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Hoboken Board of Education

2010 Accomplishments & 2011 Goals

1. What do you feel were the BOEs major accomplishments for 2010? What do you feel your major
accomplishments were as a BOE member? What are your major disappointments for the year? What
will be your approach in calendar year 2011 to make an impact on these matters?

2. What do you expect the cost per pupil to be this year? What do you think the right level of
expenditure per student should be in Hoboken? Feel free to qualify your answer between cost per
pupil with and without state aid.

3. What BoE budget areas, if any, do you feel need further examination for cuts? How do you feel
about upcoming teacher contract negotiations and raises given the current economic outlook?

4. The issue of whether the Board and Administration are doing enough to identify and expel
unlawfully registered students has been often discussed and debated.
a. What proactive measures has the District undertaken to root out unlawfully registered
b. How many students enrolled in the District but who reside elsewhere have been identified
and eliminated from our schools in calendar year 2010?
c. How has that impacted the average cost per pupil?
d. Has the District done anything to encourage out-of-town students to register through School
Choice? If so please describe those efforts? How successful have those efforts been, ie how
much money do we now take in through School Choice v. the year before?

5. Governor Corzine instituted the Uniform Shared Services and Consolidation Act in 2007 that
encourages the consolidation of school districts to ultimately reduce overhead within 5 years. The
legislation calls for a public referendum by 2012 to consolidate districts.
a. What is your position on this legislation? Do you see it proceeding and in what timeframe?
b. Do you see it as positive or negative? Why?

6. Although Hoboken Revolt's mission centers around tax reduction and responsible fiscal
management, we recognize the importance and urgency of educating our children. There have been
mixed comments about the scholastic improvement in the District. Please summarize what progress
you feel we have made in improving the quality of education for Hoboken children. Where have we
digressed, if at all, and what do you think we need to do to get back on track? Please feel free to
provide scores over the last 5 years by grade to support your comments.

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