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Developed PTSD. Stopped driving for 4mnths.

Sx of reliving (thgts, images, emot arousal, hallucinations,

nightmares, flashbacks) avoidance (of thgts feelings situations, amnesia, dissociation, detachment)
hyperarousal (irritability, insomnia, poor memory, startle, hypervigilance at home and outside).

Spirituality in Clinical Practice: An Islamic Perspective. Shehzi Yusaf, Clinical Psychologist

Evidence based Treatments

• Behaviour Therapy

• Cognitive Therapy

• Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)

• Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

• Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT)

• But something is missing! BT 60s Ct 70s CBT 80s DBT 90s IPT also same time Aimed at symptom
reduction. Dealt with thoughts, feelings behaviour, relationships but something was missing. That
human beings have metacognitive awareness. Like to contemplate, ponder, reflect on their
experiences and the world around them

Bringing back the soul in psyche – ology

Study of the psyche or the soul. Many believe that psychology lost its soul somewhere along the
way! No conflict between science and Islam as evidenced by the scientists, mathematicians,
astronomers physiologists from early islamic hx.As I will explain later Islamic scholars also
produced models and methods of psychology

New third wave therapies

This to some degree is being fulfilled by the third wave therapies. Also evidence based. MCBT arising out
of the Budhist tradition. However both are in line with Islamic traditions

• Mindfulness Based CBT: non judgmental attention and acceptance of the here and now.
Metacognitive awareness. Thoughts/feelings as passing events rather than inherent aspects of
the self or reality
• Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT):acceptance of internal experiences instead of
avoidance or control. Cognitive defusion.Learning to live a valued life. Use of mindfulness, goal
setting, behaviour change.

• Highly detailed Islamic belief / schematic system

• Islamic teachings / practices embody potent cognitive & behavioural prescriptions: decreases
physiological arousal (anxiety) and enhanced emotional functioning (mood management).

• Cognitive restructuring is fundamentally characteristic of Islamic thinking style prescribed by early

Muslim scholars eg Ibn al-Qayyim

Thought cause feelings and behaviour which if acted on become habits. Ibn alQayyim. All three
under our voluntary control and can be changed

• Muslims prescribe to religious schema above all other competing schema (eg. Familial, traditional,

• Islam is a powerful instrument for cognitive realignment

Islamic psychology uses CBT, offering key to unlock / access / modify schema for enhanced pt wellbeing /

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy!(Badri.M,2000)

Early Muslim scholars described and taught cognitive behavioural models and methods: SD, exposure, cognitive
restructuring, behaviour change

Cognitions underlie feelings and behaviour which are under our voluntary control and can be changed (Ibn al

Graded exposure to the threat will lead to habituation of negative feelings (Al Ghazali)

Contemplation and the rememberance of Allah (Zikr) is the key to inner peace and well being

Notion of unconditional acceptance of the here and now akin to concept of total submission and trust in Allah
Now would like to talk about how spirituality can be brought in practically in our clinical work. As per our practice
as clinician imp to do a comprehensive ax and history of the client and the presenting problem. One can do the
spiritual ax as part of this but I tend to do it after the first session as some of the questions can be seen as quite

Spiritual Assessment

• What do you see as the purpose of life?

• Why does adversity happen to us?

• What does your faith say about acceptance?

• How do you make sense of what is happening to you?

• What does Islam say about this event?

• Why do you think it happened?

• As a Muslim how do you cope with this?

Components of Treatment

Islamic Methods

• Human Nature. Concept of Fitra. every soul is born pure.

• Individual differences recognised in Islam (single ummah but made you different so you may know each
other, Allah gives some more others, less)

• Concept of Rizq or what is due to us: sustenance

• Role of parents in Islam: Unconditional love and acceptance of children. Parenting rules specified

• Homework to research topic, eg why does adversity happen to us?

Prophet hadith 7=7=7. V powerful for teaching parents of emotionally and behaviourally disordered children.

Fitra means the primordial state of man. His natural spiritual purity with inherent knowledge of its Maker. Hence
the clients ability to realign his beliefs with this rather than I am bad or worthless, or evil. Why me? Why do I
always have to struggle while others have money, job etc

Depressed clients always compare. Acceptance of ones present situation if this is recog. As coming from Allah.
Whatever is due to us will always come to us. Hence patienceProphet hadith 7=7=7. V powerful for teaching
parents of emotionally and behaviourally disordered children.
• Contemplation of the relevant text from the Quran eg. ‘On no soul do We place a
burden greater than it can bear’ (23:62)

So I already have the strenght to bear this I need to find it. Self confidence

Aim; re-alignment of competing beliefs. “I could have died. I didn’t, because my time had not

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