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Worksheet 2.

3 Leadership and Management

1. Leadership and management styles

Explain which form of leadership and management style might be most appropriate for the
following Organizations.

a. A small local restaurant with 13 employees.

Despite this decision depends on the situation, mainly based on what is the job that the
employees perform, I really think that, for the cookers of this small restaurant the best
suitable option of leadership is the “Autocratic”, as, in any restaurant, the cooker will tell the
main chef what to do, that does not happen, because it is over understood that the cookers,
due to the lack of skills, experience and value (in comparison w/the main chef) have, they are
not “allowed” to take decisions over the main chef, as he/she has the sufficient power
(knowledge) to take decisions by his/her own without consulting the cookers, who only need
to follow what the chef asks them to do. So, cookers should always obey the min chef
because he/she has more laboral experience and knowledge than them, and from that
payment, they should learn more about their work. I also think this is the best option because
the cookers, of a small restaurant, tend to be not so professional, so they need someone to
supervise them and tell them what to do (the main chef) because they have not acquired yet
that ability to take good important decisions by their own criteria. However, it should be
noted that if we turn the situation to the waiters´s one, the type of leadership must be different
as they should decide by their own in many cases of their labor (e.g. no one tells them what to
do when the customer is asking for a change in their plate, they should decide by their own).

b. The Armed Forces (military).

For the Armed Forces (military), the best type of leadership which can be applied is the
“Autocratic” (however, it might vary in accordance with the situation), as the soldiers
(cadets) should always obey, not matter what, their leaders, due to the high-level of prestige,
skills, and experience that their superior have. Also, as the cadets´s leaders have more years
working at the Army, they will not need to ask them for any decision that they want to take,
because it is over understood that the military has the stages of power very marked and
distinguished, so, a soldier, which lacks of experience and status, could not take decisions
that correspond their leaders. Also, this is the best type because soldiers (cadets), which are
all experienced and have few skills at combat, are too many, so, it will be very difficult and
time-demanding for them to take important decisions by their own due to their diverse
cultures, beliefs and other aspects; so, they really need a leader(s) that will tell them what to
do so they can learn from that and keep growing at the army (it also saves time because the
cadets will only follow what the leader says, so the processes turn more tactic and less time-
demanding). Finally, this is best suitable option because the cadets need close supervision, so
they can learn (in all aspects) in the correct way and have the necessary skills that a soldier
needs to be a at the army.
2. Situational leadership

Using situational leadership theory, explain how the following situations should be handled
by an effective manager or leader.

a. Harvey is seeking permission to take 2 weeks off work to look after his father who
is critically ill.

I think that within this case, the best suitable type of leadership would be the “Autocratic”
one, as I, personally, will tell Harvey that she could visit her father, with any problem, but she
will need to be sure that, even before or during this visit, all of her tasks will be accomplished
, from the past ones to the future ones. Also, I will tell and permit her to only take 2 weeks
off, no more than these time, and after she returns, the exigence given to her, will be the

b. Nicole is highly demotivated so is not putting in much effort, causing huge

concerns for her team.

Personally, I will first tell her to keep motivated at working, by a reasonable and honest talk
with her. In this talk, I will explain her that this lack of motivation that she is putting to work,
is causing some concerns for her work´s team and, for the business itself; also, I will try to
find the cause of why does she is so demotivated, in order to find a concrete solution (until
the point that can be resolved by me), or, at least, to decrease this demotivation (in a short or
long-term period). However, this means that I will apply the “Paternalistic” type of

c. Morgan has complained that her line manager Is using bullying tactics and is not
observing the equal opportunities policy of the organization.

I think that within this case, the best suitable type of leadership would be the “Autocratic”
one, as I, personally, will tell the line manager of Morgan, to renounce, and, if he/she does
not wants, will tell him/her to get out of the business, due to his/her acts that are not permitted
in any business, and even worse, in my business. In the other hand, I will give Morgan some
benefits in the business, such as the possibility to tell me about the development and attitude
of the workers, or to ascend at the level of power in my business.

3. School leadership and management

Schools are typically led by a Principal (the head teacher) and a senior leadership team.
Middle managers are recruited to fill job roles such as Heads of Department and Heads of
Year. There might also be a Business Manager who is in charge of administering the non-
teaching aspects of a school, such as buildings maintenance and the management of non-
teaching staff.

a. Using examples, comment on how the roles of a manager and a leader differ in
organizations, such as schools.


- In a school, leaders have the responsibility to influence others, within an scholastic-

ambit, so they can achieve their goals and needs actions of some type. However, when
those people who carry a delegated responsibility act in relation to that responsibility,
they are influencing and, so, leading. Also, they must be responsible leaders, despite,
at the day-to-day (within work) does not need to entail the carry of the responsibility
for the development of their school.
- In a school, leaders will always innovate and come up with their own ideas/thoughts
(new), as that is what a leader does.

- Leaders are mainly focused on the vision, motivation, future, and the teams and
people within their school. They need to help their students to success in education
and as world citizens, by setting goals and reflect about the goals achieved during the
development of the year.


- In a school, managers need carry with them, the arduous responsibility which assures
the good/proper functioning of a given-system inside the school (where other people
participate). However, responsibility can be named as a “state of mind”, which does
not needs actions,but it normally/frequently does.

- In a school, managers will normally adopt and retrieve ideas/thoughts from another
school or organization (kind of copy), as that is what a manager does.

- Managers provide systems and processes which contribute a lot (essential) to the
smooth everyday development of the educational organization.

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