
16,000 website members. nition in mid-February when its was of f icia l ly introduced in
Telebet training programme The February, allowing betting account
電腦科技學到老 為擴闊長者的生 Magic of We – Going Beyond the customers to tailor-make horse
To broaden the social network 活圈子及協助他們打破與年青一 ‘Call’ of Duty for Telebet Part-time racing, football and Mark Six
of elderly people and strengthen 代的隔閡,馬會慈善信託基金捐 Supervisors received an Excellence information in stylish and prac-
their communications with the 款六十三萬多港元予長者網絡發 in Practice Citation from the tical formats of their own choices.
young generation, the Trust has 展協會,進行網站提升工程和裝 American Society for Training & Besides accessing a huge range of
donated HK$638,000 to the Cyber 修「老友學園」的長沙灣新會址。 Development, one of the largest data and information, myHKJC
Senior Network Development 佔地一千二百平方呎的新會址已 international associations dedicated users can analyse horse races and
Association to upgrade its website 於二月六日開幕啟用,每月為長 to workplace learning and perfor- football matches through cus﹣
and fit out its new Cybersenior 者舉辦約四十五個電腦課程,讓 mance. The training programme tomised analytical tools such as
Centre at Cheung Sha Wan. The 更多長者掌握網頁設計、撰寫網 has already won a Bronze Award ‘super race card’, ‘super fixture’
new 1,200 sq ft centre opened on 誌、傳送電郵,以至軟件安裝等 for Excellence in Training from and ‘my notes’. They can also
6 February and is now organising 電腦技術。「老友學園」自成立以 the Hong Kong Management watch video clips and create their
about 45 training courses every 來,共獲馬會捐款二百三十多萬 Association in 2008. The Magic own albums of photos to review
month to help elderly people learn 港元,讓中心的三千多名會員和 of We was launched in 2007 to memorable racing moments, and
IT skills such as web design, blog 一萬六千多名網上會員受惠。 elevate the capabilities of part-time receive e-mail reminders when
Telebet supervisors from different new information on their favourite
backgrounds and prepare them to horses, trainers, jockeys or football
take up management roles. teams becomes available. Top
Club’s support brings world- jockey Douglas Whyte has also
now launched his own blog on
class arts to Hong Kong myHKJC to share with racing fans
what has been going on in his life
give the younger generation an and his racing insights.
opportunity to appreciate top-class
cultural performances. This year’s 貼心智能網站 操作得心應手 去年
matinee, enjoyed by some 1,600 九月推出的智能網站 myHKJC 試用
students, featured the English 版廣受用家歡迎,馬會遂於今年
National Ballet. 「奇妙」培訓計劃再獲殊榮 馬會 二月為所有戶口投注客戶正式推
向來重視員工發展,其培訓計劃 出 myHKJC 網站,用戶可按照自己
馬會全力支持國際頂級藝術薈萃 更屢獲殊榮。馬會為電話投注部 的喜好,設定個人化賽馬、足球
Over 150 performances and arts- 香江 全球各地共三十七個頂級藝 兼職員工而設的「幻化凝聚力」培 及六合彩資訊網頁介面。此外,
related events involving 37 top 術團體於二月至三月期間來港參 訓計劃 ,繼早前取得香港管理專 myHKJC 增設多項嶄新功能,可供
local and international performing 與「2009香 港 藝 術 節」, 為 本 地 業協會「二○○八年最佳管理培訓 用戶瀏覽大量數據及資訊,利用
groups were featured in the 2009 觀眾呈獻超過一百五十項精采節 獎」銅獎後,於二月中榮獲全球最 「超級排位表」`「超級賽程表」及
Hong Kong Arts Festival, held over 目。馬會慈善信託基金每年均支持 大、專注於職場培訓和專業表現 「我的筆記」等不同工具分析各項
four weeks in February and March. 香港藝術節,去年起更改用全新 的美國培訓及發展協會,頒發「優 資料,並可重溫賽事精彩片段,
The Festival has been supported by 的捐助模式,一次過撥出三年的 秀 實 踐」榮 譽, 表 揚 馬 會 在 人 力 建立個人相片集,以及隨時接收
the Club’s Charities Trust every 捐款額,讓香港藝術節協會有充 資源培訓方面的貢獻。「幻化凝聚 有關個人心水馬匹、騎練及足球
year, with a new funding mode 足的時間和資源,邀請世界一流 力」培訓計劃於二○○七年推出, 隊的最新資訊,從而更準確分析
now in place whereby funds are 的藝術團體來港獻技。 此外,為 旨在協助不同背景和教育程度的 賽事,運籌帷幄。騎師韋達更於
approved three years in advance to 進一步向本地青少年推廣文化藝 兼職電話投注事務組長,提升電話 網站成立個人網誌,與大家分享
help the organisers secure world- 術,馬會慈善信託基金更額外捐 中心管理技能,打破兼職身份, 他的賽馬與生活體驗。
class artists and ensembles. A 款,安排學生免費欣賞藝術節的 轉變成為管理層的一份子。
further donation funds a free 其中一項世界級文化藝術表演。
student matinee performance of 今年,一千六百名學生獲邀免費
one of the pillar programmes, to 欣賞英國國家芭蕾舞團的演出。

Catch me if you can
Scholarship Scheme
Famous Zhongshan
dishes recreated at
New Betting
Terminals for Better
p 91 to be extended Moon Koon Service
延續十年計劃銜接新學制 中山名廚載譽重臨 新一代投注機投入服務
p 92 p 92 p 92

Hong Kong Derby
大戰一觸即發 next page

Mercedes-Benz 香港打吡大賽

Fans asked to
vote on three
Best Rides

MAR 2009

Hong Kong
Cool, calm Collection cruises to glory in
HK$16m Classic

t had been a fairly routine day of racing at Sha
Tin on 7 March, and nothing suggested the final
race would be any different until a British import
named Collection, making only his second appearance
in Hong Kong, produced an astonishing burst of speed
in the final furlong of
an 1,800-metre race to
blitz a Class One field
by 4¼ lengths. It made
the four-year-old an
instant favourite for
the biggest race in the
city’s domestic calendar a fortnight later – the 132nd
Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Derby on 22 March – and
the gelding didn’t disappoint, this time bettering
Mercedes-Benz Classic Mile winner Thumbs Up by 1½
lengths to give jockey Darren Beadman his first Derby
winner and trainer John Moore his third in Hong Kong.
As ever, there was no less excitement off the track,
as the Club arranged a series of special supporting
attractions ahead of the event and on raceday. A month-
long Derby Phone-in Quiz offered HK$450,000 in prizes, Connections of Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Derby-
winning horse Collection (above) enjoy some stylish

while local sporting superstars Marco Fu and Alex Fong transport to wave to their cheering fans.
勝出 Mercedes-Benz 香港打吡大賽的「閒話一句」馬主及

helped launch a Derby preview display, including a giant 代表(上圖)於賽後乘坐時款開篷跑車在草地跑道巡行,


silver horseshoe, at Central MTR station.

Review of Operations 業務回顧

Fans asked to Catch me if

vote on three you can
Best Rides
Not for the first time, noted front
The third and final cycle of a highly runner Egyptian Ra caught all his
successful “Best Ride” contest was rivals napping in the Queen’s Silver
concluded in March with Chris- Jubilee Cup on 15 March, when he
tophe Soumillon earning the fans’ established a two-length lead and
vote for his winning ride on Thumbs simply left the rest of the field with
Up in the Mercedes-Benz Classic too much to catch up in the last
Mile on 18 January. The contest, furlong, including Horse of the
launched in early November, was Year and hot favourite Good Ba
aimed at recognising the best perfor- Ba, who finished three-quarters
mances of jockeys and their sporting of a length back in second place.
prowess. Each round saw tens of The success in the final leg of the
thousands of racing fans logging Hong Kong Speed Series over 1,400
on to a special Best Ride website metres was a well-deserved 50th
to review videos of five shortlisted birthday present for jockey Felix
rides and then cast their votes. Coetzee, who returned specially
Winners of the earlier two rounds from South Africa to take the
were Olivier Doleuze for his ride ride and turned it into a tactical
on Green Birdie at Sha Tin on 26 masterclass. The pair earlier pulled
October, and Felix Coetzee for off the same trick in the Cathay
expertly landing the Cathay Pacific Pacific International Mile Trial
International Mile Trial on Egyptian in November.
Ra on 23 November.
「再領風騷」再展雄風 繼季初的國
「閒話一句」輕取打吡冠軍 於三月七日的一個平凡的沙田賽事日,購自 段拋離對手,直領到底;過終點
英國的佳駟「閒話一句」在港第二度出賽,即能輕鬆地在第一班千八米賽 最精彩策騎由馬迷投票選出 蘇銘 時,隨後的「好爸爸」仍差四分三
事最後四百米以驚人速度大勝對手四又四分一馬位,瞬即令這匹四歲馬 倫憑一月十八日在 Mercedes-Benz 馬位未能追及。對於專程由南非
成為於三月二十二日隆重上演的 Mercedes-Benz 香港打吡大賽的大熱門。 香港經典一哩賽策騎「自由好」的 來港執韁及剛度過五十歲生辰的
「閒話一句」結果不負眾望,以一又二分一馬位,壓倒 Mercedes-Benz 香 出色表現,獲得最多馬迷投票,在 高雅志來說,是次勝利實在是不
港經典一哩賽冠軍「自由好」,榮膺香港第一百三十二屆打吡盟主。這是 三月舉行的第三輪「最精彩策騎」 可多得的生日禮物。
騎師白德民首次勝出香港打吡大賽,而約翰摩亞則是從練以來,第三度 選舉中脫穎而出。「最精彩策騎」選
勝出這項經典大賽。 舉自十一月初開始,由全港馬迷投
賽場戰況激烈,場外氣氛亦一樣熾熱。三月份,馬會特別推出一連 票決定哪一位騎師哪一場賽事的表
串有關打吡大賽的精彩活動,包括「打『吡』熱線分獎金」巨獎遊戲,送 現最出色,藉以表揚騎師們的卓越
出總值達四十五萬港元的豐富獎賞。本地體壇好手傅家俊和方力申月初 運動才華。三輪選舉至三月圓滿
現身中環港鐵站的巨型打吡馬蹄鐵雕塑展,為這項本地重點大賽打氣。 結束,每一輪選舉均吸引以萬計馬

MAR 2009

New chapter Successful Scholarship Scheme to be extended

opens for A further 28 tertiary students – 19
Chinese from Hong Kong and 9 from the
Mainland – were honoured with
literature Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholar-
ships at a presentation ceremony
held on 19 March, in recognition
The creation, teaching and research of their outstanding academic
of modern Chinese literature in performance and commitment
Hong Kong has been given a boost to serving the community. Since
following a HK$2.32 million Chari- the Scheme was established by the
ties Trust donation to Lingnan Club’s Charities Trust in 1998, some
University to establish a new 265 students have now been awarded
five-year Visiting Professorship scholarships. The Trust also took
programme . A public lecture this opportunity to announce that 延續十年計劃銜接新學制 馬會於 學金的學生達二百六十五位。是
was held at the university on 6 it would extend the Scholarship 三月十九日向二十八位傑出大專 項獎學金計劃原定為期十年,為
March to launch The Hong Kong Scheme until 2011/12, the last 學生頒發獎學金。二十八名得獎 配合政府推行的高中及高等教育
Jockey Club Distinguished Visiting academic year before the four-year 同學中,十九位是本地學生,其餘 新學制(「3+3+4」新學制),馬會
Professorship of Modern Chinese curriculum is introduced at Hong 九位則是內地赴港就讀的同學。 宣佈延續計劃至二○一一 /一二學
Literature and introduce the first Kong’s tertiary institutions under 香港賽馬會獎學金計劃由馬會慈 年,即大學實施四年學制前最後
distinguished visiting scholar, the new “3+3+4” structure for senior 善信託基金於一九九八年成立, 一個學年。
Professor Chen Sihe, who is Chair secondary and higher education in 以表揚學業成績優異、熱心社會
of the Department of Chinese Hong Kong. 公益的大專學生,至今獲頒授獎
Language and Literature at Fudan
University in Shanghai.

Famous Zhongshan dishes New Betting

Terminals for
recreated at Moon Koon Better Service
Local food lovers were able to
sample some of China’s most As part of its continuous effort to
celebrated cuisine at the Club’s enhance customer experience, the
Moon Koon Restaurant from Club launched next-generation
20-29 March, when a team of six betting terminals on 13 March
top chefs from Zhongshan’s with expanded capabilities and
famous Xiaolan Renjia enhanced betting features. The
Professor Chen Sihe 陳思和教授 Restaurant took up resi- new terminals – featuring a larger
dence at Happy Valley 15-inch touch screen, real-time odds
訪問教授為現代文學開拓新視野 Racecourse to recreate 中山名廚載譽重臨 美食 display, faster processing time and
為推動香港的中國現代文學創作 their finest dishes for 一族又可大飽口福。中山 a more user-friendly interface –
和教研工作,馬會慈善信託基金 customers. Zhongshan 市著名食府中山小欖人家 have received positive response
捐款二百三十二萬港元予嶺南大 cuisine is a branch of Guang- 的六位廚師,由國家一級廚師 from both customers and staff.
學,成立為期五年的「香港賽馬會 dong cuisine characterised by its 及營養配餐師梁家棠師傅率領,
傑出現代文學訪問教授計劃」。該 meticulous cooking methods and 於三月二十至二十九日再度親臨 新一代投注機投入服務 馬會為加
計劃於三月六日舉行開幕典禮暨 lightness and freshness in taste. 跑馬地馬場滿貫廳,精心烹調正 強顧客的投注體驗,於三月十三
公開講座,由首位訪問教授 ─ 上 The team was led by Director of 宗中山地道佳餚。中山菜是粵菜 日正式推出全新設計以及功能齊
海復旦大學中文系系主任陳思和 Chinese Cuisine Liang Jiatang, one 中獨特的一個支派,味道以「清、 備的新一代投注機。新一代投注
教授作專題演講。 of the country’s leading chefs and 淡、 鮮」見 稱。 中 山 特 色 美 食 繁 機配備十五吋的輕觸式屏幕,支
nutritional consultants. 多,令人垂涎欲滴。 援即時賠率查詢及高速投注處理

Racecourse infield
a favourite venue,
Journey to
Excellence sets off
More comfortable
living for disabled
HK$40 million
fillip for East Asian
too for new destination boarders Games
彭福公園享譽全城 邁向「卓越之旅」新里程 殘障學童生活添自在 凝聚力量同創東亞運傳奇
p 96 p 96 p 97 p 98

next page

Audemars Piguet
Champions Mile 愛彼錶女皇盃及冠軍一哩賽

APR 2009

Audemars Piguet
QE II Cup & Champions Mile

ow firmly established as the second most
important race meeting of the calendar,
Hong Kong’s springtime international
festival just seems to get better every year, with
thrills and glamour in abundance both on track
and off. The 2009
renewal on 26 April
saw top horses
from five coun-
tries taking on
local challengers
for the total purse
of HK$26 million on offer in the day’s two In-
ternational Group One races, while TV stations
from eleven countries or regions beamed cover-
age of the events across the world. Local TV stars
were also on hand to meet racegoers and give
stylish watch and fashion shows, while everyone
entering Sha Tin racecourse received an elegant
souvenir brooch.

British champion jockey Ryan Moore pilots Presvis to
星光耀目,場面一年更勝一年。今年四月二十六日,來自五個國家的頂級 a comfortable win in the Audemars Piguet QE II Cup.
佳駟與本地名駒,爭奪這兩項獎金合共二千六百萬港元的國際一級賽。全 由英國冠軍騎師莫雅策騎的「百威勝」,成功摘下愛彼錶
球有十一個國家及地區轉播這兩項大賽。當天,本地演藝紅星現身馬場, 女皇盃。


Review of Operations 業務回顧

Back-to-front dash earns Moore a weekend double 英騎師莫雅策騎「百威勝」從後趕上

Reigning British champion jockey Ryan Moore landed his first winner 英國冠軍騎師莫雅策騎的「百威勝」沿途殿後,入直路後增速凌厲,一鼓
in Hong Kong and gave veteran trainer Luca Cumani an overdue success 作氣,最後超越二○○七年此賽冠軍「爆冷」,以一個馬位之先掄元,摘
in the Audemars Piguet QE II Cup when he steered Presvis from last 下愛彼錶女皇盃。這是莫雅首度揚威香港,而練馬師古萬尼在過去一年
in the field to first in a stunning finish, edging out 2007 winner and 半內屢戰海外一級賽均屈居第二,今仗終嚐勝果,自然格外高興。賽前
hot local favourite Viva Pataca by a length. Moore had arrived in Hong 數小時才趕到香港的莫雅,參戰前一天也於英國一項三級賽告捷。愛彼
Kong only hours earlier, having won a Group Three race in England the 錶一直鼎力支持香港賽馬。盛事當前,這家著名鐘錶製造商宣佈未來三
previous day. A timely bonus was the news that watchmaker Audemars 年將繼續冠名贊助愛彼錶女皇盃。
Piguet, Hong Kong racing’s longest-serving sponsor, had committed to
support this great race for a further three years until 2012. 「勝眼光」冠軍一哩賽技驚四座
Winner eludes tipsters’ sights 「好爸爸」和「閒話一句」等,以短馬頭險勝帶頭的熱門「再領風騷」,勝
A yielding track caused by heavy overnight rain helped upset the form 出冠軍一哩賽。澳洲代表「大腦」屈居第三。蔡約翰馬房今仗共有四駒
book as 64/1 longshot Sight Winner stormed to victory in the Champions 參戰,突圍而出的「勝眼光」六十五倍,是賠率最高的一員。
Mile, leaving the heavily fancied Good Ba Ba and Collection trailing in
his wake. Piloted expertly by Brett Prebble, Sight Winner prevailed by
a short head from another favourite, front-runner Egyptian Ra, with
Australian challenger Dao Dao returning to Hong Kong to claim third.
Sight Winner was one of four John Size-trained horses in the race and
ironically carried the highest odds of the quartet.

APR 2009

No cause for
The Club’s comprehensive security
systems and its commitment to
fulfil stringent security operational
rules earned recognition when it
received a gold award from the
Hong Kong Police in the Prevention
of False Alarms 2008 programme.
The advanced alarms installed at
the Club’s 106 Off-Course Betting
Branches to safeguard property,
staff and customers are monitored
by Security Department around
the clock to ensure normal func-
tioning, while a special team has
been deployed to confirm on the
spot whether an alarm is true or

Racecourse infield a favourite venue, too false before calling for police help.
According to police data, 0.56%

of all alarm calls in Hong Kong
porting a fresh and exciting birdwatchers. It played an impor- 園林』公開投票活動中名列第四。 in 2008 were false, whereas the
look after a refurbishment tant role in Hong Kong’s staging 彭福公園位處沙田馬場中央,於 Club’s false alarm rate was only
last year, the Club’s Penfold of the Olympic equestrian events 非賽馬日開放予公眾使用。該公 0.07%.
Park was ranked fourth in The in 2008, and a number of Olympic 園向來是雀鳥棲息之所及緩跑者
Best Garden in Hong Kong Award legacy items have since been put 的好去處。彭福公園更於二○○
voting campaign organised by on display there, adding to its 八年在港舉行的奧運馬術比賽中
TVB Pearl during April. The popular appeal. 肩負重要的角色,園內置放了多
park, located in the infield of Sha 項極具紀念價值的奧運展品,令
Tin Racecourse, is open to the 彭福公園享譽全城 馬會轄下的彭 公園更添魅力。
public on most non-racedays and 福公園去年修整後煥然一新,於四
is a popular venue for joggers and 月在無綫明珠台主辦的『香港最佳

馬會防警鐘誤鳴減浪費警力 馬會
Journey to Excellence sets off for new destination 務處頒發二○○八年防止警鐘誤
Membership Services and Property the importance of having a can-do 培訓建立新里程。在未來三年, 鐘系統,由保安部全天候二十四
Division launched a new phase mindset. Other courses will help 事務處所有同事將參與一系列課 小時監察,以保障其產業、員工
of its award-winning Journey to staff enhance their service delivery 程,掌握達致成功的方法、技術和 及顧客的安全。每當警鐘鳴響,
Excellence programme in early and personal effectiveness skills. 技巧。課程還包括「活出我們的文 保安部便會即時派出專人到現場
April, under the banner “Driving The core message is “We were 化」,這部分旨在讓員工明瞭馬會 查核鳴響原因,以減少因警鐘誤
for Success”. During the three-year good, we’re better now, but we can 所珍視的價值,以及建立「我做得 鳴而增加對警力資源的需求。根
exercise, all staff in the division will be the best!” 到」精神的重要性。其他課程內容 據警方資料,二○○八年全港錄
attend special courses to acquire 則著重提升個人效率,達致卓越 得 的 警 鐘 誤 鳴 率 為0.56%, 而 馬
the tools, techniques and skills 邁向「卓越之旅」新里程 會員及 的服務水平,力求實現「昨日的成 會的警鐘誤鳴率僅為0.07%。
to succeed, while a programme 物業事務處於四月初正式展開新 就,今日的進步,來日會更好!」
called “Living the Culture” will 階段的卓越之旅「精益求精 — 飛
emphasise the Club’s values and 躍 成 功 路」課 程, 為 部 門 的 人 才

Review of Operations 業務回顧


Water quality
data going on tap
More effective forecasts of Hong
Kong’s coastal water quality will be
available to the public from 2010
onwards following development
by The University of Hong Kong
of a new forecast and manage-
ment system entitled Project
WATERMAN. Made possible
by a Charities Trust donation of
HK$29.76 million, the new system
will prove useful for Govern-
ment departments, engineers,
fishermen, swimmers and the
public concerned about coastal
and marine pollution. It is hoped
the initiative can also contribute
towards protecting public health
and raising public awareness

More comfortable living for about conserving Hong Kong’s

water environment.

disabled boarders
Residential students at the Hong Kong Red Cross Princess Alexandra School, the
city’s largest special school for physically disabled children, can now enjoy a safer
and more comfortable living and study environment following reconstruction of
the school’s boarding facilities with the support of a
HK$42 million Charities Trust donation. The new
boarding section provides more room for students
to move around, especially the wheelchair-bound,
while its enlarged dining and multi-purpose hall
can accommodate all students for dining and school
functions. The reconstruction project has also made possible spacious toilet and
狀 況。 馬 會 慈 善 信 託 基 金 捐 款
bathroom facilities, along with dormitories designed to provide a home-like
environment for students to live in and study. 的香港近海水質預報及管理系
殘障學童生活添自在 位於藍田的香港紅十字會雅麗珊郡主學校,為本港最大規模的特殊學校,由於學生宿舍 預測未來數日水質狀況。此計劃
日久失修,馬會慈善信託基金遂捐款四千二百多萬港元協助重建。重建後的學生宿舍,不但擁有較以前寬敞 將有助政府部門、工程人員、漁
的活動空間,讓輪椅使用者能夠自由地活動,其飯堂更擴建成為多用途禮堂,讓全校學生可一同用膳和參加 民、泳客以及市民掌握香港水質
活動。重建計劃還改善了洗手間及浴室的設施,房間改以小型「家舍」設計,讓學生可以在更安全、舒適和親 情況,保障公眾健康,提高大眾
切的環境下居住及學習。 對水質環境的關注。

APR 2009

Greener outlook
for local campers
HK$40 million fillip for
A HK$15 million Charities Trust
East Asian Games
donation has helped Caritas –
Hong Kong redevelop its Caritas
Jockey Club Siu Tong Camp at
Tai Po and enhance its facilities to
meet growing camping demand. A
number of green measures have been
adopted in the refurbishment such
as balconies on each dormitory to
provide more natural light and solar
energy devices for water heating. A
catadioptric telescope has also been
installed in its observatory building
so that campers can enjoy stargazing.
Other ecological activities on offer
include herbage walks, organic
agriculture and mangrove visits.

環保營舍親近大自然 為支持香港

建位於大埔的明愛賽馬會小塘營, ong Kong ’s ho s t i ng of the competition venues and a 劃的培訓及多方面的支援,於葵
並改善其營舍設備以配合日益增加 of the 5th East Asian subsidy scheme for student tickets. 涌 興 建「香 港 賽 馬 會 國 際 小 輪 車
的需求。重建後的營舍設有多項環 Games in December 2009 Over 3,000 elite athletes from nine 場」用 作 運 動 會 其 中 一 個 比 賽 場
保設施,除了每個房間均設有環保 received a major boost when the participating countries and regions 地,以及津貼學生購買東亞運動
露台外,營舍的設計更盡量利用自 Club announced it would provide will participate in the Games, 會各項賽事門票。東亞運動會將
然光線,並裝配全自動太陽能熱水 financial support to the event total- competing in 22 sports. 於十二月在港舉行,屆時,來自
系統。營地的觀星樓設有折反射式 ling HK$40 million. The Charities 九個國家及地區逾三千名精英運
望遠鏡,可供營友進行觀星活動。 Trust donation covers training and 凝聚力量同創東亞運傳奇 馬會早 動員將競逐二十二個運動項目。
此外,為了貫徹環境及生態保育, support for a volunteer programme, 前宣佈透過馬會慈善信託基金捐
營地更為營友提供生態之旅,包 the construction of The Hong 助四千萬港元,全力支持香港於
括:生草藥導覽、有機耕種、遊覽 Kong Jockey Club International 二○○九年舉辦第五屆東亞運動
紅樹林區等活動。 BMX Park in Kwai Chung as one 會。是項捐款將用作支援義工計

Charities and Corporate Management Statistics 慈善及企業管理統計數字

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Charitable and Staff Count
Community Donations (HK$M) 職員人數
香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 慈善公益捐款(百萬港元)
08/09 5,303 20,956
08/09 322 398 597 51
07/08 5,137 20,163
07/08 151 114 113 674
06/07 4,626 20,313
06/07 354 353 288 54
05/06 4,429 20,135
05/06 592 205 177 53
04/05 4,275 18,490
04/05 590 41 287 102
0 6,000 12,000 18,000 24,000 30,000
0 300 600 900 1,200 1,500

Community Services 社會服務 Education and Training 教育及培訓 Full-time staff 全職員工 Part-time staff 兼職員工
Sports, Recreation and Culture Medical and Health 醫藥衞生

Handy reminder
of EAG volunteers’
Art displays
highlight local
Viva Pataca sees off
young pretenders
May Hat trick of
architectural awards
work culture 「爆冷」技壓群雄輕勝冠軍暨 創意建築奪殊榮
攜手印證 力創傳奇一刻 景點藝術盡展社區特色 遮打盃 p 104
p 100 p 101 p 103

p 102

Sacred mission
MAY 2009

Handy reminder Empowering

of EAG Hong Kong’s
volunteers’ work minorities
A Volunteers Handprint Wall for
the 2009 East Asian Games (EAG) Hong Kong’s ethnic minorities,
went on public display in mid-May, comprising about 5 per cent of
featuring over 1,000 handprints the city’s population, will be better
of volunteers and sponsors. The equipped to serve society following
colourful wall in Kowloon Park the launch of EMpower, a three-year
symbolises citywide support for project run by Christian Action
the Games and their determination with Charities Trust funding of
to make EAG a success. The Hong HK$3.43 million. EMpower offers
Kong Jockey Club 2009 East Asian
Games Volunteer Programme,
which includes the recruitment
Helping tetraplegics ethnic minority leaders compre-
hensive training in leadership
and organisational skills as well
and training of volunteers, is one of
three components of EAG covered
by a HK$40 million donation from
turn a new page as practical experience opportu-
nities, so they can become better
equipped to develop social services

the Club’s Charities Trust. programmes for their compatriots
etraplegic patients often find great and apply for public funding.
It is hoped that besides making
difficulties in coping with their severe the ethnic minorities more self-
disabilities after leaving hospital, reliant, EMpower will help promote
social integration.
and family members may have insufficient
knowledge and skill to take care of them. The
SAHK Jockey Club New Page Inn, opened at Ma
On Shan in early May with the aid of a HK$50
million Charities Trust donation, has been set
up to address this concern. It is the first transi-
tional care and support centre for tetraplegic 提升少數族裔領導才能 協助融入
Club Deputy Chairman T Brian patients in Hong Kong, while its transitional 社會 佔全港人口約百分之五的少
Stevenson tries the handprints for 數族裔人士,現可透過馬會主導
size after the Volunteer Wall opening residential service is the first of its kind in South- 推行的「少數族裔人士領導及組織
ceremony. 馬會副主席施文信為東亞運義
工手印牆揭幕後在手印牆前留影。 east Asia. It aims to help tetraplegics turn a new 才能發展計劃」,更有效地為自己
攜手印證 力創傳奇一刻 東亞運
page in their lives by preparing them for living 信託基金捐款三百四十三萬港元
動會義工手印牆在五月中旬於九 at home and facilitating their reintegration into 予基督教勵行會,推行這項為期
龍公園正式揭幕。手印牆色彩奪 三年的全面培訓計劃,透過技巧
the community. 訓練及實習機會,協助少數族裔
組成的逾千枚手印,標誌各界全 領袖提升領導和組織能力,並增
力支持這項盛事,攜手協辦成功 幫助全癱病人展新生 剛離開醫院的全癱人士在重新適應日常生活時往 加對申請資助的認識和技巧,讓
而有特色的東亞運動會。為支持 往遇到不少困難,家人亦未必懂得如何照顧。為向全癱人士及其家人提 他們更有效為族群籌辦社區活動
東亞運,馬會慈善信託基金捐款 供實質支援,馬會慈善信託基金捐款近五千萬港元,成立香港耀能協會 和服務。計劃可望令少數族裔人
四千萬港元資助運動會的三個項 賽馬會新頁居。於五月初開幕的新頁居位處馬鞍山,是全港首間專為全 士更趨獨立自主之外,也有助促
目, 其 中 包 括「香 港 賽 馬 會2009 癱人士提供離院後過渡服務的中心,而其過渡期住宿服務更是東南亞首 進社區共融。
東亞運動會義工計劃」的招募和培 設。中心致力協助全癱病人返回家中生活,重新融入社會,開展積極樂
訓工作。 觀的人生。

Review of Operations 業務回顧

Camp donation boosts facilities, creates jobs Getting to grips

ties Trust has funded two earlier
with diabetes
phases of redevelopment at this
very popular camp site since it was To enhance understanding of
built in 1965. common illnesses among older
people and assess their impact
支持營地擴建 開創就業職位 為 on the public healthcare system,
了舒緩本港戶外營地供不應求的 the Club’s CADENZA Project has
情况,馬會慈善信託基金於五月 embarked on a series of studies
初宣佈捐款一億三千三百多萬港 entitled Challenges of Popula-
元予香港青年協會,支持轄下的 tion Ageing on Disease Trends
賽馬會西貢戶外訓練營進行第三 and Burden in conjunction with
期擴建工程,預期將為香港創造 the Department of Community
六百五十多個就業職位。營地擴建 Medicine, School of Public Health
A HK$133 million Charities Trust enabling its residential capacity 後,宿位將倍增至四百六十個,並 of The University of Hong Kong.
donation to The Hong Kong Feder- to be doubled to 460 and several 增添多項活動設施,包括擴大飯 Results of the first completed study,
ation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) new facilities added, including an 堂面積至足以容納三百人使用, covering diabetes, were announced
will not only meet Hong Kong’s expanded canteen seating 300, and 以及興建船庫和船隻下水道。營 in May. The study projects that
fast-growing demand for outdoor a new boathouse and slipway. It 地還會提供環島地質、海洋生態 the number of older people with
camp sites but also create some will also be possible to add new 和古蹟考察等多元化活動,有助 diabetes in Hong Kong will rise
650 job opportunities. The dona- elements to the camp’s programmes 青少年的全人發展。自訓練營於 to 300,000 by 2036, imposing a
tion announced in early May will such as guided tours on geology, 一九六五年落成以來,馬會已先 cost of HK$3.50 billion on public
fund the Phase III redevelop- marine life and heritage, encour- 後捐助這間使用率極高的營舍進 resources, but says this could be
ment of HKFYG Jockey Club Sai aging the all-round development 行第一及第二期擴展工程。 mitigated by providing a range of
Kung Outdoor Training Camp, of young people. The Club’s Chari- treatment and services specifically
tailored to older people, taking
into account their physical and
cognitive impairments.

