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A victim of mauling came to the ER with vertigo, hearing loss and

facial paralysis. Which part of the skull has been most likely fractured?
NAME: a. Frontal bone c. Occipital bone
b. Temporal bone d. Parietal bone
B___1. What is the most common lobe to be affected in atelectasis?
a. Right upper lobe c. Left upper lobe A___14. Le Fort fracture classification describe fractures in which part of the
b. Right middle lobe d. Left lower lobe facial skeleton?
a. Midface c. Mandible
D___2. Which of the following is not a component of the carotid sheath? b. Nose d. Orbit
A.Cranial nerve X C. Internal jugular vein
B.Common carotid artery D. Cranial nerve IX D___15. Which of the following ligaments is not found in the knee?
A.Patellar ligament C. Arcuate popliteal ligament
C___3. The greater part of the anterior surface of the heart is formed by: B. Oblique popliteal ligament D. Deltoid ligament
A. Right atrium
B. Left ventricle and left atrium A___16. Which of the following organs is supplied by the celiac artery:
C. Right ventricle and right atrium A. Spleen C. Jejunum
D. Left atrium and right atrium B. Ascending colon D.Rectum

A___4. A 36 year old male presented with wristdrop. This is due to pathology A___17. Among the following, the best site for thoracentesis is:
of which nerve: A. 9th intercostal space, midaxillary line
A.radial C.median B. 6th intercostal space, midclavicular line
B.ulnar D.musculocutaneous C. 8th intercostal space, scapular line
D. 7th intercostal space, midaxillary line
A___5. The left Atrioventicular orifice is guarded by E. 10th intercostal space, scapular line
a.Mitral valve c.Aortic valve
b.Tricuspid valve d.Pulmonic valve C___18. Flexor forearm muscle that is supplied by the radial nerve:
A. flexor carpi radialis C. brachioradialis
A___6. Most important diameter of pelvis during labour is: B. flexor carpi ulnaris D. brachialis
a. Interspinous diameter of outlet
b. Oblique diameter of inlet D___19. With a patient in the standing position,fliud in the left pleural cavity
c. AP diameter of outlet tends to gravitate down to the
d. Intertubercular diameter a.oblique fissure c.costomediastinal recess
b.cardiac notch d.costodiaphragmatic recess
D___7. Which of the following is the most common site of disc herniation?
A.C6-7 C. L4-5 A___20. Which of the following supplies the muscles of the perineum?
B.T12-L1 D. L5-S1 A.Pudendal nerve C. Femoral nerve
B.Sciatic nerve D. Tibial nerve
B___8. Ligamentum teres is formed after:
a. Obliteration of the umbilical vein D___21. This neck triangle may harbor metastatic nodes from malignancies
b. Obliteration of the ductus venous in the abdomen and thorax via lymphatic drainage from the thoracic duct:
c. Obliteration of the ductus arteriosus A. Muscular C. Right Occipital
d. Obliteration of the hypogastric artery B. Left carotid D. Left subclavian

D___9. The transverse colon is characterized by all of the following, EXCEPT: B___22. In a patient diagnosed with acute tonsillitis, the lymph nodes that
A.Appendices epiploicae C.Taenia coli are expected to be enlarged are:
B.Haustrations D.Plicae circularis A. Submental C. Lower jugular
B. Upper jugular D. Anterior compartment
C___ 7. In surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism, the posterior part of each
lobe of the enlarged thyroid is usually preserved to protect and spare the: B___23. Which of the following eye muscles rotates the eye downward and
A. trachea D. thyroidea ima away from midline?
B. inferior thyroid artery E. external laryngeal nerve A.Inferior oblique C. Inferior rectus
C. superior laryngeal artery B.Superior oblique D. Superior rectus

