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The Numerology of Tarot

Every card in a Tarot deck has a numerological association. These numbers are based
on the principles of numerology and represent a material and spiritual evolutionary
process that begins with the number 1 and ends with the number 9.

The key for when you hit the double digits is to break them down to a single digit by
adding them together. For example: The Wheel of Year is labeled 10. To find its
associations you would add 1+0=1. Its association is 1.

Here is a breakdown of the associations as found in "Tarot Made Easy" by Nancy

Garen. Esoteric meanings are the hidden or underlying message; the mundane is the
everyday occurrences and the third section is what it means when you draw multiple
cards of the same number.


Esoteric: This number represents inspiration or aspiration. It deals with that which is
about to take form.

Mundane: Positive qualities: Creations, ideas, beginnings, will invention, originality,

drive, incentive, determination, and independence

Negative: Willfulness, selfishness, undue force

In a Reading: Many Ones would indicate that a situation is about to begin or is in the
beginning stages, and some or all of the positive or negative aspects mentioned above
will be involved.

The Aces correspond with the number 1. This is considered to be the beginning of anything -
first emanation of an idea, an action, and a venture. The number 1 contains raw energy and
power. There is, as yet, no form of substance to that energy - it is simply the beginning of
anything that follows.

1 is considered esoterically as the point where individuation occurs. It is the moment at which
the egg is fertilized and new life results, the moment of conception, that brief second where the
seed takes root.

In each case, we have already moved away from 1's by the time that growth and development
begin to take place and as a result, it is immediate, incredibly powerful and yet completely fresh
and new.

You can see, maybe, that the energy in this particular number is very vital and dynamic, but
probably slightly uncontrolled and unstable. The number 1 corresponds with the color red, which
is also associated with passion, immediacy and rage.
The Aces, therefore, are raw expressions of the element that they represent. They usually relate
to beginnings and starts in one way or another, and always relate to great power and force.

Whenever you get an Ace coming up in a spread, it will indicate sudden movement (often
following change and disruption) and usually promises hope and progress.

It must be noted, though that because Aces hold so much power they can tend to overwhelm a
spread particularly when, in a larger spread, all four Aces appear.

The Aces are considered to be 'rulers' of the elemental suit they represent, and all other pip cards
are seen as developments from the original emanation.


Esoteric: 2 is to assimilate and envision. Its success is not gained by force, but by

Mundane: Positive: Waiting, sharing, balance, receptivity, diplomacy, gentle persuasion,

application, agreement, insight.

Negative: Duality, intolerance, impatience, imbalance

In a Reading: Many 2s indicate a waiting period where there will be partial success but
more to be revealed later. They also indicate reconciliation, reunion and/or an element
of surprise.

Twos are about the one becoming two - joining together with others, becoming involved in
partnerships, both of the intimate and platonic variety. It is about the way in which we work in
groups, and about sharing warmth and loving feelings with other?

Inherent to the concept of 2's is the idea that the immediacy of the egotistical 1's has been
transmuted into a more sharing, caring experience. There's negotiation, compromise and the
ability to merge in a 2 number, which doesn't appear at all in 1's.

We see here that the raw energy of the Aces is beginning to shape itself according to the world
which surrounds it. Instead of seeing only itself it begins to recognize other outside features of
life, and to identify itself with them.

2's are not leaders, they are co-operators. They like to be part of a team, to spread experience
over a wider range of people. This is a loving, non-judgmental number, which has a
correspondence to the color orange.
Accordingly, the 2's in the Minor Arcane are friendly peacemaking cards, by and large. They talk
of harmony, olive branches, rifts healed, reconciliations and allies.

In fact, the most important principle is that of balance. You'll see that these cards are designed to
help the querent recover from disruption by instilling harmony and peace into their overall make-


Esoteric: 3s represent expression. It is the cementing factor of 1 and 2 and goes

through to 4 to bring about that which is desired and envisioned.

Mundane: Positive: Communication, feeling, enjoying, sharing, self-expression, having

fun, playing, love, friendship, popularity.

Negative: Withholding communication, scattered energies, overreacting, over indulging,


In a Reading: Multiple 3s in a reading indicate group activities or situations involving

more than one person. They can also indicate delay but with the promise of future

Three is an important figure in numerology, for it denotes that which is completed, or that which
has reached the end of an appointed phase.