Art displays highlight local culture

認識年長糖尿病患者問題 為了讓
Visitors at eight shopping malls year scheme organised by The 景點藝術盡展社區特色 本港八個 列的首個項目探討糖尿病,並於五
across the city found their visits Hong Kong Youth Arts Founda- 商場在五、六月展示了一系列別具 月發表研究結果。研究報告預期
brightened up in May and June tion with Charities Trust funding 特色的藝術作品和表演,為公眾 二○三六年本港患糖尿病的長者
by a series of bold art displays to encourage young people to 帶來親切的欣賞體驗。為了鼓勵青 將增至三十萬人,相關的公共醫
a nd cu lt u ra l per for ma nces, participate actively in the arts and 少年多參與藝術活動,同時加深他 療開支亦會隨之上升至三十五億
specially designed to portray the deepen their knowledge of their 們對社區和文化背景的認識,馬會 港元。研究建議提供配合長者身
characteristics of each area. The neighbourhood and local culture. 慈善信託基金捐助香港青年藝術協 體機能及認知能力的護理服務,
displays are part of The Hong This year’s event involved more 會,推行為期三年的「香港賽馬會 以減低社會和患者的負擔。
Kong Jockey Club Point to Point than 1,000 students and teachers 點對點社區藝術計劃」,今年共有
Site Specific Art Project, a three- from 40 participating schools. 四十多間學校逾一千名師生參與。

MAY 2009

Sacred mission accomplished

Hong Kong’s champion sprinter Sacred Kingdom scored a stunning 季內首五個月都缺陣。勝出今仗之前兩星期才
success in his first overseas venture on 17 May when he captured 魁著實成績驕人。
the KrisFlyer International Sprint in Singapore, smashing the Kranji 「蓮 華 生 輝」在 星 洲 報 捷 後 五 天, 在 五
track record by 0.8 seconds in the process. 一百二十二分,再度穩佔世界短途馬王的地

idden superbly by Brett Prebble, Sacred 22 May, also ranked Good Ba Ba as the world’s 役純種馬第二名,成為歷來世界評分最高的本
Kingdom prevailed by a neck in a No.2 thoroughbred in any category on 124, the 地賽駒。另外,尚有三匹香港馬匹榜上有名,
heart-stopping final battle with hot highest rating ever accorded to a Hong Kong 躋身全球前五十名,分別是「爆冷」、「再領風
local favourite Rocket Man, who was previously horse. A further three locally-trained horses – 騷」和「步步穩」。
unbeaten. It was also a first overseas win for his Viva Pataca, Egyptian Ra and Able One – also
proud trainer Ricky Yiu. The win was all the featured in the world’s top 50.
more remarkable as Sacred Kingdom missed
the first five months of the season due to a leg 「蓮華生輝」揚威星洲 盡顯短途馬王本色 香港
injury, returning to winning form only two 短途馬王「蓮華生輝」於五月十七日首次出征
weeks earlier at Sha Tin. 海外,即在新加坡克蘭芝馬場舉行的 KrisFlyer
Five days after his Singapore victory, it was 國際短途錦標奪冠,並以零點八秒刷新該馬
confirmed that Sacred Kingdom had officially 場場地時間紀錄。由騎師柏寶策騎的「蓮華生
regained his title as the world’s top sprinter 輝」,憑一馬頸位之先,勇挫該賽未嘗敗績的
on a rating of 122. The latest edition of the 主隊熱門「火箭人」。練馬師姚本輝亦憑此仗首
World Thoroughbred Rankings published on 度揚威海外。「蓮華生輝」由於腳部傷患,以致

Review of Operations 業務回顧

Viva Pataca sees off young pretenders

Seven- Seasoned campaigner Viva Pataca
year-old (red cap) holds off Thumbs Up in the
season’s final Hong Kong Group One
V i v a event. 今屆香港馬王「爆冷」 (紅帽)於季內
Pataca showed he still had the 最後一場香港一級賽力壓「自由好」奪冠。
edge over younger rivals in distance
races when he stormed to his
third victory in the 2,400m Citi
Champions & Chater Cup, despite 的花旗集團冠軍暨遮打盃。約翰
a valiant dethroning attempt 摩 亞 訓 練 的「爆 冷」於 此 賽 屢 創
by four-year-old Thumbs Up. 佳績,包括於二○○六和○七年
Previously winner in 2006 and 掄元及於二○○八年奪得亞軍,
2007 and a narrow second in 而今季更於早前贏出花旗集團香
2008, the John Moore-trained 港金盃,奪得花旗集團三冠大賽
Viva Pataca also collected a HK$2 其中兩關賽事,故獲得二百萬港
million bonus for taking two legs for jockey Weichong Marwing, 「爆冷」技壓群雄輕勝冠軍暨遮打盃 元額外獎金。由於白德民賽前選
of the 2009 Citi Triple Crown, who only picked up the mount 雖 然 四 歲 良 駒「自 由 好」力 圖 爭 擇 策 騎 屈 居 季 席 的 同 廐 馬「閒 話
having earlier won the Citi Hong late when Darren Beadman opted 冠,擅於中長途賽事的七歲賽駒 一句」,騎師馬偉昌因而取得「爆
Kong Gold Cup. The win also instead to ride Collection, who 「爆冷」卻經驗老到,成功力拒群 冷」的 策 騎 權, 獲 得 意 想 不 到 的
provided an unexpected bonus finished third. 雄,第三度奪得途程二千四百米 獎金。

Racing Statistics 賽馬事務統計數字

Average Races per Runner Total Runners Average Runners per Race
每匹參賽馬平均出賽次數 馬匹出賽總次數 每場平均出賽馬匹數目

08/09 7.6 08/09 9,179 08/09 12.5

07/08 8.1 07/08 9,136 07/08 12.5

06/07 7.9 06/07 9,083 06/07 12.5

05/06 7.8 05/06 9,018 05/06 12.7

04/05 7.7 04/05 9,153 04/05 12.9

0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 0 3 6 9 12 15

Number of Horses Winning Prize Money Total Prize Money per Season (HK$M) Prize Money – International Races (HK$M)
(% to Individual Runners) 每季獎金總額(百萬港元) 國際賽事獎金(百萬港元)
20 16 14 12
08/09 763 08/09 14 12
08/09 935 (77.6%)
20 16 14 12
07/08 718 07/08 14 8
07/08 933 (83.0%)
20 16 14 12
06/07 685 06/07 14 8
06/07 919 (79.6%)
18 14 14 10
05/06 678 05/06 14 8
05/06 893 (77.6%)
18 14 14 10
04/05 677 04/05 14 8
04/05 916 (77.4%)
0 160 320 480 640 800 0 14 28 42 56 70
0 200 400 600 800 1,000
Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Cup 國泰航空香港盃
Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Mile 國泰航空香港一哩錦標
Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Vase 國泰航空香港瓶
Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Sprint 國泰航空香港短途錦標
Audemars Piguet QEII Cup 愛彼錶女皇盃
Champions Mile 冠軍一哩賽

MAY 2009

Seal of approval Hat Trick of Architectural Awards

for Customer
Care Centre
The Club’s Integrated Customer
Care Centre (ICCC) received
official certification under the ISO
10002:2004 international stan-
dard in May, recognising its high
performance levels in customer
feedback and enquiry services
management. The ICCC provides
a 24-hour general enquiry service
and manages customer feedback
on Club products and services. Its
300 customer services assistants
deliver high-quality services via the
Internet, telephone, fax and mail,
while an interactive voice response
system provides timely release of Photo by SLHO & Associates Ltd. 照片由 SLHO & Associates Ltd. 提供

data such as racing information,
race results and dividends, and hree projects funded by a creative media studio transformed 由石硤尾空置工廠大廈改建而成
Mark Six results. the Club’s Charities Trust from a car park in Tin Shui Wai with 的賽馬會創意藝術中心,榮膺「全
were winners in The Hong the aim of exploring young people’s 年境內建築大獎」 。中心設計活用
顧客服務中心獲國際認證 馬會 Kong Institute of Architects Annual creative talents, received the “Special 原有中庭和開放式走廊等設施,並
綜合顧客服務中心於五月成功獲 Awards 2008. The “Medal of the Year Architectural Award - Alteration & 在工廈原有的結構框架闢出不同大
發應用於顧客意見和查詢服務管 of Hong Kong” went to the Jockey Addition Works”. Lastly, the “Hong 小、不同空間比例和配合天然光線
理 的 ISO 10002:2004國 際 標 準 認 Club Creative Arts Centre, converted Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Bienniale 的公共空間,凝聚中心的藝術工作
證。目前,綜合顧客服務中心提供 from a former factory estate in Shek of Urbanism\Architecture” exhibi- 者,互相溝通交流,建立藝術社
二十四小時一般電話查詢服務,以 Kip Mei. The building’s original tion held at Central Police Station 群。另外,位於天水圍的「天比高
及處理顧客對馬會產品及服務提 central court and balcony corri- Compound was honoured with 創作伙伴」,銳意發掘青少年的創
出的意見;而三百位顧客服務助理 dors have been adaptively reused, the “Special Architectural Award 作潛能。這間由停車場改建而成
透過互聯網、電話、傳真和郵件, introducing open spaces of different – Jury’s Special Prize”. 的多媒體創意企業,奪得「主題建
致力提供優質的服務。中心亦透過 scales and forms to bring in sunlight, 築獎 – 加建及改動工程」
互動語音系統,為顧客發放最新的 enhance artists’ exchanges and 創意建築奪殊榮 馬會慈善信託基 於中區警署建築群舉行的「香港 –
賽馬資訊、賽馬結果及派彩,以及 create an art community in the 金捐助的三項計劃,分別於「二○ 深圳城市建築雙城雙年展」,獲得
六合彩結果等資料。 district. SkyHigh Creative Partners, ○八香港建築師學會年獎」獲獎。 「主題建築獎 ─ 評審特別獎」。

Facilities management systems recognised

The Club’s Facilities Management numerous offices and properties, Monitoring & Control System 優質物業設備管理,除了確保各辦
team won industry recognition reduce costs and provide a comfort- that allows one-stop monitoring 公室及物業有效運作,減低成本,
when Property Operations & able working environment. Two of and control of the Club’s lighting, 亦致力為員工提供舒適的工作環
Maintenance Manager Graham its property management systems air-conditioning, water supply, 境。物業部現行的兩個物業管理系
Tier received the Excellence in have already earned industry acco- drainage and lift systems. 統亦享譽業界。其中的物業管理電
Facilities Management Award in lades – a Maintenance Manage- 腦系統處理所有馬會物業資料,協
the RFP Outstanding Individuals ment System that collects data 物業設備管理獲業界肯定 物業營 助各部門預計在維修方面的成本及
in Industry Awards 2009. The Club from all Club properties to help 運及維修經理田國恆在「2009 RFP 採購需要。而中央屋宇裝備管理系
places great importance on high- different departments calculate 傑出個人大獎」中,榮獲「優質設 統則提供一站式樓宇設備監察及遙
quality facilities management to their purchasing requirements and 備管理獎」,足見馬會物業設備管 控電燈、冷氣、水源供應和排水,
ensure efficient operation of its costs, and the centralised Building 理備受業界肯定。馬會一向重視 以及升降機系統。

June July
Club staff scoop
six customer service
Linkage between
racing and
Lots to celebrate
for Racing Club’s
awards the community young elite
馬會職員勇奪六個顧客服務獎 underlined 競駿精英屢戰屢勝
p 108 彰顯馬會與社區夥伴關係 p 109
p 108

Tough season
ends on a
high note next page


Champion Jockey and

Most Popular Jockey of
the Year – Douglas Whyte
– 韋達

Horse of the Year and Champion Stayer

and Middle-Distance – Viva Pataca
香港馬王、最佳長途及中距離馬 –「爆冷」
JUN/JUL 2009

Tough season ends late surge past Brett Prebble. And there were
special plaudits for 18-year-old racing prodigy
Matthew Chadwick, who earned Champion

on a high note Apprentice Jockey honours with a record 43

winners, all the more amazing considering
that he did not gain his Hong Kong licence
until December.
Season 2008/09 may have been a year of challenge for Hong Kong, but
Valley fans like it hot
racing fans just wanted to have fun and celebrate another wonderful Racegoers at Happy Valley were also determined
year of racing on the final day of the season at Sha Tin on 1 July, which to have a ball at the last four night meetings
of the season, turning out in force to join a
coincided with the Hong Kong SAR Establishment Day public holiday. special celebration party dubbed Some Like It

Hot@HVRC. Attractions on offer included a
ore than 63,000 people f looded to the final day, while Douglas Whyte was again Guess the Winning Horse Game and free beer
through the gates, well ahead of peerless in taking Champion Jockey honours offers for ladies who dressed up as “Summer
the previous year’s 54,000, while for the ninth year in a row. Whyte also earned Eye Candy”, with alluring prizes to be won in
turnover reached HK$1.22 billion – the highest the fans’ vote as Most Popular Jockey after a both cases.
figure for six years – and brought the season’s
total to HK$66.82 billion. All racegoers at Sha 2008/09 Champion Awards 二○○八/○九年度香港賽馬會冠軍人馬獎
Tin Racecourse received a free Most Popular Horse of the Year 香港馬王 Viva Pataca 爆冷
Horse figurine set on entry, then once inside Champion Sprinter 最佳短途馬 Sacred Kingdom 蓮華生輝
were treated to a variety of special on-course Champion Miler 最佳一哩馬 Good Ba Ba 好爸爸
programmes, including performances from Champion Middle-Distance 最佳中距離馬 Viva Pataca 爆冷
Cantopop superstars George Lam and Vincy. Champion Stayer 最佳長途馬 Viva Pataca 爆冷
A highlight, as always, was the presentation Champion Griffin 最佳新馬 Royal Flush 虎虎生輝
of the Champion Awards on turf at the closing Most Improved Horse 最大進步馬匹 More Bountiful 再豐裕
ceremony, which saw Viva Pataca deservedly
2007 Hong Kong International Sale Bonus Winner Big Profit 大有利
crowned Horse of the Year after narrowly 二○○七年香港國際馬匹拍賣會特別獎金得主
missing out in both the previous two seasons. Champion Trainer 冠軍練馬師 Caspar Fownes (68 wins) 方嘉柏(68場頭馬)
Viva Pataca also retained his Champion Stayer Champion Jockey 冠軍騎師 Douglas Whyte (96 wins) 韋達(96場頭馬)
and Middle-Distance titles, as did Good Ba Ba Champion Apprentice Jockey 冠軍見習騎師 Matthew Chadwick (43 wins) 蔡明紹(43場頭馬)
and Sacred Kingdom in the Mile and Sprint
* Most Popular Horse of the Year 最受歡迎馬匹 Sacred Kingdom 蓮華生輝
categories respectively. Caspar Fownes snatched
* Most Popular Jockey of the Year 最受歡迎騎師 Douglas Whyte 韋達
the Champion Trainer title after a gripping battle
* public vote 由公眾投票選出
with John Moore and John Size that went right
Review of Operations 業務回顧

Champion Apprentice Jockey Matthew Chadwick

非凡馬季順利煞科 二○○八/○九年度雖然 佳短途馬」獎。方嘉柏跟約翰摩亞和蔡約翰連
(top left), Owner of Horse of the Year Viva Pataca,
是極具挑戰的一年,但是眾多馬迷在七月一日 番激戰後,最終於煞科日勇奪冠軍練馬師寶 Dr Stanley Ho (centre), and Champion Trainer Caspar
季終賽馬日暨香港特別行政區成立紀念日公眾 座。騎師方面,韋達續領風騷,連續第九個馬 Fownes (below) celebrate their awards, while the
crowds (top right) are kept entertained by a host of
假期,暫時拋開煩憂,在沙田馬場盡慶一番。 季成為香港冠軍騎師,同時他亦力壓柏寶,獲
entertainment programmes. 冠軍見習騎師蔡明紹(左上)
當天共有六萬三千多名馬迷進場觀賽,遠超 馬迷選為「最受歡迎騎師」。年僅十八歲的新 香港馬王「爆冷」的馬主何鴻燊博士(中)以及冠軍練馬師
出去年五萬四千名入場人數。全日投注額達 晉好手蔡明紹,在港從騎首季就勇奪破紀錄之 方嘉柏(下)慶祝獲獎,而現場觀衆則可即場欣賞連串精彩
十二億二千萬港元,創下馬會六年來最高紀 四十三場冠軍,榮膺冠軍見習騎師,令人出乎
錄。本季的總投注額合共六百六十八億二千萬 意料之外的是,他自十二月才開始在港策騎,
港元。沙田馬場馬迷除了可免費獲贈「最受歡 短短時間已取得極佳成績。
精采娛樂節目,包括著名歌星林子祥和泳兒的 跑馬地馬場躍動夏日狂熱氣氛 配合今季最後
壓軸表演。 四個壓軸夜賽,跑馬地馬場特別上演熱辣
一如既往,全日賽事的高潮是賽後於草地 辣的「夏日狂熱」派對。馬迷可即場參加
跑道舉行的冠軍人馬獎頒獎典禮。前兩季一再 「熱爆馬場.頭馬競猜遊戲」,而入場女
入選競逐「香港馬王」的「爆冷」,今季終能一 士穿上耀眼的夏日派對裝束,既可參
償素願,奪得殊榮。這匹良駒亦蟬聯「最佳中 加「夏日最搶眼大賞」,還可獲啤酒贈
距離馬」及「最佳長途馬」獎。而「好爸爸」和 飲,贏取豐富獎品。

Hong Kong-trained horses that achieved an international rating of 115 or above in 2008/09
Rating 評分 Horse 馬匹 Trainer 練馬師 Owner 馬主
124 Good Ba Ba 好爸爸 Andreas Schütz 薛達志 John Yuen Se Kit 袁仕傑
122 Sacred Kingdom 蓮華生輝 Ricky Yiu 姚本輝 Sin Kang Yuk 冼鏡煜
122 Viva Pataca 爆冷 John Moore 約翰摩亞 Stanley Ho Hung Sun 何鴻燊
119 Egyptian Ra 再領風騷 Tony Cruz 告東尼 Cheng Keung Fai 鄭強輝
118 Able One 步步穩 John Moore 約翰摩亞 Dr & Mrs Cornel Li Fook Kwan 李福鋆醫生及夫人
117 Inspiration 創惑 John Moore 約翰摩亞 Mr & Mrs Hui Sai Fun 許世勳先生及夫人
117 Sight Winner 勝眼光 John Size 蔡約翰 Mr & Mrs Tam Wing Kun 譚榮根先生及夫人
117 Thumbs Up 自由好 Danny Shum 沈集成 Leung Chung Shan 梁松山
116 Green Birdie 綠色駿威 Caspar Fownes 方嘉柏 Roger Li Ka Chun 李嘉俊
116 More Bountiful 再豐裕 John Size 蔡約翰 Lucky Lord Syndicate 北大人團體
116 Packing Winner 包裝大師 Peter Ho 何良 Lee Wan Keung 李運強
115 Armada 好利威 John Size 蔡約翰 Wong Yuk Lun 黃玉麟
115 Dim Sum 點心 John Moore 約翰摩亞 David Pong Chun Yee 龐俊怡
115 Fellowship 友誼至上 Paul O’Sullivan 蘇保羅 David Sin Wai Kin 冼為堅
115 Hawkes Bay 厚利多 David Hall 賀賢 Daryl Ng Win Kong 黃永光

JUN/JUL 2009

Club Staff scoop Linkage between racing and the

six customer
service awards
community underlined
Three Telebet staff including a
part-time supervisor won Grand
Individual Awards in the Contact
Centre Categor y of the 2008
Customer Relationship Excel-
lence Awards. They were named
Customer Service Manager of
the Year, Customer Service Team
Leader of the Year and Customer
Service Professional of the Year.
Another three Telebet staff received
Awards of Merit in these prestigious
awards organised by the Asia Pacific
Customer Service Consortium.
Some 200 of the Club’s community increasing its donations this year. 密連繫。馬會主席陳祖澤向與會
partners enjoyed a special day of The Club had always stood by the 嘉賓詳述馬會打擊非法賭博的角
racing on 28 June at the 5th Hong people of Hong Kong at times of 色,以及其非牟利營運模式,旨
Kong Jockey Club Community challenge and always would, he 在將最大的利益回饋社會。他承
Day, an annual event launched pledged. Nevertheless, he called on 諾雖然今年經濟不景,馬會的業
in 2005 to highlight the linkage the community leaders for support 務亦大受影響,但馬會卻不會減
between horse racing and the Club’s and understanding, noting that 少對社區的支持;反之,馬會今
charitable activities, and the valu- like any commercial enterprise, 年還會增加捐款額。誠如主席所
able support given by the Club’s the Club must be allowed fair 言,馬會一直與港人風雨同路,
馬會職員勇奪六個顧客服務獎 community partners. Chairman room for its business to develop 尤其是在充滿挑戰的日子,都決
「亞太顧客服務協會」宣佈「2008 John C C Chan explained the Club’s in a sustainable way. 心維持對社區的支援。但他希望
年度亞太傑出顧客關係服務獎」結 role in combating illegal gambling 各社區夥伴明白,一如其他商業
果,三名電話投注部員工包括一 and how its not-for-profit busi- 彰顯馬會與社區夥伴關係 約二百 機構,馬會業務必須有公平而持
名兼職組長贏得熱線中心組個人獎 ness model returned maximum 位馬會社區及公益慈善夥伴,於 續的發展空間。
項,包括「傑出顧客服務經理」、 benefits to the community. He 六月二十八日出席第五屆「香港賽
「傑出顧客服務組長」及「傑出顧客 promised the guests that despite 馬會社群日」。「香港賽馬會社群 Club Stewards and guests of honour
raise a toast to the Club’s valued
服務專業人員」。同時,另三名電 the tough economic environment, it 日」自 二 ○ ○ 五 年 起 舉 辦 以 來,
community partners. 馬會董事與嘉賓一
話投注部員工亦獲頒優異獎,以表 would not cut back on its commu- 體現了賽馬運動、馬會慈善捐獻 同祝酒感謝馬會社區及公益慈善合作夥伴的
揚其卓越表現。 nity support – indeed it would be 和馬會社區及公益慈善夥伴的緊 支持。

Racing Statistics 賽馬事務統計數字

Winning Margin (Handicap Races) Percentage of Winning Favourites (Handicap Races)
勝負距離(讓磅賽事) 大熱門勝出率(讓磅賽事)
08/09 65.6 08/09 28.6%

07/08 65.3 07/08 29.4%

06/07 60.0 06/07 28.9%

05/06 63.4 05/06 26.4%

04/05 62.0 04/05 26.4%
0 15 30 45 60 75 0 6 12 18 24 30

Winning Margin (%) neck or less 勝負距離(百分比)不超過一馬頸位

Winning Margin (%) length or less 勝負距離(百分比)不超過一馬位

Review of Operations 業務回顧


City’s Chinese
music traditions
conserved in print
The publication of a new educa-
tional book called Listening to
Chinese Music in mid-June will
help secondary and post-secondary
students better appreciate the
unique traditions of Chinese music
in Hong Kong, which has developed
its own style and features under
the influence of both eastern and
western cultures. The book is the
work of the Chinese Music Archive
at The Chinese University of Hong
Kong, one of the most important
archives of Chinese music in Hong

Lots to celebrate for Kong, which in 2005 received

a Charities Trust donation of
HK$3.76 million to support a five-

Racing Club’s young elite year programme to preserve and

promote Chinese traditional music.

The book comes with three audio
comfortable win by Young regular “behind-the-scenes” activi- CDs to help readers young and old
Elite at Sha Tin on 13 ties including stable calls on the gain a better understanding and
June brought to a climax club’s horses, raceday visits to appreciation of the genre.
a wonderful second season for the starting gates and caller’s box,
members of The Racing Club – a and tours of the veterinary and
special new membership category farrier’s facilities to enhance their
launched in summer 2007 to foster interest and knowledge of horse
interest in horse racing and owner- racing. During 2008/09 season,
ship among Hong Kong’s young successful overseas trips were also
professional set. This was the organised to the Melbourne Cup 競駿會現有三百八十九名會
fifth win in nine outings for the and Yasuda Kinen. 員,其中百分之四十九的會員為
aptly-named Young Elite, which 三十歲以下;百分之二十六為女
is owned by The Racing Club and 競駿精英屢戰屢勝 「競駿精英」於 性。競駿會會員除了可使用兩個 中國音樂雅俗共賞 香港中西文
trained by Caspar Fownes, bringing 六月十三日在沙田賽事報捷,為 馬場的設施,還可定期參與與賽 化匯聚,中國音樂在本地經過多
its stakes earnings to nearly HK$3 競駿會會員在該會成立以來第二 馬有關的活動,包括進入馬會馬 年融合和創新,擁有獨特的傳統
million. On the same day, another 個季度延續佳績。競駿會是馬會 房探訪專屬馬匹;在賽馬日到比 和特色。香港中文大學中國音樂
Racing Club horse, two-year-old 於二○○七年夏季開設的會籍類 賽閘前起步點及評述員廂房等參 資 料 館 於 六 月 中 旬 出 版 的《中 國
griffin Young Witness, showed 別,專為年青才俊而設,旨在培 觀,以及參觀馬匹護理和釘甲設 音 樂 導 賞》, 是 中 學 和 專 上 學 院
future promise by finishing third 養會員對賽馬運動的興趣,並感 施,藉此增加會員對賽馬運動的 學生的重要教材,有助他 們進一
in only his second race. A third 受 當 馬 主 的 寶 貴 經 驗。「競 駿 精 興趣及知識。競駿會會員曾於二 步欣賞中國傳統音樂。該著作還
Racing Club horse, Young Label, 英」一如其名,是競駿會會員豢養 ○ ○ 八 /○ 九 季 度 籌 辦 海 外 觀 賽 備有三張音樂光碟,可供年輕一
has meanwhile scored a first and 的賽駒,由練馬師方嘉柏訓練。 團,當中包括墨爾本盃和安田紀 代及公眾人士深入淺出地認識中
three seconds from five outings. 六月中那仗是該駒九戰以來第五 念賽。 國音樂,提升欣賞能力。香港中
The Racing Club now has 389 度獲勝,累積獎金接近三百萬港 文大學中國音樂資料館是香港重
members of whom 49 per cent are 元。同日,競駿會名下另一賽駒 Racing Club Members had plenty 要的音樂資料庫之一。馬會於二
under the age of 30 and 26 per 「競駿大師」,第二次參賽即奪得 of track success to cheer during the ○○五年透過其慈善信託基金捐
cent are female. Besides enjoying 季席,表現不俗。至於同屬競駿 season, as well as some elegant 助三百七十六萬港元予資料館,
facilities in which to celebrate. 競駿會
their own smart facilities at both 會的「競駿精神」,先後五戰共得 豢養的賽駒季內表現卓越,會員可在馬場內 進行為期五年的中樂推廣及保存
racecourses, members are offered 一冠三亞。 尊享會員設施為馬匹打氣。 計劃。


Season 2008/09 has been one of the busiest and most dynamic years in the Club’s history, with
many major projects and events taking place at the same time. Despite this, the Club has taken
care not to compromise on its service standards, continuing to excel in different areas of its
operations. This is demonstrated by the record number of 40 local and international awards
received in the season.
Most significant of all, the Club made possible Hong Kong’s staging of the Beijing 2008
Olympic and Paralympic equestrian events by providing the venues and supporting facilities,
winning it wide acclaim from international equestrian officials and riders. The East Course of
Jockey Club Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course, opened last year was named the best new golf
course in Asia and the entire golf course also won an environmental award for its numerous
green measures.
In the expert field of farriery, the Club’s professional team dominated the Asian Regional
Farriery Competition by winning the overall championship as well as 14 minor prizes. The
Club’s traditionally outstanding areas also fared well in the year. Its charity contributions and
community work, training excellence, customer-oriented betting services, responsible gambling
policy and presentation of its annual report were all acknowledged with prestigious awards.
All these achievements reflect the dedication of the Club and its staff to striving for
excellence and better serving the community. They are not only winning for the Club but also
winning for Hong Kong at large. A full list of the Club’s awards and honours can be viewed
at www.hkjc.com/english/corporate/corp_awards_list.asp

Winning 二○○八/○九季度是馬會歷來最忙碌和多姿多采的一年。期間,儘管多項大型項目

for the Club

精益求精 屢獲殊榮 外,於去年開幕的賽馬會滘西洲公眾高爾夫球場東場榮膺亞洲最佳新高爾夫球場,而
但為馬會贏取殊榮,同時亦為港爭光。有關馬會獲頒的獎項殊榮,可瀏覽 www.hkjc.

Awards and Honours 獎項及榮譽

November 08
The Asian Regional Farriery
Overall championship plus 6 gold,
5 silver and 3 bronze medals
Malaysian National Horse Show (held in
conjunction with the FEI World Endurance
Club’s farrier team comprising
Law Ka-ming (BRCC), Lo Sing-yan (BRCC),
Ng Wai-kin (Tuen Mun) and Chief
Equestrian Farrier Greg Murray
頒獎機構 馬來西亞全國馬術匯展暨國際馬術
July 08 October 08 獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會釘甲匠羅家明
Green Building Award The WLA Responsible Gaming Awards (雙魚河)、羅承恩(雙魚河)及吳偉健(屯門),
Grand Award in the Existing Building Best Employee Training Programme 以及總馬術釘甲匠麥偉利
Category – Alterations & Additions AWARDING ORGANISATION
AWARDING ORGANISATION The World Lottery Association (WLA)
Green Building Council SUBJECT OF AWARD
SUBJECT OF AWARD Club’s Responsible Gambling Policy Training December 08
The Club’s Olympic equestrian venue 「有節制博彩獎項:最佳員工培訓計劃」大獎 2008 China Charity Award
construction at Sha Tin 頒獎機構 世界彩票協會 AWARDING ORGANISATION
環保建築大獎,現有建築類別(改建及加建 獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會有節制博彩政策培訓 Ministry of Civil Affairs of the
項目) 計劃 People’s Republic of China
頒獎機構 環保建築專業議會 SUBJECT OF AWARD
獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會建造沙田奧運馬術 Hong Kong Brands Awards Club’s outstanding charity
比賽場地 Best Entertainment Brand in Hong Kong contributions
AWARDING ORGANISATION 2008年度「中華慈善獎」特別貢獻獎
The American Chamber of Commerce 頒獎機構 國家民政部
SUBJECT OF AWARD 獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會傑出
September 08 Club’s Brand 慈善貢獻
Special Honorary Certificate and Silver 香港名牌獎「娛樂組別獎」
Plaque for the Beijing Olympics and 頒獎機構 香港美國商會 Best New Golf Course in Asia Award
Paralympics 獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會品牌 AWARDING ORGANISATION
AWARDING ORGANISATION Asian Golf Monthly magazine
Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2008 Service and Courtesy Award SUBJECT OF AWARD
Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) Retail (Service) at supervisory level The Jockey Club Kau Sai Chau Public Golf
The Club’s special contributions to the Hong Kong Retail Management Association 「亞洲最佳新高爾夫球場」獎
Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic SUBJECT OF AWARD 頒獎機構 《亞洲高爾夫月刊》
Games Off-Course Betting Branch Supervisor 獎項內容或獲獎人物 賽馬會滘西洲公眾高爾
「北京奧運會及殘奧會特別榮譽獎」榮譽証書及 Sharon Chan Sze-wai 夫球場東場
足銀獎章 2008 傑出服務獎:零售(服務)組別主管級別
頒獎機構 第二十九屆奧運會北京奧林匹克 頒獎機構 香港零售管理協會
組織委員會(「北京奧組委」) 獎項內容或獲獎人物 場外投注處主任陳詩慧
獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會在北京 2008 年奧運

December 08 Hong Kong Red Cross Relief Donors March 09
Asian Golf Course Environment Award Award Ceremony 2008 Yuen Long District Outstanding
AWARDING ORGANISATION Certificate of Commendation Volunteers 2008
Asian Golf Monthly magazine AWARDING ORGANISATION Award of Merit (Adult Team category)
The Jockey Club Kau Sai Chau Public SUBJECT OF AWARD Social Welfare Department
Golf Course Club’s efforts in supporting relief work for SUBJECT OF AWARD
亞洲高爾夫球場環境保護卓越大獎 the snowstorms on the Mainland and the CARE@hkjc Volunteer Team’s services in
頒獎機構 《亞洲高爾夫月刊》 Sichuan earthquake in 2008 Yuen Long
獎項內容或獲獎人物 賽馬會滘西洲公眾 「2008 香港紅十字會賑災捐款嘉許禮」—
高爾夫球場 嘉許狀
頒獎機構 香港紅十字會
獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會在 2008 年內地發生

Sing Tao Excellent Services Brand

Awards 2008
Outstanding Charity Award
Sing Tao Daily (public voting campaign)
SUBJECT OF AWARD 「元朗區傑出義工」成人團體組優異獎
Club’s contributions to society 頒獎機構 社會福利署
獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會義工隊於元朗區的
January 09
Customer Service Excellence Awards Gold Category Certificate
Silver individual award, counter AWARDING ORGANISATION
service category Beijing Organizing Committee for the
The Hong Kong Association for Customer SUBJECT OF AWARD
Service Excellence Club’s contributions to the Beijing 2008
SUBJECT OF AWARD Olympic and Paralympic Games
Off-Course Betting Branch Manager equestrian events
Apple Tang 「星鑽服務品牌選舉 2008」— 惠澤社群慈善 金組榮譽證書
大獎 頒獎機構 第二十九屆奧運會北京奧林匹克
「優質顧客服務大獎」— 傑出個人獎櫃員服務 頒獎機構 星島日報(公眾投票選舉) 組織委員會(「北京奧組委」)
組銀獎 獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會對社會的貢獻 獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會在北京 2008 年奧運
頒獎機構 香港優質顧客服務協會 會和殘奧會馬術比賽的貢獻
獎項內容或獲獎人物 場外投注處分行經理

February 09
Excellence in Practice Citation
American Society for Training and Development
Club’s Telebet training programme
“The Magic of We – Going Beyond the ‘Call’
of Duty for Telebet Part-time Supervisors”
頒獎機構 美國培訓及發展協會
獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會為電話投注部兼職

Awards and Honours 獎項及榮譽

April 09
Prevention of False Alarms Awards
2008 – Gold Award
Hong Kong Police Force
Club’s comprehensive security facilities and
stringent security operational rules

Best Garden in Hong Kong voting June 09

campaign – 4th Place Customer Relationship Excellence
「2008 年防止警鐘誤鳴獎」金獎 AWARDING ORGANISATION Awards, Contact Centre –
頒獎機構 香港警務處 TVB Pearl Entertainment Industry category
獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會完善的保安設備及 SUBJECT OF AWARD Grand Individual Awards and Awards
嚴格的保安操作守則 Penfold Park of Merit
頒獎機構 無綫電視明珠台 Asia Pacific Customer Service Consortium
獎項內容或獲獎人物 彭福公園 SUBJECT OF AWARD
Grand Individual Awards Telebet Support
Manager Kylie Chan – Customer Service
May 09 Manager of the Year; Telebet Supervisor Jenny
Lui – Customer Service Team Leader of the
Excellence in Facilities Management Year; Telebet Part-time Supervisor Richard
Award Kong – Customer Service Professional of
RFP Outstanding Individuals in Industry the Year
Awards 2009 Awards of Merit Telebet Officer Pansy Ip –
AWARDING ORGANISATION Customer Service Team Leader of the Year;
RFP Magazine Telebet Supervisor Ficus Lo – Customer
SUBJECT OF AWARD Service Team Leader of the Year; Part-time
Club’s Property Operations & Maintenance team leader Ricky Fung – Customer Service
Manager Graham Tier Professional of the Year
「2009 RFP 傑出個人大獎 — 優質設備管理獎」 亞太傑出顧客關係服務獎客户聯絡中心 —
頒獎機構 RFP 雜誌 娛樂事務「個人組別」年度大獎及優異獎
獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會物業營運及維修 頒獎機構 亞太顧客服務協會
Silver Award, Photography, 經理田國恆 獎項內容或獲獎人物
Annual Report 年度大獎 電話投注事務經理陳嘉麗:傑出顧
Silver Award, Covers (Graphics/ 客服務經理;電話投注主任雷慧詩:傑出顧客
Illustrations), Annual Report 服務組長;電話投注事務兼職主任江家強:
19th International Astrid Awards 優異獎 電話投注主任葉藹瑩:傑出顧客服務
SUBJECT OF AWARD 組長;電話投注主任盧暉榕:傑出顧客服務
2007/08 Hong Kong Jockey Club Annual 組長;電話投注事務兼職組長馮家輝:傑出
Report 顧客服務專業人員
頒獎機構 第十九屆國際 ASTRID 大獎
獎項內容或獲獎人物 2007/08 年度馬會年報

esides awards received by the Club and its staff, a number of
projects funded by the Club’s Charities Trust have been honoured
with prestigious prizes for their excellence. The following are
some of these projects and awards.


March 09 「2008 電視節目欣賞指數調查」— 最佳電視節

2008 TV Programme Appreciation 目第十位
Index Survey 頒獎機構 由香港電台、電視廣播有限公司、
Advisory Panel Commendation 亞洲電視及有線電視委託香港大學民意研究
Award 計劃進行
AWARDING ORGANISATION 獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會慈善信託基金贊助
The survey commissioned by RTHK, TVB, 香港電台製作的資訊節目「香港歷史系列」
ATV and Cable TV and conducted by The
Public Opinion Programme of the Social Medal of the Year of Hong Kong
Sciences Research Centre at The University AWARDING ORGANISATION
of Hong Kong The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
SUBJECT OF AWARD Annual Awards 2008
“Hong Kong’s role in the 1911 Revolution”, SUBJECT OF AWARD
an episode of The Hong Kong History Series, The Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre,
produced by Radio Television Hong Kong established with funding from the Club’s
with funding from the Club’s Charities Trust Charities Trust
「2008 電視節目欣賞指數調查」— 全年境內建築大獎
評審團大獎 頒獎機構 二○○八香港建築師學會年獎
頒獎機構 由香港電台、電視廣播有限公司、 獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會慈善信託基金捐款
亞洲電視及有線電視委託香港大學民意研究 成立的「賽馬會創意藝術中心」
計劃進行 May 09
獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會慈善信託基金贊助 Special Architectural Award Special Architectural Award
香港電台製作的資訊節目「香港歷史系列」 Jury’s Special Prize Alteration & Addition Works
The Hong Kong Institute of Architects The Hong Kong Institute of Architects
2008 TV Programme Appreciation Annual Awards 2008 Annual Awards 2008
Index Survey – Tenth best television SUBJECT OF AWARD SUBJECT OF AWARD
programme “Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Bienniale of SkyHigh Creative Partners, established with
AWARDING ORGANISATION Urbanism\Architecture” exhibition, funded funding from the Club’s Charities Trust
Survey commissioned by RTHK, TVB, by the Club’s Charities Trust
ATV and Cable TV and conducted by The 主題建築獎 — 評審特別獎
Public Opinion Programme of the Social 頒獎機構 二○○八香港建築師學會年獎
Sciences Research Centre at The University 獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會慈善信託基金捐助的
of Hong Kong 「香港 ─ 深圳城市建築雙城雙年展」
The Hong Kong History Series, produced by
Radio Television Hong Kong with funding
from the Club’s Charities Trust
Photo by SLHO & Associates Ltd. 照片由 SLHO & Associates Ltd. 提供

主題建築獎 — 加建及改動工程
頒獎機構 二○○八香港建築師學會年獎
獎項內容或獲獎人物 馬會慈善信託基金捐款

Each year The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust donates an average of more than
HK$1 billion to the community by way of its own major initiatives and donations to some
100 charitable groups and organisations in support of their projects. This makes the Trust
the largest non-government benefactor in Hong Kong, contributing more than five times
the annual donations of the Community Chest. It also places the Trust on par with major
US-based philanthropic organisations, such as the Rockefeller Foundation, the Wal-mart
Foundation and the Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. Moreover, some of these
organisations support projects nationally and internationally, whereas the Trust’s donations
are focused solely on the needs of the seven million residents of Hong Kong. Projects for
which Trust funding was approved in 2008/09 are detailed on pages 116-122.