C___8. Fracture of the medial epicondyle results to injury of what nerve C___24. What is the only tarsal bone of the feet that articulates with the
A. radial nerve C. ulnar nerve tibia and the fibula at the ankle joint:
B. median nerve D.. musculocutaneous nerve A. Cuboid C. Talus
B. Navicular D. Calcaneus
C___9. The coronary sinus receive each of the following vessels EXCEPT
a.great cardiac vein c.anterior cardiac vein D___25. Pain in sciatica is experienced along:
b.middle cardiac vein d.small cardiac vein A. Medial aspect of the knee C. Anterior aspect of the thigh
B. Medial aspect of the thigh D. Posterior and lateral aspect of the legs
b___10. Amniotic fluid is mainly produced by:
a. Placenta c. Chorion D___26. Muscle of expiration:
b. Fetus d. Amnion A. anterior scalene D. transversus thoracis
B. diaphragm E. levatores costarum
d___11. The folds of Hoboken are found in: C. external intercostal
a.The amnion d. Umbilical cord
b. The placenta e. Ductus venosus A___27. Imaginary vertical plane passing longitudinally through the body
c. Uterus dividing it into equal right and left halves
A. median plane C. sagittal plane
C___12. Reproductive adaptations noted in the female true pelvis include B. coronal plane D. horizontal plane
the following, EXCEPT:
a. Greater pubic angle c. Longer pelvic cavity C___28. From which of the following sites is primary cancer most likely to
b. Wider sacrosciatic notches d. Cylindrical pelvic cavity metastasize to the lung by venous spread?
a. ileum c. kidney
b. appendix d. transverse colon B___42. Not found in the CNS
A. astrocytes C. bipolar cells
B___29. An occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery would result in B. Schwann cell D. oligodendrocytes
necrosis of of each of the following EXCEPT the:
a. ascending colon c. cecum B___43. Separates the frontal from the parietal lobe
b. rectum d. ileum A. lateral fissure C. precentral sulcus
B. central sulcus D.postcentral sulcus
B___30. In what area is tracheostomy best done:
a. Between trachea and cricoid c. tracheal ring 4-5 D___44. Which one of the following contributes to the blood supply of the
b. Tracheal ring 2-3 d. tracheal ring 5-6 pancreas?
a. left gastroepiploic c. hepatic proper
B___31. nverted or retracted nipple is due to cancer invasion of the: b. inferior mesenteric d. splenic
a. Deep fascia of pectoralis muscle
b. Lactiferous duct A___45. The perineum receives its primary motor supply from which of the
c. Subcutaneous lymphatics following nerves?
d. Superficial fascia a.pudendal c.superior gluteal
b.inferior gluteal d. ilioinguinal
A___32. A 3-year-old boy is admitted to the hospital because
of a soft, anterior, midline cervical mass. When the patient is asked to C___46. What nerve is responsible for the increase nasal congestion and
protrude his tongue, the mass in the neck is observed to move upward. secretion in allergic rhinitis?
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? a. Ophthalmic c. Facial
A. A thyroglossal duct cyst b. Trigeminal d. Cervical sympathetic ganglion
B. Defect in sixth pharyngeal arch
C. A branchial cyst A___47. Which of the following venous drainage of the stomach will form
D. Cystic fistula of the third pharyngeal arch esophageal varices in portal hypertension?
E. Defect in first pharyngeal arch a. Left subphrenic c. Left gastroepiploic
b. Left gastric d. Short gastric
C___33. The directional term “superior” in anatomy means which of the
following? B___48. In acute obstruction of the superior mesenteric artery from an
A. Cephalic C. Closer to the top of the head emboli, the following segments of the intestines will most likely become
B. Ventral D. Closer to the skin surface ischemic and gangrenous:
a. Duodenum c. Transverse colon
D___34. A 45-year-old woman is being examined as a candidate for cosmetic b. Jejunum d. Descending colon
breast surgery. The surgeon notes
that both of her breasts sag considerably. Which structure A___49. Which of the following segments of the large intestine is mobile and
has most likely become stretched to result in this condition? is not attached to a mesocolon:
A. Scarpa’s fascia D. Suspensory (Cooper’s) ligaments a. Appendix c. Transverse colon
B. Pectoralis major muscle E. Serratus anterior muscle b. Cecum d. Sigmoid
C. Pectoralis minor muscle
C___50. A 48-year-old female court stenographer is admitted
B___35. The structure that marks to identify the duodenojejunal junction: to the orthopedic clinic with symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, with
A. Ligamentum teres C. Falcifirm ligament which she has suffered for almost a year. Which muscles most typically
B. Ligamentum of Treitz D. Prepyloric vein of Mayo become weakened in this condition?
A. Dorsal interossei D. Palmar interossei
D___36. Which of the following is the main venous drainage of the urinary B. Lumbricals III and IV E. Hypothenar
bladder ? C. Thenar
A. External iliac vein C. Common iliac vein
B. Inferior vena cava D. Internal iliac vein B_____51. Pisiform is which type of bone?
a. Pneumatic bone c. Accessory bone
B___37. The position, shape and size of which of the following carpal bones b. Sesamoid bone d. Long bone
should be known since it is commonly fractured ?
A. Hamate C. Trapezium C___52. Which of the following is the largest muscle of the body ?
B. Scaphoid D. Pisiform A. Pectoralis major C. Gluteus maximus
B. Teres major D. Quadratus femoris
B___38. Which of the following arteries is the chief artery supplying the
mucous membrane of the rectum ? B___53. When a normal adult is standing straight, the most prominent spine
A. Inferior mesenteric C. Middle rectal that may be easily recognized is the spine of which vertebra ?
B. Superior rectal D. Inferior rectal A. Third thoracic C. First thoracic
B. Seventh cervical D. Fourth lumbar
B___39. In the cardiac silhouette of a radiograph the right border of the
heart is formed by: C___54. The vagus exits from the cranial cavity through:
A. right ventricle D. left atrium A. Foramen rotundum C. Jugular foramen
B. right atrium E. pulmonary trunk B. Foramen ovale D. Superior orbital fissure
C. ascending aorta
D___55. Which of the following muscles of the head moves the scalp on the
C___40. This structure is found only in the right ventricle: skull and raises the eyebrows?
A. chordae tendinae D. papillary muscles A. Orbicularies oculi C. Procerus
B. trabeculae carnae E. aortic valve B. Corrugator supercilii D. Occipitofrontalis
C. moderator band
B___56. The chief motor nerve to the muscles of the anterior compartment
D___41. Not part of the rotator cuff muscles of the leg is
A.supraspinatus C. subscapularis A. superficial peroneal nerve C. sural nerve
B.infraspintaus D. teres major B. deep peroneal nerve D. saphenous nerve

