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Before I proceed to the presentation of MODULE 4, let me introduce to you a simple activity which I think can
keep this group conscious and active as we go through with the presentation of the module. So, the activity is simple.
From time to time I will ask the group “Kumusta ang inyong mga puso?” and of course your answer must be “Tumitibok-
tibok, buhay na buhay!” Can we do that? [PARTICIPANTS WILL ANSWER ‘YES’]. Okay, let’s try it and I want a loud
response from each of you.

FACILITATOR: “Kumusta ang inyong mga puso?”

PARTICIPANTS: “Tumitibok-tibok, buhay na buhay!”
FACILITATOR: Once again, “kumusta ang inyong mga puso?”
PARTICIPANTS: “Tumitibok-tibok, buhay na buhay!!”

Okay, very well! It really shows that you are conscious and in focus for the next module. But, let me add a little
twist to that. The same question will be asked and the same response will be heard from you, but while you are saying
“Tumitibok-tibok” you will have to place your hands near your hear [with appropriate action]. And while you are saying
“buhay na buhay” you will have to move your hands up and down [with appropriate action]. Okay? Can we do it? At this
point, may I ask everyone to please stand and try again the activity, but this time, with a twist.

FACILITATOR: “Kumusta ang inyong mga puso?”

PARTICIPANTS: “Tumitibok-tibok, buhay na buhay!” [with action]
FACILITATOR: Once again, “kumusta ang inyong mga puso?”
PARTICIPANTS: “Tumitibok-tibok, buhay na buhay!!” [with action]

Thank you everyone for you cooperation! And, you may now take your seats.


Who among you here have prepared the assignment given

by the previous facilitator? Okay, I am asking because you will be
using your preparation on your next activity.
You are already through with MODULE 3, and this time we
are about to proceed with MODULE 4. This module is about
‘Myself in Other’s Shoes’. In your previous module you were given
the opportunity to examine yourselves in relation to your chosen
profession, academic achievement, and some realities in your life in
relation to your chosen career. You have personally experience
them as you go through with the inputs and the activities prepared
for you. As career advocates, we are encouraged by the module
that the same experience must be given to our students when we deliver the module in our respective stations.

Module 4 as the continuation of the previous modules will help your learners realize that their dreams in the
future could be achieved of course with the help of people who are in the profession or business that they envision to be
in the future. These people could be their parents, brother of sister, could be their relatives, and friends. It could be you,
their teachers.

There is this beautiful Chinese Proverb which says,

‘Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself’.
The proverb reminds us teachers that one of our vital roles
is to open the doors of possibilities to learners who are under our
custody and care.
But as we open the door for them, let us not forget and we
must accept the fact that we cannot let them trudge the path we
want them to take. Yes, of course we can help them, assist them,
guide them, but we can never decide on their behalf. We cannot
force them to chew the chunks of information we served them. Our
role is simply to prepare them to pack their individual bags and
take their own journey toward the realization of what they envision
to become.

Does it sound clear, Madam/Sir? [PARTICIPANTS RESPONSE]

FACILITATOR: “Eh, kumusta naman po ang inyong mga puso?”
PARTICIPANTS: “Tumitibok-tibok, buhay na buhay!” [with action]
FACILITATOR: Once again, “kumusta ang inyong mga puso?”
PARTICIPANTS: “Tumitibok-tibok, buhay na buhay!!” [with action]

FACILITATOR: “Ayan! Buhay na buhay pa rin.

You know what madam/sir, before we have this roll out, I felt nervous when I was chosen to deliver this module
before you. Why? Because, I am fully aware that you are more experienced than me in delivering this kind of module.
But, after having series of reflections I realized and it was made clear to me that I will be standing in front of you not to
present something new but to make an appeal to you, that through our intervention, our learners will be able to choose
and realize the right track that will lead them towards career success. And I want to make that appeal to your heart,
that’s why I am trying to keep your heart burning, ‘tumitibok-tibok at buhay na buhay’.
So, let’s continue.

