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Part I A
762 763
E :r pi>diti on by 10 December 1885, Sha'am ha.ving' revolted against the Shaikh of his personal relations wit h B rit ish o fll Ct!l'r; Sh aikb 8:1113.1' alwa.y s
the Shaikh8 Ras·a.l - I\ haimah, t ha t chief, assisted by his cousiu the Shaikh of 8hirjab showed himself friendly and well-disposed; but, from iudo IOl.ce, he \\as
of Hii:o.·al. proceeded against the pJace a nd quickly red uced it t o submission, inflict' sometimes remiss in en forcing thc just cla ims of Bl'itish subjects; and,
Khllimah on the occu rrcnce of internal d ifficulties in hie: state, he manifested
and Shiirjal-,
ing a finc of S J,600, of which a porti on was pa id at once_ -
1885. toO great :l. disposit ion to rely on thC' help of UtP British Res i-
Procl·cdings rrhc expe llcd Shaikh, Salim, continued to 'watch f or an opportunity of dency, instead of grappli ng with them h imielf. I n l!\O± the ~eneral
flf the cx· ohtaining better terms than he bad yet receiyed f rom his successful dissatisfaction of his subjects with h is l'ult' found eXI)l'eF:..ioll in a plol tu
Shaikh Salim, riyal. I n June I~S6, on a combination heing fo rmed by t he Shaikhs of d.epose Shaikh Saqar in fa.,·ol1 l' of his unde, tbe ex· Shaikh Sii1illl i hut
Dibai, }Ajmii.n and lIaml'lyah against t he Sbaikh of Umm-al-Qaiwail\ timely information cnabled Shaikh Saqar to fnl!~t.rate the intrig'ue and
Salim ollce more landed. at }Ajman j but no opport un it y having Occurred MuLa.nlloatl -bill -KhaJilll olle of the chief conspirators, ",as ohligeJ, on

)£ prosecuting his designs against Sharjah, he shortly ret ur ned t o Bli csc:aping from custody, to seek refuge at Umm-al·Qaiwain_ II'he direct
1\['18". I n 18S~ Sa lim paid a yisit to Dibai, bet ween t he Shaikh 01 ad ministration of tbp tow II of Shal'jah was hel d, until his death about
which place and the Shaikh of Sbarj ah enmity at the time prevailed ; & ]9 lju by Shaikh Saqar's son H..l silid,-tl. ,Young- mall who in character
reconcil iat ion, however, hay ing t aken place bet ween the two, he W&s resembled hi s fathe r; a,ntl H:ls-al-Kha imah waS ill ]907 still gorcl'llctl by
pCl'suaded hy thc Shaik h of Dibai to promi se, in return f or the rest oration K hfliic1 tbe only son the n sHn 'ivi ng of the Shaikh.

o[ lli~ pcm:ion, which had been sllspended, t o abstain f rom intrigues

againKt his nephew, In April 1889, nevert heless, he org anised an attack
npun Sharjah ; but he 'll"a6 u nable to carry it out. A ga in, a little later, he
bc('am.e reconciled to Shaikh Saqa!', 'w ho t h is t ime received him into
favour ami appointed h im his 'Yazir.
Re· incotpOTR· On the 2nd of August 1900 lIama id·b in·'Abd ullah, Sh aikh of Ras·
tion of Has- a.1- Khaimah, \ras removed by a para lytic strokc, a nd Shaikh Saqar-bin. ANi'lEXU lW No. Z.- li'\ 'l'J<: R .'A L lll STORY OF '1'1 1 1£ A lJ lI
al·Khaim a h
with the K hiiild In the follow ing month re-annexcd the to wn and dist rict to his DHABI PRD'C1P ,\L1 'J'Y.
