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my dad was not we ma this is the story

of Harrison Roger Allam on Harry Tejada
Allah won when his mother omaha Rita he
wanted to go out one time with the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam also
in one of the battles I remember my
brothers and sisters the Muslims never
fought a battle when they started it the
only four battles after the enemies had
taken driven them out of their lands and
massacred their children and raped their
women how he thought of the Allahu
angles between the age of 20 and 25 he
came with the Prophet SAW Selim to guard
into jihad for the first time and his
mother had prepared him to follow the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and
then when they went out my dear brothers
and sisters the muslimeen arrived to a
certain place where there was a well a
well and one of the battle and whether
there was a well so the Prophet I still
AM said to one of them one of the Sahaba
to go and protect that well at night
when the Muslims are asleep so that no
one can come to that well and take it
over from the enemies and then in the
middle of the night when the Sahaba was
protecting that well all of a sudden
Hattie's that woke up he woke up to go
to the world to drink the cause
extremely thirsty when he was asleep and
then when he reached the cliff he was
about to go down into the well this
Sahaba he looked up into the cliff and
he thought he was one of the enemies
coming to take over the world and so he
armed his arrow and targeted towards him
and then he speared him and the arrows
struck had he thought of a a long one
who write in his chest and then he fell
to the ground and then this to have a
race towards him in order to see who it
and then to his sadness and sorrow and
to his shock he found that it was Harry
thought of the Aloha
a Muslim had mistakenly killed another
Muslim and in that Haditha was dying he
said now you know hey Lamar and his soul
escape from his body
the Muslims found out the the story and
they went and had their battle and then
they returned back to the muslimeen and
then Omaha Rita came along his mother
searching for her son when she saw all
the soldiers returning back she would
look at that person and look at this
person to see it was her either
but every time she went from one
component to another it was someone else
and then she grabbed one of the
companions and she said to him my son my
son where is my son
is he Shaheed is he a matter was he
and of course of allah subhanho wa taala
and then the companions would say your
son carry sir no he wasn't in the battle
he wasn't in the frontlines
no he wasn't killed Shaheed I don't
think he is a Shaheed and she began to
cry and scream and she said show me
where the problem of my Asylum is when
she found him she grabbed the problem
she came to the promise I'll sell em and
she said to him ya rasool allah fully
told me my son Harrison is he and Jenna
is he in Jannah or is he not well lie if
you tell me that he is not in general
you will see what I'm going to do I'm
going to turn this world upside down
this is what a mother feels it when yes
a mother who understands Jinnah and
paradise she wants her son to reach the
highest place but of course in a worthy
cause yeah as soon of law tell me and if
it is not in Paradise you will see what
I will do then the promise of our Salim
looked at her and yelled and he says
yeah Omaha Rita ah hability a happy idea
maja Rita have you gone mad Yamaha Rita
have you lost your mind in her Rita
admirer she hidden in her ITA's a
Sally in her Gina in her Jean and we're
in the hardest awfully for those in
Allah he said are you crazy or mahuri
does hide it I died a martyr in Islam
and he is not only in Jannah it is many
Janette in his many paradises and he has
targeted the highest place in Alfred o
Sanada because he died for the sincere
and proper intention

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