D___57. Blockage of which of the following arteries would lead to arrythmia

which will eventually require a pacemaker? A. upper inner quadrant C. lower inner quadrant
a. Anterior interventricular artery c. Circumflex artery B. upper outer quadrant D. lower outer quadrant
b. Posterior interventricular artery d. Right coronary
A___73. Not a hamstring muscle
B___58. Which skeletal feature would you consider to be most characteristic A. pectineus C. semimembranosus
of the male pelvis? B. semitendinosus D. biceps femoris, long head
A. Subpubic angle of 90 degrees or greater
B. Pelvic cavity is narrow and deep B___74. Strongest layer of esophagus is:
C. lschial spines are not prominent a. Mucosa c. Muscular externa
D. lschial tuberosities are everted b. Submucosa d. Serosa

D___59. A patient complains of a boil located on her labia majora. Lymphatic D___75. When passing a needle through the chest wall and into the pleural
spread of the infection would most likely enlarge which nodes? cavity in the midaxillary line, the following structures will be pierced EXCEPT
A. Internal iliac nodes C. External iliac nodes which?
B. Sacral nodes D. Superficial inguinal nodes A. The external intercostal muscle D. The levator costarum
B. The skin E. The internal intercostal muscle
A___60. Support for the uterus is provided by the following structures C. The parietal pleura
EXCEPT which?
A. Broad ligament C. Transverse cervical ligaments D_____76. Pericardiocentesis is best performed by passing a needle through
B. Uterosacral ligament D. Levator ani muscles A. the 4th intercostal space.
B. the 6th ICS at the left paravertebral border.
D___61. A median episiotomy should least likely damage which muscles? C. the 2nd intercostal space at the midclavicular line.
A. Bulbospongiosus C. Deep transverse perineal D. the subcostal angle.
B. Superficial transverse perineal D. lschiocavernosus E. the 2nd intercostal space at the right sternal angle

A___62. The rectouterine pouch (pouch of Douglas) can be most efficiently C_____77. Longest muscle in the body:
entered by a surgical incision through the: a. Biceps c. Sartorius
A. Posterior fornix of the vagina C. Anterior rectal wall b. Triceps d. Quadriceps
B. Anterior fornix of the vagina D. Lateral fornix of the vagina
C___78. A 50yo female has undergone mastectomy for Ca Breast. After
A___63. When the long axis of the body of the uterus is bent forward at the mastectomy, patient is not able to extend, adduct and internally rotate the
level of the internal os with the long axis of the cervix: arm. Nerve supply to which of the following muscles is damaged?
A. Anteflexion of the uterus C. Retroverted a. Pectoralis major c. Latissimus dorsi
B. Anteversion of the uterus D. Retroflexed b. Teres minor d. Long head of Triceps

C___64. Which attachment of the ovary carries with it its blood supply? E___79. During CPR the posterior surface of the heart was compressed by
A. Round ligament of the ovary C. Suspensory ligament of the ovary which of the following structures?
B. Broad ligament D. Utero-ovarian ligament A. The body of the sternum D. The inferior vena cava
B. The heads of the ribs E. The bodies of the vertebrae
A___65. 10.In classical caesarean section more chances of rupture of uterus C. The tracheal bifurcation
is in
a) upper uterine segment c) utero-cervical junction C___80. Pain due to a gastric ulcer may be referred to the
b) lower uterine segment d) posterior uterine segment A. umbilical region D. penis or clitoris
B. right iliac region E. None of the above
D___66. The most common cause of a sprained ankle is injury of: C. epigastric region
a) Deltoid ligament c) Inferior tibiofibular ligament
b) lateral ligament d) Anterior Talofibular ligament A___81. Infection from an inflamed appendix is likely to spread via the
lymphatics to the
A___67. Pivot test is done for A. superior mesenteric nodes C. splenic nodes
a) anterior cruciate ligament c) medial meniscus injury B. celiac nodes D. inferior mesenteric nodes
b) posterior cruciate ligament d) lateral meniscus injury
D___82. Pain caused by the passage of a stone down the lower end of the
B___68. Most common bone to fracture in the body is left ureter may be referred to the
a) Radius d) vertebra A. umbilical region. D. penis or clitoris.
b) Clavicle e) Pelvis B. right iliac region. E. None of the above
c) femur C. epigastric region