~ hiirjflh princ ipn Jity of Shiirjah wi t h out encou nteri ng a ny opposition. Shaikh
SIJaikhdouI, Sarlnr at firs t placed his cousi n H amad. bin-)Iiij id in charge of Ras·a.l-
1900. K haimah j hut a f ew m onths later, uas ing fou nd his co nduct unsatis-
factory, he substituted his ow n son K hrdid as governor . AI) ill t he Ct'lse of Shflrjah it appear~ advisab le tv duvote a shurt
H aml'i y ah 'r1..le township of H a mriya h, of w hich t he headma n on the occasioll of sep~rate not ice to t he i nternal affa ir::. of t.he ALu Dhabi prillt-ipality, of
affairs, 180i1 · [Jol'd Curzon's visit to t he coast, in Nm;ember 1903, vainly sought to wincJ} the external histol'Y has been g i\'en in t he prCt..'eding cha pter_
0·1. obtain recognition as a n independent T ruc ial Shaik h, continued in theory
attached to the ~ hf\rjab principa lit y a nd ill practice virt uall y indepen-
dent ; t hc reason of the vrolonged estmngement was ch ie fly~ so far as_ could
be ascerta ined, the neglect 01' i ncapacity of the Shaikh of Sha1'Jab to
p rotect t he intcl'cst s of his yassal 'when assailed by others. On the Srd Early hist ory, 1761·1818 ,
of Scptemher l !~O 1, a cha nge of headmen occu rred at Hamriyah by the
dcath of Sa iE· bill-)A bd ul' R ah ma n and t he succession of his son' Abdur
R allllliin-bin-Saif. '1'hc latt er sOon res iO'ned h is pos it ion in fa.vour of an Thc fOll ndation of t he tu w n of Abu DhaLi is ::tSl:l'iiJec1 tu t he ,-ear F ou.nd a.tion
elder relation named Saif-bin-Saif. of whose a mbition he stood in dread ; 17£i.1. T he sU1TouIHling cou nt r,)" was then a lrea.dy o(·t..'lIpied IJ.v" t he of Abu Dhll.bj
but, On the latter proC'('edi ng- to (lespo il him of his perso nal 1?rope~y, Balli Yas,-a lan d· fa ring' Bedouin lribe who, unt il the aCl'idelltal discoven ' t own, 176 1.
, A Ldu l' Hahman attackE't.1 tile house of Saif by n ig h t, takmg, hIm of water at t he site of A bu D hab i town, wherc a small vi liaO'e of 20 ~

pri soncr and killing his so n~ amI himself resu med t he headshIp of IlOuses now sprang' up, Lad not apparcntl_,- a. !:;ingle permanent settle-
i-Jamri)3.h. Shaikh R ii-:;hid of U llllll-al-Qaiwa in t hen inter vened and ment upon the coast _
sctilcd tJH~ matter by rcmoving Saif- bi n · ~ai f to his own capit al. 1,10 1' informatio n reg'al'dio g t bc rl liefti of t he tl'ibe at the ti mc of R ulers down
Political U ndcr Saqar-bin· Kh al id the impor tance or S harja h a mong the th e establ ishment of t he A bu Dhab i prilll"ipali t,'- the reader is referred to and in cl ud·
po"itioTl Il nd Sha ikhllollls o[ rJ1ruc iai ~O lll a ll decl ined, and t he prest ige of the to the gencalog-it:al tab le of t he B a.lli Yas SlmikhfO_ P rolJaLh· the ing Sh aLk h
i\1u hRLllLllad,
I'crsonal char-
~cte r of the
Q fl.simi lIame sunk to an u ll prccedcntecll y low leycl. In pr~vate last Sha ik h to reside t.:h ietir i n t he intcrior was D hinlb-bill. 1 1sa" wh o deposed in
Shaikh of lire the Shaikh was weak, miserl y, and uxoriou s : in public busHle~s in 17\:),j was murdered lJ~' his ~el'on d cousin, 1I :12Z,·ll·lJin-'Z,lid. '1'he deat h I B1 B.
Shiirjah, he was apathrtic ano :-;cemell incalmblc of exer t ion_ H e a1iel~ated , hiS of p hiyflb was am pl.v' a \ enged by h i~ SUIl S hak hbiiL, fo r t he young
I OOi. subj ects a.nd f unnel' Bedouin adherenb; by indiffcrence to t helr gl'l~V'i Sha ikh sm:t..'ccded ill putti ng' t o deat h no fcwer t han tell persons who
an(:CS an d requests; an d he forfeited t he respect of the ot her Truci had bee n pl'csen t at hi s fnt h e r'~ as~a8s i llat i oll . and ill liD5 H :.LZZll 1 , the
S ua..ikhs lJY hi s genera l i ll~ignifi. can ce, bot h as a man and as a ruler. U <lelual IIl Urdel'~ l') fOlJnd himsclf obl igcd, fr oIII fear of a . . illl ilaJ' fate, to fly
'/ 00
of a. numbcr of ':\ian1lsir BedouinB and attacked Dud plundered the ex·Sh"ikh
Shaikh Shak bbiit "emaine<!
tho (·onntry along' with all bis snpporlf'rs . town; but he was driven out with a loss or 35 men by his brother 1\l nham1l1ud.
at the h ead of the trihe uutil I H16: he was thell de posed by his SO il 1829.
