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AMETEK TECHNICAL & INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS Pittman® Servo Motor Application Notes |. Basic Motor Operation Permanent magnet, direct current servo motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy through the interac- tion of two magnetic felds. One field is produced by a perma- nent magnet assembly; the other field is produced by an elec: trical current flowing in'the motor windings. These two fields result in a torque which tends to rotate the rotor. As the rotor turns, the current in the windings is commutated to produce continuous torque output Fig. 1 dopicis a basic d-c motor model. The back emf, V, is an induced voltage produced by the relative motion be- ‘ween the permanent magnet field and the winding cols. The Input voltage and current, E and I, ropresont the input power; the torque and speed, T and o, represent the output power. ‘A simple cecult analysis of Fig. 1 yields the following basic motor equation: aveu Eq.(1) RrtVel oe a Fig.1 Basic Motor Model E = appledvotiage V= backemtvotage T= motorourent ouiputtoraue L= windinginductance ‘oulputspeed Rr = resistance There are two important motor constants resulting from the coils of wite residing in the magnetic field produced by the magnets. The frst is the motor back omf constant, Ke, which is ameasure of the voltage per unit speed generated when the rotors tuming, The magnitude and polarity of Ke are functions of the shaft angular velocity, w, and direction of rotation re- spectively. The back emf voltage can be expressed as the productot Ke x w. The second constant is the motor torque constant, Kr, Which is a measure ofthe torque per unit current produced by the motor. In a permanent magnet d-c motor the torque is a linear function of the motor current. The torque produced by the motor is divided into two basic componeats: internal tor- ‘que losses, Ty, and the external load torque, T,. The motor ‘current can be expressed as (T+ Tl. In many applications where the motor electrical time con- stantis significantly less than the mechanicaltime constant, the L-dLie in ne base tor equation, Ea (1), can be assumed negligible. This is usvally the case in iron-core ‘motors such as those marketed by Pitan. Incorporating the above characteristics into Eq. (1) yields the following form of the basic motor equation: (Ep ea) (Koxe) a When a step vottage is applied to a motor at rest there is {an initial inrush current limited only by the cicult impedance since the back emf voltages zero. This nrush current produc- esaiarge torque which begins te accelerate themotor andthe connectedioad ‘A the angular velocity increases, the back emf voltage in- creases and begins io lmitthe motor current. The steady state ‘speed of the motor will be that speed at which the generated back emf votage limits the current to a value that produces a torque equal to the sum ofthe load and intemal motor torques yront= Y= E=Kexw . Ta+Tw) Anychangesinthe (curot= = Ege = Teg) Arvo applied voltage or the motor load wil alter this balance and re~ sultin speed changes which tend to restore the balance. £4.(2) ll, Motor Performance Curves ‘The most commonly used motor performance curves are speed, current, power, and efficiency all shown as functions oftheloadtorque. Both speed and current ae linear functions ofthe load torque, 1, as shown in Eq. (3) and Eq, (4). Both equations have the linear form y = mx -+ b with the load torque being the inde- ppendent parameter, and the current and speed being the de- Pendentparameters, Ea.(9)Current:= jt bere ® Re 5 wees *Tu) © Fig. 2 shows characteristic performance curves for both speed and current. The projections back to the y' axes ind- tale tho theoretical no load values in an ideal mator which has no internal torque lasses. The construction ofthe curves Is a Simple process. The no load and stall points on both graphs are connected by a straight line. The motor wil operate along tris ine asthe oad torque varies. Ea. (4) Speed: 2) Speeds. Torque ) Currents. Torque Fig.2. Speed, Currents. Load Torque PITTMAN’ Eq, (4) also indicates that the speed ofthe motor isa func- tion ofthe applied voltage. Both no load speed and stal torque are proportional to the applied voltage (assuming Ty's small. ‘A motor can then be operated anywhere in the first quadrant ofthe speed-torque plane by varying the applied voltage. This Is demonstrated in Fig. 3. Pittman catalog values for no load speed and stall torque are referenced to the nominal winding voltages listed in the catalog. The current vs. torque curve is independent at the applied voltage. Fig.3 Speed asatunctionof Voltage AMETEK TECHNICAL & INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS Characteristic curves for power out and efficiency are ‘shown in Fig. 4. Power outs the product of speed and torque. Input power is the product of the applied voltage and motor ‘current. Efficiency isthe ratio Power Out Power in. 4) Power Out ») Efficiency Fig.4 Powor OutandEfciency vs. Load Torque Ill. Basic Motor Parametersand Tolerances There are several fundamental motor parameters which de- fine the motor’s operating characteristics. These are listed below. The tolerances shown are standard manufacturing to- lerances. Tighter tolerances for certain parameters are avail- able upon request. Parameter ‘Typical Symbols Tolerance ‘Typical Units Torque Constant ko TPA, 215% ezin Nem 4‘ a Back emf Constant Ke BEF 215% vols _vits TOo0%pm, “Yad's Terminal Resistance By RTR ‘ohms Inductance Luk rillhervies Ineria ERT on-in-e2 kgem®, Nomis? Motor Torquelosses Ta 30% oz-in, Nem Motor Friction Te TOF 450% on, Nem NoLoad Curent ToyINL +30% amperes Pittman catalog values for terminal resistance are scaled from accumulated test data on a winding which isin the middle of the range of windings offered. This value also includes a typical brush resistance. Windings at the extremes of the range offered may not exactly conform to the scaled values (high voltage windings may have slightly lower resistance: ow voltage windings may have slightly higher resistance). Con- tact your Pitman representative it exact values are required Motor torque losses are generally specified as static (breakaway) torques or dynamic (running) torques. Broaka- Way torque is a function of cogging (changes in magnetic cir- cuit reluctance), brush friction, and bearing fiction. These are affected by bearing type and preload, brush material and force, air gap flux density, and the magnetic circuit configura tion, The Pittman catalog value for friction torque is atypical ‘composite value. Maximum breakaway torque will depend on the motor configuration and may be 1.5 times the catalog ‘motor fiction value. Dynamic torque losses are caused by magnetic hysteresis, ‘eddy currents, windage, brush friction, and bearing losses. ‘These are effected by motor speed, bearing type and preload brush type and force, air gap flux densities, and the magnetic. circuit materials. AMETEK TECHNICAL & INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS PITTMAN’ “These torque losses are generally expressed interms of the ‘motor no load current, INL (INL = Ty). The Pittman catalog value for no load current is 2 composite value. Maximum no oad current may be 1.3times the catalog value. Several of the more commonly used derived motor parame: ters and their standard manufacturing tolerances are Parameter ‘Symbols Tolerance Derivation ‘Typical Units StalTorque TeTPK Reference Ex Ky ~Te o2in,N-m NoLoad Speed 0, SNL (,, (ONL, 215% E rpm.radis Stallcurrent Te AMP 215% ER, amperes Motor Constant KuPKO Retoronce KV Rr ozin Nem WW vw Damping Constant Ko,0°0 Retorence Krxke ozinyradis),Naw(radis) {ero souresimpodance) Pr Electrical Time Constant Te.TCE Retoronce 1 ms Fr Mechanical Time Constant T.TOM Reference dx Ry J ms Keke Ke ‘The motor damping constant and stall torque are functions Ea. (5): ° Of the total circut impedance. When solid state drive circuits are used the dynamie resistance of the solid stato devices must be included when determiningdampingandstalltorue. ras ‘The Basie thermal parameters are: where: Thermal impedance Roy TPAQn “OW ‘Thotmal Time Constant To TOT main Maximum Winding Temp. TAX, Bi c ‘The Pittman catalog valves for Rr and 77 are empirically

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