Donations 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金每年平均撥捐逾十億港元,透過主導大型
年內捐款 整個社會,是繼政府之後,香港最大的資助機構,捐款高於香港
公益金全年捐獻五倍,與洛克菲勒基金(Rockefeller Foundation)、
沃爾瑪基金會(Wal-mart Foundation)及Bank of America Charitable
Foundation, Inc等美國主要慈善機構的每年捐款相若。但此等機構


Community Services 社會服務

Amount (HK$’000)
Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Initiatives 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金主導計劃
Supplementary grant to continue to operate Skyhigh Creative Partners for a total 增撥捐款以支持多媒體創意企業「天比高」 17,960
of three years to October 2010 and to cover the additional costs for expanding 三年經費至二○一○年十月,以及支付擴
its studio 充工作室所需的額外費用
To fund the production and airing of two series of 52 weekly one-hour radio 資助製作兩輯五十二集「同途有心人」節 1,706
programmes each, The Way We Are, on Commercial Radio to promote Trust- 目,每週在商業電台播放一小時,藉以介
initiated projects, various community services of non-governmental organisations, 紹各項由信託基金主導的計劃、各志願機
and the role of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust in the community 構所提供的社會服務,以及香港賽馬會慈

The Hong Kong Society for the Blind 香港盲人輔導會 166,300

To fund the redevelopment of its Yuen Long Home for the Aged Blind, and to 捐助重建元朗盲人安老院,並擴建賽馬會
convert the Jockey Club Tuen Mun Home for the Aged Blind to facilitate the 屯門盲人安老院,以便安置受重建影響的
temporary relocation of Yuen Long Home’s clients, and enable service expansion 院友,與及提供額外宿位

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 東華三院 27,470

To fund the major repairs and renovation works of the TWGHs Jockey Club 捐助位於香港仔的東華三院賽馬會復康中
Rehabilitation Complex in Aberdeen 心進行大型維修及翻新工程

Home Affairs Department 民政事務總署 16,500

To fund the 2009 Summer Youth Programme 捐助二○○九年青少年暑期活動

Harmony House Ltd 和諧之家 15,570

To fund the operation of the Jockey Club Harmony Link for three years 捐助賽馬會和諧一心家暴防治中心三年的

Christian Family Service Centre (HKSAR Chief Executive’s Community 基督教家庭服務中心(行政長官社會資助 13,250
Projects List) 計劃)
To fund the renovation of its Headquarters, The Jockey Club Building, in Kwun 捐助裝修其位於觀塘的總部賽馬會大樓

The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf 香港聾人福利促進會 4,580

To fund the renovation of its Head Office and the North Point Centre 捐助裝修該會總辦事處及北角中心

St James’ Settlement 聖雅各福群會 2,000

To provide a tide-over grant to ensure operation of the Food Bank will not be 於農曆新年前及該會獲得政府撥款前,緊
disrupted during the festive season leading up to the Chinese New Year and until 急捐款予「眾膳坊」以確保食物銀行能維持
Government funding is in place 正常運作

Hong Kong Outlying Islands Women’s Association Limited 香港離島婦女聯會有限公司 1,820

To fund the renovation and acquisition of a van for its Jockey Club Women 捐助裝修其位於東涌的賽馬會婦女綜合服
Integrated Service Centre at Tung Chung 務中心及購置一輛小巴

The following agencies receive The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant from the Trust for 2009/10
Amount (HK$’000)
SAHK 香港耀能協會 3,244
To fund its Comprehensive Rehabilitation Seating Service 捐助該會提供復康座椅服務

The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups 香港青年協會 3,189

To fund its Youth Volunteer Network 捐助其青年義工網絡

Amount (HK$’000)
Mother’s Choice Ltd 母親的抉擇 2,630
To fund its Pregnant Girls’ Services 捐助其為未婚懷孕人士提供的服務

The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong 香港小童群益會 2,624
To fund its Comprehensive Support Project for Special Needs Children 捐助其同心童家綜合支援計劃
and Parents

Hong Chi Association 匡智會 2,376

To fund its Supported-employment Projects for provision of placement and 捐助其拓展智障人士就業機會計劃
employment opportunities for people with mental handicap

The Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council 香港公教婚姻輔導會 2,350

To fund its Marriage Mediation Counselling Service Project 捐助其婚姻調解服務

Adventure-Ship Ltd 乘風航 2,019

To fund its Nautical Adventure Life Education Project 捐助其海上歷奇生命教育計劃

Hong Kong Playground Association 香港遊樂場協會 1,818

To fund its Unusual Academy 捐助其非常學堂

The Salvation Army 救世軍 1,755

To fund its Family-friendly Community Based Project 捐助其「愛家、友里」家庭支援網絡

Hong Kong Red Cross 香港紅十字會 1,752

To fund its Uniformed Group Leaders & Trainers Development Project 捐助其紅十字制服團隊領袖及訓練員發展

Visits to Club Premises 招待福利機構參觀馬會設施 1,561

To cover the costs of summer visits by the elderly and the disabled to the Racecourse, 資助長者及殘疾人士於暑假期間參觀馬
Tuen Mun and Lei Yue Mun Public Riding Schools and the Jockey Club Kau Sai 場、屯門及鯉魚門公眾騎術學校以及賽馬
Chau Public Golf Course 會滘西洲公眾高爾夫球場

Hong Kong Christian Service 香港基督教服務處 1,520

To fund its Integrated Service Centre for Local South Asians 捐助其南天網絡

The Hong Kong Society for the Blind 香港盲人輔導會 1,498

To fund its Parents Resource Centre for Visually Impaired Children 捐助其視障兒童家長資源中心

St James’ Settlement 聖雅各福群會 1,462

To fund its Employment Programme for the Vulnerable Groups 捐助其「啟導同行」就業拓展計劃

Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired 心光盲人院暨學校 1,348
To fund its Early Intervention Programme for Visually Impaired Children 捐助其視障幼兒教育支援服務

China Coast Community Ltd China Coast Community Ltd 1,251

To fund its Subsidy Package for Comprehensive Social Security Allowance 捐助其受綜合社會保障援助(綜援)的院友
recipients 資助計劃

TREATS 親切 1,200
To fund its Integrated Project for Children and Youth in Hong Kong 捐助其兒童及青少年共融體驗及教育計劃

Heep Hong Society 協康會 1,153

To fund its Outside School Support for Students with Special Education Needs and 捐助為有特殊學習需要學童及其家庭而設
their Families 的校外支援計劃

Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service – Hong Kong 基督教香港信義會社會服務部 1,124

To fund its Kwai Chung Care Network 捐助其葵涌關懷網

Amount (HK$’000)
Parents’ Association of Pre-School Handicapped Children 學前弱能兒童家長會 1,043
To fund its S.M.I.L.E. – Parents’ Networking Project 捐助其「繼續歡笑」家長支援計劃

Association for Engineering and Medical Volunteer Services 工程及醫療義務工作協會 1,042

To fund its Computer Rehabilitation Resource Station 捐助其電腦復康訓練資源站

Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council 香港聖公會福利協會 1,009

To fund its Positive Life Elderly Suicide Prevention Project 捐助其「百靈鳥」— 長者生命教育計劃

The Friends of Scouting 童軍知友社 993

To fund its Know the Future – Non-engaged Youth Counselling Scheme 捐助其知「友」明天 — 待學待業青年輔導

Against Child Abuse Ltd 防止虐待兒童會有限公司 981

To fund its Healthy Start Home Visiting Project 捐助其生之喜悅家庭探訪計劃

The Hong Kong Girl Guides Association 香港女童軍總會 946

To fund its Comprehensive Development for Girl Guides Project 捐助其女童軍全面發展計劃

Agency for Volunteer Service 義務工作發展局 910

To fund its Volunteer Talent Bank Project 捐助其專才義工網計劃

Holy Carpenter Church Community Centre 聖公會聖匠堂社區中心 872

To fund its Human Re-engineering Project for Building a Better Community 捐助其龍城社區網絡計劃

Haven of Hope Christian Service 基督教靈實協會 858

To fund its Holistic Care through Inter-disciplinary Collaboration 捐助其全人健康 携手共創計劃

Hong Kong Family Welfare Society 香港家庭福利會 855

To fund its Bridge to Competency Project 捐助其婦女創新天計劃

The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong 香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會 827

To fund its Suicide Prevention Education Project 捐助其防止自殺教育計劃

Christian Family Service Centre 基督教家庭服務中心 792

To fund its Integrated Project at Po Tat Estate 捐助其共建和諧寶達家計劃

International Social Service Hong Kong Branch 香港國際社會服務社 764

To fund its Aid Service in Lo Wu Checkpoint for Chinese New Arrivals 捐助其設在羅湖管制站的內地新來港人士

Hans Andersen Club Ltd 安徒生會有限公司 731

To fund its Harmonious Community in Tai O 捐助其童心愛大澳計劃

The Comfort Care Concern Group 贐明會 701

To fund its Comfort Care and Support for the Bereaved 捐助其紓緩展晴計劃

Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children 香港保護兒童會 698

To fund its Whole Learning Project 捐助其「同、悅、學」兒童學習計劃

Fu Hong Society 扶康會 675

To fund its Casa-famiglia 捐助其扶康家庭

Chung Sing Benevolent Society 鐘聲慈善社 640

To fund its Elderly Lifelong Learning Project 捐助其「彩虹人生」退休人士終身學習計劃

Hong Kong Association for the Survivors of Women Abuse (Kwan Fook) 群福婦女權益會 581
To fund its Peer Support Programme for the Victims of Domestic Violence 捐助其家暴受害者朋輩支援計劃

Donations 年內捐款

Amount (HK$’000)
/用途 金額(千港元)
The Hong Kong Society for the Aged 香港耆康老人福利會 574
To fund its Insomnia Treatment Project for the Elderly 捐助其長者優質睡眠服務計劃

Pneumoconiosis Mutual Aid Association 肺積塵互助會 540

To fund its Community Rehabilitation Service for pneumoconiosis patients and 捐助其肺積塵病人社區照顧及復康服務
their family members 計劃

Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association 香港唐氏綜合症協會 526

To fund its SHARE Project – A comprehensive support service for families of 捐助其「網樂共享」唐氏綜合症人士家庭支
children with Down syndrome 援服務

Jockey Club Cheung Chau Don Bosco Youth Centre 賽馬會長洲鮑思高青年中心 475
To fund its Adventure-based Counselling Programme for Youth 捐助其青年歷奇輔導訓練計劃

The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong 香港家庭計劃指導會 455

To fund its Community Level Sex Education Programme 捐助其社區性教育計劃

Street Sleepers’ Shelter Society Trustees Incorporated 香港露宿救濟會 339

To fund its Wanchai Homeless People Shelter 捐助其灣仔露宿者之家

Sub-total (Community Services) 321,857


Education and Training 教育及培訓

Amount (HK$’000)
Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Initiatives 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金主導計劃
To fund the extension of P.A.T.H.S. to Adulthood – A Jockey Club Youth 續 辦「共 創 成 長 路」 — 賽 馬 會 青 少 年 培 350,000
Enhancement Scheme for one more cycle from 2009 to 2012 育計劃一個週期,由二○○九起至二○一
To extend The Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarship Scheme to 2011/12 延續香港賽馬會獎學金計劃至二○一一/ 5,000

The Open University of Hong Kong (HKSAR Chief Executive’s Community 香港公開大學(行政長官社會資助計劃) 15,560
Projects List) 捐助設立影音製作中心
To fund the establishment of an Audio-Visual Production Centre

FTU Employment Development Service Limited 工聯會職業發展服務處有限公司 10,130

To fund the renovation and fitting-out of its new vocational training centre at 捐助裝修其位於銅鑼灣的新職業訓練中心
Causeway Bay 及購置設備

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service 香港社會服務聯會 5,520

To fund HKCSS, eight local universities and three international organisations 捐助香港社會服務聯會、本地八所大學及
in organising the 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social 三個國際組織共同籌辦 2010 國際聯合會
Development 議 — 社會工作及社會發展之願景與藍圖

Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association Limited 香港新一代文化協會有限公司 2,540

To fund the education programmes at its Science Innovation Centre for three years 捐助該會科學創意中心的培育計劃,為期

Hong Kong Association for Specific Learning Disabilities 香港特殊學習障礙協會 1,560

To fund a two-year pilot project to support the parents of children with specific 捐助一項為期兩年的試驗計劃,以協助有
learning difficulties 特殊學習障礙兒童的家長

Amount (HK$’000)
/用途 金額(千港元)
Life Education Activity Programme 生活教育活動計劃 1,460
To fund the replacement of a Mobile Classroom 捐助更換一個流動教室

Caritas – Hong Kong 香港明愛 1,380

To fund the acquisition of two 28-seater school buses for Caritas Lok Yi School 捐助明愛樂義學校購置兩輛二十八座位校巴

Life Education Activity Programme 生活教育活動計劃 300

To fund the production of training materials for its Special Needs Programme 捐助其特殊教育課程的教材製作

The following agencies receive The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant from the Trust for 2009/10
Amount (HK$’000)
Hong Kong Sea Cadet Corps 香港海事青年團 1,781
To fund its Core Training Programmes 捐助其核心訓練活動

AFS Intercultural Exchanges Ltd 國際文化交流有限公司 1,037

To fund the AFS Intercultural Exchanges Sending Programme 捐助其 AFS 國際文化交流海外交流計劃

Caritas – Hong Kong 香港明愛 770

To fund its School-Based Professional Support Services for Persons with Autistic 捐助其自閉症人士校本專業支援服務
Spectrum Disorders

Life Education Activity Programme 生活教育活動計劃 365

To fund its Special Needs Programme 捐助其特殊教育課程

Direction Association for the Handicapped 路向四肢傷殘人士協會 333

To fund its Hopeful Life Project 捐助其生命滿希望、未來同心創計劃

Sub-total (Education and Training) 397,736


Medical and Health 醫藥衞生

Amount (HK$’000)
Hospital Authority (HKSAR Chief Executive’s Community Projects List) 醫院管理局(行政長官社會資助計劃) 24,200
To fund its Enhanced Home Renal Replacement Therapy Programme for patients 捐助改善其為末期腎衰竭病人而設的換腎
with end-stage renal failure 後家居治療計劃

Queen Mary Hospital (HKSAR Chief Executive’s Community Projects List) 瑪麗醫院(行政長官社會資助計劃) 20,000
To fund the replacement of a high-energy Linear Accelerator 捐助更換一部高能量醫療直線加速器

United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service 基督教聯合那打素社康服務 1,400

To fund the renovation and fitting out of its Jockey Club Wo Lok Community 捐助翻新及裝修其賽馬會和樂社區健康
Health Centre 中心

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 東華三院 616

To fund the acquisition of a 12-seater bus for its Ko Wong Mo Ching Memorial 捐助東華三院高黃慕貞紀念全人健康中心
Holistic Healthcare Centre cum AJR Foundation Rehabilitation Centre 暨 AJR 慈善基金復康診所購置一輛十二座

Donations 年內捐款

The following agencies receive The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant from the Trust for 2009/10
Amount (HK$’000)
United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service 基督教聯合那打素社康服務 2,882
To fund its Community Geriatric Health Maintenance Programme 捐助其社區長者保健計劃

The Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers 香港戒毒會 1,046
To fund its Peer Counsellor and Internship Schemes 捐助其同輩輔導及見習學員計劃

The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong 香港善導會 694
To fund its Project OASIS 捐助其綠洲計劃

The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society 香港防癌會 440

To fund its Cares for Cancer Patients’ Programme 捐助其關懷癌症病人計劃

Hong Kong Workers’ Health Centre Ltd 香港工人健康中心有限公司 293

To fund its Corporate Social Responsibility and Occupational Health and Safety on 捐助其「企業社會責任好易做 — 關懷員工
Awareness of Manual Handling at Work in Hong Kong 職安健齊推動」計劃

Sub-total (Medical and Health) 51,571


Sports, Recreation and Culture 體育、康樂及文化

Amount (HK$’000)
Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Initiatives 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金主導計劃 300,000
To fund the Central Police Station Compound Conservation and Revitalisation 捐助中區警署建築群保育活化計劃 — 第
Project – Phase I allocation 一期撥款

The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups 香港青年協會 133,320

To fund the Phase III redevelopment of the HKFYG Jockey Club Sai Kung Outdoor 捐助香港青年協會賽馬會西貢戶外訓練營
Training Camp 第三期擴建工程的費用

Heung Yee Kuk New Territories 新界鄉議局 41,740

To fund the building and equipping of three communal facilities inside its New 捐助興建鄉議局新界大樓內三項社區設
Territories Building 施,以及購置設備

Leisure and Cultural Services Department 康樂及文化事務署 40,000

To sponsor the 2009 East Asian Games in Hong Kong 贊助香港 2009 東亞運動會

Po Leung Kuk (HKSAR Chief Executive’s Community Projects List) 保良局(行政長官社會資助計劃) 30,240
To fund the Phase III development of the Po Leung Kuk Jockey Club Tai Tong 捐助保良局賽馬會大棠渡假村第三期擴建
Holiday Camp 工程

Public Riding Schools at Lei Yue Mun, Pok Fu Lam and Tuen Mun 鯉魚門、薄扶林及屯門公眾騎術學校 21,800
To fund their capital and operating expenditure for 2009/10 捐助其二○○九/一○年度經費

Donations 年內捐款

Amount (HK$’000)
Hong Kong Arts Festival Society Ltd 香港藝術節協會有限公司 7,880
To fund “The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series” for the 2012 Hong Kong Arts Festival 贊助 2012 年香港藝術節的「香港賽馬會藝
and a selected matinee programme for students for the 2010 Arts Festival 粹系列」,以及於 2010 年香港藝術節為學

Riding for the Disabled Association Ltd 傷健策騎協會 7,480

To fund its operation at the Pokfulam and Tuen Mun Public Riding Schools in 捐助該會於二○○八/○九及二○○九/
2008/09 and 2009/10 一○年度在薄扶林及屯門公眾騎術學校的

Penfold Park 彭福公園 4,050

To fund its capital and operating expenditure for 2009/10 捐助其二○○九/一○年度經費

Opera Hong Kong Limited 香港歌劇協會有限公司 3,580

To fund a three-year Jockey Club Choral Training Programme 捐助一項為期三年的賽馬會歌劇培訓計劃

Hong Kong Special Olympics 香港特殊奧運會 2,370

To fund its golf training squad for three years 捐助高爾夫球訓練隊三年的經費

Hong Kong Paralympic Committee & Sports Association for the Physically 香港殘疾人奧委會暨傷殘人士體育協會 2,140
Disabled 支持 2009 第三屆亞太區硬地滾球錦標賽
To support the 3rd Asia & South Pacific Boccia Championships 2009

Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra Limited 香港中樂團有限公司 2,120

To sponsor the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra to perform at the China Festival at 贊助香港中樂團於二○○九年十月參與紐
Carnegie Hall, New York, in October 2009 約卡內基音樂廳中國藝術節演出

Breakthrough (Juvenile Development) Limited 奮進(青少年發展)有限公司 288

To fund the procurement of sailing equipment for its Breakthrough Sailing 捐助為其海上活動計劃購置航海器材

Sub-total (Sports, Recreation and Culture) 597,008


Total 總計 1,368,172

Financial Report 2008/09

124 Financial Review 財務概況


130 Report of the Stewards 董事局報告
132 Independent Auditor’s Report 獨立核數師報告
133 Group Income and Expenditure Account 集團收支表
134 Balance Sheets 資產負債表
135 Group Statement of Changes in Equity 集團權益變動表
136 Group Cash Flow Statement 集團現金流量表
137 Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註
171 Group Comparative Statement of Financial Results for 集團全個馬季(七十八次賽事)
Full Racing Season (78 Race Meetings)   財務業績比較表
172 Summary of Operations 業務概要
174 Statistical Summary 統計數字概要


176 Report of the Trustees 基金信託人報告
177 Independent Auditor’s Report 獨立核數師報告
178 Income and Expenditure Account 收支表
179 Balance Sheet 資產負債表
180 Statement of Changes in Funds 基金變動表
181 Cash Flow Statement 現金流量表
182 Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註


The Hong Kong Jockey Club’s “not-for-profit” business model is unique and truly an asset to
Contribution to The Hong Kong
the Hong Kong community. It enables the Club to accomplish a simultaneous dual mission: Community (HK$M)
providing a variety of world-class sporting entertainment to the community, while making 對香港社會的經濟貢獻(百萬港元)
contributions in the form of duties, taxes and charitable donations. The Club continues to be 1,368
Hong Kong’s single largest taxpayer and ranks amongst the world’s top charity benefactors.
Total contributions made by The Hong Kong Jockey Club and The Hong Kong Jockey
Club Charities Trust to the Hong Kong community reached HK$21 billion for the 2008/09
financial year. 5,948
The Hong Kong Jockey Club (the “Club”) is a not-for-profit organisation, and is a company 241
with liability limited by guarantee. Through its wholly owned subsidiaries HKJC Horse Race
Betting Limited, HKJC Football Betting Limited and HKJC Lotteries Limited, the Club holds the
sole licences for the operation and management of Hong Kong’s horse race betting, football
Betting and lottery duty 博彩稅及獎券博彩稅
betting and Mark Six lottery. The Jockey Club Membership Services Limited, another principal Lotteries Fund 獎券基金
subsidiary, manages Members’ social and recreational facilities. Profits tax 利得稅
Employment and other spending
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (the “Trust”) is primarily engaged in supporting 僱員薪酬及其他開支

charitable organisations and community projects in Hong Kong. Charitable donations 慈善捐款

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust Sources of Income for the Allocations Fund 香港賽馬會的獨特非牟利經營模式,確是香港
and Charitable Donations (HK$M) 社會的珍貴資產。這種經營模式有助馬會同時
500 500 53
08/09 1,368 對社會作出貢獻。馬會依然是全港納稅最多的
880 374 54 機構,也是全球最大公益資助組織之一。於二
07/08 1,052 ○○八/○九財政年度,香港賽馬會及香港賽
06/07 650 282 53 馬會慈善信託基金對香港社會所作的經濟貢
700 231 54
05/06 1,027
710 323 57
04/05 1,020 香港賽馬會(「馬會」)是一家非牟利的保證有
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 限公司,透過其全資擁有附屬公司香港馬會賽
Transfer from Capital Fund 轉撥自資本基金 Appropriation from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Group
Financial income 財務收入 香港賽馬會集團撥款 和香港馬會獎券有限公司,持牌在本港獨家經
Charitable donations 慈善捐款 Forfeited dividends and refunds 無人認領彩金及退款 營管理賽馬博彩、足球博彩和六合彩獎券。另
Notwithstanding its not-for-profit nature, the Club and all its subsidiaries adopt prudent 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金(「信託基金」)主要
commercial practices in the planning and management of their businesses. By maintaining a 致力資助本港的慈善機構和社區計劃。
well-run business operation and a strong financial position, the Club’s goal is to be able to generate
sufficient surplus for maintaining and enhancing its role as Hong Kong’s premier charity and 營運概況
community benefactor. 馬會及其所有附屬公司雖然均屬非牟利性質,
As a result of the financial tsunami and a downturn in the global economy, Hong Kong’s 略。馬會維持高效率的業務營運和強健的財政
economy suffered a heavy toll in the latter half of 2008. Gross Domestic Product growth fell 狀況,旨在獲取足夠盈餘,藉以維持及加強其
from +7.3% in the first quarter of 2008 to -7.8% in the first quarter of 2009. In addition, other 作為全港最大慈善公益資助機構的地位。
adverse factors including continuing competition from Macau’s gaming industry, the existence
of illegal operators, the ageing population of local racing fans, a rising unemployment rate 金融海嘯與全球經濟轉差導致香港的經濟於二
and inflation, as well as indirect competition from alternative choices of leisure entertainment, ○○八下半年遭受重創。本地生產總值實質增
continue to impact negatively on the Club’s betting revenue. 長由二○○八年首季的百分之七點三,下降至

As a result of all these adversities, the Group’s overall betting and lottery revenue dropped 自澳門賭業的持續競爭、非法莊家蠶食巿場、
by HK$309 million, representing a decline of 1.5% over last financial year. Racing turnover 本地馬迷日漸老化、失業率不斷上升、通脹,
decreased by 1.3% season-on-season but recorded an increase of 1.3% over last financial 以及來自其他消閒娛樂方式的間接競爭等不利
year, mainly the result of two additional race meetings being recorded in the 2008/09 financial 因素,均持續對本會的博彩收益構成負面影響。
year and the introduction of In-Play Jockey Challenge in November 2008. In addition, the
launch of Flexi-Betting and a revamp of the Place pool dividend calculation at the start of the 因受上述各項不利因素影響,集團的博彩及獎
season helped rejuvenate racing interest. 券總收益下跌了三億零九百萬港元,與上一財
Throughout the year, the Club maintained its vigilant efforts to revitalise racing as a product, 額按季減少了百分之一點三,但與上一財政年
uplift racecourse entertainment value and enhance customer service. These initiatives included 度相比,則錄得百分之一點三的升幅,主要
an upgrade of the centralised racecourse reservation system to better support direct on-line 原因在於,按財政年度計算,二○○八/○九
reservation of public venues, and the introduction of a wi-fi broadband Internet service at 比上年度多了兩日賽事,以及「騎師王」自二
selected locations to allow racegoers free Internet access for racing information through the ○○八年十一月起接受即場投注。此外,季初
Club’s website. Local marketing programmes were also stepped up to enrich the public’s 推出的「靈活玩」和位置賠率新計法,皆有助
racecourse experience and stabilise attendance. 重新激發市民對賽馬的興趣。

In addition, an outline Racecourse Master Plan is being drawn up to steer long-term development
of the two racecourses, the Club’s flagship business venues. Key customer-oriented segment Distribution of Betting and Lottery Amounts
strategies have also been formulated to integrate with the enhanced facilities and service Wagered by Customers, 2008/09 (%)
二○○八/○九年度投注額及獎券營業額分配 (%)
plans. Priority projects identified and commenced this season included air-conditioning
upgrades at both racecourses, renovation of the Stewards’ and Voting Members’ Boxes 4.9
at Grandstand I of Sha Tin Racecourse, and renovation of the Owners’ Boxes at Member 0.9
Stand I of Happy Valley Racecourse. Completion of these projects is expected by the start
of 2009/10 season.

Considerable resources have also been invested in the upgrade of the Off-Course Betting
Branches (OCBBs) with the vision of improving customers’ enjoyment of racing and football.
The modern design of the revamped OCBB display facilities has been welcomed by the Club’s 81.5
customers. Interactive betting services and access to racing and football information via
the Internet have been enhanced to offer customers state-of-the-art technology.
Furthermore, MangoDeluxe, a new direct input device, was launched in April 2009 to allow Dividends 彩金
account customers to access real-time betting information, transactional services and instant Betting duty and profits tax paid to
Hong Kong SAR Government
funds transfer. 向香港特別行政區政府繳交的博彩稅及利得稅
Lotteries Fund 獎券基金
Despite the lack of major football tournaments, football betting achieved a record high Available for charities 留供慈善用途
turnover this year, the sixth year of its operation. However, due to more favourable betting Club operations 馬會運作成本
results to the customers, football betting gross margin dropped by HK$202 million or 6.5%
over previous financial year. To raise customer interest and increase their football knowledge, a
series of marketing programmes was extended during the year. This included a media tour to 本會於年內不斷致力為賽馬產品注入新動力,
the major football clubs, weekly live broadcasts of featured matches in the OCBBs, increased 提高馬場的娛樂價值,以及提升顧客服務水
coverage of audio broadcasting of live matches and more featured theme websites for key 平。這些計劃包括:改良馬場統一預訂系統,
tournaments and matches, accompanied by expert local commentary. 以加強支援公眾設施網上直接預訂服務;在指
定地點提供 wi-fi 寬頻上網服務,讓入場人士隨
The Club continues to commit resources to explore new business opportunities overseas. 時登入馬會網站查閱賽馬資料。馬會亦加強了
Drawing on the Club’s success in establishing football betting in Hong Kong, the Club is 本地市場推廣計劃,為公眾人士帶來更優越的
providing consulting services to licensed operators and government agencies in the development 賽馬體驗,以及穩定入場觀眾人數。
of sports betting in Taiwan and the Mainland.
For the Beijing 2008 Olympic and Paralympic equestrian events, the Club spent a further HK$112 馬場,我們已制定長期發展總規劃大綱。我們
million during this financial year. Total spending on the project reached HK$1.1 billion. 並擬定了以主要顧客為本的客群分類策略,以
The Club pledged to donate HK$1 billion for the reconstruction of areas of Sichuan Province 定落實和開展的優先項目,包括改良兩個馬場
affected by the earthquake in May 2008. During the year, the Club has committed to four 的空調系統、翻新沙田馬場第一座看台的董事
suitable projects in the medical and education sectors costing a total of RMB401 million. 及遴選會員廂房、裝修跑馬地馬場會員看台第

The financial assets of the Club and the Trust are managed under a rigorous framework with 為了提高顧客的賽馬及足球娛樂享受,本會亦
oversight from the Finance and General Purposes Committee, which regularly reviews and 投放了大量資源,用以優化各場外投注處的設
approves all investment policies. These assets are managed by the Club’s Treasury Department 施。設計新穎的投注處顯示設備,深受本會顧
and external professional fund managers. The portfolios managed by the in-house Treasury 客歡迎。另一方面,本會亦加強了互動投注服
team are primarily for working capital and liquidity, and are predominantly invested in bank 務以及賽馬與足球的網上資訊發放,讓顧客充
deposits and debt securities. The portfolios managed by external fund managers are mainly 分感受先進科技所帶來的方便。除此之外,電
for long-term capital growth, and are invested in an array of asset classes across the globe 訊運財寶豪華版已於二○○九年四月推出,投
with the aim of achieving consistent returns with effective risk diversification. 注戶口持有人可利用這款嶄新的直接輸入器材
Despite a prudent approach being adopted, the Club and the Trust were not immune to the 提存轉賬。
financial tsunami in 2008, in common with all investors. As a result, excluding deficit from
the Contingency Fund investments as its surplus or deficit has always been absorbed in the 今年是馬會經辦足球博彩業務的第六年,年內
Fund itself for special purposes as approved by Stewards, a financial loss of about HK$1.1 雖然並無大型足球錦標賽事,但足球博彩投注
billion was realised by the Club’s investment portfolios. Given the longer-term approach 額仍達至新高紀錄。然而,由於顧客投注成績
adopted by the Club towards portfolio management, the current financial year’s loss has to 較佳,足球博彩毛利與上一財政年度比較,下
be put into the context of a wider perspective where the average annual financial investment 跌了二億零二百萬港元,跌幅為百分之六點
income of the prior three years was HK$1.2 billion. Prior to the current financial year, the Club 五。為增進顧客對足球的興趣和知識,馬會於
had not recorded a single year of financial loss in past decades despite facing the challenges 年內繼續推行一系列巿場推廣計劃,包括邀請
of the Asian financial crisis and the bursting of the technology bubble. In this respect, the 傳媒採訪各大球會、每週在各場外投注處即場
short-term loss underscores the magnitude and severity of the current financial crisis while 轉播精選球賽、增加電台即時廣播球賽的時
the longer-term results exemplify the importance of having a well-diversified investment 間,以及為主要錦標賽和球賽製作更多專題網
strategy to which the Club and the Trust are committed. Notwithstanding the past longer- 站,並配以本地專業評述員的評論。
term achievements of the investment portfolios, the Club and the Trust continue to enhance
their investment tools, resources and processes to ensure that the goals of the investment 本會繼續投放資源,藉以開拓更多商機。馬會
portfolios can best be met. 憑著在港創辦足球博彩服務的成功經驗,為台
The Group’s total revenue decreased to HK$21,933 million in this financial year from
HK$22,062 million in 2007/08. The decrease was mainly attributable to the lower margin rate in 馬會於本財政年度再斥資一億一千二百萬港元
football betting. 支持北京二○○八年奧運及殘疾人奧運馬術比

Group Revenue and Operating Costs (HK$M) 本會承諾捐出十億港元,協助四川二○○八年

集團收益及經營成本(百萬港元) 五月大地震的受災地區進行重建,年內已答允
7,000 24,000
22,062 21,933 零一百萬元人民幣。
20,367 20,851
6,000 20,071 21,000

5,000 18,000 度進行管理,且受財務及一般事務委員會監
4,000 4,506 15,000
4,319 的財務資產,則交由馬會的庫務部及獨立的專
3,000 12,000
04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 資組合以銀行存款及債券為主,這些資金主要
Group revenue 集團收益 Group operating costs 集團經營成本
* Figures of prior years restated to conform with current year’s presentation.

Through the Group’s rigorous effort in maintaining cost control over its business activities, total 馬會和信託基金雖奉行審慎理財策略,但亦與
operating costs increased by only HK$174 million or 3.1% over last year to HK$5,757 million. The 所有投資者一樣,難免遭受二○○八年金融海
increase was mainly due to initial funding to venture projects outside Hong Kong such as Beijing 嘯影響。因此,本會各項投資組合共錄得約
Clubhouse, Taiwan Sports Lottery and China Sports Lottery during the early years of operation. 十一億港元的財務虧損,當中並未包括備用基
As a result of the financial tsunami, excluding deficit from Contingency Fund investments, the 誌入此項由董事局批准作特別用途的基金內。
Group reported net financial deficit totalling HK$1,104 million in 2008/09, compared with 本會對投資組合管理採取比較長遠的策略,故
net financial surplus of HK$1,205 million last year. 本財政年度的虧損應以較長期的觀點看待。

Financial Review 財務概況

Tax Contribution (HK$M)
稅款(百萬港元) 十二億港元,而在本財政年度之前,本會過去
0 3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 數十年來從未錄得財務虧損,即使曾先後經歷
8,228 2,900 1,607 241 亞洲金融危機和科網股泡沫爆破亦然。從這個
08/09 6.8
07/08 8,178 3,102 1,596 239 機的規模及嚴重程度。另一方面,長期投資的
8,031 2,713 1,647 246
06/07 8.2 性,馬會和信託基金定會貫徹執行這項策略。
7,806 2,558 1,573 325
05/06 8.5 託基金均會繼續改善投資工具、資源和程序,
8,352 2,031 1,650 302 藉以確保投資組合的目標得以達成。
04/05 9.7
0 3 6 9 12 15
% 百分比 財務摘要
Horse Race betting duty 賽馬博彩稅 Football betting duty 足球博彩稅 集 團 總 收 益 由 二 ○ ○ 七 /○ 八 年 度 的 二 百 二
Lottery duty 獎券博彩稅 Profits tax 利得稅 十億六千二百萬港元,下跌至本財政年度的
% of Club’s tax contribution to total taxes collected by Inland Revenue Department 二百一十九億三千三百萬港元,主要是由於足

The Group remains Hong Kong’s single largest taxpayer, with total tax payments (comprising 由於集團在各項業務營運中厲行成本控制,本
betting duty, lottery duty and profits tax) of HK$12,976 million. This payment is equivalent to 年度的總經營成本為五十七億五千七百萬港
6.8% of the total taxes collected by the Inland Revenue Department. Due to the lower revenues, 元,較上年度僅高出一億七千四百萬港元,增
the Club’s total tax contribution over the past year was reduced by HK$139 million or 1.1%. 幅為百分之三點一,所增加的開支主要是用以
The Group’s net surplus excluding deficit from Contingency Fund investments and before 開業不久的北京會所、台灣運動彩券和中國體
appropriation for the year was HK$740 million, HK$2,498 million or 77.1% lower than 2007/08. 育彩票。
Despite this significant drop, the Group still appropriated HK$500 million of its net surplus
for charity purposes. Since this amount was well below the Trust’s annual average funding 上年度本集團的財務淨盈餘為十二億零五百萬
requirement of more than HK$1 billion for charitable and community projects, the Trust had 港元,二○○八/○九年度則因金融海嘯之故
to transfer another HK$500 million of its own funds to cover the shortfall. At the same time, 而錄得財務淨虧損合共十一億零四百萬港元,
the Trust increased its donations to a record HK$1,368 million in 2008/09, in order to provide 當中並未包括備用基金投資的虧損。
the much-needed support to the community in times of economic hardship.
Whilst all these proactive measures underscore the unique role of the Club and the Trust and 包 括 博 彩 稅、 獎 券 博 彩 稅 及 利 得 稅, 合 共
their total commitment to Hong Kong community, in the face of a severe economic downturn 一百二十九億七千六百萬港元,約佔稅務局總
and an extremely challenging operating environment, the sustainability of their contribution 稅收的百分之六點八,與上年度相比,本會所
is heavily dependent on the financial viability of their operations. 付稅款減少了一億三千九百萬港元,減幅為百
Catering revenue in the current financial year amounted to HK$484 million, same as the
previous year. In spite of the adverse market conditions in 2008/09 and severe competition in 集團本年度撥款予信託基金之前的淨盈餘為
The Jockey Club Membership Services Limited Development Fund (HK$M) 了二十四億九千八百萬港元,減幅為百分之
賽馬會會員事務有限公司發展基金金額(百萬港元) 七十七點一。雖則盈餘大幅下跌,集團仍撥出
08/09 954 信託基金捐助慈善公益計劃所需的每年平均逾
07/08 1,015
06/07 949 託基金亦將二○○八/○九年度的捐款總額增
05/06 849
04/05 771
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200

Financial Review 財務概況

the hospitality and services industry, The Jockey Club Membership Services Limited managed 這些主動提供援助的措施,彰顯馬會和信託基
to maintain the catering turnover by continuously strengthening its quality of service delivery, 金的獨特營運模式,以及其全力服務香港社會
improving product offerings, and upgrading its catering facilities. All these enhancements 的決心。不過,面對經濟大幅下滑和極為嚴峻
were aimed at offering the best experience for its Members. 的營運環境,馬會和信託基金必須維持財政穩
A number of facilities were added or upgraded to enhance customer satisfaction. Key strategic
initiatives included the renovation of Six Furlong and Food Plaza at Happy Valley Clubhouse, and 會員事務
the facelift of Double Haven at Sha Tin Clubhouse with enhanced AV equipment and chairs, 本財政年度的餐飲服務收益為四億八千四百萬
as well as the construction of a new gym and changing rooms. In addition, the Old Clubhouse 港元,與去年一樣。即使二○○八/○九年度
at Beas River Country Club was renovated last summer to create the nostalgic atmosphere of 巿場情況欠佳,而且款待服務業內競爭激烈,
an old European country house, and it has been well received by the Members. 賽馬會會員事務有限公司仍能維持餐飲服務營
The Jockey Club Membership Services Limited Development Fund, dedicated to improving 品水平和優化餐飲設施,藉以為會員帶來最佳
membership facilities and services, stood at HK$954 million, with no appropriation made 享受。
this year.