~'ahllttn, who hastened to thc spot with 1\ largo force from Iho intel'jor.
)luh:ulllllad, who ruled for two rea.rs . Betrcating northwards ho Look ror~lge ill Sharjnh, wltithrr Ta.hllllll
followed by land and domanded IllS surrondcr; but, be forc ma.tter8
calllO to n. ("riEiis betwecn Lhe ShaikhEi of Abu Dhahi and Shflrja.h,
Muha.mmad rcljo\'(~d Lho laUer o[ his prc6o nco by returning' lo Qatar.
Shaikh 'raitnun had long diEitruEitcd his \,rothers Khalifah and SulUin AIISA6IIill at i ol1
Shaikh Tahniln-bill-Shakhbilt, 1818·33 . or Shnikh
o.nd had kept Lhem at a distance [rolU Abu Dhahi j bllt he was Ht. length 'fa.llIlun,
persuaded by his fath er, Shakhbut, to all o w them. to return. Soon Ap, ;118S3.
o.[t Cl'wards they were f ound to Itayo entered wit.h some of the principal
AcceSRion of In 1 'd H ,luhammad ",as expelled from Abu DI",bi by his brot hel' residcnts of Abu Dhabi into a plot for the rem oval of Tnhnutl, - nil nct
Shaikh Tab · rrahn llll,-an enterpl'isc favoured by Shakhhut, the father of both, of tl'co.son w ith which the Shuikh prepared to deal by Lhrowing some
nun, 1818. of their confederates into prison. 'l'llie prec:mtioll, howe,"cr, was not
by a. majority of the Balli Yfls trihe, ::t.nd h.v t.he ruler of .:\[asqat who
a.fiordef\ m:ttcrird assif:::i.a.nce.* 71fllbamma,(l sou[!ht refu.!re a.t Dohah sufH rit.' tlt. On the contrary it precipitatcd Lhe nct ion o[ th e conspirat.ors;
in Qa.tar under the protection of the Shnikh of Bahra.in, whi le Ta.hnUI1 rt. nd ill Apr il 1833 Sha.ikh rrahnun I'cll a yictilll to tho vistol of his
bet·:tnw ~ haikh of Abu Dhabi, but f or n. lime associated his f ather Lrother Khalifah find tho clagg-or or hit; brothN 8ulbll.
with himr.:/.'If in the administration and ~mployed him on impor t ant
llIil"f;jOIlR, par! iClllarly on that of ncgotiating a peace with the com mander
of thc British expedit.ion a.gainst }l,fls-:Il-KiJaimah in 1 819-2U. rrhe
:](:("l·~~ion u[ Talilliin to power ulld er the auspiccs of !\1asqat was the
heqi nnin g of a. permanent brcaciJ bclwee n thc Qawilsim a.nd t he Ba.ni Shaikh Khalifah-bin·Shakhb ut, 1833-45.
Ya8, wuo, i[ tradilion may be belic\·ed, Lad hitherto lived as close friends
and allies.
Movcm4'ntll In] "'2l or 18:ll?, some time after the accession of Shaikh T abnun, K halifah and Sultfm at fi rst ruled in partnership; but gradually Acecllion of
Shaikh Kha.-
of Sli waidln · an indi\·idual named Suwaidan bin-Za.'al, who appears to have been tho pl'ellomi ll aoee of K halifah dec laret! itself, and SultflU descended lifah, 1833.
bin·Za'al, head or the )Iah,irihah section of the Balli Yfls, absconded f rom Abu to a subordinate place. A tender of al1e~iance and Zaka.t on the
1822-23. pal'l, of the usurpers was readily accepted Ly the Wahhabi AmiI', who at
Dhabi in orde!· to avoid payment of his deLts, and adopted a rovi ng anu
preuatory life. Action was at once taken ap:ainst him by Shaikh · rralll~tlll, on co took thorn ullder his protection and f orbad e I lto Qflsimi Shaikh
wh o Rllccccded in capturing some of lLis boats j but these proceedlllgs of Sh.-ll'jall to meddle in their affairs.
