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A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but

the tender mercies of the wickedare cruel. Pro 12:10

Animals have got a galactic history, which is infinitely more ancient

than that of man; the fact of being an animal in a given instant, does not
mean being inferior in regards to the spiritual origin; every animal once it
has fulfilled what it requested to live, comes back to become a living
grandeur in the Kingdom of Heavens.-

The so-called animals by the human pride, are the first ones before the
divine Father; for they are innocent beings who have a more innocent
conscience than that of the humankind itself; they do not build atomic
bombs; they do not start wars; on the contrary; they make human living
happier; and many do not understand this silent message of love.-

Each a animal and each molecule, represent infinite origin principles,

considering the principle of the selfsame Creator; each species has got
its own kingdom; and every kingdom is made up of galaxies, universes,
cosmos, suns and planets; each species immortalize its own philosophy of
life; and at a time, its spirits request to know other life forms, in a given
instant of its own eternities; this means that the highest intelligence in your
world is found in the animals of your planet; the biggest part of the spirits-
animals have got a higher seniority than that of the human beings; what I
am telling you, will be seen by the world in trial, as soon as the First-born
Son makes all of the animals of nature talk; I know, son, that you have
talked to them since you were a child; thanks to your divine grace divine
Father Jehovah, so it is; and thanks to such a sublime experience of
telepathic communication with the animals, I know that they embraced a
certain kind of love, unknown to the human beings; that is right little son;
as they requested the animal reincarnation, they requested the intuitive
understanding; they did not request the spoken understanding; and what
was intuitive in them was expressed in terms of growls, barks, neighs, roars
etc.; as the animals talk in the final judgement, will they accuse those who
were bad at them; adding with this fact, the pain for those who will endure
their weeping and gnashing of teeth; all sort of complaint will be accepted
by the First-born Son; the world will faint as they hear and see, how the
animals express themselves; and will the greatest complex gain a firm hold
on the so-called proud of the world; a terrible complex in intellectual
inferiority, for those who believed to be unique in knowledge.-
What you call animals, are not in the kingdom; and they will not be in
the future of your world; the Creator does not create animals; He creates
children; no matter what shape they may have; and He does not sneer at
them, they way you are used to; verily I say unto you that whosoever would
eat meat or despised one of my humble ones, shall not enter into the
Kingdom of Heavens; for no assassin has ever entered therein; certainly,
many times it is necessary to kill in order to protect life; the one who kills
to save his life, is justified; for he requested the experience; and it was
granted to him; yet, the one who kills out of a whim, it had better for him
not to have been born; for they will have to pay pore by pore of their victim
in distant worlds; and each little pore of dead meat, represents an existence
where the assassin becomes the assassinated; for with the same measure
that ye meted withal it is measured to you again; and ye pay eye for an eye
and tooth for a tooth; the same law for those who ate meat and knew the
content of my Commandment.-

The ox, the cow, the dog, the cat and all of the
animals that you know, are spirits just like you are;
and since they have the same rights as you do, so
did they request to test out a life; to be born again;
for no one is disinherited; they chose a different life-
style and a different physical shape; they chose
another trait and quality within their own
philosophy; they were humble on earth, and great in
the heaven; for dealing with trials of life in distant
worlds, the divine Father prefers the most humble
and the most despised; for he went through the
same thing; there is nothing impossible for the
Creator of the Universe.-

The little cow… she has a loving philosophy; her strongest

desire is supplying milk to the others; no matter who; she
does not know about egoism; she is meditative and her
psychology is living in quiet homes; her colour is the pale-
yellow one; and she is attached via a solar cord to the pale-
yellow suns; the following son is the puma; his living
philosophy is power and solitude; he is lazy out of comfort;
his philosophy is hunting for living; his solar cord is
attached to the deep red suns; following is the son pig;
whose philosophy is finding happiness in dirtiness; he is
fascinated by bad smells; his psychology is becoming
eternal in some mud; water brings him back longing; and he
looks for support on the soil; and he comforts himself in the
mud; his solar cord is attached to, the blue suns; following
is the son rabbit; his philosophy is living in alert; not being
taking by surprise; he is a cave builder; he has got a deep
notion of geometry and space; his psychology is being
obedient after trying out all of his wittiness; he is attached
to the pale-yellow sun; just like the human little monkeys
are; it is the sun Love of the trino galaxy; the sun being
worshipped by many demons; here is the son little
donkey; his philosophy is that of patience and
silence; he has got the character of a child and if he
could talk to you, he would explain to you about
amazing laws of the future; for he is prophetic; his
solar cord is attached to the orange suns; prophecy
colour; his psychology is relying on obstinacy; he
loves, like everyone else, freedom; he is carried
away to yield by his notion of freedom obstinately;
following is the Little Lamb; his philosophy is
sweetness and serenity; he leads any glory of the
Father; his fame is infinite in the Kingdom of
Heavens; he is born in the worlds, in the most
humble and silent way; he is not keen on crowds due
to meekness itself; his psychology is that sooner of
later, tyrants and demons fall;… the son tiger: whose
philosophy is force and cruelty; his life is a constant
vengeance; he sees his galactic past in the blood; his
solar cord is attached to the red suns; living symbols
of passions and physical struggles; his psychology is
caution and silence and the prey is doomed; this
creature is a demon that is arrogant; his requested
to have a captivating beauty as a geometry of flesh;
his striped fur is a reminiscence of the magnetic
lines of the suns; his trinity is still in the darkness.-

All of those who killed for the sake of killing, face a

divine trial; the Son of God, will resurrect every
animal, fowl, insect killed without motive; the divine
Commandment stating: THOU SHALT NOT KILL, was a
divine warning for the humankind; so that no one
would commit unnecessary murder, without a
motive; the one who killed out of a whim during the
life on trial, the one will also be killed in other
existences, in other worlds; it is easier to receive
eternity in the divine Judgement of God for one who
did not kill; than for one to receive it if he killed.-
Durint the life on trial, many watched evil shows in
which the animals were slaughtered, who were also
children of God; none of those who took pleasure in
watching others being slaughtered, none of them will
return to the Kingdom of Heavens; every show of
blood will be watched in the solar television; and
those who will be present, will be discounted by
seconds; for each second do they have the obligation
to live through a future existence, in which they will
be slaughtered; none of them will be a human
creature again; it was just a trial to know whether
they were worthy or unworthy to possess life; the
ones involved with bloody events, proved to be

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