Group Accounts & Statistics

Trust Accounts


董事局現謹提呈截至二○○九年六月三十日止年度香 The Stewards have pleasure in submitting their annual report and the audited consolidated
港 賽 馬 會(「馬 會」)及 轄 下 各 附 屬 公 司(統 稱「集 financial statements of The Hong Kong Jockey Club (“the Club”) and its subsidiaries (collectively
團」)的年報及已審核綜合財務報表。 the “Group”) for the year ended 30 June 2009.

主要活動 Principal activities

在過去一年集團的主要業務為經營管理香港的賽馬活 During the year, the Group was primarily engaged in the conduct and control of horse racing
動,以及經辦受規管的賽馬、足球及獎券博彩。各附 in Hong Kong and in operating authorised wagering activities on horse racing, football and
屬公司的主要活動見第一百六十九頁至一百七十頁。 lottery. The principal activities of its subsidiaries are shown on pages 169 to 170.

財務報表 Financial statements

集團本年度業績與撥款詳情見於第一百三十三頁的收 The results and appropriations of the Group for the year are set out in the Group income and
支表。在年報及已審核綜合財務報表內的一切金額數 expenditure account on page 133. All figures in the annual report and the audited consolidated
字,除非另有說明,否則均以百萬港元表值。 financial statements are expressed in millions of Hong Kong dollars unless otherwise stated.

儲備 Reserves
集團及馬會本年度的儲備變動情況見綜合財務報表附 Movements in the reserves of the Group and the Club during the year are set out in notes 24 to
註24至26。 26 to the consolidated financial statements.

捐款 Donations
年內集團撥款五億港元予香港賽馬會慈善信託基金, During the year, the Group appropriated HK$500 million to The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities
並捐款五千萬港元作其他慈善用途。 Trust and donated HK$50 million for other charitable purposes.

物業、設備及器材 Property, plant and equipment

集團及馬會的物業、設備及器材變動情況詳見綜合財 Details of the movements in property, plant and equipment of the Group and the Club are
務報表附註12。 shown in note 12 to the consolidated financial statements.

董事局 Stewards
本會董事局成員名單,詳列於本年報第四頁。 The Board of Stewards is listed on page 4 of this annual report.
二○○八年會員週年大會結束後,陳祖澤先生隨 Mr John C C Chan and Mr T Brian Stevenson were elected Chairman and Deputy Chairman
即 獲 選 為 董 事 局 主 席, 而 施 文 信 先 生 則 獲 選 為 副 respectively immediately after the 2008 Annual General Meeting.
主席。 Dr Rita Fan Hsu Lai Tai was elected as a Steward at the 2008 Annual General Meeting for a
范徐麗泰博士在二○○八年會員週年大會上獲選 two-year term to replace Mr Robert C Kwok who retired as a Steward at the conclusion of the
為董事,任期兩年,以補替於二○○八年會員週年大 2008 Annual General Meeting.
會結束後引退的郭勤功先生。 In accordance with the Club’s Articles of Association, Mr Anthony W K Chow, Mr Christopher
根據馬會會章,周永健先生、鄭維志先生、利子 Cheng Wai Chee, Mr Michael T H Lee and Mr Iain F Bruce will retire by rotation at the
厚先生及布魯士先生均會於即將舉行的會員週年大會 forthcoming Annual General Meeting. All four Stewards retiring by rotation, being eligible, will
上輪替引退。四位引退的董事均符合資格且願意競選 offer themselves for re-election.
連任。 Stewards act in an entirely honorary capacity and have received no emoluments in the year
各董事均義務任職,於年內並無領取酬金。他們 under review. No Steward had, during or at the end of the year, any material interest in any
於年內或年結時均無在馬會或其任何附屬公司業務上 contract of significance to the business of the Club or any of its subsidiaries.

管理合約 Management contracts

在本年度內,馬會並無為整體業務或其中任何重要部 No contracts concerning the management and administration of the whole or any substantial
分的行政管理事宜簽訂任何合約,亦無任何有關的現 part of the business of the Club were entered into or existed during the year.

核數師 Auditors
有關綜合財務報表已經由羅兵咸永道會計師事務所 The consolidated financial statements have been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers who retire
審核,該核數師亦按章引退,但符合資格且願意續受 and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-appointment.

本報告乃根據董事局的決議案制定並由本人代表董事 This report is prepared in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Stewards and is signed
局簽發。 for and on behalf of the Board.

主席 John C C Chan
陳祖澤 Chairman
二○○九年七月二十三日 23 July 2009


致香港賽馬會會員 To the Members of The Hong Kong Jockey Club

(於香港註冊成立的保證有限公司) (incorporated in Hong Kong with liability limited by guarantee)

本 核 數 師(以 下 簡 稱「我 們」)已 審 核 列 載 於 第 We have audited the consolidated financial statements of The Hong Kong Jockey Club (the
一百三十三頁至一百七十頁香港賽馬會(「馬會」)及 “Club”) and its subsidiaries (together, the “Group”) set out on pages 133 to 170, which comprise
轄下各附屬公司(統稱「集團」)的綜合財務報表。此 the Group and the Club’s balance sheets as at 30 June 2009, and the Group income and
等綜合財務報表包括集團及馬會於二○○九年六月 expenditure account, the Group statement of changes in equity and the Group cash flow
三十日的資產負債表,以及截至該日止年度的集團收 statement for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other
支表、集團權益變動表及集團現金流量表,以及主要 explanatory notes.

董事就財務報表所須承擔的責任 Stewards’ responsibility for the financial statements

馬會董事局須負責根據香港會計師公會頒佈的香港財 The Stewards of the Club are responsible for the preparation and the true and fair presentation
務報告準則及香港《公司條例》編製及真實而公平地 of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting
列報此等綜合財務報表。這項責任包括設計、實施及 Standards issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and the Hong Kong
維護與編製及真實而公平地列報財務報表有關的內部 Companies Ordinance. This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining
控制,使財務報表不存在由於欺詐或錯誤而導致的重 internal control relevant to the preparation and the true and fair presentation of financial
大錯誤陳述;選擇和應用適當的會計政策;以及按情 statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting
況作出合理的會計估計。 and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are
reasonable in the circumstances.

核數師的責任 Auditor’s responsibility

我們的責任是根據我們的審核對此等綜合財務報表作 Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on
出意見,並按照香港《公司條例》第141條僅向香港 our audit and to report our opinion solely to you, as a body, in accordance with section 141 of
賽馬會全體會員報告,除此之外本報告別無其他目 the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance and for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility
的。我們不會就本報告的內容向任何其他人士負上或 towards or accept liability to any other person for the contents of this report.
承擔任何責任。 We conducted our audit in accordance with Hong Kong Standards on Auditing issued by the
我們已根據香港會計師公會頒佈的香港審計準則 Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Those standards require that we comply
進行審核。這些準則要求我們遵守道德規範,並規劃 with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance as to
及執行審核,以合理確定此等財務報表是否不存有任 whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
何重大錯誤陳述。 An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and
審核涉及執行程序以獲取有關財務報表所載金額 disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s
及披露資料的審核憑證。所選定的程序取決於核數師 judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial
的判斷,包括評估由於欺詐或錯誤而導致財務報表存 statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers
有重大錯誤陳述的風險。在評估此等風險時,核數師 internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and true and fair presentation of the
考慮與集團編製及真實而公平地列報財務報表有關的 financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances,
內部控制,以設計適當的審核程序,但並非為對集團 but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal
的內部控制的效能發表意見。審核亦包括評價董事局 control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and
所採用的會計政策的合適性及所作會計估計的合理 the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the Stewards, as well as evaluating the
性,以及評價財務報表的整體列報方式。 overall presentation of the financial statements.
我們相信,我們所獲得的審核憑證充足和適當地 We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide
為我們的審核意見提供了基礎。 a basis for our audit opinion.

意見 Opinion
我們認為,此等綜合財務報表已根據香港財務報告準 In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of
則真實而公平地反映集團及馬會於二○○九年六月 affairs of the Group and of the Club as at 30 June 2009 and of the Group’s deficit and cash flows
三十日的業務狀況及集團截至該日止年度的虧損及現 for the year then ended in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards and have
金流量,並已按照香港《公司條例》妥為編製。 been properly prepared in accordance with the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance.

羅兵咸永道會計師事務所 PricewaterhouseCoopers
執業會計師 Certified Public Accountant
香港,二○○九年七月二十三日 Hong Kong, 23 July 2009


截至六月三十日止年度 for the year ended 30 June

百萬港元 in HK$ million 附註 Note 2009 2008

(附註 note 1) (附註 note 1)

投注總額 Amounts wagered 2.2 109,190 107,615

博彩及獎券收益 Betting and lottery revenue 4 20,144 20,453

博彩稅及獎券博彩稅 Betting and lottery duty (12,735) (12,876)
付款予外地賽馬機構 Payment to racing jurisdiction outside Hong Kong (31) (28)
獎券基金 Lotteries Fund (964) (957)

佣金及毛利 Commission and gross margin 5 6,414 6,592

其他收益 Other revenue 6 1,789 1,609
銷售成本 Cost of sales (338) (346)

經營收入 Operating income 7,865 7,855

經營成本 Operating costs 7 (5,757) (5,583)

經營盈餘 Operating surplus 2,108 2,272

存款利息收入 Interest income from deposits 75 168

證券投資及長期投資組合的(虧損)/盈餘 (Deficit)/surplus from securities investments and
long-term investment portfolios 8 (1,151) 1,054
/盈餘 (Deficit)/surplus from Contingency Fund investments 9 (1,157) 1,648
財務費用 Finance costs (28) (17)

財務(虧損)/盈餘 Financial (deficit)/surplus (2,261) 2,853

所佔聯營公司虧損 Share of loss of an associate 16 (23) –

扣除稅項、撥捐慈善信託基金慈善捐款、 (Deficit)/surplus before taxation, charitable donations to Charities

轉撥予備用基金及發展基金前的(虧損)/盈餘 Trust, transfer to Contingency Fund and Development Fund (176) 5,125

撥款予香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 Appropriation to The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

– 撥款基金 – Allocations Fund (500) (880)
– 資本基金 – Capital Fund – (900)

除稅前(虧損)/盈餘 (Deficit)/surplus before taxation (676) 3,345

稅項 Taxation 10 (241) (239)

撥款及除稅後的淨額(虧損)/盈餘 Net (deficit)/surplus after appropriation and taxation (917) 3,106

轉撥予備用基金 Transfer to Contingency Fund 25 1,157 (1,648)

轉撥予發展基金 Transfer to Development Fund 26 – (66)

保留盈餘撥入累積儲備 Retained surplus transferred to Accumulated Reserve 24 240 1,392


六月三十日 at 30 June 集團 Group 馬會 Club

百萬港元 in HK$ million 附註 Note 2009 2008 2009 2008

非流動資產 Non-current assets

物業、設備及器材 Property, plant and equipment 12 3,878 3,671 3,108 3,006
租賃土地預付款項 Leasehold land prepayments 13 602 618 582 598
投資物業 Investment properties 14 5 3 5 3
附屬公司投資 Investments in subsidiaries 15 – – 1,134 634
聯營公司投資 Investment in an associate 16 7 – – –
備用基金投資 Contingency Fund investments 25 9,403 11,322 9,403 11,322
長期投資組合 Long-term investment portfolios 17 9,797 11,622 8,013 10,607
長期預付款項 Long-term prepayments 446 257 – –
其他資產 Other assets 18 330 351 330 351

24,468 27,844 22,575 26,521

流動資產 Current assets

債務證券組合 Debt securities portfolio 19 1,592 2,257 1,592 2,036
向附屬公司所作的貸款 Loans to subsidiaries 15 – – 465 194
其他流動資產 Other current assets 20 639 531 388 451
應收自附屬公司的款項 Amounts due from subsidiaries 15 – – 149 86
短期存款 Short-term deposits 21 3,755 3,421 3,193 2,950
銀行存款及現金 Bank balances and cash 1,099 1,752 256 208

7,085 7,961 6,043 5,925

流動負債 Current liabilities

短期貸款 Short-term loans 22 (483) (424) – –
應付賬款及預收款項 Creditors and receipts in advance (3,189) (4,515) (2,113) (3,038)
應付予附屬公司的款項 Amounts due to subsidiaries 15 – – (3,024) (2,846)
應付稅項 Taxation payable (276) (244) (84) (38)

(3,948) (5,183) (5,221) (5,922)

流動資產淨額 Net current assets 3,137 2,778 822 3

非流動負債 Non-current liabilities

遞延稅項負債 Deferred tax liabilities 23 (16) (40) (22) (46)

27,589 30,582 23,375 26,478

儲備 Reserves 24 17,232 18,245 13,972 15,156

備用基金 Contingency Fund 25 9,403 11,322 9,403 11,322
發展基金 Development Fund 26 954 1,015 – –

權益總值 Total equity 27,589 30,582 23,375 26,478

董事 John C C Chan
陳祖澤 T Brian Stevenson
施文信 Stewards


截至六月三十日止年度 for the year ended 30 June

百萬港元 in HK$ million 附註 Note 2009 2008

截至七月一日止的權益總值 Total equity at 1 July 30,582 30,529

備用基金投資的重估減值 Deficit on revaluation of
Contingency Fund investments 25 (918) (1,097)
債務證券及長期投資組合的重估減值 Deficit on revaluation of debt securities
and long-term investment portfolios 24 (1,104) (469)
發展基金長期投資組合的重估減值 Deficit on revaluation of Development Fund
long-term investment portfolios 26 (61) –
貨幣兌換差額 Currency translation differences 24 (2) 14

未在收支表中確認的淨虧損 Net losses not recognised

in the income and expenditure account (2,085) (1,552)
撥款及除稅後的淨額(虧損)/盈餘 Net (deficit)/surplus after appropriation and taxation (917) 3,106
備用基金投資的重估虧損 /
(盈餘)變現 Realisation of Contingency Fund
investments revaluation reserve 25 156 (865)
投資的重估盈餘變現 Realisation of investment revaluation reserve 24 (147) (636)

截至六月三十日止的權益總值 Total equity at 30 June 27,589 30,582


截至六月三十日止年度 for the year ended 30 June

百萬港元 in HK$ million 附註 Note 2009 2008

營業活動 Operating activities

營業活動所產生的現金流入 Cash inflow generated from operations 28 692 2,502
已支付利息 Interest paid (32) (17)
已支付香港利得稅 Hong Kong profits tax paid (233) (287)

營業活動的淨現金流入 Net cash inflow from operating activities 427 2,198

投資活動 Investing activities

購置物業、設備及器材 Purchase of property, plant and equipment (929) (900)
出售物業、設備及器材 Sale of property, plant and equipment 2 2
已收取利息 Interest received 352 499
已收取股息 Dividends received 212 223
對聯營公司所作注資 Capital injection to an associate (30) –
購買可供出售財務資產 Purchase of available-for-sale financial assets (46,101) (44,187)
出售可供出售財務資產 Sale of available-for-sale financial assets 45,382 43,078
購買按公平價值透過收支列賬的財務資產 Purchase of financial assets at fair value
through income or expenditure (150) (406)
出售按公平價值透過收支列賬的財務資產 Sale of financial assets at fair value
through income or expenditure 306 442
對衍生金融工具所收款項 Receipt for derivative financial instruments 19 65
長期投資組合的存款(增加)/減少 (Increase)/decrease in deposits held
in long-term investment portfolios (224) 159

投資活動的淨現金流出 Net cash outflow from investing activities (1,161) (1,025)

融資活動 Financing activities

借貸所得現金 Cash received from borrowings 59 311

融資活動的淨現金流入 Net cash inflow from financing activities 59 311

現金及現金等價物淨(減少)/增加 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (675) 1,484

年初現金及現金等價物 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 5,618 4,221
兌換虧損 Exchange losses (89) (87)

年底現金及現金等價物 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 4,854 5,618

現金及現金等價物結存分析 Analysis of the balances of cash and cash equivalents

短期債務證券 Short-term debt securities – 445
短期存款 Short-term deposits 3,755 3,421
銀行存款及現金 Bank balances and cash 1,099 1,752

4,854 5,618


1 一般資料 1 General information

集團的主要業務為經營管理香港的賽馬活動,以及經 The Group is primarily engaged in the conduct and control of horse racing in Hong Kong and
辦受規管的賽馬、足球及獎券博彩。馬會是一家在香 in operating authorised wagering activities on horse racing, football and lottery. The Club is
港註冊成立的保證有限公司,註冊地址為香港跑馬地 incorporated in Hong Kong with liability limited by guarantee. The address of its registered
體 育 道 一 號, 轄 下 各 附 屬 公 司 的 主 要 活 動 詳 見 第 office is 1 Sports Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong. Details of the principal activities of its
一百六十九頁至一百七十頁。 subsidiaries are mentioned on pages 169 to 170.
由於二○○七/○八年度馬季最後兩次賽事於二 The last two race meetings of the 2007/08 racing season were held on 1 July 2008 and 3 July
○○八年七月一日及七月三日舉行,而二○○八/○ 2008 and the last race meeting of the 2008/09 racing season was held on 1 July 2009. Accordingly,
九年度馬季最後一次賽事則於二○○九年七月一日舉 the financial results of 1 July 2008 and 3 July 2008 have been included in the consolidated
行,因此二○○八年七月一日及七月三日該兩次賽事 financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2009 and the financial results of 1 July 2009 will
的財務業績,已納入截至二○○九年六月三十日止年 be shown in the consolidated financial statements for the year ending 30 June 2010. The
度的綜合財務報表內,而二○○九年七月一日該次賽 consolidated financial results of the 2007/08 and 2008/09 full racing seasons covering 78 race
事的財務業績,則將會納入截至二○一○年六月三十 meetings are shown on page 171.
日止年度的綜合財務報表內。二○○七/○八年度馬 The consolidated financial statements are presented in millions of Hong Kong dollars (HK$
季及二○○八/○九年度馬季全季七十八次賽事的綜 million).
合財務業績,見第一百七十一頁。 The consolidated financial statements on pages 133 to 170 were approved by the Stewards
綜合財務報表以百萬港元為單位列賬。 on 23 July 2009.
刊 載 於 第 一 百 三 十 三 頁 至 一 百 七 十 頁 的綜 合 財

2 主要會計政策 2 Principal accounting policies

下列是用以編製綜合財務報表的主要會計政策。除 The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these consolidated financial
另有註明外,這些會計政策均一概用於列示的所有 statements are set out below. These policies have been consistently applied to all the years
年度。 presented, unless otherwise stated.

2.1 編製原則 2.1 Basis of preparation

綜合財務報表根據香港會計師公會頒佈的香港財務報 The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Hong Kong
告準則編製,有關準則包括香港財務報告準則及香港 Financial Reporting Standards (“HKFRS”), which include all applicable individual HKFRS, Hong
會計準則中所有適用的個別準則及詮釋。 Kong Accounting Standards (“HKAS”) and interpretations issued by the Hong Kong Institute of
綜合財務報表採用原值成本慣例,並對可供出售 Certified Public Accountants.
財務資產、按公平價值透過收支列賬的財務資產及財 The consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention,
務負債,以及衍生金融工具的重估作出修訂。該等項 as modified by the revaluation of available-for-sale financial assets, financial assets and financial
目均以公平價值列賬。 liabilities at fair value through income or expenditure, and derivative financial instruments which
按香港財務報告準則編製綜合財務報表時,需要 are carried at fair value.
作出若干重要的會計估算,亦需要管理層在應用集團 The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with HKFRS requires
會計政策的過程中運用其判斷力。有關涉及較多判斷 the use of certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires management to exercise its
或較為複雜的範疇,又或在綜合財務報表中需作重大 judgement in the process of applying the Group’s accounting policies. The areas involving a
假設及估計的範疇,已於附註3內披露。 higher degree of judgement or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates are
significant to the consolidated financial statements are disclosed in note 3.

2 主要會計政策(續) 2 Principal accounting policies (cont.)
2.1 編製原則(續) 2.1 Basis of preparation (cont.)
(a) 與集團業務有關而且於本會計年度生效的修訂和 (a) Amendment and interpretation that are relevant to the Group’s operations and are
詮釋 effective for the current accounting period
香港會計準則第39號「金融工具:確認及計算」,對 HKAS 39, ‘Financial instruments: Recognition and measurement’, amendment on reclassification
財務資產重新分類的修訂容許若干財務資產如符合 of financial assets permits reclassification of certain financial assets out of the held-for-trading
所註明的條件,即可在持有作買賣用途及可供出售類 and available-for-sale categories if specified conditions are met. The related amendment to
別中作重新分類。香港財務報告準則第7號「金融工 HKFRS 7, ‘Financial instruments: Disclosures’, introduces disclosure requirements with respect to
具:披露」的相關修訂引入有關在持有作買賣及可供 financial assets reclassified out of the held-for-trading and available-for-sale categories. This
出售類別中對財務資產作重新分類的披露規定。此項 amendment is effective prospectively from 1 July 2008. The Group has adopted this amendment
修訂自二○○八年七月一日起生效。集團已採納此項 but there is no impact on the consolidated financial statements as the Group has not changed
修訂,但由於集團無意對現時所持有的財務資產作 its intention on its holding of financial assets.

香港(國際財務報告詮釋委員會)— 詮釋第14號, HK(IFRIC) – Int 14, ‘HKAS 19 – The limit on a defined benefit asset, minimum funding
「香港會計準則第19號— 界定福利資產的限額、最低 requirements and their interaction’, provides guidance on assessing the limit in HKAS 19 on the
資金要求及兩者的相互關係」,對香港會計準則第19 amount of the surplus of a defined benefits pension scheme that can be recognised as an asset.
號有關評估可確認為界定福利資產的盈餘限額提供指 It also explains how the pension asset or liability may be affected by a statutory or contractual
引。此項詮釋亦解釋了退休金資產或負債如何可能受 minimum funding requirement. This interpretation does not have any impact on the consolidated
法定或合約的最低資金要求所影響。這項詮釋對綜合 financial statements.

(b) 與集團業務有關但未生效的經修訂準則、修訂和 (b) Revised standards, amendments and interpretation that are relevant to the Group’s
詮釋 operations but are not yet effective
以下是已公佈但集團並未提早採納,並須於二○○九 The following revised standards, amendments and interpretation have been published and are
年一月一日或之後開始的會計年度強制採納的經修訂 mandatory for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009, but have not been
準則、修訂和詮釋: early adopted by the Group:

香港會計準則(修訂) 香港財務報告準則的改善 HKASs (Amendments) Improvements to HKFRSs

香港會計準則 財務報表的呈報 HKAS 1 (Revised) Presentation of Financial Statements

HKAS 27 (Revised) Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements
香港會計準則 綜合及獨立財務報表
HKFRS 1 (Amendment) First time adoption of HKFRS and Consolidated and Separate
and HKAS 27 Financial Statements – Cost of an Investment in a Subsidiary,
香港財務報告準則 首次採納香港財務報告 Jointly controlled entity or Associate
第1號(修訂)及香港 準則以及綜合及獨立
HKFRS 3 (Revised) Business Combinations
會計準則第27號 財務報表 — 附屬公司、
共同控制實體及 HK(IFRIC) – Int 16 Hedges of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation
The adoption of the above revised standards, amendments and interpretation will not have
香港財務報告準則 企業合併 material financial impact to the Group other than the disclosure impact on the consolidated
第3號(經修訂) financial statements.

香港(國際財務報告 對冲海外業務淨投資


Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

2 主要會計政策(續) 2 Principal accounting policies (cont.)

2.2 顧客投注總額與博彩及獎券收益的對賬 2.2 Reconciliation of the amounts wagered by customers to betting and lottery revenue
集團將一切由博彩及獎券活動產生的淨收益及虧損, The Group reports net gains and losses arising from all betting and lottery activities as revenue,
均列作收益,此金額相當於以投注總額減去派彩及回 which is the amounts wagered net of betting dividends, rebates and lottery prizes.
扣和獎券獎金後所餘的差額。以下是顧客投注總額與 A reconciliation of the amounts wagered by customers to betting and lottery revenue is
博彩及獎券收益的對賬。 shown below.
賽馬博彩 足球博彩
截至六月三十日止年度 for the year ended 30 June Horse race Football 獎券 總額
百萬港元 in HK$ million betting betting Lottery Total

顧客投注總額 Amounts wagered by customers 67,653 35,108 6,429 109,190

博彩彩金、回扣及獎券獎金 Betting dividends, rebates and lottery prizes (56,266) (29,308) (3,472) (89,046)

博彩及獎券收益 Betting and lottery revenue 11,387 5,800 2,957 20,144

賽馬博彩 足球博彩
截至六月三十日止年度 for the year ended 30 June Horse race Football 獎券 總額
百萬港元 in HK$ million betting betting Lottery Total

顧客投注總額 Amounts wagered by customers 66,791 34,442 6,382 107,615

博彩彩金、回扣及獎券獎金 Betting dividends, rebates and lottery prizes (55,478) (28,238) (3,446) (87,162)

博彩及獎券收益 Betting and lottery revenue 11,313 6,204 2,936 20,453

集團收支表顯示顧客投注總額,但此項資料僅供參 The Group income and expenditure account presents the amounts wagered by customers but
考。投注總額是指年內從顧客博彩及獎券投注活動所 this is for information purpose only. Amounts wagered represent amounts received in respect
收到的款額。 of bets placed by customers on betting and lottery activities during the year.

2.3 綜合賬項 2.3 Consolidation

綜合財務報表包括截至二○○九年六月三十日止年度 The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements, made up to 30 June
馬會及其直接和間接附屬公司的財務報表。 2009, of the Club and its direct and indirect subsidiaries.

(a) 附屬公司 (a) Subsidiaries

附屬公司是指集團有權決定其財務及經營政策的公 Subsidiaries are those entities over which the Group has the power to govern the financial
司。在評定集團是否控制另一家公司時,目前可行使 and operating policies. The existence and effect of potential voting rights that are currently
或可兌換的潛在投票權的存在及影響均予考慮。 exercisable or convertible are considered when assessing whether the Group controls
集團內公司之間的交易及結餘予以對銷。附屬公 another entity.
司的會計政策已按需要作出改變,以確保與集團所 Inter-company transactions and balances between Group companies are eliminated.
採用的政策貫徹一致。在馬會的資產負債表內,對附 Accounting policies of subsidiaries have been changed where necessary to ensure consistency
屬公司的投資按成本值扣除減值的虧損準備列賬。 with the policies adopted by the Group. In the Club’s balance sheet, the investments in
馬會根據已收及應收的股息為基準,計算附屬公司的 subsidiaries are stated at cost less provision for impairment losses. The results of subsidiaries are
業績。 accounted for by the Club on the basis of dividends received and receivable.

2 主要會計政策(續) 2 Principal accounting policies (cont.)
2.3 綜合賬項(續) 2.3 Consolidation (cont.)
(b) 聯營公司 (b) Associate
聯營公司是集團對其有重大影響力而無控制權的 Associate is an entity over which the Group has significant influence but not control.
公司。 Investment in an associate is accounted for using the equity method of accounting and is
在聯營公司的投資以權益會計法入賬,首先以成 initially recognised at cost. The Group’s share of the associate’s post-acquisition results is
本確認。集團所佔收購後聯營公司的業績在集團收支 recognised in the Group income and expenditure account, and its share of post-acquisition
表列賬,而集團所佔收購後聯營公司的儲備變動則在 movements in reserves is recognised in reserves. In the Group balance sheet, the investment in
儲備內確認。在集團資產負債表中,在聯營公司的投 an associate comprises the Group’s share of net assets and its net advances made to the associate,
資包括集團所佔的資產淨額及給予聯營公司的淨墊 plus goodwill identified on acquisition and net of accumulated impairment losses, if any. When
款,加上收購時所確認的商譽,減去累積減值淨虧損 the Group’s share of losses in the associate equals or exceeds its interest in the associate, including
(如有)。當集團所佔聯營公司的虧損,等於或超過其 any other unsecured receivables, the Group does not recognise further losses, unless it has
所佔聯營公司的權益,包括任何其他無抵押應收款 incurred obligations or made payments on behalf of the associate.

2.4 備用基金 2.4 Contingency Fund

馬會的備用基金,是準備在投注業務一旦暫無收入時 The Club’s Contingency Fund is held to provide a source of funds in the event that income from
提供資金,資助馬會或香港社會的主要建設項目;進 betting operations should cease temporarily; to finance major capital projects, either for the
行主要維修工程,以改善馬會在物業、設備及器材方 Club or for the Hong Kong community; to finance major renovations to improve the Club’s
面的龐大投資項目;或作董事局認為合適的其他特別 substantial investment in property, plant and equipment; or for any other special purposes as
用途。備用基金代表備用基金投資的市場價值,每年 deemed appropriate by the Stewards. The Contingency Fund represents the market value of
按照投資收入、實現的盈餘或虧損、投資價值重估及 the Contingency Fund investments and this is adjusted annually through the receipt of
如有需要時所撥入的額外資金而調整。 investment income, realised surplus or deficit, revaluation of investments and, when necessary,
備用基金投資乃持作非買賣用途,並於結算日按 the transfer of additional funds.
照公平價值列賬。備用基金投資所得的盈餘將再作 The Contingency Fund investments are held for non-trading purpose and are stated at fair
投資,並連同投資的虧損誌入該備用基金投資組合。 value at the balance sheet date. The surplus derived from Contingency Fund investments is
有關備用基金投資財務資產的會計政策載於以下附 reinvested and deficit absorbed in the Contingency Fund portfolio. The accounting policy for
註2.7。 the financial assets of the Contingency Fund investments is stated in note 2.7 below.

2.5 長期投資組合 2.5 Long-term investment portfolios

設立長期投資組合的主要目的,是要將日常運作所需 The primary purpose of the long-term investment portfolios is to invest surplus funds in excess
資金以外的剩餘資金用以再作投資,從而獲取中長期 of normal operational requirements for capital appreciation over the medium to long-term.
資本增值。 These portfolios are held for non-trading purpose and are stated at fair value at the balance
這些投資組合僅持作非買賣用途,並於結算日按 sheet date. The surplus derived from these investments is reinvested and deficit absorbed within
照公平價值列賬。這些投資所得的盈餘會用以再作投 these portfolios. The accounting policy for the financial assets of the long-term investment
資,並連同投資的虧損誌入長期投資組合賬內。有關 portfolios is stated in note 2.7 below.

2.6 債務證券組合 2.6 Debt securities portfolio

持有債務證券的主要目的,在於將剩餘資金再作投 The primary purpose of debt securities is to invest surplus funds for cash management and yield
資,以加強現金管理及獲取更高回報。債務證券乃持 enhancement. They are held for non-trading purpose and are stated at fair value at the balance
作非買賣用途,並於結算日按照公平價值列賬。有關 sheet date. The accounting policy for the financial assets of debt securities portfolio is stated in
債務證券組合財務資產的會計政策載於以下附註2.7。 note 2.7 below.

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

2 主要會計政策(續) 2 Principal accounting policies (cont.)

2.7 財務資產 2.7 Financial assets
集團將其財務資產分為以下類別:可供出售財務資 The Group classifies its financial assets in the following categories: available-for-sale financial
產、衍生金融工具、按公平價值透過收支列賬的財務 assets, derivative financial instruments, financial assets at fair value through income or
資產、貸款及應收款項,以及現金及現金等價物。分 expenditure, loans and receivables, and cash and cash equivalents. The classification depends
類視乎集團取得有關財務資產的目的而定,管理層會 on the purpose for which the financial assets were acquired. Management determines the
於初步確認財務資產時釐定其所屬類別,再於每個呈 classification of the financial assets at initial recognition and re-evaluates this designation at
報日重新評估其所屬類別。備用基金投資、長期投資 every reporting date. The Contingency Fund investments, long-term investment portfolios, and
組合及債務證券組合,均可包括這些財務資產。購入 debt securities portfolio may contain these financial assets. Purchases and sales of financial assets
及出售的財務資產,均於交易日亦即集團承諾買賣資 are recognised on trade day – the date on which the Group commits to purchase or sell the
產當日確認。當從投資收取現金流的權利已終止或被 assets. Financial assets are derecognised when the rights to receive cash flows from the
轉讓,而集團實質上已轉讓有關投資的一切風險及回 investments have expired or have been transferred and the Group has transferred substantially
報擁有權時,集團會取消確認財務資產。 all risks and rewards of ownership.

(a) 可供出售財務資產 (a) Available-for-sale financial assets

可供出售財務資產是非衍生工具,只列入這類別或不 Available-for-sale financial assets are non-derivatives that are either designated in this category
列入任何其他類別,除非管理層擬於結算日起計十二 or not classified in any of the other categories. They are included in non-current assets unless
個月內出售有關資產,否則會列作非流動資產。可供 management intends to dispose of the investment within 12 months of the balance sheet date.
出售財務資產包括本地及海外上市或非上市股票、債 They comprise local and overseas listed or unlisted equities; debt securities; and/or alternative
務證券及/或另類投資。股票及債務證券初時以公平 investments. The equities and debt securities are initially measured at fair value plus direct and
價值另加直接及新增交易成本估值,隨後再以公平價 incremental transaction costs and are subsequently remeasured at fair value. Changes in fair
值重新估值。有關資產的公平價值變動,將列示於投 value are recognised in investment revaluation reserve until the assets are sold. On the sale of
資重估儲備賬內,直至有關資產已出售為止。於出售 these assets, the differences between the net sale proceeds and the carrying value and
有關資產時,所得的淨收入與賬面價值兩者的差額, the cumulative gains or losses previously recognised in investment revaluation reserve are
以及先前在投資重估儲備中確認的累積收益或虧損, recognised through the income and expenditure account within the “Deficit/surplus from
即誌入該期收支表內「證券投資及長期投資組合的虧 securities investments and long-term investment portfolios” or “Deficit/surplus from Contingency
損/盈餘」或「備用基金投資的虧損/盈餘」項下。 Fund investments”.
若另類投資的公平價值可以可靠地計算出來,其 The alternative investments follow the same accounting treatment as the equities and debt
會計方法與股票及債務證券所採用的相同。若另類投 securities where their fair values can be reliably measured. When the alternative investments
資並無在交投活躍的市場上報價,以致其公平價值無 do not have quoted market prices in an active market and their fair values cannot be reliably
法可靠地計算出來,則有關投資將以成本計算,而出 measured, they will be measured at cost and upon disposal, their gains and losses will be
售後所得的收益及虧損,將會在集團收支表中確認。 recognised through the Group income and expenditure account.

(b) 衍生金融工具 (b) Derivative financial instruments

集團採用衍生工具如利率掉期或遠期外匯合約,作財 The Group uses derivatives such as interest rate swaps or forward foreign exchange contracts
務風險管理及推行投資策略。根據香港會計準則第 to manage its financial risks and to facilitate the implementation of its investment strategies.
39號規定不符合對沖會計準則的衍生工具,初時以 Derivatives that do not qualify for hedge accounting under HKAS 39 are initially recognised at
衍生工具訂立合約當日的公平價值列賬,隨後再以其 fair value on the date on which the derivative contracts are entered into and subsequently
公平價值重新估值。衍生工具的公平價值變動,在集 remeasured at their fair value. Changes in fair value of the derivatives are recognised in the
團收支表內報賬。若衍生工具的公平價值為正數,在 Group income and expenditure account. Derivatives are carried in the balance sheet as financial
資產負債表中列入財務資產項下,但若其公平價值為 assets when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative.

(c) 按公平價值透過收支列賬的財務資產 (c) Financial assets at fair value through income or expenditure
這類別包括附有衍生工具的票據及若干證券投資。附 This category consists of notes with embedded derivatives and certain investments in securities.
有衍生工具資產的經濟特點和風險,與相關資產並無 The economic characteristics and risks of the embedded derivatives are not closely linked to the
密切聯繫。集團最初以公平價值將這些資產列賬,其 underlying assets. The Group designates these assets at fair value at inception. Changes in the
公平價值變動,即誌入該期集團收支表內。於出售或 fair value of these assets are included in the Group income and expenditure account in the
購回有關資產時,所得的淨出售收入或淨付款項與賬 period in which they arise. Upon disposal or repurchase, the difference between the net sale
面價值兩者的差額,則誌入集團收支表內。 proceeds or the net payment and the carrying value is included in the Group income and
expenditure account.