w('l'e view('d hy the British :lllthol'il ics of the da.y with disapproval, a8 III t he course of the following summer :t COtlspiracy was formed Ly Plot agninst
Clldan(rcritw tho tra.tlCluiliity o[ tho SC:lfi,' alld the Shaikh was even SOmo mnll:o ntents nt Abu DhaL i to lnul'(ler SlmikhKha.llfah a.mll'cpbce ~hl\ i kh Kiln-
rC(jllircci, M I' t
Ott pa.ill of a Hrili8h war vessel being' Bent against us port, 0 iifnll, 1833.
hi m by OItL' vI' his lirst ceousinf'>; but lhe l'Olltiilt wlill1tt it. W:I:-; inlvttdl'cl til
c\ el' ist I'rom thCli1 atld to givo up thc vessels wh ich he had seized. ~t the b\'lldit hilliself divulged the pl ot. to tho Sktikh , wIt o, retiring- inlo his
und of lhe ycar Suwa.iclan paid a viljit to ?'I"£alj(plt, where he received a. fort, t>cized th ree of the ring-leadcrs and put them Lo death. lIe W:16 all'o
prCf;ctti from. ~a,iyicl Sa'id, and in .!:\.Iluary 1 t;;!S he was repo~,ted to ahout tv C~~Ctlto two influcntial men: hallt~; but. popular inliig'natiu ll and Ij
ha.vo r.:cli led down quictly on the island oC Y{ts. A different \'le~. of t he OPPOSItIOn of his brother SulUul diyerte(l hilll from hi t; purpoi:iC
Suwa-iuan's charac ter \lOW appa.rently presentcd itself to the local R:lt~sh and obliged him to be satil5fied instead wi lh the ('xpulf'ioll o[ one oE tho
ollicel'tl, for we find the Residen t.. advising hiln to make his subn~l ~slO ll merc ha.nts named lJin·'Iyflll, whom, aft.er beating a,lId tlespoiling of his
Lo Sh:,ikh 1'ahnull and even encouraging tbe latter, 011 certain condl tlon~, property, he sent in a Baqarah to Lingch.
to reduce him by force. Eventually Suwnidan was reconciled t o hlB
chief and rctltl'llC<\ to Abu Dhabi in 1828. rl'.lt ili violeltce on the part of Shai kh Khalifah was highly prejudicial SecrIJllion 0 f
to Ius OWn interests, £01' it led to the Fecession from Abu Dhabi to the Ai Eii
A.t.lAck nil Lale in lI,e year 182:3 lhe ex-Shaikh )[nhammnd, whose headquarter~ Dibai, during th e pearl fishery, o[ a lnrge number of Bani Yas of the FaIR.ah to
Ahu Dhabi werc no w a.t Doltah in Qa.tar, al)pcarecl hc[oro Abu Dhabi at the hea Dibll i,1833,
town by the Al 13rl Falasah secLion. Dibai, of whi ch the date of foundation ca nnot
be fixed but mar h:nc been latar than that o[ Abu Dhahi seo ms to ha\'c
Sueh is thC' !\1·COuut t.:ivoll by Lil'utell Bll t Hcnnl·ll about 1831. Bee Bom~{ been readily sm:rcndered b\' the indiyidu:d wh o lhf'rt ;on~rned it on
Selcl'lio1ls, XX) V. page ,J64 ; unt. Lieutenant !\l c1.Je~, writing in 1 ~23. stat es t h~B behalf of Shaikh Khalifah to the seceders j and they, i~ the foll ow ing'
'fahnun waB BI·t up hy the ruler of MlISqflt, nbollt 1821 III plnco of hll fa t her, t
hrc ,tlt er !It lLhl\mmat.l At tilC r:.an .e time tailing fl i ght. Si g uattll'O of th e GOnP Tai Trl!' ~
aulumn, ,,'ere joilled there by lhe bulk of th eir rebt iVL's, rel urnillg from
of }leaCO Oil behalf of Abu Dhaui wn~ ill [til)' C'a90 pc~f(Jn~cd (on tl!e !lth of. JIlo~u:~n tl lO pe:trl L:1Iti.;s. rl'ho sccession was perm:tll ent, :ilmoRt the entire Lody
J820) by SllI\ikh S hakhbut , who In 1833 WU8 still ahvo; Lut It i8 certAin t .. of tbe Al Bil Fnlflfmh being to the pn.'6ollt day dOllliciled at DiL~i; and
.hllunry 182:3 '1'!llmun 1l1r<Jl\dy held tllo f;o lo power.
