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This document has been compiled by Ciaran Henderson as part of his 6th year DCG project, all rights reserved. If you would like to find out more about Ciaran; His LinkedIn Profile:

His O-Desk Profile:


Page 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Timeline Exploration of brief Compare & Contrast pg1 Compare & Contrast pg2 Rendered 3D freehand presentation quality drawing Orthographic & Pictorial view of original Exploded View Photorealistic image Analysis of brief-pg1 Analysis of brief-pg2 Rendered 3D freehand presentation quality drawing of modification Orthagraphic & Pictorial view of modification Exploded view Photorealistic of modification Appendix

Exam no: 115909

Exploration of brief
Maganavox Odyssey
First retail release in 1972 First home gaming controller with a console Controller had 2 basic control dials not allowing much control Connected to console via wire Chunky and difficult to use Paved the way for future home gaming & controllers

Fairchild Channel F
First retail release in 1976 Very Complex to control-forward, back, left, right(like a normal joystick) -twisting clockwise & anticlockwise(like a paddle) -in and out(like a pinball plunger) Connected to console via wire Very unique shape and style

Atari 2600
First retail release in 1977 Featured- a single button -an 8 way directional joystick Simple easy to use design Connected to console via wire Not the best form factor but user friendly Influenced future handheld game controllers

First retail release in 1989 Featured a 160 144 pixel 2.6 LCD screen
Included the patented D-pad first seen on the NES Ran games off gameboy cartrigages One built in speaker game mono sound but via the headphone jack stereo sound could be achived Sold 118.69 million units worldwide


Nintendo Entertainment system

First retail release in 1988 First controller that featured Wing-like handles. Influenced future contollers that incorporate this Featured a cycloid that could be moved in directions for movement. Lacked analog response Cycloid surronded by 8 traditional D-buttons Smaller than standard controller
First Retail Relese in 1983 First Example which utilized 4-way D pad Attractive form factor Simple, compact, easy to use controller Indirectly Influenced current controllers that still include the famous d-pad Directly influnced the sega master system controller->

PlayStation Dual Analog Controller Nintendo 64

First retail release in 1996 Unique m-shape never seen before Featured both a D-pad and a centered analog stick for directional movement First console controller with vibrationusing the rumble pak in the expansion slot Featured 10 different buttons! First retail release in 1995 Featured 2 analog sticks for use with 3D games Included an analog button to turn the sticks on or off, or into a flight stick mode Enlongated handles influenced from NES Max Featured 4 shoulder buttons-L1, L2 & R1, R2

First retail release in 1998 First and only mainstream controller to feature an LCD screen Featured both the analog stick and d-pad so player could choose which to use

Duelshock 3 controller
First retail release in 2006 In built wireless technology Includes motion technology Currently the indutry standard

Nintendo Wii
First retail release in 2006 Revolutionary motion sensing capabilitys Includes built-in speaker Traditional buttons included but minimized Additional nunchuck can be used for more complex and intracite movements

Gamecube WaveBird
First Retail release in 2002 Substitute for the original gamecube controller First wireless controller that worked just as well as the default controller Featured duel analog sticks Influenced other controllers to incorporate wireless technology

Exam no: 115909

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Output 1Timeline- All following images courtsey of google images-http://images.google.ie/ Maganavox Odyssey Fairchild channel F Atari 2600 Gameboy NES Max Nintendo wii Dreamcast Gamecube Wavebird All the following images i got from primary research using my camera phonePlaystation duel analog controller N64 controller NES controller Duelshock 3 controller Exploration of brief 2nd page- all the following images courtsey of google images-http://images.google.ie/ Wii controller Wii sensor bar Wii guitar hero Racing wheel seat Xbox 360 modifications Hand mouse All other photos

Output 2Compare & contrast- All following images courtsey of google images-http://images.google.ie/ Black N64 Duelshock 3 controller

Output 7Graphical exploration of design features(pg1 & 2)- all the following images courtsey of google images-http://images.google.ie/ SD card slot Psp Headphone Jack Racing wheel Mini usb GBA cartrige Flip up phone Joystick WLAN symbol Bluetooth logo All the following images i got from primary research using my camera phoneN64-front view N64-back view

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