2 主要會計政策(續) 2 Principal accounting policies (cont.)
2.7 財務資產(續) 2.7 Financial assets (cont.)
(d) 貸款及應收款項 (d) Loans and receivables
貸款及應收款項是指有固定或可釐定付款且沒有在活 Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments
躍市場上報價的非衍生工具財務資產。這些資產會按 that are not quoted in an active market. They are carried at amortised cost using the effective
實際利息成本攤銷法列入流動資產內,惟於結算日 interest method and are included in current assets, except for maturities greater than 12 months
十二個月以後到期的資產,則列作非流動資產。 after the balance sheet date where these are classified as non-current assets.
集團貸款及應收款項包括附註20所列的「貸款及應 The Group’s loans and receivables comprise “Loans and receivables” and “Prepayments” as
收款項」及「預付款項」,以及資產負債表所載的「長 shown in note 20, “Long-term prepayments” and “Short-term deposits” in the balance sheet.

(e) 現金及現金等價物 (e) Cash and cash equivalents

現金及現金等價物包括所持現金、銀行通知存款及原 Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, deposits held at call with banks and other short-
本到期日為三個月或以下的其他短期高流動性投資。 term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less.

集團會在每個結算日評估是否存有客觀證據證明某項 The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is objective evidence that a
或某組財務資產已經減值。對於分類為可供出售的股 financial asset or a group of financial assets is impaired. In the case of equity securities classified
票證券,證券公平值若大幅度或長期跌至低於其成本 as available-for-sale, a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of the security below its
值,會被視為證券已經顯示減值。若可供出售的財務 cost is considered as an indicator that the securities are impaired. If any such evidence exists for
資產存在此等證據時,累計虧損 — 按收購成本與當 available-for-sale financial assets, the cumulative loss – measured as the difference between the
時公平值的差額,減去該財務資產先前在集團收支表 acquisition cost and the current fair value, less any impairment loss on that financial asset
確認的任何減值虧損計算 — 自權益中剔除並於集團 previously recognised in the Group income and expenditure – is removed from equity and
收支表中確認。在集團收支表中確認的股本投資工具 recognised in the Group income and expenditure account. Impairment losses recognised in the
減值虧損不會透過集團收支表撥回。 Group income and expenditure account on equity instruments are not reversed through the
Group income and expenditure account.

2.8 物業、設備及器材 2.8 Property, plant and equipment

物業、設備及器材均按其成本減累積折舊及減值表 Property, plant and equipment are stated at historical cost less accumulated depreciation and
值,並根據其估計可使用年期以直線法按照下列比率 impairment. They are depreciated over the period of their estimated useful lives on a straight-
折舊: line basis at the following rates:

樓宇 二十五年 Buildings 25 years

設備及器材 每年百分之十至百分之三十三 Plant and equipment ranging from 10% to 33% per annum

正進行的工程項目 正進行的工程項目因未曾使 Projects in progress no depreciation is provided on projects in progress since they are
用,故無折舊準備。項目完成 not in use. On completion, the project costs are transferred to the
後, 其 成 本 即 撥 歸 適 當 的 物 appropriate property, plant and equipment

出售的物業、設備及器材所產生的盈餘或虧損,是指 The gain or loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment is the difference between the net
出售有關資產所得的淨收入及賬面淨值兩者的差額, sales proceeds and the carrying amount of the relevant asset, and is recognised in the Group
並在集團收支表內報賬。 income and expenditure account.

2.9 投資物業 2.9 Investment properties

持作長期租金收益或資本增值之用,或同時供作以上 Properties that are held for long-term rental yields or for capital appreciation or both, and that
兩項用途,且並非由集團轄下各公司佔用的物業,均 are not occupied by the companies in the Group, are classified as investment properties.
列作投資物業。投資物業最初以成本值(包括相關交 Investment properties are measured initially at its cost, including related transaction costs, and
易成本)進行估值,其後按其成本減累積折舊及累積 subsequently carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses.
減值表值,並根據其估計可使用年期以直線法按照樓 They are depreciated over the period of their estimated useful lives on a straight-line basis at
宇的折舊率來折舊。 the same rate as buildings.

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

2 主要會計政策(續) 2 Principal accounting policies (cont.)

2.10 租賃土地預付款項 2.10 Leasehold land prepayments
租賃土地的預付款項,在資產負債表中列作租賃土地 Upfront prepayments made for leasehold land are included in the balance sheet as leasehold
預付款項,並根據租賃年期以直線法在集團收支表中 land prepayments and expensed in the Group income and expenditure account on a straight-
支銷。 line basis over the period of the lease.

2.11 存貨 2.11 Inventories

存貨按成本及可變現淨值兩者的較低者列賬。成本則 Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost is determined using
以加權平均數計算的成本扣除減值準備表值。零件則 weighted average cost less provision for diminution in value. Spare parts are amortised over a
以直線法分五年攤銷。 period of five years on a straight-line basis.

2.12 遞延稅項 2.12 Deferred taxation

遞延稅項採用負債法,根據綜合財務報表內資產負債 Deferred taxation is provided in full, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising
的賬面價值與其課稅基礎的暫時差額作全數撥備。暫 between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the consolidated
時差額主要來自物業、設備及器材、投資物業的折 financial statements. The principal temporary differences arise from depreciation on property,
舊、租賃土地預付款項的攤銷,以及員工退休福利。 plant and equipment, investment properties, amortisation on leasehold land prepayments, and
遞延稅項根據結算日前政府已立法通過或實質生效的 employee retirement benefit cost. Taxation rates enacted or substantively enacted by the balance
稅率而定。 sheet date are used to determine deferred taxation.
若未來的應課稅溢利,預期足可用以扣減暫時差 Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit
額,則因該暫時差額而產生的遞延稅項資產,將會予 will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised.
以確認。 Deferred income tax is provided on temporary differences arising on investment in an
遞延所得稅按聯營公司投資所產生的暫時差額作 associate, except where the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference is controlled
出撥備,但假如集團可以控制暫時差額的撥回時間, by the Group and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the
而暫時差額在可預見的將來有可能不會撥回則除外。 foreseeable future.

2.13 外幣兌換 2.13 Foreign currency translation

集團每家公司財務報表內所列的項目,均以該公司從 Items included in the financial statements of each of the Group’s entities are measured using
事業務的主要經濟環境內使用的貨幣(「功能貨幣」) the currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates (the “functional
計算。綜合財務報表以港元列示,港元是馬會的功能 currency”). The consolidated financial statements are presented in Hong Kong dollars, which is
貨幣。 the Club’s functional currency.
外幣交易以交易日匯率伸算為功能貨幣。外幣交 Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using the exchange
易結算產生的兌換收益及虧損,直接誌入集團收支表 rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting
內。以外幣計算的資產及負債,則以結算日的收市匯 from the settlement of foreign currency transactions are recognised directly in the Group income
率伸算為港元。兌換差額誌入集團收支表內,惟可供 and expenditure account. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated
出售財務資產的非貨幣項目(例如股票)的兌換差 at the closing rate at the balance sheet date. The differences arising from translation are
額,則誌入投資重估儲備內。 recognised in the Group income and expenditure account except for translation differences on
本集團內所有非以港元為功能貨幣的公司,其業 non-monetary items of available-for-sale financial assets, such as equities, which are included in
績及財務狀況按以下方式換算為港元: the investment revaluation reserve.
– 資產及負債按照各結算日收市匯率進行兌換; The results and financial position of all Group entities that have a functional currency different
– 收入及支出按照平均匯率進行兌換;及 from Hong Kong dollars are translated into Hong Kong dollars as follows:
– 所產生的兌換差額,全部計入權益項下的匯兌 – assets and liabilities are translated at the closing rate at each balance sheet date;
儲備。 – income and expenses are translated at average exchange rates; and
在綜合賬項時,兌換海外公司的淨投資,以及兌 – all resulting exchange differences are recognised in the exchange reserve in equity.
換借貸及其他指定用作對沖該等投資的貨幣工具所產 On consolidation, exchange differences arising from the translation of the net investment in
生的兌換差額,均計入權益之內。當一家海外公司被 foreign entities, and of borrowings and other currency instruments designated as hedges of
部分出讓或售出時,有關兌換差額則誌入集團收支表 such investments are taken to equity. When a foreign entity is partially disposed of or sold, such
內,列作出售收益或虧損的一部分。 exchange differences are recognised in the Group income and expenditure account, as part of
the gain or loss on sale.

2 主要會計政策(續) 2 Principal accounting policies (cont.)
2.14 借貸 2.14 Borrowings
借貸初時按公平價值減去所產生的交易成本確認,隨 Borrowings are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred, and are
後再以攤銷成本列賬。所得款項(扣除交易成本)與 subsequently carried at amortised cost. Any difference between the proceeds (net of transaction
償還或贖回借貸的任何差額按借貸年期以實際利息法 costs) and the settlement or redemption of borrowings is recognised in the Group income and
在集團收支表內報賬。 expenditure account over the period of the borrowings using the effective interest method.
除 非 集 團 有 權 無 條 件 將 借 貸 還 款 期, 延 遲 至 由 Borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the Group has an unconditional right to
結算日起計最少十二個月後,否則借貸均列作流動 defer settlement of the liability for at least 12 months after the balance sheet date.

2.15 營業租約 2.15 Operating leases

營業租約是指擁有資產的風險及回報實質上由出租公 Leases where substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of assets remain with the
司保留的租約。租賃款額於租約期內以直線法在集團 leasing company are accounted for as operating leases. Payments made under operating leases
收支表中支銷。 are charged to the Group income and expenditure account on a straight-line basis over the lease

2.16 收益確認 2.16 Revenue recognition

收益是指集團在日常業務過程中,出售貨物及提供服 Revenue comprises the fair value of the consideration for the sale of goods and services provided
務所得代價的公平價值。所示收益已扣除退貨、回扣 in the ordinary course of the activities of the Group. Revenue is shown net of returns, rebates
及折扣。 and discounts.
賽馬博彩收益是指投注總額減去博彩彩金及回扣 Revenue from horse race betting represents amounts wagered net of betting dividends and
後所得的款額,於提供有關服務後列賬。 rebates and is recognised when the relevant service has been rendered.
足球博彩收益是指投注總額減去博彩彩金後所得 Revenue from football betting represents amounts wagered net of betting dividends. Open
的款額。尚未結算的投注賬項以公平市值計算,因估 positions are carried at fair market value and gains and losses arising on this valuation are
值引致的收益及虧損將確認作收益。 recognised in revenue.
獎券收益是指佣金收入,於提供有關服務後列賬。 Revenue from lottery represents commission income and is recognised when the relevant
賽馬活動入場收益,於活動結束後列賬。 service has been rendered.
飲食銷售,其他會員服務收益及養馬費,於提供 Revenue from admission to race events is recognised when the event has been held.
有關服務後列賬。 Revenue from food and beverage sales, other member services and livery charges is recognised
利息收入以實際利息法按時間比例作基準計算。 when the relevant services have been rendered.
股息收入於收取股息的權利確定時列賬。 Interest income is recognised on a time-proportion basis using the effective interest method.
專利權收入已減去海外預扣稅,並根據相關協議 Dividend income is recognised when the right to receive payment is established.
實質內容按應計基準確認。 Royalty income is shown net of overseas withholding taxes and recognised on the accruals
basis in accordance with the substance of the relevant agreements.

2.17 共用服務 2.17 Shared services

集團透過不同的公司,經營三項主要業務︰賽馬博 The Group operates three primary businesses – horse race betting, football betting and Mark
彩、足球博彩,以及六合彩獎券。這些業務共用馬會 Six lottery through separate legal entities. In order to maximise the Group’s operational
現有的分銷渠道、公司管理服務、基礎設施,以及辦 efficiencies and cost economies, these businesses share the use of the Club’s established common
公室後勤支援,以提高集團的經營效率及成本效益。 selling and distribution channels, corporate management services, and infrastructure facilities,
集團採納的政策,是要達至各項業務財政獨立及毋須 as well as back office support. The Group adopts a policy to fulfill its objectives of financial
互相資助的目標。 independence with no cross-subsidy amongst its different businesses.
每項業務的收支、資產負債以及整體業績,均分 Revenue, expenses, assets and liabilities and overall financial results are maintained in the
別記錄於獨立賬項內。業務的特定收支,均直接計入 separate books of accounts of each business. Business specific revenue and expenses are directly
有關業務的業績之內。集團在共用服務方面的支出, accounted for in those business results. The Group’s expenses on the shared services are charged
則按成本經合理調高後,分別計入賽馬博彩、足球博 to each main line of business of horse race betting, football betting and Mark Six lottery at cost
彩,以及六合彩獎券三項主要業務之內。 plus an appropriate mark-up.

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

2 主要會計政策(續) 2 Principal accounting policies (cont.)

2.18 員工成本 2.18 Staff costs
(a) 界定福利計劃 (a) Defined benefit scheme
界定福利計劃為僱員提供退休福利,並按僱員的最終 The defined benefit scheme provides pension benefits to employees upon retirement with
薪金計算。 reference to the final salaries of the employees.
退休福利金的成本以預計單位貸算法計算,並會 The retirement benefit costs are assessed using the projected unit credit method and the cost
按照精算師所建議的方式,按僱員服務年期攤分,誌 of providing pensions is charged to the Group income and expenditure account so as to spread
入集團收支表內報賬,而精算師則會定期對界定福利 the cost over the service lives of employees in accordance with the advice of the actuary who
計劃作全面估值。僱主所須負擔的福利金,是以預計 carries out a full valuation of the scheme periodically. The pension obligation is measured at the
日後須付予僱員的福利金現值計算,而用以計算的折 present value of the estimated future cash outflows using market yields of government securities
現率,則參考期限與僱主付款期相若的政府債券市場 which have terms of maturity approximating the terms of the related liability. Actuarial gains
回報率釐定。任何累積而未確認的精算收益或虧損, and losses, to the extent that any cumulative unrecognised actuarial gain or loss exceeds ten
以超出界定福利計劃的現值與計劃資產的公平價值兩 per cent of the greater of the present value of the defined benefit obligation and the fair value
者中較高者的百分之十為限,並按僱員平均尚餘服務 of plan assets, are recognised over the average remaining service lives of employees.
年期確認。 Past service costs, if any, are recognised as an expense on a straight-line basis over the average
過往服務成本(如有)是按平均年期,以直線法計 period until the benefits become vested.
算作支出報賬,直至僱員享有該等福利為止。 Pension liabilities, if any, are included under other liabilities in the balance sheet. They
退休金負債(如有)均誌入資產負債表中的其他負 represent the net total of the Group’s pension obligations; plus any unrecognised actuarial gains
債賬項內,該債項代表集團須付的淨福利金總額,加 (less any actuarial losses); minus any unrecognised past service costs; and minus the fair value of
上任何未確認的精算收益(扣除任何精算虧損),再 plan assets. If the net total determined is negative, then the resulting asset, which is included
減任何未確認的過往服務成本及計劃資產的公平價 under other assets in the balance sheet, is limited to the net total of any cumulative unrecognised
值。如所得的淨總額為負數,因此而產生並誌入資產 actuarial losses and past service costs and the present value of any future refunds from the plan
負債表中其他資產賬項內的資產,只限於任何累積而 or reductions in future contributions to the plan.

(b) 界定供款計劃 (b) Defined contribution scheme

馬會每年向界定供款計劃所作的僱主供款,已誌入年 Employer’s contributions to the defined contribution scheme applicable to each year are charged
內的集團收支表內報賬,並已減除僱員因於可獲全數 to the Group income and expenditure account for the year and are reduced by contributions
退還供款前退出計劃而未能取回的供款。集團作出供 forfeited by those employees who leave the scheme prior to vesting fully for the contributions.
款後,即再無付款責任。 The Group has no further payment obligations once the contributions have been paid.

(c) 強制性公積金計劃 (c) Mandatory Provident Fund scheme

馬會向強制性公積金計劃(「強積金計劃」)所作的僱 Employer’s contributions to the Mandatory Provident Fund scheme (the “MPF scheme”) are
主供款,已誌入年內的集團收支表內報賬。 charged to the Group income and expenditure account for the year.

(d) 短期僱員福利 (d) Short-term employee benefits

薪金、花紅及有薪年假,於僱員提供有關服務的年度 Salaries, bonuses, paid annual leave are recognised in the year in which the associated services
確認。 are rendered by employees.

2.19 有關連人士 2.19 Related party

就這些綜合財務報表而言,若集團有能力直接或間接 For the purposes of these consolidated financial statements, a party is considered to be related
控制另一方,或可對另一方的財務及經營決策發揮重 to the Group if the Group has the ability, directly or indirectly, to control the party or exercise
大影響力,或反之亦然,或若集團與另一方受共同控 significant influence over the party in making financial and operating decisions, or vice versa,
制,則此另一方乃視為有關連人士。有關連人士可為 or where the Group and the party are subject to common control. Related parties may be
個人或實體。 individuals or entities.

2 主要會計政策(續) 2 Principal accounting policies (cont.)
2.20 非財務資產減值 2.20 Impairment of non-financial assets
並無確實使用年期的資產毋須攤銷,但須至少每年進 Assets that have an indefinite useful life are not subject to amortisation and are tested at least
行一次減值測試,並在出現若干事項或在情況轉變而 annually for impairment and are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in
可能令資產賬面價值無法收回時,檢討有關資產有否 circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. Assets that are subject
出現減值。至於須攤銷的資產,則須在出現若干事項 to amortisation are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances
或在情況轉變而可能令資產賬面價值無法收回時,檢 indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is recognised for
討是否出現減值。減值虧損按資產賬面價值超出其可 the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The
收回價值的差額確認。可收回價值乃以資產公平價值 recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and value in use. For
減出售成本,或資產使用價值,以兩者中的較高者為 the purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest levels for which there
準。於評估減值時,資產按可識辨現金流量(現金產 are separately identifiable cash flows (cash-generating units). Assets that suffered an impairment
生單位)的最低層次進行組合。已減值的資產須於每 are reviewed for possible reversal of the impairment at each reporting date.

3 關鍵會計估算及判斷 3 Critical accounting estimates and judgements

在編製綜合財務報表時,管理層須作出重大判斷,以 In preparing the consolidated financial statements, management is required to exercise
挑選及應用會計原則,包括作出估算及假設。以下是 significant judgements in the selection and application of accounting principles, including
受這些判斷及不明確因素影響的主要會計政策。若 making estimates and assumptions. The following significant accounting policies are impacted
情況不同或採用不同的假設,則呈報金額可能有所 by judgements and uncertainties and for which different amounts may be reported under a
不同。 different set of conditions or using different assumptions.

3.1 金融工具的公平價值 3.1 Fair value of financial instruments

受判斷及不明確因素影響的金融工具的估值基準,載 The basis of valuation of financial instruments that are impacted by judgements and uncertainties
於附註32.3。 are disclosed in note 32.3.

3.2 物業、設備及器材的估計可使用年期及折舊 3.2 Estimated useful life and depreciation of property, plant and equipment
集團根據各類物業、設備及器材的擬訂資產維修計劃 The Group estimates the useful lives of the various categories of property, plant and equipment
及實際使用經驗,估計其可使用年期。折舊是以足可 on the basis of a planned asset maintenance programme and actual usage experience.
註銷其原值或估值的比率,按其估計可使用年期(附 Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method at rates sufficient to write off their cost
註2.8)以直線法計算。 or valuation over their estimated useful lives (note 2.8).
實際可使用年期與估計可使用年期可能會有差 Actual useful lives may differ from estimated useful lives. Periodic reviews could result in a
別。進行定期檢討或會令可折舊年期及日後折舊支出 change in depreciable lives and therefore depreciation expense in future periods.

3.3 退休金成本 3.3 Pension costs

集團聘請獨立估值專業人士,每年評估集團退休金計 The Group employs independent valuation professionals to conduct annual assessments of
劃的精算狀況。集團在釐定該等計劃的界定福利部分 the actuarial position of the Group’s retirement plans. The determination of the Group’s
所承擔責任及開支時,以馬會提供的若干假設及因素 obligation and expense for the defined benefit element of these plans is dependent on certain
為依據,詳情載於附註18。更改主要精算假設,可 assumptions and factors provided by the Club, which are disclosed in note 18. Changes to the
能會影響日後支付予僱員的福利金現值及服務成本。 principal actuarial assumptions can affect the present value of plan obligations and service costs
in future periods.

3.4 所得稅 3.4 Income tax

集團在過往各年度所採納的若干稅務處理方法,仍待 Certain tax treatments adopted by the Group in past years are yet to be finalised with the
有關的稅務機關作最終批核。集團已依照過往各年度 relevant tax authority. In assessing the Group’s income tax and deferred taxation in the 2009
所採納的稅務處理方法,評估其二○○九年綜合財務 consolidated financial statements, the Group has followed the tax treatments it has adopted in
報表的所得稅及遞延稅項,而有關方法可能與日後的 past years, which may be different from the final outcome in due course.

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

3 關鍵會計估算及判斷(續) 3 Critical accounting estimates and judgements (cont.)

3.5 準備 3.5 Provisions
當集團須就已發生的事件承擔法律或推定責任,並可 The Group recognises provisions for liabilities of uncertain timing or amount when the Group
能須因而付出經濟利益以承擔責任,且涉及的款額可 has a legal or constructive obligation arising as a result of a past event, and it is probable that
作出可靠的估計時,集團會就這些時間或款額不定的 an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate
負債作出準備。 can be made.

3.6 資產減值 3.6 Asset impairment

管理層須對資產減值作出判斷,特別在評估下列事項 Management judgement is required in the area of asset impairment, particularly in assessing
時為然:(1)有否發生可能影響資產價值的事件; whether: (1) an event has occurred that may affect asset values; (2) the carrying value of an asset
(2)以估計現金流量預測,資產日後現金流量的淨現 can be supported by the net present value of future cash flows from the asset using estimated
值,是否足以抵銷該項資產的賬面價值;以及(3)有 cash flow projections; and (3) the cash flow is discounted using an appropriate rate. Changing
否以適當比率對現金流量作出折扣。若更改管理層用 the assumptions selected by management to determine the level, if any, of impairment, including
以釐定減值程度(如有)的假設,包括現金流量預測 the discount rates or the growth rate assumptions in the cash flow projections, could significantly
的折扣或增長比率假設,可能會嚴重影響集團呈報的 affect the Group’s reported financial condition and results of operations.

4 博彩及獎券收益 4 Betting and lottery revenue

集團的博彩收益,包括賽馬博彩、足球博彩及獎券。 The betting revenue of the Group comprises horse racing betting, football betting
and lottery.

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008

賽馬博彩 Horse race betting 11,387 11,313

足球博彩 Football betting 5,800 6,204
獎券 Lottery 2,957 2,936

20,144 20,453

5 佣金及毛利 5 Commission and gross margin

毛利是指賽馬博彩及足球博彩投注總額減去有關的彩 Gross margin represents the amounts wagered on horse race betting and football betting net
金、回扣、博彩稅及向外地賽馬機構所付的款項。 of the related betting dividends, rebates and betting duty, and payment to racing jurisdiction
佣金是指獎券投注總額減去有關的獎金、博彩稅 outside Hong Kong.
及向獎券基金所付的款項。 Commission represents the amounts wagered on lottery net of related prizes, duty and
payment to Lotteries Fund.

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008

賽馬博彩毛利 Horse race betting gross margin 3,128 3,107

足球博彩毛利 Football betting gross margin 2,900 3,102
獎券佣金 Lottery commission 386 383

6,414 6,592

6 其他收益 6 Other revenue
集團其他收益主要包括入場費、養馬費、專利權收 Other revenue of the Group principally comprises admission charges, livery charges, royalty
入、飲食銷售所得收益及向會員提供服務的收費。 income, catering sales and charges for services provided to Members.

7 經營成本 7 Operating costs

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008

員工成本(附註11) Staff costs (note 11) 2,600 2,443

賽事獎金 Prize money 768 712
房地產營業租約租金 Operating lease rentals on land and buildings 118 82
電腦設備營業租約租金 Operating lease rentals on computer equipment – 1
核數師酬金 Auditor’s remuneration 3 3
董事酬金 Stewards’ remuneration – –
物業、設備及器材折舊(附註12) Depreciation of property, plant and equipment (note 12) 763 700
租賃土地預付款項攤銷(附註13) Amortisation for leasehold land prepayments (note 13) 16 16
資產減值(附註12) Asset impairment (note 12) – 7
其他經營成本 Other operating costs 1,489 1,619

5,757 5,583

8 證券投資及長期投資組合的(虧損)/盈餘 8 (Deficit)/surplus from securities investments and long-term

investment portfolios

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008

出售債務證券及其他投資的(虧損)/盈餘 (Deficit)/surplus on sale of debt securities and other investments:

– 已於七月一日確認的投資重估盈餘變現 – realisation of amounts previously recognised
in investment revaluation reserve at 1 July 147 636
– 本年度所產生的數額 – amount arising in current year (1,501) 18

(1,354) 654
上市股票股息收入 Dividend income from listed equities 90 89
上市債務證券利息收入 Interest income from listed debt securities 78 70
非上市債務證券利息收入 Interest income from unlisted debt securities 75 149
衍生金融工具的淨收益 Net gains of derivative financial instruments 23 90
按公平價值透過收支列賬的 Net (losses)/gains of financial assets at
財務資產的淨(虧損)/收益 fair value through income or expenditure (51) 24
管理收費 Management fees (12) (22)

(1,151) 1,054

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

9 備用基金投資的(虧損)/盈餘 9 (Deficit)/surplus from Contingency Fund investments

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008

出售投資的(虧損)/盈餘 (Deficit)/surplus on sale of investments:

– 已於七月一日確認的 – realisation of amounts previously recognised
投資重估(虧損)/盈餘變現 in investment revaluation reserve at 1 July (156) 865
– 本年度所產生的數額 – amount arising in current year (1,220) 547

(1,376) 1,412
上市股票股息收入 Dividend income from listed equities 122 134
上市債務證券利息收入 Interest income from listed debt securities 64 57
非上市債務證券利息收入 Interest income from unlisted debt securities 32 43
存款利息收入 Interest income from deposits 1 9
衍生金融工具的淨收益 Net gains of derivative financial instruments 19 26
管理收費 Management fees (19) (33)

(1,157) 1,648

10 稅項 10 Taxation

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008

香港利得稅 Hong Kong profits tax

– 本期稅項 – current tax 242 231
– 過往年度調整 – adjustments in respect of prior years 23 –
遞延稅項(附註23) Deferred taxation (note 23) (24) 8

241 239

香港利得稅乃根據本年度估計應課稅溢利按百分之 Hong Kong profits tax had been provided at 16.5% (2008: 16.5%) on the estimated assessable
十六點五(二○○八年:百分之十六點五)稅率計算。 profit for the year.
集團除稅前(虧損)/盈餘所產生的實際稅項,與根 The taxation on the Group’s (deficit)/surplus before taxation differed from the theoretical
據香港利得稅稅率計算的稅項差額如下: amount that would arise using the taxation rate of Hong Kong as follows:

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008

除稅前(虧損)/盈餘 (Deficit)/surplus before taxation (676) 3,345

按稅率16.5%(二○○八年:16.5%)計算 Calculated at a taxation rate of 16.5% (2008: 16.5%) (111) 552

毋須課稅收入的稅務影響 Tax effect of non-taxable income (42) (522)
不可扣稅支出的稅務影響 Tax effect of non-deductible expenses 500 325
認可慈善捐款的稅務影響 Tax effect of approved charitable donations (82) (118)
稅率變動的稅務影響 Tax effect of change in tax rate – (2)
過往年度調整 Adjustments in respect of prior years (23) –
其他 Others (1) 4

稅項支出 Taxation charge 241 239

11 員工成本 11 Staff costs

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008

薪金及其他成本 Salaries and other costs 2,508 2,423

退休金成本 – 界定供款計劃 Pension costs – defined contribution plan 18 14
退休金成本 – 界定福利計劃(附註18) Pension costs – defined benefits plan (note 18) 21 (43)
強積金計劃供款 MPF contributions 53 49

2,600 2,443

12 物業、設備及器材 12 Property, plant and equipment
集團 Group

設備及器材 工程項目
樓宇 Plant and Projects in 總額
百萬港元 in HK$ million Buildings equipment progress Total

二○○八年七月一日成本值 Cost at 1 July 2008 3,583 7,927 133 11,643

增置 Additions 83 635 252 970
轉撥 Transfers 6 87 (93) –
轉撥予投資物業 Transfer to investment properties (10) – – (10)
變賣及註銷 Disposals and write-offs – (139) – (139)
貨幣兌換差額 Currency translation differences – 4 – 4

二○○九年六月三十日成本值 Cost at 30 June 2009 3,662 8,514 292 12,468

二○○八年七月一日累積折舊及減值 Accumulated depreciation and

impairment at 1 July 2008 (2,221) (5,751) – (7,972)
本年度折舊支出 Depreciation charge for the year (126) (637) – (763)
轉撥予投資物業 Transfer to investment properties 8 – – 8
變賣及註銷 Disposals and write-offs – 137 – 137

二○○九年六月三十日累積折舊及減值 Accumulated depreciation and

impairment at 30 June 2009 (2,339) (6,251) – (8,590)

二○○九年六月三十日賬面淨值 Net book value at 30 June 2009 1,323 2,263 292 3,878

二○○七年七月一日成本值 Cost at 1 July 2007 3,404 7,084 523 11,011

增置 Additions 81 493 326 900
轉撥 Transfers 125 564 (689) –
轉撥予租賃土地預付款項 Transfer to leasehold land prepayments – – (27) (27)
轉撥予投資物業 Transfer to investment properties (7) – – (7)
變賣及註銷 Disposals and write-offs (20) (214) – (234)

二○○八年六月三十日成本值 Cost at 30 June 2008 3,583 7,927 133 11,643

二○○七年七月一日累積折舊及減值 Accumulated depreciation and

impairment at 1 July 2007 (2,117) (5,379) – (7,496)
本年度折舊支出 Depreciation charge for the year (123) (577) – (700)
本年度減值支出 Impairment charge for the year – (7) – (7)
轉撥予投資物業 Transfer to investment properties 5 – – 5
變賣及註銷 Disposals and write-offs 14 212 – 226

二○○八年六月三十日累積折舊及減值 Accumulated depreciation and

impairment at 30 June 2008 (2,221) (5,751) – (7,972)

二○○八年六月三十日賬面淨值 Net book value at 30 June 2008 1,362 2,176 133 3,671

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

12 物業、設備及器材(續) 12 Property, plant and equipment (cont.)

馬會 Club

設備及器材 工程項目
樓宇 Plant and Projects in 總額
百萬港元 in HK$ million Buildings equipment progress Total

二○○八年七月一日成本值 Cost at 1 July 2008 3,133 6,977 91 10,201

增置 Additions 58 472 189 719
轉撥 Transfers 5 51 (56) –
轉撥予投資物業 Transfer to investment properties (10) – – (10)
變賣及註銷 Disposals and write-offs – (122) – (122)

二○○九年六月三十日成本值 Cost at 30 June 2009 3,186 7,378 224 10,788

二○○八年七月一日累積折舊及減值 Accumulated depreciation and

impairment at 1 July 2008 (1,915) (5,280) – (7,195)
本年度折舊支出 Depreciation charge for the year (108) (505) – (613)
轉撥予投資物業 Transfer to investment properties 8 – – 8
變賣及註銷 Disposals and write-offs – 120 – 120

二○○九年六月三十日累積折舊及減值 Accumulated depreciation and

impairment at 30 June 2009 (2,015) (5,665) – (7,680)

二○○九年六月三十日賬面淨值 Net book value at 30 June 2009 1,171 1,713 224 3,108

二○○七年七月一日成本值 Cost at 1 July 2007 2,960 6,534 424 9,918

增置 Additions 78 394 76 548
轉撥 Transfers 122 260 (382) –
轉撥予租賃土地預付款項 Transfer to leasehold land prepayments – – (27) (27)
轉撥予投資物業 Transfer to investment properties (7) – – (7)
變賣及註銷 Disposals and write-offs (20) (211) – (231)

二○○八年六月三十日成本值 Cost at 30 June 2008 3,133 6,977 91 10,201

二○○七年七月一日累積折舊及減值 Accumulated depreciation and

impairment at 1 July 2007 (1,829) (4,982) – (6,811)
本年度折舊支出 Depreciation charge for the year (105) (499) – (604)
本年度減值支出 Impairment charge for the year – (7) – (7)
轉撥予投資物業 Transfer to investment properties 5 – – 5
變賣及註銷 Disposals and write-offs 14 208 – 222

二○○八年六月三十日累積折舊及減值 Accumulated depreciation and

impairment at 30 June 2008 (1,915) (5,280) – (7,195)

二○○八年六月三十日賬面淨值 Net book value at 30 June 2008 1,218 1,697 91 3,006

13 租賃土地預付款項 13 Leasehold land prepayments

集團 Group 馬會 Club

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008 2009 2008

七月一日成本值 Cost at 1 July 1,561 1,534 1,541 1,514

轉撥自正在進行的工程項目 Transfer from projects in progress – 27 – 27

六月三十日成本值 Cost at 30 June 1,561 1,561 1,541 1,541

七月一日累積攤銷 Accumulated amortisation at 1 July (943) (927) (943) (927)

本年度攤銷支出 Amortisation charge for the year (16) (16) (16) (16)

六月三十日累積攤銷 Accumulated amortisation at 30 June (959) (943) (959) (943)

六月三十日賬面淨值 Net book value at 30 June 602 618 582 598

六月三十日租賃土地預付款項賬面淨值, The net book value at 30 June of leasehold

包括下列在香港的租地: land prepayments located in Hong Kong
comprised the following:
五十年以上長期租約的租地 Long-term leases exceeding fifty years 223 224 223 224
十年以上中期租約的租地 Medium-term leases exceeding ten years 362 371 342 351
十年以下租約的租地 Leases of below ten years 17 23 17 23

602 618 582 598

14 投資物業 14 Investment properties

集團 Group 馬會 Club

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008 2009 2008

七月一日成本值 Cost at 1 July 17 10 17 10

轉撥自樓宇 Transfer from buildings 10 7 10 7

六月三十日成本值 Cost at 30 June 27 17 27 17

七月一日累積折舊 Accumulated depreciation at 1 July (14) (9) (14) (9)

轉撥自樓宇 Transfer from buildings (8) (5) (8) (5)

六月三十日累積折舊 Accumulated depreciation at 30 June (22) (14) (22) (14)

六月三十日賬面淨值 Net book value at 30 June 5 3 5 3

投資物業已於二○○九年六月三十日及二○○八年六 The investment properties were revalued at 30 June 2009 and 30 June 2008 by independent,
月三十日,分別由獨立、合資格的專業估值師「仲量 professionally qualified valuers “Jones Lang LaSalle Limited” and “Vigers Appraisal and
聯行有限公司」及「威格斯資產評估顧問有限公司」 Consulting Limited” respectively. Valuations were based on current prices in an active market.
進行重新估值。估值以交投活躍市場的現行價格為基 The investment properties are located in Hong Kong. The fair value of the investment properties
準進行。所有投資物業均位於香港。投資物業於估值 was HK$574 million (2008: HK$414 million) on the date of valuation.

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

15 附屬公司投資、貸款及結餘 15 Investments in, loans to and balances with subsidiaries

集團 Group 馬會 Club

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008 2009 2008

附屬公司投資 Investments in subsidiaries

– 非上市股份,按成本值 – Unlisted shares, at cost – – 1,134 634

向附屬公司所作的貸款 Loans to subsidiaries – – 465 194

應收自附屬公司的款項 Amounts due from subsidiaries – – 149 86

應付予附屬公司的款項 Amounts due to subsidiaries – – (3,024) (2,846)

向附屬公司所作的貸款並無抵押,亦無收取利息,須 The loans to subsidiaries were unsecured, non-interest bearing and repayable on demand. The
於作出要求時償還。貸款的賬面價值,與其公平價值 carrying amounts of the loans approximated their fair values.
相若。 The majority of the amounts due from subsidiaries were unsecured, non-interest bearing and
應收自附屬公司的款項大都並無抵押,亦毋須付 repayable on demand. The remaining balance was unsecured, interest bearing at prevailing
息,須於作出要求時償還。餘款均無抵押,利息以當 market rate and repayable on demand. The carrying amounts approximated their fair values.
時的市場利率計算,並須於作出要求時償還。有關款 Amounts due to subsidiaries were unsecured, interest bearing at prevailing market rate and
項的賬面價值與其公平價值相若。 repayable on demand. The carrying amounts approximated their fair values.
應付予附屬公司的款項並無抵押,利息以當時的 The principal subsidiaries of the Club are shown on pages 169 to 170 of the consolidated
市場利率計算,並須於作出要求時償還。有關款項的 financial statements.