766 767
that place, wh ich had hitherto heen a dependency of Abu Dhabi groves of Liwah j and it formed the conclusion oC a Ceast of wh ich ill('
became afler 1833 a dangerous riyal, and at times enemy, of the parent victims lind just. portnkcn, nt the im'itaiion of tlH' murdrl'el's, under the
t)tate. shade ora Balil dmwn up upo n the heach,
The attack on and subsequent blockade of Abu Dhabi town by the Notwithstand ing' the fratricidal cl'imf' hy which he firFt attained to Admini~lra ­
tion of
o SlJalkh of Shiil'}th 111 the auLumn of 18:33 were due to these dissensiOlls power, but wi ,ich wc may consider tn b::tvf' been rxpii1ted iJy the ~ha i kh
\yhich appeared to Shaikh Snltan-bin-Saqar to provide an excellent oppor~ manner of hi s OWl} <.leath, the rul C' of Shaik h Khalifal! had becli in cn'IT Khali fah,
tunitr of crushing the Bani Yiis chief on pretext of obtaini ng justice f or respect creditable to his eba1'3cLer, Hy hi s g:al1an1l'y, firll1llf'~-" an~l
the merchant Bill-Jlyan; hut the result was far from answering to t.he prudence he rai sed the Ahu nhabi principality Lo a pOf'ilion mllc ll higll{'r
('xpe('tatiolls of the wily intriguer. than it had eyC'r before occupied; and at thr ~a.m e timc he lllrt.intainrd,
at least after 1~3G, a. good und erlstarH.lillQ,' with the Hri Lish authoritiefi,
First seces- III 1~35, wh ell he~yy damages on accoun~ ,of piratical outra.ges by
tit111 of the and restrained. his ~uh.ipcts to thr best of h is ability from 1reach('" of the·
~be - nalll Y:18 were belllg 1'eco,'e1'e<1 by the Bnhsh Governml?nt from the
Qubai~ii L to mariti me peace ,
Shaikh of Abu l' habi, the subjects of Shaikh Khalifah began to dis.
1835·3i. 1)cI'FC in :\11 JirC'ctiolls with a view to avoiding payment of t heir in-
dividual contributions; and it even became necessary for t he :British
alltbol'it ies to J'equest other Shaikhs to abstain from affordin g asylum to
fugitives from Abu Dbnbi, Interregnum, 1845 .
It \,'as impossible, howcyer, to prcyont by these means the emigra.-
tion of the QuhniEat F:cdion of the Ban i 1'5.8, who now, under t he lead er-
ship of Khi!d_im-bin-Nn/amull and leav i n~ their dcbts at Abu Dhabi nn- On th c <.leath of Sl!aikh Kl!alifah LlIr headship nf lhe Ba.ni Yii.."l was
8ettled~ removed in aooi,h· to Khor-al -' Odaid,-an inlet of the unin habited assumed. by thc principal a~sa~sill~ 'ha-b in·K halid , apl'fln'iltiy \\·ith ihe
('onst neal' the base of U;e Qatar promontory, distant nearly 200 JIliles consent of such of the triLl' aF; wore titrll at han<.l j llut h\"4~ !llol!th:-: later
fr0tll Abu Dl!:"tbi, rrhr, British Resident made an e ffort to reconcile the Ilsurper was cut ofT by Dhiy:ilJ-b ill-' l fia, wl lo from his llalll4' lIlay lie
the Qubaip;at with tbrir chief a.nd to induce them to return to their supposed to have Lcen a lil'sl eousin ()f ;")haikh Khalifnh, n!!il'i"ib waR
all eg ia.uce, bnt iL was nnsuccessful j and soon afterwards it was reported slain ill hi s turn by Kh.-tlid-I)ill-'Im, a ~OJI of hil-' yit,tim j 1m! this ill-
that the fleU]et's at ) Odaid \Yere affording encouragement to pirates) diyidual, in stead of a.llempting- to secure thr Shnikhdo1ll for hil1l~elf,
espe(;iallr to the notorious Jiisim-bill·Jabir, R aqraq i, whose depreda.- prudently returned, a.fter a\,PIlg'ing' his fatiter'fO. death, tu Sh ,-t rjah ",holl('('
~ions occasiol1(-1d fI. Briti8h naval demonlitra.tion along t he Qatar f'o n.st in be had set out, A brothel' of Kh fdi d contrin'd to oLtaili p06~;(I:-.E:ioll of
1836, as related in the history of that promontory. The usual hc"d- the f ort of Aim nh ahi; hut. he wa~ ::;pccd ily <'jected 1/)' :\IulliLlllmad-lJin-
lluarters of the pirates were at l\lirfah, an anchorage on t he coast of HamfLid an d R::-u:ihid-lJin-l \l.dhil two influential lea(lel"s uf lhf' Billli Y'-lR.

