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Name: Chasity Johnson EDUC: 261 Date: 4/1/20

TITLE: Oobleck Investigation

SUBJECT: Science

GRADE LEVEL/AGE: Kindergarten

DURATION: 20-minute group session; 30-minute small group session

RATIONALE: The students have been recently learning about the three states of matter, solid,
liquid and gas. This lesson helps to further their understanding by introducing new knowledge,
matter can exist in multiple states.

ACTIVITY: The class will come together for circle time where we will review what they have
previously learned about the three states of matter. The teacher will introduce new information to
the students, matter can exist in different states. We will then read the Dr. Seuss book,
Bartholomew and the Oobleck. The class will make predications on what state of matter Oobleck
is and observe while the teacher creates Oobleck in class. Through hands on investigation with
the Oobleck, the students will make a final conclusion on whether Oobleck is a solid, liquid, gas,
or possibly multiple.


STANDARD AREA: 3.2 Physical Sciences: Chemistry and Physics

 3.2 K.A.3 Describe the way matter can change.
 3.2 K.A.6 Participate in simple investigations of matter to answer a question or to
test a prediction.

OBJECTIVE: After investigating the Non-Newtonian fluid, Oobleck, students will

determine its state of matter to be both solid and liquid.


ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What are physical properties of objects? How are physical
properties of objects discovered?

ASSESSMENT (Formative): Assess through questioning, anecdotal notes and the Oobleck
worksheet where the student will determine its state of matter. Assessment will be included in
the student’s portfolio.

 Move Like a State of Matter, Jack Hartmann YouTube video
 The book, Bartholomew and the Oobleck, by Dr. Seuss
 Oobleck Worksheet
 Oobleck recipe
 Cornstarch
 Water
 Green food coloring
 Measuring cup
 Mixing bowl
 Spoon
 Art smocks
 Tablecloths
 Pie tins

 Non-Newtonian Fluid
 Matter
 Investigate

1. As students begin to gather for circle time the teacher will play the YouTube video, Move
Like a State of Matter, by Jack Hartmann.
2. Once the video is concluded the teacher will review with the students the three states
matter. The teacher will ask the students to raise their hands and state what the three
states are, writing them on the board as they are said.
3. The teacher will then ask the class, “What do we already know about solids, liquids, and
4. After a brief time to brainstorm the students will share their knowledge with the teacher.
5. The teacher will now introduce new information to the students, matter can exist in
different states. The teacher will provide examples such as water that can be a liquid,
solid, and a gas.
6. The teacher will ask the class to think about what else might be able to exist in different
7. The teacher will then introduce and read the book, Bartholomew and the Oobleck, by Dr.
Seuss to the class.
8. After the read-aloud the teacher will ask the students to put their thumbs up if they would
be interested in seeing how Oobleck is made.
9. As the class observes, the teacher will follow the recipe and create Oobleck.
10. The teacher will then ask the class, “What state of matter do you think Oobeck is?”
11. The class will verbally make predictions.
12. The teacher will review safety rules with the class and then break students up into groups
of two or three.
13. Each group will get a pie tin containing their own Oobleck to investigate.
14. The teacher will observe, take notes, and ask students questions while they investigate.
15. Once the investigation is complete the students will do a worksheet where they will draw
a picture of Oobleck and circle which states of matter it is.
16. Conclude the lesson with a discussion; reveal that Oobleck is a Non-Newtonian liquid
that is characterized as both a solid and liquid.


Book: Change It! Solids, Liquids, Gases and You, by Adrienne Mason

Application: States of Matter by Tinybop (available on apple and android)

Website: https://www.abcya.com/games/states_of_matter

For English language learners, students with learning disabilities, and those who are gifted the
following accommodations will be made during this lesson:
 Provide clear and precise directions.
 When saying directions, write them down, model, check for comprehension, and ask for
 Provide extra time, visual, and auditory cues.
 Translate when needed.
 Allow gifted students to provide help to students in class who are in need.
 Provide extra worksheets that will allow gifted students to further investigate.

EXTENSIONS: (NAEYC 2.c and 3.d)

Students will be sent home with a newsletter informing parents what we have been learning
about. The newsletter will ask families to further the investigation of how matter can exist in
different states. With their families, students will heat ice cubes (solid), melt it (liquid), boil it
and watch it evaporate (gas). After the investigation the families will decide what states of matter
water can be. Students will come to class ready to discuss what they observed.


Overall, I think I did well on listing the procedures of my lesson plan. I think that if I were to
give this lesson plan to someone else, they would be able to follow the procedures and know
exactly what to do. An area that I need to work on is assessment; I have great ideas of what I
would like to teach students but have difficulties coming up with ways on how to assess if they
properly gained the knowledge. The theory that formed the basis of my lesson was Piaget’s
stages of cognitive development. Kindergarteners would fall in the preoperational stage where
they are able to classify objects by a single feature. My lesson plan is developmentally
appropriate because it is aligned with Pennsylvania kindergarten standards. I enjoyed finally
being able to create a science lesson plan, hopefully I will be able to design more in the future.

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