This module is divided into eight parts;

 The 1st part is about the objectives which the
module wishes us to achieve after we go through
with it.
 Then, we have a motivational activity for the
learners which will help them revisit their decisions
during the previous modules.
 Then, the main activity of the module. The activity
will basically let our learners identify their
characteristics that are similar to those that they
have interviewed.
 For the lecturette, the module wishes to encourage
our learners to visualize what they wanted to
become, and they are already on their first step of achieving their goals.
 In the application, our learners will be given the opportunity to craft a career road map which will help
them track their progress as they pursue their desired goal and career.
 The reflection will help our learners recall the trail; the activities that they’ve been through in the
 The evaluation will serve as the concluding activity that will somehow encapsulate the concepts needed
to be learned by our learners.
 And for the assignment, our students will have to make a survey of the existing companies or
enterprises within their locality and they will have to ask their company vision, mission, goals and core
values. Of course the details will be discussed later.

This module will run and will be good for 120 minutes. But,
you may deliver it beyond the allotted time depending on the needs
and in the situation.
Since we are expected to deliver one module in a month we
can have plenty of time in the implementation of the module. We
just have to consider the objectives that were previously presented
to us.

And for the materials, our learners will be needing the


So, through the inputs and activities under this module our
learners will surely keep their enthusiasm burning to pursue their
career choice.
Let them experience the learning journey through this
module and let’s do our best to help our learners affirm more their
desire of becoming who they want to be in the future.
Let’s tell them:

Let’s ask them:


Let us explain to them (our learners) that……..

And then, let us ask them again…..

And you! my fellow teachers, fellow advocates, are you ready!!!

PARTICIPANTS: [Participants response]

FACILITATOR: “Kumusta po ang inyong mga puso?!!!”

PARTICIPANTS: “Tumitibok-tibok, buhay na buhay!” [with action]
FACILITATOR: I can’t hear you!!!, “kumusta po ang inyong mga puso?!!!”
PARTICIPANTS: “Tumitibok-tibok, buhay na buhay!!” [with action]

FACILITATOR: “Very good! Salamat po sa mga pusong buhay na buhay!”

But before we proceed to the details of the module, let us first present
to our learners the learning objectives.

The learning objectives of this module are as follows; ………

Are the objectives clear?

PARTICIPANTS: [Participants response]

Then, let’s get started!

For our motivation let us apply the activity provided on your
module and ask our learners the following questions…….
These are guide questions that will help them reflect and
recall their plan of actions.
Let them recall various milestones in their plan of action
toward the realization of their dreams.

Here is a poem that will help them revisit their decisions.

This poem is already available in your module.
Ask the students to read them silently and to understand the
meaning and the message of the poem.
Give them enough time to read the poem. Then afterwards,
let them reflect by answering the questions given above.

And then let us give them a moment of silence for a

substantial reflection.

The learners may write their answers and reflection on their

journal or notebook.

Can you still follow the flow of the activity?

FACILITATOR: “Eh, kumusta naman po ang inyong mga puso?”

PARTICIPANTS: “Tumitibok-tibok, buhay na buhay!” [with action]
FACILITATOR: Once again, “kumusta ang inyong mga puso?”
PARTICIPANTS: “Tumitibok-tibok, buhay na buhay!!” [with action]

FACILITATOR: “Very good! Buhay na buhay pa rin.

FACILITATOR: Okay, “Tatlong bagsak at talong padyak nga para sa mga pusong gising na gising”, go!
PARTICIPANTS: [All together…tatlong palakpak at tatlong padyak…]

Now, let’s do the activity ourselves so that we can experience the significance of the activity on the career
discernment of our learners.