TarfY. in Dhafrah, wh ere they were accuslomed to bring their spoil ash~re who now declared [or Sa'id, a F:on of the FOl'Jner Shaikh 'ra.hlllill anf!
and load. it on camels f or despatc h to different destinations; but .l aslm {;onseqllclltly nephew CJ[ the late Slmikh Khalifall.
had in the £l'st instance issued from' Odaid, and the headman of that
place continued to countenance I,im so long as he dared.
At lenO'th in l\fay \ ~37, ]lOl'mission to take such measures as w e r(~
necessary ~having been accorded by the nesident, Shaikh Khalif~h con-
triyed to fall without warning upon the 'Odaid settlement, whIch ,be Shaikh Sa'id-bin-'fahnun, 1845-55.
completely destroyed: 50 of th e inh abitants were kill ed; t he forl~ fi­
cations and houses W~I'C dismantled j and tIe wells were filled up With
the ruins of ihe uuildillO's and the bodies of the slain, A number of \ 'rhe chJef allt~lOrity was.retained ~H ~hril' O\\'~l hands hr, ~ruhnmm!l.(l Acces «ioll of
the QuLaisat then took l~fllVC a.t Dibai, anti prubably at uLher place8 a.nll Rashid un tIl the arrl\'al of ~. hnlkh S:t.ld ~ who, hf'lll!.!," ~('nl:'ralh­ Shtlik h Sn'id,
l S,J,·j,
also ' but when they saw t1~at some of their number who had gone back regarded a.s the most elig·ihlc cllirf, and !;eing' finpported mor('O\'er hy U;n
to A.'bn Dhabi were treate<.l with illdulg'ence and had their boats restored Illol'al influence of thc Britis h Volitical TIesidrnt, rsf:llli ishrd him~e]f ill
to them the)- aCCe lJted a O'eneral am nest" offered by Shaikh Kbalifah ~ntl power without a.n.\- difficulty.
returned, to their homes and ~ -
t h eir allegiance, a.mong them bemg
· Kh a- d I n1. -
In 184,9, dissat isfic(l at t.he f:-LVOI1I' shown 11\' Shnikh Sn'id (4) tho Second
bin-~' a'aman, the chief of the seceders, ~ [aharihah section of the Balli Y,I.S with WhO ~l the\' Wf'r(' at feud (., tempted)
sPcPII'Iifln of
Assrtssinr'\ ion In July 1845 in circumstances whi ch are not fully explained, Sbaikh cncoumgcd also 11)' the Shaikh!:; of Sh.-lrj<1h ::tnd nilJn{ to hopI' that ll!~ th e Qubnisiit
of Sh[\i~h Tahllfm with his' brother SnlUul was t l'eacl!cnlllsly murdered by O!l~ 'VahhiilJi AmiI' would sh ul'tly assist t~\em Lo esiallliE=h themsclves at. to ' Od:lid,
Khl\1iCah. ) lsa-bill-Khalid who had 10110' been l..-illrr ill wait for his life. The de~t 'Odaid, the Quhais:"lt of .-\ htl nkll;i oncC' more ahandolH'd their homes IBI9.
