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The small design for better design of digital harmony when the index of any united

uni-city shall do this → match a pair of unique char and unique float that can
reflects all sort kind stuffs of speed around gathering data around away. Although
the fundamental running reign is to order for clear knowledge culture where realty
of periodicity shall remain a primordial principles of functionality at the time
when judgment of driven kernel shall gain an optimal evaluation of human thoughts.
Thereupon illustrative basics of “it can exist composite C in Relationship or which
is involved within the driven kernel of tractability and traceability evaluate
reality of cheerfulness belongs to any harmony of balancing behavior where the
associate Archimedes could match a first step of optimal wavy behavior would mirror
units of human harmony around over away where the great win of owning clear
knowledge culture shall stay around behind the valid optimization of uni-city
maintains associate adjustment of timing simulation would comply with an
illustrative impulsive balancing evaluated around higher demands on awaken process
has to control all sort kind stuffs of gracefulness and gratefulness regardlessly
that inner intentional imaging impact of charging choice would drive the whole
things of waveform compression into a unit of unified pairing map looks around
behind the principles of choices. For examples let this small example be a driven
kernel of wavy compression all sort kind of required composite mixes between old C
style within a required need for converting the pair<char, int> into pair<int I )
atoi(const char), float = ratio of log2(1 + appear(char)) to 1 + sum (log2(1 +
appear(char)))> where the atoi is a C/C++ functions returns a valid conversion of
char or string or text in general form into valid index which has to remain the
integer value of associate text around away for which the simply easy exploitation
of something like log2(1 + ratio of (1 – p) to (1 + index * p)) could then decide
whether all wills inside unique processing uses pair<int = atoi(char), float =
choice of proportionality to deliver returns of existence across associate
assignment and adjustment of symbolic statement iterator = InMap.find(char) or
iterator it shall stand around it++ or –it etc >

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "stddef.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "math.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <list>
#include <csetjmp>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

if (argc > 2) {

FILE* fptr = fopen(argv[1], "r");

long long int sum = 0;

std::map<char, int> InMap;

map<char, int>::iterator it = InMap.begin();

while(!feof(fptr)) {

char cch = fgetc(fptr);

it = InMap.find(cch);

if (it == InMap.end()) {
InMap.insert(it, std::pair<char, int>(cch, 1));
}else {


it = InMap.begin();

do {

sum += log2( 1 + it->second);


}while(it != InMap.end());

fptr = fopen(argv[2], "w");

it = InMap.begin();

do {

char cch = it->first;

string vs = &cch;

int nn = atoi(vs.c_str());

float xf = log2( 1 + it->second ) / ( 1 + sum );

float yf = 1 - xf ;

float store = log2( 1 + yf / (1 + nn * xf) );

fprintf(fptr, "%c%f ", it->first, store );


}while(it != InMap.end());


fputs("Please give in-out files first then proceed \n", stdout);

return 0;

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