Materials needed:
 Bond paper (1) each participant
 Ball pen
 Copy of the poem (CHASING DREAMS)
Instructions: [It will be better if the instruction will be flashed on the screen using the projector]
 This activity will be good for 5 minutes.
 Read the poem silently and analyze each line of the poem.
 Use the following guide questions while you are having your reflection.
 What is the message of the poem?
 Which line or lines in the poem do you like best? Why?
 What does the poem want you to do with every milestone you achieve?
 Write your reflection on the paper provided by the facilitator.

[At this part of the activity the facilitator may ask 2-3 volunteers who will share their output before the group
so that they can have the idea of the possible result of their learners through the experience of their fellow
participants in this workshop. They can also have the opportunity to compare their work with the output of
their co-participants.]

Now, that you have experienced the activity, I am sure
that you also experienced by yourself the significance of the
activity on how it can help our learners as they discern on what
they envision to become in the future. Through this activity we
can be able to;
a. Know where our learners now in terms of achieving
their dreams;
b. Know what they have already done;
c. Know if they have already geared up to take a step
farther upon completion of the Grade 11 modules;
d. Know if our learners have taken a brisk walk down
their memory lane;
e. Know if they were able to recall various milestones in their plan of action toward the realization of their

Note that their reflection must let them revisit their decisions.

After having processed the activity that aims to

motivate our learners, we can immediately proceed with the
main activity.

How will you do the main activity?

DOING THE MAIN ACTIVITY (Packing up for the Journey and Journeying Together)
Materials needed:
 Data gathered from the informational interview (Given as an assignment in module 3)
 Work Sheet #1 Template
 Manila papers (5 pcs.) with marker (5 pcs.)
Instructions: [It will be better if the instruction will be flashed on the screen using the projector]
 This activity will be good for 10 minutes.
 Divide the class into five (5) small groups.
 Provide Manila paper and marker for each group.
 Let the members of each group go over their individual findings gathered from the informational interview.
Allow them to share this with their group.
 After the sharing, let each group identify the beliefs, attitude, and skills of the professionals/businessmen they
have interviewed.
 Let them write their answers on the Manila paper using the given template.

Professional or Job of the Person Interviewed:

Beliefs Attitude Skills
Ex. Ex. Ex.
Honest in reporting results Careful in accomplishing assigned Good in computing or working
task. with numbers/data.

[At this part of the activity the facilitator may ask 2-3 volunteers who will share their output before the group
so that they can have the idea of the possible result of their learners through the experience of their fellow
participants in this workshop. They can also have the opportunity to compare their work with the output of
their co-participants.]

This activity is good for (20 Minutes) but, in order to

maximize the time allocated for the workshop, participants may
write their answer on their individual journal/notebook.

Processing Questions:
1. What beliefs, values, and skills have you observed that are helpful in becoming a successful professional or
entrepreneur? Why do you say so?
2. Were there common characteristics of the people you interviewed in terms of their beliefs, attitude, and skills?
What are those characteristics?
3. Are there characteristics exclusively possessed by a certain person you interviewed? What are those
4. How did you feel while interviewing these people?
5. What characteristics do you have that you believe are similar to those you interviewed? What do you plan to do
about these characteristics?


Now, after explaining to our learners the importance and the

relevance of the observational learning that they have done as
they undergo career discernment; that is talking to people
who are considered the “More Knowledgeable Other” (MKO),
this time will give them the opportunity and we will let them
experience to craft their own career road map.

It would be better for our learners if they will understand

what a career road map means and how is it significant on
their career discernment. So, before we ask them to make their own career road map let us first devote enough time to
explain, and discuss with them the importance of a career map. This module offers brief inputs about crafting a career
road map.

As we present to them the idea of a Career Road Map,

let us just explain to them that it is simply a specific steps;
moving from one step to another that will facilitate their career
advancement. This concept was based on an article by Cao in
Let us give an emphasis that a road map could be a
simple diagram or an illustration which could be easily
understood especially by the one who crafted it.

Explain further…….