16 聯營公司投資 16 Investment in an associate

集團 Group 馬會 Club
百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2009

七月一日 At 1 July – –
向聯營公司注入資本 Capital injection to an associate 30 –
所佔虧損 Share of loss (23) –

六月三十日 At 30 June 7 –

聯營公司詳情如下: Details of the associate are as follows:

在台灣註冊成立的註冊資本有限公司: 法定股本及已繳足股本 馬會間接持有的實際百分比

Incorporated in Taiwan, 主要業務 Authorised and Effective percentage
limited by registered capital: Principal activities paid up capital held by the Club indirectly

運彩科技股份有限公司 在台灣經營運動博彩業務 新台幣五億元 24.5

Taiwan Sport Lottery Corporation Operates sport lottery NT$500,000,000
in Taiwan

16 聯營公司投資(續) 16 Investment in an associate (cont.)
根據運彩科技股份有限公司截至六月三十日止的管理 A summary of financial information of the associate based on the management accounts of
賬目而編製的財務資料摘要如下︰ Taiwan Sport Lottery Corporation as of 30 June is as follows:

集團 Group 馬會 Club
百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2009

集團持有的 馬會持有的
實際百分比 實際百分比
Group’s Club’s
effective effective
interest interest
100% 24.5% – –

資產 Assets 179 43 – –
負債 Liabilities (148) (36) – –

權益 Equity 31 7 – –

收益 Income 101 25 – –
支出 Expenses (224) (55) – –
除稅後虧損 Loss after taxation (93) (23) – –

17 長期投資組合 17 Long-term investment portfolios

集團 Group 馬會 Club

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008 2009 2008

可供出售財務資產 Available-for-sale financial assets

股票 Equities
在香港上市 Listed in Hong Kong 739 1,157 739 1,157
在海外上市 Listed overseas 2,295 4,077 2,295 4,077
非上市 Unlisted 74 74 74 74

3,108 5,308 3,108 5,308

債務證券 Debt securities
在海外上市 Listed overseas 2,333 1,301 1,503 1,301
非上市 Unlisted 788 1,304 788 1,080

3,121 2,605 2,291 2,381

另類投資 – 非上市 Alternative investments – unlisted 2,538 2,879 2,208 2,488

8,767 10,792 7,607 10,177

衍生金融工具(附註27) Derivative financial instruments (note 27) 38 38 38 38
尚待投資的資金 Funds awaiting investment 368 392 368 392
存款 Deposits 624 400 – –

9,797 11,622 8,013 10,607

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

17 長期投資組合(續) 17 Long-term investment portfolios (cont.)

另類投資包括對冲基金、私募股權基金及私募房地產 Alternative investments include investments in hedge funds, private equity funds and private
基金。私募股權基金及私募房地產基金並無在活躍的 real estate funds. The private equity funds and private real estate funds do not have quoted
市場報價,集團參考獨立基金經理用估值技巧對這些 market prices in an active market and the Group has determined fair values with reference to
基金所定的價值,以決定其公平價值。 the values established by external fund managers using valuation techniques.
集團及馬會所持的債務證券及存款的加權平均實 The debt securities and deposits carried weighted average effective interest rates of 4.38%
際利率,分別為百分之四點三八及四點五(二○○八 and 4.50% for the Group and Club respectively (2008: 4.07% and 4.37% respectively). The
年分別為百分之四點零七及四點三七)。集團及馬會 carrying amounts of the debt securities and deposits approximated their fair values and their
所持的債務證券及存款的賬面價值,與其公平價值相 weighted average maturities were 7 years and 9 years for the Group and Club respectively (2008:
若,而其加權平均期限則分別為七年及九年(二○○ 8 years and 10 years respectively).
集團 Group 馬會 Club
2009 2008 2009 2008

長期投資組合以下列貨幣折算: Long-term investment portfolios are

denominated in the following currencies:
美元 USD 64% 57% 61% 54%
歐羅 EUR 15% 13% 17% 14%
港元 HKD 10% 12% 10% 13%
日圓 JPY 6% 8% 6% 9%
澳元 AUD 1% – 1% –
英鎊 GBP – 3% – 3%
其他貨幣 Other currencies 4% 7% 5% 7%

100% 100% 100% 100%

18 其他資產 18 Other assets

集團 Group 馬會 Club

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008 2009 2008

其他資產是指在資產負債表中 Other assets represented pension assets of

已確認的集團界定 the Group’s defined benefit scheme
福利計劃退休金資產如下︰ recognised in the balance sheet
which were determined as follows:
須付予僱員的福利金現值 Present value of obligations 3,047 2,863 3,047 2,863
計劃資產的公平價值 Fair value of plan assets (2,317) (3,011) (2,317) (3,011)

虧損 /
(盈餘) Deficit/(surplus) 730 (148) 730 (148)
未確認的精算虧損 Unrecognised actuarial losses 1,060 203 1,060 203

資產負債表所列退休金淨資產 Net pension assets in the balance sheet (330) (351) (330) (351)

在收支表中已確認的款項如下︰ The amounts recognised in the income

and expenditure account were as follows:
現時服務成本 Current service cost 142 123 142 123
利息成本 Interest cost 96 109 96 109
計劃資產的預計回報 Expected return on plan assets (217) (244) (217) (244)
已確認的精算淨收益 Net actuarial gain recognised – (31) – (31)

計入員工成本的總額(附註11) Total included in staff costs (note 11) 21 (43) 21 (43)

已確認的計劃資產實際回報為虧損五億六千五百萬港 The actual return on plan assets recognised was a loss of HK$565 million (2008: loss of
元(二○○八年︰虧損一億一千九百萬港元)。 HK$119 million).

18 其他資產(續) 18 Other assets (cont.)

集團 Group 馬會 Club
百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008 2009 2008

界定福利計劃的現值對賬如下: Reconciliation of the present value of the

defined benefit obligations was as follows:
七月一日 At 1 July 2,863 2,422 2,863 2,422
扣除僱員供款後的現行服務成本 Current service cost net
of employee contributions 142 123 142 123
利息成本 Interest cost 96 109 96 109
實際已支付的福利金 Actual benefits paid (130) (224) (130) (224)
須付福利金的精算虧損 Actuarial losses on obligation 75 432 75 432
實際僱員供款 Actual employee contributions 1 1 1 1

六月三十日實際須付的福利金 Actual obligation at 30 June 3,047 2,863 3,047 2,863

年內計劃資產公平價值變動如下︰ The movement in the fair value of

plan assets of the year was as follows:
七月一日 At 1 July 3,011 3,353 3,011 3,353
計劃資產的預計回報 Expected return on plan assets 217 244 217 244
精算虧損 Actuarial losses (782) (363) (782) (363)
僱員供款 Employee contributions 1 1 1 1
已支付的福利金 Benefits paid (130) (224) (130) (224)

六月三十日 At 30 June 2,317 3,011 2,317 3,011

集團及馬會 Group and Club

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

界定福利計劃的現值 Present value of the

defined benefit obligations 3,047 2,863 2,422 2,326 2,187
計劃資產的公平價值 Fair value of plan assets (2,317) (3,011) (3,353) (2,734) (2,384)

虧損 /
(收益) Deficit/(surplus) 730 (148) (931) (408) (197)

計劃負債的經驗虧損 /
(收益) Experience losses/(gains)
on plan liabilities 5 99 (15) 78 68
計劃資產的經驗虧損 /
(收益) Experience losses/(gains)
on plan assets 782 363 (497) (211) (198)

集團於二○一○年度的預計供款金額大約為九千七百 The Group expects to contribute approximately HK$97 million for the year 2010.

集團 Group 馬會 Club
百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008 2009 2008

計劃資產包括︰ Plan assets were

comprised as follows:
股票 Equities 1,743 75% 2,136 71% 1,743 75% 2,136 71%
債券 Bonds 614 27% 789 26% 614 27% 789 26%
現金及其他 Cash and others (40) (2%) 86 3% (40) (2%) 86 3%

2,317 100% 3,011 100% 2,317 100% 3,011 100%

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

18 其他資產(續) 18 Other assets (cont.)

所採納的主要精算假設為︰折現率為百分之二點六五 The principal actuarial assumptions used were: discount rate 2.65% (2008: 3.50%), expected rate
(二○○八年︰百分之三點五);計劃資產的預計回報 of return on plan assets 8.00% (2008: 7.50%) and expected rate of future salary increases 4.00%
率為百分之八(二○○八年︰百分之七點五);而未 (2008: 4.50%).
來薪金升幅的預計比率則為百分之四(二○○八年︰ The expected return on plan assets was determined by considering the expected returns
百分之四點五)。 available on the assets under the current investment policy. Expected returns on equities and
計劃資產的預計回報,以在現行投資政策下有關 bonds reflected long-term average rates of return.

19 債務證券組合 19 Debt securities portfolio

集團 Group 馬會 Club
百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008 2009 2008

可供出售財務資產 Available-for-sale financial assets

債務證券 – 在海外上市 Debt securities – listed overseas 412 163 412 163
債務證券 – 非上市 Debt securities – unlisted 869 1,603 869 1,382

1,281 1,766 1,281 1,545

按公平價值透過收支列賬的財務資產 Financial assets at fair value
through income or expenditure 311 491 311 491

1,592 2,257 1,592 2,036

集團及馬會所持的債務證券的加權平均實際利率為百 The debt securities carried a weighted average effective interest rate of 2.50% for the Group
分之二點五(二○○八年分別為百分之三點七六及三 and Club (2008: 3.76% and 3.87% respectively). The carrying amounts of the debt securities
點八七)。集團及馬會所持的債務證券的賬面價值, approximated their fair values and their weighted average maturities were 2 years for the Group
與其公平價值相若,而其加權平均期限均為兩年(二 and Club (2008: 3 years). The debt securities were denominated in Hong Kong Dollar (“HKD”)
○○八年:三年)。債務證券以港元或美元計值。 or United States Dollar (“USD”).

20 其他流動資產 20 Other current assets

集團 Group 馬會 Club
百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008 2009 2008

存貨 Inventories 89 101 55 69
貸款及應收款項 Loans and receivables 268 218 212 205
預付款項 Prepayments 282 184 121 149
其他證券投資 Investments in other securities
– 在香港上市 – listed in Hong Kong – 28 – 28

639 531 388 451

21 短期存款 21 Short-term deposits
集團及馬會的短期存款的加權平均實際利率,分別為 The weighted average effective interest rates on short-term deposits were 0.47% and 0.40%
百分之零點四七及零點四(二○○八年分別為百分之 for the Group and Club respectively (2008: 2.78% and 2.75% respectively). The carrying amounts
二點七八及二點七五)。集團及馬會的短期存款的賬 of short-term deposits approximated their fair values and their weighted average maturities
面價值,與其公平價值相若,而其加權平均期限分別 were 23 days and 16 days for the Group and Club respectively (2008: 43 days and 41 days
為二十三日及十六日(二○○八年分別為四十三日及 respectively). The short-term deposits were denominated in HKD or USD.

22 短期貸款 22 Short-term loans

集團 Group 馬會 Club
百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008 2009 2008

無抵押貸款 Unsecured loans 483 424 – –

此乃短期銀行循環貸款,為期三至六個月,年利率為 The above were short-term revolving bank loans with maturities of three to six months and
百分之四點八六至六點一二(二○○八年為百分之五 interest rates between 4.86% and 6.12% per annum (2008: between 5.43% and 6.57% per
點四三至六點五七)。貸款的賬面價值與其公平價值 annum). The carrying amounts of the loans approximated their fair values. The loans are
相若。貸款以人民幣計值。 denominated in Renminbi (“RMB”).

23 遞延稅項資產 /
(負債) 23 Deferred tax assets/(liabilities)
年內已誌入資產負債表中的遞延稅項資產 /
(負債)項 The components of deferred tax assets/(liabilities) recognised in the balance sheet, and the
目及其變動情況如下: movements during the year were as follows :

集團 Group 馬會 Club

僱員 僱員
加速折舊 退休福利 加速折舊 退休福利
扣除額 Employee 扣除額 Employee
Accelerated retirement Accelerated retirement
depreciation benefit 其他 總額 depreciation benefit 其他 總額
百萬港元 in HK$ million allowances cost Others Total allowances cost Others Total

二○○八年七月一日 At 1 July 2008 6 (47) 1 (40) 3 (47) (2) (46)

(扣自)/記入收支表 (Charged)/credited
to income and
expenditure account (27) 47 4 24 (25) 47 2 24

二○○九年六月三十日 At 30 June 2009 (21) – 5 (16) (22) – – (22)

二○○七年七月一日 At 1 July 2007 16 (50) 2 (32) 13 (50) 1 (36)

(扣自)/記入收支表 (Charged)/credited
to income and
expenditure account (10) 3 (1) (8) (10) 3 (3) (10)

二○○八年六月三十日 At 30 June 2008 6 (47) 1 (40) 3 (47) (2) (46)

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

24 儲備 24 Reserves
集團 Group 馬會 Club

投資重估儲備 投資重估儲備
累積儲備 Investment 匯兌儲備 累積儲備 Investment
Accumulated revaluation Exchange 總額 Accumulated revaluation 總額
百萬港元 in HK$ million reserve reserve reserve Total reserve reserve Total

二○○八年七月一日 At 1 July 2008 17,596 620 29 18,245 14,536 620 15,156

年內保留盈餘 Retained surplus
for the year 240 – – 240 90 – 90
貨幣兌換差額 Currency translation
differences – – (2) (2) – – –
債務證券及 Deficit on revaluation
長期投資組合的重估減值 of debt securities
and long-term
investment portfolios – (1,104) – (1,104) – (1,127) (1,127)
出售債務證券及 Realisation on sale
長期投資組合的盈餘變現 of debt securities
and long-term
investment portfolios – (147) – (147) – (147) (147)

– (1,251) – (1,251) – (1,274) (1,274)

二○○九年六月三十日 At 30 June 2009 17,836 (631) 27 17,232 14,626 (654) 13,972

二○○七年七月一日 At 1 July 2007 16,204 1,725 15 17,944 13,702 1,725 15,427

年內保留盈餘 Retained surplus
for the year 1,392 – – 1,392 834 – 834
貨幣兌換差額 Currency translation
differences – – 14 14 – – –
債務證券及 Deficit on revaluation
長期投資組合的重估減值 of debt securities
and long-term
investment portfolios – (469) – (469) – (469) (469)
出售債務證券及 Realisation on sale
長期投資組合的盈餘變現 of debt securities
and long-term
investment portfolios – (636) – (636) – (636) (636)

– (1,105) – (1,105) – (1,105) (1,105)

二○○八年六月三十日 At 30 June 2008 17,596 620 29 18,245 14,536 620 15,156

25 備用基金 25 Contingency Fund
集團 Group 馬會 Club

投資重估儲備 投資重估儲備
基金結餘 Investment 基金結餘 Investment
Fund revaluation 總額 Fund revaluation 總額
百萬港元 in HK$ million balance reserve Total balance reserve Total

二○○八年七月一日 At 1 July 2008 11,668 (346) 11,322 11,668 (346) 11,322

轉撥自收支表 Transfer from income and
expenditure account (1,157) – (1,157) (1,157) – (1,157)
投資的重估減值 Deficit on revaluation
of investments – (918) (918) – (918) (918)
出售投資的虧損變現 Realisation on
sale of investments – 156 156 – 156 156

– (762) (762) – (762) (762)

二○○九年六月三十日 At 30 June 2009 10,511 (1,108) 9,403 10,511 (1,108) 9,403

二○○七年七月一日 At 1 July 2007 10,020 1,616 11,636 10,020 1,616 11,636

轉撥自收支表 Transfer from income and
expenditure account 1,648 – 1,648 1,648 – 1,648
投資的重估減值 Deficit on revaluation
of investments – (1,097) (1,097) – (1,097) (1,097)
出售投資的盈餘變現 Realisation on
sale of investments – (865) (865) – (865) (865)

– (1,962) (1,962) – (1,962) (1,962)

二○○八年六月三十日 At 30 June 2008 11,668 (346) 11,322 11,668 (346) 11,322

備用基金投資代表: Represented by Contingency Fund investments:

集團 Group 馬會 Club
百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008 2009 2008

可供出售財務資產 Available-for-sale financial assets

股票 Equities
在香港上市 Listed in Hong Kong 2,384 3,016 2,384 3,016
在海外上市 Listed overseas 3,961 5,266 3,961 5,266

6,345 8,282 6,345 8,282

債務證券 Debt securities
在海外上市 Listed overseas 1,698 1,484 1,698 1,484
非上市 Unlisted 901 1,139 901 1,139

2,599 2,623 2,599 2,623

衍生金融工具(附註27) Derivative financial instruments (note 27) 34 10 34 10

尚待投資的資金 Funds awaiting investment 425 407 425 407

9,403 11,322 9,403 11,322

集團及馬會所持的債務證券的加權平均實際利率為 The debt securities carried a weighted average effective interest rate of 4.44% for the Group
百分之四點四四(二○○八年:百分之四點三八)。 and Club (2008: 4.38%). The carrying amounts of the debt securities approximated their fair
集團及馬會所持的債務證券的賬面價值,與其公平價 values and their weighted average maturities were 9 years for the Group and Club (2008:
值相若,而其加權平均期限則為九年(二○○八年: 10 years).

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

25 備用基金(續) 25 Contingency Fund (cont.)

集團 Group 馬會 Club
2009 2008 2009 2008

備用基金投資以下列貨幣折算: Contingency Fund investments are

denominated in the following currencies:
美元 USD 44% 39% 44% 39%
港元 HKD 25% 29% 25% 29%
歐羅 EUR 15% 13% 15% 13%
日圓 JPY 5% 6% 5% 6%
英鎊 GBP 3% 4% 3% 4%
其他貨幣 Other currencies 8% 9% 8% 9%

100% 100% 100% 100%

26 發展基金 26 Development Fund

集團 Group 馬會 Club

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008 2009 2008

七月一日 At 1 July 1,015 949 – –

轉撥自收支表 Transfer from income and
expenditure account – 66 – –
長期投資組合的重估減值 Deficit on revaluation of
long-term investment portfolios (61) – – –

六月三十日 At 30 June 954 1,015 – –

賽馬會會員事務有限公司轄下的發展基金,主要用作 The primary purpose of the Development Fund, which is maintained under The Jockey Club
積聚足夠的資金,以備日後優化會員設施。董事局在 Membership Services Limited, is to accumulate adequate funds to finance future membership
批准從淨額盈餘作出週年撥款時,將考慮全年的經營 facilities. The annual transfer from the net surplus of the year is approved by the Stewards taking
盈餘、基金所賺得的利息收入、在年內收取的全費會 into consideration the operating surplus, interest income earned by this Fund, and the amounts
員及公司會員入會費及會籍資格費,以及加入沙田及 of entrance and qualification fees of Full and Corporate Members, and Country Concession
鄉村會所特許計劃的收費等。 Scheme joining fees received during the year.

27 衍生金融工具 27 Derivative financial instruments

集團 Group 馬會 Club
長期投資組合 備用基金投資 長期投資組合 備用基金投資
Long-term Contingency Long-term Contingency
investment Fund investment Fund
portfolios investments portfolios investments
百萬港元 in HK$ million (附註 note 17) (附註 note 25) (附註 note 17) (附註 note 25)

遠期債券合約 Forward contracts on bonds 41 36 41 36

遠期外匯合約 Forward foreign exchange contracts (1) 3 (1) 3
期貨 Futures (2) (5) (2) (5)

二○○九年六月三十日 At 30 June 2009 38 34 38 34

遠期債券合約 Forward contracts on bonds 40 34 40 34

遠期外匯合約 Forward foreign exchange contracts (9) (14) (9) (14)
期貨 Futures (27) (33) (27) (33)
期權 Options 4 3 4 3
掉期 Swaps 30 20 30 20

二○○八年六月三十日 At 30 June 2008 38 10 38 10

28 除稅前(虧損)/盈餘與營業活動所產生的 28 Reconciliation of (deficit)/surplus before taxation to net cash inflow
淨現金流入對賬 generated from operations

集團 Group
百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008

除稅前(虧損)/盈餘 (Deficit)/surplus before taxation (676) 3,345

所佔聯營公司虧損 Share of loss of an associate 23 –
出售證券投資及 Deficit/(surplus) on sale of
其他投資的虧損 /(盈餘) securities investments and other investments 2,761 (2,011)
股息收入 Dividend income (212) (223)
利息收入 Interest income (325) (496)
利息支出 Interest expenses 28 17
衍生金融工具的淨收益 Net gains of derivative financial instruments (42) (116)
按公平價值透過收支列賬的 Net losses/(gains) of financial assets at
財務資產的淨虧損/ (收益) fair value through income or expenditure 51 (24)
變賣物業、設備及器材的虧損 Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment – 7
物業、設備及器材折舊 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 763 700
租賃土地預付款項攤銷 Amortisation for leasehold land prepayments 16 16
資產減值 Assets impairment – 7
營運資金變動 Movement in working capital
存貨減少/(增加) Decrease/(increase) in inventories 12 (22)
貸款及應收款項增加 Increase in loans and receivables (73) (44)
預付款項增加 Increase in prepayments (98) (52)
應付賬款(減少)/增加 (Decrease)/increase in creditors (1,350) 1,456
長期預付款項增加 Increase in long-term prepayments (207) (15)
(增加) Decrease/(increase) in other assets 21 (43)

營業活動所產生的現金流入 Cash inflow generated from operations 692 2,502

29 承擔 29 Commitments
29.1 資本承擔 29.1 Capital commitments
於結算日尚未產生的資本支出如下︰ Capital expenditures not yet incurred at the balance sheet date were as follows:

集團 Group
百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008

已訂立合約但未作出準備 Contracted but not provided for 857 583

已批准但未訂立合約 Authorised but not contracted for 1,063 1,319

1,920 1,902

29.2 租賃承擔 29.2 Lease commitments

於六月三十日,根據不可取消的營業租約規定,日後 As at 30 June, the total future aggregate minimum lease payments under non-cancellable
須支付的最低租金總額如下︰ operating leases were as follows:

集團 Group
百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008

樓宇 Buildings
於一年內 Within one year 68 274
於第二至第五年內 In the second to fifth year inclusive 162 104
於第五年後 After the fifth year 44 2

274 380

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

29 承擔(續) 29 Commitments (cont.)

29.3 其他承擔 29.3 Other commitment
於二○○九年六月十七日,馬會附屬公司香港馬會業 On 17 June 2009, HKJC Business Ventures (China) Limited, a subsidiary of the Club, entered into
務創展(中國)有限公司與一獨立第三方達成協議, an agreement with an independent third party to form a joint venture (“Joint Venture”).
雙方同意成立一家合營公司(「該合營公司」)。根據 Pursuant to this agreement, the Group is committed to contributing an initial capital of RMB54
有關協議,集團承諾在依法成立該合營公司後,即向 million into the Joint Venture upon its legal formation. As at 30 June 2009, the Joint Venture
其注入五千四百萬元人民幣的初期資本。截至二○○ has not been legally formed.

30 退休計劃 30 Retirement benefit schemes

集團為全職僱員設立了一項界定福利計劃及一項界定 The Group operates a defined benefit scheme and a defined contribution scheme. Members of
供款計劃。兩項計劃均根據《職業退休計劃條例》註 both schemes are full-time employees of the Group. Both schemes are registered under the
冊,並由獨立信託人管理。此外,集團亦有參與一項 Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance and administered by independent trustees. The
集成信託強制性公積金計劃。此項計劃根據《強制性 Group also participates in a master trust MPF scheme registered under the Mandatory Provident
公積金計劃條例》註冊,並由兩家獨立的服務供應商 Fund Schemes Ordinance. The MPF scheme is operated by two independent service providers.

31 與有關連人士之交易 31 Related party transactions

由於馬會董事局成員亦同時擔任香港賽馬會慈善信託 The Club is related to The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (the “Trust”) and The Jockey
基金(「信託基金」)信託人及賽馬會滘西洲公眾高爾 Club Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course Limited (“KSCGC”) as the Club’s Stewards are also the
夫球場有限公司董事局成員,因此馬會與信託基金及 Trustees of the Trust and the Directors of KSCGC.
賽馬會滘西洲公眾高爾夫球場有限公司均有關連。 The following transactions were carried out by the Group with the associate and other
集團與聯營公司及其他有關連人士已進行的交易 related parties:

31.1 管理費用 31.1 Management expenses

年內,集團就提供行政及支援服務,向信託基金收取 During the year, the Group recharged management expenses of HK$37 million (2008: HK$47
管理費用三千七百萬港元(二○○八年:四千七百萬 million) to the Trust for provision of administrative and support services.

31.2 聯營公司所產生的收入 31.2 Income from an associate

集團在年內從運彩科技股份有限公司獲得運動博彩特 During the year, the Group received royalty income of HK$15 million (2008: HK$1 million) from
許軟件應用專利權收入一千五百萬港元(二○○八 the Taiwan Sport Lottery Corporation for the use of the licensed sport lottery software.

31.3 主要管理層薪酬 31.3 Key management compensation

香港賽馬會由董事局掌管,並由管理委員會協助 The Hong Kong Jockey Club is governed by a Board of Stewards with assistance from a Board
管理。董事局負責決定集團的整體政策方針及各 of Management. The Stewards are responsible for the overall policy and direction of the Group
項資金的運用,並有權推行集團各項目標。管理 and its funds as a whole, and have the power to effect and carry out the objects of the Group.
委員會負責管理集團的運作,並受董事局監管。 The Board of Management is responsible for the operational management of the Group and is
為了與香港其他大機構的披露準則看齊,馬會的 overseen by the Board of Stewards. To align with the disclosures of other major institutions in
主要管理層即指董事局以及由行政總裁和八位執 Hong Kong, key management consists of the Board of Stewards and the Board of Management
行總監組成的管理委員會,詳情見本年報第十六 which comprises the Chief Executive Officer and eight Executive Directors, as detailed on pages
至十七頁。 16 to 17 of the Annual Report.

31 與有關連人士之交易(續) 31 Related party transactions (cont.)
31.3 主要管理層薪酬(續) 31.3 Key management compensation (cont.)
各董事均義務任職,在年內並無領取酬金。 Stewards act in an entirely honorary capacity and have received no emoluments in the years
under review.

管理委員會各成員年內的薪酬分為三個部分: The Board of Management’s remuneration consists of the following three components:

(a) 基本酬金 (a) Basic compensation

基本酬金包括基本薪金、房屋及其他津貼和實物 Basic compensation consists of base salary, housing and other allowances and benefits in kind.

(b) 與表現掛鈎的酬金 (b) Performance-related compensation

這項酬金根據個人表現和集團業績酌情發放。 This represents discretionary payments depending on individual performance and the
performance of the Group.

(c) 退休福利 (c) Retirement benefits

退休福利指集團的退休基金供款或代替退休計劃 Retirement benefits relate to the Group’s contribution to retirement funds or gratuities in lieu
供款的約滿酬金。為了方便比較有關數據,儘管 of retirement scheme contributions. For purposes of meaningful comparison, gratuities in lieu
訂有合約權益及付款日期,上文所披露代替退休 of retirement scheme contributions are disclosed on an accrual basis, notwithstanding the
計劃供款的約滿酬金數額按應計制計算。 contractual entitlement and date of payment.

管理委員會各成員年內的薪酬如下: The remuneration for the Board of Management during the years were as follows:

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008

基本酬金 Basic compensation 43.9 41.3

與表現掛鈎的酬金 Performance-related compensation 12.4 17.1
退休福利 Retirement benefits 10.9 10.5

67.2 68.9

薪酬級別如下: The remuneration fell in the following bands:

人數 Number of individuals 2009 2008

薪酬級別 Remuneration bands

4,000,000港元至5,000,000港元 HK$4,000,000 to HK$5,000,000 1 1
5,000,001港元至6,000,000港元 HK$5,000,001 to HK$6,000,000 2 2
6,000,001港元至7,000,000港元 HK$6,000,001 to HK$7,000,000 2 –
7,000,001港元至8,000,000港元 HK$7,000,001 to HK$8,000,000 1 3
8,000,001港元至9,000,000港元 HK$8,000,001 to HK$9,000,000 1 1
9,000,001港元至10,000,000港元 HK$9,000,001 to HK$10,000,000 1 1
13,000,001港元至14,000,000港元 HK$13,000,001 to HK$14,000,000 – 1
14,000,001港元至15,000,000港元 HK$14,000,001 to HK$15,000,000 1 –

9 9

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

32 財務風險管理 32 Financial risk management

32.1 財務風險因素 32.1 Financial risk factors
集團的業務承受著多方面的財務風險:市場風險(包 The Group’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including currency risk,
括貨幣風險、股票價格風險及利率風險)、流動資金 equity price risk and interest rate risk), liquidity risk and credit risk. The Group’s overall risk
風險及信貸風險。集團的整體風險管理計劃,集中針 management programme focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to
對金融市場不可預測的特性,目的是盡量減低對集團 minimise potential adverse effects on the Group’s financial performance. The Group uses
財務表現的潛在不利影響。集團使用衍生金融工具, derivative financial instruments to manage and reduce certain risk exposures.
以管理及減低須承受的若干風險。 The Group’s major financial assets include deposits, bonds, equities and other alternative
集團的主要財務資產,包括存款、債券、股票及 investments, which are managed by the Treasury Department of the Club and external
其他另類投資,由馬會庫務部及獨立專業基金經理進 professional fund managers.
行管理。 Risk management is carried out by the Treasury Department of the Club under investment
馬會庫務部根據馬會財務及一般事務委員會批核 policies and risk management guidelines approved by the Club’s Finance and General Purposes
的投資政策及風險管理指引,進行風險管理。投資限 Committee. Investment constraints and guidelines form an integral part of risk control. Fund-
制及指引,則構成風險管理不可或缺的一部分。集團 specific restrictions and guidelines are set according to the investment objectives of each fund
根據每項基金的投資目標,對個別基金訂定限制及指 to control risks of the investments.

(a) 市場風險 (a) Market risk

(i) 貨幣風險 (i) Currency risk
貨幣風險是指因以外幣計算的投資及交易所用匯 Currency risk is the risk of loss due to adverse movements in foreign exchange rates relating
率出現不利變動,而引致虧損的風險。 to investments and transactions denominated in foreign currencies.
集團的資產及負債主要以美元或港元計算。港 The Group’s assets and liabilities are primarily denominated in USD or HKD. HKD is pegged
元與美元掛鈎,因此外匯風險可視為僅屬輕微。 to USD, and thus foreign exchange exposure is considered as minimal. The Group’s currency
集團的貨幣風險,主要因持有歐羅、日圓及英鎊 exposure arises mainly from investments held in Euro (“EUR”), Japanese Yen (“JPY”) and
的投資而產生。 Sterling Pound (“GBP”).
下表顯示於結算日,若港元兌各種貨幣的匯率 The following table indicates that at balance sheet date, if HKD had strengthened/weakened
按下列百分比的幅度增強 /轉弱,在其他所有可變 against the currencies by the stated percentages, with all other variables held constant, the
因素均維持不變的情況下,集團的除稅後虧損將 Group’s post-tax deficit would have increased/decreased as follows:
增加 /減少如下:
集團 Group
2009 2008

若貨幣按下列 對年內除稅後 若貨幣按下列 對年內除稅後

百分比的 虧損的影響 百分比的 盈餘的影響
幅度增強 /轉弱 Effect on 幅度增強/轉弱 Effect on
If currency post-tax If currency post-tax
strengthened/ deficit for strengthened/ surplus for
百萬港元 in HK$ million weakened by the year weakened by the year

歐羅 EUR 5% 59 5% 42
日圓 JPY 5% 26 5% 14
英鎊 GBP 5% 9 5% 4

(ii) 股票價格風險 (ii) Equity price risk

股票價格風險是指因股票價格變動而引致虧損的 Equity price risk is the risk of loss arising from changes in equity prices. The Group is exposed
風險。由於股票價格下跌,會令股票投資的價值 to equity price risk as the value of its equity investments will decline if equity prices fall. These
下降,因此集團承受著股票價格風險。這些投資 investments are classified as available-for-sale financial assets in the balance sheet.
在資產負債表中列入可供出售財務資產項下。 At balance sheet date, if the prices of the respective equity instruments had been 5% higher/
於結算日,若各項相關權益工具的價格上升 /下 lower, with all other variables held constant, the Group’s investment revaluation reserve
跌 百 分 之 五, 在 其 他 所 有 可 變 因 素 均 維 持 不 變 included within total equity would have increased/decreased by HK$569 million (2008: HK$793
的情況下,集團包括在權益總值賬項內的投資重 million) as a result of the changes in fair value of available-for-sale investments.
估 儲 備, 會 因 可 供 出 售 投 資 的 公 平 價 值 變 動 而
增加 /減少五億六千九百萬港元(二○○八年:

32 財務風險管理(續) 32 Financial risk management (cont.)
32.1 財務風險因素(續) 32.1 Financial risk factors (cont.)
(a) 市場風險(續) (a) Market risk (cont.)
(iii) 利率風險 (iii) Interest rate risk
利率風險是指因市場利率變動而引致虧損的風 Interest rate risk refers to the risk of loss arising from changes in market interest rates. This
險,分為公平價值利率風險及現金流量利率風險。 can be further classified into fair value interest rate risk and cash flow interest rate risk. Fair
公平價值利率風險是指市場利率變動,引致財務 value interest rate risk is the risk that the value of a financial asset will fluctuate because of
資產價格波動的風險。現金流量利率風險則指市 changes in market interest rates. Cash flow interest rate risk is the risk that future cash flows
場利率變動,引致財務資產日後現金流量出現波 of a financial asset will fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. The Group is
動的風險。由於集團有重大的計息投資,因此同 exposed to both fair value and cash flow interest rate risks as the Group has significant
時承受著公平價值及現金流量利率風險。 investments that are interest bearing.
於結算日,若利率增加/減少一百基點,在其他 At balance sheet date, if there had been a general increase/decrease of 100 basis points in
所有可變因素均維持不變的情況下,集團的除稅 interest rates, with all other variables held constant, the Group’s post-tax deficit for the year
後虧損將下跌 /上升 七千萬港元(二○○八年:除 would have been HK$70 million lower/higher (2008: HK$73 million higher/lower on post-tax
稅後盈餘上升 /下跌七千三百萬港元)。而包括在 surplus). The investment revaluation deficit included within total equity would have been
權益總值賬項內的投資重估減值,會因利率增加 approximately HK$224 million higher/lower (2008: HK$262 million lower/higher on investment
/減少而上升 /下跌約二億二千四百萬港元(二○ revaluation surplus) in response to the general increase/decrease in interest rates.
○八年:投資重估盈餘下跌/上升 二億六千二百萬

集團透過策略性資產分配及為基金設定的投資基準, The Group controls and monitors market risk through strategic asset allocation and the
監控市場風險。貨幣風險透過資產分配予以限制,方 investment benchmarks set for the funds. Currency risk is contained by asset allocation which
法為增加港元及美元資產所佔的比重。集團因內地業 overweighs HKD and USD denominated assets. Currency exposure arising from the net assets
務所持淨資產而引致的貨幣風險,主要透過以人民幣 of the Group’s China operations is managed primarily through borrowings denominated in RMB.
計算的借貸進行管理。至於股票價格風險,則透過採 Equity price risk is mitigated by adopting benchmarks that are diversified globally, by sectors
納按行業及證券類別作多元化全球風險分散的基準予 and by securities. Interest rate risk is controlled through benchmark duration guidelines and by
以減低。利率風險方面,則透過制訂基準期限指引及 investing across a spectrum of fixed and floating rate instruments.

(b) 流動資金風險 (b) Liquidity risk

流動資金風險是指現有資金可能無法償付到期時所承 Liquidity risk refers to the risk that available funds may not be sufficient to meet obligations as
擔的風險。此外,集團亦可能無法於短期內以接近公 they fall due. In addition, the Group may not be able to liquidate its financial assets at a price
平價值的價格將財務資產變現。 close to fair value within a short period of time.
為確保備有足夠資金償付債項,及有能力籌集資 To ensure sufficient liquidity to meet liabilities and the ability to raise funds to meet exceptional
金應付額外需要,集團保留足夠現金及具市場價值之 needs, the Group maintains sufficient cash and marketable securities and invests primarily in
證券,並主要投資於交投活躍的金融市場及工具。 liquid financial markets and instruments.
集團亦透過預計所需現金及監控營運資金,進行 The Group also employs projected cash flow analysis to manage liquidity risk by forecasting
預計現金流量分析,管理流動資金風險,以確保可應 the amount of cash required and monitoring the working capital of the Group to ensure that
付所有到期債項及已知的資金需求。 all liabilities due and known funding requirements can be met.
集團及馬會截至六月三十日止的非衍生財務負 The non-derivative financial liabilities, loan commitment and net-settled derivative financial
債、貸款承擔及以淨額基準結算的衍生財務負債,均 liabilities of the Group and Club as at 30 June are analysed into relevant maturity buckets based
按照其合約到期日劃分的有關期限組別而作出分析。 on their contractual maturity dates. The amounts disclosed in the table below are the contractual
下表所披露的款額為合約未折現現金流量︰ undiscounted cash flows:

集團 Group
2009 2008
三個月或以下 三個月至一年 三個月或以下 三個月至一年
Up to >3 months 總計 Up to >3 months 總計
百萬港元 in HK$ million 3 months to 1 year Total 3 months to 1 year Total

流動負債 Current liabilities

短期貸款 Short-term loans 483 – 483 192 232 424
應付賬款 Creditors 2,682 323 3,005 3,908 454 4,362
貸款承擔 Loan commitment – – – 3 – 3
衍生工具(以淨額基準結算) Derivatives (net settled) (11) – (11) (52) (4) (56)

3,154 323 3,477 4,051 682 4,733

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

32 財務風險管理(續) 32 Financial risk management (cont.)