1845. W<lS comn1itted ~t a. F(':.tSOIl \then the'to,;n wns nlmost deserted bY \F. and settled temporaril r at lXlh<1h in Qatar. l~fff'ctual mf'a,stlrf'S to com-
inhabitants, these having gone either to the pend banks 01' to the d n f' pel the ir retn rn \\"Cl'c' at oller take!!, i! 1 )[OVE'!HI.C'r or DccC'wber I \) l~, by
768 769
tho Shaikh of Abu Dhabi. Art. er imprisoning some of t he Qubaisflt In noth i n~ does the (,~Rc lltially Bedouin character of the slIujcc ts o( Third laces -
who still remai ned at Abu DI.n.Li, he se nt for t he leaders of the D ohah t.he A Im D haL i Shflikh ;lpl'rflr more di stin ctl y tllflll in th e readiness with l ion of t he
colony alld 0 11 lheir un'ival gavo lhem n. flattering receptio n, D uring which, o n !=llighL provoc,liion, 1hcy ahandon thoir ll omes and. Hot tle elsL" Qu h"i sAt. t o
tho fullowin g night, howc ver, the lH)ntl:> ill whi ch they ha.d co me were ' Od.id, 18UU·
whorC'. We hayc :dre:llly noliccd. tilt' perman e llt hivillf'r-ofE of the Al 80,
stripped of masts, sails and a,1l ot.her gear j and the entrappod en voys Du Ffllas:1 h in 183:3 alill the temporary !-l'ccs~io ll o r u7 e CluiJ:lisai ill
thm; dopri ved of t ho moa nl:; of esca. pe, found themselvos obliged to aO'rc~ 11.{:J5-37 alld IH4!) , n IHI mcnlion Illlist now lIe mad e 01' n l:iUstai ll rd ctrod
to lho turms imp()sed by the Shaikh, whieh included, besides retur n f~om on Lhe pfLrL of tile Qubaisflt 10 frec tllcmselvcs, hy removal to a di stan co,
DOltah, lho salisfaction of all deula du e uy the Quuaisiit to private from (ho cO lltrol of the Shaikh of Abu Dhabi,
creditors and the parmollt of a. fine to himse lf.
ExplusioD of In 1S0U, for reasOIlS 1I0t ascerta inod and thoreforo p.'ohably of slight
Shni kh Sa'id In 1855 Shaikh 'Sa'id uecame emb,'oiled ",it h tho entire body of hi.
importance, :t body of the Qnbaisat under Lhe leadership o r llut i-bin·
suhjects. 'rhe occasion was the murd er by a triLa l elder oE his 0\"11
a nd a ccceaion
Kltiidim unce mom f~ol'~ook Abu Dhabi and es t:~blis h ed themsclyes in the
of Shaill h brother, a.lJparen tly lIot without justifi cation, for the Ba.ni Y tiS as a whole
Zlid, 1856, remote creek of 'Odaid
silled with til e elder and res isted the i ntention oE S hnikh Sa/id to Ptlt
llim to UO:1t h. On a p(omiso gi,'e n by tlw Shflikb to rem it both t hat alltl In I S7], in con'o'lllOlIOO of complaillts by Shaikh Zai d t hat the 1871.
over'y at her pena.l,t)' th e ~nnr~l ('~'er W:I S bro.ugh~ int.o his pr~se n ce, where. pro~r.er lty oE Abu Dhabi was dimini shed Ily the l'ompct ilion of tht'
Ilpo n Sa'id, re\'erling to his ong1l1al d r tcrnlllllltlOll, drew Ills da.gger and 'Odald settlement. and that the' latter had become a. city of refuge for
wiill hi s OW II hand st ruck the mall ueau. frhe popnla ce at once rose ill fr::mdu lently ab scondin g dehtors, Colonel P elly, th e British Reside nt in
:tr ms j and Shnikh Sa'id , :Ifter dt'i't' lH.ling' h imself 1'01' somo t ime in hi/! tht' . Gul f, Imi de careful cnquirics both perso nally an d tllrough his
citallel, escaped Lo the l'ersia.n isla nd of Qais, takinA' wiLh him most. or A!;:R lstant, ~~ I nj ol' Smith, regarding the o\'flH'rship or 'Odaid i lhe I'e~ult
hi8 property hoth ill g'oods and callie. rro ille British ltesidoncy t.he wa s to show tha t. 'Odaid itself, tl) whit'h a t this time III) Shaikh of Qat :l ),
S haikll represe nted Ilis explIh:icm :"I S due to ofTorts which he lin d made to so muc h :1.8 lu.id c/:tilll, wa s undoubtedly situated wi t hill the j\ll'isdicj,joll
pllnish fl, piracy, comm itted hy llani Yal' of th e Hnwamil an d Mabnribah o[ the Shai k h of AIm Dhabi . 'The 'Odaid colo nists, however, clnimcd to
sections, upo n a Shu'ai uelo ng illg to Olle 'Abdul Kanm. form :1 state (.ntirely illdepende nt of AIJu Dhab i i th ey 3Rscrted that the il'
territo ry exlonded half way from 'Od.id to Wakrah on the side of Qatar,
alld I n the other direction as far as the ir; land of Yas, nnd that it in cluded
D al mah and other adj;went islands formerly co nsidered to belolw to AL11
Dhabi j moreOVCt·, whil e tllry CXPl'cSfo;t.'d a wish to continue ~nd('l' the
Shaikh Zaid·bin· Kh alifah, f r om 1855. 'J'ruc,ial fl ag, th ey hinted not oLs(;u]'ely that, iC t.heir prefensi 0ns were lIot
adm lttcd, Lhoy would pl:lCC tilCll)Sclvcs undm the prot.ection oj' til(' '[ nrks,
wllo lmd now :nrivcd i n Qata r. Cololll'1 P elly asked tha t IH' mi g ht ht,
On the tli(J'ht. of Sh:likh Sa'id-binfl'ahllllll, his first cOllsin, s hnlkh gi"('n ill ~t nlCtil)n s for d ealill g' with the matteI', ina RnllH' h as lite Shaikh
'l.flid.b in,Khnlifah, wns elc('tud to sucered ll im .. Acco rd ing to all arrang~ or Aha Dhn lli, relying' 011 tb e Perpetual Trea ty of Veltte o/: 1 ~ 53, had
mont appa.n'ntl y ClIf.;{.onmry :~mong th e Bani Yas, a brot.her na m olaimcd hi s i lltencnLioli as an arh itrator.