Let us explain to our learners that their career road map

must be flexible which could be revisited and revised as
circumstance warrants so that they can track the progress and
address issues that hinders the achievement of their goals.

Explain further…….
And once they are ready with their career road map, it is
advisable that they should communicate it, present it to their
parents or guardians so that they will be involve (or to make
them directly involved) in the attainment of their desired goal. In
the first place it is their parents who will support on their desired

Explain further…….

This module provides a simple career road map template

and there are also simple instructions to follow so that your
learners may come up with a useful and substantial career road

Explain further…….

Your learners have the option for a creative career road

map. These are some examples of them. They can still choose
another way of presenting it for as long as they can be
understood as mentioned above earlier.


This time we are going to make our own career road

map. We have to place ourselves on our students’ shoes. We
are going to act as if we are still discerning for our career goal.

Materials needed:
 Activity sheet #3
 Ball pen
Instructions: [It will be better if the instruction will be flashed on the screen using the projector]
 This activity will be good for 25 minutes. (for the purpose of this workshop 10 minutes is enough for the activity )
 Each participant must have a copy of career road map template since this is an individual activity.
 Ask for 2-3 volunteer participants to present their output before the group.

Again, now that you have experienced the activity, I am sure that you also experienced by yourself the
significance of having a substantial career road map. This activity will surely assist our learners to easily monitor their
career track as they discern on what they envision to become in the future. This is what we are going to do when we
return to our respective stations. This is how we are going to facilitate and assist our dear learners using this module;
Module #4 “Myself in Others’ Shoes”.

REFLECTION (Reflection Trail)

During the reflection, we will let our learners recall the

trail of the activities that they had.

This activity is actually intended for our learners so that

we can measure if they clearly understood the inputs that we
presented to them, to measure if they followed correctly the
procedures and instructions, and to check if they understood the
significance of coming up with a substantial career road map.

This time we will be the one who will accomplish the activity based of course on the experience and the activity
that we have been through in the module.

Materials needed:
 Manila paper
 Pen touch / marker

[It will be better if the instruction will be flashed on the screen
using the projector]
 This activity will be good for 10 minutes.
 Divide the group into five small groups. Choose a
facilitator and a presenter from each group.
 Each presenter shall present the output before the group
during the big group sharing.

Are you ready!

FACILITATOR: “Eh, kumusta naman po ang inyong mga puso?”

PARTICIPANTS: “Tumitibok-tibok, buhay na buhay!” [with action]
FACILITATOR: Once again, “kumusta ang inyong mga puso?”
PARTICIPANTS: “Tumitibok-tibok, buhay na buhay!!” [with action]

FACILITATOR: “Very good! Buhay na buhay pa rin.

FACILITATOR: Okay, “Tatlong bagsak at talong padyak ulit para sa mga pusong gising na gising”, go!
PARTICIPANTS: [All together…tatlong palakpak at tatlong padyak…]

So, let’s do the reflection trail!

THE EVALUATION (Fitting in Other’s Shoes)

This is a concluding activity for our learners. This will

encapsulate the concepts they need as they proceed to the next
Let them accomplish the task and have a gallery of their
output either by hanging or posting them on the walls as collage
for viewing.

[It will be better if the instruction will be flashed on the screen
using the projector]

1. The template is provided in the module.

2. The following questions/items should be accomplished

by the learners. Let them write their answers inside the

3. Activity Sheet N0.4 is for female learners while

Appendix 2 is for male learners.


1. When you prefer the outputs to be hung be ready with strings to be used as clothesline inside the classroom.
2. When you prefer it to be posted as collage on the walls, assign a specific area in the class room where the shoe
outlines will be placed.

Then you will have the assignment for your learners.

The assignment will be used for the next module so please tell
our learners not to bring their assignments using the template
shown on the screen.

And before this session formally ends, let

me share to you the words of NORMAN

And if ever such discernment becomes so

hard and seem impossible, just


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