Of course, when one phase ends we must, of necessity, begin another. This is the case with 3 -
having completed one particular stage in life there is always movement or progress. This forward
momentum is usually built upon whatever has been attained in the early work of the individual.

So 3 might be seen as a logical progression from the 1, where we saw the ego - the primal force;
and the 2 where we saw that force beginning to integrate and work in harmony with others. The
three, therefore, might be considered to be the end result of this initial integration of forces.

There are lots of symbolic connections with the number - the Father, Son and Holy Ghost trinity
of Christianity, the same principle echoed in the Isis, Osiris, Horus mystery of Egyptian
tradition; the three faces of the Goddess as virgin, mother and hag in pagan mythology. You can
probably see from each of these that we see two independent units which merge to produce the
third element of the trilogy.

You might also compare this effect in relationships - two independent people coming together,
and between them create the third principle of the relationship. It is a creation which has come
about as a result of the actions and energies of the two people involved. It is wholly unique, and
neither of the initiating partners would be able to create the same relationship with anyone else.
In numerology, three is much concerned with one's ability to enjoy life. People who have this
number featuring strong in a numerological analysis are considered to be outgoing, convivial and
gregarious. This effect of going outward and sharing experience with others is a continuation of
the general theme of the number, in that, it acknowledges the concept that when 1 merges with 2,
3 results.

Three is also much concerned with matters of intellect and growth - you might be able to
understand that in order to complete one phase (that is of being differentiated) and to join with
someone or something else to create a new 'thing' we must fall back on our ability to
communicate, our intellectual understanding of reactions which have their roots outside of us.

We need to think about other people's reactions and responses, consider their needs and feelings,
and concentrate on the growing entity which we are both creating. Therefore, we are thrown
back onto our intellectual reactions. We need to think through what happens - how it affects us,
which direction it appears to take - and we also need to be able to share that with the person on
the receiving end. This means that we are consciously assimilating what happens to us. Three is
associated with yellow, and that color is responsible for stimulating the mentality and intellect.
Most of our reasoning processes take place under the influence of the color yellow. It activates
our ability to think logically.

You can see, then, that three is a number much linked with our ability to merge, share and join
with others. Perhaps you can also see that 3's emanate from the combined force of the Ace and
the 2.


Esoteric: 4 is manifestation. It is the result of a well-built foundation and proper

application. It is what comes as a result of desire, imagination and emoting.

Mundane: Positive: practical application, formation, foundation, concentration,

organization, working, building, planning

Negative: plodding, exacting or dull work, too much attention on the material, limitation,
blocks and opposition.

In a Reading: Many 4s indicate fruition or the manifestation of an idea along with a

foundation where things can grow.

Four is the number of material completion - hence phrases like 'four-square'. You will also notice
that the number four has already cropped up quite frequently in relation to Tarot. There are four
suits, each of which relates to one of the material existence.
There are many symbolic examples of the four principle - as the phrase above suggests, the
square belongs to the number four, and represents the single most stable structure we can make.
Pyramids were built on a square base, with each of the sides being allocated to one of the
elements. The elements themselves are traditionally assigned to one each of the four compass
points (East/Air; South/Fire; West/Water; North/Earth) depending upon which direction the side
faced. You can probably see that the compass points also carry through the theme of
encompassing all material existence, for the world is basically physically composed of the four
compass directions.

We have already met the four elemental creatures which are assigned to the four quarters -
Air/Man; Fire/lion; Water/eagle; Earth/bull.

You may also notice links with the number four and the concept of spirit, intellect, emotion and
material life, which are levels at which the human being may be assumed to operate.

The aspect known as a square in astrology is considered to be a difficult one to manage, but one
which can reap enormous rewards for the person who gets things into balance. You will
remember that this concept of controlling material life, by getting its forces into balance, was a
major theme with cards like the Chariot, the Wheel of Fortune and Art/Temperance.

From all of this, you may be beginning to form a picture of what the effect of fours can be. This
is a number which relates to the establishment of security and safe foundations in whatever field
it applies. It indicates diligent work and attention to detail, with a measurable level of reward
already achieved by the time the number appears.

In some respects, it can be regarded as a limiting number, for whilst achievement and progress
are possible, they must be striven for, and carefully nurtured.