DhiyfllJ wn l-> :lssoeinled with Zflid in the g-ovcrnlll c ut; but as usuul
notLing wa !' hC;Il'd, after thc first, o[ the assist.ant chief. '11110 orders oE the Gov ernment of India, communi cated i ll May 1872.
Attack on I n .July IH5Q:t piratical and altog'ether un expec ted dc~ce nt ul~o n tho 1872, wo ro to tho effoct that no aclio n hy lho Res ident was callod for
Abu Dhabi
~own ,o[ AIJ~I UhniJi was. mal~e by. the cx ile~l Shnik,h, Sa'id:bm.T a,hnu n , ,\~~ und er the l\faritimc T ruce, no attack hav i llg been mado by sea. upon the
t own by t hc
In tillS afI~lr took Sh.lrph lor IllS Lase oCoperations j Ius fleet co nSIS h
Shaikh or A btl Dhabi, and tbat Colonol P olly should not interfere
cx· Shaikh
unless he appreh e nded a breach of the peace at sea between tho parties i
~ ~ 'jd , 1856. ?f three YCRRe,lsJ all small, of which one \~TaS hi s own, olle, b~lo n ged t~ ~a~
ISland of Q,"S and the othor was obta.ned at Abu H a.1 III tbe Shal') but thn-t hr should report at once any overt action indicating an inten-
principality, On the 19th of July, the pri ncipal S haikh (Zaid) belll~ ti un o n the part of the Turks to establi sh their supremacy at 'Odaid.
t.hen absent in Dhafrah Sa'id-Lin·'rahnun landed at A bu DhabI a.n The position l'cJnnill cd un changed until 1873, when Coloncl Ross, ]873.
outaJltcd , of the "town, wInch was plundered by b IS
pORsess lOll ' adl1erent•I!. who had mC:l.nwhilr succeeded Colonel Pelly in charge of the Gulf
Shnikh Dhiy ~d) and t he few inha.Lit:1nts then prese nt at A bu Dl~a I~ Residoncy, reported an appl ication hy tb e Shaikh of Abu Dbabi for leaye
simt themsch'es lip in the fort, !Llld l here held out until the arrlV{l to take IlfLval action ag-nillsL tlte 'Odaid reb els: it was oxplai nod that an
of Siw ikh h ;'lid I'rom LIle interior with a. party of l3 edoui ns. C?n tho ex pedition by land was impracticable on account oE phys ical ohst.nclo8
appearan ce of th e rcli e\T in g' force the invadcrs werc immediately .dl seol~­ Colonel Ross wa s inclin ed 1.0 t.hink that refusal of sanction illig-lit thro w
filed : SaJid Lin-Tahnllll himself was amo ng tile slai n . As mentIOned I,n t he Shaikh himself in to the arms of t he POl'to; but t he G overnmont of
the hi story of 'l'rucird )Om~llI. tho damage done at Abu D habi ?n Ullci Tndia in reply directed him to avoid , if possible, giving any answer to
occlIsion W;IS partially. made g ood ouL of:1 bl'g-~ fine oJ: $25,OO?, l.mpos~. Zfl'id's reqll~st, alld, in tho opposite easo, to inform him tha.t the Govern-
on lhe Shadd. of Sharph becall'" of lhe compliCIty of some of h.s SlI mont of Inch:1 co uld not counte nance, and would eve n prevont, t he
jects in the raid . proposed naval expedition,

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