E___69. The levator ani muscle is composed of the following; EXCEPT: B___83. Lymphatic spread of carcinoma of the sigmoid colon is likely to
A. puborectalis D. pubococcygeus metastasize to the
B. iliococcygeus E. levator prostatae A. left common iliac nodes. D. celiac nodes.
C. Coccygeus B. inferior mesenteric nodes. E. para-aortic nodes
C. superior mesenteric nodes.
B___70. The widest and most dilatable part of the male urethra:
A. pre prostatic D. spongy A___84. In a patient with cancer of the stomach who requires a total
B. prostatic E. penile gastrectomy, the following arteries must be ligated EXCEPT which?
C. Membranous A. The common hepatic artery D. The right gastric artery
B. The short gastric arteries E. The left gastric artery
A___71. This part is the widest and longest part of the uterine tube: C. Both gastroepiploic arteries
A. ampulla D. infundibulum
B. isthmus E. cornua d___85. A carcinoma of the skin of the glans penis is likely to spread via the
C. Intramural lymphatics into the
A. external iliac nodes. C. internal and external iliac nodes.
B. internal iliac nodes. D. superficial inguinal nodes.
B___72. The safest area to administer intramuscular medications in the b___86. Erection of the penis is a response to the activity of the:
gluteal area is at the: A. sympathetic nerves. D. ilioinguinal nerves.
B. parasympathetic nerve. E. none of the above B. Flexor pollicis longus E. Flexor digitorum superficialis
C. sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. C. Flexor digitorum profundus

e___87. The uterus receives its blood supply from the A___100. Which of the following attains adult size before birth:
A. superior vesical artery. D. uterine artery. a. Ear ossicles c. Mastoid
B. middle rectal artery. E. uterine and ovarian arteries b. Maxilla d. Parietal bone
C. ovarian artery.

d___88. To lift the left foot off the ground while walking, which of the
following muscles plays an important role?
A. The left gluteus medius muscle
B. The left gluteus maximus muscle
C. The right adductor longus muscle
D. The right gluteus medius muscle
E. None of the above

c___89. Which of the following muscles everts the foot?

A. The tibialis posterior muscle
B. The flexor hallucis longus muscle
C. The peroneus longus muscle
D. The tibialis anterior muscle
E. The flexor digitorum longus muscle

a____90. A patient has a boil on the tip of her nose. To which lymph nodes
does the lymph from the skin of the infected area drain?
A. Submandibular nodes D. Superficial cervical nodes
B. Submental nodes E. Tracheobronchial nodes
C. Parotid nodes

A___91. Most common position of appendix is:

A. retrocaecal B. sub caecal
C. Pelvic D.preileal

C___92. Which of the following nerves is involved in fracture neck humerus?

A. ulnar B. median
C. axillary D. radial

A___93. Which of the stated relationships is correct?

A. The heart is superior to the large intestine
B. The shoulder is distal to the metacarpals
C. The phalanges are proximal to the carpals
D. The eye is medial to the nose

A___94. Which nerve injury results in ptosis:

A. occulumotor B. trochlear
C.supraorbital D. facial

C___95. Nerve carrying sense of taste from circumvallate papillae is:

A. chorda tympani B. lingual
C.glossopharyngeal D. vagus

E___96. A 6yo boy has a large intraabdominal mass in the midline just above
the pubic symphysis. During surgery a cystic mass is found attached to the
umbilicus and to the apex of the bladder. Which of the following is the most
likely diagnosis?
A. Hydrocele C. Meckel diverticulum
B. Meckel cyst E. Urachal cyst
D. Omphalocele

A___97. Which nerve fibers carry the sensation of a mosquito

bite on the back, just lateral to the spinous process of the T4 vertebra?
A. Somatic afferent C. Visceral afferent
B. Somatic efferent D. Visceral efferent

B___98. A 22yo football player is admitted to the hospital with pain and
swelling over the lateral aspect of the ankle. The ER doctor diagnoses an
inversion sprain. Which ligament was most likely injured?
A. Calcaneonavicular (spring) C. Long plantar
B. Calcaneofi bular D. Short plantar

D___99. A 22yo woman is admitted to the ER in an unconscious state. The

nurse takes a radial pulse to determine the heart rate of the patient. This
pulse is felt lateral to which tendon?
A. Palmaris longus D. Flexor carpi radialis

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