32.1 財務風險因素(續) 32.1 Financial risk factors (cont.)
(b) 流動資金風險(續) (b) Liquidity risk (cont.)

馬會 Club
2009 2008
三個月或以下 三個月至一年 三個月或以下 三個月至一年
Up to >3 months 總計 Up to >3 months 總計
百萬港元 in HK$ million 3 months to 1 year Total 3 months to 1 year Total

流動負債 Current liabilities

應付賬款 Creditors 1,702 283 1,985 2,538 406 2,944
應付予附屬公司的款項 Amounts due
to subsidiaries 3,024 – 3,024 2,846 – 2,846
貸款承擔 Loan commitment – – – 3 – 3
衍生工具(以淨額基準結算) Derivatives (net settled) (11) – (11) (52) (4) (56)

4,715 283 4,998 5,335 402 5,737

於二○○九年六月三十日,集團及馬會所持有的未平 As at 30 June 2009, the maximum gross nominal value of outstanding forward foreign exchange
倉遠期外匯合約最高面值總額為五十二億二千八百萬 contracts held by the Group and Club were HK$5,228 million (2008: HK$3,789 million). The table
港元(二○○八年︰三十七億八千九百萬港元)。下 below analyses the Group’s and Club’s outstanding forward foreign exchange contracts as at
表對集團及馬會截至二○○九年六月三十日止及二 30 June 2009 and 2008 that would be settled on a gross basis into relevant maturity buckets
○○八年六月三十日止的未平倉遠期外匯合約作出分 based on their remaining contractual maturity dates. The amounts disclosed in the table are
析,這些合約將按總額結算,並按其餘下合約到期日 contractual undiscounted cash flows, which are different from the carrying amounts (i.e. market
劃分有關期限組別。下表所披露的款額為合約未折現 values) in the Group’s and Club’s balance sheet.
集團 Group
2009 2008
三個月或以下 三個月至一年 三個月或以下 三個月至一年
Up to >3 months 總計 Up to >3 months 總計
百萬港元 in HK$ million 3 months to 1 year Total 3 months to 1 year Total

遠期外匯合約 Forward foreign

exchange contracts
流出 Outflows (5,186) (42) (5,228) (3,476) (313) (3,789)
流入 Inflows 5,191 39 5,230 3,455 310 3,765

馬會 Club
2009 2008
三個月或以下 三個月至一年 三個月或以下 三個月至一年
Up to >3 months 總計 Up to >3 months 總計
百萬港元 in HK$ million 3 months to 1 year Total 3 months to 1 year Total

遠期外匯合約 Forward foreign

exchange contracts
流出 Outflows (5,186) (42) (5,228) (3,476) (313) (3,789)
流入 Inflows 5,191 39 5,230 3,455 310 3,765

32 財務風險管理(續) 32 Financial risk management (cont.)
32.1 財務風險因素(續) 32.1 Financial risk factors (cont.)
(c) 信貸風險 (c) Credit risk
由於借貸人或交易對手,未必有能力或願意於貸款到 The Group is exposed to credit risk since a borrower or a counterparty may not be able or willing
期時完全履行合約責任,因此集團承受著信貸風險。 to perform its contractual obligations in full when due. It arises mainly from the Group’s deposit
信貸風險主要來自集團的存款、投資及衍生交易。 placements, investments and derivative transactions.
集團透過審慎挑選交易對手及分散借貸,減低所 The Group limits its exposure to credit risk by rigorously selecting the counterparties and by
承受的信貸風險。集團根據交易對手的信貸評級及財 diversification. Credit limits are established to control the overall exposure to each authorised
務實力而釐定信貸限額,從而控制其為每一獲批准交 counterparty based on its credit ratings and financial strength. Counterparty credit exposures
易對手所承受的整體風險。關於交易對手的信貸風 are measured according to the risk nature of financial products involved in the transaction.

(i) 承受的信貸風險 (i) Exposure to credit risk

於二○○九年六月三十日,集團及馬會須承受信 As at 30 June 2009, the Group’s and Club’s maximum exposure to the credit risk of financial
貸風險的財務資產(如附註2.7)最高款額,接近資 assets as defined in note 2.7 approximated their carrying amounts in the balance sheet.

(ii) 逾期但並未減值的財務資產 (ii) Financial assets that were past due but not impaired
於二○○九年六月三十日,集團及馬會根據逾期 As at 30 June 2009, the trade receivables of the Group and Club that were past due but not
時間計算,逾期但並未界定為減值的應收貿易賬 determined to be impaired according to the period past due were HK$9 million (2008: HK$7
款為九百萬港元(二○○八年:七百萬港元)。由 million). The overall impact of trade receivables on the Group’s and Club’s financial statements
於集團的主要業務均以現金與顧客交易,故應收 is insignificant because the Group’s principal businesses are transacted in cash with customers.
貿易賬款對集團及馬會財務賬項的整體影響不大。 The trade receivables mainly relate to the Membership business where the credit risks are
應收貿易賬款主要與會員業務有關,而信貸風險 assumed by a licensed bank under an affinity card agreement. All the receivables are due
則由一家持牌銀行按一項聯營卡協議而予以承擔。 within one year.

32.2 資本風險管理 32.2 Capital risk management

集團管理資本的宗旨,在於保障集團的持續經營能 The Group’s objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the Group’s ability to continue
力,從而︰ as a going concern in order to
– 為市民提供各項世界級體育娛樂,同時透過繳納 – provide a variety of world-class sporting entertainment to the community, while making
稅項及捐助慈善,對社會作出貢獻;以及 contributions in the form of duties, taxes and charitable donations, and
– 支持集團的穩定發展及持續增長。 – support the Group’s stability and growth
集團不斷監察其資本,即資產負債表中所示的權 The Group monitors its capital which is same as the total equity shown in its balance sheet to
益總額,以確保可透過香港賽馬會慈善信託基金,以 ensure an appropriate level of return is made to the community in the form of donations
慈善捐獻方式,對社會作出適當的回饋。 through The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.

32.3 公平價值估算 32.3 Fair value estimation

在交投活躍的市場買賣的金融工具(例如公開買賣的 The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets (such as publicly traded securities
證券及衍生工具)的公平價值,根據結算日的市場報 and derivatives) is based on quoted market prices at the balance sheet date. The fair value of
價列賬。並非在交投活躍的市場買賣的金融工具(例 financial instruments that are not traded in an active market (for example, over-the-counter
如場外衍生工具)的公平價值,則使用合適的估值技 derivatives) is determined by using appropriate valuation techniques. The Group uses a variety
巧釐定。集團使用多種方法,並按照每個結算日的市 of methods and makes assumptions that are based on market conditions at each balance sheet
場情況作出假設。利率掉期的公平價值,按照估計日 date. The fair value of interest rate swaps is calculated as the present value of the estimated
後現金流量的現值計算。遠期外匯合約的公平價值, future cash flows. The fair value of forward foreign exchange contracts is determined using
則以結算日的遠期匯率釐定。 quoted forward exchange rates at the balance sheet date.
集團假設貿易應收賬款和應付賬款的賬面值接近 The nominal values of trade receivables and payables are assumed to approximate their
其公平價值。 fair values.

33 比較數字 33 Comparative figures

若干比較數字已予重新分類,以符合本年度的列示 Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform to the presentation of
方式。 current year.

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註



主要業務 已發行及繳足股本/註冊資本 直接 間接


香港馬會賽馬博彩有限公司 經營賽馬博彩業務 二億股每股一港元的普通股股份 100

香港馬會足球博彩有限公司 經營足球博彩業務 一億股每股一港元的普通股股份 100

香港馬會獎券有限公司 經營六合彩獎券業務 一百萬股每股一港元的普通股股份 100

賽馬會會員事務有限公司 負責管理馬會會員的交誼與康樂設施 一百股每股一港元的普通股股份 100

香港賽馬會(經理)有限公司 作為員工退休福利計劃的管理人 兩股每股十港元的普通股股份 100

競駿會有限公司 負責管理競駿會的業務 一千萬股每股一港元的普通股股份 100

競駿卓驥管理有限公司 負責管理與競駿會有限公司 一萬股每股一港元的普通股股份 100


香港馬會業務創展有限公司 持有集團海外業務股權 一億股每股一港元的普通股股份 100

香港馬會業務創展(中國)有限公司 持有集團國內業務股權 五億股每股一港元的普通股股份 100


香港賽馬會(慈善)有限公司 代表香港賽馬會或香港賽馬會慈善信託 – 100



HKJC Reinsurance Limited 為集團的業務進行風險管理 十二萬股每股一美元的股份 100


北京香港馬會會所有限公司 負責管理馬會會員的交誼與康樂設施 二千五百萬美元 100

北京香港馬會技術開發有限公司 提供電腦硬件及軟件的技術開發及諮詢服務 五百萬美元 100

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

The following is a list of the Club’s principal subsidiaries at 30 June 2009:
Effective percentage
held by the Club
Issued and fully paid up
Principal activities share capital / registered capital Directly Indirectly

Incorporated in Hong Kong,

limited by share capital
and wholly owned:

HKJC Horse Race Betting Limited operates the horse race betting business 200,000,000 ordinary shares of HK$1 each 100

HKJC Football Betting Limited operates the football betting business 100,000,000 ordinary shares of HK$1 each 100

HKJC Lotteries Limited operates the Mark Six lottery business 1,000,000 ordinary shares of HK$1 each 100

The Jockey Club Membership manages Members’ social and 100 ordinary shares of HK$1 each 100
Services Limited recreational facilities

The Hong Kong Jockey Club acts as administrator for staff 2 ordinary shares of HK$10 each 100
(Managers) Limited retirement benefits scheme

HKJC Racing Club Limited manages the Racing Club’s operations 10,000,000 ordinary shares of HK$1 each 100

The Racing Club manages the HKJC Racing Club 10,000 ordinary shares of HK$1 each 100
Horse Management Limited Limited’s horse related activities

HKJC Business Ventures Limited holds the equity interests of the Group’s 100,000,000 ordinary shares 100
overseas business ventures of HK$1 each

HKJC Business Ventures holds the equity interests of the Group’s 500,000,000 ordinary shares 100
(China) Limited business ventures in China of HK$1 each

Limited by guarantee and

wholly controlled:

The Hong Kong Jockey Club acts as nominee for selected projects – 100
(Charities) Limited and holds investments in the Beijing
Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse
Limited, on behalf of The Hong Kong
Jockey Club or The Hong Kong Jockey
Club Charities Trust

Incorporated in Bermuda,
limited by share capital
and wholly owned:

HKJC Reinsurance Limited insures the Group against certain risks 120,000 shares of US$1 each 100
and exposures

Incorporated in The People’s

Republic of China, limited
by registered capital
and wholly owned:

Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club manages Members’ social and US$25,000,000 100
Clubhouse Limited recreational facilities

Beijing HKJC Technology provides computer hardware and US$5,000,000 100

Development Limited software technology development
and consulting services


百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009* 2008*

顧客投注總額 Amounts wagered by customers 108,357 108,509

博彩及獎券收益 Betting and lottery revenue 19,994 20,604

博彩稅及獎券博彩稅 Betting and lottery duty (12,627) (12,984)
付款予外地賽馬機構 Payment to racing jurisdiction outside Hong Kong (30) (28)
獎券基金 Lotteries Fund (964) (957)

佣金及毛利 Commission and gross margin 6,373 6,635

其他收益 Other revenue 1,786 1,612
銷售成本 Cost of sales (336) (347)

經營收入 Operating income 7,823 7,900

經營成本 Operating costs (5,751) (5,592)

經營盈餘 Operating surplus 2,072 2,308

存款利息收入 Interest income from deposits 75 168

證券投資及長期投資組合的(虧損)/盈餘 (Deficit)/surplus from securities investments and
long-term investment portfolios (1,151) 1,054
/盈餘 (Deficit)/surplus from Contingency Fund investments (1,157) 1,648
財務費用 Finance costs (28) (17)

財務(虧損)/盈餘 Financial (deficit)/surplus (2,261) 2,853

所佔聯營公司虧損 Share of loss of an associate (23) –

扣除稅項、撥捐慈善信託基金慈善捐款、 (Deficit)/surplus before taxation, charitable donations to Charities Trust,

轉撥予備用基金及發展基金前的(虧損)/盈餘 transfer to Contingency Fund and Development Fund (212) 5,161

撥款予香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 Appropriation to The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

– 撥款基金 – Allocations Fund (500) (880)
– 資本基金 – Capital Fund – (900)

除稅前(虧損)/盈餘 (Deficit)/surplus before taxation (712) 3,381

稅項 Taxation (238) (242)

撥款及除稅後的淨額(虧損)/盈餘 Net (deficit)/surplus after appropriation and taxation (950) 3,139

轉撥予備用基金 Transfer to Contingency Fund 1,157 (1,648)

轉撥予發展基金 Transfer to Development Fund – (66)

保留盈餘撥入累積儲備 Retained surplus transferred to Accumulated Reserve 207 1,425

* 請參閱第一百三十七頁附註1。 * Refer to note 1 on page 137.


香港賽馬會集團 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Group

賽馬及投注設施 Racing and betting facilities

截至六月三十日止各年度 for years ended 30 June

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

賽馬博彩顧客投注總額 Amounts wagered by

customers on horse race betting 66,820 67,685 64,000 60,050 62,661
賽馬博彩彩金及回扣 Horse race betting
dividends and rebates (55,583) (56,221) (53,040) (48,806) (50,893)

賽馬博彩收益 Horse race betting revenue 11,237 11,464 10,960 11,244 11,768
賽馬博彩稅 Horse race betting duty (8,120) (8,286) (8,039) (7,943) (8,352)
付款予外地賽馬機構 Payment to racing jurisdiction
outside Hong Kong (30) (28) (27) (48) (29)

賽馬博彩毛利 Horse race betting gross margin 3,087 3,150 2,894 3,253 3,387

足球博彩顧客投注總額 Amounts wagered by

customers on football betting 35,108 34,442 30,190 31,272 26,731
足球博彩彩金 Football betting dividends (29,308) (28,238) (24,764) (26,157) (22,669)

足球博彩收益 Football betting revenue 5,800 6,204 5,426 5,115 4,062

足球博彩稅 Football betting duty (2,900) (3,102) (2,713) (2,558) (2,031)

足球博彩毛利 Football betting gross margin 2,900 3,102 2,713 2,557 2,031

獎券顧客投注總額 Amounts wagered by

customers on lottery 6,429 6,382 6,589 6,293 6,599
獎券獎金 Lottery prizes (3,472) (3,446) (3,559) (3,399) (3,563)

獎券收益 Lottery revenue 2,957 2,936 3,030 2,894 3,036

獎券博彩稅 Lottery duty (1,607) (1,596) (1,647) (1,573) (1,650)
獎券基金 Lotteries Fund (964) (957) (988) (944) (990)

獎券佣金 Lottery commission 386 383 395 377 396

其他淨收益 Other net revenue 727 658 551 511 437

總經營收入 Total operating income 7,100 7,293 6,553 6,698 6,251

直接經營成本 Direct operating costs (4,226) (4,197) (3,875) (3,459) (3,260)

雜項捐款 Miscellaneous donations (50) (64) (3) (5) (15)
折舊、攤銷、減值及註銷 Depreciation, amortisation,
impairment and write-offs (667) (696) (658) (595) (608)

總經營成本 Total operating costs (4,943) (4,957) (4,536) (4,059) (3,883)

經營盈餘 Operating surplus 2,157 2,336 2,017 2,639 2,368

財務(虧損)/盈餘 Financial (deficit)/surplus (2,258) 2,821 3,209 1,958 1,033
撥款予香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 Appropriation to The Hong Kong
Jockey Club Charities Trust
– 撥款基金 – Allocations Fund (500) (880) (650) (700) (710)
– 資本基金 – Capital Fund – (900) (700) (1,100) (600)

除稅前(虧損)/盈餘 (Deficit)/surplus before taxation (601) 3,377 3,876 2,797 2,091

撥入金多寶彩池的逾期未領獎金 Unclaimed prizes transferred

to the Snowball Pool 65 102 74 66 71

數 字 包 括 全 季 的 賽 馬、 足 球 博 彩 以 及 六 合 彩 獎 券 The figures represent the racing, football betting and Mark Six lottery results of the
業績。 full season.
賽馬會會員事務有限公司 The Jockey Club Membership Services Limited
會員設施 Membership facilities

截至六月三十日止各年度 for years ended 30 June

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

收入 Income
會員會費 Membership subscriptions 160 156 192 156 154
餐飲業務(虧損)/盈餘 Catering (deficit)/surplus (6) 6 2 (1) (2)
其他非餐飲業務收入 Other non-catering income 32 31 27 26 28
發展收入 – Development income –
會員入會費及會籍資格費 Member’s entrance
and qualification fees 80 75 92 85 84

266 268 313 266 264

會員事務直接行政支出 Direct membership

administration costs (179) (161) (161) (152) (139)
折舊及註銷 Depreciation and write-offs (72) (59) (52) (49) (50)

(251) (220) (213) (201) (189)

經營盈餘 Operating surplus 15 48 100 65 75

財務盈餘 Financial surplus
– 發展基金收入 – Development Fund 15 24 50 29 15
– 非發展基金收入 – Non-Development Fund 9 26 32 20 9

除稅前盈餘 Surplus before taxation 39 98 182 114 99

於二○○九年六月三十日,賽馬會會員事務有限公司 The net assets of The Jockey Club Membership Services Limited at 30 June 2009 were HK$1,768
賬面淨值為十七億六千八百萬港元(二○○八年: million (2008: HK$1,792 million), including property, plant and equipment of HK$405 million
十七億九千二百萬港元),包括物業、設備及器材 (2008: HK$308 million), long-term investment portfolios of HK$954 million (2008: HK$1,015
四億零五百萬港元(二○○八年:三億零八百萬港 million), deferred tax assets of HK$2 million (2008: HK$5 million), current assets of HK$573 million
元),長期投資組合九億五千四百萬港元(二○○八 (2008: HK$639 million), less current liabilities of HK$166 million (2008: HK$175 million).
年: 十 億 一 千 五 百 萬 港 元), 遞 延 稅 項 資 產 二 百
萬 港 元(二 ○ ○ 八 年: 五 百 萬 港 元), 流 動 資 產


賽事 Racing

截至六月三十日止各年度 for years ended 30 June 2009* 2008* 2007* 2006* 2005

賽馬日次數 Race meetings

日馬次數 Day meetings 47 46 46 44 44
夜馬次數 Night meetings 31 32 32 34 34

總次數 Total number of meetings 78 78 78 78 78

草地賽馬場數 Races on turf 655 652 642 617 635

全天候跑道賽馬場數 Races on all-weather track 78 78 84 91 75

總場數 Total number of races 733 730 726 708 710

馬匹 Horses
馬匹出賽總次數 Total runners 9,179 9,136 9,083 9,018 9,153

勝出一場賽事馬匹數目 Horses winning 1 race 279 344 305 279 287

勝出兩場賽事馬匹數目 Horses winning 2 races 120 108 114 132 112
勝出三場賽事馬匹數目 Horses winning 3 races 43 41 37 34 39
勝出三場以上賽事馬匹數目 Horses winning over 3 races 19 11 18 13 17

勝出賽事馬匹數目 Horses with winnings 461 504 474 458 455

未曾勝出頭馬但跑入位置馬匹數目 Horses not winning – placed 420 364 387 372 400
未曾勝出頭馬亦無跑入位置馬匹數目 Horses not winning – unplaced 324 256 293 321 328
未曾出賽馬匹數目 Horses not raced 255 246 201 186 175

馬匹總數 Total horse population 1,460 1,370 1,355 1,337 1,358

退役馬匹 Retirements 360 322 338 313 344

賽事獎金 Prize money

獎金總額(百萬港元) Total prize money (HK$ million) 763 718 685 678 677
每場平均獎金(千港元) Average prize money
per race (HK$’000) 1,042 983 944 957 954
每匹馬平均獎金(千港元) Average prize money
per horse (HK$’000) 523 524 506 507 499
年內曾贏得獎金馬匹 Percentage of horses
佔馬匹總數百分比 winning prize money in the year 64% 68% 68% 67% 67%
年內曾贏得獎金馬匹 Percentage of individual runners
佔出賽馬匹總數百分比 winning prize money in the year 78% 83% 80% 78% 77%
年內贏回基本養馬費用或 Percentage of horses recovering
更多獎金馬匹百分比 basic costs or more in the year 38% 43% 43% 42% 42%

賽馬日平均入場人數(千) Average attendance

per meeting (‘000)
跑馬地 Happy Valley 17.7 17.3 17.4 17.3 18.1
沙田 Sha Tin 29.3 29.6 29.5 28.3 29.0

賽馬投注額(百萬港元) Racing Turnover (HK$ million)

普通彩池 Standard bets 57,114 57,850 54,433 50,242 51,890
特別彩池 Exotic bets 9,310 9,749 9,567 9,808 10,771
固定賠率彩池 Fixed odds bets 396 86 – – –

總額 Total 66,820 67,685 64,000 60,050 62,661

* 全季的統計資料(即該四欄分別包括二○○六年七 * Statistical data of the full seasons (i.e. 2 July 2006, 2 July 2007, 1 July 2008 and 3 July 2008, and
月二日、二○○七年七月二日、二○○八年七月一日 1 July 2009 race meetings included in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 respectively).

財務 Financial

截至六月三十日止各年度 for years ended 30 June

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009* 2008* 2007* 2006* 2005

繳付政府稅款 Payments of duty and

taxation to Government
賽馬博彩稅 Horse race betting duty 8,120 8,286 8,039 7,943 8,352
足球博彩稅 Football betting duty 2,900 3,102 2,713 2,558 2,031
獎券博彩稅 Lottery duty 1,607 1,596 1,647 1,573 1,650
利得稅 Profits tax 238 242 245 331 302

12,865 13,226 12,644 12,405 12,335

娛樂稅 撥捐香港公益金
Donation in lieu of
Entertainments tax# to The
Community Chest of Hong Kong 3 3 3 3 4

娛樂稅自一九九三年四月一日起撤消。馬會同意將 #
Entertainments tax was abolished with effect from 1 April 1993. The Club agreed to donate
相等於娛樂稅款額的馬場入場費捐贈香港公益金,為 sums equivalent to entertainments tax on racecourse admission to The Community Chest of
期十年至二○○三年三月三十一日,其後續期至二○ Hong Kong for ten years up to 31 March 2003, subsequently extended to 31 March 2012.

會員 Membership

於六月三十日 as at 30 June 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

會員人數 Number of Members

全費會員 Full Members 13,382 13,238 13,013 12,890 12,712
全費會員(S) Full Members (S) 189 193 191 189 186
賽馬及其他會員 Racing and other Members 7,787 7,390 6,769 6,444 6,148
缺席會員 Absent Members 4,771 4,705 4,725 4,631 4,566
公司會員 Corporate Members 168 162 155 152 149

26,297 25,688 24,853 24,306 23,761

集團僱員 Group employees

於六月三十日 as at 30 June 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

全職 Full-time 5,303 5,137 4,626 4,429 4,275

兼職 Part-time 20,956 20,163 20,313 20,135 18,490

* 全季的統計資料(即該四欄分別包括二○○六年七 * Statistical data of the full seasons (i.e. 2 July 2006, 2 July 2007, 1 July 2008 and 3 July 2008, and
月二日、二○○七年七月二日、二○○八年七月一日 1 July 2009 race meetings included in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 respectively).


基金信託人現謹提呈截至二○○九年六月三十日止年 The Trustees have pleasure in submitting their annual report and the audited financial statements
度的年報及已審核財務報表。 for the year ended 30 June 2009.

主要活動 Principal activities

根據信託契約,在過去一年香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 During the year, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (the “Trust”) was primarily engaged
(「信託基金」)主要活動為資助本港慈善機構及社區 in supporting charitable organisations and community projects in Hong Kong in accordance
計劃。 with the Trust Deed.

財務報表 Financial statements

信託基金本年度收支詳情見於第一百七十八頁的收支 The results of the Trust for the year are set out in the income and expenditure account on page
表。在年報及已審核財務報表內一切金額數字,除非 178. All figures in the annual report and the audited financial statements are expressed in
另外說明,否則均以百萬港元表值。 millions of Hong Kong dollars unless otherwise stated.

基金 Funds
信託基金本年度的基金變動情況見財務報表附註7。 Movements in funds of the Trust during the year are set out in note 7 to the financial

捐款 Donations
年內信託基金撥款十三億六千八百萬港元作慈善用 During the year, the Trust allocated HK$1,368 million for charitable purposes, as shown on pages
途,詳情見第一百一十六頁至一百二十二頁。 116 to 122.

基金信託人 Trustees
基金信託人由香港賽馬會的十二位董事兼任,成員名 The Trustees of the Trust are the twelve Stewards of The Hong Kong Jockey Club as listed on
單詳列於本年報第四頁。 page 4 of this annual report.
范徐麗泰博士於二○○八年九月四日獲委為基金 Dr Rita Fan Hsu Lai Tai was appointed as a Trustee on 4 September 2008 to replace Mr Robert
信託人,以補替郭勤功先生。 C Kwok.

管理合約 Management contracts

在本年度內,信託基金並無為整體業務或其中任何重 No contracts concerning the management and administration of the whole or any substantial
要部分的行政管理事宜簽訂任何合約,亦無任何有關 part of the business of the Trust were entered into or existed during the year.

核數師 Auditors
有關財務報表已經由羅兵咸永道會計師事務所審核, The financial statements have been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers who retire and, being
該核數師亦按章引退,但符合資格且願意續受聘任。 eligible, offer themselves for re-appointment.

本報告乃根據基金信託人的決議案制定並由本人代表 This report is prepared in accordance with a resolution of the Trustees and is signed for and on
基金信託人簽發。 behalf of the Trustees.

主席 John C C Chan
陳祖澤 Chairman
二○○九年七月二十三日 23 July 2009


致香港賽馬會慈善信託基金信託人 To the Trustees of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
(於香港成立) (established in Hong Kong)

本 核 數 師(以 下 簡 稱「我 們」)已 審 核 列 載 於 第 We have audited the financial statements of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (the
一百七十八頁至一百九十二頁香港賽馬會慈善信託基 “Trust”) set out on pages 178 to 192, which comprise the balance sheet as at 30 June 2009, and
金(「信託基金」)的財務報表。此等財務報表包括信 the income and expenditure account, statement of changes in funds and cash flow statement
託基金二○○九年六月三十日的資產負債表,以及截 for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory
至該日止年度的收支表、基金變動表及現金流量表, notes.

基金信託人就財務報表所須承擔的責任 Trustees’ responsibility for the financial statements

基金信託人須負責根據香港會計師公會頒佈的香港財 The Trustees are responsible for the preparation and the true and fair presentation of these
務報告準則及香港賽馬會慈善信託基金契約編製及真 financial statements in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards issued by the
實而公平地列報此等財務報表。這項責任包括設計、 Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities
實施及維護與編製及真實而公平地列報財務報表有關 Trust Deed. This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining internal control
的內部控制,使財務報表不存在由於欺詐或錯誤而導 relevant to the preparation and the true and fair presentation of financial statements that are
致的重大錯誤陳述;選擇和應用適當的會計政策;以 free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying
及按情況作出合理的會計估計。 appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the

核數師的責任 Auditor’s responsibility

我們的責任是根據我們的審核對此等財務報表作出 Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit and
意見,並按照香港賽馬會慈善信託基金契約僅向基金 to report our opinion solely to you, as a body, in accordance with The Hong Kong Jockey Club
信託人報告,除此之外本報告別無其他目的。我們不 Charities Trust Deed, and for no other purpose. We do not assume responsibility towards or
會就本報告的內容向任何其他人士負上或承擔任何 accept liability to any other person for the contents of this report.
責任。 We conducted our audit in accordance with Hong Kong Standards on Auditing issued by the
我們已根據香港會計師公會頒佈的香港審計準則 Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Those standards require that we comply
進行審核。這些準則要求我們遵守道德規範,並規劃 with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance as to
及執行審核,以合理確定此等財務報表是否不存有任 whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
何重大錯誤陳述。 An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and
審核涉及執行程序以獲取有關財務報表所載金額 disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s
及披露資料的審核憑證。所選定的程序取決於核數師 judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial
的判斷,包括評估由於欺詐或錯誤而導致財務報表存 statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers
有重大錯誤陳述的風險。在評估此等風險時,核數師 internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and true and fair presentation of the
考慮與信託基金編製及真實而公平地列報財務報表有 financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances,
關的內部控制,以設計適當的審核程序,但並非為對 but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal
信託基金的內部控制的效能發表意見。審核亦包括評 control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and
價基金信託人所採用的會計政策的合適性及所作會計 the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the Trustees, as well as evaluating the
估計的合理性,以及評價財務報表的整體列報方式。 overall presentation of the financial statements.
我們相信,我們所獲得的審核憑證充足和適當地 We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide
為我們的審核意見提供基礎。 a basis for our audit opinion.

意見 Opinion
我們認為,該等財務報表已根據香港財務報告準則真 In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
實而公平地反映信託基金於二○○九年六月三十日的 Trust as at 30 June 2009 and of its deficit and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance
業務狀況及截至該日止年度的虧損及現金流量。 with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards.

羅兵咸永道會計師事務所 PricewaterhouseCoopers
執業會計師 Certified Public Accountants
香港,二○○九年七月二十三日 Hong Kong, 23 July 2009


截至六月三十日止年度 for the year ended 30 June 資本基金 Capital Fund 撥款基金 Allocations Fund 總額 Total

百萬港元 in HK$ million 附註 Note 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008

撥自香港賽馬會集團 Appropriation from

The Hong Kong
Jockey Club Group – 900 500 880 500 1,780
出售投資的(虧損)/盈餘︰ (Deficit)/surplus on
sale of investments:
• 已於七月一日確認的 • realisation of amounts

重估(虧損)/盈餘變現 previously recognised

in revaluation
reserve at 1 July (281) 1,188 13 13 (268) 1,201
• 本年度所產生的數額 • amount arising

in current year (1,986) 581 (197) 97 (2,183) 678

(2,267) 1,769 (184) 110 (2,451) 1,879

投資所得股息收入 Dividend income
-上市 from investments – listed 167 193 12 17 179 210
投資所得利息收入 Interest income
-上市 from investments – listed 81 73 43 45 124 118
-非上市 – unlisted 47 61 56 99 103 160
存款利息收入 Interest income from deposits 15 11 20 35 35 46
衍生金融工具的淨收益 Net gains of derivative
financial instruments 49 151 43 68 92 219
無人認領彩金及退款 Forfeited dividends
and refunds – – 53 54 53 54
管理費用支出 Management expenses – – (37) (47) (37) (47)
各基金之間的轉撥 Inter-fund transfer (500) – 500 – – –

撥捐慈善機構及 (Deficit)/surplus before

社區計劃前的(虧損)/盈餘 allocation to charitable
organisations and
community projects (2,408) 3,158 1,006 1,261 (1,402) 4,419
尚未動用的過往撥款 Previous allocations
not utilised – – 130 110 130 110
撥款予慈善機構及社區計劃 Allocation to charitable
organisations and
community projects – – (1,368) (1,052) (1,368) (1,052)

撥入基金的淨(虧損)/盈餘 Net (deficit)/surplus
transferred to Funds 7 (2,408) 3,158 (232) 319 (2,640) 3,477

基金年初結餘 Funds balance at

the beginning of the year 7 17,539 14,381 1,871 1,552 19,410 15,933

基金年底結餘 Funds balance at

the end of the year 7 15,131 17,539 1,639 1,871 16,770 19,410


六月三十日 at 30 June 資本基金 Capital Fund 撥款基金 Allocations Fund 總額 Total

百萬港元 in HK$ million 附註 Note 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008

非流動資產 Non-current assets

長期投資 Long-term investments 4 14,292 16,941 – – 14,292 16,941

流動資產 Current assets

用以資助慈善項目的投資 Investments held to
fund charitable projects 5 – – 4,611 5,498 4,611 5,498
短期存款 Short-term deposits 6 – – 1,293 970 1,293 970
貸款及應收款項 Loans and receivables 1 900 71 61 72 961
各基金之間的應收賬款 Inter-fund receivable – – 332 – 332 –
銀行存款 Bank balances – – 3 2 3 2

1 900 6,310 6,531 6,311 7,431

流動負債 Current liabilities
尚待支付的撥款 Allocations
awaiting payment – – (5,057) (4,538) (5,057) (4,538)
各基金之間的應付賬款 Inter-fund payable (332) – – – (332) –
其他應付款項 Other payables – (625) (1) (117) (1) (742)

(332) (625) (5,058) (4,655) (5,390) (5,280)

流動(負債)/資產淨額 Net current (liabilities)/assets (331) 275 1,252 1,876 921 2,151

13,961 17,216 1,252 1,876 15,213 19,092

基金 Funds 7 13,961 17,216 1,252 1,876 15,213 19,092

基金信託人 John C C Chan

陳祖澤 T Brian Stevenson
施文信 Trustees


截至六月三十日止年度 for the year ended 30 June 資本基金 Capital Fund 撥款基金 Allocations Fund 總額 Total

百萬港元 in HK$ million 附註 Note 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008

截至七月一日止的基金總值 Total funds at 1 July 17,216 16,658 1,876 1,638 19,092 18,296
未在收支表中確認的 Deficit on revaluation
投資重估減值 of investments not
recognised in
the income and
expenditure account 7 (1,128) (1,412) (379) (68) (1,507) (1,480)
年內淨(虧損)/盈餘 Net (deficit)/surplus
for the year (2,408) 3,158 (232) 319 (2,640) 3,477
(盈餘)變現 Realisation of investment
revaluation reserve 7 281 (1,188) (13) (13) 268 (1,201)

截至六月三十日止的基金總值 Total funds at 30 June 13,961 17,216 1,252 1,876 15,213 19,092


截至六月三十日止年度 for the year ended 30 June

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008

投資活動的現金流量 Cash flows from investing activities

已收取利息 Interest received 268 319
已收取股息 Dividends received 179 210
購買可供出售財務資產 Purchase of available-for-sale financial assets (44,379) (39,813)
出售可供出售財務資產 Sale of available-for-sale financial assets 42,352 39,600
對衍生金融工具所收款項 Receipt for derivative financial instruments 96 100

投資活動的淨現金(流出)/流入 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing activities (1,484) 416

其他資金變動 Other fund movements

無人認領彩金及退款 Forfeited dividends and refunds 53 54
撥自香港賽馬會集團 Appropriation from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Group 500 1,780
付款予慈善機構及社區計劃 Payments to charitable organisations and community projects (719) (757)
各基金之間的應收款項增加 Increase in inter-fund receivable (332) –
各基金之間的應付款項增加 Increase in inter-fund payable 332 –
應收款項減少/(增加) Decrease/(increase) in receivables 891 (900)
向賽馬會滘西洲公眾高爾夫球場 Increase in loans to The Jockey Club
有限公司所作的貸款增加 Kau Sai Chau Public Golf Course Limited (8) (11)
管理費用支出 Management expenses (37) (47)

其他資金的淨變動 Net movement from other sources 680 119

現金及現金等價物淨(減少)/增加 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (804) 535

年初現金及現金等價物 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 2,136 1,694
兌換虧損 Exchange losses (36) (93)

年底現金及現金等價物 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 1,296 2,136

現金及現金等價物結存分析 Analysis of the balances of cash and cash equivalents

短期債務證券 Short-term debt securities – 1,164
短期存款 Short-term deposits 1,293 970
銀行存款 Bank balances 3 2

1,296 2,136


1 一般資料 1 General information

信託基金的主要活動,是根據信託契約資助本港的慈 The Trust is primarily engaged in supporting charitable organisations and community projects
善機構及社區計劃。 in Hong Kong in accordance with the Trust Deed.
信託基金在香港成立,註冊地址為香港跑馬地體 The Trust is established in Hong Kong. The address of its registered office is 1 Sports Road,
育道一號。 Happy Valley, Hong Kong.
財務報表以百萬港元為單位列賬。 The financial statements are presented in millions of Hong Kong dollars (HK$ million).
刊載於第一百七十八頁至一百九十二頁的財務報 The financial statements on pages 178 to 192 were approved by the Trustees on 23
表,信託人已於二○○九年七月二十三日審核批准。 July 2009.