Another aspect that is worth considering in relation to fours is that they should form a foundation
for whatever follows - they are stepping stones along the way, rather than final goals and
ambitions totally fulfilled.

There is practicality, realism and determination in these cards, along with single-minded
concentration and unswerving dedication. They generally bring harmonious influences, though
occasionally their tendency towards limitation can prove frustrating and annoying.

As their link with the elements suggest, fours need to be balanced and harmonious. When they
are not, they can become rigid and discordant. The number can also sometimes indicate a
tendency to get bogged down in material matters, at the expense of spirituality.

People strongly affected by the number four will be reliable, practical, diligent, patient, insistent
on detail, accurate, hard-working, self-disciplined and sincere, they work well in the business
world, and with finance, but show few artistic or creative urges.

Four corresponds with the color green, which is a calming and serene color, bringing relief from
mental turmoil and grief.

Esoteric: 5 is about change, expansion and recreation. It also represents the desire to
know, which demands that one must look to both the material and spiritual realm in
order to extract the truth.

Mundane: Positive: Curiosity, spirituality, new thinking, new opportunities, magnetism,

attraction, good fortune, travel or adventure.

Negative: defeatism, dogmatism, fear of change, misfortune, failure

In a Reading: Many 5s indicate change, challenge and fluctuation. They also indicate
material prosperity but spiritual poverty if not properly balanced.

Five is a number connected with the planet Mars. Astrologically, Mars is considered to be a
planet of drive and ambition, courage and daring; but also, strife, uncertainty, fear and upheaval.
Often it is the action of Mars that brings quarrels and anger, changes and alternation.

Actually, it's interesting to note how often Mars is regarded as a planet to be feared ... whilst I
would agree that it is a force to be treated with proper respect, I would not have regarded Mars as
a poor influence. It is sometimes a difficult planet to harmonize, but sometimes we need the 'kick
up the rear' administered by his influence.

The cards in the Major Arcana which could be linked to the four 5's are interesting in their
comments about the influence of this number too. Number V is the Hierophant, that teacher and
leader who we see as calm and conventional (in some respects); and XIV Art or Temperance, a
card that suggests moderation in all things. It is as though, in this case the Major Arcana provides
the harmonizing influence for the force and disruptive power of fives.

This 'antidote' idea is carried through to the color correspondence to the number, as well, for the
color of 5 is blue. Blue is thought of as a calm, soothing color, which eases frayed nerves and
settles disquiet.

I think we can safely assume that the natural rhythm of the Universe is maintained by this
principle of balancing a powerful number which is known to bring sudden change, and
disruption in its wake, with calm and soothing cards which suggest that we can overcome or
transcend any changes life has in store for us. Somewhat comforting, isn't it?

Of course, 5 is not a number which we should see as all bad - there is freedom in 5 - a freedom
from restriction, convention and routine. There are choices, opportunities (often enormous
chances), there is vitality and determination. But when this number is having influence,
everything that happens will be quite dramatic, sweeping in its effects. If we respond well to
changing patterns then we rise to the challenges we are presented with. If we hesitate, shy away
or prevaricate, we can only expect our opportunities to turn to vain regret. Five always indicates
some struggle or another. There is forever another goal just beyond the horizon, another hill to
climb, another battle to be won.

5's are about the constructive use of freedom. This number represents our struggle to come to
terms with the particular demands and responsibilities of controlling and balancing our own
lives. We are always approaching or passing through tests of character, of personality, of
relationships. We are testing and trying the things which feature in our lives.

Of course, whilst freedom sounds like a great state, it has its disadvantages, and its pitfalls. To be
truly free means that you rely on no-one to realize your own hopes and wishes. You recognize
that being free means you must also afford that privilege to everybody else. It means that you
need to develop a clear identification with yourself, and learn to know yourself better than you
know anyone else. And it means never hiding your truths from yourself.

It's often thought that the state of freedom is somehow free of responsibility, but in fact, this is a
complete misunderstanding. Freedom probably brings with it more responsibilities and
requirements than any state of reliance upon or inter-relation with someone else.

So 5 is the number which concerns itself with the process of learning to handle our own freedom.
Of necessity, this leads to conflict. Therefore the four 5's are not easy cards to reconcile.

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