2 主要會計政策 2 Principal accounting policies

下列是用以編製財務報表的主要會計政策。除另有註 The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these financial statements are
明外,這些會計政策均一概用於列示的所有年度。 set out below. These policies have been consistently applied to all the years presented, unless
otherwise stated.

2.1 編製原則 2.1 Basis of preparation

信託基金財務報表根據香港會計師公會頒佈的香港財 The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting
務報告準則編製,有關準則包括香港財務報告準則及 Standards (“HKFRS”), which include all applicable individual HKFRS, Hong Kong Accounting
香港會計準則中所有適用的個別準則及詮釋。 Standards (“HKAS”) and interpretations issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified
財務報表採用原值成本慣例,並對可供出售財務 Public Accountants.
資產、按公平價值透過收支列賬的財務資產及財務負 The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified
債,以及衍生金融工具的重估作出修訂。該等項目均 by the revaluation of available-for-sale financial assets, financial assets and financial liabilities
以公平價值列賬。 at fair value through income or expenditure, and derivative financial instruments which are
按香港財務報告準則編製財務報表時,需要作出 carried at fair value.
若干重要的會計估計,亦需要管理層在應用信託基金 The preparation of financial statements in conformity with HKFRS requires the use of certain
會計政策的過程中運用其判斷力。有關涉及較多判斷 critical accounting estimates. It also requires management to exercise its judgement in the process
或較為複雜的範疇,又或在財務報表中需作重大假設 of applying the Trust’s accounting policies. The areas involving a higher degree of judgement
及估計的範疇,已於附註3內披露。 or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates are significant to the financial
statements are disclosed in note 3.

(a) 與信託基金業務有關而且於本會計年度生效的 (a) Amendment that is relevant to the Trust’s operations and is effective for the current
修訂 accounting period
香港會計準則第39號「金融工具:確認及計算」,對 HKAS 39, ‘Financial instruments: Recognition and measurement’, amendment on reclassification
財務資產重新分類的修訂容許若干財務資產如符合所 of financial assets permits reclassification of certain financial assets out of the held-for-trading
註明的條件,即可在持有作買賣用途及可供出售類別 and available-for-sale categories if specified conditions are met. The related amendment to
中重新分類。香港財務報告準則第7號「金融工具: HKFRS 7, ‘Financial instruments: Disclosures’, introduces disclosure requirements with respect to
披露」的相關修訂引入有關在持有作買賣及可供出售 financial assets reclassified out of the held-for-trading and available-for-sale categories. This
類別中對財務資產作重新分類的披露規定。此項修訂 amendment is effective prospectively from 1 July 2008. The Trust has adopted this amendment
自二○○八年七月一日起生效。信託基金已採納此項 but there is no impact on the financial statements as the Trust has not changed its intention on
修訂,但由於信託基金無意對現時所持有的財務資產 its holding of financial assets.

(b) 與信託基金業務有關但未生效的經修訂準則及 (b) Revised standard and amendments that are relevant to the Trust’s operations but are
修訂 not yet effective
以下是已公佈但信託基金並未提早採納,並須於二 The following revised standard and amendments have been published and are mandatory for
○○九年一月一日或之後開始的會計年度強制採納的 accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2009, but have not been early adopted by
經修訂準則及修訂: the Trust:

香港會計準則(修訂) 香港財務報告準則的改善 HKASs (Amendments) Improvements to HKFRSs

香港會計準則 財務報表的呈報 HKAS 1 (Revised) Presentation of Financial Statements


採納以上經修訂準則和修訂,除了影響財務報表的披 The adoption of the above revised standard and amendments will not have material financial
露之外,並無對信託基金構成重大財務影響。 impact to the Trust other than the disclosure impact on the financial statements.

2 主要會計政策(續) 2 Principal accounting policies (cont.)
2.2 基金 2.2 Funds
信託基金包括資本基金及撥款基金。資本基金乃長線 The Trust comprises two funds, the Capital Fund and the Allocations Fund. The Capital Fund is
投資並將所得收入再投資於資本基金上,作未來用 held in the form of long-term investments with income reinvested for the future. The Allocations
途。撥款基金乃投資於證券及短期存款中,並用作慈 Fund is invested in securities and short-term deposits, and is used for charitable donations.
善捐款用途。撥款基金收入包括投資收入、存款利 Income to the Allocations Fund includes income from investments, interest earned on deposits,
息、香港賽馬會(「馬會」)及其各附屬公司的撥款、 appropriation from The Hong Kong Jockey Club (the “Club”) and its subsidiaries, forfeited
無人認領彩金和退款,以及經信託人批准由資本基金 dividends and refunds, and transfers from the Capital Fund as approved by the Trustees.

2.3 長期投資 2.3 Long-term investments

長期投資乃持作非買賣用途,並於結算日按照公平價 Long-term investments are held for non-trading purpose and are stated at fair value at the
值列賬。長期投資財務資產的會計政策,載於以下附 balance sheet date. The accounting policy for the financial assets of the long-term investments
註2.5。 is stated in note 2.5 below.

2.4 用以資助慈善項目的投資 2.4 Investments held to fund charitable projects

用以資助慈善項目的投資乃持作非買賣用途,並於結 Investments held to fund charitable projects are held for non-trading purpose and are stated at
算日按照公平價值列賬。用以資助慈善項目的投資財 fair value at the balance sheet date. The accounting policy for the financial assets of the
務資產的會計政策,載於以下附註2.5。 investments held to fund charitable projects is stated in note 2.5 below.

2.5 財務資產 2.5 Financial assets

信託基金將其財務資產分為以下類別:可供出售財務 The Trust classifies its financial assets into the following categories: available-for-sale financial
資產、衍生金融工具、貸款及應收款項,以及現金及 assets, derivative financial instruments, loans and receivables, and cash and cash equivalents.
現金等價物。分類視乎信託基金取得有關財務資產 The classification depends on the purpose for which the financial assets were acquired.
的目的而定,管理層會於初步確認財務資產時釐定其 Management determines the classification of the financial assets at initial recognition and re-
所屬類別,再於每個呈報日重新評估其所屬類別。購 evaluates this designation at every reporting date. Purchases and sales of financial assets are
入及出售的財務資產,均於交易日亦即信託基金承諾 recognised on trade day - the date on which the Trust commits to purchase or sell the assets.
買賣資產當日確認。當從投資收取現金流的權利已 Financial assets are derecognised when the rights to receive cash flows from the investments
終止或被轉讓,而信託基金實質上已轉讓有關投資的 have expired or have been transferred and the Trust has transferred substantially all risks and
一切風險及回報擁有權時,信託基金會取消確認財務 rewards of ownership.

(a) 可供出售財務資產 (a) Available-for-sale financial assets

可供出售財務資產是非衍生工具,只列入這類別而並 Available-for-sale financial assets are non-derivatives that are either designated in this category
不列入任何其他類別,除非管理層擬於結算日起計 or not classified in any of the other categories. They are included in non-current assets unless
十二個月內出售有關資產,否則會列作非流動資產。 management intends to dispose of the investment within 12 months of the balance sheet date.
可供出售財務資產包括本地及海外上市或非上市股 They comprise local and overseas listed or unlisted equities, debt securities and/or alternative
票、債務證券及/或另類投資。這些資產初時以公平 investments. They are initially measured at fair value plus direct and incremental transaction
價值另加直接及新增交易成本估值,隨後再以公平價 costs and are subsequently remeasured at fair value. Changes in fair value are recognised in the
值重新估值。有關資產的公平價值變動,將列示於投 investment revaluation reserve until the assets are sold. On the sale of these assets, the
資重估儲備賬內,直至有關資產已出售為止。於出售 differences between the net sale proceeds and the carrying value and the cumulative gains or
有關資產時,所得的淨收入與賬面淨值兩者的差額, losses previously recognised in the investment revaluation reserve are recognised through the
以及先前在投資重估儲備中確認的累積收益或虧損, income and expenditure account within the “Deficit/surplus on sale of investments”.
即誌入該期收支表內「出售投資的虧損 /盈餘」項下。 The alternative investments follow the same accounting treatment as the equities and debt
若另類投資的公平價值可以可靠地計算出來,其 securities where their fair values can be reliably measured. When the alternative investments
會計方法與股票及債務證券所採用的相同。若另類投 do not have quoted market prices in an active market and their fair values cannot be reliably
資並無在交投活躍的市場上報價,以致其公平價值無 measured, they will be measured at cost and upon disposal, their gains and losses will be
法可靠地計算出來,則有關投資將以成本計算,而出 recognised through the income and expenditure account.

2 主要會計政策(續) 2 Principal accounting policies (cont.)
2.5 財務資產(續) 2.5 Financial assets (cont.)
(b) 衍生金融工具 (b) Derivative financial instruments
信託基金採用衍生工具如利率掉期或遠期外匯合約, The Trust uses derivatives such as interest rate swaps or forward foreign exchange contracts to
作財務風險管理及推行投資策略。根據香港會計準則 manage its financial risks and to facilitate the implementation of its investment strategies.
第39號規定不符合對沖會計準則的衍生工具,初時 Derivatives that do not qualify for hedge accounting under HKAS 39 are initially recognised at
以衍生工具訂立合約當日的公平價值列賬,隨後再以 fair value on the date on which the derivative contracts are entered into and subsequently
其公平價值重新估值。衍生工具的公平價值變動,在 remeasured at their fair value. Changes in fair value of the derivatives are recognised in the
收支表內報賬。若衍生工具的公平價值為正數,在資 income and expenditure account. Derivatives are carried in the balance sheet as financial assets
產負債表中列入財務資產項下,但若其公平價值為負 when the fair value is positive and as liabilities when the fair value is negative.

(c) 貸款及應收款項 (c) Loans and receivables

貸款及應收款項是指有固定或可釐定付款且沒有在活 Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments
躍市場上報價的非衍生工具財務資產。這些資產會按 that are not quoted in an active market. They are carried at amortised cost using the effective
實際利息成本攤銷法列入流動資產內,惟於結算日 interest method and are included in current assets, except for maturities greater than 12 months
十二個月以後到期的資產,則列作非流動資產。信託 after the balance sheet date where these are classified as non-current assets. The Trust’s
基金貸款及應收款項包括資產負債表所載的「貸款及 loans and receivables comprise “Loans and receivables” and “Inter-fund receivable” in the
應收款項」及「各基金之間的應收賬款」。 balance sheet.

(d) 現金及現金等價物 (d) Cash and cash equivalents

現金及現金等價物包括所持現金、銀行通知存款及原 Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, deposits held at call with banks and other short-
本到期日為三個月或以下的其他短期高流動性投資。 term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less.

信託基金會在每個結算日評估是否存在客觀證據證明 The Trust assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is objective evidence that a financial
某項或某組財務資產已經減值。對於分類為可供出售 asset is impaired. In the case of equity securities classified as available-for-sale, a significant or
的股票證券,證券的公平價若大幅度或長期跌至低於 prolonged decline in the fair value of the security below its cost is considered as an indicator
其成本值,會被視為證券已經顯示減值。若可供出售 that the securities are impaired. If any such evidence exists for available-for-sale financial assets,
的財務資產存在此等證據時,累計虧損 — 按購入成 the cumulative loss – measured as the difference between the acquisition cost and the current
本與當時公平價值的差額,減去財務資產先前在收支 fair value, less any impairment loss on that financial asset previously recognised in the income
表確認的任何減值虧損計算 — 自權益中剔除並於收 and expenditure account – is removed from equity and recognised in the income and expenditure
支表中確認。在收支表中確認的股本投資工具減值虧 account. Impairment losses recognised in the income and expenditure account on equity
損不會在收支表中撥回。 instruments are not reversed through the income and expenditure account.

2.6 外幣兌換 2.6 Foreign currency translation

信託基金的財務報表所列的項目,均以其從事業務的 Items included in the financial statements of the Trust are measured using the currency of the
主要經濟環境內使用的貨幣(「功能貨幣」)計算。信 primary economic environment in which the entity operates (the “functional currency”). The Trust
託基金財務報表以港元列示,港元是其功能貨幣。 financial statements are presented in Hong Kong dollars, which is the Trust’s functional currency.

外幣交易以交易日匯率伸算為功能貨幣。外幣交易結 Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency using the exchange
算產生的兌換收益及虧損,直接誌入收支表內。以外 rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting
幣計算的資產及負債,則以結算日的收市匯率伸算為 from the settlement of foreign currency transactions are recognised directly in the income and
港元。兌換差額誌入收支表內,惟可供出售財務資產 expenditure account. Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at
的非貨幣項目(例如股票)的兌換差額,則誌入投資 the closing rate at the balance sheet date. The differences arising from translation are recognised
重估儲備內。 in the income and expenditure account except for translation differences on non-monetary
items of available-for-sale financial assets, such as equities, which are included in the investment
revaluation reserve.

2.7 無人認領彩金及退款 2.7 Forfeited dividends and refunds

根據香港賽馬會博彩規例,所有在指定限期之內無人 In accordance with The Hong Kong Jockey Club’s Betting Rules, dividends and refunds which
認領的彩金及退款將撥作慈善用途。這些款項均直接 are not claimed within the specified period are deemed to be donated for charitable purposes.
支付予本信託基金。 These amounts are paid directly to the Trust.

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

2 主要會計政策(續) 2 Principal accounting policies (cont.)

2.8 有關連人士 2.8 Related party
就這些財務報表而言,若信託基金有能力直接或間接 For the purposes of these financial statements, a party is considered to be related to the Trust
控制另一方,或可對另一方的財務及經營決策發揮重 if the Trust has the ability, directly or indirectly, to control the party or exercise significant
大影響,或反之亦然,或若信託基金與另一方受共同 influence over the party in making financial and operating decisions, or vice versa, or where
控制,則此另一方乃視為有關連人士。有關連人士可 the Trust and the party are subject to common control. Related parties may be individuals
為個人或實體。 or entities.

3 關鍵會計估算及判斷 3 Critical accounting estimates and judgements

在編製財務報表時,管理層須作出重大判斷,以挑選 In preparing the financial statements, management is required to exercise significant judgements
及應用會計原則,包括作出估計及假設。用以對受各 in the selection and application of accounting principles, including making estimates and
項判斷及不明確因素影響的金融工具進行的估值基 assumptions. The basis of valuation of financial instruments that are impacted by judgements
準,載於附註11.3。 and uncertainties are disclosed in note 11.3.

4 長期投資 4 Long-term investments

資本基金 Capital Fund

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008

可供出售財務資產 Available-for-sale financial assets

股票 Equities
在香港上市 Listed in Hong Kong 3,421 4,193
在海外上市 Listed overseas 5,293 7,146

8,714 11,339
債務證券 Debt securities
在海外上市 Listed overseas 2,172 1,903
非上市 Unlisted 1,433 2,451

3,605 4,354

另類投資 – 非上市 Alternative investments – unlisted 776 881

13,095 16,574

衍生金融工具(附註8) Derivative financial instruments (note 8) 50 44

尚待投資的資金 Funds awaiting investment 433 323
存款 Deposits 714 –

14,292 16,941

債務證券及存款的加權平均實際利率為百分之三點 The debt securities and deposits carried a weighted average effective interest rate of 3.77%
七七(二○○八年:百分之四點一二)。債務證券及 (2008: 4.12%). The carrying amounts of the debt securities and deposits approximated their fair
存款的賬面價值,與其公平價值相若,而其加權平均 values and their weighted average maturity was 8 years (2008: 8 years).

2009 2008

長期投資組合以下列貨幣折算: Long-term investments are denominated

in the following currencies:
美元 USD 50% 45%
港元 HKD 25% 28%
歐羅 EUR 11% 11%
日圓 JPY 5% 5%
英鎊 GBP 3% 4%
其他貨幣 Other currencies 6% 7%

100% 100%

5 用以資助慈善項目的投資 5 Investments held to fund charitable projects

撥款基金 Allocations Fund

百萬港元 in HK$ million 2009 2008

可供出售財務資產 Available-for-sale financial assets

股票 Equities
在香港上市 Listed in Hong Kong 249 314
在海外上市 Listed overseas 326 452

575 766
債務證券 Debt securities
在香港上市 Listed in Hong Kong 83 119
在海外上市 Listed overseas 1,270 998
非上市 Unlisted 2,645 3,840

3,998 4,957

4,573 5,723

衍生金融工具(附註8) Derivative financial instruments (note 8) 41 52

尚待投資的資金 Funds awaiting investment 77 101
應付投資款項 Amounts payable for investment (80) (378)

4,611 5,498

債務證券的加權平均實際利率,為百分之三點八二 The debt securities carried a weighted average effective interest rate of 3.82% (2008: 4.09%).
(二○○八年:百分之四點零九)。債務證券的賬面價 The carrying amounts of the debt securities approximated their fair values and their weighted
值,與其公平價值相若,而其加權平均期限則為六年 average maturity was 6 years (2008: 6 years).

2009 2008

用以資助慈善項目的投資以下列貨幣折算: Investments held to fund charitable projects

are denominated in the following currencies:
美元 USD 80% 78%
歐羅 EUR 8% 7%
港元 HKD 6% 6%
日圓 JPY 3% 5%
其他貨幣 Other currencies 3% 4%

100% 100%

6 短期存款 6 Short-term deposits

短期存款的加權平均實際利率,為百分之零點五(二 The weighted average effective interest rate on short-term deposits was 0.50% (2008: 2.53%).
○○八年:百分之二點五三)。短期存款的賬面價 The carrying amounts approximated their fair values and their weighted average maturity was
值, 與 其 公 平 價 值 相 若, 而 其 加 權 平 均 期 限 則 為 51 days (2008: 47 days). The short-term deposits were denominated in Hong Kong Dollar (“HKD”)
五十一日(二○○八年:四十七日)。短期存款以港 or United States Dollar (“USD”).

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

7 基金 7 Funds
資本基金 Capital Fund 撥款基金 Allocations Fund

投資重估儲備 投資重估儲備
基金結餘 Investment 基金結餘 Investment
Fund revaluation 總額 Fund revaluation 總額
百萬港元 in HK$ million balance reserve Total balance reserve Total

二○○八年七月一日 At 1 July 2008 17,539 (323) 17,216 1,871 5 1,876

轉撥自收支表 Transfer from income and
expenditure account (2,408) – (2,408) (232) – (232)
投資的重估減值 Deficit on revaluation
of investments – (1,128) (1,128) – (379) (379)
(盈餘)變現 Realisation on
sale of investments – 281 281 – (13) (13)

– (847) (847) – (392) (392)

二○○九年六月三十日 At 30 June 2009 15,131 (1,170) 13,961 1,639 (387) 1,252

二○○七年七月一日 At 1 July 2007 14,381 2,277 16,658 1,552 86 1,638

轉撥自收支表 Transfer from income and
expenditure account 3,158 – 3,158 319 – 319
投資的重估減值 Deficit on revaluation
of investments – (1,412) (1,412) – (68) (68)
出售投資的盈餘變現 Realisation on
sale of investments – (1,188) (1,188) – (13) (13)

– (2,600) (2,600) – (81) (81)

二○○八年六月三十日 At 30 June 2008 17,539 (323) 17,216 1,871 5 1,876

8 衍生金融工具 8 Derivative financial instruments

資本基金 撥款基金
Capital Allocations
Fund Fund
百萬港元 in HK$ million (附註 note 4) (附註 note 5)

遠期債券合約 Forward contracts on bonds 2 –

遠期外匯合約 Forward foreign exchange contracts 46 41
期貨 Futures 2 –

二○○九年六月三十日 At 30 June 2009 50 41

遠期債券合約 Forward contracts on bonds (1) –

遠期外匯合約 Forward foreign exchange contracts 30 29
期貨 Futures (25) (10)
期權 Options 4 4
掉期 Swaps 36 29

二○○八年六月三十日 At 30 June 2008 44 52

9 稅項 9 Taxation
信託基金獲豁免繳納香港利得稅,因此並無撥出稅項 No provision for taxation had been made because the Trust is exempt from Hong Kong
準備。 profits tax.

10 與有關連人士之交易 10 Related party transactions

由於馬會董事局成員亦同時擔任信託基金信託人及賽 The Trust is related to The Hong Kong Jockey Club (the “Club”) and The Jockey Club Kau Sai
馬會滘西洲公眾高爾夫球場有限公司董事局成員,因 Chau Public Golf Course Limited (“KSCGC”) as the Club’s Stewards are also the Trustees of the
此信託基金與香港賽馬會(「馬會」)及賽馬會滘西洲 Trust and the Directors of KSCGC.
公眾高爾夫球場有限公司均有關連。 The following transactions were carried out by the Trust with the other related parties:

10.1 管理費用 10.1 Management expenses

年內,信託基金就馬會提供的行政及支援服務,向馬 During the year, the Trust paid the Club management expenses of HK$37 million (2008: HK$47
會 支 付 管 理 費 用 三 千 七 百 萬 港 元(二 ○ ○ 八 年: million) for administrative and support services provided by the Club and charged this amount
四千七百萬港元),這筆款項列入收支表之內。 in the income and expenditure account.

10.2 向賽馬會滘西洲公眾高爾夫球場有限公司借出 10.2 Loan to KSCGC

的貸款 At balance sheet date, included under the loans and receivables was HK$49 million (2008: HK$41
於結算日,信託基金的貸款及應收款項中包括一筆 million) representing the balance of an interest-free, unsecured and repayable on demand loan
四千九百萬港元(二○○八年:四千一百萬港元)的 made by the Trust to KSCGC.

11 財務風險管理 11 Financial risk management

11.1 財務風險因素 11.1 Financial risk factors
信託基金的業務承受著多方面的財務風險:市場風險 The Trust’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including currency risk,
(包括貨幣風險、股票價格風險及利率風險)、流動 equity price risk and interest rate risk), liquidity risk and credit risk. The Trust’s overall risk
資 金 風 險 及 信 貸 風 險。 信 託 基 金 的 整 體 風 險 管 理 management programme focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to
計劃,集中針對金融市場不可預測的特性,目的是 minimise potential adverse effects on the Trust’s financial performance. The Trust uses derivative
盡量減低對信託基金財務表現的潛在不利影響。信託 financial instruments to manage and reduce certain risk exposures.
基金使用衍生金融工具,以管理及減低須承受的若干 The Trust’s major financial assets include deposits, bonds, equities and other alternative
風險。 investments which are managed by the Treasury Department of the Club and external
信託基金的主要財務資產,包括存款、債券、股 professional fund managers.
票及其他另類投資,由馬會庫務部及獨立專業基金經 Risk management is carried out by the Treasury Department of the Club under investment
理進行管理。 policies and risk management guidelines approved by the Club’s Finance and General Purposes
馬會庫務部根據馬會財務及一般事務委員會批核 Committee. Investment constraints and guidelines form an integral part of risk control. Fund-
的投資政策及風險管理指引,進行風險管理。投資限 specific restrictions and guidelines are set according to the investment objectives of each fund
制及指引,則構成風險管理不可或缺的一部分。信託 to control risks of the investments.

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

11 財務風險管理(續) 11 Financial risk management (cont.)

11.1 財務風險因素(續) 11.1 Financial risk factors (cont.)
(a) 市場風險 (a) Market risk
(i) 貨幣風險 (i) Currency risk
貨幣風險是指因以外幣計算的投資及交易所用匯 Currency risk is the risk of loss due to adverse movements in foreign exchange rates relating
率出現不利變動,而引致虧損的風險。 to investments and transactions denominated in foreign currencies.
信託基金的資產及負債主要以美元或港元計 The Trust’s assets and liabilities are primarily denominated in USD or HKD. HKD is pegged
算。港元與美元掛鈎,因此外匯風險可視為僅屬 to USD, and thus foreign exchange exposure is considered as minimal. The Trust’s currency
輕微。信託基金的貨幣風險,主要因持有歐羅、 exposure arises mainly from investments held in Euro (“EUR”), Japanese Yen (“JPY”) and
日圓及英鎊的投資而產生。 Sterling Pound (“GBP”).
下表顯示於結算日,若港元兌各種貨幣的匯率 The following table indicates that at balance sheet date, if HKD had strengthened/weakened
按下列百分比的幅度增強 /轉弱,在其他所有可變 against the currencies by the stated percentages, with all other variables held constant, the
因素均維持不變的情況下,年內信託基金的虧損 Trust’s deficit for the year would have increased/decreased as follows:
2009 2008
對年內撥入基金 對年內撥入基金
若貨幣按下列 的虧損的影響 若貨幣按下列 的盈餘的影響
百分比的 Effect on 百分比的 Effect on
幅度增強 /轉弱 deficit 幅度增強/轉弱 surplus
If currency transferred If currency transferred
strengthened/ to Funds strengthened/ to Funds
百萬港元 in HK$ million weakened by for the year weakened by for the year

歐羅 EUR 5% 47 5% 37
日圓 JPY 5% 23 5% 11
英鎊 GBP 5% 9 5% 2

(ii) 股票價格風險 (ii) Equity price risk

股票價格風險是指因股票價格變動而引致虧損的 Equity price risk is the risk of loss arising from changes in equity prices. The Trust is exposed
風險。由於股票價格下跌,會令股票投資的價值 to equity price risk as the value of its equity investments will decline if equity prices fall. These
下降,因此信託基金承受著股票價格風險。這些 investments are classified as available-for-sale financial assets in the balance sheet.
投資在資產負債表中列入可供出售財務資產項下。 At balance sheet date, if the prices of the respective equity instruments had been 5% higher/
於結算日,若各項相關權益工具的價格上升 /下 lower, with all other variables held constant, the Trust’s investment revaluation reserve
跌百分之五,在其他所有可變因素均維持不變的 included within the Funds would have increased/decreased by HK$574 million (2008: HK$729
情 況 下, 信 託 基 金 包 括 在 基 金 賬 項 內 的 投 資 估 million) as a result of the changes in fair value of available-for-sale investments.
值 儲 備, 會 因 可 供 出 售 投 資 的 公 平 價 值 變 動 而
增加 /減少五億七千四百萬港元(二○○八年:

11 財務風險管理(續) 11 Financial risk management (cont.)
11.1 財務風險因素(續) 11.1 Financial risk factors (cont.)
(a) 市場風險(續) (a) Market risk (cont.)
(iii) 利率風險 (iii) Interest rate risk
利率風險是指因市場利率變動而引致虧損的風險, Interest rate risk refers to the risk of loss arising from changes in market interest rates. This
並可進一步分為公平價值利率風險及現金流量利 can be further classified into fair value interest rate risk and cash flow interest rate risk. Fair
率風險。公平價值利率風險是指市場利率變動, value interest rate risk is the risk that the value of a financial asset will fluctuate because of
引致財務資產價格波動的風險。現金流量利率風 changes in market interest rates. Cash flow interest rate risk is the risk that future cash flows
險則指市場利率變動,引致財務資產日後現金流 of a financial asset will fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. The Trust is
量出現波動的風險。由於信託基金有重大的計息 exposed to both fair value and cash flow interest rate risks as the Trust has significant
投資,因此同時承受著公平價值及現金流量利率 investments that are interest bearing.
風險。 At balance sheet date, if there had been a general increase/decrease of 100 basis points in
於結算日,若利率增加/減少一百基點,在其他 interest rates, with all other variables held constant, the Trust’s deficit for the year would have
所有可變因素均維持不變的情況下,年內信託基 been HK$37million lower/higher (2008: HK$28 million higher/lower on surplus). The
金的虧損將下跌/上升三千七百萬港元(二○○八 investment revaluation deficit included within the Funds would have been approximately
年:盈餘上升/下跌二千八百萬港元)。而包括在 HK$216 million higher/lower (2008: HK$233 million lower/higher on investment revaluation
基金賬項內的投資重估減值,會因利率增加/減少 surplus) in response to the general increase/decrease in interest rates.

信託基金透過策略性資產分配及為基金設定的投資基 The Trust controls and monitors market risk through strategic asset allocation and the investment
準,監控市場風險。貨幣風險透過資產分配予以限 benchmarks set for the funds. Currency risk is contained by asset allocation which overweighs
制,方法為增加港元及美元資產所佔的比重。至於股 HKD and USD denominated assets. Equity price risk is mitigated by adopting benchmarks that
票價格風險,則透過採納按行業及證券類別作多元化 are diversified globally, by sectors and by securities. Interest rate risk is controlled through
全球風險分散的基準予以減低。利率風險方面,則透 benchmark duration guidelines and by investing across a spectrum of fixed and floating
過制訂基準期限指引及投資於多種定息及浮息工具來 rate instruments.

(b) 流動資金風險 (b) Liquidity risk

流動資金風險是指現有資金可能無法償付到期時所承 Liquidity risk refers to the risk that available funds may not be sufficient to meet obligations as
擔的風險。此外,信託基金亦可能無法於短期內以接 they fall due. In addition, the Trust may not be able to liquidate its financial assets at a price
近公平價值的價格將財務資產變現。 close to fair value within a short period of time.
為確保備有足夠資金償付債項,及有能力籌集資 To ensure sufficient liquidity to meet liabilities and the ability to raise funds to meet exceptional
金應付額外需要,信託基金保留足夠現金及具市場 needs, the Trust maintains sufficient cash and marketable securities and invests primarily in liquid
價值之證券,並主要投資於交投活躍的金融市場及 financial markets and instruments.
工具。 The Trust also employs projected cash flow analysis to manage liquidity risk by forecasting the
信託基金亦透過預計所需現金及監控營運資金, amount of cash required and monitoring the working capital of the Trust to ensure that all
進行預計現金流量分析,管理流動資金風險,以確保 liabilities due and known funding requirements can be met.
可應付所有到期債項及已知的資金需求。 The non-derivative financial liabilities, loan commitment and net-settled derivative financial
信託基金截至六月三十日止的非衍生財務負債、 liabilities of the Trust as at 30 June are analysed into relevant maturity buckets based on their
貸款承擔及以淨額基準結算的衍生財務負債,均按照 contractual maturity dates. The amounts disclosed in the table below are the contractual
其合約到期日劃分的有關期限組別而作出分析。下表 undiscounted cash flows:

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

11 財務風險管理(續) 11 Financial risk management (cont.)

11.1 財務風險因素(續) 11.1 Financial risk factors (cont.)
(b) 流動資金風險(續) (b) Liquidity risk (cont.)

三個月或以下 三個月至一年
Up to >3 months 總計
百萬港元 in HK$ million 3 months to 1 year Total

流動負債 Current liabilities

尚待支付的撥款 Allocations awaiting payment 5,057 – 5,057
各基金之間的應付款項 Inter-fund payable 332 – 332
其他應付款項 Other payables 1 – 1
衍生工具(以淨額基準結算) Derivatives (net settled) 3 – 3

5,393 – 5,393


三個月或以下 三個月至一年
Up to >3 months 總計
百萬港元 in HK$ million 3 months to 1 year Total

流動負債 Current liabilities

尚待支付的撥款 Allocations awaiting payment 4,538 – 4,538
其他應付款項 Other payables 742 – 742
貸款承擔 Loan commitment 39 – 39
衍生工具(以淨額基準結算) Derivatives (net settled) 19 4 23

5,338 4 5,342

於二○○九年六月三十日,信託基金所持有的未平倉 As at 30 June 2009, the maximum gross nominal value of outstanding forward foreign exchange
遠期外匯合約最高面值總額為五十二億九千五百萬港 contracts held by the Trust was HK$5,295 million (2008: HK$2,724 million). The table below
元(二○○八年︰二十七億二千四百萬港元)。下表 analyses the Trust’s outstanding forward foreign exchange contracts as at 30 June 2009 and 2008
對信託基金截至二○○九年六月三十日止及二○○八 that would be settled on a gross basis into relevant maturity buckets based on their remaining
年六月三十日止的未平倉遠期外匯合約作出分析,這 contractual maturity dates. The amounts disclosed in the table are contractual undiscounted
些合約將按總額結算,並按其餘下合約到期日劃分有 cash flows, which are different from the carrying amounts (i.e. market values) in the Trust’s
關期限組別。下表所披露的款額為合約未折現現金流 balance sheet.
2009 2008

三個月或以下 三個月至一年 三個月或以下 三個月至一年

Up to >3 months 總計 Up to >3 months 總計
百萬港元 in HK$ million 3 months to 1 year Total 3 months to 1 year Total

遠期外匯合約 Forward foreign

exchange contracts
流出 Outflows (5,263) (32) (5,295) (2,543) (181) (2,724)
流入 Inflows 5,266 30 5,296 2,517 179 2,696

Notes to the Financial Statements 財務報表附註

11 財務風險管理(續) 11 Financial risk management (cont.)

11.1 財務風險因素(續) 11.1 Financial risk factors (cont.)
(c) 信貸風險 (c) Credit risk
由於借貸人或交易對手,未必有能力或願意於貸款到 The Trust is exposed to credit risk since a borrower or a counterparty may not be able or willing
期時完全履行合約責任,因此信託基金承受著信貸風 to perform its contractual obligations in full when due. It arises mainly from the Trust’s deposit
險。信貸風險主要來自信託基金的存款、投資及衍生 placements, investments and derivative transactions.
交易。 The Trust limits its exposure to credit risk by rigorously selecting the counterparties and by
信託基金透過審慎挑選交易對手及分散借貸,減 diversification. Credit limits are established to control the overall exposure to each authorised
低所承受的信貸風險。信託基金根據交易對手的信貸 counterparty based on its credit ratings and financial strength. Counterparty credit exposures
評級及財務實力而釐定信貸限額,從而控制其為每一 are measured according to the risk nature of financial products involved in the transaction. As
獲批准交易對手所承受的整體風險。關於交易對手的 at 30 June 2009, the Trust’s maximum exposure to the credit risk of financial assets as defined
信貸風險,則按照交易所涉財務產品的風險性質釐 in note 2.5 approximated their carrying amounts in the balance sheet.

11.2 資本風險管理 11.2 Capital risk management

信託基金管理資本的目標,在於保障信託基金的持續 The Trust’s objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the Trust’s ability to continue as
經營能力,從而︰ a going concern in order to
– 作為全港最大慈善資助機構,對公共及社區服務 – be a major benefactor of public and community services through charitable contribution;
作出捐獻;及 and
– 支持信託基金穩定發展,並取得持續增長。 – support the Trust’s stability and growth.
信託基金不斷監察其資本,即資產負債表中所列 The Trust monitors its capital which is same as the Funds shown in its balance sheet to ensure
基金款額,以確保信託基金可透過慈善捐獻,對社會 an appropriate level of return is made to the community in the form of donations.

11.3 公平價值估算 11.3 Fair value estimation

在交投活躍的市場買賣的金融工具(例如公開買賣的 The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets (such as publicly traded securities
證券及衍生工具)的公平價值,根據結算日的市場報 and derivatives) is based on quoted market prices at the balance sheet date. The fair value of
價列賬。並非在交投活躍的市場買賣的金融工具(例 financial instruments that are not traded in an active market (for example, over-the-counter
如場外衍生工具)的公平價值,則使用合適的估值技 derivatives) is determined by using appropriate valuation techniques. The Trust uses a variety of
巧釐定。信託基金使用多種方法,並按照每個結算日 methods and makes assumptions that are based on market conditions at each balance sheet
的市場情況作出假設。利率掉期的公平價值,按照估 date. The fair value of interest rate swaps is calculated as the present value of the estimated
計日後現金流量的現值計算。遠期外匯合約的公平價 future cash flows. The fair value of forward foreign exchange contracts is determined using
值,則以結算日的遠期匯率釐定。 quoted forward exchange rates at the balance sheet date.
信託基金假設應收賬款和應付款項的賬面價值, The nominal values of receivables and payables are assumed to approximate their
接近其公平價值。 fair values.

12 比較數字 12 Comparative figures

若干比較數字已予重新分類,以符合本年度的列示 Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to conform to the presentation of
方式。 current year.

To be a world leader in the provision of horse racing, sporting and
betting entertainment, and Hong Kong’s premier charity and community
Vision 致力提供世界最高水平的賽馬、體育及博彩娛樂,同時
目標 維持全港最大慈善公益資助機構的地位。

To provide total customer satisfaction through meeting the expectations of all

Designed by Lilian Tang Design Limited • Stewards and Management portraits by Bobby Lee • Annual Report photos by The Hong Kong Jockey Club
Club customers and stakeholders – the racing and betting public; lottery players;
Club Members; charities and community organisations; Government; and,
ultimately, the people of Hong Kong – and thereby be one of Hong Kong’s most
respected organisations.

Mission 竭誠令顧客百分百滿意,對於賽馬觀眾、投注人士、獎
使命 券投注者、本會會員、慈善機構、公益團體、香港政
Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2009

The Hong Kong Jockey Club 香港賽馬會


Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2009

香港賽馬會 香港跑馬地體育道壹號
The Hong Kong Jockey Club
One Sports Road, Happy Valley
Hong Kong
T: 2966 8111 F: 2890 2946

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此印刷品紙張源自管理完善的森林及受控/ 再循環木材

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